operation damayan
operation damayan
Unclassified OPERATION DAMAYAN 17 NOVEMBER 2013 Roll-up assessment of news media reporting GOOGLE TYPHOON HAIYAN CRISIS AND RELIEF MAP http://google.or g/cr isismap/a/gmail.com/TyphoonYolanda Typhoon HaiyanYolanda Crisis and Relief Map.kml Recent MapAction pr oduct showing damage to buildings and schools, as of 17 Nov: http://www.mapaction.or g/mapcatalogue/mapdetail/index.php?option=com_mapcat&id=3064&view=download&fmt=pdf LINK to OCHA map of evacuation center s (as of 12 Nov): http://r eliefweb.int/map/philippines/philippines-typhoon-haiyan-yolanda-evacuationcentr es-samar -12-nov-2013 Evacuation center s, as of 15 Nov: http://www.mapaction.or g//component/mapcat/mapdetail/index.php?option=com_mapcat& id=3051&view=download&fmt=pdf Link to similar maps with evacuation center info: http://www.mapaction.or g/mapcatalogue/maps.html?deployment_filter =224 OVERVIEW Massive aid effor t is continues, led by the Gover nment and suppor ted by the Red Cr oss, local and inter national NGOs, and UN agencies, with the gener ous help of other countr ies. Mor e ships, planes and tr ucks of aid have ar r ived and much mor e is on its way. Humanitar ian par tner s have distr ibuted food r ations in Tacloban and Guian, and deliver ed emer gency medical and hospital supplies, tar paulins and shelter mater ials as well as clean water and hygiene kits to the most affected ar eas. Situation in the thr ee Visayas r egions r emains ver y challenging, ther e have been some impor tant pr ogr ess made on clear ing r oads of debr is and r estor ing water and power systems to allow aid wor ker s an d local author ities can establish a pipeline of r elief supplies to the people most in need. (http://r eliefweb.int/r epor t/philippines/situation-r epor t-6-super -typhoon-haiyan) Unclassified Unclassified On 16 November , the Depar tment of Social Welfar e and Development (DSWD) r epor ted a significant incr ease in displacement fr om 1.9 million to over 3 million people. While people in evacuation centr es decr eased fr om 423,000 to 371,000 people, an estimated 2.7 million people ar e displaced outside the centr es. Over 70 per cent ar e displaced ar e concentr ated in six adjacent pr ovinces: Aklan, Antique, Capiz, Guimar as, Iloilo and Negr os Occidental). The Depar tment of P ublic Wor ks confir med that main r oads ar e open to tr affic. The HCT r epor ted extensive waiting hour s at the Matnog fer r y cr ossing connecting Sor sogon to nor ther n Samar . P ar tner s estimate that the six-hour fer r y-handling is taking up to thr ee days given the backlog of tr ucks and car s of Filipinos on the way to visit affected family member s. The HCT estimates that it could take up to one week to identify additional fer r ies. P ar tner s ar e advised to seek alter native r outes. On 16 November , a bar ge linking Cebu City and Leyte pr ovince sea por ts star ted oper ating. For infor mation on how to access logistical ser vices, please visit www.logcluster .or g. The bar ge is able to tr anspor t fuel tanker s to suppor t the humanitar ian oper ations. 1 . THREATS – NSTR 2 . INDIGENOUS DISPLACED PERSONS / AFFECTED POPULATION CAMOTES ISLANDS T he tiny Camotes islands, between Cebu and off Leyte, took a direct hit that flattened most villages, but out of a population of 89,400 there were only five confirmed fatalities. All 1,000 r esidents of one of the chain’s tiniest islets, Tulang Diyot, wer e evacuated to a lar ger island befor e Haiyan made landfall. Refer ence: Better P r epar ed - http://www.mb.com.ph/food-at-last/ ILOILO, P ANAY R elief goods are running out and hungry victims of super typhoon “Yolanda” in Northern Iloilo are getting restive. Accor ding to Cong. Niel “J un-jun” Tupas J r ., ther e have been r epor ts of looting in the 5th Distr ict, specifically in the towns of Estancia and Sar a. P hilippine Air For ce tr oops and volunteer s conducting r elief oper ations in the islands off Nor ther n Iloilo encounter ed some typhoon victims demanding food while br andishing guns, accor ding to DyFM Bombo Radyo Iloilo. Unclassified Unclassified As of 11 a.m. yester day, the number of typhoon-affected families in the pr ovince r ose to 151,511 or 493,034 per sons, mostly in Nor ther n Iloilo, accor ding to the P r ovincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (P DRRMC). Tupas appealed for mor e secur ity per sonnel, too, in Nor ther n Iloilo to aver t fur ther looting and ensur e peace and or der as hungr y typhoon victims get r estive. The Ar chdiocese of J ar o which has par ishes in all Nor ther n Iloilo towns down to the bar angays has expr essed concer n over what could become a volatile situation ther e. P r ovincial Administr ator Raul Banias confir med r elief goods wer e easily exhausted. He appealed for mor e donations, specifically water and potable water . Distr ibution of r elief goods r emains a challenge. Long str etches of r oads still need to be clear ed of fallen tr ees and electr ic posts. Refer ence: Blog cover s other ar eas and islands near P anay, last updated 13 November 2013, http://fr enchlivinginthephilippines.blogspot.com/2013_11_01_ar chive.html P ALO, LEYTE Approximately 2,000 people occupying the 1st and 3rd floors of the buildings at the PSHS – Eastern Visayas in Palo (12 Nov). Accor ding to a fir sthand account fr om P hilippine Science High School (P SHS) System executive who led a small team to visit the campus and town of P alo (12 Nov), ther e wer e appr oximately 2,000 people occupying the 1st and 3r d floor s of the buildings at the P SHS – Easter n Visayas in P alo. The gr oup was able to get some aid into that location and planned to r etur n with additional aid. Refer ence: http://www.r appler .com/move-ph/ispeak/43667-mission-palo-leyte-yolandahaiyan Unclassified Unclassified Refer ence: http://aghamr oad.ph/news-a-updates/4-updates/97-pshs-system-dir ector -shar esher -exper ience-in-leyte Unclassified Unclassified 3 . ADDITIONAL AID SUPPORT OPPORTUNITIES - NSTR 4 . FOOD AND WATER NEEDS SALCEDO, EASTERN SAMAR U.S. Chopper on Mercy Mission (EPA)- Survivors of super-typhoon Yolanda rush to get relief goods from a US Navy Sea Hawk helicopter in devastated town of Salcedo, Eastern Samar, yesterday. 17 November 2013. Refer ence: http://www.mb.com.ph/food-at-last/ CABUNGAAN, INTERIOR OF LEYTE, TANAUAN D ISTRICT Villagers mob U.S. aid choppers as Philippine relief effort spreads Unclassified Unclassified Refer ence: http://ph.news.yahoo.com/pr aying-r uined-chur ches-filipinos-face-massiver ebuilding-042558645--finance.html P HILIPPINES Anti-Corruption Facebook page shares a Meme picturing US relief efforts Refer ence: P osted 16 November 2013, Expose Gr aft and Cor r uption in Gover nment, https://www.facebook.com/ExposeP H LEYTE AND SAMAR Aide Delivery to Leyte and Samar Speeding Up Substantial amounts of food and medical aid finally began r eaching desper ate sur vivor s of Super Typhoon Yolanda in Leyte and Easter n Samar yester day, but humanitar ian gr oups said huge logistical challenges in accessing devastated, r emote island communities lie ahead. Unclassified Unclassified Inter ior and Local Gover nment Secr etar y Manuel Roxas II, in a pr ess br iefing held at the Leyte Spor ts Center , said 38 of the 40 municipalities in the pr ovince had been r eached by aid, par ticular ly sacks of r ice, canned goods and water . Refer ence: http://www.philstar .com/headlines/2013/11/17/1257616/aid-deliver y-leytesamar -speeding UP DATE: All 40 Leyte Municipalities have been reached by relief efforts. Accor ding to the Gover nment of the P hilippine’s twitter feed, all 40 of Leyte’s municipalities have been r eached by r elief effor ts. Refer ence: https://twitter .com/govph 30k Water Points Now Work ing In T acloban Leyte UNICEF via twitter is r epor ting that ther e ar e now 30K water points wor king in Tacloban Leyte. Refer ence: https://twitter .com/UNICEF “Now we can say that all towns in Leyte have been supplied with relief goods," In a pr ess r elease on Sunday, November 17, Inter ior and Local Gover nment Secr etar y Mar Roxas said local officials in the towns of Hilongos and P alompon wer e finally able to touch base with the gover nment's logistics hub in Or moc. “Now we can say that all towns in Leyte have been supplied with r elief goods," Roxas said. Ear lier , the gover nment established r elief hubs in Or moc City in Leyte and Guiuan in Easter n Samar , in addition to Tacloban City, in the after math of Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan). For Leyte, the distr ibution of r elief goods has been divided into two – 24 towns will get their supplies fr om Tacloban, while 16 towns will r eceive their supplies fr om Or moc. All hubs ar e open 24/7. Refer ence: http://www.r appler .com/move-ph/issues/disaster s/typhoon-yolanda/43934r elief-good-r each-40-leyte-towns-day-9 P ALO, LEYTE “No one has gotten to the places further south [of T acloban].” Unclassified Unclassified Catholic Relief Ser vices’ staff r epor ted on 16 November , “No one has gotten to the places fur ther south.” J en Har dy, A Regional Infor mation Officer based in Cambodia, tr aveled fr om Or moc to P alo, a town south of Tacloban. “In Or moc, ther e’s a buzz of activity. P eople ar e out doing things. But in P alo, it’s the opposite. Ther e’s ver y little going on ther e. It’s quiet. The mar kets ar e not open. I saw no food for sale. The destr uction is so bad, people don’t know wher e to star t. I hear d maybe one chainsaw wor king, that’s it. Ther e is no electr icity. P eople wer e cooking whatever r ice they had over fir es made fr om salvaged debr is.” “P alo is the seat of the ar chdiocese that includes Tacloban. CRS is wor king with the Chur ch ther e. Ther e ar e sever al har d-hit par ishes near P alo, including Sante Fe and San J oaquin. No one knows how many people died ther e, but one pr iest told me he thought he’d lost between 1/3 and 2/3 of his parishioner s.” “We went far ther south fr om P alo and found small towns that wer e hit just as badly with massive number s of people impacted by the stor m. In Tacloban, ther e is a buzz of activity with planes landing and many jour nalists. No one has gotten to these places far ther south. The people have been on their own. “As you tr avel thr ough this ar ea, you look out on a landscape that befor e the typhoon was lush and ver dant. Now, when you look into the mountains, it’s completely differ ent. The tr ees ar e all toppled. What used to be gr een is now br own.” CRS, which will soon begin distr ibuting shelter mater ial in Or moc, is wor king to get aid to P alo and the sur r ounding communities. An office is being set up on Chur ch gr ounds of the ar chdiocese in P alo. Refer ence: http://r eliefweb.int/r epor t/philippines/cr s-staff-r epor t-philippines-no-one-hasgotten-these-places-far ther -south Unclassified Unclassified Refer ence: https://maps.google.com/maps?q=palo+leyte&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear =0x3307d866894e412b:0xc082c3e9eed24333,P alo,+P hilippines&gl=us&ei=_t 6IUvz2F7P H4AOMqYGoCQ&ved=0CKMBELYD SAMAR VERY GOOD AND RECENT Link to r epor ts of ar eas needing immediate assistance: http://r eliefweb.int/sites/r eliefweb.int/files/r esour ces/HRYolandaP HNov17.2013.pdf Community highlights: T hese towns have received very little aid. In dire need of food, water, medical supplies: Bar angay San Antonio, Samar (in municipality of Basey) - coor dinates 11.284450,125.018799 Mar abut, Samar (town near Basey) - coor dinates 11.212260,125.185150 Balangiga, Easter n Samar (near Mar abut) - coor dinates 11.110030,125.381363 Caticlan (11°53′ 52″ N 121°54′ 34″ E Unconfir med Coor d) Aid Dist. Ctr Estancia (11.452340,123.151154) Gipor los Samar , Coor dinates 11.480951,125.467972 Refer ence: http://r eliefweb.int/r epor t/philippines/typhoon-haiyan-yolanda-situationr epor t-november -17-2013 Naga Quinapondan, Easter n Samar has no food supplies left. Refer ence: https://www.facebook.com/samar Updates Gipor los, Easter n Samar : 12,000 people in Gipor los ar e in need of food, clean water and medicines #ur gentcalls #YolandaP H; P OSTED ON November 18, 2013 AT 3:14 am; Contact: 0916-7345085 | 0906-4110707 Refer ence: www.facebook.com/gipor losyolandaph; www.helpeaster nsamar .or g/donation, via @CelineDur an, 3:13AM. Maydulong, Malabag, Guiuan, Salcedo: help and supplies needed Refer ence: http://www.r eliefph.com/categor y/guiuan; posted 15 Nov 2013 at 12:38 pm Basey: Aside fr om the usual food and water supplies, slipper s, candles, flashlight, r ubber boots, cooking utensils, spices for cooking, tr ansistor r adios and batter ies ar e much in demand her e. Also car pentr y tools such as hammer s, saws and nails ar e also needed for r ebuilding and r epair s Refer ence: http://cefa.ph/typhoon-victims-need-slipper s-pails-batter ies/ Unclassified Unclassified Hinangutdan, Santa Rita, Wester n Samar (NFI) Hospital Village, Guiuan, Easter n Samar (NFI) Luyong and near by towns—Sulat San J ulian, Dolor es, and Bor ongan—ther e is no food coming in; cr ops and livestock ar e dead, and nothing to buy even if r esidents have money. P eople subsisting on the limited r ice, food, and water they had befor e the stor m hit and ar e shar ing their dwindling supplies with neighbor s who have lost ever ything. Now r esidents ar e afr aid and star ting to pr otect themselves, wor r ied about what might happen in the coming days as some people fr om wor st-hit ar eas ar r ive seeking help and the r esidents will have no food or water left to give to sur vivor s fleeing near by towns. Refer ence: http://www.r appler .com/move-ph/issues/disaster s/typhoon-yolanda/43921jour ney-back-easter n-samar -yolanda-haiyan AKLAN Libacao, Kalibo, calls for r elief goods Day 2 of the after math of Typhoon Yolanda. Mayor r epor ts that 90% of the town is destr oyed; ther e’s no electr icity and water , and can get to town only by motor cycle. Update on 18 Nov says minimal supplies have made it ther e; need mater ials for tempor ar y housing. P OC: alexiemr [email protected] Refer ence: http://www.r eliefph.com/ 5 . MEDICAL NEEDS GUIUAN, SAMAR ISLANDS/ROXAS CITY, P ANAY T ravelling by helicopter, an MSF team saw that roughly half of R oxas City, in Capiz Province on Panay Island, was significantly damaged. MSF teams ar e finding their effor ts thus far limited by huge logistical impediments that the stor m left in its wake. The ar eas affected by the typhoon ar e spr ead out acr oss a ver y wide ar ea. Many of the main r oads and air por ts in the r egion ar e either destr oyed, closed, or litter ed with debr is. Refer ence: Haiyan/Yolanda: Emer gency MSF team setting up mobile clinics, 16 November 2013, http://cr ofsblogs.typepad.com/h5n1/2013/11/haiyanyolanda-emer gency-msf-teamsetting-up-mobile-clinics.html China R eady to Send Medical T eams Unclassified Unclassified “The Chinese gover nment is r eady to dispatch the emer gency medical a ssistance team on humanitar ian gr ounds," for eign ministr y spokesman Hong Lei said in a statement posted on the ministr y's website Sunday, November 17. He added that pr ivate gr oups, including one under the Chinese Red Cr oss, have also expr essed willingness to tr avel to the P hilippines to assist in disaster r elief. Hong said the r escue teams would depar t "when conditions" allow but did not pr ovide fur ther details on the contingent. Refer ence: http://www.r appler .com/move-ph/issues/disaster s/typhoon-yolanda/43935china-r eady-to-send-medical-teams-to-ph SAMAR (GUIUAN, HERNANI, B ALANGKAYAN) People in dire need of relief goods, medicines (for tetanus) antibiotics etc… Guiuan, Her nani and Balangkayan towns suffer ed the most..Almost 85-90% of houses and str uctur es in balangkayan town wer e washed out and destr oyed..90-95% in Her nani town wer e washed out or destr oyed and 95-100% in Guiuan..P eople in this towns ar e in dir e need of r elief goods, medicines (for tetanus) antibiotics, etc, tents and constr uction mater ials.. Refer ence: https://www.facebook.com/VisitEaster nSamar /posts/661859507169237 Unclassified Unclassified 6 . AIR P OINTS OF ENTRY (APOE) TACLOBAN CITY AIRPORT Image of the Departure area in T acloban City Airport The departure area in Tacloban City Airport @gmanews Refer ence: www. pbs.twimg.com/media/BZP 4L69CUAAmGJ K.jpg SAMAR Borongan Airport can also be used for relief operations. Bor ongan Air por t can also be used for r elief oper ations. Donations thr u the Diocese of Bor ongan can now be deliver ed via Bor ongan Air por t. The air por t can ser ve Fokker to C130-type planes but not Air buses. [Via SMART SMS] Unclassified Unclassified Refer ence: https://www.facebook.com/samar Updates Samar Updates: After Supertyphoon Yolanda shar ed Neil Gavan Tenefr ancia's status) 7 . SEA P OINTS OF ENTRY (SPOE) TACLOBAN P ORT Port operator International Container T erminal Services Inc. (ICT SI) to temporarily manage T acloban port The P hilippine P or ts Author ity (P P A) has asked por t oper ator Inter national Container Ter minal Ser vices Inc. (ICTSI) to tempor ar ily manage its Tacloban por t as the massive humanitar ian aid fr om sever al countr ies will have to be done in the said facility. This includes a mobile har bor cr ane alr eady being commissioned in Davao for possible deployment to Leyte if r equir ed. Commissioning is being done in Davao due to the lack of water depth at the Tacloban por t to suppor t the heavy lift vessel car r ying it. We have dispatched our equipment, which should ar r ive in Tacloban by Tuesday. By then, the por t will be fully oper ational,” Gonzalez said. P P A owns and oper ates the Tacloban por t. As its donation, Stinis fr om Holland added two mor e backup spr eader s to ensur e the smooth and continuous oper ation. Mor eover , a star t-up team composed of topnotch engineer s, oper ations manager s and staff and equipment oper ator s fr om the Manila Inter national Container Ter minal (MICT) have been dispatched to suppor t por t oper ation. ICTSI will r un the Tacloban por t for fr ee, and will continue to do so until the close of the gover nment’s r elief oper ations and normal tr anspor tation networ k has been r estor ed. ICTSI will take back all the equipment and pull out its per sonnel at the close of its oper ations. Refer ence: http://businessmir r or .com.ph/index.php/en/news/economy/22953-ictsi-totempor ar ily-manage-tacloban-por t Unclassified Unclassified 8 . INFRASTRUCTURE OVERVIEW The Depar tment of Labor and Employment is r eady to r oll out its emer gency employment pr ogr am for sur vivor s and asked to par tner with local gover nment units (LGUs) for implementation. The labor depar tment will also offer , star ting Monday, fr ee over seas calls for victims wanting to contact their families and r elatives abr oad, while the Depar tment of Tr ade and Industr y will deploy r olling stor es that sell basic commodities. Refer ence: http://newsinfo.inquir er .net/529089/yolanda-sur vivor s-in-tacloban-to-get-cashfr om-atm-star ting-tuesday#ixzz2kvqr BkQm ILOILO, P ANAY Aerial shots of Northern Iloilo by the Public Information and Community Affairs Office of the Province Iloilo, Monday, November 11th, 2013. Unclassified Unclassified Refer ence: http://activecar eems.blogspot.com/2013/11/aer ial-shots-on-after math-ofsuper .html ILOILO, P ANAY Communications update, 16 November 2013, Globe Sun Cellular, Smart and T alk N’ T ext Services have been R estored in the following Provinces: Refer ence: http://activecar eems.blogspot.com/2013/11/communications-r estor ed-as-of-nov16.html ROXAS, P ANAY T o undertak e a rapid assessment of ICT and electrical infrastructure in R oxas, determine needs and hub locations of humanitarian organisations, find out about availability of service providers offering ICT services and determine potential site for provision ET C services in response to T yphoon Haiyan. Unclassified Unclassified Refer ence: J oint Assessment Mission to Roxas 16 November , 2013, Emer gency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) www.ictemer gency.wfp.or g GUIUAN, EASTERN SAMAR Parts of Guiuan and Eastern Samar have work ing celluar coverage. Guiuan, Easter n Samar or at least some par ts of Guiuan alr eady has a wor king cellular signal cover age by Smar t Communications Refer ence: https://www.facebook.com/VisitEaster nSamar Graphic depicts the amount of houses damaged and the humanitarian presence. Refer ence: https://twitter .com/OCHAAsiaP ac/status/402016595356028928/photo/1 Unclassified Unclassified Smart reported yesterday (17 Nov) that the firm has restored mobile network coverage in Guiuan, Eastern Samar. Smar t r epor ted yester day (17 Nov) that the fir m has r estor ed mobile networ k cover age in Guiuan, Easter n Samar . Smar t and Vodafone engineer s used ultr apor table Instant Networ k setup to r estor e cellular ser vices yester day at the town’s center , allowing r esidents to contact their family and loved ones outside the stor maffected ar eas after being isolated for sever al days. Likewise, a Multi-Equipment-On-Wheels (MEOW) ar r ived yester day and was immediately fir ed up to cover the air por t and seapor t ar eas to dir ectly aid in the communications r equirements of humanitar ian effor ts for immediate r elief and r ehabilitation. Smar t and Digitel Mobile P hilippines, Inc. (DMP I) have r estor ed 85 per cent of their affected networ ks in the Visayas. Smar t has fully r estor ed mobile cover age in cities and municipalities in Bohol, Cebu, Guimar as, Negr os Or iental and Souther n Leyte. On the other hand, Globe r epor ted it has fur ther expanded its cellular cover age in Visayas r egion to 80 per cent amid acceler ated r estor ation effor ts. Globe has so far r estor ed 90 per cent of its networ k in Cebu and Bohol, 97 per cent in Negr os Occidental, 97 per cent in Negr os Or iental, 90 per cent in Leyte, 75 per cent in Nor ther n Samar and 76 per cent in Iloilo, and 60 per cent in Antique. Refer ence: http://www.philstar .com/headlines/2013/11/18/1258040/smar t-globe-speednetwor k-r estor ation LEYTE AND SAMAR Supplies of gasoline and diesel are predicted to stabilize in Leyte and Samar by late nex t week , or in approximately seven days Supplies of gasoline and diesel ar e pr edicted to stabilize in Leyte and Samar by late next week, or in appr oximately seven days, said Depar tment of Ener gy's Oil Industr y Management Bur eau Dir ector Zenaida Y. Monsada in a phone inter view with GMA News Online, Satur day. Refer ence: http://www.gmanetwor k.com/news/stor y/335785/news/r egions/fuel-supplies-inleyte-and-samar -pr edicted-to-stabilize-by-next-week-doe?r ef=r elated_stor ies With the continuous dispatch of tanker s and bar ges, tr anspor tation of fuel supplies, by land and by sea, r emains difficult. Bar ges and tanker s fr om Bicol wer e caught in the gr idlock at the Matnog por t. . Unclassified Unclassified Secur ity, too, was an obstacle in the deliver y of fuel to Leyte and Samar . Some companies have pr efer r ed to deploy tr ucks only dur ing the day time when it was much safer , limiting the time for deliver y. Additionally, an inspection of gas stations in Samar and Leyte r evealed that many of the gas stations ar e still under going r epair , and ar e not oper ational. Some of the dealer s have also have abandoned their tr ade or per ished dur ing the typhoon. P etr on is cur r ently ser ving its r etail networ k thr ough its Tacloban, Or moc, and P asacao depots, the pr ess r elease said. Among the P etr on ser vice stations open and able to supply fuel in Samar and Leyte ar e as follows: Real, Tacloban City, Leyte Real/Osmena, Or moc City, Leyte Magsaysay Blvd., Baybay City, Leyte P alo, Tacloban, Leyte Mahar lika Highway, Campetik, P alo, Leyte Mar asbar as, Tacloban City, Leyte National Highway, P oblacion, Hindang, Leyte San J ose, Sogod, Souther n Leyte P ob. Hinunangan, Souther n Leyte National Highway, Maasin, Souther n Leyte Mantahan, Maasin, Souther n Leyte J ose Rizal Str eet, Bato City, Leyte Sta. Sofia P adr e Bur gos, Souther n Leyte L. Regis St., Sogod, Souther n Leyte Alquino, Hilongos, Leyte National Highway, P oblacion Gaas Ba, Leyte San J uan, Souther n Leyte Malitbog, Souther n Leyte National Highway, Tunga, Leyte Bontoc, Souther n Leyte National Highway, P asay, Maasin City, Leyte Hilongos, Leyte Matalom, Leyte P oblacion, Silago, Souther n Leyte Himatagon Saint Ber nar d, Souther n Leyte National Highway, Br gy. Lunang, Hilongos, Leyte Br gy. Liber tad, Or moc City, Leyte National Highway, Mahaplag, Souther n Leyte Centr al San Fr ancisco, Souther n Leyte Br gy. Candadam, Baybay City, Leyte Unclassified Unclassified Allen Cor San Fr ancisco St., Catbalogan, Samar Del Rosar io St., Catbalogan, Samar Mahar lika Highway, Brgy. Capoocan, Calbayog City P oblacion 3, Maydolong, Samar Br gy. Nator , Taft, Easter n Samar Songco, Bor ongan, Easter n Samar Bor ongan, Easter n Samar Br gy. Bur ay, P ar anas, J iabong, Wester n Samar Salvacion, Lavezar es, Nor ther n Samar National Road Dolor es, Easter n Samar National Road, Mondr agon, Nor ther n Samar National Highway, Kabulihan, Catbalogan, Samar Bobon, Nor ther n Samar National Highway, San J or ge, Samar National Highway, Villar eal, Samar National Highway, Old Manunca, Sta. Rita, Samar National Highway, Gandar a, Samar National Highway, Dolor es, Easter n Samar Accor ding to P etr on, a tempor ar y station was set up to augment the oper ational P etr on stations in Tacloban. Eight mobile dispensing pumps will be deployed to Tacloban and near by ar eas in lieu of the damaged ser vice stations, the oil company added. Meanwhile, seven out of 15 Caltex gasoline stations in nor ther n Cebu, Samar , and Leyte ar e now oper ating. As of pr ess time, Shell P hilippines has not posted an official status r epor t of their gasoline stations in Yolanda-affected r egions Refer ence: http://www.gmanetwor k.com/news/stor y/335806/economy/business/samar -leytefuel-pr ices-skyr ocket-as-doe-pr omises-stable-pr ices-by-next-week LEYTE “It’s peaceful now. It’s very easy now to start rebuilding.” Leyte Gov. Dominic P etilla said the situation in the pr ovince had “star ted to nor malize.” “It’s peaceful now. It’s ver y easy now to star t r ebuilding, to star t all the oper ations that we’r e abou to under take. And it may not be per fect, but we’r e [getting help fr om the national gover nment]. Let’s help each other ,” he said. Refer ence: http://newsinfo.inquir er .net/529089/yolanda-sur vivor s-in-tacloban-to-get-cashfr om-atm-star ting-tuesday Unclassified Unclassified Wor k cr ews ar e star ting to r estor e power and r emove the debr is in devastated Leyte pr ovince. But the side str eets r emain piled with r ubble, which officials fear could r eveal hundr eds mor e bodies when they ar e eventually clear ed. Refer ence: http://www.tr ust.or g/item/20131117125146-s0kzx/?sour ce=hptop Accor ding to J et Velar mino, head of Task Force Yolanda, a 22-vehicle convoy fr om Bayanihan 2 would ar r ive soon br inging in r elief stocks and per sonnel. The plan is to pr ovide one tr uck per town in Leyte dedicated to the distr ibution of r elief items. Refer ence: http://newsinfo.inquir er .net/529089/yolanda-sur vivor s-in-tacloban-to-get-cashfr om-atm-star ting-tuesday TACLOBAN Four mobile ATMs will be oper ated star ting Tuesday at the Land Bank of the P hilippines br anch in Bar angay Sangkahan. The ATM machines ar e expected to ar r ive Monday on C-130 miliar y plances and be r eady for public use. The ATMs will be guar ded by soldier s and policeman, but it is not clear if the oper ations of the ATM would be on a 24-hour basis. Refer ence: http://newsinfo.inquir er .net/529089/yolanda-sur vivor s-in-tacloban-to-get-cashfr om-atm-star ting-tuesday Electr icity r emains down. Officials of Leyte II Electr ic Cooper ative Inc. r epor ted they wer e still under going massive clear ing oper ations and had yet to set a date when they could r estor e power . Refer ence: http://newsinfo.inquir er .net/529089/yolanda-sur vivor s-in-tacloban-to-get-cashfr om-atm-star ting-tuesday 9 . ROAD NETWORKS - NSTR 1 0 . STATUS OF NONGOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES (NGO) LAWA-AN, ROXAS CITY, CAPIZ, P ANAY A Mass will be held for the passing of Jose F. Advincula, Jr. Archbishop of Capiz at 9:30am on T hursday 21 November 2013 at the Carmelite monastery oratory in Lawa -an, R oxas City, Capiz, Panay. Refer ence: http://ar chdioceseofcapiz.or g/vaya-con-dios-msgr -onie/ Unclassified Unclassified PRC--With the suppor t of IFRC, P RC is conducting emer gency r elief oper ations in the pr ovinces of Leyte, Aklan, Antique, Capiz, Cebu, Guimar as, Iloilo, P alawan, Souther n Leyte and other affected pr ovinces. This is in addition to pr ovinces in which P RC is being suppor ted by ICRC, which ar e Samar , Easter n Samar , Nor ther n Samar , Masbate, Negr os Occidental and Sor sogon. P RC has thus far r eached almost 12,000 families with food (dr y packages and hot meals), and have star ted distr ibuting hygiene kits and conducting health/hygiene pr omotion activities. (http://r eliefweb.int/sites/r eliefweb.int/files/r esour ces/MDRP H01401.pdf) ICRC--As of 17 Nov, Today, the Inter national Committee of the Red Cr oss (ICRC) and the P hilippine Red Cr oss star ted distr ibuting food (r ice, oil, sugar , salt, soy sauce, coffee and tins of sar dines) to 10,860 families (54,300 people) of Guiuan, Mer cedes and Salcedo . The beneficiar ies also r eceived soap. Supplies ar r ived by air . On Tuesday, plans to r each people in Homonhon and Suluan – small isolated islands near Guiuan – by boat to distr ibute food and other essential items including tar paulins, blankets, mats, towels, jer r ycans and hygiene items for 8,500 people. Over the past week, ICRC staff have been wor king ar ound the clock in Samar to get some basic infr astr uctur e oper ating. They have also assessed the most pr essing needs: food, safe dr inking water and basic health car e. Distr ibutions of food and, later , other essential items including tar paulins will also be or ganized in other coastal towns. Meanwhile, in the most sever ely devastated ar eas – mainly along the south coast of Samar – and ICRC engineer s and P hilippine Red Cr oss staff will be wor king on r epair ing the water -supply system. In coming days, the ICRC and the national Red Cr oss plan to expand the oper ation to fur ther ar eas. As par t of its initial r esponse to the disaster , the ICRC also fur nished basic medical supplies such as dr essing mater ials, antibiotics, painkiller s and intr avenous sets to the distr ict hospital in Basey. (http://www.icr c.or g/eng/r esour ces/documents/news-r elease/2013/11-17-philippines-foodr eaches-victims.htm) Unclassified Unclassified Graphic depicts the estimates of funding needed and where the deficiencies exist in funding the UN Office of Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs regarding their current support of relief operations in the Philippines. Refer ence: https://twitter .com/OCHAAsiaP ac Philippine R ed Cross (PR C) With the suppor t of Inter national Committee of the Red Cr oss (IFRC), P RC is conducting emer gency r elief oper ations in the pr ovinces of Leyte, Aklan, Antique, Capiz, Cebu, Guimar as, Iloilo, P alawan, Souther n Leyte and other affected pr ovinces. This is in addition to pr ovinces in which P RC is being suppor ted by ICRC, which ar e Samar , Easter n Samar , Nor ther n Samar , Masbate, Negr os Occidental and Sor sogon. P RC has thus far r eached almost 12,000 families with food (dr y packages and hot meals), and have star ted distr ibuting hygiene kits and conducting health/hygiene pr omotion activities. Unclassified Unclassified Refer ence: http://r eliefweb.int/r epor t/philippines/philippines-typhoon-haiyan-emer gencyappeal-n-mdr ph014-oper ation-update-no-1 Medicins sans Frontieres MSF continues to assess ar eas outside the main cities and is active on the islands of Samar , Leyte, and P anay, and has most r ecently star ted assessing needs on Masbate. Samar - per for med 600 medical consultations on the fir st day of medical activities, mostly for infected wounds and lacer ations. The MSF staff ar e wor king with two Filipino doctor s and ther e ar e many people fr om the community who ar e volunteer ing to help in whatever way they can. Medical staff ar e wor king among the r uins of the Guiuan hospital, but wor k has star ted to set up a makeshift tent hospital. Thir ty tonnes of mater ial and supplies have r eached the team in Guiuan. Mor e car go planes will be landing in the coming days, among them one with water and sanitation equipment and one with ar ound 1,700 tents to distr ibute as shelter . Mor e medical supplies will also ar r ive. Leyte – In Tacloban city a team of eight is being r einfor ced with additional staff – medical doctor s, nur ses, logisticians, a psychologist - to pr epar e for setting up an inflatable hospital. The site will be located next to Bethany hospital, on the seafr ont of Tacloban which has been sever ely damaged by the tidal wave. The plan is to set up compr ehensive medical ser vices including an Emer gency Room, in-patient depar tment, Oper ating Theatr e, post-oper ative war d, obstetr ics and gynecology unit, mater nity deliver y r oom, psychosocial activities, blood bank, X-Ray, and an isolation war d. Palo- a team of thr ee is or ganizing pr imar y healthcar e activities. Two teams conducted assessments along the east and west coasts of the island. Along the west coast ther e was str uctur al damage in most of the houses, but gener ally the situation was not as bad as on the east coast, wher e most of the health str uctur es visited have been damaged and have supply pr oblems. Dulang - the health facility has been par tially destr oyed and the medical staff r epor t an incr ease in patients with diar r hea. They have also r eceived some wounded people, mainly with cuts. The r efer r al system is not wor king anymor e because ther e is no fuel to tr anspor t patients. The MSF team is planning distr ibutions of r elief items and suppor t for the medical facility. Panay - In the nor ther n par t of Iloilo pr ovince, and in near by offshore islands, ther e is 90% destr uction. MSF is planning to focus on the most acute needs including pr imar y medical car e thr ough mobile clinics, and distr ibution of r elief items. Needs assessments continue in other par ts of the island to identify wher e MSF’s medical Unclassified Unclassified r esponse is most acutely r equir ed. Relief items will ar r ive in Roxas city and MSF is opening two outpatient depar tments, in the towns of Car tes and Estancia. Masbate - MSF has star ted a needs assessment on Masbate island Refer ence: http://www.msf.or g/ar ticle/typhoon-haiyan-msf-medical-activities-star t-takingshape 1 1 . TWITTER P AGES FOR UPDATES https://twitter .com/govph https://twitter .com/OCHAAsiaP ac 1 2 . LINKS SOCIAL MEDIA Iloilo, Panay: DYFM Bombo R adyo Facebook page, updating status of relief efforts, individuals commenting are mostly positive to foreign aid, negative towards Pilipino government. Refer ence: https://www.facebook.com/pages/DYFM-Bombo-Radyo-Iloilo/199650006775135 https://www.facebook .com/VisitEasternSamar http://whotalk ing.com/Eastern+Samar INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE LIKELY IN THE P HILIPPINES - NST R SOCIAL MEDIA HASHTAGS - NST R GOVERNMENT AND OTHER AGENCIES OF INTEREST - NST R Unclassified