April 2015 Cahaban
April 2015 Cahaban
Page 1 The Cahaban Volume 46 Issue 2 APRIL - MAY 2015 Page 2 THE CAHABAN Published by and under the auspices of Cahaba Shriners P.O. Drawer 3388, Huntsville, AL 35810 (256) 851-7400 / (256) 851-7408 Fax [email protected] www.cahabashrine.org Third Class Postage paid at Huntsville, AL Production/Distribution: George Pipes ELECTED DIVAN P.P. Floyd Hambrick, Potentate Chuck Barrett, Chief Rabban Randford Burns, Assistant Rabban Harold Booth, High Priest & Prophet Bruce Niemeyer, Oriental Guide, P.P. William A. Wheeler, Treasurer P.P. Anthony Selby, Recorder APPOINTED DIVAN James Brakefield Jr., First Ceremonial Master Gary Lacey, Second Ceremonial Master Brandon Brown, Director Donnie Morton, Marshal Jim McCown, Captain of the Guard Brett Benefield, Outer Guard William Hunter, Chief Aide Deano Johnson, Chief Aide Assistant SHRINE CLUB MEETINGS* Athens—2nd Thurs., 7 pm, Athens Masonic Lodge Decatur –2nd Fri., 7 pm, Decatur Shrine Club Bldg. Franklin County - 2nd Tues., 7 pm, The Cutter, Russellville Jackson County - 3rd Thur., 6 pm, Western Sizzlin,Scottsboro Lawrence County - Not active at present Marshall - lst Wed., 7 pm, Marshall Shrine Club Building Muscle Shoals—2nd Thurs., 7 pm, Muscle Shoals Club Building SHRINE UNIT MEETINGS* Ambassadors - not actively meeting Buffoons - 4th Wed., 7 pm (Unit Room) Color/Provost Guard - not actively meeting Directors Staff - 4th Fri., 7 pm (Unit Room) Fireballs - Every Thur., 10 am, (Cahaban Room) Legion of Honor - not actively meeting Motor Corps - 2nd Fri., 7 pm (Unit Room) Recreational Vehicles - not actively meeting Temple Band - (Contact for location) *all dates subject to change Be sure to visit the Shrine and Shriners Hospitals for a wealth of information at: www.shrinersinternational.com www.shrinersvillage.com www.beashrinernow.com Visit your local Shrine Center at: www.cahabashrine.org Illustrious Sir Floyd Hambrick, P.P. Potentate 2015 Nobles & Ladies It’s hard to believe that this is already March and we still have lots to get accomplished here at Cahaba. The Building committee is working hard at getting the outside of the property cleaned up. We have had some very hard working nobles and gentlemen that have worked together to clean this up for Cahaba to be a better looking place. Cahaba has had a great year so far and I would like your help in continuing on the journey we are on. We have gained a few nobles and look forward to gaining a lot more. Membership is what it is all about. We must bring in new younger & older new members to keep this place growing. Also we all need to learn to work together as a team and stop all the bickering among nobles. With everyone pulling together we can make this a good year just like 2014 was a productive and great year. With everyone’s help we can make it happen. No one can do this alone, it takes everyone pulling together. A group of us went to the Greenville Annual Board meeting and was presented with a lot of information that should be spread to all the nobles. We met patients and learned what the Shriners Hospital has done for them and their families. If you have not toured one of our hospitals and have an interest in it please let the office know. We can schedule another tour later on of the Greenville Hospital. All new nobles need to take the time to go see one of our hospitals. We have several events coming up that will need everyone’s help. If you can help in any of the upcoming events please let the office know so that we can contact you when the event comes up. We need all available and willing workers for these events to be a success. If you have any questions, concerns or ideas that will help make Cahaba a better place, please feel free to call me at 256.609.9191 or call the office. As always Cahaba needs everyone’s help with all the numerous projects for 2015. The Lady’s project this year is to raise money for the Transportation Fund and is in memory of Lady Jan. This project is used to help transport the patients to and from our Shriner’s Hospitals. Without these donations we wouldn’t be able to transport our patients and their families to these appointments. It is with your help that we are able to do so. And we thank you for those donations. Thank you again, Floyd Hambrick Potentate 2015 Page 3 CAHABA SHRINERS 2015 POCKET CALENDARS AVAILABLE If you would like a pocket calendar contact the Shrine office. Calendars are available for $3.00 each or 2 for the special price of $5.00. CALENDAR OF EVENTS Additional events and further information on those listed above can be found on our website: www.cahabashrine.org ************************************* Note: Articles and Pictures for the next Cahaban are due in the office no later than May 15th. Please get them in on or before that date. The Cahaban is published bi-monthly starting in February of each year. THE SECOND NOTICE FOR DUES WILL BE MAILED OUT SOON - DUES ARE PAYABLE JANUARY 1ST ANNUALLY PLEASE HELP US CONTOL EXPENSES BY ADDRESSING THIS ISSUE BEFORE THE MAILING TAKES PLACE. If you’d like to renew without worry, check writing, on mail delays you now have the capability of paying for renewal online via credit card. Our website address is www.cahabashrine.org. Select the topic Forms / Petitions and it will bring you to a page asking for your name and membership number. Fill that in and you will be directed to a credit card authorization page. It’s fast, simple, and eliminates a drive to the Shrine Center and/or email delays. April 11th-12th - Motor Corp Gun Show 15th - Officers Meeting 17th - Stated Meeting 27th - Hospital Board Meeting (Greenville) May 2nd - Spring Ceremonial 14th - 16th Dixie (Panama City) 16th - Jackson County Fish Fry (Scottsboro) 18th - Hospital Board Meeting (Greenville) 20th - Officers Meeting June 13th - Potentate Ball 15th - Hospital Board Meeting (Greenville) 17th - Officers Meeting July July 5th-9th - Imperial Council (Houston) 15th - Officers Meeting 17th - Stated Meeting 18th - Marshal County Fish Fry (Guntersville) 25th - Drawdown 27th - Hospital Board Meeting (Greenville) In Memory of Lady Jan’s 2015 Special Project SHRINE PATIENT TRANSPORTATION FUND This project is funded totally by donations. All donations tax deductible. Please complete the form below and mail with your gift to Cahaba Shrine, P.O. Drawer 3388, Huntsville, AL 35810 Note: Donations can also be made via credit card at our website www.cahabashrine.org - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2015 PATIENT TRANSPORTATION FUND Amount Enclosed: $__________ Make check payable to CAHABA SHRINE TRANSPORTATION FUND (please print) Name: _______________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________ City:_________________________________State:____________Zip:_____________ Telephone:___________________________ or _____________________________ In memory of_________________________ In honor of________________________ Page 4 CHIEF RABBAN Noble Chuck Barrett What makes a good leader? “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Yes in the truest since; to live in the likeness of a true and living God who is, loving and merciful by definition it is demanded. That same brotherly love and affection is what Masonry and being a Shriner is all about. There are always those who are less fortunate than you as well as those who are more fortunate. Who do I serve and who do I look to for knowledge. Let’s take a look at Thomas Edison for the answer. When asked about his accomplishment of developing the light bulb, he was asked about all his failures. Thomas being the astute scientist said they were not failures, he had found hundreds of ways not to make a light bulb. So the answer is; there are lessons to be learned from all, in other words learn from yours and others mistakes be‐ cause you do not have time to make them all yourself. Are you a better man or leader, if every success comes easily, or if you have been tried under fire meeting fail‐ ures with resilience and overcoming with a solid suc‐ cess? Before one can be a good leader he must learn to fol‐ low. In my life I hold my military training and instructors as the formulation of me the man. After stepping off that bus at boot camp my personality was stripped to its very core. For the next few days I was told when and how to do everything. Each day I followed and learned that lesson well and as I progressed I was given more liberties and opportunity to make decisions on my own. I soon learned to act as a team and how my decisions and performance affected the success of that team. As a leader I was only successful if the team was success‐ ful. Sure I showed more success than some and not as much as others and it seemed to come harder to me. Duty, Honor, and Country were taught at every turn. Much like the Masonic obligations; I had pledged to serve and hold close the secrets that were given me and be true and faithful to my comrades in arms. There is no I in team and any successful leader will tell you they did not get there by themselves. Now you ask, how this all applies. While learning to be a good follower I was learning how to problem solve and the reactions of myself as well as others. The first goal of a leader is to lead successfully. That can only be accomplished if the team wants to follow and trust his leadership. A successful leader must take into account the reactions and short comings of his team, his team is only as strong as the weakest link. He must implement ways not only to make the team perform, but to help that team to adapt and over come. This can only be learned if you have been a good follower or student of life. I have held many positions in life had some failures and some successes. I was asked by a student once why I did not stick my chest out and boast of my accomplish‐ ments and exploits as many others. My lesson to her was that I did not do them for accolades from others but for an inner self fulfillment. I had a sworn Duty to my Country. My study, preparation, and performance was my labor in being the best I could in meeting that obligation. Some of the greatest memories of self pride have been things I have done for others known only to me and God. I did not do them for personal recognition but because I had a duty to my fellow man. What makes a good leader? He is an integral part of the team and leads by example through his preparation and execution of that position. He is in servitude to that team or his fellow man to uphold the Duty. To quote Yoda, “Try I must not; Do I must.” Leadership should and must be held accountable, but they must also be encouraged. It is easy to criticize but fruitless if you cannot offer a better solution to justify your critique. The leadership of this Shrine Center depends on all of us; The leadership in guiding and steering this organiza‐ tion, and the membership in trusting and educatedly considering and following the ideas put forth and voted on by this body. I implore all strive not to be the weak link and together support OUR Shrine Center and its goal of increasing our membership and support of the Children’s Hospital. Try we must not; Do we must, Get Active. Chuck 2015 MEMBERSHIP STATICS BEGINNING MEMBERSHIP 1/1/2015: 1208 GAINS CREATED: 5 RESTORED: 7 AFFILIATED: 3 ASSOCIATES: 3 LOSSES DECEASED: 9 ASSOCIATE DROP: 1 DEMITS: 0 ENDING MEMBERSHIP 3/25/2015: 1216 Page 5 FROM YOUR Assistant Rabban Noble Randford Burns Welcome to Spring! With Spring comes the start of Assistant A the busy time of year for us. We kick off our annual Paper Drive. As Chairman of the paper drive, I hope we can make this the best year ever. With the assistance of all the clubs and units participating I know we will be successful. If I can be of assistance to you please don't hesitate to ask for my help. Please continue to sell your tickets and sponsor tickets for the 13th Annual Sportsman's BBQ and Giveaway. This will be our major fund raiser for the year to enable us to keep our Tem‐ ple running. Hope to see everyone in Panama City for Dixie Shrine Competition which will be May 14th thru May 18th. If you have never been I promise you will have a great time. I had the privilege to go to Tampa for the Assistant Rab‐ ban Seminar. I met people from all over the United States. What really made me proud of Cahaba Shrine was noted in a presenta‐ tion. Shrines are ranked Gold, Silver and Bronze and only 8 were rated Gold and Cahaba Shrine was rated Gold. What put us in Gold category? You did Nobles and Ladies with your dedication to the Shrine Children that we work for. FROM YOUR High Priest and Prophet Noble Harold Booth How is this possible ‐ by the help of younger Trustees. These are boys and men that have made a mistake in their life and now have to pay the price. They have earned the respect of the offi‐ cers in charge at the jail system to allow them to become trus‐ tees. These men do not earn monetary rewards for their work; they do it for the respect of the organizations that rely on them like Cahaba Shrine. I have been working with the officers of the correc‐ tional institution for 20 months now and others have done the same before me. I sign them in/out and transport them to and from Cahaba. Each work day starts with a morning coffee and detailed discussion of the work to be accomplished. For lunch we try to give them the food they like, pizza, chicken, sand‐ wiches and fixings, but their favorite is left over from our special events like the Draw Down. Using trustees is a good business plan; we get to help these young men rethink their lives and become good members of society. For the cost of some fuel and lunch, they give us a hard day’s work. I do most of the transporting; when I’m unable Cahaba takes the loss. I’m putting out a call for help, if any of our membership can help, please call me or our Recorder. I guar‐ antee you will enjoy their company as much as I do. FROM YOUR Treasurer P.P. William A. Wheeler As I write this article, Brent and I are on the way to Tampa, Florida for the Mid‐Winter meeting of the Shrine Help Needed, Whose Coming? Treasurer's Association (STA). STA's purpose is to educate Hi Nobles and families, it is good to come to you again members on upcoming events and new changes that effect and I hope all is doing well. Cahaba Shrine Facility is brand new, us in the performance of our jobs as Treasurers of ours Tem‐ very pretty and accommodating to our needs. For every organi‐ ples. The annual STA meeting is held in July in conjunction zation there is a price to pay to keep operating with top effi‐ ciency. I’m not talking about money, but strong backs. Where do with the Imperial Session, this year in Houston, TX. On the agenda we will have presentations by Imperial Treasurer Jim we get these individuals to perform the required work to keep Cahaba operating? I know I’m unable and I’m sure our aging McConnell, Legal Council Alex Rodgers, Director of Temple membership is unable also. Accounting Mathew Noell and other Imperial officers. Infor‐ To give you an idea of the required work around Ca‐ mation discussions with speakers and shared discussions haba Shrine Facility: among the attendees makes this a worthwhile and educa‐ tional experience. cleaning of the floors, One of Webster's definitions for "change" is "to substi‐ repair and paint floors tute another or others for; exchange for something else, usually arrange the main hall for each meeting and rental of the same kind". One thing for sure is change. Cahaba Shrine cut grass, cut the weeds Temple has recently changed to the accounting system of Quick clean the property Books Pro from Peachtree, changed accountants and changed expand our usable space Recorders, all about the same time. Cahaba members may have to give time adjusting to these changes. As you can see, the work is endless. Most of us go on with our I take pride being elected your temple Treasurer and daily life, occasionally visit the shrine and see the work is getting appreciate your ideas and discussions concerning your Temple done. finances. Page 6 From Your Recorder P.P. Anthony Selby FROM YOUR Oriental Guide Noble Bruce Niemeyer Greetings Nobles, The train never slows down, even with Mother Nature throwing us curveballs. I was able to attend the Oriental Guide Seminar in Tampa and it was fun and informative. It was like drinking from the firehose for three days! Being new to the Divan, there is a lot of learning to be done! I will strive to serve the Nobility and Cahaba to the best of my ability. We are taking measures to improve communications with the Nobility. We have implemented several methods, which I won’t go into here, please see my article under Director of Communications and please update your contact information with the Recorder! I can’t stress that enough; we want you to be informed as to what is going on at Your Shrine Center. Imperial Potentate Dale Stauss’ pin says a lot with just a few words, “Priorities, Make yours the Shrine”. I couldn’t agree more! We have the Spring Ceremonial coming up on May 2nd, 2015, this is also the same day of the 141st running of the Kentucky Derby, with that in mind lets have some fun with this and make the theme of the day about the Kentucky Derby (outside of the actual Ceremonial, during the Taste of Cahaba). Ladies wear your biggest derby hat, Nobles breakout your Colonel Sanders ties and seersucker suits; let’s drink Mint Julips, and play “My Old Kentucky Home.” We are looking for ideas to add as well, so please share if you have any. Let’s make Cahaba a Priority and get out there and round up some candidates. I’m sure I will see many of you at the upcoming events! Please don’t hesitate to contact me, all you have to do is leave me a voice mail message and I will return your call as quick as I can, or send me an email. It truly is an honor to serve you as your Oriental Guide! Yours in Shrinedom! Nobles & Ladies I want to thank you for the privilege to serve as the recorder for Cahaba in the year 2015. I look forward to helping Illustrious Sir Floyd make this year a good year. Lady Tammy and I just returned from the Recorder’s seminar in which we were given a lot of good information from Imperial. There are a lot of new changes coming in the future for the benefit of all nobles. As a new recorder we were given the guidelines in which you can use to make it a productive and beneficial year. As Cahaba’s Recorder I will work hard for this temple and our patients. It was also stressed the importance of working closely with your Potentate and upcoming Divan on the future of your temple. With everyone’s help we can make it happen. Let’s all work together to make it an even better year than last year. No one can do this alone, it takes everyone pulling together. We will be having 3 Drawdowns this year, the Sportsman Giveaway, Casino Night & the Circus. Cahaba needs your help in making all these things successful. I look forward to working with Illustrious Floyd Hambrick and his team to make 2015 a better year than the last one. The paper drive has started and Noble Randford Burn will need help with this, so go out and help with the paper drives for your units and clubs. Noble Mitch Adams is over the Sportsman’s Giveaway and we are already off to a good start with the expo’s and ticket sales. So he will be asking nobles to assist him in making this another good giveaway. Illustrious Sir Floyd’s goal is to bring in 100 more new nobles this year and we all need to make this happen. This is Cahaba’s future. So many have forgotten what we are here for. We are here for the patients and to ensure they receive the help they need. So let’s all work together and not against each other and make this year a good one. Nobles we need to work as one, not as several small groups. You can accomplish more as a large group. Thank you again, Anthony Fall 2014 Ceremonial - Welcome Nobles Page 7 Bahaca Court #90 Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America Hello Nobles and Ladies, As we begin our new year, I am so excited to be High Priestess of Bahaca Court # 90 of the Ladies oriental Shrine of North America. We have a wonderful core of officers this year. Thank you Ladies for electing me to this important position. Together we can make a difference in the lives of children who might otherwise not receive the medical care they deserve. This is an important responsibility and we take pride in our work to help support the Greenville, S.C. and Cincinnati, Ohio Hospitals by having dinners, auctions and two huge Yard-sales each year. Our Spring yard-sale is planned for June 4--6 in Scottsboro. We invite everyone to come out and help support this very worthy cause. I also, want to take this opportunity to thank the Nobles and Ladies who attended our Installation. It means so much to us to know we have your support. A very special THANKS TO NOBLE GEORGE PIPES for all those great pictures of our Installation. Omorose Nile Club Huntsville, Alabama Greetings – Our members are finishing up our year with Lady Claudette Butler serving as our president. She also served as chair of our sewing group. They worked hard sewing and donating items to our hospitals for a total of $2,976.00 Thanks ladies we are so proud of all your hard work. At our meeting on March 25th, we held an election of officers for the ensuing Year. Betty McKelby – President, Myra Haythorn-Vice President, Barbara Claus-Secretary, Charlotte Thomas-Treasurer and Jo Ann Lacey as Chaplain. Please call Betty McKelvy (256) 837-5645 for additional infor mation about The Daughters of the Nile. THE BEST IS YET TO Working Together To Benefit Shriners Hospitals for Children COME LORETTA DUDLEY HIGH PRIESTESS Lamp Lighters Dixie Shrine Convention May 14th - 16th Panama City Beach, Florida It’s that time again where we make a trip down to the coast and participate with all the Temples within the Dixie association in meetings, competitions, fellowship and great fun. Hotel booking and association registrations must be made through the temple office so kindly give our hard working record P.P. Anthony Selby a call at (256) 851-7402 to reserve your place at this great event. Don’t miss-out on all the fun, frolic, and challenges offered! The Lamplighters meet on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 10:00 am and is open to the widow and of any Shriner. Our meetings are for fun and fellowship. Our one Project is clothing for the Greenville Shrine Hospital. In March/April we send clothing for Girls and in August/September we send clothing for Boys. Every Spring during the time of the Shrine Paper Crusade the Lamplighter donate $100 as we have done every year since 1996 soon after we were formed. We are proud of our plaques. For information about the Lamplighters, call Shirley Pline at 256-883-8828 or Ann Ralston at 256-851-6011 or the Shrine office. Page 8 Contact Randford Burns for Information (256) 509-9411 The 2015 Paper Crusade event has kick off and we really need your help in this activity. If you, your Unit, or Club could help out it would be most appreciated. Remember, this fund raiser is one of the very few that Cahaba Shrine Center holds for the benefit of our hospitals and patients. Without contribution collections like this our Hospital programs (outreach, research, transportation, housing, patient care, and education) would be hard pressed to address the current and future needs. Won’t you please help! Donors contributing $100 or more receive a wood plaque with their name engraved and year donated. Donors contributing $25- $99 receive a framed certificate with their name and year donated. DONATIONS TO SHRINE’S HOSPITAL (AS OF MARCH 25, 2015) KENNETH CRADDOCK DONATIONS TO TRANSPORTION FUND (AS OF MARCH 25, 2015) GARY LACEY 2015 ASSOCIATIONS JOE COTTLE PAUL JOHNSON (MEMORY SMOKEY ROBERTSON) CAHABA SHRINE MOTOR CORP (LIEU OF FLOWERS FOR SHELBY GURLEY, GARY LACEY AND TOM NEWBY CAHABA SHRINE MOTOR CORP (IN LIEU OF FLOWERS FOR SHELBY GURLEY, BOB HARRIGER AND ARLENE RICHARDSON MARSHALL MASONIC LODGE #209 RICHARD & MARSHA BURNS (IN LIEU OF MOTOR CORP COAT REFUNDS) DONALD TARRANCE ART WILSON DANNY BOXX MARSHETTES (IN MEMORY OF KEN MOORE) DONATIONS TO SPECIAL PROJECT FUND (AS OF MARCH 25, 2015) CHARLIE & MARY MCCLENDON NANCY BRENNAN MARSHETTES FIREBALLS UNIT BRANDON & ERIN BROWN HAZEL WARD GEORGE DRUMMOND 2015 RESTORATIONS JOSHUA YOUNG CHARLES YOUNG LARRY WAGNER ALAN MCCLENDON CLAUDE MANNING RONALD LEE DARRYL HAMILTON 2015 CREATIONS JAMES SMART NICHOLAS FREEMAN RAY & JANICE HUNTER ANTHONY & TAMMY SELBY LOUIS MAYO Black Camel (Deceased 2015) CARL HOLCOMB CARL MORRING JR RAY SHEELY E OTTMAN JR FLOYD MORGAN RAINBOW GIRLS CHARLES THORNTON TONY & SHARON THOMAS KENNETH MOORE 2014 DIVAN LADIES WAYNE SIMS CLARENCE BRAY FRANKLIN COUNTY SHRINE CLUB WAYNE HYATT 2015 AFFILIATIONS RONNY WILSON JOE BENEFIELD GORDON ANDREWS WESLEY ALLEN 2015 SUSPENSIONS GLENN & JENNETH BRIDGER JOHNNY DAVIS KEITH GRIFFITH JIMMY FRASIER JASON POTEET Page 9 2015 SHRINE HOSPITAL STATISTICS As of March 25th TOTAL TRIPS MADE: Greenville: 19/ Cincinnati: 5 / Other: 1 TOTAL PATIENTS TRANSPORTTED: Greenville: 22/ Cincinnati: 5 / Other: 1 TOTAL PATIENTS ENROLLED: Greenville: 156 / Cincinnati: 44 / Other: 12 25 28 212 TOTAL MILEAGE: 15,676 (approx. air miles not included) SPECIAL THANKS & RECOGNITION TO OUR ROADRUNNERS IN 2015 Name Trips JIM BONNER STANLEY CHAMPION JOHN DARTY JOHN DUKES HOWARD HORTON SHANE KHADEMI TOM MORGAN RANDALL PARKER JIM RADFORD FRED ROBINSON MICKEY RYAN FELIX TIDWELL JASON WHITE 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 4 2 7 1 Thank You Roadrunners!! HOSPITAL BOARD REPORT Noble George A. Pipes Member, BOG, Shriners Hospitals for Children-Greenville Co-Chairman, Public Relations Committee who took the time to attend this event. For those of you interested in attending next years Shriner Days celebration kindly mark March 11th and 12th in you calendar. We recently returned from the Annual Shriner Days at Greenville . In attendance were various Board, Emeritus, Associate, and Divan members representing most of the Shrines associated with the Hospital. The Centers represented were Acca, Al Sihah, Alcazar, Alee, Amran, Cahaba, Hejaz, Jamil, Kazim, Kerbela, Khedive, Oasis, Omar, Sudan, Yaarab, and Zamora. Cahaba was fortunate in that we had twelve Cahaba representatives attending including our Illustrious Potentate P.P. Floyd Hambrick. Our visit began on Friday evening at the Hospital where members from across our catchment area were welcomed by staff members and had an opportunity to meet and greet each other, sample some great food, and participate in listening and telling stories of patient successes. That hospitality was followed on Saturday with presentations given by both Hospital Staff and Board Officers, Temple Donations, Patient Family introductions and histories, and hospital tours. As is usual, the families were so positive concerning the care provided to their children and so very appreciative of our efforts in serving their needs. It was especially touching when each commented on not only the service rendered at the hospital but the special relationships each had with our road runner volunteers. They explained that without the help provided by these warriors of the road their ability to secure quality care would have been much harder to attain if at all. Road Runners—you make us all proud! The tours this year were special in that they focused on one childs needs and how, through the life of their hospital experience, each of the major care services were utilized. It was an interesting approach and I believe helped those in attendance better understand the care we provide. The trip culminated in private visits with patients and their families and a fine lunch to close the event. Again, much thanks to those Brandon & Erin, Anthony & Tammy, Ill Sir Floyd, Hazel, Bill & Brent, George & Regina Missing in picture Art and BJ Lile and 2 guests from Zamora I’d like to end this article by thanking all of you for the support you have given to our hospitals and the children we serve. Most special thanks to our Road Runners who make such a difference in the lives of our children and their parents. God bless! Page 10 Shrine Ceremonial Illustrious Sir Floyd Hambrick P.P. Proclaims Saturday, May 2nd 2015 Spring Ceremonial Day in honor of Cahaba Road Runners CEREMONIAL SCHEDULE At Cahaba Shrine Center (no Friday night activities) SATURDAY, May 2nd (Doors open 3:00 pm for food table setup) 5:00 pm All candidates must report to Club Building 5:15 pm Business Meeting 5:00-6:00 pm Social 6:00 pm Welcome / Invocation Introductions & Presentations “Taste of Cahaba” 7:00 pm Casual Dress Hospital Lecture Candidate Induction Class Picture Presentations by Potentate Page 11 SHRINE UNIT AND CLUB ACTIVITIES Directors Staff Can Tab Program Units, clubs, and individuals can help our hospitals by collecting, rather than throwing away, pop tops from our drink cans. The hospitals recycle these and use the proceeds for various expense items. This is a great way to help as it not only provides needed income but also minimizes waste. It’s a simple process and doesn’t take Greetings Nobles, much time. Simply save your tabs until you have a nice collec Well we have been hindered by Mother Nature so far tion and drop them off at the temple. We’ll take it from there. this year, with our first meeting being iced out. But I’m still ex‐ cited for what we can do for our unit, Cahaba, and the children! Our only request is that only clean tabs be brought in. Kindly do not include the cans as they tend to be messy and unsaniOur meeting with Noble Lee Hale for instruction on how to setup tary. for the Ceremonials went off without a hitch. I cannot wait to actually set it up like in the old building and provide the new can‐ didates with the same ceremony and awe I felt when I joined. We owe it to them to get the best possible Ceremonial experience. Speaking of Ceremonial, Saturday May 2nd, 2015 will be our first time setting up for the Ceremonial. So, let’s get busy and start rounding up some candidates and make this a big class! We have a lot to get working on, and I can’t wait to start! We have the upcoming Palm Sunday Paper Drive, Turkey Shoot, and other projects. I want the Director’s Staff to get back to the status it once had, and be a cohesive unit that has fun and work for the kids. ENCOURAGE EVENT SPONSORS NOW! 0ne of our goals is to get a fire truck once again and to participate in parades of which as a unit will be fun to do. Let’s A Sponsor form is included in this issue and available from get busy and come up with ideas to fundraise for a parade vehicle our website. All (non-Shrine) Event Sponsors need to be for the Director’s Staff! contacted early, made aware of the event date this year, Don’t forget we meet every month on the fourth Friday; and encouraged to participate. Shriners who purchase eat at 6:00 pm with meeting to follow at 7:00 pm. Your Ladies are sponsorships may request a Sponsor Package at any time. welcome and encouraged to attend. Nobles we need your ideas and thoughts to get the Director’s Staff ever moving forward. Noble Bruce Niemeyer Oriental Guide, Cahaba Shrine Director, Director's Staff 2nd Vice President, Marshall Shrine Club Buffoon Newz Noble Director Donnie “Cookie” Morton, Cahaba Buffoons 2015isofftoarip‐roaringstartforyourBuf‐ foons.Thismonthwewelcomedtwonewmemberstoour littlegroupandbegintorampupforthefunofSpringand Summer.Wekickoffourballoontyingandclowningwiththe MorganCountyRodeoonApril9th andwillhavemoregigs astheSpringandSummerprogress‐welookforwardtosee‐ ingyoutheretosupportyourBuffoonsandourgreatphilan‐ thropy. WiththewackywinterweatherinFebruary(andfor someplacesonintoMarch)noteveryonewhoplannedto competegottoattendtheISCAmid‐winter,butallwerethere inspirit.WearegearinguptorepresentCahabaatDixiein PanamaCity,ImperialinHouston,andSoutheasterninNash‐ ville.Bestoflucktoallwhocompete! Finally,wearealwayslookingfornewmembers,so stopbyaUnitmeetingattheTempleontheFourthWednes‐ dayofthemonth–foodandfellowshipat6:30,meetingat 7:00,orcontactanyBuffoonaboutwhyyoushouldbecomea clown! Note: Tickets for Individuals and Sponsors can also be ordered via on-line at: http://www.cahabashrine.org and paid for via secure credit card processing. 2015 SPORTSMAN GIVEAWAY SPONSORS (as of March 25th) STEVE COOPER BILLY MITCHELL JEWELRY BRANDON BROWN DAVID SHIREY RANDALL PARKER FIREBALLS FLOYD HAMBRICK COWBOYS WHOLESALE INC. CHILDRESS A/C SUSAN LETSON Thank You! Page 12 FROM YOUR DIRECTOR Never Forget ` by: Brandon “BB” Brown, Director So2015isofftoaquickpaceandthecalendarisrap‐ idlyfillingupwithwork,familyandShrinecommitments.AsI sittowritethisarticleforthelatesteditionofTheCahaban,I amstruckthinkingabouthowlittletimeoneseemstohave foroneselfthesedays.Daysarefilledwithwork,evenings filledwithfamilyandMasonicactivitiesandweekendsmean moreShrineFun!EvenasIwritethisshortmissive,this weekendissetforDrawdown#1(Ihopeyoualreadyhave yourtickets!),oneofthreesuchfundraiserssetforthisyear. Amidallthecommitments,andthefun,Itrytore‐ memberwhywearehere:thekids,thehospitals,andthe workthatourfantasticdoctorsdoacrossall22ofourhospi‐ talsinthesystem.For2015,Iwasfortunatetobeselectedby GreenvilleShrinersHospitalforChildrenasanassociate memberoftheBoardofGovernors(ofcoursethatmeans moretimeontheroadforthemonthlymeetings–justcan’t seemtosayno!).Itisagreathonorandafantasticprivilege.I amhumbledeverytimeIvisitthehospitalbytheworkwe– yesImeanallofus–do!Alloureffortsgotomakesurethat “our”ShrineKidsgetthebestpossiblecare. ForthoseofyouwhowereunabletoattendtheAn‐ nualShrineDaysattheGreenvilleHospitalinMarch,orfor thoseofyouwhohaveneverbeentoahospital;Iurgeyou tovisitwhenyoucan.Infact,nextyears’AnnualShrineDays willbeMarch11thand12th2016somarkyourcalendars now!First,thekidslovemeetingShriners(bringyourFezand pins!).Second,thehospital(ifyougivethemsomeadvance notice)willgladlyarrangeatouranddoalltheycantoshare “your”hospitalwithyou. IwasfortunateduringtheAnnualShrineDaystobe abletotakeatourwithapatientandhisfamily.Hewasone ofthebravestpeopleIhaveevermet.Imentionedthatseeing theoperatingroomwasprobably“oldhat”forhim.He quicklyreplieditwasthefirsttimehehadeverseenit–the dozensoftimeshehadbeenintheroombeforehe’dbeen asleep.Funnytoo!Igottohearfirsthandhowthankfulthese parentswerefortheservicesweprovide,notjustatthehos‐ pital,butparticularlyourRoadRunners.Theyletmeknow repeatedlythattheycouldnothavedoneitwithoutourRoad Runners.AhumblingexperienceIwisheveryShrinercould have.Itwillreinvigorateyoursoulandmakeyouremember whyyouhandoutpapers,sellraffletickets,ridemotorcycles, dressoutasclowns,attendmeetings,androutinelywork yourselfsillyforthiscause.Simplyput,wearetheworld’s greatestphilanthropy–celebrateitandneverletitlingerfar fromyourmind! YoursIntheFaith, NobleBrandon“BB”Brown,Director Cahaba Fire Balls The Fireball Unit is still working diligently every Thursday morning at ten o'clock (lOAM). Visitors are always welcome. Coffee, doughnuts, and good fellowship are in abundance. Plans are being made for a luncheon to be held on the 22nd of August, 2015, at 11AM. This luncheon will be a huge function. We are anticipating 200 or more participants. The objective of the luncheon is to raise money in support of the Shrine, where needed. Entertainment will be provided by the following people: Patsy Trigg Jim Parker Randy Duck Karen Newsum The food will be provided by the Fireball Unit. The cost per meal will be $10.00. All Shriners and their families are welcome. As a special treat, our guests will include children who are currently undergoing treatment through the Shriner's program for crippled children. This will be the largest function the Shriners have held in many years. The key to a successful event, such as this, will be the number of tickets sold. Tickets will be available on the 20th of April, 2015. Hugh Michaels will chair this event. The committee members are below: • Hugh Michaels (256.694.8467) • Drew McKay (256.489.7379) • Richard Burns (256.527.3348) • Jerry Sanders (256.604.1874) • Bill Clark (256.464.9432) 'Taco' Yancey (256.508.8373) Let us all work together to make this truly a rally that will help to strengthen our membership and give recognition to what the Shriners are all about. For further information, please call any of the committee members listed above. Tickets will be made available through the committee members or through the Cahaba Shrine office. DON'T MISS THIS!!!! Page 13 SHRINE POCKET PETITION - Mail to: Cahaba Shrine, P.O. Drawer 3388, Huntsville, AL 35810 SHRINERS OF NORTH AMERICA PETITION FOR MEMBERSHIP INITIATION Ceremonial Date: May 2nd, 2015 FEE: $103.75 (initiation fee & prorated dues) Fez (optional) is an additional $135.00 and up To the Potentate, Officers and Nobles of CAHABA SHRINERS, situated in the Oasis of Huntsville, Desert of Alabama: I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I am a Master Mason in good standing in: ____________________________________Lodge #____________ located in City of_________________________________, State of __________, which is a Lodge recognized by or in amity with the Conference of Grand Masters of North America. Furthermore, I have resided at my current address for not less than six months, as required by the Bylaws of the Imperial Council. I respectfully pray that I may be made a Noble of the Mystic Shrine, and become a member of your temple. If I am found worthy, and my request is granted, I promise to conform to the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Imperial Council and the Bylaws and Ceremonies of your temple. Birthplace________________________________, _______ Date of Birth: _____/_____/_____ Were you ever in DeMolay? YES_____ NO_____ If so, name of chapter and location_____________________ _________________________________________________ Occupation_______________________________________ Have you previously applied for admission to any temple of The order? YES _____ NO _____ If so, what location?_________________________________ When?________________________ RESIDENCE_____________________________________ (Street Address) ________________________, _________, _____________ (City) (Zip) (County) Lady’s Name______________________________________ E-Mail ___________________________________________ Home Phone (_______) _______ - __________________ Business Phone (_______) _______ - _________________ Mobile Phone (_______) _______ - _________________ _________________________________________________ PRINT NAME IN FULL—INITIALS NOT SUFFICIENT Director of Communications Bruce Niemeyer Greetings Nobles, As your Director of Communication I'm excited to inform you about five different ways that you can receive updates and information about what's going on at "Your Shrine Center!" So, please contact the Recorder and make sure your contact information is current and up to date. This is imperative to have good communications with the Nobility. The newest item is going to be One Call Now. This is a telephone call out service that will do voice calls to land line phones and/or text messages or voice calls to cell phones. As we can only have one number per Noble, please contact the Recorder through email or call him and let him know if you prefer land line voice calls or cell phone voice calls or text message reminders. Next is the website, ww.cahabashrine.org where there is a lot of information contained on the home page which links to two other forms of electronic communication. Twitter - At the top of the webpage where the spinning jewel is to the right is the link, just click it and follow the instructions. Or, if you already have a Twitter account just Follow@CahabaShriners MailChimp - This is an email service for mass mailing the Nobility. It is NOT a master joke list as no email addresses are sent along with the email. ONLY Cahaba business to keep you informed! You will see a red box towards the bottom of the page with a link that says "Click here", all you have to do is click the link and fill out your name and email address. It's just that easy. Finally there is the Facebook page, Cahaba Shrine. This is a public group and all you have to do is join the group. Communication is the key to a well-functioning organization and you are the key! Please update your contact information with the Recorder to ensure you get all of the latest and greatest news and information of what's going on at your Shrine Center! Yours in Shrinedom! Bruce ___________________________________ ____/____/___ (Signature) (Date) Recommended and vouched for on the Honor of: ____________________________________ _________________ (Noble’s PRINTED Name) (Phone) ____________________________________ _________________ (Noble’s PRINTED Name) (Phone) Coming October 19th, 2015 Huntsville Al Agribition Center Page 14 Bruce Niemeyer Oriental Guide Chuck Barrett Chief Rabban Bill Wheeler, PP Treasurer Randford Burns Assistant Rabban Harold Booth High Priest & Prophet Anthony Selby Recorder Floyd Hambrick, Potentate 2015 [email protected] 13th ANNUAL SPORTSMAN’S FRATERNAL BBQ & GIVEAWAY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2015 Seller Use SPONSOR FORM Sponsorship Cost is $300.00, which includes: (1) Sponsor Ticket- 1 chance in 10 gun draw (5) Sellers Tickets– 5 chances in 20 gun draw (15) Main drawing tickets - 15 chances in 100 gun draw, and entitles 15 bearers to free BBQ Lunches on event day 2015 sticker for Sportsman’s plaque (New plaque for beginning sponsor) All Sponsors are recognized at the event with a personal sign posted on the premises SPONSOR OR BUSINESS (PLEASE PRINT and complete entirely) Amt Pd ____________ Cash___CK___CC____ Date Rcd___________ Ticket # ___________ NEW Plaque________ RENEW Sticker_____ Mbr #_____________ SIGN______________ NAME OF BUSINESS or INDIVIDUAL_____________________________________________________________________________________ If Business, OWNER / CONTACT NAME_______________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE: ( ) ________________________________ ( ) _______________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS________________________________________________________________________________ CITY___________________________________________________STATE____________________ZIP______________ SOLD BY: NOBLE_____________________________________________________________ Please make checks payable to: Cahaba Shriners, PO Drawer 3388, Huntsville, AL 35810 CALL (256) 851-7400 TO CHARGE BY PHONE OR CHARGE ONLINE: www.cahabashrine.org MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED (PROCESSING FEE APPLIES) THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! For the benefit of Cahaba Shrine. Not deductible as a charitable donation. TEAR OFF RECEIPT BELOW LINE IF NEEDED FOR PURCHASE OF SPONSORSHIP OF SPORTMAN’S BBQ & GUN GIVEAWAY FOR 2014. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cahaba Shriners, PO Drawer 3388, Huntsville, AL 35810 (256) 851-7400 DATE_________________ CAHABA SHRINERS IS IN RECEIPT OF $300.00 FOR SPONSORSHIP OF THE 13TH ANNUAL SPORTSMAN’S FRATERNAL BBQ AND GIVEAWAY ON OCTOBER 10, 2015 FROM:____________________________________________________________________(SPONSOR NAME) SELLER: NOBLE__________________________________ P.O. Drawer 3388, Huntsville, AL 35810 Office (256) 851-7400 1226 Blake Bottom Road, Huntsville, AL 35806 (UPS only) Fax (256) 851-7408 Page 15 Alabama Shrine Car Tag Program I am the chairman for the Shrine tag program. If you're a Shriner in the State of Alabama I am likely to ask if you have a Shrine tag on your vehicle & if you don't you better be ready to do some 'xplainin'. You may think one little tag won't add up but you would be thinking wrong. Because the donation from every tag does matter. It does count. Do what you can to help get these children to the hospitals & get the treatments they need. Because they deserve a better life & we have the capability to give them that better life. They are the reason we wear funny hats & dress or act like clowns. They are why we participate in as many fundraisers as our cable tow will allow. They are why we hire the best of the best doctors & have the best equipment & procedures available anywhere. We are all Shriners or affiliated with a Shriner & we know those children are the future. The Shrine tag program for the State of Alabama has collected & distributed over three quarters of a million dollars since it began in October 1994. There has been more than $153 thousand dollars distributed to the four temples in Alabama for their transportation fund and just under $793 thousand for the Shrine Hospitals of America. So if you are a current dues card carrying Shriner & don't have a Shrine tag, I sincerely hope you are making a matching donation to your temple transportation fund & to the Shrine Hospitals. That is why I have begun going around the state to the Cold Classes, Ceremonials & visiting as many of the Shrine Clubs as I possibly can visit. If you don't have your Shrine tag yet, go get one. You do not have to wait. Take your current tag in & give them $25 for the Shrine tag. If you do have a Shrine tag, I Thank You. If you have questions about the program, give me a call. Art Lyle 256.591.7611 A Nobles Story My name is Zachary Mitchell. I was burned on February 25th 1997. I was 10 years old burning leaves in my back yard, when I decided to pour gasoline on the fire. Little did I know it would be a decision that would alter my life forever. The gas can exploded burning 86% of my body. I was rushed to a local parking lot where I was to be medflighted to Chattanooga Tennessee. In Chattanooga, my family had to make a drastic decision. The doctors could try and treat me there, or they could try and get me a room at Shriner’s Burn Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio. My family made the call and there was one room available. The Shriners sent a jet with a team of medical people to pick me up. In Cincinnati where I spent the next 9 months of my life. The first couple of months were touch and go. The doctors gave me a 10% chance to live. I eventually came to in May of 1997 and began the long hard road to recovery. Everything had changed: I lost my fingers, my hearing and even my ears. I didn’t recognize myself. Fortunately for me, I had massive support. I had family and friends always coming and going. Thanks to the Shriners and their family care units, I never spent one night alone at the hospital. In November of 1997 I progressed enough to come home. I arrived back in Alabama right before Thanksgiving of 1997. Our family had a lot to be thankful for that Thanksgiving. After returning home, I continued to have reconstructive surgery until I was 22 years old. I am now 28 years old. I have limitations, but they do not define me. I learned to drive, graduated High School and college. I received a Bachelor’s of Science degree from Athens State University in elementary education. I recently received a job as an aide at Plainview High School. The only thing that seems to elude me is a lady in my life. Ladies I am single! Without the Shriners, my life wouldn’t be like this. I have had over forty surgeries and my parents haven’t had to pay a penny. The Shriners message is simple, they help kids. They don’t just help burn victims like me. They help children with all kinds of orthopedic disabilities and it’s at no cost to the family. I can’t begin to explain how appreciative our family is for the Shriners and all they have done for us. I am certain we aren’t the only family that feels this way. I have recently become a Shriner myself. It’s an honor to join a distinguished organization with my two brothers, Zane and Mitch as well as my best friend Brett. Together, we hope to raise a greater awareness for the organization that helped save my life. Page 16 THE CAHABAN Cahaba Shriners P.O. Drawer 3388 Huntsville, AL 35810 (256) 859-4470 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Huntsville, AL Permit No. 524 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED **SELL 10, GET 1 FREE** Any Noble, Unit or Club who sells or buys 10 tickets will get 1 complimentary ticket in the drawing. Please turn in the names of any tickets you have sold BEFORE the day of the event! Winners not present must come to the Shrine office to claim their prize. DRAWDOWN & DINNER Cahaba Shrine Center 1226 Blake Bottom Rd., Huntsville, AL SATURDAY, July 25th R.S.V.P. by July 18th *No ticket will be guaranteed unless money is received in the office by close of business the day before the event. STATED SHRINE MEETINGS held at Cahaba Shrine Center (eat 6:30/meet 7:30) TICKETS ARE LIMITED! CALL FOR AVAILABILITY April 17th - Stated Meeting May 2nd - Spring Ceremonial June 13th - Potentate Ball July 17th - Stated Meeting YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE PRESENT TO WIN! If attending dinner, ticket holder must present stub at door Proceeds benefit Cahaba Shriners, payments not tax deductible