April - Joslyn Recreation Center
April - Joslyn Recreation Center
APRIL 2014 NEWSLETTER 950 Main Street Cambria, CA 93428 ! ! ! 805.927.3364 [email protected] http://www.joslynrec.org ! PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE ! ! Dear Joslyn Members, Welcome to Springtime in Cambria. Beautiful weather, longer days, gorgeous stars in the sky…. ! Everything at the Joslyn Center appears to be running pretty smoothly, thanks to all of you. A big shout out to Maryanne Grau and her Dancersize Club that donates the most monthly Club money to the Joslyn Center. Great job, thanks!!!!!!! ! Another HUGE thank you to Craig “Rusty” Heyne for the donation of our water tank so we may continue to have a lovely garden. Rusty is also going to install a pump in the water tank for ease and convenience. Grounds clean up for APRIL: JOSLYN INVESTMENT CLUB & CAMBRIA FORUM Submissions for MAY newsletter: APRIL 15. ! ANNOUNCEMENTS ! NEW CLASS: KUNDALINI YOGA SEE PAGES 2 & 8 The Lions have stepped up to the plate to help us out with the extra refrigeration space we needed for Centrally Grown (chef Eric rents our kitchen and his food is amazing…consider him for any catering events you might have). Thank you Lawn Bowlers for relinquishing your storage cabinet inside of the Joslyn for a Club who did not have a cabinet. If any other Club does not need all of the space they have in their storage cabinet, we have some Clubs who do not have any storage space and we would like to accommodate everyone. Sharing is good. ! ! ! ! Don’t forget the fish fry on April 12th doors open at 5 pm. REMINDER: JOSLYN CLOSED FOR AMGEN RACE May 13 & 14 / Tuesday & Wednesday SAVE THE DATE! ! MAH JONGG A couple of fund raising ideas that have been sent my way are a class on the iPhone and iPad functions & a class for CPR certification. Please let the office know if you are interested in either of these classes before we set something up. TOURNAMENT Please remember to always empty the trash and make sure the coffee area is clean and coffee machines turned off before leaving the Joslyn. SEE PAGE 4 ! ! ! ! Again, thank you very much to everyone for helping out. Warmest Regards, Lisa Tanzman [email protected] APRIL 5TH ! FISH FRY APR 12TH SEE PAGE 7 !1 APRIL 2014 Dancercize ! Ecstatic Dance Friday 7:30 - 9:00P Have fun and get fit to your favorite dance tunes! ! YOGA Monday, 4:45 PM $5 PER SESSION ! Inner Rhythm... is a growing group of heart centered people who dance as a way to returning to ourselves and to commune with each other. For u s , t h e d a n c e fl o o r i s a playground, a teacher, a healer. There are no steps to follow, no right way or wrong way to move. We move to feel what is sacred through the movement of our bodies. Mondays at 10:45A Wednesdays at 8:30A Fridays at 9:00A ! Coordinated by: Maryann Grau Weight Lifting ! ! ! SPIRIT MOVEMENT CLASS Monday 6:00 - 7:00P Optional instruction to enhance the experience of free form dance. Learn to interact with partners by sensing the flow of energy. Easy and fun. Fee - $5 ! Instructor: Francesca Bolognini Call 927.5528 to enroll. ! ! SPIRIT DANCE TRANCE DANCE Monday 7:30 - 9:00P ! Inner Rhythm Dance... is a 70-90 minute dance journey. Every Inner Rhythm Dance is different but the basic format is the same. We start with slower fluid rhythms, move into pulsing percussive beats, peak into wild chaos, then return with trance like lyrical rhythms dissolving into quiet gentle stillness. Enhance your BODY/MIND/SPIRIT connection through rhythm and dance. Be inspired by compelling international beats in a community of music lovers sharing their passion for our natural impulse to move and play. Monday 10:00 AM Wednesday 9:15 AM Friday 9:45 AM ! For more information, email Maryann Grau [email protected] Call Patti Schimberg 927.1661 New Yoga Classes Beginning week of Apr. 14 KUNDALINI YOGA $5.00 ! Mondays 8:30-9:45am Wednesdays 10:15-11:30am Thursdays 4:45-6:00pm ! Free form solo or interactive moving meditation, done at your own pace, to international music utilizing the FIVE RHYTHMS (flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical, stillness). No experience necessary. Free to Joslyn Center members, trial attendance encouraged. ! ! Facilitator: Francesca Bolognini SPIRIT DRUM AND DANCE CIRCLE 1ST WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH ! Facilitated recreational drum circle with dancing and potluck munchies/ non-alcoholic beverages. Some drums and percussion instruments provided to play in circle or purchase. No experience necessary. Fee - $5.00. ! Facilitator: Francesca Bolognini Kundalini Yoga is called the Yoga of Awareness. It is a dynamic, powerful practice that is designed to give you a unique and uplifting experience. Kundalini Yoga balances the glandular system, strengthens the nervous system, expands lung capacity, opens the heart, and purifies the blood. It brings balance to the body, mind, and soul. ! Classes taught by certified Kundalini Yoga teacher Michelle Frandsen. For more information, contact Michelle at: (619) 846-3116, or [email protected]. ! "In Kundalini Yoga the most important thing is your experience. It goes right to your heart.” !2 APRIL 2014 Dancercize LAWN BOWLS What a work party we had! The 14th of March was the date that will go down in Cambria Lawn Bowling history as indeed a heck of a day. We worked on the rehab of benches until about 2:30 then adjourned to "Robin's" for an early dinner hosted by Sal and Mary Buongiorno which included an open bar. We were entertained by our new president Gene Brughelli and his wife Patricia who gave a demonstration of the Argentine Tango followed by in-depth instruction. We all came away with a rewarding experience and a deep appreciation for the Tango. Work parties are fun!!! ! Things to remember: Fresno visitation from there, April 26th and 27th and the Second Annual Charity Tournament, April 22nd--details to follow. ! TABLE TENNIS CLUB The Fishing Club has a new website. See a slice of the fun and adventure and the Free lessons for men & women: Thursdays 8:00A - 12:00 noon fishers who bring in the fish for the annual fish fry. Please share this info with anyone We welcome all skill levels: Sundays 1:00P - 4:00P who may be interested in joining our club. We meet on the first and third Tuesday of the month at 2 to 3 PM. Thanks to Jim Webb for developing the site. Site address: cambriafishingclub.com That's all one word folks. ! ! ! Have fun and keep in shape! For more information call: Jim Major - 927.5524 ROUGH WRITERS We are a group of creative writers whose membership includes novelists, poets, playwrights, short story writers, memoirists, and traveloguers. We are dedicated to supporting each other through the trials and tribulations of the creative writing process. Our goal is to tell stories – true stories that might get lost and fictional stories that open the heart. Although we have many different styles and interests, we are united in our love of language and the power of the imagination. Mentored by local playwright and author Paula Cizmar, we meet each week to provide a supportive environment for members to try out their work. Mondays at 1PM. If you would like to visit, please read "Visitors' Info" on our website, then contact John Lamb at [email protected] to schedule a time. For more on the Rough Writers, please see our website, www.RoughWriters.org. ! ! Would you like to go fishing with us? Come bowl with us! Beginners always welcome! Monday, Wednesday, Friday,Saturday ! FISHING CLUB Contact Jordan at 772-1929 CAMBRIA FORUM The Cambria Forum is pleased to announce our plans for our Winter/ Spring offerings at the Joslyn Center. The Forum is a club which was chartered two years ago by a group of concerned citizens who seek to promote the principles of free enterprise, limited government, liberty, and traditional American values. Our goal is to provide a forum to allow Cambrians to better understand governance issues and constitutional principles. ! Our Friday morning (10:00 a.m.) series begins on March 7 and continues for six weeks. We will resume our study of The 5000 Year Leap produced by the National Center for Constitutional Studies. It contains fifteen principles of freedom our founding fathers said must be understood and perpetuated by people who desire peace, prosperity, and freedom. ! We encourage you to participate in our programs. Mark your calendars, and plan to attend. For further information you may contact Valerie Hopkins at 927-6736 or [email protected] !3 APRIL 2014 Spring is here, and with it the Chorale will be presenting the spring concerts on Mother’s Day, May 11th and the following Sunday, May 18th. We are working on another program that we’re sure our audiences will enjoy. Tickets will be going sale around the middle of April, and will again be $16.00. They can be purchased at the Joslyn Center, the Chamber of Commerce and from Chorale members. INVESTMENT CLUB Meets First and Third Thursday of each month at 9:00am in the Conference Room. ! The Music Scholarship Committee we be presenting the Spring Recital and Tea on Sunday, May 4th. This is a chance for our scholarship students to perform for the community, and a chance for the community to enjoy the progress the students have made in the past year. We hope you’ll be able to show your support for them once again this year. ! Couples Dance & Social Club ! We meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays from 6:00 9:00 pm. We’ve had a number of new members this season, and always welcome more. Stop by any Tuesday morning between 9:00 and 11:00 to find out if you’d like to join us. Please contact Barbara MacDonough if you’d like more information. [email protected] or 927-2989 ! A Potluck dinner precedes dancing to a live band. Music selections include ballroom, swing and rock & roll. Catering Excellence CAMBRIA WRITER’S WORKSHOP For more than 35 years Cambria Writer’s Workshop (CWW) has been dedicated to helping its members become better writers and supporting them along the path to publishing. ! Our members, who live throughout San Luis Obispo County, meet at the Joslyn Center from 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesdays. ! Guests are welcome. !4 APRIL 2014 POKER CLUB The JRC Poker Club deals out fun every Thursday night. We gather by 6:15 and get cards in the air at 6:30pm. Both a 5-10-25-50 cent game and a slightly higher 25-50-$1.00$3.00 are run if we have enough for two tables. We also have a once a month higher stakes game for all the high rollers out there. Monthly tournaments see three tables on average and we alternate between Texas Hold'em and Omaha 8. Never played before? Not a problem as we always welcome new players. For more information: Jerry Lee at 924.1324 BRIDGE CLUB Singles: Tuesday: 7:00 PM (1st & 3rd) Partners: All Thursdays: 6:30 PM Refresher: Wednesday: 1:00 PM (1st & 3rd) Duplicate: Wed: 1:00 PM (2nd & 4th) Refresher Tuesday: 1:00 PM (2nd & 4th) ! ! For Refresher Bridge call: Elaine Crescenzi at 927-2285. YOU CAN ALWAYS JOIN IN! Shale Hanson 924-1478 Classes ! We will be starting beginners’ classes in April. If you know someone who would like to learn how to play Mah Jongg and/or if YOU would like to learn, please contact Sharon at 927-5155 to get your name on the list. We will begin the new class (Mondays at noon) when we have four or more people to make holding the class worthwhile. Class members will be expected to join the Joslyn and become members in our club. ! ! Club Meetings The Mah Jongg club holds games every Monday at 1 to 4 pm. Drop by and check us out. New players are always welcome. Only have an hour to play? Come on by! No sub to call – no week to “host” – just fun and lots of new friends waiting for you at the Joslyn. We ask for a one-dollar donation that goes to the center and bring a $3.00 purse. ! ! ! More information, Sharon 927-5155 or Judy 924-1944. Tournament Saturday, April 5th – we will be hosting another Mah Jongg Tournament for local Mah Jongg players. If you would like more information please call one of the numbers listed above. !5 APRIL 2014 CAMBRIA COMPUTER and TECHNOLOGY CLUB at the JOSLYN CENTER, CAMBRIA, CA. APRIL 2014 MEETING SCHEDULE / PRESS RELEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS The CAMBRIA COMPUTER & TECHNOLOGY CLUB goal is for all participants to learn from presentations and other members, giving everyone an opportunity to network concerning both Mac & PC formats and today s handheld technologies. It is still the best technology education deal in the area. Club membership is only $10 per year. Members are cordially invited to attend all meetings. There will be a question and answer session prior to the start of the meeting. Nonmembers may attend up to two meetings before joining. Check out our website at www.cambriacomputerclub.org for more info. WE ENCOURAGE ALL MEMBERS TO BRING A FRIEND ________________________________________________________________________________________ Thursday, April 10th @ 2 P.M. GENERAL MEETING Mac & PC This meeting will be held in the Joslyn Center Conference Room at 2:00pm (doors open at 1:30). We will focus on OPEN-SOURCE SOFTWARE. Discussion of the wealth of free software developed and available to anyone regardless of operating system. Non-members may attend up to two meetings before joining. This will be an open forum for questions and exchange of ideas. Doors open at 1:30 pm. Any questions contact David Hills at [email protected]. Monday, April 28th @ 7:00 P.M. PROBLEM-SOLVING" Mac & PC The Evening Meeting will be held in the Joslyn Center Conference Room at 7:00pm (doors open at 6:30). This is an Open Forum format focusing on PROBLEM-SOLVING. Challenged by a question or problem with your computer, mobile device, a software program or other computer-related technology? Bring your MAC and PC questions to the group for assistance. Bring your computer if you wish. Non-members may attend up to two meetings. Any questions contact Dave Butner [email protected]. Don t forget to visit our web site at www.cambriacomputerclub.org. Membership information or email address changes send to Sharry Muller at [email protected] Btrb Giayle RevenseMontgageConsultant NMLS tD #582948 office cefl fax tott free 8O5.772.3658 AO5.74A.7O4A 405.772.0149 8OO.250.4959 365 Guintana tr]d., Suite Monno Bay, CA 93442 email: [email protected] website: tm, BobGayle,com E sECUFrr{LENtrtrNG SPeiali.ing i'n Rdds. Mnfr9o96 NMLS #9816,1 3/20/2014 !6 !7 APRIL 2014 APRIL 2014 Kundalini Yoga & Meditation for personal growth & happiness $5.00 at the Joslyn Center, 950 Main St., Cambria …Classes begin week of April 14… Monday 8:30-9:45am Wednesday 10:15-11:30am Thursday 4:45-6:00pm NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE NECESSARY (some yoga mats available or bring your own) Cambria local Michelle Frandsen is a certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher and Yoga Therapist since 2001 who teaches Kundalini Yoga to all people interested in transforming their lives, getting rid of stress, creating mindfulness, and shifting to a higher level of awareness. For more information, contact Michelle at: (619) 846-3116, or [email protected] Doing Kundalini Yoga Creates Positive Change in You and Your Community!! !8 APRIL 2014 Always check with your organization to make sure there are no schedule changes. 4:45pm Kundalini Yoga 10:15AM Kundalini Yoga 8:30AM Kundalini Yoga 4:45pm Kundalini Yoga 10:15AM Kundalini Yoga 8:30AM Kundalini Yoga 10:15AM Kundalini Yoga 8:30AM Kundalini Yoga !9