complete projects - Continua Energías Positivas
complete projects - Continua Energías Positivas
COMPLETE PROJECTS CONTINUA REFERENCES SOLAR WIND BIOMASS Projects experience PV Involved projects Development projects Japan – 1 plant total of 2,5 MW Nevada 24,8 MW plant South Africa – 7 Plants 177 Mw in round 1 UK – 2 Plants total of 6,2 MW Chile – 1 plant total of 2,5 MW Italy – 24 plants total of 158 MW France – 2 plants total of 8,6 MW Photovoltaic Projects in which the current team of Continua has intervened Spain – 8 plants total of 55 MW Projects experience PV PHOTOVOLTAIC PROJECTS Country Works Technology Term Total power Projects Spain Feasibility, development, legalization, engineering Fixed 2006-2007 10 Mwp 100 Spain Feasibility, development, legalization, engineering Fixed 2007-2008 0,5 Mwp 1 Spain (*) Marketing, Engineering and Construction 1 Axis 2007-2009 18 Mwp 2 Spain (*) Marketing, Engineering and Construction 2 Land axis 2008-2009 1,2 Mwp 1 Spain Feasibility, development, legalization, engineering Roofs 208-2010 5,2 Mwp 15 Spain Feasibility, development, legalization, engineering 2 Unipolar Axis 2011 1,5 Mwp 1 Spain Feasibility, development, legalization, engineering 2 Unipolar Axis 2011 23 Mwp 1 Italy (*) Marketing, Engineering and Construction Fixed, 1 axis, 2 axis 20010-2011 158 Mwp 24 France (*) Marketing, Engineering and Construction Roofs and Fixed 2010-2011 2,6 Mwp 2 UK (*) Engineering Fixed 2011-2012 6,2 Mwp 2 Bulgaria (*) Engineering Fixed 2011-2012 50 Mwp 2 Israel (*) Marketing, Engineering and Construction Roofs 2012-2013 4,5 Mwp 1 USA (*) Marketing and Engineering Fixed 2011-2012 24,8 Mwp 1 South Africa (*) Marketing and Engineering Fixed , 1 axis 2012-2013 185 Mwp 5 Chile (*) Marketing and Engineering Fixed 2011-2012 2,5 Mwp 1 Japan (*) Marketing and Engineering Roof 2013-2014 2,5 Mwp 1 (*) ABB Projects Photovoltaic References OFF-GRID PHOTOVOLTAIC INSTALLATIONS Total Power Investment Location Range Years 75 Kwp 350,000 € Throughout the national territory (Spain) Pre-feasibility, engineering, installation and O&M studies 2007, 2008, 2009 Description Turnkey installation of small isolated projects generation and accumulation of solar energy in isolated distribution network assuming a solution of tremendous value to the end customer and significant savings over other solutions by diesel generation environments. PHOTOVOLTAIC PROJECTS ON INDUSTRIAL ROOFS Total Power 500 KW Investment 1,750,000 € Location Throughout the national territory (Spain) Range Pre-feasibility, engineering, legalization, permitting studies Years 2007, 2008, 2009 Description Pre-feasibility, engineering, permitting. Installing multiple photovoltaic projects on industrial roofs connected to the network for the sale of energy in the system Photovoltaic references CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF SORIA (SPAIN) Total Power Investment Location Range Years Description 10 MW 75,000,000 € Soria (Spain) Pre-feasibility, engineering, permitting studies 2006 Grid connected Photovoltaic Project sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Soria as an investment for its associated companies. 100 separate installations of 100 kW for each of the 100 companies participating in the project were raised. In his day was considered the largest solar project under development in Spain. The project received the approval and support of the public administrations involved in the permitting phase. Soria City Council gave use in usufruct of land owned by the Regional Government of Castilla y León Administrative Permission granted the necessary and Iberdrola awarded the point of connection to the distribution network. Photovoltaic references ANDALUSIAN SOLAR PROJECT Total Power Investment Location 479 Kwp 1,102,000 € Berlanga de Duero (Spain) Range Years Pre-feasibility, engineering, permitting studies Description Grid connected Photovoltaic Project promoted by private investors in the area. Installation of fixed structure 2007 GOUZALLAS SOLAR Total Power Investment Location Range Years Description 1,5 MW 3,945,000 € Galicia (Spain) Legalization, Permitting, Engineering, Construction and Investment and O&M studies 2011 Grid connected Photovoltaic Project. Own development from the stage of legalization and obtaining all permits for construction. Necessary for the construction, which was executed by the company of our group responsible for these projects under the Investment EPC format. Today is performed the operation and maintenance of the solar plant with excellent results. Photovoltaic references SOLIDARIDAD SOLAR Total Power Investment Location Range Years Description 23 Mwp 56,500,000 € O Saviñao, Galicia (Spain) Legalization, Permitting, Engineering, Construction, Investment and 3D Animation 2011 Photovoltaic Project networked with two axis solar trackers. Continuing involved from the stage of legalization and obtaining all permits for construction. Part of the investment needed will also rushed for construction. Photovoltaic references PHOTOVOLTAIC PROJECTS in cooperation with ABB Country Works Technology Term Total Power Projects Spain Marketing and Engineering. 1 Axis 2007-2009 18,0 Mwp 2 Spain Marketing and Engineering. 2 Land Axis 2008-2009 1,2 Mwp 1 Italy Marketing and Engineering. Fixed, 1 axis, 2 axis 20010-2011 158,0 Mwp 24 France Marketing and Engineering. Roofs and Fixed 2010-2011 2,6 Mwp 2 UK Engineering. Fixed 2011-2012 6,2 Mwp 2 Bulgaria Engineering. Fixed 2011-2012 50,0 Mwp 2 Israel Marketing and Engineering. Roofs 2012-2013 4,5 Mwp 1 USA Marketing and Engineering. Fixed 2011-2012 24,8 Mwp 1 South Africa Marketing and Engineering. Fixed , 1 axis 2012-2013 185,0 Mwp 5 Chile Marketing and Engineering. Fixed 2011-2012 2,5 Mwp 1 Japan Marketing and Engineering. Roof 2013-2014 2,5 Mwp 1 Experience in Wind Projects WIND PROJECTS Country Works Term Total power Projects Spain Feasibility, development, legalization, engineering 2010 50 Mw 4 Spain Feasibility, development, legalization, engineering 2010 30 Mw 4 Spain Feasibility, development, legalization, engineering 2010 15 Mw 3 Wind references WIND FARM in VIENTO DE LEMOS SERRA DE LAGOA Total Power Investment 50 Mw 60,410,000 € Location Baralla, Láncara, Castroverde and O Corgo (Lugo, Spain) Feasibility Study, Preliminary Engineering and project presentation to Wind Contest Galicia in Spain 2010 Wind project with networking projected under Wind Contest in Galicia (2,325 MW new construction). The scope of CONTINUA, included wind resource assessment, placement of wind turbines within selected polygon and drafting description and all technical and economic information, and the Industrial Plan. Range Years Description WIND FARM in VIENTO DE LEMOS MONTES DE ABELLA Total Power Investment Location Range Years Description 30 MW 36,329,000 € Láncara, Triacastela, Samos and Becerreá (Lugo, Spain) Feasibility Study, Preliminary Engineering and Project Presentation to Wind Contest Galicia in Spain 2010 Wind project with networking projected under Wind Contest in Galicia (2,325 MW of new construction). The scope of CONTINUA included wind resource assessment, placement of wind turbines within selected polygon and drafting description and all technical and economic information, and the Industrial Plan. Wind references WIND FARM VIENTO DE LEMOS SERRA DAS PENAS Total Power Investment 15 MW 17,849,000 € Location Paradela, O Saviñao and Bóveda (Lugo, Spain) Pre-Feasibility Study, Preliminary Engineering and Project Presentation to Wind Contest Galicia in Spain. 2010 Wind Project Network Attached projected to be built under Wind Contest Galicia, he planned an installed capacity of 2,325 MW of new construction. The scope of CONTINUA included wind resource assessment, placement of wind turbines within selected polygon and drafting description and all technical and economic information, as well as the necessary and obligatory Industrial Plan to be beneficial in the auction process . Range Years Description Experience in Biomass Projects BIOMASS PROJECTS Country Spain Works Feasibility, development, legalization, engineering Term Total Power 2009 3,5 Mw Projects 1 Biomass references BIOMASA ENERGÍA POSITIVA Total Power Investment 3,5 MW 9,700,000 € Location Navaleno (Spain) Pre-Feasibility Study, Project presentation to the Ministry of Industry and Energy in the call for aid for Reindustrialization 2009 Range Years Description Project generation connected to the grid through the construction of a biomass plant in Navaleno (Soria). This area is known for being one of the concentrations of forests larger southern European pine