tav 04 - CicloSpazio
tav 04 - CicloSpazio
NODE 1 TYPOLOGY : low level of protection, curb extention on 1 of 8 side, necessary traffic light NODE 3 TYPOLOGY : low/medium level of protection, limitation of the manouvres and curb extention on 2 of 8 side, recommended traffic light (depending on traffic flows) NODE 5 TYPOLOGY : high level of protection, speed table, protected pedestrian crossings, optional traffic light (depending on traffic flows) NODE 2 TYPOLOGY : low/medium level of protection, curb extention on 4 of 8 side, recommended traffic light (depending on traffic flows) NODE 4 TYPOLOGY : medium level of protection, curb extention on 4 of 8 side, n. 1 pedestrian crossing on a flat top road hump recommended traffic light (depending on traffic flows) NODE 6 TYPOLOGY : high level of protection, speed table, protected pedestrian crossings, no traffic light (for one way roads) NODE 7 TYPOLOGY : high level of protection, speed table, protected pedestrian crossings, typical decorations and settlements of pedestrian areas, no traffic light (for roads crossing pedestrian areas) DETAIL OF AN AREA WITH TRAFFIC CALMING SOLUTIONS: roadways in residential areas (Z20/Z30) should be gradually re-designed in order to reduce vehicular speed, increase and improve the pedestrian areas, extending the traffic calming solutions. In such areas is unnecessary to realize cycling paths since promiscuity between cars and bikes is tolerable. In the case of large Z30/20 areas (Murattiano neighborhood) is still desirable to devote some road corridors crossing the road network, providing greater speed and allowing i.e. escape route in case of emergency. SEQUENCE OF 6 AND 7 NODES TYPOLOGY: the pedestrian areas should be carried out with high quality finishes and marked with the settlement of the upstream and downstream nodes with high level of protection for pedestrian and cyclists. NOLEGGIO AUTO ELETTRICHE, CICLI E MOTOCICLI An example of a settlement of a Z30/Z20 zone: the "Murattiano" neighborhood The Programme is co-funded by the European Union (ERDF) and by National Funds af Greece and Italy CIELO ( European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece-Italy 2007-2013 Integration Analysis of Sustainable Mobility System" - Action 3.1 "Analysis of Italian (Bari and Brindisi) mobility needs and production of the cycle Track plan"- Deliverable 3.1.1 " CIG CODE: ZD7091A6EE - CUP CODE: J91I11000160006 CYCLING MOBILITY PLAN OF THE CITY OF BARI NAME: CODE: Settlement of a Z30/Z20 zone: solution of network nodes and an example of the "Murattiano" neighborhood TAV04 DESIGN: eng. Nicola Berloco SCALE: various R.U.P.: eng. Maurizio Montalto DATE: OCT 2013