Nov/Dec 2010 - Hill Country Studebaker Drivers Club
Nov/Dec 2010 - Hill Country Studebaker Drivers Club
Newsletter of the Texas Hill Country Chapter Studebaker Drivers Club, Inc. The Hill Holder November-December, 2010 Volume 12, Number 6 Club Members Recruit At Car Show Polly Dollar, Dora Norton and Alice Jones recruit new members at the Marble Falls Show –N- Shine meet. Our club had an excellent representation at a recruiting sign was hung on the open the Lions Club Ninth Annual Show-N-Shine hood of Josh Studebaker’s 61 Champ car show in Marble Falls on November 6. pickup truck. Nine Studebakers were entered in the show Based on the excellent participation from along Main Street, while parked just off Main our members, President Russ has deter- Street were four others. mined this show should be an annual A recruiting table was set up to distribute information and donated magazines and outing for our club. Approximately 150 cars were displayed. 2 The Colvin’s 50 Convertible proved to be a crowd pleaser. The Norton’s 62 Hawk was among 13 cars present from our club. The following vehicles were entered by our members: Ebon and Alice Jones’ 41 Commander, Gary Thompson’s 50 Champion, 2 Grady and Sherylyn Colvin’s 50 convertible, Emory and Shirley Bridges’ 55 Speedster, Harry and Dora Norton’s 62 GT Hawk, Jerry and Becky Ray’s 53 Hardtop, Jim McFarland’s 53 Coupe, Josh Studebaker’s 61 Champ pickup and Larry Reeder’s 51 C cab pickup. Parked off Main were Dick and Diane Fitch’s 64 GT Hawk, Danny and Rowena Guess’ 55 Coupe, Doyle and Louise Hopkin’s 87 Avanti and Erno and Josh Allerkamp’s 57 Silver Hawk 3 Please Join Us For A Christmas Lunch & “Chinese Gift Exchange” Saturday, December 18, 2010 At one o’clock in the afternoon At the home of Tania & Bob Roberts 11201 Solitary Fawn Trail AUSTIN, TEXAS RSVP: 512512-402402-1751 or [email protected] EDITOR’S NOTE: NOTE Folks, please RSVP to the Roberts ASAP. Tania is involved in several party preparations and really needs to know about how many people to expect for this event.. Send regrets as well; it helps them prepare. 3 Dues are Due… Please send your $15 annual dues to Jim McFarland at 11022 Whiskey River Dr., 156 FM 2093, Fredericksburg. TX 78624 Austin, TX 78748 OR… bring your check to the Christmas Party! 4 President’s Message By Russell Studebaker Thanks to all who attended the Marble Falls Shine-N-Show and participated in the recruiting effort. The National SDC should be pleased with the effort. It was apparent many people were unaware of Studebaker vehicles and curious and interesting onlookers gathered around our section. We may even get a new member or two out of it. Our Hill Country SDC attendance continues to improve, and the website has been a big help. We have some great cars and some great members. We will start dues collection in December, and have elections, so I encourage all members to attend the Christmas Party at Bob and Tania Roberts on December 18. In addition, please respond soon as preparations by the hostess need to be made. On the morning of December 18, some of4 us will meet at Byron and Doris Kidd’s house in north Austin to visit our most loyal members. Call me at 830-456-3774 if you would like to join us. After the visit we will drive to the Christmas Party. Visiting Byron and Doris will get you in the Christmas spirit, as they are wonderful SDC members. Russ The Hill Holder newsletter is published bi-monthly by the Texas Hill Country Chapter, SDC. Our goal is to inform members and friends of the chapter’s activities and offer news items about Studebakers and their owners. Contributions are welcome from all club members. We reserve the right to select and edit articles. Send articles and photos to Dick Fitch, HCSDC editor, 176 Aqua Vista Drive, Kerrville, TX 78028 or email to [email protected]. 5 MDS Engine Service 5 New Logo (see above)...a new more contemporary logo was Satisfied HCSDC Customers: Russell and Joe Studebaker, Dick Fitch, Bob Roberts “I buy unwanted Studebakers.” 15156 S. IHIH-35 Bruceville, TX. 254254-857857-8545 Mark Frank, Owner developed to aid in marketing the Studebaker Drivers Club to younger potential members who may not relate as easily with the official SDC logo with its wooden spoke wheel design. The original logo is still an official club trademark! The new logo is authorized for SDC Chapter Editors usage in newsletters. It is also approved for use in chapter websites. 6 Merry Christmas 6 Texas Hill Country Studebaker Drivers Club Members! 7 CURRENT MEMBERSHIP NITTLER DAVID & AIDA ALLENKAMP ERNO & JOSH NORTON HARRY & DORA BALL/LOFTIN ROBERT & ANNE OVERTON SCOTT & MARY BERRY KEN & GAIL ROBERTS BOB & TANIA BRIDGES EMERY & SHIRLEY SCHULLE PAUL & CLAIR COLVIN GRADY & SHERYLYN CUMMINGHAM STAN & DEBRA DESENBERG DAVID & LORI DISHMAN MICHAEL DOLLAR DONALD & POLLY DYNIS NICK & SALLY FARRER DONALD & COLENE FARRISH TOM FITCH DICK & DIANE FREITAG CURTIS & EDITH GAITHER MICHAEL R. & LESLIE GUESS DANNY & RO HACKNEY BARRY HANSEN CARL & ZOLA HARRISON CHARLES & VIRGINIA HILL DENNIS HOLCOMB STAN HOLLAND B. B. & HAZEL HOPKINS DOYLE & LOUISE ISENSEE SCOTT & DAWN JONES EBON & ALICE KIDD BYRON & DORIS— DORIS—Life McFARLAND JIM MELCHER BRUCE & CAROLINE SCHWAB GREGORY & DIANE STUDEBAKER JOE STUDEBAKER RUSSELL WALLACE DON HCSDC Officers Russell Studebaker, President [email protected] 830830-456456-3774 Don Dollar, Vice President [email protected] 325325-625625-2947 Jim McFarland, Treasurer [email protected] 512512-923923-3848 11022 Whiskey River Dr., Austin, TX 78748 7 Bob Roberts, Don Dollar, Tour Masters [email protected] 512512-402402-1751 Dick Fitch, Secretary, Newsletter Editor [email protected] 830830-370370-3776 Webmaster, Dick Fitch; Adviser: John Bailey email: [email protected] website: Honorary Tour Master, Byron Kidd 8 8 9 Presi 9 Customized Signs Available... Through a special arrangement with Kerr Screen Graphics of Kerrville, who made the sign shown above, members can order the same 4-foot sign with their car’s photo for $51.14 (tax included). Call Gina (830-257-2293), tell her you want the special Studebaker Car Club price of $51.14 and email your photo ([email protected]). To save you shipping, Dick Fitch will deliver orders to club events. If you just can’t wait, you can have them shipped. 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16
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