Connect the dots I`ll Trade You wampum buy something
Connect the dots I`ll Trade You wampum buy something
Dog Dog Tale Tales s ® a k-9 correspondence from the nefcu dollar dog kids club I'll Trade You wampum buy something? To do business with each other, communities had to decide how much their currency was worth compared to someone else’s currency, like when the first settlers came to America. The Native Americans used currency called “wampum” which was made of clam shells strung together. Believe it or not, the island of Manhattan was bought for strings of wampum that were worth about sixteen dollars in Dutch coins! As you can imagine, even though wampum was widely used, people needed currency that was easier to use. Once States were formed, the first American printed currency—the Continental—was put into use to help finance the American Revolutionary War. Years ago, most people were farmers, hunters or craftsmen who made useful things. Bartering worked pretty well. A hunter could trade meat to a farmer for vegetables. But what if the farmer didn’t need meat? Then how would the hunter get vegetables? He might try to trade some meat to someone else to get something the farmer needed. The solution to their problem was currency, or as we call it today, money. Everyone agreed to accept currency for things rather than bartering for them. Throughout history, many different things have been used as currency, like grain, spices, animal teeth, fur, seashells, jewels, even almonds. People chose their currency because it was useful, like grain or spices, or because it was pretty, like seashells or jewels, or because it was hard to get, like animal teeth or fur. People around the world used many different things for currency, but eventually metal coins became the form of money that was easiest to use. How Much Things Cost Before you spend all of your allowance on a single purchase, make sure you’re getting the best deal. By going to different stores and comparing prices, you can save money. Here are the average prices of some things you may want to buy: • New DVD - $20 • Used Video Game - $17-$30 • Used DVD - Under $10 • Board Game - $15-$25 • New Paperback Book - $8-$12 • Pair Of Jeans - $24 • New Video Game - $60 • Walkie-talkies - $30-$60 17 Con n e c t the dots 16 15 20 10 9 8 18 7 12 11 5 6 4 13 14 21 3 2 ® Fall 2010 1 22 19 f un t u f f s eerrss g g g a g w a w il ffoorr ttaail What kind of ship doesn’t sink? What kind of star is dangerous? Friend-ship! A Shooting Star! ! e M r o l o C N I K P M PU H PATC ©2002-2010 Marketing Partners, Inc., All Rights Reserved. 10-00905 (888) 641-1215 Dog Tales Dog Tales ® a k-9 correspondence from the NEfcu dollar dog kids club w w w . m y N E F C U . o r g | 5 1 6. 5 6 1 . 0 0 3 0