CHRISTRIO® - Euro Fashion


CHRISTRIO® - Euro Fashion
product catalog
gel system
Non-yellowing, one-phase gel with high-shine. Works without using Primer or Bonder.
No need to use builder gel, shine and top coat. No problems, no additional products, no peeling and no flaking.
Transparent gel with high-shine finish.
Cure time: 3min.
White builder gel, denser than traditional French White.
Perfect for forms.
Dark shade pink gel for French Manicure applied between transparent gel layers.
White gel for French Manicure. Applied to the free
edge between transparent gel layers.
Natural clear-pink gel to make aesthetic-looking
nails and protect the natural plate.
1/4oz of French Pink and French White gels.
The set has been designed for creating
unbelievably beautiful French Manicure nails.
Dense transparent gel, perfect for forms.
Zestaw jest przeznaczony do
tworzenia niewiarygodnie
gel system
Are you tired of using complex gel system?
Try Basic One Gel Kit, the newest UV method technology.
The kit contains everything you need to to create perfect gel nails
(also French Manicure). No stress, no time loss.
Contains /
Permanent quick finish. Easy to apply,
provides high-shine finish.
Takes only 1 minute to cure under a UV lamp.
Does not shrink or wrinkle. Works with acrylic,
polish, silk, fiberglass, and on toes.
¯el w pêdzelku.
Permanentne i szybkie wykoñczenie paznokci.
¯el Basic One w pêdzelku jest ³atwy w u¿yciu
nadaje piêkny po³ysk, wystarcza minuta
utwardzania w lampie UV.
Antiseptic gel cleanser.
P³yn o w³aœciwoœciach antyseptycznych,
do przemywania masy ¿elowej.
Shiny Top Coat. Works with gel,
acrylic and silk.
No need to cleanse after curing.
For French Manicure.
Protects against yellowing.
Dries quickly leaving high-shine.
color gel
As everlasting polish Designer Gel stays shiny and makes
nail art easy to do. 54 colors to choose from.
Clear gel with glitter ranging from stars to heart-shaped. Great with Clear FITTIP, for overlays, & finished products (acrylics, fiberglass, or silk).
Nadaje naturalny wygl¹d, mo¿na stosowaæ równie¿ jako wykoñczenie paznokci akrylowych czy jedwabnych.
Ró¿norodne formy, kolory i zastosowanie.
Innovative detail gel that is user-friendly, non-yellowing,
and cures in 30 seconds! Available in 19 colours.
Innowacyjne, nie¿ó³kn¹ce ¿ele do zdobieñ XPRESS. £atwe w nak³adaniu.
Czas utwardzania - 30 sekund! Dostêpne w 19 kolorach.
color gel
Builder Gel for the natural plate.
¯el buduj¹cy
Perfect for natural nails. Wide range of intense french,
pearl, dull and glitter colors. Ideal for long lasting color
manicure as well as creating fancy designs.
Gelacquer that are applied just like polish but finish and
PojemnoϾ: 7ml
protect as a gel. It can be used on natural nails as well
as enhancements and are easy to soak off! Avoid chipped
polish and hassles with this one-of-a-kind gel polish!
PojemnoϾ: 15ml
acrylic system
Non-yellowing acrylic system created through many years of experience
in the nail industry. Very strong adhesion without the use of MMA, easy to use and strong
and durable at the same time. System that minimizes your effort and maximizes your profit – literally.
Nie¿ó³kn¹cy system akrylowy stworzony dziêki wieloletniemu doœwiadczeniu
znakomicie przylega, bez u¿ycia MMA. £atwy w u¿yciu, jednoczeœnie silny i trwa³y.
Jest to system, który dos³ownie minimalizuje wysi³ek i maksymalizuje zyski.
Everything you need to create acrylic nails.
Starter kit I contains:
Starter kit II contains:
4oz Monomer
1/2oz French Top Coat
White buffer
Plastic dappen dish
1/2oz Primer
1oz French Pink Polymer
1oz French White Polymer
1oz Crystal Clear Polymer
1oz Natural Polymer
Tips 100pcs. or Forms 100pcs.
Acrylic brush #8
4oz Monomer
1/2oz French Top Coat
White buffer
Plastic dappen dish
1/2oz Primer
1oz French Pink Polymer
1oz French White Polymer
1oz Crystal Clear Polymer
1oz Frosty Scintillation Polymer
Tips 100pcs. or Forms 100pcs.
Acrylic brush #10
Scientific formula with glitter and frost to apply
on a form or a tip. Works with any traditional
monomer, but for best results use DELUXE Monomer.
Available colors:
Non-yellowing, scented, low odor,
no MMA, no primer required.
473ml Monomer
/ bespoken
/ bespoken
acrylic system
Extreme micro-ground non-yellowing polymer that
bonds dangerously yet is flexible and finishes smooth
to the touch. Available in: Crystal Clear, Natural, French
Pink, French White, Dark Pink, and Super White.
Limited Collections
Deluxe Powders in
diamond-shaped jars.
Pudry Deluxe w
kryszta³owym opakowaniu
Blue acrylic powder with bright
tiny glitter to apply on form or a tip.
Acrylic mini-kit. Contains:
Liquid 14ml, french Pink Powder 7g,
French White 7g, Forms 20pcs., Manual.
acrylic system
Pineapple or almondscented cuticle oil.
Liquid for acrylic powder.
Non-yellowing, low-scented, no MMA
and strong adherence. Can be applied
with or without primer. Quick-drying,
perfect for designs.
P³yn do masy akrylowej, nie ¿ó³knie,
nie zawiera MMA, ma z³agodzony zapach
i siln¹ przyczepnoœæ, wiêc mo¿e byæ
stosowany z Primerem lub bez.
Jego szybszy czas schniêcia powoduje,
¿e jest idealny do tworzenia zdobieñ.
Liquid drops to mix with any monomer or gel. Give beautiful transparent colour.
Can as well be mixed together to create more exciting colour combinations.
Step by step
Sanitize your hands and your clients' hands.
Form the nail base.
Dull the nail surface.
Dehydrate the nail using Wiping Solution.
Add some drops of pigment (the more you add,
the more intense color you will get).
Build the nails, shape them
and apply top coat.
Apply primer.
colored acrylics
Sets of color acrylic powders in pyramid-shaped boxes for permanent designs.
Color powders in single
containers – 3g and 7g.
bespoken / na zamówienie
Classic Set
Pearl Set
Original Set
Random Set
Set of different ornaments
creating unique nailart.
Pastel Set
Quick-drying, long-lasting nail lacquer. After applying looks like a top coat layer was applied.
Lakier do paznokci, szybkoschn¹cy i d³ugotrwa³y. Charakteryzuje siê naturalnym
Gel Brushes with comfortable grip,
superior quality, durable, fine nylon
brushes that make application and
cleaning easy. 100% pure Kolinsky.
Acrylic brushes made of 100% pure Kolinsky.
/ with a chisel
/ with a chisel
500pcs. of forms for acrylic nails.
Double-sided cut make them easy to apply.
transparent forms 500pcs.
clear forms 500pcs.
Color file
(with butterflies motif)
in a case.
High quality files with different grit.
Washable and sanitizable.
Nadaj¹ siê do
Lint-free cotton cloths for use
with all nail preparations
and disinfecting.
Dries and adheres
to tips instantly.
Premium ABS plastic for maximum
flexibility, fit, comfort,
and durability.
wi¹¿¹c tipsa z p³ytk¹
Big Professional Case
Big case with Christrio logo
and a design embroidered.
No kit inside.
Brush case
A case for both acrylic
and gel brushes.
9 watt fluorescent lamp
bespoken / na zamówienie
Small Professional Case
Small case with Christrio logo and a design embroidered.
With or without acrylic kit.
4oz Monomer, 1oz Powders: French White, French Pink, Natural Crystal Clear,
Scintillation, 0.5oz Primer, Non-yellowing Topcoat, acrylic brush #8, file, Forms 100pcs.,
100pcs. of natural Flextip tips, white block buffer, dappen dish, tips 20pcs.
VHS with video instructions.
/ small case with kit inside
/ small case without kit
promotional materials
- size/wymiary: 46cm x 61cm
- size/wymiary: 43cm x 56cm
- size/wymiary: 45,5cm x 61cm
Ask for other
promotional materials
Pytaj o inne
materiały promocyjne
- size/wymiary: 45,5cm x 61cm
- size/wymiary: 45,5cm x 61cm
Small Bag
Christrio Pens
Big Bag
Christine Le, CEO and founder of Christrio Premium Nail Praducts has been
working in the nail industry for over 25 years. She acquired this unusual ability to
understand and identify herself with nail stylists all over the world. Beginning
with USA through Europe and ending at Asia, she has devoted her life to
educating nail technicians and company owners.
Christine is able to understand her clients' needs and fears. That is why she
constantly aims at creating new and innovative products enriching the industry's
offer. She is also incredibly talented – from 3d gel butterflies to flowery acrylic
meadows – she can create almost everything. But not only is she trying to improve
the nail industry but she also supports local charities.
After 17 years of working in salons as well as managing them Christine became
tired of using complex gel systems and products that became yellow so she decided
she would create products that would make her life and her associates lives
Christine Le, prezes oraz zaùoýyciel Christrio Premium Nail Products, pracuje w branýy ponad 25 lat i ma niezwykùà
umiejætnoúã zrozumienia i identyfikowania siæ ze stylistami paznokci na caùym úwiecie. Poczàwszy od Stanów
Zjednoczonych aý po Europæ i Azjæ poúwiæciùa swoje ýycie edukowaniu stylistów oraz wùaúcicieli firm.
Christine potrafi zrozumieã potrzeby i obawy swoich klientów. Nieustannie dàýy do tworzenia
nowych i innowacyjnych produktów zasilajàc tym samym ofertæ przemysùu paznokciowego.
Ma niezwykùy talent tworzenia nieporównywalnych zdobieñ, poczàwszy od trójwymiarowych motyli z ýelu aý do
kwiecistych akrylowych ùàk. Nie tylko stara siæ ulepszyã úwiat paznokci, ale takýe aktywnie wspiera lokalne
organizacje spoùeczne i charytatywne. Po 17 latach pracy w salonach oraz zarzàdzania nimi, Christine zdecydowaùa
siæ na stworzenie produktów, które sprawiùyby, ýe jej ýycie oraz jej wspóùpracowników staùoby siæ nieco ùatwiejsze.
Byùa bardzo zniechæcona pracà z produktami, które ýóùkùy oraz wyczerpana stosowaniem skomplikowanych
systemów ýelowych. Tak powstaùo w 1998 roku CHRISTRIO!®
Exclusive Importer
15 lat!
15 years
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