City Council Agenda - City of Springfield
City Council Agenda - City of Springfield
City Council Agenda City Manager: Gino Grimaldi City Recorder: Amy Sowa 541.726.3700 City Hall 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541.726.3700 Online at Mayor Christine Lundberg City Council Sean VanGordon, Ward 1 Hillary Wylie, Ward 2 Sheri Moore, Ward 3 Dave Ralston, Ward 4 Marilee Woodrow, Ward 5 Joe Pishioneri, Ward 6 The meeting location is wheelchair-accessible. For the hearing-impaired, an interpreter can be provided with 48 hours notice prior to the meeting. For meetings in the Council Meeting Room, a “Personal PA Receiver” for the hearing impaired is available. To arrange for these services, call 541.726.3700. Meetings will end prior to 10:00 p.m. unless extended by a vote of the Council. All proceedings before the City Council are recorded. November 21, 2011 _____________________________ 6:15 p.m. Work Session Jesse Maine Room _____________________________ CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL - Mayor Lundberg ___, Councilors VanGordon___, Wylie___, Moore____, Ralston___, Woodrow ___, and Pishioneri___. 1. Arts Commission Applicant Review. [Carrie Schindele-Cupples] (05 Minutes) 2. Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) Application Review. [Kevin Ko] (10 Minutes) 3. NEDCO Downtown Projects Update. [Linda Pauly] (30 Minutes) ADJOURNMENT ____________________________ 7:00 p.m. Regular Meeting Council Meeting Room _____________________________ CALL TO ORDER Council Agenda November 21, 2011 Page 2 ROLL CALL - Mayor Lundberg ___, Councilors VanGordon___, Wylie___, Moore____, Ralston___, Woodrow ___, and Pishioneri___. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE SPRINGFIELD UPBEAT 1. Girl Effect Week Proclamation. [Mayor Lundberg] (05 Minutes) CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Claims a. Approval of the October 2011, Disbursements for Approval. 2. Minutes a. November 7, 2011 – Regular Meeting 3. Resolutions 4. Ordinances 5. Other Routine Matters a. Approve the Thurston Road Overlay Project Intergovernmental Agreement No. 28,107 Between the City of Springfield and Oregon Department of Transportation and Authorize the City Manager to Execute the Agreement on Behalf of the City. b. Approve an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the City, Springfield School District, Rainbow Water District and Willamalane Park and Recreation District Providing Funding for Phase 2 of the Regional Fuel Facility Upgrade Project, and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Agreement on Behalf of the City. c. Award the Subject Contract to SME Solutions, LLC in the Amount of $41,223.50 for Phase 2 of the Regional Fuel Facility Upgrade. MOTION: APPROVE/REJECT THE CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR PUBLIC HEARINGS - Please limit comments to 3 minutes. Request to speak cards are available at both entrances. Please present cards to City Recorder. Speakers may not yield their time to others. BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE - Limited to 20 minutes. Please limit comments to 3 minutes. Request to Speak cards are available at both entrances. Please present cards to City Recorder. Speakers may not yield their time to others. Council Agenda November 21, 2011 Page 3 COUNCIL RESPONSE CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS 1. Correspondence from Bob Timmons, Property Owner in Springfield, Oregon, Regarding Sign Code Concerns. 2. Correspondence from Larry Reed Regarding the City’s Development Code’s Minimum Development Standards (MDS). MOTION: ACCEPT CORRESPONDENCE FOR FILING AND/OR PROVIDE STAFF DIRECTION/FOLLOWUP. BIDS ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance Amending Springfield Municipal Code Section 5.550 Et Seq. [Joe Leahy] (05 Minutes) ORDINANCE NO. 1 – AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AMENDING SECTION 5.550 ET SEQ., "UNLAWFUL DISCRIMINATION BECAUSE OF RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN" OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE PROHIBITING DISCRIMINATION AGAINST INDIVIDUALS OR GROUPS BY REASON OF THEIR SEXUAL ORIENTATION IN ORDER TO BE CONSISTENT WITH OREGON STATE LAW AND SPECIFICALLY AMENDING SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 5.550, "DECLARATION OF POLICY", SUBSECTIONS (1) & (2), SECTION 5.552, "DEFINITIONS" OF "DISCRIMINATE OR DISCRIMINATION", SECTION 5.554, "UNLAWFUL EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES", SUBSECTIONS (2), (3)(a) & (b), (4), AND (8)(a). NO ACTION REQUESTED. FIRST READING ONLY. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Committee Appointments a. Budget Committee Appointment. [Bob Duey] (05 Minutes) MOTION: RE-APPOINT GAROLD ROPP TO THE BUDGET COMMITTEE FOR WARD 4 WITH A TERM TO EXPIRE DECEMBER 31, 2014. b. Library Board Appointments. [Rob Everett] (05 Minutes) MOTION: RE-APPOINT INTERIM LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS LAURA MADSEN AND ROBYN SATTLER TO THE SPRINGFIELD LIBRARY BOARD WITH TERMS EXPIRING DECEMBER 31, 2015. Council Agenda November 21, 2011 Page 4 2. Business from Council a. Committee Reports b. Other Business BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER 1. Extending the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) Between City and the Springfield Economic Development Agency (SEDA) to Advance and Repay Funds Needed for Urban Renewal Projects. [John Tamulonis] (10 Minutes) RESOLUTION NO. 1 – A RESOLUTION APPROVING EXTENSION OF AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT TO ADVANCE $1.5 MILLION TO THE SPRINGFIELD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (SEDA) FOR COSTS OF URBAN RENEWAL PROJECTS, AND APPROVING THE ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY MOTION: ADOPT/NOT ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 1. 2. Other Business BUSINESS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY ADJOURNMENT AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL ITEM TITLE: ACTION REQUESTED: ISSUE STATEMENT: ATTACHMENTS: DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Staff Contact/Dept.: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: Council Goals: 11/21/2011 Work Session Carrie SchindeleCupples, Library X2237 5 minutes Mandate ARTS COMMISSION APPLICANT REVIEW Review the applications of two candidates for two vacancies for membership on the Springfield Arts Commission. The Arts Commission has two vacancies on its board. Two position openings were advertised. One vacancy was unfilled during the prior appointment process, and one is a term expiration of commissioner Riley Smith, who is eligible to reapply. The Arts Commission received two applications. Applicants Roka Walsh and Riley Smith attended the November Arts Commission meeting for an interview. Attachment I: Arts Commission Charge Attachment II: Application of Riley Smith Attachment III: Application of Roka Walsh Attachment IV: Arts Commission Member Profiles In response to news releases in October 2011, the Arts Commission received two applications for two vacancies. The Arts Commission reviewed and met with all applicants during its November 14, 2011 meeting. The Arts Commission recommends that Riley Smith be re-appointed and that Roka Walsh be appointed to the commission. Riley and Roka will both complete terms that will expire December 31, 2015. Riley Smith is a business owner and artist. He volunteers with A3 school and is interested in event organizing and fundraising for the Arts Commission. He has been an active member of the Arts Commission in his previous service. Roka Walsh is a student studying psychology and art and has been a working artist most of her adult life. She is currently involved with the Eugene Storefront Art Project, The Collective Muse, Emerald Art Gallery, Springfield City Club, and a project mentor and judge for the Act-So NAACP Competition. The Arts Commission believes the candidates are eligible and qualified to serve on the commission. The Council is requested to review the Arts Commissions’ recommendations at the Work Session. Arts Commission CHARGE The Springfield Arts Commission was created by the City Council to promote the arts in Springfield. The Commission gives assistance to local artists in the form of grant sponsorship, networking, education, exhibits, and occasionally funding. The Commission may co-sponsor art events and exhibits. It works closely with the Lane Regional Arts Council and the Oregon Arts Commission. Source of Existence: Council Bylaws: Yes Code: No Sunset Date: Council Membership Number: In City: Out of City: Nine Majority Minimal Terms (2 max): Ward: Qualifier: Four years No Area residents with a 97477, 97478 or 97482 zip code only are eligible. They may reside outside the city limits, but must have a qualifying zip code. Appointed By: Council application Meeting Time: Monthly; Second Monday - 6:30 p.m., Library Meeting Room (Location subject to change) Funding Source: General Fund and Room Tax Staff Liaison: Carrie Schindele-Cupples, Librarian I, 726-2237 Council Liaison: Councilor Marilee Woodrow Attachment I –Page 1 Springfield Arts Commission (SAC) Membership Profiles November 2011 Dr. Gary LeClair: Dr. LeClair has been a member of the SAC since 2009. He is an amateur photographer and art collector. He is on the Boards of the Eugene Symphony and the Eugene Concert Choir. He has had a lifelong interest in art. His other interests include dance from modern to classical ballet, as well as music of all kinds from heavy metal to opera. Sally LaMarche: Ms. LaMarche is an artist and Springfield resident. She has volunteered at the Springfield Museum and is currently a member at Emerald Art Center. She has exhibited her work at Emerald Arts as well as in the City Hall Gallery. As a member of the Arts Commission, she assists with exhibits in the gallery and as host at receptions for the gallery. Paul Roth: Mr. Roth was born and raised in Springfield and graduated from Thurston High School. He is coowner of Roaring Rapids Pizza Company in Springfield. His interest in the Springfield Arts Commission arises from his participation as a lifelong musician, which started while attending Briggs Junior High way back when. Currently, he plays trombone for the jazz band Swing Shift, which is a resident company of the Wildish Community Theater. PJ Sargeant: Ms. Sargeant was a SAC member from 2002-2006. She rejoined in January of 2009. She is currently a member of the mural maintenance, the mural planning, the youth arts, and the archives committees. She is a visual artist. Niles Schartz: Mr. Schartz is a long-time resident of Springfield and a self-employed interior design and remodeling contractor. He is interested in work with the City Hall Gallery, a supporter of Springfield’s 2nd Friday Downtown Artwalk and bringing art experiences to Springfield-at-large. Riley Smith: Mr. Smith is owner of and artist for Lifetime Tattoos of Springfield. He has a particular interest in promoting the Downtown Artwalk and improving our community through access to artistic opportunities. He also mentors and supports young artists to pursue art as a career. Robert Winkleman: Mr. Winkelman is the owner of McKenzie Photoworks, and has been a photographer for many years. The current Chair of the SAC, he became a member of the commission in January 2006 and is a member of the City Gallery committee and the Heritage Arts Grants committee. Scott Wylie: Mr. Wylie has been a member of SAC since 1996 [excepting 2006] and is a former Commission chair. He is a well-known artist and designer whose practice focuses on building/landscape design and planning and the interrelationships of these disciplines with fine and applied arts. This career path stems from his lifelong passions for drawing, building and using his imagination. Wylie managed the City Hall Gallery for many years and continues to help jury its shows. He now spearheads the Luigi Testa Sculpture Siting Committee, helps with the Puppet Festival and assists in Youth Arts and Arts Heritage workshops. He is currently active in the Emerald Empire Arts Association, volunteering frequently for its Family Art Sunday Programs. He frequently gives public testimony and writes articles on historic preservation, land use and design issues. As a construction contractor, he often builds and installs his works. Attachment IV—Page 1 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL ITEM TITLE: ACTION REQUESTED: ISSUE STATEMENT: ATTACHMENTS: DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Staff Contact/Dept.: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: Council Goals: 11/21/2011 Work Session Kevin Ko 541-726-2302 10 minutes Community and Economic Development and Revitalization COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CDAC) APPLICATION REVIEW 1. Review six applicants for three vacant positions on the CDAC 2. Recommend three applicants for appointment to the CDAC Three positions on the CDAC are scheduled to expire on December 31, 2011. All three are at large positions. Council is being requested to review the six applications received to fill the three positions being vacated, and to recommend three applicants for appointment to the committee. The recommended applicants will be formally appointed at the December 5, 2011 Council meeting. 1. Applications from Karen Hageman, Judy Harold (incumbent), Arline Link, Robyn Sattler (incumbent), Scott Succo and Marilyn Walburger. 2. CDAC By-Laws The CDAC consists of six at-large positions from the community, one representative from the City Council and one representative from the Planning Commission. The CDAC advises the City Council on all matters related to the City’s housing and community development activities which are funded annually by Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds and HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) funds received from HUD. Applications are encouraged from lower-income citizens and residents of lower income neighborhoods, racial and ethnic minorities, senior citizens, disabled individuals and female heads of households. All applicants must live within the city limits or the urban growth boundary of Springfield. The positions available are the result of upcoming term expirations of Judy Harold, Robyn Sattler and Scott Spiker (resigned). The notice of available positions was posted on September 27, 2011 and applications were being accepted through October 28, 2011. Six applications were received. Incumbents Judy Harold and Robyn Sattler are seeking reappointment to the CDAC. Staff is requesting that Council recommend three applicants to fill the vacated positions on the CDAC. Council recommendations will be presented for appointment at a regular Council meeting on December 5, 2011. Attachment 1-1 Attachment 1-2 Attachment 1-3 Attachment 1-4 Attachment 1-5 Attachment 1-6 Attachment 1-7 Attachment 1-8 Attachment 1-9 Attachment 1-10 Attachment 1-11 Attachment 1-12 Attachment 1-13 Attachment 1-14 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE BY-LAWS Article I – Name This Committee, being duly and officially established by the Common Council of the City of Springfield, shall be known as the “Community Development Advisory Committee”, hereinafter referred to as the “CDAC”. Article II – Purposes Section 1. Formal Purposes. The existence and work of the CDAC are important expressions of the desire for citizen participation in the City’s housing and community development activities, which are supported by block grants from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The CDAC will recommend for Council adoption: a. Short and long term housing and community development needs, objectives, and priorities listed in the Eugene – Springfield Five-Year Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plans. b. The annual selection of projects and activities to be supported by the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and the HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Programs; and c. Other plans, policy documents, or items required by CDBG and HOME program regulations and/or which could reasonably be expected to benefit from citizen participation. Section 2. Extended Purposes. The CDAC provides a means of citizen involvement in an advisory capacity to the Council in policy decisions regarding the City’s housing and community development needs. The CDAC provides a forum for citizens to assess and comment on all aspects of the City’s community development performance. The CDAC’s responsibilities and authority shall be on-going without a set date of expiration. The CDAC’s responsibilities and roles shall include at least the following: a. Ensure that citizen participation is meaningful in all phases of the City’s CDBG and HOME supported housing and community development activities. Attachment 2-1 b. Ensure that there is effective communication between citizens and City officials. c. Ensure that technical information is available in an understandable form. d. Ensure that citizens receive thorough, accurate, and timely information and responses from City policymakers and administrators. Article III – Membership Section 1. Membership. Members shall serve as volunteers without compensation. There shall be eight voting members as follows: a. Six citizens who reside within the corporate city limits of Springfield, or within Springfield’s Urban Growth Boundary. b. One Planning Commission member chosen by the Commission. c. One City Council member appointed by the Mayor. Section 2. Appointment Procedures. Each citizen member shall be appointed by the mayor and City Council from a lists of applicants during an open meeting of the Council. The selection process shall be open and widely publicized. All Springfield citizens over the age of 18 are eligible for membership. Preference shall be given to persons likely to be affected by projects and activities of the Community Development Program, including persons of low and moderate income, residents of lower income neighborhoods, the elderly, persons with disabilities, members of racial and ethnic minority groups, and female heads of households. Section 3. Tenure. a. Terms of citizen members shall be for four years and shall expire on the 31st of December. Three terms shall expire every two years. b. No citizen member shall be appointed to more than two consecutive full terms, except the Planning Commission and City Council representatives shall serve at the pleasure of those respective bodies. Attachment 2-2 c. A member originally appointed to fill a vacancy created by a resignation or dismissal may serve the unexpired portion of that term as well as two consecutive full terms subsequently. d. A member who moves outside of the City’s Urban Growth Boundary shall be deemed to have resigned. Section 4. Ex-Officio Members. An ex-officio non-voting member of the CDC shall be the City’s Housing Programs Specialist or the designee of the Housing Programs Specialist. Other ex-officio members may be appointed to the CDAC by the City Council upon the nomination of the CDAC. Section 5. Officers. A Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson shall be selected annually by the voting members from their number. The Housing Programs Specialist or assigned staff shall act as recorder of the minutes and perform other staff work as necessary. Section 6. Voting. a. Each voting member shall be entitled to one vote on all motions or other official actions presented for consideration at meetings at which the member is present. b. Proxy voting is not allowed. Article IV – Meetings Section 1. Calling of Meetings. Meetings may be called by the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Housing Programs Specialist, or a quorum of the membership. Advance written notice of the time and place of meetings shall normally be mailed to all members. A member may waive notice of meeting, and the attendance of a member at a meeting shall constitute such waiver of notice. Section 2. Conduct of Meetings. a. Official action may be taken at a meeting whenever a quorum of the membership is present. A simple majority of the currently appointed voting members shall constitute a quorum. b. An act of a majority of a quorum present at any meeting shall constitute an act of the CDAC. Attachment 2-3 c. All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised, unless otherwise provided. d. Meetings shall be presided over by the Chairperson. In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson shall preside. e. All meetings shall be conducted in compliance with ORS, Chapter 192, regarding public meetings. Article V – Staffing a. The City will assign staff to administer the Community Development Block Grant and the HOME Investment Partnerships Programs and to assist the work of the CDAC. b. All staffing roles and necessary financial support will be determined by the City Council taking into consideration recommendations of the CDAC. Article VI – Subcommittees Section 1. Subcommittees. a. Subcommittees as needed shall be appointed by the Chairperson. b. Members of a subcommittee shall serve until the work of the subcommittee is completed or until their successors have been appointed. c. Members of a subcommittee need not be members of the CDAC except that at least one member of each subcommittee shall be a voting CDAC member. d. Ex-officio CDAC members shall also serve as non-voting ex-officio members of all CDAC subcommittees. e. The CDAC may dissolve subcommittees or remove individual subcommittee members with or without cause. Section 2. Subcommittee Officers Each subcommittee shall have a Chairperson appointed by the Chairperson of the CDAC. Section 3. Subcommittee Meetings. Attachment 2-4 Meetings may be called by the Chairperson of a subcommittee and shall be conducted in the same manner as meetings of the full CDAC. Article VII – Removal of Members Members shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority and as specified herein. Removal for non-attendance shall be based on the following: a. A member who fails at any time to attend either two consecutive meetings or any three meetings within a twelve consecutive month period without prior notification of and excuse from the Chairperson shall be deemed to have resigned his or her position. b. The CDAC may recommend to the City Council dismissal and replacement of a member whose attendance record over a period of time is deemed to be unacceptable to the Committee. Article VIII – Amendments to By-Laws. a. These by-laws may be amended by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the current voting membership, subject to the concurrence of the City Council. b. Written notice of proposed amendments and the nature thereof shall be given to the membership at least five days prior to the date of the meeting at which the proposed amendments are to be considered. Adopted: July, 1980 Amended: October, 1981 October, 1982 December, 1984 April, 2006 Attachment 2-5 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL ITEM TITLE: ACTION REQUESTED: ISSUE STATEMENT: ATTACHMENTS: DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Staff Contact/Dept.: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: Council Goals: 11/21/2011 Work Session Linda Pauly/DSD (541) 726-4608 30 minutes Community and Economic Development and Revitalization NEDCO DOWNTOWN PROJECTS UPDATE Clair Carpenter-Seguin from the Neighborhood Economic Development Corporation (NEDCO) will provide the Council with updates on NEDCO’s Downtown economic development and revitalization activities: the Downtown Springfield Main Street® program and the SPROUT! Food Hub project. Last year, the Council adopted a resolution to support NEDCO’s successful application to nominate Downtown Springfield for the Oregon Main Street Program (National Trust for Historic Preservation). The Main Street Four-Point Approach® is a unique preservationbased economic development tool that enables communities to revitalize downtown and neighborhood business districts by leveraging local assets - from historic, cultural, and architectural resources to local enterprises and community pride. It is a comprehensive strategy that addresses the variety of issues and problems that challenge traditional commercial districts. The four points of the Main Street approach work together to build a sustainable and complete community revitalization effort: Organization - establishes consensus and cooperation by building partnerships among the various groups that have a stake in the commercial district. Promotion - creates a positive image that will rekindle community pride and improve consumer and investor confidence in your commercial district. Design - getting Main Street into top physical shape and creating a safe, inviting environment for shoppers, workers, and visitors. Economic Restructuring - retaining and expanding successful businesses to provide a balanced commercial mix, sharpening the competitiveness and merchandising skills of business owners, and attracting new businesses that the market can support. The Main Street program is organized and implemented under NEDCO’s leadership. 1. Main Street Committee Activities 2. Committee Members 3. Current Springfield Activities 4. Main Street Map 5. Oregon Main Street Communities Downtown revitalization is a key strategy for fostering Springfield’s community pride, livability and economic development. Main Street® provides an organizational structure for community-initiated business district improvement efforts. These incremental changes have potential to transform the dynamics and perceptions of Downtown. Successful implementation of the Main Street program will provide support for the strategies outlined in the City’s adopted Downtown District Urban Design Plan and Implementation Strategy and for Downtown’s development as an attractive and economically viable city center. Main Street Committees Purpose and Current Projects Organization Committee: The purpose of the Organization committee is to take responsibility for raising money, managing volunteers, promoting the program, and managing the finances of the organization. Current Projects: Recruitment of volunteers to support all Main Street committee work. Development of a fundraising action plan, including; o Creation of a case statement. o Actively planning for a community wide fundraising. Promotion Committee: The purpose of the Promotion Committee is to identify downtown assets, including, people, buildings, heritage, and institutions, define Main Street’s market niche, and create unique image campaigns, retail promotions, and special events. Current Projects: Development of a marketing campaign for downtown business owners. Working to develop promotional materials for downtown. Compile a calendar of all events happening in downtown Springfield. Working to develop and coherent downtown branding strategy. Design Committee: The purpose of the Design Committee is to educate the community about good design, provide good design advice, help to plan Main Street’s development, and motivate others to create change. Current Projects: Coordinating a Charrette focused on downtown business façade design. Working with community partners to develop a building façade improvement fund. Development of a streetscape plan to be presented to City Council for consideration, including subjects, such as: o Improved lighting on downtown streets. o Maintenance, removal and replacement of street trees. Economic Restructuring Committee: The purpose of the Economic Restructuring Committee is to learn about the district’s current economic condition and identify opportunities for market growth, strengthen existing businesses and recruit new ones, find new economic uses for traditional main street buildings, develop financial incentives and capital for building rehabilitations and business development, and monitor the economic performance of the district. Current Projects: Conducted a survey of all business and property owners in downtown in order to compile data on building vacancy, business owner information and property/lot data. Conducting gap analysis to determine existence of business clusters in Springfield and how we can strategically guide economic growth in downtown. Develop business toolkits to assist with recruitment of new businesses, and compile resources for recent business starts and existing businesses. Attachment 1-1 Main Street Committees Members and Affiliations Organization Committee: Promotion Committee: Design Committee: Economic Restructuring Committee: Name Dan Egan - Chair Leslie Benz - Co-chair Debbie Sutch Glenn Myers Jack Koehler Karlene Clark Melinda Handy Marilee Woodrow Name AlethaLou Harmon Bethe Hayes Denise Pohrman Emily Hamil Frank Clark Josh Clark Judy Clark Karen Hageman Mikayle Anderson Niel Laudati Affiliation Springfield Chamber Springfield Citizen/Holiday Inn Siuslaw Bank Trash 'n' Treasures Sweety's Riverside Community Church Focus 4 CPA Springfield City Counselor Affiliation The Mercantile Branch Manager, US Bank Bright Oak Meats Wildish Theater (Willamalane) Springfield Times Riverside Community Church/The Gathering Place Springfield Chamber Washburne Café(formerly) Seen Eugene City of Springfield Name John Lively - Chair Alaina Payne Allison Van Wey Bill Grile Brian Conlon David Bowlsby Denise Bean Denise Schoonhaven Jack Koehler James Yarnall Jay Pezzotti Karen Hageman Kip Amend Linda Pauly Peter Herley Ted Corbin Trudy Logan Affiliation Cawood MotherShip Salon Goodwill Industries, NEDCO Board Springfield Citizen Public Works Supervisor, City of Springfield Permit Review Tech, City of Springfield Bean Counter Tax Service Freelancer, Springfield Citizen Sweety's Springfield Citizen UO Student Washburne Café Historic Commission, Nagao Pacific Architects Planning Supervisor, City of Springfield ESAP Eric Hall Architects Pump Café Name Courtney Griesel - Chair James Yarnall John Tamulonis Lisa Spraigue Maddie Phillips Nancy Bigley Rick Dunaven Tom Draggoo Affiliation City Manager's Office, City of Springfield Springfield Citizen City of Springfield Springfield Jazzercise UO Planning Masters Student Springfield School District Wheelburro LLC Siuslaw Bank Attachment 2-1 Current Springfield Projects and Programs 2011-2012 Community Economic Development 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Main Street HATCH-business incubator Springfield Farmers’ Market This season’s economic impact-$1.15 million Food Hub-Sprout! One -on- one business education/counseling Regional Housing Center-Lane County: located in downtown Springfield 1. Mortgage Payment Assistance Program: 118 families in Springfield $1,607,918 in mortgage payments for the total program 2. Down Payment Assistance Program 3. Financial Education Classes LifeLine-beginning financial literacy- weekly Threshold- intensive financial education-4 times per year ABC’s of Homebuying- preparation for homebuying process and certificatemonthly Default Intervention Workshops-3 times per month Financial Recovery workshop-monthly All classes have a one-on one counseling component with HUD certified counselors. Real Estate Development Foreclosure Recovery Program- Purchasing foreclosed homes, rehabbing them , and then leasing them to families who have lost their homes. During their lease period, families will have intensive financial rebuilding counseling at NEDCO. Lending Small business and credit builder loans to dovetail with existing education and program goals Attachment 3-1 9TH 10TH 5TH 6TH C A 8TH MAIN 7TH 4TH PIONEER PARKWAY EA ST BIKEPATH B A B 2ND 4TH C DR IVE 3RD MILL Attachment 4-1 PIONEER PARKWAY WEST MAIN STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON MAIN STREET BLOCKS WA Y Block100 Block600 Block200 Block700 Block300 Block800 Block400 Block900 Block500 520 260 0 ± 520 Feet OREGON MAIN STREET 2011 Cities and Communities, October 2011 Performing Downtown Albany Baker City Corvallis McMinnville Oregon City Roseburg Salem Transforming Downtown Astoria Bandon Canby Carlton Cottage Grove Dayton Estacada Hillsboro Klamath Falls La Grande Medford Molalla Oakridge Philomath Riddle Sandy Springfield The Dalles Toledo Attachment 5-1 Exploring Downtown Amity Aumsville Beaverton Bonanza Canyonville Condon Coos Bay Damascus Enterprise Grass Valley Gresham Hamlets & Villages Mt Hood Happy Valley Independence Irrigon Jacksonville John Day Junction City Lake Grove Lake Oswego Lakeview Lebanon Lowell Milwaukie Mitchell Monmouth Mosier Myrtle Creek Newberg North Bend Nyssa Pendleton Pilot Rock Port Orford Reedsport Shady Cove Sherwood Silverton St. Helens Stayton Tillamook The Dalles Turner West Linn Weston Whitaker Nhd./Eugene Woodburn Vernonia Yoncalla AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Staff Contact/Dept.: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: Council Goals: 11/21/2011 Regular Meeting Bob Duey 726-3740 Consent Calendar Mandate ITEM TITLE: OCTOBER 2011, DISBURSEMENTS FOR APPROVAL ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of the following motion to: Approve the OCTOBER 2011Disbursements for Approval ISSUE STATEMENT: The OCTOBER 2011Disbursements for Approval is attached for your review and approval. ATTACHMENTS: DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: A. OCTOBER 2011 Disbursements for Approval Checks totaling $3,027,740.09 were issued in OCTOBER 2011. Documentation supporting these payments has been reviewed. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF DISBURSEMENTS This is to certify that the documentation supporting City of Springfield General account checks 109766 through 110328 and Automated Clearing House payments 990475 through 990481 in the amount of $3,027,740.09 has been reviewed. I, therefore, recommend approval of these claims payments: ____________________________________ Robert J. Duey, Finance Director Approved and recommended for payment this 21ST day of November 2011. ___________________________________ Gino Grimaldi, City Manager Approved and recommended for payment this 21ST day of November 2011. ___________________________________ Chair, Finance Committee ___________________________________ Member, Finance Committee ___________________________________ Member, Finance Committee Approved by the Springfield City Council for payment this 21ST day of November 2011. __________________________________ Robert J. Duey, Finance Director _________________________________ Christine L. Lundberg, Mayor City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 109766 10/01/2011 Thru Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/03/11 North Douglas County Fire & EMS 10/31/2011 Page No. 1 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description Payment AMBULANCE REVENUE SEPT 2011 29,704.01 BAD DEBT RECOVERY 564.89 30,268.90 109767 Paid 10/03/11 City of Cascade Locks AMBULANCE REVENUE SEPT 2011 BAD DEBT RECOVERY 2,008.60 123.55 2,132.15 109768 Paid 10/03/11 Central Oregon Coast Fire & Rescue AMBULANCE REVENUE SEPT 2011 11,106.08 11,106.08 109769 Paid 10/03/11 Crooked River Ranch RFPD AMBULANCE REVENUE SEPT 2011 8,756.47 8,756.47 109770 Paid 10/03/11 Elgin Ambulance Service AMBULANCE REVENUE SEPT 2011 1,756.07 1,756.07 109771 Paid 10/03/11 CITY OF HOOD RIVER AMBULANCE REVENUE SEPT 2011 BAD DEBT RECOVERY 35,085.46 955.84 36,041.30 109772 Paid 10/03/11 Mid-Columbia Fire and Rescue AMBULANCE REVENUE SEPT 2011 BAD DEBT RECOVERY 49,311.26 498.01 49,809.27 109773 Paid 10/03/11 City of Oakridge AMBULANCE REVENUE SEPT 2011 BAD DEBT RECOVERY 9,584.95 114.48 9,699.43 109774 Paid 10/03/11 Polk County Fire District No. 1 AMBULANCE REVENUE SEPT 2011 BAD DEBT RECOVERY 35,614.33 580.01 36,194.34 109775 Paid 10/03/11 Sunriver Service District AMBULANCE REVENUE SEPT 2011 9,164.99 9,164.99 109776 Paid 10/03/11 Umatilla Rural Fire Protection District AMBULANCE REVENUE SEPT 2011 BAD DEBT RECOVERY 5,363.62 65.78 5,429.40 109777 Paid 10/03/11 Umatilla Tribal Fire & Ambulance AMBULANCE REVENUE SEPT 2011 7,445.94 7,445.94 109778 Paid 10/03/11 Union Volunteer Emergency Services AMBULANCE REVENUE SEPT 2011 8,148.52 8,148.52 109779 Paid 10/07/11 Kirkpatrick, Peter Per Diem/Kirkpatrick 9/13-18 350.75 350.75 109780 Paid 10/07/11 Courtyard By Marriott Lodging Sup Training 9/13-18 470.80 470.80 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 109781 Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/07/11 Victoria Parmer 10/01/2011 Thru 10/31/2011 Page No. 2 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description APWA Conf Per-Diem Payment 106.00 106.00 109782 Paid 10/07/11 Olsen, Richard T APWA School Per-Diem 106.00 106.00 109783 Paid 10/07/11 Hinman, Kathleen OCHCP 105.22 105.22 109784 Paid 10/07/11 Gay, Jackie Lynn Bldg Refund-SPR2011-00790 259.00 259.00 109785 Paid 10/07/11 SJ Olson Publishing, Inc Safety Fair Ad 140.00 140.00 109786 Paid 10/07/11 Copy Rite Corporation dog lic. applications (1000) 365.00 365.00 109787 Paid 10/07/11 A-1 Coupling & Hose Veh.7034: Pipe & adapter 44.34 44.34 109788 Paid 10/07/11 Williams, Crystal OR POETRY ASSN HONOR 100.00 100.00 109789 Paid 10/07/11 Rosenow, Ce HONORARIUM OR POETRY ASSN 50.00 50.00 109790 Paid 10/07/11 McMonagle, Rick HONORARIUIM OR POETRY ASSN 50.00 50.00 109791 Paid 10/07/11 Keith's Sporting Goods, Inc. 2 - tasers 1,659.90 1,659.90 109792 Paid 10/07/11 Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce Membership 140.00 140.00 109793 Paid 10/07/11 United Pipe & Supply Co., Inc Sewer Pipe 28.94 Sewer pipe 443.76 472.70 109794 Paid 10/07/11 Heyman's Safe/Lock & Security, Inc. Maint- Inside stairwell door 304.00 304.00 109795 Paid 10/07/11 Associated Business Systems Corp %1060ADMCOPIER:8/30-9/30/11 95.01 Mo. Maint. Agree. SE Quad 148.55 Monthly Maint. Agree. NW Quad. 274.01 monthly copies-Records 149.63 monthly copies/ISB 31.72 698.92 109796 Paid 10/07/11 Pacific Power Products TO3: GENERATOR DIAGNOSTIC 399.09 399.09 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 109797 Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/07/11 My-Comm, Inc. 10/01/2011 Thru 10/31/2011 Page No. 3 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description TO3:REPAIR PC BOARD Payment 184.00 184.00 109798 Paid 10/07/11 Baker's Shoes and Clothing BUNKER BOOTS:JMCDOWELL 320.00 DUTY BOOTS:P VANBUSKIRK 259.95 DUTY BOOTS:R STEWART 259.95 DUTY BOOTS:T INMAN 259.95 REPLACE ZIPPERS(2):J MCDOWELL SUPERFEET INSOLES:P VANBUSKIRK 58.00 35.00 1,192.85 109799 Paid 10/07/11 McKenzie By Sew On uniform embroidery 378.40 378.40 109800 Paid 10/07/11 Washington State Correctional Industries INMATE MEALS 3,133.32 3,133.32 109801 Paid 10/07/11 BOEKELHEIDE,ERICH BAIL REFUND 467.00 467.00 109802 Paid 10/07/11 HOLLIS,STEVEN LEROY BAIL REFUND 1,142.00 1,142.00 109803 Paid 10/07/11 Mancilla Fuentes,Rogelio BAIL REFUND 1,142.00 1,142.00 109804 Paid 10/07/11 YOUNGQUIST,GREGORY CARL BAIL REFUND 617.00 617.00 109805 Paid 10/07/11 AMSAN, LLC STN14:CLEANING SUPPLIES 28.52 STN14:CLEANING SUPPLIES 60.10 STN16:CLEANING SUPPLIES 431.28 STN3:CLEANING SUPPLIES 285.18 STN4:CLEANING SUPPLIES 51.90 STN5:CLEANING SUPPLIES 582.74 Steam Cleaner Parts buckets and dispensers 90.64 35.72 cleaning supplies 602.63 liners 210.60 shower cleaner 441.52 2,820.83 109806 Paid 10/07/11 American Health & Safety gloves 769.48 769.48 109807 Paid 10/07/11 Garten Services, Inc CH Landscape Svcs CH Landscape Svcs 436.48 813.28 1,249.76 109808 Paid 10/07/11 Cornforth, Karen License Refund 52.50 52.50 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 109809 10/01/2011 Thru Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/07/11 Gay, Willamean & George 10/31/2011 Line Description Alarm System license refund Page No. 4 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Payment 52.50 52.50 109810 Paid 10/07/11 Power Sport Dynamic Inc motorcycle maint. 431.55 431.55 109811 Paid 10/07/11 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipment returned uniform shirt -61.50 uniform clothing 197.33 uniform jacket uniform pants uniform pants-returned uniforms - jail 98.95 52.99 -52.99 431.35 666.13 109812 Paid 10/07/11 Ikon Office Solutions, Inc. copy mach.-Jail Sept2011 copy mach.-jail Sept 2011 60.29 11.60 71.89 109813 Paid 10/07/11 Ikon Office Solutions, Inc. Lease 2090 382.96 382.96 109814 Paid 10/07/11 Soben,Danielle Bail Refund 1,397.42 1,397.42 109815 Paid 10/07/11 Vucic,Ryan Alexander Bail Refund 1,998.00 1,998.00 109816 Paid 10/07/11 DRAGO,ANTHONY 086174 Anthony Drago 796.00 796.00 109817 Paid 10/07/11 Bureau of labor & Industrie P21048 BOLI FEE 09/27/11 888.76 888.76 109818 Paid 10/07/11 WALLACE,KENITH HOWARD BAIL REFUND 137.00 137.00 109819 Paid 10/07/11 Airgas Nor Pac, Inc. STN 16:MEDICAL OXYGEN STN3:MEDICAL OXYGEN STN5:MEDICAL OXYGEN 111.72 33.39 28.00 173.11 109820 Paid 10/07/11 NW Natural BK #112 8/26-9/26/11 8.40 BK#110 for 8/26-9/27/11 8.40 BK#115 for 8/26-9/27/11 8.40 BK#182 for 8/26-9/26/11 CH: Generator-gas 8/27-9/26/11 Sept 2011 billing 8.40 15.75 2,412.48 2,461.83 109821 Paid 10/07/11 Knife River, Inc. Crushed Rock 42.40 42.40 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 109822 10/01/2011 Thru Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/07/11 Flint Trading, Inc. 10/31/2011 Page No. 5 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description Corundum compound Payment 300.59 300.59 109823 Paid 10/07/11 Professional Credit Service collection fees 1,980.52 1,980.52 109824 Paid 10/07/11 McKenzie Roofing & Gutter, Inc. Depot Roof Repair 150.00 150.00 109825 Paid 10/07/11 Shangri-La Corporation City Hall Air Fliters 210.30 210.30 109826 Paid 10/07/11 Maginnis,Margaret M SC/T-RIDDLE, LOREN DOUGLAS 150.00 T-CHOWN, BENNY LEE 300.00 T-MOORE, MATTHEW ERIC 225.00 T-WELLS, JAMES PATRICK 75.00 T-WILLIAMS, BARRY SCOTT 75.00 825.00 109827 Paid 10/07/11 O'Brien, Danielle J T-APPLING, CRYSTAL KAY 200.00 T-ELLIS, BRYCE AARON 150.00 T-FLEISCHER, MARK EDWARD T-SEDANOPERALES, JOSE ASENCION 75.00 100.00 525.00 109828 Paid 10/07/11 BROWN TRUST,DOUGLAS & MAYBELL FM REFUND:D BROWN TRUST 62.00 62.00 109829 Paid 10/07/11 Mizejewski, Max John IV T-CARPENTER, CARRIE LOUISA T-STEWARD, RAYMOND CHARLES T-WILTSE, ZACHARY LEE T/SC-SOBEN, KIRK DANIEL 75.00 150.00 75.00 150.00 450.00 109830 Paid 10/07/11 Feola, Kelsea J. SC-FISHER,DAVID GORDON SC-KINKADE,TIFFANY JEAN T-NIPPS,TIFFANY LYNN 300.00 75.00 150.00 525.00 109831 Paid 10/07/11 Sea Western, Inc. FIRE GLOVES(45) 1,951.18 1,951.18 109832 Paid 10/07/11 Morrell, John McEachren Interpreting Services Interpreting Services 9-26-11 64.00 64.00 128.00 109833 Paid 10/07/11 Springfield Renaissance Development Corp Spfd City Club Membership 75.00 75.00 109834 Paid 10/07/11 Northwest Uniforms, Inc. Uniform Shirts w/patches (18) 639.00 639.00 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 109835 10/01/2011 Thru Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/07/11 Costco Wholesale 10/31/2011 Page No. 6 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description C3:GPS UNIT GPS UNITS FOR MEDIC UNITS (3) Payment 159.99 489.57 649.56 109836 Paid 10/07/11 Office Depot, Inc. ink,binders,notes,tape,clips message pads 183.28 4.82 188.10 109837 Paid 10/07/11 Parrott,John R. T-JUAREZ, BRANDY JENELL 75.00 75.00 109838 Paid 10/07/11 Galt Foundation Maint-Div Custodial Svc 333.20 333.20 109839 Paid 10/07/11 Rogge Concrete, LLC S/Walk rep. - due to storm MH 895.00 895.00 109840 Paid 10/07/11 Star Rentals, Inc. Rented Auger 50.00 50.00 109841 Paid 10/07/11 Wildish Sand & Gravel Company Liquid Asphalt 105.00 105.00 109842 Paid 10/07/11 Office Max Contract Inc. Office Supplies 23.25 Plotter Supplies 461.52 484.77 109843 Paid 10/07/11 RIO Networks Contractual Services 114.18 114.18 109844 Paid 10/07/11 Murray, Smith & Associates Inc Contractual Services 4,275.90 4,275.90 109845 Paid 10/07/11 Bishop,Dan Gordon subpoena/non attorney 5.00 5.00 109846 Paid 10/07/11 Emerald Fruit & Produce, Inc apples-inmates 90.00 90.00 109847 Paid 10/07/11 Knecht's flares, slim jims 740.00 740.00 109848 Paid 10/07/11 Springfield Utility Board SUB BILLING WK 1-OCT 5,584.29 5,584.29 109849 Paid 10/07/11 BUENO,ISRAEL BAIL REFUND 1,312.00 1,312.00 109850 Paid 10/07/11 Immaculate Janitorial Services BK-Restroom Serv 9/1-9/30/11 140.00 140.00 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 109851 Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/07/11 Robert Timmons 10/01/2011 Thru 10/31/2011 Page No. 7 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description Banner Refund- Spr2011-02021 Payment 100.00 100.00 109852 Paid 10/07/11 Oregon Police Canines Association K-9 Conference Registration 390.00 390.00 109853 Paid 10/07/11 Aramark Uniform Services, Inc. Mat Cleaning Service-Lunchrm 64.20 64.20 109854 Paid 10/07/11 Emerald Art Center CDBG Draw CDBG Draw 5,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 109855 Paid 10/07/11 Ready Rooter Inc. & Chapman Plumbing Plumbing Repairs 353.00 353.00 109856 Paid 10/07/11 Oregon Exec Development Institute OEDI Registration 1,350.00 1,350.00 109857 Paid 10/07/11 Lane Co. Health & Human Services CDBG Draw 5,399.96 5,399.96 109858 Paid 10/07/11 FedEx Corporation DEQ Express Letter 20.64 20.64 109859 Paid 10/07/11 Barrister's Aide, Incorporated Courier Services 97.75 97.75 109860 Paid 10/07/11 Brattain International Trucks, Inc. Claim Truck Repairs 362.07 3,907.20 4,269.27 109861 Paid 10/07/11 OBEC Consulting Engineers, Inc. Construction Serv - Aug 2011 1,916.87 1,916.87 109862 Paid 10/07/11 City of Eugene Bldg. Plan Check Fee 47.96 47.96 109863 Paid 10/07/11 Metro Planning Inc. FY12 OSS GIS Web Pilot 2,500.00 2,500.00 109864 Paid 10/07/11 Oregon Assoc for Court Admn, Inc. FALL CONFERENCE 2011 KATHY 119.95 119.95 109865 Paid 10/07/11 Lane County Mental Health DIAG EVAL - SEPTEMBER 2011 32.67 32.67 109866 Paid 10/07/11 Lane County Finance Operations County Bail 6,384.10 6,384.10 109867 Paid 10/07/11 Oregon Judicial Department Facilities Security 1,333.36 1,333.36 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 109868 10/01/2011 Thru Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/07/11 Oregon Department of Revenue 10/31/2011 Page No. 8 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description Bail Assessment SEPTEMBER 2011 Payment 30,910.96 30,910.96 109869 Paid 10/14/11 CareOregon - Refund REFUND OVERPAYMENT 11-19523 10.67 10.67 109870 Paid 10/14/11 POPE,FREEMAN REFUND OVERPAYMENT:11-51866 4.35 4.35 109871 Paid 10/14/11 Accent REFUND OVERPAYMENT 10-25884 1,435.50 1,435.50 109872 Paid 10/14/11 HEATHERLY,ROE REFUND OVERPAYMENT: 09-7635 246.89 246.89 109873 Paid 10/14/11 Bohman,Mathew E. Per Diem Matt Bohman 141.45 141.45 109874 Paid 10/14/11 Hart, Anthony APWA Conf Per-Diem 106.00 106.00 109875 Paid 10/14/11 Education for Life CPR COMPLETION CARDS 60.00 60.00 109876 Paid 10/14/11 Amundson, Allan Compensatory Fine 100.00 100.00 109877 Paid 10/14/11 Grimaldi,Gino C. LOC Conf Per Diem 84.00 84.00 109878 Paid 10/14/11 Boyatt,Tom Travel Expenses 66.95 66.95 109879 Paid 10/14/11 Mugleston, Tom Travel Expense 129.87 129.87 109880 Paid 10/14/11 Oregon Assoc for Court Admn, Inc. FALL CONFERENCE 2011 119.95 119.95 109881 Paid 10/14/11 Emerald Art Center CDBG Draw 5,000.00 5,000.00 109882 Paid 10/14/11 Perrott,Brandi A Bail Refund 35.00 35.00 109883 Paid 10/14/11 Ohlhauser,Carol A Bail Refund 35.00 35.00 109884 Paid 10/14/11 Johnson,Erica Marie Bail Refund 131.00 131.00 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 109885 10/01/2011 Thru Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/14/11 Truscott,Gerald L 10/31/2011 Line Description Bail Refund Page No. 9 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Payment 35.00 35.00 109886 Paid 10/14/11 Kendall,Denise Marie Bail Refund 35.00 35.00 109887 Paid 10/14/11 Triolo,Renata Rose Bail Refund 35.00 35.00 109888 Paid 10/14/11 Professional Credit Service Bail Refund 232.58 Bail Refund 619.00 Bail Refund 983.00 Collection Fees 935.98 Over Payment Refund 20.00 2,790.56 109889 Paid 10/14/11 Barrington,Ashley D Bail Refund 35.00 35.00 109890 Paid 10/14/11 Kingston,Megan Tracy BAIL REFUND 70.00 70.00 109891 Paid 10/14/11 Cutler,Joshua Derek BAIL REFUND 35.00 35.00 109892 Paid 10/14/11 Smith,Reid Norwood BAIL REFUND 74.00 74.00 109893 Paid 10/14/11 Wysocki,Martha M BAIL REFUND 35.00 35.00 109894 Paid 10/14/11 Haynes,Rachel Marie BAIL REFUND 47.00 47.00 109895 Paid 10/14/11 Brimhall,Belinda Ann BAIL REFUND 81.00 81.00 109896 Paid 10/14/11 Duncan,Samantha Dodge BAIL REFUND 35.00 35.00 109897 Paid 10/14/11 Heitz,Laura Lucille BAIL REFUND 74.00 74.00 109898 Paid 10/14/11 Galloway,Hillary Britt BAIL REFUND 35.00 35.00 109899 Paid 10/14/11 Dyke,Robert Michael BAIL REFUND 35.00 35.00 109900 Paid 10/14/11 Williams,Vincent Spartacus BAIL REFUND 70.00 70.00 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 109901 Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/14/11 Gorham,Ashley 10/01/2011 Thru 10/31/2011 Page No. 10 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description BAIL REFUND Payment 484.00 484.00 109902 Paid 10/14/11 Parrott,John R. T-GUTIERREZ, NORBERT JOSEPH 75.00 T-HANKS, TYLER JEFFREY 75.00 T-KANAFSKY, CORAL SAMANTHA 75.00 T-LYSNE, ERIC WADE 75.00 T-NICHOLS, TYLER KEITH T/SC-DOTY, MELISSA DAWN 75.00 150.00 525.00 109903 Paid 10/14/11 Rakestraw,Darryl Edward BAIL REFUND 35.00 35.00 109904 Paid 10/14/11 Wiese, Ashlee Rochelle T-DODDS, MATHEAU WILLIAM T-HANCOCK, PRESTON SCOTT 75.00 75.00 150.00 109905 Paid 10/14/11 Aramark Uniform Services, Inc. City Hall - Mat Cleaning Svcs Laundry Service & Supplies 37.20 34.80 72.00 109906 Paid 10/14/11 Laser Technology Inc. laser & equip. 3,390.00 3,390.00 109907 Paid 10/14/11 City of Eugene IGA between MWMC & Eugene MWMC Phone Serv. 1st Quarter radio services 58,546.50 720.48 244.26 59,511.24 109908 Paid 10/14/11 Hill,Harold Elwood BAIL REFUND 35.00 35.00 109909 Paid 10/14/11 Brown,Naomi A Victim Restitution 50.00 50.00 109910 Paid 10/14/11 Torkay,Robin Victim Restitution 50.00 50.00 109911 Paid 10/14/11 McAlexander,CharlaR Compensatory Fine 500.00 500.00 109912 Paid 10/14/11 Keelan,Dennis Bail Refund 790.00 790.00 109913 Paid 10/14/11 Delta Construction Company P20353-1 Progress Pmt 092511 561,799.93 561,799.93 109914 Paid 10/14/11 Armitage,John Marshall BAIL REFUND 35.00 35.00 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 109915 10/01/2011 Thru Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/14/11 Klatt,Micah Sunshower 10/31/2011 Page No. 11 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description BAIL REFUND Payment 35.00 35.00 109916 Paid 10/14/11 Comfort Flow Heating Justice Center-HVAC Svcs 855.00 855.00 109917 Paid 10/14/11 AMSAN, LLC %STN3:CLEANING SUPPLIES 206.50 %STN5:CLEANING SUPPLIES 102.48 4Mil Black Plastic Bags STN14 CLEANING SUPPLIES 79.00 86.56 474.54 109918 Void 10/14/11 HD Fowler Co. Mill Race-Ground Fabric 380.00 380.00 109919 Paid 10/14/11 Knife River, Inc. Crushed Rock 70.21 70.21 109920 Paid 10/14/11 Manasco, Evan Hershel non attorney-mileage reimbur. 5.00 5.00 109921 Paid 10/14/11 Rogge Concrete, LLC 527 F St -Sidewalk Replacement Banner Installation-3 location Sidewalk Replacement 1,085.00 225.00 695.00 2,005.00 109922 Paid 10/14/11 Thornton Electric, Inc. BK - Electrical Consultation 204.00 Booth Kelly-Photocell installd 111.30 Police Dept-Electrical Repairs 242.88 558.18 109923 Paid 10/14/11 Willamalane 2011 SummerFair Sponsorship 1,500.00 1,500.00 109924 Paid 10/14/11 Willamalane SDC Collection for Sept '11 -1,022.70 SDC for Sept 2011 17,045.00 16,022.30 109925 Paid 10/14/11 Imagine Graphics, Inc. PVC Podium Signs 90.00 90.00 109926 Paid 10/14/11 Lane Council of Governments Graffiti Database Maint Fee MPC and CAC Mtgs Food Expense Regional GIS Quarterly Charge Regional Telecomm Q2 340.00 245.33 16,046.75 3,304.50 19,936.58 109927 Paid 10/14/11 Ingram Library Services ADULT NONFICTION JR BOOKS 17.37 34.74 52.11 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 109928 10/01/2011 Thru Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/14/11 Baker & Taylor Books 10/31/2011 Line Description Page No. 12 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Payment Adult bks NF PO-2230 16.36 Adult bks NF PO-2242 65.42 Adult bks NF PO-2272 29.29 Adult bks NF PO-2279 162.26 Adult bks PO-2167 62.95 Adult bks PO-2183 45.44 Adult bks PO-2197 31.40 Adult bks PO-2264 15.76 Adult bks PO-2269 48.41 Children's bks PO-2270 26.08 Children's bks PO-2281 1,058.33 SPANISH MATERIALS PO-2280 91.06 Young adult bks PO-2262 42.99 Adult bks NF PO-2242 33.91 Adult bks NF PO-2249 15.15 Adult bks NF PO-2249 16.30 Adult bks NF PO-2272 33.28 Adult bks PO-2167 16.33 Adult bks PO-2236 16.33 Adult bks PO-2236 90.88 Adult bks PO-2246 560.59 Adult bks PO-2264 56.31 Children's bks PO-2195 13.73 Children's bks PO-2281 13.73 Young adult bks PO-2262 11.50 ADULT AV 23.76 Adult bks AF PO-2167 31.50 Adult bks NF PO-2174 15.12 Adult bks NF PO-2230 16.36 Adult bks NF PO-2279 57.52 Adult bks NF PO-2286 204.71 Adult bks PO-2197 119.29 Adult bks PO-2229 14.54 Adult bks PO-2236 50.24 Adult bks PO-2246 130.85 Adult bks PO-2269 Children's bks PO-2281 SPANISH MATERIALS Adult AV PO-2285 JR AV PO-2284 16.97 116.59 20.56 129.59 52.42 3,573.81 109932 Paid 10/14/11 Anderson Brothers Truck & Equipment Co., Veh#7072-Driveline Repair 178.55 178.55 109933 Paid 10/14/11 Book Wholesalers,Inc. Adult bks PO-2181 23.20 Adult bks PO-2261 20.30 Children's bks-STAND ORD 48.96 92.46 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 109934 Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/14/11 Gale 10/01/2011 Thru 10/31/2011 Page No. 13 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description Payment AD LG PRINT 64.78 AD LG PRNT 102.37 167.15 109935 Paid 10/14/11 Language Line Services, Inc. phone interp. 66.30 66.30 109936 Paid 10/14/11 United Parcel Service MONTHLY SERVICE-FIN Sept.2011shipping fees 80.00 124.51 204.51 109937 Paid 10/14/11 Capell,John Thomas Bail Refund 35.00 35.00 109938 Paid 10/14/11 Casper,Joann Bail Refund 44.00 44.00 109939 Paid 10/14/11 Sea Western, Inc. FIRE GLOVES 151.99 151.99 109940 Paid 10/14/11 ZOLL Medical Corporation GPO 02 SENSORS AND CABLES ELECTRODES 456.00 729.60 1,185.60 109941 Paid 10/14/11 Jerry Brown Co., Inc. FINANCE CHARGE Premium Unleaded 46.293 gals WR5: FUEL 13.689 GAL 6.52 190.96 56.46 253.94 109942 Paid 10/14/11 Buck's Sanitary Service, Inc. OCT2011 STANDARD UNIT-S16/B 67.84 67.84 109943 Paid 10/14/11 Mckenzie-Willamette Hospital %SEPT2011 PHARMACY MEDS 1,521.95 1,521.95 109944 Paid 10/14/11 B Kasey's Appliances Refrigerator Repair 62.50 62.50 109945 Paid 10/14/11 NW Natural STN14:08/29-09/28/11 18.20 STN16:08/29-09/29/11 68.02 STN3:08/28-09/29/11 59.60 STN5:08/26-09/26/11 62.96 208.78 109946 Paid 10/14/11 HDR Engineering Inc Consult. Serv 7/31-8/27/11 15,014.26 15,014.26 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 109947 10/01/2011 Thru Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/14/11 Oregon Apparatus Repair, Inc. 10/31/2011 Page No. 14 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description C9:TRAINING DURANGO SAFETY INS Payment 807.38 E25:SAFETY INSP 5,804.98 M16:POLE LIGHT REPAIR 1,551.60 M36:SAFTEY INSPECT 1,679.11 M5:SAFETY INSPECTION TN14:REPAIRS TO3:REPAIR GEN RADIATOR 982.97 1,274.07 1,477.90 13,578.01 109948 Paid 10/14/11 O'Brien, Danielle J T-DORMER, RICHARD BYRON T-LEYBA, NATHAN JOE T-MCALEXANDER, RAMEY LINN T-NYLAN, GEORGE LLOYD 100.00 75.00 150.00 75.00 400.00 109949 Paid 10/14/11 Yoshimoto, Brant T-BERGSTROM, SKYE ALEXANDER 75.00 T-KING, MICHAEL RAY 75.00 T-LEGAULT, ROGER ALVIN 75.00 T-MCCANN, KYLE TREVOR 75.00 T-NICHOLS, TYLER KEITH 450.00 T-PRIEST, SHAWN MICHAEL 225.00 T/SC-ARAUJO, TYRONE JOSEPH 300.00 1,275.00 109950 Paid 10/14/11 Ikon Office Solutions, Inc. Sept Copying Charges monthly fee 38.28 38.18 76.46 109951 Paid 10/14/11 Ikon Office Solutions, Inc. Copier 2090 Lease 3035 382.96 130.24 513.20 109952 Paid 10/14/11 Wolf, Leslie A. T-BERTINI, JOSEPH 225.00 T-BRIGGS, MAURIELYN 50.00 T-CHISCHILLY, HENRIETTA 75.00 T-DADE, MARK T-DECKER, WESLEY 75.00 225.00 T-ELLEDGE, CHARLES 75.00 T-GILLILAND, RANDY 75.00 T-GRABOW, JOHANNA 75.00 T-HOEFT, HOLLYANN 75.00 T-LYMAN, NICKOLAS 75.00 T-MOORE, RIAN 50.00 T-SMITH, KATY 75.00 T-STEPHENS, MERYL 75.00 1,225.00 109953 Paid 10/14/11 HEIDENREICH,MARY J FM REFUND:M HEIDENREICH 46.00 46.00 109954 Paid 10/14/11 Guard Publishing Company Legal Publication 365.00 365.00 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 109955 10/01/2011 Thru Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/14/11 Guard Publishing Company 10/31/2011 Line Description Page No. 15 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Payment ESD AD 112.02 FLS AD 218.68 SPD AD 181.96 512.66 109956 Paid 10/14/11 Costco Wholesale Supplies for PC and DSD 132.83 132.83 109957 Paid 10/14/11 The Vault Stor & Loc Storage Unit 4141 52.00 52.00 109958 Paid 10/14/11 Cunningham, Laura dept. seamstress alterations 52.00 52.00 109959 Paid 10/14/11 Office Imaging, Inc Blacvk Drum for DSD Lanier Pri 159.79 Color Drum for Lanier Printer 478.75 Color Toner for DSD Lanier 646.13 1,284.67 109960 Paid 10/14/11 A+ Express Towing, Inc. veh tow lic#905BFA 110.00 110.00 109961 Paid 10/14/11 FedEx Corporation FedEx Delivery 22.52 22.52 109962 Paid 10/14/11 Guillen,Vicky Interpreting Services 87.50 87.50 109963 Paid 10/14/11 Truhn, David R, Psy. D. P.C. psych eval 450.00 450.00 109964 Paid 10/14/11 DISTRICT 19 SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL Business Cards -John Tamulonis 24.50 24.50 109965 Paid 10/14/11 Taylor,Amber Lynn Victims Restitution 50.00 50.00 109966 Paid 10/14/11 Cornell,Robert Victims Restitution 50.00 50.00 109967 Paid 10/14/11 Kohls Victims Restitution 100.00 100.00 109968 Paid 10/14/11 Gibson,Gary M Compensatory Fine 200.00 200.00 109969 Paid 10/14/11 STIDGER,RICK Victims Restitution 17.00 17.00 109970 Paid 10/14/11 LAMB,ELDON Victims Restitution 25.00 25.00 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 109971 10/01/2011 Thru Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/14/11 Airgas Nor Pac, Inc. 10/31/2011 Page No. 16 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description %STN16: MEDICAL OXYGEN %STN16:09/11 02CYLINDER RENT %STN3: MEDICAL OXYGEN Payment 60.00 431.80 33.39 %STN3:09/11 02 CYLINDER RENT 334.90 %STN5:09/11 02 CYLINDER RENT 804.20 Compressed gas STN5:MEDICAL OXYGEN 61.34 35.00 1,760.63 109972 Paid 10/14/11 Essman,Jim L. Victims Restitution 50.00 50.00 109973 Paid 10/14/11 Schroeder,Mark J. Victims Restitution 105.25 105.25 109974 Paid 10/14/11 Springfield Utility Board SUB BILLING WK 2-OCT VICTIM RESTITUTION 22,784.41 50.00 22,834.41 109975 Paid 10/14/11 Springfield Utility Board Contractual Services 294.00 294.00 109976 Paid 10/14/11 Emerald People's Utility District Electricity 178.55 178.55 109977 Paid 10/14/11 DAVIS,JASON A Victims Restitution 500.00 500.00 109978 Paid 10/14/11 Carpenter,Ann Bail Refund 345.00 345.00 109979 Paid 10/14/11 Denman,Danny C Bail Refund 683.00 683.00 109980 Paid 10/14/11 Galt Foundation Custodial Services 333.20 333.20 109981 Paid 10/14/11 Sierra Springs WATER SERVICE Water Svc - Exercise Room 13.38 93.80 107.18 109982 Paid 10/14/11 Westates Flagman Inc. Flagging Svc-9/28-29/11 608.00 608.00 109983 Paid 10/14/11 Omlid & Swinney Fire Protection & Justice Center Annual Insp 3,980.00 3,980.00 109984 Paid 10/14/11 Conrich Electric LLC City Hall Fan Repair 290.00 290.00 109985 Paid 10/14/11 Springfield Public Schools Business Cards-Currier 24.50 24.50 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 109986 10/01/2011 Thru Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/14/11 Jordan, Susan Ezzy 10/31/2011 Line Description Page No. 17 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Payment SC-THOMPSON, EVAN SKYE 600.00 SC-TONKIN, JOSHUA ORIN 225.00 T-AMES, AARON MICHAEL 75.00 T-FARTHING, KYLE MATTHEW 50.00 T-MORTIMER, HARRY RALPH III 75.00 1,025.00 109987 Paid 10/14/11 COX, SHAWN PAUL COMPENSATORY FINE 50.00 50.00 109988 Paid 10/14/11 Mason,Claudette D Bail Refund 500.00 500.00 109989 Paid 10/14/11 Staples The Office Superstore OFFICE SUPPLIES- LIB 535.85 535.85 109990 Paid 10/14/11 South Fork Coffee Company Inc Wellness Center Water 63.50 63.50 109991 Paid 10/14/11 Oregon Chapter PRIMA 2011 PRIMA Conference 150.00 150.00 109992 Paid 10/14/11 State of Oregon Background Checks 360.00 360.00 109993 Paid 10/14/11 Joe Pishioneri GoodReader App - iPad2 Oct Internet Reimb 4.99 40.00 44.99 109994 Paid 10/14/11 International Public Management Police Test 584.25 584.25 109995 Paid 10/14/11 Cintas Pin Strip Uniform Shirts 931.74 931.74 109996 Paid 10/14/11 Hench,Warren VICTIM RESTITUTION 50.00 50.00 109997 Paid 10/14/11 Jerry's Home Improvement LOC Project supplies 146.92 146.92 109998 Paid 10/14/11 River Roofing, Inc. Roof Repairs-EHR 1,500.00 1,500.00 109999 Paid 10/14/11 Medallion Landscape Service, Inc. Blackberry Removal-Chore 250.00 250.00 110000 Paid 10/14/11 Lundberg,Christine Louise Oct Cell Reimb - Lundberg Oct Internet Reimb - Lundberg 45.00 40.00 85.00 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 110001 Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/14/11 Sheri Moore 10/01/2011 Thru 10/31/2011 Page No. 18 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description Oct Cell Reimb - Moore Oct Internet Reimb - Moore Payment 45.00 40.00 85.00 110002 Paid 10/14/11 Ralston,Dave Oct Cell Reimb - Ralston 45.00 45.00 110003 Paid 10/14/11 Marilee Woodrow Oct Cell Reimb - Woodrow Oct Internet Reimb - Woodrow 45.00 40.00 85.00 110004 Paid 10/14/11 Wylie,Hillary Oct Cell Reimb - Wylie Oct Internet Reimb - Wylie 45.00 40.00 85.00 110005 Paid 10/11/11 Fidelity National Title SHOP Johnson 3405 Virginia 10,000.00 10,000.00 110006 Paid 10/11/11 Minger, Douglas E. Attorney at Law SC-BODENSTAB, ELIZABETH NICOLE T-ADAMS, TYRONE PERRY T-ATWOOD, TERRIE ELIZABETH T-ELLIOTT, DARON WILLIAM T-HENDERSON, BOBBY LYNN T-Hill, Jessica Lorraine 75.00 75.00 150.00 75.00 75.00 250.00 T-MARSHALL, BRIAN JOSEPH JR 75.00 T-WISEMAN, DONALD GREGORY 150.00 925.00 110007 Paid 10/14/11 Thomas, Ryan B City Hall Fascia Replacement 39,087.25 39,087.25 110008 Paid 10/14/11 Long Painting Co Depot & City Hall Trim Work 58,044.22 58,044.22 110009 Paid 10/14/11 City of Oakridge AMBULANCE REVENUE OCT 2011 13,649.58 13,649.58 110010 Paid 10/14/11 Clerk of Court, Berkeley County 10/14/2011 Payroll 287.90 287.90 110011 Paid 10/14/11 Oregon Department of Revenue 10/14/2011 Payroll 751.36 751.36 110012 Paid 10/14/11 Sterling Cedar Products LLC 10/14/2011 Payroll 145.88 145.88 110013 Paid 10/14/11 US Treasury 10/14/2011 Payroll 400.00 400.00 110014 Paid 10/14/11 Oregon AFSCME Council 75 10/14/2011 Payroll 872.84 872.84 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 110015 Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/14/11 O.P.E.U. 10/01/2011 Thru 10/31/2011 Page No. 19 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description 10/14/2011 Payroll Payment 3,989.04 3,989.04 110016 Paid 10/14/11 United Way Of Lane County 10/14/2011 Payroll 1,839.26 1,839.26 110017 Paid 10/14/11 Pacific Source Health Plans October 2011 533,854.92 533,854.92 110018 Paid 10/14/11 Standard Insurance Company October 2011 4,826.93 4,826.93 110019 Paid 10/14/11 Standard Insurance Company October 2011 24,553.72 24,553.72 110020 Paid 10/14/11 Standard Insurance Company October 2011 1,051.53 1,051.53 110021 Paid 10/14/11 ODS Health Plans October 2011 52,312.81 52,312.81 110022 Paid 10/14/11 Office of the Trustee 10/14/2011 Payroll 1,696.62 1,696.62 110023 Paid 10/14/11 Union Security Insurance Company October 2011 113.49 113.49 110024 Paid 10/14/11 Sun Life Financial October 2011 3,574.58 3,574.58 110025 Paid 10/14/11 SAIF September 2011 Premium 20,732.78 20,732.78 110026 Paid 10/21/11 BLANTON,GAYLE REFUND OVERPAYMENT: 10-8044 19.86 19.86 110027 Paid 10/21/11 DMAP-REFUND REFUND OVERPAYMENT 11-20564 67.02 67.02 110028 Paid 10/21/11 DMAP-REFUND REFUND OVERPAYMENT 11-20428 2.13 2.13 110029 Paid 10/21/11 DMAP-REFUND REFUND OVERPAYMENT 11-20982 43.59 43.59 110030 Paid 10/21/11 DMAP-REFUND REFUND OVERPAYMENT 11-21230 67.02 67.02 110031 Paid 10/21/11 DMAP-REFUND REFUND OVERPAYMENT 11-19916 2.13 2.13 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 110032 Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/21/11 DMAP-REFUND 10/01/2011 Thru 10/31/2011 Page No. 20 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description REFUND OVERPAYMENT:11-19985 Payment 217.61 217.61 110033 Paid 10/21/11 DMAP-REFUND REFUND OVERPAYMENT:11-20995 67.02 67.02 110034 Paid 10/21/11 Pacific Source Health Plans REFUND OVERPAYMENT 11-21592 11.22 11.22 110035 Paid 10/21/11 Providence Health OHP REFUND OVERPAYMENT 10-25711 677.15 677.15 110036 Paid 10/21/11 C.O.I.H.S. REFUND OVERPAYMENT 11-21610 10.89 10.89 110037 Paid 10/21/11 C.O.I.H.S. REFUND OVERPAYMENT 11-20453 10.78 10.78 110038 Paid 10/21/11 PRINCIPAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. REFUND OVERPAYMENT 11-5850 476.50 476.50 110039 Paid 10/21/11 PRINCIPAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. REFUND OVERPAYMENT 11-5857 135.39 135.39 110040 Paid 10/21/11 HealthNet Medicare Advantage REFUND OVERPAYMENT 08-15392 36.31 36.31 110041 Paid 10/21/11 WPS Tricare For Life REFUND OVERPAYMENT 09-7635 290.65 290.65 110042 Paid 10/21/11 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois REFUND OVERPAYMENT 11-6391 111.96 111.96 110043 Paid 10/21/11 Sweet Home FireMed FM REVENUE:JOBCARE PGM 50.00 50.00 110044 Paid 10/21/11 South Lane Fire Med FM REVENUE: JOBCARE PGM 2,099.00 2,099.00 110045 Paid 10/21/11 Oakridge Firemed FM REVENUE: JOBCARE PGM 97.00 97.00 110046 Paid 10/21/11 Lebanon Fire District FM REVENUE:JOBCARE PGM 100.00 100.00 110047 Paid 10/21/11 CORVALLIS FIREMED FM REVENUE:JOBCARE PGM 100.00 100.00 110048 Paid 10/21/11 Albany Fire-Med FM REVENUE:JOBCARE PGM 50.00 50.00 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 110049 10/01/2011 Thru Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/21/11 Blue Cross Of Oregon 10/31/2011 Page No. 21 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description REFUND OVERPAYMENT:11-16922 Payment 756.98 756.98 110050 Paid 10/21/11 Blue Cross Of Oregon REFUND OVERPAYMENT:11-20128 1,692.01 1,692.01 110051 Paid 10/21/11 Blue Cross Of Oregon REFUND OVERPAYMENT:11-20872 70.71 70.71 110052 Paid 10/21/11 Medicare Refunds - OR REFUND OVERPAYMENT:11-23190 364.23 364.23 110053 Paid 10/21/11 MedAdvantage REFUND OVERPAYMENT:11-7547 54.56 54.56 110054 Paid 10/21/11 UNITED OF OMAHA REFUND OVERPAYMENT:11-23190 91.06 91.06 110055 Paid 10/21/11 Mott,Gregory S. Travel Expenses 156.30 156.30 110056 Void 10/21/11 Logan, David MONTHLY CONTRACTUAL - CLERICAL MONTHLY CONTRACTUAL - CONTRACT 2,521.74 16,876.26 19,398.00 110057 Paid 10/21/11 POSTMASTER PO BOX914:11/01/11-10/31/12 70.00 70.00 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 110058 10/01/2011 Thru 10/31/2011 Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/21/11 Hollenbeck,Rebecca or Jana Sorenson Page No. 22 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description Payment KNECHTS E5: HEADLIGHT SEVEN ELEVEN FOOD 9/13/11:M5 XFR OHSU 14.58 9.27 JOE'S CRAB SHACK FOOD 9/14/11:M5 XFR OHSU 50.60 BAAN THAI RESTAURANT FOOD 9/15/11:M3 XFR OHSU 43.00 STARBUCKS/SHARIS FOOD 9/18/11:M25 XFR PORTLAND 28.90 PORTLAND RESTAURANT FOOD10/1/11:M5 XFR OHSU 35.00 PF CHANGS FOOD10/4/11:M3 XFR OHSU 48.00 PAPA MURPHY PIZZA FOOD7/11/11:M3 XFR OHSU 29.98 CLAIM JUMPER FOOD7/21/11:M5 XFR OHSU 48.00 FUDDRUCKERS FOOD7/22/11:M16 XFR OHSU 38.90 BUFFALO WILD WINGS FOOD8/12/11:M16 XFR OHSU 45.00 CHEZ JOSE FOOD8/13/11:M5 XFR VIBRA SPEC 23.00 RED ROBIN FOOD8/16/11:M3 XFR OHSU 27.00 LEATHERS SHELL FOOD8/24/11:M3 XFR DORNBECKERS STARBUCKS/BELLAGIOS PIZZA FOOD8/3/11:M4 XFR OHSU 30.00 QDOBA MEXICAN GRILL FOOD8/31/11:M25 XFR EMMANUEL 20.34 OUTBACK FOOD9/11/11:M25 XFR EMMANUEL 32.75 MCDONALDS FOOD9/14/11: M25 XFR OHSU 3.60 THE OLD SPAGHETTI FACTORY FOOD9/18/11:M3 XFR KAISER 25.00 CLAIM JUMPER FOOD9/3/11:M5 XFR OHSU 28.50 DUTCH BROS FOOD9/4/11:M16 XFR DORNBECHER CLAIM JUMPER FOOD9/8/11:M3 XFR PROVIDENCE 43.57 ABBY'S/SAFEWAY FOOD:LATE FIRE CALL 70.57 ROCK BOTTOM FOOD:M5 XFR DORNBECKER 45.05 A YOUNG NATIONAL REGISTRY FEE REIMBURS 20.00 COSTCO OFFICE SUPPLIES-INK CART 33.96 CITY OF EUGENE PARKING METER:FM EVENTS 6.09 8.00 16.00 824.66 110059 Paid 10/21/11 Department of State Lands Application Fee 785.00 785.00 110060 Paid 10/21/11 Reid,Leahanna Transportation Reimbursement 37.89 37.89 110061 Paid 10/21/11 Cunningham,Kathleen E Mileage reinburse 77.70 77.70 110062 Paid 10/21/11 Emerald Art Center CDBG Draw 5,000.00 5,000.00 110063 Paid 10/21/11 Fidelity National Title SHOP-5494 A St 10,000.00 10,000.00 110064 Paid 10/21/11 TMDE Calibration Labs, Inc radar calibration 155.00 155.00 110065 Paid 10/21/11 Washington State Correctional Industries inmate meals 2,514.89 2,514.89 110066 Paid 10/21/11 DISTRICT 19 SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL business cards 73.50 73.50 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 110067 10/01/2011 Thru Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/21/11 BMW Motorcycles of Western Oregon 10/31/2011 Line Description repair-heated seat connector Page No. 23 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Payment 82.50 82.50 110068 Paid 10/21/11 Garten Services, Inc City Hall Landscape Svcs 381.64 FS#14 Landscape Svcs 157.70 FS#16 Landscape Svcs 362.06 FS#3 Landscape Svcs 266.63 FS#4 Landscape Svcs 201.27 FS#5 Landscape Svcs 652.50 2,021.80 110069 Paid 10/21/11 North West HazMat, Inc. Haz-Material Clean Up 708.34 708.34 110070 Paid 10/21/11 Johnson, Roberts & Assoc. pre employ testing 16.00 16.00 110071 Paid 10/21/11 Garden Interiors Inc OCT plant care 65.00 65.00 110072 Paid 10/21/11 Sprint Solutions, Inc. 08/24-09/23/11 TRAINING 51.12 8/24-9/23/11 C3 32.45 8/24-9/23/11 E16,L14,E4,E5 79.08 8/24-9/23/11 TO3 19.67 182.32 110073 Paid 10/21/11 Myrmo & Sons, Inc. Veh#7072-Mower Maint 133.92 133.92 110074 Paid 10/21/11 Central Print & Reprographics DSD Oversize Scans 304.00 304.00 110075 Paid 10/21/11 One Call Concepts, Inc. 217 Reg Locate Tickets 286.44 286.44 110076 Paid 10/21/11 Ingram Library Services ADULT REF 295.00 295.00 110077 Paid 10/21/11 Book Wholesalers,Inc. ADULT NON FIC ADULT NONFIC PO2261 YA BOOKS 308.41 37.70 32.37 378.48 110078 Paid 10/21/11 Frederick,Michael ADULT NONFIC 40.00 40.00 110079 Paid 10/21/11 Heyman's Safe/Lock & Security, Inc. BK Suite 300 - Rekey Service 142.50 142.50 110080 Paid 10/21/11 Priority One Heating & Air Mech Refund-SPR2011-01874 86.02 86.02 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 110081 10/01/2011 Thru Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/21/11 Office Depot, Inc. 10/31/2011 Page No. 24 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description Payment OFFICE SUPPLIES--FIN 52.22 OFFICE SUPPLIES--FIN 186.69 batteries,correc fluid,staple ink, inkjet cart. stapler, sheet protectors white pads 62.25 111.79 29.83 247.70 690.48 110082 Paid 10/21/11 Peacehealth Laboratories thromboplastin-inmate 15.10 15.10 110083 Paid 10/21/11 Atez, Inc. 303 S 5th St-Asbestos Removal 984.00 984.00 110084 Paid 10/21/11 JKG Electrical Contractors, Inc. Elec Refund: SPR2011-02291 67.86 67.86 110085 Paid 10/21/11 The Plumbing Works, Inc. Plumbing repairs 246.30 246.30 110086 Paid 10/21/11 Starr,Terry Lynn Bail Refund 160.00 160.00 110087 Paid 10/21/11 Professional Credit Service Bail Refund 375.00 Bail to be applied 308.55 Bail to be applied Collection Fees OVER PAYMNET TO BE PAID TO COLLECTION CASES 352.50 2,081.58 30.00 100.82 3,248.45 110088 Paid 10/21/11 Thoreson,Jason Thomas Bail Refund 529.45 529.45 110089 Paid 10/21/11 Marilee Woodrow SCY Event - Parking September Mileage Reimb 3.00 161.34 164.34 110090 Paid 10/21/11 Omlid & Swinney Fire Protection & Semi-Annual Inspection 440.00 440.00 110091 Paid 10/21/11 Nu-Vision Technologies Repair Sonitrol line PW Maint 150.00 150.00 110092 Paid 10/21/11 Canby Fire District #62 FM REVENUE 08/26-09/27/11 83.00 83.00 110093 Paid 10/21/11 Slater,Tracey Bail Refund 9,081.00 9,081.00 110094 Paid 10/21/11 City of Eugene FM REVENUE 08/26-09/27/11 20,563.00 20,563.00 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 110095 10/01/2011 Thru Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/21/11 Lane Rural Fire District 10/31/2011 Page No. 25 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description FM REVENUE 08/26-09/27/11 Payment 3,640.00 3,640.00 110096 Paid 10/21/11 Life Flight Network, LLC FM REVENUE 08/26-09/27/11 8,417.00 8,417.00 110097 Paid 10/21/11 Molalla RFPD #73 FM REVENUE 08/26-09/27/11 45.00 45.00 110098 Paid 10/21/11 Office Max Contract Inc. OFFICE SUPPLIES 63.69 OFFICE SUPPLIES 80.52 OFFICE SUPPLIES 207.58 351.79 110099 Paid 10/21/11 McKenzie By Sew On UNIFORM CAPS (36) 369.00 UNIFORM S-SHIRTS (4) 136.00 UNIFORM SHIRTS (48) 828.00 UNIFORM T-SHIRTS (8) 124.00 UNIFORM T-SHIRTS (8) 136.00 UNIFORMS-SHIRTS (12) 408.00 volunteer clothing 466.00 2,467.00 110100 Paid 10/21/11 Lloyd,MarcusC Bail Refund 45.00 45.00 110101 Paid 10/21/11 Kohls Victim Restitution 42.00 42.00 110102 Paid 10/21/11 SJ Olson Publishing, Inc LEGAL NOTICE SB1 FY2011-12 155.56 155.56 110103 Paid 10/21/11 Les Schwab Tire Center, Inc. M16:TIRES/SPIN/BALANCE (4) M36:TIRES/SPIN/VALVES (2) 2,129.40 1,108.80 3,238.20 110104 Paid 10/21/11 Springfield Public Schools Business Cards - 3 sets (250) MAPBOOK PRINTING (32) 73.50 1,957.82 2,031.32 110105 Paid 10/21/11 Baker's Shoes and Clothing CARHARTT JACKET:B SINK DUTY BOOTS:G DEEDON SUPERFEET INSOLES:G DEEDON 53.95 259.95 40.00 353.90 110106 Paid 10/21/11 Oregon,State of 2011 Unclaimed Property 5,244.90 5,244.90 110107 Paid 10/21/11 HAMILTON, BRIAN SCOTT BAIL REFUND 24.18 24.18 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 110108 10/01/2011 Thru Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/21/11 Jarvis,John Franklin 10/31/2011 Line Description BAIL REFUND Page No. 26 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Payment 35.00 35.00 110109 Paid 10/21/11 Overton,Thomas John BAIL REFUND 88.00 88.00 110110 Paid 10/21/11 Johnson,Donald BAIL REFUND 70.00 70.00 110111 Paid 10/21/11 ZOLL Medical Corporation GPO MEDICAL SUPPLIES 360.00 360.00 110112 Paid 10/21/11 Access Information Management DOCUMENT SHREDDING 26.00 SEPT 2011 STORAGE FEES 254.55 Sept. shredding serv. 130.00 Shredding 09/01/11-09/30/11 26.00 436.55 110113 Paid 10/21/11 AMSAN, LLC tissue, towels towels,tissue, mops,cleaner 440.99 243.56 684.55 110114 Paid 10/21/11 Martin,Douglas Randal Bail Refund 52.50 52.50 110115 Paid 10/21/11 Enterprise Group copy paper pallet 1,480.00 1,480.00 110116 Paid 10/21/11 Oregon Fence Company, Inc Victim Resitution 200.00 200.00 110117 Paid 10/21/11 Cascade Health Solutions - a corp annual exam-Pardee medical clinic - jail 24.00 17,581.89 17,605.89 110118 Paid 10/21/11 Jones,Larry Victims Restitution 100.00 100.00 110119 Paid 10/21/11 Department of Motor Vehicles non-atty suspension pkgs 34.50 34.50 110120 Paid 10/21/11 Airgas Nor Pac, Inc. %STN16:MEDICAL OXYGEN 83.72 %STN3:MEDICAL OXYGEN 33.39 %STN5:MEDICAL OXYGEN 33.39 150.50 110121 Paid 10/21/11 Caldwell,Sean J Bail Refund 30.00 30.00 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 110122 10/01/2011 Thru Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/21/11 Mulier, Vincent Miguel 10/31/2011 Page No. 27 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description SC-CORSALETTI, VINCENT DALE SC-JONES, KARLEIGH A.C. SC-PETERSON, ALEX ROLAND Payment 75.00 75.00 375.00 T-LLOYD, MARCUS CLARK 75.00 T-MILLER, ELIZABETH MARIE 75.00 T-MOORE, RIAN CARLTON 75.00 T-OZANICH, PHILIP ANTHONY 75.00 T-SHIRLEY, JUSTIN ANDREW 300.00 t-CARPENTER, RACHAEL NICOLE t-GAMBARO, DEBRA DEON 75.00 50.00 1,250.00 110123 Paid 10/21/11 Day Wireless Systems cable repair #35 586.54 mobile repair-#23 465.00 repair pwr supply-Coburg 972.00 2,023.54 110124 Paid 10/21/11 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipment uniforms-Clontz 142.90 142.90 110125 Paid 10/21/11 Sundholm, Rachel Victims Restitution 25.00 25.00 110126 Paid 10/21/11 Travelstead,Robert Victims Restitution 25.00 25.00 110127 Paid 10/21/11 Becker,Jeffrey D Compensatory Fine 40.00 40.00 110128 Paid 10/21/11 Umbrella Properties, Inc. Victims Restitution 50.00 50.00 110129 Paid 10/21/11 Feola, Kelsea J. T-CALDWELL, BRIAN DALE 100.00 100.00 110130 Paid 10/21/11 Parrott,John R. T-BURNSIDE, CHRISTOPHER ALAN 225.00 T-MORALES, JEREMIAH ALBERTO 50.00 T-SMITH, JENNIFER MARIE 75.00 T-WOLLEAT, ANDREA LYNN 150.00 500.00 110131 Paid 10/21/11 Maginnis,Margaret M SC-VAUGHNLEAMING, SHEILA ANN 75.00 T-ACKLEY, KYRIE MAY 75.00 T-CLIFFORD, JUSTIN RYAN 50.00 T-HARVEY, JOHN ANTHONY T-MASON, HOBSON MATTHEW T-TAYLOR, DENISE MARIE 75.00 225.00 50.00 550.00 110132 Paid 10/21/11 Krebs,George P Bail Refund 197.00 197.00 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 110133 10/01/2011 Thru Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/21/11 Sacred Heart Medical Center 10/31/2011 Page No. 28 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description EMS PYXIS FEE:09/2011 FOOD9/30/11:M16 PHARM:SEPT 2011 Payment 100.00 17.70 3.51 121.21 110134 Paid 10/21/11 Johnson,Prisscella Bail Refund 760.00 760.00 110135 Paid 10/21/11 Bristol,Tristan J Bail Refund 911.00 911.00 110136 Paid 10/21/11 Joe Pishioneri Pacific Program Mtg - Reimb iPad Application-Quickoffice 17.50 19.99 37.49 110137 Paid 10/21/11 CunninghamGolik,Zachariah Overpayment Refund 287.00 287.00 110138 Paid 10/21/11 Omlin,Kathy Victim Restitution 75.00 75.00 110139 Paid 10/21/11 Mizejewski, Max John IV T-BOLEY, JAMIE MICHELLE T-PARRARAMOS, ALEJANDRO T-PETERSEN, NORMAN LEE 100.00 50.00 50.00 200.00 110140 Paid 10/21/11 Johnson, Jeff SC-DENG, SAY SY SC-RODRIGUEZ, ROXANNE SIMONA T-ADAMS, IVAN JERRY T-BINGHAM, GREG 75.00 75.00 300.00 50.00 T-COLEMAN, ROBERT M 75.00 T-COLEMAN, ROBERT M 225.00 T-DAVIS, ARTHUR L 75.00 T-DUBOIS, ROBERT SHERMAN 75.00 T-DYKES, BURT EAN 75.00 T-HARPER, MERLIN SCAPPUCCI 50.00 T-HARRIS, RYAN LUCAS 75.00 T-LASTER, SANDRA LEE T-LINDSEY, TRAVIS 50.00 225.00 T-MILLER, THOMAS R 50.00 T-PHILLIPS, BARRY J. 75.00 T-PRUETT, SARAH ELIZABETH 75.00 T-SCOTT, JAMES HUGH 300.00 T-STARK, SHELDON HUBERT 150.00 T-SVOBODA, MONICA T-TERWILLEGAR, MILES 50.00 75.00 2,200.00 110141 Paid 10/21/11 StreeterPeaks,Kimberlee C Bail Refund 35.00 35.00 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 110142 10/01/2011 Thru Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/21/11 National Crime Prevention Council 10/31/2011 Page No. 29 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description McGruff Safe Kits Payment 1,037.62 1,037.62 110143 Paid 10/21/11 Ipromoteu patrol car key tags - 1000 865.56 865.56 110144 Paid 10/21/11 Hines Products Corp. Safety Counts - bags 2,040.00 2,040.00 110145 Paid 10/21/11 National Imprint Corp. assort. pops 246.00 bicycle safety books 193.59 bicycle safety books 1,313.05 pencil sharpener,crayons wood rulers 439.53 269.89 2,462.06 110146 Paid 10/21/11 The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Co ADMIN FEE SEWER BOND, SER 2010 451.80 451.80 110147 Paid 10/21/11 Jensen,Timothy Bail Refund 1,281.00 1,281.00 110148 Paid 10/21/11 VanGordon, Sean Sept Mileage Reimb 146.71 146.71 110149 Paid 10/21/11 Ad Pro LLC badge holders,whistles,key cha 2,155.36 2,155.36 110150 Paid 10/21/11 Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce Chamber Board Plan Retreat 240.00 240.00 110151 Paid 10/21/11 Robert Timmons Banner Refund: SPR2011-02249 100.00 100.00 110152 Paid 10/21/11 Wiese, Ashlee Rochelle T-HIGGINS, MARK STEPHEN JR 75.00 75.00 110153 Paid 10/21/11 O'Brien, Danielle J SC-HAMILTON, BRIAN SCOTT T-PALMACAMPOS, HECTOR ANTONIO 75.00 75.00 150.00 110154 Paid 10/21/11 Springfield Utility Board SUB BILLING WK 3-OCT 1,341.35 1,341.35 110155 Paid 10/21/11 Clark,Dylan Victims Restitution 425.00 425.00 110156 Paid 10/21/11 SPATIALinfo Inc. Software Maintenance 4,920.00 4,920.00 110157 Paid 10/21/11 Schmid,Roberta Victims Restitution 16.70 16.70 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 110158 Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/21/11 Asay,Kathryn 10/01/2011 Thru 10/31/2011 Line Description Victims Restitution Page No. 30 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Payment 16.66 16.66 110159 Paid 10/21/11 Cautrell,Lyndia Victims Restitution 16.66 16.66 110160 Paid 10/21/11 Cuadros,Juan VICTIM RESTITUTION REFUND 40.00 40.00 110161 Paid 10/21/11 Simms,Judith M Bail Refund 35.00 35.00 110162 Paid 10/21/11 Guard Publishing Company LEGAL AD SB 1 FY2011/12 52.50 52.50 110163 Paid 10/21/11 Jerry's Home Improvement VICTIM RESTITUTION REFUND 425.00 425.00 110164 Paid 10/21/11 COPE,SANDRA KAY BAIL REFUND 1,033.00 1,033.00 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 110165 10/01/2011 Thru Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/21/11 Spinney, Edmund J. 10/31/2011 Page No. 31 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description T-AGUILAR, PEDRO MARTAIN Payment 75.00 T-AMES, EDWARD 150.00 T-BODTKE, JAMES GREGORY 150.00 T-BRUSEWITZ, BRIAN ANDREW T-BURTON, CAROLYN T-BUTLER, KRYSTAL RENEE T-CAMPBELL, JUSTIN TAYLOR T-CHARLES, ADAM SAMUEL 75.00 150.00 75.00 75.00 150.00 T-CICERO, REYNEE 50.00 T-CLOUSER, RYAN MARCUS 75.00 T-ENGLAND, ALEJANDRO REY 75.00 T-FLYGARE, VERA 75.00 T-GILDEA, DERRIK CRANDELL 75.00 T-GILDEA, ROBERT LANCE 75.00 T-GRIEGO, NATHANIEL RICKY 75.00 T-HARVEY, DONALD JACKSON 150.00 T-HENDERSON, TYLER 150.00 T-HIGGINS, LARRY DEAN 75.00 T-KENNEDY, JAMES HAROLD 150.00 T-KOERTH, AMBER MORGAN 100.00 T-LAMB, TAFILI NUIA 225.00 T-LILLY EDWARD 75.00 T-MCCUNE, ARILON 50.00 T-MCELDOWNEY, DAVID DOUGLAS 75.00 T-MEADOWS, CINDY 100.00 T-PALIN, JUSTIN ROBERT 150.00 T-PLATT, TRAVIS LEE 75.00 T-RUSSELL, SHIRLEE 50.00 T-SUCHANEK, DENNIS ROBERT 75.00 T-VASQUEZ, JESSIE T-WEST, COREY DAVID T-WHITE, JAYSEPH 75.00 150.00 75.00 3,200.00 110166 Paid 10/21/11 CC Reporting & Videoconferencing Transcript Services 318.10 318.10 110167 Paid 10/21/11 Power Sport Dynamic Inc motor service-maint. new front brake pads 493.20 35.95 529.15 110168 Paid 10/21/11 Emerald Valley Auto Parts headlights-patrol cars 38.85 38.85 110169 Paid 10/21/11 United Rentals Northwest, Inc. 4 Week Rental of Dozer 3,539.92 3,539.92 110170 Paid 10/21/11 Lane Council of Governments SEL Mtg Food - July-Sept 2011 109.25 109.25 110171 Paid 10/21/11 Professional Service Industries, Inc. P80061 Field Testing & Reports 4,279.00 4,279.00 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 110172 Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/21/11 Ralston,Dave 10/01/2011 Thru 10/31/2011 Page No. 32 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description August Mileage Reimb Sept Mileage Reimb Payment 13.42 22.92 36.34 110173 Paid 10/21/11 Verizon Wireless Cell Phone-Casto 59.26 Cell Phone-Gibson 43.01 Mobile Computers 2,451.83 Police Cellular-Oct 2011 61.98 Police Cellular-Oct 2011 82.96 Police Cellular-Oct 2011 84.96 Police Cellular-Oct 2011 93.45 Police Cellular-Oct 2011 104.79 Police Cellular-Oct 2011 114.78 Police Cellular-Oct 2011 157.08 Police Cellular-Oct 2011 372.34 3,626.44 110174 Paid 10/21/11 AT&T Mobility Fire Cell Charges 161.74 Maint Cell Charges 228.78 PW Cell Charges 152.23 542.75 110175 Paid 10/21/11 United Parcel Service FMO:EQUIP REPAIR SHIPPING 69.88 69.88 110176 Paid 10/21/11 Shari's Management Corporation E4:LATE MEAL 51.67 51.67 110177 Paid 10/21/11 Wylie,Hillary August Mileage Reimb September Mileage Reimb 1.53 140.03 141.56 110178 Paid 10/21/11 Lundberg,Christine Louise September Mileage Reimb 116.02 116.02 110179 Paid 10/21/11 LANE COUNTY ELECTIONS JURY LIST CD 29.00 29.00 110180 Paid 10/28/11 HealthNet Medicare Advantage REFUND OVERPAYMENT:11-23188 3.30 3.30 110181 Paid 10/28/11 GALE,JEAN REFUND OVERPAYMENT:10-23996 152.81 152.81 110182 Paid 10/28/11 PYRAMID TODAY'S OPTIONS REFUND OVERPAYMENT:11-5579 273.32 273.32 110183 Paid 10/28/11 DMAP-REFUND REFUND OVERPAYMENT:11-21383 67.02 67.02 110184 Paid 10/28/11 DMAP-REFUND REFUND OVERPAYMENT:11-23162 67.02 67.02 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 110185 10/01/2011 Thru Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/28/11 The ODS Companies 10/31/2011 Page No. 33 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description REFUND OVERPAYMENT:10-23078 Payment 400.77 400.77 110186 Paid 10/28/11 Employers Mutual Inc.-Refunds AMR/Kaiser REFUND OVERPAYMENT:11-23995 812.22 812.22 110187 Paid 10/28/11 CareOregon - Refund REFUND OVERPAYMENT:11-23645 168.08 168.08 110188 Paid 10/28/11 Gabehart,Ellen CARD MAKING WRKSHP 50.00 50.00 110189 Paid 10/28/11 Frasier, Jay MAGIC/BALLOON ART 10/31/11 275.00 275.00 110190 Paid 10/28/11 Reid,Leahanna uniform pants reimbursement 60.00 60.00 110191 Paid 10/28/11 Enterprise Group BULK COPY PAPER 1,409.00 1,409.00 110192 Paid 10/28/11 Woods,MarieC Over Payment Refund 7.00 7.00 110193 Paid 10/28/11 Ozanich,PhilipA Bail Refund 58.00 58.00 110194 Paid 10/28/11 Lane County Regional Information System Regional IS & AIRS October 42,292.33 42,292.33 110195 Paid 10/28/11 Smith Dawson & Andrews, Inc. 1st QTR Services 6,164.55 6,164.55 110196 Paid 10/28/11 Copy Rite Corporation 1000-newsletters notary stamp Miller 315.00 28.15 343.15 110197 Paid 10/28/11 H2O Contractors, Inc. West 'K' St Core Drilling 100.00 100.00 110198 Paid 10/28/11 Springfield Transmission Service Veh#6028 Transmission Repair 1,797.51 1,797.51 110199 Paid 10/28/11 Kendall Ford, Inc. PD Veh#6035 Repair Parts 44.29 44.29 110200 Paid 10/28/11 Star Rentals, Inc. Equip Rental-Mill Race work 50.00 50.00 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 110201 Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/28/11 Knife River, Inc. 10/01/2011 Thru 10/31/2011 Page No. 34 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description Payment 1-1/2" open: 27.24 TONS 231.56 1-1/2" open: 41.92 TONS 356.34 1-1/2" open: 68.70 TONS 583.99 2-1/2" open: 7.13 TONS 58.82 3/4"-0" crushed rock: 48.7 TNS 389.60 3/4"-0" crushed rock: 6.96 TNS 55.68 5"-7" open: 6.78 TONS Rock for Gorrie Creek Project 55.94 340.48 2,072.41 110202 Paid 10/28/11 R&S Industrial Supplies, Inc. Repair Materials 33.83 33.83 110203 Paid 10/28/11 Office World, Inc. OFFICE SUPPLIES-FILE CONVERS 1,846.75 1,846.75 110204 Paid 10/28/11 Law Enforcement Psychological Serv. Inc pre employ testing 350.00 350.00 110205 Paid 10/28/11 Baker's Shoes and Clothing DUTY BOOTS:P STARKEY SUPERFEET INSOLES 259.95 35.00 294.95 110206 Paid 10/28/11 Les Schwab Tire Center, Inc. WR TOW VEHICLE:DISMOUNT/MOUNT 31.00 31.00 110207 Paid 10/28/11 McKenzie Animal Hospital, PC exam-wellness 40.00 40.00 110208 Paid 10/28/11 Office Max Contract Inc. %OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 26.66 32.40 59.06 110209 Paid 10/28/11 McKenzie By Sew On UNIFORM T-SHIRTS (12) 198.00 198.00 110210 Paid 10/28/11 Government Finance Officers Association MBRSHP RENEW 10/2011-11/2012 595.00 595.00 110211 Paid 10/28/11 Bound Tree Medical, LLC %MEDICAL SUPPLIES 209.10 CREDIT RETURNED ITEMS -39.38 MEDICAL SUPPLIES SAFETY CONTROL SEALS-RETURNED 60.00 39.38 269.10 110212 Paid 10/28/11 Office Depot, Inc. AAA Batteries 10/PK Office Supplies Office Supplies - Labels returned wrist rests wristwrest,markers,staplers,pe 6.45 173.36 42.54 -49.48 87.46 260.33 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 110213 Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/28/11 911 Supply 10/01/2011 Thru 10/31/2011 Line Description gloves - motors Page No. 35 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Payment 132.95 132.95 110214 Paid 10/28/11 MIG INC Consult. Serv. 8/1-31/11 12,071.23 12,071.23 110215 Paid 10/28/11 National Imprint Corp. pencil sharpeners,pops 369.00 369.00 110216 Paid 10/28/11 Springfield Public Schools 250 Business Cards 250 Business Cards-R.Chilton 24.50 24.50 Biodiesel fuel: 10,003 gals. 31,078.32 Biodiesel fuel: 10,008 gals. 31,694.34 Unleaded fuel: 10,001 gals. 34,552.46 Unleaded fuel: 9,550 gals. 30,140.94 127,515.06 110217 Paid 10/28/11 Kennedy/Jenks Consultants, Inc. Design Serv 7/1/11 - 8/26/11 Tech Consult.7/1/11-9/30/11 22,688.75 16,741.62 39,430.37 110218 Paid 10/28/11 Thorp, Purdy, Jewett,Urness MWMC Legal Services - Sept. 9,410.72 9,410.72 110219 Paid 10/28/11 Terese's Place 5 Lunches - Interview Panel 42.50 42.50 110220 Paid 10/28/11 Safe Software, Inc. Software Maintenance 4,540.00 4,540.00 110221 Paid 10/28/11 COMARCO Industrial, Inc. (2) 20" Zero Leak Dampers 4,987.00 4,987.00 110222 Paid 10/28/11 Office Imaging, Inc toner 97.71 97.71 110223 Paid 10/28/11 Day Wireless Systems replace defec. part in housing 393.00 393.00 110224 Paid 10/28/11 Munsen,KennethS Bail Refund 1,208.00 1,208.00 110225 Paid 10/28/11 Dell Enterprise Agreement Microsoft 61,773.75 61,773.75 110226 Paid 10/28/11 Kohls Victims Restitution 55.00 55.00 110227 Paid 10/28/11 Evans,Robert Victims Restitution 16.66 16.66 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 110228 Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/28/11 Fischnaller,Eric 10/01/2011 Thru 10/31/2011 Page No. 36 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description Victims Restitution Payment 16.66 16.66 110229 Paid 10/28/11 Malson,Jerome B Jr. Victims Restitution 16.66 16.66 110230 Paid 10/28/11 Aramark Uniform Services, Inc. City Hall - Mat Cleaning Serv. 37.20 Laundry Service & Supplies 34.80 Laundry Service & Supplies 34.80 Laundry Service & Supplies 83.80 Mat Cleaning Service - Lunchrm 64.20 Mat Cleaning Service - Lunchrm 64.20 Mat Cleaning Service - Lunchrm 64.20 383.20 110231 Paid 10/28/11 Professional Credit Service BAIL REFUND 510.00 Collection Fees 1,853.26 TO PAY ON CASES IN COLLECTIONS 858.00 3,221.26 110232 Paid 10/28/11 Briggs,MichaelW Bail Refund 340.00 340.00 110233 Paid 10/28/11 PAPA'S Pizza Victim Restitution 45.00 45.00 110234 Paid 10/28/11 Bergman,Kevin Victim Restitution 75.00 75.00 110235 Paid 10/28/11 University of Oregon SCY Services - Sept 2011 37,022.60 37,022.60 110236 Paid 10/28/11 Cook,Ross Henry VICTIM RESTITUTION 50.00 50.00 110237 Paid 10/28/11 Airgas Nor Pac, Inc. %STN16:MEDICAL OXYGEN 97.22 %STN3:MEDICAL OXYGEN 52.78 %STN5:MEDICAL OXYGEN 26.39 176.39 110238 Paid 10/28/11 Dasch,Ashley Rose Victims Restitution 4.00 4.00 110239 Paid 10/28/11 Rodriguezpaz,Isreal Victims Resitution 4.00 4.00 110240 Paid 10/28/11 McCandless,Donald Francis Victims Resitution 4.00 4.00 110241 Paid 10/28/11 Vargaslunas,Rigoberto Victims Restitution 8.00 8.00 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 110242 10/01/2011 Thru Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/28/11 HENSON,ROBERT WILLIAM 10/31/2011 Line Description Bail Refund Page No. 37 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Payment 38.00 38.00 110243 Paid 10/28/11 Mannila,Donald S Bail Refund 500.00 500.00 110244 Paid 10/28/11 Motorola (2) jail radios 6,810.98 6,810.98 110245 Paid 10/28/11 Bohemia Plumbing & Construction, Inc. Court: Repair leak under sink 115.49 Jail: Fix toilet,drain,faucet 468.51 Library: Fix faucet-womens rm. 114.25 698.25 110246 Paid 10/28/11 Oregon Apparatus Repair, Inc. C9 DURANGO REPAIR 112.50 C9 DURANGO:REPAIR 372.78 M16 SAFETY INSPECTION 858.32 M36:HVAC REPAIR 323.23 M3:REPAIR AIRLEAK 165.40 1,832.23 110247 Paid 10/28/11 Drew Campbell Pigeon trapping/removal 200.00 200.00 110248 Paid 10/28/11 Conrich Electric LLC CH: Occup.sensor retro-fit CH: Repair water fountain pump 3,450.00 70.00 3,520.00 110249 Paid 10/28/11 HANKS,RON BAIL REFUND 13.00 13.00 110250 Paid 10/28/11 Robert Bosch LLC Softwre Updte:Engine Anlyzr 1,521.50 1,521.50 110251 Paid 10/28/11 Sea Western, Inc. EXTRICATION GLOVES (23 PR) 931.23 931.23 110252 Paid 10/28/11 Ensign Unlimited LLC FS16: gate/antenna repair 305.00 305.00 110253 Paid 10/28/11 WEILEPP,SUZANNA BAIL REFUND 1,600.00 1,600.00 110254 Paid 10/28/11 Galt Foundation Custodial svc. thru 10/1/11 333.20 Custodial svc. thru 10/15/11 333.20 Custodial svc. thru 10/8/11 333.20 999.60 110255 Paid 10/28/11 Heyman's Safe/Lock & Security, Inc. BK:Ste.230:ddbolts/knob/rekey Door Locks to Offices 347.50 186.00 533.50 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 110256 Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/28/11 Cintas 10/01/2011 Thru 10/31/2011 Line Description refill first aid kits Page No. 38 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Payment 479.04 479.04 110257 Paid 10/28/11 Cascade Health Solutions - a corp DOT Exams, DOT MedExpress, tests Wellness 95.00 997.00 1,730.00 5,061.76 7,883.76 110258 Paid 10/28/11 SAIF WC Claims 13,746.29 13,746.29 110259 Paid 10/28/11 City County Insurance Services Claim Claims 807.50 1,939.37 Liability 1,181.98 Liability 37,992.32 41,921.17 110260 Paid 10/28/11 West Group WESTLAWPRO PLUS-OR 274.68 274.68 110261 Paid 10/28/11 ESIS, Inc. Claims 5,524.46 5,524.46 110262 Paid 10/28/11 Cramblit,Perry Scott BAIL REFUND 74.00 74.00 110263 Paid 10/28/11 Dizick,Ian Christian BAIL REFUND 35.00 35.00 110264 Paid 10/28/11 Ikon Office Solutions, Inc. Copies 306.42 306.42 110265 Paid 10/28/11 Ascencio-Lopez, Maria del Rosario Wellness Fair- Phlebotomist 100.00 100.00 110266 Paid 10/28/11 Jerry Brown Co., Inc. E4:FUEL-JBROWN-8.598 GAL 33.66 Prem.unleaded fuel:47.068 gals 187.70 221.36 110267 Paid 10/28/11 Access Information Management Shredding- ASD Shredding- FIN 39.90 79.80 119.70 110268 Paid 10/28/11 My-Comm, Inc. RADIO REPAIR 35.00 RADIO REPAIR 213.51 248.51 110269 Paid 10/28/11 Sheri Moore Sept Mileage Reimb 165.49 165.49 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 110270 10/01/2011 Thru Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/28/11 Gates, Gregory Matthew 10/31/2011 Page No. 39 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description Bail Refund Payment 287.00 287.00 110271 Paid 10/28/11 West Yost & Associates, Inc Consult Serv 8/6/11-10/9/11 9,122.00 9,122.00 110272 Paid 10/28/11 XP Software Software License Fee 2,129.25 2,129.25 110273 Paid 10/28/11 L. R. Brabham, Inc. Contractual Services 1,691.00 1,691.00 110274 Paid 10/28/11 Springfield Utility Board Electricity RFF Utilities 8/23/11-9/22/11 SUB BILLING WK 4-OCT 19,569.75 158.51 1,487.53 21,215.79 110275 Paid 10/28/11 Hayden Homes Contractual Services 5,000.00 5,000.00 110276 Paid 10/28/11 American Planning Association Membership 280.00 280.00 110277 Paid 10/28/11 Emerald Valley Auto Parts Auto parts 1,758.82 1,758.82 110278 Paid 10/28/11 RIO Networks Contractual Services 114.19 114.19 110279 Paid 10/28/11 Alpha Ecological, Inc. BK: Carp.ants: 303 S.5th,#400 79.00 79.00 110280 Paid 10/28/11 Gopura, LLC - a corporation Conf. rm.-mtg. expense 240.00 240.00 110281 Paid 10/28/11 Holiday Laundromat, LLC Laundry service: City Hall Laundry service: City Hall Laundry service: Maint. Laundry service: Maint. 73.60 87.40 462.95 579.15 1,203.10 110282 Paid 10/28/11 O'Brien, Danielle J T-HAMBY, SHAWNDA RENA 75.00 T-RICKER, BRANDON JAMES 150.00 T-SHANKLE, GARRETT NEIL 75.00 T-TENNEY, CHRISTOPHER TREVON 75.00 375.00 110283 Paid 10/28/11 National Crime Prevention Council McGruff backpacks 492.19 492.19 110284 Paid 10/28/11 Municipal Supply Company Smoke testing candles 525.61 525.61 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 110285 10/01/2011 Thru Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/28/11 Maginnis,Margaret M 10/31/2011 Page No. 40 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description SC/T-VELASCO, CHRISTOPHER JOHN T-KREBS, GEORGE PERRY T-REID, NICOLE SHELBY Payment 150.00 75.00 75.00 300.00 110286 Paid 10/28/11 Parrott,John R. T-MORELAND, PAMELA LEE 75.00 T-RIEMER, SEAN MICHAEL 300.00 T-WOOD, JOSHUA DEAN 150.00 525.00 110287 Paid 10/28/11 NW Natural Gas-wash rack: 8/29/11-9/28/11 51.69 51.69 110288 Paid 10/28/11 Owen Equipment Company Veh.7034: 1 rect light reel 95.14 95.14 110289 Paid 10/28/11 Yoshimoto, Brant T-FOSTER, JENNIFER ANNE 150.00 T-MARTIN, CASEY JOHN 300.00 T-MARTIN, DOUGLAS RANDALL 150.00 T-NORDAHL, TERRI LYNN 150.00 750.00 110290 Paid 10/28/11 Pearl Buck Center Incorporated Custodial svc.: 09/11 646.38 646.38 110291 Paid 10/28/11 Sierra Springs Water Service - Traffic 36.34 36.34 110292 Paid 10/28/11 Wiese, Ashlee Rochelle T-LONG, BRIAN JAMES 225.00 225.00 110293 Paid 10/28/11 USA Mobility Wireless, Inc Pager Svc. for 10/8/11-11/7/11 15.22 15.22 110294 Paid 10/28/11 Mizejewski, Max John IV SC-RODRIGUEZ, ERIC T-CARDONA, CHRISTINA 75.00 75.00 T-DRENNEN, TIMOTHY 300.00 T-ELLINGSON, RAVEN 150.00 T-HAYDEN, CHAD MICHAEL 225.00 T-JACKSON, MARK 50.00 T-MANNILA, DONALD SCOTT 75.00 T-MATTHEWS, ACE 50.00 T-RUSSELL, LEVI 75.00 T-SAM, MARIAH 75.00 T-SERPAS, HAROLD BENJAMIN JR 50.00 T-WHITFIELD, JOHNATHON 75.00 1,275.00 110295 Paid 10/28/11 Wise Steps, Inc. TB Plan & Confined Space Audit 850.00 850.00 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 110296 10/01/2011 Thru Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/28/11 Lane County Waste Management 10/31/2011 Line Description Dump fees ending 9/30/11 Page No. 41 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Payment 1,474.82 1,474.82 110297 Paid 10/28/11 Morrell, John McEachren Interpreting Services 10-17-11 Interpreting Services 10-20-11 64.00 64.00 128.00 110298 Paid 10/28/11 HERRAN,FERNANDO G Interpreting Services 10-10-11 65.00 65.00 110299 Paid 10/28/11 Enviro-Clean Equipment, Inc. Veh.7066: 1 hyd. motor 854.31 854.31 110300 Paid 10/28/11 McKenzie Roofing & Gutter, Inc. FS14: Logistic center roof 2,380.00 2,380.00 110301 Paid 10/28/11 Omlid & Swinney Fire Protection & CH: Check dry system JC/Jail: Rplc.backup batteries 105.00 752.00 857.00 110302 Paid 10/28/11 Sunshine Plant Care CH: Plant service-09/11 125.00 125.00 110303 Paid 10/28/11 Cameron, McCarthy, Gilbert & Scheibe Design Serv 7/25/11-8/21/11 Design Services 8/22-9/25/11 1,847.50 2,782.50 4,630.00 110304 Paid 10/28/11 Elliott,Brandi Bail Refund 637.00 637.00 110305 Paid 10/28/11 Associated Business Systems Corp Monthly Maint - MWMC Copier 15.10 Oct 2011 copy mach fees 106.29 Oct 2011 mo copies 282.09 Ricoh copier maint. 9/23-10/23 73.79 477.27 110306 Paid 10/28/11 Nitcher,Leslie T SC/T-BANDY, JACOB AUSTIN T-FLEGEL, JUDITH ANN T-GATTO, CHARLES DOMINICK 100.00 75.00 225.00 400.00 110307 Paid 10/28/11 Barrister's Aide, Incorporated Barristers Aide Barristers Aide 37.26 55.89 93.15 110308 Paid 10/28/11 Rogge Concrete, LLC 920 River Knoll: sidewk.rpr. 895.00 895.00 110309 Paid 10/28/11 United Industrial Equipment Corp. BK: Power washer repair 181.63 181.63 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 110310 Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/28/11 Marshalls,Inc. 10/01/2011 Thru 10/31/2011 Page No. 42 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description Depot: Maint.-2 units Payment 365.00 365.00 110311 Paid 10/28/11 Lane County Public Works Department Striping city streets 27,792.17 27,792.17 110312 Paid 10/28/11 McCain Traffic supplies 3,705.00 3,705.00 110313 Paid 10/28/11 Professional Service Industries, Inc. P80054 Field Testing & Reports 1,108.00 P80060 Field Testing & Reports 76.00 P80060 Field Testing & Reports 264.00 1,448.00 110314 Paid 10/28/11 Springfield Tire Factory, Inc. Veh.5005: 1 thrust alignment 51.95 51.95 110315 Paid 10/28/11 Global Equipment Company Traffic supplies 753.68 753.68 110316 Paid 10/28/11 Simplex Grinnell LP DVR - DX8116-1000 13,008.00 13,008.00 110317 Paid 10/28/11 A & A Construction Reimb.-Asphalt Deposit 800.00 800.00 110318 Paid 10/28/11 Meili Construction Co. Inc. Reimb.-Asphalt Deposit 800.00 800.00 110319 Paid 10/28/11 Skelton,Mark C PEER FITNESS TRAINER RECERT 129.00 129.00 110320 Paid 10/27/11 Emerald Empire Arts Assoc. CDBG progress payment 5,000.00 5,000.00 110321 Paid 10/31/11 US Treasury 10/28/2011 PAYROLL 400.00 400.00 110322 Paid 10/31/11 Sterling Cedar Products LLC 10/28/2011 PAYROLL 147.31 147.31 110323 Paid 10/31/11 Oregon Department of Revenue 10/28/2011 PAYROLL 769.15 769.15 110324 Paid 10/31/11 Clerk of Court, Berkeley County 10/28/2011 PAYROLL 287.90 287.90 110325 Paid 10/31/11 Oregon AFSCME Council 75 AFS Dues 10/28/2011 1,043.91 1,043.91 110326 Paid 10/31/11 United Way Of Lane County AFS Dues 10/28/2011 1,839.26 1,839.26 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number 110327 Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/31/11 O.P.E.U. 10/01/2011 Thru 10/31/2011 Line Description OPEU 10/28/2011 Page No. 43 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Payment 3,677.24 3,677.24 110328 Paid 10/31/11 Office of the Trustee 10/28/2011 PAYROLL 1,696.62 1,696.62 990475 Paid 10/12/11 Manley Administrative Services HRA Claims 57,165.68 57,165.68 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- 10/01/2011 Thru For Check Number 990476 Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name Paid 10/14/11 The Bank of America 10/31/2011 Line Description Page No. 44 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Payment FRED-MEYER #0328 1 key EMERALD VALLEY AUTO PA 1 pin punch GRAYBAR ELECTRIC 1 promo pk. hndlew/66 68.33 ROBERTS SUPPLY CO 1 shackle 25.90 RAMSEY WAITE CO INC 1 sleeve WILCO SPRINGFIELD-523 1 wheelbarrow 159.00 BRIM TRACTOR 10 Vrismo knives 113.64 SHERWIN WILLIAMS #8126 10 pntbrshs-pvmt mrkg PEOPLEFINDERS.COM 10/2011PEOPLEFINDERS.COM BIG DADDY GRAPHIC DESI 120 Prints on Bandanas WORKHORSE OUTFITTERS 2 Pair Water/Stain Resistant C EMERALD VALLEY AUTO PA 2 grease fittings ELMER'S BREAKFAST LUNC 2 lunches - ACWA Mtg on SSOs SYX GLOBALINDUSTRIALEQ 2 office chairs LANE FOREST PRODUC 2 pre-pd. yard cards 50.00 JERRYS HOME-SPRINGFIEL 2 push brooms 95.98 EWING IRRIGATION PRD#1 2 rakes 68.70 JERRYS HOME-SPRINGFIEL 2 vacuum cords 45.98 APLUS.NET 2 yrs-Domain Name: 19.98 APLUS.NET 2 yrs-Domain Name: 19.98 PAYPAL ELECTRICALC 2011 Oregon Plumbing Specialit 85.00 ROBERTS SUPPLY CO 25 pair safety glasses 80.80 NW SAFETY PRO EQ INC 3 EXIT signs for Carter Buildi 75.13 ROBERTS SUPPLY CO 3 pr. safety glasses 30.00 LANE FOREST PRODUC 3 pre-pd. yard cards 75.00 BI-MART 3 water containers LANE FOREST PRODUC 4 pre-pd. yard cards 100.00 LANE FOREST PRODUC 4 pre-pd. yard cards 100.00 LANE FOREST PRODUC 4 pre-pd. yard cards 100.00 TRAFFIC SAFETY SUPPLY 56 Signs-Canines for Clean Wat 283.12 OREGON DCBS 7053LME-Elect.lic.-J.Smith 100.00 ROBERTS SUPPLY CO 765 26th Pl.-culvert 234.60 SUBWAY ACWA Mtg in Salem 00260497 5.59 3.23 12.55 48.90 19.95 211.20 92.98 6.88 28.26 537.23 29.91 7.00 OREGON CHAPTER AMERICA APWA Conf Reg - Victori Parmer 235.00 OREGON CHAPTER AMERICA APWA Fall School 235.00 MCKENZIE POWER EQUIPME Adapters/filters/blade 44.80 JERRYS HOME-SPRINGFIEL Adhesive/paint brushes 13.26 FRED-MEYER #0328 Adult Programming snacks 32.10 KOWLOON RESTAURANT After hrs. meal-Bob 23.50 KOWLOON RESTAURANT After hrs. meal-Bob 23.50 KOWLOON RESTAURANT After hrs. meal-Jeff 24.00 KOWLOON RESTAURANT After hrs. meal-Jeff 24.00 TRACFONE Airtime purchase-ISB 20.33 AIRTIME APL APPLE ITUNES STORE Application for iPad - Ghostwr 4.99 CHEMEKETA BOOKSTORE Apprentice books -Bitting/Basi 129.00 ORIGINAL RDHSE GRILL 6 Apprntc.mtg.: 6 staff 94.37 FRED-MEYER #0328 Arts Commission Art Supplies 15.61 BI-MART BI-MART - Purchase 29.93 SQUARE DEAL LUMBER COM BK: 4 - T1-11 siding 153.20 SHERWIN WILLIAMS #8126 BK: paint supp.-doors SHERWIN WILLIAMS #8126 BK:Ste.300-paint supp. DARI MART # 39 Bagged Ice 72.18 232.60 8.34 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number Pay Status Check Date 10/01/2011 Thru Vendor Name 10/31/2011 Page No. 45 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description Payment LANE FOREST PRODUC Bark mulch-1 YD WM SUPERCENTER Batteries for HP33s 22.00 6.88 BATTERIES PLUS # 2 Battery for Key Fob 4.99 FRED-MEYER #0417 Battery for Wireless Microphon LES SCHWAB TIRES #0027 Battery-shop genrtr. 51.26 EUGENE FASTENERS & SUP Blade & sockets 11.90 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS Book for Survey-Jon Driscoll 37.10 A1 COUPLING HOSE EUGEN Brackets for ashcans JERRYS HOME-SPRINGFIEL Brackets/casings/wood 130.92 AMERICAN CONCRETE INST Building Code Seminar 597.00 Marie Cal-007700000778 CEO Meeting MULTI-CRAFT PLASTICS CH Elev.: light covers WILLAMETTE GRAYSTONE CH: Pkrg.bumper CMO - iPad Keyboard for Counci CONSTRUCTION EXAM CENT CONSTRUCT EXAM Prep Course 895.00 CONTINEN 00586818839191 CONTINEN 00586818839191 - Pur 458.20 LMC LAERDAL MEDICAL CPR/1st Aid Books 232.15 JERRYS HOME-SPRINGFIEL Can w/spout ROARING RAPIDS PIZZA Chamber ED Committee - Gino Gr 4IMPRINT City Pens - Promotional DIAMOND PARKING E747 City of Eugene Meeting - Parki FRED-MEYER #0325 Cleaning Supplies 15.53 WM SUPERCENTER Cleaning Supplies for MWMC Car 15.85 JERRYS HOME-SPRINGFIEL Coupling & washers 14.97 JERRYS HOME-SPRINGFIEL Couplings/clamps 7.30 AMSAN #420 Custodial supplies 171.99 AMSAN #420 Custodial supplies 351.17 CINEMARK THEATRES 2QPS Customer Service Awards DIAMOND PARKING #E732 DIAMOND PARKING #E732 - Purcha 4.00 DIAMOND PARKING E747 DIAMOND PARKING E747 - Purchas 1.50 DIAMOND PARKING E747 DIAMOND PARKING E747 - Purchas 1.50 DIAMOND PARKING E747 DIAMOND PARKING E747 - Purchas 2.25 DIAMOND PARKING E747 DIAMOND PARKING E747 - Purchas 2.25 DIAMOND PARKING E747 DIAMOND PARKING E747 - Purchas 3.50 DIAMOND PARKING E747 DIAMOND PARKING E747 - Purchas 3.50 DIAMOND PARKING E747 DIAMOND PARKING E747 - Purchas 3.50 DIAMOND PARKING E759 DIAMOND PARKING E759 - Purchas DR ANN WELLNESS DR ANN WELLNESS - Purchase EMERALD VALLEY AUTO PA DR Hammer for Mower EUGENE SKIN DIVERS DRYSUIT REPAIR(2) DOLRTREE 1470 00014704 Dept. cust.svc. BBQ PLATT ELECTRIC 080 Electrical supplies SEARS ROEBUCK 2339 FS16: microwave oven NORTHWEST FASTENER&SUP Fastener supplies 10.00 THE SHUTTERBUG-010 Fire Invest camera supplies 64.98 MARKET OF CHOICE FRANK GLENWOOD CAC 66.14 PAPAS PIZZA 3 GLENWOOD CAC 158.40 MED TECH RESOURCE INC Gearbags for Turnouts(5) 129.95 MCKENZIE FEED & SADDLE Gift Certif-Stormwater Prog. MICHAELS #8831 Glue for glass covers ROBERTS SUPPLY CO Grocery cart retrvl. tool DIAMOND PARKING #E732 HUD Grant Mtg - Parking HUMBLE BAGEL CO. I HUMBLE BAGEL CO. ORPELRA 4.99 15.74 9.41 101.58 31.50 68.54 8.97 14.55 323.26 1.50 20.00 1.00 18.00 24.63 150.00 2.00 10.93 189.98 40.00 6.48 12.22 3.00 82.35 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- 10/01/2011 Thru For Check Number Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name 10/31/2011 Page No. 46 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description Payment WW GRAINGER HVAC multi-meter BI-MART Hand-held sprayers 15.94 ROARING RAPIDS PIZZA Hansen upgrd. mtg. 152.95 JERRYS HOME-SPRINGFIEL Holesaw & mandrill VUE PROMISS TEST CNTRS ICC Plans Exam Test Facility CITY OF EUGENE-AIRPORT ICMA Conf - Airport Parking HILTON HOTELS ICMA Conf - Hotel RITEWAY BUS SERVICE IN ICMA Conf - Shuttle from Airpo 16.60 RITEWAY BUS SERVICE IN ICMA Conf - Shuttle from Hotel 14.60 DIAMOND PARKING E747 IDEC Meeting at LC - Parking FIRE PROTECTION PUB-WE IFSTA Investigation Curriculum BI-MART IT - Batteries DMI DELL K-12/GOVT IT BackupExec Software License CDW GOVERNMENT IT Power Strips AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS IT Wireless Router 91.98 DARI MART # 39 Ice-Murphy Bldg. 27.80 JERRYS HOME-SPRINGFIEL Indust. aqua gun SPRINT WIRELESS Insp cell phone service Aug 15 KNECHTS AUTOPARTS 3 Irrigation parts EWING IRRIGATION PRD#1 Irrigation supplies 23.80 EWING IRRIGATION PRD#1 Irrigation supplies 46.47 GALIFCO Items for shop BULLFROG ENTERPRISES JC: As-builts scanned 234.00 ALPHA ECOLOGICAL JC: pest control svc. 180.00 JERRYS HOME-SPRINGFIEL JC: socket set 29.99 JR AV 13.49 JR AV 19.99 JR AV 24.49 JR AV 64.42 PLATT ELECTRIC 080 Jail: 6 lightbulbs 27.18 JERRYS HOME-SPRINGFIEL Jail: epoxy, etc. 52.52 CARQUEST Jumper cables (2) 01033406 160.71 31.98 180.00 36.00 587.00 2.25 114.90 11.98 4,578.93 185.40 10.99 266.91 9.49 44.87 55.98 WESTERN STATE DESIGN Justice Center - Washmachine S 180.00 JERRYS HOME-SPRINGFIEL L14:Flag/Hardware LANE TRANSIT TICKETS LANE TRANSIT TICKETS - Purchas LCHRA LCHRA Monthly Meeting - Septem HD SUPPLY FACILITIES M LOC Project - window guards 7 456.73 HD SUPPLY FACILITIES M LOC Project window guards 3 @ 140.97 HD SUPPLY FACILITIES M LOC project - locks 667.56 LSTA OregonAsks 34.95 LSTA OregonAsks 37.84 JERRYS HOME-SPRINGFIEL Liftoff remover & allig.clips TELEDYNE ISCO INC Liquid Level Actuator LANE FOREST PRODUC Loam-1 YD 20.00 EUGENE LOCK & SAFE CO. Lock-repair cabinet 12.25 JERRYS HOME-SPRINGFIEL Lockbox/Keys HEATHMAN LODGE Lodging - PNW Pretreat Conf. 412.65 HEATHMAN LODGE Lodging Exp - Conf 9/12-15/11 381.37 JERRYS HOME-SPRINGFIEL Lopper, sockets, etc. USPS 40795204734006049 Mail MediCertified enrollment A1 COUPLING HOSE EUGEN Materials for smoke testing DIAMOND PARKING E759 Mayor - MPC Meeting Parking FRED-MEYER #0417 Mayor's Open House - Refreshme 64.81 3.00 15.00 14.57 305.50 38.37 76.96 5.59 52.68 1.50 14.13 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number Pay Status Check Date 10/01/2011 Thru Vendor Name 10/31/2011 Page No. 47 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description Payment STATION E745 Meeting Expenses 1.00 STATION E745 Meeting Expenses 2.00 STATION E745 Meeting Expenses 2.25 LANE TRANSIT TICKETS Meeting Expenses 3.00 LANE TRANSIT TICKETS Meeting Expenses 3.00 ROARING RAPIDS PIZZA Meeting Expenses 7.95 MUCHAS GRACIAS COMM Meeting Expenses 8.65 THE PUMP CAFE Meeting Expenses 13.20 BUDDYS DINER Meeting Expenses 14.48 THE PUMP CAFE Meeting Expenses 22.90 THE PUMP CAFE Meeting w/Jenn Inman (Lane Cou 24.00 FRED-MEYER #0325 Memory Cards for Const. Camera 19.98 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS Microfilm Toner JERRYS HOME-SPRINGFIEL Mill Race Fence Materials 102.17 WILCO SPRINGFIELD-523 Mill Race Fence Materials 655.84 WILCO SPRINGFIELD-523 Mill Race Parts Return DMI DELL K-12/GOVT Monitor Purchases for Police D 2,476.04 NAT ASSO OF TOWN WATCH National Night Out Materials 1,602.53 EMBASSY SUITES DWNTWN OAMR Conference - Hotel FRED-MEYER #0328 OFFICE SUPPLIES OREGON LIBRARY ASSOCIA OLA Renewal OREGON LIBRARY ASSOCIA OLA Workshop 20.00 OREGON LIBRARY ASSOCIA OLA Workshop 20.00 JERRYS HOME-SPRINGFIEL Office Supplies 11.94 STAPLESCONTRACTCOMMERC Office Supplies ECC DSS-Disc Sch Suppl Office Supplies Paper STAPLESCONTRACTCOMMERC Office supplies CPA EDU Oregon Easement Seminar BI-MART Outdated meds disposalbags PAYPAL OREGONCOALI PAYPAL OREGONCOALI - Purchase LANE TRANSIT TICKETS PPPM Advisory Committee - LTD GREATER OR CHAPTER PRS PRSA Lunch Meeting - Laudati CDW GOVERNMENT PW Toughbook Battery SHERWIN WILLIAMS #8126 Paint & Supplies for FS#14 67.76 SHERWIN WILLIAMS #8126 Paint supplies 15.19 AMSAN #420 Paper cups 86.55 DIAMOND PARKING E747 Parking - City of Eugene HR 2.25 DIAMOND PARKING #E732 Parking - HUD Grant Meeting 3.00 DIAMOND PARKING E747 Parking - MWMC Mtg. 1.50 DIAMOND PARKING #E732 Parking Regional Lidar 4.00 STATION E745 Parking for City of Eugene mee 1.75 SMART PARK AMNO CHARGE Parking-ACWA mtg on SSOs 4.50 CITY OF PORTLAND DEPT Parking-EFIT DAS GEO Meeting AIRGAS NORPAC Particulate Respirators 13.10 KNECHTS AUTOPARTS 1 Parts-33LMW 15.49 BROOKS CUT RATE AUTO Pin Punch Planning Commission - iPad Cas 49.99 ABTELECTRONICS.COM Planning Commission iPad Cases 250.74 T3E COMPANY, INC. Plantronics Encore Monaural He 580.50 JERRYS HOME-SPRINGFIEL Plastic dropcloth, facent-hose 57.25 NEW TECH INDUSTRIES Police Dispatch Handset Splitt 20.95 WWW.NEWEGG.COM Police Software (Word) 50.98 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS Police Video Adapter 73.35 81.65 -32.90 125.62 69.98 140.00 50.96 104.50 51.61 259.00 5.00 40.00 3.00 20.00 171.77 1.60 2.50 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- 10/01/2011 Thru For Check Number Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name 10/31/2011 Page No. 48 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description Payment US CAVALRY Portable search mirrors (2) I 74.69 LANE FOREST PRODUC Pre-Paid Dump Card 25.00 FRED-MEYER #0328 Programming Art Supplies CHEVRON 0302934 Propane ROSE CITY LABELS Pub Ed Badge Stickers 389.15 UNITED INDUSTRIAL EQUI Pwr washer repair 186.61 RED LION VANCOUVER RED LION VANCOUVER - Purchase 296.61 THE HOME DEPOT #4028 Recruitment/Hiring Supplies JERRYS HOME-SPRINGFIEL Replace Doorknob JERRYS HOME-SPRINGFIEL Restock truck supplies USPS 40795204734006049 Return faulty med equip DRI AVERYSUPPLIES Returned for Credit -32.26 RAMSEY WAITE CO INC Rope and 2 blades 45.60 HOLIDAY INN RESTAURANT Rotary Lunches 68.75 RITE AID STORE 5383Q05 STN3: bowls (8) 14.99 KNECHTS AUTOPARTS 3 STN3:Automotive Creeper 37.99 KNECHTS AUTOPARTS 3 STN5:Tire Gauge SANDERSON SAFETY SUPPL Safety Equip/Clothing SANDERSON SAFETY SUPPL Safety Supplies 12.68 NW SAFETY PRO EQ INC Safety gloves 15.15 TARGET Safety recogntn.-P7001 50.00 BI-MART Safety recogntn.P7001 50.00 FRED-MEYER #0328 Scissors-2 pr. 16.18 FRED-MEYER #0328 Snacks for Teen Movie Night 10.93 Spanish Books 5.28 Spanish Books 78.46 LECTORUM PUBLICATIONS Spanish Books 171.25 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS Spanish Materials 14.09 AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS Spanish Materials 134.83 NFPA NATL FIRE PROTECT Sprinklers/Fire Alarm Handbook 332.06 RED WING SHOE CO, INC. Steel Toed Boots (PPE) - Jim P 256.98 RED WING SHOE CO, INC. Steel Toed Boots (PPE) Shawn S 150.00 BI-MART Stn5:Kitchentowels/canopener 38.86 JERRYS HOME-SPRINGFIEL Stn5:Telephone Parts 24.95 BEN FRANKLIN CRAFT Stormwater Education Supplies 5.49 TARGET Stormwater Education Supplies 20.27 MICHAELS #8831 Stormwater Program Supplies 17.97 BULLFROG ENTERPRISES Straight Edge 68.00 MICHAELS #8831 Supplies for Public Ed Projec 31.92 WM SUPERCENTER Supplies for Digital Camera 30.83 ORIENTAL TRADING CO Supplies for Hallween Event THE PUMP CAFE THE PUMP CAFE - ORPELRA BOOTCA JERRYS HOME-SPRINGFIEL TO3:Lights for basket MOUSER ELECTRONICS DIS TO3:generator part 26.10 TRADER JOE'S #145 QPS TRADER JOE'S :ORPELRA BOOT CAM 14.23 NEXTSTEP RECYCLING TV Disposal fee 12.00 Teen Prizes 35.98 FRED-MEYER #0328 Thank you cards and snacks 35.40 SHERWIN WILLIAMS #8126 Thermo plastic 35.57 BIG B TIRE STORE INC Tire disposal fee AMTRAK Train Ticket - returned for cr 00006122 00006122 2501003560542 AMTRAK .CO2501003560542 Train Ticket cancelled TRIMET TVM Travel Expenses 7.86 30.20 40.75 9.99 13.88 24.94 18.79 103.63 99.50 120.00 9.98 8.00 50.00 -50.00 5.00 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- 10/01/2011 Thru For Check Number Pay Status Check Date Vendor Name 10/31/2011 Line Description Page No. 49 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Payment CITY CENTER PARKING 13 Travel Expenses 7.95 COMFORT INN Travel Expenses 189.00 WHOLESALEFOREVERYONE C Turqouise Bandanas - 10 doz 95.09 USPS 40795204734006049 USPS Stamps for programming 17.60 PAYPAL UNITEDWAYLA UW 2011 Community Breakfast - 12.00 LANE TRANSIT TICKETS UW Community Breakfast - Trans ELITE CAR BATH Veh. #7101 - inside & out 25.75 JUSTANSWER MECHANICS Veh.6060: on-line help 18.00 JERRYS HOME-SPRINGFIEL Veh.7001: 2 bushgs. 4.98 ABSOLUTE AIR & AUTO RE Veh.7065: A/C repair 325.00 MYRMO & SONS, INC. Veh.7065: Fittings/hose 110.52 ANDERSON BROS. TRUCK & Veh.7072: rpr.drvline 178.55 WELCOA ONLINE WELCOA ONLINE - Purchase 532.06 MAXXUM MARINE WR5:boat filters (2) 18.00 WVAWARDSINC WVAWARDSINC - Esselstyn 49.00 UNITED INDUSTRIAL EQUI Wash rack repair 51.94 PROFESSIONAL LAND S Water Boundaries Workshop-Rick 60.00 NW SAFETY PRO EQ INC Waterprf journals 12.10 BAKERS SHOES AND CLOTH Waterproof boots 80.95 EMERALD VALLEY AUTO PA Weed eater repair BAKERS SHOES AND CLOTH Work boots-Barb 139.95 WILCO SPRINGFIELD-523 Work boots-Gory T. 149.99 YA AV AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS YA Books 7.27 YA Books 16.12 YA Books 17.99 NORTHWEST HAZMAT INC absorbent socks/box of 30 76.00 WM SUPERCENTER brass,coolers,air freshners 49.12 JERRYS HOME-SPRINGFIEL cleaning supplies 25.44 JERRYS HOME-SPRINGFIEL cleaning supplies 47.97 WM SUPERCENTER cleaning supplies 55.68 WM SUPERCENTER cleaning supplies - soap 18.78 OFFICE MAX clipboard - ISB ASSOCIATED BUSINESS copy machine - Ricoh MP8001SP SANDERSON SAFETY SUPPL earplugs (500) 87.00 CHEVRON 0095266 gas - travel expense 51.03 UNION 76 gas - travel expense 60.00 HILLTOP VALERO gas - travel expense 66.01 LOVES TRAVEL S00004416 gas - travel expense 75.00 EXXONMOBIL gas - travel expense 77.00 SHELL OIL 626832202QPS gas-travel expense 70.01 WM SUPERCENTER inmate supplies 69.66 JERRYS HOME-SPRINGFIEL lawn care 15.99 MOOKIES NORTHWEST GRIL media luncheon - (3) KMTR 47.00 MEMO'S MEXICAN RESTAUR media luncheon - 3 (Springfiel 23.20 APPLEBEES 969401540111 meeting expense/Gateway Mall M 17.98 MOOKIES NORTHWEST GRIL meeting expense/media 43.00 BEST WESTERN HERIT motel - travel expense 85.86 LA QUINTA INNS # 0912 motel - travel expense 97.88 RESIDENCE INNS ONTARIO motel - travel expense 465.88 POWER SPORT DYNAMIC mount and balance motorcycle t ASSOCIATED BUSINESS new copy machine - Ricoh MP800 RAMSEY WAITE CO INC oil for landscape tools 00455766 97599450 3.00 7.79 62.98 12.00 13,033.00 37.00 13,033.00 26.28 City of Springfield Report ID: Disbursement for Approvals SPRA109- For Check Number Pay Status Check Date 10/01/2011 Thru Vendor Name 10/31/2011 Page No. 50 Run Date Nov/03/2011 Run Time 3:07:03 PM Line Description Payment JERRYS HOME-SPRINGFIEL orange mrkg. paint BOTACH TACTICAL3232945 pelican cases - patrol/volunte 73.71 CASHNCARRY533 52505336 sporks - napkins/inmate suppli 136.62 OVR O.CO / OVERSTOCK.C storage cabinet/records 70.99 JERRYS HOME-SPRINGFIEL supplies 13.98 VVS VAL VET/DIRECT PET syringe & needle - animal cont CURTIS RESTAURANT EQUI thermometer - inmate medical e EXXONMOBIL travel/meeting expense 13645957 8.98 38.40 118.00 68.00 OREGON CJIS USERS WORK trng - CJIS workshop - Reid 185.00 OREGON CJIS USERS WORK trng - DJIS users workshop-Him 185.00 CODE 4 PUBLIC SAFETY E trng class - Reading Body Lang 198.00 ROARING RAPIDS PIZZA volunteer meeting 120.55 BROWNELLS INC weapons lube, shotgun dummies- 75.47 61,169.11 990477 Paid 10/24/11 R & G Excavating, Inc. Construction Serv.7/26-8/25/11 226,176.95 226,176.95 990478 Paid 10/26/11 Carter, Don CARTER PROPERTY PURCHASE 7,024.41 7,024.41 990479 Paid 10/27/11 Logan, David MONTHLY CONTRACTUAL - CLERICAL MONTHLY CONTRACTUAL - CONTRACT SUPPLEMENTAL CLERICAL 2,521.74 16,876.26 4,294.26 23,692.26 990480 Paid 10/27/11 Leahy, Van Vactor & Cox, LLP Legal 105.00 MONTHLY CONTRACTUAL PYMT SEDA Attorney Fees Sept 2011 21,376.22 1,155.00 22,636.22 990481 Paid 10/27/11 Wildish Construction Company, Inc. Work done 8/14/10-10/15/10 19,824.77 19,824.77 Grand Total: 3,027,740.09 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Staff Contact/Dept.: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: Council Goals: ITEM TITLE: COUNCIL MINUTES ACTION REQUESTED: By motion, approval of the attached minutes. ISSUE STATEMENT: The attached minutes are submitted for Council approval. ATTACHMENTS: Minutes: a) November 7, 2011 – Regular Meeting DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. 11/21/2011 Regular Meeting Amy Sowa/CMO 726-3700 Consent Calendar Mandate City of Springfield Regular Meeting MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2011 The City of Springfield Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, November 7, 2011 at 7:00 p.m., with Mayor Lundberg presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Lundberg and Councilors VanGordon, Wylie, Moore, Ralston and Woodrow. Also present were City Manager Gino Grimaldi, Assistant City Manager Jeff Towery, Assistant City Attorney Mary Bridget Smith, City Recorder Amy Sowa and members of the staff. Councilor Pishioneri was absent (excused). PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Lundberg. SPRINGFIELD UPBEAT 1. “Veteran’s Day Parade” Proclamation Mayor Lundberg said the Lane County Veteran’s Day Parade was held yesterday, November 6 in Springfield. At the beginning of the parade Mayor Lundberg offered this proclamation for Veteran’s Day, November 11, 2011, and the Veteran’s Day Parade, November 6, 2011, and encouraged all citizens of Springfield and Lane County to attend and support our troops during this event and throughout the year. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Claims 2. Minutes a. October 17, 2011 – Work Session b. October 17, 2011 – Regular Meeting c. October 24, 2011 – Work Session/Tour 3. Resolutions 4. Ordinances 5. Other Routine Matters a. Authorize City Manager to Sign a Contract with Airgas Nor Pac, Inc. for Procurement of Medical and Industrial Gases. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes November 7, 2011 Page 2 b. Authorize and Direct the City Manager to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with Springfield Utility Board for the Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 2011 Basin 22A Project. c. Allow Utility Repair Activities Outside of the Hours of 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. at the Intersection of Mohawk Boulevard and Olympic Street with Conditions as Described in Attachment 1. d. Approve City Manager’s Signing Lane Metro Partnership Contract for Fiscal Year 201112 for $50,000 for Economic Development and Business Assistance Services. e. Approve City Manager’s Signing Oregon Track Club Track Town 2012 Contract for Fiscal Year 2011-12 for $100,000 for Services Related to the Planning and Operation of the 2012 United States Olympic Team Trials Known as TrackTown12. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR WYLIE WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR RALSTON TO APPROVE THE CONSENT CALENDAR. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST (1 ABSENT- PISHIONERI). ITEMS REMOVED PUBLIC HEARINGS - Please limit comments to 3 minutes. Request to speak cards are available at both entrances. Please present cards to City Recorder. Speakers may not yield their time to others. BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE 1. Debora Byrd, 2027 Lawrence, Eugene, OR. Ms. Bird commended the City Council and City government for the way they handled the political situation with the building of the Planned Parenthood Center. She felt the Council handled the last meeting with grace and professionalism and she thanked them. COUNCIL RESPONSE Mayor Lundberg thanked Ms. Bird for her comments. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS BIDS ORDINANCES BUSINESS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Committee Appointments 2. Business from Council a. Committee Reports 1. Councilor Moore thanked Chief Groves for the comprehensive report submitted in last week’s Communication Packet regarding overtime in the Fire and Life Safety Department. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes November 7, 2011 Page 3 Councilor Moore said she handed out candy to the children on Halloween in the City Manager’s Office and had a lot of fun. Councilor Woodrow also handed out candy over in the Library. Councilor Moore said during a Lane Workforce Partnership luncheon on October 27, she sat next to someone who worked at Symantec. Councilor Moore expressed interest in touring Symantec and asked if any of the other Council members had interest. Councilor Moore said she, along with Councilor Ralston, visited the Brattain Hadley home at 1260 Main Street during a recent event. The house was going to need to be torn down, but it was interesting to hear about the history of the home. Councilor Moore said she attended a Stanford Children’s Breakfast where a $10,000 scholarship was awarded to Whitney Bradshaw of Springfield High School. Councilor Moore noted that she was on the School Naming Committee for renaming Springfield Middle School. Councilor Moore said a Wheels by the Willamette event was scheduled for November 16. This event was sponsored by City of Springfield, with the Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee involved. 2. Councilor Wylie said she went to the first High Speed Rail Governor’s Task Force meeting in Salem. The representatives were very impressive and included the Mayor of Portland, Mayor of Eugene, and Mayor of Albany, and many legislators. The Governor would be attending the next meeting. The Task Force would be determining the route the passenger rail line would take. Freight would be increasing by large percentages in the future, so a separate line for passengers would eventually be needed. One of the routes included running the rail lines through the open space in the center of the freeway. She was very pleased to have this opportunity. Passenger transportation was currently very slow and sometimes passengers needed to be bussed if there were delays in the rail. They were hoping to improve the service from 45 mph to 60 mph. This was long-range planning. Councilor Wylie said she served on the Lane County ACT (Area Commission on Transportation), along with the Mayor as the alternate. The ACT consisted of elected officials from various jurisdictions, as well as members from the tribes ports. The job of the ACT was to advise the Oregon Transportation Commission on what was needed in our community. She served on that committee and also the Steering Committee. The LC ACT was just beginning to understand their role. They coordinated with the MPC. She noted that Councilor Moore was the alternate for Councilor Wylie and the Mayor on the Metropolitan Policy Committee (MPC) and she would like to have her more involved in that committee. Keeping the balance between the larger urban areas such as Springfield and Eugene, and all the smaller communities was important and would pay off in the long run. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes November 7, 2011 Page 4 3. Councilor Woodrow said she had attended two meeting of Ambulance Transport System (ATS) Committee which was rejuvenated from a couple of years ago. Meeting the costs of ambulance transport in our community was at a crisis point due to Medicare and insurance funding. Chief Groves was doing a great job getting them the most current information. The committee included representatives from the Springfield Council, Lane County Commissioners, Eugene Council, and fire services from the rural areas. This was an important committee as this was a core service. Councilor Woodrow reminded Council that the Springfield Christmas Parade was scheduled for December 3 and Police Chief Jerry Smith would serve as the Grand Marshal. The deadline for entries was November 15. Mayor Lundberg asked if all of the Council would be riding in the parade as in the past. Councilor Woodrow said she had made arrangements today for a car for the Mayor and two cars for the Council. She noted that the parade would start at 1:00pm this year and would in the future. The Tuba Concert was scheduled for noon and would be held at the Wildish Theater, free to the public with first come first served seating. b. Other Business BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER 1. Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with Lane Community College (LCC) to Donate Logs Salvaged from the Mill Race Restoration Project (P10667). City Civil Engineer Jesse Jones presented the staff report on this item. The City of Springfield, as a result of its renovation and rehabilitation of the historic Springfield Mill Race, had altered the Mill Pond exposing submerged logs which were of no use or value to the City of Springfield and, in fact, presented impediments to the renovation and rehabilitation work undertaken. LCC, through its Department of Art and Applied Design, Sculpture and Ceramics, had requested the opportunity to remove and utilize some of these logs in their course curricula including, but not limited to, both sculpture and ceramics programs. Per the attached IGA, the City would make available to LCC a small portion of the more than 300 logs (fewer than 10%) which had been submerged in Springfield's Mill Pond and had become exposed as part of the rehabilitation and renovation of Springfield's historic Mill Race. LCC anticipated the logs would be used in the Department of Art and Applied Design, Sculpture and Ceramics including, but not limited to, sculpture and ceramic programs. Logs would be provided at no cost to LCC provided, however, LCC would be solely responsible for the removal and all removal costs in accordance with the terms and conditions in the IGA. In return for use of the logs, LCC would provide reasonable recognition to the City and its restoration of the historic Mill Race. The City had previously contracted with Urban Lumber to salvage a portion of the logs. As part of the agreement Urban Lumber constructed the benches located in the lobby of City Hall. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes November 7, 2011 Page 5 The remaining logs had little commercial value. Several local businesses had been contacted and none had expressed interest in salvaging the remaining logs. They had cited lack of market demand and poor log condition as the primary reasons. The City did not have a long term strategy to dispose of the logs. Donation of a portion of the logs to LCC presented a positive outcome for both the City and LCC. Staff recommended approval of the IGA with LCC, to allow donation of the logs. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR WYLIE WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR RALSTON TO APPROVE THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE (LCC) TO DONATE LOGS SALVAGED FROM THE MILL RACE RESTORATION PROJECT (P10667). THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST (1 ABSENT – PISHIONERI). BUSINESS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:15 p.m. Minutes Recorder Amy Sowa ______________________ Christine L. Lundberg Mayor Attest: ____________________ City Recorder AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Staff Contact/Dept.: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: Council Goals: 11/21/2011 Regular Meeting Kristi Krueger P.E./ Public Works 726-4584 Consent Calendar Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities ITEM TITLE: THURSTON ROAD OVERLAY (P21062) INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (IGA) ACTION REQUESTED: Approve or reject the following motion: APPROVE THE THURSTON ROAD OVERLAY PROJECT INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT NO. 28,107 BETWEEN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY. ISSUE STATEMENT: Council authorization for the City Manager to execute Intergovernmental Agreement No. 28,107. As part of the Thurston Road Overlay project, the FederalAid grant match for the City is $153,000. Staff is requesting to enter into this Agreement to proceed with the overlay project. 1. Intergovernmental Agreement ATTACHMENTS: DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: Thurston Road provides the only continuous east-west collector east of 58th Street that runs parallel to Main Street/Highway 126 within Springfield’s Urban Growth Boundary. The reach of Thurston Road east of 69th Street provides the sole access from the west to Thurston Elementary School and Willamalane’s Bob Artz Park, which is a regional recreational facility. The pavement structure on Thurston Road is nearing failure and base repair and milling/overlay is needed to preserve the street before full failure occurs. If preservation activities are not undertaken within the next two years, staff expects that significant structural failures will occur resulting in the need for complete reconstruction of this roadway segment. The anticipated cost to reconstruct the roadway is expected to be at least double the cost for the preservation project. The Thurston Road Overlay project includes a base repair, overlay, striping, and reconstructing the existing handicap ramps to meet ADA standards. The current estimate to complete this work is $553,000, of which $400,000 is from Federal Surface Transportation Program – Urban (STP-U) Funds allocated to the project in FY 2011. The remainder of the funding will come through allocated City match funds budgeted in Fund 446 (Transportation System Development Charges – Reimbursement). To begin design work on the Thurston Road Overlay project, and meet our goal of construction beginning during the Summer of 2012, staff is recommending Council approve IGA No. 28,107. Funding for the Federal STP-U match is budgeted in fund 62232-446-850236. Attachment 1 Page 1 of 17 Attachment 1 Page 2 of 17 Attachment 1 Page 3 of 17 Attachment 1 Page 4 of 17 Attachment 1 Page 5 of 17 Attachment 1 Page 6 of 17 Attachment 1 Page 7 of 17 Attachment 1 Page 8 of 17 Attachment 1 Page 9 of 17 Attachment 1 Page 10 of 17 Attachment 1 Page 11 of 17 Attachment 1 Page 12 of 17 Attachment 1 Page 13 of 17 Attachment 1 Page 14 of 17 Attachment 1 Page 15 of 17 Attachment 1 Page 16 of 17 Attachment 1 Page 17 of 17 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Staff Contact/Dept.: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: Council Goals: 11/21/2011 Regular Meeting Len Goodwin/PW (541)726-3685 Consent Calendar Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities ITEM TITLE: INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT TO FUND PHASE 2 OF THE REGIONAL FUEL FACILITY UPGRADE ACTION REQUESTED: Approve or reject a motion approving an intergovernmental agreement between the City, Springfield School District, Rainbow Water District and Willamalane Park and Recreation District providing funding for Phase 2 of the Regional Fuel Facility Upgrade Project, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement on behalf of the City. ISSUE STATEMENT: Shall the Council approve the distribution of responsibility for funding the cost of Phase 2 of the Regional Fuel Facility Upgrade Project among the partners in the project? ATTACHMENTS: DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: 1. Draft Intergovernmental Agreement The City has solicited bids for Phase 2 of this project and staff has recommended award of the contract to SME Solutions, LLC. That recommendation is before the Council this evening for consideration. The four partners in the fuel facility have agreed on a cost sharing mechanism, based on relative utilization calculated on the basis of usage of the system during calendar year 2010. Under this formula, the City will pay for 44.57 percent of the cost and School District 19 will fund 46.82 percent. Willamalane will pay 7.13 percent and Rainbow Water District will pay 1.48 percent. Staff recommends that the Council approve the draft agreement. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT Contract # 640 BETWEEN: The City of Springfield (City), a unit of local government of the state of Oregon AND: Springfield School District (Dist #19) a common school district of the State of Oregon, Rainbow Water District (RWD) a special district of the State of Oregon, and Willamalane Park & Recreation District (Willamalane) a special district of the State of Oregon, also known as Agencies EFFECTIVE DATE: November 22, 2011 RECITALS A. ORS 190.010 provides that units of local government may enter into agreements for the performance of any and all functions and activities that any party to the agreement, its officers, or agents have the authority to perform. B. City and Agencies by intergovernmental agreement dated October 17, 1989 (attached herein as Attachment A), agreed to cooperatively design, develop, construct, operate, manage, maintain and own a regional fuel facility located at 3585 Marcola Road, Springfield, OR. C. On behalf of the Agencies, City has competitively solicited firms qualified to replace the existing card reader system with a new system that uses magnetic stripe cards and is compatible with the City’s existing fueling system and Phoenix Plus Software, the installation of new island terminals and a tank monitoring and leak detection system to monitor the product level, the presence of water and/or leaks in the tanks and a transition sump. All system upgrades will require supplier provided phone tech support. D. City and Agencies jointly desire to enter into a contract with SME Solutions LLC/NW Pump, the lowest responsible bidder, to provide services as described in City’s Invitation to Bid # 622 Project No P21059 Regional Fuel Facility Upgrade- Phase 2. AGREEMENT 1. City and Agencies hereby agree to share cost incurred for P21059 Regional Fuel Facility Upgrade Phase 2 as follows: Springfield School Dist #19 44.57% Rainbow Water District 1.48% City of Springfield 46.82% Willamalane Park/Rec District 7.13% 2. City and Agencies understand and agree that the initial contract award for P21059 Phase 2 shall be in the amount of $41,223.50 but that additional and unforeseen costs may result. City and Agencies agree to pay all project costs in full at the rates described herein. City and Agencies through this agreement are approving Phase 2 with a specific cost now, but should unforeseen costs arise each will be asked to participate in the same percentages as per this agreement. Until the amendment is approved by each agency it is not bound for the additional costs. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Intergovernmental Agreement C640 Page 1 of 3 Attachment 1 Page 1 of 24 3. Agencies agree City shall award, manage and oversee said contract as described in this Agreement and per the terms and conditions set forth herein and in Attachment B (attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference). GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. Duration. This agreement shall be in effect from effective date shown above to December 31, 2011 or until completion of Phase 2, whichever comes first. 2. Contract Administration. Each party designates the following as its representative for purposes of administering this contract. Either party may change its designated representative by giving written notice to the other as provided in paragraph 12. Agency: Springfield School District 525 Mill Street Springfield, OR 97477 Attn: Jeff Defranco Rainbow Water District nd 1550 42 Street Springfield, OR 97477 Attn: Jamie Porter Willamalane Park & Recreation District 682 36th Street Springfield, OR 97478 Attn: Joel Miller/Bob Keefer City: City of Springfield 201 S. 18th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Attn: Brian Conlon/Marcy Parker 3. Records/Inspection. City and Agency shall each maintain records of its costs and expenses under this contract for a period of not less than three full fiscal years following Agency's completion of this contract. Upon reasonable advance notice, either party or its authorized representatives may from time to time inspect, audit, and make copies of the other party's records. 4. Indemnification. To the extent allowed by the Oregon Constitution and the Oregon Revised Statutes, each of the parties hereto agrees to defend, indemnify, and save the other harmless from any claims, liability or damages including attorney fees arising out of any error, omission or act of negligence on the part of the indemnifying party, its officers, agents, or employees in the performance of this agreement. 5. Status. In providing the services specified in this agreement (and any associated services) all parties are public bodies and maintain their public body status as specified in ORS 30.260. Both parties understand __________________________________________________________________________________________ Intergovernmental Agreement C640 Page 2 of 3 Attachment 1 Page 2 of 24 and acknowledge that each retains all immunities and privileges granted them by the Oregon Tort Claims Act (ORS 30.260 through 30.295) and any and all other statutory rights granted as a result of their status as local public bodies. 6. Assignment. A party shall not assign this contract in whole or in part, or any right or obligation hereunder, without all other party’s written approval. 7. Compliance With Laws. Agency shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, ordinances, and regulations at all times and in the performance of the work. 8. Notices. Any notices permitted or required by this contract shall be deemed given when personally delivered or upon deposit in the United State mail, postage fully prepaid, certified, return receipt requested,, addressed to the representative designated in paragraph 2. Either party may change its address by notice given to the other in accordance with this paragraph. 9. Integration. This contract embodies the entire agreement of the parties. There are no promises, terms, conditions or obligations other than those contained herein. This contact shall supersede all prior communications, representations or agreements, either oral or written, between the parties. This contract shall not be amended except in writing, signed by both parties. 10. Interpretation. This contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the state of Oregon. 11. Signatures. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD: SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT #19: By: ____________________________________ By: ____________________________________ (signature) (signature) Name: _________________________________ Name: __________________________________ Title: __________________________________ Title: ___________________________________ RAINBOW WATER DISTRICT: WILLAMALANE PARKS & RECREATION DIST: By: ____________________________________ By: ____________________________________ (signature) (signature) Name: _________________________________ Name: __________________________________ Title: __________________________________ Title: ___________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Intergovernmental Agreement C640 Page 3 of 3 Attachment 1 Page 3 of 24 C640 IGA RFF PH 2 Page 1 of 12 1 Attachment Page 4 of 24 C640 IGA RFF PH 2 Page 2 of 12 1 Attachment Page 5 of 24 C640 IGA RFF PH 2 Page 3 of 12 1 Attachment Page 6 of 24 C640 IGA RFF PH 2 Page 4 of 12 1 Attachment Page 7 of 24 C640 IGA RFF PH 2 Page 5 of 12 1 Attachment Page 8 of 24 C640 IGA RFF PH 2 Page 6 of 12 1 Attachment Page 9 of 24 C640 IGA RFF PH 2 Page 7 of 12 1 Attachment Page 10 of 24 C640 IGA RFF PH 2 Page 8 of 12 1 Attachment Page 11 of 24 C640 IGA RFF PH 2 Page 9 of 12 1 Attachment Page 12 of 24 C640 IGA RFF PH 2 Page 10 of 121 Attachment Page 13 of 24 C640 IGA RFF PH 2 Page 11 of 121 Attachment Page 14 of 24 C640 IGA RFF PH 2 Page 12 of 121 Attachment Page 15 of 24 ATTACHMENT B CITY OF SPRINGFIELD CONTRACT State and Local Funding Sources Project No. P21059 Project Title: Regional Fuel Facility Upgrade– Phase 2 Description: This project consists of the replacement of the existing card reader system with a new system that uses magnetic stripe cards and is compatible with the City’s existing fueling system and Phoenix Plus Software, the installation of new island terminals and a tank monitoring and leak detection system to monitor the product level, the presence of water and/or leaks in the tanks and a transition sump. All system upgrades will require supplier provided phone tech support. THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into this 22nd day of November, 2011, between the City of Springfield, under and by virtue of the Charter, Laws, and Ordinances of the said City of Springfield, and the laws of the State of Oregon, and SME Solutions, LLC hereinafter called the Contractor. WITNESSETH: That in consideration of the payments, covenants and contracts hereinafter mentioned, attached and made a part of this Contract, to be made and performed by the parties hereto, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: 1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS This Contract, signed by both parties, supersedes all prior and contemporaneous oral or written communications between the parties, their agents and representatives. This Contract, as signed by both parties, shall be composed of each and every one of the following listed parts and all approved revisions thereto: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Change Orders Addenda to the Special Provisions Special Provisions Addenda to General Conditions and Standard Specifications General Conditions and Specifications Contract Plans Standard Drawings Instruction to Bidders Proposal The Contractor shall furnish all materials, tools, equipment, labor, and do all work necessary and incidental to completing this Contract, in accordance with the requirements of the documents pertinent thereto, including those listed in Section 104.02 of the Standard Construction Specifications in their entirety, which are also set forth hereinabove. The Contractor shall so complete this Contract and present same to the City on or before the time specified in the Bid. The total Not to Exceed Lump Sum cost of the Contract as stated on the Bid is Forty One Thousand Two Hundred Twenty Three Dollars and Fifty Cents. ($41,223.50). The City reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of any class or portion of the work. No such change in the work shall be considered as a waiver of any condition of the Contract, nor shall such change invalidate any other provisions thereof. Rev 08/31/11 Attachment 1 Page 16 of 24 Page 1 of 9 ATTACHMENT B 2. CONTRACT COMPLETION The City of Springfield hereby promises and agrees, with the Contractor, to contract with and does hereby contract with the Contractor to complete this Contract in accordance with the above requirements, including any change orders, provided that a reasonable and equitable change order can be agreed upon between the Contractor and the City. In event of failure to so agree on any required change order, the City may then proceed with such work in any manner the City may elect. Such a situation and action by the City shall in no way relieve either the Contractor or the City of their respective obligations and responsibilities regarding all other requirements of this Contract. 3. FULL PERFORMANCE BY CONTRACTOR The Contractor, for itself, and for its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, does hereby agree to the full performance of all the covenants herein contained upon the part of the Contractor. 4. NO LIABILITY TO CITY It is further provided that no liability shall attach to the City by reason of entering into this Contract, except as expressly provided herein. 5. CITY BONDING The Contractor shall file with the City of Springfield at the time of execution of this Contract both a Performance Bond and Payment Bond issued by a surety company registered to issue bonds in the State of Oregon, and utilizing bond forms acceptable to the City. The City will accept AIA Document A312-2010 Performance and Payment Bonds (sample forms enclosed). The Bonds may not be altered. The bonds shall be in the amounts of one hundred percent (100%) of this Contract. All bonding shall remain in force for one (1) year after the date of City Council acceptance of the work, to cover all guarantees against defective workmanship and materials and execution of and in accordance with this Contract, and to guarantee payment to all persons supplying labor and materials for the construction of the work. Failure to maintain the proper bonding shall be grounds for immediate termination of the Contract. 6. HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFICATION The Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City from and against all liability or loss and against all claims or actions based upon or arising out of damage or injury to persons or property caused by or sustained in connection with performance if this Contract by the Contractor except, pursuant to ORS 30.140, for losses, claims, or actions resulting from the sole negligence of the City. The Contractor shall assume all responsibilities for the work, and bear all losses and damages directly or indirectly resulting to the Contractor, the City, or to others on account of the character or performance of the work, unforeseen difficulties, accidents, or any other causes whatsoever. The Contractor shall assume defense of, indemnify and save harmless the City, its officials, agents, and employees from all claims, liability, loss, damage, and injury of every kind, nature and description, directly or indirectly resulting from activities in the performance of the Contract, the ownership, maintenance or use of motor vehicles in connection therewith, or the acts, omissions, operations, or conduct of the Contractor or any Subcontractor under the Contract or any way arising out of the Contract, irrespective of whether an act, omission or conduct of the City connected with the Contract is a condition or contributory cause of the claim, liability loss, damage or injury and irrespective of whether act, omission, or conduct of the Contractor or Subcontractor is merely a condition rather than a cause of a claim, liability, loss damage or injury. The Contractor shall not be liable for, nor be required to defend or indemnify, the City relative to claims for damage or damages resulting solely from acts or omissions of the City, its officials, agents, or employees. The absence of or inadequacy of the liability insurance required in section 7 shall not negate Contractors obligations in this paragraph. Rev 08/31/11 Attachment 1 Page 17 of 24 Page 2 of 9 ATTACHMENT B 7. INSURANCE - PUBLIC LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE The Contractor shall maintain in force for the duration of this agreement a Commercial General Liability insurance policy written on an occurrence basis with limits not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate. The policy will be endorsed with a “per project” aggregate endorsement. Automobile Liability (owned, non-owned, and hired) insurance with limits not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence shall be maintained. The City, its employees, officials and agents will be named as Additional Insured’s where operations are being conducted related to this Contract, on the General Liability policy as respects to work or services performed under this agreement to the extent that the death or bodily injury to persons or damage to property arises out of the fault of the Contractor or the fault of the Contractor’s agents, representatives or subcontractors. The City’s additional insured status for Products and Completed Operations hazards shall extend for at least one year beyond the completion of the project. This insurance will be primary over any insurance the City may carry on its own. If the City requires Professional Liability coverage, the City Risk Manager must approve the terms, conditions and limits prior to commencement of any work. A. Workers’ Compensation The Contractor shall be provided and maintain workers’ compensation coverage for it employees, officers, agents, or partners, as required by applicable workers’ compensation laws. B. Subcontractors The Contractor shall require all Subcontractors to provide and maintain General Liability, Auto Liability, Professional Liability (as applicable), and Workers’ Compensation, insurance with coverage’s equivalent to those required of the General Contractor in this Contract. The Contractor shall require certificates of insurance from all Subcontractors as evidence of coverage. C. Evidence of Coverage and Notice of Cancellation or Material Change in Coverage Evidence of the required coverages issued by a company satisfactory of the City shall be provided to the City by way of a certificate of insurance before any work or services commence. A 30-day notice of cancellation or material change in coverage clause shall be included. If the approved insurance company will not provide this 30 day notice, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to provide written notice to the City within two (2) days of the Contractor becoming aware that their coverage has been cancelled or materially changed. The Contractor shall e-mail notification directly to Bob Duey, Finance Director at [email protected] . Regardless of the circumstances causing the contractor’s insurance coverage to cease or be modified, it is the Contractor’s responsibility to notify the City as described above. Failure to maintain the proper insurance or provide notice of cancellation or material change shall, at the City’s option, be grounds for immediate termination of this Contract. ______________________ (Contractor initials) D. Asbestos Abatement (only applicable to Asbestos Contracts) The commercial General Liability policy shall be written on a form that meets the following criteria and must be ASBESTOS SPECIFIC as follows: a. b. c. A full occurrence form, or A limited occurrence form with at least a three-year (3) tail, or A claim made form with a three-year (3) tail. E. Course of Construction and/or Installation Floater The Contractor shall maintain an all risk insurance policy covering the replacement cost of the work during the course of construction. The policy shall include the interests of the City and Architect/Engineer, as applicable, and the first two layers of Subcontractors. The amount of insurance Rev 08/31/11 Attachment 1 Page 18 of 24 Page 3 of 9 ATTACHMENT B shall equal the completed value of the Contract. The City, at its option, may elect to supply this coverage. F. Equipment and Material The Contractor shall be responsible for any loss, damage, or destruction of its own property, equipment, and materials used in conjunction with the work. G. Railroad Protective Liability Coverage If work being performed under this Contract is near railroad tracks or a railroad right of way and the Railroad requires special insurance (for example: Railroad Protective Liability Coverage) Contractor will be responsible for meeting the Railroad insurance requirements before any work commences. Any insurance required to be purchased by the Railroad is in addition to the insurance required by the City. 8. INDIAN GRAVES AND PROTECTED OBJECTS The Contractor warrants that it will observe all applicable requirements of ORS 97.740 et. seq. regarding Indian Graves and Protected Objects (ORS 358.905-.961 and ORS 390.235-.240). In the event the Contractor or any of its Subcontractors or agents discover, become aware of, or find any Native Indian Artifacts, sites, human remains, or funerary objects on the real property on which the Contractor is fulfilling this Contract, the Contractor will immediately safeguard the artifacts and site, halt construction activities at the area of the find, and immediately notify City. Such artifacts may include but not be limited to charred and cracked rocks or charcoal layers of soil indicating a hearth or oven, stone chips of obsidian and other colored rocks, stone bowls, arrow and spear points, stone tools, and bone fragments. All artifacts found shall be turned over to the City for appropriate disposition in accordance with applicable law. Upon receipt of notification the City will retain a consultant archeologist to conduct an initial assessment of significance of the find. The Contractor and City will work together to comply with all applicable requirements of ORS 97.740 et. seq. in a manner which has least impact upon the construction schedule. If compliance requires some adjustment of the construction schedule, the Contractor and the City shall make reasonable adjustments. 9. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES It is agreed by the City of Springfield and by the Contractor that the need exists for a damage provision in the event the Contractor fails to complete the work within the Contract time specified, or any extension thereof, by the City of Springfield. The City of Springfield and the Contractor further agree that the Contractor shall be liable to the City of Springfield for fixed, agreed and liquidated damages for each and every calendar day of delay in the amount of $500.00 per day. The contractor also agrees to liquidated damages in the amount of $500.00 per incident for failure to report sewage spills plus an amount sufficient to reimburse the City for any civil and administrative penalties paid by the City as a result of the contractor’s failure to report. Failure to report sewage spills may subject the City to (1) civil penalties of up to $32,500.00 per day of violation pursuant to Section 309(d) of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. § 1319(d); (2) administrative penalties of up to $11,000.00 per day for each violation, pursuant to Section 309(g) of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. § 1319(g); or (3) civil action in federal court for injunctive relief pursuant to Section 309(b) of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. § 1319(b). The City of Springfield and the Contractor agree that; (a) the amount so fixed is reasonable forecast of just compensation for the harm that is caused by the breach; (b) the harm that is caused by the breach is one that is incapable of or very difficult of accurate estimation; and, (c) the amount so fixed is not fixed as a penalty to coerce performance of the Contract but is rather intended to be a genuine pre-estimation of injury to the City of Springfield in lieu of performance within the contract time by the Contractor. Rev 08/31/11 Attachment 1 Page 19 of 24 Page 4 of 9 ATTACHMENT B 10. PREVAILING WAGE RATE PROVISIONS Oregon law requires that if prevailing wage rate law applies a public agency must pay the prevailing wage rate for all contracts over $50,000. For contracts over $50,000, Contractor will comply with the applicable requirements of ORS 279C.800 through 279C.870 including the provisions in this Section 10. A. Notice In the event that total cost of the contract as specified in Section 1 “General Requirements” does not initially exceed $50,000 but during the scope of work increases through amendments, change orders, additions, supplements, other contracts, or through any other reason or process, formal or informal, planned or unplanned, to an amount greater than $50,000 then the entire contract is covered under the requirements of the prevailing wage rate law as described below. B. Prevailing Wage Rate Each worker in each trade or occupation employed in the performance of this Contract either by the Contractor, Subcontractor or other person doing or contracting to do or contracting for the whole or any part of the work on the Contract, must be paid not less than the applicable prevailing wage rate. Prevailing wage rate payments include fringe benefits, for each trade or occupation in the locality where such labor or work is performed, as determined by the commissioner, in which the workers are employed. The existing rate of wage is the rate, in effect at the time the initial specifications were first advertised for bid solicitations as determined by the Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor and Industries under ORS279C.815. Information regarding the Prevailing Wage Rate that is applicable to this Contract is contained in the document titled “Certification of Compliance With All Prevailing Wage Rate Requirements” which is included within the Invitation to Bid documents and is incorporated herein by reference. C. Submission of Certified Payrolls As specified in ORS 279C.845, the Contractor or the Contractor’s surety and every Subcontractor or the Subcontractor’s surety shall file certified statements with the public agency in writing, on a form prescribed by the Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor and Industries, certifying the hourly rate of wage paid each worker whom the Contractor or the Subcontractor has employed upon the public works, and further certifying that no worker employed upon the public works has been paid less than the prevailing rate of wage or less than the minimum hourly rate of wage specified in the Contract. The certificate and certified statement shall be verified by the oath of the Contractor or the Contractor’s surety or Subcontractor or the Subcontractor’s surety that the Contractor or Subcontractor has read the certified statement and certificate and knows the contents thereof and that the same is true to the Contractor or Subcontractor’s knowledge. Certified statements (also referred to as certified payroll reports) shall be submitted to the City no later than the 5th day of the following month for which the certified statement and certificate are being presented, regardless of whether any actual work is performed on the project or not. This information must be submitted to the City and also retained by the Contractor and Subcontractor(s) for three years. Contracting agencies and general contractors are required to withhold 25% of amounts to Contractors if certified payrolls are not filed by the Contractor as required for work performed on projects subject to the prevailing wage rate law. Failure of Contractors to comply with the certified payroll filing requirements of the law, therefore, will result in a negative fiscal impact to those Contractors of up to 25% of their amount owed. Each worker employed in the performance of this contract, either by the Contractor or Subcontractor or other person doing or contracting to do or contracting for the whole or any part of the work of the contract, must be paid not less than the specified minimum hourly rate of wage in accordance with ORS 279C.838 and 279C.840. Rev 08/31/11 Attachment 1 Page 20 of 24 Page 5 of 9 ATTACHMENT B D. Bonding To Be Filed With The Construction Contractors Board As specified in ORS chapter 279C, and amended by Oregon Laws 2005, chapter 360, Contractors and Subcontractors are required to file with the Construction Contractors Board a public works bond with a corporate surety in the amount of $30,000.00 before starting work on a Contract or Subcontract for a public works project subject to the provisions of the Prevailing Wage Rate Law (ORS 279C.800 to 279C.870) with a total Contract price greater than $100,000. The bond shall be mailed or otherwise delivered to the Construction Contractors Board. Exemptions from the bond requirement may be granted under specific circumstances as outlined in ORS 279C.836(7) for certified disadvantaged, minority, women or emerging small business enterprises. The Contractor shall contact BOLI regarding qualifications for such exemptions. If qualified, the enterprise must provide the Construction Contractor’s Board with written notification of its certification. In addition, the enterprise must notify the City that a public works bond has not been filed and provide proof of qualification prior to commencing work. By signing this Contract, the Contractor certifies that the Contractor, and any Subcontractor who will perform work under this Contract, will file a public works bond with the Construction Contractors Board as required prior to beginning work on the project. E. BOLI Ineligible List As specified in ORS 279C.860 no Contractor, Subcontractor or any firm, corporation, partnership or association in which the Contractor or Subcontractor has a financial interest who appears on the List of Contractors Ineligible to Receive Public Works Contracts, as established by the Bureau of Labor and Industries, shall perform work under this Contract. By signing this Contract, the Contractor certifies that neither the Contractor, nor any Subcontractor who will perform work under this Contract, appears on the most current List of Contractors Ineligible to Receive Public Works Contracts. 11. PAYMENT, CONTRIBUTION, LIENS, WITHHOLDING A. Prompt Payment Contractor shall make payment promptly as due to all persons supplying to the contractor, labor or material for the performance of the work provided for in the contract. As specified in ORS 279C.515, if the Contractor fails, neglects, or refuses to make prompt payment of any claim for labor or services furnished to the Contractor or a Subcontractor by any person, or the assignee of the person, in connection with the public works contract as such claim becomes due, the City of Springfield may pay such claim and charge the amount of the payment against funds due or to become due the Contractor by reason of the Contract. The payment of a claim in this manner shall not relieve the Contractor or the Contractor’s surety from obligation with respect to any unpaid claims. If the Contractor or first-tier Subcontractor fails, neglects or refuses to make payment to a person furnishing labor or materials in connection with the public improvement contract within 30 days after receipt of payment from the contracting agency or a Contractor, the Contractor or first-tier Subcontractor shall owe the person the amount due plus interest charges commencing at the end of the 10-day period that payment is due under ORS 279C.580(4) and ending upon final payment unless payment is subject to a good faith dispute as defined in ORS 279C.580. As specified in ORS 279C.515, if the Contractor or a Subcontractor fails, neglects or refuses to make payment to a person furnishing labor or materials in connection with the public improvement contract, the person may file a complaint with the Construction Contractors Board, unless payment is subject to a good faith dispute as defined in ORS 279C.580. As specified in ORS 279C.530, the Contractor shall promptly, as due, make payment to any person, Rev 08/31/11 Attachment 1 Page 21 of 24 Page 6 of 9 ATTACHMENT B copartnership, association or corporation furnishing medical, surgical and hospital care services or other needed care and attention, incident to sickness or injury, to the employees of the Contractor, of all sums that the Contractor agrees to pay for the services and all moneys and sums that the Contractor collected or deducted from the wages of employees under any law, contract or agreement for the purpose of providing or paying for the services. All employers shall comply with ORS 656.017. B. Industrial Accident Fund The Contractor shall promptly pay all contributions or amounts due to the State Industrial Accident Fund or private carrier of accident insurance from such Contractor or Subcontractor incurred in the performance of the contract. If a private carrier is used, the Contractor shall notify the City Engineer as to the carrier's name and address before commencement of the work. C. No Liens Contractor shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecuted against the City of Springfield or subdivision thereof on account of any labor or material furnished. D. Withholding Contractor shall pay to the Department of Revenue all sums withheld from employees under ORS 316.167. E. Hours No person will be employed by the Contractor or Subcontractor for more than 10 hours in any one day, or 40 hours in any one week except in cases of necessity, emergency, or where the public policy absolutely requires it, and in such cases the person so employed shall be paid at least time and one-half the regular rate of pay for all times worked in excess of eight hours a day or 40 hours in any one week when the work week is five consecutive days, Monday through Friday; or in excess of 10 hours a day or 40 hours in any one week when the work week is four consecutive days, Monday through Friday; and for all work performed on a Saturday, Sunday and on any legal holiday specified in ORS 279C.540. F. Notice The Contractor, Subcontractor or other person doing, or contracting to do, or contracting for the whole or any part of the work on the Contract shall give notice to employees working on the contract project in writing, either at the time of hire or before commencement of work on the Contract, and by posting a notice in a conspicuous location which is accessible to and frequented by employees, of the number of hours per day and days per week that the employee may be required to work as specified in ORS 279C.520. The posting must remain in place for the duration of the job. 12. DEMOLITION If any demolition is involved, the Contractor shall salvage or recycle "construction" and demolition debris, if feasible and cost-effective. 13. EMPLOYEE DRUG TESTING By signing this Contract, Contractor certifies that it currently has in place, and will maintain in place over the life of the Contract, an employee drug testing program pursuant to ORS 279C.505(2). 14. TERMINATION FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY Failure to comply with any local, state, or federal laws and regulations shall constitute a breach of Contract and shall be grounds for Contract termination. Damages or costs resulting from noncompliance shall be the responsibility of Contractor. Other grounds for termination are set forth in Sections 108.11 and 108.12 of the Standard Construction Specification of the City of Springfield. Rev 08/31/11 Attachment 1 Page 22 of 24 Page 7 of 9 ATTACHMENT B 15. SEVERABILITY If any provision of this Contract is declared by a court to be illegal or in conflict with any law, the validity of the remaining terms and provisions shall not be affected and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be construed and enforced as if the Contract did not contain the particular provision held to be invalid. 16. WAIVER Failure of the City to enforce any provision of this Contract shall not constitute a waiver or relinquishment by the City of the right to such performance in the future nor of the right to enforce any other provision of this Contract. 17. CAPTIONS The titles to paragraphs of this agreement are solely for the convenience of the parties and shall not be used to explain, modify, simplify, or aid in the interpretation of the provisions of this Contract. 18. RIGHTS IN DATA All original written material, including programs, card decks, tapes, listings, and other documentation originated and prepared for the City of Springfield pursuant to this Contract, shall become exclusively the property of the City of Springfield. The ideas, concepts, know-how, or techniques developed during the course of this Contract by the Contractor’s personnel can be used by either party in any way it may deem appropriate. Material already in the Contractor’s possession, independently developed by the Contractor outside the scope of this Contract, or rightfully obtained by the Contractor from third parties, shall belong to the Contractor irrespective of their similarity to materials which might be delivered to the City of Springfield pursuant to this Contract. The Contractor shall not, however, use any written materials developed under this Contract in developing materials for others, except as provided in this section. 19. ASSIGNMENT/SUBCONTRACT The Contractor shall not assign, sell, transfer, subcontract or sublet rights, or delegate responsibilities under this Contract, in whole or in part, without the prior written approval of the City of Springfield. No such written approval shall relieve the Contractor of any obligations of this Contract, and any transferee or subcontractor shall be considered the agent of the Contractor. The Contractor shall remain liable as between the original parties to this Contract as if no such assignment had occurred. 20. SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST The provisions of this Contract shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties to this Contract and their respective successors and assigns. 21. COMPLIANCE WITH ALL GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS The Contractor shall comply with all Federal, State and local laws, codes, regulations and ordinances applicable to the work performed under this Contract. Failure to comply with such requirements shall constitute a breach of contract and shall be grounds for termination of this Contract. Damages or costs resulting from noncompliance shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. 22. ATTORNEY FEES In the event a lawsuit of any kind is instituted on behalf of the City of Springfield to enforce any provision of this Contract, the Contractor shall pay such additional sums as the Court may adjudge reasonable for attorney fees plus all costs and disbursements at trial and on any appeal. 23. FORCE MAJEURE Neither party to this Contract shall be held responsible for delay or default caused by fire, riot, acts of God and/or war which is beyond that party’s reasonable control. The City of Springfield may terminate this Rev 08/31/11 Attachment 1 Page 23 of 24 Page 8 of 9 ATTACHMENT B Contract upon written notice after determining such delay or default will unreasonably prevent successful performance of the Contract. 24. ACCESS TO RECORDS The City of Springfield and its duly authorized representatives shall have access to books, documents, papers and records of the Contractor which are directly pertinent to this Contract for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts and transcripts. 25. AMENDMENTS The terms of this Contract shall not be waived, altered, modified, supplemented or amended in any manner whatsoever, without prior written approval of the City of Springfield. No modification of this Contract shall bind either party unless reduced to writing and subscribed by both parties, or ordered by a Court. 26. NONDISCRIMINATION The Contractor shall comply with all applicable requirements of Federal and State civil rights and rehabilitation statutes, rules and regulations. 27. DUAL PAYMENT The Contractor shall not be compensated for work performed under this contract from any City of Springfield agency other than the agency which is a party to this contract. 28. REMEDIES This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon, and any litigation arising out of this Contract shall be conducted in the courts of the State of Oregon, County of Lane. IN WITNESS WHEREOF: The said City has caused these presents to be executed by its City Manager pursuant to a motion duly passed by the Common Council of the City of Springfield, and the said Contractor has caused these presents to be executed itself. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON CONTRACTOR By: By: City Manager’s Signature Name of Company (Please Print) Date Contractor's Signature Name: (Please Print) Title: (Please Print) Date Business Address City State Zip Phone: Rev 08/31/11 Attachment 1 Page 24 of 24 Page 9 of 9 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Estimated Time: Council Goals: SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL ITEM TITLE: ACTION REQUESTED: Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Staff Contact/Dept.: Staff Phone No: 11/21/2011 Regular Meeting Marcy Parker/Public Works Mike Manley/Public Works 541-726-2197 541-726-5848 Consent Calendar Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities BID AWARD FOR PROJECT P21059; REGIONAL FUEL FACILITY UPGRADE – PHASE 2 Approve or reject the following motion: TO AWARD THE SUBJECT CONTRACT TO SME SOLUTIONS, LLC IN THE AMOUNT OF $41,223.50. ISSUE STATEMENT: ATTACHMENTS: DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: Three bids were received on this Regional Fuel Facility Upgrade project. Contract award is now necessary to enable work to proceed. 1. Bid Summary Phase 1 work was completed in 2010 which consisted of installing leak containment pans with auto-shutoff valves, replacing all shear valves, checking for leaks and performing soil tests if leaks were detected, replacing dispenser hoses as needed with hoses containing breakaway couplers, replacing the transition sump to eliminate ground water intrusion and installing a spill containment device. Phase 2 is the last phase of the project and includes replacement of the existing card reader system with a new OPW K800 Hybrid system, using magnetic stripe cards, which is compatible with the existing fueling system and Phoenix Plus Software. We are contemplating issuing a small change order to allow for the system to use proximity cards that the Police Department now uses for Justice Center access. It also includes the installation of new island terminals and a fuel tank monitoring and leak detection system to monitor the product level and the presence of water and/or leaks in the three existing tanks and the transition sump. The following bids were received and opened on September 20, 2011: Engineer’s Estimate SME Solutions, LLC C & K Petroleum Equipment Co, Inc. 3 Kings, Inc. $50,000.00 $41,223.50 $49,998.00 $55,651.53 SME Solutions, LLC is the lowest responsible bidder on this project with a bid 17.55% below the Engineer’s Estimate. The Regional Fuel Facility is jointly owned by four agencies with the City acting as the managing partner. An Intergovernmental Agreement is being prepared with all four agencies contributing toward the cost of the project at the following percentages; City of Springfield - 46.82%, Springfield School District – 44.57%, Willamalane Park and Recreation District – 7.13% and Rainbow Water District - 1.48%. Sufficient funds are budgeted in the Regional Fuel Facility Upgrade account (870009) to cover the City’s obligation of $19,300.84. City's Notice of Intent to Award as required by ORS 279C.375 It is the policy of the City of Springfield to award Contracts to the Responsible Bidder submitting the lowest Responsive Bid. The City of Springfield reserves its right to reject any or all bids not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, waive minor irregularities not affecting substantial rights, and may reject for good cause any or all bids upon a finding of the City of Springfield that it is in the best public interest to do so, and accept such bids that in the opinion of the Springfield City Council are in the best interest of the City of Springfield. Please be informed that the City intends to award a contract to the Bidder so designated. SUMMARY OF UNIT PRICE BIDS RECEIVED: September 20, 2011 PROJECT P21059 - Regional Fuel Facility Upgrade - Phase 2 Lowest Responsive Bidder: ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION BASE BID - TOTAL Percent Over or Under Engineer's Estimate Date issued: 10/31/11 UNIT QUANTITY LS 1 ENGINEER'S ENGINEER'S UNIT PRICE EXTENDED UNIT ESTIMATE PRICE ESTIMATE $ , 50,000.00 $ , 50,000.00 SME Solutions, LLC / NW Pump C & K Petroleum Equipment Co., Inc. SME Solutions, LLC / NW Pump EXTENDED PRICE UNIT PRICE $ , 41,223.50 $ , 41,223.50 -17.55% EXTENDED PRICE UNIT PRICE $ , 49,998.00 $ , 49,998.00 0.00% 3 Kings Environmental, Inc. EXTENDED PRICE UNIT PRICE $ , 55,651.53 $ , 55,651.53 11.30% AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Staff Contact/Dept.: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: Council Goals: 11/21/2011 Regular Meeting Joe Leahy/CAO 541.746.9621 05 Minutes Mandate ITEM TITLE: ORDINANCE AMENDING SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 5.550 ET SEQ. ACTION REQUESTED: ISSUE STATEMENT: Conduct a first reading of the following ordinance: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AMENDING SECTION 5.550 ET SEQ., "UNLAWFUL DISCRIMINATION BECAUSE OF RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN" OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE PROHIBITING DISCRIMINATION AGAINST INDIVIDUALS OR GROUPS BY REASON OF THEIR SEXUAL ORIENTATION IN ORDER TO BE CONSISTENT WITH OREGON STATE LAW AND SPECIFICALLY AMENDING SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 5.550, "DECLARATION OF POLICY", SUBSECTIONS (1) & (2), SECTION 5.552, "DEFINITIONS" OF "DISCRIMINATE OR DISCRIMINATION", SECTION 5.554, "UNLAWFUL EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES", SUBSECTIONS (2), (3)(a) & (b), (4), AND (8)(a). Whether consistent with state law the protection of Springfield Municipal Code, Sections 5.550 et seq. should be amended to include sexual orientation as a protected class. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Proposed Ordinance DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: ORS 659A.003 and 659A.006 makes unlawful discrimination against individuals or groups by reason of their race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, disability or national origin. The analogous Springfield Ordinance, SMC 5.550 et seq. has not been updated to include sexual orientation as a protected class. This is a housekeeping item and there is no financial impact. ORDINANCE NO. ___________ (General) AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AMENDING SECTION 5.550 ET SEQ., "UNLAWFUL DISCRIMINATION BECAUSE OF RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN" OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE PROHIBITING DISCRIMINATION AGAINST INDIVIDUALS OR GROUPS BY REASON OF THEIR SEXUAL ORIENTATION IN ORDER TO BE CONSISTENT WITH OREGON STATE LAW AND SPECIFICALLY AMENDING SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 5.550, "DECLARATION OF POLICY", SUBSECTIONS (1) & (2), SECTION 5.552, "DEFINITIONS" OF "DISCRIMINATE OR DISCRIMINATION", SECTION 5.554, "UNLAWFUL EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES", SUBSECTIONS (2), (3)(a) & (b), (4), AND (8)(a). WHEREAS, ORS 659A.003, et seq. and 659A.006 makes unlawful discrimination against individuals or groups by reason of their sexual orientation; and WHEREAS, the Springfield Council wishes to make the unlawful discrimination provisions of the Springfield Municipal Code consistent with those of the state law of Oregon; and WHEREAS, the Springfield Council wishes to amend Springfield Municipal Code, Section 5.550, et seq. to add discrimination against individuals or groups by reason of their sexual orientation as prohibited within the City of Springfield. NOW, THEREFORE, based on the foregoing recitals, the Council of the City of Springfield does ordain as follows: 1. The title of Springfield Municipal Code Sections 5.550 through Section 5.574 is hereby amended to read as follows: "UNLAWFUL DISCRIMINATION BECAUSE OF RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, AGE, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN." 2. Section 5.550, "Declaration of Policy", Subsections (1) and (2) are hereby amended to read as follows: "(1) Discrimination against individuals or groups by reason of their race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, or national origin is a matter of concern for the city. The council declares it to be the public policy of the city that discrimination in employment, housing, and places of public accommodation because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, familial status, disability, or national origin not only deprives Springfield inhabitants of their rights and property privileges, but also menaces the institutions and foundations of a free democratic society and threatens the peace, good order, health, safety and general welfare of the community. (2) It is further declared to be the public policy of the city to foster equal opportunity for all to obtain employment, housing, and public accommodations without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, familial status, disability, or national origin and strictly in accord with their individual merits as human beings." 3. Section 5.552, "Definitions", definition of "Discriminate or Discrimination" is amended to read as follows: "Discriminate or Discrimination. Any different and unequal treatment because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, familial status, disability or national origin." 4. Section 5.554, "Unlawful Employment Practices", subsection (2) is hereby amended to read as follows: "(2) For any employer, employment agency or labor organization to establish, announce or follow a policy of denying or limiting through a quota system or otherwise, the employment or membership opportunities, to any group because of its race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, familial status, disability, or national origin." 5. Section 5.554, "Unlawful Employment Practices, Subsections (3)(a) and (b) are hereby amended to read as follows: "(a) To make inquiry concerning, or make any record of, the race, color, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, familial status, or national origin of any applicant for employment or membership; (b) To use any employment application, personnel or membership forms containing questions or entries regarding race, color, religion, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, disability, or national origin." 6. Section 5.554, "Unlawful Employment Practices, Subsection (4) is hereby amended to read as follows: "(4) For any employer, employment agency or labor organization prior to employment or admission to membership to cause to be printed, published, or circulated any notice or advertisement relating to employment or membership indicating any preference, limitation, specification or discrimination based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, familial status, disability, or national origin." 7. Section 5.554, "Unlawful Employment Practices, Subsection (8)(a) is hereby amended to read as follows: "(a) To deny to or withhold from any individual because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, familial status, disability, or national origin the right to be admitted to or participate in a guidance program, an apprenticeship training program, an on-the-job training program, or other occupational training or retaining program." 8. Except as amended herein, all other terms and conditions of Springfield Municipal Code, Sections 5.550 through 5.574 shall remain in full force and effect. This Ordinance adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this ______ day of ____________________, 2011, by a vote of ______ for and ______ against. ________________________________ Christine L. Lundberg, Mayor ________________________________ Amy Sowa, City Recorder AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Staff Contact/Dept.: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: Council Goals: 11/3/2011 Regular Meeting Bob Duey, Finance 541-726-3740 5 Minutes Financially Responsible and Stable Government Services ITEM TITLE: BUDGET COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT ACTION REQUESTED: Ratify the re-appointment of Garold Ropp to serve a 3-year term on the Budget Committee for Ward 4 with a term to expire December 31, 2014. ISSUE STATEMENT: The City of Springfield appoints Budget Committee members to staggered 3-year terms. Due to an unexpected opening for Ward 4, Council is asked to ratify the reappointment of Garold Ropp. If appointed, the candidate would be asked to serve on the Budget Committee for a full 3-year term. ATTACHMENTS: DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: A. Garold Ropp –Application for Budget Committee B. Budget Committee Charge There is no financial impact in the appointments. Attachment A 1 of 4 Attachment A 2 of 4 Attachment A 3 of 4 Attachment A 4 of 4 November 21, 2011 Budget Committee CHARGE The Budget Committee is provided for in State Law. It is responsible for reviewing the financial plans and policies of the City, including the review of the Annual Budget and the recommendation of the Annual Budgets to the City Council. Source of Existence: Bylaws: Code: State/Council No No Sunset Date: Mandatory Membership Number: In City: Out of City: 12 12 None Terms (2 max): 3-Years staggered terms Ward: Qualifier: Yes (not required by State Law) 6 members from the Council and 6 citizens by Ward (Citizen members may not be officers, agents or employees of the City, per ORS 294.336(4). Appointed By: Council application and interview Meeting Time: Varies through Budget Season Funding Source: General Fund Staff Liaison: Jeff Towery, Assistant City Manager, 726-3700 Bob Duey, Finance Director, 726-3740 Council Liaison: All Council (Note: the Mayor may participate with the approval of the Budget Committee as an ex-officio, non-voting member.) cmo/common/bcc/budget Last Revised: 3/4/04 Attachment B AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Staff Contact/Dept.: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: Council Goals: 11/21/2011 Regular Meeting Everett / Library 541-726-3756 5 minutes Mandate ITEM TITLE: LIBRARY BOARD APPOINTMENTS ACTION REQUESTED: Reappoint interim Library Advisory Board members, Laura Madsen and Robyn Sattler to the Springfield Library Board with Terms Expiring December 31, 2015. ISSUE STATEMENT: The library board currently has 2 interim members who are completing unfinished terms vacated by prematurely departing board members. In each case their terms were one year of a standard 4-year appointment. The Library Advisory Board unanimously recommends the reappointment of these two individuals to a full 4year term. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 – Library Board Charge Attachment 2 – Current Library Board Profile DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The Library Advisory Board believes it is in the best interests of the Board and of the City Library to retain two recently selected interim board members. Both Laura Madsen and Robyn Sattler were appointed to fulfill unexpired terms of departed board members. In less than a year they have proven to be both committed and effective in their advisory board roles and are ready to serve a full term in that capacity. An additional recruitment period would only serve to extend the time during which the board would not be at full strength and would not discover stronger candidates to replace the interim board members. Reappointing Madsen and Sattler would be an efficient and effective way of keeping together a strong, new Library Advisory Board. Their terms would expire on December 31, 2015. Laura Madsen – An educator and school librarian in the Springfield School District, Laura lives in east Springfield. She is active in many reading initiatives including Gift of Literacy and Oregon Battle of the Books. She is also serves on the Executive Board of the Oregon Library Association. Term Expires – 12/31/15 Robyn Sattler – Currently serves on the board of the Friends of the Library as the Membership Chair. She has been active in library fund-raising activities for several years. In addition she has served on Springfield’s Community Development Advisory Committee and the Downtown Citizen Advisory Committee. Term Expires – 12/31/15 Library Board CHARGE The Library Board acts in an advisory capacity for the City Manager and City Council with respect to opinions and recommendations for future Library development, expansion of Library service, and Library policy. Source of Existence Bylaws: Code: Council/State of Oregon/Charter Yes Springfield City Code, Chapter I, Article 9 Sunset Date: Council/Mandatory Membership Number: In City: Out of City: Term (2 max): Ward: Qualifier: 7 6 1 – one board member may be a non-resident of the City if an owner of real property or tangible personal property subject to assessment and taxation situated within the city. 4 Years No Yes, 6 in City of Springfield Appointed By: Council application Meeting Time Monthly – First Tuesday – 5:30-7:00 p.m. – City Hall Meeting Room 3 (Except December). Funding Source: General Fund Staff Liaison: Rob Everett, Library Director, 726-3756 Council Liaison: Marilee Woodrow, Ward 5 ATTACHMENT 1 SPRINGFIELD PUBLIC LIBRARY 2011 LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD November 14, 2011 Jody Anderson – Is a 35-year resident of Springfield and is a history instructor at Lane Community College. She is eager to become more active in community affairs and sees the Library Board as an ideal opportunity to do so. Term Expires – 12/31/13 Janice Friend - Is a six-year resident, small business owner (Friend Court Reporting and Real Time Captioning), and avid library user. She is interested in helping the library make the most effective use of new technologies while retaining its family friendly emphasis on community and literacy. Term Expires – 12/31/15 Jocelyn Harley – A teacher in the 4J School District, Jocelyn and her family; live within walking distance of the Library. She has been an articulate and effective member of the Board since the Fall of 2008 and is currently serving as the Board chair. Term Expires – 12/31/14 Laura Madsen – An educator and school librarian in the Springfield School District, Laura lives in east Springfield. She is active in many reading initiatives including Gift of Literacy and Oregon Battle of the Books. She is also serves on the Executive Board of the Oregon Library Association. Term Expires – 12/31/11 Carol Philips - Ms. Philips is a 12-year resident of Springfield and a regular patron of the Library. She is the recently retired Programming Manager of the Hult Center for the Performing Arts in Eugene. She has extensive experience working for non-profit performing arts organizations and in developing community partnerships and fund raising strategies. Term Expires – 12/31/12 Robyn Sattler – Currently serves on the board of the Friends of the Library as the Membership Chair. She has been active in library fund-raising activities for several years. In addition she has served on Springfield’s Community Development Advisory Committee and the Downtown Citizen Advisory Committee. Term Expires – 12/31/11 Barbara Stramler - Is a six year resident who has been an active volunteer at her children’s schools (Thurston HS, Briggs MS, Page Elementary). She is also active in the local Camp Fire Girls organization. She and her children are regular visitors to the library and one of her priorities is to retain and, some day, expand, current library operating hours and services. Term Expires – 12/31/15 ATTACHMENT 2 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Staff Contact/Dept.: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: Council Goals: 11/21/2011 Regular Meeting John Tamulonis, CMO Bill Van Vactor, CAO 541-726-3656 10 Minutes Community and Economic Development and Revitalization ITEM TITLE: EXTENDING THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (IGA) BETWEEN CITY AND THE SPRINGFIELD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (SEDA) TO ADVANCE AND REPAY FUNDS NEEDED FOR URBAN RENEWAL PROJECTS ACTION REQUESTED: Approve/Not Approve the following resolution: A RESOLUTION APPROVING EXTENSION OF AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT TO ADVANCE $1.5 MILLION TO THE SPRINGFIELD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (SEDA) FOR COSTS OF URBAN RENEWAL PROJECTS, AND APPROVING THE ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY ISSUE STATEMENT: This is essentially a housekeeping action. SEDA and the City have had two previous three-year IGAs to advance and repay funds and to cooperate on urban renewal plans for Glenwood and Downtown plan areas. The existing IGA was effective through FY2011. If approved by Council the IGA will next go to SEDA for consideration at its November 21, 2011 meeting. The funding agreement provides for both the Glenwood and Downtown Urban Renewal Plans. In addition, both the Glenwood and Downtown Plan require the City Council to approve property acquisitions and this is the first step in the process for potential acquisitions of the specific properties in Glenwood by SEDA. However, SEDA would still need to approve any property purchases. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Intergovernmental Agreement to Advance and Repay Funds Needed for Urban Renewal Projects 2. Resolution DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The IGA covers possible SEDA requests for up to $1.5 million in funding for projects and the subsequent repayments. The IGA extends the time of the existing agreement by three years (through June 30, 2014) and maintains the current operational status quo between SEDA and the City. The time extension is consistent with the Urban Renewal Plans for both Urban Renewal Districts. Any property acquisitions by SEDA would be subject to the terms of the IGA for needed funding and SEDA’s deciding to actually make a specific property purchase after considering price, conditions, environmental and title reports, etc. INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT TO ADVANCE AND REPAY FUNDS NEEDED FOR URBAN RENEWAL PROJECTS By and between the Springfield Economic Development Agency, Oregon And the City of Springfield, Oregon Dated as of 11/29/2005 And as amended on July 21, 2008, and November _____, 2011 Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. DEFINITIONS AND RECITALS 1 1.1 1.2 1 1 DEFINITIONS RECITALS THE REPAYMENTS 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2 2 2 2 ADVANCES INTEREST REPAYMENT SECURITY FOR THE OBLIGATION OF SEDA TO PAY THE REPAYMENTS MISCELLANEOUS 2 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 BINDING EFFECT SEVERABILITY AMENDMENTS EXECUTION IN COUNTERPARTS APPLICABLE LAW RULES OF CONSTRUCTION HEADINGS INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT This Intergovernmental Agreement to advance and repay funds needed for Urban Renewal Projects is dated as of 11/29/2005, as further amended on July 21, 2008, as further amended on November _____, 2011, and is entered into by and between the Springfield Economic Development Agency, ("SEDA") and the City of Springfield, Oregon (the "City"). The parties hereby agree as follows: 1. 1.1 Definitions and Recitals. Definitions. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, capitalized terms used in this Intergovernmental Agreement shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly requires otherwise: "Intergovernmental Agreement" means this Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and SEDA. "Outstanding Balance" means the sum of all advances to SEDA by the City under Section 2.1 of this Intergovernmental Agreement, less all Repayments of principal that have been made by SEDA. "Repayments" means the payments SEDA is required to make to the City under Section 2.3 of this Intergovernmental Agreement. "Projects" means urban renewal projects that are properly described in SEDA's urban renewal plan for the Glenwood and Downtown Urban Renewal Area, and any other costs for which the Tax Increment Revenues may be spent under Oregon law. However, "Projects" shall not include any loans to third parties unless the loans receive the prior written approval of the City. "Tax Increment Revenues" means all revenues which SEDA collects from the Glenwood and Downtown Urban Renewal Area under the provisions of Article IX, Section 1c of the Oregon Constitution and ORS Chapter 457. 1.2 Recitals. A. The City and SEDA have developed a cooperative services agreement between the two agencies for the City to provide administrative and other services to SEDA. The cooperative and services agreement between SEDA and the City also states that SEDA may borrow funds from time to time at terms and conditions agreeable to City and SEDA. B. C. The City and SEDA enter into this Intergovernmental Agreement to permit SEDA to borrow up to $1.5 million from the City for costs of Projects or Project-related administrative expenses as authorized by law. 2. The Repayments 2.1 Advances. The City agrees to advance up to $1,500,000 to SEDA during fiscal year 2011-2012 through 2013-2014, upon receipt of written requests from SEDA. SEDA agrees not to request advances more than 30 days prior to the time SEDA expects to spend the amount that is advanced. Before funding any advance the City may require reasonable supporting documentation in addition to the written request. In addition, the City may bill SEDA quarterly for administrative expenses incurred by the City for the benefit of SEDA. If SEDA fails to make timely payments of those invoices, the City will treat the amount that is not paid as an additional advance to SEDA under this Intergovernmental Agreement. The City shall notify SEDA if it so treats any unpaid invoice. 2.2 Interest. The Outstanding Balance shall bear interest at the rate paid to depositors by the Oregon Short Term Fund (also known as the "Local Government Investment Pool"), accrued monthly. 2.3 Repayment. In the event an advance is made pursuant to this agreement, SEDA shall transfer all Tax Increment Revenues it receives necessary to repay the advance and accrued interest to the City within 15 days after those tax increment revenues are received. Tax Increment Revenues paid by SEDA to the City shall be applied first, to pay accrued interest, and second to reduce the Outstanding Balance. 2.4 Security for the Obligations of SEDA to Pay the Repayments. SEDA hereby pledges its Tax Increment Revenues to pay the amounts described in Section 2.1 of this Intergovernmental Agreement, and this Intergovernmental Agreement shall constitute an indebtedness of SEDA. The pledge of the Tax Increment Revenues shall be superior to all other pledges or commitments of Tax Increment Revenues that SEDA makes, unless the City agrees in writing to subordinate its claim against the Tax Increment Revenues. 3. 3.1 Miscellaneous. Binding Effect. This Intergovernmental Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon SEDA and the City and their respective successors and assigns. 3.2 Severability. In the event any provisions of this Intergovernmental Agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not invalidate or ender unenforceable any other provisions thereof. 3.3 Amendments. This Intergovernmental Agreement may be amended only by a written agreement signed by both parties. 3.4 Execution in Counterparts. This Intergovernmental Agreement may be simultaneously executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute the same instrument. 3.6 Headings. The headings, titles and table of contents in this Intergovernmental Agreement are provided for convenience and shall not affect the meaning, construction or effect of this Intergovernmental Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, SEDA and the City have executed this Intergovernmental Agreement and amendments thereto as of the dates indicated above. SPRINGFIELD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY ________________________________ Dave Ralston, Chair CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ________________________________ Gino Grimaldi, City Manager RESOLUTION NO. ________ A RESOLUTION APPROVING EXTENSION OF AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT TO ADVANCE $1.5 MILLION TO THE SPRINGFIELD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (SEDA) FOR COSTS OF URBAN RENEWAL PROJECTS, AND APPROVING THE ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY WHEREAS, the City of Springfield voters approved formation of the Glenwood Urban Renewal District on November 29, 2005; and WHEREAS, on November 6, 2007, the citizens of Springfield approved the formation of the Downtown Urban Renewal District; and WHEREAS, the City of Springfield has pledged its cooperation to assist the two urban renewal districts in the development of projects and the two urban renewal districts through a Cooperation and Services Agreement initially approved on November 29, 2005, and amended on July 21, 2008, to incorporate the Downtown Urban Renewal District; and WHEREAS, the City of Springfield has pledged its assistance to extend a line of credit and authority to accept repayment in the amount of $1.5 million in three year increments. WHEREAS, the current three year agreement expired on June 30, 2011; and WHEREAS, the City of Springfield wishes to extend the line of credit and authority to accept repayment for an additional three years; and WHEREAS, the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan authorizes the acquisition of real property for many reasons, including, but not limited to, rights-of-way, storm water, sanitary sewage, utilities, visual appearance, safety improvements for pedestrian environments, landscaping, parking, as well as to assist in private development; and WHEREAS, 4095 and 4251 Franklin Blvd are being considered for acquisition for these purposes; and WHEREAS, under Sections 700 and 800 of the Glenwood Urban Renewal Plan, the City Council must approve all real property acquisitions; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City Manager is authorized to execute an Intergovernmental Agreement in substantially similar form to the attached which extends the line of credit and authority to accept repayment in the amount of $1.5 million from July 1, 2011, through June 30, 2014; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 700 & 900 of the Glenwood Urban renewal plan, that City Council hereby approves the Springfield Economic Development Agenda acquisition of 4095 and 4251 Franklin Blvd. ____________________________ Mayor Attest: ______________________________ Amy Sowa, City Recorder