Wanderings - National Whippet Club of Canada
Wanderings - National Whippet Club of Canada
WWanderings Whippet Nation al Whip p et Clu b o f Ca na d a S E P T E M B E R 2 0 11 in this issue: A D V E R TISIN G > Member Puppy photos Full page ad $15 (7.5” wide x 10”deep) Half page ad $10 (7.5”wide x 5”deep or 3.5”wide x 10”deep) Ads requiring setup $5 additional per ad > Rescue Update Deadlines are January 15, April 15, July 15 & October 15 > National Racing Results > NWCC Specialty Results > Form and Function Include detailed instructions with ads requiring setup. See below for required specifications for best reproduction. Send all ads, articles, club & member news, comments and anything whippet-related to the Editor: Laura Baratta laura@ barattahounds.com > Member News > Lure Coursing Results > Current Top 10 Canadian Show Whippets > Litterbox News Please make all cheques or money orders payable to NWCC and mail to: Laura Baratta 604 625-6831 320 – 248th Street, Aldergrove, BC, Canada V4W 2H1 NEXT DEADLINE: JAN 15 Whippet Wanderings is the quarterly publication of the National Whippet Club of Canada. Issues are included with NWCC membership. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Editor or the NWCC. The Editor reserves the right to edit or withhold any item or article which, in the opinion of the Editor, reflects badly or unfairly upon any group, individual or dog. Check out news and upcoming events at www.whippetcanada.com s u b m i s s i o n s / s p e c i f i c at i o n s Ads to be designed: emailed files or photos to be maximum 3 megs per email. Send text in email or Word doc format. Single photos required: high resolution RGB JPEGs (minimum 200 dpi) or TIFF files. Photos must be supplied separately – photos embedded within programs such as Word will not be accepted. Completed ads: full or half page PDFs (maximum 200 k), or PSD files (maximum 3 megs). Send files [or questions about formats] to: [email protected] 2 0 11 / 2 0 1 2 N W C C B O A R D O F D I R E C T O R S PRESIDENTLinda Buchholz, Aldergrove, BC [email protected] 604 856-5660 VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER / WEB MISTRESS RESCUE CO-ORDINATOR BRITISH COLUMBIA ALBERTA MANITOBA /SASKATCHEWAN ONTARIO QUEBEC EDITOR Laura Baratta, Aldergrove, BC [email protected] 604 625- 6831 Janet Juzkiw, Grand Forks, BC [email protected] 250 442-2400 Heather-Jean Dansereau, Hamilton, ON [email protected] 905 659 -1188 Paulette Blinch, Prince George, BC [email protected] 250 964-1429 Blair J. Shinski, Victoria, BC [email protected] 250-479-5818 Susan Nordstrom, New Norway, AB [email protected] 780 855-2278 Lynne Samuel, Winnipeg, MB [email protected] 204 783-5863 Mary Morris, Chatsworth, ON [email protected] 519 794-3303 Pam Dyer, Ste-Marie-Madeleine, QC [email protected] 450 584-3951 Laura Baratta, Aldergrove, BC [email protected] 604 625- 6831 Smoke and Tanzy EDITOR’S NOTE I hope everyone had a great summer... now the hounds are starting to burrow under blankets as the fall chill is setting in. Please read the rescue report to see if you can help out. Thank you to Ivy Morton for the cover shot of puppy Poppy, all the members who submitted puppy photos, and the collage of whippet costumes from Mary Morris. WW Laura Baratta [email protected] R e p ort s F ree M em b er on your year-end Don’t forget to work owcasing your member reports sh published free for – 11 20 in s et pp hi w sue! all members next is calling for submissions for the design of the 2012 National logo. the HARE AWARD the TURTLE AWARD HARE GOOD! TURTLE NAUGHTY! We invite members to explore your creative side by designing the 2012 National logo, held in Ontario. Deadline: November 15, 2011 Please send your ideas/theme/sketches/ artwork to Laura Baratta [email protected] Slyakot and Sasja (Pedro & Allard) Chanel and Sasja (Pedro & Allard) Member response! Photos of your favorite unusual puppy photos. C ongratulations to Ivy Morton for winning a free ad (photo on cover)! >> Cleo (Szabo) Cleo (Szabo) Spicy (Blinch) Junior (Morton) piles of puppies Brazen and pups Cash and Travis (Arthur) >> (Rusticus) Easy (Bakes) Volt (Rusticus) Volt writing to his dad in the US (Rusticus) Tristan (Baratta) p resident ’ s re p ort Summer will soon be a distant memory as we head into Fall. It was one very busy summer for Whippet activities and I hope everyone enjoyed participating with their dogs, whether it was showing, performance events or just enjoying camping and hiking. Whippets so clearly are the do-it-all dog – I can’t imagine ever having another breed. The Swiftsure gang was extremely busy this summer – I think we were on the road more than we were home! I just wish we could have been in two places at once on a couple of occasions. Our National Specialty is just a memory now and congratulations to David Markus and committee for putting on what, by all reports, was a great show. For the second year in a row, a puppy was awarded BOB – huge cudos to “Madison”, Ch. Aikerskaill In A NY Minute, for taking home the honours for owners David Markus, Diane Fast and Harriett Lee, handled by Diane. Plans are already underway for 2012 – in Ontario in June. Thank you to those that took the time to nominate and vote on judges – your choice is Bo Bengtson, Bohem Whippets, California. Again I offer our sincere thank you to the amazing people that look after Whippets in need – our hard working NWCC Rescue group. However, some of these folks are getting pretty disillusioned by a seeming lack of interest on the part of a lot of our members. PLEASE step up and offer to help with Rescue – temporary foster homes, transport and more volunteers are desperately needed in most of our areas. If you can spare some time to help out, please let Paulette know that you are available. WW Linda Buchholz President secretar y ’ s re p ort We had a tremendous response in voting for our 2012 National specialty judge, with Bo Bengtson of Ojai, California being the winner by a wide margin. In response to my notification to him that he was selected to judge, he stated: “What a thrill! Please thank your members so much for the confidence. I will do my best to live up to the responsibility and look forward to the assignment already.” Although not selected this time, nominee Harold Tatro commented: “What an honor to be on the short list!...it is a thrill just to be considered!” Obviously it is not just the NWCC members who think our National Specialty is special. By the way, the correct date is Saturday, June 2, 2012 (it was previously announced as June 1 but that was incorrect) in Caledonia, Ontario, in conjunction with the Erie Shores Kennel Club show. There will also be several other specialty shows happening during that same weekend, notably Great Lake Whippet Club and Gazehound Ontario. WW Janet Juzkiw Secretary [email protected] * mar k your c alendar 2012 NWCC National June 2, 2012 Caledonia, Ontario Judge: Bo Bengtson * B C re p ort Hello Whippet fanciers, I apologize for not submitting a report for the last issue. No excuses, but I was very busy with other Kennel Club duties. There is never enough time in a day some days! Time moves so quickly. Fall is in full swing. But before I move into autumn, I will first address our summer. I’m sure many of you participated in many doggie events. The Lower Mainland Whippet Specialty was well attended. I heard that the Show and L.C. Trial was a fun-filled weekend and enjoyed by all. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend. I missed you all! This summer brought much pleasure to my Whippet world. I travelled to the National Specialty in Winnipeg by van. The MCA also hosted many Specialties including a Hound Specialty. Although entries were down, the camaraderie and sportsmanship was fantastic. The heat was a bit much for some of us exhibitors and for some of our dogs, especially for one black coated Whippet. Kindred Grace Leah started her estrus a week before the National and with her hormones racing, being moody and feeling very hot (30+ temperatures each day), she would just spit out her bait, look up at me (you know that look), as if to say, “I’m hot, hormonal and you want me to do what while I’m roasting in this damn black fur coat. Are you crazy?” Our Whippet bitches are such a joy at times, aren’t they! Ah, but witnessing their learning and growth and development as they advance to their wins is so satisfying. Congratulations to all our summer winners! Autumn is now upon us! Cooler wet weather pushes British Columbians indoors for some sporting events. Our spirit not dampened, we continue showing our Whippets indoors with excitement and anticipation of that win. It’s so rewarding seeing other Whippet “types” in the ring and also the joy of being a spectator watching all the dogs performing in the Show Ring, Obedience, and Rally Obedience. It’s exciting to >> watch our four legged friends continuously trying to please us handlers. Member Reports: Percy was winners dog for a 4 point major under Betty Stites at the Rocky Mountain Hound Association specialty show on August 18th in Greeley, Colorado. He now needs only one more major to finish his American Championship. Pender was winners dog at the Gallatin Kennel Club Show in Helena, Montana in September to add another point towards his American championship. - Thanks, Janet Juzkiw. You are invited to a Whippet Walk and potluck lunch in Victoria, BC on Sunday, Nov. 6 at 11:00. There will be prizes for Best Dressed, oldest whippet, youngest whippet and whippet that came the farthest. Contact Sally Forseth at [email protected] for more details. Don’t forget, if you have any news, brags or something funny you wish me to report in the Directors’ column, please email: [email protected]. EKKOC - Calgary, AB July 15 - Judge: Kent Delaney WD/BOW: Nasusa Lynallan Caught My I owned by C. Badick and P. Blinch WB/BP: Tarapaca’s Best Kept Secret owned by S. Nordstrom & A. Shymanski Until next time, have fun out there! Happy Halloween! WW BOS: Ch Maxnme’s Reign Blackmail owned by Robert & Lenna Maxwell Blair Shinski B.C. BOD BOB: Ch. Bretica’s Secret To Typecast owned by P. Lewis & R. Yurick A L B E R T A re p ort Hi folks! Hope you all had a great summer of shows and trials with lots of successes with your hounds and lots of fun reuniting with friends and making new ones! July 16 - Booster for Rocky Mountain Whippet Association of Alberta - Judge: Jocelyn Gagne WD/BOW/BOS: *New Ch. Nasusa Who Are You owned by G. Sjoberg & C. Badick WB/BP: Tarapaca’s Best Kept Secret BOB/Group 2: Ch. Bretica’s Secret To Typecast Summer seemed to go by much too fast for us this year and the crisper days of fall are definitely here!! Hopefully we can convince winter to hold off for a little while longer though! I have quite a few results to share, so I will start off with… July 17 - Judge: John Reeves-Newson LAKELAND KENNEL & OBEDIENCE CLUB - Cold Lake, AB WB/BOW/BP: Tarapaca’s Best Kept Secret Only one whippet entered: SDW Dreamwindz Eyedoll owned by Karen LeJeune BOS: Ch. Nasusa Who Are You July 1 - Show #1 - Judge: Carol Graham BOB/BPIG/Group 4 WD: Nasusa Lombard Street FCh owned by T. Russian & C. Badick BOB: Ch. Bretica’s Secret To Typecast July 1 - Show #2 - Judge: Margaret Jones BOB/BP Alberta Sporting Hound Speciality July 2 -Show #1 - Judge: Donna Cole BOB/BPIG/Group 2 July 29 - Judge: Linda Scanlon July 2 - Show #2 - Judge: Martin Doherty BOB/BPIG WD: Nasusa Lynallan Caught My I July 3 - Show #1 - Judge: Nancy Popowich BOB/BPIG/Group 2 WB/BOW/BP: Tarapaca’s Best Kept Secret July 3 - Show #2 - Judge: Barbara Watt BOB/BP BOS: Ch Icatcher Beyond The Sea, owned by P. Blinch BOB: Ch Nasusa Hamrya It’s All About Me owned by C. Badick and D. Lynch >> AKC July 30 - Judge: Michael Hill No Class males entered WB: SDW Dreamwindz Eyedoll BOB: Ch. Nasusa Who Are You BOS: Ch. Bretica’s Secret To Typecast July 31 - Judge: Jeffrey Pepper/ Group Judge: Elliot Weiss WD/BOW/BOB/Group 4th: *New Ch. Nasusa Lynallan Caught My I WB/BP: *New Ch. SDW Dreamwindz Idol owned by K. LeJeune BOS: Ch Harmony’s Dreamwindz Ally Oop owned by D & C Hamilton Foothills Gazehound Club Speciality July 31 - Judge: Eugene Blake WD: Nasusa Lynallan Caught My I WB/BOW: *New Ch. Tarapaca’s Best Kept Secret BP/BPISS: Ch. SDW Dreamwindz Idol owned by K. LeJeune BOS: Ch Icatcher Beyond The Sea BOB: Ch Nasusa Hamrya It’s All About Me AKC August 1 Judge: Ricardo Saldana No class animals entered this day BOB: Ch Harmony’s Dreamwindz Ally Oop Foothills Gazehound Club Trial July 17 - held in Calgary, AB Alberta Lure Coursing Association Trials Sept 3, 4 - held in Ardrossan, AB Rocky Mountain Whippet Association of Alberta Trials Sept 17, 18 - held in Ponoka, AB Coursing results are listed further in the newsletter. That’s about all the news I have for now. Wishing you all a Happy Howl-o-ween! WW Hugs to your hounds! Sue Nordstrom [email protected] S A S K AT C H E WA N / M A N I T O B A REPORT Winnipeg was proud to put on the National Whippet Club of Canada’s National Specialty this past August, in conjunction with the Manitoba Canine Association Dog Show. The weather was fantastic, which helped since quite a bit of the show was outdoors. MCA had found a new venue for their show…… fabulous area, very spacious, with lots of parking and camping areas available. I was asked to get a basket together for auction for Rescue. With extremely generous donations from Ivy Morton of Coolquay Whippets, Castle Hound Designs (Marion Zerrenthin), Party Animals and the National Whippet Club of Canada, we had a wonderful basket (hoping to be won by many) with a value of $175.00. We sold $261.00 worth of tickets. Our lucky winner was Gloria Jennet from Edmonton. Manitoba has had great weather, even a hot summer. Even though there are nasty rumours we will have snow by Halloween, we’re hoping that’s not the case. Take care everyone : ) WW Lynne Samuel O N TA R I O R E P O R T I know from the entries at shows that there are not a lot of Whippets being shown, but with no one sending me any results, I will say that there are none. Please send me your wins. Since I have nothing to show right now, I need to live vicariously through the rest of you. I hope that in the very near future, all of you that are breeders or just lovers of Whippets will offer to step up and help the Whippet Rescue. We may have a number of Whippets being surrendered to us and we will need foster homes. If you are unable to take any, maybe you know of someone else that can help. These are the dogs from the Quebec seizure and we have no idea how many or what is involved. But if you truly love the breed and not just the breeding and winning in the ring... please offer to help in some way. Even if it is a donation to buy some of the necessary supplies. Contact anyone on the executive and give an offer. Our wonderful leader in B.C. is getting so depressed with the apathy that people are showing, that she is thinking of giving up the helm that she has so masterfully managed to steer. This is a time when our breed needs help. Don’t leave it to the “other” person. These dogs did not ask to be treated in this way. At least give them the opportunity to know what all our dogs know. A loving hand, a warm bed and good food. They have had none of that in their lives. WW >> Mary Morris Ontario Director [email protected] QUEBEC REPORT The main news from QC is the seizure of 500 dogs from a commercial breeding operation in the western part of the province. It is believed that the number of whippets involved is minimal and we are hopeful that we will be contacted if the judge rules that the dogs should be placed for adoption. I have not been to any Quebec shows this year and have not received any updates from our Quebec members so have nothing to report on that front. One of our district members has indicated he may have something for the next issue – so fingers and paws crossed. Hope everyone had the wonderful Thanksgiving weather we were blessed with and that the coming winter is kind to you and your hounds. WW Respectfully submitted, Pam Dyer QC Director [email protected] WhippetR E SCU E There has not been a lot of activity in rescue; some of us have helped with a couple of rehomes. One came out of a bad situation but, because the breeder was willing to take the dog back if necessary, we managed to handle it without resorting to National Club funds or resources. RESCUE NEEDS YOU I would like to know if anyone out there would like to take over as Rescue chairperson. For over 10 years I have been asking for help to set up a network of foster homes and transporters but I have had very little response. This is something which we should be proactive on; in the past we have been caught woefully short of help. Perhaps if someone else takes over the coordination, people will be more willing to step up. When we need help, too many people have excuses why they cannot assist. I have suggested that everyone get a friend, a neighbour or a ‘puppy person’ to be their backup, but that has not worked either. The person who takes this position has to be willing to at least send out form letters to people and pass on applicants to the provincial reps. It is important to maintain dialogue with humane societies and people who surrender dogs and it is good if you can chat with folks about whippets in general. The provincial reps and our rescue group are very good people but they can only do so much. I also pass on puppy and rehome referrals but I don’t think that is required; I just do not like to lose good applicants. Regarding Whippets on the sites such as Craigslist and Kijiji, I usually write to offer help with placement especially if the advertisers do not seem too fussy about who gets the dog. If it is an individual dog I ask if they have notified the breeder. If the dogs are not registered, I also advise them that according to the Livestock Act, they are not to advertise them as purebred. Some people are quite happy about the offer to help, others not so much. I do not offer to buy the dogs, I just pass the info to an applicant if I have some who have been waiting awhile. Regarding the Quebec seizure, I have had contacts and so has Pam. We were getting information but could not divulge it but at least it gave us some idea of what we were dealing with. I hope everyone has been enjoying the autumn. WW Paulette Blinch [email protected] seriously, can you spot the difference? Gaga for Whippets submitted by Mary Morris National Race Meet N A M E Results O W N E R P O I N TS Continental Whippet Racing Alliance (CWA) - 53 adults, 7 puppies Sept 3/11 1The Mighty Bolt of Wyndsor Kusha/Balint 2Lookout Nonstopp Kamikaze Hearley 3 Fireworks Eminence FrontSzabo 4Tru-Luv’s Enjoy The MomentLiscombe/Rice 5 Cogshall’s Sweet Everlasting Loughren Clarke 6 Nonstopp Nadal of Wyndsor Ochoa/Reynolds 7 Ziggy Stardust of Wyndsor Austin/James 8Licketysplit Catch Your Eye Bowman-Mealey 9 Affinity Orange Blossom Special Carlson/Rodgers 10Surrey Hill U Sunk My Battleship!Lee/Bowers/Anichini 26 23 21 20 17 16 14.25 14 14 13 The Mighty Bolt of Wyndsor Whippet Racing Association (WRA) - 106 adults, 10 puppies Oct 1/11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Weabe Crosswired D’Amore QuiXand Weabe Singin The Blues Heiniger QuiXand SDW All The Right Moves Lyons Carbeth Megamillions Kirchner Carbeth Richie Rich Chapman Quixand Afraid of the Dark Behnke (Wilks) Wild Blues Turn Me Loose Cox Quixand Modest Mouse Hattery Quixand Death Cab For Cutie Fishburn Kentfield’s Quickshot Ruger Clark 23.5 23 22.5 19 19 17 16 15 15 15 Weabe Crosswired National Oval Track Racing Association (NOTRA) - 99 adults Oct 2/11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 QuiXand SDW Intentially Left Blank Lyons Crossfire’s Hurricane Williams QuiXand Weabe Singin the Blues Heiniger Kentfield’s Infinite Sunshine Dale Vitesse Theodora Burlingame VincetVeritas Bluenose Busch Farseer Jammin Ghost Chili Behnke Poeta Wheatland Whistle Stop Strickland QuiXand’s Just Zip’n Around Burrus Vitesse Full Pull Costello 25 25 20 18 18 17 17 16 16 16 QuiXand SDW Intentially Left Blank North American Whippet Racing Association (NAWRA) - 70 adults, 4 puppies Oct 9/11 1 Assassination Tango Stigum 2 Crossfire Hurricane Williams 3 QuiXand Weabe Singin The Blues Heiniger 4 QuiXand Velvet Revolver Caspersen 5 QuiXand Modest Mouse Hattery 6Lone Gunman Briggs 7 Wenlock Whip It Up Davidson 8 QuiXand Afraid Of The Dark Behnke 9 Kentfield Pretty Boy Swagger Woolf 10 Kentfield’s Quickshot Ruger Clark 25 24 20.5 17 16 15 14.5 14 13 12 Assassination Tango NWCC Specialty RESULTS This year, the National Whippet Club of Canada specialty show was held in Winnipeg, Manitoba with regular classes judged by breed specialist Sean Shields and puppy sweepstakes judged by Roberta Tougas. Best of Breed, Best Puppy in Specialty and Puppy Sweepstakes winner was Ch. Aikerskaill in a NY Minute owned by Diane Fast, Harriett Nash Lee and David Markus. Winnipeg, Manitoba August 12, 2011 Judge: Sean Shields BOB/BP: Ch. Aikerskaill in a NY Minute, owned by Diane Fast, Harriett Nash Lee and David Markus WD/BOS: Maxnme’s the ONE at Coolquay, owned by Ivy Morton and Beth Pratt RWD: Aikerskaill Winsmith our time, owned by David Markus and Harriett Lee WB/BOW: Bohem Bianca of Jubilee, owned by Cindi & Amelia Gredys RWB: Chalamar Brindle Pinafore at Tooet, owned by David Markus and Rob Lindey AOM: Ch. Bretica’s Secret to Typecast, owned by Penny Lewis and Raymond Yurick BOB Altered: Ch. Aikerskaill Caught in the Act, owned by Diane & Greg Fast BROOD BITCH: Ch. Aikerskaill Ivy, owned by Sheldon Clark & David Markus Ch. Aikerskaill in a NY Minute Maxnme’s the ONE at Coolquay Bohem Bianca of Jubilee Ch. Bretica’s Secret to Typecast Photos courtesy of Ivy Morton If anyone wants a plate from this year’s National, contact David Markus [email protected] Cost is $30.00, will ship. form AND function These comments on toplines are centered on borzoi, but not necessarily exclusive to borzoi... When the shoulder assembly is set extremely forward on a coursing hound, what effect, either short- or long-term, will that have on the dog? Two things with that shoulder assembly.... the first is that it results in inefficient galloping and will negatively impact speed. If the front feet hit the ground too far forward, they actually act like a brake. At a trot, the dog reaches forward and then brings the leg back to almost under the shoulder BEFORE the foot hits the ground. The foot does not touch the ground at its maximum reach. It doesn’t become fully weight bearing until it is vertical. It touches lightly just before vertical, then the body moves forward over the leg and it pushes backwards. If the leg becomes fully weight bearing while the leg is still in front of vertical, it actual pushes back against the forward motion of the dog. This would be a very tiring, inefficient gait, and would be magnified at a gallop. You can see it pretty well on slow motion video. Dogs whose shoulders appear to “jar” when they hit the ground are usually doing this. I think breeders inadvertently select for this because the loose structure often results in big sidegait. Big sidegait never caught game. Second is that the forward set front is often the result of slack ligaments and poor muscling. The attachment points of the shoulder assembly would be the same on all dogs, but the loose connections allow the front to slip forward onto the narrower part of the ribcage. I doubt most cases are a lack of conditioning, rather than just poor genetic muscling, especially the muscles under the scapula that attach the shoulders to the ribcage. If a dog has slack ligaments and poor muscling in the shoulder, it probably has them all over. This front is one that will not hold up under work – the jarring will result in a dog that’s muscle sore, but it’s probably unlikely that the dog has enough muscle to generate effective speed when hunting. When a dog gaits around the ring, I think I know when I’m seeing a dog’s whose back/loin is “frozen.” But is there a visual clue, something to home in on, that I can mentally point to and know that I am right (or wrong!)? Toplines are a little trickier (in Borzoi). Usually a topline that is correct in the length of its respective parts (loin significantly longer than the back) will be flexible. Toplines that rise too quickly behind the withers, or those that have a level back then just fall away with no rise, are often rigid. I don’t think there’s a good test for it in the ring. Bouncing up and down on the topline doesn’t prove flexibility, it just shows how relaxed the dog is. A hard, fit, well-muscled dog may not bounce, even if it has a very flexible topline. When a dog walks away from you, a flexible topline will sway from side to side with each stride, but not at the trot. Sometimes you can get a glimpse of this when the dog starts to move away, but only the handler doesn’t take off at a dead run. Dogs with rigid toplines will not have effective drive with the rear, some as bad as not being able to turn over the hind feet when they drive, or not getting the hind feet behind the hocks at “full” extension. Flatter than ideal toplines are usually flexible, but again the flatness is related to loose connective tissue and not the best way to generate speed. As far as measuring topline, I think it takes two hands to correctly do this. Use your left hand to find the foremost part of the spine that you can feel between the withers. Run your right hand across the back (over the ribcage) of the dog, which should be relatively level. At the end of the thoracic vertebrae, there is a rise in the spinal processes, which is the beginning of the lumbar spine. There is often a small divot before that transition as well. At this point, move your left hand to the transition point, and use your right hand to feel the rise and length of the loin, which ends roughly between the hipbones. I think that’s the best way to measure the relative length of the back and loin, and also tell if the dog has too much/too little rise or too much fallaway (neither qualifies as “graceful curve”). Just running one hand along the topline doesn’t tell you much about the relative lengths of back and loin. Measuring the loin on the side of the dog is meaningless, the loin measurement must be done over the topline. questions submitted by Lisa Warren Answers and permission to publish by Barbara Ewing, [email protected] Member News Janet Juzkiw, BC Percy (Can Ch Highbridge Power Play, AmCan RN, Am RA, CGC, CGN) was winners dog for a 4 pt major under judge Betty Stites at the Rocky Mountain Hound Association Specialty in Greeley, Colorado on August 18th. Pender (Can Ch Kamada’s No More Pending Dreams, CGC) earned another point towards his American championship at the Gallatin Kennel Club show in Helena Montana on September 22nd. Bo has been helping out with showing as a HOLR (handler of last resort) and actually did put one point on Pender this summer. Wendy Fulton, ON Gem completed her RAE title October 14 at the London Canine Association trial - judge Ted Leslie. She is now Baccarat Wheatenridge Gem CGN PCD AGI AGNJ RAE RX (CARO) ADC SGDC (AAC) Linda Buchholz, BC Swiftsure - We are so proud of our beautiful brindle boy – CRUZ – Ch. Whimsy’s Swiftsure Cruzan Gold, for going Best of Winners for a 4 pt. major at the Washington Hound Specialty show in August, under breeder-judge Susan Badick. Shown very lightly, this was Cruz’s third WD award at a specialty show! Szabo family, BC The Szabo Family made the big trip east to the CWA Nationals in Milwaukee Wisconsin. We made many stops along the way; one of the highlights was our 2 night stay in Yellowstone. We saw a lot of animals and amazing scenery along the way. We were very happy when we finally arrived at Arthurs Acres, the site where the nationals were to be held. We made camp with fellow travelers Linda & Steve and Barb & Howard. We soon had many Canadian flags decorating the trailers and x-pens and the now called “Camp Canada”. The national was held on the Saturday with a very large entry of 53 dogs. The racing was very close throughout the grades, making it exciting to watch. The day started warm but by afternoon turned rainy which was much relief after the heat and humidity of the day before. We are very proud of our Marshall “Can CH Fireworks Eminence Front ARX, SRA, DPCX, TRP, SR, ADC, SGDC” who finished 3rd in the meet, he was also high score Bench CH and high score Agility. The second day of racing had another large entry of 53 dogs. It was perfect weather – sunny with a mix of clouds with the temperature not getting too warm. Racing was once again very tight throughout the grades. Marshall had a great second day, finishing 2nd in the meet and picking up 4 NARX points. We will never forget all the wonderful and interesting people we met on our journey. The wonderful hospitality of Mary-Beth and Doug Arthur for letting us setup camp on their beautiful property. We loved seeing Jean and Vince; they are such an amazing couple. The stories we will remember for years to come and every time we see a squirrel or hamster we will think of Mary Huff and smile. It was fun to have Beth Levine join our Canadian pavilion even though she stayed in the hotel at night. Linda and Steve kept us focused. Barb and Howard were the real travelers; they didn’t even have air conditioning… There were a lot of great times and some fantastic memories that would take too long to mention. Thanks to everyone who welcomed us to the Nationals – it was an unforgettable trip to say the least. >> Beth Levine, WA Seven (Serendipity Hark the Lark) has been tearing up the track at the CWA races! Since her debut meet at RFF in BC at the end of July, she has racked up 10.5 ARX points, including one BIG point earned in Milwaukee, WI the day after the 2011 CWA National at the beginning of September. Living up to her dual purpose heritage, she has enjoyed as much success in the CWA conformation matches as on the race track: she is a match winner, earned all five of the required credits towards her Dual Purpose Champion title in her first eight matches, and should finish the year in the CWA conformation top 10 standings. I am so proud of this charming and fun-loving little red sprite who makes me laugh every day with her brilliant yet silly antics. She is EVERYTHING I was hoping for when I bred my beautiful CH Serendipity Skylark, FCH, SR, OTR, DPC, TRPX to the speedy and handsome AmCH Shamasan Hound Hill Cherokee, ARX, DPCX, RN. She is only 18 months old and I can’t wait to see what lies ahead once she reaches full maturity. Paulette Blinch, BC Ricky, aka Nasusa Lynallan Caught My I went to a couple of shows up here and got 2 BOB, Puppy Groups and 1 BPIS. Then he went to spend a couple of months with his co owner Carla Badick and he picked up a BOW and a couple of Reserve WD at Evelyn Kenny. At the 3 AKC shows entered, he went WD at ASHA and FGC and he went Group 4th from the classes at the Open show. We had no clue what those two judges (one for breed and the other for group) might like so it was pretty nice to do so well. He has only been beaten in the classes by his close relatives. Icatcher Beyond the Sea, Breaker, went into ASHA and was shown by Karen Maki whom he never met before and they won Veteran Dog. In FGC (Eugene Blake judging) he won BOS and then Best Veteran in Specialty. I was really happy because I haven’t shown him since he finished as a youngster. His son Marley from Tarapaca went RWD at FGC too. Breaker’s daughter Spicy, CH Icatcher An Oriental Lily got taken to 2 shows only and she got 2 Group 2’s. She really likes the Junior Handler Ring. Another Breaker son, Hare Force One (Don Beck) got a BOB at his Burns Lake debut, first show for dog and owner. He also thought the Jr ring was great. Icatcher Double O Seven (Greg and Kristine Fletcher) got his FCh and two of his younger brothers certified easily and should be exciting to watch coursing next year. Deuce, Icatcher The Luck Of The Draw (Virginia Olnick) has his Alter Ch now and he also has some coursing points. He got his Rally Novice title in 3 straight too. Congratulations to all my dedicated puppy people for doing so well. WW He Shoots! He Scores! Can Ch Highbridge Power Play AmCan RN, Am RA, CGC, CGN (CERF, BAER and Cardiac OFA normal) Our Canuck-bred (in more ways than one!) Percy skated into Colorado to go winners dog, scoring a 4 point major under breeder/judge Mrs. Betty Stites at the Rocky Mountain Hound Association specialty on August 18. He now only needs a second major to finish his American championship. Sire: MBISS AmCan Counterpoint Jungle Drums, FCH, TRP, DPC, PR3 Dam: Whimsy’s Harriet the Spy, FCH, PR Bred by Cara and Roger Takahashi (Highbridge), Langley, BC Owned and handled by Janet & Bo Juzkiw The Covenstead Whippets – Grand Forks BC [email protected] We decided to attempt agility with our sweet, soft natured Tanzy just for fun, and she entered her first event at the April Whippet Club of BC trial, qualifying in both of her runs (Jumpers). At the fall WCOBC trial, she qualified in her first run to acquire her Novice Jumpers with Weaves in 3 of 3 runs. We had no expectations about agility titles for Tanzy, so are very pleased. Pictured at 5 years of age. Views by Linda Photography owner/handler: Laura Baratta [email protected] barattahounds.com breeders: Linda Buchholz, Karen Lee, Jeff Bowra Ch. & Alt.Ch. Swiftsure Tanzania, F.Ch, DPC, TRPX, PR3, SR, AGNJ (Am.Can.Ch. Counterpoint Jungle Drums, F.Ch, DPC, TRP x Ch. & Alt.Ch. Surrey Hill’s Crystal Wave, F.Ch, ARX, DPCX, TRPX) TANZY making the leap into the agility ring Views by Linda Photography • viewsbylindaphotography.com Lure Coursing Results Ontario Lure Coursing Assoc. Whippet Club of BC April 16, 2011 - 20 Competed - Trial was cancelled due to unsafe conditions - May 14, 2011 - 11 Competed As per Rule 9.3.1(a) - 1/2 points and no placements to be awarded BOB: Icatcher Double O Seven - P Blinch 2nd: TCS Jammin’ at Your Quebec N Call FCh - H Ivantz 3rd: Lyth Midnight Hour - A Shymanski & J Newell 4th: Lady Hilerica Lexus - M Evans NBQ: Hilerica Adrenaline Rush - C Adley 20 points - Ch Devonair’s Quinn FCh - H & E Dansereau 13 points Ch Corandy Country Road FCHX3 - HJ Dansereau Corandy Obsession FCh - HJ Dansereau & CJM Smith 1 point Whispers Santana FCHX - A Osfolk & P Munnikhuysen Whispers Kestral at Wisteria - C Sanderson & P Munnikhuysen Ch Devonair’s Smarty Joan FCh - H & E Dansereau Ch Devonair’s Kahlua N’Cream - HJ Dansereau & D McGowan Candy Cane, D McGowan Devonair’s Beam Me Up Scotty - E Hunter & H Dansereau Whispers Guess Who - D McGowan Devonair’s Imagine No Other FChX PCD - A Hulley April 17, 2011 - 18 Competed BOB: Ch Corandy Country Road FChX3 - HJ Dansereau 2nd: Ch Shamasan Devonair’s Dale - H & E Dansereau 3rd: Whispers Santana FChX - A Osfolk & P Munnikhuysen 4th: Ch Devonair’s Quinn FCh - H & E Dansereau NBQ: Candy Cane - D McGowan Gazehound Ontario April 30, 2011 - 21 Competed BOB: Devonair’s Beam Me Up Scotty FCh - E Hunter & H Dansereau 2nd: Whispers Woos Bunny Hawk Boo - N & S McInnes & P Munnikhuysen 3rd: Whispers Santana FChX - A Osfolk & P Munnikhuysen 4th: Devonair’s Imagine No Other FChX PCD - A Hulley NBQ: Devonair’s Hyacinth Bouquet - A Osfolk May 1, 2011 - 16 Competed BOB: Whispers Santana FChX - A Osfolk & P Munnikhuysen 2nd: Winterbournes’s Hurricane Kyle - S & J Thompson 3rd: Clearhounds Pell Mell RN CD - K Darbyshire 4th: Devonair’s Beam Me Up Scotty FCh E Hunter & H Dansereau NBQ: Ch Corandy Country Road FChX3 - HJ Dansereau May 15, 2011 - 10 Competed BOB: Lady Hilerica Lexus - M Evans 2nd: CS Jammin’ at Your Quebec N Call FCh - H Ivantz 3rd: Icatcher Double O Seven - P Blinch 4th: Lyth Midnight Hour - A Shymanski & J Newell NBQ: Icatcher Luck of The Draw - V Olnick Foothills Gazehound Club May 21, 2011 - 6 Competed BOB: Loughren Christmas Star - C Choppe 2nd: Nasusa Lombard Street - T Russian & C Badick 3rd: Ch Weerob Brounwynn at Tovaritch - G & L Hancock 4th: Lyth Midnight Hour FCh - A Shymanski & J Newell NBQ : Tarapaca Lynallan Cream Swirl - L & H Biederstadt May 22, 2011 - 3 Competed BOB: Nasusa Lombard Street - T Russian & C Badick 2nd: Lyth Midnight Hour FCh - A Shymanski & J Newell 3rd: Tarapaca Lynallan Cream Swirl - L & H Biederstadt Gazehound Ontario May 21, 2011 - 26 Competed S take A - 13 Competed BOB: Whispers Fuzzy Navel FChX - D Mcowan 2nd: Ch Shamasan Devonair’s Dale - H & E Dansereau 3rd: Devonair’s Imagine No Other FChX PCD - D & A Hulley 4th: Whispers Gin Fizz - K Rivett & P Munnikhuysen NBQ: Whispers Harvard Graduate - C Douglas & P Munnikhuysen S take B - 13 Competed 1st: Whisper Woos Bunny Hawk Boo FChX - N McInnes & P Munnikhuysen 2nd: Devonair’s Speakeasy - H Wilson 3rd: Devonair’s Beam Me Up Scotty - E Hunter & H Dansereau 4th: Whispers Santana FChX - A Olfolk & P Munnikhuysen >> NBQ: Winterbourne’s Hurricane Kyle - J & S Thompson May 22, 2011 - 24 Competed June 12, 2011 - 6 Competed S take A - 12 Competed BOB: Icatcher Double O Seven FCh C & K Fletcher 2nd: Lyth Midnight Hour FCh - A Shymanski & J Newell 3rd: Icatcher Beyond the Sea - P Blinch 4th: Weerob the Scarlet Witch - R & W Rossetti - One Hound Pulled from Finals 1st: Whisper Woos Bunny Hawk Boo FChX - N McInnes & P Munnikhuysen 2nd: Candy Cane - D McGowan 3rd: Whispers Fuzzy Navel FChX - D Mcowan 4th: Winterbourne’s Hurricane Kyle J & S Thompson NBQ: Ch Shamasan Devonair’s Dale - H & E Dansereau Sighthound Club of BC S take B - 12 Competed June 25, 2011 - 15 Competed BOB: Whispers Santana FChX - A Olfolk & P Munnikhuysen 2nd: Devonair’s Quanisha FCHX - J & S Wilson 3rd: Devonair’s Beam Me Up Scotty - E Hunter & H Dansereau 4th: Devonair’s Imagine No Other FChX PCD - D & A Hulley NBQ : Whispers Harvard Graduate - C Dougls & P Munnikhuysen BOB: TCS Jammin’ at Your Quebec N Call FCh - H Ivantz 2nd: Take Five Allegro - L Harrington 3rd: Loughren Worth Waiting For K A Clarke 4th: Maybach Sid the Kid Medor Gold M Limacher & F Viquesnel NBQ: Fireworks I Can See For Miles - J Lee & P Ostafichuk Gazehound Ontario May 23, 2011 - 17 Competed BOB : Whispers Santana FChX - A Olfolk & P Munnikhuysen 2nd : Devonair’s Speakeasy - H Wilson 3rd : Ch Corandy Country Road FChX3 - HJ Dansereau 4th : Ch Shamasan Devonair’s Dale - H & E Dansereau NBQ : Devonair’s Quanisha FCHX - J & S Wilson Vancouver Island Lure Coursing Assoc. June 4, 2011 - 16 Competed BOB: Fireworks Let’s See Action FCh - L Johnston 2nd: Momentum’s Rain Over Redwoods FCh - C & D Hutchison 3rd: Loughren Cinnamon FChX2 - C Hutchison 4th: Ch Kindred Monarch Rules FCh - B Shinski & B Malick NBQ: Ch Counterpoint Painted Abbey - E Kerfers June 5, 2011 - 15 Competed BOB: Maybach Sid the Kid Medor Gold M Limacher & F Viquesnel 2nd: Ch Counterpoint the Painted Abbey - E Kerfers 3rd: Momentum’s Rain Over Redwoods FCh - C & D Hutchison 4th: Rebus - T & H James NBQ: Hilerica Adrenaline Rush FCh - C & D Adley Alberta Lure Coursing Assoc June 11, 2011 - 4 Competed BOB: Lyth Midnight Hour FCh - A Shymanski & J Newell 2nd: Icatcher Double O Seven FCh - C & K Fletcher 3rd: ZU Hallermund MJ Madison - J Hartley 4th: Weerob the Scarlett Witch R & W Rossetti June 26, 2011 - 19 Competed BOB: Take Five Allegro - L Harrington 2nd: Fireworks Thunderstruck - H Wirsch & B Barclay 3rd: Ocean’s Seeking the Gold - L Purenal 4th: Fireworks Pinball Wizard FCh - C Turpin & B Miller Foothills Gazehound Club July 1, 2011 - 8 Competed BOB: Icatcher Double O Seven G & K Fletcher 2nd: Weerob Theres A Hemi in T - J Council 3rd: Harjue Moving Puzzle - H & B Johnson 4th: Nasusa Lombard Street - T Russian & C Badick NBQ: ZU Hallermund MJ Madison - J Hartley July 2, 2011 - 8 Competed BOB: Weerob Theres A Hemi in T - J Council 2nd: Harjue Moving Puzzle - H & B Johnson 3rd: TSC Zoomerang NC – A McNiven 4th: Ch Shannon Down Angel Eyes V Lifelong C & D Hamilton & S & K Lyons NBQ: ZU Hallermund MJ Madison - J Hartley July 3, 2011 - 8 Competed BOB: Harjue Moving Puzzle - H & B Johnson 2nd: Nasusa Lombard Street - T Russian & C Badick 3rd: Kentfield Infinity Sweet Lexux Baby - S & C Deck 4th: Weerob Theres A Hemi in T - J Council NBQ: TCS Zoomerang NC - A McNiven >> Lower Mainland Whippet Assoc artwork by Sheri Bakes sheribakes.com July 3, 2011 - 40 Competed S take A - 14 Competed 1st: Ocean’s Song of the Sandman - L Purewal 2nd: Momentum’s Rain Over Redwoods - C & D Hutchison 3rd: Rosmor’s Lolapalooza - V Hill 4th: Sailaway Bugatti Veyron FCh - L Leinbach NBQ: Lyth Moleskin FCh - C Lewis & L Vernon S take B - 13 Competed 1st: Loughren Worth Waiting For FCh - K Clarke 2nd: Ch & Alt Ch Swiftsure Tanzania FCh - L Baratta 3rd: Ch Whimsy’s Swiftsure Kilo Kai - M Downing & L Buchholz 4th: Ch Whimsy’s Over The Moon - M Downing & C Hopperstad NBQ: Ocean’s Seabiscuit - A Lawrie S take C - 13 Competed BOB: Lyth Sharpe - C A Lewis 2nd: Ocean’s Seeking the Gold FCh - L Purewal 3rd: Fireworks Spellbound - P Ostafichuk & J Lee 4th: Ch Swiftsure Cameroon FCh - L Baratta NBQ: Quixand Blue Royster Cult - L Harrington Saluki Club of Canada (No Results Submitted to CSFA) July 3, 2011 Foothills Gazehound Club July 17, 2011 - 12 Competed BOB: Kentfield Infinity Live For The Chase - C Deck 2nd: Weerob There’s Hemi in T - J Council 3rd: Kentfield Infinity Sweet Baby James - S & C Deck 4th: Harjue Moving Puzzle - H & B Johnson NBQ: Jenny Comes Calling at Harjue - J Hartley Ontario Lure Coursing Assoc August 20, 2011 - 19 Competed BOB: Whisper Woos Bunny Hawk Boo FChX - N McInnes & P Munnikhuysen 2nd: Devonair’s Beam Me Up Scotty FCh - E Hunter & H Dansereau 3rd: Ch Shamasan Devonair’s Dale - H & E Dansereau NBQ: Clearhounds Pell Mell - K Darbyshire August 21, 2011 - 14 Competed BOB: Whispers Santana FChX - A Osfolk & P Munnikhuysen 2nd: Whispers Kestral at Wisteria - C Sanderson & P Munnikhuysen 3rd: Devonair’s Speakeasy - H Wilson 4th: Ch Shamasan Devonair’s Dale - H & E Dansereau NBQ: Bodeswell Tucker - E Shumway & A Blyth Alberta Lure Coursing Assoc September 3, 2011 - 11 Competed BOB : Kentfield Infinity Sweet Lexus Baby - S & C Deck 2nd : Kentfield Infinity Live for the Chase - S & C Deck 3rd : Harejue Moving Puzzle - B & H Johnson 4th : Whispers Magpie - J Delarue NBQ : Zuy Hallermund MJ Madison - J Hartley September 4, 2011 - 12 Competed BOB : Kentfield Infinity Live for the Chase - S & C Deck 2nd : Kentfield Infinity Sweet Lexus Baby - S & C Deck 3rd : Harejue Moving Puzzle - B & H Johnson 4th : Jenny Comes Calling at Harjue - J Hartley NBQ : Dreamwindz Ally Oop - C Hamilton Sighthound Club of BC September 17, 2011 - 8 Competed BOB: Sailaway Bugatti Vegron FCH - L Leinbach 2nd: Ocean’s Seeking the Gold FCh - L Purewal 3rd: Ocean’s Sea Biscuit - A Lawrie 4th: Azzuri of Wyndsor - M & B Clarke NBQ: Nasusa Lombard Street - T Russian & C&S Badick September 18, 2011 - 4 Competed BOB: Nasusa Lombard Street - T Russian & C&S Badick 2nd: Momentum’s Rain over Redwoods FCh - C & D Hutchison 3rd: Azzuri of Wyndsor - M & B Clarke 4th: Loughren Sweet Memory of June FChX - C & D Hutchison > > Gazehound Ontario Whippet Club of BC September 17, 2011 - 21 Competed September 17, 2011 - 2 Competed BOB: Whispers Fuzzy Navel FChX - D McGowan 2nd: Ocean’s Sail Away - E Holland 3rd: Candy Cane - D McGowan 4th: Winterbourne’s Hurricane Kyle - S & J Thompson NBQ: Clearhounds Pell Mell RC CD - K Darbyshire BOB: TSC Zoomerang RN - A McNiven 2nd: TCS Jammin’ at Your Quebec N Call - H Ivanitz September 18, 2011 - 2 Competed BOB: TCS Jammin’ at Your Quebec N Call - H Ivanitz 2nd: TSC Zoomerang RN - A McNiven September 18, 2011 - 17 Competed BOB: Whispers Santana FChX - A Olfolk & P Munnikhuysen 2nd: Whispers Kestral at Wisteria - C Sanderson & P Munnikhuysen 3rd: Whispers Fuzzy Navel FCh - D McGowan 4th: Ch Corandy Country Road FChX3 - HJ Dansereau NBQ : Devonair’s Speakeasy - H Wilson Vancouver Island Lure Coursing Assoc (Results Not Submitted to CSFA Yet) October 1, 2, 2011 Ontario Lure Coursing Assoc September 8, 2011 - 16 Competed Rocky Mountain Whippet Assoc of Alberta September 17, 2011 - 12 Competed BOB: Kentfield Infinity Sweet Lexus Baby - S & C Deck 2nd: Harjue Moving Puzzle - H & B Johnson 3rd: Weerob There’s Hemi in T - J Council 4th: Kentfield Live for the Chase - C Deck NBQ: Not Submitted BOB: Whispers Santana FChX - A Osfolk & P Munnikhuysen 2nd: Whispers Kestral at Wisteria - C Sanderson & P Munnikhuysen 3rd: Devonair’s Sepakeasy - H WIlson 4th: Devonair’s Hyacinth Bouquet - A Osfolk NBQ: Ch Devonair’s Quinn FChX - H & E Dansereau September 9, 2011 - 17 Competed BOB: Lightfalls On He Would Be King - T Paulaharju 2nd: Lightfalls Lady of the Two Lands - T Paulaharju 3rd: Whispers Santana FChX - A Osfolk & P Munnikhuysen 4th: Castlekeep Mtn Dew White Out - D Tomson NBQ: Winterbourne’s Pied Piper - L White September 18, 2011 - 7 Competed BOB: Ch Weerob the Scarlet Witch - B & W Rossetti 2nd: Harjue Moving Puzzle - B & H Johnson 3rd: Jenny Comes Calling at Harjue - J Hartley 4th: Zu Hallermund MJ Madison - June Hartley NBQ: Not Submitted September 10, 2011 - 16 Competed BOB: Whispers Kestral at Wisteria - C Sanderson & P Munnikhuysen 2nd: Whispers Santana FChX - A Osfolk & P Munnikhuysen 3rd: Devonair’s Quanisha FChX - J & S Wilson 4th: Winterborne’s Hurricane Kyle - J & S Thompson NBQ: Ch Shamasan Devonair’s Dale - H & E Dansereau Results submitted by HJ Dansereau VILCA Trial WW Ayton Whippets Litter Announcement Sired by CH Kindred Monarch Rules F.Ch out of CH Kindred Grace Leah, Our Stunning Beauty NC Seven puppies born Oct. 17th, 2011 for Pedigree information visit Whippet Archives: Sire: http://thewhippetarchives.net/details.php?id=124064 Dam: http://thewhippetarchives.net/details.php?id=124062 Some Puppies available, email: [email protected] On top in Canada as of October 14th, 2011 GRP 1st GRP 2nd GRP 3rd GRP 4th BIS Total Points 1. Ch Bretica’s Secret To Typecast 17 15 6 0 1 1048 2 Ch Aikerskaill In a NY Minute 16 4 1 0 2 813 1 596 3 Ch Westmeath A Smokin Hot Lass 6563 4. Ch Whimsy’s Swiftsure Kilo Kai 4 5 6 1 0 574 5. Ch Harmony’s Dreamwindz Ally Oop 3 4 6 1 0 502 6. Ch Lorricbrook Celerity 4 4 3 6 0 348 7. Ch Lorricbrook Sonoma 1441 1 255 8. Ch Forgetmenot Joska Nemesis 3124 1 253 9. Ch Albelarm It’s Not Over at Doonabrig 0 3 3 6 0 199 10. Ch Touchstone A Splash Of Blue 1 4 1 3 0 192 unofficial results from Canuck Dogs www.canuckdogs.com (note: points are only counted for Group placements, not BOBs. For official standings and official point totals, contact the Canadian Kennel Club) the Manorcourt Whippets (Bittern Lake, AB) Sandra French in Alberta and Jenny McCartney in Ontario have a litter from Can Ch Lorricbrook Ballymaloe sired by Am Can Ch Chelsea Coturri. 6 males and 3 females, born Sept 21st. Sandra French [email protected] ONYXX Whippets (Newbury Park, CA) 5 puppies, DOB: Oct. 19, 2011 3 males & 2 Females, all white and brindle bundles of joy. Onyxx Bugatti (11 pts both majors) x Am & Can BIS Ch. Onyxx Champagne Onyxxwhippets.com [email protected] Bill & Lynn Weller Newbury Park, Ca. 91320
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