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The Make-A-Wish® Canada Newsletter
Celebrating Wishes Come True
Winter/Spring 2009
Ty’s choo-choo Wish – All Aboard!
by Wish Mom, Rachelle
“Four years ago our dreams came true when we
were blessed with the birth of our first child, Ty. And only
eight weeks later, our dreams were shattered with news
of a giant cancerous tumour that filled his tiny abdomen.
In the months and years to follow, Ty’s life was filled with
invasive surgeries, 16 rounds of chemotherapy and all of
the side effects that are linked to such treatment. His journey
has not been an easy one.
In the past four years, our family has been so blessed
by the care and support of people who know us and by
those who don’t. When we found out that Ty would have
the opportunity to have a wish granted by Make-A-Wish®,
we were elated with this piece of hope in the midst of
very trying times. As soon as Ty was able to walk/stand,
he was drawn to the “train table.” In peds oncology and
as soon as he was old enough to “make a wish,” we
knew that Ty’s wish would involve trains.
On October 27th, our now family of four, excitedly
boarded a VIA train headed for Jasper, for a three day
vacation. And with much anticipation, we embarked on
a journey that would be filled with much joy and many
special new memories. Ty and his sister (and their parents),
were wide-eyed with excitement as the train wound its
way through our amazing Albertan countryside. Treated
like royalty by the staff, Ty and his sister were the only
children aboard, and much effort was made to fuss
over their every whim. Showered with gifts and the most
incredible foods, we enjoyed our journey with much joy
and wonder. Upon arriving in Jasper, Ty and his dad
were quickly escorted to the engine where Ty sat in the
engineer’s seat and assisted the engineer in adding on
a train car. He was one excited boy! And the smile on
his face was most precious.
Our time in Jasper was just as enjoyable. We dined
in fancy restaurants (and ordered fancy drinks for the kids,
which was a highlight); we swam at the Jasper pool and
Issue 4
Manga’s Awesome Sony Wish
Four-year-old, Manga is a huge Diego fan
so when it came time to choose his one true
wish, he decided on a new big-screen TV so
he could watch his favourite show in style.
Arrangements were made and in no time
at all, Manga’s wish was about to come
true. On set-up day, Steve, volunteer wish
grantor for Make-A-Wish, volunteered to
set up the electronic wish. Manga not only
received a 40˝ LCD TV but he received a
PlayStation 3 game console along with a
Sony DVD Dream System Home Theatre
Manga wasted no time in familiarizing
himself with his new PlayStation 3 and all
the games he received; within minutes the
adventure for Manga began. His special
day was also filled with lots of pizza and
pop ending the day with great memories.
These days Manga is spending his time
watching movies and playing games, but
most of all, watching Diego on the big screen.
we walked in the beautiful outdoors. We shopped
and we enjoyed all the fudge and ice cream that would
normally not be allowed. Getting back on the train to
come home was a most wonderful way to end our time
away together – and the same detail was given to our
“special boy,” as on the way down.
We could never thank you enough for the trip to
Jasper, which you afforded us. As parents we found it
an emotional journey, filled with such thankfulness for the
gift of our now healthy family. The memories we made
together are priceless and we are so thankful for your
generosity and care which made it all possible. Thank
you for making a difference in our lives. Thank you for
allowing Ty his greatest dream – to be a train driver.”
Make-A-Wish® Southern Alberta would
like to thank Sony for making Manga’s
wish come true!
Make-A-Wish Has Gone Green
Being environmentally responsible is another way Make-A-Wish is trying
to make the world we serve a better place. As a part of our new green
initiative, we are offering our supporters and volunteers an opportunity
to receive this and other communication via email. If you are interested
in receiving WishLife, our Annual Report, general updates or your donation tax receipts via email rather than in paper format, please contact us
at 1-888-822-9474 or [email protected]. Please help us make
our planet a better place for our wish children and their families.
Your wish for the future
Legacy giving ensures that
wishes continue to come true
for children with life-threatening
medical conditions.
“Make-A-Wish is doing
wonderful work, and we’ve
made our legacy gift to give
families wonderful memories”
Mr. and Mrs. H., Ontario
Talk to Jayne about leaving your
legacy at 1-888-822-WISH (9474).
Or visit www.makeawish.ca
Make-A-Wish® Canada
4211 Yonge Street, Suite 521
Toronto, ON M2P 2A9
Tel: 416.224.9474
Toll-free: 1.888.822.9474
Fax: 416.224.8795
Email: [email protected]
A Word or Two From the CEO
is published twice a year by Make-A-Wish® Canada.
We grant the wishes of children with life-threatening
medical conditions to enrich the human experience
with hope, strength and joy.
We hope that you find the information and stories in this
newsletter informative and emotive. If at any time, you
would wish to be removed from this mailing list, simply
email our office at [email protected] or call
us toll-free at 1.888.822.9474.
Make-A-Wish® Canada Board of Directors
Judy Gifford
Ross Hetherington
Fred Inglis
Janis R. Ostling
Dave Stinton, President
Bob Winterford
Steve Aikins
Chris Bowden
Samantha Brown
Stephanie Chan
Kerry Checkwitch
Jan Duff
Chapter Offices
Make-A-Wish® British Columbia & Yukon
Tel: 604.688.7944 Email: [email protected]
Make-A-Wish® Southern Alberta
Tel: 403.228.3666 Email: [email protected]
Make-A-Wish® Northern Alberta
Tel: 780.444.9474 Email: [email protected]
Make-A-Wish® Southwestern Ontario
Tel: 519.471.4900 Email: [email protected]
Make-A-Wish® Toronto & Central Ontario
Tel: 416.223.2620 Email: [email protected]
Jennifer Ritter
CEO, Make-A-Wish Canada
Jenee’s Wish to be a Model by Robyn Murphy
Make-A-Wish® Eastern Ontario
Tel: 613.234.3555 Email: [email protected]
Make-A-Wish® Quebec
Tel: 514.488.9474 Email: [email protected]
Make-A-Wish® Atlantic Provinces
Tel: 902.466.9474 Email: [email protected]
Editor: Krista Bussey
Design: ASAP Design Inc.
Make-A-Wish joins Imagine Canada’s Ethical Fundraising
and Financial Accountability Code
Make-A-Wish Canada recently joined Imagine Canada’s
Ethical Fundraising and Financial Accountability Code.
This set of standards ensure that charitable organizations
manage and report their financial affairs responsibly.
This is important because you, our supporters, are entitled
to transparency and the greatest impact possible for your
investment in us and our wish children.
Types of Wishes
Celebrity 5%
What a thrill to be settling into my new position as CEO of Make-A-Wish® Canada!
Perhaps, in no small measure, because I am the mom of two young boys, I am honoured
to work for an organization that empowers and celebrates children. Through our collective
efforts across Canada, we ensure that children’s wishes and dreams come true and we offer
them the powerful gift of joy, strength and hope for the future.
Though I have only been in my seat for a short time, I have found the passion, dedication
and talent of the individuals who make this happen – our volunteer Board, devoted volunteers
and staff across Canada – to be truly awe-inspiring. Thank you to Dave Stinton, President,
and the Make-A-Wish Canada Board of Directors for offering me the opportunity to join this
remarkable organization.
Many thanks to Jan Duff in her role as Interim CEO for the past five months. Her guidance and expert advice have
made a real difference and we look forward to her continued leadership on our national Board.
In 2008, we celebrated 25 years of granting magical wishes in Canada. This important milestone was honoured
across the country through a variety of celebratory events and activities, including our first-time and highly successful –
Awesome Anniversary Online Auction.
The unwavering commitment and support of our generous supporters allowed us to make our 25th year of wish
granting an unprecedented success. We granted a total of 445 wishes to children living with life-threatening medical
conditions, a 30 percent increase over 2007.
Make-A-Wish Canada’s eight regional chapters continue to be the custodians and deliverers of our wish granting
mission. Across Canada, the number of wish referrals continues to rise. In 2009, the current economic climate will
undoubtedly create unique challenges for our chapters and the Canada office, as we work together to meet this evergrowing need. We thank all of you in advance for your caring, compassionate and continued support in the year ahead.
Wish granting is going to be a big job, but with your help, we can do it!
On behalf of our wish children and their families, our dedicated volunteers and our staff, I thank you for making
Make-A-Wish what it is today and what it will be tomorrow, as we devote ourselves, coast to coast, to bringing hope
and happiness to our most precious gifts, our children.
May your own wishes for 2009 come true!
Computer 3%
Walt Disney World 20%
Travel 31%
Fourteen-year-old Jenee has always wanted to be in the limelight.
Whether acting on a theatre stage, speaking publicly about her
liver transplant or modeling high-end fashion for glossy magazine
spreads, Jenee wants to be a part of it all. When she was given the
opportunity to be photographed for GQ magazine, Jenee’s dream
came true.
Along with her cousin and her mom, Joan, Jenee traveled to
New York City in October for a whirlwind wish trip of site-seeing
and brunches that culminated with her meeting one of her idols
and the stunning photos of her in February’s issue of GQ magazine.
“We stayed at the Hilton in Manhattan,” says Joan, “and a
limousine picked us up at the hotel to take us to Broadway for
the modeling shoot, but first the limo drove us around and we had
a tour of the city.” Jenee had never been to Manhattan and was
glued to the window admiring the city so tightly connected to the
modeling world.
After seeing the American Museum of Natural History and the
Statue of Liberty, it was time for the big day. When Jenee and her
family arrived at the shoot location, they were greeted by the GQ
photographer, professional hair and make-up stylists, the Macy’s
stylists, and Toccara Jones – a plus-size model and BET television
personality who Jenee adores. “She was ecstatic,” says Joan.
With her hair and make-up professionally done, and her designer dress looking fabulous, Jenee was
ready for her moment under the lights. “That’s her favourite part,” says her mother, “being in front
of the cameras.” Jenee expertly modeled her dress and was even photographed with Toccara Jones.
The photo spread appears in the February 2009 issue of GQ and Jenee proudly holds two copies
that she selectively shows to her close friends. “She’s very modest,” says her mother. “She’s proud, but
doesn’t want to get ahead of herself – she wants to see how her career turns out before she tells everyone she knows about her modeling,” she adds.
Jenee plans to take her career in many directions, but one in particular is very close to her heart.
“She wants to do public speaking about transplants,” says Joan. “She wants to tell her story.”
Electronics 28%
Shoping Spree 3%
Share your Legacy story
Other 10%
Annual Wishes Granted Across Canada
Robb Lucy was the co-founder of Make-A-Wish® BC & Yukon 25 years ago, and worked with Make-A-Wish in
Canada and Internationally. He’s writing a book on ‘Legacy’, and would like to ask for your help.
The book will be a ‘Guide to creating and really enjoying your Legacy . . . now!’
Robb would like the book to be full of Legacy ‘stories’ . . . as these stories will excite the imagination of those who
haven’t thought about their Legacy.
1. Have you received a Legacy? And if the person who created it is still alive, are they enjoying it too knowing it
will affect others for years to come?
2. Are you creating a Legacy? Is it one you and others can enjoy now? And when you ‘go’, you’ll smile knowing
it will continue to have an effect?
Send your 200-400 word story to [email protected] and Robb will get right back to you.
For a few ideas please check out Robb’s blog: http://legacysmile.blogspot.com/
Paige Meets the Jonas Brothers
Amy Bruce Email Hoax
“My name is Paige and my wish was to meet
the Jonas Brothers. I have always been a
huge fan of them, especially Nick Jonas
since he shared the same illness as me.
He inspired me so much when he shared
his health condition with all his fans and
especially when he wrote the song about it
called “A Little Bit Longer.” It was a song
that I could relate to so much since I had
actually written a poem about my two illnesses. When we got the phone call from my
wish grantors saying I was meeting them
next week I couldn’t believe it. My dream
was coming true!
We arrived in Toronto by a limo and stayed at the Park Hyatt Hotel. It was incredible there.
As my dad would say “It was like living how the rich and famous do.” I was excited to find out that
the Jonas Brothers were staying at the hotel across the street. When we got back from dinner I wrote
a letter to the Jonas Brothers saying what I wanted to say to them the next day. I knew if I didn’t do
that I would probably have blanked out and wouldn’t have known what to say.
The next morning I was freaking out with excitement. My mom spoke to my wish grantor, Hema,
who had been talking to the Jonas Brothers’ manager. They had said that I would meet them right
before the concert and that they were excited to meet me too! We went out to the mall for some shopping as I needed to look cute for them. I got my hair done as well. When we arrived back home I looked
out the window and I saw the Jonas Brothers leaving their hotel! All the girls were screaming and
I was banging on the window. It was crazy knowing that they were leaving early to see me.
We met up with Hema and a huge limo took us to the concert. I was so excited but yet so nervous
while we waited in line. All of a sudden, my mom said “I see them!” I turned and my eyes started to
get watery for my dream had just come true. I gave all the guys a hug which meant the world to me.
I told them that I had a letter to read to them. I was going to just hand it to them but Joe said
“let’s hear it!” So I knew I had to read it. Below is an excerpt from the letter I wrote to the guys:
Nick, you are so talented. You write songs, sing, dance, play drums, guitar, and piano and
now act. That’s amazing! You inspired me so much when you shared your health conditions
with your fans and especially when you wrote the song “A Little Bit Longer” I can totally
relate to it as I have Cystic Fibrosis as well as Diabetes. It’s nice knowing I’m not alone.
In 2006 I actually wrote a poem about how I felt. I brought it here for you to read if you
want to. Your song and my poem kind of have the same words expressed which I thought
was cool. You are my idol and you’re so brave. You don't let your illness stop you from
doing anything and you’re awesome at what you do.
As I walked away I saw Nick reading my poem. He didn't just ignore it, he actually read it.
That was very personal to me. After our meeting, I even got to go on stage and see how they felt
up there. The funny thing was my friends were there and they yelled my name. It really did feel
like I was famous.
We watched the concert from the front row – it was absolutely amazing! When Nick sang the
song “A Little Bit Longer” I think he mentioned me a little bit. He said that he met some very special
people today who told him that his illness inspired them and that’s exactly what I said to him. I hope
one day my illness can be an inspiration to others.
That had to be the most amazing day of my life. If I could replay every minute of it I would.
It’s still hard to believe that I was that close to them. I feel very honoured that they took the time
to meet me and that Make-A-Wish had fulfilled my dream.”
Caroline’s Wish to Swim
with Dolphins
by Caroline’s Mom
“We would like to say a big thank you to
Make-A-Wish. From the moment we heard that our
daughter Caroline was selected to have her wish
granted, it became an exciting time around our household. Lyne and Marie Helene of the Quebec chapter of
Make-A-Wish came to our house to speak with Caroline
to learn about her wish which was to go swimming with
a dolphin. It was with much anticipation that we found
out later that we were going to Discovery Cove in
Orlando, Florida, so Caroline could have her wish
granted to swim with a dolphin.
Our trip started off at 5:20 am on a Sunday morning
when a stretch limo pulled up in front of our house to
bring us to the airport. While boarding the airplane,
Caroline was told that the pilots wanted to see her.
She got to visit the cockpit and spoke with the pilots,
which was a thrill for Caroline. During the flight, Caroline
was introduced to everyone on the plane as a wish child
who was going to swim with the dolphins in Orlando.
Everyone clapped and Caroline said afterwards that
she felt like a “star”. WestJet took great care of us
throughout our entire trip with our flight connection and
in-flight experience. They were absolutely wonderful!
In Orlando, we arrived at our Villa apartment which
was beautiful. Caroline and her brother had their own
room with their own TV. They thought that was really cool.
The next day was the trip to Discovery Cove. We got to
go snorkelling for the first time ever, swim inside a cave,
go swimming in a lagoon and swam along a ravine
and under some waterfalls that were spectacular.
One of the highlights for Caroline was to snorkel with a
multitude of exotic fish and stingrays. We never saw so
many different kinds of fish all in one place. They were
so close you could actually touch them. Finally towards
the end of the day it was time to swim with a dolphin.
We were fortunate to have a movie star dolphin called
“Capricorn” as our dolphin to swim with. He was a star
in the JAWS 3 movie and one of the older dolphins at
Discovery Cove. We spent close to 40 minutes with
Capricorn getting to know him and he getting to know us.
Then we all took turns swimming with him in the lagoon.
It was a thrill of a lifetime for Caroline!! Of course, we
have souvenir pictures and a video of the experience as
a keepsake. It was a fantastic day that we’ll never forget!!
telephone lines
have been
heating up
with inquiries
Photo of Amy Bruce included about the onwithin email hoax
going email
hoax that is circulating across the country.
The email is about a seven year old
(local) girl named Amy Bruce who has
cancer. People are asked to forward the
email to as many people as possible,
and Make-A-Wish will donate 7 cents to
help pay her medical expenses. This is
an email hoax and should be handled in
the following manner: delete immediately,
do not forward and if possible, inform
the sender that this is an email hoax
(in a separate email). For more information
please visit www.makeawish.ca.
Get Connected
for International
Wish Day
To acknowledge and
celebrate International
Wish Day, we are
rallying Canadians from
coast-to-coast to text on their mobile
phones to help grant wishes to children
living with life-threatening medical
conditions. Beginning April 1st, please
log onto www.makeawish.ca/text to
find out how you can text to make
a difference with one simple word.
But the trip of a lifetime didn’t stop there. The next
day we went to Walt Disney World ®. We started the
day at Animal Kingdom – with Caroline’s love of animals,
it was a resounding success. We also visited the Epcot
Center and MGM studios. It was a busy day, but boy
did we have fun!
We spent the next day resting up at some of the
pools located at our villa. It was sure nice to be in the
warm sun and play in the pool.
The last day of trip was a very special treat. We
got to spend the day at Sea World on a VIP guided
tour. Caroline got to pet a baby shark and a penguin,
get splashed by Shamu, the killer whale, had front-ofthe-line access to a couple of cool rides, and reserved
seating at two spectacular shows. Caroline was also
able to feed the dolphins, string rays and sea lions.
What a great way to spend our last day!
Finally, we returned home. Once again we were
treated like royalty by WestJet. We all got our pictures
taken with the pilots and crew. After the flight arrived
back home, they let Caroline and her brother sit in the
cockpit in the two pilot seats. Now they both are airplane
enthusiasts, so it was a real thrill. We have a wonderful
picture of the two of them at the controls of the airplane.
This was truly a trip of a lifetime. We want to
thank everyone from Make-A-Wish and a special
thanks to the team ‘Club Excellence’ from the 48 hour
Ride for Wishes fundraising event for their part in
granting Caroline her wish and giving her a trip that
we will never forget.”
Dream Partnerships
As a dynamic wish granting organization, our
generous partners help Make-A-Wish ensure
that every eligible child across Canada has the
opportunity to have his or her wish fulfilled.
Cash investment to support wish granting:
Various corporations generously provide funds
to support our wish granting efforts. This can
take the form of designated funding, through our
“Adopt-A-Wish” program, whereby a corporation
works collaboratively with a Make-A-Wish chapter
to provide funds to support a particular wish, or
via an undesignated contribution which goes to
fund all wish granting efforts from coast-to-coast.
Marketing, advertising and promotional support:
Communicating Make-A-Wish’s message to
Canadians, letting them know who we are and
what we do is critical to our success. Generous
partners like Creative Memories and Giftcraft not
only run national promotions to raise funds for
Make-A-Wish, but also provide valuable realty space
on their packaging and Web sites to promote and
create awareness of our Foundation. By doing this,
our partners help generate interest in our cause,
resulting in more wish referrals from the public and
inquiries from other corporations and/or individuals
who want to help fulfill our mission.
Consumer promotions and events:
In-kind resources:
Companies not only contribute funds, but may
provide their valuable services and/or products to
help our precious children’s wishes become a reality.
Whether it be a WestJet flight to fulfill a wish at
Disney ® or the Give Kids the World Village ® in
Florida, the latest Sony personal home theatre
centre or special travel arrangements or insurance
from Flight Centre or Travel Underwriters, our partners
are there to help make it happen. These tremendous
in-kind contributions ensure that additional cash
reserves are available to grant more wishes to
children in need across Canada.
Employee engagement:
Employees are at the heart of any corporate social
responsibility program. Without them, a company’s
charitable giving culture would not prosper. For
example, partners like Caterpillar of Canada and
the Canadian National Landscaping Association
not only provide financial resources and their professional expertise for outdoor wish projects, but
also hundreds of employee volunteer hours. In some
cases, a corporate partner’s employee will be trained
and become a Make-A-Wish volunteer wish grantor
themselves. All-in-all, without engaged employees,
our wish granting efforts wouldn’t be possible.
Consumer promotions provide a perfect balance
of the above. They are driven by front-of-the-line
employees, raise money for granting wishes,
create awareness of the organization and are
generously underwritten by the corporate partner.
For example, during this past holiday season,
retailers such as West 49 and Foot Locker ran
special Make-A-Wish retail promotions.
The Foundation is also fortunate to have year round
partner promotions like McGregor’s Happy Foot
campaign running at stores across Canada to
enhance our efforts. Corporations like HDS Retail
North America and Country Style support
Make-A-Wish in numerous ways, but also hold
annual golf tournaments that raise substantial funds
to further the Foundation’s wish granting program.
Events like these make a tremendous difference!
Together, Make-A-Wish and corporate Canada are
making a difference. Because some wishes can’t
wait for someday.
To learn more or become part of Make-A-Wish
Canada’s corporate Dream Team, please contact
Chris Pon at [email protected] or
1.888.822.9474 ext 227.
“Thanks for Giving!”
Thank you to our donors who continue to support
our wish-granting work across Canada. The following list recognizes individual and foundation
donors who have made gifts to Make-A-Wish
Canada of $250 and more between July 17
and December 31, 2008:
Bob Ames
Ames Tile and Stone
Greg Anderson in honour of
Ian Justin
Bill Arnott
Theresa Bankey
Beverley Barnett-Slaby
Al Belanger
E. Peter and F. Marlene Blackwell
Larry Blatt
Annabelle Brethour
Barbara Broadbent
Paul Bronfman
Don Brown
Dorothy Budden
Michael Bugno
Mathew Cartmill
Guy Chance
Gail Choma
J. Brian Colburn
Sharon Comeau
Ed and Carol Cooley
Creative Memories Bake Sale team
(Pam Lewenza)
Brad Currie
Brad Dance
Lionel Demercado
Kuldip Dhaliwal
Gregory Dunn
The Eddy Family
Jean England
Allan Fleisher
Basil & Margaret Franey
Gavin Fraser
Jim Gagnon
Joss Gauthier
Rene Gourley
Denise Graham
Jeff Gray
The Herbert Green Family
Charitable Foundation
Roger Grindal
Jorgen Groendahl
Rupinder Haer
Laura Hamber
Gloria Head
Brad Heherdahl
Normand Hetu
Andrea Hofmaier
Chad Hofmann
Barry Holiday
Alex Ilchenko
Nuco Inc.
Mary Jardine
Jutta Jules Kramer
Mark Kanhai
A. and A. King Family Foundation
Arnold and Barbara Klit
Knight Piésold Ltd.
Kim Kowch
Nancy Lam
Clifford Leach
Leon Judah Blackmore Foundation
Anna Legault
Susan Little
Patrick Loubert
Michael Machalski
Mark Mache
Joe Manno
Glenn Marr
Tom McCormick
Donna McDowell
Anne McLean
Matthew Meehan
Julie Merz
Gennadiy Michalowski
Ian Munro and Sophie Jacques
Alexandria Nickels
Elizabeth Nieboer
Andreas Ohrt
John Pearson
Diane Phillips
Robert Podlesnik
Douglas Porter
Mary Prade
Patrick Robinson
The Roth Family Charitable
SBLR LLP Chartered Accountant
Adrienne Sacks
Aaron Schaefer
Teresa Scroope
William Shaver
Margaret Sitnik
Susan Sly and Chris Arkeveld
Scott & Barbara Sutherland
Jack Sweere
Rick And Tammy Shott
Paul Tatay
Gale Taylor in honour of Alec and
Fiona Taylor
M.Stephane Thomas
Keith Thomson
Jason Torchinsky
Chris Toushan
Gary W. Tune
Jill Vaisey
Bob Van de Vrande
Pieter & Yolanda Venema
Antonina Wasowska
Peter Zadorozny
Anonymous donors (6)
Partner Profile – Country Style
Make-A-Wish Canada has surrounded itself with wonderful partners. Together we are making a difference not only in children’s lives, but also in the
communities where our partners and their employees work. Country Style shared their incredible experience with Make-A-Wish in the recent edition
of FranchiseCanada Magazine published by the Canadian Franchise Association.
The Power of A Wish
Country Style is helping
to grant children’s wishes
Wishes really do come true.
Just ask any of the 200,000
children around the world who
have experienced some of their wildest dreams with the help
of the world’s largest not-for-profit wish-granting organization,
the Make-A-Wish Foundation®. Through partnership with
Make-A-Wish® Canada, Country Style and its franchisees
are working hard to make the wishes of Canadian children
suffering from life-threatening illnesses come true today –
because some wishes can’t wait for someday.
“It’s amazing, the power of a wish and the impact of the
difference we can make for not only the wish child but also
their family,” says Rita McParland, Vice President of Marketing
for Country Style. “It takes their minds off the challenges they’re
facing and you can really see the change.”
Country Style has supported Make-A-Wish Canada since
2003, when the restaurant chain’s franchisees voted to adopt
it as their charitable cause. McParland says Make-A-Wish
was a great choice and fits with the franchise system’s
“We were impressed with the charity, in terms of their staff’s
passion and dedication to the cause,” she explains. “At
Country Style, we are all about creating experiences for our
own customers, so this enabled us to be part of the ultimate
experience - giving children and their families hope and joy.”
Trish Rivers, Manager, Corporate Development, Make-A-Wish
Canada, says the foundation is “enormously grateful” for the
funds and awareness Country Style generates.
“Since our relationship began, they have raised over $500,000
towards making wishes come true for children in Canada,”
Rivers says. “Country Style’s dedication to our cause and the
enthusiasm their team has for Make-A-Wish is evident.”
McParland adds that Country Style franchisees, as well as head
office staff, have wholeheartedly supported fundraisers for their
chosen charity. In-store initiatives over the years have included
cookie and cupcake sales and, most recently, a star-shaped
magnet promotion, with proceeds going to Make-A-Wish.
In 2006, a holiday campaign gave customers the chance to
purchase a paper star on which they could write their own
personal wish for display in their local Country Style. Sudbury,
Ontario franchisees Liz and Jack Gianfrancesco “went above
and beyond the call” with this promotion, McParland says,
selling over 1,500 stars and generating local media coverage.
Corporately, Country Style hosts an annual golf tournament and
is committed to assisting Make-A-Wish with its events and wish
fulfillments by providing treats, beverages or whatever is needed.
McParland says all members of her company strive to cultivate
and share this spirit of generosity.
“At Country Style, we’re dedicated to giving back. Our franchisees are like ‘mayors’ in their communities, supporting local
initiatives and their local Make-A-Wish chapters,” she says.
“We all live and breathe community. We’re not just a corporation in the community; we need to support the community.”
Country Style’s wish for the future is to continue raising money
and awareness for Make-A-Wish Canada.
“It’s such an incredible charity,” McParland says. “We want
people to know the power of a wish and what they can do
to help Make-A-Wish in granting children’s wishes.”
“As seen in FranchiseCanada magazine, March/April 2009 ”.