nos supporteurs en conservation
nos supporteurs en conservation
RAPPORT ANNUEL 2010 : NOS SUPPORTEURS EN CONSERVATION la Des populations de sauvagine et des milieux humides abondants – aujourd’hui, demain et à jamais. 1 PARTAGER LA VISION Des populations de sauvagine et des milieux humides abondants – aujourd’hui, demain et à jamais. Tout a commencé par une idée partagée par quelques individus, il y a de cela plus 70 ans. Aujourd’hui, Canards Illimités Canada et sa mission de conservation des milieux humides occupent une place de choix dans le cœur et l’esprit de plus de 157 000 supporteurs passionnés partout au Canada et en Amérique du Nord. Ensemble, nous partageons avec d’autres nos convictions et nos valeurs en matière de conservation des milieux humides afin de façonner le paysage et laisser aux générations futures un héritage pour la vie. Les partenariats sont essentiels à la réussite des projets de conservation de CIC, et la force de cette collaboration se reflète dans les relations que nous entretenons avec les autres, notamment : O Des propriétaires fonciers privés et publics ainsi que des gestionnaires du territoire qui s’unissent à CIC pour élaborer des solutions durables d’utilisation des terres qui intègrent les milieux humides et tout ce qu’ils procurent à la sauvagine, aux autres espèces fauniques et aux humains. C’est grâce à votre appui, à votre opinion et à votre passion que CIC peut transmettre son message de conservation à d’autres personnes animées des mêmes idées et permettre à tous de comprendre les milieux humides et leur importance pour la sauvagine, pour les autres espèces fauniques et pour la société dans son ensemble. Plus nous serons nombreux à comprendre l’importance des milieux humides, plus ces derniers seront respectés, valorisés et protégés. Nous vous remercions de partager notre vision. O Un groupe diversifié de Canadiens fervents de plein air et préoccupés par la faune et la perte des environnements naturels. Ensemble, nous consacrons beaucoup d’efforts à restaurer et à protéger les habitats qui jouent un rôle vital dans la poursuite des activités extérieures que nous aimons tant. O Les administrations fédérales, provinciales, territoriales ou d’État et d’autres organismes préoccupés de la conservation qui sont la base de la réussite de CIC. Ces partenariats offrent la possibilité de participer à des programmes internationaux comme le Plan nord-américain de gestion de la sauvagine et d’acquérir du financement pour des projets de conservation des milieux humides en vertu de la North American Wetlands Conservation Act. 2 Nous partageons notre vision... en ligne : Vous pouvez lire le Rapport annuel 2010 de Canards Illimités Canada dans sa version intégrale sur notre site Web, à l’adresse MESSAGE DU PRÉSIDENT ET DU CHEF DE LA DIRECTION Jack H. Hole, Président Dans les années 1930, un petit groupe de sauvaginiers constatèrent que là où de l’eau et des milieux humides regorgeant de canards auraient dû se trouver, il n’y avait que des terres dénudées de végétation. Ils reconnurent que s’ils n’agissaient pas rapidement, les populations de sauvagine en Amérique du Nord faibliraient et que la chasse à la sauvagine deviendrait chose du passé. Ils entreprirent donc de changer les choses. Ces leaders visionnaires ont rapidement pris des mesures pour lutter contre la disparition des milieux humides au Canada et, au cours de ce processus, ils ont fondé un organisme devenu, depuis, chef de file en matière de conservation des milieux humides au pays. Jeffrey W. Nelson, Chef de la direction Nos fondateurs ont dû relever de nombreux défis pour réaliser leurs objectifs de conservation des milieux humides. Leur clairvoyance est aujourd’hui partagée par les 157 000 supporteurs comme vous qui se consacrent à la réalisation de notre vision et contribuent à l’amélioration du paysage. Au cours des 12 derniers mois, CIC a fait d’importants progrès vers la réalisation de sa vision pour les milieux humides du Canada, notamment en procédant à la conservation de plus de six millions d’hectares en collaboration avec ses partenaires, par le biais de politiques et de programmes concrets directs. De plus, un engagement renouvelé envers la North American Wetlands Conservation Act adoptée par le Congrès américain a permis d’augmenter la participation continentale et les investissements dans la conservation de la sauvagine. Cette modification législative crée maintenant une occasion d’optimiser l’appui au Canada grâce au financement du gouvernement américain dans l’intérêt de la conservation des milieux humides de l’Amérique du Nord. Notre campagne de financement pour la conservation des milieux humides, Les milieux humides, une source de vie, a également reçu un appui financier important malgré la conjoncture économique. Nous avons recruté de nouveaux leaders et bénévoles, avons motivé notre organisation, avons travaillé en étroite collaboration avec nos anciens donateurs et avons attiré de nouveaux supporteurs qui croient en notre mission de conservation des milieux humides et souhaitent nous aider à freiner la disparition des milieux humides essentiels partout au pays. Il est plus important que jamais de poursuivre sur cette lancée et de progresser. Les programmes de conservation des milieux humides de CIC doivent être appuyés sans réserve, tandis que nous nous efforçons d’assurer l’avenir des populations de sauvagine du continent. Nous ne pourrons atteindre nos objectifs de conservation que grâce à votre appui continu. Ensemble, nous pouvons surmonter les obstacles pour réaliser notre vision de populations de sauvagine et de milieux humides abondants – aujourd’hui, demain et à jamais. Nous vous remercions de votre précieux appui. Avec vous pour la conservation, Jack H. Hole Président Jeffrey W. Nelson Chef de la direction 3 DES PARTENARIATS CIBLÉS Chaque parcelle de milieu humide ou de terre haute connexe conservée par CIC est le résultat de partenariats. Ces partenariats sont la pierre angulaire du leadership de CIC en matière de conservation et sont la raison pour laquelle nous pouvons envisager si distinctement un avenir pour la conservation des milieux humides en Amérique du Nord. 4 Grâce à ce réseau pancontinental de bénévoles, d’employés et de donateurs, Canards Illimités Canada, Ducks Unlimited, Inc. et Ducks Unlimited de Mexico peuvent participer à des programmes internationaux comme le Plan nord-américain de gestion de la sauvagine (PNAGS). Établi en 1986, le PNAGS est un partenariat avec les gouvernements fédéral et provinciaux, des administrations municipales, des États, des organismes non gouvernementaux, des entreprises privées et de nombreux particuliers dans l’optique d’améliorer les milieux humides au bénéfice de la sauvagine, des autres espèces fauniques associées à ces habitats et de l’être humain. Canards Illimités est fier d’être étroitement associé au PNAGS, l’une des initiatives de conservation les plus réussies au monde. La North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA), adoptée par le Congrès américain en 1989, assure un appui financier au PNAGS. Grâce à un financement international à frais partagés, la NAWCA favorise les partenariats entre le secteur public et le secteur privé pour protéger, restaurer et assurer la gestion d’une diversité de milieux humides. Du golfe du Mexique jusqu’au delta du fleuve Mackenzie à Inuvik, les oiseaux migrateurs et d’autres espèces fauniques utilisent les habitats que nous nous employons à conserver. Le gouvernement du Canada Le gouvernement fédéral des États-Unis Le gouvernement de l’Alberta Le gouvernement de la Colombie-Britannique Le gouvernement du Manitoba Le gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick Le gouvernement de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador Le gouvernement des Territoires du Nord-Ouest Le gouvernement de la Nouvelle-Écosse Le gouvernement du Nunavut Le gouvernement de l’Ontario Le gouvernement de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard Le gouvernement du Québec Le gouvernement de la Saskatchewan Le gouvernement du Yukon L’État de l’Alabama L’État de l’Arizona L’État de la Californie L’État de la Caroline du Nord L’État de la Caroline du Sud L’État du Dakota du Nord L’État du Dakota du Sud L’État de la Floride L’État de la Géorgie L’État de l’Idaho L’État de l’Illinois L’État de l’Indiana L’État du Kansas L’État du Kentucky L’État de la Louisiane Nulle part ailleurs dans le monde nous ne retrouvons un partenariat comme celui qui existe entre Canards Illimités Canada et la force de conservation de sa contrepartie américaine, Ducks Unlimited, Inc., dont les sympathisants reconnaissent que la conservation des habitats canadiens engendre des populations élevées de sauvagine à l’échelle continentale. Sur le plan national, nous sommes redevables aux personnes qui appuient CIC : nos bénévoles et nos supporteurs, ainsi que les entreprises et les gouvernements, qui comprennent la longue portée des avantages résultant de notre travail. Des remerciements particuliers à nos partenaires gouvernementaux La vision de conservation de CIC : des populations de sauvagine et des milieux humides abondants – aujourd’hui, demain et pour toujours. Le soutien des administrations fédérales, provinciales et des États au Canada et aux États-Unis est essentiel pour concrétiser cette vision. Les administrations mentionnées ci-dessous ont apporté leur contribution au Canada au cours de la dernière année. L’État du Massachusetts L’État du Michigan L’État du Minnesota L’État du Mississippi L’État du Missouri L’État du Nebraska L’État du Nevada L’État du New Jersey L’État d’Ohio L’État d’Oklahoma L’État du Texas L’État de l’Utah L’État du Vermont L’État de la Virginie de l’Ouest L’État du Wisconsin À l’honneur GRANDS DONATEURS Les grands donateurs sont des particuliers, des sociétés commerciales et des fondations qui ont généreusement appuyé CIC par des dons en argent (grands donateurs), des dons de produits ou services (prix Sarcelle) ou des dons planifiés (Société de la plume). Les donateurs de chaque niveau reçoivent une épinglette distinctive et, s’il y a lieu, un appelant personnalisé, une plaque ou une sculpture. La liste suivante comprend les noms de ceux et celles qui ont fait un don ou se sont engagés à faire un don jusqu’au 31 décembre 2009. Suncor Energy Foundation -Calgary, AB TransCanada Corporation ✷ -Calgary, AB Weyerhaeuser Company Limited -Edmonton, AB DONATEURS PAR EXCELLENCE (250 000 $ – 499 999 $) Particuliers R.A.N. Bonnycastle -Calgary, AB James A. Richardson -Winnipeg, MB Benjamin K. Campbell -Wellesley, MA Hazard K. Campbell -Vittoria, ON Daniel J. McCluer -Reno, NV Barry A. Morrison -Toronto, ON Charles R. Pearman, II -Kodiak, AK Bill (❥) & Valerie Shuttleworth -Parksville, BC John Stewart -La Canada Flintridge, CA (10 000 000 $ – 19 999 999 $) Sociétés et fondations Sociétés et fondations Sociétés et fondations Alberta Pacific Forest Industries Inc. -Boyle, AB Anonyme -Calgary, AB Cargill Foods -High River, AB Husky Energy Inc. -Calgary, AB Irving Oil Limited ✷ -Saint John, NB Manitoba Hydro -Winnipeg, MB Ministry of Agriculture and Lands -Victoria, BC Ministry of Transportation -Victoria, BC Alberta Culture & Community Spirit ❂ -Edmonton, AB Alberta Environment ✷ -Edmonton, AB Alberta Sport, Recreation, Parks & Wildlife Foundation -Calgary, AB Alliance Pipeline Inc. -Calgary, AB Anonyme -Calgary, AB Anonyme -Montréal, QC Barton-Cotton Inc. ✷ -Baltimore, MD Canadian Wildlife Service ✷ -Saskatoon, SK ConocoPhillips Canada -Calgary, AB Dow Chemical Canada Inc. -Sarnia, ON Enbridge Inc. & Enbridge Pipelines Inc. -Calgary, AB Fondation EJLB -Montréal, QC Fondation Hydro-Québec pour l’environnement -Montréal, QC Great Lakes Sustainability Fund -Burlington, ON Hydro-Québec -Montréal, QC Louisiana Pacific Canada Ltd. -Swan River, MB Monsanto Canada Inc. -Winnipeg, MB Nature Conservancy of Canada -Toronto, ON Ontario Power Generation -Toronto, ON Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc. -Saskatoon, SK RBC Foundation -Toronto, ON Syngenta Crop Protection -Guelph, ON TD Friends of the Environment Foundation -Toronto, ON MÉCÈNE DE LA SAUVAGINE Bayer CropScience Canada ✷ -Calgary, AB CHAMPION DES MILIEUX HUMIDES (2 000 000 $ – 4 999 999 $) Sociétés et fondations MBNA Canada Bank ✷ -Gloucester, ON DONATEURS PAR EXCELLENCE DIAMANT (1 000 000 $ – 1 999 999 $) Particuliers Cordula & Günter (❥) Paetzold - West Vancouver, BC Sociétés et fondations Agrium Inc. ❂ -Calgary, AB Anonyme - Nassau EnCana Corporation -Calgary, AB Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation -Victoria, BC Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune -Québec, QC Ontario Great Lakes Renewal Foundation -Richmond Hill, ON The Ontario Trillium Foundation -Toronto, ON Richardson Foundation -Winnipeg, MB Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment -Regina, SK SaskPower -Regina, SK DONATEURS PAR EXCELLENCE PLATINE (750 000 $ – 999 999 $) Particuliers DONATEURS PAR EXCELLENCE OR (500 000 $ – 749 999 $) Particuliers Mort Doran -Fairmont, BC Dave & Marg Grohne -Wilmington, IL Robert T. & Audrey Kenny -Gatineau, QC Sociétés et fondations British Columbia Waterfowl Society -Delta, BC Dow Chemical Canada Inc. -Ottawa, ON Giant Tiger Stores Limited -Ottawa, ON Leslois Shaw Foundation -Toronto, ON Syncrude Canada -Edmonton, AB Talisman Energy Inc. -Calgary, AB Décédé ❥ Nouveau ❂ Niveau supérieur ✷ The Winnipeg Foundation -Winnipeg, MB Wildlife Habitat Canada -Ottawa, ON BIENFAITEURS GRAND CHELEM (100 000 $ à Canards Illimités Canada, 100 000 $ US à DU Inc., 20 000 $ US à DUMAC) Particuliers Tim & Charlotte Travis -Denver, CO BIENFAITEURS (100 000 $ – 249 999 $) Particuliers Mel & Meryl Belich -Calgary, AB Marvin Betz ✷ -Stouffville, ON Al & Bernice Fox -Moose Jaw, SK Garth (❥) & Annette Jackson -Edmonton, AB A.M. Ben & Joanne McCrea -Halifax, NS Tom Pearman -Pomona, CA Travis G. Peckham & Family ✷ -Calgary, AB Arne Petersen ❂ -Prince Albert, SK Family of John and Barbara Poole -Edmonton, AB Brian Robbins -Aurora, ON Jacqui Shumiatcher -Regina, SK Timothy & Charlotte Travis -Denver, CO Sociétés et fondations Alberta Treasury Branch -Edmonton, AB Anonyme -Bécancour, QC Anonyme -Calgary, AB Anonyme -New Sarepta, AB Anonyme -Ottawa, ON Anonyme -Sherwood Park, AB BC Hydro -Burnaby, BC Belmont Capital Management Ltd. -Calgary, AB Buck for Wildlife Program -Edmonton, AB CN -Vancouver, BC Corridor Resources Inc. -Halifax, NS DeFehr Foundation Inc. -Winnipeg, MB Department of Environment Government of Yukon - Library -Whitehorse, YT The Donald F. Hunter Charitable Foundation -Toronto, ON Donner Canadian Foundation -Toronto, ON Fondation de la faune du Québec -Québec, QC Forest Products Association of Canada -Ottawa, ON Great Blue Heron Framing Company -London, ON Great Lakes Heritage Coast Project Office -Thunder Bay, ON Green Lawn Care -Mississauga, ON Gwich’in Renewable Resource Board -Inuvik, NT Hiram Walker & Sons Limited -Windsor, ON Imperial Oil Foundation ✷ -Calgary, AB Inco Limited -Toronto, ON Intertape Polymer Group Inc. -Saint-Laurent, QC The Richard Ivey Foundation -Toronto, ON John C. & Sally Horsfall Eaton Foundation -Toronto, ON Lakeland Industry and Community Association ✷ -Bonnyville, AB Living Legacy Trust -Toronto, ON Lower Souris Watershed Advisory Committee Inc. -Gainsborough, SK Murphy Foundation Incorporated -Winnipeg, MB New Brunswick Environmental Trust Fund -Fredericton, NB The New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund -Fredericton, NB Oak Ridges Moraine Foundation -King City, ON P.A. Beverage Sales Inc. ❂ -Prince Albert, SK Papiers Fraser Nexfor Inc. -Thurso, QC PCL Construction Group Inc. -Edmonton, AB PIC Investment Group Inc. -Saskatoon, SK Prince George Airport Authority -Prince George, BC Qualico Developments (Winnipeg) Ltd. -Winnipeg, MB Renfro Canada Inc. ❂ -Mississauga, ON Rural Lambton Stewardship Network -Chatham, ON Russell Stover Candies, Inc. ❂ -Kansas City, MO En mémoire de ✜ C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S 5 Saskatoon Wildlife Federation -Saskatoon, SK Shaw Communications Inc. -Calgary, AB ShawCor Ltd. -Toronto, ON Shell Environmental Fund -Calgary, AB Slocan Forest Products Ltd. -Fort Nelson, BC Soderglen Ranches Ltd. -Airdrie, AB Suncor Energy Inc. -Calgary, AB Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP -Winnipeg, MB Viterra -Lethbridge, AB Winchester Ammunition ✷ -East Alton, IL Yamaha Motor Canada Ltd. ❂ -Toronto, ON Yukon Energy Corporation -Whitehorse, YT DONATEURS PATRIMOINE DIAMANT (75 000 $ – 99 999 $) Sociétés et fondations ADESA Winnipeg -Winnipeg, MB Alberta Fish & Game Association -Edmonton, AB Anonyme -Winnipeg, MB AON -Winnipeg, MB Bayer CropScience Canada ✷ -Regina, SK Leech Printing Ltd. -Brandon, MB National Fish and Wildlife Foundation ❂ -Washington, DC Noranda Inc. -Toronto, ON Peace/Williston Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program -Prince George, BC Pratt & Whitney Canada Inc. -Longueuil, QC Purolator Courier Ltd. -Winnipeg, MB Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia -Vancouver, BC Suncor Energy Oil and Gas Partnership -Calgary, AB Tembec Industries Inc. -Pine Falls, MB Toromont Cat -Winnipeg, MB DONATEURS PAR EXCELLENCE GRAND CHELEM (50 000 $ à Canards Illimités Canada, 50 000 $ US à DU Inc., 10 000 $ US à DUMAC) Particuliers Ron & Jackie Bartels - Schriever, LA Richard & Joyce Johnson -Richmond, VA Barry A. Morrison - Toronto, ON DONATEURS PATRIMOINE (50 000 $ – 74 999 $) Particuliers Ron & Jackie Bartels -Schriever, LA Jim & Charlene Couch and Family -RM of Corman Park, SK Malcolm Dion -Edmonton, AB C. Neil & Marilyn Downey ✷ -Red Deer, AB Fredrik S. Eaton -Toronto, ON Stan Grad ✷ -Airdrie, AB Kathy & Ross Grieve ❂ -Edmonton, AB The Hamlin Family Fund -Collingwood, ON Cliff Jackman -Nanaimo, BC Ron & JoAnn Laberge & Family -Redcliff, AB Mackie & Sandra Love -Winnipeg, MB Dr. James McHattie -Regina, SK Daniel J. McWilliams -Cavan, ON The Mendelson Family -Toronto, ON D.M. Ross -Toronto, ON George B. Secor -Englewood, CO William Spencer ✷ -Calgary, AB William G. Turnbull -Calgary, AB Peter & Peggy Whiteway -Calgary, AB G. Tod Wright -Burlington, ON Sociétés et fondations Aberfoyle Springs Ltd. -Guelph, ON All Weather Windows -Winnipeg, MB Alumax Inc. -Norcross, GA Anonyme -Calgary, AB Anonyme -West Bend, WI Décédé ❥ 6 Banque royale du Canada -Montréal, QC Bison Transport Inc. -Winnipeg, MB BP Canada Energy Company -Calgary, AB Canadian National Sportsmen’s Shows -Mississauga, ON Canadian Teachers’ Federation -Ottawa, ON Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited -Toronto, ON The Catherine and Fredrik Eaton Charitable Foundation -Toronto, ON Cavendish Investing Limited -Calgary, AB City of Ottawa -Ottawa, ON Compton Petroleum Corporation -Calgary, AB Eastern Irrigation District -Brooks, AB Eaton Foundation -Toronto, ON Environment Canada ✷ -Whitehorse, YT Evraz Inc. NA Canada -Regina, SK Finning (Canada) -Edmonton, AB Fitzhenry Investments Ltd. -Mississauga, ON Gerdau AmeriSteel-MRM Special Sections -Selkirk, MB Groupe Ultima Inc. -Montréal, QC Habitations Louisbourg Inc. -Laval, QC Helen McRae Peacock Foundation -Toronto, ON Hypnat Ltée -Montréal, QC Kenneth M. Molson Foundation -Toronto, ON KPMG-Winnipeg -Winnipeg, MB Labatt Breweries of Canada -Toronto, ON Lakeport Brewing Ltd. ✷ -Toronto, ON Landmark Feeds Group -Winnipeg, MB Learning for a Sustainable Future -Toronto, ON Maple Leaf Pork -Brandon, MB Michelin North America (Canada) Inc. -Waterville, NS Mountain Equipment Co-op ❂ -Halifax, NS Municipality of West Perth ❂ -Mitchell, ON Nat Christie Foundation -Calgary, AB Nexen Inc. -Calgary, AB Penn West Energy Trust -Calgary, AB Power Corporation of Canada -Montréal, QC S.C. Johnson and Son, Limited -Brantford, ON Services Cares Inc. -Montréal, QC Nouveau ❂ Niveau supérieur ✷ Sir James Dunn Foundation -Rothesay, NB Slocan Group - Tackama Division -Fort Nelson, BC Suncor Energy Inc. -Fort McMurray, AB TD Asset Management -Toronto, ON The Armour Group Limited -Halifax, NS The Bishop Wild Bird Foundation -Coldstream, BC The North Okanagan Naturalists’ Club -Vernon, BC W.B. Family Foundation -Mississauga, ON Trans Canada - Eastern Region ✷ -Maple, ON TransX Ltd. -Winnipeg, MB Vancouver City Savings Credit Union ✷ -Vancouver, BC Vancouver Foundation -Vancouver, BC Viterra -Winnipeg, MB W. Garfield Weston Foundation, George Weston Ltd., Holt Renfrew & The Real Canadian Superstore -Toronto, ON Wild Wings Farm, LLC ❂ -Fairfield, NC Holiday Inn Airport West -Winnipeg, MB Investors Group Inc. -Winnipeg, MB Jacobs Industrial Services -Saint John, NB Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline -Halifax, NS Ontario Northland Transportation Commission -North Bay, ON Pacific Salmon Foundation -Vancouver, BC SeCan Association -Saskatoon, SK St. Clair Region Conservation Authority -Strathroy, ON Taillieu Construction Ltd. -Headingley, MB The Harold Crabtree Foundation -Ottawa, ON The KPMG Foundation -Toronto, ON The Nature Trust of British Columbia ✷ -North Vancouver, BC Vancouver Aquarium ❂ -Vancouver, BC World Wildlife Fund ✷ -Toronto, ON DONATEURS GRAND CHELEM À PERPÉTUITÉ DONATEURS DIAMANT À PERPÉTUITÉ (40 000 $ – 49 999 $) (25 000 $ à Canards Illimités Canada, 25 000 $ US à DU Inc., 5 000 $ US à DUMAC) Particuliers Particuliers Murray & Esther (❥) Bercovich -Regina, SK Brian & Jennifer Burke ✷ -Toronto, ON Mac & Susan Dunfield -Riverview, NB Gord & Doris Edwards -Edmonton, AB Ron J. & Merle Hicks -Saskatoon, SK Harley N. & Becky Hotchkiss -Calgary, AB Arthur L. Irving -Saint John, NB Hill & Dawn Radford -Regina, SK The William E. Dean -Marco Island, FL David & Elizabeth Hohlfeldt -Grosse Pointe, MI James Donnell & Susan J. Konkel -Cape Elizabeth, ME Roseada & Dr. L. J. Mayeux, Jr. -Marksville, LA Debbie & Roger Vincent, Jr. -Abbeville, LA DONATEURS À PERPÉTUITÉ (30 000 $ – 39 999 $) Particuliers Sociétés et fondations AV Cell Inc. -Atholville, NB Banrock Station Wetlands Foundation -Mississauga, ON Bradley Brothers -Chatham, ON British Columbia Ferry Services Inc. -Victoria, BC Calgary Field Naturalists Society -Calgary, AB Crown Isle Resort & Golf Community ✷ -Courtenay, BC Ellis Bird Farm Ltd. -Lacombe, AB En mémoire de ✜ C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S Ted A.E. Arscott -Orangeville, ON Robert Bateman -Salt Spring Island, BC Duncan N. Campbell -Lower Cambridge, NB Betty Christian -Wichita, KS Robert N. Corrigan, Jr. -Corpus Christi, TX William E. Dean -Marco Island, FL Sherry & Jamie Fortune -Almonte, ON Rick & Helen Haigh -Kingston, ON Brian & Ruth Hastings -Winnipeg, MB David & Elizabeth Hohlfeldt -Grosse Pointe, MI Walter Hohloch -Medicine Hat, AB Jack & Katherine Hole ✷ -Edmonton, AB William D. Jackson -Kettleby, ON Richard & Joyce Johnson -Richmond, VA Thomas J. & Linda Kennedy -Caledon, ON James Donnell & Susan J. Konkel -Cape Elizabeth, ME Wrally Konopaki -Calgary, AB Guy Laflamme -Saint-Croix, QC W. Bruce & Karen Lewis -Natchez, MS Douglas MacDonald -Moncton, NB James D. MacDonald -Winnipeg, MB Gene Manion -Gananoque, ON Steve Mason -Maple Ridge, BC Roseada & Dr. L. J. Mayeux, Jr. -Marksville, LA David G.A. McLean -Vancouver, BC Gloria Howe & Don McMurtry -Waterloo, ON John R. & Joanne Messer -Tisdale, SK Dan Mills ❥ -Youngs Point, ON Mike G. Moore -Nanaimo, BC William K. Mortlock (Mortlock Construction (1978) Ltd.) ✷ Guy Laflamme -Sainte-Croix, QC Wilson H. Paterson -Ashburn, ON Patrick Plante -Québec, QC Jamie L. Ross -Port Perry, ON Byron J. Seaman -Calgary, AB Estate of Daryl Kenneth Seaman ❥ -Calgary, AB David Stevens -Cumberland, BC Elizabeth Trethewey -Maple Ridge, BC Richard B. Trethewey -Maple Ridge, BC Debbie & Roger Vincent, Jr. -Abbeville, LA John A. Waugh -Sackville, NB Tom & Pat Worden -Courtice, ON Don & Alexandra Young -Memphis, TN Sociétés et fondations Abitibi Consolidated Inc. -Montréal, QC American Bird Conservancy -Washington, DC Anonyme -Winnipeg, MB BC Pontiac Buick GMC Dealers -Vancouver, BC BC Wildlife Federation -Burnaby, BC Best West Pet Foods -Winnipeg, MB Bank of Montréal -Toronto, ON Bombardier Inc. -Montréal, QC Canada Post Corporation -Ottawa, ON Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce -Fredericton, NB Carnmoney Golf & Country Club -De Winton, AB The Carolyn Sifton Foundation Inc. -Winnipeg, MB Cengea Solutions Inc. -Winnipeg, MB CK Manufacturing/Industrial Concepts -Tecumseh, ON Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program -Nelson, BC Courtenay & District Fish & Game Protective Association -Courtenay, BC Dow AgroSciences -Calgary, AB Enerplus Resources Fund -Calgary, AB Environment Canada - Environmental Partners Fund -Vancouver, BC Environment Canada-EcoAction -Sackville, NB First National Properties Group -Edmonton, AB Hudson’s Bay Oil & Gas Company Ltd. -Calgary, AB IBM Canada Ltd. -Markham, ON Jarislowsky Fraser Limited -Calgary, AB Junior Bunny Trail Club -Windsor, ON Lakeview Foundation -Vancouver, BC Minas Basin Pulp and Power Company Limited -Hantsport, NS Murray Chevrolet Cadillac -Brandon, MB Receiver General for Canada -Yellowknife, NT Redneck Resources Ltd. -Brooks, AB Sahtu Renewable Resources Board -Tulita, NT Sceptre Investment Counsel Limited -Toronto, ON Siobhan Richardson Foundation Inc. ✷ -Winnipeg, MB Sonde Resources Corp. -Calgary, AB The Cariboo Cattlemen’s Association -Tatla Lake, BC Catherine and Maxwell Meighen Foundation -Toronto, ON Décédé ❥ The Inuvialuit Game Council -Inuvik, NT The Kings Mutual Insurance Company -Berwick, NS The Thomas Sill Foundation Inc. -Winnipeg, MB Triangle Bar Farms Corp. ✷ -Calgary, AB DONATEURS GRAND CHELEM À DIAMANT À VIE (20 000 $ à Canards Illimités Canada, 20 000 $ US à DU Inc., 4 000 $ US à DUMAC) Particuliers Jim & Jean Hulbert -Longview, WA James (Jim) & Jean Prough ❂ -Yorktown, IN DONATEURS DIAMANT À VIE (20 000 $ – 29 999 $) Particuliers Jim E. Anton -Winnipeg, MB Ken & Jane Bailey -Edmonton, AB Ian M. & Judy Barnett -Kamloops, BC Glen A. Bean -Minnetonka, MN Kris & Shirley Benidickson -Winnipeg, MB Kim Black -Aylmer, ON David C. & Joanne Blom -Calgary, AB James Burns ✷ -Winnipeg, MB Donald & Kelley Burry -Port Williams, NS Peter Carton -Regina, SK Thomas N. Davidson, Sr. -Terra Cotta, ON Dr. Bill & Judy Deyo -Moose Jaw, SK Dr. Edward D. (❥) & Sally M. Futch -Galveston, TX Gary Goodwin -Winnipeg, MB Huntly S.F. & Grace Gordon ✷ -Vancouver, BC B. Hunt & Mary Scott Gunter ❂ -Richmond, VA Geoff & Mary Ann Harding -Fredericton, NB Grady C. Hartzog -Eufaula, AL Larry & Gwen Haas ✷ -Yorkton, SK Estate of J. Robin Heather, c.r. (❥) ✷ -Prince George, BC Jim & Jean Hulbert -Longview, WA Brent & Jo-ann Kennedy -Balgonie, SK Nouveau ❂ Niveau supérieur ✷ Peter Kruuk -Markham, ON Stephen Andrew Laidley -Lindsay, ON Michael & Sandra Lawrence -Hudson, QC John Lind -Campbellville, ON Terry & Joyce Lubzinski -Surrey, BC Larry L. Lundberg ✷ -San Jose, CA Kim & Keith Mackintosh -Saskatoon, SK Ron Maher & Heather Macdonald -Kingston, ON Allan Markin ✷ -Calgary, AB Robert Martz ❂ -Mississauga, ON Dr. David I. McLean & Dr. Siu-Li Yong -Vancouver, BC Jim Mitchell -St Albert, AB Henry R. Murkin -Winnipeg, MB John & Donna Pittenger -Fergus Falls, MN Bob & Elaine Poley -Buena Vista, SK James (Jim) & Jean Prough ❂ -Yorktown, IN Paul & Shafina Reynolds -Brooklin, ON Rick & Kathy Robb -Harrowsmith, ON Ernst P. & Norma Schell -Winnipeg, MB Jim & Jean Spring -Aurora, ON Hank Swartout -Calgary, AB Mike & Rene Thornton -Winnipeg, MB John & Judy Tomke -Carmel, IN A.E. Troppman -Green Wood Village, CO Jerry & Dale Walker -Haliburton, ON Bruce W. Watson -Calgary, AB The Wheaton Family -Regina, SK Claude H. Wilson -Winnipeg, MB Stuart E. Wolfe ✷ -Campbell River, BC John D. Woodward ✷ -Vancouver, BC Michael & Bonnie Woodward ❂ -Oakfield, NY Sociétés et fondations 611897 Alberta Ltd. -Calgary, AB Alberni Valley Enhancement Association -Port Alberni, BC Alexis Creek Ranch Inc. ❂ -Alexis Creek, BC Alsten Holdings Ltd. -Calgary, AB Anonyme -Calgary, AB Aylmer Optimist Club -St Thomas, ON Bass Pro Shops -Vaughan, ON Bird Studies Canada -Port Rowan, ON Bituminex Limited -Winnipeg, MB Bluewave Energy ❂ -Dartmouth, NS Canad Inns Corporation -Winnipeg, MB Canadian Tire, Craig Salkeld -Peterborough, ON Chemainus Quay & Marina Complex Ltd. -Chemainus, BC City of Nanaimo -Nanaimo, BC Community Foundation of Ottawa -Ottawa, ON Conservation Ontario -Newmarket, ON Delta Farmers Institute -Delta, BC Devon Canada Corporation ✷ -Calgary, AB DJ Will Holdings Ltd. -Red Deer, AB Encana Cares Foundation ❂ -Calgary, AB EnCana Corporation Deep Panuke Project -Halifax, NS Énergie renouvelable Brookfield -Gatineau, QC Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation -Winnipeg, MB Environment Canada ❂ -Edmonton, AB Flakeboard Co. Ltd. -St Stephen, NB Glenn Burney Marina Limited -Parry Sound, ON Goodfellow Inc. -Dartmouth, NS Grain Insurance and Guarantee Company -Winnipeg, MB Joe & Nancy Thompson Family Fund -Edmonton, AB John Deere Foundation of Canada -Grimsby, ON Manitoba Blue Cross -Winnipeg, MB Mastodon Ridge Development Limited -Truro, NS Mistik Management Ltd. ❂ -Meadow Lake, SK Morgan, Lewis & Bockius -New York, NY Municipal Group of Companies -Bedford, NS Municipality of the County of Colchester -Truro, NS Nature’s Window ❂ -Cumberland, ON Northwest Territories Centre -Yellowknife, NT Peace River Regional District ✷ -Dawson Creek, BC Petro Canada Oil & Gas -Fort St John, BC Prairie Mines and Royalty Ltd. -Estevan, SK En mémoire de ✜ C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S 7 Ron Joyce Foundation -Mount Hope, ON Salamander Foundation -Toronto, ON Seed Hawk Inc. ❂ -Langbank, SK Sifton Family Foundation -London, ON Spruce Products Ltd. -Swan River, MB Stewardship Kent -Chatham, ON Swan Lake Enhancement Society -Tomslake, BC Talisman Energy -Grande Prairie, AB TD Friends of the Environment Foundation (Winnipeg Chapter) -Winnipeg, MB TD Friends of the Environment Foundation (Vancouver Chapter) -Vancouver, BC Telus Québec ✷ -Rimouski, QC The Law Foundation of British Columbia ❂ -Vancouver, BC The Paterson Foundation -Thunder Bay, ON Tolko Industries Ltd. -Vernon, BC TransAlta Utilities Corporation -Calgary, AB TransCanada PipeLines -Winnipeg, MB Vito’s Pizza Restaurant -Moncton, NB DONATEURS GRAND CHELEM (10 000 $ à Canards Illimités Canada, 10 000 $ US à DU Inc., 2 000 $ US à DUMAC) Particuliers Bill Aldinger, Jr. -Vadnais Heights, MN Harold W. Andersen -Omaha, NE Andy & Honey Anderson -Ottertail, MN Anonyme -Omaha, NE William C. & Libbie Ansell -Galveston, TX Ronald G. Anway -Kent, WA Catherine & Thomas Bailey, Sr. -Apple Valley, MN Homer V. Ballard, Jr. -Richmond, VA Clifford & Linda Bampton -Pittsboro, NC The Thomas E. Barz Family -Frankfurt, IL Amy Batson -Memphis, TN Bruce & Liz Batt -Memphis, TN Michael R. Bauer -Muskegon, MI G. Edward Bayer -Sarasota, FL Glen A. Bean -Minnetonka, MN In Memory of Henry D. Beech -Gonzales, LA Mel & Meryl Belich -Calgary, AB John & Elizabeth Belz -Ridgeland, MS Mike & Joan Benge ❂ -Kenner, LA Robert & Rosemary Berg -Longville, MN Richard & Pam Berg -Watertown, SD Marvin Betz -Stouffville, ON Lauren R. Bivins -Everett, WA James & Sandy Bodtke ❂ -Peoria, IL Timothy D. Boutell -Linwood, MI Lee R. & Karen Brandt -Milledgeville, GA Jerry Bracato -Greenville, MS Fair & Judi Brooks, III -Midlothian, VA Mike Brown -Big Sky, MT Bartlett Burnap -Palm Beach, FL Ed L. Buttweiler -Alexandria, MN Hugh & Barbara Callow -Caldwell, ID Hazard K. Campbell -Vittoria, ON Louis A. Caputo, Jr. -Newark, DE Chester L. & Roxie Carroll -Medina, TN Steven E. Chancellor -Evansville, IN E. Tyree Chappel -Mechanicsville, VA George J. Chastain ❂ -Orland Park, IL Steve & Kathy Christian -Colstrip, MT Roy T. & Susan Christopherson -Bremerton, WA Gene & Connie Clements -Idaho Falls, ID Thomas & Jacquie Colligan -Urbanna, VA John Stafford Comegys ❂ -Shreveport, LA Daniel Patrick & Susan Connelly -Granite Bay, CA Peter H. & Marilyn Coors -Golden, CO Robert N. Corrigan, Jr. -Corpus Christi, TX Dale A. Courtney -Minneapolis, MN Anne & James Craig, Jr. ❂ -Falls Church, VA William F. & Sarah D’Alonzo -Wilmington, DE Cecil L. Davis -Griffin, GA T. Wayne & Kitty Davis, Jr. -Jacksonville, FL Billy G. & Candice DeJournett -Swartz Creek, MI Décédé ❥ 8 P. J. & Theresa Demarie -Mandeville, LA Raymond E. Dender -Griffin, GA Stephen G. & Susan E. Denkers -Ogden, UT James F. & Debra Dodd, III -Havre De Grace, MD C. Neil & Marilyn Downey -Red Deer, AB Margaret Dulaney -Lutherville, MD Dan L. Dunson ❂ -Griffin, GA Ken & Bonnie Durdahl -Howard Lake, MN J. Michael & Carolyn L. Dvorak -Stillwater, MN Doug M. Eberhardt II ❂ -Stockton, CA Dr. Dean F. Echols -Gilmanton, NH Dr. Robert & Jane Ehrlich -Longview, WA Eugene & Fayline Engrav -Cheyenne, WY Erle & Jeanne Etzel -Troy, MI Ronald & Vicki Filipchuk -Grand Rapids, MI Randy H. & Janet Fischer -Alexandria, MN Dr. Edward D. (❥) & Sally M. Futch -Galveston, TX Julian Pelham Garber ❥ -Richmond, VA Marty (❥) & Pat German -Ft. Myers, FL David A. Gingras -Ocean City, NJ Albert & Roberta Gong -Sacrementa, CA Bob & Marilyn Gorham -Mora, MN Russ & Amy Grasman -Jenison, MI Gene & Rosalie Grazzini -Burnsville, MN John C. & Terry J. Green -Madison, SD Robert L. Green -Vale, OR B. Hunt & Mary Scott Gunter ❂ -Richmond, VA Denton Guthrie -Montebello, CA Harley A. & Linda Hansen -Yakima, WA Dr. Richard W. & Sarah H. Harrison -Kilgore, TX Carter H. Harrison -Modesto, CA Doug & Lisa Hartke -Sherburn, MN Dennis P. Havey & Joyce Graves -Bristol, VT Gene M. & Betty Henry -Rogers, AR Joe & Janice Herrod -Lincoln, NE Fred K. Hingst -Gilbert, AZ Michael & Barbara Hoeft -Milton, WV Jack & Katherine Hole ❂ -Edmonton, AB Nouveau ❂ Niveau supérieur ✷ Rogers & Camille Hoyt, Jr. -Uvalde, TX John & Theresa Hruby -Rosenberg, TX Steven J. Hubacher -St. Helens, OR Dr. Mark S. Huffman -Tupelo, MS Charles S. Hunter, III -West Augusta, VA Addison & Deborah Igleheart -Bloomfield Hills, MI Thomas Ingstad -Edina, MN William R. Ireland, Sr. ❥ -Shoal Creek, AL Arthur L. Irving -Saint John, NB J. Howard Isaacs ❥ -Milford, DE Garth (❥) & Annette Jackson -Edmonton, AB Mack H. Jenkins -Indian Springs, AL Richard G. Johnson -Fremont, MI Robert A. Johnston -Alexandria, VA H. Reid Jones -Carthage, NC Thomas H. & Margaret Jones, Jr. -Salem, OR Donald W. Kaatz -Westlake, OH Joseph M. Kapilla -Highland, IL Dr. Mack & Debra Karnes -Pewaukee, WI Hylee F. & Mary Kay Kemp -Peoria, IL Junior & Bonnie Kerns -Las Cruces, NM James M. & Terri King -Pawnee, IL Dr. Edward & Tammi Kircher -Keokuk, IA James E. & Julie Klapmeier -Mora, MN Peter D. Kleinpell, Sr. ❥ -Naples, FL Russell & Deanna Klint -Benson, MN Paul L. & Susan C. Knick -North Kansas City, MO Harry D. Knight -Williamsburg, VA Ivan A. Knutsen -Sun Prairie, WI Jerry L. Kolstad -Britt, MN Ray J. & Doris Kopecky -Omaha, NE Jacqualyn & Richard Kowallik -Madison, AL Jon & Colleen Kruse -Storm Lake, IA Robert N. Leach, D.D.S. -Grand Blanc, MI Larry E. Leese -Pocomoke, MD Peter & Joan Levinson ❂ -White Plains, NY Monty Lewis -Thomasville, GA Robert B. & Launi J. Logan -Sparks, NV En mémoire de ✜ C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S Omer W. Long -Newport Beach, CA Woody & Gretchen Lovelace -Williamsburg, VA Kurt & Barb Lowdermilk -Fremont, MI Robert D. Marcotte, Sr. -Omaha, NE James & Carol Mason -Oakley, MI Karen L. McKee -Stockton, CA Mark C. McKee ❂ -Longview, WA Mickey & Gilda McMillin -Lake Charles, LA Patrick & Renita McMullen -Farmington, MN Robert & Vona Middleton -Meridian, ID Marvin & Juanita Miller -Mount Morris, IL Bob Mims ❂ -Memphis, TN Winfield A. & Deborah Mitchell, Jr. -Northfield, MN Richard S. Murphy, Jr. ❂ -St. Louis, MO John & Geni Newman -Covington, LA David & Amy Nicholson -Iowa City, IA David & Jacque Noble -Newaygo, MI Patrick D. & Eleanor Nolan -Gallatin Gateway, MT Thomas J. & Cheryl O’Connor, III -Suffolk, VA Larry & Marg O’Neil -Tacoma, WA Willard Paul & Kathy J. Oleson -Farmington, UT Jill & Bob Olsen -Englewood, CO Hon. C.L. “Butch” Otter -Star, ID Julian and Haley Ottley ❂ -Richmond, VA Don & Laura Ouellette -Attleboro Falls, MA Gerald J. Palmer, Sr. -Ely, MN Sam C. Pearson, III -Leawood, KS M.M. “Bud” Peterson (❥) -Alexandria, MN Robert J. & Susan L. Piesko -Frankenmuth, MI Anthony W. & Beverly Piper, Jr. -Dimondale, MI John & Donna Pittenger -Fergus Falls, MN Bill Plemons -Locust Grove, GA Joan Poston -Helena, MT T. Randolph (❥) & Cookie Potter, Jr. -St Louis, MO Bernie & Brigid Purdy -Burnsville, MN Richard & Sally Qualmann -Mundelein, IL Frederick W. Rahr -Minneapolis, MN Paul & Jeanne Ralstin -Garden City, ID George C. & Wendy Reifel -Vancouver, BC George Reifel, Jr. -Vancouver, BC Ward (❥) & Sis Reilly, Jr. -Lookout Mountain, TN Ruth Rebsamen Remmel -Little Rock, AR Edward Retherford -Alpena, MI Ronald & Frances Rich -Harwich Port, MA J. Oran & Joan M. Richard -Lafayette, LA William & Kathleen Richie -Ironwood, MI Rodney L. Ringer -Wichita, KS Dale & Jill Robbins -Knoxville, TN Jeffrey C. Robertson ❂ -Fort Peck, MT Garland R. Rolling -Metairie, LA Anthony J. & Kathleen Rose, Jr. -Wakefield, RI LTC George H. Ruggles, AUS Ret. -Odenton, MD Jim & Arden Rutta -Columbus, TX Dr. Robert B. & Jean Sabbann -Rochester, MN Gary L. Salmon -Lafayette, LA Raymond G. & Susan Scoggins -Norwalk, CT Rick & Jean Scott -Buffalo, MN Paul & Terry Seltman -Florence, KY Thomas & Peggy Shaffer -Stockton, CA Virginia Shawver -Augusta, KS E.B. Shawver, II -Augusta, KS David & Betty Shefferly -La Salle, MI Charles M. Shepardson -Monte Sereno, CA William R. Shields -Yakima, WA James & Shirley Skarda -Sussex, WI James R. Sowers & Francine D. Merenghi -Rolla, MO Joshua J. Spies -Watertown, SD Michael & Carolyn Stahl -Lowell, MI James A. & Billie Rae Stelly -Orange, TX David Stensland -Lewisville, MN Warren R. Stefanski -Alexandria, MN Robert & Susan Strahs -Florence, MT Jane & Joe Sufczynski ❂ -Darnestown, MD Suzanne & Paul Sullivan -Burbank, WA Bob & Rita Sundberg -Brainerd, MN Don Switzenberg -Scottsdale, AZ Jonathan V. Taylor -Dedham, MA Allen R. Taylor -Onekama, MI J.E. “Yazoo” Thomas -Centre, TX Charles D. & Betty J. Thomas -Bunker Hill, IL A.G. “Skip” Thomas -Steele, ND John & Judy Tomke ❂ -Carmel, IN Dan C. Tutcher -Houston, TX Wesley & Ginger Van Conet -Laingsburg, MI Donald J. Vlcek, Jr. & Margaret Morse -Plymouth, MI Tom & Sue Waldbuesser -Prospect Heights, IL Julius F. Wall -Clinton, MO Ebe Walter -Thomasville, GA John A. Warack -Saginaw, MI Robert Weiss -Shorewood, MN Stanford K. & Carol Williams -Northbrook, IL Thomas Lyle Williams III ❥ -Thomasville, GA Gregory & Donna Willis -Tacoma, WA Joel Winn -Fort Atkinson, WI William C. Witting -Stanwood, WA Stuart E. Wolfe -Campbell River, BC Michael R. Wood -Bitely, MI John D. Woodward -Vancouver, BC Michael & Bonnie Woodward ❂ -Oakfield, NY Charles H. Wright -Sacramento, CA Jim & Janine Young -Eads, TN Albert & Sue Zender -New Prague, MN Sociétés et fondations Echo Bay Mines -Denver, CO -Peterborough, ON Nicollet Conservation Club -Nicollet, MN Riviana Foods, Inc. -Abbeyville, LA Sewell Printing Service, Inc. -Atlanta, GA Waseca Sportsmen’s Club -Waseca, MN Décédé ❥ DONATEURS À VIE (10 000 $ – 19 999 $) Particuliers Raymond Aaron -Richmond Hill, ON Allen Ainsworth -Vancouver, BC Bill Aldinger, Jr. -Vadnais Heights, MN Arnold E. Alward -Havelock, NB Stephen Ambler ❂ -Toronto, ON Harold W. Andersen -Omaha, NE Michael Anderson -Winnipeg, MB Andy & Honey Anderson -Ottertail, MN Anonyme -Calgary, AB Anonyme -Calgary, AB Anonyme -Carignan, QC Anonyme ✷ -Nepean, ON Anonyme -Omaha, NE Anonyme -Prince Albert, SK Anonyme -Stonewall, MB Anonyme -Winnipeg, MB Anonyme -Winnipeg, MB William C. & Libbie Ansell -Galveston, TX Dave Anton -Winnipeg, MB Ronald G. Anway -Kent, WA Madeleine, Maxine and Sophie Arbez -Winnipeg, MB Charles D. Armstrong -Scarborough, ME Gary Bachman-Century 21 Bachman & Associates ✷ -Winnipeg, MB Catherine & Thomas Bailey, Sr. -Apple Valley, MN Archie & Rita Balaski -Lethbridge, AB Homer V. Ballard, Jr. -Richmond, VA Clifford & Linda Bampton -Pittsboro, NC Michael Bannock ✷ -Mississauga, ON William T. Barker -Vancouver, BC Michael T. Barr -Camrose, AB The Thomas E. Barz Family -Frankfurt, IL Bill & Marlene Barzeele -Prince Albert, SK Amy Batson -Memphis, TN Bruce & Liz Batt -Memphis, TN Michael R. Bauer -Muskegon, MI Nouveau ❂ Niveau supérieur ✷ G. Edward Bayer -Sarasota, FL Donald A. & Diane (❥) Beamish -Corbeil, ON Allan & Linda Beaudry -Winnipeg, MB In Memory of Henry D. Beech -Gonzales, LA Matthew & Shauna Belich -Calgary, AB Michael & Karen Belich -Camrose, AB John & Elizabeth Belz -Ridgeland, MS Mike & Joan Benge ❂ -Kenner, LA Robert & Rosemary Berg -Longville, MN Jack (❥) & Cathy Berg ❂ -Grande Prairie, AB Richard & Pam Berg -Watertown, SD Ken Bergestad -Prince George, BC Harold B. Bergquist -Plymouth, MI Craig & Mary Jean Berke -Hanna, AB Lauren R Bivins -Everett, WA J. David & Carolyn Blackmore -Campbell, MO James & Sandy Bodtke ❂ -Peoria, IL Leslie J. & Heather Bogdan -Maple Ridge, BC Alice Bossenmaier ✷ -Prince Albert, SK Timothy D. Boutell -Linwood, MI John H. Bowles, FCA, FCIM -Vancouver, BC John D. Bradley ✷ -Chatham, ON Keith Brady -Empress, AB Dwight Brainerd -Masset, BC Lee R. & Karen Brandt -Milledgeville, GA R. Paul Brisco -London, ON Jerry Bracato -Greenville, MS Richard Brock -Kitchener, ON Fair & Judi Brooks, III -Midlothian, VA Rory & Patti Brown -Victoria, BC Mike Brown -Big Sky, MT Steve & Leslie Brown -Stockton, CA William Buckley -Toronto, ON J.B. Burg -Prince George, BC Bartlett Burnap -Palm Beach, FL Ed L. Buttweiler -Alexandria, MN Hugh & Barbara Callow -Caldwell, ID Brett & Diane Calverley -Spruce Grove, AB Don & Bev Campbell -Meadow Lake, SK Bruce D. Campbell -Winnipeg, MB Roderick Campbell -Bowen Island, BC Lloyd R. Campbell -Fairview, AB Gary Candido -Kamloops, BC Louis A. Caputo, Jr. -Newark, DE Chester L. & Roxie Carroll -Medina, TN Alastair Carruthers -Vancouver, BC John Cartwright -Salmon Arm, BC Doug & Krystine Cavers -Victoria, BC Steven E. Chancellor -Evansville, IN E. Tyree Chappel -Mechanicsville, VA George J. Chastain ❂ -Orland Park, IL Doug & Darlene Chekay -Regina, SK Steve & Kathy Christian -Colstrip, MT Roy T. & Susan Christopherson -Bremerton, WA Bob Clark ❂ -Vanderhoof, BC Gene & Connie Clements -Idaho Falls, ID David J. Cocks -Charlotte, NC Ron & Lorna Coley -Gimli, MB Thomas & Jacquie Colligan -Urbanna, VA John Stafford Comegys ❂ -Shreveport, LA Pat & Mike Conchâtre -Winnipeg, MB Daniel Patrick & Susan Connelly -Granite Bay, CA Peter H. & Marilyn Coors -Golden, CO Adrian J. Coote -Oakville, ON Dale A. Courtney -Minneapolis, MN Gord Cowan -Medicine Hat, AB Don & RoseMarie Cozine -Regina Beach, SK Anne & James Craig, Jr. ❂ -Falls Church, VA William F. & Sarah D’Alonzo -Wilmington, DE Tom Davidson, Jr. ❂ -King City, ON Cecil L. Davis -Griffin, GA T. Wayne & Kitty Davis, Jr. -Jacksonville, FL James H. Day -Kingston, ON Leo De Jong -Terrace, BC Billy G. & Candice DeJournett -Swartz Creek, MI Leonard Demarchi -Kamloops, BC En mémoire de ✜ C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S 9 P. J. & Theresa Demarie -Mandeville, LA Raymond E. Dender -Griffin, GA Stephen G. & Susan E. Denkers -Ogden, UT Lloyd & Velma Derry -Calgary, AB James F. & Debra Dodd, III -Havre De Grace, MD Patrick Doherty -Campbellville, ON Gary & Marilyn Down -Oshawa, ON Paul & Jackie Down -Janetville, ON Tom Duffy -Charlottetown, PE Margaret Dulaney -Lutherville, MD Dan L. Dunson ❂ -Griffin, GA Ken & Bonnie Durdahl -Howard Lake, MN J. Michael & Carolyn L. Dvorak -Stillwater, MN John Craig Eaton -Toronto, ON Douglas M. Eberhardt -Stockton, CA Doug M. Eberhardt II ❂ -Stockton, CA Dr. Dean F. Echols -Gilmanton, NH Dr. Robert & Jane Ehrlich -Longview, WA Dr. Alaina Elias -Fulda, SK William J. Elliott ✷ -Napanee, ON Eugene & Fayline Engrav -Cheyenne, WY William J. Erdle -Rochester, NY Erle & Jeanne Etzel -Troy, MI Len & Patricia Everett -Comox, BC Greg & Diane Fast -Lorette, MB Ken & Jasmine Ferris -Prince George, BC Bernard Filion -Québec, QC Ronald & Vicki Filipchuk -Grand Rapids, MI Randy H. & Janet Fischer -Alexandria, MN Debi Fitzgerald -Peterborough, ON Jimmy Flynn -Corn Hill, NB Marsh C. Forchuk -Port Rowan, ON Scott & Carol Fortnum -Newmarket, ON Peter Fortune -Unionville, ON Dr. Gary M. Foshay & Ms. Mary Steckle -Halifax, NS Candace & Gordon Franke -Eagle Ridge, SK Rick & Susan Frayn -Grande Prairie, AB Danny R. Futros -St Andrews, MB Ross E. Gage -Winnipeg, MB Jerry Gagnon ✷ -Oshawa, ON Edson F. Gallaudet, III -Seattle, WA Julian Pelham Garber ❥ -Richmond, VA Gary Garrioch & Elizabeth Palmer -Winnipeg, MB Peter George -Lutherville, MD Richard George -Calgary, AB Marty (❥) & Pat German -Ft. Myers, FL Arthur Gill -Surrey, BC Stephen Gillis -Quispamsis, NB David A. Gingras -Ocean City, NJ Mark L. Gloutney -Amherst, NS Pierre Gloutney ✷ -Terrasse-Vaudreuil, QC John W. Goldsmith -Toronto, ON Albert & Roberta Gong -Sacrementa, CA Stan Good -Boissevain, MB Bob & Marilyn Gorham -Mora, MN Russ & Amy Grasman -Jenison, MI Lionel Graveline -Whitby, ON Brian & Deb Gray -Kanata, ON Gene & Rosalie Grazzini -Burnsville, MN Kurt Greaves -Perth, ON John C. & Terry J. Green -Madison, SD Robert L. Green -Vale, OR Judy D. Griffith -White Rock, BC John Gunn -Calgary, AB Denton Guthrie -Montebello, CA Dr. Damien Gynane -Sherwood Park, AB A.V. Bert Hadley -Nanaimo, BC Murray Hampshire & Marta Turai-Hampshire -La Glace, AB Barbara Hanbidge -Saskatoon, SK Harley A. & Linda Hansen -Yakima, WA Sharon Harlowe -Stockton, CA Ted Harrison -Victoria, BC Dr. Richard W. & Sarah H. Harrison -Kilgore, TX Carter H. Harrison -Modesto, CA Décédé ❥ 10 Doug & Lisa Hartke -Sherburn, MN Bob Hartley ❥ -High River, AB Dennis P. Havey & Joyce Graves -Bristol, VT Robert (Bob) Heathcott -Calgary, AB Gene M. & Betty Henry -Rogers, AR Brian & Shelley Hepworth -Regina, SK Joe & Janice Herrod -Lincoln, NE Doug Hetherington -Moose Jaw, SK Paul D. & Nancy Hickey -St John’s, NL Tom Hickey -Ancaster, ON Joseph Y. Hickman, c.r. -Port Williams, NS Fred K. Hingst -Gilbert, AZ Peter & Janet Hiscox -Fraserville, ON Michael & Barbara Hoeft -Milton, WV John Holowachuk -Lac La Biche, AB Rogers & Camille Hoyt, Jr. -Uvalde, TX John & Theresa Hruby -Rosenberg, TX Steven J. Hubacher -St. Helens, OR Scott Hueston -Bridgenorth, ON Dr. Mark S. Huffman -Tupelo, MS Charles S. Hunter, III -West Augusta, VA Geoffery Hyland -Caledon, ON Addison & Deborah Igleheart -Bloomfield Hills, MI Thomas Ingstad -Edina, MN William R. Ireland, Sr. ❥ -Shoal Creek, AL J. Howard Isaacs ❥ -Milford, DE Norris Iverson -Balzac, AB Rob Jaspar ❂ -Saskatoon, SK Mack H. Jenkins -Indian Springs, AL Kevin Johnson -Buena Vista, SK Ernest G. Johnson -Winnipeg, MB Richard G. Johnson -Fremont, MI Robert A. Johnston -Alexandria, VA Richard Jones -Québec, QC H. Reid Jones -Carthage, NC Thomas H. & Margaret Jones, Jr. -Salem, OR Robert C. & Marilynn Joy -Edson, AB Donald W. Kaatz -Westlake, OH Nouveau ❂ Niveau supérieur ✷ Robert Kadlec -West Vancouver, BC Richard Knappe -Tracyville, NB Joseph M. Kapilla -Highland, IL Dr. Mack & Debra Karnes -Pewaukee, WI Larry Kaumeyer -Edmonton, AB Robert C. Keirstead -Marlbank, ON Hylee F. & Mary Kay Kemp -Peoria, IL Junior & Bonnie Kerns -Las Cruces, NM James M. & Terri King -Pawnee, IL Dr. Edward & Tammi Kircher -Keokuk, IA Maria Kish -Chilliwack, BC Ronald J. Kistler -Allentown, PA James E. & Julie Klapmeier -Mora, MN Peter D. Kleinpell, Sr. ❥ -Naples, FL Russell & Deanna Klint -Benson, MN Richard Knappe -Tracyville, NB Paul L. & Susan C. Knick -North Kansas City, MO Harry D. Knight -Williamsburg, VA Northrup R. Knox, Jr. -Turkey Point, ON Parker Knox -Delta, BC Seymour H. Knox, IV -Buffalo, NY Ivan A. Knutsen -Sun Prairie, WI Jerry L. Kolstad -Britt, MN Ray J. & Doris Kopecky -Omaha, NE Rebecca A. Kost -Saskatoon, SK Jacqualyn & Richard Kowallik -Madison, AL Gavin & Pat Koyl -Regina, SK Darryl Kroeker & Stephanie Waggoner -Tomslake, BC Jon & Colleen Kruse -Storm Lake, IA James B. Laffoley -Brossard, QC Robert Laidler -Winnipeg, MB Éric Lapalme & Édith Beaucage -Mille-Isles, QC James C. Lawley -Halifax, NS Willard J. Leach -Pickering, ON Robert N. Leach, D.D.S. -Grand Blanc, MI Larry E. Leese -Pocomoke, MD Luc Lemay -Montréal-Nord, QC Keith & Faith LePoudre -Turtleford, SK En mémoire de ✜ C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S Steve Letwin and Family -Calgary, AB Peter & Joan Levinson -White Plains, NY Monty Lewis -Thomasville, GA Norman R. & Dollie Lillie -Timmins, ON Robert B. & Launi J. Logan -Sparks, NV Omer W. Long -Newport Beach, CA A. Kel Long, III -Atlanta, GA Gary Lorentson -Thunder Bay, ON Woody & Gretchen Lovelace -Williamsburg, VA Kurt & Barb Lowdermilk -Fremont, MI Mick Luckhurst -Edmonton, AB Lee J. Luckhurst -Campbell River, BC Ken Lumbis & Carol Bromley-Meeres -Grande Prairie, AB Sonny MacDonald -Fort Smith, NT Andrew Macpherson -Edmonton, AB Lynette Mader -Barrie, ON G. Patrick Madigan -Munster, ON Kris Mailman -Campbell River, BC William P. Maney ❂ -Cold Spring, MN Robert D. Marcotte, Sr. -Omaha, NE Paul Marriner -Mahone Bay, NS B.H. Martin Consultants -Timmins, ON James & Carol Mason -Oakley, MI Perry & Laurette McCormick -High River, AB Glenn V. McCormick -Bethune, SK W. Fred McGuinness -Brandon, MB Karen L. McKee -Stockton, CA Mark C. McKee -Longview, WA Fox (Doug) & Deborah McKinley -Qualicum Beach, BC Jim & Barb McKnight -Prince Albert, SK Mickey & Gilda McMillin -Lake Charles, LA Patrick & Renita McMullen -Farmington, MN Don & Kathy McQueen -Comox, BC J. Herbert Menten -Vancouver, BC Dr. George M. Merry -Wolfe Island, ON Robert & Vona Middleton -Meridian, ID Tom H. Millar -Turkey Point, ON Marvin & Juanita Miller -Mount Morris, IL Bob Mims ❂ -Memphis, TN Winfield A. & Deborah Mitchell, Jr. -Northfield, MN Laurie & Lee Moats -Riceton, SK D. Stewart Morrison -Beausejour, MB Brian R. & Pat Morrison -Calgary, AB Roger L. Mosher -Batavia, NY Sonny Mowbray -Labelle, FL Susan & Edward Moxley -Vickery, OH Murray Mullen -Millarville, AB Richard S. Murphy, Jr. -St. Louis, MO Burton J. Myers -Toronto, ON Jeff & Cora Nelson -Headingley, MB Dr. Terry G. Neraasen -Edmonton, AB Michael Nesbitt -Winnipeg, MB Jeb & Kit Newhouse -Hampton, NB John & Geni Newman -Covington, LA Thomas A. Newman, c.r. -Whitby, ON David & Amy Nicholson -Iowa City, IA David & Jacque Noble -Newaygo, MI Patrick D. & Eleanor Nolan -Gallatin Gateway, MT John & Betty O’Brien -Batavia, NY Thomas J. & Cheryl O’Connor, III -Suffolk, VA Larry & Marg O’Neil -Tacoma, WA Willard Paul & Kathy J. Oleson -Farmington, UT Jill & Bob Olsen -Englewood, CO Hon. C.L. “Butch” Otter -Star, ID Julian and Haley Ottley ❂ -Richmond, VA Pierre Ouellet -Lambton, QC Don & Laura Ouellette -Attleboro Falls, MA Gerald J. Palmer, Sr. -Ely, MN Joe Parker -Saskatoon, SK George E. Parr -Blackstock, ON Sam C. Pearson, III -Leawood, KS Franklin H. Petersohn -Evansville, IN M.M. “Bud” Peterson ❥ -Alexandria, MN The Pickell Family -Courtice, ON Marc A. Pierce (Big Sky Carvers) -Bozeman, MT Eric Pierce (Big Sky Carvers) -Manhattan, MT Robert J. & Susan L. Piesko -Frankenmuth, MI Anthony W. & Beverly Piper, Jr. -Dimondale, MI Bill Plemons -Locust Grove, GA Lawrie O. Pollard -Winnipeg, MB Joan Poston -Helena, MT T. Randolph (❥) & Cookie Potter, Jr. -St Louis, MO Cameron Prange -Oakville, ON Brian Pryce -Toronto, ON Wayne & Betty Pritchard -Bowser, BC Bernie & Brigid Purdy -Burnsville, MN Barrie Purves -West Vancouver, BC Timothy Putnam -Beausejour, MB Brian Pryce -Toronto, ON Richard & Sally Qualmann -Mundelein, IL Frederick W. Rahr -Minneapolis, MN Paul & Jeanne Ralstin -Garden City, ID Stephen B. Ramsden -Vancouver, BC George C. & Wendy Reifel -Vancouver, BC George Reifel, Jr. -Vancouver, BC Ward (❥) & Sis Reilly, Jr. -Lookout Mountain, TN In Memory of Wilf Remarchuk by Eve Remarchuk -Meadow Lake, SK Ruth Rebsamen Remmel -Little Rock, AR Edward Retherford -Alpena, MI Stephen Reynolds -Memphis, TN Kim Rhodes ✷ -Peterborough, ON Mary Rhodes ✷ -Peterborough, ON Ronald & Frances Rich -Harwich Port, MA J. Oran & Joan M. Richard -Lafayette, LA Brent & Evelynn Richards -Winnipeg, MB Heather & Hartley Richardson -Winnipeg, MB G. David Richardson -Vancouver, BC William & Kathleen Richie -Ironwood, MI Rodney L. Ringer -Wichita, KS Ken & Rachel Risi -Olds, AB David E. Ritchie -Richmond, BC Gilles Rivard, c.r. -Québec, QC Ted Rivett -Belleville, ON Décédé ❥ Dale & Jill Robbins -Knoxville, TN George & Vicki Roberts -Hawkestone, ON Jeffrey C. Robertson ❂ -Fort Peck, MT Donald M. Rogers -Kettleby, ON Garland R. Rolling -Metairie, LA Anthony J. & Kathleen Rose, Jr. -Wakefield, RI Allison Ross -Winnipeg, MB Robert & Helen Rowe -Spruce Grove, AB Brian & Luana Royal -Barrie, ON John & May Ruben -High River, AB LTC George H. Ruggles, AUS Ret. -Odenton, MD Jim & Arden Rutta -Columbus, TX Dr. Robert B. & Jean Sabbann -Rochester, MN Thomas S. Sadler -Strathmore, AB David Salloum -St Albert, AB Gary L. Salmon -Lafayette, LA Bob & Cyd Santo -Riverhurst, SK Ken Sargent -Grande Prairie, AB Greg & Marlene Sawchuck -Courtenay, BC William F. Schaefer, Sr. & A. Jean Schaefer -London, ON Kim Schmitt -Red Deer, AB Raymond G. & Susan Scoggins -Norwalk, CT Rick & Jean Scott -Buffalo, MN Stewart A. Searle, Jr. -Winnipeg, MB Bernhard Segler -Waterloo, ON Paul & Terry Seltman -Florence, KY Thomas & Peggy Shaffer -Stockton, CA Richard Shamis ❂ -Sugar Grove, IL Frederick L. Sharp -Vancouver, BC Freda Sharp -Vancouver, BC Kenneth E. Sharpe -Ashton, ON Virginia Shawver -Augusta, KS E.B. Shawver, II -Augusta, KS David & Betty Shefferly -La Salle, MI Charles M. Shepardson -Monte Sereno, CA William R. Shields -Yakima, WA John D. Simkins -Prince George, BC Nouveau ❂ Niveau supérieur ✷ Robert Simpson -Winnipeg, MB Duncan W. Sinclair -Aylmer West, ON James & Shirley Skarda -Sussex, WI Clifford V. & Niki Slinkard -Prairie Grove, AR Lew Smith -Halifax, NS Patric Smith -Burlington, ON Edward Smith -Big Lake Ranch, BC Gary Somerfeld -Winnipeg, MB Wally & Mary Sotski ❂ -Yorkton, SK James R. Sowers & Francine D. Merenghi -Rolla, MO Terry Sparks -Calgary, AB Janice Spencer ✷ -West Vancouver, BC Joshua J. Spies -Watertown, SD Michael & Carolyn Stahl -Lowell, MI Jillian Stainforth -Victoria, BC James A. & Billie Rae Stelly -Orange, TX David Stensland -Lewisville, MN Warren R. Stefanski -Alexandria, MN Gary & Bette Stewart -Stony Plain, AB Robert & Susan Strahs -Florence, MT Morgan & Janet Stromsmoe -Blackie, AB Jane & Joe Sufczynski ❂ -Darnestown, MD Suzanne & Paul Sullivan -Burbank, WA Bob & Rita Sundberg -Brainerd, MN Roger Suss -Winnipeg, MB Ken Swanson -Edmonton, AB Robert Swinton -Calgary, AB Don Switzenberg -Scottsdale, AZ Jonathan V. Taylor -Dedham, MA Allen R. Taylor -Onekama, MI Tim & Colleen Thiele -Lumsden, SK J.E. “Yazoo” Thomas -Centre, TX Charles D. & Betty J. Thomas -Bunker Hill, IL A.G. “Skip” Thomas -Steele, ND David J. Thomson -Thunder Bay, ON Paul & Leanne Thoroughgood -Moose Jaw, SK Dale & Carol Toni ✷ -Moose Jaw, SK Steve Tonso -Center, CO Normand Traversy -St-Jean-Chrysostome, QC A. George & Evelyn Tucker -Scarborough, ON Barry Turner -Nepean, ON Dan C. Tutcher -Houston, TX Wesley & Ginger Van Conet -Laingsburg, MI William A. Van Orsdel -Des Moines, IA Donald J. Vlcek, Jr. & Margaret Morse -Plymouth, MI Fred & Anita Wagman -Dilke, SK Ron Wagner -Phelpston, ON Tom & Sue Waldbuesser -Prospect Heights, IL Julius F. Wall -Clinton, MO Blake Wallace ✷ -Collingwood, ON Sean & Lisa Wallace -Regina, SK Ebe Walter -Thomasville, GA John A. Warack -Saginaw, MI Len J. & Sandra Warren -Winnipeg, MB Richard E. Watkins -Virginia Beach, VA Bonnie Watson -Moose Jaw, SK Greg Weeks -Port Perry, ON Robert Weiss -Shorewood, MN Bernie Wendler ✷ -Vanderhoof, BC Barrie A. Wigmore -New York, NY Stanford K. & Carol Williams -Northbrook, IL Doug Williams -Ottawa, ON Thomas Lyle Williams III ❥ -Thomasville, GA Gregory & Donna Willis -Tacoma, WA Glenn Willson -Oshawa, ON Keith & Carol Wilson -Saint John, NB Ken & Joanne Wilson -Grande Prairie, AB Joel Winn -Fort Atkinson, WI Rick Wishart -Winnipeg, MB William C. Witting -Stanwood, WA James Wohl -Millet, AB Paul Wood -Goodwood, ON Michael R. Wood -Bitely, MI Chester Wos -Coquitlam, BC Charles H. Wright -Sacramento, CA En mémoire de ✜ C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S 11 Jim & Janine Young -Eads, TN James A. Zaepfel -Williamsville, NY Paul S.W. Zalesky -West Vancouver, BC Albert & Sue Zender -New Prague, MN Sociétés et fondations 3M Canada Inc. -London, ON A & A Plumbing & Heating Ltd. ✷ -Delta, BC Agrium Potash Operation -Vanscoy, SK Arnold Alward -Havelock, NB Akzo Nobel Chemicals Ltd. -Mississauga, ON Alberta Traffic Supply Ltd. -Edmonton, AB Alliance Pipeline Ltd. -Grande Prairie, AB Amalgamated Dairies Limited -Summerside, PE Anchor Concrete Products Limited -Kingston, ON Anonyme -Brooks, AB Anonyme -Calgary, AB Anonyme -Lacombe, AB Anonyme -Los Angeles, CA Anonyme -Sylvan Lake, AB Applied Industrial Technologies -Saskatoon, SK Armour Transportation Systems -Moncton, NB Armtec Inc. -Guelph, ON Arnold Wilk Trucking Ltd. -Moose Jaw, SK Association minière du Québec Inc. -Québec, QC ATCO Power Limited -Calgary, AB Atlantic Business Interiors -Darmouth, NS Atlis Geomatics Inc. -Saskatoon, SK Awards & More -Winnipeg, MB B & R Eckel’s Transport Ltd. -Bonnyville, AB Barrie District Hunters & Anglers Conservation Club -Barrie, ON Beale & Inch Construction Ltd. -Sackville, NB BFI Canada Inc. -Medicine Hat, AB Bi-Ax International Inc. -Tiverton, ON Bio-Lab Canada Inc. -Pickering, ON Boart Longyear -North Bay, ON Alexandra Hotel (Virden) & Boulevard Hotel (Dauphin) -Dauphin, MB Bowater Mersey Paper Company Ltd. -Liverpool, NS BP Canada Energy Company -Sarnia, ON Bridge Creek Estate Limited -100 Mile House, BC Bridgestone/Firestone Canada Inc. -Mississauga, ON British Columbia Conservation Foundation -Surrey, BC Buckham Transport Ltd. ❂ -Peterborough, ON Caisse populaire Desjardins du Nord de Sherbrooke ❂ -Sherbrooke, QC Calm Air International Limited -Thompson, MB Canada’s Outdoor Shows -Guelph, ON Canadian Forest Products -Fort St. James, BC Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce -Toronto, ON Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. -Calgary, AB Canexus Chemicals Canada LP -Brandon, MB Cardigan Excavators Ltd. -Cardigan, PE Carnival Cruiselines -Miami, FL Cascades Canada Inc. -Kingsey Falls, QC CB Richard Ellis -Toronto, ON Centura -Dartmouth, NS Chaleur Sawmill Associates -Belledune, NB Chemco Electrical Contractors Ltd. -Edmonton, AB Chevron Canada Resources Limited -Calgary, AB Chris Spencer Foundation -Vancouver, BC Co-operators Development Corporation Ltd. -Guelph, ON Coastal Community Credit Union -Comox, BC Columbia Power Corporation -Castlegar, BC Communications Group -Red Deer, AB Connors Bros. Limited -Blacks Harbour, NB Conrad Bros. Ltd. -Darmouth, NS Cornerstone Credit Union ✷ -Yorkton, SK Coyle & Greer Awards Canada Ltd. -Mossley, ON D.A. Electric Ltd. -Lethbridge, AB Davis LLP -Edmonton, AB Delcon Ellerslie Lands GP II Ltd. -Edmonton, AB Deloitte & Touche LLP -Toronto, ON Delta Catalytic Industrial Services -Calgary, AB Deniso Lebel Inc. -Rivière-du-Loup, QC Décédé ❥ 12 District of Logan Lake -Logan Lake, BC Domaine de l’Isle-aux-Oyes -Québec, QC Domtar Inc. -Nairn Centre, ON Double M Excavating Ltd. -Maple Ridge, BC Downey, Swainson, Roth L.L.P. -Red Deer, AB Takahashi & Demarchi -Kamloops, BC Dundee Realty Corporation -Saskatoon, SK Echo Bay Mines -Denver, CO ECO Canada -Calgary, AB Ecoplans Limited -Mississauga, ON Edwards Ford Sales (Kingston) Ltd. -Kingston, ON Elgin Stewardship Council -Aylmer, ON Ennismore Optimist Club -Bridgenorth, ON Erinmore Management -Vancouver, BC Fairview Plymouth Chrysler Ltd. -Fredericton, NB Fellinger & Sons Meats -Moose Jaw, SK Fillmore Riley LLP -Winnipeg, MB Finmac Lumber Ltd. -Winnipeg, MB Fletch Mechanical Ltd. -Moose Jaw, SK Fondation québécoise pour la protection du patrimoine naturel -St-Augustin-de-Desmaures, QC Franklin Templeton Investments -Toronto, ON Fredericton Inn -Fredericton, NB Gain Consulting Inc. -Edmonton, AB General Foods -Don Mills, ON Geo. H. Young & Co. Ltd. -Winnipeg, MB Gilbert McGloan Gillis -Saint John, NB Golden & District Rod & Gun Club -Golden, BC Graham C. Lount Family Foundation Inc. -Winnipeg, MB The Great-West Life Assurance Co. -Winnipeg, MB Great Western Brewing Company -Saskatoon, SK Guaranteed Refrigeration Service Ltd. -Moose Jaw, SK Hackl’s Engine Works Ltd. -Prince Albert, SK Halladay Environmental Consultants Ltd. -Penticton, BC Halstead Denture Clinic -Moose Jaw, SK Harris & Roome Supply Ltd. -Halifax, NS Hawthorne Mountain Winery -Okanagan Falls, BC Nouveau ❂ Niveau supérieur ✷ Hedlund Contracting Ltd. -Creston, BC Henderson Insurance Inc. -Moose Jaw, SK Heritage Artists -Montréal, QC Highpoint Electric Ltd. ✷ -Surrey, BC Hilltop Grill & Beverage Co. -Fredericton, NB Devon & Grace Hiney -Grande Prairie, AB Howard E. Little Excavating -Cambridge Station, NS Hydro Fraser Inc. -Rivière-du-Loup, QC IBM Canada Ltd. -Winnipeg, MB Indigo Books & Music Inc. ❂ -Toronto, ON Invesco Trimark -Toronto, ON Island Coastal Services Ltd. -Charlottetown, PE ITT Flygt Canada -Toronto, ON Jasper Wyman & Son Canada Inc. -Morell, PE Jeld-Wen Windows and Doors, Willmar Windows Division -Winnipeg, MB Jiggy Joe Fishing Tackle -Moose Jaw, SK John David and Signy Eaton Charitable Foundation -Caledon Village, ON Kay & Riggins -Brooks, AB Kenwal Ltd. -Winnipeg, MB Kinsmen Club of Yorkton ❂ -Yorkton, SK Kirkham Company ❂ -Grande Prairie, AB Ktunaxa/Kinbasket Tribal Council -Cranbrook, BC L & I Electric Ltd. -Moose Jaw, SK L & R Construction Ltd. -Wickham, NB La Capitale, assurances et gestion du patrimoine ❂ -Québec, QC Lafarge Canada Inc. -Exshaw, AB Land Stewardship Network -Midhurst, ON Leatherdale Publishing -Olds, AB Lethbridge Fish & Game Association -Lethbridge, AB Loyal Order of Moose (Lindsay Lodge #659) -Lindsay, ON M.S.A. Ford Sales -Kelowna, BC Mair Jensen Blair LLP ✷ -Kamloops, BC Maritimes NRG -Saint John, NB Marwood Inc. -Fredericton, NB Rod Matheson -Calgary, AB Maxxam Analytics Inc. -Mississauga, ON En mémoire de ✜ C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S The McLean Foundation -Toronto, ON Mercer Human Resource Consulting -Winnipeg, MB Millar, Homynyk, Keeley Associates Ltd. ✷ -Edmonton, AB MidCanada Production Services Inc. -Winnipeg, MB Mohawk Oil Company Ltd. -Calgary, AB Moose Jaw Ford Sales -Moose Jaw, SK Moore Building Centre -Killarney, MB Morgex Insurance Group Ltd. -Edmonton, AB Municipality of Kings County -Kentville, NS Newfoundland & Labrador Legacy Nature Trust -St. John’s, NL Nicollet Conservation Club -Nicollet, MN Norak Steel Construction Ltd. -Concord, ON Norbord -Toronto, ON Northern Lights Community Development Corporation -Prince Albert, SK Northern Neighbours Foundation Inc. -Flin Flon, MB Northern Toyota Centre Ltd. -Prince George, BC Norwite Contracting Ltd. ✷ -Surrey, BC Office Pavilion -Halifax, NS Oracle Corporation Canada Inc. -Mississauga, ON Orion Drilling Company LCC -Corpus Christi, TX Oshawa PUC Networks Inc. -Oshawa, ON Outdoor Cap ❂ -Bentonville, AR Over the Top Sound & Recording Specialists -Peterborough, ON Oxford Sportsmen’s Club -Ingersoll, ON Papier White Birch, Filiale F.F. Soucy -Rivière-du-Loup, QC Pheasants Forever - Calgary Chapter -Okotoks, AB Phoenix Fisheries -McGray, NS Photographs by Drake -Brooks, AB Pioneer Hi-Bred Limited -Chatham, ON Premier Tech Ltée -Rivière-du-Loup, QC Purdie Mechanical Contractors (1990) -Amherstburg, ON Quality Concrete -Dartmouth, NS Quality Foods Ltd. -Qualicum Beach, BC R & T Network Solutions -Edmonton, AB Harris L. Dvorkin & Kevin R. Baker Ranchman’s Hospitality Group Inc. -Calgary, AB RBC Dominion Securities Inc. -Toronto, ON RBC Dominion Securities ❂ -Regina, SK Repap New Brunswick Inc. -Miramichi, NB Richardson GMP ❂ -Winnipeg, MB Riviana Foods, Inc. -Abbeyville, LA Rotary Club of St. Albert -St Albert, AB Rotary Club of St. Boniface - St. Vital -Winnipeg, MB Saskatoon Nature Society -Saskatoon, SK SaskTel ❂ -Yorkton, SK Scotiabank -Cornwall, ON Selkirk Chevrolet Pontiac Buick GMC Ltd. -Selkirk, MB Sewell Printing Service, Inc. -Atlanta, GA Shell Canada Limited -Calgary, AB Shimano Canada Ltd. -Peterborough, ON Shoppers Drug Mart Ltd. -Moncton, NB Shur-Gro Farm Services Limited -Brandon, MB Sigfusson Northern -Lundar, MB SilverBirch Hotels & Resorts Saskatchewan ❂ -Saskatoon, SK South Peace Wilderness Society -Dawson Creek, BC Spruce Meadows ❂ -Calgary, AB Stampeder Exploration Ltd. -Calgary, AB Standard Aero Limited -Winnipeg, MB St. Anne Nackawic Pulp Co. Ltd. -Nackawic, NB Steeltown Ford Sales (1980) Ltd. -Selkirk, MB Steve and Sally Stavro Family Foundation -Toronto, ON Stewardship Centre for BC Society -North Vancouver, BC Stubblejumper Enterprises Ltd. ✷ -Whitehorse, YT Sun Life of Canada -Winnipeg, MB Sun Life of Canada -Toronto, ON Sun Microsystems of Canada Inc. -Toronto, ON Sunbury Transport Limited -Fredericton, NB Sunrise Credit Union Ltd. -Virden, MB Sunrise Helicopters Ltd. -Inuvik, NT The Floor Show/Super-Lite Lighting Ltd. -Winnipeg, MB Syles Mechanical Services Ltd. -Tecumseh, ON Target Steel Corporation -Balzac, AB Toronto-Dominion Bank -Toronto, ON The Canada Trust Company -Toronto, ON TD Friends of the Environment Foundation (Markham Chapter) -Markham, ON TD Friends of the Environment Foundation (St. Thomas Chapter) -St. Thomas, ON TD Friends of the Environment Foundation (Fredericton Chapter) -Fredericton, NB TD Friends of the Environment Foundation (Kingston Chapter) -Kingston, ON TD Friends of the Environment Foundation (Saint John Chapter) ❂ -Saint John, NB TD Friends of The Environment Foundation (Moncton Chapter) ❂ -Moncton, NB Telus ❂ -Ottawa, ON Tembec - Spruce Falls Inc. -Kapuskasing, ON Tembec - Hearst Environmental Fund -Hearst, ON Terel Electric Ltd. -Grande Prairie, AB The Co-operators -Regina, SK The Great Canadian Outdoor Expo Inc. -Guelph, ON The T Eaton Company Limited -Toronto, ON The Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Co. -Winnipeg, MB Thor E. & Nicole Eaton Family Charitable Foundation -Terra Cotta, ON Thousand Island Tax Duty Free Shop -Lansdowne, ON TimberWest Forest Corp. -Nanaimo, BC Town of Petawawa -Petawawa, ON TransAlta Corp. (Sundance Thermal Plant) -Duffield, AB Trillium Mutual Insurance Company ✷ -Formosa, ON Twin City Painting -Bedford, NS Union Oil Company of Canada Limited -Calgary, AB Uplands Charitable Foundation -Holland Landing, ON Val Matteotti Ranches Ltd. -Lethbridge, AB VALE Inco Limited -Thompson, MB Valeurs mobilières Desjardins ❂ -Montréal, QC Vaughn A. Melanson Trucking -Amherst, NS Walchuk Masonry Ltd. ✷ -Moose Jaw, SK Wallaceburg Conservation Club -Wallaceburg, ON Waseca Sportsmen’s Club -Waseca, MN Watrous Mainline Motor Products ✷ -Watrous, SK Décédé ❥ Charlie Spiring & Wellington West Capital Inc. ✷ -Winnipeg, MB Werner & Helga Hoing Foundation -Burnaby, BC Wetlands Engineering & Construction Ltd. ❂ -Pugwash, NS Weyerhaeuser Company Limited -Miramichi, NB Windsor Motors (1975) Ltd. -Grande Prairie, AB Windwood Group -Camrose, AB XL Foods Lakeside Packers -Brooks, AB Yukon Fish & Wildlife Enhancement Trust -Whitehorse, YT DONATEURS PLATINE (5 000 $ – 9 999 $) Particuliers Garnet Altwasser -Brooks, AB Nick Alvau -Lethbridge, AB Curtis Amey -Brandon, MB James Anderson -Renfrew, ON Anonyme ❂ -Montmagny, QC Bradley Arner -Kamloops, BC Kimberly E. Arseneau ❂ -Valley Road, NB Gary R. Austin -Aylmer, ON Rennie Balciunas -Winnipeg, MB Deborah Baldwin -Warren, MB Karin & Rob Barrie -Aylmer, ON Kelly Barski -Richmond, BC Bartlett Family -Torbay, NL Jay Bartsch -Brooks, AB Michael Bayne -Ottawa, ON George Beasley -New Liskeard, ON Lawrence T. Beckett -Ingersoll, ON Paul-Émile Bélanger -St-Augustin-de-Desmaures, QC Paul Bernstein -Thornhill, ON Bruce Beynon -Calgary, AB Barry Bishop & Joan Kyle-Bishop -Gwynne, AB A. Craig Bishop & Heather Bishop -Langdon, AB Gaston Blackburn -Roberval, QC Robert Boomsma -Lindsay, ON Nouveau ❂ Niveau supérieur ✷ Robert Boychyn -Whitby, ON Ron Brenneman -Calgary, AB Michael Brisseau -Norfolk, VA Steve Brown -Campbell River, BC Vern & Joan Brown -Moose Jaw, SK Patrick Brown -Brooks, AB David Brunkhorst -Port Clinton, OH Tino Bruno -Sturgeon County, AB Greg Buck -Abbotsford, BC Dan Buffett -Coquitlam, BC Dmitry & Linda Bugas -Winnipeg, MB Barry & Margaret Burke -McLeod Hill, NB Peter & Carmen Burns -Moncton, NB Gary & Rhonda Bursey -Moncton, NB Patrick Caldwell -Winnipeg, MB John Cameron -Sherbrooke, NS Thomas M. Carlyle -Winnipeg, MB Patsy Chiasson -Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures, QC Jean Chouinard CA ❂ -St-Aubert, QC Bettylou & Grant Christenson -Creston, BC Judy, Jill, Paul & Kent Christie -Keewatin, ON Bob & Diane Clarke -Virden, MB The Clay Family -Barrie, ON Jim Cleave -Blaine, WA John E. Cleghorn -Toronto, ON Brenda, Davro, & Cole Clements -Red Deer, AB Ken Collins -Hartington, ON Brian D. Corbin ❂ -Braeside, ON Pierre Côté -L’Ancienne-Lorette, QC Jason Cottell -Huntsville, ON Edwin Crabbe -Lacombe, AB Robert H. Cram -Red Deer, AB Roger Davidson -Claremont, ON Harry Davidson -Nelson, BC Robert J. Deluce -Toronto, ON Gaston Déry -Québec, QC Pascal Desmedt ❂ -Mascouche, QC Lester G. Dezan -Westbrook, ON Ken Dick -Sturgeon County, AB James E. Downey -Melita, MB David & Christine Drinan ❂ -Somers, CT Rob Duncan, Duncan’s Auto Service -Bobcaygeon, ON Tim & Ann Dwyre -Oshawa, ON George R. Eaton -Caledon Village, ON Thor E. Eaton -Terra Cotta, ON Michael & Cynthia Edwards -Nokomis, SK Greg Edwards -Oshawa, ON Christine Elliott ❂ -Vancouver, BC William Elliott -Charleston, SC Bob Emery -St Andrews, MB Kimball H. Eskowich -Melfort, SK Ric & Tannis Esquivel -Winnipeg, MB Lisa Eveleigh -Thornton, ON Aaron & Michelle Everingham -Fenelon Falls, ON Hugh D. Fairn -Wolfville, NS Steve J. Fancsy -Harrow, ON Jasmine Ferris -Prince George, BC Mark Fetting -Lutherville, MD Neil Forer -Melfort, SK Ross & Heidi Forrester -Winnipeg, MB A. Perry Foster -Saskatoon, SK Rock Fournier -Laval, QC Michael L. Fowler -Port Perry, ON Cecil H. Franklin -Toronto, ON David Fraser -Regina, SK Kathleen Fry -Surrey, BC Robert Fulmer -East Hampstead, NH Shane Gabor -Stonewall, MB Ted R. Gadawski -Shanty Bay, ON Gregg & Patricia Gallaway -Fort Saskatchewan, AB Libby Gamble -Surrey, BC Louis Garant -Québec, QC Barbara Genge -Main Brook, NL Costa Georgoudis -Moncton, NB Stu Gillespie -Edmonton, AB Rod Gilroy ❂ -Amherst, NS En mémoire de ✜ C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S 13 Jerry & Marg Gilroy -Burlington, ON Chris Good -Napanee, ON Bob & Susan Goodridge -Winnipeg, MB Don Gordon & Bonnie Bergsma -London, ON Robert D. Grant -Neepawa, MB Ron Greene -Calgary, AB Ian G. Griffin -Calgary, AB Jean-René Groleau -Trois-Rivières, QC James & Gertie Guillaume -Prince George, BC Karla Guyn & Jim Devries -Lockport, MB Kevin Hardy ❂ -Melville, SK Daniel S. Harrigan -Grand Bay-Westfield, NB Jim Hartwell -Calgary, AB Joe & Sheila Harvey -Charter’s Settlement, NB Darren Hasson -Haute-Aboujagane, NB Jody Hatch -Hamilton, ON Syd Hepworth -Winnipeg, MB Greg Herriott -Barrie, ON Brad Hertz -Regina, SK Henry Hicks -Centreville, NS Thomas J. Hirata ❂ -Pittsburgh, PA Carma & Heric Holmes -Regina, SK Larry Houck ❂ -Hamiota, MB Edward Wm. Houck -Brooks, AB R.W. Howard -Etobicoke, ON David & Jackie Howerter -Seddon’s Corner, MB Don & Lynne Hubbard -Nanaimo, BC Dr Neil Hudson and Family ❂ -Englehart, ON Tina & Ian Hurst -Barrie, ON Robert Ingvardsen -Saskatoon, SK Don Jessome -Dartmouth, NS Kenneth Johnson -Kamloops, BC Emil & Susan Johnson -Lethbridge, AB Grenville Jones ❂ -Kentville, NS Murray Jones -Balzac, AB George & Gail Julie -Fenwick, ON Brian & Lisa Kazmerik -Winnipeg, MB Patrick Kehoe -St Albert, AB Joe & Heather Kelly -Cambridge, ON Cameron Ker -Delta, BC Maryann & Stephen Kerr -Toronto, ON Alfred J. Kindl -Port Dover, ON Robert Kindrachuk -Winnipeg, MB John & Lisa Kneeland -Quispamsis, NB Dennis Knight -Barrie, ON Michael Knight -Kingston, ON Jim & Kim Krech -Temagami, ON Chris LaBossiere -Edmonton, AB Jocelyn Landry & JoAnne Dougall -Cap Saint-Ignace, QC Louis Laperrière -St-Tite-des-Caps, QC Steven Latner -Toronto, ON Wayne Latta -Stouffville, ON Dave Laventure -Arnprior, ON Don Laver -Warkworth, ON Kathy Dyck & Larry Leavens -Winnipeg, MB James D. Lee ❂ -Toronto, ON Rob Lee -Winnipeg, MB Lloyd D. Libke -Cobourg, ON Theresa & Michael Lichacz -Moose Jaw, SK Steve Lipsit -Saskatoon, SK Betty & Doug Lloyd -Winnipeg, MB Paul & Kenda Lunde -Rouleau, SK Kenneth Lunn -Red Deer, AB Gloria MacDonald -Moncton, NB Robert J. MacFarlane -Regina, SK Roy Duncan MacGillivray -Thunder Bay, ON Murray MacKenzie ❂ -Abbotsford, BC Blair MacNab -Fort McMurray, AB Roger B. Madill -Innisfil, ON Gabriel Magnotta -Richmond Hill, ON The Mah Ming Family -Red Deer, AB Neil & Claudia Malloch -Wetaskiwin, AB Rick Manners -Grimsby, ON Joss March -Brandon, MB D. James & Marie Marriner -Upper Coverdale, NB William Marrow ❂ -Barrie, ON Décédé ❥ 14 William T. & Jennie Marsh -Hampton, ON Niles Martindale -Windsor, ON Clint & Lisa Mason -Red Deer County, AB Ronald P. Mathison -Calgary, AB Judith May -Regina, SK Keith McAloney -Amherst, NS Gord McArthur -Toronto, ON Richard McBride -Saskatoon, SK Peter McCann -Port Perry, ON Kim C. McCartney -Winnipeg, MB Darrel McCoomb -Bassano, AB David & Whitney McCoy -Calgary, AB James McCrory ❂ -Saskatoon, SK John D. McDiarmid ❂ -West Vancouver, BC Dr. H. R. McIntyre -Moose Jaw, SK Sandy McIntyre -Waterloo, ON McKell Family -Victoria, BC The McLaughlin Family -Winnipeg, MB Catherine McLean -Vancouver, BC Dr. Graeme R. McMaster -Moose Jaw, SK Deanne Meadus -Moncton, NB Subhash Mehta ❂ -Mississauga, ON Richard Meister -Old Greenwich, CT Allan H. & Pat Mellor -Union, ON Akiel Merchant -Concord, ON Dr. George B. Miller -Moose Jaw, SK Michael Miller -Calgary, AB John & Lise Milne -Winnipeg, MB Doug Mills -Kingston, ON Robert Moeller -Campbell River, BC Shannon Moncur -Souris, MB Linda Monforton -Warren, MB John & Doreen Morgan -Kingston, ON Duncan Morrison -Winnipeg, MB Dr. R. Mark Mullen, Aspen Dental Clinic -Moose Jaw, SK Stan & June Murkett -Regina, SK Doug Murray -Brandon, MB Nouveau ❂ Niveau supérieur ✷ Dick Nelson -Rocky Mountain House, AB Harvey Nickerson -Kentville, NS Daniel Nontell -Kamloops, BC Ilham Norton -Fort Saskatchewan, AB Edwin Obrecht -Key Largo, FL Tony Odenbach -Red Deer, AB John & Estelle O’Hearn -Tatamagouche, NS Bob & Jean Oliver -Peterborough, ON Jean & Rick Olson -Selkirk, MB Jim Olson & Dan Olson -Grande Prairie, AB Leila Oosterbroek -Langdon, AB Richard Osler -Calgary, AB Memory of Robert L. Owen -Peterborough, ON Derik Pallan -Campbell River, BC Ken Palson -Winnipeg, MB David Pearce -Lower Bedeque, PE David Pearce -Kenora, ON Jennifer Peckham -Elkwater, AB Carl Pentilchuk -Kamloops, BC Joel & Kathleen Peterson -Regina, SK Howard & Marg Petrie -Kingston, ON Gordon M. Pettit -St Albert, AB Merrie Phillips & Family Trust Fund -Winnipeg, MB Thomas & Margot Pick -Kitchener, ON Don Planche -Calgary, AB Mark A. Pleinis & Katherine Mah -Edmonton, AB Trevor & Tammy Plews ❂ -Yorkton, SK Todd Poland ❂ -Calgary, AB Phyl L. Pressey -London, ON Ken & Pat Preston -Winnipeg, MB Lloyd A. Probert -Moose Jaw, SK Bob & Marnie Puchniak -Winnipeg, MB Jacques Racine -Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré, QC Jessica & Brian Rawn -Stayner, ON Scott Regier -Calgary, AB Ron Renwick -Goodwood, ON John Reynolds -Campbell River, BC Bruno Richard -Québec, QC En mémoire de ✜ C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S Sanford Riley -Winnipeg, MB Harold & Elenor Roberts -Dawson Creek, BC Ross Robinson -Winnipeg, MB Brendan Rogers -Winnipeg, MB Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Rome -Calgary, AB Lisette Ross -Winnipeg, MB Dr. Doug Rudd -Moose Jaw, SK Mauri M. Rutherford -Winnipeg, MB Kelly Sandoval -St John’s, NL Richard Sansom -Camlachie, ON Dr. Russ Schultz -Moose Jaw, SK Penny Scott-Mazur -Winnipeg, MB John A. Seim -Monarch, AB Robert & Joyce Shaw -Edmonton, AB Richard Shewchuk -Stony Plain, AB Ron Skinner ❂ -Yorkton, SK Alan Skoreyko -Edmonton, AB Daniel M. Slaght -Edmonton, AB Tom Slater -Spruce Grove, AB Darrel Sloss -Leduc, AB Constantinos Sophocleous -Brampton, ON Dennis & Tonia Sparks -Virden, MB Don & Shelley Sparks -Virden, MB Owen A. Steele -Wasaga Beach, ON John & Carolyn Stevens -Bobcaygeon, ON Gordon & Janelle Stewart -Surrey, BC Steve & Angie Stinkowji -Englehart, ON John & Joanne Stiver -Winnipeg, MB Douglas Stollery -Edmonton, AB George R. Stratton -Belfountain, ON Bob & Kathy Stroud -Oshawa, ON Gary Sturch -Bassano, AB Merebeth Switzer -Mississauga, ON Rick Taylor -Kaslo, BC Tom Taylor -Brechin, ON Ken & Dana Templeton -Brandon, MB Jim & Nola Thomas -Meadow Lake, SK Darcy Thomas -Meadow Lake, SK Tony & Janet Thomsen -Bittern Lake, AB Patrick Tkachuk -Pierceland, SK Stephen Tonning -Long Reach, NB Stuart Trapp -St Albert, AB Maggie Vermy -Meadow Lake, SK Pierre Viger -Québec, QC Lorne R. Voth -Stewart Valley, SK The Wade Family -Winnipeg, MB James D. Wallace -Sudbury, ON George Wallace -Toronto, ON Gord & Marj Ward -Mortlach, SK Stephen Wasteneys & Kelly Marsden -Ottawa, ON Jeff Weaver -Campbellford, ON Debbie Weiers -Red Deer, AB Mervin Weinmeister -Yorkton, SK Stuart R. Weldon -Corner Brook, NL Leslie Wetter -Castor, AB Neil & Ruth White -Grande Prairie, AB Carl D. Whitten -King City, ON Dr. Fred Wigmore -Moose Jaw, SK Jim & Adrienne Williams -Ottawa, ON Trevor Williams -Ottawa, ON Michael L. Willmot -Toronto, ON Ken F. Wilson -Calgary, AB Gordon B. Wilson -Aurora, ON James K. Wilson -Mississauga, ON Larry Windover -Brooklin, ON William L. Wong -Antigonish, NS Steve & Joanne Woods -Stonewall, MB Kevin Wynn & Valerie Karrel-Wynn -Moncton, NB Shawn & Krysten Yarechewski -Winnipeg, MB Tad Yesaki -Richmond, BC Sociétés et fondations 900 CKBI/Power 99 FM/Mix 101 -Prince Albert, SK A E Horne & Sons Limited ❂ -St Stephen, NB Access Cable -Regina, SK Adamson & Dobbin Ltd. -Peterborough, ON Administration portuaire de Montréal -Montréal, QC TSH totten sims hubicki associates -Kingston, ON Affinity Credit Union -Saskatoon, SK Affordable Mini Storage & Trailer Rentals -Grande Prairie, AB Alcoa Canada -Deschambault-Grondines, QC Alcoa Canada -Montréal, QC Allstar Communications Ltd. -Moncton, NB The Amherst Wildlife Foundation -Mississauga, ON Anderson’s Lodge -Sioux Lookout, ON Anonyme -Montréal, QC Anonyme -Thunder Bay, ON Aon Reed Stenhouse Inc. -Toronto, ON ARC Inc. -Calgary, AB Argus Properties Ltd. -Kelowna, BC Arnett & Burgess Oilfield Construction Limited -Sedgewick, AB AstraZeneca Canada Inc. -Mississauga, ON ATCO Gas -Calgary, AB ATCO Power - Sheerness Generating -Hanna, AB Atlantic Tractors & Equipment Ltd. -Dartmouth, NS Atlantic Windows Ltd. -Port Elgin, NB Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority -Exeter, ON Avis Office Furniture ❂ -Whitby, ON Back Country Butchering -Cowley, AB Bank of Montréal BMO -Halifax, NS Bardon Supplies Limited -Belleville, ON Basin Contracting Limited -Enfield, NS Baxter Trucking Ltd. -Amherst, NS Bayshore Industrial Contractors Ltd. ❂ -Belleville, ON BC Hydro -Vancouver, BC BC Transmission Corporation -Vancouver, BC Bearing & Transmission (Regina) Ltd. -Regina, SK Bell Globemedia Inc. -Toronto, ON Bell Sympatico -Toronto, ON Bert Baxter Transport Ltd. -Estevan, SK Best Toyota -Kentville, NS Big Buck Central Inc. -Edmonton, AB Décédé ❥ Blacksheep Strategy Inc. ✷ -Winnipeg, MB Boa-Franc/Mirage -Saint-Georges, QC Bonanza Family Restaurant -Moose Jaw, SK Bowater -Thunder Bay, ON BPI Mutual Funds -Toronto, ON Brandon Area Community Foundation -Brandon, MB Brandon Hills Veterinary Clinic -Brandon, MB Brant Waterways Foundation -Brantford, ON Breck’s International Inc. -Sherbrooke, QC Building Products & Concrete Supply -Winnipeg, MB Burgoyne Construction Ltd. -Charlottetown, PE C. Guergis Electric Inc. -Utopia, ON C. Robinson Outfitting -Spiritwood, SK Cameco Corporation Fuel Services -Blind River, ON Camp Fire Conservation Fund Inc. -Chappaqua, NY Canada Brokerlink -Parry Sound, ON Canadian Progressive Tool & Transfer Ltd. -Pickering, ON Canadian Utilities Limited -Edmonton, AB Canadian Waste Services -Edmonton, AB Capital City Roofing Ltd. -Fredericton, NB Cardinal Construction -Moose Jaw, SK CarpetOne Floor & Home -Moose Jaw, SK Carson Welding & Maintenance Ltd. -Lampman, SK Cascades Inc. -East Angus, QC Catalyst Paper Corporation Port Alberni Division -Port Alberni, BC CBC Ottawa -Ottawa, ON Ceda International Corporation -Fort McMurray, AB Cherubini Group of Companies -Darmouth, NS CIBC -Timmins, ON CIBC Wood Gundy -Toronto, ON Cindercrete Products Ltd. ❂ -Regina, SK City of Sault Ste. Marie -Sault Ste Marie, ON Clarenville Committee -Clarenville, NL Claude D. Chapman & Associates Ltd. -Winnipeg, MB Clayco Construction 2001 Ltd. -Scoudouc, NB Coady-AC Enterprises -Moncton, NB Cochrane Eagle -Cochrane, AB Nouveau ❂ Niveau supérieur ✷ Codville Company -Winnipeg, MB Coil Tech - Larry Erick -Camrose, AB Community Development Corporation of Sault Ste. Marie & Area -Sault Ste Marie, ON Community Foundation for Kingston & Area -Kingston, ON Conexus Credit Union ❂ -Prince Albert, SK Conexus Credit Union -Moose Jaw, SK Cook County Saloon Ltd. -Edmonton, AB County of Haliburton -Minden, ON Coyote Oilfield Rentals (Alta) Ltd. -Okotoks, AB Cypress Paving (1976) Ltd. -Moose Jaw, SK D & B Lumber & Supplies -Calgary, AB Danforth Rod & Gun Club -Scarborough, ON Denaka Safaris - Howick, Natal, RSA Déry Toyota ❂ -St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC Desa Pipelines -Fort St John, BC Devon Lumber -Fredericton, NB Diamond Energy Services Inc. -Swift Current, SK Discount Plumbing & Heating -Moose Jaw, SK District Municipality of Muskoka -Bracebridge, ON Double O Ranch - Allan & Evelyn Shkopich -Meadow Lake, SK Dr. Bruce W. Palmer Inc. -Kentville, NS Dr. David Friesen Family Foundation -Winnipeg, MB Earth Signal Processing Ltd. -Calgary, AB Edmonton Reptile and Amphibian Society -Edmonton, AB Elk Ridge Golf & R.V. Resort ❂ -Waskesiu Lake, SK Elmsdale Landscaping Limited -Elmsdale, NS Emerson Process Management -Calgary, AB Producers Pipelines Inc. -Estevan, SK EnerGuard Windows & Doors Inc. ❂ -Moose Jaw, SK Environnement Canada -Québec, QC Epscan Industries Ltd. -Fort St John, BC Ethical Funds Inc. -Vancouver, BC Evaz Group -Rankin Inlet, NT Exhibition Place -Toronto, ON Expert Travel Financial Security -Sherbrooke, QC F. Miller Excavating Ltd. -Vauxhall, AB Fabcor 2001 Inc. -Clairmont, AB Fergus Falls Lifers -Fergus Falls, MN Footner Forest Products Ltd. -High Level, AB Force Financière Excel -Sherbrooke, QC Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited -Oakville, ON Four Corners Associates -Virden, MB Fraser Valley Roofing -Chilliwack, BC Friends of the St. Clair River -Sarnia, ON Friends of the Wascana Marsh Incorporated -Regina, SK Friesens Corporation -Altona, MB G & F Financial Group Foundation -Burnaby, BC G & R Electric ❂ -Killarney, MB G.W. Cox Construction Ltd. -Lethbridge, AB Galfour Development Corporation -Edmonton, AB Gehringer Brothers Estate Winery -Oliver, BC George Cedric Metcalfe Charitable Foundation -Toronto, ON Gibson Energy ULC ❂ -Calgary, AB Gibson Petroleum Company Ltd. -Hardisty, AB Giraffe Marketing and Promotion -Toronto, ON Global Mechanical Systems Ltd. -Moncton, NB Goodreau Excavating Ltd. -Tilbury, ON Gordon Barr Limited -Kingston, ON Gordon Capital Corporation -Vancouver, BC Grand & Toy -Winnipeg, MB Great Western Tong Services (1987) Ltd. -Virden, MB The Green Family Charitable Foundation -Calgary, AB Green Lane Community Trust -Fingal, ON Greystone Managed Investments Ltd. -Regina, SK Groupe Victor ❂ -Saint-Georges, QC Guardian Group of Funds -Toronto, ON Gwichin Tribal Council -Inuvik, NT H. Wilson Industries Ltd. -Fort McMurray, AB Fawcetts Lumber -Petitcodiac, NB H.J. Crabbe & Sons Ltd. -Bristol, NB Harvard Developments Inc. -Regina, SK En mémoire de ✜ C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S 15 Hawkes Blueberries Ltd. -Amherst, NS Hefler Forest Products Ltd. -Lower Sackville, NS Heritage Inn - Moose Jaw -Moose Jaw, SK Heritage Inn -Brooks, AB Highland Valley Copper -Logan Lake, BC Highland Valley Enhancement Fund -Kamloops, BC Hills Pharmacy -Aylmer, ON Hobb & Company, Chartered Accountants ❂ -Courtice, ON Hoiss Point Lodge ❂ -Campbell River, BC Hollywood Princess Convention & Banquet Centre Ltd. -Concord, ON Horizon Networks Group -Barrie, ON HR AdWorks Ltd. -Winnipeg, MB IGA Boucherie Chouinard Inc. -Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré, QC IKON Office Solutions, Inc. -Winnipeg, MB Imperial Oil Resources -Bonnyville, AB Imperial Oil Resources -Calgary, AB Inland Cement Limited -Edmonton, AB InterfaceFLOR Commercial -Belleville, ON Intier Automotive Seating -Tecumseh, ON Inuvialuit Development Corporation -Inuvik, NT Investors Group ❂ -Fredericton, NB Ipsos ASI, Ltd. -Montréal, QC Ipsos-Reid Corporation -Winnipeg, MB Ivanhoe Cambridge -Toronto, ON J.C. Auctions Inc. -Cochrane, AB J.G.L. Livestock -Moose Jaw, SK Jim Bertram & Sons Construction Inc. -Midhurst, ON Jim Hartum Trucking -Beaverlodge, AB JTB International (Canada) Ltd. -Vancouver, BC Kenting Energy Services Inc. -Calgary, AB Killarney Tire Service Ltd. ❂ -Killarney, MB Killarney-Cartwright Consumer’s Co-op Ltd. ❂ -Killarney, MB King Electric Lethbridge Ltd. -Lethbridge, AB Kinsmen Club of Englehart -Englehart, ON Kirk Haas Snap-on-Tools ❂ -Yorkton, SK Kiwanis Club of Winnipeg Incorporated -Winnipeg, MB KPMG -Prince George, BC Kroeker Farms Limited -Winkler, MB Lacasse Printing Company Ltd. -Tecumseh, ON Lafarge Canada -Nanaimo, BC Lafarge - Bath Cement Plant -Bath, ON Lafarge Canada Inc. -Havelock, NB Lakewood Hunt Club -Oshawa, ON Lanxess Inc. -Sarnia, ON Laurentian Duck Club -Wolfe Island, ON Ledwidge Lumber Company Ltd. -Enfield, NS Legacy Bowes Group Inc. -Winnipeg, MB Leon Judah Blackmore Foundation -Vancouver, BC Liteco -Fredericton, NB Longford Reserve Ltd. -Hamilton, ON Loyal Order of the Moose - Ponoka -Ponoka, AB Loyal Order of the Moose - Chapleau -Chapleau, ON Lyle Grover & Sons Construction Ltd. -Hanna, AB M & T Feed Lot Ltd./ Thompson Family -Moose Jaw, SK Makwa River Outfitters Ltd. -Makwa, SK Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation -Winnipeg, MB Manitoba Home Builders’ Association -Winnipeg, MB Marid Industries Limited -Windsor Junction, NS Mark’s Work Wearhouse -Calgary, AB Mark’s Work Wearhouse -Brooks, AB Martens Asphalt Ltd. -Chilliwack, BC Mattheis Engineering Ltd. -Duchess, AB Brian McClary -Edmonton, AB McLennan Ross Barristers & Solicitors -Edmonton, AB McNaught Pontiac Buick Cadillac Ltd. -Winnipeg, MB McNiven Excavating Ltd. -Vauxhall, AB Meadow Lake Wildlife Federation -Meadow Lake, SK Meubles Canadel Inc. -Louiseville, QC Meyers, Norris, Penny & Company -Killarney, MB MacDonald Harland Engineering Inc. -Charlottetown, PE Middlesex Stewardship Council -Aylmer, ON Mizon Machine Inc. -Tecumseh, ON Décédé ❥ 16 Modern Enterprises Limited -Moncton, NB Molson Breweries -Vancouver, BC Molson Saskatchewan Brewery Ltd. -Regina, SK Moose Jaw Asphalt Inc. -Moose Jaw, SK Mountain Equipment Co-op -Vancouver, BC Murray GM Moose Jaw -Moose Jaw, SK Marius & Nicole Nanu -Camrose, AB New Brunswick Coal Co. Ltd. -Minto, NB New Brunswick Wildlife Federation -Moncton, NB Nor-Chris Holdings Inc. -Edmonton, AB Norm and Jessie Dysart Foundation ❂ -Peterborough, ON Northern Lights Casino -Prince Albert, SK Norwood Hotel -Winnipeg, MB Nova Scotia Habitat Conservation Fund -Kentville, NS Oak’s Inn (Wallaceburg) Inc. -Wallaceburg, ON Ocean Swell Inc. ❂ -Chamcook, NB Old Orchard Inn -Wolfville, NS Omineca Source for Sports -Vanderhoof, BC On Site Camp Services Inc. -Fort St John, BC Onondaga Farms (Gil Henderson) -St George Brant, ON Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters ❂ -Peterborough, ON Ontario Soil & Crop Improvement Association -Guelph, ON Ontario Wildlife Foundation ❂ -Peterborough, ON ONYX Industries Inc. -Lévis, QC Optimist Clubs of Winnipeg Inc. -Winnipeg, MB P H Armstrong Motors Ltd. -New Liskeard, ON P.V.I. International Inc. -Ardrossan, AB Pacifica Paper Inc. -Port Alberni, BC Patricks Tire Service Ltd. ❂ -Dunsford, ON Peace River Regional District -Fort St John, BC Peter Kohler Windows & Entrance Systems -Debert, NS Petersen Pontiac Buick GMC (Alta) -Sherwood Park, AB Resources Group Inc. -Waskada, MB Pharmasave Drugs -Moose Jaw, SK Picture It -Dawson Creek, BC Pierceys -Dartmouth, NS Nouveau ❂ Niveau supérieur ✷ Pinnacle Resources Ltd. -Calgary, AB Prairie Coal Ltd. -Estevan, SK Prairie Merchant Corp. -Calgary, AB Prairie Schooner Delivery & Moving -Moose Jaw, SK Prince Edward Island Wildlife Conservation Fund -Charlottetown, PE Prince Sheet Metal & Heating Ltd. -Prince George, BC Pro-Comm Solutions Inc. -Medicine Hat, AB Project Second Life Society -Andrew, AB Provincial Helicopters Ltd. -Lac du Bonnet, MB Provincial Treasurer of Prince Edward Island -Charlottetown, PE Qwest Helicopters Inc. -Fort Nelson, BC R.L. Cushing Millwork Co. Ltd. -Moose Jaw, SK Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton -Montréal, QC RBC Financial Group -Prince George, BC RBC Financial Group -Moose Jaw, SK RBC Financial Group -Fredericton, NB RBC Financial Group -Deep Bay, BC Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration -Regina, SK Reddin Farm Equipment Limited -Stratford, PE Redhead Equipment Ltd. -Regina, SK Regent Custom Cresting Ltd. -Brandon, MB Reiman Investments Ltd. -Moose Jaw, SK Remington Development Corporation ❂ -Calgary, AB Rempel Bros Construction -Saskatoon, SK Rent A Chef -Gagetown, NB Les Restaurants René Boisvert Inc. -Donnacona, QC Rethink Inc. ❂ -St. Andrews, NB Retriever Clubs of Vancouver Island ❂ -Ladysmith, BC Richardson’s Jewellery -Camrose, AB Rick’s Well Servicing Ltd. -Virden, MB Robar Countertops Ltd. -Bridgewater, NS Roche Limitée Groupe-Conseil -Québec, QC Rocky Travel Specialists -Rocky Mountain House, AB Rodney Enterprises Limited -Dartmouth, NS Rogers Group of Companies -Don Mills, ON Ross Agri Inc. -Camrose, AB En mémoire de ✜ C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S Rotary Club of Fredericton -Fredericton, NB Rotary Club of Winnipeg -Winnipeg, MB Royal LePage Commercial -Edmonton, AB Saint John Ale House ❂ -Saint John, NB Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority Inc. -Saskatoon, SK Scierie Adrien Arsenault Ltée -Balmoral, NB ScotiaMcLeod Inc. -Fredericton, NB Scotia Tile and Terrazzo Limited -Dartmouth, NS Scotiabank -Orangeville, ON Scotiabank -Saint John, NB Scotiabank -Simcoe, ON Scotiabank -Abbotsford, BC Scotiabank -Toronto, ON Scotiabank -Ottawa, ON Secan Association -East St Paul, MB Shannahan’s Investigation & Security Ltd. -Mount Pearl, NL Shape Properties Corporation -Vancouver, BC Shaw Pipe Protection Ltd. -Calgary, AB Shell Canada Limitée -Montréal, QC Shell Canada Ltd. - Peace River ❂ -Peace River, AB Shimano Canada -Whitney, ON Simcoe & District Fish & Game Club -Simcoe, ON Simon Imports Limited -Winnipeg, MB Skretting Canada Inc. ❂ -St Andrews, NB Smith Carter Architects & Engineers -Winnipeg, MB South Saskatchewan Wildlife Association ❂ -Moose Jaw, SK Estevan Credit Union Ltd. -Estevan, SK Spruce Grove Fish & Game Association -Spruce Grove, AB St. Marys Cement Inc. (Canada) -Toronto, ON Stone Productions -James River Bridge, AB Suds N’ Tubs Inc. -Grande Prairie, AB Sun Life Financial -Toronto, ON SuperPages -Medicine Hat, AB SupremeX Inc. -Winnipeg, MB Sustainable Resource Development -Edmonton, AB Sutton Group Life Style Real Estate Ltd. -Port Perry, ON T.W. Strickland Farms Ltd. ❂ -Trenton, NS Tartan Drywall Ltd. -Dartmouth, NS TD Bank Financial Group ❂ -Toronto, ON TD Canada Trust -Fredericton, NB TD Friends of the Environment Foundation (Saskatoon Chapter) -Saskatoon, SK TD Friends of the Environment Foundation (Orangeville Chapter) -Orangeville, ON TD Friends of the Environment (Simcoe/Waterford Chapter) -Waterford, ON TD Friends of the Environment Foundation (Woodstock/Ingersoll Chapter) -Woodstock, ON TD Friends of the Environment Foundation (Brantford Chapter) -Brantford, ON TD Friends of the Environment Foundation (Lambton County Chapter) -Forest, ON TD Friends of the Environment Foundation (Ottawa Chapter) -Ottawa, ON TD Friends of the Environment Foundation (Delhi/Tillsonburg Chapter) -Delhi, ON TD Friends of the Environment Foundation (Northern NB) ❂ -Bathurst, NB TD Friends of the Environment Foundation (Halifax Chapter) ❂ -Lower Sackville, NS TD Friends of the Environment (Brandon Chapter) -Brandon, MB Tembec -Mattawa, ON The Alberta Reptile and Amphibian Society -Calgary, AB The Cadillac Fairview Corporation Limited -Toronto, ON The Joe Brain Foundation -Winnipeg, MB The Michael Nesbitt Family -Winnipeg, MB The Royal Ashburn Golf Club ❂ -Ashburn, ON The Victoria Foundation -Victoria, BC Thompson & Wagner Financial Service -Fairview, AB Tim Hortons ❂ -Debert, NS Trado Holdings Ltd. -Fredericton, NB TransCanada PipeLines -Richardson, SK Transline Pipeline & Oil Field Construction -Redcliff, AB Trenton Kiwanis Club -Trenton, ON Tri-Province Enterprises (1984) Ltd. -Moncton, NB Tritor Management Inc. -Markham, ON Trout Unlimited Canada -Charlottetown, PE Truax Company, Inc. -New Hope, MN Truefoam Limited -Dartmouth, NS Trumpeter Swan Sentinel Society -Comox, BC United Rentals -Kingston, ON Vancouver Airport Authority ❂ -Richmond, BC Vancouver Port Authority -Vancouver, BC Vauxhall Co-op Petroleum Ltd. -Vauxhall, AB Velocity Machining and Welding Inc. -Dartmouth, NS Vickery Electric ❂ -Whitby, ON Vriend Enterprises -King City, ON W.B. Webber & Son Ltd. -Brandon, MB Wabi Development Corporation -New Liskeard, ON Walper-Bossence Law Office -Moose Jaw, SK Waste Management of Canada -Kingston, ON Weldwood of Canada Ltd. -Vancouver, BC Westcoast Energy Inc. -Calgary, AB Western Canadian Consulting -Swift Current, SK Westor Plumbing and Heating Ltd. -Mississauga, ON Weyerhaeuser Company Limited -Grande Cache, AB Weyerhaeuser Company Limited -Vancouver, BC White Owl Service Ltd. -Virden, MB Winnipeg Building & Decorating Ltd. -Winnipeg, MB Winnipeg Jets Goals for Kids Foundation -Winnipeg, MB Woodbridge Foam Corporation -Mississauga, ON Worley Parsons Canada Services Ltd. -Edmonton, AB Yorkton Wildlife Federation ❂ -Yorkton, SK Zarski’s Body Shop Ltd. -Camrose, AB Ziggie Studios -Fairview, AB Décédé ❥ Nouveau ❂ Niveau supérieur ✷ En mémoire de ✜ C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S 17 PRIX SARCELLE (DONS DE PRODUITS ET SERVICES) Les prix Sarcelle sont présentés aux particuliers, aux sociétés commerciales et aux organismes pour une contribution à vie à des niveaux de 5 000 $ ou plus en produits ou services. Plusieurs de ces dons aident à améliorer les activités locales de collecte de fonds de CIC. La liste suivante reconnaît les contributions reçues jusqu’au 31 décembre 2009. SARCELLE DIAMANT (1 000 000 $ – 9 999 999 $) Particuliers Jim & Jean Spring -Aurora, ON Sociétés et fondations Alta Industriel Ltée -Montréal, QC Concordia Construction Inc. -Montréal, QC ESRI Canada Limited -Toronto, ON Viterra - Forage -Regina, SK SARCELLE PLATINE (500 000 $ – 999 999 $) Particuliers Vern Bailey -Thessalon, ON Ron Barker -Sherwood Park, AB Estate of Margaret Bowthorpe ❥ -Round Hill, AB Antoine Jarjour ❂ -Mont-Royal, QC Leonard Lockhart -Moncton, NB Steve Mason -Maple Ridge, BC Barry A. Morrison -Toronto, ON Hiram Nelson -Victoria, BC Kathleen Nelson -Victoria, BC Donald L. Wheatley -Westbank, BC Sociétés et fondations 156732 Canada Inc. -Montréal-Nord, QC Centre d’Achats Westend Ltée ❂ -Montréal, QC GERI Partnership -Vancouver, BC Imperial Oil Resources -Calgary, AB Inland Cement Limited -Edmonton, AB Irving Oil Limited -Saint John, NB Ministry of Transportation -Victoria, BC Wildlife Habitat Canada -Ottawa, ON SARCELLE ÉMERAUDE (250 000 $ – 499 999 $) Particuliers Anonyme -Delta, BC R.A.N. Bonnycastle -Calgary, AB Bill Brown -Calgary, AB Duncan Chisholm -Pasadena, NL Robert Coleman -Kelowna, BC Robert Derksen -Vanderhoof, BC Brian Fehr -Vanderhoof, BC David Fehr -Vanderhoof, BC Ken & Jasmine Ferris -Prince George, BC Faith Freeman -Oliver, BC William D. Jackson -Kettleby, ON Ken Knight -Winnipeg, MB Don Legere -Kanata, ON Roy Lough -Thunder Bay, ON Walter Palubiski -Corvallis, OR Howard Pearl -Toronto, ON Richard B. Trethewey -Maple Ridge, BC Dale Unruh -Fort McMurray, AB Sociétés et fondations Access Cable -Regina, SK Catalyst Paper Corporation ❂ -Richmond, BC Kelkyd Holdings Ltd. -Regina, SK Monsanto Canada Inc. -Winnipeg, MB Ritchie Brothers Auctioneers -Grande Prairie, AB Rosway Ventures -Surrey, BC Western Irrigation District -Strathmore, AB SARCELLE OR (100 000 $ – 249 999 $) Particuliers Brian Atyeo -Indian Harbour, NS Décédé ❥ 18 Robert Bateman -Salt Spring Island, BC Arnold Bells -Wainwright, AB Gordon Benn -Fort Saskatchewan, AB Ken Bergestad -Prince George, BC Finn Bergestad -Parksville, BC Marvin Betz -Stouffville, ON John Charlton -Brooks, AB Keith Connors -Prince George, BC Leo De Jong -Terrace, BC Tammy Fehr -Vanderhoof, BC Penny Fehr -Vanderhoof, BC Guenther Auction Services -Lanigan, SK Brian Guenther -Lanigan, SK Paul Heit -Vanderhoof, BC Garry Hess -London, ON Donald Hooper -Kingston, ON Douglas C. Johnson -Prince George, BC Ron Kanerva (The Shop) -Sudbury, ON John Lauterborn -Leduc, AB Milo Mahlum -Wadena, SK John & Doreen Morgan -Kingston, ON Brad Nick -Maple Ridge, BC Glenn Norton -Fort Saskatchewan, AB Frank & Nanitta Pachmayr -Monrovia, CA Hill & Dawn Radford -Regina, SK In Memory of Frank W. Ritchie -Ottawa, ON Mearl W. Rooney, Jr. -Thunder Bay, ON Jamie L. Ross -Port Perry, ON Estate of Daryl Kenneth Seaman ❥ ✷ -Calgary, AB Freda Sharp -Vancouver, BC Keith Spencer -Vanderhoof, BC Douglas Squirrell -Jenner, AB Arthur Vickers -Duncan, BC Hank Walker ❥ -Newbury, MA Tad Yesaki ✷ -Richmond, BC Paul S.W. Zalesky -West Vancouver, BC Devina Zalesky -Vancouver, BC Nouveau ❂ Niveau supérieur ✷ Sociétés et fondations Afton Operating Corporation -Kamloops, BC CN -Edmonton, AB CN -Montréal, QC Colin & Desmond McCaffrey -Edmonton, AB Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited -Oakville, ON JMP Marketing Services Limited -Burnaby, BC IBM Canada Ltd. ✷ -Winnipeg, MB Iunctus Geomatics Corp. -Lethbridge, AB John Labatt Limited -London, ON La Brasserie Molson du Québec Ltée -Montréal, QC Mediacom -Toronto, ON Mill Pond Press -Venice, FL Mordyck Auctions Ltd. -Ile Des Chenes, MB PricewaterhouseCoopers -Vancouver, BC Renfro Canada Inc. -Mississauga, ON Russell Stover Candies, Inc. ❂ -Kansas City, MO Toromont Cat -Winnipeg, MB Yamaha Motor Canada Ltd. -Toronto, ON SARCELLE ARGENT (25 000 $ – 99 999 $) Particuliers Nabil Akkad - Udhailiyah, Saudi Arabia Djeminie Arie -Eagle Bay, BC Fraser Baikie -Westmount, QC Ron Barthalow -Carbon, AB Robert Billings -Melfort, SK Tom D. Bird -Bowser, BC Phil Bleau -Regina, SK Les Brittan -Port Hope, ON Rick Brown -Winnipeg, MB Ivor Bruhaug -Nanaimo, BC Fred Budz ❥ -Rose Valley, SK Peter Burletoff -Emerald Park, SK Andy Carter -Amherst, NS Mary Clappa -Vancouver, BC En mémoire de ✜ C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S Sue Coleman -Victoria, BC Brian Conlin -New Liskeard, ON Brent J. Cottrill -Wallace, NS Ronald Curtis -Manotick, ON Robert J. Deluce -Toronto, ON Royal Derhak -Brandon, MB Roger Desjardins -Louiseville, QC Pierre Dufresne -McMasterville, QC Mac & Susan Dunfield -Riverview, NB George R. Eaton -Caledon Village, ON John Craig Eaton -Toronto, ON David Farrell -Yorkton, SK Robert C. Faulkner -Vancouver, BC Debi Fitzgerald -Peterborough, ON Lloyd Fitzgerald -Lower Woodstock, NB Don Fletcher -Dauphin, MB Dow Foster -Wakefield, NB Kelly Foster -Saskatoon, SK Gordon Fraser -Fort Saskatchewan, AB Krista Geroe-Taylor -Mississauga, ON Arthur Gill -Surrey, BC Al Glassford ❥ -Scarborough, ON Pierre Gloutney -Terrasse-Vaudreuil, QC Ronald D. Glowe -Okanagan Falls, BC Richard Goldney -Qualicum Beach, BC John W. Goldsmith -Toronto, ON Robert Goode -Conville, AZ A. Peter Gough -Glen Haven, NS Dr. Damien Gynane -Sherwood Park, AB Wayne Harling -Nanaimo, BC Tom Harrison, Sr. ❥ -Napanee, ON E.A. Ted Herriott -Port Severn, ON Derrick Hewitt -Conception Bay South, NL Dr. Gary M. Houston -Maple Creek, SK R.W. Howard -Etobicoke, ON Barry Hubick -Regina, SK Estate of Owen Hughes ❥ -Calgary, AB Brant Hurlburt -Fort MacLeod, AB Ken E. Hurlburt -Fort MacLeod, AB Donald Irwin -Chatham, ON Ken Jeffery ❥ -Bath, ON William Jensen, Mary Cooper & Katherine Handley -Edmonton, AB Bradley Johansen -Port Coquitlam, BC Brian W. Jones -Coldwater, ON Daniel Joyal -Saint-Constant, QC Peter Kabatoff -Maple Ridge, BC Hubert Kallen ✷ -Tilley, AB Andy Kaye -East St Paul, MB Robert C. Keirstead -Marlbank, ON Gordon Kerr -Telkwa, BC Andrew Kiss -Abbotsford, BC Connie Klippenstein ✷ -Kelowna, BC Karl Kmiec ❥ -New Westminster, BC Peter Kruuk -Markham, ON Ron Lace -Courtice, ON Mia Lane -Demorestville, ON Yvette Lantz -Ladysmith, BC G. Blair Ledingham -Delta, BC Charles & Joanne Lobdell -Biggar, SK Ian D. MacPherson -Stouffville, ON Louis Matte -St-Joachim-de-Montmorency, QC Geoffrey M. Maxwell -Duncan, BC Colin McCaffrey -Sherwood Park, AB Leigh A.G. McCracken ✷ -Langley, BC James McDavid -Victoria, BC Peter D. McGregor -Renfrew, ON George McLean -Bognor, ON Bill McMurray (Riverside Galleries) -Richmond, BC Sidney J. Mendelson -Toronto, ON Dalia Meredith -Victoria, BC Dr. George M. Merry -Wolfe Island, ON Paul Molnar -Thunder Bay, ON Randy Moody -Winnipeg, MB William K. Mortlock -Peterborough, ON Ernie Nick -Port Coquitlam, BC Dave Nick -Mission, BC Ralph Oberle -Shaunavon, SK Chong Ong -Richmond, BC William & Carol Otway -Merritt, BC Eldon Pace -Shubenacadie, NS Arnar Palsson -Winnipeg, MB Ray Paslowski -Osage, SK Del Patton -Major, SK Alan D. Plaxton -Toronto, ON Tony Pliszka -Mississauga, ON Philip Plourde -Banff, AB Edwin Purvis -Headingley, MB Claude Quenneville -Ste-Barbe, QC Harold Raper -Fredericton, NB Charlie Rapsky -Sudbury, ON Dave Reidie -St Albert, AB George C. & Wendy Reifel ✷ -Vancouver, BC John Reuben -Moosonee, ON Brian Robbins -Aurora, ON Thomas S. Sadler -Strathmore, AB Wayne Saito -Port Coquitlam, BC Rick Sales ❂ -Quesnel, BC Jim Samaroden -Fort McMurray, AB Robert Samms -Lloydminster, AB Anthony & Vicki Saunders -Comox, BC Claire Savard -Québec, QC Myron Schmalz -Prince Albert, SK Frederick L. Sharp -Vancouver, BC F.S. Sharpe -Victoria, BC Mike Shea -Bragg Creek, AB Stu Shelley ❥ -Delta, BC Gaétan Simard (Ganesh Art Encadrements) -Québec, QC John D. Simkins -Prince George, BC Duncan W. Sinclair -Aylmer West, ON Mark Sloat -Maugerville, NB Thomas G. Smith -Beaulac-Garthby, QC William Spencer -Calgary, AB Décédé ❥ Wes Spencer -Edmonton, AB David Stevens -Cumberland, BC Bill Stewart -Englehart, ON Donald Stewart -West Vancouver, BC J.M. Stewart -Etobicoke, ON Doug Street -Delta, BC Kim Tang -Vancouver, BC Rick Taylor -Kaslo, BC Creighton Taylor -Owen Sound, ON Col. Don Thomas -Truro, NS Les Thomas -Bragg Creek, AB Tim Topornicki -Etobicoke, ON Pierre Tremblay -St Albert, AB Elizabeth Trethewey -Maple Ridge, BC Alan Trethewey ❥ ✜ -Abbotsford, BC Donald & Terisa Turner -Silver Valley, AB Leonard G. Ugarenko -Ottawa, ON Jim & Sylvia Van Houten -Tamworth, ON Tom Van Tighem -Calgary, AB Jake J. Vandenbrink -Brooklin, ON William Varda -North Vancouver, BC Bill Verlaan -North Vancouver, BC Kathleen Verlaan -North Vancouver, BC Richard N. Waterous (La Réserve Beauchêne) -Brantford, ON Iain Weir-Jones -Vancouver, BC Brent Weiss -Maple Creek, SK Dan Wild -Delta, BC Don Wilkins -Davidson, SK Delton & Cathy Wolff -Dapp, AB Tom & Pat Worden -Courtice, ON David Young -Oyama, BC Sociétés et fondations 101105170 Saskatchewan Ltd. -North Battleford, SK American Airlines -Mississauga, ON Avco Financial Services Canada Inc. -London, ON BC Pontiac Buick GMC Dealers -Vancouver, BC Black’s Furs Limited -Prince George, BC Nouveau ❂ Niveau supérieur ✷ Blacksheep Strategy Inc. -Winnipeg, MB Brewster Transportation & Tours -Banff, AB Calm Air International Limited -Thompson, MB Canadian North Airlines -Yellowknife, NT Canadian North Airlines -Iqaluit, NT Canadian North Airlines -Norman Wells, NT Central Mountain Air Services Ltd. -Smithers, BC CFCW Radio -Edmonton, AB Chaseheld Equity Ltd. -Saskatoon, SK Clearwater Publishing Inc. -Calgary, AB Larry’s Gulch Lodge -Fredericton, NB First Air -Yellowknife, NT Flint Hills Resources Canada LP -Calgary, AB Hoiss Point Lodge ✷ -Campbell River, BC IVI Inc. -Montréal, QC J.N.R. Publishing -Edmonton, AB Jackson’s Extraordinary Custom Framing -Spruce Grove, AB Kukuzans Hunting Safaris and Tours - Bethlehem, RSA La Société d’expansion commerciale -Montréal, QC Labatt’s Alberta Brewery -Edmonton, AB Lakeport Brewing Ltd. -Toronto, ON Langara Fishing Lodge -Richmond, BC MacDon Industries -Winnipeg, MB William K. Mortlock (Mortlock Construction (1978) Ltd.) -Peterborough, ON National Tobacco Company Limited -Calgary, AB Neil Kramer Auction Sales Ltd. -North Battleford, SK Ontario Northland Transportation Commission -North Bay, ON Ontario OUT OF DOORS -Toronto, ON Phoenix Fence (1986) Ltd. -Edmonton, AB Pourvoirie du Lac Geneviève -Île d’Anticosti (Port Menier), QC La réserve Beauchêne -Témiscaming, QC RM of St. Andrews #287 -Rosetown, SK Seagram Distillers Ltd. -Toronto, ON Select Wine Merchants Ltd. -Vancouver, BC Shearwater Marine Group -Richmond, BC Smurfit-Stone Container Canada Inc. -Bathurst, NB Software AG (Canada) Inc. -Cambridge, ON Sportchief Canada -Marieville, QC Sports Scene Publications Inc. -Edmonton, AB Sunpine Forest Products -Sundre, AB Sunwapta Broadcasting -Edmonton, AB Darcy Shaver (Tamarack Trail Gallery & Framing) -Lacombe, AB The Sign Cellar -Stony Plain, AB The Sun Times -Owen Sound, ON Vancouver Canucks -Vancouver, BC Vickar Community Chevrolet -Winnipeg, MB West Coast Fishing Resorts -Richmond, BC West York Chevrolet Inc. -Toronto, ON WestJet -Calgary, AB Wilderness Packing Ltd. -Fort St John, BC Wildfowl Art Gallery -Sturgeon County, AB Zoom Média Inc. -Montréal, QC SARCELLE BRONZE (10 000 $ – 24 999 $) Particuliers Roger Alexandre -Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC Arnold E. Alward -Havelock, NB Dr. R. Brian Andrews -Nanaimo, BC Anonyme -Delta, BC Steve Appleby -Florenceville-Bristol, NB David J. Armstrong -St Albert, AB William P. Artis, Sr. -Urbandale, IA Joyce Atchison -Burnaby, BC Richard Augustyn -Fort McMurray, AB Douglas Bacon -Rothesay, NB Margaret Baile -Yellowknife, NT Frank Baldwin -Lockport, MB Russ Bannock -Toronto, ON Lawrence T. Beckett -Ingersoll, ON Robert Begg -Pitt Meadows, BC Paul-Émile Bélanger -St-Augustin-de-Desmaures, QC Charlie Belsham -Fort Fraser, BC En mémoire de ✜ C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S 19 Marlene Benn -Fort Saskatchewan, AB Murray & Esther (❥) Bercovich -Regina, SK Yves Bergeron -St-Albert, QC Lage Bergestad -Parksville, BC Buddy Bergner -Ashern, MB Craig & Mary Jean Berke -St Albert, AB John A. Berry -Edmonton, AB André Biron -La Sarre, QC Yvon Biron -Gatineau, QC Michel Bissonnette -Gatineau, QC Michael R. Blake -Toronto, ON Walter T. Bojsza -Campbell River, BC Marc-Yvon Bordeleau -La Sarre, QC Gary Bostrom -Timmins, ON Denis Boulanger -L’Isle-aux-Grues, QC Gary K. Bowden -Surrey, BC Barry Bowerman -Lively, ON Joseph Boyce -Saint John, NB Marian Boychuk -Thompson, MB John D. Bradley -Chatham, ON Pam Brandrick -Fort Frances, ON Gilbert Breton -Victoriaville, QC Terry Brimacombe -Campbell River, BC R. Paul Brisco -London, ON David Broderick -Alberton, PE Vern & Joan Brown -Moose Jaw, SK Pat Brown -Hilton Beach, ON Larry Buchinski -Endeavour, SK Mark Buleziuk -Winnipeg, MB Barry Burdeny ✷ -Winnipeg, MB Valerie Burgardt -Kindersley, SK Brian & Jennifer Burke -Toronto, ON Ron Burleigh -New Hazelton, BC Robert Burletoff -Blaine Lake, SK Harold Burrill ❥ -Tillsonburg, ON W.H. Caine -Edmonton, AB Dan Cairnie -Kamloops, BC Eric Caley ✷ -Bloomfield, ON Hugh Cameron -Fredericton, NB Gordon Cameron -Tompkins, SK Lloyd R. Campbell -Fairview, AB Gary Candido -Kamloops, BC Gene Canning -Havelock, ON Elaine Carr -Creston, BC Réal Castonguay -Gatineau, QC Bruce Cathcart -Kemptville, ON Morley Chang -Burnaby, BC Duncan Chisholm -Bridgewater, NS Vernon Chisholm -Oromocto, NB Barbara Chupa -Oshawa, ON Brian Clampitt -Red Deer, AB Rémi Clark -Québec, QC Donald Cochrane -Port Perry, ON Richard Cole -Calgary, AB Bud Colquhoun -Englehart, ON Joan Connors -Prince George, BC William A. Cooper -Wickham, NB John Copithorne -Cochrane, AB Mario Cortellucci -Concord, ON Ivan Cottreau -Arcadia, NS Dennis R. Coughlin -Fort Saskatchewan, AB James F. Courtney -Oshawa, ON Patrick Cox -Gem, AB Don Craig -Sandy, UT Joanne Crokam -Minesing, ON Ian Crokam -Minesing, ON Vince Cropp -Moose Jaw, SK Stephen Crutcher -Apple Hill, ON Graham J. Dallimore -West Vancouver, BC Tom Davidson, Jr. -King City, ON Claudio De Marchi -Etobicoke, ON Julius DeBaar -Coquitlam, BC Dennis E. Deegan -Victoria, BC Tom DeLong -Saint John, NB Leonard Demarchi -Kamloops, BC Vaughn M. Denis -Osoyoos, BC Décédé ❥ 20 Michael Deppe -Morrisburg, ON Harvey Derksen -Vanderhoof, BC Barbara Dettwiler -Vanderhoof, BC Jeff Dodds -Fort McMurray, AB Patrick Doherty -Campbellville, ON Al Doherty -Winnipeg, MB Mike Dotterman -Highgate, ON Doris E. Downs -Surrey, BC Madeleine Dubreuil -St-Joachim-de-Montmorency, QC Michael Dumas -Buckhorn, ON Dana Duncan -Hearne, SK Gregory C. Dunn -Langton, ON Tim H. Dunn -Montréal, QC Doug Ellis -Medicine Hat, AB Glen Emery -London, ON Myles Enstrom -Winnipeg, MB Robert Farquhar -Langley, BC Greg & Diane Fast -Lorette, MB Elmer Fast -Prince Rupert, BC Kenneth A. Fedyshen -Surrey, BC Larry Fell -Belleville, ON Madylon Fell -Belleville, ON Joe A. Ferrante -Prince George, BC Carlo D. Fidani -Weston, ON Eric Fletcher -Port Perry, ON Colin Foo -Richmond, BC David Forbes -Calgary, AB Rick Foster -Longbow Lake, ON David Fox -Iqaluit, NT George Francis ✷ -Smiths Falls, ON Stan Fraser -Brandon, MB Stephen Freeman -Mississauga, ON Ross E. Gage -Winnipeg, MB Paul-Yvon Gagnon -Château-Richer, QC Jerry Gagnon -Oshawa, ON Paul Gardner -London, ON Mark Gaudry -The Pas, MB Robert Genn -Surrey, BC Nouveau ❂ Niveau supérieur ✷ Ena Gerritse -Edmonton, AB Vic Gibbons (The Olde Towne Gallery) -Simcoe, ON Ken Giblin -Slave Lake, AB Stephen Gillis -Quispamsis, NB Yves Girard ✷ -Deschambault-Grondines, QC Terry Gjernes -Vancouver, BC Michael Gjernes -Victoria, BC Roger Gladu -St-Ignace-de-Loyola, QC Pat Godin -Paris, ON Tom Godin -100 Mile House, BC Jim Goguen -Victoria, BC Tom Goldsmith -Coldwater, ON Jack Goodfellow ❥ -Léry, QC Huntly S.F. & Grace Gordon -Vancouver, BC John C. Grace -Goderich, ON James R. Grand, Jr. -Gravenhurst, ON Barry Gray -Harriston, ON Glen Greenhill -Courtenay, BC Cécile Grondin-Gamache -Sainte-Marie, QC Tracey Guenther -Richmond, BC Garry N. Hackler -Cowley, AB Douglas Hager -Vancouver, BC Leroy Hall -Picton, ON Maureen Hall -Picton, ON Jim Hands -Perth, ON Wayne Hankins -Duncan, BC Barbara A. Harling -Nanaimo, BC John Harrington -Georgetown, ON Ted Harrison -Victoria, BC Michelle Harvey-Larsen -Harvey Albert Co, NB Ken Haverland -Dawson Creek, BC Kevin Healy -Maple Ridge, BC Norman Helm -Lloydminster, SK Gilbert Henderson ✷ -St George Brant, ON Patricia Herriott -Alliston, ON Mickey Hersak -Winnipeg, MB Gloria Hersak -Winnipeg, MB Ron J. & Merle Hicks -Saskatoon, SK En mémoire de ✜ C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S Sam Hirji -Vancouver, BC Roslyn M. Hitchmough -Cavan, ON Paul D. Hitchmough -Cavan, ON Robert P. Hogg ❥ -Summerside, PE Shaun Hollingsworth -North Vancouver, BC Michael Hungle -Regina, SK Kenneth G. Hussey -Brantford, ON Harold Hynscht -Simcoe, ON Garth (❥) & Annette Jackson -Edmonton, AB Art Jamieson -Beachburg, ON Soren Jensen -Abbotsford, BC Don Johnson -Airdrie, AB Scott Johnstone -Moose Jaw, SK Wayne Johnstone -Moose Jaw, SK Pennie Jones -Burns Lake, BC P. Wayne Jones -Salisbury, NB Larry Jordan -Kamloops, BC Phillip Kabatoff -Abbotsford, BC Ed Karlo -Wetaskiwin, AB Norman Kelly ❂ -Maple Ridge, BC Robert Kemmler -Duncan, BC Thomas J. & Linda Kennedy -Caledon, ON Ralph J. Kennedy -Dugald, MB Alyson Kennedy -Winnipeg, MB Cameron Ker -Delta, BC Dan Kinney -Vancouver, BC Grant Kirkup -Edmonton, AB Garry Klepper ❥ -Penhold, AB Tom Knapp -Comber, ON Cecil Knight -Burnstown, ON Robert Kolmel -Vancouver, BC Mike Kosick -Fort St John, BC Stan Kozie ❥ -High Prairie, AB John W. Krestel -Port Rowan, ON Shayna Labelle-Beadman -Cochrane, ON James B. Laffoley -Brossard, QC Stephen Andrew Laidley -Lindsay, ON Louise Laîné -St-Jean-d’Orléans, QC Gordon H. Lande -Surrey, BC Carl Landerkin -Maple Ridge, BC Reg Lang -Souris, MB J. Fenwick Lansdowne -Victoria, BC François Lapierre -Louiseville, QC Rick LaPointe -Dryden, ON Richard Laroche -Québec, QC Lyne Lavoie -Toronto, ON Wee Lee -Regina, SK Glen LeGrand -Paspébiac, QC Eddie LePage -Peterborough, ON Gerry Le Prieur -Yellowknife, NT Isabel Levesque -Edmonton, AB Don Li-Leger -Surrey, BC Eleanor M. Lobb -Mission, BC Michael Lonechild -Carlyle, SK Mackie & Sandra Love -Winnipeg, MB Murray Lowes -Winnipeg, MB Terry & Joyce Lubzinski -Surrey, BC Sonny MacDonald -Fort Smith, NT James D. MacDonald -Winnipeg, MB Neil G. MacKay QC -Winnipeg, MB John D. MacKenzie -Kensington, PE A. Ewan MacMillan -Vancouver, BC Hugh Magee -Vancouver, BC Gabriel Magnotta -Richmond Hill, ON John S. Malowney -Collingwood, ON Rick Manners -Grimsby, ON Don Marion -Port Colborne, ON Paul Marriner -Mahone Bay, NS Don Martin -Richmond, BC Susan Martin -Surrey, BC David Martin -Port Rowan, ON Red Marvin -Rosedale, BC Robert J. Mattes -Kaslo, BC Audrey Maxwell -Duncan, BC Frank May -Stouffville, ON Nick May -Evansburg, AB Desmond McCaffrey -Grande Prairie, AB John D. McCallum -Toronto, ON A. Douglas McCallum -Toronto, ON James McClure -Collingwood, ON Darrel McCoomb -Bassano, AB Glenn V. McCormick -Bethune, SK Kirstan J. McDougall -Kamloops, BC Brock McElroy -Prince George, BC Robert McGregor -Smiths Falls, ON James C. McGregor -Minden, ON W. Fred McGuinness -Brandon, MB Ken McKerlich -Richmond, BC James A. McKinley -Mississauga, ON Blair McLean -Campbell River, BC Cynthia McNabb -Toronto, ON Gordon McQuatt -Spruce Grove, AB Ken Meadows -Kindersley, SK Clark Merritt -Mount Pleasant, ON Trevor R. Metcalfe -Collingwood, ON Gary E. Mikesh -West Vancouver, BC Ed Moodie -Moose Jaw, SK Jack Moody -Winnipeg, MB Norm Morrell -Evansville, ON Peter C. Morrison -Abbotsford, BC Dane Morrison -Windermere, ON Darcy Morrow -Kamloops, BC Mike Moseley -McBride, BC Maurice Moss -Smiths Falls, ON Bruce Muir -Vancouver, BC Glen Murray -Woodstock, ON Kris Nahrgang -Lakefield, ON Hellar Nakonechny -Carman, MB Jimie Napier -Utopia, ON Patrick J. Neal -Bowmanville, ON William C. & Doreen Nelson -Surrey, BC Jim Nelson -Codrington, ON N.K. Nelson -West Vancouver, BC Gerald Nep ❥ -Ladysmith, BC Décédé ❥ Kim Nick -Maple Ridge, BC Albert & Shirley Nieman -Cypress County, AB Daniel Nontell -Kamloops, BC Bonita A. O’Carroll -Whitby, ON Nancy Olewiler -Vancouver, BC Ron Otto -Lewiston, MI Alan Otway -Lacombe, AB Sheila M. Otway -White Rock, BC Carol Otway -Merritt, BC Ernie Otway -Lethbridge, AB Daniel Otway -Maple Ridge, BC Carl Owsiak -Portage la Prairie, MB Elwin Page -Lloydminster, SK Cliff Pahl -Hanna, AB Deane H. Paine ❥ -Westbrook, ON George E. Parr -Blackstock, ON Charles Parsons -Barrhead, AB Margaret Partridge -Calgary, AB Don Patterson ❥ -Surrey, BC Brian Paul -Boston Bar, BC Murray Pearson -Peterborough, ON Ray Pellatt -Sudbury, ON Pierre Perras -Roquemaure, QC Paul Perreault -Arnprior, ON Harley Perry -St Thomas, ON Peter G. Picard -Cochrane, ON G. Keith Pickard ❥ -Charlottetown, PE André Pilon -Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, QC John Pinhey -South Mountain, ON Jack Pittard ✷ -Decatur, GA Ghislain Pronovost -Clerval, QC Léandre Proulx -Sherbrooke, QC Grant Purdy -Yarmouth, NS Timothy Putnam -Beausejour, MB Don Raffan -Armstrong, BC Luke Raffin -Powell River, BC Sue-Ann Ramsden ✷ -Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON Murray Rankin -Killarney, MB Nouveau ❂ Niveau supérieur ✷ Roy Rasmussen -Delta, BC Sue Reedman -Kamloops, BC Dennis & Margaret Reese -Elkwater, AB John & Carol Renner -Kamloops, BC Paul & Shafina Reynolds -Brooklin, ON Jean-Paul Riopelle ❥ -Lac-Masson, QC Maurice Rivard -Fort McMurray, AB Ted Rivett -Belleville, ON John Robertson -New Liskeard, ON James Robillard -Carleton Place, ON David Rodgers -Portage La Prairie, MB Andrea Rogers -Merritt, BC Keith Ronald -Guelph, ON Susan Ross -Surrey, BC Kevin & Crescentia Rozdeba -Yorkton, SK Stewart Rurka -Westbank, BC Orest Sadownick -Saskatoon, SK Luc Saucier -Lévis, QC Ernst P. & Norma Schell -Winnipeg, MB Dave Scheller ❥ -Maple Creek, SK John Schleimer -Vancouver, BC Wilfred H. Schlitt -Prince George, BC Gene Schneider -Melfort, SK Dale Scott -The Pas, MB Joy Seabrook -Port Coquitlam, BC Bob Severn -Shelburne, ON Don Sexton -Winnipeg, MB Gary Shackelton -Aylmer, ON Larry Shantz -Vanderhoof, BC Theresa Sharp -Vancouver, BC Darcy Shaver ❥ -Lacombe, AB Joe Sherritt -Calgary, AB Richard Shier -Winnipeg, MB Dan Shillito -Duncan, BC Margaret Sigvaldason -Baldur, MB Ron & Sharon Sim -Red Deer, AB Benoît Simard -Québec, QC H. Peter Simon -Calgary, AB Randy Sisco ❥ -Fort Frances, ON Wilf Smith -150 Mile House, BC Lew Smith -Halifax, NS Richard Smith -Black Duck Siding, NL Edward Snyder -Nanoose Bay, BC Janice Spencer -West Vancouver, BC Terry Steacy -North Battleford, SK Don Stebbing -Surrey, BC R. Thomas Sterling -Victoria, BC John Stone -James River Bridge, AB Uta Strelive -Eden Mills, ON Paul N. Summers -Etobicoke, ON Ken Swanson -Fort Saskatchewan, AB Hank Swartout -Calgary, AB Joe Tamborra -Terrebonne, QC Allan P. Taylor -Hawkestone, ON Geoff Taylor -Markham, ON Robert E. Thompson ✷ -Smiths Falls, ON Terry K. Thompson -Lions Bay, BC Tony & Janet Thomsen -Bittern Lake, AB Cameron Thomson -Brantford, ON Kenneth Thomson -Charlottetown, PE Steve Timewell -St Thomas, ON Robin Timmerman ❥ -Bowser, BC William P. Tinsley ❥ -Burlington, ON Sonia Toole -Richmond, BC Warren Townsend -Fergus, ON Jean Trépanier -St-Étienne-des-Grès, QC J.O. Trethewey -Abbotsford, BC Pierre Trottier -Deschambault-Grondines, QC Réjean Turgeon -Saint-Georges, QC William G. Turnbull -Calgary, AB Jack Turner -Craigmyle, AB Linda Twohey -Peterborough, ON Tan Uong -Coquitlam, BC Jos Van Hage -Prince George, BC Bob Van Hook -High Level, AB Gordon F. Van Tighem -Yellowknife, NT En mémoire de ✜ C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S 21 John Vander Ende -Quesnel, BC Albert Varda -North Vancouver, BC Andrée Vézina -Québec, QC Pierre Viger -Québec, QC L. Einar Vigfusson -Arborg, MB Alan Vigneux -Markham, ON Georges Vincelli -Laval, QC Blake Wallace -Collingwood, ON Tom Wallis -Surrey, BC Gordon Walt -Stittsville, ON Joe Wark -Quesnel, BC George Watt -Richmond, BC Dr. Barry Weaver -Kamloops, BC Harvey M. Welch -Saskatoon, SK Stuart R. Weldon -Corner Brook, NL John Welson -West Vancouver, BC Randall Wenger -Nanaimo, BC Shawn Whalen -Keene, ON George Wickham -London, ON Irene Wild -Killarney, MB Ramsay Wilkins -Mount Lehman, BC Ken Wilkinson -Virden, MB Rod Williams -Warkworth, ON Harvey Williams, Sr. -Langley, BC Brian Wilson -Merrickville, ON Marla Wilson -Winfield, BC Jim Wilson -Toronto, ON Rick & Anne Wood -Roseneath, ON Rick Wood -Nanaimo, BC Wayne Worobey -Winnipeg, MB Len J. Worthington -Thornton, ON Judi Wright ✷ -Aylmer, ON G. Tod Wright -Burlington, ON Robert Wright -Boissevain, MB Karin Wristen -Vancouver, BC R. Keith Wyer -Liverpool, NS Jim Yaschuk -Calgary, AB Joseph Zucciatti -Terrace, BC Charles Zuckerman -Burnaby, BC Sociétés et fondations Aklak Air -Inuvik, NT Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. -Vancouver, BC Allied Distributors Ltd. -Brooks, AB André Joyal Motoneige Inc. -Saint-Aimé, QC Anonyme -Toronto, ON AON -Winnipeg, MB April Point Lodge -Quathiaski Cove, BC Arctic Red River Outfitters -Lloydminster, SK Arctic Spas -Thorsby, AB Art Knapps Plantland and Florist -Prince George, BC Atlific Hotels & Resorts -Vancouver, BC Audio Warehouse -Regina, SK Balmoral Marsh -Paincourt, ON Bausch & Lomb Canada Inc. -Vaughan, ON Betco Ltd. -Winnipeg, MB Bio-Lab Canada Inc. -Pickering, ON Bluefish Services -Yellowknife, NT Bonaire Golf & Country Club -Coldwater, ON Browning Canada Sports Ltd. -Montréal, QC Cabela’s -Winnipeg, MB Calgary Herald -Calgary, AB Calm Air -Rankin Inlet, NU Canadian Freightways Ltd. -Calgary, AB Canadian Helicopters Limited -Norman Wells, NT Canadian North Airlines -Inuvik, NT Cascade Supply & Marine Ltd. -Chilliwack, BC Centura -Dartmouth, NS Churchill Nature Tours -Erickson, MB AM 90 CKDH -Amherst, NS CKPG Radio -Prince George, BC CKRD Radio & Television -Red Deer, AB CKVH Radio -High Prairie, AB CKX-TV (Division of CHUM-TV) ✷ -Brandon, MB Clayoquot Wilderness Resort -Tofino, BC Coman Arctic Galleries Ltd. -Iqaluit, NU Décédé ❥ 22 Comox Valley Echo ✷ -Courtenay, BC Concerto Productions IB Inc. -Saint-André, QC Cottonwood Gallery -Medicine Hat, AB Darrell Hubbell Designer Goldsmiths ✷ -Prince George, BC Delta Helicopters Ltd. -St Albert, AB Distribution PHS Inc. -Chambly, QC Domaine des Appalaches -Notre-Dame-des-Bois, QC Double M Excavating Ltd. -Maple Ridge, BC Dow AgriSciences -Winnipeg, MB DP Consultants -Woodbridge, ON Enbridge Inc. & Enbridge Pipelines Inc. -Calgary, AB Enerflex -Calgary, AB European Picture Frame Shop Ltd. -Winnipeg, MB Falconbridge Inc. -Bathurst, NB Finning Tractor ✷ -Prince George, BC Force One -Yellowknife, NT Fraser River Pile & Dredge Limited -New Westminster, BC Fraser Valley Building Supplies -Mission, BC Fries Tallman Lumber (1976) Ltd. -Regina, SK Fundy Fish Ltd. -Saint John, NB Gaboury Marine -Sorel-Tracy, QC Gagnon Sporting Goods -Oshawa, ON Galerie Lumiere -Brantford, ON Gallery de Jonge & Academy Photo Studio -Spruce Grove, AB Georgian Bay Fishing Camp -Parry Sound, ON Gillis Quarries Limited -Winnipeg, MB Gold Eagle Casino & Lounge ✷ -North Battleford, SK Goodfellow Inc. -Dartmouth, NS Goose Bay Outfitters -Goose Bay, NL Great North Builder’s Supplies Ltd. -Moosonee, ON Griffith Island Hunt Club -Wiarton, ON Grohmann Corporation -Maple Plain, MN H. Jager Developments Ltd. -Calgary, AB Hager Hinge Canada Limited -Kitchener, ON Hammond Jewellers -Maple Ridge, BC Harbour Towers Hotel & Suites -Victoria, BC Highland Helicopters Limited -Agassiz, BC Nouveau ❂ Niveau supérieur ✷ Hub City Paving Ltd. ✷ -Nanaimo, BC Hudson Bay Helicopters -Churchill, MB Inuvik Rexall Drugs -Candle Lake, SK Island Explorations -Asheville, NC J & L Photography and Art Gallery -St Paul, AB JAMAC Publishing Co. Ltd. -Kindersley, SK K.D. Manufacturing -Kingston, ON Kal Tire -Chilliwack, BC Kaufman Footwear -Kitchener, ON Kelly Shreenan Auction Service Ltd. -Maidstone, SK Kent Cartridge Canada -Markham, ON Kindermann Canada Inc -Markham, ON Kluane Wilderness Lodge -Kamloops, BC KPMG -Abbotsford, BC KY58/92 CITI FM -Winnipeg, MB L & M Guns -Cornwall, ON L & M Lumber Ltd. -Vanderhoof, BC Labatt’s Breweries -Vancouver, BC Labelle’s Birch Point Camp -Devlin, ON Labrador Construction Ltd. -Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL Les Beaux Visages Salon -Prince George, BC Lignes aériennes Inter Canadien -Québec, QC Long Point Region Conservation Authority -Tillsonburg, ON Macromedia Inc. -San Francisco, CA Mark’s Work Wearhouse -Brooks, AB Mattress Mart ✷ -Nepean, ON McArthur Island Golf Plex -Kamloops, BC McDonald’s Restaurant -Abbotsford, BC Medicine Hat Family YMCA -Medicine Hat, AB Metro News -Abbotsford, BC Minit Car Wash -Edmonton, AB Molson Saskatchewan Brewery Ltd. -Regina, SK Montréal Skeet Club -Les Cèdres, QC Moose Lake Lodge -Anahim Lake, BC New Country 1270 Chat -Redcliff, AB Newton Cove Lodge -Tahsis, BC Nicola Motorsports -Merritt, BC En mémoire de ✜ C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S Northern Mountain Helicopters Inc. -Prince George, BC Northland Sports Sales Limited -Prince George, BC Oak Bay Marine Group -Victoria, BC Oland Breweries Limited -Halifax, NS Originals on MacKenzie -Inuvik, NT Parksville Jewellers -Parksville, BC Peace Air Ltd. -Edmonton, AB Petersen Pontiac Buick GMC (Alta) -Sherwood Park, AB Photographs by Drake -Brooks, AB Pioneer Gun Club -Edmonton, AB Poley Mountain Resorts Ltd. -Sussex, NB Port Perry Marina -Port Perry, ON Port Perry Print & Digital Design -Port Perry, ON Pourvoirie du Lac Cyprès -L’Avenir, QC La Pourvoirie du lac Saint-Pierre -Saint-Ignace-de-Loyola, QC Prairie Art Services Ltd. -Edmonton, AB Prairie Caisson Foundations Ltd. -Hanna, AB Prairie Rose Outfitters -Saskatoon, SK Premier Horticulture Ltd. -Olds, AB Provincial Airlines Ltd. -St John’s, NL Provost Livestock Exchange -Provost, AB Quadra Truck Service and Accessories Ltd. -Fort McMurray, AB Radio NL -Kamloops, BC Rainbow Gallery -Chatham, ON Rainbow Lodge -Nimpo Lake, BC Ramakko’s Tackle World -Sudbury, ON Redneck Resources Ltd. -Brooks, AB Renfrew Furs & Outerwear -Calgary, AB Rocky Mountaineer Railtours -Vancouver, BC Rona Home & Garden -Edmonton, AB Salisbury Cruises Ltd. -Kenora, ON Samson Fishing Lodge -Richmond, BC Savage Arms (Canada) Inc. -Lakefield, ON Selwyn Lake Lodge Inc. -Saskatoon, SK Simone Jewellers ✷ -Rossland, BC Sling Choker/DSI Mining & Tunnelling -Manitouwadge, ON Software AG of Canada -Edmonton, AB Spa Europa -Calgary, AB Specialty Guns Ltd. -Victoria, BC Stedman’s -Picton, ON Summerhill Enterprises -Surrey, BC Sun Country Cablevision ✷ -Salmon Arm, BC Sun Microsystems of Canada Inc. -Toronto, ON Sundance Forest Industries Ltd. -Edson, AB Sunrise Helicopters Ltd. -Inuvik, NT Sunshine Village Corporation -Calgary, AB Sydenham Community Auction Services -Annan, ON T. Fox Graphics Ltd. -Iqaluit, NT Tara Jewellers (1986) Ltd. -Edmonton, AB Tembec - Spruce Falls Inc. -Kapuskasing, ON The Abbotsford News -Abbotsford, BC The Canadian Pheasant Company -Brooks, AB The Falls Resort Community -Chilliwack, BC Times Colonist -Victoria, BC Tittemore Cowan & Associates -Calgary, AB Toronto Raptors Basketball Club -Toronto, ON Totogan Lodge Westbourne Manitoba -Alexandria, MN Tourism Saskatchewan -Regina, SK Traditional Woodworking -Port Perry, ON Trail-Marker Outdoor Products Ltd. -Peterborough, ON Trans Mountain Pipeline Company Ltd. -Burnaby, BC Trans Alta Utilities -High River, AB Turkey Point Marine Basin -Simcoe, ON Twin Anchors Houseboat Rentals -Sicamous, BC Universal Helicopters Newfoundland Ltd. -St John’s, NL Valcon Equipment -Indian Head, SK Valley Art Gallery -Maple Ridge, BC Valley Helicopters Ltd. -Hope, BC Wainwright Credit Jewellers Ltd. -Wainwright, AB Wells Gray Enterprises Ltd. -Didsbury, AB Whole Body Healing -Barrie, ON Wildlife Taxidermy -Brooks, AB Woodstream Corporation -Niagara Falls, ON Xerox Canada Ltd. -Montréal, QC Xerox Canada Ltd. -Ottawa, ON XL Foods Lakeside Packers -Brooks, AB Yuk Yuk’s -Edmonton, AB SARCELLE ÉTAIN (5 000 $ – 9 999 $) Particuliers Ronald Adey -Winnipeg, MB Marilyn Adey ❂ -Winnipeg, MB Albert Aimaro -Joliette, QC Allen Ainsworth -Vancouver, BC George Aker -Sussex, NB Allan Alberry ❥ -Napanee, ON Anonyme -Winnipeg, MB Antonio Albino -West Vancouver, BC Arden L. Albino -West Vancouver, BC Randy Allinson -Niagara on the Lake, ON Curtis Amey -Brandon, MB Allan Anderson -Emo, ON Douglas Ashby ❂ -Paris, ON Keith C. Avann -Scarborough, ON Chris Bacon -Burlington, ON Garry Badour -Smiths Falls, ON Ken & Jane Bailey -Edmonton, AB Eldon Bailey -Prescott, ON Aubrie W. Baillie -Toronto, ON Ralph Ballard -Port Perry, ON Kevin Barber ❂ -Elmwood, ON Bartlett Family -Torbay, NL Jay Bartsch -Brooks, AB Bob Baun -Ajax, ON Donald A. & Diane (❥) Beamish -Corbeil, ON Douglas Beck -Calgary, AB Lane Befus -Kelowna, BC Nicol Bégin -Québec, QC Gaston Bégin -Hallandale, FL Claude Bégin -Château-Richer, QC Jean-Guy Bégin -Lévis, QC Décédé ❥ Laurent Bégin -Québec, QC Alan & Becky Beisel -Medicine Hat, AB Hélène Béliveau -St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC Ian Bews -Whitecourt, AB Peter Bilenduke -Oshawa, ON Greg Binions -Aurora, ON Jeff Black ❂ -Saskatoon, SK Kim Black -Aylmer, ON Shane Black -Prince George, BC Laverne Blacklock -Southhampton, ON Neil Blackwell -Bobcaygeon, ON Stuart Blair -Fredericton, NB Janet Blair -Fredericton, NB David Blair -Bolton, ON Colette Boivin -Québec, QC Gisèle Bolduc -Saint-Georges, QC Sylvain Bougie -Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, QC Don Bourassa -Dawson Creek, BC Jeannine Bourret -Weedon, QC Ehor Boyanowsky -West Vancouver, BC Maurice Bradley -Kamloops, BC James A Brennan -Winnipeg, MB John Bristow -Winnipeg, MB Les Broadbent -Stouffville, ON Neil Broadfoot -Peterborough, ON Serge Brouillard -Saint-Philippe, QC Rory & Patti Brown -Victoria, BC Steve Brown -Campbell River, BC Glen Browning -Surrey, BC Jim Bulloch -Sudbury, ON David Burkell -Kindersley, SK Kerri Burnett -Sherwood Park, AB Paul Cailleaux ❂ -Prince George, BC Lissa Calvert -Victoria, BC Duncan N. Campbell -Lower Cambridge, NB Cathy Carter -Smithville, ON Peter Carwardine -Calgary, AB Carol Cascanette -Nobel, ON Nouveau ❂ Niveau supérieur ✷ Ken Charnetski -Delta, BC Valerie Chisholm -Pasadena, NL Raymond Chow -Richmond, BC Edward L. Christie -Harvey Station, NB Thircul Church -Port Dover, ON Garry Churchill -Maple Creek, SK Larry Ciglen -Trout Creek, ON Joseph Cipolla -Ancaster, ON Bob Clark ❂ -Vanderhoof, BC Paul Climpson -Sharon, ON Diane Codère -Beaulac-Garthby, QC Thomas Cole -Lakefield, ON Robert Comeau -Montréal, QC James A. Cook -Sudbury, ON Wallace M. Cook -Plumweseep, NB Martha Cook ❂ -Prince George, BC Jerry Cooper ❂ -Edmonton, AB Catherine Copeland -Spruce Grove, AB Peter Couldwell -Quesnel, BC Jean-Louis Courteau -Bellefeuille, QC Jacques Coutu -Joliette, QC Robert Cox -Cambridge, ON Byron Crabb -Moose Jaw, SK Robin E. Craig -Midhurst, ON Peter A Crossgrove -Toronto, ON Ted Cummins -Medicine Hat, AB Connie Cuthbertson -Fort Frances, ON Tim Cyr -Gold River, BC Ron Czemeres -Calgary, AB Dana Daigneault -Langley, BC Dennis T. Dale -Victoria, BC Larry Dalman -Stonewall, MB Jodie Dansereau -Sorrento, BC Kim Davidovitch -Burnaby, BC Harry Davidson -Nelson, BC Thomas N. Davidson, Sr. -Terra Cotta, ON Ted Davis -Fort Frances, ON Donald Day -Abbotsford, BC Grant De Pauw -Sherwood Park, AB Cam Demarce -Englehart, ON Fred Deppe ❥ -Long Sault, ON Roger Deschambault -Saint-Lambert, QC Tom deWaal -Prince George, BC Kendall Dewey -Picton, ON Carl Dion -Québec, QC Benoit Dionne -Gatineau, QC Kevin Dodds -Arnprior, ON John Doherty -Port Hope, ON Claude Dorval -Saint-Pierre-Île-d’Orléans, QC Ab Doyle -Manitouwadge, ON Glenn Dreger -Knutsford, BC Paul-Henri Duberger -Québec, QC Tony Ducharme ❂ -St Ambroise, MB Michael Dumas -Peterborough, ON David Dumbrell -Vancouver, BC Nancy Duncan -Peterborough, ON David Dunn -Delta, BC Lionel Dwyer, Jr. -Pickering, ON Norm Dysart ❥ -Woodview, ON Deborah Elliott ❂ -Charlottetown, PE L. Randall Ellis -Saint John, NB Len & Patricia Everett -Comox, BC Rudy Faessler -Aldergrove, BC Court Faessler -Surrey, BC David Faulkner -Heriot Bay, BC Robert Fenwick -Markinch, SK Doug Ferris -Prince George, BC Elaine Fleming -Calgary, AB Robert E. Flower -Ennismore, ON Scott Forrest -Nanaimo, BC Joseph M. Foster -Perth, ON Michael L. Fowler -Port Perry, ON Terry Fowler -150 Mile House, BC Candace & Gordon Franke -Eagle Ridge, SK Ed Fuginski -Armstrong, BC Daniel Gagné -St-Norbert-D’Arthabaska, QC En mémoire de ✜ C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S 23 James R. Gairdner -Erin, ON Louis Garant -Québec, QC Mark Gardner -Winnipeg, MB James Garey -Saint John, NB Arvyl Gatten -Falcon Lake, MB Linda Gauthier -Moose Jaw, SK Shirley Germain -Stonewall, MB Tom Gilmore -Sherwood Park, AB Pierre Girard ❂ -Sorel-Tracy, QC Guy Girardeau -Châteauguay, QC Bill Goldstone ❥ -Langley, BC Stan Good -Boissevain, MB Howard A. Graff -Regina, SK Timothy Graham -Paris, ON Bill Graham ❂ -Prince George, BC Charlie T. Grauls -Portage La Prairie, MB Wanda Gray -Saanichton, BC Manny Gregorio -Edmonton, AB Walter Gretzky -Brantford, ON Don Griffith -White Rock, BC Jim Griffiths & Dave White -North Battleford, SK Paul Groulx -Val-Des-Monts, QC Yves Guertin -St-Ignace-de-Loyola, QC Ted Gyles -Regina, SK Rick & Helen Haigh -Kingston, ON Janice Haines -Spruce Grove, AB Joe Haits -Prince Rupert, BC Frank Hall -Calgary, AB Sheila Hamilton -Prince George, BC Robert Handyside -Campbell River, BC Jim Hannah -Oakville, ON Rob Harmer -North Vancouver, BC Debbie Hartery -Dunnville, ON Dwayne Harty -Billings, MT Harold R. Hawkins -Smiths Falls, ON Frank Hebb -Liverpool, NS Murray Henderson -Peterborough, ON Jim Henderson -Penticton, BC David F. Hengen -Regina, SK R. Herring -Vancouver, BC Matt Herrington -Kingston, ON Paul Herriott -Port Severn, ON Paul D. & Nancy Hickey -St John’s, NL Dave Hiebert -Livelong, SK Gordon Hill -Port Moody, BC Pam Hoffman ❂ -Kamloops, BC Bob Hogan -Kingston, ON Bill Holder -Turner Valley, AB Elaine Hollingsworth -North Vancouver, BC Doug Houston -Kimberley, BC Charles J. Howard -Oakville, ON Sandy Howe -Whitby, ON Ian J. Hunter -Trail, BC Debra Lynne Ireland -Worthington, ON John Irving -Saint John, NB Annette Jackson -Edmonton, AB Donald Jacquard -Lower Wedgeport, NS Debra Jago -Vancouver, BC Cathryn Jenkins -Langley, BC Fran Jenkins -Langley, BC David Johannsson -Sudbury, ON Lars-Eric Johansson -Oakville, ON Richard L. Johnson -Brantford, ON David Johnson -Curve Lake, ON Robert Jones -Prince George, BC Deborah Jones -Duncan, BC Ron Joyce -Hamilton, ON Kameron Kabatoff ❂ -Abbotsford, BC Herbert A. & Jeannette Kebbel -Aylmer, ON Patrick Kehoe -St Albert, AB Joe & Heather Kelly -Cambridge, ON Colleen Kenny -Smiths Falls, ON Tracey Kilbride ❂ -Richmond, BC D. Terry Kingyens -Regina, SK Brian Kirkpatrick -Fort Saskatchewan, AB Terry Kleemola -Regina, SK Décédé ❥ 24 Daniel B. Klein -Vancouver, BC Ken Kosowan ❂ -Spirit River, AB Gavin & Mary Koyl -Regina, SK Henry Kozak -Trail, BC David Kraisosky -Burlington, ON Jeffrey Krete -Cambridge, ON Aleksander Krstajic -Toronto, ON Mike Krstajic -Toronto, ON Ivan Labonte ❥ -Swastika, ON Claudette Lafleur -Thetford Mines, QC Diane Lalande -St-Placide, QC Lawrence Lalonde -Abbotsford, BC Marg Lamendeau -Arnprior, ON Richard Lament -Langley, BC Edward Lande ❂ -Surrey, BC Armande Langelier -Québec, QC Marianne Langford -Russell, MB Beryl Langworthy -Medicine Hat, AB Jean-Paul Lapointe ❥ -Saguenay, QC Susan Later -Princeton, BC Willard J. Leach -Pickering, ON Kevin Leach ❂ -Bolton, ON Vince Lebano -Picton, ON Sheila & H. Graham LeBourveau FCA -Calgary, AB Ralph Lee -Hamiota, MB Brian Lee -Abbotsford, BC Daniel Legault -Boisbriand, QC Lissi Legge -Calgary, AB Jack Lewis -Crystal City, MB Bill Logan -Coquitlam, BC Russell London -Gagetown, NB Jim Loso -Blainville, QC Jean-Pierre Louis -Montréal, QC Robert Lozon -Wallaceburg, ON Denis Luneau -Sainte-Anne-du-Sault, QC William D. MacDonald -Abbotsford, BC Bernard MacDonald -Mount Stewart, PE Ken MacDonald -Kimberley, BC Nouveau ❂ Niveau supérieur ✷ Sandy MacFarlane -Amherst, NS Ron MacIsaac -Victoria, BC Gordon Mackay -Grand Bend, ON Ian MacKenzie -Surrey, BC Randy MacNab -Vermilion, AB Brian Magee -Belleville, ON Elton Magee -Meadow Lake, SK Stuart Main -Dudswell, QC Jim Majury -Bobcaygeon, ON Eric Malet-Veale -Port Coquitlam, BC Rose Malet-Veale -Port Coquitlam, BC Bohdan Markowsky -Camrose, AB Krista Martin -Surrey, BC Mike Martin -Surrey, BC Vernon Mason -Pickering, ON Yoland Mathieu ❂ -Saint-Georges, QC Florianne Matteau -St-Georges, QC D. Lorne McCulloch -Cobble Hill, BC Mike McInnis -Morrisburg, ON Hilary McKay -Fredericton, NB Norm McLean -Surrey, BC Terry M. McLean -Virden, MB David McLellan -Stratford, PE Candy McManiman -Union, ON Gord McMartin -Montrose, BC Greg McMillan -Peterborough, ON Glenn A. McMurdo -Cobourg, ON Gary McMurtrie -Campbell River, BC Steve McNorton -Uxbridge, ON Gary McPherson -Brighton, ON Linda McQuade ❥ -Winnipeg, MB David Mellor -Vancouver, BC Cam Merkle -Martensville, SK Tom H. Millar -Turkey Point, ON J.B. Millar -Saskatoon, SK Ron Milsom -Musquodoboit Harbour, NS Mike Miron -St Catharines, ON Gordon Mockler -Grand Bay-Westfield, NB En mémoire de ✜ C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S James Moeller -Meadow Lake, SK Bryan Moir -Aurora, ON Les Molnar -Grand Forks, BC Yvette Moore -Moose Jaw, SK Wendy Moore -Kamloops, BC Ken Morrison ❂ -Huntsville, ON James Mullen -Prince George, BC Beth Munro -Alliston, ON David Murphy -Port Alberni, BC Beverley Murray -Fort Frances, ON Thomas Murray -Pickering, ON Marg Murray -Delta, BC Russ Muth -Winnipeg, MB Burton J. Myers -Toronto, ON Henry Nachaj -Montréal, QC Werner F. Netter -Hanna, AB Jeb & Kit Newhouse -Hampton, NB Viola Nick -Mission, BC Rich Nodland -Alexandria, MN Lorrie Nolin -Prince Rupert, BC Richard Norman -Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC Peter Noyen -Fort Saskatchewan, AB Buck Nunn -Vanderhoof, BC Mark Nyhof -Victoria, BC Karen O’Brien -Aldergrove, BC Keith O’Brien -Dundas, ON Michael O’Toole -The Pas, MB Peter Ober -Stouffville, ON Sally Oerlemans -Kamloops, BC John Olafsen -Surrey, BC Michael Onciul -Milton, ON Neil Osborn -Scarborough, ON Robert Otway -Penticton, BC Albert Otway -Swift Current, SK Patricia Otway -Lacombe, AB Ange-Émile Ouellet -Saguenay, QC Joanne Ouellet -Lac-Beauport, QC James Painter -Edmonton, AB Bill Palmer -Winnipeg, MB Gerry Paquette -Sudbury, ON Gene Parks -Brandon, MB Victor Paroyan -St Catharines, ON Gregory Patrick -Drayton Valley, AB Brian Paulsen -Merritt, BC Harold Peace -Mississauga, ON Jack Peacock -Claresholm, AB Arnold Pederson -Lethbridge, AB Carl Pentilchuk -Kamloops, BC Don Perry -Timmins, ON David G. Petrina -Vancouver, BC André Philibert -Chartierville, QC Allan Piercy -Campbell River, BC Keith Pigot -Charlottetown, PE Ross Pigott -Charlottetown, PE Garnier Pineau -Rimouski, QC John Pipa -Clear Creek, ON John & Donna Pittenger -Fergus Falls, MN Daniel & Debbie Pokornik -Anola, MB Bob & Elaine Poley -Buena Vista, SK Jack Pollard -Kamloops, BC Al Pollard ❥ -Port Elgin, ON Lloyd Pretty -Stephenville, NL Mel Prodan -Richards Landing, ON Jean Provost -Gatineau, QC Gary A. Pulham -St Thomas, ON Linda Purdon -Powassan, ON Christine Quenneville -Saint-Zotique, QC George Raab ❂ -Millbrook, ON Arthur C. Rae -St Catharines, ON Mike E. Rasberry ❥ -St Albert, AB Andrew D. Raszewski -Edmonton, AB Bill Reaume -Paincourt, ON Susan Reilly -Abbotsford, BC Deeter Rieckermann -Etobicoke, ON Louis Riley -St Andrews West, ON Gillian Riseborough -Erin, ON Ken & Rachel Risi -Olds, AB Jim Rissling -Chilliwack, BC Sharon K. Robinson -Vancouver, BC Kevin Rolfe -Edmonton, AB Susan Ross ❥ -Thunder Bay, ON Raymond-Marie Roy -Québec, QC Robert Sanderson -Campbellville, ON Al Sanjenko -Prince Albert, SK Gordon Sarvis -Fort Saskatchewan, AB Vernon Schnare -McGray, NS Kelly Schneider -Medstead, SK Tom Schwartz -Prince George, BC Glen C. Scrimshaw -Saskatoon, SK Edward F. Seagram -Toronto, ON John A. Seim -Monarch, AB Joan Sharrock -Vancouver, BC Robert & Joyce Shaw -Edmonton, AB Denise Sheedy -Pefferlaw, ON Peter Sheeler -Port Elgin, ON Robert Shipp -Aylmer, ON Gary Shropshire -Mount Albert, ON Lorne Shropshire -Mount Albert, ON Merrill Shulman -Winnipeg, MB Val Simmonds -Edmonton, AB Alex W. Smith -Shanty Bay, ON Myra Smith -Winnipeg, MB Harley Snively -Port Dover, ON Chris Sorensen -Nanaimo, BC Tom Spatafore -Coe Hill, ON Paul St-Georges -Québec, QC Earl Stamm -Lethbridge, AB Ron Starr -Mississauga, ON W. Jeff Starr -Kincardine, ON Steve Stead -Victoria, BC Brian S. Stelmack -Delta, BC Patrick M. Stelmacowich -Melville, SK Herb Stephenson ❥ -North Battleford, SK William Stephenson -Wingham, ON Décédé ❥ Kenneth Stewart -Maple Ridge, BC John Stewart -Thunder Bay, ON Larry Stickel -Hanna, AB Lorraine Stickles -Port Coquitlam, BC Arnold Stiffel -Joliette, QC Ray W. Stokke -Grande Prairie, AB Sheldon Stoller -Winnipeg, MB Gary Sturch -Bassano, AB Douglas Swartout -Toronto, ON Ed Sweep -Brooks, AB Errol Taggart -Winnipeg, MB Debbie Taylor ❂ -Markham, ON Donald A. & Ruth Taylor -Burlington, ON Ron Taylor -Carrying Place, ON Trevor Tennant -Bobcaygeon, ON Robert B. Thompson -Waterford, ON Paul Thompson -Trenton, ON J. Allan Thomson -Charlottetown, PE Mike & Rene Thornton -Winnipeg, MB Peter Tingren -Gananoque, ON Denis Tondreau -Sainte-Brigide-d’Iberville, QC Ray Tourangeau -Brockville, ON Fernand Tousignant -Notre-Dame-des-Prairies, QC Jean-Louis Tremblay -Shannon, QC Patricia R. Trumper -Victoria, BC Yvan Turmel -Château-Richer, QC Hugh Turnbull -Mississauga, ON R.H. Uchtmann -The Pas, MB Huguette Vachon -L’Isle-aux-Grues, QC Casey Van Leeuwen -Angus, ON Bram Vermeulen -Toronto, ON Stanley M. Vincent ❂ -Dover Centre, ON Jim Vizier -Cut Off, LA Terry Wachniak -Winnipeg, MB Michael J. Walker -Toronto, ON James D. Wallace -Sudbury, ON Stephen Wannamaker -Trenton, ON Mary Anne Wardach -Edmonton, AB Nouveau ❂ Niveau supérieur ✷ Morgan Warren -Sidney, BC Robert Watson -Rosedale, BC Phil Watson -Pickering, ON Pamela Watt -Richmond, BC Greg Weeks -Port Perry, ON Marian Wells -Brooks, AB Ray Whaley -Onanole, MB Brian R. & Donna Whatley -Peterborough, ON Percy Whitcroft -Aylmer, ON Jane White -Middleton, NS W F Whittaker -Sudbury, ON Diana Wild -Delta, BC Harry Williams -Winnipeg, MB Wayne Wilson -Port Elgin, ON Claude H. Wilson -Winnipeg, MB G. Randy Wilson -Port Rowan, ON Larry Windover -Brooklin, ON Warren K. Winkler -Toronto, ON Harry Witt -Milton, ON Andrew Woo -Abbotsford, BC Paul Wood -Goodwood, ON Jim Wood -Uxbridge, ON John Wright -Melfort, SK John F. Yellowlees -Winnipeg, MB Dan Young -Maple Ridge, BC David Young -Toronto, ON Sybil Zibin -Quill Lake, SK Sandra Zuk -Victoria, BC Sociétés et fondations 20/20 Vision Care -Medicine Hat, AB Abbotsford Times ❂ -Abbotsford, BC Access Rentals and Supplies -Sudbury, ON Acklands-Grainger Inc. -Inuvik, NT Action Construction Ltd. -Kamloops, BC Adora Kitchens Ltd. ❂ -Coaldale, AB Advance Wireline Inc. -Calgary, AB Air Labrador -St John’s, NL Air Ontario -Timmins, ON Air Partners Corp. -Calgary, AB Air Tindi Ltd. -Yellowknife, NT Airborne Energy Solutions -Whitecourt, AB Aircreebec Incorporated -Timmins, ON AirSprint -Calgary, AB Alberta Traffic Supply Ltd. -Edmonton, AB Allen’s Agro Centre Ltd. -Oyen, AB Alpine Helicopters -Canmore, AB Anchor Inn -Campbell River, BC Andrew Lake Lodge -Edmonton, AB Arctic Spas -Drayton Valley, AB Armadale Co. Limited -Markham, ON Athabaska Airways -Saskatoon, SK Atlas Copco Construction & Mining -Lively, ON Babine Forest Products -Burns Lake, BC Bandito Video -Barrie, ON Banff Fishing Unlimited -Canmore, AB Basin Contracting Limited -Enfield, NS Bass Pro Shops -Vaughan, ON Bazan Industries Ltd. -Mission, BC BC Hydro -Kamloops, BC Bearskin Airlines -Thunder Bay, ON Beatty Floors -Vancouver, BC Beatty Printing ❂ -North Bay, ON Beaudel Air Ltd. -Inuvik, NT Bennett’s Bait & Tackle -Smiths Falls, ON Bennett’s Home Furnishings -Campbellford, ON Berke’s Jewellery & Goldsmiths -Stony Plain, AB BHP Billiton Diamonds Inc. -Yellowknife, NT Big Point Club -Dover Centre, ON Black Dog Outfitters -Tofield, AB Bow Island Chev Olds -Bow Island, AB Bowne of Toronto -Toronto, ON Buckingham Meat Market -Oshawa, ON Buffalo Airways -Hay River, NT Bury Photographic Arts -Langley, BC Calgary Stampeders Football Club -Calgary, AB En mémoire de ✜ C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S 25 Calm Air -Winnipeg, MB Canadian Forest Products Ltd./ Prince George Pulp & Paper Mills -Prince George, BC Canadian Golf Car Company Inc. -Winnipeg, MB Canadian Helicopters Western -Kamloops, BC Canadian Helicopters Limited -Fort Nelson, BC Canadian Helicopters Limited -Pasadena, NL Canadian North Airlines -Rankin Inlet, NT Canadian Tire Store #179 -Fort Frances, ON Canadian Tire -Grande Prairie, AB Canadian Tire - MacLeod Trail South -Calgary, AB Canadian Tire -Castlegar, BC Canadian Tire South -Red Deer, AB Canex Building Supplies Ltd. -Sardis, BC Capital Helicopters Inc. -Whitehorse, YT Cargill Foods -High River, AB Carson’s Suzuki -Perth, ON Cascadia Motivation Inc. -Red Deer, AB CBS Outdoor Canada -Toronto, ON Central Alberta Hay Centre Ltd. -Red Deer, AB Central Mechanical Systems -Yellowknife, NT Centre d’Antiquités de Montréal -Dorval, QC CFJR -Brockville, ON CFOB - Fawcett Broadcasting -Fort Frances, ON Chante Charters -Kingsville, ON Charisma Gallery -Abbotsford, BC Chetwynd Petroleums Limited -Chetwynd, BC Chilliwack Dart and Tackle ❂ -Chilliwack, BC Chinook Winds Goose Hunting Ranch -Gull Lake, SK Cinnaroll Bakeries Ltd. -Calgary, AB Clendenning Co. -Fort Frances, ON Club du Lac des Perches Inc. -Québec, QC Club Gatineau ❂ -Ferme-Neuve, QC Coaldale Backhoe Service -Coaldale, AB Coast To Coast Sports Marketing -Riverview, NB Cochrane Dodge Chrysler Jeep -Cochrane, AB Communications Plus / Bell World -Peterborough, ON Conair Aviation Ltd. -Abbotsford, BC Coquitlam Printers -Coquitlam, BC Corel Corporation -Ottawa, ON Cornyn Pharmasave -Pincher Creek, AB Countrywide Home Furnishings ❂ -100 Mile House, BC Craig Broadcast Systems -Brandon, MB Cross Country Parts Distributing Ltd. -Calgary, AB Crow Duck Lake Camp -Winnipeg, MB Crown Isle Resort & Golf Community -Courtenay, BC Custom Helicopters Ltd. -Thompson, MB Danté Inc. -Montréal, QC Dave Downie Sales Agency (1983) Inc. -Vancouver, BC Department of Natural Resources -Fredericton, NB Derraugh’s Wildlife Framing -Carleton Place, ON Diamond Glass ❂ -Yellowknife, NT Direct Energy Regulated Services -Edmonton, AB Discovery Lodge Hotel -Iqaluit, NT Dolphins Resort -Campbell River, BC Donohue Art & Frame -Renfrew, ON Double Tree Forest Products -Burnaby, BC Douglas Lake Cattle Co. Ltd. -Douglas Lake, BC Driftech Inc. -Sudbury, ON DSI Dywidag Systems Mining & Tunneling Division -Salt Lake City, UT Duhamel & Dewar Inc. -Whitefish, ON Eddy Group Limited -Amherst, NS Elk Island Lodge -St Andrews, MB EMC / Record News -Smiths Falls, ON Encadrements Multicadres Inc. -Château-Richer, QC EnCana Corporation -Calgary, AB Enodah Wilderness Travel -Yellowknife, NT Ensign Drilling Inc. -Calgary, AB Ensign Rockwell Servicing -Calgary, AB Epiar Inc. -Edmonton, AB Espanola Animal Hospital -Espanola, ON Executive House Hotel -Victoria, BC Fairmont Hot Springs Resort -Fairmont Hot Springs, BC Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge -Jasper, AB Fairmont Newfoundland -St. John’s, NL Décédé ❥ 26 Fairview Post -Fairview, AB Fancy Free Salmon Charters -Pickering, ON Fantasyland Hotel -Edmonton, AB Fillmore Riley LLP -Winnipeg, MB Foghorn Fishing Charters ❂ -Victoria, BC Foster & Sons Jewellers Ltd. -Lethbridge, AB Fountain Tire ❂ -St Albert, AB Frames West Gallery -Surrey, BC Frameworks Gallery -Prince George, BC Fraser Masonry -Maple Ridge, BC Fraserway RV Rentals -Delta, BC Fred’s Custom Tackle -Chilliwack, BC Galerie Ma P’tite Folie -Saint-Jean-de-L’île-d’Orléans, QC Gardewine North -Churchill, MB Gelmici Jewellers -Edson, AB Gestion du Lotier Enr. -St-Augustin-de-Desmaures, QC GG’s V & S & True Value -Moose Factory, ON GH Studio ❂ -Strathmore, AB Glenn Burney Marina Limited -Parry Sound, ON Good Hope Cannery ❂ -Richmond, BC Goodlife Fitness Club -Peterborough, ON Grant Forest Products Inc. -New Liskeard, ON Great Blue Heron Framing Company -London, ON Great Slave Helicopter -Yellowknife, NT Great White Bear Tours Inc. -Churchill, MB Green Lake Lodge -Candle Lake, SK Grey Goose Bus Lines Ltd. -Calgary, AB Groupe C.T.M.A. -Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine, QC Haliburton Forest & Wildlife Reserve Ltd. -West Guilford, ON Halton Outdoors Shop -Milton, ON Hamilton Systems & Sales -Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL Hands On Car Wash Inc. -Prince George, BC Hanna Chiropractic Clinic ❂ -Hanna, AB Hanson’s Wilderness Lodge -Markham, ON Harbour Air Lines -Richmond, BC Harrison Hot Springs Resort & Spa -Harrison Hot Springs, BC Hawley Bros. Limited -Marlbank, ON Nouveau ❂ Niveau supérieur ✷ Hefler Forest Products Ltd. -Lower Sackville, NS Helijet Airways -Richmond, BC Hicks Honey -McLennan, AB High North Outfitting -Huntsville, ON Highland Helicopters -Whitecourt, AB Hirney’s Guide Service -Hays, AB Home Hardware (Trail) -Trail, BC Horizon Networks Group -Barrie, ON Howe Sound Travel -Vancouver, BC Hub Sports -Abbotsford, BC Hydrotec -Regina, SK I W Kuhn Construction Ltd. -Oyen, AB Ideal Carpets & Interiors -St Paul, AB IKON Office Solutions, Inc. -Winnipeg, MB Innu Mikun Provincial Airlines -Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL Integra Air Inc. -Lethbridge, AB InterfaceFLOR Commercial -Belleville, ON Inwood Golf & Country Club -Inwood, MB Iqaluit Enterprises Ltd. -Iqaluit, NT Island Outfitters & Sport Fishing Centre -Victoria, BC Ives Florists -Port Perry, ON J B Clark & Co. Inc. ❂ -Vanderhoof, BC James O Poag Jewellers -Strathroy, ON JJ’s Trucking -Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL John Mitchell Photography -Cambridge, ON Kal Tire -Prince George, BC Kamloops This Week ❂ -Kamloops, BC Kane Veterinary Supplies Ltd. -Edmonton, AB Kathy’s Custom Stitchery Ltd. -Moose Jaw, SK Kelly’s Trucking -Drayton Valley, AB Ken’s Marine -Terrace, BC Ken’s Tire and Wheel -Chilliwack, BC Kerruish’s Cottages -Rideau Ferry, ON Keyano College -Fort McMurray, AB Kimber & Tucker Safety Coordinators Ltd. -Hammonds Plains, NS Kingswood Golf & Country Club -La Salle, MB Kiss Fine Art Consulting -Calgary, AB En mémoire de ✜ C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S Knock on Wood -Surrey, BC Kulak Ventures Ltd. ❂ -Stony Plain, AB L P Framing -Dieppe, NB Labatts Brewery Limited -Saint John, NB Lachance Chasse & Pêche -Sherbrooke, QC Lafarge Canada Inc. -Fort Saskatchewan, AB Lake Athabasca Tours -Bonnyville, AB Lakeland Mills Ltd. -Prince George, BC Lauener Bros. Jewellers -Trail, BC Le Chameau Canada -Longueuil, QC Le Georgesville -Saint-Georges, QC Le Pla Taxidermy Ltd. & Outfitting Services -Calgary, AB LeBlanc Bros Boat Builders -Lower Wedgeport, NS Ledgeview Golf & Country Club -Abbotsford, BC Leduc Representative -Leduc, AB Leon’s Furniture -Fredericton, NB Les entreprises Buck Expert Inc. -Saint-Georges, QC Les Fourrures J.- P. Rivard -Châteauguay, QC Logan’s Gallery -Cornwall, ON Longevity Acrylics Inc. -Summerstown, ON Lordco Parts Ltd. -Maple Ridge, BC Lucky Strike Bait Works Ltd. -Peterborough, ON M.A. Stevens Inc. -Fredericton, NB MacLeods True Value Hardware ❂ -High Prairie, AB Magazine Sentier Chasse-Pêche -Laval, QC Maglio Building Centre Ltd. -Nelson, BC Manitoba Moose Hockey Club -Winnipeg, MB Marina Tracy Sport Inc. -Sorel-Tracy, QC Marshman’s Jewellers -Picton, ON Master Cabinets Ltd. -Edmonton, AB McLennan Home Hardware -McLennan, AB Meads Spruce Island Camps -Kenora, ON Mid Canada Fiberglass Ltd. -New Liskeard, ON Midway Excel Tire Centre -Surrey, BC Midwest Drilling -Flin Flon, MB Mike’s Taxidermy -Kitimat, BC Minter Country Gardens Ltd. -Chilliwack, BC Mitch’s ❂ -Parry Sound, ON Molson Canada Ontario West Region -Winnipeg, MB Montel Inc. -Montmagny, QC Moose Jaw Times Herald/This Week -Moose Jaw, SK Moose Point Lodge -Fort Frances, ON Moosehead Breweries -Saint John, NB Morgex Insurance Group Ltd. -Edmonton, AB Motor Mart Limited -Yarmouth, NS Mountain Man Sports -Cranbrook, BC Nadina Logging -Merritt, BC Nadina Truck Service Limited -Houston, BC Nahanni River Adventures -Whitehorse, YT Nature’s Window ❂ -Cumberland, ON Navigator Inn -Iqaluit, NT Nejanilini Lake Lodge -Collingwood, ON Newfoundland Helicopters -Clarenville, NL Newlands Golf & Racquet Club -Langley, BC Nickel City Motors Ltd. ❂ -Thompson, MB North Bay Power Sports & Marine -North Bay, ON Northern Bounty Charters -Prince Rupert, BC Northern Capital Wood Products -Prince George, BC Northern Nights Lodge -Churchill, MB NorthMart -Inuvik, NT Northwestel -Whitehorse, YT NRG Research Group -Winnipeg, MB Nunavut Catering & Consulting Services -Iqaluit, NT Ocean Reef Club -Key Largo, FL Office Pavilion -Halifax, NS Old Mill Lodge -Alexandria, MN Osprey Media Group -Markham, ON Overwaitea Foods ❂ -Creston, BC Oyen Flowers & Giftware -Oyen, AB Pacific Coastal Airlines -Richmond, BC Pacific Western Brewers ❂ -Nanoose Bay, BC Paint Shop -Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL Panda Flowers ❂ -Edmonton, AB Paramount Printers Ltd. -Lethbridge, AB Parks Canada -Inuvik, NT Parry Sound Marine Inc. ❂ -Parry Sound, ON Passion Chasse et Pêche ❂ -Québec, QC Pat’s Outboard Marine Ltd. -Kenora, ON Peerless Garments -Winnipeg, MB Photoart by Simpson -Abbotsford, BC Physical Limits Fitness Center -Cornwall, ON Picturesque Framing/Gallery -North Battleford, SK Pierceys -Dartmouth, NS Pine Island Lodge -Winnipeg, MB Pine Ridge Art Inc. Canada -Markham, ON Pinfeathers & Hackle Ltd. -Evansburg, AB Polar Tech / Trails End -Yellowknife, NT Port Perry Auto Glass & Trim Ltd. -Port Perry, ON Pourvoirie Air Tamarac -St-Hyacinthe, QC Pourvoirie Roger Gladu -St-Ignace-de-Loyola, QC Precision Geomatics Inc. -Calgary, AB Prince George Cougars Hockey Club -Prince George, BC Prince George Free Press -Prince George, BC Projecson Audiovisuel -Montréal, QC Provincial BandagTires -Edmundston, NB Pure Fishing Canada ❂ -Portage La Prairie, MB Qualicum Rivers Winter Harbour Fishing Lodge -Qualicum Beach, BC Quality Inn -Sussex, NB Quality Inn Northern Grand -Fort St John, BC Radisson Hotel & Conference Centre -Canmore, AB Mack Travel Ltd. -Inuvik, NT Red Top Variety Shop -Rankin Inlet, NT Redl Sports Distributors -Burnaby, BC Regent Custom Cresting Ltd. -Brandon, MB Remington Tire Distributors Inc. -Vernon, BC Restaurant Rustik -Châteauguay, QC Richard’s Lumber Company Ltd. -High Prairie, AB Riding Mountain Nature Tours -Erickson, MB Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers (Canada) Ltd. -Richmond, BC Rivett Architectural Hardware Ltd. ❂ -Whitby, ON RLP Machine & Steel Fabrication Inc. -Timmins, ON Décédé ❥ RLR Outfitters -McLean, SK Rodney Enterprises Limited -Dartmouth, NS Rose Point Marina -Parry Sound, ON Rousselle’s Valu Mart ❂ -Manitouwadge, ON Sahtu Helicopters -Norman Wells, NT Salmon King Lodge -Delta, BC Saskatoon Media Group (CJWW 600, Magic 98.3, The Bull 92.9) -Saskatoon, SK Scott Plastic Ltd. -Sidney, BC Seagram’s Canada Inc. -Gimli, MB Sears Portrait Studio CPI Corp. -Brampton, ON SEPAQ -Québec, QC SÉPAQ Réserve faunique des Laurentides -Québec, QC Sharron’s Outfitting Service -Sherridon, MB Shear Delight Hairstyling -Inuvik, NT Shelter Corporation of Canada -Winnipeg, MB Sheraton Vancouver Guildford Hotel -Surrey, BC Sheridan Lake Resort (1977) Ltd. -Lone Butte, BC Silvermere Forest Products Inc. -Maple Ridge, BC Sir Sam’s Ski Area -Haliburton, ON Skyward Aviation Ltd. -Winnipeg, MB Sling-Choker Manufacturing Limited -Sudbury, ON Smook Bros (Thompson) Ltd. -Thompson, MB Snap-On-Tools -Whitecourt, AB Southshore Leisure & Building -Widewater, AB Southview Growers -Sudbury, ON Sparks Galleries -Gananoque, ON Sportsman Light Truck Center -Kamloops, BC Sportsman RV -Sudbury, ON St. Lawrence Outfitters Inc. -Lansdowne, ON St. Luke’s Club -Grande Pointe, ON Stampede Toyota -Calgary, AB Stillwater Sports Ltd. -Ladner, BC Stone Productions -James River Bridge, AB Super A Foods & Pharmasave -Hanna, AB Superior Windmill Inc. -Regina, SK Surplus Plus Inc. -Regina, SK Sydenham Sportsmen’s Association ❂ -Owen Sound, ON Nouveau ❂ Niveau supérieur ✷ Sylvestre Frères Inc. -Montréal, QC Syncrude Canada Ltd. -Fort McMurray, AB Terra Pines Golf & Country Club -St Albert, AB The Cadillac Fairview Corporation Limited -Toronto, ON The Echo -Manitouwadge, ON The Hamilton Group -Toronto, ON The Hills Health Ranch -108 Mile Ranch, BC The Lawnmower Hospital -Edmonton, AB Three Vets Ltd. -Vancouver, BC Thunderbird Golf & Athletic Club -Kanata, ON ThunderRidge Ranch Ltd. -Crossfield, AB Tigh-Na-Mara Seaside Spa Resort & Conference Centre -Parksville, BC Tincup Wilderness Lodge -Whitehorse, YT Tip Top Carpets Ltd. -Abbotsford, BC Tompkins Hardware Ltd. -Emo, ON Top-Flite Canada -Concord, ON Toronto Zoo Foundation -Scarborough, ON Township of Pelee Island -Pelee Island, ON Trail Tire Auto Centers -Edmonton, AB Transworld Expeditions -Peterborough, ON Trombley’s Tackle Box Ltd. -Orillia, ON Tundra Tech -Inuvik, NT Turkey Point Company -Vittoria, ON Two Bay Enterprises Limited -Moosonee, ON Twohey Furniture -Peterborough, ON Tyee Resort Conference Centre -Bamfield, BC United Concrete & Gravel Ltd. -100 Mile House, BC United Rentals -Kingston, ON Universal Helicopters Newfoundland Ltd. -Gander, NL Van Rijn Electric ❂ -Coaldale, AB Vancouver Umbrella Inc. -Richmond, BC Vancouver Yacht Charters Ltd. -Vancouver, BC Via Rail Canada Inc. -Moncton, NB Victoria Inn -Flin Flon, MB Villa Auto Wash -Peterborough, ON W D Western Designers Upholstery Ltd. -Vancouver, BC Wadena Tire Centre (1980) Ltd. -Wadena, SK Wajax Industries Limited -Winnipeg, MB Walchuk Masonry Ltd. ❂ -Moose Jaw, SK Walkers Point Marina -Gravenhurst, ON Wandlyn Inn -Amherst, NS Wapiti Sports -Canmore, AB Wapusk General Store -Churchill, MB Weaver Bros. Auctions Ltd. ❂ -Tomskake, BC Weber Supply Co. Inc. -Thompson, MB Wessex Game Birds -Carstairs, AB Westbourne Lodge -Detroit Lakes, MN Westcoast Polaris -Chilliwack, BC Westcon Precast Inc. -St Albert, AB Westland Helicopters -Houston, BC Westland Helicopters -Burns Lake, BC Westwind Art Editions Ltd. -Edmonton, AB White Wolf Taxidermy -Courtenay, BC Whyte’s Framing & Gallery -Comox, BC Wickaninnish Inn Ltd. -Tofino, BC Wild Goose Lodge -Kensington, PE Wilderness Fishing Yukon ❂ -Whitehorse, YT Wilderness Helicopters Ltd. -Wawa, ON Tuckamore Lodge Ltd. -Main Brook, NL Wolverine Sport Shop -Yellowknife, NT Wolverine Supplies -Virden, MB Wood’n Wings Carvings -Parry Sound, ON Woodington Lake Golf Club -Tottenham, ON Woodward Stores Limited -Vancouver, BC Yellowknife Inn -Yellowknife, NT York The Hotel -Winnipeg, MB Zealous Medi Spa ❂ -Winnipeg, MB En mémoire de ✜ C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S 27 LA SOCIÉTÉ DE LA PLUME La Société de la plume reconnaît les donateurs qui ont confirmé leur intention d’inclure Canards Illimités dans leur planification successorale. DIAMANT (1 000 000 $ – 9 999 999 $) Particuliers Brian R. & Donna Whatley -Peterborough, ON PLATINE (500 000 $ – 999 999 $) Particuliers Gil Henderson -St George Brant, ON ÉMERAUDE (250 000 $ – 499 999 $) Particuliers Michael Behunin -Troy, MI Denis & Debra Devos -London, ON Richard & Gail DeWachter -Otterville, ON Ken & Deb Elliott -Charlottetown, PE David A. Greenwood ✷ -Winnipeg, MB Brian & Colleen Johnson -Picton, ON Perry & Elaine Kon -Pinawa, MB Colleen Leeke -Victoria, BC William Sattlegger ❂ -Calgary, AB OR (100 000 $ – 249 999 $) Particuliers Mel & Meryl Belich -Calgary, AB Peter Carton -Regina, SK Reed Dawkins -Turkey Point, ON Fred & Ruth Estlin -Grande Prairie, AB Christopher E. Horne -Toronto, ON Rick Ingwersen -Newmarket, ON Dr. Jerome Katchin -Port Rowan, ON Robert T. Kenny -Gatineau, QC Horst Lingies -Lockport, MB Dr. George M. Merry -Wolfe Island, ON Perry Meunier -London, ON William C. & Doreen Nelson -Surrey, BC Michael S. Podger -Westbank, BC Wayne & Betty Pritchard ✷ -Bowser, BC George C. & Wendy Reifel -Vancouver, BC James A. Richardson -Winnipeg, MB Robert J. & Pat Rogers -Saskatoon, SK Bill (❥) & Valerie Shuttleworth -Parksville, BC Peter W. Vissers -Londonderry, NS Jerry & Dale Walker -Haliburton, ON G. Tod Wright -Burlington, ON ARGENT (jusqu’à 99,999 $) Particuliers Michael G. Anderson -Winnipeg, MB Anonyme -Chilliwack, BC D. John Archibald -Fredericton, NB Ken & Jane Bailey -Edmonton, AB Ian M. & Judy Barnett -Kamloops, BC June A. Beaddie -Salt Spring Island, BC Donald Beamish -Corbeil, ON Allan Beaudry -Winnipeg, MB Stuart Blair -Fredericton, NB David C. Blom -Calgary, AB John H. Bowles, FCA -Vancouver, BC James P. & Sylvia Brady -Port Rowan, ON Dwight Brainerd -Masset, BC Kyle, Lynda and Jacob Breault -Ridgetown, ON R. Paul Brisco -London, ON Deb Broadley -Meadow Lake, SK John Broadley -Meadow Lake, SK Rory & Patti Brown -Victoria, BC Heidi Byrne -Halifax, NS Tim Cameron -Stonewall, MB James Cerza -Kitty Hawk, NC Décédé ❥ 28 Thomas Colligan -Urbanna, VA Pat & Mike Conchâtre -Winnipeg, MB Leah Daoust -Edmonton, AB Pierre Darisse -Québec, QC Lloyd & Velma Derry -Calgary, AB Chuck & Sharon Deschamps -Wadena, SK Ray Doucette -Oshawa, ON Gary Down -Oshawa, ON C. Neil & Marilyn Downey -Red Deer, AB Mac & Susan Dunfield -Riverview, NB Gord & Doris Edwards -Edmonton, AB Doug Erickson -Rosetown, SK Kimball H. Eskowich -Melfort, SK Aaron & Michelle Everingham -Fenelon Falls, ON Robert J. Fenwick -Markinch, SK Estate of Harris Gillespie Field ❥ ❂ -Edmonton, AB Jean Fortier -Québec, QC Scott & Carol Fortnum -Newmarket, ON Ross E. Gage -Winnipeg, MB Libby Gamble -Surrey, BC Louis Garant -Québec, QC Gary Garrioch & Elizabeth Palmer -Winnipeg, MB Jean Gass -Harvey York Co., NB Elliott & Patty Gassner -St Petersburg, FL Dennis E. Gauthier -Dorintosh, SK Gary Giacomuzzo -Winnipeg, MB Jerry & Marg Gilroy -Burlington, ON Yves Girard -Deschambault-Grondines, QC Don Gordon & Bonnie Bergsma -London, ON Allen Grainger -Perth, ON Brian & Deb Gray -Kanata, ON Estate of David Eugene Gulbraa ❥ -Nanaimo, BC Marc & Shari Gurski -Regina, SK Rudy Haggeman in memory of John Haggeman ✷ -Windsor, ON Rick & Helen Haigh -Kingston, ON Barbara A. Hanbidge -Saskatoon, SK Fredrick P. Healey ✷ -Belmont, MB Nouveau ❂ Niveau supérieur ✷ J. Robin Heather, c.r. ❥ -Prince George, BC Paul D. & Nancy Hickey -St John’s, NL Estate of Harold Hoey ❥ -Penticton, BC Jack & Katherine Hole ✷ -Edmonton, AB Dr. Gary M. Houston -Maple Creek, SK Don Hubbard Sr -Nanaimo, BC F.W. & Elaine Hunt -South Boston, VA Christina & Ian Hurst -Barrie, ON Walter Jenkins ❥ ❂ -Edmonton, AB Richard & Joyce Johnson -Richmond, VA Herbert A. & Jeannette Kebbel -Aylmer, ON Robert Kindrachuk -Winnipeg, MB Estate of Gerald J. Knoll ❥ ❂ -Edmonton, AB Darren Kreller -Martensville, SK Chris & Jill LaBossiere -Edmonton, AB Wayne & Karol Latta -Stouffville, ON Sheila & H. Graham LeBourveau FCA -Calgary, AB Betty Lehman -Orangeville, ON Keith LePoudre -Turtleford, SK Charles & Joanne Lobdell ❂ -Biggar, SK Woody & Gretchen Lovelace -Williamsburg, VA Terry A. & Joyce Lubzinski -Surrey, BC Douglas R. MacDonald -Moncton, NB Robert J. MacFarlane ❂ -Regina, SK Ian MacLennan -Craven, SK Ian D. MacPherson -Stouffville, ON Gene Manion -Gananoque, ON Mike & Arlene Manning -Innisfil, ON Barry H. Martin -Timmins, ON Vernon Mason -Pickering, ON Clément Massé -Mont-Carmel, QC Peter McCann -Port Perry, ON Perry & Laurette McCormick -High River, AB D. Lorne McCulloch -Cobble Hill, BC Jim & Barb McKnight -Prince Albert, SK Wayne & Barb Mepsted -Emeryville, ON Akiel Merchant -Concord, ON John R. & Joanne Messer -Tisdale, SK En mémoire de ✜ C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S Gerald Nep ❥ -Ladysmith, BC Jason Wade Neufeld -Regina, SK Thomas J. & Cheryl O’Connor, III -Suffolk, VA Bob & Jean Oliver -Peterborough, ON William & Carol Otway -Merritt, BC Pierre Ouellet -Lambton, QC Lloyd Persson -Innisfail, AB Patrick Plante -Québec, QC Douglas A. Puffer -Langley, BC Tony Redpath & Allison McGreer -Toronto, ON Greg Reynar ❥ -Cochrane, AB Terry Reynar -Cochrane, AB Brent & Evelynn Richards -Winnipeg, MB Blair & Sharon Richardson -Oakville, ON Ken & Rachel Risi -Olds, AB Rick Robb ❂ -Harrowsmith, ON Estate of Spenser Rohne ❥ -Comox, BC Mearl W. Rooney, Jr. -Thunder Bay, ON Jamie L. Ross -Port Perry, ON Mauri M. Rutherford -Winnipeg, MB William F. Schaefer, Sr. and A. Jean Schaefer -London, ON B. Ken Shafer, Jr. -Hendersonville, NC Estate of Robert Ward Skinner ❥ -Pasadena, NL Alan Skoreyko -Edmonton, AB Daniel M. Slaght -Edmonton, AB Janice Spencer -West Vancouver, BC M. Paul St-Georges -Québec, QC Gordon & Janelle Stewart -Surrey, BC Dale & Barbara Sutherland -Meadow Lake, SK John & Audrey Taggart -Medicine Hat, AB Donald A. & Ruth Taylor -Burlington, ON Tony & Janet Thomsen -Bittern Lake, AB Stephen R. Tonning ❂ -Long Reach, NB W. Derrik & June Toovey -Saskatoon, SK Lawrence M. & Carole Trush -Ste Anne, MB Dr. Yvan Turmel -Château-Richer, QC Fred & Anita Wagman -Dilke, SK Norman Walker -Winnipeg, MB Richard & Whitney Walker -Calgary, AB Bruce E. & Fern Walker -Abbey, SK John & Emma Ward -Bawlf, AB Len J. & Sandra Warren -Winnipeg, MB Roger Weldon -Regina, SK Neil White -Grande Prairie, AB Don Wilkins -Davidson, SK Michael Wilson -Bath, ON Rick Wishart -Winnipeg, MB Barry E. Wood -Trumann, AR Tom & Pat Worden -Courtice, ON Don & Alexandra Young -Memphis, TN Douglas & Joanne Zbetnoff -Edmonton, AB Décédé ❥ Nouveau ❂ Niveau supérieur ✷ En mémoire de ✜ C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S 29 Donateurs Bronze, Argent et Or COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE Boswell ❖ R.D.C.K. AREA A 100 Mile House ✽ 100 Mile House Free Press ❖ Cameo Plumbing & Heating ❖ Centennial Law Corporation ❖ Century Hardware ✽ Countrywide Home Furnishings ❖ Donex Pharmacy ❖ Greyhound ❖ J E V Financial Inc. ❖ Sears Canada ❖ Timbermart Lone Butte Supply Chetwynd ✽ Buffalo Aerial Services Ltd. ❖ Chetwynd Redi Mix ✽ Lakeview Credit Union ❖ Northern Industrial Sales ❖ SJS Leather Creations & Upholstery ❖ Spectra Energy ❖ TD Canada Trust Bowser ✽ Eyes on BC Publishing ❖ Jack Ryvers Brentwood Bay ✽ Brentwood Bay Lodge and Spa Burnaby ❖ Chevron Canada Ltd. ❖ Genstar Development Company ✽ Jones Food Store Equipment ✽ Wanes Custom Woodworks Inc. ✽ Reginald Wild 108 Mile Ranch ❖ Kim's Country Cuts 150 Mile House ✽ Bryan Reid Contracting ✽ Bryan Reid Abbotsford ✩ Abbotsford Times ✽ Avenue Machinery Corp. ❖ Black Knight Photography ✽ Blackham's Construction Ltd. ✽ Blackwood Building Centre Ltd. ❖ Canadian Tire -- Abbotsford ✽ Canadian Western Bank ❖ Gloria Chard ❖ Coast Capital Savings ❖ Diane Davies ✽ Dirama Enterprises Inc. ❖ Dorothy Dyck ✩ Michael Ellenwood ✽ Rick Erdman ❖ Tina Evans ❖ Kathleen Feenstra ❖ Findlay Financial Services Ltd. ❖ Fountain Tire ✽ Lola Hall ❖ Huntingdon Duty Free Shop Inc. ✩ Kameron Kabatoff ❖ MacAdams Law Firm Ltd. ✽ Meyers Norris Penny ✩ Bill Morgan ❖ Phantom Screens ❖ Dale Rasmussen ❖ Rona ❖ Rosborough & Company ✩ Rosebay Florists Ltd. ❖ Saxbee Insurance Agencies Ltd. ✩ Scotiabank ❖ Tourism Abbotsford/Tradex ❖ Vedder Transport ❖ Western Canoeing & Kayaking Inc. ❖ Rodney Zeeman Burns Lake ❖ Adrien's Electric ❖ Babine Forest Products ❖ Beaver Point Resort ❖ Grapevine Pub & Bistro ❖ Lakes District Maintenance ❖ Klaus Posselt ❖ UAP Napa Auto Parts Cache Creek ❖ Marigold Resort ✽ Kevin Peters ❖ Sandra Reed Campbell River ✽ Anchor Inn ✽ Bailey Western Star Trucks ❖ Bill Howich Chrysler RV & Marine ❖ Campbell River Snorkel Tours ❖ Colgan Electrical Co. Ltd. ✽ Mona Craig ❖ Cunningham & Rivard Appraisals Ltd. ❖ Dolphins Resort ✽ E & B Helicopters ❖ Roy Grant ❖ Ironside Contracting Ltd. ❖ Island Ready Mix ✽ Roger Kirk ❖ Marine Harvest Canada Inc. ✽ Gary McMurtrie ❖ Meyers Norris Penny Ltd. ✽ George Raga ❖ Real Canadian Super Store ❖ Stan Ritchie ❖ Saratoga Ventures Ltd. ❖ George W. Stuart ❖ Tara Third ❖ Twin Holdings Ltd. ✽ Murray Whelan ✽ Willow Point Mazda Ainsworth Hot Springs ❖ Ainsworth Hot Springs Resort Ltd. Canyon ❖ Canyon Ridge Spa Aldergrove ✽ Roberta Dimond Castlegar ❖ Anderson Insurance of Castlegar & New Denver ✽ Columbia Basin Trust ❖ Heritage Credit Union ❖ In Colour Decorating Center Benjamin Moore ❖ Kootenay Hearing Aid & Audiology Clinic (1996) Ltd. ✽ Nufloors ✽ Simone Jewellers ✽ The Brick ❖ WK Concrete ❖ Yule Anderson Alert Bay ❖ Sea Smoke Whale Watching Armstrong ✽ Shepherd's Home Hardware Armstrong Black Creek ❖ J R Contracting Ltd. ❖ Bronze (250 $ - 499 $) 30 Chilliwack ✽ Ron Adams ✽ Alendal Farms ❖ B N G Financial ❖ Cheam Source For Sports ✩ Chilliwack Dart and Tackle ❖ Chilliwack Gravel Sales ✽ William Clark ❖ W. Bud Clarke ❖ Classic on Alexander ✽ Country Colour Photo & Framing ✽ Duke's Country Pub Ltd. ❖ EZE Rent It Centre (1986) ❖ Fraser Valley Tireland ✽ Fred's Custom Tackle ✽ Harrison Bay Guided Service ✽ HUB International Barton Ltd. ❖ Sherry Hunter ❖ Kal Tire ✩ Kal Tire Cottonwood ✽ William Kelly ✩ Kitt Equipment Ltd. ❖ Sharron Koblensky ❖ Henry Kozler ❖ Phil Masse ✽ Meer Mechanical ✩ New Country Appliance Inc. ❖ Pioneer Buildall ❖ Prospera Credit Union ❖ Jim Rissling ❖ Room by Room Furniture ✽ Sardis Plumbing & Heating ✽ Wayne Sawatsky ❖ Fred (Brian) Terry ✽ The Falls Resort Community ✩ Thomas Designer Jewellery Ltd. ❖ Trademaster's ✽ Tony Van Oort ✽ Venture River Boats ❖ Visscher Holdings Inc. ❖ Waal & Co. ✽ Walter's Bulldozing & Repairs Ltd. ✩ Glen Warner ❖ Heather Warner ❖ John W. Wedler ❖ Perla Werk ❖ Dick Wilson ❖ Denise Zanatta Clearwater ❖ Interior Whitewater Expeditions Ltd. Cobble Hill ✽ D. Lorne McCulloch ✩ Kelvin McCulloch Coldstream ❖ Larry C. Fischer ❖ Pat Scherck Comox ❖ B & D McQueen Construction Ltd. ❖ Fish N' Stitches Custom Embroidery ✽ Janine Harris ✩ Barry McCombe ✽ Barry McQueen ✽ Argent (500 $ - 999 $) ❖ Rick Merchant ❖ Slegg Lumber ✩ Julie Smith ❖ Roy Smith ✽ Surgenor Brewing Company Ltd. ❖ Vancouver Island Produce ❖ Whyte's Framing & Gallery Coombs ❖ Independent Shipwrights Coquitlam ❖ Richard Bowman ✩ Duncanby Lodge ❖ Lafarge North America ❖ Grant Livingstone ❖ Glen McGee ✽ SeaRun Fly and Tackle Courtenay ✽ A & W Restaurant North ❖ Ablaze Metal Art and Design ✽ Best Western Westerly Hotel ❖ Deanna Blevins ❖ Bridges Salon ✽ Chances Courtenay ❖ Chinook Forest Products ❖ Comox Valley Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Ltd. ❖ Comox Valley Dodge ✩ Comox Valley Echo ❖ Courtenay Fish & Game Protective Association ✽ Crawford Studios ❖ Cumberland Professional Driving Centre ❖ David Innes Photography ❖ Devonshire Turf Farm Ltd. ✩ Francis Jewellers ✩ Gone Fishin' ❖ Kjeld Hansen ✩ Gregg Hart ✩ Ed Leakey ❖ Lordco Parts Ltd. ❖ Merville Tree Farm ❖ Midland Tools ✩ Larry Mitchell ❖ Capt. Terry J. O'Toole ❖ Old House Village Hotel & Spa ✽ Reliable Auto Body ❖ Seahorse BC Fishing Adventures ❖ Seeco Automotive Ent ❖ Ralph Shaw ✽ Don Smawley ❖ Tyee Marine ❖ Valhalla Pure Outfitters ✽ Van's Portraits ❖ Visual Sound Store ✽ Lee Anne Ward ❖ Well-Balanced Fitness & Body Works ❖ Whistle Stop Pub Cranbrook ❖ Currier Contracting Ltd. ❖ Kootenay Wood Preservers Ltd. ❖ Mountain Man Sports ❖ North Star Motors ✽ Ostash Exterior ❖ The Hearing Loss Clinic Inc. Crawford Bay ✽ Kokanee Springs Golf Resort Crescent Valley ❖ Selkirk Paving Ltd. ✩ Or (1 000 $ - 4 999 $) C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S Creston ❖ Aldo & Co. Restaurante ❖ Audio Video Unlimited ❖ Sheldon Browell ✽ Columbia Brewery ❖ Creston & District Credit Union ❖ Creston RV & Auto Sales/Ace Autobody ❖ Creston Valley Bakery ❖ Creston Valley Mall Ltd. ❖ Creston Valley Realty Ltd. ❖ Dr. Robert Armstrong Inc. ❖ Gadicke and Minichiello ❖ Griffiths Surveys ❖ Tyler Hancock ❖ Home Building Centre ❖ Interior Brewery Workers Local #308 ❖ Kemlee Equipment Ltd. ❖ Li'l Mutt Grooming & Pet Resort ❖ M & M Consulting ❖ Lorne Mann ❖ Mawson Sports Shop ❖ Michelson, Bambrick & Company ❖ Northstar Creston ✽ Overwaitea Foods ❖ Pyramid Building Supplies Ltd. ✩ R.D.C.K. AREA B ✩ R.D.C.K. AREA C ❖ Thunder Cats ✽ Tony Mulder Jewellery ❖ Lawrence Ward ❖ Tom Wells Cumberland ❖ Lafarge Canada Inc. - Courtenay Aggregates Dawson Creek ❖ Action Industrial Paramedics Services ❖ Advantage Relocation Systems Ltd. ❖ Agro Source Ltd. ❖ All West Heritage Glass ❖ Baron Oilfield Supply ✽ Bearing & Hydraulic Services Ltd. ❖ Bill Jacobsen Trucking ❖ Bing's Furniture & Appliances Ltd. ❖ Bob's Service ❖ Daniel Botha ❖ Browns Chev Olds Cadillac ❖ Dave Brummond ❖ Bumper to Bumper ❖ Capital Motors (1985) Ltd. ❖ Chances Gaming & Entertainment ❖ Clinic Pharmacy ✽ Corlane Sporting Goods ✽ D J Bourassa Financial Services ❖ Dairy Queen ❖ Dawson Co-operative Union ❖ Dr Mark Sevier Inc. ✽ Everest Transport Ltd. ❖ Foster's Covered Wagons West ❖ George Dawson Inn ❖ Green Smart Manufacturing ✽ Gridiron Fitness Centre ❖ Guitars 'N' Stuff ❖ Hillside Garden Company ❖ Hillside Villa ❖ Hub International ❖ K B First Aid Ltd. ❖ Kal Tire ❖ Lakeview Credit Union ❖ Legacy Village Market Inc. ❖ Lindberg Construction ❖ Glen Mah ❖ Mile "0" Electric ❥ Décédé COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE ✽ Mountainview Recreation ❖ Neufeld Propane Ltd. ❖ Olde Creek Store ✽ Pace Autobody ❖ Park L Projects Ltd. ❖ Peace Country Restoration ❖ Priority Plumbing ❖ Pure Northern Spring Water ❖ R J Griffith Insurance Services ❖ R Mock Electric Ltd. ❖ RBC Financial Group ❖ Rentco Equipment (BC) Ltd. ❖ Rip's Shoe Re-Nu ❖ Software Emporium ❖ South Peace Animal Hospital ✽ Steve Hartnell Ventures Ltd. ❖ Talisman Energy Inc. ❖ Tarpon Energy Services Ltd. ❖ The Lodge Motor Inn & Cafe ✽ Tiger Printing & Stationers ❖ Wildcat Video ❖ Wilson's Timberline Delta ✽ Dave Buettel ❖ William George ✽ Brad Knorr ✩ Lawlor Jewelry ✩ Russell Nugent ❖ Ron Redwood ❖ Sealtek Fabrications Inc. ✽ Westham Island Gun Club ✩ Dan Wild ✽ Diana Wild Enderby ❖ Little City Fashions Errington ❖ Art in Steel Falkland ❖ Cheryl Curtis Fanny Bay ❖ Fanny Bay Oysters Fort Langley ❖ Jim Marsh Fort Nelson ❖ C. Franklin Fort St John ✽ D & T Disposals Ltd. ❖ Dan's Oilfield Rentals ✽ Wynnette Lowes ✩ Mackeno Ventures ✽ Pro Pile Inc. ✽ Roland Triebel Jewellers Ltd. Fort St James ✽ Warren Wilkinson Fruitvale ❖ Barrett Honda/Yamaha Genelle ❖ Laresa Altenhoff Gold River ✩ Critter Cove Marina & Resort Harrison Hot Springs ✩ BC Sportfishing Group ❖ Harrison Beach Hotel ❖ Harrison Hot Springs Resort & Spa ❖ Lori's Catering Heffley Creek ❖ Kevin Church ❖ Marguerite Church ❖ Ron Fawcett ❖ Fred Feistmann Hope ❖ Fred Fandrich Horsefly ❖ Plato Island Resort Houston ❖ A & W Restaurant ❖ Bassani Fuels Inc. ❖ Blast Pro Construction ❖ Bulkley Valley Credit Union ❖ Bulkley Valley Insurance Agency ❖ Castle Building Supplies ❖ Home Hardware ✽ Houston Food Market ❖ Inland Kenwoth ✽ John Himech Logging Limited ❖ Kal Tire Kaleden ❖ Twin Lakes Golf & RV Resort Kamloops ✩ Anonyme ✽ Len Bosch ❖ Central Interior Rebuilders Ltd. ✽ Jean Francois Chevalier ❖ Harvey Comazzetto ❖ Daley & Company LLP ❖ Focus Corporation ❖ Gerald Gauthier ❖ Derek Haines ❖ Manda Hanson ✩ Kim Hanson ✩ Bruce Harrison ✩ Pam Hoffman ❖ Intequip Mining Sales & Services Ltd. ✽ Grant Iverson ✩ Marc Joly ✽ Kamloops & District Fish & Game Association ✩ Kamloops Blazers ✩ Kamloops This Week ❖ Kamloops Towne Lodge ❖ Jack Keep ❖ Karla Keith ❖ Ken J Finnie Inc. ❖ LMG Finance ✽ Rick McCallum ❖ Morelli Chertkow, Barristers & Solicitors ❖ Paul Patterson ❖ Plowe Power Systems Ltd. ❖ Pollard Bank Note (BC) Ltd. ✩ Radio NL ✩ RBC Royal Bank ❖ Sue Reedman ❖ Rivershore Estates & Golf Links ✽ Derek Smoluk ❖ South Thompson Inn & Guest Ranch ❖ Sun Rivers Golf Resort ❖ The Countertoppers ❖ The Dunes at Kamloops ❖ The Lampost ❖ Bronze (250 $ - 499 $) ❖ Thompson Rivers Construction Group ❖ Linda Turner ❖ Watson & Haines ❖ Wholesale Sports Kelowna ✽ Alpine Helicopters ❖ BDO Dunwoody ✽ Britech HVAC Ltd. ❖ Donald Campbell ❖ Byron Cook ✽ Fortis BC ❖ Julia Hargreaves ❖ Buzz Howie ❖ Joseph T Hattori Law Corp. ✩ Connie Klippenstein ❖ Lake Okanagan Resort ❖ Robert LaRue ❖ Bill Lawrence ❖ Mid Valley Sheet Metal Ltd. ❖ Prestige Motels & Resorts ❖ Tri-West Fence & Gate Ltd. ❖ David Worrall McBride ❖ McBride Community Forest Corp. Merritt ❖ Frank Douthwright Mechanical Services ❖ Jerry Sanders Merville ❖ Old Dutch Foods Mission ✩ Bazan Industries Ltd. ❖ James Dennis ✽ Fraser Valley Building Supplies ❖ Hub and Belles Sport ❖ Steven Parker ❖ Tony Wanstall ✽ Denis Yanko Montrose ❖ Ron Piccolo Nakusp ✽ Columbia Basin Trust Kitimat ❖ Chalet Motel and Restaurant ✩ Kelly Smith Knutsford ❖ Diana Dreger Lac La Hache ❖ Ron Johnson Ladysmith ❖ D Alexander Construction Langley ✩ Bury Photographic Arts ✩ Envision Credit Union - Administration Centre ✽ Golden Tree Jewellers Lantzville ❖ John Blackmore ❖ Heritage Hardwood Floors Lazo ❖ Canadian Forces Yacht Club Comox ❖ J. R. Edgett Excavating Ltd. Nanaimo ❖ Mike Brown ✽ CC Investors Group Inc. ❖ Bill Clark ✽ Fitness Edge Health Club ❖ Scott Forrest ❖ Georgia View Developments ✽ Mike Gregory ✽ Greyrock Construction Ltd. ❖ Maude Hanna ✩ Hub City Paving Ltd. ❖ Lynne Hubbard ✩ Investors Group ❖ Fred Kolodrubsky ❖ Mayco Mix ❖ McKinnon and Associates ✩ Milner Trucking & Excavating Ltd. ✩ Nored Developments ✽ Ocean Construction Supplies ✽ RBC Royal Bank ✽ RE/MAX ❖ Ronald Smith ✩ The Teak Tree ❖ Wal-Mart ✩ Rick Wood Lumby ❖ Allan D. Olson Nanoose Bay ✽ AAL Cat Equipment Co. Ltd. ❖ Fairwinds Community & Resort ❖ Fairwinds Golf Center ❖ Teom Lim ✽ Pacific Western Brewers Malahat ✽ The Aerie Luxury Resort Naramata ❖ Naramata Bench Winery Association Maple Ridge ❖ Ron Antalek ❖ Big Valley Heating & Sheet Metal ❖ Canadian Tire Associate Store ❖ Dave Boyce Insurance Agency ✽ Ferg's Power Digging ✽ Ryan Funk ✽ Gord Hart ❖ Lori Isherwood ✩ Peter Kabatoff ❖ Lordco Parts Ltd. ✽ Norquist & Watkins ❖ Pacific West Systems Supply Ltd. ❖ Wade & Associates Land Surveyors Nelson ❖ Art of Brewing ✽ Chuck Brind'Amour ❖ Kirby Clarkson ❖ Cottonwood Autobody ✽ Sherri Halstead ❖ Denie Kleine ❖ Rob Kline ❖ Tiara Kline ❖ Kootenay Glass & Mirror ✽ Maglio Building Centre Ltd. ❖ Main Jet Motorsports ❖ Bruce Morrison ❖ Nelson Farmers Supply Logan Lake ❖ Dennis Abbott ❖ Orville McTavish ✽ Argent (500 $ - 999 $) ✩ Or (1 000 $ - 4 999 $) C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S ❖ Frances Nicolson ❖ Prestige Lakeside Resort ❖ Selkirk Eye Care ❖ Taylor Wilton ❖ Vogue Portraits & Cameras ❖ Fred Young New Westminster ❖ George Hanna North Saanich ❖ James Shaver North Vancouver ❖ Rob Harmer ✽ Robert Jones ❖ Doug Towill Okanagan Falls ✩ Ronald D. Glowe Oliver ❖ Trevor Amos ❖ Burrowing Owl ❖ Caldwell Banker ❖ Desert Hills ❖ Elmtree Farm B&B ❖ Fairview Cellars ❖ Fairview Mountain Golf Course ❖ Walter Gehringer ❖ Gerard's Equipment Ltd. ❖ Robert Goltz ❖ Nathan Goltz ❖ Dave Hanley ❖ Inkameep Canyon Golf Course ❖ Interior Ready-Mix ❖ Leap Coaching ❖ Christopher Leighton ❖ Marsel & Son Trucking Ltd. ❖ David Mattes ❖ Mark Mattes ❖ Mike Johnson Excavating Ltd. ❖ Oliver Brake & Muffler ❖ Oliver Home Hardware ❖ Road 13 Winery ❖ Mark Seidler ✽ Specialty Kitchens & Cabinets ❖ Bryon Strobbe ❖ Terralink Horticulture ❖ Kevin Tomlin ❖ Randy Toor ❖ Dave Wagner Osoyoos ✽ Evelyn Denis ❖ Osoyoos Golf & Country Club ✽ Barb Pasternak ❖ Denise Soule ❖ Kevin Vankalern ❖ Terry White Oyama ❖ Jade Bay Constructors Parksville ❖ Arrowsmith Mountain Cycle ❖ Arrowsmith VQA Wine Shoppe ❖ Big Rock Sculpting ✽ Black Diamond Mechanical and Welding Ltd. ❖ Cloverdale Paint ✽ Greg Corbett ✽ Dorothy Engelbrecht ✽ Overtime Fishing Charters ❖ Parksville Jewellers ❖ Parksville Redi-Mix ❥ Décédé 31 COLOMBIE-BRITANNIQUE – ALBERTA ❖ Rainforest Adventure Tours Inc. ❖ The Cat Rental Store ✽ Tigh-Na-Mara Seaside Spa Resort & Conference Centre ✩ WSI Services Penticton ❖ Absolute Body Fusion ✩ Bayley's Brew Ha Ha ✩ Classic Leisure Lifestyles ✽ End of the Roll Carpet & Flooring ❖ Todd Finlayson ❖ Gold Dust Jewellers ❖ Greenscape Landscaping Ltd. ✽ Jana McFarlane ❖ Photography by Chris ❖ Ramada Inn & Suites ❖ Skaha Pharmacy ❖ Gwen Tarbet ❖ The Bench Artisan Market Pitt Meadows ✽ Central Excavators Ltd. ❖ Doug Scott Aircraft Repair ✽ Maple Ridge Truss ✽ Meadow Gardens Golf Course ❖ Meadows Landscape Supply ✽ Pitt Meadows Golf & Country Club Port Alberni ✽ Dorothy Clarkstone ✽ Robert Cole ❖ Eric Mosley Law Corp. ❖ Gone Fishin' ✽ Gerry Hickey ❖ Nick Hnennyj ❖ Don Kimura ❖ Mac Five Golf Ltd. ✽ Mollon Tyler-Mollon Chartered Accountant ✽ Murphy's Sportfishing ✽ Pacific Western Brewing Company ✽ Port Boat House Ltd. ✩ Helmut Schwarz ❖ Thunderbird Insurance Services Ltd. ❖ Walmart ❖ West Coast River Charters Port Coquitlam ✽ Gil Goldstein Port Moody ✽ Dave Harkness ❖ Northern Hardware & Furniture ❖ Northern Trout Fitters Fly & Tackle ❖ PG Klassic Autobody ❖ Prince George Spruce Kings Hockey Club ✽ Razors Edge Hair Studio & Day Spa ❖ Rogers Wireless ✩ Rolling Mix Concrete (BC) Ltd. ❖ Seth Tobin Jewellers ✽ Sun Life Financial ❖ Traxler Haines Barrister Solicitor ❖ Treasure Cove Casino ❖ Urban Tan Prince Rupert ❖ Inn on the Harbour Prince George ✽ Jane Adamick ❖ B&F Auto Service ❖ Boehmer Insurance & Investment Group ❖ Boston Pizza ❖ Canadian Springs ✽ Martha Cook ❖ Brian Cornelis ✽ Cruise Ship Centres ✽ Dairy Queen ✩ Kathy deGrace ❖ Forever Florists ✽ Bill Graham ✩ Sandra Hooge ❖ Littler Floors ❖ Money Concepts ❖ Nechako Brake & Wheel Ltd. ✽ North 54 Smithers ❖ A & W Restaurant ✽ Carters Jewellers ❖ Driftwood Diamond Drilling ❖ North Country Insurance ✽ Northern Engineered Wood Products Inc. ❖ Northline Collision Sooke ❖ Cougar's Crag Quilchena ✩ Sagebrush Golf & Country Club Summerland ❖ Summerland Golf & Country Club Revelstoke ❖ RE/MAX Revelstoke Realty ❖ Revelstoke Credit Union Surrey ❖ Robert Alliston ✽ BC Plant Health Care Inc. ✩ Benefit Floors Ltd. ❖ Fraser Valley Equipment Ltd. ❖ Gordon H. Lande ✩ Edward Lande ❖ Doreen McDonald ✽ NU Glass Projects Ltd. ❖ Pronex Air Systems ❖ Elgin V. Shiels ❖ Greg Sims Richmond ✩ Catalyst Paper Corporation ❖ City Sheetmetal ❖ Delta Vancouver Airport Hotel ✩ Good Hope Cannery ✩ Tracey Kilbride ✩ Pacific Coast Airlines ❖ Mark Short Roberts Creek ✩ Jorg Fischer Rosedale ✩ Gordon Mcghie Rossland ❖ Prestige Mountain Resort ✩ Simone Jewellers Saanichton ✽ Islander Reels Salmon Arm ✽ Sharon Adair ✩ Kingsley and Sonya Campbell ❖ Holiday Inn Salmon Arm ❖ Tove Jensen ✽ Sterling Land ❖ Nufloors Terrace ✽ Canadian Tire ✽ Ken's Marine ❖ Northcoast Anglers Ltd. Tofino ❖ Pacific Sands Beach Resort Toms Lake ✩ Weaver Bros. Auctions Ltd. Trail ❖ A.M. Ford Ltd. ✽ Tammy Campbell ❖ City of Trail ❖ Home Hardware (Trail) ❖ Integra Tire ❖ Johnny's Carline Muffler ❖ Kootenay Chrysler Ltd. ❖ Lauener Bros. Jewellers ❖ Mota Auto & Truck Repair ❖ Carmin Picone ❖ Leo Salsman ✽ Argent (500 $ - 999 $) Union Bay ❖ Union Bay Credit Union Valemount ❖ Alpine Country Rentals ✽ Best Western Valemount Inn & Suites ❖ Country Wide Sales & Service Ltd. ❖ Markham Medical Services ❖ S P A Z Logging ❖ Yellowhead Helicopters Ltd. Vancouver ✽ David Boyd ✩ Broadway Refrigeration ✩ James Burnett ✽ Gordon Christopher ❖ Combined Painting Ltd. ✩ Ecojustice Canada ✩ Gus Greer ❖ George L. Malpass ❖ Jason McLean ✩ David Mellor ✩ Jeremy Poirier ❖ RKTG Associates Ltd. ❖ Select Wine Merchants Ltd. ❖ Norma Serka ✽ St. Regis Hotel ❖ Victor and Anna Kern Foundation Sirdar ❖ Imasco Minerals Inc. Quesnel ❖ OK Tire Stores ✩ Rick Sales ❖ West Central Pipe ❖ Teck - Trail Operations ❖ Valu Office Supplies ❖ Bob Whitlock Van Anda ❖ J M G Logging Ltd. Sidney ❖ Rhys Davis Ltd. Qualicum Beach ❖ Arts West Gallery ❖ Chucks Automotive ✽ Creekmore's Coffee ✽ Larry Aguilar Pottery ✽ Ann Lindsay ❖ David Nellist ✽ Pharmasave ❖ RLB Logging ✽ Margaret van Rhebergen ❖ Bronze (250 $ - 499 $) 32 Savona ❖ Spectra Energy Transmission ❖ Thompson River Estates ❖ Tobiano Golf Resort Sicamous ❖ Best Western Sicamous Inn ❖ Hyde Mountain Golf Course Princeton ❖ Paul Van Halst ❖ Charles Whitlock Riske Creek ✽ Ken Sheen Powell River ❖ Dick Machin Inc. ❖ Prestige Harbourfront Resort & Convention Centre ✩ Neil Profili ❖ Ed Reierson ❖ Salmon Arm Fish & Game Club ❖ Salmon Arm Golf Club ❖ Shuswap Clothing & Shoe Co. ❖ The Captain's Corner Marine Sales Ltd. Vanderhoof ✩ June Clark ❖ Faitron Communications ❖ Gulbranson Logging Ltd. ✩ J B Clark & Co. Inc. ✽ L & M Lumber Ltd. ❖ Nechako Excavating ❖ Pye Enterprises ❖ Rio Tinto Alcan ❖ Vanderhoof Co-op Association ❖ Jenna Goode ❖ Richard Henders ✽ Island Outfitters & Sport Fishing Centre ✽ John Knappett ❖ Lecol Electric ✩ Ron MacIsaac ✽ Metro Toyota Lexus ✩ Martin Murenbeeld ✽ Ocean Concrete Ltd. ✩ Adrian O'Connor ✩ Dianne Ostoich ❖ Prince of Whales Whale Watching ❖ Queen Victoria Hotel ✽ Russel Food Supply ❖ Save On Foods Saanich ❖ Spinnakers Brewpub & Guest House ✽ Steve Stead ✽ Terence Swean ✩ Times Colonist ❖ Uplands Golf Club ✽ Thomas P. Vaida ❖ Herbert Wagner West Vancouver ❖ Accord Holdings Ltd. ✽ David Bassendale ✽ Don Hewson ❖ Roth Hickling ❖ Gordon Lindemere ❖ Jeffrey Lunter White Rock ✽ John Cuthbert Williams Lake ❖ Air & Water ❖ Kim Sepkowski Wynndel ✽ Wynndel Box & Lumber Co. Ltd. ALBERTA Vernon ❖ Baron Insurance Group ❖ BMO Nesbitt Burns Vernon ❖ Combined Mechanical Contractors Ltd. ✽ Cowboy's Choice Ltd. ❖ Johnston Meier Insurance ❖ Kamerbeek H.J. Construction Ltd. ❖ Keith McLachlan ❖ Nixon Wenger LLP ❖ Okanagan Trend West Master Builder ❖ R E Postill & Sons Ltd. ❖ Rocky Mountain Transport Ltd. ❖ The Paddock Tack & Togs ✽ Trican Tire Dist. Inc. ✩ Uniglobe Kalamalka Travel ❖ Vernon Veterinary Clinic ✩ Gerhard Wagner Acadia Valley ❖ CJS Agro Services Ltd. ❖ Larry Peers Trucking ❖ Lemare's Seed Cleaning Victoria ✽ Alan Bean ✽ Capital Iron Ltd. ✽ Circle S Framing ✽ Executive House Hotel ✽ Foghorn Fishing Charters ❖ Gary Martin Equipment ❖ Constance Gibson Ashmont ❖ Upper Mann Contracting ✩ Or (1 000 $ - 4 999 $) C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S Acme ❖ Sean Clarke Airdrie ✩ Roland Beisswenger ❖ Eaton Electrical ❖ Edwin Eggerer ❖ Ken Ionel ❖ R. McNevin ✽ S Goodall Agencies ❖ Shasco Exploration Ltd. ❖ Darren Speirs ❖ United Safety ❖ Zero Tolerance Services Inc. Athabasca ❖ Atha Hotel Ltd. ✽ Athabasca Golf & Country Club ❥ Décédé ALBERTA ❖ Jayco Builders Inc. ❖ Laidlaw Sand & Gravel ✽ Lakeside Fertilizer ❖ Parrish & Heimbecker ❖ Repas Contracting Ltd. ❖ Silver Sage Liquor Store ❖ Tumbleweed Sales ❖ Vitera Inc. ❖ Waldbauer Feedlot Balzac ❖ Nancy Holland Banff ❖ Banff Dance Academy ❖ Gourlays Pharmacy ❖ Janice Tarchuk Barrhead ❖ Agritrac Equipment Ltd. ❖ Alberta Treasury Branches ❖ Barrhead Golf and Recreation Area Society ✩ Barrhead Motor Sport ❖ Beauty Bound ❖ The Cooperators ❖ DeerLine Sales Ltd. ❖ Fyfe's Friendly Pharmacy ❖ The Back Door Liquor Store Bragg Creek ✽ John Lyster ❖ Patrick Miles Bezanson ✩ Stacey Wabick & Sherry Wishnowski Brooks ❖ 42nd Street ❖ A J Legendz Inc. ❖ Bomart Enterprises Ltd. ✽ Brooks Asphalt & Aggregate Ltd. ❖ Brooks Clays & Feathers Club Ltd. ❖ Brooks McDonald's ✩ Brooks UFA Bulk Sales & Service ❖ Cactus Communications Ltd. ✽ Chinook Credit Union Ltd. ❖ Curtis Cleaners ❖ Ensign Champion Drilling ✩ Leonard Forrest ✽ Johnson Oilfield Contracting Ltd. ✽ Ronald McConnell ✽ New Life Homes Ltd. ❖ Prairie Custom & Collision Ltd. ✽ Puma Well Service ✽ Quikway Farms Ltd. ✽ Edward Secondiak ❖ Garth Smith ❖ James Unchelenko ✩ Universal Urethane Applicators Ltd. ❖ Work 'N Play Clothing Company Black Diamond ❖ Switchback Excavating Bruce ❖ Richard Goerg Blackfoot ✽ Flath Consulting 1996 Inc. ✽ Sellen Oilfield Services Burdett ✽ Cargill Grain Co. Ltd. ✽ Green Power ❖ Murray Campbell Hail Insurance & Real Estate Bashaw ❖ Ed Leicht Beaumont ✩ James Barry ✽ MD Spa & Laser Clinic Beaverlodge ❖ Neil Ashworth ❖ P R T Beaverlodge Nursery ✽ Riverbend Golf & Country Club Bentley ❖ Medicine Hills Oilfield Services Blairmore ❖ Arbonne ❖ Kelly Cervo ❖ Crowsnest Optometric Clinic ❖ Crowsnest Pass Golf & Country Club ❖ Val Danielson ❖ Diggers Bobcat ❖ Allan Garbutt ❖ Glen Girhiny ❖ Alan Martini ❖ Neat & Nifty Candy Bouquet ✩ Prairie Earthmovers Inc. ✽ Sears ❖ Douglas Young Bluesky ❖ M & K Rolling Farms Ltd. Bonnyville ❖ Casey Molyneux Bow Island ❖ Glen Campbell ❖ Dale Thacker Specialty Crops ❖ Dendron Services Ltd. ❖ Dr. L Edwards Pro Corp. ❖ Hiebert Cabinets ❖ I. G. A. Foods (Wheelers) ❖ Island Agencies Ltd. Calahoo ✩ Ryan Peel ✩ Dale Soetaert ✽ John Stevenson Calgary ❖ Alberta Environment - Southern Region ❖ Alberta Hunter Education Instructors' Association ❖ Diane Allan ❖ Margaret Allen ❖ Alpine Helicopters Ltd. ✩ J C Anderson ❖ Mark Anderson ✩ Anonyme ✽ Marty Antonini ❖ Apex Distribution Inc. ✩ ARC Resources Ltd. ❖ Avmax ❖ Meryl Belich ❖ BJ Services Company ✽ Lisa Bjornson ✩ Ken Black ✽ Boland Exploration Consulting ❖ Boyechko Builders ❖ Joan Bricker ❖ Burnco Industries Ltd. ❖ Bronze (250 $ - 499 $) ❖ Burnco Rock Products Ltd. ❖ CCS Energy Services ✽ Cedarglen Homes ❖ CI Investments ❖ Robert Colborne ✽ Corinthian Energy Corp. ✩ Shauna Davies-Belich ❖ Davmar Resources Inc. ❖ Kelly deCaux ✽ EnerMark Inc. ✽ Enersul Limited Partnership ❖ Thomas Ferguson ❖ Fidelity Investments Canada Ltd. ✽ Terry Fraser ❖ Gas Alberta Inc. ❖ William Graham ❖ Terrence W. Green ✩ Greengate Power Corporation ❖ Walter Greenslade ✩ Scott Haggins ✩ Warren Harding ❖ David Harris ❖ Hazco Environmental Services Ltd. ✽ Tim K. Hodgson ✽ Gordon Hoover ✽ Lloyd Horn ❖ Maureen Hrycyk ❖ Donna Hunter ❖ Joanna Bisley Designs ✽ Kanegawa Farms Ltd. ✽ David Karpluk ❖ Theode Kasper ❖ Kinder Morgan Canada Inc. ✽ Kivacorp ❖ Todd Kwiczak ❖ L.J.S. Investments ✽ Todd Laidlaw ❖ Bruce MacDonald ✽ Keith Miller ✽ Jana Milne ❖ James Moore ❖ Brian J. Ness ✩ Nu Vista Energy Ltd. ❖ William Nurcombe ❖ Parentshop ❖ Bradley Parker ✽ Dan Parliament ✽ Margaret Partridge ✽ William Partridge ✽ Joe Peskunowicz ❖ Provident Energy Ltd. ✩ Rick Riffel ❖ Rocky Cross Construction ❖ James Scott ✽ Priscila Snider ✽ Superior Propane ❖ Gaspar Szentner ❖ Terrale Energy Inc. ❖ Peter Tieleman ❖ Trinidad Well Servicing ❖ XWorks Geoservices Inc. Camrose ❖ Guy Anderson ✩ Karen Belich ✽ Jim Brager ✩ Camrose Chrysler ❖ Barb Christiansen ✽ Community Home Directory Inc. ✩ Randolph Cummer ❖ Duff Layton's Men's Wear ❖ Groves Value Drug Mart ❖ Interiors on Main ❖ Lou's Fashions ❖ McClellan Wheaton ✽ Norsemen Inn ✽ Argent (500 $ - 999 $) ❖ NU Floors ❖ Gerry Piro ❖ Peter These ✩ Shaun Tomilin Cochrane ❖ John Bush ❖ Micheline Maes Cold Lake ✩ City of Cold Lake ✽ Eric Hanson Canmore ❖ Makana Electric Ltd. Carbon ❖ The Duck Bum Carseland ❖ Calgary Complete Carpentry Ltd. ❖ Adrian & Dahrlyne Knaus Carstairs ✩ Wessex Game Birds Carvel ✽ Spruce Valley Concrete Castor ❖ Rod Anderson ❖ Scott Bagshaw ❖ Brian Renschler Construction ❖ Castor Home Hardware ❖ Castor Value Drug Mart ❖ D & S Enterprises & Prairie Roads ❖ DaTech Controls ❖ Elhard Farms ❖ Hildreth Welding Services ❖ KMA Simpson Prof Corp. ❖ Lerry's Mechanical ❖ Little Red Barn Woodwork & Glass ❖ Misty Gunworks ❖ RMD Petroleum ❖ Rock Solid Oilfield Inc. ❖ Vindalbakken Kennels Cayley ❖ Kenneth Elke Cereal ❖ Cando Oilfield Chauvin ❖ DiCo ❖ Silverman Oilfield Services Ltd. Claresholm ❖ Donna Hoffman ❖ Dean Lindquist ❖ Grace Norgard ❖ Doug Symonds Coronation ❖ Coronation Industrial Sales & Rental ✩ M & N Construction ❖ Ramsay Stockman Centre Craigmyle ❖ Ken Strellioff Cypress County ❖ Clifford Dunn De Winton ❖ Diane Bourgeois Burton ❖ Car Investment Corp. ❖ Cottonwood Golf & Country Club ❖ Heritage Pointe Golf & Country Club Estates Devon ❖ Sheila Aitken ❖ All West Venture ❖ James Bachmier ❖ Branny Consulting ❖ Devon Florist and Gift Shop ❖ Devon Golf Course & C.C. ✩ Tracy O'Neill ❖ Riverview Veterinary Clinic ✩ Thermal Energy Services Inc. Dixonville ❖ Lonetech Enterprises Coaldale ✽ Adora Kitchens Ltd. ✽ CAPS Diesel & Automotive ❖ Coaldale & District Emergency Services ❖ Coaldale & District Agricultural Society ✽ Coaldale Battery (2001) ❖ Coaldale DU Chapter ❖ Garden Grove Service ❖ Intercontinental Truck Body Ltd. ❖ McCain Foods (Canada) ✽ Throttle Up Industries ✽ Van Rijn Electric ❖ Tex Wiebe ❖ Wiebe Sausage Works C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S Consort ❖ 1180344 AB Limited ❖ Gem Oilfield Consulting Didsbury ❖ For Trees Company Ltd. ❖ Grasse Lumber ❖ Town of Didsbury ❖ Windsor Graphics Chestermere ❖ John McLaughlin ❖ Corrine Watson ✩ Or (1 000 $ - 4 999 $) Coleman ❖ Chris's Restaurant ❖ Country Encounters ❖ Crowsnest Pass Veterinary Clinic ❖ Remedy's Rx Drayton Valley ✽ Bailey's Welding and Construction Inc. ❖ Bob Dale Oilfield Construction Ltd. ❖ Boston Pizza ✽ Brandette Well Servicing ❖ Arne Bratland ✩ Brazeau Well Servicing ❖ Chopko Remedial Services ✽ Ann Dancey ❖ Dunn-Right Communications ❖ DW Meter ❖ Gemini Auto Body ✩ KGB Oilfield Contracting Ltd. ✽ Lincoln County Oilfield Services Ltd. ❖ Lyda Logging Ltd. ✽ Mark's Work Wearhouse ❥ Décédé 33 ALBERTA ❖ Dwayne Patten ❖ Julie Peguin ❖ Penney's Drug Mart ❖ Stetson Motors Ltd. ❖ Value Drug Mart ❖ Winalta Construction Inc. Duchess ❖ Brenda Gerstner ✩ Brian Peers ✽ Red Roof Studio Dunmore ❖ Blondies Gift & Garden Centre Ltd. ❖ Sterling Trailer Sales Edmonton ✽ Airco Aircraft Charters ✽ Al Brite Manufacturing Jewellers Ltd. ❖ Alberta Truss ✽ Alberta Wilbert Sales Ltd. ✩ All Weather Shelters Inc. ❖ All Weather Windows ❖ Argus Machine Co. Ltd. ✩ ATCO Gas (ECSF) ❖ Ken Aune ❖ Beaverhill Sporting Clay Club ❖ Blue Pear ❖ Brownlee LLP Barristers & Solicitors ❖ Campers Village ✽ Capital Industrial Sales & Service Ltd. ❖ Carlson Body Shop Supply Ltd. ❖ Challenger Fleet Management Service Ltd. ❖ Gary Chanin ✽ Mel Chauncey ✩ Mike Christiansen ✩ Jerry Cooper ✽ CRC Wellhead Supply ❖ Cyclone Drilling ❖ John Deane ❖ Isabelle Dechene ❖ Edge Equipment ✽ Edmonton Nut and Bolt ✩ Christa Edwards ❖ Gino Ferri ❖ Rod Girard ✽ Jennifer Grant ❖ Guardian a ShawCor Company ✽ Devere Hagan ❖ Hurley's Meat Distributors Ltd. ✽ IVIS Inc. ❖ Daryl Jackson ❖ Jagare Ridge Golf Club ✽ Michael Kaziechko ❖ Kouri Berezan Heinrich Chartered Accountants ❖ Fred Kretzschmar ✽ Eric Krysa ✽ Lehigh Inland Cement ✽ Cheryl Lewis ❖ Jenna Lin ❖ A E Lipinski ❖ Mammoet Canada Western Ltd. ❖ Mayfield Toyota ❖ Roderick A. McLennan ✽ Melcor (Links Golf Course) ❖ Melcor Developments Ltd. ❖ Dr. George B. Mellon ✩ John Mitchell ✽ My Filosophy ✽ Bernie Nikolai ❖ David Nix ❖ Barry C. Nolt ❖ Normand's Restaurant ✽ North Star Pallets ✽ Mary Christa O'Keefe ✩ Panda Flowers ✽ Phoenix Fence (1986) Ltd. ❖ Patrick Pierce ✽ PM Electric Ltd. ✽ Priority Printing Ltd. ❖ Joe Quible ✩ Red Arrow ✽ Margaret Reine ❖ Elizabeth Reiner ❖ Royal Park Realty ❖ Stanley Ruecker ✩ Second Cup Coffee Co. ✩ Sports Scene Publications Inc. ✽ Craig Stewart ❖ Sutton Place Hotel ❖ Terry Thwaites ✽ Tim Hortons ❖ James Triscott ❖ Dion Turner ❖ Chris Wenzel ✽ Westpoint Truck & Equipment ❖ David Wilk ✩ R. Kathleen Williams Grimshaw ✽ Robert Hofferd ❖ La Prairie Group Contractors (Alberta) Ltd. Halkirk ❖ Dura Bull Projects Inc. ✽ Halkirk Hotel Hanna ✩ John Beeston ❖ Bumper To Bumper ❖ Tim L. Ell Professional Corporation ❖ Exlco Oilfield Services ❖ Fox Lake Retreat ❖ Hanna Chiropractic Clinic ❖ Hanna Chrysler ❖ Hanna Farm Equipment (1990) ❖ Hanna Golf & Country Club ❖ Colleen Lewis ❖ Lil' Digger Trackhoe ❖ Quaschnick Vegetation Management Inc. ❖ Special Areas Board ✽ T.X. Contracting Services ❖ Value Drug Mart Enchant ✩ Circle E Grazing Association ❖ Enchant Community Store Esther ❖ J.R. Signtec Falher ❖ Fountain Tire Foisy ✽ North Bay Developments Hardisty ✽ Brad Younger Foremost ❖ Foremost Agencies Hays ❖ Hays Stock Grazing Association Fort Macleod ❖ Scougalls RV Centre Ltd. Fort McMurray ✽ Fisher Powerline Construction Ltd. ❖ Formula Sports and Marine Ltd. Fort Saskatchewan ❖ Fort Auto Body Ltd. ✩ Fort Saskatchewan Correctional Institute ❖ Fort-In-View Golf Course ❖ Patricia Gallaway ✽ Home Hardware ❖ Kroening Consultants Ltd. ❖ Tru West Company Ltd. Gibbons ❖ Aileen Campbell Gleichen ❖ Stewart Farms Grande Prairie ❖ All Peace Petroleum Ltd. ✩ Allwest Northern Glass ❖ Carmel Bexson ❖ Champion Technologies Ltd. ❖ Coppermine Oilfield Services Ltd. High Level ❖ Caliber Energy Rentals ❖ Dezzco ❖ EOS Pipeline & Facilities Inc. ❖ Four Winds Hotel ✽ Gemini Helicopters ❖ High Level Motor Products ❖ High Level Sporting Association ❖ L & P Disposals ❖ Picker Services High Prairie ❖ Garry Basarab ❖ Big Lakes Dodge Ltd. ❖ Brian's Repair & Towing ❖ Charrios Motor Products ✽ deSIGN's by Tam ❖ Enilda & District Society for Recreation & Culture ✩ Heart River Sausage ❖ High Prairie & District Golf Club ✽ William Lesiuk ❖ MacLeods True Value Hardware ✽ Plains Marketing ✽ Argent (500 $ - 999 $) High River ❖ Austen Jewellers ❖ Contain-A-Way Services ✽ High River Fish & Game ❖ High River Toyota ✩ Lower Tongue Creek Pheasant Co. ❖ Peak Potential Fitness ❖ UFA ✽ Urban Edge ❖ Western Financial Group Hillcrest ❖ Ropak Management Ltd. Innisfail ✩ Eric Haldorson ❖ Howell's Excavating Ltd. ❖ Mountain Sod & Seed Farm Ltd. ❖ Nestle Purina Petcare ✽ Jim Rich ❖ The Antlershop Wildlife Art & Design Studio ❖ Tim Hortons Grovedale ✩ 12 Gauge Outfitters Elk Point ❖ E Can Oilfield Services ❖ Hahn Welding ❖ Bronze (250 $ - 499 $) 34 ✽ Fred Estlin Prof Corp. ❖ J.B. Insurance ✽ Ben Karpisek ❖ Raymond LaCroix ❖ M & R Plumbing ✽ Northern Tackle & Sport Supply ✽ Redneckz Wireline ❖ Sheldon Hannah Financial Services Ltd. ❖ Skybase Mapping ✽ Wapiti Gravel Suppliers ✽ Wolseley Inc. Innisfree ❖ Greater Canadians Irvine ✩ Darren Lutz Jasper ✩ Robin Campbell ✩ Maligne Canyon Tea House ❖ Mountain Park Lodge ❖ Palisades Restaurant ❖ Patricia Lake Bungalows LaCrete ❖ Nor-Alta Lac La Biche ❖ Cascade Flowers ✽ Barry Chwedoruk ❖ Kent Davidson ✩ Delta Helicopters ❖ Due North Dist. Inc. ❖ Home Hardware Building Center ❖ Lac La Biche Kinsmen ❖ Lac La Biche Sporting Goods ❖ Lac La Biche Stationers Ltd. ❖ Cal Nash ❖ Portage College ❖ R & R Creative Interiors ❖ Razorback Contracting Ltd. ❖ Sabre Cats ❖ Saphire Auto Inc. ❖ Servus Credit Union Ltd. ❖ Stephanes Mobile Repair ❖ Ted's Automotive ❖ Value Drug Mart Lac des Arcs ❖ Paul Smith Photography Langdon ❖ Reid Miller Leduc ❖ Leduc Co-op ❖ Leduc Goldsmith ✽ Mixcor Aggregates Inc. ❖ Tom Stenger ❖ Suburban Printing & Stationary Ltd. Legal ❖ Stan Nance ✩ Or (1 000 $ - 4 999 $) C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S Lethbridge ✽ Alpenland Ski and Sports ❖ Ed Anderson ✽ Bob Balog ❖ BFI Canada Inc. ❖ Brown Okamura & Associates Ltd. ❖ Chris Yauck Photography ❖ Curves - South Lethbridge ❖ Kerry Edwards ❖ Eecol Electric ❖ Four Seasons Home Comfort ❖ Ken Fritz ❖ G. Wiebe Excavating Ltd. ❖ Gentlemen Three Men's Wear ❖ Gescan ❖ Glen Meyers Insurance ❖ Green Haven Garden Centre ❖ Guillevin International ❖ Hagen Electric Ltd. ✽ Jeanette Haley ✽ Paul T. Hall ✩ Scott Henowitch ✽ Katie Herzog ❖ Harold P. Janecke ✽ Brent Johnson ✽ Terry Kowalchuk ❖ Landwise Inc. ❖ Leth. Truck Equipment ❖ Lethbridge College - Faculty Of Environmental Science ✩ Lethbridge College Office of Alumni Relations ✩ Lethbridge Fitness Club ✩ Lethbridge Lodge ❖ Lethbridge Millwright & Welding Ltd. ❖ Marks Work Wearhouse ❖ Marksman Guns and Sports Ltd. ❖ Marshal Metals Scrap Recycling Ltd. ❖ Martin Brothers Funeral Chapels & Crematorium ❖ Molson's ❖ Mike Monaghan ❖ Monsanto Canada ✽ MPE Engineering Ltd. ❖ Doug Mundell ❖ Roger Penner ✽ John Perlich ✽ Perlich Real Estate Ltd. ✽ Phillips Jewellery ❖ Quintus Financial ❖ Sandman Hotel ❖ Kevin Sassa ❖ St Mary River Irrigation District ❖ The Drywall Connection Ltd. ❖ Thriftway Drugs ✽ Tompkins Jewellers ❖ Tradesman Manufacturing ❖ Sandy Vanderburgh ❖ WA Environmental Services Ltd. ✽ Wholesale sports ❖ W E Willows ❖ Wine Cavern Ltd. Lloydminster ✽ Border City Concrete ❖ CAG Consulting ❖ Josie Collins ✽ Designers Choice ✩ Cedric Gall ✽ Midnorth Decorators ❖ RBC Dominion Securities Lundbreck ✽ Three Rivers Rentals Ltd. ❥ Décédé ALBERTA ❖ Shelladams Salon ❖ S Skinner ❖ Sonic Oilfield, Pain & Body Service ❖ Sweet Obsession Custom Cakes ❖ Ryan Targerson ❖ Todd Valkenburg Professional Corp. ✽ Torcal Industries Ltd. ❖ Western Financial Group Mallaig ❖ Star Construction & Concrete Manning ❖ Ralph Lewis Mannville ❖ 1246593 Alberta Ltd. ❖ Dary Farms Ltd. ✽ K Kenn Industries Ltd. ❖ Kelly Konieczny ❖ Mannville & Area Liquor Store ❖ Northern Heights Farm ❖ TBNK Enterprises ❖ Two "K" Construction Milk River ❖ 950953 Alberta Ltd. ❖ Robert Bogle ❖ Ronald Taylor Morinville ❖ Lorrie Churchill ✽ Hank Reinbold ❖ Tom Soetaert ❖ Keith Vansevenandt McLennan ❖ Bruce Brulotte ❖ Terry Dunne ❖ Lakeview Bigway ❖ McLennan Order Of The Royal Purple ❖ Rainbow Pet Services Mundare ❖ Barry Stewart Medicine Hat ✽ A Plus Equipment Rentals ❖ AG Plus Mechanical ❖ Akuna Media Group ❖ AMT Environmental Services Ltd. ❖ Animal World ❖ Bar XH Air Inc. ❖ Bar XH Sales ❖ Big M Ford Lincoln ❖ Patrech Bishop ✽ C & H Irrigation Ltd. ❖ C K Sheet Metal ❖ Cactus Communications ✽ Callaghan Inn ❖ Canadian Tire ❖ Cerpro Energy Services ✽ City Plymouth Chrysler (Medicine Hat) Ltd. ❖ Computer Central Corp. ❖ Cowan Agencies Ltd. ❖ Cypress Ski Hill Ltd. ❖ Dell Rossi Men's Wear Ltd. ❖ Ensminger Beck & Thompson CA ❖ Bob Fisher ❖ G & B Welding ❖ Gateway Agencies ❖ Gravity Sports ❖ Hummingbird Spa ❖ Hydraco Industries Ltd. ❖ Johnston Morrison Hunter & Company ❖ K P Pest Control ✽ Kurt's Iron Works Ltd. ❖ Medicine Hat Co-op Ltd. ✽ Medicine Hat Fish & Game Association ❖ Medicine Hat Golf & Country Club ❖ Medicine Hat New Holland ✽ Neil MacKinnon Mechanical Services ❖ NGC Compression Solutions Ltd. ❖ One Hour Photo ❖ Parkers Country Wide ❖ Pronghorn Controls ❖ Quickway Electric ✽ RBC Royal Bank ✽ Mark Reinhardt ❖ Robert Starner Mechanical ✽ Rodeo Ford Sales Ltd. ❖ S F Scott Manufacturing ❖ Scheffer Andrew Ltd. ✽ Brent Schlenker New Norway ❖ Silver Creek Golf Course Nisku ✽ Pat Wauters Okotoks ❖ Altrek Industries Ltd. ❖ Ardiel Agencies (1978) Ltd. ❖ Canadian Tire ✽ Carcraft Carstar Collision ✽ Charles A Dixon Professional Corp. ❖ Couillard Group Inc. ❖ Curves - Okotoks ❖ Exclusive Guards Service ✽ Foothills Animal Hospital ❖ Andrew Gustafson ✩ Lynnwood Ranch ❖ NAPA Okotoks ❖ OK Tire & Auto Service/Hill Top Shell ❖ Okotoks Country Living Garden Centre ❖ Okotoks Ford Lincoln ❖ Servus Credit Union Ltd. ❖ Thompson Darrach Chartered Accountants Onoway ✽ David Cooper ❖ Jim Eccleston Oyen ❖ 1409192 Alberta Inc. ❖ ATB Financial ✽ Doug's AG Foods ❖ Evergreen Environmental Management Inc. ❖ Farming Valley Investments ❖ John's Electric ❖ Lee Little ❖ MacLean Funeral Home ❖ Oyen Optometry Clinic ❖ Oyen Veterinary Services Ltd. ❖ Shopeasy ❖ Stitch Worx ❖ Studer Spraying Ltd. ❖ True Value V & S Hardware Patricia ❖ Wade Tobler ❖ Bronze (250 $ - 499 $) Peace River ✽ IGA Freson ❖ Mathiew Hryniuk ❖ Whitemud Wilderness Outfitters Redcliff ❖ Baker Petrolite ❖ Caddis Aviation Management Inc. ❖ Southern Valve Services Pickardville ✽ Alberta Bridgeworks Inc. Redwood Meadows ❖ Katherine Corkery Picture Butte ❖ Brian Murray Riviere Qui Barre ❖ Borle Works Pincher Creek ❖ Ames Insurance ❖ B. W. Construction Products Ltd. ✽ Blackburn Jewellers Ltd. ❖ Boulder Metal Industries (2002) Inc. ❖ Jim Burns ✽ Cowley Ridge Wind Power Inc. ❖ Dexter Oilfield ❖ Flint Field Service Ltd. ❖ Gordon McMullen ✩ Lindsey Paterson ✩ Charles A. Price ❖ Shaggy Dog Designs Fibre Art Supplies ❖ Tom Judd Pincher Creek Ltd. ❖ Westcastle Motors Ltd. Ryley ✩ Robbin Hunka Ponoka ❖ Almita Manufacturing Ltd. ❖ Darcy's Drilling ❖ Gerald Labrie ❖ Michael Marien Priddis ✽ Lloyd Prefontaine Provost ❖ BB Finishing ❖ Bouma Meats ❖ Brenton Consulting ❖ Cactus Lake Electric & Controls Ltd. ❖ Canadian Subsurface ❖ Champion Technologies Ltd. ❖ Crescent Point Energy Trust ❖ Darrell Klein Floor Covering Ltd. ❖ Greenhead Motel ❖ Infinity Fence Inc. ❖ Kelro Pump & Mechanical Ltd. ❖ Kouri Berezan Heinrichs Accountants ❖ Leckie & Associates Prof Corp. ❖ Maverick Oilfield Services Ltd. ❖ Morrell Mechanics ❖ MTM Energy ❖ Prospector Oilfield Services Ltd. ❖ Provost Liquor Store ❖ Servus Credit Union Ltd. ❖ Side Track Liquor ❖ Water Hawk ❖ Winterhawk Exploration Rainbow Lake ✽ Airborne Energy Solutions Ltd. ❖ Boyd Langford Professional Corp. ❖ Calvin Olynick Red Deer ❖ Advanced Coil Tubing Inc. ✩ Darwin Chambers ✩ Ian McFarlane ❖ Peavey Mart ❖ Red Deer Eye Care Centre ❖ Synoil Fluids ✽ Argent (500 $ - 999 $) Seba Beach ✽ Sun Gro Horticulture Canada Ltd. Sedalia ❖ Cophill Contracting Seven Persons ✩ Troy Gregory Sherwood Park ✽ J.C. Brown ❖ CCD Technologies ✽ Jim & Denise Dahl ✽ Bonnie Isaacson ❖ Salisbury Greenhouses ✩ Willbros Canada Slave Lake ❖ Allaire Cleaners ❖ Atco Electric ❖ B.K. Properties ❖ Big Lakes Dodge Ltd. ❖ Boston Pizza ✽ Century 21 Northern Realty ❖ Danny's Picker Service Ltd. ❖ Direct Current ❖ Double B Machining ❖ Exact Oilfield Developments Ltd. ❖ Focus Surveys Limited Partnership ✽ Bill Lukan ❥ ❖ Metercheck (1996) Ltd. ❖ Murdock Energy Inc. ❖ RE/MAX Slave Lake Realty ❖ S L Ford Sales Ltd. ✩ Sawridge Hotel ❖ Slave Lake Specialties ❖ Slave Safety Supply ❖ Kris Tees ❖ The Brick ❖ True Grit Oilfield Services Ltd. ❖ White Cap Motors Smoky Lake ❖ Amber's Flowers and Gifts ✩ Noel’s Catering ❖ White Earth Drugs Spirit River ✩ Ken Kosowan Spruce Grove ❖ Gerald Acheson ✽ Carpet Showplace ❖ Crystal Glass ✩ DGC Contracting Inc. ❖ Drilco Ltd. ❖ Grant Ford ❖ Peter Graham ✽ Grove Collision Repairs Ltd. ✽ Grove Dodge Chrysler Jeep ✽ Grove RV & Leisure ❖ Ross Hodgetts ✩ Or (1 000 $ - 4 999 $) C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S ❖ Jackson's Extraordinary Custom Framing ✩ W. Jopling ✽ Lynx Brand Fence Products ✽ McLeod Home Building Center ❖ Part Stop Auto & Industrial Supplies Ltd. ✩ Alain J. Richard ❖ Robinson & Company (898566 AB Ltd.) ❖ Brian Schaefer ❖ Spruce Grove Veterinary Clinic Ltd. ✩ Martin Van Sloun ❖ Bill Wilkins Spruceview ❖ Terry Rathwell St Albert ❖ David J. Armstrong ❖ Bec Electric Inc. ❖ Kenneth Bilawchuk ❖ Len Bracko ✽ Colin Campbell ✽ Fountain Tire ❖ Jackie-Rae Greening ✽ A.D. Herbert ❖ Frank Krupa ✩ Fernande LeBlanc ✩ Dave Reidie ✽ Greg Simpson ✽ Peter Stahl ✽ Leon Tellier ✩ Anthony Varga St Paul ❖ Andrukow Group Solutions Inc. ❖ B&D Industrial Service ❖ Bill Sakaluk Construction ❖ BPK Mechanical Services ❖ Century 21 Poirier Real Estate ❖ Doug's Cafeteria ❖ Extreme Oilfield Technology ❖ Fine Line Painting ❖ Genesis Homes ❖ GS Construction ❖ Guardian Drugs ❖ Guthrie Mechanical Services Ltd. ❖ Kotowich Home Hardware Ltd. ❖ M & L Construction ✩ Trevor Matthews ❖ MCS NET ❖ MG's Liquor Mart ❖ Mistol Seeds ❖ OK Tire ❖ Colin Porozni ❖ Pro Vision Renovations ❖ Pure Country Backhoe ❖ Rachynski Land Surveys 1988 Ltd. ❖ Darren D Richardson ❖ Richardson Jewellery ❖ Robertson Group Ltd. ❖ Rocket Plumbing ✩ St Brides Trading Post ❖ St Paul Canadian Tire ❖ St Paul Glass Lock & Key ❖ St Paul Seed Cleaning Plant ❖ Warehouse Sports ❖ Wilter Auto & Ind Supply ❖ Yewchin's Funeral Chapel Stirling ❖ Darren Mazutinec ❥ Décédé 35 ALBERTA – SASKATCHEWAN Stony Plain ❖ Bing's #1 Restaurant ✽ Claude Coupal ❖ Darlin Jewellers ❖ Decker Properties Inc. ❖ Trevor Dodd ✽ Howard's Transport Service Inc. ✽ Jackz Developments ✽ Kal Tire Stony Plain ❖ Stan Kozyra ✩ Kulak Ventures Ltd. ❖ Darlene Litzenberger ❖ Marcel's Handie Printing ❖ Stony Plain Fish and Game Association ✽ Stony Plain Plymouth Chrysler Jeep ❖ Stony Plain Rentals and Sales Ltd. ❖ Stony Plain Seed Cleaning Association Ltd. ✽ Vertex Builders Ltd. Strathmore ❖ Charles Bechthold ❖ Darin Dunlop ❖ George Freeman ✽ D. John Getz ✩ GH Studio ✽ Gray's Ltd. ✽ Grove Contract Operating Ltd. ❖ Pendelton Interiors ✩ Jason Philp ✩ Sobey's ✽ Strathmore Lions Club ❖ Strathmore Value Drug Mart ✽ Wheatland Conservation & Wildlife Association Tomahawk ✽ Mireille Gauthier Wetaskiwin ✩ Central Sled & Cycle ❖ Home Building Centre ❖ Magnum Mechanical Systems Canora ❖ Good Spirit Lake Golf & Country Club ❖ Peter Wiwchar Turner Valley ❖ Marie Poelman Whitecourt ✽ Klash Auto Body ❖ Roger Littke Chaplin ✩ Saskatchewan Minerals Two Hills ❖ Musgraves Millwork and Cabinetry Winfield ✽ Betlamini Meats Trochu ❖ TRL Trucking Valleyview ❖ Brody Inspections Vauxhall ❖ Bow River Gas Co-operative Ltd. ✽ Bow River Irrigation District ❖ Country Bakery & Catering Ltd. ❖ Clay Farnsworth ❖ Paul Gow ❖ Grower's Supply Ltd. ❖ Haven Agencies Ltd. ❖ Lazy Acres Ltd. ❖ Senneker Construction Ltd. ❖ Rodney Skuban ❖ Richard Thorne ❖ Vauxhall Meats 2004 Ltd. ❖ Vauxhall Shell ✽ Vauxhall Stock Grazing Association Vegreville ❖ Vegreville Plumbing & Heating Ltd. Vermilion ❖ Agland ❖ Cargill Grain Ltd. ❖ College Park Motors ❖ Joe De Girolamo ❖ East-Alta Co-op Ltd. ❖ Everest Trucking Ltd. ❖ Midwest Auto Supply ❖ Nilsson Bros-Vermilion ❖ Subway ❖ T-Rock CT Services Ltd. ❖ Vermilion Credit Union ❖ Vermilion Feeds ❖ Vermilion Insurance Services Ltd. ❖ Vermilion Standard ❖ Viterra ❖ Webb's Crop Services Sturgeon County ✩ John Eggertson Taber ❖ 600236 Alberta Ltd. ❖ Dorothy Bael ❖ Baker Hughes ❖ Baldry Sugden Law Office ❖ Buffalo Head Vet Clinic ❖ Chinook Chrysler ❖ Crude Oil Group ❖ Gateway Livestock Marketing ❖ Hawk Hydrovac Ltd. ❖ Charmaine Kallen Nelson ❖ Lamb Weston ✩ John Megyes ✽ Nova ❖ Brenda O'Donnell ❖ Red Trail Insurance ❖ Rugged Tanks & Fabricating ❖ Southland Funeral Chapel ❖ Taber Ford Mercury Sales Inc. ❖ Taber Hotel Co. Ltd. ❖ Taber Temp Plumbing, Heating & Gas Fitting ❖ TFS Expanse ❖ Mills, Unrau, Gerlock Wabamun ❖ Fred Lindsay ❖ Jack Marfleet Wainwright ❖ Denwood Motors (1993) Ltd. ❖ Mark Hughes ❖ Norris Ford Sales Ltd. ❖ OJ's Leisure Products Ltd. ❖ Wain-Alta Motors (1988) Ltd. ❖ Wainwright Credit Union ✽ Wainwright Paint & Paper Tilley ✽ G. W. Murray Ranches Ltd. ✩ Hubert Kallen ✽ Ken Ellingson Oilfield Consulting ❖ Wester's Garage Warburg ❖ Dennis Foley Tofield ❖ Alan Dronkelaar ❖ Terry Wruth Westlock ❖ Lennon & Barlow ❖ Servus Credit Union Ltd. ❖ TD Canada Trust ❖ Westlock Ford Warspite ❖ DBC Services ❖ Bronze (250 $ - 499 $) 36 ❖ Larry Preddy ❖ Regens Disposal Ltd. ✽ Remax Progressive Realty ❖ Rockwell Servicing ❖ Senchuk Mercury Lincoln Sales Ltd. ✩ Sherrit Coal ❖ T S & M Supply Chitek Lake ❖ Surprenants General Store Churchill ❖ Frontiers North SASKATCHEWAN Cochin ❖ Elaine Elder Abbey ❖ Ron T. Anderson ❖ Neil Block ❖ Dale Peterson Coleville ❖ Central Plain's Oilfield Services ❖ H G Oilfield Services ❖ Clark Johnston ❖ Patch Machining ❖ Precision Instrumentation & Supply Air Ronge ❖ Jason Calladine ❖ Eagle Point Sales & Service Allan ❖ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc. - Allan Division Annaheim ❖ Virginia Joosse-Soucy Craven ❖ Kelly Hackman Creighton ❖ Creighton Superstore ❖ Dyno Nobel Glenavon ❖ Louis Dreyfus Delisle ❖ Canam Trucking Export Ltd. Battleford ❖ 5 H Holdings ❖ 618134 SK Ltd. ❖ Four K Auto Service ❖ Graham Holm ❖ Gord Johnson ❖ A. Prollius ❖ Jody Raiche ❖ Take Em Outfitters ❖ Van Tek Line Locating Ltd. Dodsland ❖ Dodsland & District Credit Union Dundurn ❖ Dundurn Lions Club ✩ Racetrac Gas Bienfait ❖ Prairie Western Reclamation & Construction Inc. Edam ❖ Garry's Construction Ltd. Emerald Park ❖ Markusson New Holland Big River ❖ Timberland Motel Englefeld ❖ Schulte Industries Bruno ❖ Sagehill Development Corp. Estevan ❖ Gilliss Power Tongs Ltd. ❖ APEX ❖ Assante Management Ltd. ❖ Barber Oilfield Supervision Inc. ❖ Canadian Sub-Surface Energy Services ❖ Corrpro Canada Inc. ❖ Gillis Power Tongs ✽ Glasser Variety Lighting Ltd. ✩ Granby's on 9th Days Inn ❖ Houston Pizza ❖ Industrial Communications ❖ Kelly Panteluk Construction Ltd. ❖ Kendall's Auto Electric Co. Ltd. ❖ Penn West Energy Trust ✽ Petrobakken ✽ Prairie Petro Chemical Ltd. Cabri ❖ AM Inspection ❖ Rick Bos ❖ Brian's Autobody ❖ Cabri Inn ❖ Don Dal Farms ❖ Earl's Acres ❖ Grain X ✽ Levorson Seed Cleaning ❖ Pioneer Grain Co. Ltd. ❖ R Elec GW Waterworks ❖ Glen Reynolds ❖ Trapper's Pit Digging ✽ Argent (500 $ - 999 $) ✩ Or (1 000 $ - 4 999 $) C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S Grandora ❖ Cheryl Sanders Grasswood ❖ Skyview Estates Ltd. Grayson ✽ Stuart Cairns ❖ Cairns Ranch Griffin ✽ Black Ridge Consulting and Oilfield Service Ltd. Eatonia ❖ Eatonia Agencies Belle Plaine ❖ Yara Belle Plain Inc. Foam Lake ❖ Altman Construction & Equipment ❖ Town of Foam Lake Fort Qu'Appelle ❖ Banbury Plumbing & Heating Inc. ❖ Hilderman Construction ❖ Pets-A-Plenty ❖ Profile Tire and Blacktty Truck Sales ❖ Valley Collision Centre Dafoe ❖ 24/7 Travel Centre ❖ Glen Bolt ❖ Lakeside Seeds Balgonie ❖ Richardson Pioneer ❖ Michael Schauenberg Eston ❖ Doug Antony ❖ DT's Restaurant ❖ Eston Farm Chemicals ❖ Estonia Farming Company Limited ❖ Knight Farms ✽ Wayne Leach ❖ McLean Farming Co. Ltd. ❖ Owen's and Sweitzer (1972) Ltd. ✩ William Owens ✽ Prairie Vegetation Management ❖ Tim Wostradowski Gull Lake ❖ Brian's Welding ❖ Bridge Creek Trucking ❖ Condor Enterprises ❖ Dynamic Oilfield Rentals ❖ Girodat Electric Ltd. ❖ GTG Oilfield ❖ Har-Buzz Ltd. ✽ Karis Contracting ❖ Litan Oilfield ✽ Lonestar Energy Services ❖ Montgomery & Sons ❖ Road Runner Oilfield Services ❖ South West Terminal ❖ Ted's Vac Service/ Lonestar Steaming Hearne ✽ Mark Akins Hudson Bay ❖ Norman Marcyniuk ❖ Darren Simons Humboldt ✩ Dave Atamanchuk ❖ Behiel ,Will & Biemans ❖ Bella Vista Inn ❥ Décédé SASKATCHEWAN ❖ Bersch & Associates ❖ Bunge Canada ❖ Cash's Car & Truck Wash ❖ Chick Allan's Restaurant ❖ CIM Ltd. ❖ Colony Motor Products ❖ Conexus Credit Union Humboldt ❖ Crone's Climate Control ❖ Discovery Ford ❖ Dr Brian A Skulski Prof Corp. ❖ Dundee Wealth Management ✽ Gene's Memorial ✽ Horizon Fertilizer ❖ Humboldt Ambulance ❖ Humboldt Farm Equipment ✽ Imagin Photography & Framing Gallery ❖ JayDee Agtech ❖ Johnny's Bistro ❖ Malinoski & Danyluik Funeral Home ❖ Meyers Norris & Penny ❖ Pioneer Motor Hotel ❖ Reflections by Richard ❖ Rick's Place ❖ Schuler-Lefebvre Funeral Home ❖ South 20 Dodge ❖ Staging Canadell ❖ The Source - Yuen's Cellular & Satellite ❖ Dan Tratch ❖ Viterra ❖ Wheelers Wholesale Ltd. ❖ Windsor Hotel Indian Head ❖ Big Way Foods ❖ Brett Young Seeds ❖ Delage Farms ✽ Dragan Drugs (1990) Ltd. ❖ Grand Avenue Inn ❖ Indian Head Agencies ❖ Indian Head Agriculture Research Foundation ❖ Indian Head Bakery ❖ Monsanto Canada Inc. ❖ Nite Hawk Trucking ❖ Out Damn Spot ❖ Plainsview Credit Union ❖ Robertson Seed Cleaning Kelvington ❖ Haas Construction Ltd. ❖ Kelvington Medical Clinic Kennedy ✽ Parkside Oilfield Services Ltd. Kerrobert ❖ Alliance Pipeline ❖ K & E Water Works ❖ Kerrobert Paint & Body Ltd. ❖ Rojan Grading ❖ Simon & Simon Picker & Hotshot Service Ltd. Kindersley ✽ Chad Adams ❖ Boychuk Sales & Service Ltd. ❖ CAJ Resources Ltd. ❖ Cargill ❖ Caz Construction Ltd. ❖ Gary Close ❖ Dairy Queen ✽ Dancin Oilfield ❖ Double G Oilfield Ltd. ❖ Ecklin Oilfield Consulting Inc. ❖ Edge Realty Ltd. ✽ Energy Dodge ❖ Gassner Oilfield Maintenance ✽ Guy's Furniture & Appliance ❖ Hamm Holdings ❖ Hill Acme Machine Ltd. ❖ Rotary Air Force Marketing Inc. ❖ Ish Energy ❖ J & B Equipment Ltd. ❖ KC Electric ❖ Kelly Insurance Brokers ❖ Kindersley Co-op ❖ Kindersley Glass Ltd. ❖ Kindersley Insurance ✽ Kindersley Mainline Motors ❖ Kindersley Medical Clinic ❖ Kindersley Packers ❖ Knight Rose Accounting ❖ Norman Krogstad ❖ Longhorn Oil & Gas Ltd. ❖ Lynch Oil Ltd. ❖ Manulife ❖ Mark Millar Legal Prof ❖ McBain Custom Hauling ❖ Mitch's Contracting Services ❖ NAPA Auto Supply ❖ Pincemin Fire Safety ❖ Prairieland Drilling ❖ Quickfalls Collision Center ❖ RBC Royal Bank ❖ Royal Lepage Wheat Country Realty ✩ Terry Shea ❖ Simgan Trucking Ltd. ❖ Synergy Credit Union ❖ Tarnes Electric Limited ❖ Tocha Holdings ❖ Glenn Uzelman ❖ Vanko Oilfield Services Ltd. ❖ West Central Tire & Auto ❖ Robert Wyman Kisbey ❖ Cliff Nankivell Trucking Ltd. Kuroki ❖ RM of Sasman ❖ Triple A Meats La Ronge ❖ Drifts & Waves Leisure Inc. ❖ Highrock Contracting Ltd. ❖ La Ronge Petroleum Ltd. ❖ Lakeshore - Napa Auto Parts ✽ Calvin Schommer Lacadena ❖ J Hough Operating Inc. Lake Lenore ❖ Lake Lenore Hotel ❖ Brad Schemenauer Lampman ❖ Gem Well Maintenance Inc. ❖ Tango Oilfield Services Lancer ❖ Doug Rayner Lanigan ❖ PotashCorp. Lanigan Leader ❖ Leader ESSO Service Centre ❖ Bronze (250 $ - 499 $) ❖ Norsask Forest Products Inc. ❖ Northland Plymouth Chrysler Ltd. ❖ Lucie Perry ❖ Pineridge Ford Sales ❖ Pinnacle Business Solutions ❖ Jonathan Puetz ❖ Renegade Recreation ❖ Richard Alger Ranch Ltd. ❖ Ron's Logging Ltd. ❖ Ron's Plumbing & Heating (1980) Ltd. ❖ SaskTel ❖ Dan Schmid ❖ Jim Sergent ❖ Sky Light Trucking Ltd. ❖ True Builders Ltd. ❖ Tupper's Construction Ltd. ❖ Weber Electric Ltd. ❖ Woodland Inn Lloydminster ✽ Geordies Woodworking ✽ Glamour and Glitz Special Events Inc. Lumsden ❖ Croft Aggregates ❖ Sandra Crofts ❖ Mike Dillon ❖ Evans Collision Centre ❖ Lumsden Super Market - Big Way Foods ✽ Terry Matlock ❖ Cat Matlock ❖ Patty Reinhardt Luseland ❖ Ranger Electric ❖ Thompson Bearing MacNutt ❖ Dale Kitz Medstead ❖ Medstead Agrow Ltd. ❖ T & C Meats ❖ The Dirty Diggers Inc. Macklin ✽ Macklin School Macoun ❖ Foord Trucking Ltd. Mantario ❖ Sommerville Farms Maple Creek ❖ Bowies Ranch ❖ Howell Electric ❖ Koncrete Construction ✽ Ron Schaal Margo ❖ Floyd Hendrickson Meadow Lake ❖ 1st Choice Plumbing & Heating ❖ A & W Restaurant ❖ Ace Lumber and Building Supplies ❖ Affinity Insurance Services Meadow Lake ❖ Auto & Tractor Supply Co. Ltd. ❖ B & D Landscaping ❖ BMTR Ventures Ltd. ❖ Brander Brothers ✽ Ron Brown ❖ Scott Budd ✽ CJNS Radio ❖ Clean Pro Carpet Cleaners ❖ Cowan Bros Transport Ltd. ❖ Curtis Auto Body Ltd. ❖ Eagle Creek Motor Products Ltd. ❖ End Dust Furnace Cleaning ❖ Extreme Speed RV ❖ Robert Foster ❖ Fountain Tire ❖ Four Sum Properties ✽ Innovation Credit Union ❖ Keeley Lake Lodge (1989) Ltd. ❖ Kozloski Rock Contracting Ltd. ❖ Lamon Disposal Ltd. ❖ Law Firm of Benjamin J. Partyka ❖ Lazar Equipment Ltd. ❖ Marsollier Petroleum Ltd. ❖ Martodams "The Clothing People" ❖ William McDougall ❖ Meadow Lake Co-op ❖ Meadow North Agencies ❖ Meadow Power and Equipment Ltd. ❖ Mr Glass Ltd. ✽ Argent (500 $ - 999 $) Melfort ❖ Advantage Credit Union ❖ Mel Annand ❖ Dale Atkinson ❖ Bulmer & Company ❖ Chang Investment Corp. ❖ Cheyenne Motor Products Ltd. ❖ Shirley Copeland ❖ Dairy Queen ❖ Doug's Construction ❖ Elmer's Excavating ❖ Fedusiak Funeral Chapel Ltd. ❖ Fouillard ❖ Fountain Tire ❖ George Hardware Ltd. ❖ Hole Works Trenching Ltd. ❖ Ken's Cresting ✩ Gerard Letain ❖ Clint Magnus ❖ Main Plumbing & Heating ❖ McKee Excavating ❖ Donald McKerracher ❖ Melfort & District Wildlife Federation ❖ Melfort Golf & Country Club ❖ Melfort Medical Society ❖ Melfort Mustangs ❖ Melody Motors Ltd. ❖ Meyers, Norris, Penny & Company ❖ NAPA Auto Parts ❖ Neilsen Acres ❖ Northeast Ag Equipment ❖ Northeast Sports ❖ Oil Can Alley ❖ Paragon Ag Service Ltd. ❖ Party Lite Gifts ❖ Darin Placsko ❖ RE/MAX Keystone Realty ❖ Richardson Pioneer Ltd. ❖ SaskTel ❖ Smith Agencies Ltd. ❖ Smitty's Restaurant ❖ Sunshine Chrysler Ltd. ❖ Tower Glass Ltd. ❖ Worley's Indoor Iron Sales Melville ❖ Ronald Daunheimer ❖ Randy Hornung ❖ Pharmasave 407 ✩ Or (1 000 $ - 4 999 $) C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S Meota ❖ Cavalier Agrow Ltd. Midale ❖ Double L Oilfield Contracting Ltd. Mildred ❖ Winky's Welding Montmartre ❖ Alain Perras Moose Jaw ❖ Acklands-Grainger Inc. ❖ James Allen ❖ Dr. Mark Mullen, Aspen Dental Clinic ❖ Paul Beesley ❖ Boston Pizza - Moose Jaw ❖ Brentz Garage ❖ C & S Builders Ltd. ✽ Carpet Gallery of Moose Jaw ❖ Chiller's Brew Pub -Moose Jaw ❖ Darin C. Chow ❖ Al Church ❖ Clark's Supply and Service Ltd. ❖ Curran and Fielding Law Office ❖ D B Crook Accounting Prof Corp. ❖ Family Pawn & Second Hand Store Inc. ❖ Framing By Tyler Moore ❖ Froehlich Builders ❖ Brenda Halstead ❖ Heritage Insurance Ltd. ❖ Hockey Capital ❖ Home Building Center ❖ Brian Ivany ❖ J Wilk Landscaping Ltd. ✩ Johnstone Auction Mart Ltd. ✽ Robert W. Kirkness ❖ Mercury Service Ltd. ❖ Mid West Efficiency Heating Plumbing Cooling Ltd. ❖ Minute Muffler ❖ Moose Jaw Toyota ❖ Moose Jaw and District EMS ❖ Moose Jaw Animal Clinic ❖ Moose Jaw Wildlife Federation ❖ Original Additions Hair & Nail Studio ❖ Ottawa Real Estate Company Ltd. ❖ P2000 Reflective Insulation ❖ Pilsner Cabinets ❖ Prairie Janitorial ❖ Roberge Transport Ltd. ❖ Royal Lepage Landmart ❖ SaskTel ❖ Scotiabank ❖ Temple Gardens Mineral Spa - Moose Jaw ✽ TNA Constuction ❖ Triple G Carriers ❖ Barry Vice ❖ Barry Webster ❖ Wellington West Capital Inc. ❖ Wells Camera And Sound ❖ Western Dodge Chrysler Jeep - Moose Jaw ❖ Wray Agencies Ltd. Muenster ❖ Bunz Electric Neilburg ❖ D & G Polyethylene Products Ltd. ❥ Décédé 37 SASKATCHEWAN Nipawin ❖ A & W ❖ Diamond North Credit Union ❖ Fairburn Tire & Battery Ltd. ❖ Adam Fitzpatrick ✽ Horizon Mechanical Ltd. ❖ K & W Coach Rentals ❖ Kevin's Custom Ag ❖ Knox Apiaries ❖ Lockwood-Clarke Financial Services ❖ Murry Dunn GM ❖ Nipawin Chrysler Dodge Ltd. ❖ Nipawin Vision Centre ❖ North East EMS ❖ OK Tire & Auto Service ❖ Paramart Confectionary ❖ RBC Financial Group ❖ Tex's Plumbing & Heating ❖ Town of Nipawin Norquay ❖ Hudye Soil Services Inc. North Battleford ❖ Anderson Pump House Ltd. ❖ Aquadeo Beach Resort Ltd. ❖ Battleford Super A Foods ❖ Battlefords & District Co-op Ltd. ❖ John Brydges Pontiac Buick Ltd. ❖ Canadian Tire N.B. ✽ William Chappell ❖ Cherry Insurance Battlefords ❖ Dr. J.A. Breker Optometrists ❖ Dwight's Trenching ❖ Maurice Feser ❖ G & C Asphalt Services ✩ Gold Eagle Casino & Lounge ❖ Holm Svenkeson Raiche ✽ Innovation Credit Union ❖ Jerry's Trailer & RV Centre ❖ Kirkham and Miller ❖ Lakeland Veterinary Services ❖ Mark's Work Wearhouse ❖ Menssa Baert Cameron ❖ Meridian Surveys Ltd. ❖ Modern Janitorial Ltd. ❖ Norsask Farm Equipment Ltd. ❖ Nu Tec Embroidery Ltd. ✩ Dave O'Bertos ✽ Kelly and Jodee Rempel ❖ Glenn Roberts ❖ Jerry Ryhorchuk ❖ Scotiabank ❖ Scott Campbell Dodge Ltd. ❖ Gregg Sheppard ❖ Silvester Glass & RV Centre ❖ South Paw Oilfield Services ❖ Patt Steiert ❖ Tropical Inn ❖ Ultra Print Services Ltd. ❖ WPD Ambulance North Portal ❖ Percy H. Davis Limited Paradise Hill ❖ Wesco Services Pennant Station ❖ Lyle Bye ❖ Graham Oilfield Pilot Butte ❖ Sherry Schick Porcupine Plain ❖ Parkland Co-op ✽ Porcupine Medical Clinic ❖ Slobodian Pharmacy ❖ Lenard Teale Portreeve ❖ Arnold Groves Prince Albert ❖ Asiil Enterprises Ltd. ❖ Broda Construction North American Rock & Dirt ❖ Century 21 Conexus Realty ❖ Colin Cloarec ❖ Clunie Consulting Engineers Ltd. ❖ D & L Gourmet Meat Inc. ❖ Davidner's Clothing & Western Wear Ltd. ❖ Day & Night Contracting ✩ Dmyterko Enterprises ❖ Dubal Management Ltd. ❖ Econo Lumber ❖ Eggum Abrametz & Eggum ✽ Brad Fennig ✽ Freedom 55 Financial ✩ Mamie Glass ❖ Granite Construction ❖ Gus's Automotive Service ❖ Warren Harper ❖ Marc Hauser ❖ Mar Will Holdings ❖ National Hotel ❖ Nick Kalinowski Trucking Ltd. ❖ Walter Oleksinski ❖ Prince Albert Photocopier Ltd. ❖ Rally Motors Ltd. ❖ RBC Financial Group ❖ Redekopp Insurance Ltd. ❖ Riverside Dodge ❖ Jim H. Sanderson ✽ Sask Energy ❖ SaskTel - 6th Avenue East ❖ SaskTel ❖ Scotiabank ❖ Shetoby Boarding Kennels ❖ South Hill Medical ❖ Gordon Surkan ❖ TD Canada Trust Qu'Appelle ❖ James Foster Radisson ❖ Kare Ag Services Ltd. ❖ Dale Kieper Regina ❖ Allied Lumberland Ltd. ❖ B L & Sons Construction Ltd. ❖ Balfour Moss LLP ❖ BASF Canada ❖ Jack Brawn ❖ Allan Brewster ❖ Cowtown Western Wear ❖ Croft Electric ❖ Dunbar Airomotive ❖ Dusyk & Barlow Insurance Brokers Ltd. ✩ Producers Pipelines Inc. ✩ Andrew Hak ❖ Kevin Hallborg ✽ Roxanne Hilts ✽ Kelly Hilts ❖ Claude Ibbott ❖ J. Giesbrecht & Son Cranes Ltd. ❖ Bronze (250 $ - 499 $) 38 ❖ J.R.'s Welding Ltd. ✩ Elsie M. Keck ❖ Raymond S. King ❖ Allan Klein ❖ Robert Kowalchuk ❖ Kusy's Electric Ltd. ❖ Gary K. Mang ❖ Lorie McGeough ❖ Elizabeth McHattie ❖ Abraham Meyer ❖ Kate Miller ✩ Marilyn Mohr ✩ Daryl Nazar ✩ Jason Neufeld ❖ Don Nevill ❖ NLS Welding & Contracting ❖ Rick O'Dow ❖ Carolyne & G Wayne Pepper ❖ PR Investments ❖ Ramjet Contracting Ltd. ❖ Regina Fish & Game League ❖ Regina Wildlife Federation ❖ Richards Transport Ltd. ❖ SaskTel ❖ Stephen Smulan ❖ Syngenta Crop Protection Canada Inc. ❖ Taylor Motor Sales Ltd. ✩ Torson Contracting ❖ Brad Uhrich ❖ Jim Vallevand ❖ Visions Rochdale ❖ Wascana Flower Shoppe ❖ Bruce Willis ❖ Linda Winkler ✽ Mark Wittrup ❖ Xtreme Waterfowl Outfitters ❖ Young's Equipment Inc. Regina Beach ❖ Baldy's Beach Bar & Grill ❖ Forster Realty Inc. Rosetown ❖ Robert Keens ❖ Western Sales Saltcoats ❖ Friendly Acres Seed Farm Saskatoon ❖ 101074969 Saskatchewan Ltd. ❖ 8th Street RV ❖ Alliance Energy Ltd. ❖ Darryl Anderson ❖ Anderson Rental & Paving Ltd. ❖ Aspen Interiors Inc. ❖ Athabasca Potash Inc. ❖ Sharon Bassendowski ✽ BCDR Mechanical Repair Service Co. ❖ Shawna Benevelli ❖ BHP Billiton Diamonds INC,BHP Billiton ❖ Bioriginal Food & Science Corp. ✩ Jeff Black ✽ Kelly Booth ❖ Debora Campbell ❖ Canguard Security ❖ Caswells Company Ltd. ❖ Century Roofing ❖ Commerical Sandblasting & Painting ❖ Conexus Credit Union ❖ Confederation Chiropractic Clinic ❖ Wayne Craig ✽ Argent (500 $ - 999 $) ❖ Kelly Davis ❖ Days Inn ❖ Dressler Soils ❖ Dave Duchscher ❖ John Eagle ❖ ERCO Worldwide ❖ Flatland Adventures ❖ G B Mobile Welding Ltd. ❖ Globe Excavating (1990) Ltd. ❖ Golden Band Resources Inc. ❖ HBI Office Plus ❖ Heidt Enterprises ❖ Helgason Roofing ❖ Michael Hill ✩ Wade Hindmarsh ❖ HJR Asphalt Ltd. ❖ Hub City Steel Erectors Ltd. ❖ IWL Steel Fabricators ❖ Joanne Marchildon Gallery & Art School ❖ Kenroc Building Material Co. Ltd. ❖ Ken Klassen ❖ Diane Koshgarian ✽ Robert Lavender ❖ Don Lepp ❖ Bryan Leverick ❖ Loraas Disposal Services Ltd. ✽ Low Impact Environmental Ltd. ❖ Manulife Securities Inc. ❖ March Consulting Associates Inc. ❖ Market Tire (1976) Ltd. ❖ McKeague Family Foundation Inc. ❖ MDH Engineering Solutions ❖ Summit Meats & Sausage Ltd. ✩ Robert Meldrum ❖ Larry Mills ✩ Morris Industries Ltd. ❖ North Pro Sports ❖ Irene Ostapowich ❖ Performance Financial Services ❖ Pinter & Associates Ltd. ❖ Dale Pollon ✽ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc. - Cory Division ✩ Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc. - Patience Lake ❖ Prairie Pawn Brokers ❖ Linda Regush ❖ Rodney Reid ❖ SaskTel ❖ Brian Skanderbeg ❖ Smith Plumbing & Heating (1986) Ltd. ✽ Smitty's Family Restaurant ❖ Art Spence ❖ James Sproule ❖ Bernard Storzuk ❖ Summit Mechanical ❖ Suncan Industries Ltd. ❖ Suntech Systems ❖ Diane Tate ❖ Warden Tate ❖ Terminal Systems International ✽ Dorothy J. Thomson ❖ Traxx Footwear ✩ John Trevor ❖ Walter Turk ❖ Brad Urquhart ❖ Village Auto Sales ❖ Virtus Group LLP ❖ Harvey M. Welch ❖ Weldfab Ltd. ❖ Wellington West Capital Inc. ❖ Whiskey Jacks ❖ James Yuel ✩ Or (1 000 $ - 4 999 $) C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S Shaunavon ❖ Badger Enterprises Inc. Sintaluta ❖ Whispering Pine Farms Spiritwood ❖ AG Trucking ❖ D & R Plumbing and Heating Ltd. ❖ Gateway North Cafe ❖ Nature Ventures Ltd. ✽ Northern Lakes Vendor ❖ Otter Creek Outfitters South ✽ Larry Potter ❖ Scotiabank ❖ Jeanette Siegel ❖ Sonic Energy Ltd. ❖ Spiritwood & District Co-op Ltd. ✽ Spiritwood Credit Union Ltd. ❖ Spiritwood Home Building Centre ✽ Spiritwood Pharmacy St Denis ❖ Iris Kowalinski Swift Current ❖ Aldag Oilfield Consulting ❖ Altus Geomatics ❖ Anderson & Company ❖ Ash Services ✽ Baker Petrolite ❖ Best Western Inn ❖ Big Country Energy Services LP ❖ Big Eagle Services ✽ Cypress Audiology ❖ Cypress Motors ✽ Fountain Tire ✽ Hanson's Backhoe ✽ Husky Energy ❖ Innovation Credit Union ❖ Jay Dee Equipment Ltd. ❖ Kurts KFC ❖ Millennium Land Ltd. ❖ Purvin Munim ❖ Nitro Millwright Service Inc. ❖ Odyssey Environmental Ltd. ✽ Packard Electric ❖ Pump Jack Equipment Services Ltd. ❖ RB Trucking Ltd. ❖ Riverside Electric ❖ Ryan Snodgrass ❖ Southwest Terminal Ltd. ❖ Standard Motors ❖ Swift Current Bronco's Hockey Club ❖ Swift Current Monumental Co. Ltd. ❖ Swift Current Shoe Repair & Leather Shoppe Ltd. ❖ Swift Plumbing & Heating ❖ Tarpon Energy Services Ltd. ❖ Tel-Rite Services Ltd. ✽ Variperm Oil Tools Ltd. ❖ Rodney Walliser ✽ Wanners Energy Services Ltd. ❖ WEL Environmental Tisdale ❖ Banda Flooring ❖ Barron's Funeral Chapel ❖ Beeland Co-op ❖ Bow Mar Sales ❖ Jim Boxall ❖ Boxall Agri Farms Ltd. ❖ Century 21-The Insurance Centre ❖ Chupa Trucking & Excavating ❖ Clark & Edmunds Transport Ltd. ❖ Haugen's Gun Repair ❥ Décédé SASKATCHEWAN – MANITOBA ❖ John Bob Farm Equipment Ltd. ❖ Kramer Ltd. ❖ G U Magnus ❖ Quenton Martens ❖ Nodrick's Norsask Seeds Ltd. ❖ Old Dutch Foods Ltd. ❖ Pharmasave ❖ Purolator ❖ RWB Communications ❖ Sask Energy ❖ Soil Tech Services Ltd. ❖ T.A. Jellicoe ❖ Thomas Trenching and Excavating ❖ Tisdale Farm Parts ❖ Tisdale Hotel ❖ Tisdale Motor Rewinding Ltd. Tuxford ❖ Double K Excavating Ltd. Unity ❖ Cinema Satellite Ltd. ❖ Delta Co-operative Association Ltd. ❖ William A. Fraser ❖ Curtis Hepting ❖ Johnson's Accounting Services Ltd. ❖ Keven Mark ❖ Ken Neil ❖ Northwest Herald Publications Ltd. ❖ Our Drug Store ❖ Randy Sander CGA Prof Corp. ❖ TransGas Limited ❖ Ultra Sports ❖ Unity Credit Union Ltd. ❖ Unity Motor Products Wadena ❖ Frontier Truck & Trailer Repair Ltd. ❖ Neilson Trucking Ltd. ❖ North East Terminal ❖ Prairieval Place ❖ RW Little Construction Ltd. ❖ Shamrock Ambulance ✽ Don Tait ❖ Town of Wadena ❖ Wadena Building Supplies ✽ Wadena Co-op Assoc. ❖ Wadena Drugs Ltd. ❖ Wadena News Ltd. ❖ Wheatbelt Sales Ltd. Waldeck ❖ Robert Neufeld Waskesiu Lake ❖ Armstrong Hillcrest Cabins Watson ❖ Agrium Wawota ❖ J & G Operating Ltd. White City ❖ Custom Potting & Designing ✽ Monsanto White Fox ❖ Neal Evans ❖ Larry Rempel Weyburn ❖ Barber Motors - Weyburn ✽ Crescent Point Resources Limited Partnership ❖ Great Plains Ford Sales (1978) Ltd. ❖ Scatter Gun Outfitters ✩ Ken Sholter ❖ Weyburn Credit Union Baldur ❖ Mark Francis Wilkie ❖ Wilkie Ford Balmoral ✩ Lorna Baker ❖ MacKenzie Funeral Service Wolseley ❖ McQuoid's Pharmacy Ltd. ❖ Tubman Funeral Home Birtle ❖ Mainline Motor Products ✽ Mainline Motors Ltd. Boggy Creek ✽ Child's Lake Lodge Rough Country Sports Yorkton ✩ Al & Diane Greschuk and Jason Greshuk ✩ Doug Brook ✩ Lyle & Brenda Walsh, CJGX Radio ❖ Curtis Crozier ❖ CTV Television ✩ Dance Innovations ❖ Gallagher Center ❖ Gardon Securities ❖ Bob Graham ❖ Grain Millers Canada ❖ Harvest Meats Co. Ltd. ❖ Hearns Pharmacy Ltd. ✩ David Kostersky ❖ Logan Stevens Const. Ltd. ❖ Linton Potzus ❖ RBC Financial Group ✩ JoAnn, Gord, Colby and Jaylin Ross ✩ Kevin, Cres & Riley Rozdeba ❖ Sask Energy ❖ SK Association of Conservation Officers Inc. ❖ Dean Sliva ✩ Victor & Evelyn Surjik ❖ Viterra ❖ Yorkton Concrete Products Ltd. ❖ Yorkton Dodge ❖ Yorkton New Holland Ltd. Arborg ❖ Arborg Credit Union ❖ Interlake Co-op Arborg ❖ Judy Tompkins ❖ Viking Motors Ltd. ❖ Zan's Family Inn Arnes ❖ William Menard ❖ Bronze (250 $ - 499 $) Boissevain ✽ Boissevain Plumbing & Heating ✩ CJRB Radio ❖ Dr Meyer Nell Medical Corporation ✽ Goodon Industries ❖ Outback Communications ❖ Sunrise Credit Union ❖ Turtle Mountain Wildlife Assoc ❖ Laurie Unrau Bradwardine ✽ BitterGreen Quilting Brandon ❖ A Pet Lovers Warehouse Ltd. ❖ Alternative Landscaping ✩ Richard Andrews ❖ Astoria Pizza & Pasta ❖ Brandon Wheat Kings ✽ C & C Rental Ltd. ❖ C & C Rentals Ltd. ✩ Canad Inns ❖ Canadian Tire Ltd. ❖ Cando Contracting Ltd. ✩ CKX-FM ✩ CKX-TV (Division of CHUM-TV) ✽ Cumming & Dobbie (1986) Ltd. ❖ Curves For Women ✽ Dave Kowal Yard Care ✽ Deer Ridge Golf Course ❖ Dennis Hunt & Investors ✽ Fountain Tire ❖ Giant Tiger Store ✩ Ken Gross ❖ Guild Insurance Brokers ❖ Hertz Equipment Rentals ❖ Home Life Home Professional Realty Inc. ❖ Jo-Brook Firearms ✩ Michael Leech ❖ Leon's Furniture ❖ McCallum Jewellers ❖ Meighen Haddad LLP ❖ Mohawk Gas & Convenience Bar ✽ Precision Toyota ✽ Riding Mountain Broadcasting Ltd. ❖ Roland / Weir Appraisal Associates ❖ Roland / Weir Realty & Appraisal ✩ Dawn Rolfe ❖ Summit Promotions ❖ Varsity Eye Centre ✽ Argent (500 $ - 999 $) ❖ Velvet Dip ✩ Victoria Inn - Brandon ✽ Wal Mart ❖ Wheat City Cycle Deloraine ❖ Melita Motel by the River ❖ Viterra Deloraine Dugald ❖ John Atkins ❖ Alma Newman Cartier ✩ Norman Elder ✩ Randy McNicol ✽ Shawn Proctor Churchill ❖ Arctic Trading Company ❖ Churchill Regional Health Assoc. ✽ Hudson Bay Mechanical/ Churchill Motel ✽ Ice Berg Inn ✩ Kivalliq Air ❖ Merv's Excavating ❖ Northern Images ❖ R & D Expediting Company ❖ Stittco Energy Ltd. ✽ Tundra Buggy Gift Shop Birch River ❖ JRT Ventures Ltd. ❖ Prairie Forest Products Wynyard ❖ Dennis Dell ❖ Dell Seeds ✩ Todd Holmquist ❖ Home Building Centre ❖ Interior Decor ❖ Lakeside Global Grains ❖ Ryan Melsted ❖ Melsted Farms ❖ Midway Ambulance Care Ltd. ❖ Pepper Tree Restaurant ❖ Szydlowski Holdings ❖ Townsend's Drugs ❖ Wynyard Bakery ❖ Wynyard Co-op MANITOBA Weyakwin Ashern ❖ Ashern Insurance Agencies Ltd. ✽ Deb's Jewellery & Giftware ❖ Du-Rite Septic Service ❖ Donna Schmidt Clandeboye ✩ Patricia Johnson Cranberry Portage ❖ Leptick Sawmill Ltd. ❖ Christopher & Connie Smith Cromer ❖ Cromer Valley Store Darlingford ❖ Sheila Rex Dauphin ❖ Allard Yakubchak Letain CGA ❖ B and B Sales ✽ Larry Bosiak ❖ Jamie Boudreau ✽ Canadian Tire ❖ Tanya Chrisp ✽ Dauphin Clinic Pharmacy ❖ Dauphin Community Inn ❖ Dauphin Consumers Co-op Ltd. ❖ Dauphin Decorating Centre ❖ Dauphin Dental Clinic ❖ Dauphin Medical Clinic ❖ Dauphin Super Thrifty Drug Mart ❖ Dean Cooley GM ✩ J. Douglas Deans ❖ Duck Mountain Tire ❖ Durston Honey Farm Ltd. ❖ Edwards Plumbing & Heating ❖ Glen Haugen ✩ Johnston & Company ✽ Kal Tire ❖ Kelleher Ford Sales ❖ Kim Safronetz Financial Services Ltd. ❖ Eric MacMillan ❖ McMunn & Yates Building Supplies ❖ Meyers, Norris, Penny & Co. ❖ North of 51 Design ✽ Prairie View Chiropractic Centre ❖ Reit-Syd Equipment ❖ Richardson Pioneer Limited ❖ Smitty's Restaurant & Lounge ❖ Sneath-Strilchuk Funeral Service ✽ Strilkiwski Contracting Ltd. ❖ Super 8 Motel Dauphin ❖ TD Canada Trust ❖ Twin Motors ❖ Darrell Werbiski ❖ Darryl Zamrykut ✩ Or (1 000 $ - 4 999 $) C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S East St Paul ❖ A & P Plumbing & Heating Ltd. ❖ Jason Boychuk ❖ Cal Courtney ✽ Peter Enns ✽ Horst Erb Elkhorn ❖ Tutthill Construction Ltd. Erickson ❖ Bri-Mac Electric Flin Flon ✽ A & A Auto ✩ First Stop Computers ❖ Flin Flon Bombers ✽ Ordean Goulet ❖ Margot Gray ✽ Ryan Gray ✽ H&R Block ❖ Ted Hryhoruk ❖ Jim's Custom Windows & Doors ❖ Tannis Nickerson ❖ RBC Financial Group ❖ Doreen Roman ❖ United Rentals ✩ Victoria Inn ❖ Theresa Wride Foxwarren ❖ Dean Gadd Gilbert Plains ❖ S & E Puchailo Logging Ltd. Gillam ✽ Brent Helgeson ✽ Daniel Martin Gimli ❖ Fort Custom Framing Gladstone ❖ Austin Credit Union (Gladstone Branch) ❖ Gladstone Pharmacy Grande Pointe ❖ Sue Nelson Grandview ❖ Zapitny & Zamrykut Gunton ✩ Janis Millar Hamiota ❖ Bead Bungalow ❖ Campbell Flowers/Funeral Home ❖ N. Craig Fedorowich ❖ Don Lee ❖ Mast Electric ❖ One Of A Kind Gifts ❖ Rawlings Home Hardware ❖ Redfern Farm Services ❖ Janice Skayman ❥ Décédé 39 MANITOBA ❖ Vanguard Credit Union ❖ Kelvin Wall Miami ❖ RM of Thompson ❖ Wes Vanstone Hartney ❖ Atkinson Implements Ltd. ❖ Don Dodds ❖ Mills Farm Equipment ✽ Jim Moir ❖ Cy Moir ❖ Jeremy Morrison ❖ SunRise Credit Union Minitonas ❖ Campbell Construction Minnedosa ✩ Glenn Babee ❖ Heritage Co-op (1997) Ltd. ❖ Ken Kane Aerial Spray (1988) Ltd. ❖ Minnedosa Credit Union ❖ Sims & Company Hazelridge ❖ Mr Fish Taxidermy ❖ Wes Wall Ile des Chenes ❖ Wayne Kerik Killarney ❖ Wenda Anderson ❖ Ron Chapman ❖ Chapman Motors Ltd. ✽ Chatham Seeds ✽ Community Florist Jewellery & Gift ❖ Cuv's Autobody ✩ Curtis Dickson ❖ G.V.E. Greenvalley Equipment ✽ HB Agri Seeds ✽ Nancy Heide ❖ Homefield Colony ❖ Kelby's Restaurant ✽ Killarney Home Hardware & Furniture ✩ Rob MacDonald ✩ Moore Building Centre ❖ Prairie Realty ✽ Pugh's Sand & Gravel Ltd. ❖ Struth Publishing Ltd. ❖ Subway Killarney ❖ SuniDaze ❖ The Carpet Warehouse Ltd. ❖ Westoba Credit Union ✽ Darren Zarn Morden ❖ BDO Dunwoody ❖ Eagleye Printing & Design ❖ Eldon's Furniture ❖ Hoeschen & Sloane ❖ Huron Windows ✽ Eva Macklem Neepawa ❖ Beautiful Plains Credit Union Ltd. ✽ Enns Brothers ❖ Harris Pharmacy ❖ Mountain Medical Group ✽ Mary Murray ❖ Neepawa Gladstone Co-op ✽ Neepawa Plumbing & Heating ❖ Mac Wollman Nesbitt ✩ Kelly & Carol Graham New Bothwell ❖ Pfizer Animal Health Lac du Bonnet ❖ Campbells Food Store ❖ Ingham Pharmacy ✽ Jay-Em Hauling Ltd. ✽ LaVerendrye Trading Company ❖ Mel Mitchell Oak River ✽ Little Saskatchewan River Conservation District Petersfield ✽ Sherri Purvis Lundar ✽ Lundar Pharmacy Ltd. Melita ❖ Cameron Trucking & Excavating Pine Falls ❖ Broadlands Cafe Gas Bar ❖ Papertown Motor Inn ❖ Pine Pharmacy-River Enterprises Ltd. Plum Coulee ❖ Neil Fehr ❖ Bronze (250 $ - 499 $) 40 Shoal Lake ✩ Isabel Basso ❖ Shirley Bell ❖ Lakeside Golf Club ❖ Miller Farm Equipment ❖ Shoal Lake Farm Equipment St Ambroise ✩ Tony Ducharme ✩ Silverback Duck Lodge Opaskwayak ❖ Aseneskak Casino ❖ Eric's Woodworking ❖ Tim Hortons/Sanderson Holdings Lorette ❖ Accurate Excavating ❖ Gilles Manaigre ❖ Conrad L. Wyrzykowski Selkirk ❖ Buus Construction Ltd. ❖ Century 21 ❖ Chas. Fidler & Son Ltd. ✩ Jacquie Doucet ❖ Fluid Force Ltd. ❖ Gilbart Funeral Home Ltd. ❖ George Hacking ❖ Jefferson & Associates ❖ McMillan Agencies Ltd. ❖ David L. Moore ❖ P & L Autobody Ltd. ✩ Derek Pritchard ❖ Scotiabank ❖ Sunova Credit Union - Selkirk St Adolphe ❖ Douglas Bradley Onanole ❖ Wayne Zachedniak Lockport ❖ The Boatfinders Roblin ❖ Roblin Forest Products Springfield ❖ Tamarack Equipment Ochre River ✽ Hollyoake Plumbing and Heating Ltd. ❖ Darrin Schramke Landmark ❖ Maple Leaf Foods Inc. ❖ Gerald Toews Reston ❖ Williamson Trucking Souris ❖ Arbuckle Electric ❖ Glen Barclay ❖ Leona Bradshaw ❖ Prairie Sun Seeds Ltd. ✽ Redfern Farm Services Ltd. ❖ Ryan's Repair ❖ Souris Valley Bigway Foods ❖ Viterra ❖ Whitfield Drugs Niverville ❖ Bill Rendall Oakbank ❖ Horse & Co. ✩ Gerald Loewen ❖ Mac Dun Drywall ❖ Oakbank Insurance Kola ❖ Travis Penner ❖ TSL Industries Ltd. Portage La Prairie ✽ AG West Equipment Ltd. ❖ Craig Dunn Motor City ❖ Trevor Pizzey ❖ Portage Agri Sales ❖ Portage Credit Union Ltd. ✽ Pure Fishing Canada St Andrews ❖ Little Digger Excavating Ltd. ❖ St. Andrews Parts & Power ❖ Brad Zelych St Francois Xavier ❖ Muys Construction Stonewall ✩ Bill & Elaine Alexander ✩ Carly Bjornsson ❖ Greg Bruce ✩ Debbie Essex ✩ Karen Finlay ❖ Shirley Germain ❖ Grantham Law Offices ✩ Rhonda Hennessey ❖ Howard Howardson ✽ Argent (500 $ - 999 $) ❖ Interlake Pharmacy ❖ Interlake Publishing Ltd. ❖ Jasperson's Greenhouse/ Landscapes ❖ Quarry Physiotherapy ✩ Janet Rogowsky ❖ The Royal Canadian Legion Stonewall #52 ❖ Chad Sheppard ✩ Stuart Slattery ✩ Elizabeth Sorokowski ❖ Stonewall Hardware ❖ Stonewall Insurance ❖ South Interlake Credit Union ✩ Catherine Thexton ✩ Elizabeth Wilson Stony Mountain ❖ Mike Egan ✽ Jason Frost Swan River ❖ Adams Contracting (1989) Ltd. ❖ CJSB 104.5 FM ❖ Cook & Cooke ❖ Eisner Trailer Sales ❖ Eisner Vac Services ❖ Father's Repair Ltd. ❖ Formo Motors Ltd. ✩ Herb Bresky and Sons Ltd. ✽ Intermountain Logging Ltd. ❖ Lloyd's Jewellers ❖ Merv's Audiotronic ❖ Northern Specialties Ltd. ❖ Powell Motors Ltd. ❖ RBC Financial Group ❖ Reimer & Company ❖ Riddell's Plumbing & Heating Ltd. ❖ Scales Drug Store ❖ Star & Times ❖ Super 8 Motel ❖ Swan Lake Watershed CD ❖ Swan Valley Credit Union ❖ Swan Valley Sport Fish Enhancement ❖ Swan Valley Taxidermy ❖ TD Canada Trust ❖ The Town Of Swan River ❖ Truck Saver Service Ltd. ❖ UAP / NAPA ❖ Valley Meat Packers ❖ Richard G. Walker ❖ Westwood Inn The Pas ❖ Brandy's Septic Service (1991) ✽ C T Noel Medical Corporation ❖ Cal's Cab ❖ Carpenter's Clearwater Lodge ❖ City Cabs ❖ Cook & Cooke Insurance Brokers ❖ Dairy Queen ❖ Doak's Bulk Fuel ✽ Excel Industrial ❖ Family Optical ❖ Bernhard Friz ❖ Hemauer Funeral Home ❖ Herman Eye Care ❖ Hicks Pharma-Ventures Ltd. ✩ Kelsey Conservation District ❖ L & M Sporting Goods ❖ Mark Landels ❖ Debbie Mabin ❖ Michael Carey & Associates ❖ Michael's Corner Store ❖ Brent Morrish ❖ Morrish Holdings Ltd. ✩ Or (1 000 $ - 4 999 $) C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S ✽ Murray Dunn Motors ❖ Dave Neufeld ❖ Angie Nikolychuk ✽ Northern Building Supply ❖ Northland Ford ❖ Northland Leisure Products Ltd. ❖ Opasquia Times ❖ P B Industries Ltd. ❖ Pine View Realty ❖ Polaris Dental Clinic ❖ R & J Skys Inc. o/a A & W ❖ R G Fast Insurance Agencies Ltd. ❖ Sandra & Robin Reader ❖ Riverside Stained Glass ❖ The Rotary Club of The Pas ❖ Twin Motors Ltd. ❖ Ultimate Cleaning ❖ Veito Insurance Agencies Ltd. ❖ Werbicki Bros. Hauling Ltd. ❖ Wescana Inn (78) Ltd. ❖ Chris Wescoupe ❖ Whitewater Clinic Thompson ❖ A & B Builders ✽ A & W Restaurant ❖ A Sapach Trucking Ltd. ❖ All Occasions ❖ B A Robinson Company Ltd. ❖ Braun's Countrywide Furniture ❖ Canadian Tire #198 ❖ Custom Helicopters Ltd. ❖ Custom Storage Ltd. ❖ Doak's Bulk Fuel Services ❖ Don Johnson Jewellers ✽ Doug's Source for Sports ❖ Flight Aviation ❖ Gardewine North ❖ Will Gorree ✽ Grassmasters of Thompson ❖ Hayes Autobody & Glass ❖ Hi-Tech Professional Auto Service ✽ Jomac Transport ❖ Liz Kozakowski ❖ Leo's Home Decorating ❖ McCreedy Park Campground ❖ McMunn & Yates Do-It Centre ❖ Multicrete Systems Ltd. ❖ Mutschel Bros. Machine Shop Ltd. ❖ Mystery Lake Motor Hotel ✽ Nickel City Motors Ltd. ❖ Paint Lake Resort and Marina ✩ Jose Pereira ❖ R.C. Moffatt ❖ Red's Septic Service ❖ Rick's Marine ❖ Sling Choker Mfg. (Thompson) Ltd. ✩ Smook Bros (Thompson) Ltd. ❖ Stittco Utilities ❖ Thompson Eye Care Centre Ltd. ❖ Thompson/KB Insurance Services ❖ Toromont Cat ❖ United Rentals ❖ Weber Supply Co. Inc. ❖ Workplace Solutions Victoria Beach ❖ Lorne Anderson Septic Virden ❖ Andrew Agencies Ltd. ❖ Robert Barkley ❖ BDO Dunwoody LLP ❖ Coleman Developments ❖ K Kilford Construction Ltd. ❖ Keystone Oilfield Ltd. ❥ Décédé MANITOBA – ONTARIO ❖ Larry Maguire ❖ Nixon Builders ❖ Oakland Industries ❖ Prairie Blasting & Coating Ltd. ✽ Tundra Oil & Gas Partnership ❖ Virden Bigway Foods ✽ Virden Ford ❖ Virden Mainline Motors ❖ Virden Septic Service ❖ Virden Sports Place ❖ Wolverine Supplies West Hawk Lake ✩ Craig Christie West St Paul ❖ Calado Construction Ltd. ❖ Granite Concrete Services ✽ Dorothy Kleiber ❖ Arnold Kleiber ❖ Manbico Biological Ltd. ❖ Tri-Star Masonry Winkler ✽ ACCESS Credit Union Ltd. ❖ Sun Valley Tire Winnipeg ❖ A Nederhoed Transport ❖ AAA Electric 1988 Ltd. ❖ Ronald Adey ✽ Marilyn Adey ❖ American Bayridge Corporation ❖ Morris Antosh ✩ Llwellyn Armstrong ✽ Jainie Badger ✩ Pascal Badiou ❖ Bayer Animal Health ❖ Guy Bieber ❖ John Borys ✽ Don Bowes ❖ Steve Brewer ✩ John Bristow ❖ Jeffrey A. Bruce ❖ Bulldog Targets ✩ Barry Burdeny ✩ Cabela's ❖ Campion Iron Works ❖ Canada Safeway Ltd. ✩ Canadian Golf Car Company Inc. ❖ Canwest Floor Design ❖ Chapel Lawn Funeral Home ❖ Neil & Joan Christie ❖ City Mix Inc. ❖ Lorne Colpitts ❖ Covenant Aluminum & Glass ✩ Kerry Crawford ✩ Cunninghams Office Furniture ✽ William Danners ❖ Feliciana De Leon ❖ Gary Demoskoff ✽ Conrad Desender ❖ Trudy Doerksen ❖ Dufresne Furniture & Appliance ❖ Durwest Construction Inc. ✽ East Side Ventilation ❖ Energy Systems Services (1993) Ltd. ✩ Murray Engstrom ❖ W. Murray Esler ❖ Fawcett Autobody ❖ Forest Park Electric Ltd. ✩ Gregory Fosty ✽ Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie 3870 ❖ Denise Friesen ❖ John Frye ✽ Gates Taxidermy ❖ A Gauthier ✩ Curtis Gray ✩ Tye Gregg ❖ Curtis Grey ❖ Derrick Gunnlaugson ✩ Carol Halko and William Derksen ✽ Brian Head ❖ Hotsy Central ✩ Elizabeth Hourie-Palfery ❖ J & R Livestock Consultants Ltd. ❖ Don Johnson ❖ Michele Kading ❖ Rodney Kasian ✽ Kenaston Wine Market ✽ L Chabot Enterprises Ltd. ❖ Ladco Company Limited ❖ Patrick Lang ✽ Randy Lawrence ❖ Sean Lawton ✽ Justin Ledwos ✽ Don F. Ledwos ❖ Kenneth Lee ✽ William G. Leitch ❥ ❖ Joyce Lennox ❖ Leo's Sales & Service Ltd. ❖ Doug Lockhart ✽ Graeme MacDonald ❖ Jeffrey M Macey ✽ Neil G. MacKay QC ❖ Magnus & Buffie ✽ Manitoba Liquor Control Commission ❖ Maple Leaf Construction (1978) Ltd. ✽ MBNA ❖ Guy McLachlan ❖ Stephen McMillan ✩ Debbie Menard ❖ Metro Propane Inc. ❖ Micheal P's Restaurant ✽ Minic Drywall Ltd. ❖ Molson Canada ✩ Randy Moody ❖ Allan Moon ✽ Ted Muir ❖ Marlene Muth ✽ Northwinds Refrigeration ❖ Shaylan Okapiec ❖ Oliver, Yaskiw & Assoc Inc. ❖ Otis Elevators ❖ Paul Mackinnon Consulting Inc. ❖ Peter Pauls ❖ Payne Transportation Inc. ❖ PCL Constructors Canada Inc. ❖ Pellaers Ventilation Inc. ✽ Pembina Creeks Wildlife ❖ Peter Pauls Auto Brokerage ✩ Petsecure Pet Health Insurance ✩ Lindsay Pikta-Marie ✽ Pinchin Environmental ✩ Pine Island Lodge ✩ Chummy Plummer ✩ Frances Pollard ❖ Pony Corral - St Mary ❖ Robert Poseluzney ❖ Prairie Gear Manufacturing ✩ Andrew and Glenda Pratt ❖ Preset Piling Ltd. ❖ Gerald Price ❖ Pro Fitness Training ❖ Procurity Inc. ✽ Provincial Floorcraft ❖ Ray Randall ✽ RBC Financial Group ✩ Regent Construction Co. Ltd. ❖ Bronze (250 $ - 499 $) ❖ Rental Experts ✽ George T. Richardson ❖ Richardson Pioneer Limited ❖ Ricki's ✩ Terry Robinson ✽ Bonnie Rolla ❖ Ronette's Catering Service ❖ Eric Sawyer ❖ Peter Schuster ✩ Don Sexton ✩ Shelter Corporation of Canada ❖ Sigurdson Lathing & Plastering Ltd. ❖ Specialloy Ind. (1977) Ltd. ✩ Charles Spiring ❖ St Norbert Motor Hotel ❖ Standard Day Pro Nutrition ❖ Wayne Stebbe ❖ Stefanson & Lee ✩ Nancy Suche ❖ Barry Talbot ❖ Raymond J. Tanasichuk ✽ Bill Tedford ❖ Ten Associates Ltd. ❖ Doug Thiessen ✽ TJ Forrest & Co. Ltd. ✽ To-Le-Do Foodservice ✽ Transcona Trailer Sales ❖ Tri Power Electric Ltd. ❖ V & L Distributors Inc. T/A Viceroy Distributors ❖ Larry Vickar ❖ W D Industrial Group ✽ Wakshinsky Bros Ltd. ❖ Wallace Machinery & Supply Company Ltd. ❖ Richard Waller ❖ Simon Waller ✽ Steve Wasiuta ❖ Lillian Wasiuta ❖ William Watchorn ✩ Jerry Werestiuk ❖ Westwood Mechanical Ltd. ✽ Wholesale Sports ❖ Jim Williams ❖ Windeck Ltd. ✽ Winnipeg Goldeyes Baseball Club Inc. ❖ Vic Winter ✩ Jeope Wolfe ✽ WOW! Hospitality Concepts Inc. ✩ Dale Wrubleski ❖ Wyeth Animal Health ✩ Zealous Medi Spa ❖ Ruth Ziemski Winnipeg Beach ✩ Tiffany Genyk Winnipegosis ✩ Grant Kummen and Family ❖ Quarry House Bed & Breakfast ONTARIO Acton ✩ R & M Construction Ailsa Craig ❖ David Heuston Ajax ✩ BMO Bank of Montréal ✩ Bradley Brothers Insurance ✽ Argent (500 $ - 999 $) ✽ Frank Corby ❖ Nancy Howell ✩ Lincoln Taxi & Limousine Inc. ✩ Premier Restoration Services ✽ Premrest Corp. ✽ SQP Enterprises Inc. ✽ Lynda Taylor ❖ Winners Almonte ❖ Maurice L. Boire Ancaster ✽ Margaret Morison Annan ❖ Pat McDonough Apsley ❖ Rachel Conlin ❖ Donia's Tim-Br Mart ✩ Thomas Drennan ❖ Gray Landscaping ❖ Henderson Playground Equipment ❖ Elizabeth Jackson ❖ Lakeland Baits ✩ Henry Levesque ❖ Owenbrook Golf Course ✽ Stephens & McDonald Astorville ❖ Nosbonsing Anglers & Hunters ❖ Perron's Tim-br Mart Athens ✽ Robert (Bobby) Watts ✽ Russ Clark ❖ J & P Leveque Bros. Haulage ❖ Emma Kearns ❖ Kris-Ann Jewellers ❖ Dennis Le Feuvre ❥ ❖ Glen Pomeroy ❖ River's Edge Golf Club ❖ William Watson ❖ Tania White Barrie ❖ Complete Western Star & Sterling Truck ❖ Sue Kay ❖ Simon Mena ❖ Miller Lumber ❖ Brian Roy ✩ Stephanie Walker ✩ Michael Williams Bath ✽ Ron Reynolds Beaverton ❖ Nick Tatone Belleville ❖ Greg Annesley ❖ Belleville Sports & Lawn ✽ Bellevue Fabricating ❖ Jack Caddick ✽ Donald Krock ❖ Mashman Jewellers ❖ McDougall Insurance Brokers Ltd. ❖ Garnet Skinkle ✽ Wilson Carpetland Aurora ❖ Robert Bertram ❖ William Powell ✩ Michael Sifton ✩ Van & Truck World Belmont ❖ Trevor Kostyria Aylmer ❖ Aylmer Tire Ltd. ❖ Ron Baldwin ❖ Caldwell Banker at Success Realty ❖ Roger Causyn ❖ Creative Enterprises ❖ DenHarder McNames Button LLP ❖ Deryk Farms Ltd. ❖ John Donkers ❖ Graham Scott Enns ❖ David Herman ❖ Herbert A. & Jeannette Kebbel ❖ Mary McCallum ❖ Tom A. Morrissey ❖ Nancy Neukamm ❖ Keith Patterson ❖ Mike Perovich ❖ Scotiabank ❖ Scott Lewis Auto ❖ Bernice Sinden ❖ Chris Streib ❖ Talbot Trail Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation ❖ Dr. Michael L. Toth ❖ Harvey Tribe ❖ Jim White ❖ Andrzej Wodzinski ❖ Judi Wright Biscotasing ✽ Ritchie's End of Trail Lodge Bancroft ❖ B&K Outerwear ❖ Birds Creek Developing ❖ Casey's Propane Inc. ✩ Or (1 000 $ - 4 999 $) C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S Belwood ✽ Charles Campbell Bloomfield ✽ Eric Caley Bobcaygeon ❖ Caygeon Lanes ❖ Foodland Bobcaygeon ❖ Tom Hunt ✽ Kawartha Lakes Outdoor ❖ William LeGard ❖ Richard A. Scott ❖ Carolyn Stevens ❖ Strang's Valu Mart ❖ Village Gate Pharmacy ❖ Jerry H.L. Wesselink Bolton ❖ Dave Blair ✽ Kevin Leach Bourget ✽ Jane LaLonde Bowmanville ✽ Jo-Elen & Associates Valuations Bradford ✽ Mike Rae ❥ Décédé 41 ONTARIO Brampton ✽ Douglas Butcher ✽ Greg Dolson ✩ Raypac ✽ Larry Selke Cobourg ❖ Anita Larsson Earlton ❖ Brownlee Equipment ❖ Laframboise Forest Ltd. Brechin ✽ Tom Taylor Cochrane ❖ Rita Affleck ❖ CGV Builders ❖ Cochrane Power Corporation ❖ Willard Farquhar ❖ Girard Esso ❖ Guy's Photo Centre ❖ M J Labelle Company Ltd. ❖ Martel Auto Parts ❖ Peter G. Picard ❖ Subway Brighton ❖ Shawn Windsor Coldwater ✽ Bonaire Golf & Country Club Brockville ✩ BMO Bank of Montréal ❖ Noble Needham ❖ Terry's Marine Concord ❖ Pro-Cut Concrete Cutting Ltd. ❖ Valley Metal Finishing 1983 Ltd. Brantford ❖ Aalracasa Realty Inc. ❖ Cameron Grant ❖ Larry Mellors ❖ Paul Petersen Brooklin ✽ Lakeridge Links Golf Club ✩ Mitchell Lumber ✽ Catharine Windover ✽ Young's Water System ✩ Young's Water Systems Inc. Burlington ❖ Bayer Environmental Science ✽ Jim Irwin ✽ Izumi Outdoors Inc. ❖ Real Fishing Show ✩ SCA Tissue North America LLC Cambridge ✩ R. Gordon Chaplin ❖ Robert Cox ✽ Marco Cunha ❖ Portuguese Club of Cambridge Campbellford ❖ Grenville Barnes ❖ English Line Vet Services ❖ Giant Tiger ✽ Mina Murphy ✩ Natural Chemistry Canada ✽ Your #1 Sewing Centre Coniston ✽ Coniston Lions & Lioness ❖ Lopes Mechanical Consecon ❖ Gerry Walker Copper Cliff ✽ Vale Inco Cornwall ✽ Canadian Tire Associate Store ❖ CPH Sales & Services Inc. ❖ Fence Depot ❖ JTEC Audiotronic ❖ Alexander MacMillan ✩ Squire Shop ❖ Sunlife Financial Courtice ❖ John Barker ✽ Joan Pickell ❖ Robert Worden Dashwood ✽ Chris Geberdt Campbellville ✽ Kelly MacIntyre Delhi ✽ Insurance Central Limited ❖ Vanden Bussche Irrigation & Equipment Ltd. Cardinal ❖ Bob Lodge Demorestville ✽ Kyle Lane Carleton Place ❖ Matthew Massey Devlin ❖ Labelle's Birch Point Camp Cayuga ❖ RK Lishman Don Mills ✽ Rogers Group Centreville ❖ Noreen Pearsell Dryden ❖ Stephen Viherjeki Chatham ❖ Autotech Services ❖ Tamara Burton ❖ Don Hickey ❖ Rick Wismer Dunchurch ❖ Dwayne J. Harty Clifford ✽ Iain Forbes Dunnville ❖ Ens & Rigby ✽ Bud Frees ❖ Anthony Smagata ❖ Bronze (250 $ - 499 $) 42 Guelph ❖ Catherine Mambourg ✩ Wellington County Stewardship Council Eganville ✽ Kathy Haycock Kagawong ✽ 1161953 Ontario Ltd. ✽ Bio Ped Foot Care Haileybury ❖ Marty's Auto Tech ❖ Pet Valu Elliot Lake ✽ K.J. Beamish Construction Haliburton ❖ Barry Boice ❖ CLL Excavating Jamie Cowen ❖ Christine Collins ❖ Curry Motors ❖ Emmerson Lumber Ltd. ❖ Fowlers Construction ✽ Haliburton Highlands Golf Club ❖ Haliburton Home Hardware ❖ Andrew Hodgson ❖ Ommmh Beauty Boutique ❖ Outdoor Plus ❖ Patient News Publishing ✽ Martin Russel ❖ Ray Selbie ❖ Jane Selbie Elmwood ✽ Kevin Barber Emo ❖ Tompkins Hardware Ltd. Englehart ❖ Kelly Church ❖ Cousins Restaurant ❖ Englehart Esso Service ❖ Kingstons Service Centre ✽ Nora Perry ❖ Third St Chiropractic Enniskillen ❖ Bill Henderson ❖ Martha Moore Halton Hills ❖ Dan Frankian Ennismore ✩ Michael Munro Hamilton ❖ Brian Jones ❖ Chris Phelps ❖ John Sollazzo ❖ Stanley Sopranovich ✽ Frank White Etobicoke ✽ Sara Howard Falconbridge ❖ E & R Jewell Contacting Fenelon Falls ❖ Bert's Appliance Sales & Service ✩ Eganridge Inn & Country Club ✩ Joan Whyte-Elliott Hammond ❖ Mike's Fly Shop Fenwick ❖ Upper Canada Sports Harrowsmith ❖ Line-X Fort Frances ❖ Kari Ann Anderson ✽ Badiuk Equipment ❖ Canadian Tire Store #179 ❖ Jim Cummings ❖ Malcolm Douglas ❖ Rod McLeod ❖ Munn Construction ✽ John N. Nelson Havelock ✽ Belmont Engine Repair & Marine Garson ✩ Garson Pipe Contractors Geraldton ❖ Dave Barker ❖ Sonja English ❖ Karen MacDougall ❖ Wintering Lake Resort Hornby ❖ M Putzer Hornby Nursery Huntsville ✽ Ken Morrison Ilderton ❖ John Rousom Glenburnie ❖ William D. McKendry Innisfil ❖ Michael Evers ❖ David Giles ❖ Melody Grenville ✩ The Manning Family ❖ Sandy Cove Marine Gogama ✽ Kenogaming Lake Lodge Iroquois Falls ✽ Tom Cybolsky Gore Bay ❖ Gordon's Lodge Jasper ❖ Wayne Dowdall ✽ Robert Foster Grafton ❖ Danny Frei ✽ Argent (500 $ - 999 $) Joyceville ❖ Best Electric ✩ Or (1 000 $ - 4 999 $) C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S Keewatin ❖ Woodlake Marine Ltd. Kemptville ❖ 1663532 Ontario Inc. ✽ Bill Osborne Chevrolet ❖ Canadian Tire Kemptville ✩ M5 Digital ❖ Robert McRae ❖ Ross Muir ✩ Scotiabank Kenora ❖ BDO Dunwoody ❖ Chip & Pepper - Lake of the Woods Store ✽ Dingwall Ford ❖ Halley's Camps Inc. ❖ Ho Ho Chinese Restaurant ✽ Meyers Norris Penny Ltd. ✽ Moncrief Construction Ltd. ❖ Vern Poschner ❖ RBC Royal Bank of Canada-Kenora ✩ The Blue Heron King City ❖ John Dunlap Hampton ❖ John Payne Hillier ❖ Grange Winery Kapuskasing ❖ Big O Construction ❖ Cloutiers Machine Shop Ltd. ❖ Kap Machine Shop Ltd. ❖ ServiceMaster of Kapuskasing ❖ Snap on Tools ❖ Val-Albert Motors Kingston ✩ Erling Armson ❖ Condie Pontiac Buick Ltd. ❖ Gordon F. Tompkins Funeral Home ❖ Green Acres Inn ✽ Kingston & Dist Trap & Skeet Club ❖ Fred Saunders ❖ Scandesign ✩ Rhonda Simpson Kirkland Lake ❖ Ric Ede ❖ Kirkland Lake Chiropractic Centre ❖ Kirkland Lake Fire Brigade ❖ Mike Guimond Realty Ltd. ❖ Monette & French Limited ❖ Northern Lights Computing ❖ Pettenuzzo's Your Independent Grocer ❖ Pinewood Park Motors ❖ Team Rusko Power Sports ❖ Teck Insurance Brokers Ltd. ✩ The Jewel Box Kitchener ❖ Mark Anderson ❖ Pentair Canada Inc. ❖ Kathryn Thompson Lakefield ✽ Kevin Charlton ❖ Brian Noble ❖ Peel Marine Limited ❖ Savage Arms (Canada) Inc. ❥ Décédé ONTARIO Lambeth ❖ Lambeth Rod & Tackle Landsdowne ✽ David Roy Langton ❖ Leroy Long Larder Lake ✽ Katrine Exploration and Development Inc. Lindsay ✽ Hart Armstrong ❖ Sherri Crosmaz ✩ Global Pet Foods ✽ Kathy Hickson ❖ Kawartha Lakes Business Equipment ✽ Stephen O. Woodcock Little Current ❖ Manitoulin Communication Radio Lively ❖ Auburn Industrial Services ❖ Cast Resource & Equipment ❖ B. Chandler ❖ Garth Wunsch Madoc ❖ Doug Hunter Ford Mercury Sales Ltd. Mallorytown ❖ Dive Tech Training Center Manitouwadge ❖ Capri Restaurant ❖ Dan's Lawn Care and Snow Removal ❖ DNA Mechanical ❖ Freehawk Enterprises ❖ Jim Moffat Enterprises Ltd. ❖ Major Automotive ❖ Manwood Building Supplies Pro Hardware ❖ North West Insurance Group ❖ Pic River Canoe ❖ Portable Spas ✽ Rousselle's Valu Mart ✽ Superior Roofing & Contracting Marathon ❖ Daniel Wheeler Matheson ❖ Dr. S. Chiang ❖ George Freundlich Mattawa ✽ Clermont Duval Moonbeam ❖ Carl Swanson Mattice ❖ Duval Welding Moorefield ✽ The Murray Group Meaford ❖ Scotch Mountain Meats Moose Factory ✽ GG's V & S & True Value Moosonee ✩ Great North Builder's Supplies Ltd. ❖ Moosonee Public School ❖ Northern Stores ❖ Paytahpun Fuels ✩ John Reuben ❖ The Brick ❖ Tony Turner Midhurst ❖ Mary Lynne Atkinson ✽ Robin E. Craig London ❖ First Cycleworks ❖ Douglas German ❖ Greek Canadian Community Centre ✽ Garry Hess ❖ Chuck Kloetstra ❖ William MacMaster ❖ Perry Meunier ✽ Larry Rogers ✽ W Jack Stephens ✽ George Wickham Mactier ❖ Gerry Haarmeyer Mississauga ✽ ADG Forward Canada Inc. ❖ Canrack Storage Systems Inc. ✽ Desert Spring Products Limited ❖ Charles W. Exton, Jr. ❖ KTL Canada Inc. ✽ Chris Marple ❖ Mosey & Mosey Agency Ltd. ❖ Dragan Spasojevic ❖ Andreas Stenzel Metcalfe ✩ Allan Graham Locust Hill ✽ Norm Dobrich Lyn ❖ Sherwood Construction ❖ David Shapiera ❖ Steve Beaver Trucking ❖ John Thomas ❖ Tom Prentice & Sons Trucking & Excavating Markham ✩ Brookfield Homes ❖ Canco Carstar ✩ Carson & Weeks Insurance Brokers Limited ❖ Cole Engineering Group Ltd. ❖ H.C. Cam Fairty ❖ Ronald Grills ✩ Ralph Lavender ❖ Service Master ✽ Debbie Taylor Midland ❖ William Grieve ❖ Super 8 Motel - Midland Morewood ❖ Scott Dillabough Mildmay ❖ Mildmay Cheese Haus Mount Brydges ❖ Mt Brydges Floral Design ❖ William Stobie Millbrook ❖ George Raab Millgrove ✩ Red Pine Wilderness Lodge Milton ❖ All Fired Up ✩ John Appleton ✩ Banvil 2000 ❖ Dale Devlin ❖ Dufferin Aggregates ✽ Helen Flemington ✩ Gordon Foods Services ✽ Halton Crushed Stone Ltd. ❖ Hearing for Life Audiology centre ❖ Heritage Safety Products Limited ✽ Michael Onciul ✽ Premier Fitness Club ✽ Shoeless Joes ✽ Harry Witt ✽ Myrtle Witt Minden ❖ Robert Barnett ❖ Floyd Hall Insurance Brokers Ltd. ❖ Francis Thomas Contracting Co. Ltd. ❖ Garbutt Disposal ❖ Andrew Hackett ❖ Highlands Towing ❖ Michael Jackson ❖ Billy Kulas ❖ Donald Lange ❖ Mark Thompson Construction ❖ Minden Home Hardware Ltd. ❖ Minden Subaru ❖ Ridgewood Ford Sales Ltd. ❖ Bronze (250 $ - 499 $) Orangeville ❖ Sandra Rosin ❖ T.C. Bulloch Insurance & Annuities Agency Ltd. Nepean ❖ Stephen Asamoah ✽ Len Staples Photography ✩ Mattress Mart ❖ Tom Skinner Nestleton ✽ Dierk Brueske New Liskeard ❖ Bumstead Trucking ❖ Canadian Tire Corp. ❖ Century 21 ❖ Clean Scene Industrial ❖ Brian Conlin ❖ Stephen Goddard ❖ John's Tackle Box ✽ Sean Light ❖ Mik Mak Fabrications Ltd. ✽ Miron Topsoil ✽ New Liskeard Sheet Metal Works Ltd. ❖ Pedersen Construction Inc. ❖ Unicorn Electric Inc. ❖ Wilson Chevrolet Oldsmobile Geo Ltd. Newboro ❖ Ted Stewart Newmarket ✽ Ted Averbook ❖ Edward P. Seagram, Sr. ❖ Mark Sutherland ❖ Ronald Walters Niagara Falls ✩ M Butler Insurance Brokers Ltd. ✩ Vincor International Inc. Mount Forest ❖ Robert Armstrong ✽ Tom Schellenberger ❖ Alex Wilson Niagara-on-the-Lake ❖ Perry Hartwick ✩ Sue-Ann Ramsden Mount Pleasant ✽ Clark Merritt Nakina ❖ Investor's Group Napanee ❖ Backman Snack Food Distribution ❖ John E. Beale ✩ Ron Bedore ❖ Jean Campbell ✽ Don Hart Construction Limited ✽ Rob & Heidi Elliott ✽ Gerry's Bikes ❖ Hampton Inn ❖ Judy Harrison ❖ Hay Bay Sand & Gravel ❖ L & A Mutual Fire Insurance Co. ❖ Alvin McIlwaine ❖ David Montgomery ✽ Morven Construction ❖ Napanee and District Rod and Gun Club ❖ Napanee Crane Rentals ❖ Napanee Home Hardware ❖ North Key Construction ✽ Penner & Vankoughnet General Contractors ✽ Argent (500 $ - 999 $) ❖ Shelin Pools ✽ Ken Sutcliffe North Bay ❖ Beatty Printing ❖ Bruman Construction ❖ Contour Boats ❖ Harwood Plumbing & Heating Ltd. ❖ Helicopters Canada ❖ J Moore Petroleum ❖ Redpath Group ❖ True Center Muffler and Brakes North Gower ✽ Parkview Homes Oakville ❖ Connie Fratric ✽ Jim Hannah ❖ Frank Herbert ✩ Tandy Odessa ❖ H R Doornekamp Construction Ltd. Oldcastle ✽ Victoria Steel Corporation ✩ Or (1 000 $ - 4 999 $) C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S Orillia ✩ Autumn Skys Outfitters ❖ BDO Dunwoody LLP ❖ Century 21 Don Campbell Real Estate ✽ Davenport Subaru of Orillia ❖ Ellwood Epps Sporting Goods ❖ Mid Ontario Disposal ❖ Morton Metals ❖ Orillia Trim & Door Orleans ✽ Michael Corrigan Osgoode ✽ Graham Kelly Oshawa ✩ Barbara Barrett ❖ Ted Koss ❖ Nancy Pardy ❖ Peacock Lumber ✽ Jim D. Prescott ✩ James Roughley ❖ South Central Big Game Association ✩ Sutton Status Realty Inc. ❖ James Swick ✩ Taalwood Media Services Ottawa ✽ Albert At The Bay ✽ Barbara Bicker ❖ Brian Boucher ✽ ByTowne Cinema ✩ Rolly Davis ❖ Lynne Downey ✽ Leah Fleetwood ❖ Andrew Hircock ❖ Andree Labossiere ✽ Monique Larabie ✩ Terry Macpherson ❖ Shawn MacWha ✩ Michael McCaugherty ✽ Joseph Nash Owen Sound ❖ John Bates ✽ Breckenridge-Ashcroft Funeral Home ❖ Grey Sauble Conservation Authority ❖ Jonathan Howe ❖ Scott McAteer ❖ Lloyd Mervyn ✽ Owen Sound Ledgerock ✽ Dave Peat ❖ Staples ✽ Sydenham Sportsmen's Association ❖ Tenneco Automotive - Monroe Oxford Mills ✽ Claire Larabie Paincourt ✽ Balmoral Marsh ✽ Bradley Hunt Club ❖ Rex Club Paris ✽ Douglas Ashby ❖ Harry Ashby ✽ Belair Recreational Products Inc. ❥ Décédé 43 ONTARIO ❖ Mark Brown ❖ Tom Keen ❖ Jordan Merritt ✽ Aaron Parr ❖ Dan Thomson, Sr. Parry Sound ❖ Bayside Inn ❖ Darlington Construction ❖ W. Derek George ❖ Dr. John B. Hunkin ❖ Dr. G.D. Hunt ❖ Chris Ibey ❖ Margaret Ibey ❖ Little Garden Greenhouse ❖ Hugh Logan ❖ Mitch's ❖ Novakennel Dog Boarding ✽ Parry Sound Marine Inc. ✽ Stephen F Powell ❖ RONA Building Centre ❖ Shoppers Drug Mart ✽ The Ridge at Manitou Golf Club ❖ Wayne Hall Construction ✽ Weeks Construction ❖ Dr. R.A. Wright Pembroke ❖ Century 21 Neville Realty Ltd. ❖ Ontario Resource Management Group ❖ RGT Clouthier Construction ❖ Stafford Animal Hospital Perth ✽ Joseph M. Foster ✽ Carson Thompson Perth Road ✽ Brian Swain Peterborough ✽ Ken F. Abraham ❖ Accuracy Plus ✩ Daryl Bennett ❖ Better Floors ❖ BRT Provisioners Inc. ✽ Canada Brokerlink Inc. ❖ Champlain Animal Hospital ❖ Colio Estate Wines ✽ Creative Inks ❖ East Side Marios ✽ Chris Fenton ❖ G.E. Canada ❖ Haulpax ✽ Murray Henderson ❖ Garry Herring ❖ Holiday Ford Sales (1980) Ltd. ❖ Lennox Tools ✽ Liftlock Fibreglass ✩ John Martin ❖ McWilliams Moving & Storage ✽ Peter Millard ❖ Odim Spectrum Ltd. ✩ Peterborough Examiner ✽ Fred Primeau ❖ R J Brown Insurance ✽ RBC Royal Bank ✽ Randy Sayles ❖ Sea Hawke Charters ❖ Trail-Marker Outdoor Products Ltd. ✽ Trans Canada Pet Boundaries ✩ Rodger Worboy Pickering ❖ Ballinger Consulting Accountant Specialist ✩ Clayton Cary ✽ Pickering Rod & Gun Club ✩ Prenco Progress and Engineering Corp. Ltd. ✩ Randy Flemmings Insurance Agency Ltd. ✩ The Floor Fashion Center ❖ Watson's Glen Golf Course ❖ Keith Williams Puslinch ❖ Currie Custom Picture Framing ❖ Donna Speed ❖ The Gun Centre Richmond Hill ❖ Bushnell Corporation of Canada ❖ Mister Transmission ✩ Turf Canada Inc. ❖ Gifford Self Storage ✽ Heather Griffith ❖ Fran Harper ❖ Harold R. Hawkins ❖ Kinsmen Club ❖ John C. Lackey ❖ Lannin Funeral Home ❖ William Leggett ✽ Robert McGregor ✽ Jennifer Muoka ❖ Smiths Falls Family Chiropractic ✩ Robert E. Thompson Picton ✽ ClearWater Design ❖ Steve Dingman ✽ Essroc Italcementi Group ✩ Leroy Hall ❖ Peter Johannsson Ridgeville ✽ Dr Ralph A. Saari South Lancaster ✽ Bryan Hurley Roseneath ❖ Linda Seppanen ✽ Rick & Anne Wood Southampton ❖ Chippewa Golf & Country Club Point Edward ❖ Point Edward Optimist Club Pointe au Baril ❖ Terry Demasdon ❖ Frank Penfold ❖ Rattlebear Consulting Sarnia ✽ Alcove Gift & Art Gallery ❖ Steve Bujaki ✽ Wayne H. Giberson ✽ Nova Chemicals (Canada) Ltd. ✩ Sarnia Propane ❖ Sarnia Rent-All Ltd. Port Burwell ❖ Greg Underhill Sault Ste Marie ❖ Algoma Insurance Port Colborne ❖ George Terdik Scarborough ✩ Aviva Insurance Company of Canada ✩ Ingadale Industries Inc. ❖ Mark Wade ✽ Cindy Wille Port Elgin ❖ Aqua Manufacturing and Marine ✽ Canadian Tire ❖ Corinne Draesner ❖ Ron McIntosh ✽ Queens Bar and Grill ❖ Saugeen Golf Course ❖ The Links at Pipers Glen Golf Course Port Lambton ✽ Darrell Randell Port Perry ✽ Nancy Ashton ✽ Baagwating Community Association ✽ Oakridge Golf Club ✽ Paul Puckrin ❖ Terry Rowland ✽ Windcrest Meat Packers Ltd. Port Rowan ❖ Charles Ross Evans ❖ Dr. Jerome Katchin ❖ Krestel & Van Hamme ❖ Marina Shores Ltd. ❖ Surely Beans Bakery & Deli Powassan ❖ Quality Hardwoods Ltd. Prescott ❖ A Craft Boutique ✽ Canadian Tire Corporation ✽ Dr. Jim A. Holmes ✽ Prescott & District Ducks Unlimited Committee ❖ Sharon Stein ❖ Tim Hortons ✽ Paul J. Van Luit ❖ Bronze (250 $ - 499 $) 44 Rama ❖ Casino Rama Schreiber ❖ Inmet Mining Winston Lake Division Selby ❖ Richmond Ditching Shanty Bay ❖ Alex W. Smith Sharon ❖ Shawneeki Golf Club Simcoe ❖ B & J Agricultural Spraying ❖ Millard, Rouse & Rosebrugh LLP ✩ Jim Young Sioux Lookout ❖ Bamaji Air Inc. ❖ Custom Collision ❖ Gord Edmond ❖ Home Hardware ❖ Johnny's Freshmarket ❖ John Madsen ❖ Morgan Transfer ❖ Sioux-Per Auto Parts Smiths Falls ❖ Apple Auto Glass ✩ Garry Badour ✽ Bennett's Bait & Tackle ❖ Brew Bye You ❖ Phil Brown ✽ Michael Cliffen ❖ Echo Tours ✽ EMC / Record News ✩ George Francis ✽ Argent (500 $ - 999 $) St Catharines ❖ Gary Butler ✽ St. Catharines Game and Fish Association Sudbury ❖ B.S.K. Machine Shop ✩ Bank of Nova Scotia ❖ Bristol Machine Works Limited ✽ Carissa's Ladies Wear ✽ Case Cosmetics ❖ Ian Delorey ❖ Good Life Fitness ❖ Jim's Automotive ❖ John Smith Realty ❖ Scott Keenan ✽ John Kirwan ❖ Chris Laking ✽ Mining Technologies International Inc. ❖ Walter Mozek ❖ Northern Voice & Data ❖ Pennzoil 10 Minute Oil Change ✩ Rendez-Vous Hair & Spa ✩ Respect is Burning Supperclub & Anywhere Catering ✩ Rezplast Manufacturing ✽ Sylvie Rivard ❖ Roys Furniture Plus ❖ Francis Sheridan ❖ Mac Sinclair ❖ Skin MediSpa ❖ Southview Greenhouse Growers ❖ Tim Horton's (32) ✽ Timberwolf ❖ Victoria's Custom Framing & Stitchery ✩ Peter Villgren ❖ What to Wear ✽ Ian Worthington St George Brant ✩ Gilbert Henderson Sundridge ❖ Maple Sugar House St Mary's ✽ Gary Smale Swastika ❖ Denco Machine St Thomas ❖ Backyard Classics ❖ Bob Bishop ✽ Dowler-Karn Fuels Ltd. ❖ Arend Groenendyk ❖ Hugh's Climate Care ✽ John Karn ❖ Ronald Langley ❖ Rene Meunier ❖ David Tubrett ✽ Yarmouth Crane Services Ltd. Sydenham ✽ Jeffrey Bradfield ❖ David Headrick ✩ Scott Muir Sparta ❖ Vandenbrinks Farm Equipment Spencerville ✽ DGS Systems/Project Managment Productivity Solutions Springfield ❖ Springfield Building Components ❖ Springfield Lions Club ❖ WMB Equipment Inc. St Williams ❖ Cherwatys Service Station ❖ Fin and Feather Marina Inc. Stirling ✩ James Brown ✽ Madeline McIntosh ✽ Robert McIntosh Stoney Creek ✩ The Helderleigh Foundation Stouffville ✽ Ian D. MacPherson Strathroy ❖ Sydenham Comm. Credit Union C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S Terrace Bay ❖ Lynsay McLeod ❖ Terrace Bay Home Hardware ❖ Annabella Zawada Thomasburg ❖ Brad Hendrick Thornhill ❖ Michael Hutchins ❖ Jeff Kirby ❖ Sharon Read ❖ David Read ❖ Thomas Sweeney Stayner ❖ Walker Downriggers ✩ Or (1 000 $ - 4 999 $) Tara ❖ Sprucedale Agromart Ltd. Thunder Bay ❖ Jessica Munn ✩ Terry Olsen Tillsonburg ❖ Dustin Donais ❖ J/E Bearing & Machine Ltd. ❖ The Michael Bossy Group ❥ Décédé ONTARIO – QUÉBEC Timmins ✽ Bercell Integrated Technologies ❖ Gary Bostrom ❖ Domtar ❖ Fireside Reflections ❖ Timm Jodouin ❖ Barry LeDuc ❖ Andrew Lillie ❖ Mikey's General Sales & Repair ❖ Nasco Propane ❖ RLP Machine & Steel Fabrication Inc. ❖ Larry Sorochan ❖ SWM Contracting Incorporated ❖ The Brick Tiverton ✽ Bruce Telecom Toronto ✽ AGF Mutual Funds ✽ Banque Royale RBC ✽ Karine Beliveau ❖ David Bennett ❖ Reginald Bronskill ✩ Churchill Cellars ✽ CIBC Head Office ✩ Lou Clancy ✩ Comcor Environmental ✩ John Dunlap ✽ Dynamic Funds ❖ David Edmison ❖ Fairmont Royal York Hotel ❖ Joseph Gaston ✩ Sandy Goss ✽ Patricia Gouinlock ✽ Greenwood College School ✩ Intact Insurance Company ❖ Scott Kish ✽ Mike Krstajic ✽ David Latimer ❖ Louisville Homes ✩ John D. McCallum ❖ Dennis Moir ✽ Molson's ❖ Leith Moore ✽ Dorothy Mould ❖ Markku Nousiainen ✩ Outdoor Canada / Transcontinential Media ❖ Hugh Pearson ✽ Ernie Philip ✽ Yuji Sakuma ✽ Robert Seagram ❥ ❖ Megan Smith ❖ Richard Stovel ❖ Jack Summers ❖ Teskey Concrete Co. Limited ✩ The Guarantee Company of North America ❖ The Inn at Manitou ❖ Denise Thurston ✩ Carl Vajda ❖ Warner Bros Entertainment Canada Inc. ❖ Ken Westerback ✩ David Young Tottenham ✽ Harry Allard Trenton ✽ Stephen Wannamaker Turkey Point ❖ Doug Forster Union ❖ Candy McManiman Windsor ❖ Tim Traynor Uxbridge ✩ G.W. Timbers Excavating ✽ Gordon Lak Wingham ❖ Bernard Chestney Brossard ❖ Guy Châteauneuf ❖ Gazoduc TQM Wolfe Island ✽ Capenters Point ✽ Carpenters Point Association ❖ General Wolfe Hotel ❖ Hulton Construction and Rentals ✽ Chris Leeman ❖ D Scott MacLaren ✽ Craig Vance ✽ Wild Wings Club Val Rita ✽ Murray OK Tire Sales Vaughan ✽ North Eastern Swimming Pool Vienna ❖ Dean Franklin ❖ Underhills Farm Supply Woodbridge ✩ Mrusatt Chemical Ltd. Wahnapitae ❖ Brian Keen Walkerton ✽ Grey Bruce Outfitters Woodstock ✽ Glen Murray ❖ Robert Newman Warsaw ❖ Kyle Cooper Wroxeter ✽ Randy Scott Washago ✽ Ted Sahaidak Waterloo ❖ Astron Specialty Metals Ltd. ✽ DALSA Employee Environmental Committee ✩ The John A. Pollock Family Fund ❖ Twin City Rifle Club Inc. Wawa ❖ Canadian Tire ✽ Michelle Wheatley Grandes-Bergeronnes ✽ Club Lac des Sables et Paradis Cap-Saint-Ignace ❖ Léo Langlois ❖ Pierre Marois Grandes-Piles ✽ Camping du Lac Clair Cap-Santé ✽ Éric Pagé ✩ Styven Piché Hudson ✩ Josée Houle Bédard Chartierville ❖ André Philibert Île d’Anticosti (Port Menier) ✩ Pourvoirie du Lac Geneviève Château-Richer ❖ Claude Cinq-Mars Inc. ✽ Paul-Émile Drouin ✽ Claude Pichette ✽ Yvan Turmel Joliette ✽ Albert Aimaro ❖ Bellemare Couvertures Ltée ❖ Bridgestone Canada ✽ Jacques Coutu ❖ Gadoury, Neveu, Landry Inc. ✽ Julie Lachapelle ❖ Pierre Paquette ✽ Arnold Stiffel Chibougamau ❖ Caisse populaire Desjardins de Chibougamau ✽ Luc Ferland ❖ Restaurant Subway Acton Vale ✽ Étienne-Alexis Boucher Adstock ❖ Naturive ❖ Société nationale des québécoises et des québécois Ayer's Cliff ❖ Auberge Ripplecove Inn Grand-Remous ❖ Pourvoirie Pavillon de l'Esturgeon Cantley ❖ Jacques Ménard Châteauguay ✩ Guy Girardeau QUÉBEC Amherst ❖ La Ferme Monette ❖ Stéphane Monette Wellington ❖ George R. Hug West Guilford ✽ Cottage Country Log Cabin Trading Company Granby ❖ Les Contenants Durabac Inc. Contrecoeur ✽ Arcelor Mittal Inc. L'Ange-Gardien ❖ Carrière Sablière Dagenais ✽ Alain Gagnon Crabtree ✽ Julien Froment La Plaine ✽ Charles Leroux Danville ❖ Yvon Vallières La Prairie ✽ Gilles Dupont Deschaillons ❖ Côté-Reco Inc. La Tuque ✩ Serge Mathieu Lambton ❖ Rachelle Baillargeon Westmeath ✽ Breddie Baie D'Urfé ❖ Rolf Hagen Deschambault-Grondines ✩ Yves Girard ✩ Pierre Trottier Weston ✩ Carlo D. Fidani Beaconsfield ❖ Ed Anderson Disraéli ❖ Maxime Jean Whitby ✩ Arctic Spas Durham ❖ Bliss Bridal Boutique ✩ Country Lane Golf Course ❖ Alison Demelis ❖ KJ Sales Resource Ltd. Strategic Sourcing Soluntions ✩ Multitech Graphics ✩ Natural Wellness Solutions ❖ Nutri - Lawn Ecology Friendly Lawn Care ❖ Bonita A. O'Carroll ❖ Adrianne Petrovich ✩ Rivett Architectural Hardware Ltd. ✩ Service Master of Durham ✩ Ivan Smith Beaulac-Garthby ✽ Paul Lavoie ✽ Thomas G. Smith Donnacona ❖ Mario Bérubé ❖ Sonorisation Daniel Tanguay Beaupré ❖ Denis Guérin Drummondville ❖ Antoine Camirand ❖ Gérard Lafrance Wiarton ✩ Ronald Fenton Windermere ❖ Windermere Golf & Country Club ❖ Bronze (250 $ - 499 $) Berthierville ❖ CFE Desjardins Joliette de Lanaudière ✽ Les Entreprises Berthier Inc. ❖ Pierre Sylvestre Blainville ✽ Pourvoirie Némiskau Blue-Sea-Lake ✽ Pourvoirie Martin Boisbriand ✽ Daniel Legault ✽ Argent (500 $ - 999 $) Kirkland ❖ Intervet Schering Plough Animal Health Laval ❖ Anonyme ✽ Richard Beauchesne ❖ Purefishing ❖ Tecsult Inc. ✽ Georges Vincelli Les Escoumins ✽ Serge Pelchat ✽ Pourvoirie chez Pelchat East Broughton ❖ Caisse populaire East Broughton Lévis ❖ Patrice Bernier ❖ Jacques Cloutier ✽ Club de golf la Tempête ✩ Neilson Excavation Inc. ❖ Vision Chasse & Pêche Ferme-Neuve ✽ Club Gatineau Longueuil ❖ Yolande Leduc Gatineau ❖ Audrey Kenny ❖ Jacques Ménard ✽ Jean Provost ❖ Manon Tessier Magog ❖ Pierre Reid Dudswell ❖ Stuart Main ✩ Or (1 000 $ - 4 999 $) C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S Mascouche ✽ Johanne Boyer ✩ Réal Charlebois ❥ Décédé 45 QUÉBEC – NOUVEAU-BRUNSWICK ❖ Député de Montcalm ✽ André Dubuc Matane ✽ Les Industries Jack Inc. Mont-Royal ✩ Antoine Jarjour Mont-Saint-Grégoire ❖ Michel Contant Mont-Tremblant ✽ Club de golf Le Maître de Mont-Tremblant ❖ Grand Lodge du Mont-Tremblant Montmagny ❖ Garage Fernand Langlois et Fils ❖ Marc Moreau ✽ Pourvoirie L'O-Oie-Sis Enr. Notre-Dame-des-Pins ❖ Robert Daigle Pierreville ❖ Groupe SARCEL Québec ❖ Agence Gravel Inc. ✩ Famille de Jason Beaulieu ✩ Marie Blais ✽ Karine Boisvert ❖ Cabinet de relations publiques NATIONAL ❖ Château Bonne Entente ❖ Collation Les Dauphins ✩ Jean-Marc Côté ✩ Gaston De Serres ❖ Dany Deschênes ✽ Robert Doucet ❖ Fédération québécoise des chasseurs et pêcheurs ✽ Gestion JM Leroux Ltée Repentigny ❖ Député Scott McKay ❖ Performance Chasse et Pêche Inc. Rivière-du-Loup ❖ Lepage Millwork Rouyn-Noranda ❖ Brigitte Cadotte ❖ Mines Agnico-Eagle Ltée Sabrevois ✽ Renée Morissette 46 Saint-Ignace-de-Loyola ❖ Michel Cadieux ✽ Yves Guertin ❖ La Pourvoirie du lac Saint-Pierre ✩ Pourvoirie Roger Gladu Sainte-Émélie-de-l’Énergie ✩ Le Domaine Bazinet ✩ Pourvoirie Auberge la Barrière Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu ❖ Roger Alexandre ❖ Aqua Futur ❖ Hélène Béliveau ❖ Canadian Tire ❖ Laurie Côté ❖ Claude Denis ✩ Jacques Dextraze ✽ Imprimerie Excelsior Inc. ❖ Londero Sports Inc. ❖ Sylvie Marsan ✽ Sophie Piette ❖ Christiane Plouffe ❖ Restaurant Le Lux ✽ Rona Rénovateur régional ❖ Marco Therrien ❖ Vitrerie Saran Inc. Saint-Barthélemy ✽ Jacques Latulippe Saint-Côme ❖ Alain Gilbert Shawinigan ❖ Groupe Synergis ✽ Pourvoirie Barrage Gouin & Magnan Saint-Lin-Laurentides ❖ Pourvoirie La Grande Ourse Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce ❖ Les Portes Baillargeon Inc. Saint-Eustache ✽ Conseil Arts Culture St-Eustache Saint-Marc-des-Carrières ❖ Bédard Guibault Comptable ❖ Min. Éducation, Loisir et Sport Saint-Martin ❖ Mobilier Rustique Saint-Gabriel-de-Brandon ❖ Les Entreprises Claude Beausoleil Inc. Saint-Georges ✽ Delisle Veilleux Pelchat Vallée CA ✽ Groupe Canam Inc. ✽ Sylvio Cormier ✽ Le Georgesville ❖ Éric Lessard ❖ Maison Vinot ✩ Yoland Mathieu ❖ Florianne Matteau ❖ Norgate Métal ❖ Michel Paquet ❖ Pierre Roy ❖ Tonus Saint-Pie ✽ Pourvoirie des 100 Lacs Sud Saint-Robert ❖ Françoise Cinq-Mars Saint-Zénon ✩ Au Pays de Réal Massé Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré ❖ Thérèse J. Bouchard Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade ✽ La Pérade Ford Mercury Sainte-Anne-de-Sorel ❖ Jeannette Cournoyer ✽ Argent (500 $ - 999 $) Sherbrooke ✽ Blanchard Litho Inc. ✩ Jean Charest ❖ Clef de sol ✽ Concept Habitation Estrie ❖ François Huot Syndic & Ass. Inc. ❖ Monique Gagnon-Tremblay ❖ Garlock du Canada ❖ Heenan Blaikie, avocats ❖ Hubert St-Jean Cafés, Thés et Épices ❖ Chantal Julien ✽ Lachance Chasse & Pêche ❖ Lebeau Vitres d'Autos ❖ Location St-Élie ✽ Longpré Provencher ❖ Matériaux de construction Létourneau Inc. ❖ Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune de l'Estrie ✽ Pourvoirie Camachigama ❖ Rita Fleuriste Inc. ✽ Claudette Roy ✽ Taverne Alexandre ❖ Téléphoto ❖ Suzanne Therrien ❖ Thibault, Pontiac, Buick, GMC ❖ Marie-Josée Turmel ❖ Jaqueline Wallace Sorel-Tracy ❖ Auberge de la Rive (1971) Inc. ❖ Raymonde Bajt ❖ Karine Bergeron ❖ Daniel Brouillette ✽ Caisse populaire Pierre-De Saurel ❖ Nathalie Chevalier ❖ Clinique dentaire Bouthillette Vertefeuille ❖ Ghislain Garceau ❖ Armande Hébert ❖ Raymond Martin ❖ Meubles André Beaulieu Inc. ❖ MRC Pierre-De Saurel ❖ Gaétan Pagé ❖ Page Cournoyer Design Graphique ✽ Succession Raymond R. Picard ✽ Louis Plamondon ✩ Or (1 000 $ - 4 999 $) C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S Standbridge East ✽ Réjeanne Roy Stoneham ❖ Raymond Sarrazin Salaberry-de-Valleyfield ✽ Caisse populaire de Salaberry-de-Valleyfield ✽ Caisse Desjardins Notre-Dame de Bellerive ❖ Les Industries Valtech ✩ Waste Management Saint-Joseph-de-Sorel ❖ Les Forges de Sorel ❖ Raymond Liessens Saint-Lambert ✩ Renaud Lacasse ✽ Rio Tinto (QIT-Fer et Titane, Inc.) ❖ Rôtisserie St-Hubert ✩ Sylvain Simard ❖ Traversy Traiteur ✽ Ville de Sorel-Tracy Stanstead ❖ Domaine Félibre Sainte-Victoire-de-Sorel ✽ Jocelyne Cinq-Mars Saint-Joseph-de-Beauce ✽ Éric-Michel Hallé Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures ❖ Nadine Guilbault ❖ Municipalité de St-Augustin-de-Desmaures Sainte-Julie ❖ Robert Ouellet Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac ❖ André Leblanc Saint-Joachim-de-Montmorency ✽ Madeleine Dubreuil ✽ Louis Matte Saint-Apollinaire ❖ Isabelle Parent ❖ Bronze (250 $ - 499 $) Sainte-Clothilde-de-Châteauguay ✩ Pourvoirie du Lac Berval Saint-Jérôme ❖ Mathieu Desmarteaux ✩ Jean-Sébastien Goupil Saint-Alexis-des-Monts ❖ Hôtel Sacacomie ❖ Le domaine Vignerod Inc. Saint-Germain ❖ Pharmacien Michel Vincent Saint-Hyacinthe ✩ Pourvoirie Air Tamarac Saint-Jean-de-Matha ❖ Linda Francoeur Rivière-à-Pierre ✽ Réserve faunique de Portneuf Montréal ✽ Bell Canada ❖ Banque Nationale du Canada ✩ Brasserie Labatt ❖ Daniel Brochu ✩ Canfornav Inc. ✩ Centre d’Achats Westend Ltée ✽ Charton Hobbs ✩ Cindy Coates-Musgrave ❖ Construction Cogela Inc. ✽ John Cristinziani ❖ Danté Inc. ❖ Desjardins Ménard et Associés Ltée ❖ Envirotech Services Industriels Inc. ❖ Donna Farnworth ✽ Howick Foundation ❖ Gaetano De Santis ✩ Alain Gaul ❖ Institut du Crysotile ✩ François Labrie ❖ Lavery De Billy ✩ James Madon ❖ Thomas Maniatis ❖ Recyclage de Papier Rive Sud ❖ Parmalat Canada Inc. Neuville ❖ Caisse populaire Desjardins de Neuville ✽ André Côté ✽ Marcel Darveau ✩ Isabelle Gibson ❖ Immeubles Félix Roussin Inc. ❖ Judith Kirby ❖ Le Grand Sommelier Inc. ❖ Mab Profil Inc. ❖ Charles Mangliar ❖ Mark Bender et Associés ❖ Denis Paradis ✩ Passion Chasse et Pêche ✽ Stéphanie Poulin ❖ SAIL Baron Lebourgneuf ✩ Samar Sawaya ✩ SÉPAQ Terrebonne ❖ Ghislain Bouchard ❖ Jimmy Otis ✽ Joe Tamborra ✩ Vélo St-Joseph ✩ Ville de Terrebonne Thetford Mines ❖ Caisse Desjardins du Carrefour minier ❖ Caisse populaire de Thetford Mines ❖ Fondation Donald Bécotte Inc. ❖ Ghislain Dionne ❖ Yves Gilbert ❖ Hugo Gosselin ❖ Industries Fournier ❖ Lab Chrysotile ❖ Mercier Marine ❖ Mouvement Prochrysotile ❖ Paradis Dionne Inc. ❖ Yvon Tremblay Trois-Rivières ✽ Trois-Rivières Toyota ✽ Aline Vaillancourt Victoriaville ✩ Luc Baillargeon Weedon ✽ Jeannine Bourret NOUVEAU-BRUNSWICK Allison ❖ Murray Cruickshank Aulac ❖ Tony Haycock Baie Verte ❖ Port Elgin Auto Sales ❖ Rodney Lucci Enterprises ❖ Rotary Club of Port Elgin Baker Brook ❖ MLM Trucking and Logging Inc. Bathurst ✽ Xstrata Zinc Bayside ❖ Jamer Materials Blacks Harbour ❖ Cooke Aquaculture Inc. ❥ Décédé NOUVEAU-BRUNSWICK – NOUVELLE-ÉCOSSE ❖ Keith Stewart ❖ Reigh Sweezey ❖ Targetts Window and Door ❖ W K Webb & Associates Ltd. ✽ John W. Waite ❖ Windsor Court Retirement Residence Inc. Bouctouche ❖ Arthur McDonough Burnt Hill ❖ Raymond Burns Cap Pelé ❖ Cape Bald Packers Ltd. Minto ❖ Father Dysart Council #3502-Knights of Columbus Miramichi ✽ Murray Allan Gagetown ✽ Tarrel Consulting Services Ltd. Caraquet ✽ Le Costumier Ltée ✽ Eric Thériault Galloway ✽ Garth Mitchell Charters Settlement ❖ Adam Campbell ❖ Scott Glenn Grand Bay-Westfield ✩ Harrigan Insurance Agency Ltd. Darlings Island ✩ Jason Middleton Grand Falls ❖ Chris Reynolds ❖ Andre St Onge Douglas Harbour ✽ Eldon Hunter Grand-Barachois ❖ Conseil 10251 Chevaliers de Colomb Edmundston ❖ Cogerno ❖ Decocent Levasseur ❖ Edmundston Toyota Ltee ❖ Janel Ouellet ✽ Pizza Delight Hanwell ❖ Kingswood ✽ Maritime Decorators Ltd. Harvey Station ❖ Ian Duncan Elgin ✽ David Stevenson Florenceville ❖ Heather Ellis Fredericton ✽ 3D Datacom ✽ A D Fiander Associates Ltd. ❖ Active Office ❖ ADI Group ✽ D. John Archibald ✽ Association of Professional Engineers & Geoscientists of NB ✩ Margaret Bannister ✽ Beaver Brokerage Inc. ❖ Bejewelled by Trudy Gallagher ❖ Bud Bird ❖ Burden Auctioneers ❖ Canadian Tire Southside ❖ Coast Tire & Auto Service Ltd. ✽ Conestoga-Rovers & Associates ❖ Brian Cornell ✽ Covey Basics ✽ D & V Holdings Ltd. ✽ Dr. Janice E. Wilson Inc., ✩ Dunbar Construction Ltd. ❖ Epsilon Y's Men's Club ❖ Fredericton Sunrise Rotary Club ✽ Furniture Deals ✽ Kim Gallant ❖ Tom Hickey ❖ Bruce Jamieson ❖ Jean Coutu ❖ John E. MacKay ✽ Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline ❖ Rick McMullin ✩ Monteith Underground Services Ltd. ❖ O'Leary Pontiac Buick GMC Ltd. ❖ Office Interiors NB Inc. ❖ Riverview Ford Lincoln ✽ Simms Home Hardware Building Centre ❖ Spicer, Smith & Cole Harvey York Co ❖ Jamieson & Sons ❖ Watson's BMR ✽ Gordie Willett Haute-Aboujagane ❖ Club Chasse et Pêche Inc. Head of Millstream ❖ Scenic View Golf Hillsborough ❖ Greg Dickinson Indian Mountain ❖ Wayne Mason Keswick ✽ Oak Ridge Manufacturing Keswick Ridge ✽ George Lawrence ✽ T N T Insulation & Building Supplies Lac Baker ❖ C. A. Forestier Ltd. Lakeville Corner ❖ Herb Fillmore Lincoln ❖ Lincoln Lions Club Inc. ❖ Joyce Payne Long Reach ❖ Steven Marr McAdam ✽ Ralph Annis ❖ Certainteed Gympsum ❖ Ross Faulkner ❖ Bronze (250 $ - 499 $) Rothesay ❖ All Star Recreation ✩ Kevin Harris ❖ KV Auto & Truck Center Moncton ❖ Evergreen Park School ❖ Joyce Hargrove ❖ Shani Jones ❖ William Landry ❖ Lounsbury Home Furnishings ✩ Marlene Myers ❖ Phillips Bros Excavating Ltd. ❖ Residnce Inn Marriott ❖ John Stewart ❖ Phil Ward Nackawic ❖ Joyce Gordon Wickham ❖ William A. Cooper Sackville ❖ Gordon Beal ❖ F R S Flooring Solutions ❖ Emile Peckham ✩ Curtis Wells Woodstock ✽ Hartford Enterprises ❖ Brian Hayden ❖ Stephen Wilson Saint John ❖ Canadian Tire ✽ Downey Ford Lincoln Sales Ltd. ✩ Eldridges Holdings Ltd. ❖ Donald Gallagher ❖ J. Robert Gibb ✽ Turgeon & Associés ✽ John Walker ❖ Jason Walker Saint-Jacques ❖ Dynamic Fibre Ltd. New Zion ❖ Valerie LeBlanc Salisbury ✩ Salisbury Big Stop Norton ❖ Doug Totton Shediac ❖ Carson Seely Oak Bay ✽ Classic Woodworking Shediac Capé ❖ Ron Waito Enterprises Inc. Oak Hill ❖ Leland W. McGaw Shediac River ❖ Bastarache Auto Sales Oromocto ❖ Riverside Pharmacy Limited Smithtown ✽ Aurele Daigle Penobsquis ❖ Cardwell Farms Compost Products Inc. Perth-Andover ✽ Rotary Club of Perth-Andover Pine Glen ❖ Dean Reddin Springdale ❖ Wash A Way Springfield ❖ Wanda Harrison St Andrews ✽ Bartcom Marine Point de Bute ❖ Donna Allen ❖ Kerri Walton St Stephen ❖ Laura Albert ❖ Sheila Bastow ✽ Downey's Sales and Service ✩ Investors Group Financial Services Inc. ❖ Orchards Paint & Paper ✽ Sticks and Stones Fabricating Inc. Quispamsis ✽ Bird Construction Co. Rexton ❖ Rexton Lions Club Richibucto ❖ Gallant Insurance Ltd. ❖ Kent County Veterinary Hospital ❖ M & F LeBlanc Oil Ltd. ❖ LeeAnne Mitton Riverside-Albert ✩ Shepody Fish & Game Riverview ❖ Ed's Welding & Contracting Ltd. ❖ Terry Keiver ❖ Riverview Truck Repair Ltd. ✽ Stevenson & Partners LLP ❖ Wilbur & Wilbur ✽ Argent (500 $ - 999 $) Wards Creek ❖ Jeff Legere Youngs Cove ❖ Grand Washademoak Lions Club NOUVELLE-ÉCOSSE Amherst ❖ A & W Restaurant ✽ Amherst Auto Supply Ltd. ❖ Amherst Chrysler (1999) Limited ❖ Atlantic Combustion Products Ltd. ❖ Aulac Irving Big Stop ❖ Jim Baker ❖ Barnes Insurance ❖ Blue Wave Energy ❖ Brita Enterprises ✩ Carter's Sports Cresting Ltd. ❖ Charm Diamond Centre ✽ CIBC Wood Gundy ❖ Comfort Inn ❖ Duncan's Pub ✩ Rob & Nancy Fraser ✽ Go Glass ❖ Intimate Interiors ✽ Robert Meisner ✽ Poly Cello ✽ R G MacLean Contracting Ltd. ✽ R.L. McLean Contracting ✽ Steve Gibson Contracting ✩ Walmart Canada ❖ Waco Young Antigonish ❖ Antigonish Family Dentistry ✩ Central Supplies ❖ Edwin Ryan Golf Shop ✽ John Hamilton ❖ Blair MacDuff ❖ MacGillivray Fuels Ltd. ❖ Outback Car Wash ❖ R MacLean Forestry Ltd. ❖ Ian Tate ✽ Tim Horton's Sussex ❖ Peter French ❖ Irving Tree Nursery ❖ Greg D. McCollum ❖ Moffats Hardware ❖ Sussex Chiropractic Centre ❖ Sussex Tire ❖ Wayne's Convenience Arichat ❖ Michel Samson Sussex Corner ✽ Mike Johnston Bridgetown ❖ Bryan Willett Tabusintac ❖ JCRR Designs Brookfield ❖ Irwin Lake Chalets Titusville ❖ Janet Lee Coldbrook ✩ Kings County Wildlife Association ✩ Or (1 000 $ - 4 999 $) C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S Baddeck ❖ Dan Banks Bedford ❖ Alltech Environmental ❥ Décédé 47 NOUVELLE-ÉCOSSE – ÎLE-DU-PRINCE-ÉDOUARD – TERRE-NEUVE-ET-LABRADOR – YUKON – TERRITOIRES-DU-NORD-OUEST Collingwood Corner ❖ National Trailer Sales Point Tupper ❖ Nustar Country Harbour ❖ Chris Hudson Port Hawkesbury ❖ Jean Boudreau ✩ NewPage Corporation ❖ Tri-Mac Toyota Ltd. Dartmouth ❖ Rockingham Electric ❖ Sea Pro Services (1983) Ltd. Debert ✽ Paul Kittilsen Enfield ❖ Enfield Home Hardware Building Centre ❖ Donald W. Hall ❖ Fred McCallum Falmouth ❖ Daniel Lynch Glenwood ✽ Jeremiah Nickerson Guysborough ❖ Guysborough Pharmacy Ltd. Halifax ✩ 3097359 Nova Scotia Ltd. ✽ CIBC - Atlantic Region ✽ Chris Elliot ❖ Hamilton Construction ✽ Joanne McCrea ❖ Piercey Investors Limited ✩ Province of Nova Scotia Hubbards ✽ Charles Young Hubley ❖ Gary Allan Lehman Kentville ✽ Trevor Archibald ✽ D M Reid Jewellers Ltd. ✽ Trinda Ernst ❖ Kentville Mazda Louisdale ❖ Babin's Service Centre Sales & Service Lower Sackville ❖ Gary McFarland Mahone Bay ✽ Adventure Wave Consultants Merigomish ❖ Ahare Mathieu Meteghan River ❖ Clare Pharmacy Ltd. ❖ A. Theriaut Mount Uniacke ✽ Gary Marlborough Nappan ✽ Gray Concrete Foundations Ltd. New Minas ❖ GT Plumbing & Heating Shubenacadie ❖ The Links at Penn Hills St Andrews ❖ Wayne Ezekiel Sydney ❖ Dave Udle Tatamagouche ✽ Jerry Amirault Truro ❖ Canadian Tire Corporation ❖ Don Fisher Construction Ltd. ❖ Denise Fraser ❖ Harris Enterprises Limited ✽ Inglis Jewellers ✽ Nova Enterprises Ltd. ✽ Bob White Valley ❖ Karen Casey Wedgeport ✽ Donald Boudreau West Pubnico ❖ Paul d'Entremont Marine Ltd. Weymouth ✩ Barry Faulkner Kensington ✽ Coles' Mussel Farm Ltd. ✽ Lieutenant Colonel S. Dennis Hopping ✽ David Mackenzie Lake Verde ❖ Erin Redmond Milltown Cross ❖ Sturgeon River Blueberries Montague ❖ Muddy Dog Outdoor Gear & Ammo Souris ❖ Rollo Bay Holdings St Peters Bay ❖ Boo's Construction Inc. Stratford ✩ Jana Cheverie ✩ Ronald Peters Charlottetown ✩ BFM Chartered Accountants ❖ Campbell, Lea, Michael, Mcconnell & Pigo ❖ Cox and Palmer Barristers & Solicitors ✽ Deborah Elliott ✩ Wade & Tami Lewis ✩ Metro Building Supplies ❖ Nessya's Gems & Jewels ✩ N. Douglas Ross, c.r. ❖ Sumner Plumbing Supply Summerside ❖ Advance Rentals ❖ Dewis Cooke ❖ Sealand Freezers Ltd. ✽ James Toombs Wesleyville ❖ Gordon Carter YUKON Mount Pearl ✽ D Evans ✽ O'Neill Motors Ltd. West Point ✽ Stewart Enterprises Ltd. Musgravetown ❖ Sharon Brown Conception Bay South ❖ Robert Farrell ✽ Newfoundland & Labrador Ltd. 57351 Paradise ❖ David Howe ❖ John Kelly Deer Lake ❖ Deer Lake Airport Authority Inc. ✽ Cordell Fudge Pasadena ✽ Dale Carnegie ✽ Edwin Sharpe Rocky Harbour ✩ Creative Tufting & Crafts Roddickton ❖ Celie Parsons Springdale ❖ Harvey's Accounting Services ❖ Riverwood Inn St John's ❖ Wayne Cranford ❖ Monica Dennis ❖ Easson's Transport Ltd. ✽ Fairview Investments ❖ Fairview Investments ❖ Patrice Halley ❖ Paul Leonard ❖ Natalie Lippa ✽ Metro General Insurance Corp. Ltd. C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S Teslin ✽ Dean Compagna Whitehorse ✽ Alpine Aviation (Yukon) Ltd. ✽ Capital Helicopters Inc. ✽ Hendrick's Barbershop ✽ Main Street Flowers and Gifts ✩ Mike's Tub & Shower ❖ Minto Exploration Ltd. ❖ Gwen Moffatt ❖ Northwestel ✽ Omaha Wholistic Spa ❖ Peak Fitness ✽ Heather Thompson ✽ Westmark Whitehorse Hotel & Conference Center ✩ Wilderness Fishing Yukon Hay River ✽ Buffalo Airways Port Blanchard ✽ Terra Nova Golf Resort ✩ Or (1 000 $ - 4 999 $) Haines Junction ❖ Neale Wortley TERRITOIRES-DU-NORD-OUEST St Anthony ❖ Aurora Computers ❖ The Outdoor Shop St. Anthony Corner Brook ❖ Scott Grant ❖ Patrick Hickey ✽ Norman R. Johnson ❖ Rifflin Hitch Lodge ❖ Caryn Smith ✩ Leah R Soper ✽ Steele Communications ✽ Argent (500 $ - 999 $) Traytown ❖ Traytown Builders Main Brook ❖ Shirley Boyd ✽ Lynn Boyd ✽ Justin Boyd Clarenville ❖ A & P Manufacturing ❖ Bruce's Recreation & Auto Centre ❖ C & D Transport Ltd. ❖ Cabot Recreation ❖ Cellular Central ❖ CJM Services Ltd. ❖ Craig's Locksmithing ❖ Hughes & Brannan Law Firm ❖ J-1 Contracting Ltd. ❖ Mills, Hussey, Pittman ❖ Murray Services Ltd. ❖ OKTire/OMB Parts & Industries Ltd. Cardigan ❖ Campbell's Irving Glovertown ✽ East-Glo Electric ❖ Splash 'n' Putt Park Hillview ❖ Come By Chance Pharmacy Ltd. ❖ SPL Freight Wolfville ✩ Hennigar Farms Ltd. ❖ Jim Laceby ÎLE-DU-PRINCE-ÉDOUARD ❖ NLCU Charitable Foundation Corporation ❖ Paper Trace Ltd. ✩ Remax Plus Realty ❖ Winmar Happy Valley-Goose Bay ❖ Furlotte Law Office ❖ Glenn Corporation Limited ❖ Guillevin Int ❖ Notre Dame Agencies ❖ Traves Pine Construction TERRE-NEUVE-ET-LABRADOR Yarmouth ❖ Atlantic Electronics ❖ Jack Dunn ❖ Serge Gagnon ❖ James Nelson ❖ Wedgeport Lobster ❖ Goodfellow Inc. ❖ Goodyear Sales Ltd. ✽ Harbin's Antiques ❖ Todd Lee ❖ Dave Parsons Goose Bay ❖ Canadian Helicopters ❖ Hickey's Construction Ltd. ✽ Hotel North ❖ Tom Lyall ✽ Vale Inco Wilmot Stn ❖ Lawrence Moody ❖ Bronze (250 $ - 499 $) 48 ✩ TD Friends of the Environment Foundation (PEI Chapter) ❖ Doug Wheatley Yellowknife ❖ Air Tindi Ltd. ✩ Arctic Sunwest Charters ❖ AutoTec ✩ James Boraski ✽ Elise Chorostkowski ❖ Coldwell Banker Real Estate ❖ De Beers Canada ✩ Diamond Glass ❖ Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. ✩ First Air ❖ Flowers North ✩ Force One ❖ Great Slave Helicopter ❖ Maureen Hall ❖ J & R Mechanical ✽ Kavanaugh Bros Ltd. ✽ Bruce MacDonald ❖ Joanne MacKinnon ❖ Patrick McCardle ✩ Norland Insurance Agencies ✩ Northern Images ❖ Northwestel ❖ Juanita Robinson ✽ Ron’s Auto Service ❖ Slade’s Fire Protection ✽ TD Canada Trust ❖ Wolverine Guns and Tackle ✩ Yellowdog Lodge Inc. ❥ Décédé NUNAVUT – NON-RÉSIDANTS NUNAVUT Iqaluit ❖ Sharon Gee ❖ Allan Hayward ❖ MacKay Landau Chartered Accountants NON-RÉSIDANTS ❖ Rod Pickett ❖ One Shot Lodge ❖ Scott C. Yaich ❖ Sage Keppinger ✩ Jack Pittard ❖ Cindy Hutchinson ❖ Mary Urban ❖ Michael Herzog ❖ Moosehorn Duck Club Inc. ❖ Chet Beaty ❖ James Ebanks ❖ Sam Smolik ❖ Wolfe Services ❖ HPS Oil & Gas Properties ❖ Pete Harry ✩ Rick Thayer ❖ James G. Shull ❖ Oscar Keplinger ❖ Pensacola Goose Club ✩ PEW Charitable Trust ❖ Jack Rice ❖ Orion Land & Wildlife Management LLC ✽ John Clark Retriever Training ❖ Chris Tracy ❖ Domenick Ronga ❖ Paul Harris ✩ Enterprise Rent-a-car ✩ DSI Dywidag Systems Mining & Tunneling Division ❖ Travis Remarchuk ❖ Carl Blank ❖ Hansen Family Foundation ❖ Robert Burton ❖ A.J. Nelson ✩ Gerdau Ameristeel ✩ Richard & Beverly Roach ✽ Robert Ingram ✽ Timothy Lewis ❖ Bronze (250 $ - 499 $) ✽ Argent (500 $ - 999 $) ✩ Or (1 000 $ - 4 999 $) C A N A R D S I L L I M I T É E S C A N A DA | R A P P O R T A N N U E L 2010 | D O N AT E U R S ❥ Décédé 49 Siège social C.P. 1160 Stonewall (Manitoba) R0C 2Z0 Téléphone : Télécopieur : Numéro sans frais : 204 467-3000 204 467-9028 1 800 665-3825 À la direction Jeffrey W. Nelson Chef de la direction Marais Oak Hammock (Manitoba) Henry Murkin, Ph.D. Directeur national de la conservation Marais Oak Hammock (Manitoba) Ken Bailey Directeur national du financement Edmonton (Alberta) Allan Beaudry, C.A. Directeur national des services financiers Marais Oak Hammock (Manitoba) Gary Goodwin Secrétaire de direction et conseiller juridique à l’interne Marais Oak Hammock (Manitoba) Linda Monforton Directrice nationale des ressources humaines Marais Oak Hammock (Manitoba)