My Father, My Father - Sam Soleyn
My Father, My Father - Sam Soleyn
My Father! Father! My My Father! Father! My SAM SOLEYN W I T H N I C H O L A S S O L E Y N Copyright - 2012 – Sam Soleyn and Nicholas Soleyn Publisher – Soleyn Publishing LLC and eGenCo. LLC All rights reserved. This book is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America. This book PD\QRWEHFRSLHGRUUHSULQWHGIRUFRPPHUFLDOJDLQRUSURÀW7KHXVHRI VKRUWTXRWDWLRQVRURFFDVLRQDO page copying for personal or group study is permitted and encouraged. Permission for other usages must EHREWDLQHGIURP6ROH\Q3XEOLVKLQJ//&8QOHVVRWKHUZLVHLGHQWLÀHG6FULSWXUHTXRWDWLRQVDUHIURPWKH +2/<%,%/(1(:,17(51$7,21$/9(56,21FRS\ULJKWDQG,QWHUQDWLRQDO%LEOH6RFLHW\8VHGE\SHUPLVVLRQRI =RQGHUYDQ$OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG6FULSWXUHTXRWDWLRQVPDUNHG 1.-9DUHIURPWKH1HZ.LQJ-DPHV9HUVLRQ&RS\ULJKWE\7KRPDV1HOVRQ,QF8VHGE\SHUPLVVLRQ$OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG6FULSWXUHTXRWDWLRQVPDUNHG.-9DUHIURPWKH.LQJ-DPHV9HUVLRQ$OOHPSKDVLV within Scripture is the author’s own. Soleyn Publishing LLC 32%R[$OEXTXHUTXH 1086$ [email protected] Generation Culture Transformation Specializing in publishing for generation culture change eGenCo. LLC 7DOORZ+LOO5RDG &KDPEHUVEXUJ3$86$ 3KRQH email: [email protected] :HEVLWHZZZHJHQFRFRP 3DSHUEDFN,6%1 H%RRN,6%1 )RU:RUOGZLGH'LVWULEXWLRQ3ULQWHGLQWKH86$ 0DQ\RI WKHSULQFLSOHVFRQWDLQHGLQWKLVERRNZHUHÀUVW experienced in practical reality within the context of my WKLUW\ÀYH\HDUPDUULDJHWRP\EHORYHG/XF\7KHIUXLW RI WKLVPDUULDJHLVWZRFKLOGUHQ7DPDULQGDQG1LFKRODV, ZDVÀUVWLQWURGXFHGWRWKHSULQFLSOHVRI IDWKHULQJWKURXJKP\ FKLOGUHQ7DPDULQGLVIRQGRI VD\LQJWKDWVKHWDXJKW PHHYHU\WKLQJ,NQRZDERXWIDWKHULQJ,WLVZLWKSOHDVXUHWKDW ,GHGLFDWHWKLVERRNWR/XF\DQGWR7DPDULQGDQG1LFKRODV A cknowledgments $PRQJWKRVHZKRKDYHLQÁXHQFHGP\WKLQNLQJDUHOHJHQGDU\ ÀJXUHVRI OLWHUDWXUHVXFKDV-RKQ0LOWRQ-RKQ'RQQH&KULVWRSKHU 0DUORZH 'HVLGHULXV (UDVPXV 'DQWH $OLJKLHUL /HR 7ROVWR\ DQG Thomas Hobbes. I have also been inspired by the insights of C.S. /HZLV :DWFKPDQ 1HH DQG P\ IULHQG DQG IHOORZ ODERUHU LQ WKH .LQJGRP 7KDPR 1DLGRR , KDYH KDG GLVFXVVLRQV ZHOO LQWR WKH QLJKWZLWK'RXJODV$OOHQ0LFKDHO%DUUHWWDQG&RUEHWW*DXOGRQ involving particular aspects of this book. To them and to a host RI RWKHUVZKRKDYHFRQWULEXWHGWKRXJKWVDQGLQVLJKWV,DPSURIRXQGO\ JUDWHIXO 0\ SULQFLSOH DFNQRZOHGJHPHQW KRZHYHU LV WR WKH+RO\6SLULWWKH6SLULWRI 7UXWKZKRXQGHUWKHGLUHFWLRQRI WKH /RUG -HVXV &KULVW KDV SXOOHG EDFN WKH FXUWDLQ DQG UHYHDOHG P\VWHULHVWKDWKDYHEHHQYHLOHGLQWKHIROGVRI 6FULSWXUHZDLWLQJ for a time and a generation for whom they were meant to be given as bread from heaven for this journey. C ontents Foreword i Preface v ix Introduction 1 Chapter 1 The Fatherless Culture Chapter 2 The Effects of the Fatherless Culture 13 Chapter 3 A New Ethical and Moral Basis 25 Chapter 4 The Spirit of the Orphan 33 Chapter 5 The Knowledge of Good and Evil 47 Chapter 6 A Change from Spirit to Soul 57 Chapter 7 The Schemes of the Enemy 63 Chapter 8 The Last Adam 71 Chapter 9 How God Speaks 89 Chapter 10 Father and Sons 107 Chapter 11 Functioning as Fathers and Sons 123 Chapter 12 Turning the Heart of the Fathers to the Children 135 Chapter 13 Call No Man Upon the Earth Your Father 143 Chapter 14 The Arrangement of the House of God 151 Chapter 15 The Nation of Israel and the Early Church 171 Chapter 16 A Holy Nation 185 Endnotes 199 F oreword 7KH&KXUFKE\GLYLQHGHVLJQLVSDWHQWO\DQGIXQFWLRQDOO\WKH family or household of God. God created the human race to be the H[DFWUHSUHVHQWDWLYHVRI GHLW\)DWKHU6RQ6SLULWRYHUDOOFUHDWLRQ The connection was that of the heavenly Father lovingly relating to DFRUSRUDWH6RQRQWKHHDUWKYLVLEO\H[SUHVVLQJWKHJORU\RI *RG 2QWKHSUDFWLFDOVLGHZKHQSHRSOHUHFHLYH-HVXV&KULVWDVWKHLU VDYLRU WKH\ DUH SODFHG LQWR VSLULWXDO IDPLOLHV ZKHUHE\ WKH\ DUH QXUWXUHGLQWRWKHLPDJHRI WKH6RQRI *RG3VDOP,QWKLV ZD\*RGKLPVHOI UHSUHVHQWDWLYHO\IDWKHUVWKHIDWKHUOHVVDQGFDUHV IRU WKH ZLGRZ -DPHV 7KURXJK WKLV SURFHVV EHOLHYHUV DUH resocialized and distinctly set apart from the families and organi]DWLRQVRI WKHHDUWK,I WKHFKXUFKLV*RG·VIDPLO\WKHQLWVKRXOG function as a family functions. Herein lies the crux of the present problems confronting the &KXUFK :KLOH WKH QRWLRQ WKDW WKH &KXUFK LV WKH IDPLO\ RI *RG is generally accepted by most denominational traditions of ChrisWHQGRP LWV SUDFWLFDO RXWZRUNLQJ LV ODUJHO\ IRUHLJQ 2YHUDOO WKH Church has strayed from God’s divine intention to have a family on WKHHDUWKDQGLQVWHDGKDVIRVVLOL]HGLQWRDQLQVWLWXWLRQRI UHOLJLRQ encumbered by a plethora of regulations and practices. ConseTXHQWO\ VLQFH WKH IDPLO\ RI *RG KDV DEGLFDWHG LWV IXQGDPHQWDO SXUSRVH WKH HDUWK LV SODJXHG ZLWK D FXUVH ZKLFK FDQ RQO\ EH i My Father! My Father! EURNHQE\IUHVKLQTXLU\LQWRWKH6FULSWXUHVFRQFHUQLQJWKH&KXUFK·V HVVHQWLDOVWUXFWXUHDQGDSRVWROLFPLVVLRQ1RWRQO\ZLOOVXFKLQTXLU\ UHYHDOWKHSUHGHWHUPLQHGSODQRI *RGLQFUHDWLQJKXPDQNLQGEXW LWZLOODOVRUHGUHVVWKHTXHVWLRQRI WKHDUUDQJHPHQWDQGPDQDJHPHQWRI *RG·VKRXVHKROGDQGUHYHDOWKHQHHGIRUWKHUHVWRUDWLRQ RI ´IDWKHUOHDGHUVµZKRZLOOVHOÁHVVO\UDLVHXSWKHVRQVRI *RGWR VWHZDUGWKH.LQJGRPRI *RG0DODFKLWKHUHE\HVWDEOLVKLQJ the sovereign rule of peace in creation. It is against this backdrop that My Father! My Father! by Sam 6ROH\Q LV WLPHO\ FOLQLFDOO\ GLDJQRVLQJ WKH SUHVHQW SUREOHPV LQ &KXUFK DQG VRFLHW\ +H DGGUHVVHV WKH LGHQWLW\ SXUSRVH DQG IXQFWLRQRI WKH&KXUFKRI -HVXV&KULVWDQGPDLQWDLQVWKDWDFULVLV of identity produces a malfunction in behavior—the cause of the JURVVGDUNQHVVWKDWLVFRYHULQJWKHHDUWK7KHFXUHDFFRUGLQJWR 6DPLVWKHQHFHVVLW\IRUDUHVWUXFWXULQJRI *RG·VIDPLO\)XQGDPHQWDOO\ KH LV FKDOOHQJLQJ WKH HFFOHVLRORJ\ RI WKH VW &HQWXU\ Church. This does not imply the proposal of a new biblical order. %\6DP·VRZQDGPLVVLRQWKHYLHZVLQKLVERRNDUHQRWQHZEHLQJ ÀUVWUHYHDOHGLQHDUO\DQWLTXLW\+LVK\SRWKHVLVLVVXSSRUWHGE\2OG &RYHQDQWSDWWHUQVW\SLI\LQJDQGSRLQWLQJWRWKHPDQQHULQZKLFK the New Covenant people are constituted. He is simply imploring the Church to return to the original divine arrangement. :KLOHUHFRUGVRI WKHVHWUXWKVDUHQRWQHZWRWKRVHVFKRROHGLQ WKHKLVWRU\RI &KULVWLDQLW\WKH\DUHDEUHDWKRI IUHVKDLUWRDQ\ZKR desire change. Sam’s insights are revelatory in that they emerge at a time when a new hour has dawned upon the Church—a time for the reformation of thought and praxis. 8QGRXEWHGO\WKLVERRNLVJURXQGEUHDNLQJLQWKDWLWUHVHWVWKH boundaries of our habitation by advocating a more excellent way in which believers may function as the sons of God in the earth. This is a paradigmatic shift from many traditional and more recent philosophical and humanistic ideals prevalent in church circles. This ERRNLVDZLWQHVVDJDLQVWSUHYDLOLQJSDJDQV\VWHPVRI &KULVWLDQLW\ which enslave the children of God and prevent them from enjoying the liberty made available through Jesus Christ. It’s a clarion call ii Foreword for the restoration and reconstitution of the predetermined divine intent; the realization of a corporate son in the image of Christ— WKHÀUVWERUQ6RQ5RPDQV 7RUHDFKWKLVREMHFWLYH6DPSRVLWVWKDWWKHWKHRFUDF\RI WKH Church is fundamentally patriarchal in nature—the family of God LVPDQDJHGE\IDWKHUVHOGHUV7KHVHLQGLYLGXDOVIXQFWLRQUHSUHVHQWDWLYHO\DVVHUYDQWVFXVWRGLDQVDQGJXDUGLDQVRI WKHGLYLQHKHLUV WR WKH FRYHQDQW *DODWLDQV )DWKHUV JUDFLRXVO\ DQG ORYLQJO\ VKHSKHUG WKH ÁRFN RI *RG ZLWK ´EUHDG IURP KHDYHQµ ([RGXV 8QGHUWKHH[HFXWLYHOHDGHUVKLSRI WKH+RO\6SLULWWKH\JXLGH WKHVRQVRI *RGWKURXJKWKHZLOGHUQHVVRI OLIHLQWRPDWXULW\VR that the divine family may realize their calling and ministry in this world. The objective is the strategic placement of mature sons into LQÁXHQWLDOSODFHVLQWKHZRUOGVRWKDWWKHNLQJGRPVRI WKHHDUWK may be brought under the rule of Christ. 2Q D SHUVRQDO QRWH , UHÁHFW RQ P\ UHODWLRQVKLS ZLWK 6DP Soleyn. In life there are those rare encounters that indelibly mark RXU MRXUQH\ 2IWHQ XQH[SHFWHG WKHVH PRPHQWV ÀQHWXQH RXU perspectives and order our steps in Christ. These are divine apSRLQWPHQWVRSHQLQJYLVWDVRI QHZVSLULWXDOH[SHULHQFH6XFKZDV my meeting with Sam. ,PHW6DPDW7KH$SRVWROLF'HFODUDWLRQ&RQIHUHQFHKRVWHGE\ (XJHQHDQG3DWULFH6KHSSDUGLQ:DVKLQJWRQ'&0\ÀUVW LPSUHVVLRQRI 6DPZDVWKDWRI DWUXHVWDWHVPDQRI QREOHFKDUDFWHU exuding the wisdom of the ages. This was a servant and apostle of &KULVWZKRQRWRQO\FRPPDQGHGWKHSUHVHQFHRI *RGEXWDOVR accurately communicated the culture of the Kingdom with grace DQGHDVH+LVSHUVRQDW\SLÀHGZKDWLWLVWREHDVRQDQGIDWKHULQ the household of God. Not only did my spirit jump at the sound of his voice and the clarity of his understanding of the times ZH DUH OLYLQJ LQ EXW LW DOVR UHVSRQGHG WR WKH FDOO IRU FRYHQDQWDO UHODWLRQVKLSWKDW6DPDQG,KDYHWRGD\IRUZKLFK,DPHWHUQDOO\ grateful. $VWKHVHHGRI RXUUHODWLRQVKLSEORVVRPHGZHZRXOGGHOLEHUDWH RYHUWKH:RUGRI *RGDQG+LVNLQJGRPLQWRWKHHDUO\SDUWVRI iii My Father! My Father! WKHPRUQLQJ7RPHWKHVHZHUHSULFHOHVVRSSRUWXQLWLHVIRUEHLQJ VKDUSHQHGDQGSROLVKHG'XULQJWKHVHHQJDJHPHQWV,GLVFRYHUHG WKHGHSWKRI WKHPDQ$UHVHUYRLURI NQRZOHGJHEULQJLQJWKHJLIW RI ZLVGRPWREHDUXSRQRXUFRQYHUVDWLRQVKHZDVDOVRSUDFWLFDOLQ WKHPDQQHULQZKLFKKHWUDQVODWHGKLVNQRZOHGJHWROLIHDQGPRUH VSHFLÀFDOO\WRSHRSOH,WZDVFOHDUHDUO\LQRXUUHODWLRQVKLSWKDWKH GLGQRWRQO\FDUU\DGLYLQHPHVVDJHEXWWKDWKHKDGEHFRPHWKH PHVVDJH+DYLQJREVHUYHGKLVUHODWLRQVKLSVZLWKRWKHUVLWZDVFOHDU that his leadership ability was that of a father intimately relating to his children. His whole disposition embodied the patriarchal grace of the Father. )LQDOO\ LQ P\ HVWLPDWH 6DP·V YLHZV RQ *RG·V IDPLO\ DUH QRW simply philosophical; he has imparted his whole life. His relationships with a host of dynamic people across the earth underpin WKLV UHDOLW\ 6LPSO\ VWDWHG KH LV D SDWULDUFK LQ WKH .LQJGRP RI *RG ZKR KDV UDLVHG PDQ\ VRQV VRPH WR WKH SODFH RI IDWKHULQJ multiple households in the Church and in corporate society. In this UHVSHFWWKHDXWKHQWLFLW\RI My Father! My Father! is not merely the FRPPXQLFDWLRQRI DSURIRXQGUHYHODWLRQEXWRI WKHKHDYHQO\JUDFH incarnate in the life of the writer who has become the revelation. This book will undoubtedly contribute to the restoration of the Church to its glorious prophetic and consummate destiny in Christ. 7KDPR1DLGRR 5LYHURI /LIH&KULVWLDQ0LQLVWULHV 3LHWHUPDULW]EXUJ6RXWK$IULFD iv P reface I believe it is important to read My Father! My Father! within FRQWH[W7KHUHIRUH,RIIHUWKLVEULHI UHYHODWLRQRI P\EDFNJURXQG ,ZDVERUQRQWKHLVODQGRI 6DLQW9LQFHQWLQWKH&DULEEHDQDQG DP D SHUVRQ RI PL[HG UDFH ZLWK SUHGRPLQDQW VWUDLQV EHLQJ ,QGLDQ$IULFDQ3RUWXJXHVHDQG(QJOLVK8QGHUWKH%ULWLVKV\VWHP I received a classical education until I left the islands at the age of eighteen for further studies in the United States. In college I studLHG UKHWRULF ODZ DQG WKHRORJ\ JDLQLQJ XQGHUJUDGXDWH GHJUHHV LQ English and Speech and a juris doctorate from the University of 1HZ0H[LFR6FKRRORI /DZLQ My beginnings as a preacher include a background with the $QJOLFDQ&KXUFKZKLFKIRUPVSDUWRI P\H[SRVXUHWRWKHKLVWRULF church. I now work extensively among widely diverse nations— IURPWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVWRFRXQWULHVLQ$IULFD(XURSHWKH&DULEEHDQ and the former Soviet Union—and among even more widely diverse racial groups. ,SUHDFKHGP\ÀUVWPHVVDJHLQP\ÀIWHHQWK\HDURI OLIHDQG QRZKDYHVSHQWIRUW\ÀYH\HDUVLQDQGDURXQGFKXUFKFLUFOHVWKDW are as varied as the cultures that produce them. I was a believer for QHDUO\WZHQW\\HDUVEHIRUHWKHUHDOLW\RI *RGVHSDUDWHDQGDSDUW IURPUHOLJLRQEHFDPHFOHDUWRPH%HIRUHWKDWWLPHVXFFHVVIXOLQWHUSUHWDWLRQRI 6FULSWXUHEOHQGHGWKHLQÁXHQFHVRI VRFLHWDOFXOWXUH v My Father! My Father! and religious practices in which the normal paradigm for my interpretation of Scripture was historic traditions of interpretation mixed with the preference of societal appeal. In my wide-ranging ÀHOGRI H[SHULHQFHRYHUWKHGHFDGHVKRZHYHU,EHFDPHDZDUHRI the fact that the culture of religion mitigates against the knowledge of God. I was introduced to the reality of the person of God in a 'DPDVFXV5RDGVW\OHH[SHULHQFHLQ([SHULHQFLQJWKHSHUVRQ of God Himself opened the eyes of my spirit to a reality that greatly transcended religious normalcy. It opened my spirit to the UHDOLW\RI WKHUHDOPRI WKH6SLULW,ZDVLQVWDQWO\WUDQVIRUPHGLQWHUQDOO\DQGIURPWKDWWLPH,KDYHEHHQH[SORULQJWKHLQYLVLEOHUHDOLW\ RI *RGWKH.LQJGRPRI +HDYHQDQGWKHUHDOPRI WKH6SLULW 5HFRJQL]LQJP\RZQWUDQVIRUPDWLRQJUHDWFDUHKDVEHHQWDNHQWR note the biblical references relevant to the assertions made within WKHWH[W:HIXOO\DQWLFLSDWHWKDWWKHUHYHODWLRQVLQWKLVERRNZLOO FKDOOHQJHDQGHYHQRYHUWKURZFORVHO\KHOGEHOLHIVDQGORQJVWDQGing religious traditions. Given much of the focus on the relationship between fathers DQGVRQVLQWKLVERRNWKHUHLVQRLURQ\WKDWP\IDLWKIXOFRODERUHU LQWKLVDQGLQIXWXUHSODQQHGSURMHFWVLVP\VRQ1LFKRODV6ROH\Q +HKDVSDUWLFLSDWHGH[WHQVLYHO\LQWKHXQGHUO\LQJUHVHDUFKZULWLQJ DQGHGLWLQJRI WKLVERRNDQGXQGHUP\GLUHFWLRQLVDOUHDG\KHDYLO\ LQYROYHGLQWKHSODQQLQJRI IXWXUHZRUNV:HKDYHGLVFXVVHGIXOO\ DOORI WKHFKDSWHUVWKHLUFRQWHQWDQGDUUDQJHPHQWVDQGKHLVTXLWH familiar with the subject matter and my thought processes. He is properly listed with me as one of the authors of this book. I am indebted to him for his invaluable participation and contributions. ,Q FRPPLWWLQJ WKHVH UHYHODWLRQV WR ZULWLQJ , KDYH EHHQ IXOO\ helped on the journey by the blessed Holy Spirit whom Jesus sent upon His return to heaven to reveal Himself to humans and to restore the knowledge of God and His intentions for the creation RI PDQ )RU WKH PRVW SDUW WKH UHYHODWLRQV FRQWDLQHG KHUHLQ DUH QRWQHZUHYHODWLRQVEXWDUHWKHLOOXPLQDWLRQRI UHYHODWLRQVDOUHDG\ written within the Old and New Testaments. According to Scripvi Preface WXUHVRPHUHYHODWLRQVDUHUROOHGXSDQGVHDOHG´WLOOWKHWLPHRI WKH HQGµ'DQLHO.-9DQGWKHQWKH\DUHUHYHDOHGWRWKHJHQHUDtion for whom they are meant. I believe the revelations contained in this book are for this time on the earth. 7KHUHDUHPDQ\QHFHVVDU\DQGIXQGDPHQWDOTXHVWLRQVDVNHGE\ WKRVHZKRDUHHDUQHVWO\VHHNLQJ*RG7RWKHPWKHDQVZHUVIRXQG LQUHOLJLRXVWUDGLWLRQVKDYHSURYHQLQDGHTXDWHRUFRPSOHWHO\DEVHQW This book establishes a framework in which to think about these TXHVWLRQVDQGEHJLQWRDQVZHUWKHPLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK6FULSWXUH and the Holy Spirit. This work is deliberately limited to establishing the principles of the relationship between God and man. It is an overarching picture that presents a contrast to the traditional religious mindset DQGDVVXFKRIIHUVYHU\GLIIHUHQWDQVZHUVEXWLWGRHVQRWDGYDQFH into practical applications. It is a foundation upon which we will build. 6DP6ROH\Q vii My Father! My Father! viii I ntroduction ,ZLOOQRWOHDYH\RXDVRUSKDQV,ZLOOFRPHWR\RX1 %HIRUH*RGFUHDWHGWKHZRUOG+HFRYHQDQWHGZLWK+LPVHOI to establish the purpose and order of humankind in creation. The ZRUOGZRXOGEHWKHYHQXHLQZKLFKWKHFRYHQDQWZRXOGEHIXOÀOOHG and man the principle actor in the drama of its unfolding. God knew the end of the story from the beginning. His purposes for creating the world were to put on display His nature of love and to expunge the taint of sin from creation. God FUHDWHGDVRQ$GDPWRZKRP+HJDYHWKHPDQGDWHWRUXOH+HDUranged the order of creation to facilitate His son’s rule and invested His son with the authority to represent the culture of heaven in the earth. 7KHHQHP\ZKRUHEHOOHGDJDLQVW*RG·VFKRLFHRI PDQDV+LV KHLUVLQWURGXFHGVLQLQWRFUHDWLRQWKURXJK$GDP,QHYLWDEO\ERWK $GDP DQG &KULVW WKH VRQV VHQW IURP KHDYHQ WR GLVSOD\ WKH QDWXUHRI WKHORYHRI *RGZHUHGHVWLQHGWRFRQIURQWWKHHQHP\,Q $GDP·VXQVXFFHVVIXOFRQIURQWDWLRQVHSDUDWLRQIURP*RGDQGWKH attendant fatherless culture resulted. :KHQ PDQ VHSDUDWHG KLPVHOI IURP KLV )DWKHU KLV FXOWXUH FKDQJHG IURP WKDW RI D VRQ WR WKH FXOWXUH RI DQ RUSKDQ ZKLFK ix My Father! My Father! became the de facto human culture. The culture of a son differs entirely from that of an orphan. A son of God in creation is designated to radiate the glory of God’s nature and to represent exactly the nature of his Father by ruling in the spheres of his authority as the Father would. He is supported in these twin imperatives by the resources of his Father’s house; whereas an orphan relies exclusively XSRQKLPVHOI IRUKLVSURYLVLRQDQGSURWHFWLRQDQGKLVJRDOLVWRVXUvive. The fall of man introduced this culture as an alternative to the original intention of God for the creation of man. ,QWKHSUHFUHDWLRQFRYHQDQW*RGSURYLGHGIRUWKHUHGHPSWLRQ of His house. “[T]he Lamb [was] slain from the foundation of the world” so that the mandates associated with God’s son in the earth ZRXOG SURFHHG WR WKHLU ÀQDO PDQLIHVWDWLRQV2 At the appropriate WLPHWKHUHIRUH*RGVHQWDQRWKHUVRQWRUHGHHP+LVKRXVHDQG to reestablish His purposes for His sons. Jesus appeared at the appointed time to redeem man from the results of Adam’s choice. Christ successfully confronted the enemy and succeeded in RYHUWKURZLQJDOORI WKHFRQVHTXHQFHVRI KLVGHFHSWLRQ-HVXVOLYHG upon the earth in a manner distinct from all other humans. He showed man that it is possible to hear God and to walk in divine RUGHUPRPHQWE\PRPHQW+LVGHFODUDWLRQWKDW´>P@DQVKDOOQRW OLYHRQEUHDGDORQHEXWRQHYHU\ZRUGWKDWFRPHVIURPWKHPRXWK RI *RGµ ZDV PHDQW WR H[SODLQ KRZ +H OLYHG DQG ZKR +H ZDV EHFDXVH +H DOVR ZDV WKH %UHDG IURP KHDYHQ DQG WKH :RUG WKDW proceeded from the mouth of God. His life was a complete display of the life God originally intended His sons to live upon the HDUWK+HKDVPDGHDYDLODEOHWRDOOKXPDQLW\WKHRSSRUWXQLW\WR EHUHFRQFLOHGWR*RGWKH)DWKHUDQGWRSXWRQGLVSOD\*RG·VJORU\ His love. God raised Jesus from the dead as “both Lord and Christ.” Christ is a reference to the corporate anointing to which all the VRQVRI *RGERUQDJDLQRI WKH6SLULWDUHDVVHPEOHGDV+LVERG\ Jesus himself ascended to heaven and now sits on the throne of God as the head. Jesus’ accomplishment in overthrowing the enemy’s deception x ,QWURGXFWLRQ has resulted in the reintroduction of the authority of heaven as WKHDOWHUQDWLYHEDVLVRI SRZHUDQGUXOHVXSSRUWLQJWKHDFWLYLWLHVRI the sons of God upon the earth. This basis of authority is known as the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is a functioning reality upon the earth that gives order and form to the children of *RGDVWKH\SXUVXHWKHSXUSRVHVRI *RGFROOHFWLYHO\DVWKH%RG\ of Christ. THE HOUSE OF GOD 7KH IDPLO\ RI *RG RQ WKH HDUWK LV D VSLULWXDO IDPLO\ GUDZQ from all the ranks of humanity and formed into an arrangement that presents the fundamental nature of God’s love. The sons of *RGZKRPDNHXSWKLVIDPLO\DUHVSLULWEHLQJVVLQFH*RG+LPVHOI is a spirit. Although in their relationships with each other sons of *RGPD\EHPDOHDQGIHPDOHIURPGLIIHUHQWUDFHVIURPYDULRXV HWKQLFEDFNJURXQGVDQGIURPGLIIHUHQWVRFLDOFODVVHVLQWKHLUUHODWLRQVKLSWR*RGWKH)DWKHUWKH\DUHDOOVRQV7KHHQWLUH+RXVHRI God is arranged to show the love of a father for a son and the trust of a father by a son. This central value is presented with greater FRPSOH[LW\WKURXJKWKHRUGHURI DVSLULWXDOIDPLO\KRXVHKROGFODQ WULEHDQGHYHQWXDOO\DQDWLRQ 7KHVSLULWXDOERG\FRPSULVLQJDOOWKHVRQVRI *RGH[LVWVVLPXOWDQHRXVO\LQKHDYHQDQGRQHDUWKDQGLWLVWKH+RXVHRI *RG in both realms. The order of its arrangement is designed to display the culture of heaven on the earth. The foundation of this culture is the order of father and son through which the love of God is presented on the earth as it is in heaven. )RUQHDUO\WZRPLOOHQQLDUHOLJLRXVWKRXJKWKDVIRFXVHGXSRQ gaining access to heaven in the afterlife and has offered no explanation for God’s placement of man upon the earth. All the narraWLYHVEHJLQZLWKWKHVWRU\LQSURJUHVVVWDUWLQJZLWKWKH*DUGHQRI (GHQ$WWKDWVWDUWLQJSRLQWWKHIRFXVFRPHVWREHRQWKHQHHG for the redemption of man. No consideration is given to the prior TXHVWLRQRI ZK\*RGFUHDWHGPDQDV+LVVRQDQGSXWKLPWRUXOH on the earth. xi My Father! My Father! This book tells the story of God’s original intention for the FUHDWLRQ RI PDQ DQG H[SODLQV KRZ WKH VDFULÀFH RI -HVXV RQ WKH FURVVUHSRVLWLRQVPDQLQWKHZLOORI *RGVRWKDWKHLVDEOHWRIXOÀOO God’s intention for creating him. xii T CHAPTER 1 he Fatherless Culture &XOWXUH LV WKH IRXQGDWLRQ RI RXU LGHQWLW\ LQGLYLGXDOO\ DQG DV PHPEHUVRI VRFLHW\,WLVWKHPHPRU\VSHHFKDUWDQGEHKDYLRU passed from one generation to the next. An individual interprets KLVRUKHUXQLTXHH[SHULHQFHVSUHGLFWDEO\LQDPDQQHUFRQVLVWHQW ZLWKFXOWXUDOQRUPVZKLFKLQWXUQIRUPVWKHEDVLVIRUVHOISHUFHSWLRQ&XOWXUHGLFWDWHVKRZHDFKSHUVRQGHÀQHVKLVRUKHUVHOI7KH legacy of society’s forebears lies in the characteristics of its cultural LGHQWLW\7KDWLGHQWLW\FDQEHVRLQJUDLQHGZLWKLQDQLQGLYLGXDOWKDW ZLWKRXWWKHUHYHODWLRQRI DGLIIHUHQWFXOWXUHLWGHÀQHVWKHFRXUVH RI KLVOLIH:KHWKHURUQRWKHLVDZDUHRI WKLVIDFWLVLUUHOHYDQWWR the outcome. 7RGD\ WKH GRPLQDQW JOREDO FXOWXUH LV WKDW RI IDWKHUOHVVQHVV This culture is a subtle and pervasive one that teaches people to WKLQNOLNHRUSKDQV,WLVDFXOWXUHVHSDUDWHGIURPWKHEHQHÀFLDOLQÁXHQFHRI RQH·VIRUHEHDUVDQGOHDYHVWKHRUSKDQGHIHQVHOHVVLQKLV own mind. An orphan has no protection and no provision other than what he can create for himself and must struggle for survival by whatever means necessary. 7RGD\·V IDWKHUOHVV FXOWXUH GLUHFWO\ FRQÁLFWV ZLWK WKH FXOWXUH RI WKH.LQJGRPRI *RG:KHUHDVDIDWKHUOHVVFXOWXUHSURGXFHV RUSKDQV *RG FUHDWHG PDQ WR EH +LV FKLOGUHQ DQG KHLUV WR +LV 1 My Father! My Father! Kingdom. The culture of the Kingdom of God is that of a house. 7KHFRQÁLFWEHWZHHQWKHVHWZRFXOWXUHVKDVFRPHWRDKHDGDV*RG continues to reveal his House on the earth. The House of God is the family of God. It exists simultaneously in heaven and on earth. The Kingdom of God is the base of authority and rule that empowers His House in both domains. The Kingdom exists to support the children of God in their mandate to represent the nature and character of God Himself. It is designed to restore the original intent of God for the creation of PDQDQGLQWKHSURFHVVWRUHVFXHKXPDQNLQGIURPWKHFXOWXUHRI the orphan. The House of God is being revealed at this time to provide God’s children with the righteous alternative to the earth’s pervasive fatherless culture. THE NEW GLOBAL CULTURE The inheritance to which a child is entitled from a father is WKHORYHVXSSRUWDQGUHVRXUFHVRI DKRXVHKROG$WDPLQLPXP WKLVUHTXLUHVDPHDQLQJIXOUHODWLRQVKLSEHWZHHQWKHIDWKHUDQGKLV children. Applying this minimal standard highlights the pandemic scope of the problem; the predominant global culture is that of RUSKDQV 7KLV FXOWXUH VR FRPSOHWHO\ SHUPHDWHV QDWLRQV SHRSOH JURXSVDQGUHOLJLRQVWKDWIDWKHUOHVVQHVVKDVEHFRPHWKHVWDQGDUG DJDLQVWZKLFKDOORWKHUFXOWXUDOSURÀOHVDUHFRQVFLRXVO\RUXQFRQVFLRXVO\FRPSDUHG7KHUHIRUHWKHFRQFHSWRI FRQWLQXLW\WKURXJK inheritance is foreign to most of the world’s societies. The modern orphan comes in many forms. Changing social SDWWHUQV ZDU DQG GLVHDVH SROLWLFV DQG WKH IDLOLQJV RI UHOLJLRXV systems in the many corners of the world have created orphans out RI HQWLUH QDWLRQV DQG HQWLUH JHQHUDWLRQV RI SHRSOH :KHUH WKHVH SKHQRPHQDKDYHUHPRYHGWKHIDWKHUIURPWKHDYHUDJHIDPLO\XQLW FKLOGUHQ DUH OHIW WR ÀJXUH RXW KRZ WR VXUYLYH RQ WKHLU RZQ DQG eventually they impart their identity as orphans to their children. The traditional family structure has changed in ways that GHSULYHFKLOGUHQRI DPLQLPDOUHODWLRQVKLSZLWKWKHLUIDWKHUHYHQ ZKHQWKHIDWKHULVDOLYHRUSK\VLFDOO\SUHVHQW8QWLOUHFHQWO\KDYLQJ 2 7KH)DWKHUOHVV&XOWXUH children born out of wedlock or into a relationship of unmarried FRKDELWDWLRQ ZDV VWLJPDWL]LQJ LQ :HVWHUQ VRFLHWLHV 7RGD\ KRZHYHU RQH RI WKH ODUJHVW FRQWULEXWLRQV WR WKH DEVHQFH RI IDWKHUV LQ:HVWHUQFXOWXUHLVWKHQXPEHURI FKLOGUHQEHLQJERUQWRVLQJOH PRWKHUV,QWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVDSSUR[LPDWHO\SHUFHQWRI QHZ births are to unmarried women. Similar rates of birth outside of marriage occur in England and other European countries.6 Fatherlessness in the United States is not centered on a particular demographic. That more than half of all children in the African-American community are living in fatherless homes is SDUWLFXODUO\VWULNLQJ+RZHYHURYHUSHUFHQWRI ZKLWHPDUULDJHV end in divorce. :KHUHDV $IULFDQ$PHULFDQ FKLOGUHQ DUH EHLQJ ERUQLQWRIDWKHUOHVVKRPHVZKLWHFKLOGUHQDUHLQFUHDVLQJO\PDGHIDtherless through divorce. :KLOH FKDQJHV LQ VRFLDO QRUPV FRQWULEXWH WR D PRUH VXEWOH GHYHORSPHQW RI D IDWKHUOHVV FXOWXUH ZDU DQG GLVHDVH KDYH PDGH orphans of entire nations almost overnight. In Central and SouthHUQ$IULFDWKH$,'6HSLGHPLFKDVUHPRYHGDQHQWLUHJHQHUDWLRQ RI IDWKHUVDQGKDVUHVKDSHGWKHVRFLDOVWUXFWXUH:KHQSDUHQWVDUH ORVWWRGLVHDVHFKLOGUHQEHFRPHWKHKHDGVRI KRXVHKROGVZLWKWKH responsibility to raise and care for their younger siblings. They are orphans raising orphans. 6LPLODUO\WKHIUXLWRI ZDU\LHOGVDQDEXQGDQWFURSRI RUSKDQV )RU H[DPSOH LQ FRXQWULHV WKDW PDGH XS WKH IRUPHU )HGHUDO 5HSXEOLFRI <XJRVODYLDFLYLOZDUVKDYHGHVWUR\HGWKHVRFLDOVWUXFWXUH and debased the role of fathers among the people. Many families ZHUHGHVWUR\HGE\YLROHQFHDQGPDVVFDPSDLJQVWKDWXVHGUDSHDV a weapon of war and “ethnic cleansing” resulted in the births of WKRXVDQGVRI RUSKDQVPRVWRI ZKRVHFXUUHQWVWDWXVLVXQNQRZQ Such a sizable population of orphans begot of violence robs an HQWLUHJHQHUDWLRQRI LWVLGHQWLW\0RUHRYHUWKHDIWHUPDWKRI ZDU DQGUHYROXWLRQKDVOHIWWKHGRRURSHQIRUKXPDQWUDIÀFNHUVZKRVH prey is the vulnerable children of these countries. Countries that were part of the former Yugoslavia are now key staging areas for “recruiting” children for the massive Eastern European sex trade. 3 My Father! My Father! The children of these nations have been left open to attack and exploitation. They have no basis for understanding the love and protection of a father. COMMUNISM’S ROLE In the wake of communism are millions of orphans and a IDPLO\LQIUDVWUXFWXUHWKDWKDVQRWUHFRYHUHGLWVLGHQWLW\VLQFHEHLQJ GHÀQHGVROHO\DVSDUWRI WKHVWDWH·VUHVRXUFHV8QGHUFRPPXQLVW UXOHWKHVWDWHKDGWKHÀQDODXWKRULW\RYHUFKLOGUHQDQGSDUHQWDO control was subject to state interests. Families were units of the VWDWHDQGWKHVWDWHFRQWUROOHGWKHFKLOGUHQ·VGHVWLQLHV&RPPXQLVP VWULSSHGQDWLRQVRI DZRUNLQJPRGHORI IDPLO\OLIHDQGWKHVHQHZO\ independent nations have no foundation on which to build a social infrastructure. Social phenomena in former communist countries demonstrate plainly the effect communism has had on the family unit. $VDQH[DPSOHLQWKH8NUDLQHRQHRI WKHPRVWSRSXODUWHOHYLVLRQ SURJUDPVLVDSURJUDPRQIDPLO\UHODWLRQVKLSVKRVWHGE\DQHYDQgelical preacher turned politician. He saw that the nation’s chances of survival were very slim without the reintroduction of this HVVHQWLDOEXLOGLQJEORFNWKHIDPLO\WRWKHQDWLRQ7KHYDVWQXPEHU RI RUSKDQVUHODWLYHWRWKHRYHUDOOSRSXODWLRQSODFHVWKHIXWXUHRI the nation at risk. The national churches in these former communist countries are marked by their cooperative relationship with the toppled regimes. The churches offer little more than liturgical practices that are JHQHUDOO\RXWGDWHGDQGRXWRI WRXFKZLWKWKHSHRSOH$VDUHVXOW WKHUHLVQRVLJQLÀFDQWVSLULWXDODOWHUQDWLYHWRWKHJRGOHVVOHJDFLHV RI DWKHLVWLF FRPPXQLVP 7KLV SDWWHUQ UHSOD\V LWVHOI IURP 5XVVLD to Cuba and involves entire nations and almost all of their populations. The fatherless culture represents the largest demographic grouping of humanity today and has invaded every aspect of KXPDQVRFLHW\7KHV\VWHPVRI WKHZRUOGDUHIHHGLQJWKLVFXOWXUH DQGLQLWVLQH[RUDEOHULVHWKHFXOWXUHRI WKHIDWKHUOHVVLVUHGHÀQLQJ 4 7KH)DWKHUOHVV&XOWXUH VRFLDOQRUPVJOREDOO\%HFDXVHRI LWVSHUYDVLYHQHVVWKLVFXOWXUHLV YLUWXDOO\ XQQRWLFHG 6RFLRORJLVWV GHPRJUDSKHUV SROLWLFLDQV DQG marketers all study different manifestations of this culture as it UHODWHV WR WKRVH SDUWLFXODU DUHDV RI LQWHUHVWV +RZHYHU IHZ KDYH VHHQWKHIDWKHUOHVVFXOWXUHDVWKHRYHUDUFKLQJLQÁXHQFHZKLFKKDV LQIXVHGLWVHOI LQWRHYHU\DVSHFWRI OLIH9LHZHGZLWKDQXQGHUVWDQGLQJ RI WKHFXOWXUHRI WKHIDWKHUOHVVWKHWUHQGVWKURXJKRXWWKHZRUOG and in all areas of society illustrate that the fatherless culture FXUUHQWO\GHÀQHVKXPDQVRFLHW\ RELIGION AS A CAUSE OF FATHERLESSNESS 5DWKHUWKDQRIIHULQJDQDOWHUQDWLYHWRIDWKHUOHVVQHVVFKXUFKHV KDYHEHHQVKDSHGE\WKLVSUHYDLOLQJFXOWXUHDQGLQWKHLUPDOOHDELOLW\ failed to impart the wisdom and revelation of the Kingdom of *RGWRWKHFXOWXUHRI RUSKDQV:KHUHFRQIURQWHGZLWKDIDWKHUOHVV FXOWXUHUHOLJLRXVV\VWHPVKDYHEHHQUHYHDOHGDVWKHE\SURGXFWVRI spurious traditions. 5HOLJLRQVZLWKSDWULDUFKDOIRUPVWHQGWRVXEVLVWRQIRUPXODLF rules taken from outdated interpretations of sacred writings—usuDOO\DEOHQGRI KLVWRU\FXVWRPVDQGWUDGLWLRQV7KHLUDQWLTXDWHG SUDFWLFHV GR QRW IRVWHU D FRQQHFWLRQ ZLWK WKH SHRSOH $V VXFK these religions resort to shame-based manipulation and appeal to the fear of being stigmatized in the community to control its members’ conduct. That these religions advance their ideologies through manipulation and intimidation is a clear sign the spirit of a loving father is absent from within them. The only goals religion can offer are those that feed the desires RI WKHLU VSRQVRUVKLS :KHUH WKH SUHGRPLQDQW FXOWXUH LV RQH RI IDWKHUOHVVQHVV WKH UHOLJLRXV V\VWHPV EHQG WR FDWHU WR WKH GHVLUHV RI WKH RUSKDQHG VRFLHW\ 7KH\ RIIHU WKH SRVVLELOLW\ RI ÀQDQFLDO success or victory over one’s personal or social oppressors as the great objective for surviving our time on this earth. Love is not a UHTXLUHPHQW1RWKLQJLQWKHVHPRGHOVVXJJHVWVWKDWWKHJRGRI WKH UHOLJLRQORYHV\RXQRUDUH\RXUHTXLUHGWRORYHWKHJRG,QVWHDG WKH\WHDFKWKDWVWULFWDGKHUHQFHWRRUWKRGR[\ZLOOOHDGWRWKHIXOÀOO5 My Father! My Father! ment of these basic desires. :KDW KDSSHQV ZKHQ D QDWLRQ RI RUSKDQV LV RIIHUHG RQO\ anachronistic practices that carry the fear of punishment and the WKUHDWRI H[FOXVLRQ",QWKHIDPLO\G\QDPLFWKHIDWKHUPRGHOVWKH attitude of the god at the center of the religious faith. If the goal LVFRQIRUPLW\DQGIDWKHUVDUHWKHHQIRUFHUVWKHQWKHEHOLHI V\VWHP itself is valued more than the well-being of a child. A father’s love LV ERWK FRQVWUDLQHG E\ DQG VXEVHUYLHQW WR WKH UHOLJLRXV UHTXLUHments. One of the most horrendous examples of this phenomenon is the practice of honor killings: putting a child to death for infractions—either willful or unknowing—against the orthodoxy. Killing a child to preserve one’s honor in the name of any religious tradition empties that patriarchal religious order of the righteous concept of fathering. Embodying fatherlessness in religion are those priests who have violated the persons of their most vulnerable charges. These UHOLJLRXVÀJXUHVZKLFKKDYHSXUORLQHGWKHWLWOHRI ´IDWKHUVµKDYH FRPPLWWHGXQFRQVFLRQDEOHDQGFULPLQDODFWVDJDLQVWFKLOGUHQKDSlessly left in their charge. In protecting these miscreants for fear of OHJDOOLDELOLWLHVWKHFKXUFKKLHUDUFK\KDVDEDQGRQHGWKHSHRSOHLQ favor of protecting its patriarchal order. The church has reinforced the orphan mentality and bolstered the fatherless culture. These religious systems disseminate a false vision of God the Father to a fatherless culture. The vision of a loving father has been lost to the imperative of preserving the institution. The rituals UHPDLQLQWDFWDQGWKHZRUGVVD\´*RGLVORYHµ<HWWKHSUDFWLFHV of the religious orders have denied any truth contained in either the words or the rituals. By widening the gap between people DQG *RG WKH UHOLJLRXV V\VWHP·V FRQWULEXWLRQ WR WKH FXOWXUH RI fatherlessness is incalculably harmful. THE MANY FORMS OF FATHERLESSNESS The development of a culture depends upon the society’s means and capacity for passing knowledge to successive generations. The most common manner of passing along cultural knowl6 7KH)DWKHUOHVV&XOWXUH HGJHLVWKURXJKLQWHUDFWLRQVZLWKRQHDQRWKHU7KHUHIRUHRQHFDQ observe the characteristics of a culture in the relationships between the people that model the cultural patterns. The culture of the fatherless is most readily evident in the attitude of fathers toward their children. Fathers will model the image RI DIDWKHUWKDWLVSUHVHQWHGWRWKHPHLWKHUE\WKHLURZQSDUHQWV PHGLDGHSLFWLRQVRI IDWKHUVRUWKHLUSHHUV:KHUHWKHVWDQGDUGLQ WKHFXOWXUHLVDQDEVHQWIDWKHUWKHFXOWXUHUDLVHVXSIDWKHUVZKRDUH abusive or uninterested in their families. The following anecdotal story highlights the pervasive character of the fatherless culture. , RQFH UHFHLYHG D FDOO IURP D ZRPDQ FRQFHUQHG DERXW KHU KXVEDQG D IRUPHU VXFFHVVIXO EXVLQHVV H[HFXWLYH ZKR KDG DEUXSWO\ DGRSWHG VHOIGHVWUXFWLYH EHKDYLRU 6KH H[SODLQHG WKDWKHUKXVEDQGKDGUHFHQWO\WDNHQDQHDUO\UHWLUHPHQWDQG VKRUWO\DIWHUKHEHFDPHZLWKGUDZQDQGLVRODWHGWRWKHVHYHUH GHJHQHUDWLRQRI KLVSK\VLFDODQGPHQWDOKHDOWKKLVIDPLO\·V UHODWLRQVKLSDQGÀQDQFHVDQGKLVUROHDVDIDWKHU 5HWLULQJHDUO\WKHKXVEDQGKDGSODQQHGWRVSHQGKLVH[WUDWLPHSXUVXLQJDGLIIHUHQWOLIHIURPKLVEXVLQHVVDFWLYLWLHV +HH[SUHVVHGDQLQWHUHVWLQWUDYHODQGDIWHUWKDWKHZDQWHG WRSXUVXHDQLQWHUHVWLQSDLQWLQJ:LWKLQDIHZPRQWKVKRZHYHUWKHVHSXUVXLWVEHFDPHORVWLQDIRJRI GLVLQWHUHVW+H EURRGHGFRPPXQLFDWHGLQVKRUWWHUVHVHQWHQFHVDQGVKRZHG OLWWOHLQWHUHVWLQKLVIDPLO\·VDFWLYLWLHVDQGZHOOEHLQJ7KHLU HIIRUWVWRPRWLYDWHKLPZHUHUHEXIIHGDQGKHUHWUHDWHGLQWR VLOHQFH+LVIDPLO\EHJDQWRREVHUYHWKHJURZLQJVLJQVRI GHSUHVVLRQDQGKLVSK\VLFDOKHDOWKEHJDQWRUHÁHFWKLVPHQWDO KHDOWK+LVGD\VZHUHVSHQWZDWFKLQJWHOHYLVLRQDQGHDWLQJ MXQNIRRGZKLOHKLVZLIHZDVOHIWWRPDQDJHWKHIDPLO\·VDIIDLUVZLWKRXWLQFRPHRUVXSSRUW ,DVNHGWKHKXVEDQGWRH[SODLQZKDWKHWKRXJKWZHUHWKH SUREOHPV$WÀUVWKHGLGQRWDFNQRZOHGJHWKHUHZDVDSUREOHP EXWWKHQKHRIIHUHGDVXSHUÀFLDODQDO\VLV+HVXJJHVWHGWKDWLW 7 My Father! My Father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·VGLVFLSOLQHZDVWRKROGKLVKDQGWR DOLJKWHGPDWFKXQWLOKLVÀQJHUVEOLVWHUHGLJQRULQJWKHER\·V VFUHDPVDQGKLVPRWKHU·VSOHDVWRVWRS,QWKHPDQ·VPHPRU\ the pain of rejection was as fresh as if it had only recently RFFXUUHGDQGDVKHWROGPHWKHVWRU\KHZDVLQWKHHPRWLRQDO VWDWHRI WKDWVPDOOER\DJDLQ(DFKRI WKHPHPRULHVWKDWKH UHODWHGKLJKOLJKWHGKLVSDLQRI UHMHFWLRQE\KLVIDWKHU &XULRXVO\KHRIIHUHGWKHH[SODQDWLRQWKDWKLVIDWKHUZDV MXVWWU\LQJWRVKRZKLVORYHHYHQLQWKHVHKDUVKDFWVRI GLVFLSOLQH+HMXVWLÀHGKLVIDWKHU·VEHKDYLRUE\VXJJHVWLQJWKDWLW ZDVWKHRQO\ZD\KLVIDWKHUXQGHUVWRRGWRGRZKDWKHGHHPHG QHFHVVDU\VLQFHKDYLQJEHHQVLPLODUO\DEDQGRQHGKHKDGQR WUDLQLQJIURPKLVRZQIDWKHU 7KHKXVEDQGIXUWKHUWROGPHWKDWKHKDGQHYHUVHHQKLPVHOI DVDKDSS\SHUVRQ+HKDGVWDUWHGZRUNLQJDQGFRQWULEXWLQJ WRKLVIDPLO\·VÀ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ÀUVWKDQG WKH IDWKHUOHVV FXOWXUH PDWXUHG WKURXJK DW OHDVW WKUHH JHQHUDWLRQV7KHOHJDF\RI IDWKHUOHVVQHVVZDVKLVLQKHULWDQFH DQGDIWHUDWOHDVWWKUHHJHQHUDWLRQVLWZDVWKHEHGURFNRI KLV FXOWXUH)DWKHUOHVVQHVVKDGEHFRPHWKHSDUDGLJPE\ZKLFKKH XQGHUVWRRGKLVRZQUROHDVDIDWKHU7KLVFXOWXUHVRFRPSOHWHO\ LGHQWLÀ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the result is anger toward the father and depression. Abuse may be HLWKHUYLROHQWRUQRQYLROHQWDQGQRQYLROHQWDEXVHPD\EHDVHIIHFWLYH as physical abuse in alienating a child. Harsh and humiliating words can destroy children’s views of themselves and result in a profound sense of rejection. A silent or uninvolved father communicates to the child that the child’s interests are of no particular value to the IDWKHUDQGWKHUHIRUHWKHFKLOGLVXQLPSRUWDQW Children raised in such environments do not feel that what WKH\GRLVLPSRUWDQWDQGWKH\RIWHQIHHOWKDWWKHLUH[LVWHQFHLVRI 9 My Father! My Father! QRYDOXH6XFKFKLOGUHQGRQRWQRUPDOO\WKLQNRI KDYLQJDGHVWLQ\ but instead struggle every day with simply surviving. They grow up without clear models of behavior and are therefore more susceptible to outside pressures and temptations. They often adopt identities that are compatible with the instinct to survive. THE VIEW OF FATHERS IN THE MEDIA The pervasive nature of the fatherless culture is further H[HPSOLÀHGLQWKHSRSXODUFXOWXUH·VSUHVHQWDWLRQRI IDWKHUV0HGLD outlets act as a reference point for a culture and provide a window into the characteristics of a society. Because it represents the mainVWUHDPLGHDOVDQGSHUVSHFWLYHVWKHPHGLDERWKGHULYHVIURPDQG LQÁXHQFHVSUHYDLOLQJQRUPVE\FDWHULQJWRWUHQGVWKDWDUHSRSXODU LQWULJXLQJRUHQWHUWDLQLQJ,QYDULRXVIRUPVRI UHDOLW\DQGK\SHUEROHWKHPHGLDSXWVRQGLVSOD\WKHFXOWXUHRI WKHVRFLHW\,I RQHLV ORRNLQJIRUHYLGHQFHRI DIDWKHUOHVVFXOWXUHWKDWSHUVRQQHHGORRN no further. 7KHLGHDOPDQWKHKHURW\SLFDOO\LVQRWDIDWKHUZKHQSRUWUD\HG LQ SRSXODU PHGLD 0RVW FRPPRQO\ KHURHV DUH YLROHQW SLOODUV RI stoic masculinity. Not even Hollywood can place this kind of man LQWRDIDPLO\VHWWLQJ1RQHWKHOHVVWKHVHDUFKHW\SDOKHURHVSURYLGH the model for young men who will one day be fathers. To reconcile WKHKHURLFLGHDOZLWKWKHUHDOOLIHUROHRI WKHIDWKHUUHTXLUHVORZHULQJWKHEDUIRUIDWKHUKRRG$VDUHVXOW\RXQJPHQPLPLFNLQJWKH cultural ideal of a hero will often abandon their own children with impunity. :KHQ WKH HQWHUWDLQPHQW LQGXVWU\ WDNHV WKH DFWLRQ KHUR DQG VXIÀFLHQWO\ ZDWHUV KLP GRZQ WR SXW KLP LQ D IDPLO\ VHWWLQJ WKH resulting standard for fatherhood is bleak. Sitcoms seem to be the most common popular media in which men are presented in fatherly roles. The successful family sitcom typically portrays a bumbling husband and father who is consumed by self-interest DQGLVGLVWUDFWHGIURPWKHUHDOLW\RI IDPLO\OLIHDURXQGKLP:KHQ KLVGLVFRQQHFWHGQHVVFDXVHVSUREOHPVWKHWDVNIDOOVWRWKHPRWKHU or children to provide both obvious and insightful solutions. This 10 7KH)DWKHUOHVV&XOWXUH formula spans the scope of television culture. ,QWKHJHQUHRI UHDOLW\WHOHYLVLRQSRSXODUFXOWXUHVKDPHOHVVO\ ÁDXQWVWKHEDVHYDOXHVRI DIDWKHUOHVVFXOWXUH)HZSHRSOHREMHFW WR WKH JORULÀFDWLRQ RI LQGLYLGXDOV ZKR H[KLELW VKRFNLQJ GLVSOD\V RI VHOÀVKQHVVDQGGLVOR\DOW\5HDOLW\WHOHYLVLRQKDVHOHYDWHGVRPH of the basest members of society to the status of cultural icons. $VWKHVRFLHW\KDVWDNHQDYR\HXULVWLFLQWHUHVWLQLWVPRVWJURWHVTXH TXDOLWLHVWKLVW\SHRI SURJUDPPLQJKDVH[SORGHGLQSRSXODULW\LQ recent years. The depiction of fathers in the visual media is consistent with WKHRYHUDOOGHFOLQHLQUHVSHFWIRUIDWKHUVZLWKLQWKHFXOWXUH:LWK the type of societal changes evinced by rising divorce rates and WKH YDVW QXPEHUV RI FKLOGUHQ ERUQ WR VLQJOH PRWKHUV VRFLHW\ LV understandably apathetic to the portrayal of fathers in these ways. &KDQJLQJWKHPHGLDKRZHYHUZLOOQRWFKDQJHWKHFXOWXUH7KHFXOWXUH RI WKHIDWKHUOHVVLVLQJUDLQHGLQWKHVRFLHW\DQGRQO\UHÁHFWHGLQ the media. THE SPECTER OF AN ORPHAN CULTURE The culture of the fatherless has fully invaded human society. :RUOGZLGHLWWDNHVPDQ\GLIIHUHQWIRUPVDQGLWLVUHVKDSLQJJOREDO culture in fundamental ways. Survival and a search for an identity are goals of the orphan mindset produced by this culture. At its DSH[WKHIDWKHUOHVVFXOWXUHKDVXVXUSHGWKHLQGLYLGXDO·VLGHQWLW\DQG replaced it with an identity dominated by a struggle for provision and protection. ,QWKH.LQJGRPRI *RGHDFKSHUVRQ·VGHVWLQ\LVWKHSOD\LQJ RXWRI WKDWSHUVRQ·VXQLTXHLGHQWLW\DVDVRQRI *RGUHJDUGOHVV RI JHQGHUUDFHRUEDFNJURXQG7KHFXOWXUHRI WKH.LQJGRPLVD FXOWXUHRI NLQJVIRXQGHGXSRQDQGPRGHOHGDIWHU*RGWKHORYing Father. This kingly culture cannot coexist with the fatherless FXOWXUH7RHPEUDFHRQH·VLGHQWLW\DVDVRQRQHPXVWFKDQJHKLV prevailing culture. ,QWKLVVHDVRQ*RGLVEXLOGLQJ+LV+RXVHLQWKHHDUWKZLWK the relationship of fathers and sons as its foundation. Effecting cul11 My Father! My Father! WXUDOFKDQJHUHTXLUHVDWUDQVJHQHUDWLRQDOHIIRUWLQZKLFKDFKDQJH LQ WKH FXOWXUH LV EXW RQH RI WKH ÀUVW VWHSV RI D ORQJ MRXUQH\ WR UHHVWDEOLVK IXOO\ WKH +RXVH RI *RG 7KLV MRXUQH\ LV PHDQW WR UHSRVLWLRQ PDQ LQ WKH UHODWLRQVKLS ZLWK *RG DV )DWKHU DV *RG intended from the beginning. The purpose of repositioning humankind as sons and heirs to God is to establish the family of *RG RQ WKH HDUWK DQG WR GLVSOD\ WKH ORYH RI *RG WKURXJK KLV VRQVWRDOORI FUHDWLRQ:KHUHDVWKHGHVWLQ\RI HDFKVRQRI *RGLV YLWDOO\LPSRUWDQWWKHHQWLUHSXUSRVHRI *RGFDQRQO\XOWLPDWHO\ be accomplished through the corporate form—the House of God. 12 T CHAPTER 2 he Effects of the Fatherless Culture This fatherless generation exists globally and has been imprinted with the identity of orphans. The worldwide spectrum of human DFWLYLWLHVVXFKDVFRPPHUFHSROLWLFVDQGUHOLJLRQDUHPDUNHGE\ the imperatives of this generation. It is reshaping these global systems in ways that are genuinely new and distinct. This has resulted in noticeable clashes with the settled cultural norms of previous JHQHUDWLRQV FDXVLQJ D ULIW EHWZHHQ WKH IDWKHUOHVV JHQHUDWLRQ DQG WKHROGHUPRUHWUDGLWLRQDOJHQHUDWLRQV The reconciliation of the generations is an obvious imperative. Yet there appears to be no clear way forward. The competition between the generations has reached the point where there is a noticeable disconnect between the older generations and the fatherless generation. Entire communities lament this phenomHQRQDQGLQVRPHVHJPHQWVRI VRFLHW\WKHGLYLGHLVVHHQDVWKUHDWening the harmony and peace of the society itself. A GENERATIONAL DIVIDE The fatherless generation holds a deep-seated distrust of their IDWKHUV· JHQHUDWLRQ :KHQ WKH DXWKRULW\ ÀJXUHV RI WKHLU IDWKHUV· JHQHUDWLRQKDYHDWWHPSWHGWRLQÁXHQFHWKHIDWKHUOHVVJHQHUDWLRQ·V GLUHFWLRQWKH\RXQJHUJHQHUDWLRQKDVUHVSRQGHGZLWKFRQWHPSW 13 My Father! My Father! One illustration of the struggle over the widening gap between these generations is the efforts of Black civil rights leaders to address the images and lyrics associated with hip-hop music. For WKHSDVWWZRGHFDGHVSURPLQHQWOHDGHUVLQWKH$IULFDQ$PHULFDQ community have criticized the lyrics of popular hip-hop music IRU LWV JORULÀFDWLRQ RI YLROHQFH DQG LWV SUHVHQWDWLRQ RI VH[XDOO\ H[SOLFLWWKHPHVSDUWLFXODUO\ZKHUHWKRVHWKHPHVDUHVHHQDVGHJUDGLQJ toward women. They also have criticized the lifestyle associated ZLWKWKHKLSKRSFXOWXUHZKLFKHQFRXUDJHVDJHQHUDOGLVUHJDUGIRU DXWKRULW\DQGDGYRFDWHVFRQVSLFXRXVFRQVXPSWLRQDQGWKH\KDYH descried the violence that has surrounded some of the leading ÀJXUHVZLWKLQWKDWFXOWXUHZKLFKKDVUHVXOWHGLQWKHLQFDUFHUDWLRQ and the untimely deaths of several of its luminaries. These leaders from the previous generations who have called for reform of this culture have been largely ignored by the fatherless generation. 7KH GLVFRQQHFW EHWZHHQ WKH ROGHU DXWKRULW\ ÀJXUHV DQG WKH fatherless generation is rooted largely in the younger generation’s refusal to accept guidance from a generation from whom they feel estranged. The example of the clash over hip-hop culture and LWV UHVXOWV DUH IRUHVHHDEOH EHFDXVH LW UHSUHVHQWV D GHHS GLYLVLRQ ZLWKLQWKH$IULFDQ$PHULFDQFRPPXQLW\ZKLFKKDVEHFRPHODUJHO\ a fatherless culture. Similar divisions occur across the spectrum of the interactions between the generations within the community. The culture of the orphan has confronted fathers from a previous JHQHUDWLRQDQGWKHVHSDUDWLRQEHWZHHQWKHJHQHUDWLRQVLVDZLGHQing chasm. POLITICAL DIVISIONS $QHQWLUHJHQHUDWLRQUHJDUGOHVVRI GHPRJUDSKLFVH[KLELWVWKH same fatherless characteristics. Current American politics provide a more general example of this growing divide between the genHUDWLRQV7KH\RXQJHUJHQHUDWLRQKDVWHQGHGWRVXSSRUWHQPDVVH WKHFXUUHQWSUHVLGHQWZKRKLPVHOI LVIDWKHUOHVV$WWKHVDPHWLPH LWGRHVQRWLGHQWLI\LQDQ\JHQHUDOZD\ZLWKWKHPRUDOHWKLFDODQG UHOLJLRXV YLHZV RI D PRUH FRQVHUYDWLYH FRQVWLWXHQF\ VLQFH WKHVH 14 7KH(IIHFWVRI 7KH)DWKHUOHVV&XOWXUH views tend to represent the traditional perspectives of previous generations. ,QWHUQDWLRQDOO\ WKLV GLYLGH WDNHV RQ GLIIHUHQW FKDUDFWHULVWLFV <RXQJ :HVWHUQ(XURSHDQV KDYH JRQH RQ DQJU\ UDPSDJHV LQ FRXQWULHV VXFK DV )UDQFH DQG (QJODQG WR SURWHVW JRYHUQPHQWDO GHFLVLRQVUDQJLQJIURPHPSOR\PHQWOHJLVODWLRQWRFROOHJHWXLWLRQ hikes. They regard the use of political power as being opposed to their interests and see themselves permanently installed in states of poverty. The problem of the division of generations takes on a difIHUHQWIDFHLQFXUUHQWDQGIRUPHUFRPPXQLVWQDWLRQV'XULQJWKH FRPPXQLVW HSRFK WKH VWDWH UHSODFHG WKH IDWKHU DV WKH GRPLQDQW RUGHURI VRFLHW\:LWKWKHGLVVROXWLRQRI WKHFHQWUDODXWKRULW\RI JRYHUQPHQW WKHVH QDWLRQV KDYH QR SUDFWLFH ZLWK IDPLO\EDVHG DXWKRULW\ $V D UHVXOW DQ DEXQGDQW FURS RI RUSKDQV KDV VSUXQJ up throughout these former communist countries. This generation of orphans is merely biding their time to affect national changes DFFRUGLQJ WR WKHLU LPSHUDWLYHV )RU H[DPSOH WKH FHQWUDO JRYHUQPHQW RI &KLQD KDV SOD\HG WKH UROH RI SDUHQWV WR WKH GHQLDO RI LQGLYLGXDO OLEHUWLHV DQG LQGLYLGXDO FUHDWLYLW\ FDXVLQJ D JURZLQJ frustration among the younger generation. This generation is now anticipating upcoming changes in the leadership of the central FRPPLWWHHZKLFKDUHH[SHFWHGWRUHVXOWLQWKHYRLFHRI WKHQH[W JHQHUDWLRQEHLQJKHDUGIRUWKHÀUVWWLPHDWWKHKLJKHVWOHYHOVRI national government. ,Q WKH FRPPXQLVW QDWLRQV RI &XED DQG 1RUWK .RUHD WKH cults of personalities prevail. By contrast to the emerging former FRPPXQLVW QDWLRQV WKH KRSH IRU FKDQJH KHOG E\ WKH \RXQJHU generation in these countries is checked by the denial of access to WKHRXWVLGHZRUOGWKURXJKRIÀFLDOJRYHUQPHQWSROLF\HQIRUFHGE\ WKHPXVFOHRI SROLFHSRZHU,Q&XEDWKHVWUXJJOHIRUGDLO\VXUYLYDO has eviscerated the family structure and created an entire nation of orphans. 5HOLJLRQ DQG FDVWH V\VWHPV KDYH VLPLODUO\ GLYLGHG VRFLHWLHV LQ WKH 0LGGOH (DVW DQG ,QGLD DOLHQDWLQJ JHQHUDWLRQV RI WKHVH YDVW 15 My Father! My Father! SRSXODWLRQV5LIWVKDYHDSSHDUHGZKHUHWKHROGHUJHQHUDWLRQVFOLQJ to the power structures of tradition and the wealth and privilege of WKHVHVWUXFWXUHVZKLOHWKHVHVDPHVWUXFWXUHVKDYHUDGLFDOL]HGWKH \RXQJHUJHQHUDWLRQV,QWHUQDOFLYLOFRQÁLFWVFKDOOHQJHQDWLRQVIURP 6DXGL$UDELDWR3DNLVWDQDQGWKHHFRQRPLFPLJKWRI ,QGLDLVOLNHO\ to run aground on the shoals of the vast underutilization of the SRSXODWLRQVFRQÀQHGWRWKHGLVIDYRUHGFDVWHV CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FATHERLESS GENERATION The fatherless generation considers the position of their IDWKHUVDVEHLQJGHYRLGRI LQÁXHQFHDQGUHOHYDQFHDQGWKHROGHU generation has largely concluded that the fatherless generation is self-centered and narcissistic. These positions are not the result of serious examinations of the rift between the two groups. The older JHQHUDWLRQLVQRWFRQVLGHULQJWKHGLUHFWLRQDQGFRQVHTXHQFHVRI the future that is being mapped out by the fatherless generation’s SUHYDLOLQJLQÁXHQFH7KH\RXQJHUJHQHUDWLRQLVGLVFRXQWLQJZKDW value might be derived from a more insightful evaluation of the KLVWRU\DQGFXOWXUHRI WKHIDWKHUVDQGLQWKHSURFHVVLWUXQVWKH risk of substituting information for wisdom. The center of this culture is an individualism that is beholden WRDXQLTXHVHWRI LPSHUDWLYHV7KHSULPDU\LPSHUDWLYHLVWKHQHHG for an identity. Unconnected to an identity linked to past genHUDWLRQVWKHRUSKDQPXVWGLVFRYHUDQRWKHUEDVLVIRUKLVLGHQWLW\ An identity that is connected to the past is one that potentially FRQWDLQVHOHPHQWVRI RQH·VIRUHEHDUVDQGRI DQLQKHULWDQFH:KHQ WKLVLQKHULWDQFHLVHPSRZHULQJDQGHQDEOLQJLWLVOLNHDVSULQJERDUG IRU D VXEVWDQWLDO OHDS IRUZDUG IRU RQH·V OLIH +RZHYHU ZKHQ WKH LQKHULWDQFHLVDQHJDWLYHRUKXUWIXOOHJDF\LWLVDOLDELOLW\7KHKDUVK WUXWKLVWKDWIRUWKHPDMRULW\RI WKHIDWKHUOHVVJHQHUDWLRQWKHLULPDJH of a father is unpleasant and may be destructive to their sense of ZHOOEHLQJVRWKH\GLVFDUGWKHSDVWDVDPDWWHURI VXUYLYDO7KH\ remain fatherless by the choice to reject the pain of their experience and are obligated to forge an identity without reference to the past. 16 7KH(IIHFWVRI 7KH)DWKHUOHVV&XOWXUH $VDUHVXOWWKHLQGLYLGXDOLVGHÀQHGZLWKLQWKHFRQWH[WRI KLPVHOIDQGLVUHVSRQVLEOHIRUKLVRZQSURYLVLRQDQGSURWHFWLRQ7KH orphan does not expect to receive any measure of help from the generation of his father. Since he has inherited nothing of value IURPWKHSDVWKHGRHVQRWEHOLHYHWKDWDQHFHVVDU\SDUWRI KLVLGHQWLW\ is to convey an inheritance to future generations. The resulting FRQWH[WRI RQH·VLGHQWLW\LVWKHVFRSHRI DVLQJOHOLIHWLPHIRFXVHG RQ SUHVHQW JRDOV DQG FLUFXPVWDQFHV 7KH RUSKDQ PXVW GHÀQH himself and his destiny in terms of what is attainable within WKHVSDQRI KLVRZQOLIH,QWKLVLQVWDQWFXOWXUHKHOLYHVZLWKRXW reference to either the past or the future. He is himself fatherless DQGWKHUHIRUHQDWXUDOO\UHMHFWVWKHUROHRI IDWKHULQJ7KHVHDUHWKH HVVHQWLDOFKDUDFWHULVWLFVRI WKHQHHGIRUSURYLVLRQDQGSURWHFWLRQ and they permeate all areas in which the fatherless generation has VLJQLÀFDQWLQÁXHQFH The fatherless generation has access to nearly unlimited amounts of information. This generation makes connections globally and is not necessarily loyal to any particular ethnic group or natural heriWDJH:KHUHDVSUHYLRXVJHQHUDWLRQVOHDUQHGIURPWKHWUDGLWLRQVRI WKHLUIDWKHUVDQGWKHLULGHDVZHUHÀOWHUHGWKURXJKWKHVHWUDGLWLRQV the fatherless generation is not so limited when seeking out sources for knowledge and wisdom. Information is accumulated and disWULEXWHG ZLWKRXW UHIHUHQFH WR DQ\ FXOWXUDO IUDPHZRUN DQG WKH DEVHQFHRI LQÁXHQFHIURPWKHFXOWXUHRI IDWKHUVDOORZVWKHIDWKHUOHVV to be unaccountable to any clear or distinct standards. The business realm has tapped into the needs of the fatherless JHQHUDWLRQWRGHYHORSSURGXFWVWKDWERWKFUHDWHDXQLTXHLGHQWLW\ IRU WKH LQGLYLGXDO EUDQGHG ZLWK WKH HSRQ\PRXV ´,µ ´P\µ DQG ´\RXµZKLOHFRQQHFWLQJWKHLQGLYLGXDOVLPXOWDQHRXVO\WRDJOREDO community. The success of these products feeds the duality of the RUSKDQFXOWXUH3ULYDF\LVDFRUQHUVWRQHRI WKHQHHGIRUSURWHFWLRQ DQG\HWLWLVEDODQFHGDJDLQVWWKHQHHGIRUSURYLVLRQWKHFRUQHUVWRQH of which is community. Social networking sites such as “MySpace” and “Facebook” are at once private and public. “YouTube” is simultaneously profoundly intimate and totally exhibitionist. Such 17 My Father! My Father! paradoxes have no rational explanation in the paradigm of the SUHYLRXV JHQHUDWLRQ <HW WKHVH YHQXHV IRU ´VKDULQJµ DUH LQGLVpensable to the spread of this generation’s culture. The fatherless JHQHUDWLRQKDVHPEUDFHGWKLVPRGHORI FRQWUDGLFWLRQEHFDXVHLW makes complete sense within their imperatives of provision and protection. /DFNLQJ VWDELOLW\ DQG SUHGLFWDELOLW\ LQ WKHLU UHODWLRQVKLSV WKH fatherless generation searches for intimacy. As divorce has introGXFHG WKHP WR QHZ VLEOLQJV DQG VWHSSDUHQWV WKLV JHQHUDWLRQ KDV had to learn to become a brother or sister to strangers. Family has EHFRPHDQDPRUSKRXVFRQFHSWVXSHUÀFLDODQGKLJKO\FKDQJHDEOH These highly variable circumstances have resulted in a deep yearning for a place of belonging and for identity. These experiences have yielded the simultaneous and contradictory desires for privacy and recognition. This generation tends to fear anonymity; so they are inclined to tell the virtual world all of the inane details of their OLYHV H[FHSW WKH GHWDLOV WKDW DFWXDOO\ PDWWHU VLQFH WKH\ DOVR FOLQJ ÀHUFHO\WRDGHVLUHIRUSULYDF\,QWKLVYHLQFHOHEULWLHVHDJHUIRUDQ H[SDQGHGIDQEDVHZLOOLQIRUPPLOOLRQVDERXWZKDWWKH\KDGIRU lunch at their favorite restaurant and tearfully plead to the same audience for the respect of their privacy when going through an agonizing divorce. The generation’s interests in products and services also follow these lines. Electronic games provide them with entertainment DW D OHYHO RI KXPDQ LQWHUDFWLRQ GHÀQHG RQO\ E\ WKHLU GHVLUH DQG personal boundaries. Ultimate control in the cyber world means WKDW GHVSLWH PRQVWHUV DQG GDQJHUV WR WKHLU DYDWDU WKHUH LV QR danger of rejection and abandonment. MATRIARCHY, A CULTURE OF SURVIVAL :LWKWKHDEVHQFHRI IDWKHUVPRWKHUVKDYHEHFRPHWKHGRPLQDQWFXOWXUDOLQÁXHQFHXSRQVXFFHHGLQJJHQHUDWLRQV0RWKHUVDUH left to the task of raising children by themselves without much in WKHZD\RI PHDQLQJIXOKHOSIURPRWKHUV:KHUHDVDIDWKHU·VUROH LVWRFRQÀUPDFKLOG·VLGHQWLW\DQGLPSDUWDVHQVHRI SXUSRVHDQG 18 7KH(IIHFWVRI 7KH)DWKHUOHVV&XOWXUH GHVWLQ\WKHEURNHQIDPLO\LPSDUWVPDLQO\WKHFXOWXUHRI VXUYLYDO The common reality that faces single mothers is a lack of UHVRXUFHV7KURXJKRXWWKHZRUOGIDPLOLHVKHDGHGE\ZRPHQDUH preoccupied with the daily struggle for provision and protection. 7KLVUHDOLW\IXUWKHUUHLQIRUFHVWKHRUSKDQPHQWDOLW\ZKLFKVXEVWLWXWHVD destiny dominated by the imperatives of provision and protection. 7KHIRXQGDWLRQRI RXUUHODWLRQVKLSWR*RGWKH)DWKHUDQGWKH IRXQGDWLRQRI RXUGHVWLQ\DVFKLOGUHQRI *RGLVWKHUHODWLRQVKLS RI IDWKHUVDQGVRQV7KHUHIRUHDPDWULDUFKDOVRFLHW\LVDQXQDFceptable alternative to the pandemic of fatherlessness. THE IMPACT ON GLOBAL SOCIETY 7KH SHUYDVLYH LQÁXHQFH RI WKH IDWKHUOHVV JHQHUDWLRQ XSRQ global culture is measurable in the way it has begun to reshape the major systems of society throughout the world. It is on track to EHFRPHWKHGRPLQDQWLQÁXHQFHVKDSLQJWKHIXWXUHRI WKHVHV\VWHPV $OWKRXJKLWLVVWLOOLQLWVLQIDQF\LWVLQÁXHQFHLVQHYHUWKHOHVVXQPLVWDNDEOHLQJOREDODUHQDVVXFKDVFRPPHUFHSROLWLFVDQGUHOLJLRQ COMMERCE The generation of the fatherless is at the center of commercial innovation and is the driving force of consumerism. In past decades RI IDVWULVLQJ FRQVXPHULVP WKH IDWKHUOHVV JHQHUDWLRQ ZDV DEDQdoned by busy parents and assuaged with the most popular forms of electronic entertainment. Single mothers were overwhelmed with the demands on their time and could do little more than meet the basic needs of their children. The “latchkey kid” became a VXEVHWRI WKLVJHQHUDWLRQ2QHFRQVHTXHQFHRI WKLVZDVWKDWWKLV JHQHUDWLRQ EHFDPH SHUVRQDOO\ IDPLOLDU ZLWK WHFKQRORJ\ )LUVW LW was a means of entertaining themselves; then it became a way to VXUSDVVWKHLUSDUHQWV·DFTXLVLWLRQRI PDWHULDOZHDOWK Electronics and technology became part of their identity. The latest advancements in entertainment and computer WHFKQRORJ\ KDYH SURGXFHG ELOOLRQGROODU LQGXVWULHV VXSSRUWHG almost entirely by the demand of the fatherless generation. Not 19 My Father! My Father! RQO\GLGWKLVJHQHUDWLRQVSDZQWKHDGYDQFHPHQWRI WKLVWHFKQRORJ\ their familiarity with the workings of the computer and its potential IRUSURÀWKDGPXFKWRGRZLWKWKHGHYHORSPHQWRI RQOLQHFRPmerce. :LWKWKHUDSLGH[SDQVLRQRI FRPPHUFHUHODWHGWRWKH,QWHUQHW WKHIDWKHUOHVVJHQHUDWLRQKDVEHFRPHRQHRI WKHPRVWÀQDQFLDOO\ successful demographics in the world. Before the advent of the UHTXLVLWHWHFKQRORJ\LWZDVKDUGWRLPDJLQHVXFKDODUJHQXPEHU RI \RXQJ SHRSOH EHLQJ VR ÀQDQFLDOO\ SRZHUIXO 7KH\ VXFFHHGHG LQE\SDVVLQJWKHDSSUHQWLFHVKLSV\VWHPZKLFKZDVWKHWUDGLWLRQDO pathway to wealth and position in previous generations. Neither did they have to wait for the deaths of their parents to inherit large amounts of money with which to build their own fortunes. They used the monetary freedom to create new areas of business that are compatible with their culture—primarily in the EXVLQHVV RI LQIRUPDWLRQ 7KH ,QWHUQHW LWVHOI WRJHWKHU ZLWK LWV UHODWHG LQIUDVWUXFWXUH UHSUHVHQWV D YDVW GLVWULEXWLRQ QHWZRUN IRU WKHÁRZRI LQIRUPDWLRQ)RUWXQHVFRQWLQXHWREHPDGHWKURXJK IXUWKHUGHYHORSPHQWDQGUHÀQHPHQWRI WKH,QWHUQHW :LWKWKHVSRLOVRI WKHLUHQWHUSULVHVEXWZLWKRXWWKHEHQHÀWRI DFRQQHFWLRQWRIDWKHUVWKHQHZO\ZHDOWK\IDWKHUOHVVGRQRWKDYH long-term strategies in mind. One of the results of this development is that older generations continue to invest in the industries WKH\ XQGHUVWDQG DQG KHOSHG GHYHORS ZKHUHDV WKH QHZO\ ZHDOWK\ generation has succeeded in creating a separate and distinct econRP\ $OWKRXJK WKLV GLYLVLRQ LV LQ WKH HDUO\ VWDJHV LWV FRQWLQXLQJ GHYHORSPHQWZLOOKDYHIDUUHDFKLQJFRQVHTXHQFHVWKDWZLOOPDQLfest in growing unemployment and in economic polarization. ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY The closest thing to a common spiritual belief among the fatherless generation is the conviction that the environment needs WR EH SURWHFWHG (QYLURQPHQWDOLVP DSSHDOV WR WKLV JHQHUDWLRQ because of their need for security in their provision. This generation YLHZVWKHSODQHWDVWKHVRXUFHRI DOOSURYLVLRQVLQFHWKHUHLVQR 20 7KH(IIHFWVRI 7KH)DWKHUOHVV&XOWXUH GHÀQHG FRQFHSW RI DQ LQKHULWDQFH IURP D SUHYLRXV JHQHUDWLRQ *HQHUDOO\WKH\FRQVLGHUWKHHQYLURQPHQWDOSROLF\RI WKHSUHYLRXV generation as rapacious and have characterized these environmentally harmful policies as the result of being motivated by the desire for ÀQDQFLDOJDLQ7KH\VHHWKHSUHYLRXVJHQHUDWLRQ·VGHVLUHIRUSURÀWability as having stripped future generations of an inheritance of the planet’s resources. ,Q RSSRVLWLRQ WR WKH HQYLURQPHQWDO SROLFLHV RI WKH SDVW WKH fatherless generation tends to be motivated by more utilitarian gains. ,Q WKH H[WUHPH WKLV JHQHUDWLRQ ZLOO SODFH WKH ZHOIDUH RI PRWKHU QDWXUH DERYH WKDW RI DQ LQGLYLGXDO RU JURXS LQ IXUWKHUDQFH RI ´WKHJUHDWHUJRRGµ7RWKLVJHQHUDWLRQRQHRI WKHPRVWDSSHDOLQJ aspects of the effort to protect the environment is that it affords them the feeling of passing on an inheritance to future generations WKDWLVFRPSDWLEOHZLWKWKHLUPRWLYDWLRQIRUVHOISUHVHUYDWLRQEXW UHTXLUHVRQO\DYLFDULRXVFRPPLWPHQWWRIXWXUHJHQHUDWLRQV Having maligned the previous generation’s environmental SROLF\ DV FRQWUDU\ WR WKHVH JRDOV WKLV W\SH RI HQYLURQPHQWDO policymaking tends to lack the consideration of traditional forms of energy supply and production. It is a common approach to analysis in this generation: once the group agrees that the perceived LOOZDVWKHSURGXFWRI WKHSUHYLRXVJHQHUDWLRQ·VFRQGXFWLWW\SLFDOO\ feels no obligation to justify its proposed alternatives. It is then IUHHWRSURSRVHDQ\VROXWLRQYLHZLQJFULWLFLVPDVWKHSUHGLFWDEOH UHDFWLRQRI WKHH[LVWLQJDQGIDLOHGDXWKRULW\VWUXFWXUH%\GLVFUHGLWLQJ WKHSUHVHQWJHQHUDWLRQLWDVVXPHVDQHDUWRWDOIUHHGRPWRSURSRVH alternatives with impunity. The result is a policy driven by such RSHUDWLYH WHUPV DV ´UHQHZDEOHµ ´VXVWDLQDEOHµ ´HQYLURQPHQWDOO\ IULHQGO\µDQGWKHOLNHDQGVROXWLRQVWRWKHSUREOHPVRI PDQ·VPLVXVH and abuse of the environment that may disregard related costs or the effectiveness of the proposed solutions. THE CHURCH The widest chasms between the generation of the fatherless and previous generations exist in their views of religion. Institu21 My Father! My Father! tional religion is based on tradition and practices that have been HOHYDWHG WR WKH VWDWXV RI VDFUHG ZULW VLPSO\ EHFDXVH WKH\ DUH FXVWRPDU\ZD\VLQZKLFK6FULSWXUHKDVEHHQLQWHUSUHWHG+RZHYHU the fatherless generation is unbound from the traditions of their fathers and views these traditions with suspicion. The younger generation does not have the same need to attend a religious service. The fatherless generation has previously XQIDWKRPDEOH DFFHVV WR LQIRUPDWLRQ YLD WKH :RUOG :LGH :HE 8QOLNHSUHYLRXVJHQHUDWLRQVWKHIDWKHUOHVVJHQHUDWLRQGRHVQRWJR WRFKXUFKWRREWDLQLWVLQIRUPDWLRQRQUHOLJLRXVVXEMHFWVDQGWKH view of the local pastor is not necessarily the view of the congregation DVDZKROH5HOLJLRXVSUDFWLFHVKDYHPDLQWDLQHGVRPHDSSHDOE\WKH FRQWLQXLQJDJUHHPHQWRI WKHPDMRULW\RI WKHUHOLJLRXVFRPPXQLW\ but the young people who attend religious services do not necessarily hold the same views on religious subjects as the preacher or the older church constituency. The conduct of the younger generation RQNH\LVVXHVVXFKDVFRKDELWDWLRQWKHXVHRI GUXJVDQGDOFRKRO and general social norms shows an astonishingly wide gulf between the two generations within the same church denominations. Some churches have adapted by effectively creating two congregations: one for the older generation and one for the younger generation. Nearly everything about these two expressions is radically different. This divided house acknowledges the rift between the generations and yet further separates them. AN AD HOC SPIRITUALITY 7RDYRLGLUUHOHYDQFHWKHFKXUFKHVWKDWKDYHODUJHQXPEHUVRI attendance have messages that are custom tailored to placate the fatherless culture. These messages are a blend of self-help psycholRJ\DQGPRWLYDWLRQDOVSHHFKHVGHVLJQHGWRLPSDUWLQIRUPDWLRQRQ DFKLHYLQJÀQDQFLDOVXFFHVVDQGPDLQWDLQLQJKHDOWK\OLIHVW\OHV7KH\ are market-sensitive messages designed around consumer preferences DQG KDYH QR DFWXDO VSLULWXDO UHOHYDQFH +RZHYHU WKH\ VHHP WKH perfect blend for the fatherless generation who are inclined to look to church for information on lifestyle issues. 22 7KH(IIHFWVRI 7KH)DWKHUOHVV&XOWXUH Although on the surface it appears that this generation is driven E\FRQVXPHULVPLWLVWUXHQHYHUWKHOHVVWKDWLWKDVDGHHSORQJLQJ for spiritual truth. It has searched for religious truth and has great VWRUHVRI LQIRUPDWLRQRQUHOLJLRXVPDWWHUV<HWLWODFNVWKHFODULW\ RI WKH WUXWK $EVHQW JXLGDQFH DQG LQVWUXFWLRQ PHPEHUV RI WKLV JHQHUDWLRQ DUH OLNHO\ WR VHHN RQO\ IRU VSHFLÀF QHHGV EXW GR QRW understand the overarching principles that form the framework for XQGHUVWDQGLQJWKHVSHFLÀFLVVXHV 7KH\KDYHJHQHUDOO\DEDQGRQHGWUDGLWLRQDO&KULVWLDQLW\KDYLQJ DVVRFLDWHGLWZLWKKXUWIXOH[SHULHQFHVIURPWKHLUFKLOGKRRGVLQFH many of this generation have come from broken families who were members of religious denominations. They have seen the failure RI WKHSUDFWLFHRI UHOLJLRQWRLQÁXHQFHWKHFRQGXFWRI WKHLUSDUHQWV LQDUHDVRI IDPLOLDOVWDELOLW\DQGWKHIUHTXHQF\RI GLYRUFHDPRQJ religious and nonreligious people alike. 23 My Father! My Father! 24 A CHAPTER 3 New Ethical and Moral Basis Continuing the discussion of the effects of the fatherless FXOWXUHLWLVLPSRUWDQWWRQRWHWKDWWKHIDWKHUOHVVJHQHUDWLRQRSHUDWHV IURPDXQLTXHPRUDOSHUVSHFWLYH7KHPRUDODQGVSLULWXDOFRQYLFWLRQV RI WKLV JHQHUDWLRQ DUH QRW JHQHUDOO\ LQÁXHQFHG E\ DQ\ SUHYDLOLQJ &KULVWLDQZRUOGYLHZ,QVWHDGWKH\WHQGWRDULVHIURPKLJKO\SHUVRQDO convictions that come from within the spheres of their own expeULHQFHV7KHLUVWDQGDUGVDQGWKHFKRLFHVWKH\UHÁHFWDUHFRPPRQO\ in opposition to the standards of the older generation. Some of the common points of disagreement between the generations include their views on abortion and premarital sex. :KHUHDVWKHROGHUJHQHUDWLRQPD\FRQVLGHUDERUWLRQDKLGHRXVVLQ the younger generation tends to regard it as purely a matter of perVRQDOFKRLFH$QGZKHUHDVWKHROGHUJHQHUDWLRQZRXOGKDYHEHHQ VFDQGDOL]HGE\DOOHJDWLRQVRI SUHPDULWDOVH[WKH\RXQJHUJHQHUDWLRQ is likely to have had multiple sexual partners prior to marriage. The fundamental change between the views of the generations is a change from societal standards related to an overall worldYLHZWRDKLJKO\LQGLYLGXDOL]HGVWDQGDUG7KLVQHZVWDQGDUGDSSOLHV beyond the religious context to virtually every form of interaction. One example of this clash between cultures occurred recently in UHODWLRQWRWKHPXVLFLQGXVWU\7KH1DSVWHUFDVHUDLVHGWKHTXHVWLRQ of whether personal moral convictions should overrule an existing 25 My Father! My Father! VRFLDOVWDQGDUG6SHFLÀFDOO\WKHTXHVWLRQZDVZKHWKHUWKHH[LVWLQJ social standard of paying for music should give way to the next generation’s view that music should be free. 7KURXJKWKHH\HVRI WKH\RXQJHUJHQHUDWLRQIUHHPXVLFGRZQloads were an entitlement. Those engaging in “music sharing” DUJXHG WKDW IURP WKH WLPH WKH\ ZHUH FKLOGUHQ PDUNHWHUV KDYH enticed them to buy products by giving them free gifts. They cited H[DPSOHVRI WKHFROODERUDWLRQEHWZHHQPRYLHVWXGLRVVRIWGULQN FRPSDQLHVDQGKDPEXUJHUFKDLQVDQGWKHFDPSDLJQVGHVLJQHGWR ERWKEULQJFKLOGUHQLQWRWKHPRYLHWKHDWHUVDQGWRVHOOSURGXFWV DOODVSDUWRI DVLQJOHRYHUDOOPDUNHWLQJVWUDWHJ\7KHJHQHUDWLRQ argued that companies had traditionally given them trinkets to LQGXFHWKHPWRSXUFKDVHWKHLUSURGXFWV,QH[FKDQJHWKH\ERXJKW an array of related merchandise. 6LQFHWKLVZDVWKHFXOWXUHLQZKLFKWKH\JUHZXSWKH\H[SHFWHG music artists and the record companies to provide them with the PXVLFIRUIUHHZKLOHWKH\DQWLFLSDWHGSD\LQJIRUWLFNHWVWROLYHFRQFHUWVZKHUHWKH\ZRXOGDOVREHHQWLFHGWREX\DOOW\SHVRI UHODWHG merchandise. They cited the fact that many famous artists also created FORWKLQJOLQHVDQGDFFHVVRULHVGHVLJQHGWREHQHÀWIURPWKHSXEOLF appeal of the artists. 7KHROGHUJHQHUDWLRQRQWKHRWKHUKDQGDUJXHGWKDWWKHDUWLVWV ZHUHHQWLWOHGWRSURÀWIURPWKHVDOHRI WKHVRQJVWKHPVHOYHVDQG that the taking without payment was a crime. Although the case LWVHOI ZDVUHVROYHGLQIDYRURI PDLQWDLQLQJWKHWUDGLWLRQDOYLHZLWV impact brought to light the thinking of an entire generation. MoreRYHUWKLVFODVKKDGWKHHIIHFWRI IXQGDPHQWDOO\FKDQJLQJWKHPXVLF LQGXVWU\1RZIRUDQRPLQDOIHHFRQVXPHUVPD\HOHFWWRSXUFKDVH only the song they choose and many popular artists distribute their music free over the Internet while making considerable revenues from ticket sales to live concerts and having become recognized brands for a wide range of consumer products. FATHERLESSNESS IN THE BLACK CHURCH The fatherless culture’s impact on churches in the United States 26 $1HZ(WKLFDODQG0RUDO%DVLV has been different in large predominantly Black or predominantly :KLWHFKXUFKHVKDYLQJIROORZHGWKHQHHGVRI WKHIDWKHUOHVVFXOWXUH XQLTXHWRHDFKRI WKHVHFRPPXQLWLHV7KHPHVVDJHLQWKHODUJHU Black churches has evolved from the days of the civil rights movePHQWWRWKHSUHVHQW'XULQJWKHFLYLOULJKWVPRYHPHQWWKH%ODFN church played a key role in transitioning Black society from virtual exclusion to a greater inclusion within the nation. Black leaders from the older generation were both religious and political leaders who attempted to play a fatherly role from within the church. The institutional Black church accepted these leaders as both UHOLJLRXVDQGSROLWLFDOFRQIHUULQJDQH[WUDRUGLQDU\VWDWXVWRWKHP within the Black community. The term “reverend” was applied as readily to a preacher as to a politician. The principle job of the preacher-politician was to negotiate with the central government on behalf of the Black community over a wide range of social issues and empowerment initiatives. This model changed as Black society itself made the long journey from mere survival to the presidency of the United States of America. $ORQJ WKH ZD\ %ODFN VRFLHW\ KDV XQGHUJRQH SURIRXQG DQG LUUHYHUVLEOHFKDQJHV7KHVRFLHW\KDVUHPDLQHGIDWKHUOHVVHYHQLQLWV evolution. The roles of preachers and politicians have been largely separated as a result of the overall change in Black society. The SUHDFKHULVQRORQJHUUHTXLUHGWREHDSROLWLFLDQDQGWKHFXOWXUH of the orphan has changed the message of the preacher from an HPSKDVLVRQSROLWLFDOHQIUDQFKLVHPHQWWRÀQDQFLDOHPSRZHUPHQW with the Black church as the purveyor of the message. On Sunday PRUQLQJVLQODUJH%ODFNFKXUFKHVWKHPHVVDJHIURPWKHSXOSLWLV DVPXFKDERXWÀQDQFLDOSURVSHULW\DVLWLVDERXWIDLWK7KHWHDFKings of Jesus are typically reduced to statements that can be used WRPRWLYDWHWKHDXGLHQFHWRZDUGÀQDQFLDOJDLQ +RZHYHUEH\RQGWKHGHVLUHIRUÀQDQFLDOHPSRZHUPHQWWKHUH is a yearning for a connection to eternal truths emerging within %ODFNVRFLHW\$VROLGPLGGOHFODVVKDVDULVHQDQGLWLVOHDGLQJWKH ZD\ WRZDUG D VHULRXV LQTXLU\ LQWR VSLULWXDO WUXWK DQG SUDFWLFHV 0DQ\YRLFHVDUHQRZDVNLQJTXHVWLRQVRI SURIRXQGVSLULWXDOGHSWK 27 My Father! My Father! for which there are no obvious answers. This search will continue beyond the boundaries of Black society itself. As the changes conWLQXHWKH\RXQJHUJHQHUDWLRQRI %ODFNSHRSOHZLOOFRQWLQXHWRGHI\ the standards by which their forebears lived. 2OGHUJHQHUDWLRQVRI %ODFNSHRSOHIHOWOLPLWHGE\LVVXHVRI UDFH HGXFDWLRQ DQG ÀQDQFHV <RXQJHU %ODFN SHRSOH DUH WKURZLQJ RII those limitations and seeking answers beyond them. This act yields WUHPHQGRXVSRWHQWLDOIRUFKDQJHQRWMXVWLQWKH%ODFNFKXUFKEXW also in Black society as a whole. FATHERLESSNESS IN WHITE MEGACHURCHES ,Q FRQWUDVW WR %ODFN VRFLHW\ ZKLFK LV D IDWKHUOHVV FXOWXUH EHFDXVHWKHPDMRULW\RI FKLOGUHQDUHERUQWRVLQJOHSDUHQWVFKLOGUHQ LQ:KLWHVRFLHW\EHFRPHRUSKDQVSULPDULO\DVDUHVXOWRI GLYRUFH $OWKRXJK WKH QHHG IRU ÀQDQFLDO HPSRZHUPHQW LV JUHDW DPRQJ :KLWHRUSKDQVWKHQHHGLVJUHDWHU\HWLQ%ODFNVRFLHW\DQG:KLWH orphans tend to have greater success in overcoming the obstacles WR ÀQDQFLDO SURVSHULW\ WKDQ RUSKDQV ZKR DUH %ODFN +RZHYHU EHFDXVHRI WKHDEDQGRQPHQWDQGQHJOHFWWKDW:KLWHRUSKDQVH[SHULHQFHWKURXJKWKHEUHDNXSRI WKHLUIDPLOLHVWKHLUVRFLDOWUDLQLQJ LV RIWHQ GHÀFLHQW $ YDULHW\ RI VROXWLRQV KDYH SUROLIHUDWHG WR WU\ DQGUHPHG\WKLVGHÀFLHQF\ 0DQ\:KLWHHYDQJHOLFDORUFKDULVPDWLF&KULVWLDQVJRWRFKXUFK on Sundays to be instructed in good manners and social graces. Television programs and social network sites offer advice on everything from dating and cooking to child rearing. One of the sources that provides this form of remedial information is the :KLWHPHJDFKXUFK8QOLNHWKH%ODFNFKXUFKZKLFKFRQFHQWUDWHV LWV PHVVDJHV RQ ÀQDQFLDO HPSRZHUPHQW WKH :KLWH FRXQWHUSDUW offers information on a wider range of subjects. The Sunday morning experience is an attempt to compensate IRUWKHORVVRI IDWKHUVUHVXOWLQJLQWKHORVVRI FXOWXUH&KXUFKHV WKHUHIRUHSURYLGHRSSRUWXQLWLHVIRUVRFLDOÀQDQFLDODQGSROLWLFDO QHWZRUNLQJ 7KH SUREOHP KRZHYHU LV WKDW LW LV D JDWKHULQJ RI orphans who are then being instructed by orphans. Although this 28 $1HZ(WKLFDODQG0RUDO%DVLV H[FKDQJHODFNVWKHREMHFWLYLW\WKDWPLJKWRWKHUZLVHPDNHLWXVHIXO it feels useful by the mere fact that the information appeals to the LPSHUDWLYHVRI SURYLVLRQDQGSURWHFWLRQLQWKHIRUPWKDWLVLPSRUtant to the congregation. THE FATHERLESS AS RELIGIOUS POSTMODERNISTS Another permutation of the fatherless culture that has arisen ZLWKLQDUHOLJLRXVFRQWH[WLVWKHUHOLJLRXVSRVWPRGHUQLVWVZKRKDYH their own distinct point of view. They have largely rejected the HPSKDVHVRQÀQDQFLDOHPSRZHUPHQWDQGVRFLDOPDQQHUVDVSDUW of their overall rejection of the church system. Their beliefs are formulated in the more general view of the failure of the systems of modern society that is held by postmodernists. Like their secular SRVWPRGHUQFRXVLQVWKH\UHMHFWWKHYDOLGLW\RI DOOWKLQJVODEHOHGDV modernist and have an abiding faith in the “emerging church.” By pointing to the obvious failures of church movements in JHQHUDO UHOLJLRXV SRVWPRGHUQLVWV WDNH WR WKHPVHOYHV WKH ULJKW WR GHFLGHWKHIRUPRI DOOWKLQJVUHOLJLRXVLQFOXGLQJWKHUHGHÀQLWLRQRI God. They have managed to fashion a god to their own liking. The resulting god has none of the characteristics of the fathers they despise and exhibits the behaviors that are socially acceptable and QRQWKUHDWHQLQJ6XFKDJRGQHYHUGLVFLSOLQHVQRUUHTXLUHVDFFRXQWability. That god believes in the inherent goodness of man and always interprets man’s behavior through the lenses of altruism. 7KURXJK WKLV OHQV WKH SHUVRQ ZKR KDV UHMHFWHG DOO WKH HYLOV RI PRGHUQLVP VXFK DV UDFLVP HFRQRPLF FRORQLDOLVP DQG H[ploitation of nature and is laboring to create a society based RQ IDLU WUDGH JUHHQ WHFKQRORJ\ DQG D ]HUR FDUERQ IRRWSULQW LV RQH ZKR SRVVHVVHV DOO WKH TXDOLWLHV RI DQ HYROYHG KXPDQ 7KH religious postmodernist is a person who has no need to be DFFRXQWDEOH:KDWHYHUWKDWSHUVRQGRHVLVPRWLYDWHGE\WKHKLJKest of human ideals and will create a world the way God intended it in the beginning. An essential characteristic of religious postmodernists as a group is that they have replaced the image of a father with that of 29 My Father! My Father! the group. The group is characterized by the lack of confrontation and the constant search for consensus. They may accept a father ÀJXUHDVD´PHQWRUµ+RZHYHUWKHPHQWRU·VLQSXWLVOLPLWHGWRVXJJHVWLRQVZKLFKWKH\DUHIUHHWRDFFHSWRUUHMHFWDWZLOO7KHPHQWRU LVDOZD\VRQWULDODQGKLVDFWLRQVDUHVFUXWLQL]HGDQGFRPSDUHGWR the fathers who failed that generation. 7KHVFRSHRI WKHUHOLJLRXVSRVWPRGHUQLVWV·LQÁXHQFHXSRQWKH church culture of their generation will emerge with greater clarity over time. A UNIFIED GLOBAL CULTURE HAS ARISEN Although the culture of the fatherless has permeated human VRFLHW\LWKDVODUJHO\JRQHXQQRWLFHG,WLVIRUPLQJLWVHOI LQWRDQHZ global order whose effects are everywhere. Yet the underlying cause KDVUHPDLQHGXQQRWLFHGDQGXQLGHQWLÀHG7KLVJHQHUDWLRQW\SLFDOO\ derives its information from global sources and understands how the greater systems upon which human life depends are becoming integrated seamlessly into a common global order. They view QDWLRQDOFRQFHUQVDFFRUGLQJWRKRZWKH\DIIHFWWKLVJOREDORUGHU and their loyalties are shifting from national preoccupations to a global outlook. &RUUHVSRQGLQJO\ D JOREDO FXOWXUH LV IRUPLQJ ,W LV SUHVHQWO\ OLQNHG WR WKH FUHDWLRQ VWRUDJH DQG GLVWULEXWLRQ RI LQIRUPDWLRQ Access to the Internet has permitted this generation to peer into VRPHRI WKHGHHSHVWVHFUHWVRI WKHZRUOG·VSROLWLFDODQGÀQDQFLDO empires. Because this generation of fatherless people has transIHUUHGWKHLUVHQVHRI UHVSRQVLELOLW\WRDJOREDOFRPPXQLW\WKH\GR not tend to observe restraint in distributing the information they gather to a worldwide audience. $VPHQWLRQHGSUHYLRXVO\WKHRUSKDQFXOWXUHRI WKLVJHQHUDWLRQLV driven by the twin imperatives of the search for provision and proWHFWLRQ7KHRUSKDQUHOLHVXSRQQRRQHEXWKLPVHOIDQGEHOLHYHV that his future is of his own making. He has received no inheritance of value from previous generations and does not feel any measure RI REOLJDWLRQWRHQGRZIXWXUHJHQHUDWLRQV,QKLVVHOIUHOLDQFHWKH 30 $1HZ(WKLFDODQG0RUDO%DVLV RUSKDQQHYHUIXOO\WUXVWVDQ\RWKHUSHUVRQDQGLVFRPPLWWHGWRKLV RZQZHOOEHLQJDVKLVÀUVWSULRULW\+HLVJRYHUQHGE\WKHIHDURI not having enough to provide for all his needs and of never being JRRG HQRXJK WR PHHW WKH H[SHFWDWLRQV RI RWKHUV $Q RUSKDQ LV WKHUHIRUHDOZD\VLQVHFXUHDERXWWKHPRWLYHVRI RWKHUV+LVGHVWLQ\ LVGHÀQHGE\KLVVNLOOVDQGKHGRHVQRWYLHZKLVOLIH·VSXUSRVHDV part of an unfolding reality. His destiny can only be calculated to DXJPHQW KLV DELOLW\ WR VXSSO\ ZKDW KH QHHGV DQG KLV VXFFHVV LV measured in terms of his accomplishments. 7KHRUSKDQKDVQRVHQVHRI DGLYLQHFDOOLQJGHÀQLQJKLVGHVWLQ\ :KHQHYHUKHWKLQNVRI KLVUHODWLRQVKLSWR*RGKHDXWRPDWLFDOO\ defaults to a standard of performance. He wants to know what SULFHKHPXVWSD\WRREWDLQWKHIDYRURI *RGDQGHYHQZKHQKH HPEUDFHVDWKHRORJ\RI JUDFHKHVWLOOIXQFWLRQVRXWRI DPHQWDOLW\ of works. His religious faith seems to have almost no impact upon these fundamental tenants of his culture. He lives between the natural world and the spiritual world and manages to maintain his mental health by keeping these two worlds completely separate. 7KH ULVH RI WKLV FXOWXUH LWV SHUYDVLYHQHVV DQG LWV VHHPLQJ LQH[RUDEOH PRPHQWXP UDLVHV PDQ\ TXHVWLRQV UHJDUGLQJ PDQ KLV H[LVWHQFH DQG KLV GHVWLQ\ )URP ZKHUH GLG WKH FXOWXUH RI WKH RUSKDQRULJLQDWHDQGKRZKDVLWFRPHWREHVRFRPSOHWHO\SHUYDVLYH" Has humankind always been like this? Is this culture the inevitable result of man having evolved out of primordial substances to become the dominant fearsome predator? 3HUKDSV PRUH SUHVVLQJ DUH WKH TXHVWLRQV RI D EHWWHU ZD\ ,V WKHUHDZD\WRDQREOHUH[LVWHQFH",I VRZDVWKHUHHYHUDQDOWHUQDWLYH YLVLRQWKDWGHÀQHGPDQ·VH[LVWHQFHDQGSXUSRVH"$QGFDQKHÀQG his way home—perhaps even to his Father’s house? 31 My Father! My Father! 32 T CHAPTER 4 he Spirit of the Orphan «EXWIURPWKHEHJLQQLQJLWZDVQRWVR The fall of man has been far more precipitous than religious WUDGLWLRQVKDYHWDXJKW:KHQ*RGFUHDWHGPDQ+LVRULJLQDOLQWHQW ZDVWRFUHDWHDVRQZKRVHSXUSRVHLQFUHDWLRQZDVWRUHSUHVHQW *RGKLV)DWKHU7KHIDOOERWKVHSDUDWHGWKHVRQIURPWKHIDWKHU and changed the culture of man from that of a son to that of an RUSKDQ7KLVUHVXOWHGLQWKHLQWURGXFWLRQRI WKHIDWKHUOHVVFXOWXUH D GLVWLQFW DQG XQLTXH FXOWXUH WR WKH HDUWK DQG IUXVWUDWHG *RG·V original purpose for creating man. The fatherless culture is more than the impetus for the commission of sinful acts. It is an altered state of thinking and acting based upon a fundamental change in the way man perceives reality. $V WROG LQ 6FULSWXUH WKLV FXOWXUH KDV H[LVWHG DQG KDV JURZQ to its present expression from the beginning of human history. This was not the nature of the relationship between God and man WKDW*RGRULJLQDOO\LQWHQGHGDV-HVXVRQFHUHPDUNHG´IURPWKH beginning it was not so.”10 ADAM WAS THE SON OF GOD 7KLV WUXWK KDV EHHQ XQHTXLYRFDOO\ VWDWHG LQ 6FULSWXUH *RG decided to make Adam in His own image and likeness;11 DQG 33 My Father! My Father! WKHUHIRUH $GDP ZDV FUHDWHG DV ´WKH VRQ RI *RGµ12 +RZHYHU most religious traditions choose to see man as a creation that God made for the purpose of worshiping Him. They present man as WKLVORZO\FUHDWXUHZKRLQDQXQLPDJLQDEOHDFWRI FROOXVLRQZLWK 6DWDQ EHFDPH DQ XQFRQVFLRQDEOH LQJUDWH $V SXQLVKPHQW WKH Creator banished him from paradise and condemned him to death and hell until the time God would choose to save him. In these WUDGLWLRQVPDQLVWKHUHDIWHUUHTXLUHGWRGRWKLQJVWRSOHDVH*RGRU HOVHVXIIHUWKHFRQVHTXHQFHRI DQHWHUQDOKHOO7KLVVWRU\FRQWDLQV VRPH HOHPHQWV WKDW DUH WUXH EXW LV IDU IURP WKH WUXWK RI PDQ·V relationship to God. A far greater purpose for the creation of man is revealed in the preparations God made for the advent of man into creation. *RGGHVLJQHGDZRUOGWKDWZRXOGUHQHZLWVHOI IRUDYHU\ORQJWLPH indicating that His purposes for the creation of man were meant to unfold over many millennia and would include a vast number of human beings. God established an entire economy to provide for His sons. He created “seed-bearing plants and trees on the land WKDWEHDUIUXLWZLWKVHHGLQLWDFFRUGLQJWRWKHLUYDULRXVNLQGVµ +H FUHDWHG ´OLYLQJ FUHDWXUHV DFFRUGLQJ WR WKHLU NLQGV OLYHVWRFN FUHDWXUHV WKDW PRYH DORQJ WKH JURXQG DQG ZLOG DQLPDOV HDFK according to its kind.”7KHQDIWHU+HFUHDWHGPDQ+HGHFODUHG that these things were intended for man’s provision: ,JLYH\RXHYHU\VHHGEHDULQJSODQWRQWKHIDFHRI WKHZKROH HDUWKDQGHYHU\WUHHWKDWKDVIUXLWZLWKVHHGLQLW7KH\ZLOO EH\RXUVIRUIRRG$QGWRDOOWKHEHDVWVRI WKHHDUWKDQGDOO WKHELUGVRI WKHDLUDQGDOOWKHFUHDWXUHVWKDWPRYHRQWKH JURXQG³HYHU\WKLQJWKDWKDVWKHEUHDWKRI OLIHLQLW³,JLYH HYHU\JUHHQSODQWIRUIRRG15 God created a son in God’s own image and in His own likeness. The purpose for the creation of man is contained in this fact. 34 7KH6SLULWRI WKH2USKDQ MAN IS SPIRIT 2QWKHVL[WKGD\RI FUHDWLRQDIWHU*RGKDGFUHDWHGHYHU\WKLQJ QHFHVVDU\ WR VXVWDLQ KXPDQ OLIH +H FUHDWHG PDQ *RG ÀUVW GHFODUHG+LVLQWHQWWRPDNHPDQLQ+LVRZQLPDJHLQ+LVRZQ likeness.16 7KHQ +H H[HFXWHG WKDW LQWHQWLRQ H[DFWO\ ´6R *RG FUHDWHG PDQ LQ KLV RZQ LPDJH LQ WKH LPDJH RI *RG KH FUHDWHG him; male and female he created them.” God fashioned the form RI PDQRXWRI FOD\IURPWKHGXVWRI WKHJURXQGDQG+HLQVHUWHG LQWRWKLVIRUPDVSLULWZKLFKFDPHRXWRI WKHYHU\SHUVRQRI *RG 7KXV*RGPDGHPDQ·VWUXHQDWXUHWKDWRI VSLULWDQGDVRQRI *RG *RG LV WKH )DWKHU RI RXU VSLULWV ´>:@H KDYH DOO KDG KXPDQ fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live!” Man is the only creation that may claim to be the son of God. 6RQVKLSLVLQUHJDUGWRPDQ·VVSLULWQRWKLVERG\ Our physical ERG\LVQRWWKHSDUWRI RXUEHLQJWKDWLVOLNH*RGDVDVRQLVOLNH his father. God created the form that the man’s spirit would occupy RXWRI WKHPRVWFRPPRQHOHPHQWVIRXQGRQWKHHDUWK7KHERG\ IDVKLRQHGIURPWKHGXVWRI WKHJURXQGZDVPHDQWWRGLH20 to be discarded and raised as a spiritual body.210RUHRYHU*RGGRHVQRW discriminate in the sonship of humans based on their physical attriEXWHV:HDUHDOOVRQVZLWKRXWUHJDUGIRUUDFHEORRGOLQHRUJHQGHU22 :KHQ *RG LPSDUWHG +LV 6SLULW LQWR PDQ RXW RI +LV RZQ SHUVRQ +H FUHDWHG D EHLQJ WKDW ZDV FRPSDWLEOH ZLWK WKH QDWXUH of God. The intent of God was to make a son who would be in kind and nature like God. God designed him so that God could FRPPXQLFDWH ZLWK KLP DQG GLUHFW KLP DQG KH ZRXOG UHVSRQG EHFDXVHKHZDVE\QDWXUHOLNH*RG*RGWKHQSODFHGWKLVVSLULWXDO being into the previously formed creation. $VDVSLULWXDOHQWLW\$GDPZDVDQDOLHQWRWKHHDUWK7KHRULJLQ RI KLVVSLULWLVIURPWKHYHU\SHUVRQRI *RGPDNLQJPDQXQLTXH among all created beings. Humans are an entirely different speFLHVIURPHLWKHUWKRVHWKDWH[LVWLQWKHKHDYHQVVXFKDVDQJHOVDQG 35 My Father! My Father! GHPRQVRUWKHDQLPDOVWKDWRFFXS\WKHSK\VLFDOUHDOP*RGKDV never included any other creature in the designation “sons of God.” 2QHRI WKHFRQVHTXHQFHVRI WKHIDOOZDVPDQ·VORVVRI DELOity to hear God. It was always the intention of God to fellowship ZLWK+LVVRQ6SLULWWRVSLULW´7KH6SLULWKLPVHOI WHVWLÀHVZLWKRXU spirit that we are God’s children.” For God to communicate with PDQWKHKXPDQVSLULWPXVWEHFRPSDWLEOHZLWKWKH6SLULWRI *RG 2WKHUZLVH*RGFRXOGRQO\FRPPXQLFDWHZLWKPDQWKURXJKV\PEROV W\SHVVKDGRZVDQGFRSLHV $IWHUWKHIDOOPDQ·VRZQSHUFHSWLRQRI JRRGDQGHYLOUHSODFHG God’s impartation—which man received during his daily visit ZLWK *RG 0DQ·V VSLULW EHFDPH LQVHQVLWLYH WR WKH YRLFH RI *RG and he was no longer informed through his interactions with God. $OWKRXJK*RGZRXOGFRQWLQXHWRVSHDNWRKXPDQNLQGPDQ·VQHZ culture of heeding his own wisdom had taken root. From that WLPHRQPDQ·VRZQYRLFHZRXOGFRQVWDQWO\FRPSHWHZLWKWKHYRLFH of God. %HLQJ WKH VRQ RI *RG PDQ ZDV GHVLJQHG WR IXQFWLRQ LQ tandem with God. He was to be the agent through whom God ZRXOG SXW RQ GLVSOD\ +LV RZQ QDWXUH %XW WKH LQWURGXFWLRQ RI D radically distinct culture of independence in the fall would continue to oppose the culture of man as a son. SONS ARE RULERS ´:KHQ*RGFUHDWHGPDQKHPDGHKLPLQWKHOLNHQHVVRI *RG He created them male and female and blessed them. And when WKH\ZHUHFUHDWHGKHFDOOHGWKHP¶PDQ·µ26 “Adam” is the proper QDPH*RGJDYHWRKLVÀUVWVRQEXW´DGDPµDOVRPHDQV´PDQµLQ the general sense.,WLVDSSURSULDWHWKHUHIRUHWRUHIHUWRWKHJHQHUDOFRQGLWLRQRI PDQNLQGLQWHUPVWKDWDSSO\WR´$GDPµDQGUHIerences herein to the rule of man or the fall of man apply to Adam DQG(YHEHFDXVH$GDPDQG(YHZHUHERWKWKHVRQVRI *RG God put man in creation to manage an order that God had established in the earth prior to making man. The order of living things was this: 36 7KH6SLULWRI WKH2USKDQ 7KHQ*RGVDLG´/HWWKHODQGSURGXFHYHJHWDWLRQVHHGEHDULQJ SODQWVDQGWUHHVRQWKHODQGWKDWEHDUIUXLWZLWKVHHGLQLWDFFRUGLQJWRWKHLUYDULRXVNLQGVµ$QGLWZDVVR«$QG*RG VDLG´/HWWKHZDWHUWHHPZLWKOLYLQJFUHDWXUHVDQGOHWELUGV Á\DERYHWKHHDUWKDFURVVWKHH[SDQVHRI WKHVN\µ«*RG EOHVVHGWKHPDQGVDLG´%HIUXLWIXODQGLQFUHDVHLQQXPEHU DQGÀOOWKHZDWHULQWKHVHDVDQGOHWWKHELUGVLQFUHDVHRQ WKH HDUWKµ «$QG *RG VDLG ´/HW WKH ODQG SURGXFH OLYLQJFUHDWXUHVDFFRUGLQJWRWKHLUNLQGVOLYHVWRFNFUHDWXUHVWKDW PRYHDORQJWKHJURXQGDQGZLOGDQLPDOVHDFKDFFRUGLQJWR LWVNLQGµ$QGLWZDVVR *RGPDGHPDQDQGGHFODUHG´OHWWKHPUXOHRYHUWKHÀVKRI WKH VHDDQGWKHELUGVRI WKHDLURYHUWKHOLYHVWRFNRYHUDOOWKHHDUWK and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” Even the lights in the expanse of the sky were part of this order. God created WKHPWRQRWRQO\VHSDUDWHGD\DQGQLJKWEXWDOVRVHUYHDVVLJQVWR GHVLJQDWH WKH FKDQJLQJ VHDVRQV DV ZHOO DV GD\V DQG \HDUV God intended them not only to show the cycles of changing years and HSRFKVEXWDOVRWRVLJQDOWKHLQWURGXFWLRQRI KHDYHQO\PDQGDWHV into time.%HIRUH$GDPVLQQHGKHZDVOLYLQJRXWWKHGHVWLQ\WR rule over the earth as the son of God. ,QFRPPLWWLQJUXOHWR$GDP*RGLQWHQGHGWRSODFHDVRQLQ FUHDWLRQ WKDW LQ KLV UXOH ZRXOG EH DV D VXUURJDWH RI KLV )DWKHU :KHQ*RGFUHDWHGWKHHDUWK+HH[WHQGHGKLVRZQUXOHRYHUWKLV QHZUHDOP+HWKHUHIRUHRZHGDGXW\WRHLWKHUUXOHLWKLPVHOI RU to do so through a surrogate. All forms of rule express the nature and the imperatives of the VRYHUHLJQ$FFRUGLQJO\H[DFWUHSUHVHQWDWLRQLVDQHVVHQWLDOHOHPHQW of the rule of an agent of the sovereign. Since rule on the earth ZRXOGRI QHFHVVLW\GLVSOD\WKHQDWXUHRI *RGLWZDVHVVHQWLDOWKDW God’s representative on the earth be one who understood the naWXUHRI *RG0DQ·VUXOHLQWKHHDUWKWKHUHIRUHKDGWREHWKHH[DFW PDQQHULQZKLFK*RGKLPVHOI ZRXOGUXOH2WKHUZLVHWKHIRUPRI rule of the earth would not represent the rule of God. 37 My Father! My Father! 2QO\DFUHDWXUHVSHFLÀFDOO\PDGHIRUWKLVSXUSRVHFRXOGIXOÀOO WKLVUROHDQGRQO\DVRQRI *RGFRXOGUHSUHVHQWWKHUXOHRI *RG accurately. Inasmuch as the son himself is a “[partaker] of the GLYLQHQDWXUHµRI KLVIDWKHU a son would know and understand the nature of the Father. Only a son could impart the underlying culture of the father’s rule to the domain over which the son has been established to rule. $V VRYHUHLJQ RYHU WKH HDUWK $GDP ZDV WDVNHG ZLWK HVWDEOLVKLQJ a form of order that was a mirror image of the existing order of KHDYHQLWVHOI+HZDVUHTXLUHGWRWUDQVODWHWKHRUGHURI *RGDVLW existed in heaven into the earth. Both the form of his rule and the spirit of his rule were to be representations of the existing heavenly order. %\FRQWUDVWWKHGHOHJDWHGUXOHRI DVHUYDQWZRXOGEHGLVWLQFWO\ different from the rule of a son. The son knows the intent of his father’s heart and is the heir of all that the father possesses. A VHUYDQWRQWKHRWKHUKDQGFDQRQO\H[HFXWHZKDWKHKDVEHHQWROG 7KHVHUYDQWKDVQRFDSDFLW\WRUHSUHVHQW*RGEHFDXVHKHLVQRWD ´SDUWDNHUµRI WKHVDPHQDWXUHRI WKH)DWKHULQWKHZD\RI DVRQ The servant is obligated to view everything from a servant’s viewpoint and not from the point of view of an heir. The heir seeks the DGYDQFHPHQWRI KLVIDWKHU·VLQWHUHVWVEHFDXVHWKH\DUHWKHVDPHDV KLVRZQ$VHUYDQWLVSUHRFFXSLHGZLWKIXOÀOOLQJKLVGXW\7KHKHLU RZQV WKH ZKROH KRXVH ZKHUHDV WKH VHUYDQW SHUIRUPV WKH GXWLHV associated with his station within the house. /LNHZLVHDQJHOVDUHPLQLVWHULQJVHUYDQWVZKRVHUYHWKHLQWHUHVWV RI *RGDQGWKHVRQVRI *RG:KHUHDVVRQVDUHFDSDEOHRI SRUtraying the nature and character of their father; a son is a personal UHSUHVHQWDWLRQRI KLVIDWKHU7KHUHIRUH*RGGLGQRWFRPPLWWKH UXOH RI WKH HDUWK WR DQJHOV EHFDXVH DOWKRXJK DQJHOV DUH JUHDW LQ SRZHUWKH\DUHQHYHUWKHOHVVVHUYDQWV GOD’S SOVEREIGN NATURE All forms of government are rooted in some concept of sovereignty. Historic forms of sovereignty are mainly monarchical 38 7KH6SLULWRI WKH2USKDQ and over time have ruled nations through dynasties. In modern WLPHVKRZHYHUVRYHUHLJQW\EHLQJGHVFULEHGDVWKHVRXUFHRI WKH DXWKRULW\WRJRYHUQKDVEHHQUHDVVLJQHGDVDULVLQJIURPWKHSHRSOH RUIURPWKHVWDWH5HJDUGOHVVRI WKHIRUPWKDWVRYHUHLJQW\WDNHV the administration associated with the execution of the sovereign’s power is inevitably through delegates. The associated bureaucracies DUHUHTXLUHGWRWUDQVODWHWKHFXOWXUHRI WKHVRYHUHLJQLQWRSUDFWLFDO DGPLQLVWUDWLRQDQGDUHWKHUHIRUHWKHIDFHWKDWWKHVRYHUHLJQSUHVents to the governed. )RUH[DPSOHLQWKHFDVHZKHUHWKHSHRSOHDUHWKHVRYHUHLJQD common complaint is that the agents of the administration do not UHÁHFWSURSHUO\WKHLGHDOVRI WKHSHRSOHZKLFKLVRIWHQWKHVRXUFH of the people’s discontent. The search is always for representatives of the government who accurately portray the collective culture of WKHSHRSOHDVVRYHUHLJQ,QFRPSDULVRQWKHVWDWHDVVRYHUHLJQKDV routinely produced an administration characterized by contempt for individual freedoms and aspirations. Maintaining the power of the monolithic state has been characteristic of the nature of these DGPLQLVWUDWLRQV,QHYHU\FDVHWKHVRYHUHLJQLVEHVWVHUYHGE\DQ administration in which the culture of the sovereign is most accurately portrayed. 7KHVDPHLVWUXHRI WKHGHOHJDWHGUXOHRI DPRQDUFK:KHQD UXOHUVHQGVKLVVRQWRDQHZGRPDLQKHGRHVVRWREULQJWKHFXOWXUH RI WKHKRXVHLQWRWKDWSODFH7KHVRQLVDYLFHUR\RI KLVIDWKHUWKH king. +LVWRULFDOO\WKHDUULYDORI DYLFHUR\VLJQDOHGWKHVHULRXVLQWHQW RI DFRQTXHULQJNLQJWR´FLYLOL]HµQHZWHUULWRULHVDQGSHRSOHVE\ LPSRVLQJWKHNLQJ·VODZVLQVWLWXWLRQVSUDFWLFHVDQGFXVWRPVXSRQ WKH FRQTXHUHG SHRSOH 7KH WHUP ´FLYLOL]DWLRQµ LV RIWHQ XVHG WR describe the process of imposing a standard of civil order upon DQH[LVWLQJFXOWXUH$VDQH[DPSOHZKHQDPRUHSRZHUIXOQDWLRQ VXEGXHVDOHVVSRZHUIXOQDWLRQLWLVWKHKDELWRI WKHSRZHUIXOWR LPSRVH LWV ODZV LQVWLWXWLRQV DQG FXVWRPV XSRQ WKH FRQTXHUHG people. The intent is to create uniformity throughout the empire. The weaker nation is “civilized” to the standards of the more pow39 My Father! My Father! HUIXOQDWLRQ7KHUHVXOWLVWKDWWKHFRQTXHUHGQDWLRQH[SHULHQFHVD FKDQJHLQLWVLQVWLWXWLRQVDQGSUDFWLFHV7KHROGRUGHULVVZHSWDZD\ and the new order is implemented. :KHQ WKH YLFHUR\ ZDV D VRQ RI WKH UXOLQJ NLQJ WKHUH FRXOG be no mistake regarding the intention of the king to bring those territories under the rule of the throne and to infuse the culture of WKHFRQTXHUHGSHRSOHZLWKWKHFXOWXUHRI WKHLUQHZNLQJ,QDVPXFK DVWKHNLQJVHQWKLVVRQLWZDVWREHFOHDUO\XQGHUVWRRGWKDWLWZDV the undisguised intent of the monarch to give his highest priority to imposing the way of life already established in his kingdom upon his new citizens. %HLQJUDLVHGE\KLVIDWKHUWKHVRQZDVIXOO\DZDUHRI WKHFXOWXUH of his father and of the kingdom. It would be inconceivable that the son would deviate substantially from the norms of the court of KLVIDWKHU7KHVRQZDVDIWHUDOODFWXDOO\UXOLQJIRUKLPVHOIEHFDXVH eventually he would be king. By accurately representing his father’s JRYHUQPHQWWKHVRQPLJKWLQVXUHWKHFRQWLQXLW\RI WKHNLQJGRP itself. Great noble families often ruled kingdoms for centuries in WKLVZD\0RQDUFKLFDOUXOHLVE\QDWXUHWUDQVJHQHUDWLRQDO %\FRQWUDVWDVHUYDQWRUVODYHKDVQHLWKHUWKHFXOWXUHRI WKH IDWKHUWRUXOHDVWKHIDWKHUZRXOGUXOHQRUWKHLQFOLQDWLRQWRDFW IRUWKHEHQHÀWRI IXWXUHJHQHUDWLRQVRI UXOHUV1RELOLW\LVGLVWLQguished by the sense of continuity through multiple generations. The conservation of power over multiple generations produces a distinctly different culture of rule than what may be accomplished LQDVLQJOHOLIHWLPHRUIRUWKHEHQHÀWRI DQLQGLYLGXDO GOD’S REPRESENTATIVE IS HIS SON $GDPZDVVHQWLQWKHSODFHRI *RGWKH)DWKHUDYLFHUR\RI WKH .LQJGRPRI +HDYHQ7KHDSRVWOH3DXOZURWH´)RUWKLVUHDVRQ, NQHHOEHIRUHWKH)DWKHUIURPZKRPKLVZKROHIDPLO\LQKHDYHQDQGRQHDUWK GHULYHVLWVQDPH”:KHQDIDWKHUVHQGVDVRQLQWRDQHZWHUULWRU\ WKHIDPLO\H[WHQGVLWVHOI WKURXJKWKHVRQLQWRWKDWGRPDLQ:KHQ *RGSXW+LV6RQLQWRWKHHDUWKWKH.LQJGRPRI +HDYHQH[LVWHG LQERWKKHDYHQDQGHDUWK$OWKRXJKWKHKHDGTXDUWHUVUHPDLQHGLQ 40 7KH6SLULWRI WKH2USKDQ KHDYHQWKHUXOHRI WKH.LQJGRPZDVQRZRQHDUWKLQWKHVDPH fashion in which it was in heaven. Although the domain of heaven DQGHDUWKDUHPDUNHGO\GLIIHUHQWWKHFKDUDFWHURI UXOHLVWKHVDPH VLQFHDOOIRUPVRI UXOHUHÁHFWWKHFKDUDFWHURI WKHVRYHUHLJQ $V WKH GHOHJDWHG UXOHU LQ WKH HDUWK $GDP·V PDQGDWH ZDV WR UHSUHVHQWKLV)DWKHU%\PDNLQJKLVGHOHJDWHDVRQLQWKHLPDJH DQGOLNHQHVVRI KLV*RG*RGHQVXUHGWKHUHZDVQRLPSHGLPHQWWR Adam’s ability to accurately represent the nature of his Father. ([DFWUHSUHVHQWDWLRQRI DQRWKHUUHTXLUHVVDPHQHVVRI EHLQJ and accurate positioning with respect to the one who is being repUHVHQWHG$GDPZDVLQQDWXUHD´SDUWDNHURI WKHGLYLQHQDWXUHµ since his being was issued out of the person of God. The term ´VRQµLVWKHDSSURSULDWHGHVLJQDWLRQVLQFH$GDPZDVDVSLULWZKRVH origin was out of the person of God. Although God implanted +LV VSLULW LQWR D ´KRXVH RI PRUWDO FOD\µ man’s essential nature remained a spirit. God designed man with this sameness of spirit with the intention of assigning him the role of exactly representing God in the earth. :KHQ *RG SODFHG $GDP LQWR WKH HDUWK +H ZDV DFFXUDWHO\ positioning Adam as the head of the government of the Kingdom of Heaven in the domain of earth. The attack upon Adam by Satan was targeted to disrupt the accuracy of his positioning. Adam’s commission to rule the earth and to “subdue it” was a grant of authority from God—it cannot function independently RI *RG·VLQÁXHQFHVLQFH$GDPZDVWKHYLFHUR\WRUXOHLQ*RG·V VWHDG6DWDQFRXOGQRWDIIHFWWKHUHDOLW\RI $GDP·VVRQVKLSVLQFH that was settled by God’s decision both to create Adam as His VRQDQGWRUHJDUGKLPDV+LVVRQ$GDPKRZHYHUZDVYXOQHUDEOH in the matter of the choices that informed the character of his UXOH+HFRXOGUXOHDVDVRQFRQWUROOHGE\WKHQDWXUHRI KLV)DWKHU UHVLGHQWZLWKLQKLPRUKHFRXOGHOHFWWRGLVFDUGWKDWUHVWUDLQWDQG UXOHLQGHSHQGHQWO\DVKHVDZÀW:KHQ$GDPFKRVHWKHODWWHUKLV rule devolved into his personal pursuit for provision and protection. ,Q WKH UXOH RI $GDP WKH HDUWK ZDV PHDQW WR VHH DQ H[DFW display of the nature of God himself. Adam’s rule would por41 My Father! My Father! tray the order and the character of God. The result would be that the same order of relationships that exists in heaven would be on GLVSOD\RQWKHHDUWKWKURXJK*RG·VVRQ$GDP8QGHUWKHUXOHRI WKHVRQDOOZKROLYHGRQWKHHDUWKZRXOGH[SHULHQFHWKHJRRGQHVV of God. This is seen in Jesus’ declaration of the purpose for which +HKDGEHHQJLYHQWRWKHHDUWK´><@RXUNLQJGRPFRPH\RXUZLOO be done on earth as it is in heaven.” :KHQ *RG PDGH $GDP God intended that the Kingdom would exist on the earth as it did LQKHDYHQWKHZLOORI *RGZRXOGEHGRQHRQWKHHDUWKDVLWZDV LQKHDYHQDQGDOORI WKHEHQHÀWVDVVRFLDWHGZLWKWKHUXOHRI *RG would come upon the earth through Adam. The announcement of the birth of Jesus was the declaration of God’s intent to restore the government of heaven to the earth in the form of His Kingdom and to invite humans to seek the good order and peace of His rule over their lives. God was resuming WKHSXUVXLWRI +LVRULJLQDOSODQZKLFK+HÀUVWUHYHDOHGWKURXJK Adam. Isaiah prophesied the coming of Jesus and the restoration RI WKHJRYHUQPHQWRI WKH.LQJGRPRI +HDYHQZKHQKHZURWH ´)RUWRXVDFKLOGLVERUQWRXVDVRQLVJLYHQDQGWKHJRYHUQPHQW will be on his shoulders.” THE SAME ORDER IN EARTH AND HEAVEN God created the earth to house physical allegories of heaven’s WUDQVFHQGHQWTXDOLWLHV´)RUVLQFHWKHFUHDWLRQRI WKHZRUOG*RG·V LQYLVLEOH TXDOLWLHV³KLV HWHUQDO SRZHU DQG GLYLQH QDWXUH³KDYH EHHQFOHDUO\VHHQEHLQJXQGHUVWRRGIURPZKDWKDVEHHQPDGHVR that people are without excuse.” God often chooses to explain great truths of heaven through references to the plant and animal NLQJGRP 6R D VRQ ORRNV OLNH KLV IDWKHU DQG SODQWV DQG DQLPDOV reproduce according to their own kind. These physical representations DFW DV YHLOHG W\SHV DQG VKDGRZV WKDW UHÁHFW WKH DFWXDO RUGHU RI heaven. +XPDQ UHODWLRQVKLSV KRZHYHU DUH WKH PRVW FRQVLVWHQWO\ utilized format through which God explains Himself. God created $GDPDV+LVVRQDQGLVWKHUHIRUHLQWKHUROHRI )DWKHU$GDPZDV 42 7KH6SLULWRI WKH2USKDQ JLYHQVSLULWRXWRI WKHEHLQJRI *RGDQGWKHSODFHRI DVRQLVFUHDWHG6RQWKHUHIRUHLVWKHDSSURSULDWHGHVLJQDWLRQIRUWKDWZKLFK issues out of another. Adam is then put into a deep sleep and God takes a part of his body and forms another body out of it. God IRUPHG(YHRXWRI $GDPDQGZKHQ*RGSUHVHQWHGKHUWRKLP $GDP GHFODUHG WKDW VKH LV ´ERQH RI P\ ERQHV DQG ÁHVK RI P\ ÁHVKVKHVKDOOEHFDOOHG¶ZRPDQ·IRUVKHZDVWDNHQRXWRI PDQµ (YHDOVRZDVJLYHQDVSLULWIURP*RGDVLVWKHFDVHZLWKDOOKXPDQLW\ 6LQFH $GDP KXPDQV KDYH KDG WKLV GXDO LGHQWLW\ VLQFH WKHLU ERGLHVDUHWKHSURGXFWVRI WKHVHHGRI WKHLUIDWKHUVLQFXEDWHGLQ WKHLUPRWKHU·VZRPEV+RZHYHUDOOKXPDQVSLULWVDUHRULJLQDOJLIWV from God;DOOKXPDQVDUHERUQRI ÁHVKDQGPD\EHERUQDJDLQ of spirit./LNHZLVHWKHUHODWLRQVKLSEHWZHHQDKXVEDQGDQGZLIHLV part of God’s divine order and explains certain heavenly truths. Paul taught that God designed this type and shadow to explain the mystery of Christ and the Church. By making the woman’s ERG\ RXW RI WKH PDQ *RG FUHDWHG D SK\VLFDO UHSUHVHQWDWLRQ RI KRZ*RG+LPVHOI FUHDWHGPDQE\JLYLQJKLPDQHQGRZPHQWRI VSLULWRXWRI *RG·VRZQSHUVRQ(YHZDVWKHUHIRUHWKHÀUVWVRQRI $GDPVLQFH*RGFKRVHWRIDVKLRQKHUERG\RXWRI $GDP·VÁHVK and bone. God deliberately made woman this way as the foundation of the essential character of heavenly government. Not only did God make the physical creation to be an allegory RI WKH RUGHU RI KHDYHQ EXW +H DUUDQJHG +LV JRYHUQPHQW DV D IRUPRI UXOHGHVLJQHGIRUUHSUHVHQWDWLRQQDPHO\WKHRQHZKRKDG DXWKRULW\LVUHTXLUHGWRWUDLQLQVWUXFWDQGPRGHOIRUWKHRQHZKR LVXQGHUDXWKRULW\WKHSURSHURUGHURI UXOH,QGXHFRXUVHWKHRQH under authority becomes mature and can replicate the same order of rule in which he had been trained within the spheres of his DXWKRULW\,QWKLVPRGHOWKHIDWKHUZRXOGKDYHWUDLQHGWKHVRQWR H[DFWO\UHSUHVHQWWKHIDWKHU7KHLQÁXHQFHRI WKHIDWKHUZRXOGEH SHUYDVLYH\HWKHZRXOGQRWLPPHGLDWHO\FRQWURODOOWKHVSKHUHVDQG domains over which his sons would rule. The father’s contribution would be the creation of a culture and the sons would have executive decision making over their spheres of authority. 43 My Father! My Father! $VDZRPDQ(YHZDVERWKWKHVRQRI *RGDQGWKHVRQRI Adam. Eve’s administration was meant to display in part the DXWKRULW\*RGJDYHWR$GDP:LWKUHVSHFWWR$GDP(YHZDVÁHVK RI KLVÁHVKDQGERQHRI KLVERQHDQGZDVGHVLJQHGWRIXQFWLRQ ZLWKKLP<HWVKHZDVDVVLJQHGDIXQFWLRQWKDWZDVGLVWLQFWIURP anything he could possibly do himself. Although he contained the VHHGIURPZKLFKDOOWKHQDWLRQVZRXOGFRPHZLWKRXW(YHWKHHDUWK ZRXOGUHPDLQXQSRSXODWHG+HUUROHDVKLVVRQLQFOXGHGKHUXQLTXH position as his wife. These twin roles were not incompatible inasPXFKDVWKHUROHRI VRQUHIHUVWRWKHFDSDFLW\RI UHSUHVHQWDWLRQ ZKLOHWKHUROHRI ZLIHGHÀQHVWKHIRUPRI WKDWUHSUHVHQWDWLRQ :LWKRXW(YH·VDGPLQLVWUDWLRQ$GDP·VDXWKRULW\ZRXOGUHPDLQ ZLWKKLPDORQH%\FUHDWLQJ(YHRXWRI $GDP*RGPDGHLWSRVsible for them to have the closest relationship possible between two human beings. This was meant to portray the type of relationship possible between God and man on the basis of one Spirit to DQRWKHUVSLULW)RU´KHWKDWLVMRLQHGXQWRWKH/RUGLVRQHVSLULWµ DQG´>W@KH6SLULWKLPVHOI WHVWLÀHVZLWKRXUVSLULWWKDWZHDUH*RG·V children.” %\ PDNLQJ KHU GLVWLQFW IURP $GDP KRZHYHU *RG HQGRZHG(YHZLWKWKHFDSDFLW\WRXQLTXHO\UHSUHVHQW$GDP Although Adam and Eve were separate creatures with individual LGHQWLWLHVWKH\ZHUHGHVLJQHGE\*RGWRIXQFWLRQLQWHUGHSHQGHQWO\ DQG ZLWKRXW FRPSHWLWLRQ 7KHUH ZDV WKHUHIRUH QR QHHG IRU HTXDOLW\ VLQFH HTXDOLW\ DQG IDLUQHVV DUH WKH ZD\V LQ ZKLFK ULJKWHRXVQHVV LVGHVFULEHGLQDQHQYLURQPHQWRI FRPSHWLWLRQ+RZHYHUZLWKLQ WKH IXQFWLRQDO FRQWH[W RI LQWHUGHSHQGHQF\ WKH XQLTXHQHVV RI each person may be fully celebrated. There would be no place for MHDORXV\HQY\DQGVWULIHVLQFHWKHRQHVXQGHUDXWKRULW\DUHLQGLVpensable to the display of the culture of those in authority and the true character and intent of those in authority are given the widest possible expression through the administrations of those by whom they are represented. 7KH HIIHFW RI $GDP·V VHSDUDWLRQ IURP KLV )DWKHU KRZHYHU became immediately apparent. All of his relationships were afIHFWHGE\WKHIDOODQGWKHVHHGVRI GLVFRUGZLWKLQKLVUHODWLRQVKLSV 44 7KH6SLULWRI WKH2USKDQ ÁRZHUHGIXOO\RYHUWKHFRXUVHRI KXPDQFLYLOL]DWLRQ+HUHMHFWHG WKHXQLTXHUHODWLRQVKLSZLWKKLVZLIHKHUVRQVKLSDQGLPPHGLDWHO\ began to view her as wholly other than himself. Adam changed KLV SHUVSHFWLYH IURP GHVFULELQJ (YH DV ´ÁHVK RI P\ ÁHVKµ WR ´>W@KHZRPDQ\RXSXWKHUHZLWKPHµEODPLQJ*RGDQG(YHIRUKLV sin.+DYLQJORVWKLVRZQVRQVKLS$GDPVWULSSHG(YHRI KHUVLQ UHODWLRQVKLSWRKLPVHOIWKXVLQWURGXFLQJFRPSHWLWLRQDQGWKHUHE\ elevating the value of individualism over corpus. The environment of comparison and competition that Adam’s UHMHFWLRQRI (YHHQJHQGHUHGZRXOGKDYHGHYDVWDWLQJFRQVHTXHQFHV %\ WKH VHFRQG JHQHUDWLRQ RI PDQ WKH VSLULW RI JHQRFLGH ZDV introduced when Cain killed his brother Abel in jealousy. $GDP UHPDLQHG LQ FUHDWLRQ IRU QHDUO\ RQH WKRXVDQG \HDUV GXULQJZKLFKWLPHWKHRUGHURI KXPDQVRFLHW\IXOO\HYROYHGXQder his rule. Although he sinned and his rule increasingly deviated IURP KLV RULJLQDO PDQGDWH *RG QHYHU UHYRNHG WKH DXWKRULW\ +H gave Adam over creation. Adam was the original father who had WDONHGZLWK*RGDQGKHHVWDEOLVKHGWKHIXQGDPHQWDORXWOLQHVWKDW formed the context of his rule together with the accompanying order of its government. The form of Adam’s government was rooted in the centrality RI WKH UROH RI WKH IDWKHU DQG WKH UHSUHVHQWDWLRQ RI WKH IDWKHU·V FXOWXUHWKURXJKVRQV'XULQJ$GDP·VOLIHWLPHWKLVIRUPZRXOGWDNH RQWKHFRPSOH[LW\RI IDPLO\KRXVHKROGFODQWULEHDQGQDWLRQDV the descendants of a father multiplied in the earth. This form of rule was the optimum form for the maintaining of good order and peace over multiple generations. All of human society was initially EDVHGXSRQWKLVIRUPRI RUGHUXQWLOWKHPHDQVRI WUDYHOLQJZLGHO\ allowed migration and the intermixing of nations to form alternative social orders. 45 My Father! My Father! 46 T CHAPTER 5 he Knowledge of Good and Evil %XW\RXPXVWQRWHDWIURPWKHWUHHRI WKHNQRZOHGJHRI JRRG DQGHYLOIRUZKHQ\RXHDWRI LW\RXZLOOVXUHO\GLH God’s nature is to love. Love cannot remain as an unexpressed HPRWLRQ,I WKHQDWXUHRI RQHLVWRORYHWKHQWKHPHUHH[LVWHQFH of that nature compels the one possessing it to put it on display. %HFDXVH *RG LV ORYH LW ZDV DOZD\V LQHYLWDEOH WKDW +H ZRXOG HYHQWXDOO\H[SUHVV+LVORYHDQGEHFDXVH+LVORYHLVSHUIHFW+LV H[SUHVVLRQ RI LW ZRXOG DOVR GHÀQH WKH QDWXUH RI ORYH SHUIHFWO\ 7KDWH[SUHVVLRQZRXOGWKHUHIRUHLQYROYHDFUHDWLRQGHVLJQHGWR give expression to the nature of God Himself: «(YHU\RQH ZKR ORYHV KDV EHHQ ERUQ RI *RG DQG NQRZV *RG :KRHYHU GRHV QRW ORYH GRHV QRW NQRZ *RG EHFDXVH *RGLVORYH7KLVLVKRZ*RGVKRZHGKLVORYHDPRQJXV+H VHQWKLVRQHDQGRQO\6RQLQWRWKHZRUOGWKDWZHPLJKWOLYH WKURXJKKLP7KLVLVORYHQRWWKDWZHORYHG*RGEXWWKDW >+@HORYHGXVDQGVHQWKLV6RQDVDQDWRQLQJVDFULÀFHIRURXU VLQV'HDUIULHQGVVLQFH*RGVRORYHGXVZHDOVRRXJKWWRORYH RQHDQRWKHU1RRQHKDVHYHUVHHQ*RGEXWLI ZHORYHRQH DQRWKHU*RGOLYHVLQXVDQGKLVORYHLVPDGHFRPSOHWHLQXV 47 My Father! My Father! The facets of the love of God come together and are seen through the Son. All who individually represent different aspects of the love of God as parts of the body of the Son are destined to be presented together as one corporate entity—the Body of Christ. SATAN’S ARGUMENT :KHQ*RGDQQRXQFHG+LVFKRLFHIRU+LVKHLUV6DWDQIRUPHGD UHEHOOLRQDJDLQVWWKHFKRLFH7KHDFWRI UHEHOOLQJFDOOHGLQWRTXHVWLRQ *RG·VULJKWHRXVQHVVLPSO\LQJWKDW+HPDGHDQHUURQHRXVFKRLFH when He chose man as His heir. The argument is simple: if the FUHDWXUHLVXQZRUWK\WKHQ*RG·VFKRLFHRI KLPLVHUURQHRXVDQG the argument of Satan that the angels and Satan were unfairly passed over would be tantamount to God having made a mistake. ,I *RGZHUHWRKDYHPDGHDPLVWDNHWKHQDOOFODLPVWR+LVÁDZOHVV wisdom and perfection would be spurious. Even if God did not UHFDQW+LVFKRLFHRI PDQDQGFKRRVHDQJHOVLQVWHDGLI +LVFKRLFH ZHUH SURYHQ WR EH PLVWDNHQ WKHQ 6DWDQ·V HIIRUW WR XQVHDW +LP would have a chance of succeeding. God could have responded E\DQQLKLODWLQJ6DWDQDQGKLVDQJHOVEXWGRLQJVRZRXOGKDYHOHIW XQDQVZHUHG WKH TXHVWLRQ RI WKH ULJKWHRXVQHVV RI *RG·V FKRLFH +HWKHUHIRUHFUHDWHGWKHHDUWKDQGPDQLQRUGHUWRUHVROYHWKLV TXHVWLRQ 6DWDQFDPHLQWRWKH*DUGHQRI (GHQPRWLYDWHGE\WKLVSULRU KLVWRU\ZLWKWKHLQWHQWRI HQJDJLQJWKHFRQÁLFWRQWKHHDUWK$QJHOVHQMR\VLJQLÀFDQWDGYDQWDJHVRYHUPDQZKHQWKH\FRPHLQWR the domain of man. They have prior knowledge derived from their previous places in heaven together with the advantage of being VSLULW EHLQJV LQ D QDWXUDO ZRUOG 7KHUHIRUH *RG KDV OLPLWHG WKH manner in which Satan and his angels could engage man. 7KHHDUWKZDVFUHDWHGWRKRVWWKHH[LVWHQFHRI PDQZKRP*RG FDOOHG+LVVRQ7KLVLV´WKHEHJLQQLQJµUHIHUUHGWRLQ*HQHVLV “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Since *RG DORQH LV WKH %HJLQQLQJ DQG WKH (QG everything else that exists God created. The angels and all other creations in heaven preexisted man and this physical creation. 48 7KH.QRZOHGJHRI *RRGDQG(YLO $VPHQWLRQHGSUHYLRXVO\*RGQHYHUUHIHUUHGWRDQDQJHODVD son and created angels in anticipation of their service to the sons. 7KHFUHDWLRQRI WKHDQJHOVSUHGDWHGWKDWRI PDQEHFDXVH*RGFUHDWHGDOODQJHOVDVVHUYDQWVÀUVWWR*RGDQGVXEVHTXHQWO\WRPDQ The order of created things shows God’s plan that He intended WRSXWLQWRHIIHFWDWWKHDSSURSULDWHWLPHLQWKHVHTXHQFHRI +LV choosing. Angels were created into categories of service and are limited LQWKHLUIXQFWLRQLQJWRWKHLUGHVLJQ$VQRWHGHDUOLHUDVRQGXHWR KLVVDPHQHVVRI QDWXUHPD\UHSUHVHQWKLVIDWKHUZKHUHDVDVHUYDQW LVGHVLJQHGRQO\WRSHUIRUPDVSHFLÀFWDVNDQGQRWIRUEURDGDQG general representation. Some of these categories include warring DQJHOVPHVVHQJHUDQJHOVDQGDQJHOVGHVLJQHGIRUWKHKRO\RUGHURI procession when God chooses to reveal Himself to the spirit of man in visions and dreams. God announced His intention to bring forth a race of beings through which He would put on display the totality of His being according to His eternal plan. It was immediately apparent to the DQJHOV³SDUWRI WKHSULRUFUHDWLRQRI ZKLFK6DWDQZDVWKHPLJKWLest and most eminent—that this decision would confer the greatest inheritance possible upon a creature. Such a creation would be PDGHDEHQHÀFLDOKHLURI WKHQDWXUHRI *RG+LPVHOI+HZRXOGEH *RG·VVRQFUHDWHGLQWKHLPDJHDQGOLNHQHVVRI *RG$VWKHVRQ RI *RGKHZRXOGKDYHJHQHUDODXWKRULW\LQKHDYHQDQGRQHDUWK God’s decision to create a race of these creatures was rooted in His nature to love; for God is love. GOD’S LOVE *RGH[SUHVVHG+LVORYHE\FUHDWLQJPDQDEHLQJOLNH+LPLQ nature that could choose to inherit the authority of God’s Kingdom and extend the rule of heaven to the earth; and by man’s UXOH*RG·VQDWXUHDQGFKDUDFWHU+LVORYHZRXOGEHIXOO\GLVSOD\HG /RYHLVLQKHUHQWO\YXOQHUDEOHLWSXWVRQH·VLQWHUHVWDWULVNLQWKH KDQGVRI DQRWKHUZKLOHLQYHVWLQJIDLWKDQGKRSHLQWKHUHFLSURFDO affection of the other. The reciprocal nature of love means that 49 My Father! My Father! love cannot exist if it is not expressed. The love of God is different from His creative competence or the glory evidenced by the harmonies of divine order. The highest form of God’s love is expressed in the desire of the one created WREHOLNH*RGRXWRI ZKRPKHFDPHIRUWK7KHWHUP´ZRUVKLSµ describes the most complete expression of this desire. Being like God means loving as God loves. It means choosing a path that is SDUWRI WKHIXOOFRUSRUDWHH[SUHVVLRQRI WKHORYHRI *RGWRWKH rest of the world. Until God created creatures capable of being endowed with +LVQDWXUHDQGZRXOGUHFLSURFDWHE\HPEUDFLQJWKHGHVLUHWREH like Him as their personal choice and would submit their personal desires to the corporate government that would cause them to IXQFWLRQLQDPDQQHUVLPLODUWRWKHSDUWVRI WKHKXPDQERG\WKH love of God would remain unrevealed. God expressed His love by FUHDWLQJPDQZKRE\GHOHJDWLRQFRXOGIXOO\H[SUHVVWKHORYHRI God to all creation. The full expression of God’s love is meant to occur corpoUDWHO\ZLWKHDFKLQGLYLGXDOEHLQJRQHIDFHWRI WKHODUJHUH[SUHVVLRQ This corporate expression is built upon the father and son relationVKLS7KLVUHODWLRQVKLSLVWKHEXLOGLQJEORFNRI WKHIDPLO\RI *RG also known as the House of God. :KHQDKRXVHKDVEHHQEXLOWWKHFUHDWLYLW\WKDWRQFHH[LVWHG within the designer of the house is outwardly put on display for all to see. The house itself is useful for all that it has been designed WRDFFRPPRGDWHDQGLWVUHOHYDQFHLVGHWHUPLQHGE\LWVIXQFWLRQ 7KHVWUXFWXUH·VEHDXW\WRJHWKHUZLWKLWVIXQFWLRQKRZHYHUFRQIHUV a measure of honor to its designer that is even greater than may be conferred upon the structure itself. The beauty of the form of WKHEXLOGLQJVLOHQWO\WHVWLÀHVWRWKHFUHDWLYLW\DQGFKDUDFWHURI WKH designer. :KHQ PDQ IXQFWLRQV DV *RG GHVLJQHG KLP WR IXQFWLRQ KH confers value to the earth. In that sense he functions as a house. In WKHEHDXW\RI KLVIXQFWLRQLQJKRZHYHUKHWHVWLÀHVWRWKHQDWXUH RI *RGKLVGHVLJQHUDQGWKHJUHDWHUJORU\EHORQJVWR*RGZKR 50 7KH.QRZOHGJHRI *RRGDQG(YLO PDGHKLP³´:KHQ&KULVWZKRLV\RXUOLIHDSSHDUVWKHQ\RXDOVR will appear with him in glory.” “…[J]ust as the builder of a house has greater honor than the KRXVHLWVHOI)RUHYHU\KRXVHLVEXLOWE\VRPHRQHEXW*RGLVWKH EXLOGHURI HYHU\WKLQJ«$QGZHDUHKLVKRXVHLI ZHKROGRQWR our courage and the hope of which we boast.” In representing WKH)DWKHUWKHVRQLVLQWLPDWHO\FRPPLWWHGWRWKH)DWKHUDQGGHULYHV KLVLGHQWLW\DQGKLVIXQFWLRQIURPWKH)DWKHU:KHQWKHVRQH[DFWO\ UHSUHVHQWV WKH )DWKHU KH LV GRLQJ RQO\ ZKDW KH ZDV GHVLJQHG WR do. The beauty of the nature of the Father is displayed through him and he brings glory to the Father in the same way that the house brings glory to the designer. The house is a statement that translates the intangible emotions of the designer into a functional reality. MAN’S CHOICE +RZHYHUWKHHVVHQWLDOPDWWHUWRWKHFRQÁLFWEHWZHHQ*RGDQG Satan is that of man’s choice to be like God. In engaging man on WKLV JURXQG WKH IDOOHQ DQJHOV DQG 6DWDQ DUH XQUHVWUDLQHG LQ WKH tactics they may employ to separate man from God. All of their efforts are focused upon the ability of man to make choices independently of God. The seat of man’s independence from God is his soul. God endowed man with a spirit so that he might be able to fellowship ZLWK*RGDQG*RGJDYHKLPDVRXOVRWKDWKHPLJKWH[HUFLVHD meaningful choice to do so—or not. The soul provided Satan with the richest possibility of engaging man in his effort to prove that the creature was unworthy to be God’s son and heir. God had to permit access to the human being WKURXJK WKH VRXO EHFDXVH WKH SURRI WKDW +LV FKRLFH RI PDQ DV +LVKHLUZDVLQGHHGFRUUHFWZRXOGFRPHZKHQLQVSLWHRI WKHIXOO UDQJHRI WKHHQHP\·VDWWDFNVDJDLQVWKLPKHUHPDLQHGIDLWKIXODQG unwavering in his love for and his pursuit of God and would continually present himself as a vessel in whom God can dwell as He wills. 51 My Father! My Father! 0DQ·VFKRLFHWKHQHVWDEOLVKHVWKHULJKWHRXVQHVVRI *RG7KXV WKH 6FULSWXUHV VD\ ´%H UHFRQFLOHG WR *RG *RG PDGH KLP ZKR KDGQRVLQWREHVLQIRUXVVRWKDWLQKLPZHPLJKWEHFRPHWKH righteousness of God.”7KHZDUEHWZHHQ*RGDQG6DWDQZKLFK EHJDQLQWKHKHDYHQVKDVFRQWLQXHGRQHDUWKZLWKLQPDQ·VEHLQJ 7KHRXWFRPHZLOOHVWDEOLVKWKHULJKWHRXVQHVVRI *RGLQ+LVFKRLFH by the undeniable evidence of man choosing to be like his Father in the face of the enemy’s most unrelenting pressures. In man’s FKRLFHWKHDVVHUWLRQWKDW*RG·VQDWXUHLVWRORYHZRXOGEHFRPHD demonstrated reality. 0RUHRYHUE\SHUPLWWLQJ6DWDQWRJLYHIXOODQGXQUHVWULFWHGH[SRVXUHWRKLVQDWXUHHYLOZRXOGEHGLVFORVHGLQDOOLWVKLGHRXVQHVV :KHQWKHSURFHVVKDVIXOO\UXQLWVFRXUVH*RGFDQWKHQH[SXQJH WKHWDLQWRI VLQIURPWKHHQWLUHFUHDWLRQ:LWKWKHUHPRYDORI VLQ the authority of death is revoked. Anything that is sinful results in GHDWKZKHWKHURI KXPDQUHODWLRQVKLSVRULQSUDFWLFHVWKDWGHÀOH and corrupt. The rule of sin always leads to death to the thing RYHU ZKLFK VLQ SUHVLGHV %XW HYHU\WKLQJ XQGHU WKH UXOH RI ORYH ÁRXULVKHV³HYHQLQWKLVSUHVHQWZRUOG:KHQVLQLVUHPRYHGDQG GHDWKLVGHVWUR\HGOLIHLQDOORI LWVDEXQGDQFHZLOOFKDUDFWHUL]HWKH rule and reign of God and His sons. MAN’S NATURE 7KH KXPDQ EHLQJ FRPSULVHV WKUHH SDUWV WKH VSLULW WKH VRXO and the body.603ULRUWRWKHIDOOPDQVDZHYHU\WKLQJE\WKHVSLULW and was in perfect union with God. Man’s soul had been in submission to his spirit; his spirit directed his choices. Satan directed his efforts toward changing the way man saw himself in relationship to God. His efforts were designed to “open the eyes” of the soul.61 Satan told man that he had secret knowledge of why God restricted man from eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. His assertion was that the fruit of the tree was designed to unlock the hidden knowledge that would permit access into the secrets of God. Satan’s effort was to create a means E\ZKLFKPDQFRXOGUXOHLQGHSHQGHQWO\RI *RG%HLQJGHFHLYHG 52 7KH.QRZOHGJHRI *RRGDQG(YLO man assumed that the creation could exist independent of a divine purpose and would renew itself perpetually. Under the rule of man DSDUWIURP*RGWKHGRPDLQRI HDUWKZRXOGEHVHYHUHGIURPWKH culture of heaven and would exist and be ruled outside the authority RI *RGVXEMHFWRQO\WRWKHZLVGRPRI PDQ Since the earth was a territory in the domain of the Kingdom RI +HDYHQ*RG·VWKURQHJXDUDQWHHGLWVFRQWLQXLW\EXWLI LWVUXOHU PDQNLQGVHFHGHGWKDWWHUULWRU\IURPWKHUXOHRI KHDYHQWKHQPDQ·V inability to renew the territory would subject it to “the bondage to decay.”62$QGWKHHDUWKZRXOGZDLWLQWKDWFRQGLWLRQJURDQLQJLQ anticipation of the sons of God who would liberate it and restore it to the function for which it was designed. The success of Satan’s appeal to Adam’s soul would have disasWURXVFRQVHTXHQFHVIRUERWKWKHPDQDQGWKHHDUWK(DUWKZRXOG EH LPSULVRQHG LQ WKHVH FRQVHTXHQFHV XQWLO PDQ ZDV UHGHHPHG 7KHFRQVHTXHQFHVWKHPVHOYHVZRXOGQRWUHPDLQVWDWLFEXWZRXOG EHFRPHSURJUHVVLYHO\PRUHFRUUXSWXOWLPDWHO\SRUWUD\LQJWKHWUXH QDWXUHRI HYLO+RZHYHUWKHUHGHPSWLRQRI PDQDQGWKHFUHDWLRQ would also fully display the love of God. For where sin abounds grace does much more abound. :KHQWKHH\HVRI WKHVRXOZHUHRSHQHGPDQ·VYLHZRI KLPself and his purpose in creation underwent a complete change. He transitioned from being a son to becoming fatherless; and in WKDWWUDQVLWLRQKHORVWWKHYLVLRQRI KLPVHOI DVEHLQJVSLULWOLNHKLV )DWKHUDQGVDZKLPVHOI DVÁHVK THEREFORE AN ORPHAN That transition shifted his perspective from one in which he ruled over creation to merely a survivor. By separating himself IURPKLV)DWKHUDQGFRPLQJWRUHO\XSRQKLPVHOIKHFRXOGQRORQJHU represent the rule of his Father. All of his assumptions regarding UHDOLW\SXUSRVHDQGGHVWLQ\FKDQJHG+HGHSDUWHGIURPWKHFXOWXUH of his Father and began a culture driven by the imperatives of provision and protection. ,PPHGLDWHO\ DIWHU WKH H\HV RI KLV VRXO ZHUH RSHQHG $GDP·V 53 My Father! My Father! DFWLRQVPDNHFOHDUWKHWUDQVLWLRQWKDWRFFXUUHG$VDQRUSKDQKH could no longer rely upon the estate of his Father for support of KLVUXOHEHFDXVHRUSKDQVKDYHQRIDWKHUV%HUHIWRI WKHSURYLVLRQ DQGSURWHFWLRQRI KLV)DWKHUKHLPPHGLDWHO\VHWDERXWWRVXSSO\ both needs. He lost the sense of continuity of purpose and began WR OLYH IRU WKH GD\ 7KHUHIRUH KH FORWKHG KLPVHOI DQG KLG IURP God “among the trees of the garden.” Adam’s actions were the result of the new knowledge he had MXVWDFTXLUHGE\HDWLQJIURPWKHWUHHRI WKHNQRZOHGJHRI JRRG and evil. The tree was planted in the Garden along with the tree of OLIHWRSURYLGHDUHSUHVHQWDWLRQLQWKHHDUWKRI WKHDFWXDOFKRLFHV WKDWDOUHDG\H[LVWHGDQGZKLFKPDQZRXOGIDFH6DWDQKDGDOUHDG\ chosen independence from God. Man was created with the spirit of God in him so that he would naturally depend upon God for everything that pertained to his existence. As long as man chose to ZDONLQIHOORZVKLSDQGFRPPXQLRQZLWK*RGKLVVXSSO\ZRXOGEH unending and his life would be truly abundant. These two trees— the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil— were symbolic of the choices available to man. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil embodied the alternative to life supported by God. Since God gave “every treeEHDULQJIUXLWµWRPDQIRUIRRGLWLVVLJQLÀFDQWWKDW*RGIRUEDGH him the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In FRQWUDVWKHZDVIUHHWRHDWIURPWKHIUXLWRI WKHWUHHRI OLIHDQG was only kept from it after he chose to also eat of the tree of the NQRZOHGJHRI JRRGDQGHYLOWKHIUXLWRI ZKLFKZDVWKHLQWURGXFWLRQ RI DQHZDQGFRQÁLFWLQJEDVLVRI OLIHLWVHOI It was not merely the act of eating the fruit that was sinful. ,QVWHDGLWZDVWKDW*RGHVWDEOLVKHGWKHSDUDPHWHUVRI FKRLFHDYDLODEOH WRPDQV\PEROL]HGE\WKHVHWUHHV7KH6SLULWRI *RGHVWDEOLVKHG creation to mirror realities already existing in heaven. These two trees represented the extremes of the patterns of life that the earth ZDVGHVLJQHGWRKRVW7KH\HPERGLHGWKHH[LVWLQJFRQÁLFWEHWZHHQ *RGDQG6DWDQDQGZHUHWKHWZRH[WUHPHVRI WKHFKRLFHWKDWPDQ·V QDWXUHZRXOGUHTXLUHKLPWRPDNH 54 7KH.QRZOHGJHRI *RRGDQG(YLO The compendium of knowledge represented by the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was the basis for an alternative reality WR PDQ DV VSLULW UHSUHVHQWLQJ KLV )DWKHU WR FUHDWLRQ ,QVWHDG WKH knowledge of the tree offered an order of life in which the creature PLJKWOLYHLQFRPSOHWHLQGHSHQGHQFHIURPKLV&UHDWRUOLNH6DWDQ This independent order obligated the creation to duplicate the functions of God on its own and forge a destiny of his own choosing. This was true of both man and Satan. The choice of independence would appeal to the soul of PDQ7KHNQRZOHGJHV\PEROL]HGE\WKHWUHHRI WKHNQRZOHGJHRI JRRGDQGHYLOLVWKHUHVXOWRI DSURFHVVRI REVHUYDWLRQDQDO\VLV FRPSDULVRQWKHRU\DQGDFWLYLW\LQDZRUGUHDVRQ(YHREVHUYHG WKDWWKHIUXLWRQWKHWUHHZDV´SOHDVLQJWRWKHH\Hµ66 and she had been told that it was desirable to make her wise. She compared the restraint of God’s warning against eating the fruit with the information from Satan to make her choice. %\HDWLQJWKHIUXLWRI WKHWUHH$GDPGLVSOD\HGWKHQHFHVVDU\ recklessness that permitted him to throw off the restraint of his )DWKHULQRUGHUWRHQWHUDZRUOGLQZKLFKKHZDVUHTXLUHGWRVXSSO\ DOO RI WKH DQVZHUV WR WKH TXHVWLRQ RI KLV EHLQJ 8SRQ EHLQJ SUHVHQWHGZLWKDSRUWLRQRI WKHIUXLWWKDWKLVZLIHKDGSLFNHG$GDP GHOLEHUDWHO\FKRVHWRUHEHODJDLQVWWKHVSHFLÀFLQVWUXFWLRQVRI KLV )DWKHU7KHQE\UHDVRQWKHPDQFRQFOXGHGWKDWKLVUHDOLW\ZDVQRW VSLULWEXWÁHVKKHEHJDQWRHQJDJHWKDWUHDOLW\E\IDVKLRQLQJFORWKLQJ IRUKLVÁHVK:KHUHDVSUHYLRXVO\DVORQJDVKHVDZKLPVHOI DVD VRQWRKLV)DWKHUKHDFFHSWHGWKHIDFWWKDWKHZDVDVSLULWEHFDXVH KLV)DWKHUZDVVSLULW+LVÁHVKZDVWKHFORWKLQJZLWKZKLFK*RG FORWKHGWKHVSLULWDQGKHZDVQRWQDNHGEXWZDVDVSLULWFORWKHG LQ ÁHVK Both Adam and Eve made a conscious and deliberate choice that permanently altered their vision of reality. 6LPLODUO\$GDP·VSHUFHSWLRQRI *RGDOVRFKDQJHGIURPWKDW of a loving Father to an enemy. It was this change in perception that explains his efforts to evade God by hiding among the trees of the Garden. He would later explain to God that he hid out of the fear that permeated him when he heard the sound of the Lord in the Garden. 55 My Father! My Father! :KHQWKHVRXOGHWHUPLQHGPDQ·VUHDOLW\KLVUXOHGHJHQHUDWHG WR WKH LPSHUDWLYHV RI KLV SURYLVLRQ DQG KLV SURWHFWLRQ $W ÀUVW DIWHUWKHIDOOWKHRQO\HQHP\PDQSHUFHLYHGZDV*RGDQGSURYLsion and protection were rudimentary. He fashioned clothing and KHKLG+RZHYHUZLWKLQRQHJHQHUDWLRQPDQZRXOGEHJLQWRVHH RWKHUPHQDVHQHPLHVDVZHOO:KHQKHVDZPDQDVKLVHQHP\KLV options for protecting himself would come to include annihilating KLVHQHP\7KXVWKHIUXLWRI WKHWUHHRI WKHNQRZOHGJHRI JRRGDQG HYLOZRXOGKDYHDQHYHUH[SDQGLQJÀHOGRI H[SUHVVLRQWRLQFOXGH ZDU JHQRFLGH DQG LQGLVFULPLQDQW PXUGHU 7KH H[SUHVVLRQ RI motivation for provision would expand to include unconscionable and indiscriminant exploitation of the environment and all within it. 2QO\WLPHZDVUHTXLUHGEHIRUHWKHIXOOFRQVHTXHQFHVRI WKHGHFLsions of man’s soul—to deny the restraints of his Father and to act on his own and for himself—would become evident. $VORQJDVWKHHDUWKFRQWLQXHGWRUHYROYHWKHJDSEHWZHHQWKH UHDOLWLHVDVSHUFHLYHGWKURXJKWKHVSLULWDQGWKHVRXOZRXOGZLGHQ DQGWKHZD\VRI PDQZRXOGGHSDUWIURPWKHZD\VRI *RGXQWLO the results of both would be presented in stark contrast at the end of the age. $ORQJWKHSDWKRI WKLV´ORQJGD\RI G\LQJµ*RGZRXOGVHQG WKHQH[W$GDPWRUHVWRUHWKHYLVLRQRI WKHVSLULWWKDWWKHÀUVW$GDP DEDQGRQHG$QHQWLUHUDFHRI KXPDQVFKRVHQIURPDOOWKHUDFHV WKDWFDPHRXWRI $GDPZRXOGUHHPHUJH7KH\ZRXOGSUHVHQWWKH DOWHUQDWLYHWKDWZDV*RG·VRULJLQDOYLVLRQIRUPDQJRYHUQHGE\WKH perspectives of the spirit. This reality would be the fruit of the tree RI OLIHIRUWKH\ZRXOGEHUHFRQFLOHGWR*RGWKH)DWKHUWKURXJK -HVXVWKH6HQW2QHWKURXJKZKRP*RGZRXOGUHFRQFLOHWKHZRUOG WR+LPVHOI´QRWFRXQWLQJSHRSOH·VVLQVDJDLQVWWKHPµ 56 A CHAPTER 6 Change from Spirit to Soul God created man as an expression of Himself that was intended to reside in a venue different from His own. The context for God’s decision to make man in His own image and likeness ZDV´VRWKDWWKH\PD\UXOHRYHUWKHÀVKLQWKHVHDDQGWKHELUGV LQ WKH VN\ RYHU WKH OLYHVWRFN DQG DOO WKH ZLOG DQLPDOV DQG RYHU all the creatures that move along the ground.” This is consistent ZLWK*RG·VLQWHQWWRUHODWHWRPDQDVDVRQDQG+LVUHSUHVHQWDWLYH but shows that the sons’ representation was to take place on the HDUWK7KHUHIRUH*RGIDVKLRQHGWKHERG\RI PDQIURPGXVWDQG breathed spirit from His own person into this created form. The result was that man became a “living soul.” The underlying intention of God in putting His son into the earth was to cause Himself to be seen and understood within the QDWXUDOZRUOG7RDFFRPSOLVKWKLVJRDO*RGPDGHDVLQJOHEHLQJ FRPSRVHGRI WKUHHSDUWVDERG\DVRXODQGDVSLULW7KHERG\FUHDWHGRI GXVWZDVPDWHULDODQGFRPSDWLEOHZLWKWKHSK\VLFDOZRUOG The environment of earth was neither harmful nor detrimental WR WKH KXPDQ ERG\ EXW SHUIHFWO\ FRPSDWLEOH DQG VXSSRUWLYH WR KXPDQH[LVWHQFH,QGHHG*RGGHVLJQHGWKHSK\VLFDOZRUOGWREH both useful to and harmonious with man’s physical form. 7KHVSLULWZLWKLQPDQRULJLQDWLQJRXWRI WKHSHUVRQRI *RG DVDJLIWIURP*RG+LPVHOIZDVQDWLYHWRWKHZRUOGRI *RGWKDW 57 My Father! My Father! RI VSLULWDQGRI KHDYHQ7KLVDVSHFWRI PDQ·VEHLQJLVWKHUHIRUH as much at home in the invisible realm of spirits as his body is at home in the natural world. :LWKLQPDQWKHVRXOEULGJHVWKHJDSEHWZHHQWKHQDWXUDOZRUOG and that of the spirit. The purpose of the soul is to translate the realm of spirit to the natural. In his exercise of dominion on the HDUWKPDQ·VVRXOJRYHUQVWKHDFWLRQVRI KLVERG\7KHVRXOLQWXUQ LVPHDQWWREHLQIRUPHGE\DQGREVHTXLRXVWRWKHVSLULWRI PDQ :KHUHDVWKHVSLULWRI PDQLVWKHSDUWRI PDQ·VEHLQJWKDWLVLQFORVH fellowship and communion with God at all times. 0DQ·VVRXOWKHQLVPHDQWWRLQWHUSUHWDQGSUHVHQW*RG·VGLYLQH nature and eternal purposes to the natural world. The soul itself LV D PLUURU LPDJH RI PDQ·V VSLULW PHDQW WR IXQFWLRQ LQ WDQGHP with the spirit. A similar relationship exists between the Spirit of God and the spirit of man. God imparted His own spirit into the being of man so that the spirit of man could function in perfect harmony with the Spirit of God. The ultimate outworking of this arrangement is that “since the creation of the world God’s invisible TXDOLWLHV³>+@LVHWHUQDOSRZHUDQGGLYLQHQDWXUH³KDYHEHHQFOHDUO\ VHHQ EHLQJ XQGHUVWRRG IURP ZKDW KDV EHHQ PDGHµ Created LQ +LV LPDJH DQG OLNHQHVV DQG GHVLJQHG WR SUHVHQW WKH LQYLVLEOH *RGWRWKHFUHDWHGZRUOGPDQLVXQTXHVWLRQDEO\*RG·VPDJQXP opus—the greatest creation of which God is capable. The fall destroyed this elegant balance and freed the soul to act LQGHSHQGHQWO\RI WKHVSLULW:LWKWKLVORVVRI WKHKDUPRQ\EHWZHHQ VRXODQGVSLULWPDQZDVXQDEOHWRHQWHUDQGUHPDLQLQ*RG·VUHVW 7KH VDYLQJ RI RQH·V VRXO WKHUHIRUH LV WKH UHWXUQ RI WKH VRXO WR the rule of the spirit so that man may once again enter God’s rest and function in the earth as God originally intended for him. This JUHDWWDVNLVDFFRPSOLVKHGSURJUHVVLYHO\RYHUWLPHEHLQJ´ZRUN>HG@ out…with fear and trembling.” SPIRIT, SOUL, AND BODY The struggle between the two realities centered in soul and spirit has continued from the time of Adam’s fall until now. Even 58 $&KDQJH)URP6SLULWWR6RXO Jesus was not immune to this struggle. As the hour of His death DSSURDFKHGWKHFRQÁLFWEHWZHHQWKHZLOORI +LVVRXODQGWKDWRI +LVVSLULWLQWHQVLÀHG´0\VRXOLVRYHUZKHOPHGZLWKVRUURZWRWKH SRLQWRI GHDWKµ´«7KHVSLULWLVWUXO\UHDG\EXWWKHÁHVKLVZHDNµ 7DNLQJWKHSODFHRI +LVSUHGHFHVVRUWKHÀUVW$GDPDQGDOORI $GDP·VIDOOHQSURJHQ\ZDVVRXWWHUO\UHSXOVLYHWR+LVULJKWHRXVVRXO WKDW+HVRXJKWUHOLHI IURPWKHVKDPHRI LW+LVVSLULWKRZHYHUUHWDLQHGLWVXQZDYHULQJFRPPLWPHQWWR+LVGHVWLQ\ZKLFKKDGEHHQ decreed “from the foundation of the world.” The clarity of Jesus’ choice to subject His soul to the rule of +LVVSLULWDQGVRUHWXUQPDQWRDQXQIDOOHQVWDWHZDVH[SUHVVHGLQ His prayer in the garden of Gethsemane on the very night he was EHWUD\HGE\RQHRI +LVWZHOYHGLVFLSOHV+HSUD\HG´1RZP\VRXO LVWURXEOHGDQGZKDWVKDOO,VD\"¶)DWKHUVDYHPHIURPWKLVKRXU·" 1RLWZDVIRUWKLVYHU\UHDVRQ,FDPHWRWKLVKRXU)DWKHUJORULI\ your name!”,QWKDWPRPHQWWKHGHFOLQHRI KXPDQFXOWXUHZDV arrested; the dominance of the soul over the spirit that began with Adam and continued until then was fully arrested and reversed. Although the imperatives of provision and protection would FRQWLQXHWRJRYHUQWKHPDMRULW\RI KXPDQEHLQJVDQGWKHRUSKDQ FXOWXUHZRXOGFRQWLQXHRQXQWLOLWUHDFKHVLWVDSRJHH-HVXVPDGH man’s original culture fully available in the earth as a clear and GLVWLQFWDOWHUQDWLYH,WZDVQRWLQIDFWDQHZFXOWXUHEXWZDVDUHFRQQHFWLRQWRDQGFRQWLQXDQFHRIWKHRULJLQDOFXOWXUHRI WKHVRQV RI *RG)URPWKLVWLPHRQZDUGWKLVFXOWXUHZRXOGDGYDQFHDORQJ D SDUDOOHO OLQH WR WKH IDOOHQ FXOWXUH DQG HYHQWXDOO\ LW ZRXOG DOVR UHDFKLWVTXLQWHVVHQWLDOH[SUHVVLRQ $VERWKFXOWXUHVFRQWLQXHWKHLUGHYHORSPHQWWKHLUGLYHUJHQFH is embodied in two distinct expressions. The culture formed out of the soul’s perspective of reality would continue along the path RI MHDORXV\HQY\DQGVWULIHDVWKRVHZKRWUXVWLQLWVHHNWRÀQG well-being through the pursuit of provision and protection. The culture of the spirit will develop into a corporate expression of the full nature of God. Those who choose the latter as their way of life ZLOOSXWRQGLVSOD\WKHORYHRI *RG$YLWDOSUHUHTXLVLWHWRPDNLQJ 59 My Father! My Father! the choice to live in either the culture of the soul or the spirit is to XQGHUVWDQGZKDWHDFKLVDQGKRZWKH\IXQFWLRQ THE SOUL AND THE SPIRIT Both the soul and the spirit are similar in their constituent parts. (DFK KDV WKUHH FRPSRQHQWV D PLQG D ZLOO DQG D KHDUW 7KHVH components serve similar functions within both the soul and the spirit. The mind serves as the basis for information upon which the spirit or soul bases its view of reality. The will assembles the resources available to the spirit or soul to interact with creation and actualize that reality. The heart supplies the motivation for the pursuit of the reality. %H\RQG WKH VLPLODULWLHV RI IRUP WKH IXQFWLRQLQJ RI WKHVH three components out of the spirit and the soul produces radically different results. )RUZKRDPRQJPHQNQRZVWKHWKRXJKWVRI DPDQH[FHSW WKHPDQ·VVSLULWZLWKLQKLP",QWKHVDPHZD\QRRQHNQRZV WKHWKRXJKWVRI *RGH[FHSWWKH6SLULWRI *RG:HKDYHQRW UHFHLYHGWKHVSLULWRI WKHZRUOGEXWWKH6SLULWZKRLVIURP *RGWKDWZHPD\XQGHUVWDQGZKDW*RGKDVIUHHO\JLYHQWR XV 7KLVLVZKDW ZHVSHDNQRW LQ WKHZRUGV WDXJKW XV E\ KXPDQZLVGRPEXWLQZRUGVWDXJKWE\WKH6SLULWH[SUHVVLQJVSLULWXDOWUXWKVLQVSLULWXDOZRUGV7KHPDQZLWKRXWWKH 6SLULWGRHVQRWDFFHSWWKHWKLQJVWKDWFRPHIURPWKH6SLULWRI *RGIRUWKH\DUHIRROLVKQHVVWRKLPDQGKHFDQQRWXQGHUVWDQG WKHPEHFDXVHWKH\DUHVSLULWXDOO\GLVFHUQHG The mind of the soul receives its information from three VRXUFHVWKHZRUOGWKHÁHVKDQGWKHGHYLO´7KLVZLVGRPGHVFHQGHWKQRWIURPDERYHEXWLVHDUWKO\VHQVXDOGHYLOLVKµ7KHZRUOG WKHÁHVKDQGWKHGHPRQLFDSSHDOGLUHFWO\WRPDQ·VVRXODQGFRPH from sources that are subject to the control of the enemy. Eve saw WKDWWKHIUXLWRQWKHWUHHZDVSOHDVLQJWRWKHH\HDQGVKHKDGWKH 60 $&KDQJH)URP6SLULWWR6RXO desire to possess the wisdom that it promised. The information regarding the possibility of hidden wisdom was supplied from the GHYLOZKRVHPRWLYDWLRQZDVWRVHGXFHPDQIURPUHOLDQFHXSRQWKH reality supplied by the wisdom of God. These three sources of LQIRUPDWLRQZHUHWKHZRUOGWKHÁHVKDQGWKHGHYLO :KHQWKHVRXOUXOHVWKHSHUVRQLVGUDZQWRWKHVHVRXUFHVRI LQIRUPDWLRQUHJDUGLQJUHDOLW\7KHVHLQÁXHQFHVDUHFRUUXSW7KHUHIRUHWKHLQIRUPDWLRQDVVHPEOHGE\WKHPLQGRI WKHVRXOLVFRUUXSW DQGWKHUHVXOWLQJFRQFOXVLRQVDERXWUHDOLW\UHÁHFWWKHWDLQWRI WKDW corruption. 7KLVLVDQXQUHOLDEOHYLHZRI UHDOLW\5HOLDQFHXSRQLQIRUPDWLRQ assembled by the mind of the soul deceived man into thinking WKDWKHZDVÁHVKDQGQDNHGSURPSWLQJKLPWRFORWKHKLPVHOI,Q KLVHIIRUWKHXWLOL]HGZKDWVNLOOVKHKDGDQGZKDWUHVRXUFHVZHUH DYDLODEOHWRKLPDVDQH[HUFLVHRI KLVZLOOLQDGRSWLQJWKHUHDOLW\ WKDWKHQRZHPEUDFHGIRUKLPVHOI,QDGGLWLRQWRFORWKLQJKLPVHOI LQKLVQHZYLHZRI UHDOLW\KHIHOWHQGDQJHUHGDQGVRKHKLG :KHQ PDQ KLG IURP *RG WKH KHDUW VXSSOLHG WKH UHTXLVLWH emotion that motivated him to undertake these actions—fear. He confessed that he was afraid.+LVWRULFDOO\PDQKDVEHOLHYHGWKDW WKH KHDUW ZDV WKH FHQWHU RI WKH KXPDQ EHLQJ DQG DOWKRXJK WKH 6FULSWXUHVGRQRWUHIHUWRWKHWHUP´HPRWLRQµWKHKHDUWKDVDOZD\V been considered the seat of all emotions. Every decision the human PDNHVLVEDVHGXSRQDQHPRWLRQ+RZHYHULWLVFRPPRQSUDFWLFH WRMXVWLI\GHFLVLRQVWRRWKHUVE\WKHXVHRI UHDVRQ,QWKLVPDQQHU the heart of the soul often drives the rationale for one’s decisions RUDFWLRQVGLVFRQQHFWHGIURPWKHWUXWKRI WKHFLUFXPVWDQFHV 8QOLNHWKHVRXOZKRVHFRPSRQHQWVIXQFWLRQLQGHSHQGHQWRI *RGWKHFRPSRQHQWVRI WKHVSLULWDUHGHVLJQHGWRIXQFWLRQRQO\ in harmony with the Spirit of God. The human spirit remains submerged and inactive until the Spirit of God energizes it. Scripture describes that occurrence as being born again of the Spirit. This act of being born of the Spirit of God awakens the human spirit and begins to reform the human being by restoring the spirit’s dominance over man’s soul. 61 My Father! My Father! SOUL VERSUS SPIRIT 6LQFHWKHVRXO·VGRPLQDQFHKDVEHHQDPDWWHURI ORQJVWDQGLQJ VXSSRUWHGE\DQLQKHULWHGFXOWXUHRYHUDORQJSHULRGRI WLPHWKH UHVWRUDWLRQRI WKHFXOWXUHRI WKHVSLULWLVSURJUHVVLYHQRWLQVWDQWDneous. It begins with the mind of the spirit being instructed by the Spirit of God. The source of the information on which the mind of the KXPDQVSLULWUHOLHVIRULWVYLHZRI UHDOLW\LVWKH6SLULWRI *RG:KHQ WKHZLVGRPRI *RGLQIRUPVPDQ·VYLHZRI UHDOLW\PDQEHJLQVWR see and understand all things in the same way that God views reality. 0DQLVUHWXUQHGWRDKHDYHQO\SRLQWRI YLHZ$VZHVKDOOVHHWKH +RO\6SLULW·VFRQYLFWLRQLVVWURQJHUWKDQWKHVRXO·VDQGZKHQWKH KXPDQ\LHOGVWRWKHSRLQWRI YLHZRI KLVVSLULWKHEHJLQVWRWDNHRQ the mind of Christ. The continuous yielding to this different reality ZLOORYHUWLPHHIIHFWLYHO\UHQHZWKHPLQGRI WKHVRXO The will that is employed in the furtherance of a heavenly view of reality must also be supplied by God who wills and does His own pleasure. The Holy Spirit supplies the power that enables the human to function in a heavenly view of reality in the form of “Gifts of the Spirit.” The dominant expression that arises out of the heart that lies ZLWKLQWKHVSLULWDQGLVWKHPRWLYDWLRQRI DOODFWLRQVUHÁHFWLQJWKH DFWLYLWLHVRI WKHVSLULWLVORYH/RYHLVWKHRQO\HPRWLRQJUHDWHUWKDQ fear. God’s perfect love casts out fear.:KHQ*RGGHVLJQHGPDQ He placed the greatest emotion of which He is capable within man’s VSLULWWKHUHE\DVVXULQJWKDWWKHVSLULWLVDOZD\VXOWLPDWHO\FDSDEOH of ruling the human being. Because it is true that whoever loves is ERUQRI *RGLWLVDOZD\VSRVVLEOHIRUDQ\KXPDQEHLQJQRPDWWHU KRZ GHSUDYHG WR FKRRVH WR EH ERUQ DJDLQ RI *RG·V 6SLULW 7KH love of God demonstrated to even the most hardened of human beings has the innate capacity of activating the emotion of love WKDWOLHVGRUPDQWZLWKLQWKHKHDUWRI KLVVSLULW,WLVWKHUHIRUHWKH goodness of God that draws men to repentance. 62 T CHAPTER 7 he Schemes of the Enemy 3XWRQWKHIXOODUPRURI *RGVRWKDW\RXFDQWDNH\RXUVWDQG DJDLQVW WKH GHYLO·V VFKHPHV )RU RXU VWUXJJOH LV QRW DJDLQVW ÁHVKDQGEORRGEXWDJDLQVWWKHUXOHUVDJDLQVWWKHDXWKRULWLHVDJDLQVWWKHSRZHUVRI WKLVGDUNZRUOGDQGDJDLQVWWKH VSLULWXDOIRUFHVRI HYLOLQWKHKHDYHQO\UHDOPV )URPWKHLQLWLDOGHFHSWLRQRI PDQ6DWDQSURFHHGHGWRFUDIWDQ alternative to God built upon the motivation of fear that lies within the heart of the soul. This entrapment comprises many systems designed to exploit man’s fear of death and his obsession with comfort. Though he continues to utilize his minions to harass and H[SORLWSHRSOHRQDQLQGLYLGXDOEDVLVWKHJUHDWHUWKUHDWSRVHGE\ his administration is systemic. These compounded systems make XSKLVDOWHUQDWLYHNLQJGRPZKLFKLVGHVLJQHGWRGHFHLYHPDQDQG WRGDUNHQKLVXQGHUVWDQGLQJRI *RGZKLOHSURPLVLQJHQOLJKWHQPHQW of the self. The Scriptures refer to these systems collectively as “the world.” These systems that oppose God and the truth operate on the same basis of Satan’s original engagement of man. His schemes are built on the anticipation that man will be governed by his soul. He continues to offer man the opportunity to create and control his own reality. Anyone who relies on these systems pursues the 63 My Father! My Father! LOOXVLRQRI FRQWURODQGZKHWKHUKHLVDZDUHRI LWRUQRWEHFRPHV KLVRZQJRG%HFDXVHWKHHQHP\·VVFKHPHVDSSHDOWRPDQ·VVRXO these systems have little ability to affect one who is ruled by his spirit. They are ineffective in predicting or controlling the mind of the spirit. $GDPORVWKLVFRQQHFWLRQWR*RGFKDQJLQJKLVSHUFHSWLRQRI KLPVHOI IURPVSLULWWRÁHVKDQGEHJDQWRGHSHQGXSRQWKHLQJHnuity of his soul for survival. “The god of this age has blinded WKHPLQGVRI XQEHOLHYHUVVRWKDWWKH\FDQQRWVHHWKHOLJKWRI WKH JRVSHORI WKHJORU\RI &KULVWZKRLVWKHLPDJHRI *RGµ:KHQ $GDPEHJDQWRRSHUDWHRXWRI KLVVRXOKHEHFDPHYXOQHUDEOHWR the schemes of the enemy. Satan fashioned the systems of the world as an entrapment to exploit Adam’s separation from the Father. THE KOSMOS 7KH*UHHNWHUPIRUWKHFRPSRXQGHGV\VWHPVNQRZQDVWKH ZRUOGLVkosmos.$VLVFRPPRQLQDQ\ODQJXDJHZRUGVLQ6FULSWXUHPD\KDYHPXOWLSOHPHDQLQJVDQGWKHPHDQLQJLVGHULYHGIURP the context of the surrounding text. There are multiple meanings to the term “world” or “kosmos.” The apostle John uses at least WZRRI WKHVHPHDQLQJV:KLOHSURFODLPLQJ*RG·VORYHIRUKXPDQV KHGHFODUHVWKDW´*RGVRORYHGWKHZRUOGµ but he also cautioned EHOLHYHUVLQ&KULVW´'RQRWORYHWKHZRUOGµEHFDXVHIRUDQ\RQH ZKRORYHVWKHZRUOG´WKHORYHRI WKH)DWKHULVQRWLQKLPµ The ZRUOGWKDW-RKQGHFODUHV*RGORYHVLVRI FRXUVHKXPDQLW\7KH ZRUOGWKDWKHFDXWLRQVEHOLHYHUVDJDLQVWORYLQJRUUHO\LQJXSRQWKH NRVPRVKDVDGLIIHUHQWFUHDWRUIURP*RG :KHQ RQH UHOLHV XSRQ WKH V\VWHPV RI WKH kosmos KH FDQQRW VLPXOWDQHRXVO\WUXVW*RGVLQFHWKHVHV\VWHPVZHUHFUHDWHGDVDQDOWHUQDWLYHWRWUXVWLQJLQ*RGDQGUHOLDQFHXSRQWKHPIXUWKHUVHSDUDWHV PDQIURPKLV)DWKHU7KHUHIRUHWKHDSRVWOH-RKQDGPRQLVKHG 'RQRWORYHWKHZRUOGRUDQ\WKLQJLQWKHZRUOG,I DQ\RQH ORYHV WKH ZRUOG WKH ORYH RI WKH )DWKHU LV QRW LQ KLP )RU HYHU\WKLQJLQWKHZRUOG³WKHFUDYLQJVRI VLQIXOPDQWKHOXVW 64 7KH6FKHPHVRI WKH(QHP\ RI KLVH\HVDQGWKHERDVWLQJRI ZKDWKHKDVDQGGRHV³FRPHV QRWIURPWKH)DWKHUEXWIURPWKHZRUOG7KHZRUOGDQGLWV GHVLUHV SDVV DZD\ EXW WKH PDQ ZKR GRHV WKH ZLOO RI *RG OLYHVIRUHYHU This kosmos LV EDVHG XSRQ WKH QDWXUH RI LWV FUHDWRU WKH RQH referred to as the kosmokratorRUZRUOGUXOHUDQHSLWKHWRI 6DWDQIt focuses upon man’s desire to assure the certainty of his provision DQGSURWHFWLRQ7KHVHV\VWHPVERWKUHTXLUHDQGDOORZRQHWRUHO\ H[FOXVLYHO\XSRQKLPVHOIPDNLQJLWLPSRVVLEOHWRVLPXOWDQHRXVO\ rely upon God. The apostle John understood that these systems were designed to seduce anyone who relied upon them away from reliance upon God as their Father. He accurately concluded that one cannot rely on God the Father for provision and protection and simultaneously trust in systems designed to replace a relationship to God with a reliance on one’s self. The strength of Satan’s kingdom is the collective appeal of these interconnected systems in that they are designed to address HYHU\IDFHWRI KXPDQOLIH7KH\UHSUHVHQWDQRUGHUO\DUUDQJHPHQW LQWHUZRYHQOLNHDVSLGHU·VZHEWRHQWUDSDQGWRFRQWDLQWKHHQWLUHW\ of humanity. Entire nations form their governmental systems to UHÁHFWWKHSURPLVHRI KXPDQFDSDFLW\LQKHUHQWLQWKHVHV\VWHPV Even Jesus was tempted to concede the validity and primacy of these systems. THE SYSTEMS OF THE KOSMOS ,QWKHHDUWKDOOKXPDQVEHORQJWRRQHRI WZRNLQJGRPVHLWKHU the Kingdom of God or the NRVPRV The nature of the king over HDFKRI WKHVHNLQJGRPVGHÀQHVLWVFLWL]HQV·LGHQWLW\8QWLOZHDUH WUDQVODWHGLQWRWKH.LQJGRPRI *RGZHDUHJRYHUQHGE\WKHFXOWXUH RI WKHRUSKDQWKHODVWLQJOHJDF\RI RXUJUHDWDQFHVWRU$GDPSHUSHWXDWHGE\6DWDQWKHJRGRI WKLVZRUOG,QWKH.LQJGRPRI *RG KRZHYHU&KULVWGHÀQHVWKHFXOWXUHIRULWVFLWL]HQV7KH\DUHVRQV of God and heirs of the promise of eternal life. 7KHV\VWHPVRI ERWKNLQJGRPVUHÁHFWWKHQDWXUHRI WKHLUNLQJV 65 My Father! My Father! (YHQWXDOO\WKHFLWL]HQVVXEMHFWWRWKHUHVSHFWLYHUXOHUVPRGHOWKH FKDUDFWHURI WKHNLQJVEHFDXVHWKHFXOWXUHRI WKHNLQJGRPGLFWDWHV the characteristics of the citizens’ lifestyle. The existence of these different systems is warranted by the need for governmental administrations to address the issues that arise among citizens of any kingdom. The systems of the kosmos have their counterparts in the V\VWHPVRI WKH.LQJGRPRI *RGEXWWKH\UDGLFDOO\GLYHUJHDVWKH\ UHÁHFWWKHH[WUHPHGLIIHUHQFHVLQWKHQDWXUHVRI WKHLUNLQJV THE SYSTEM FOR RESOLVING CONFLICTS ,QVWLJDWLQJFRQÁLFWLVDFODVVLFVFKHPHRI WKHHQHP\7KHUHIRUH LQDQ\NLQJGRPLWLVQHFHVVDU\WRKDYHLQSODFHDV\VWHPIRUUHVROYLQJGLVSXWHVEHWZHHQLWVFLWL]HQVWKHJRDORI ZKLFKLVWRGHWHUPLQH WKHUHODWLYHULJKWVDQGGXWLHVRI WKHSDUWLHVLQFRQÁLFWDQGWRUHDFK a judgment. The determination of the parties’ relative rights and duties centers on that which is deemed valuable within the system. 9DOXHRUWKHWKLQJWREHJDLQHGLQWKHUHVROXWLRQRI FRQÁLFW is determined by the culture of the kingdom. In the kosmosYDOXH is measured by the imperatives of provision and protection. In FLYLOGLVSXWHVYDOXHLVDVVLJQHGWRPRQH\SURSHUW\ULJKWVSHUVRQDO SURSHUW\DQGLQWDQJLEOHVVXFKDVKHDOWKDQGLQWHOOHFWXDOSURSHUW\ These are all things to which courts can ascribe monetary value. In FULPLQDOPDWWHUVWKHFRQÁLFWLVEHWZHHQWKHVHFXULW\RI WKHVWDWH and its citizens and the liberty interests of an individual. That which is valuable within the kosmos is that over which the VWDWHFDQH[HUFLVHLWVDXWKRULW\3URSHUW\PRQH\DQGRQH·VOLEHUW\ FDQEHPDQLSXODWHGE\WKHVWDWH5HODWLRQVKLSVRQWKHRWKHUKDQG or those deeper hurts between individuals that take root when one IHHOVZURQJHGDUHQRWWKHGRPDLQRI WKHVWDWHDQGWKHUHIRUHWKH\ PXVWEHVHWDVLGHZKHQWZRSDUWLHVVHHNWRUHVROYHDFRQÁLFW This is an adversarial system that places primary importance RQZLQQLQJEHFDXVHWKHUHLVQREDVLVIRUPHDVXULQJWKHYDOXHRI a relationship between the parties. Any matter submitted for resolution is subject to a process that anticipates each party’s zealous advocacy for a one-sided outcome. Although the proceedings may 66 7KH6FKHPHVRI WKH(QHP\ EHFRQGXFWHGLQDQRUGHUO\IDVKLRQWKHSDUWLHVDUHPRUHWKDQOLNHO\ WRHPHUJHIURPWKHSURFHVVDVDGYHUVDULHVUHJDUGOHVVRI ZKLFKVLGH the result favors. Friends and family members are made enemies simply by submitting a dispute to the authority of the kingdom. 7KLVVWUDWHJ\RI WKHGLYLGLQJRI SHRSOHIURPHDFKRWKHUUHÁHFWVWKH QDWXUHRI WKHFUHDWRURI WKLVV\VWHPZKRIURPWKHEHJLQQLQJZDV successful in severing the relationship between Adam and God. %\ FRQWUDVW WKH V\VWHP IRU WKH DGMXGLFDWLRQ RI GLVSXWHV LQ *RG·V.LQJGRPVWDUWVE\DIÀ[LQJYDOXHWRWKHUHODWLRQVKLSEHWZHHQ WKHGLVSXWDQWVPDNLQJWKHJRDORI WKHSURFHVVWKHUHFRQFLOLDWLRQRI the parties in dispute. Jesus outlined the steps for reconciliation: ,I \RXUEURWKHUVLQVDJDLQVW\RXJRDQGVKRZKLPKLVIDXOW MXVWEHWZHHQWKHWZRRI \RX,I KHOLVWHQVWR\RX\RXKDYH ZRQ\RXUEURWKHURYHU%XWLI KHZLOOQRWOLVWHQWDNHRQHRU WZR RWKHUV DORQJ VR WKDW ¶HYHU\ PDWWHU PD\ EH HVWDEOLVKHG E\WKHWHVWLPRQ\RI WZRRUWKUHHZLWQHVVHV·,I KHUHIXVHVWR OLVWHQWRWKHPWHOOLWWRWKHFKXUFKDQGLI KHUHIXVHVWROLVWHQ HYHQWRWKHFKXUFKWUHDWKLPDV\RXZRXOGDSDJDQRUDWD[ FROOHFWRU The value of the relationship is preserved throughout the entire process. The initial step of approaching one’s brother privately is designed to minimize the potential for his embarrassment and invite reconciliation in an environment of discretion. This approach LV FRQGXFLYH WR SUHVHUYLQJ JRRGZLOO EHWZHHQ WKH SDUWLHV ZKLOH permitting an honest discussion of the substance of the dispute. $OWKRXJK LW LV D GLIÀFXOW VWHS WR XQGHUWDNH EHFDXVH LW UHTXLUHV D IDFHWRIDFH HQJDJHPHQW LW FRQYH\V WKH YDOXH WKDW WKH RQH ZKR has been wronged places on the relationship with the one who KDVZURQJHGKLP%\UHTXLULQJWKDWWKHRQHZKRZDVRIIHQGHGLQLWLDWHWKHSURFHVVLWKLJKOLJKWVWKHJRDORI UHFRQFLOLDWLRQUDWKHUWKDQ retribution. This matches exactly the attitude of God toward man. )RUZKHQPDQVLQQHGDJDLQVW+LP*RGLQLWLDWHGWKHSURFHVVRI reconciliation in the person of Jesus Christ. 67 My Father! My Father! ,I WKHRIIHQGLQJSDUW\UHEXIIVWKHLQLWLDODWWHPSWDWUHVROXWLRQ the process is continued by the inclusion of the least number of people necessary to help bring resolution. These “two or three witnesses” are selected on the basis of their willingness to prefer the reconciliation of the relationship as the primary goal of their LQFOXVLRQ$WWKHWLPHRI -HVXV·LQVWUXFWLRQLQWKLVSURFHVV´WZRRU three witnesses” was the minimum number necessary to establish a matter by testimony. The term Jesus uses for “witnesses” has DGXHOPHDQLQJ)LUVWLWUHIHUVWRDZLWQHVVLQWKHOHJDOVHQVHDQG VHFRQGLWGHVFULEHVRQHZKRLVDQDORJRXVWRD´PDUW\Uµ In this FRQWH[WWKHVHZLWQHVVHVDUHRQHVZKRDUHZLOOLQJWROD\GRZQWKHLU lives on behalf of the disputants to achieve a reconciliation of the relationship. Because of the witnesses’ devotion to the parties LQFRQÁLFWWKHVHZLWQHVVHVFDQEHWUXVWHGWRJLYHDQDFFXUDWHDQG XQELDVHGDVVHVVPHQWRI WKHIDFWV7KH\DUHWKHUHIRUHLQWKHEHVW SRVLWLRQ WR DSSHDO WR WKH RQHV LQ FRQÁLFW ZLWK HDFK RWKHU WR EH reconciled. ,I WKHDWWHPSWDWUHFRQFLOLDWLRQDWWKLVVWHSIDLOVWKHZLWQHVVHV· report of the facts to the spiritual household of the parties precludes the need for a new investigation into the facts. This permits anyone with a relationship to the party at fault to attempt to persuade him to change and be reconciled. 7KH ÀQDO VWHS LQ WKLV SURFHVV LV WDNHQ DIWHU DOO WKH SUHFHGLQJ HIIRUWVKDYHEHHQH[KDXVWHG:KHQWKHRIIHQGLQJSDUW\UHIXVHVWR YDOXHWKHUHODWLRQVKLSDERYHDOOHOVHKHLVGHQLHGWKHIHOORZVKLSRI WKHEHOLHYHUVRQWZREDVHV)LUVWKHKDVFRQVLVWHQWO\GHYDOXHGKLV UHODWLRQVKLSWRKLVEURWKHUVKRZLQJWKDWKHGRHVQRWKDYHWKHYDOXH V\VWHPRI WKH.LQJRYHUWKLVFXOWXUH6HFRQGKHKDVUHMHFWHGWKH council of Christ offered to him throughout the entire process. ,QWKLVFDVHKLVUHIXVDOWRVXEPLWWRWKHUHFRQFLOLDWLRQRIIHUHG in the process places him outside the authority of the Kingdom. One in the Kingdom must be submitted to Christ the King. It is that submission that enables the reconciliation of the relationship. 7KHPDQGDWHRI &KULVWUDWKHUWKDQIRUFLEOHFRQWUROFKDQJHVWKH hearts of people. 68 7KH6FKHPHVRI WKH(QHP\ ,I D PDQ UHMHFWV WKH FRXQVHO RI &KULVW XQZDYHULQJO\ KH KDV shown himself not submitted to the Kingdom of God. Before he FDQEHUHFRQFLOHGWRKLVEURWKHUKHPXVWEHEURXJKWZLWKLQWKH Kingdom. The last option for one not submitted is to release him from the protection of the Kingdom and to permit his enemy to rule KLP WKURXJK KLV OXVWV $OWKRXJK KDUVK WKLV PD\ EH WKH RQO\ SRVVLELOLW\ IRU EULQJLQJ KLP EDFN LQWR WKH .LQJGRP 7KHUHIRUH even this step is designed to produce the desired result. 5HFRQFLOLDWLRQ SXUVXHG LQ WKLV IDVKLRQ QHLWKHU LJQRUHV QRU PLQLPL]HVFRQÁLFW,QVWHDGLWLGHQWLÀHVWKHYDOXDEOHWKLQJDVWKH UHODWLRQVKLSUHFRJQL]HVWKHH[LVWHQFHRI WKHFRQÁLFWDQGPRYHVWR establish a factual basis upon which to render a righteous outcome. This brief comparison highlights the contrast between the two systems arising from the culture of drastically different kingdoms. 7KHJRDOVRI ERWKNLQJGRPVDUHUHÁHFWHGLQWKHLUUHVSHFWLYHV\VWHPV 7KHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQRI WKHYDOXHWREHSUHVXPHGLVFRQVLVWHQWLQHDFK kingdom with the nature and authority of the king. Satan values VHSDUDWLRQDQGGLYLVLRQEHFDXVHLWIXUWKHUVKLVLQWHUHVWLQSURYLQJ *RG WR EH ZURQJ LQ KLV FKRLFH RI PDQ DV +LV KHLU ,Q FRQWUDVW &KULVW YDOXHV WKH UHFRQFLOLDWLRQ RI WKH UHODWLRQVKLS EHFDXVH +H came to restore man to God as sons of God. KINGDOM AGAINST KINGDOM The systems of the kosmos are designed around man’s desire for provision and protection. The promise of these systems is the illusion of the control over these imperatives. There is a wide array RI V\VWHPVWKDWLQFOXGHHGXFDWLRQZKLFKLVXVHGWRJORULI\WKHSULPDF\ RI WKHLQWHOOLJHQFHRI PDQHQWHUWDLQPHQWDQGFXOWXUHZKLFKIHHG KLVOXVWVÀQDQFLDOV\VWHPVDQGV\VWHPVRI FRPPHUFHZKLFKVXSSO\ KLVSURYLVLRQDQGPLOLWDU\DQGSROLWLFDOV\VWHPVZKLFKRIIHUKLP protection for his person and possessions. Even a religious system will emerge to provide a spiritual legitimacy to all the other systems. 7KHVH V\VWHPV LQWHJUDWHG DQG RSHUDWLQJ WRJHWKHU ZLOO UHSUHVHQW the zenith of the culture of the orphan. 69 My Father! My Father! 2YHU WLPH WKHVH V\VWHPV KDYH LQYDGHG DOO DVSHFWV RI KXPDQ society. The integration of these systems is producing fewer sysWHPVZLWKJUHDWHUFRQWURO$VWKHVHV\VWHPVLQWHJUDWHWKHUHVXOWZLOO EHDKROORZLQJRXWRI WKHLQGLYLGXDOQDWLRQ·VVRYHUHLJQW\UHTXLULQJ JUHDWHUOR\DOWLHVDQGDJOREDOFRQVFLRXVQHVV,QHYLWDEO\WKHUHVXOW ZLOO EH WKH FUHDWLRQ RI D VRYHUHLJQ JOREDO VRFLHW\ UHÁHFWLQJ WKH mandates of these global systems. The promise of these systems and their demands will be the basis of a de facto global kingdom. Citizenship in traditional QDWLRQV ZLOO ORVH DOO PHDQLQJIXO VLJQLÀFDQFH DQG ZLOO UHWDLQ RQO\ symbolic value. In order to comply with the global mandates of WKLVQHZRUGHURI JRYHUQDQFHDJOREDOFLWL]HQU\ZLOOHPHUJH 70 T CHAPTER 8 he Last Adam 7KHFRQÁLFWEHWZHHQWKHWZRNLQJGRPVWKDWHPERG\WKHLGHDOVVXUURXQGLQJWKHJUHDWFRQÁLFWEHWZHHQ*RGDQG6DWDQZKLFK H[LVWHGSULRUWRWKHFUHDWLRQRI WKHZRUOGZDVLQHYLWDEOH7KHHDUWK LVWKHDUHQDLQZKLFKWKHFRQÁLFWLVSOD\HGRXWDQGZLOOEHÀQDOO\ UHVROYHG,QWKLVJUHDWGUDPDPDQLVWKHSULQFLSDODFWRU ,Q WKH VWRU\ RI WKH UHGHPSWLRQ RI PDQ &KULVWLDQLW\ KDV IRFXVHGQHDUO\H[FOXVLYHO\ÀUVWRQWKHIDOORI PDQWKHQRQ&KULVW·V GHDWK RQ WKH FURVV DV WKH UHTXLUHG UHPHG\ IRU PDQ·V VLQ 7KH importance of the cross in the story of man’s redemption is beyond GLVSXWH+RZHYHUWKHFURVVLVQHLWKHUWKHEHJLQQLQJQRUWKHHQG of the story. A focus limited to Christ and the cross does not consider that this event is part of a greater context. That context is a covenant EHWZHHQ*RGWKH)DWKHUDQG*RGWKH6RQWKDWSUHFHGHGFUHDWLRQ which has as its centerpiece the reconciliation of man through &KULVW ,Q WKH FRQWH[W RI WKLV SUHFUHDWLRQ FRYHQDQW &KULVW·V VDFULÀFH RQ WKH FURVV LV WKH IXOFUXP XSRQ ZKLFK WKH KLVWRU\ RI PDQUHVWVDQGLVUHFWLÀHG7KHUHIRUHWKHUHOHYDQFHRI &KULVWDQG the cross is best understood within the context of a precreation covenant established between God the Father and God the Son. 0RUHRYHUWKHH[LVWHQFHRI WKLVSUHFUHDWLRQFRYHQDQWLVYLWDOWR XQGHUVWDQGLQJZK\*RGHVWDEOLVKHGWKHFUHDWLRQLQWKHÀUVWSODFH 71 My Father! My Father! It also explains why the earth was the designated situs to host the FRQÁLFW EHWZHHQ *RG DQG +LV HQHP\ 6DWDQ DQG ZK\ PDQ ZDV SODFHGXSRQWKHHDUWKLQWKHFHQWHURI WKHFRQÁLFW 7KHSUHFUHDWLRQFRYHQDQWUDWKHUWKDQFKDRVUDQGRPFKDQFH RU HYHQ FDXVHDQGHIIHFW JRYHUQV WKH FRXUVH ODLG RXW IRU WKH creation and for mankind. The unfolding of events within time is FDUHIXOO\FDOLEUDWHGE\*RGWRIXOÀOOWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI WKLVSUHcreation covenant. Human history is not a series of random acts occurring as reactions to conditions existing at particular times in WKHKLVWRU\RI KXPDQNLQG,QVWHDGLWLVWKHVHDVRQDOXQIROGLQJRI things in heaven that were conceived before the creation of the world and destined to appear in time as God had foreordained. God foreknew that man would sin and planned to rescue him. +HODLGRXWWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI WKLVSODQDVHVVHQWLDOSDUWVRI WKLV precreation—or preexisting—covenant that He obligated Himself to perform. The terms of this covenant include the offer and satisfaction of Jesus’ death on the cross and God’s acceptance of this VDFULÀFH7KLVFRYHQDQWLVWKHIRXQGDWLRQIRUWKHUHFRQFLOLDWLRQRI man to God and to the destiny for which God created him. *RG HVWDEOLVKHG WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV IRU WKH UHFRQFLOLDWLRQ RI PDQWR+LVGLYLQHSXUSRVHVEHIRUHFUHDWLQJKLPDQG*RGDJUHHG WR XQGHUWDNH DOO WKDW ZDV GHPDQGHG E\ WKHVH UHTXLUHPHQWV DQG WR SHUIRUP WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV +LPVHOI 7KH FURVV LV WKHUHIRUH UHTXLUHGWRUHVFXHPDQIURPVLQEXWLWLVSDUWRI DFRYHQDQWWKDWLV also designed to restore man to the eternal purpose for which man was made. This is the administration of the mystery of Christ that Paul ZURWH ´IRU DJHV SDVW ZDV NHSW KLGGHQ LQ *RG ZKR FUHDWHG DOO things.” The covenant itself envisioned man being restored to what God made him to be: +LVLQWHQWZDVWKDWQRZWKURXJKWKHFKXUFKWKHPDQLIROG ZLVGRP RI *RG VKRXOG EH PDGH NQRZQ WR WKH UXOHUV DQG DXWKRULWLHV LQ WKH KHDYHQO\ UHDOPV DFFRUGLQJ WR KLV HWHUQDO SXUSRVHWKDWKHDFFRPSOLVKHGLQ&KULVW-HVXVRXU/RUG,Q 72 7KH/DVW$GDP KLPDQGWKURXJKIDLWKLQKLPZHPD\DSSURDFK*RGZLWK IUHHGRPDQGFRQÀGHQFH 7KH JUHDWHU FRQÁLFW EHWZHHQ *RG DQG 6DWDQ H[LVWV EH\RQG man’s reconciliation to God and concerns God’s choice of man as His heir. The purpose of Satan’s plan to oppose God on all levels of human existence is to discredit humans by attempting to show KRZXQOLNH*RGWKH\DUH*RG·VDQVZHULVWRMXGJH6DWDQDVWKH IDWKHURI WKLVJUHDWOLHE\VKRZLQJWKHWUXWKWKDWPDQZDVFUHDWHG WREH*RG·VVRQDQGKHLUWKDWWKLVFUHDWLRQLVLQQDWHO\FDSDEOHRI PDNLQJWKDWFKRLFHDQGWKDWPDQLVZRUWK\WREHFDOOHGWKHVRQVRI God and to be appointed the heirs of God. Beyond the designation as sons of God is the matter of man IXQFWLRQLQJDVVRQVRI *RGERWKLQUHVSHFWLYHLQGLYLGXDOFDSDFLWLHV DVZHOODVFRUSRUDWHO\,QGLYLGXDOO\SHRSOHGLVSOD\WKHFKDUDFWHURI *RGLQWKHZD\WKH\DGPLQLVWUDWHWKHDXWKRULW\RI *RGGHOHJDWHG WRWKHPLQWKHIRUPRI JLIWVRI WKH+RO\6SLULWDQGZLWKLQWKHLU SHUVRQDOFDOOLQJV+RZHYHUWKH\DOVRDUHPHDQWWRIXQFWLRQMRLQWO\ DVD.LQJGRP,QWKHODUJHUFRUSRUDWHSLFWXUHLQWKH.LQJGRPRI +HDYHQWKH\SXWWKHULJKWHRXVQHVVRI *RGRQGLVSOD\LQFRQWUDVW to the kingdom of Satan. The precreation covenant is the skeletal framework that is EHLQJÀOOHGLQZLWKWKHGHWDLOV*RGFRQFHLYHGSULRUWRWKHFUHDWLRQ RI PDQ%RWK*RGDQGPDQSDUWLFLSDWHDFWLYHO\LQWKHIXOÀOOPHQWV UHTXLUHGE\WKHFRYHQDQW THE OATH AND THE PROMISE The precreation covenant was established by God’s oath to Himself: 0HQVZHDUE\VRPHRQHJUHDWHUWKDQWKHPVHOYHVDQGWKHRDWK FRQÀUPVZKDWLVVDLGDQGSXWVDQHQGWRDOODUJXPHQW%HFDXVH *RG ZDQWHG WR PDNH WKH XQFKDQJLQJ QDWXUH RI KLV SXUSRVH YHU\ FOHDU WR WKH KHLUV RI ZKDW ZDV SURPLVHG KH 73 My Father! My Father! FRQÀUPHGLWZLWKDQRDWK*RGGLGWKLVVRWKDWE\WZRXQFKDQJHDEOHWKLQJVLQZKLFKLWLVLPSRVVLEOHIRU*RGWROLHZH ZKRKDYHÁHGWRWDNHKROGRI WKHKRSHRIIHUHGWRXVPD\EH JUHDWO\HQFRXUDJHG:HKDYHWKLVKRSHDVDQDQFKRUIRUWKH VRXOÀUPDQGVHFXUH,WHQWHUVWKHLQQHUVDQFWXDU\EHKLQGWKH FXUWDLQZKHUH-HVXVZKRZHQWEHIRUHXVKDVHQWHUHGRQRXU EHKDOI+HKDVEHFRPHDKLJKSULHVWIRUHYHULQWKHRUGHURI 0HOFKL]HGHN100 God determined before He made man that He would establish WKH PHDQV E\ ZKLFK +H FRXOG DGRSW WKH FUHDWLRQ DV +LV VRQV NQRZLQJPDQZRXOGVLQ7KHUHIRUH-HVXVWKHVDFULÀFLDO/DPEE\ ZKRP*RGVZRUHWRVDYHPDQZDVVODLQIURPWKHIRXQGDWLRQVRI the world.101 *RGNQHZWKHSDUDPHWHUVRI PDQ·VFKRLFHWKDWZHUHQHFHVVDU\ DQG+HNQHZWKDWPDQZRXOGFKRRVHWRUHEHO.QRZLQJWKLV*RG established the means by which man could choose to be fully reconciled to God. The design of man allows him to possess the holy QDWXUHRI *RGE\KRXVLQJ*RG·V6SLULWDQGWRUXOHE\FKRLFHVR that man could be a son as opposed to another ministering servant. ,GHDOO\PDQ·VVRXOLVXQGHUWKHUXOHRI KLVVSLULWDQGPDQFRPPXQHV DQGIHOORZVKLSVZLWK*RG%XWLQRUGHUIRUPDQWRKDYHWKHDELOLW\ WRFKRRVH*RGKHPXVWDOVREHDEOHWRUHVLVW*RGDQGHYHQUHEHO against Him. Choice would include not only the choice to rebel against *RGEXWDOVRWKHFKRLFHWRUHSHQWDQGWREHUHFRQFLOHGWR*RG God would have to provide the means by which this choice was HQDEOHG2QFHPDQVLQQHGDJDLQVW*RGKHZRXOGLQFXUDGHEWWKDW he himself could not pay. God would have to pay on his behalf. The preexisting covenant is the manner in which God established the terms for the reconciliation of man. God swore by himself so WKDW+HZRXOGEHUHTXLUHGWRSD\LQIXOODOOWKDWZDVQHFHVVDU\IRU man to have the ability to choose not only to sin but also to be reconciled to God. 74 7KH/DVW$GDP 7KHVDPH*RGZRXOGWKHUHIRUHKDYHWREHFRPHWKHSULQFLSDO actor on both sides of the covenant. This arrangement is possible IRU*RGVLQFH+HLV6SLULW+HPD\FKRRVHWREH+LPVHOI LQLQÀQLWH UHSUHVHQWDWLRQV)RUWKHSXUSRVHVRI WKLVFRYHQDQWKRZHYHU+H ZRXOGFKRRVHWKHPDQLIHVWDWLRQVRI )DWKHUDQG6RQVLQFHWKHVH manifestations perfectly captured the existing need. Man would be FUHDWHGDVDVRQRI *RGDQG*RGZRXOGWDNHRQWKHUROHRI EHLQJ KLV)DWKHU0DQFRXOGWKHUHIRUHXQGHUVWDQG*RG+LPVHOI DSSHDULQJ as His son to represent the interests of His Father.102 $FFRUGLQJO\*RGHQWHUHGLQWRDFRYHQDQWZLWK+LPVHOIZLWK the Father and the Son as the parties to the covenant—“since there ZDVQRRQHJUHDWHUIRUKLPWRVZHDUE\KHVZRUHE\KLPVHOIµ The Son’s part was to take on human form and to come to earth WREHWKHVDFULÀFLDO/DPE7KH)DWKHU·VSDUWLQWKHFRYHQDQWZDVWR DFFHSWWKHVDFULÀFHRI WKH6RQDVDVXIÀFLHQWDWRQHPHQWIRUDOORI WKH sins of all humankind. God would appoint the Son as the mediator RI WKLVFRYHQDQWWKHUHE\JLYLQJ+LPWKHDXWKRULW\WRGHWHUPLQH ZKRZRXOGEHQHÀWIURP LW7KH)DWKHUDQG WKH6RQZRUNLQJ LQ WKHSHUIHFWKDUPRQ\GHÀQHGE\WKLVFRYHQDQWDODJUHHPHQWZRXOG neutralize the effects of Adam’s actions and nullify all of Satan’s DFWLYLWLHVZKLFKDUHGHVLJQHGWRNHHSPDQIURPKLVGHVWLQ\DVVRQV and heirs of God. The precreation covenant would reopen the ZD\WR*RGIRUPDQDQGPDQFRXOGRQFHDJDLQYLHZ*RGDVKLV Father and himself as a viceroy of the Kingdom of Heaven. FROM SYMBOL TO REALITY 7KH FRPLQJ RI -HVXV DV WKH 6RQ RI *RG WR EH VDFULÀFHG DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH WHUPV RI WKLV FRYHQDQW ZDV IRUHRUGDLQHG DQG this foreordination was revealed through Jesus as “the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” God inserted the knowledge RI WKHH[LVWHQFHRI WKLVFRYHQDQWVSHFLÀFDOO\WKHUHTXLUHPHQWRI -HVXV·VDFULÀFHLQWRPDQ·VFXOWXUHVKRUWO\DIWHUWKHIDOORI PDQ7KLV FXOWXUDONQRZOHGJHH[LVWHGLQWKHIRUPRI DODPE·VVDFULÀFH The exact time of the introduction of this knowledge is not 75 My Father! My Father! FOHDU IURP 6FULSWXUH +RZHYHU $EHO XQGHUVWRRG WR RIIHU WKLV VDFULÀFHWR*RGLQVXEVWLWXWLRQIRUKLVRZQVLQ*RGVKRZHG+LV SOHDVXUH DW $EHO·V VDFULÀFH RI D ODPE DQG GLVSOHDVXUH DW &DLQ·V offering of “fruits of the soil.” The lamb became the appropriDWHDQGUHTXLVLWHVDFULÀFHWR*RGDVDFHQWUDOWHQDQWRI WKHFXOWXUH WKDWFRQWLQXHGWRVHHN+LPEHFDXVHLWZDVWKHV\PEROLQZKLFKWKH knowledge of the covenant was maintained. /DWHU *RG ZRXOG WHVW $EUDKDP E\ DVNLQJ KLP WR VDFULÀFH ,VDDF KLV VRQ 7KLV ZDV D IRUHVKDGRZLQJ RI WKH UHODWLRQVKLS EHWZHHQ*RGDQG-HVXVDQGRQHWKDWDGYDQFHGWKHXQGHUVWDQGLQJ EHKLQG WKH UHTXLUHPHQW RI WKH VDFULÀFH RI D ODPE ,Q WKH VWRU\ *RGVSDUHG,VDDFDQGSURYLGHGDUDPWREHVDFULÀFHGLQKLVVWHDG In the fact that God provided the lamb in the story of Abraham DQG,VDDFWKHVLJQLÀFDQFHRI WKHVDFULÀFHZDVH[WHQGHGWRGHPRQstrate God’s promise to be the lamb Himself. This symbol of the covenant was maintained and expanded during the time of the deliverance of Israel from Egyptian slavery. *RGSDVVHGRYHU,VUDHOZKLOHGHVWUR\LQJWKHÀUVWERUQRI (J\SWLDQ households the night before He liberated Israel from Egypt. The GHDWKRI WKH(J\SWLDQÀUVWERUQLVDQDORJRXVWRWKHFRQGLWLRQRI GHDWKVXUURXQGLQJ$GDPWKHÀUVWRI *RG·VWZRVRQVWREHSODFHG LQ FUHDWLRQ 7KH ÀUVWERUQ RI WKH KRXVHV RI ,VUDHO ZHUH VSDUHG because the entrances to the houses in which they lived were smeared with the blood of the lamb applied in the form of a cross. The symbol of the lamb would continue to evidence the existence RI WKH FRYHQDQW ZLWK WKH /HYLWLFDO SULHVWV DQQXDOO\ RIIHULQJ WKH EORRGRI DODPERQWKH´'D\RI $WRQHPHQWµIRUWKHVLQVRI WKH entire nation of Israel. God preserved the knowledge of the covenant in the earth so WKDWZKHQWKH2QHZKRZDVDFWXDOO\WKH/DPEWREHVDFULÀFHGZDV UHYHDOHG KXPDQ FXOWXUH ZRXOG KDYH D EDVLV IRU LQWHUSUHWLQJ WKH UHOHYDQFHRI -HVXVRQWKHFURVV7KLVZDVWKHVLQJXODUDFWUHTXLUHG in the Son’s performance of the covenant that would implicate all the terms of the covenant. :KHQ -RKQ WKH %DSWLVW GHFODUHG ´/RRN WKH /DPE RI *RG 76 7KH/DVW$GDP ZKRWDNHVDZD\WKHVLQRI WKHZRUOGµ106 he would do so against WKHEDFNJURXQGRI WKHWUDGLWLRQVRI WKH/HYLWLFDORUGHUZKLFKZDV FKDUJHGZLWKPDLQWDLQLQJWKLVV\PEROLFUHIHUHQFHWRWKHSUHH[LVWLQJ SUHFUHDWLRQFRYHQDQWWKURXJKWKHODZRI VDFULÀFH-RKQKLPVHOI ZDV D OHJLWLPDWH SULHVW RI WKLV RUGHU VLQFH SULHVWKRRG ZDV KHUHGLWDU\ DQG -RKQ·V IDWKHU KDG VHUYHG LQ WKH WHPSOH DV D SULHVW ZKR RIÀFLDWHGLQ WKHSUDFWLFHRI RIIHULQJVDFULÀFHV7KHULWXDODVVRFLDWHG ZLWK WKH RIIHULQJ RI VDFULÀFLDO ODPEV LQFOXGHG WKH UHVSRQVLELOLW\ WRH[DPLQHVHOHFWDQGGHVLJQDWHSHUIHFWODPEVIRUVDFULÀFHDQG DOVR WR ZDVK WKHP SULRU WR VDFULÀFLQJ WKHP 7KLV H[SODLQV ZK\ -RKQLGHQWLÀHV-HVXVDVWKHUHDOLW\WKDWKDGFRPHWRIXOÀOOWKHV\PEROLF UHSUHVHQWDWLRQV +DYLQJ GRQH VR -RKQ LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH FXVWRPV RI WKH ODZ UHJDUGLQJ WKH GHVLJQDWHG VDFULÀFH EDSWL]HV -HVXVLQDQWLFLSDWLRQRI +LVFUXFLÀ[LRQ 7RWKHFXOWXUHRI WKHWLPH-RKQ·VDFWLRQVZHUHERWKOHJLWLPDWH and transformational. The reality of Christ had replaced the symERORI WKHVDFULÀFLDOODPE7KLVNH\UHTXLUHPHQWRI WKHSUHFUHDWLRQ FRYHQDQWZDVGHFODUHGWREHVDWLVÀHG CHRIST FULFILLS THE COVENANT Since the precreation covenant is the foundation for the UHODWLRQVKLS RI *RG DQG PDQ *RG HVWDEOLVKHG WKH FRYHQDQW WR be unimpeachable. He accomplished this with an oath. In ancient WLPHVWKHVWURQJHVWVXSSRUWIRUDQRDWKZDVWKHUHSXWDWLRQRI WKH person who gave his oath. God clearly intends the same force of DIÀUPDWLRQ DV ZKHQ -HVXV +LPVHOI GHFODUHG ´+HDYHQ DQG HDUWK ZLOOSDVVDZD\EXWP\ZRUGVZLOOQHYHUSDVVDZD\µ By committing +LPVHOI WRDQRDWKJXDUDQWHHGE\WKHLQWHJULW\RI +LVSHUVRQ*RG established for all time the reliability and certainty of the precreDWLRQFRYHQDQW3VDOPUHFRJQL]HVWKHVWDWXVRI WKHRDWKVZRUQ by God: “I will bow down toward your holy temple and will praise \RXUQDPHIRU\RXUXQIDLOLQJORYHDQG\RXUIDLWKIXOQHVVIRU\RX have so exalted your solemn decree that it surpasses your fame.” &UHDWLRQ LWVHOI ZDV HVWDEOLVKHG WR DFFRPPRGDWH WKH VHTXHQWLDO XQIROGLQJ RI WKH SUHFUHDWLRQ FRYHQDQW 7KH IXOÀOOPHQW RI WKLV 77 My Father! My Father! covenant is absolute and inevitable. 7KH FRYHQDQW FUHDWHG DQ HVWDWH WKDW LV FRQYH\HG WR PDQ WKH LQWHQGHGEHQHÀFLDULHVE\DSURPLVH:LWKUHVSHFWWRWKHFRYHQDQW Jesus represents the interests of man. He is the Mediator between *RGDQGPDQ6LQFH+HLV*RGFORWKHGLQWKHIRUPRI PDQ+H LVWKHSHUIHFW0HGLDWRU$V*RG+HLVIXOO\DZDUHRI WKHPLQGRI *RGDQGWKHLQWHUHVWVRI *RGWREHVDWLVÀHGE\WKHFRYHQDQW+H LVULJKWHRXVDV*RGLVULJKWHRXVDQGFDQQRWFRPSURPLVH*RG·V VWDQGDUGVRI ULJKWHRXVQHVVDQG+HIXOO\VDWLVÀHVDOORI LWVUHTXLUHPHQWV 2Q WKH RWKHU KDQG -HVXV LV WKH &UHDWRU RI PDQ ´,Q WKH EHJLQQLQJ ZDV WKH :RUG DQG WKH :RUG ZDV ZLWK *RG DQG WKH :RUGZDV*RG+HZDVZLWK*RGLQWKHEHJLQQLQJ7KURXJKKLP all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.”+HFUHDWHGPDQWREHVRQVRI *RG+HWKHUHIRUHFDPH to display among men the perfect picture of what He designed. %\ PRGHOLQJ WKH SHUIHFW GHVLJQ WR PDQ +LV OLIH LOOXPLQDWHV WKHXQGHUVWDQGLQJRI ZKRWKH\ZHUHPDGHWREH%\GRLQJVR+H removes the darkness of sin that had clouded man’s understanding of his true purpose for being in creation since the fall occurred. ´)RUDOWKRXJKWKH\NQHZ*RGWKH\QHLWKHUJORULÀHGKLPDV*RG QRUJDYHWKDQNVWRKLPEXWWKHLUWKLQNLQJEHFDPHIXWLOHDQGWKHLU foolish hearts were darkened.”110%\LOOXPLQDWLQJWKHGDUNQHVV+H becomes the “light of the world.”111 Jesus Himself swore an oath. Jesus has the same standing as *RGLQUHJDUGWRWKHSUHFUHDWLRQFRYHQDQWEHFDXVHE\LWVWHUPVDQ RDWKPDNHVWKHSDUWLHVWRLWHTXDO+HPXVWIXOÀOODOORI LWVUHTXLUHPHQWVHYHQWKRXJKLWFRQVXPHG+LVOLIHDVDPDQ-HVXVDFFHSWHG the full implications of the covenant the night before He was cruciÀHGVD\LQJ´0\)DWKHULI LWLVSRVVLEOHPD\WKLVFXSEHWDNHQIURP PH <HW QRW DV , ZLOO EXW DV \RX ZLOOµ112 “Because of this oath Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant.” The Levitical FRYHQDQWWKDWIRFXVHGRQWKHVDFULÀFHIRUDWRQHPHQWIRUHVKDGRZHG WKHIXOÀOOPHQWRI WKHSUHH[LVWLQJFRYHQDQW-HVXVKRZHYHULVWKH DFWXDO VDFULÀFH DQG DFFRPSOLVKHV WKH DWRQHPHQW +H WKHUHIRUH guarantees a better result. 78 7KH/DVW$GDP $VGHOHJDWHVRI WKH/RUG-HVXV&KULVWVRQVRI *RGSRVVHVV+LV authority to cancel men’s debts against God and to invite them to take up citizenship within the Kingdom of Heaven. As ambassaGRUVRI WKH.LQJGRPRI +HDYHQWKH\RSHUDWHXQGHUWKHSURWHFWLRQV RI WKHDXWKRULW\RI WKH+RO\6SLULWZKRHTXLSVWKHPZLWKJLIWVRI Jesus’ authority commensurate with the spheres of administration WR ZKLFK WKH\ DUH DVVLJQHG /LNH -HVXV WKHLU DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ UHFonciles men to God and brings about lasting peace in the lives of SHRSOH$VWKHDQFLHQWÀJXUH0HOFKL]HGHNWKH\VHUYHDVULJKWHRXV priests empowered by kingly authority—a royal priesthood. -HVXV LQ +LV OLIH DV D PDQ IXOO\ PRGHOHG WKH UHVXOW RI WKLV SUHFUHDWLRQFRYHQDQW+LVHVWDWHSRVVHVVHVDOOWKHUHTXLVLWHDXWKRULW\ to select sons of God from among the race of humankind and to form them into a royal priesthood that puts on display the nature of God. $QGWKH\VDQJDQHZVRQJVD\LQJ ´<RXDUHZRUWK\WRWDNHWKHVFUROODQGWRRSHQLWVVHDOVEHFDXVH\RXZHUHVODLQDQGZLWK\RXUEORRG\RXSXUFKDVHGIRU *RGPHPEHUVRI HYHU\WULEHDQGODQJXDJHDQGSHRSOHDQG QDWLRQ<RXKDYHPDGHWKHPWREHDNLQJGRPDQGSULHVWVWR VHUYHRXU*RGDQGWKH\ZLOOUHLJQRQWKHHDUWKµ 7KHQ,ORRNHGDQGKHDUGWKHYRLFHRI PDQ\DQJHOVQXPEHULQJWKRXVDQGVXSRQWKRXVDQGVDQGWHQWKRXVDQGWLPHVWHQ WKRXVDQG7KH\HQFLUFOHGWKHWKURQHDQGWKHOLYLQJFUHDWXUHV DQGWKHHOGHUV,QDORXGYRLFHWKH\ZHUHVD\LQJ ´:RUWK\LVWKH/DPEZKRZDVVODLQWRUHFHLYHSRZHU DQGZHDOWKDQGZLVGRPDQGVWUHQJWKDQGKRQRUDQGJORU\ DQGSUDLVHµ THE TESTAMENT OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST 0\SUD\HULVQRWIRUWKHPDORQH,SUD\DOVRIRUWKRVHZKRZLOO EHOLHYHLQPHWKURXJKWKHLUPHVVDJHWKDWDOORI WKHPPD\EH RQH)DWKHUMXVWDV\RXDUHLQPHDQG,DPLQ\RX0D\WKH\ 79 My Father! My Father! DOVREHLQXVVRWKDWWKHZRUOGPD\EHOLHYHWKDW\RXKDYHVHQW PH,KDYHJLYHQWKHPWKHJORU\WKDW\RXJDYHPHWKDWWKH\ PD\EHRQHDVZHDUHRQH Jesus gave the content of His estate in the covenant to those who were called and selected to be sons of God. The “New Testament” describes Jesus’ estate and its administration and names the inheritors of Jesus’ estate as “sons of God” who are drawn from all the nations of humankind. In order to be added to the class of KHLUVRQHPXVWÀUVWEHUHVFXHGIURPWKHFRQWURORI WKHNRVPRV and be made a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven: >$@QG JLYLQJ MR\IXO WKDQNV WR WKH )DWKHU ZKR KDV TXDOLÀHG \RX WR VKDUH LQ WKH LQKHULWDQFH RI KLV SHRSOH LQ WKH NLQJGRPRI OLJKW)RUKHKDVUHVFXHGXVIURPWKHGRPLQLRQRI GDUNQHVV DQG EURXJKW XV LQWR WKH NLQJGRP RI WKH 6RQ KH ORYHVLQZKRPZHKDYHUHGHPSWLRQWKHIRUJLYHQHVVRI VLQV116 Those who are already vested heirs are empowered to invite others to become members of the class. :LWKLQ WKH GHVLJQDWLRQ ´VRQV RI *RGµ H[LVWV GHJUHHV RI maturity and inheritance. Being translated into the Kingdom of *RGRQHLVLQLWLDOO\DQGDXWRPDWLFDOO\QDPHGDVDQKHLURI &KULVW +RZHYHU HDFK LQGLYLGXDO PXVW XQGHUJR DQ H[WHQVLYH SURFHVV RI change and transformation from the culture of orphans to the culWXUHRI VRQVDQGVXEVHTXHQWO\WRWKHVWDWXVRI PDWXUHVRQV2QO\ by this process can one faithfully represent the Father in all things. 7KHUHIRUHLQWKH6FULSWXUHVWKHUHLVDVSHFWUXPRI VRQVKLSUHODWHG WRRQH·VPDWXULW\)RUH[DPSOHWKHZRUGXVHGIRURQHZKRLV´ERUQ again” and in the infantile state is nepiosRI ZKLFK3DXOZURWHLQ KLVOHWWHUWRWKH*DODWLDQV´:KDW,DPVD\LQJLVWKDWDVORQJDVWKH heir is a childKHLVQRGLIIHUHQWIURPDVODYHDOWKRXJKKHRZQVWKH whole estate.” This is distinguished from a teknon of which the DSRVWOH-RKQZURWH´%XWDVPDQ\DVUHFHLYHGKLPWRWKHPJDYH he power to become the sons of God….” Here the word used 80 7KH/DVW$GDP IRU´VRQVµteknonLPSOLHVDVRQZLWKVXIÀFLHQWPDWXULW\WRKDYHD UHFLSURFDO UHODWLRQVKLS ZLWK D IDWKHU GHÀQHG E\ ORYH IULHQGVKLS and trust; such as a disciple.120 6LPLODUO\ LQ KLV OHWWHU WR WKH 5RPDQV 3DXO ZURWH WKDW ´WKRVH ZKRDUHOHGE\WKH6SLULWRI *RGDUHVRQVRI *RGµUHIHUULQJWR a son in theKXLRVVWDJHZKLFKLVRQHZKRLVDPDWXUHVRQÀWWR represent the Father.121$VVRQVJURZLQPDWXULW\WKH+RO\6SLULW endows them with greater measures of their inheritance. The scope RI WKHLUUHSUHVHQWDWLRQRI *RGWKH)DWKHULVZLGHQHGDFFRUGLQJO\ and the power that sustains them is increased accordingly. 7KH+RO\6SLULWZKRP-HVXVVSHFLÀFDOO\FRPPLVVLRQHGWRUHSUHVHQW+LPIDLWKIXOO\H[HFXWHVWKHWHUPVRI LQKHULWLQJ+LVHVWDWH %XWYHU\WUXO\,WHOO\RXLWLVIRU\RXUJRRGWKDW,DPJRLQJ DZD\8QOHVV,JRDZD\WKH$GYRFDWHZLOOQRWFRPHWR\RX EXWLI ,JR,ZLOOVHQGKLPWR\RX «,KDYHPXFKPRUHWRVD\WR\RXPRUHWKDQ\RXFDQ QRZEHDU%XWZKHQKHWKH6SLULWRI WUXWKFRPHVKHZLOO JXLGH\RXLQWRDOOWKHWUXWK+HZLOOQRWVSHDNRQKLVRZQKH ZLOOVSHDNRQO\ZKDWKHKHDUVDQGKHZLOOWHOO\RXZKDWLV\HW WRFRPH+HZLOOJORULI\PHEHFDXVHLWLVIURPPHWKDWKHZLOO UHFHLYHZKDWKHZLOOPDNHNQRZQWR\RX$OOWKDWEHORQJVWR WKH)DWKHULVPLQH7KDWLVZK\,VDLGWKH6SLULWZLOOUHFHLYH IURPPHZKDWKHZLOOPDNHNQRZQWR\RX122 -HVXVGHVFULEHGWKH+RO\6SLULWDVWKH6SLULWRI WKH)DWKHUZKRVH ZRUN-HVXVKDGFRPHWRGRDQGIURPZKRP-HVXVLQKHULWHGWKDW part of the estate that originally belonged to the Father. The Holy 6SLULWLV+LPVHOI *RGMXVWDVDUH-HVXVDQGWKH)DWKHU7KH6SLULW is intimately familiar with everything Jesus sought to present in His life on the earth. He is capable of directing the process of WKHVHOHFWLRQRI VRQVWKURXJKWKHDPEDVVDGRUVDQG+HGLVWULEXWHV gifts of the authority of Jesus commensurate with the standards RI PDWXULW\WRZKLFKVRQVPDWULFXODWH+HLVWKHUHIRUHWKHSHUIHFW Executor. That is why Jesus has committed into His administration 81 My Father! My Father! WKHVROHDEVROXWHDQGH[FOXVLYHUHSUHVHQWDWLRQRI +LVLQWHUHVWVLQ the earth. Any administration of the estate of the Lord Jesus Christ that takes place outside of this basis of authority is categorically LOOHJLWLPDWH LV DQ LQYDOLG DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ DQG LV HPSW\ RI SRZHU The administration of the estate of the Lord Jesus Christ has not been left subject to the collective will of the heirs. All delegates of the Kingdom of God purporting to act on behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ must derive their authority to do so from the Holy 6SLULW +LPVHOI (YHU\ DFWLRQ XQGHUWDNHQ DSDUW IURP WKLV VSHFLÀF protocol is exercised in opposition to the administration set by the Lord Jesus Himself. Such alternative administrations are actively opposed to Christ’s interests. The Holy Spirit is the active agent for the administration of Jesus’ estate. He chooses to work through those who are alUHDG\VRQVRI *RGWREULQJRWKHUVLQWRWKH.LQJGRP+RZHYHUQR one is empowered to act in furtherance of the administration of the Lord’s estate independent of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit remains in total control of all facets of the administration of the estate of Jesus Christ. COVENANT AND PROMISE %URWKHUVDQGVLVWHUVOHWPHWDNHDQH[DPSOHIURPHYHU\GD\ OLIH-XVWDVQRRQHFDQVHWDVLGHRUDGGWRDKXPDQFRYHQDQW WKDWKDVEHHQGXO\HVWDEOLVKHGVRLWLVLQWKLVFDVH7KHSURPLVHVZHUHVSRNHQWR$EUDKDPDQGWRKLVVHHG6FULSWXUHGRHV QRWVD\´DQGWRVHHGVµPHDQLQJPDQ\SHRSOHEXW´DQGWR \RXUVHHGµPHDQLQJRQHSHUVRQZKRLV&KULVW:KDW,PHDQ LVWKLV7KHODZLQWURGXFHG\HDUVODWHUGRHVQRWVHWDVLGH WKHFRYHQDQWSUHYLRXVO\HVWDEOLVKHGE\*RGDQGWKXVGRDZD\ ZLWKWKHSURPLVH)RULI WKHLQKHULWDQFHGHSHQGVRQWKHODZ WKHQLWQRORQJHUGHSHQGVRQWKHSURPLVHEXW*RGLQKLVJUDFH JDYHLWWR$EUDKDPWKURXJKDSURPLVH 82 7KH/DVW$GDP &RYHQDQWDQGSURPLVH³WKHVHWZRWHUPVKDYHSDUWLFXODUGLVWLQFWPHDQLQJVWKRXJKWKH\DUHFRPPRQO\FRQIXVHGDQGIUHTXHQWly used interchangeably. The FRYHQDQW is the precreation covenant between God the Father and the Son before the establishment of creation itself. This agreement between God and God formed the basis for the structure and operation of all creation that followed. 7KH UHTXLUHPHQWV RI WKLV FRYHQDQW IRUHRUGDLQHG WKH WUDMHFWRU\ of human history. This covenant produced an estate to both the )DWKHU DQG WKH 6RQ ZLWK WKH LQWHQWLRQ WKDW WKH FRQWHQWV RI WKLV estate be conveyed to man. God entered into this covenant with WKHLQWHQWLRQRI EHQHÀWLQJPDQSULRUWRKLVH[LVWHQFHLQDQWLFLSDWLRQ RI KLVFUHDWLRQ7KHEHQHÀWVWRPDQZHUHKHOGLQWUXVWE\DSURPLVH The promise ZRXOG YHVW ZKHQ WKH LQWHQGHG KHLUV DUULYHG 6R ZKHQ*RGFUHDWHG$GDPKLVVWDWXVZDVWKDWRI ERWKDVRQDQGDQ KHLU$VWKHÀUVWVRQRI *RGWKHEHQHÀWVRI WKHFRYHQDQWYHVWHG ZLWKKLP+RZHYHUZKHQKHVLGHGZLWKWKHHQHP\RI *RGKHUHMHFWHGKLVHVWDWHDVDVRQFKRRVLQJLQGHSHQGHQFHIURP*RGLQVWHDG 7KHHVWDWHUHPDLQHGKRZHYHUVLQFHLWVH[LVWHQFHGHSHQGVRQ*RG·V RDWKDQGLVWKHUHIRUHLPPXWDEOH,QHVVHQFHZLWK$GDP·VUHMHFWLRQ WKHHVWDWHUHFRQYHUWHGWRDSURPLVHRQFHDJDLQDZDLWLQJDQKHLU God found an heir in Abraham and gave him as much of the promise as Abraham’s condition would allow him to receive—alWKRXJK$EUDKDPDFWHGRXWRI DKHDUWWKDWGHVLUHG*RGDVDVRQ of Adam his culture was already compromised. God promised to make a great nation out of Abraham and to bring through his line &KULVWWKH6RQE\ZKRPDOORI WKHLQFLGHQFHVRI WKHHVWDWHZRXOG vest. By selecting Abraham to be the father of the race out of ZKRP-HVXVZRXOGFRPH*RGLQLWLDWHGWKHSURFHVVE\ZKLFKWKH promise would eventually vest. :KHQ&KULVWFDPHDVERWKWKH6RQRI *RGDQGRI $EUDKDP KH ZDV SRVLWLRQHG WR IXOÀOO WKH UHPDLQLQJ UHTXLUHPHQWV RI WKH covenant and to cause the promise to fully vest. Upon His death DQGUHVXUUHFWLRQWKHSURPLVHPRYHGIURPWKHUHDOPRI KRSHDQG H[SHFWDWLRQWRUHDOLW\DQGWKHHVWDWHZDVIXOO\JDWKHUHGXSDQGUHDG\ to be distributed. 83 My Father! My Father! The intent of God that was the subject of the precreation covenant had transitioned fully from covenant to reality. The sons of God assembled to Christ are the reality envisioned by the covenant. %\WKLVDVVHPEOLQJWKH+RXVHRI *RGLVSUHVHQWDQGIXQFWLRQLQJ in the earth. 6RLQ&KULVW-HVXV\RXDUHDOOFKLOGUHQRI *RGWKURXJKIDLWK IRU DOO RI \RX ZKR ZHUH EDSWL]HG LQWR &KULVW KDYH FORWKHG \RXUVHOYHVZLWK&KULVW7KHUHLVQHLWKHU-HZQRU*HQWLOHQHLWKHUVODYHQRUIUHHQHLWKHUPDOHQRUIHPDOHIRU\RXDUHDOO RQHLQ&KULVW-HVXV,I \RXEHORQJWR&KULVWWKHQ\RXDUH $EUDKDP·VVHHGDQGKHLUVDFFRUGLQJWRWKHSURPLVH THE MAN FROM HEAVEN 7KHÀUVWVRQ$GDPEURXJKWVHSDUDWLRQIURP*RGDQGDOLHQDWHG PDQIURPKLV)DWKHU%\KLVDFWLRQVWKH+RXVHRI *RGIHOOLQWR disrepute. )URPWKHFUHDWLRQRI WKHZRUOG*RGSURPLVHGWKHUHVWRUDWLRQ RI +LV+RXVHWKURXJKDQRWKHU6RQZKRZRXOGUHPDLQIDLWKIXOWR the mandates of His heavenly origin. He would be called “the Last Adam.” 6RLWLVZULWWHQ´7KHÀUVWPDQ$GDPEHFDPHDOLYLQJEHLQJµWKHODVW$GDPDOLIHJLYLQJVSLULW7KHVSLULWXDOGLG QRWFRPHÀUVWEXWWKHQDWXUDODQGDIWHUWKDWWKHVSLULWXDO 7KHÀUVWPDQZDVRI WKHGXVWRI WKHHDUWKWKHVHFRQGPDQ LVRI KHDYHQ$VZDVWKHHDUWKO\PDQVRDUHWKRVHZKRDUH RI WKHHDUWKDQGDVLVWKHKHDYHQO\PDQVRDOVRDUHWKRVH ZKRDUHRI KHDYHQ$QGMXVWDVZHKDYHERUQHWKHLPDJHRI WKHHDUWKO\PDQVRVKDOOZHEHDUWKHLPDJHRI WKHKHDYHQO\ PDQ126 (YHU\RQHZKROLYHVRQWKHHDUWKLVERUQIURP$GDPWKHÀUVWVRQ DQGKDVDVKLVGHIDXOWFXOWXUHWKHPLQGVHWRI WKHRUSKDQ:LWKWKH FRPLQJRI WKHODVW$GDPLWLVDOVRSRVVLEOHWREHERUQDJDLQRI WKLV 84 7KH/DVW$GDP Son of God. He is given the title “the Christ” to signify that He H[LVWVWRIXOÀOO*RG·VLQWHQWLRQWRKDYHVRQV:KHQ-HVXVWKHODVW $GDP FRPSOHWHG WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV RI WKH SUHFUHDWLRQ FRYHQDQW DQG WKH SURPLVHV YHVWHG LQ +LP WKH UHVWRUDWLRQ RI PDQ WR WKH original purpose of God as foreordained through the preexisting FRYHQDQWFRXOGSURFHHG2QFHDJDLQPDQFRXOGEHFRPHVRQVRI God through Christ Jesus. All who are to be sons of God necessarily have a second birth experience. This experience is the activation of the spirit within a person and the restoration of the rule of his spirit over his soul. This results in a different order of governance within the person’s being. Such a person experiences a change in the mind that JRYHUQVKLPIURPWKHPLQGRI WKHVRXOWRWKHPLQGRI WKHVSLULW DQGEHFRPHVDSHUVRQRI WKHVSLULW7KHUHIRUH-HVXVVDLG´)OHVK JLYHVELUWKWRÁHVKEXWWKH6SLULWJLYHVELUWKWRVSLULW<RXVKRXOG QRWEHVXUSULVHGDWP\VD\LQJ¶<RXPXVWEHERUQDJDLQ·µ6LPLODUO\ WKHDSRVWOH3DXOZULWHV´'RQRWFRQIRUPWRWKHSDWWHUQ RI WKLV ZRUOGEXWEHWUDQVIRUPHGE\WKHUHQHZLQJRI \RXUPLQG7KHQ \RXZLOOEHDEOHWRWHVWDQGDSSURYHZKDW*RG·VZLOOLV³KLVJRRG pleasing and perfect will.” $OWKRXJK WKH ODVW $GDP DSSHDUHG LQ WKH SHUVRQ RI -HVXV ultimately what He came to accomplish was to create a spiritual UHDOLW\ WR ZKLFK RWKHUV FRXOG EH DVVHPEOHG 7KH ÀUVW $GDP KDG heirs who came out of his physical being. The last Adam presents sons to God who are heirs of God’s estate through Christ’s spiriWXDOEHLQJ7KHERG\RI $GDPIURPZKLFKDOOPHQKDYHFRPHLV a natural body. It is not possible to have a relationship with the PDQ-HVXVEHFDXVHQRRQHLVDGGHGWRKLVSK\VLFDOEHLQJQRUGRHV anyone come out of his natural form. The body of Christ is a spiritual body to which the Holy Spirit assembles all who are the sons of God. :KHQRQHLVERUQDJDLQKHH[SHULHQFHVWKHUHHPHUJHQFHRI KLV VSLULWWRWKHSODFHRI SUHHPLQHQFHZLWKLQKLVEHLQJDQGKHLVVXLWDEOH to be assembled as a spirit into the corporate Christ. 85 My Father! My Father! -XVWDVDERG\WKRXJKRQHKDVPDQ\SDUWVEXWDOOLWVPDQ\ SDUWVIRUPRQHERG\VRLWLVZLWK&KULVW)RUZHZHUHDOOEDSWL]HGE\RQH6SLULWVRDVWRIRUPRQHERG\³ZKHWKHU-HZVRU *HQWLOHVVODYHRUIUHH³DQGZHZHUHDOOJLYHQWKHRQH6SLULW WRGULQN«1RZ\RXDUHWKHERG\RI &KULVWDQGHDFKRQH RI \RXLVDSDUWRI LW $VSLULWXDOEHLQJDVVHPEOHGWRWKH%RG\RI &KULVWLVQRORQJHU subject to the factors that govern the natural man. 3UDLVHEHWRWKH*RGDQG)DWKHURI RXU/RUG-HVXV&KULVW ZKRKDVEOHVVHGXVLQWKHKHDYHQO\UHDOPVZLWKHYHU\VSLULWXDO EOHVVLQJLQ&KULVW)RUKHFKRVHXVLQKLPEHIRUHWKHFUHDWLRQ RI WKHZRUOGWREHKRO\DQGEODPHOHVVLQKLVVLJKW,QORYHKH SUHGHVWLQHGXVIRUDGRSWLRQWRVRQVKLSWKURXJK-HVXV&KULVW LQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKKLVSOHDVXUHDQGZLOO³WRWKHSUDLVHRI KLV JORULRXVJUDFHZKLFKKHKDVIUHHO\JLYHQXVLQWKH2QHKHORYHV ,QKLPZHKDYHUHGHPSWLRQWKURXJKKLVEORRGWKHIRUJLYHQHVV RI VLQVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHULFKHVRI *RG·VJUDFHWKDWKH ODYLVKHGRQXV:LWKDOOZLVGRPDQGXQGHUVWDQGLQJKHPDGH NQRZQ WR XV WKH P\VWHU\ RI KLV ZLOO DFFRUGLQJ WR KLV JRRG SOHDVXUHZKLFKKHSXUSRVHGLQ&KULVWWREHSXWLQWRHIIHFW ZKHQWKHWLPHVUHDFKWKHLUIXOÀOOPHQW³WREULQJXQLW\WRDOO WKLQJVLQKHDYHQDQGRQHDUWKXQGHU&KULVW ,Q +LP ZH ZHUH DOVR FKRVHQ KDYLQJ EHHQ SUHGHVWLQHG DFFRUGLQJWRWKHSODQRI +LPZKRZRUNVRXWHYHU\WKLQJLQ FRQIRUPLW\ZLWKWKHSXUSRVHRI +LVZLOOLQRUGHUWKDWZH ZKRZHUHWKHÀUVWWRSXWRXUKRSHLQ&KULVWPLJKWEHIRUWKH SUDLVHRI +LVJORU\$QG\RXDOVRZHUHLQFOXGHGLQ&KULVW ZKHQ\RXKHDUGWKHPHVVDJHRI WUXWKWKHJRVSHORI \RXUVDOYDWLRQ:KHQ\RXEHOLHYHG\RXZHUHPDUNHGLQ+LPZLWKD VHDOWKHSURPLVHG+RO\6SLULWZKRLVDGHSRVLWJXDUDQWHHLQJ RXULQKHULWDQFHXQWLOWKHUHGHPSWLRQRI WKRVHZKRDUH*RG·V SRVVHVVLRQ³WRWKHSUDLVHRI +LVJORU\ 86 7KH/DVW$GDP 7KHLQWHQWLRQRI *RGDVVSHFLÀHGLQWKHSUHFUHDWLRQFRYHQDQW is to grant to humans access into the estate created by the covenant WKURXJK D VSLULWXDO XQLRQ ZLWK &KULVW +LV VSHFLÀF LQWHQW ZDV WR restore the primacy of the spirit of man within his being and to DVVHPEOHWKHPDQVRDUUDQJHGLQWRWKHVSLULWXDOHQWLW\GHVFULEHGDV WKH&KULVWRI ZKLFKERG\WKH/RUG-HVXVLVWKHKHDGDQGUXOHVWKH body on the earth from His seat on the throne of God in heaven. +HHIIHFWXDWHVWKLVUXOHWKURXJKWKHDJHQF\RI WKH+RO\6SLULWZKR in turn prosecutes the interests of Christ through the members of WKH%RG\RI &KULVW6RQVRI *RGDUHWKHUHIRUHLQKHUHQWO\SDUWV of the Body of Christ. This is the manner in which access into the estate of Jesus is secured. %\ UDLVLQJ -HVXV IURP WKH GHDG *RG FRQÀUPHG WKDW +H ZDV the Christ. This was the essential message that was proclaimed RQWKH'D\RI 3HQWHFRVWZKHQWKHJRVSHORI -HVXV&KULVWZDVÀUVW GHFODUHGRQWKHHDUWKWRJHWKHUZLWKWKHLQYLWDWLRQWRGHSDUWIURP WKHGHFHSWLRQRI WKHNRVPRVDQGWRÀQGUHIXJHXQGHUWKHUXOHRI the ascended King. 6DOYDWLRQKDVQHYHUEHHQWKHUHIRUHMXVWDPDWWHURI JRLQJWR KHDYHQEXWLVWKHSURFHVVE\ZKLFKPDQLVVDYHGIURPWKHFRQGLtion of separation from God that has existed since the days of the ÀUVW $GDP 2QFH VDYHG IURP WKH FXOWXUH RI VHOIUHOLDQFH RQH LV assembled into the spiritual man and reunited with his true purpose IRU EHLQJ ,Q WKH %RG\ RI &KULVW WKH +RO\ 6SLULW LV DYDLODEOH WR empower one’s calling. Although salvation includes avoiding the DQQLKLODWLRQRI KHOOWKDWUHVXOWLVQHLWKHUWKHIRFXVRI WKHJRVSHORI -HVXV&KULVWQRULWVSULPDU\UHVXOW:KHQDSHUVRQLVMRLQHGWR&KULVW he is no longer subject to the law of sin and death. That is an existing VWDWHRI EHLQJWKHJXDUDQWHHRI ZKLFKLVWKHVHDORI WKH+RO\6SLULW 7KHRYHUDUFKLQJSXUSRVHRI VDOYDWLRQLVWRUHDFTXDLQWXVZLWK the purposes for which we were originally created. This is accomplished primarily by the removal of the mindset inherited from the ÀUVW$GDPRXUQDWXUDOIDWKHUDQGWKHUHRULHQWDWLRQE\WKH+RO\ 6SLULW WR WKH SXUSRVHV RI *RG FRQVLVWHQW ZLWK EHLQJ +LV KHLUV Salvation means being saved from the mindset and culture of an 87 My Father! My Father! RUSKDQDQGUHLQWHJUDWHGLQWRWKH+RXVHRI *RGE\ZKLFKSURFHVV ZHDUHUHQHZHGDV+LVVRQV´7REHFDUQDOO\PLQGHGLVGHDWKEXWWR be spiritually minded is life and peace.” The life of a son is lived in deep fellowship with the Holy Spirit as part of the corporate Christ. 88 H CHAPTER 9 ow God Speaks Even though man has been restored to his position as God’s VRQKHUHWDLQVWKHFXOWXUHRI WKHRUSKDQDQGLWGHWHUPLQHVKRZ KHUHODWHVWR*RG7KHFXOWXUHRI WKHRUSKDQÀOWHUVWKHVRXQGRI WKHYRLFHRI *RG,WPXIÁHV*RG·VYRLFHWRRQH·VVSLULWVXFKWKDW even a born-again believer will begin to accept the assumption that LWLVLPSRVVLEOHWRKHDU*RGGLUHFWO\DYLHZJHQHUDOO\SURSDJDWHG by religious institutions. 3ULRUWRWKHIDOO*RGVSRNHWRPDQIDFHWRIDFHLQWKH*DUGHQ 6LQFHPDQLVVSLULWVXFKFRPPXQLFDWLRQZDVQHLWKHUVWUDQJHQRU GLIÀFXOWIRUPDQ+RZHYHUVLQFHWKHIDOOWKHFODULW\RI *RG·VFRPmunication with man has been distorted by the preeminence of WKHVRXO·VPLQG,QVSLULWPDQLVRI WKHVDPHNLQGDQGQDWXUHDV *RGEHFDXVHWKHVSLULWRI PDQFDPHRXWRI WKHSHUVRQRI *RG Man was not preoccupied originally with either his provision or his SURWHFWLRQVLQFHWKHWUXHQDWXUHRI PDQ·VEHLQJLVVSLULW+LVFRPmunication with God was not distracted by his preoccupation with these imperatives. *RGVSRNHWRPDQWRLQIRUPKLPDQGHTXLSKLPWRIXOÀOOKLV commission as the representation of God in the earth. Man’s rule ZDVWRUHÁHFWWKHFKDUDFWHURI *RG7KHUHZDVKDUPRQ\EHWZHHQ*RG DQGPDQDQGWKHUHVXOWLQJFRPPXQLFDWLRQZDVÁDZOHVV7KLVZDVWKH original way in which God intended to communicate with His sons. 89 My Father! My Father! Jesus communicated with God in this fashion while He was on the earth. His intimate familiarity with God was one of the greatest offenses to the people of His day. It was “for this reason they tried DOOWKHPRUHWRNLOOKLPQRWRQO\ZDVKHEUHDNLQJWKH6DEEDWKEXW KH ZDV HYHQ FDOOLQJ *RG KLV RZQ )DWKHU PDNLQJ KLPVHOI HTXDO with God.” Jesus explained: 9HU\WUXO\,WHOO\RXWKH6RQFDQGRQRWKLQJE\KLPVHOIKH FDQGRRQO\ZKDWKHVHHVKLV)DWKHUGRLQJEHFDXVHZKDWHYHU WKH)DWKHUGRHVWKH6RQDOVRGRHV)RUWKH)DWKHUORYHVWKH 6RQDQGVKRZVKLPDOOKHGRHV<HVDQGKHZLOOVKRZKLP HYHQJUHDWHUZRUNVWKDQWKHVHVRWKDW\RXZLOOEHDPD]HG $FFRUGLQJWR-HVXV*RGFKRVHWKLVPHWKRGRI GLUHFWFRPPXQLFDWLRQ ,Q WKH EHJLQQLQJ *RG VSRNH ZLWK $GDP IDFH WR IDFH DQG ZKHQ*RGEHJDQWRUHVWRUHPDQ+HDOVRVSRNHIDFHWRIDFHZLWK Jesus. 6LQFHWKHWLPHRI $GDPEHIRUHWKHDGYHQWRI -HVXV*RGFRQtinually attempted to speak face to face with man but had very OLPLWHGVXFFHVV+HVSRNHWR0RVHVRXWRI WKHEXUQLQJEXVKEXW ZKHQ +H DWWHPSWHG WR VSHDN WR DOO ,VUDHO RQ 0RXQW 6LQDL WKH\ UDQ IURP +LV SUHVHQFH ,Q WKHLU IDOOHQ VWDWH OLNH WKDW RI $GDP they confessed to being afraid of the presence of God. Moses UHFRXQWHGWKHHYHQWLQ'HXWHURQRP\VD\LQJ´7KH/25'VSRNH WR\RXIDFHWRIDFHRXWRI WKHÀUHRQWKHPRXQWDLQ$WWKDWWLPH, VWRRGEHWZHHQWKH/25'DQG\RXWRGHFODUHWR\RXWKHZRUGRI WKH/25'EHFDXVH\RXZHUHDIUDLGRI WKHÀUHDQGGLGQRWJRXS WKHPRXQWDLQµ $W WLPHV YDULRXV JURXSV RU LQGLYLGXDOV KDYH VXJJHVWHG WKDW it is the height of arrogance and presumption to suggest that an LQGLYLGXDO FDQ DFWXDOO\ KHDU *RG ,Q SDUWLFXODU WKRVH VWHHSHG LQ the culture of religion often attribute an attitude of pride and hubris to those who claim to hear God. Though it is true that often people claiming to hear from God attribute things to God that are FOHDUO\LQFRQVLVWHQWZLWKHLWKHUWKH6FULSWXUHVRUWKH+RO\6SLULWWKH 90 +RZ*RG6SHDNV heart of the resistance to the idea that a person may hear directly from God is a lack of expectation. The culture of the orphan has no capacity for the intimacy with the Father that would cause the Father to earnestly desire direct communication with the spirit of His son. FACE TO FACE :KHQDSHUVRQUHIXVHVWREHOLHYHWKDW*RGZRXOGFKRRVHWR VSHDNIDFHWRIDFHZLWKDVRQKHKDVIDLOHGWRUHFRJQL]HWKHGLVWLQFWLRQ EHWZHHQÁHVKDQGVSLULWE\FRQWLQXLQJWRVHHPDQDVÁHVK0DQDV PHUHO\ÁHVKSURYLGHVQRIUDPHZRUNIRUXQGHUVWDQGLQJFRPPXQLcation that takes place between the Spirit of God and the spirit of PDQ<HWWKHVWXEERUQUHIXVDOWRDFNQRZOHGJHWKDWLWLVLQIDFWWKH GHVLUHRI *RGWRVSHDNGLUHFWO\RIWHQLVGLVJXLVHGE\IDOVHPRGHVW\ presented as humility. Scripture shows a picture of God continuously seeking communication with man throughout all the epochs of history. The assertion that a holy God would never deign to speak directly to a VLQIXOPDQDQGIRUPDQWRFODLPVXFKIDPLOLDULW\ZLWK*RGLVFORVH WREODVSKHP\KDVGHHSHUURRWVLQ*QRVWLFLVPWKDQ6FULSWXUH)URP EHIRUHWKHFUHDWLRQRI WKHZRUOG*RGNQHZWKDWZKHQPDQVLQQHG *RGZRXOGKDYHWRVSHDNWRKLPGLIIHUHQWO\6R+HSODQQHGKRZ He would communicate with man once He could no longer speak to him face to face. :KHQPDQVLQQHGWKHSUHHPLQHQFHRI KLVVRXOSURYLGHGKLP ZLWKDGLIIHUHQWPLVLQIRUPHGYLHZRI UHDOLW\7KLVUHDOLW\SURYLGHG no basis for man’s harmonious interaction with God and creation. <HWWKHSUHFUHDWLRQFRYHQDQWFRPPLWWHG*RGWRWKHHVWDEOLVKPHQW RI D KRO\ QDWLRQ GUDZQ IURP DOO WKH UDFHV RI KXPDQNLQG DQG remained as the irrevocable guideline for the evolution of human KLVWRU\ 6R *RG LQFOXGHG LQ +LV SODQ IRU FUHDWLRQ WKH ZD\V E\ which creation speaks to man’s soul. He established creation to EHDFRQWLQXDOVRXUFHRI LQIRUPDWLRQGHVLJQHGWRUHPLQGPDQRI God’s intentions. Although the culture of the orphan continued to widen 91 My Father! My Father! WKH JXOI EHWZHHQ PDQ DQG *RG WKH SODQQHG RUGHU RI FUHDWLRQ together with various other symbolic observations and practices DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK UHOLJLRQ FRQWLQXHG WR DIIHFW KXPDQ FXOWXUH ZLWK the knowledge of God. “For since the creation of the world God’s LQYLVLEOH TXDOLWLHV³+LV HWHUQDO SRZHU DQG GLYLQH QDWXUH³KDYH EHHQFOHDUO\VHHQEHLQJXQGHUVWRRGIURPZKDWKDVEHHQPDGHVR that people are without excuse.”7KHVHLQÁXHQFHVDUHYHLOHGDV shadowy images that reference realities that lay beyond the ability RI WKHVRXOWRJUDVSEXWFRPHLQWRYLHZZKHQWKHVSLULWRI PDQ SDUWVWKHYHLORI KLVVRXODQGPDQPD\RQFHDJDLQVHHDOOWKLQJV through the eyes of his spirit. 3ULRU WR WKH UHVWRUDWLRQ RI PDQ WR *RG *RG H[SHFWHG RQO\ such responses from man as the unenlightened soul is capable of producing. God did not refrain from pursuing His purposes in the HDUWK5DWKHU+HSXUVXHGWKRVHHQGVZLWKWKHDZDUHQHVVWKDWPDQ·V soul cannot grasp His true intent. God knew that when He comPXQLFDWHGWRPDQWKURXJKQDWXUDODVRSSRVHGWRVSLULWXDOPHDQV PDQFRXOGXQGHUVWDQGWKHV\PEROVW\SHVVKDGRZVDQGDQDORJLHV SUHVHQW LQ FUHDWLRQ EXW KH FRXOG QRW VHH WKH SXUSRVH RU LQWHQW EHKLQGWKHP,QWKLVVWDWHPDQFRXOGRQO\VHHWKHWKLQJVRI *RG as in a mirror dimly.7KHUHIRUHZKHQ*RGVSRNHWRPDQFRQcerning the principle of the innocent atoning for the sins of those ZKRDUHJXLOW\+HGLGVRE\HVWDEOLVKLQJWKHVDFULÀFHRI DODPELQ PDQ·VFXOWXUHDQG*RGIHG,VUDHOIRUIRUW\\HDUVZLWKPDQQDZKHQ His true intent was to prepare them for “the bread of life” from KHDYHQ-HVXV *RG FRXOG QRW VSHDN DERXW WKH IXWXUH SODLQO\ EHFDXVH PHQ FRXOGQRWUHFHLYHWKHLQIRUPDWLRQZLWKWKHLUVSLULWV,QVWHDG*RG VSRNHWRPDQWKURXJKSURSKHWLFXWWHUDQFHVRIWHQLQWKHIRUPRI YLVLRQV DQG GUHDPV DQG ZRXOG ZLQN DW PDQ·V XQLQIRUPHG YLHZV and responses until the restoration of God’s communion with PDQ·V VSLULW *RG·V SXUSRVH IRU HVWDEOLVKLQJ V\PEROV VKDGRZV DQGW\SHVEHWZHHQWKHIDOODQGWKHUHVWRUDWLRQZDVWRPDLQWDLQD connection between man’s culture on the earth and the culture of KHDYHQLQDQWLFLSDWLRQRI WKHGD\ZKHQWKHGLYLQHRUGHURI KHDYHQ 92 +RZ*RG6SHDNV would again be restored to the earth. 7R XQGHUVWDQG KRZ *RG VSHDNV WR PDQ LW LV QHFHVVDU\ WR recognize that reality exists simultaneously on the planes of the natural and the spiritual. The soul sees all things exclusively from a natural perspective. “The man without the Spirit does not DFFHSWWKHWKLQJVWKDWFRPHIURPWKH6SLULWRI *RGIRUWKH\DUH IRROLVKQHVVWRKLPDQGKHFDQQRWXQGHUVWDQGWKHPEHFDXVHWKH\ are spiritually discerned.” The soul’s mind lacks the capacity to understand the subtleties and the multidimensional platforms of VSLULWXDO UHDOLWLHV ZKHUHDV WKH VSLULW DSSUHKHQGV VSLULWXDO UHDOLWLHV as they exist in heaven and are manifested in the natural creation. 6LQFH *RG VSHDNV WR WKH VRXOV RI PHQ WKURXJK QDWXUDO LPDJHV He may preserve a predisposition toward the truth until the Holy Spirit reveals God’s mind. The Holy Spirit reveals the true meanings of what had been previously cloaked in types and shadows to the spirit of man. The soul continues to wrestle with the spirit for control of the human being; and though it is always possible to make choices by WKHVSLULWPDQLQKLVLPPDWXULW\ZLOORIWHQGHIDXOWWRWKHYLVLRQRI reality with which his soul has become familiar over the years of KLVOLIH´7KRVHZKROLYHDFFRUGLQJWRWKHÁHVKKDYHWKHLUPLQGVVHW on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.” GOD KNOWS THE END FROM THE BEGINNING 6LQFH *RG NQRZV WKH HQG RI HYHU\ PDWWHU +H ZDV DEOH WR structure the early stages of His relationship with man in a fashion that predisposes man to understand his true intentions as they are UHYHDOHG LQ VXFFHHGLQJ HSRFKV ,Q WKLV VWUXFWXUH *RG·V GHDOLQJV ZLWKPDQDSSHDUDVF\FOLFDORFFXUUHQFHVZKHUHUHFXUULQJWKHPHV take on greater depth and profundity as the cycles reoccur. 7KLV DSSURDFK EHQHÀWV PDQ E\ JLYLQJ KLP D KLVWRULFDO SRLQW of reference against which he may understand present occurrences. :KHQ WKHVH F\FOHV UHRFFXU PRUH WKDQ WZLFH LQ HYHU ZLGHQLQJ VFRSHV WKDW LQFOXGH JUHDWHU GHWDLOV WKH\ SUHGLVSRVH WKH VSLULW RI 93 My Father! My Father! PDQWRDQDQWLFLSDWLRQRI ZKDWWKHIXWXUHHQWDLOV:KHQPDQYLHZV WKHVH F\FOHV WKURXJK KLV VRXO WKH\ UHPDLQ FXULRXV FRLQFLGHQFHV ZLWKOLWWOHLQGLFDWLRQVRI P\VWHULHVEHLQJUHYHDOHG+RZHYHUZKHQ YLHZHGWKURXJKKLVVSLULWWKH\FUHDWHDQH[SHFWDWLRQWKDWEHFRPHV WKHIRXQGDWLRQRI IDLWK´WKHVXEVWDQFHRI WKLQJVKRSHGIRUWKH evidence of things not seen.” Jesus is presented in the Gospel of John as the person of the Godhead who designed the creation. “In the beginning was the :RUGDQGWKH:RUGZDVZLWK*RGDQGWKH:RUGZDV*RG+H was with God in the beginning. …He came to that which was his RZQEXWKLVRZQGLGQRWUHFHLYHKLPµ He created the world and humankind knowing exactly what the end would be like before +HLVVXHGWKHÀUVWHGLFWVRI FUHDWLRQ7KHFUHDWHGZRUOGZDVWKH last piece of the puzzle to be put in place as the stage upon which WKHGUDPDRI PDQIXOÀOOLQJDQHWHUQDOSXUSRVHZRXOGXQIROG+H designed the creation to accommodate the precise unfolding of GLYLQHLQWHQWLRQV2QFHFUHDWLRQZDVFRPSOHWH*RGHQWHUHGLQWR +LVUHVWNQRZLQJWKHFHUWDLQW\RI WKHRXWFRPH The spiritual man is invited to enter God’s rest and enjoy the peace that comes from knowing the totality of God’s control over the unfolding of human events. >:@HVSHDNRI *RG·VVHFUHWZLVGRPDZLVGRPWKDWKDVEHHQ KLGGHQDQGWKDW*RGGHVWLQHGIRURXUJORU\EHIRUHWLPHEHJDQ 1RQHRI WKHUXOHUVRI WKLVDJHXQGHUVWRRGLWIRULI WKH\KDG WKH\ZRXOGQRWKDYHFUXFLÀHGWKH/RUGRI JORU\ 7KLQJV EH\RQG RXU VHHLQJ WKLQJV EH\RQG RXU KHDULQJ WKLQJVEH\RQGRXULPDJLQLQJDOOSUHSDUHGE\*RGIRUWKRVH ZKRORYHKLPWKHVHLWLVWKDW*RGKDVUHYHDOHGWRXVWKURXJK WKH6SLULW &RPPXQLFDWLQJWKHP\VWHULHVRI KHDYHQWRPDQ*RGLQWURduced themes early in the history of man that He has developed as WLPHKDVDGYDQFHG7KHUHIRUH-HVXVWKH/DPERI *RGZDVERWK VODLQIURPWKHIRXQGDWLRQRI WKHZRUOGDQGWKURXJKWKHF\FOHVRI 94 +RZ*RG6SHDNV WLPHVDFULÀFHGDW&DOYDU\,QWKHLQWHUYHQLQJWLPH*RGVSRNHWR PDQDERXWWKLVHYHQWXDOLW\WKURXJKQDWXUDOSUDFWLFHV$VDUHVXOW there are numerous instances throughout the Scriptures in which lambs are slain as atonement for sins. Each succeeding cycle of this tenet that is present in Scripture contains greater meaning and adds depth to the symbol right up until John the Baptist announced WKDW-HVXVZDVWKHUHDOLW\³´WKH/DPERI *RGZKRWDNHVDZD\WKH sin of the world”—who gave full expression to all that had been symbolically preserved in the culture. 6LPLODUO\ DOO WKH JUHDW WKHPHV RI KXPDQ KLVWRU\³VXFK DV IDWKHUDQGVRQELUWKGHDWKDQGUHVXUUHFWLRQDWRQHPHQWDQGIDLWK and love—are both cyclical and concurrent. The types and shadRZVRI WKHVHF\FOHVUHFXUFRPLQJFORVHUWRJHWKHUXQWLOWKH\DFWXally overlay each other at the point where the shadows merge into the spiritual reality. One’s understanding of the reality referenced by the cycles and the veiled truths they contain grows commensurate with his maturity. 7KH PRUH PDWXUH RQH EHFRPHV WKH JUHDWHU WKH ZLVGRP DQG insight that is imparted to him by the Spirit of God. The process of maturing is designed to limit and restrict the input of the soul in determining the nature of reality. The soul’s determination to UHPDLQ LQ FRQWURO LV WKH SULQFLSOH LQKLELWRU OLPLWLQJ WKH KXPDQ·V ability to grasp reality as revealed from God’s point of view. This process is inseparable from suffering and the apparent loss of control. Suffering is experienced when the soul perceives that its view of reality is shifting from a basis of reason to one of revelation. The soul may control the process of reason and the GHFLVLRQVWKDWFRPHIURPLWEXWLWLVLQFDSDEOHRI LQÁXHQFLQJWKH substance of revelation. The corresponding vulnerability makes the human feel adrift and at the mercy of the unknown. This loss RI FRQWUROLVRQHRI WKHKXPDQ·VJUHDWHVWIHDUVEXWLWLVQHFHVVDU\ to allow one’s spirit to part the veil of the apparent loss of control and return to the reality of the spirit and the provision and protection of the Kingdom of God. *RGVHHVWKHHQGDQGWKHEHJLQQLQJLQDQLQVWDQWDQGXQLÀHV 95 My Father! My Father! all the themes in every epoch in such a fashion that the end of the age is the climactic summation of all the themes converging into a single reality: >+@HPDGHNQRZQWRXVWKHP\VWHU\RI KLVZLOODFFRUGLQJWR KLVJRRGSOHDVXUHZKLFKKHSXUSRVHGLQ&KULVWWREHSXWLQWR HIIHFWZKHQWKHWLPHVUHDFKWKHLUIXOÀOOPHQW³WREULQJXQLW\WR DOOWKLQJVLQKHDYHQDQGRQHDUWKXQGHU&KULVW ,QKLPZHZHUHDOVRFKRVHQKDYLQJEHHQSUHGHVWLQHGDFFRUGLQJWRWKHSODQRI KLPZKRZRUNVRXWHYHU\WKLQJLQFRQIRUPLW\ZLWKWKHSXUSRVHRI KLVZLOOLQRUGHUWKDWZHZKR ZHUH WKH ÀUVW WR SXW RXU KRSH LQ &KULVW PLJKW EH IRU WKH SUDLVHRI KLVJORU\ CREATION AS A TYPE AND SHADOW The gap between God and man widened following the fall; and ZLWKWKHSDVVLQJRI ORQJFHQWXULHVWKHWDVNRI UHVWRULQJPDQWRWKH original intent of God became formidable. God destined the human UDFHWRFRPHIURPWKHÀUVWPDQDQGZRPDQ+HFUHDWHG&RQVHTXHQWO\ WKH JHQHUDWLRQV RI PDQ LQKHULWHG WKH RUSKDQ FXOWXUH RI WKHLUIRUHEHDUV+RZHYHU*RGFRQWLQXHGWRVSHDNWRPDQWKURXJK QDWXUDODQGSK\VLFDOPHDQVZLWKWKHFXPXODWLYHHIIHFWRI SUHSDULQJ the world for the coming of Christ and the repositioning of man as sons of God. The work of restoring the fatherhood of God through Christ was placed upon this foundation. This work will culminate at the end of the age with the full revelation of Christ through His spiritual body. God began creation by arranging preexisting elements. “Now WKHHDUWKZDVIRUPOHVVDQGHPSW\GDUNQHVVZDVRYHUWKHVXUIDFHRI WKHGHHSDQGWKH6SLULWRI *RGZDVKRYHULQJRYHUWKHZDWHUVµ 3ULRUWR*RG·VÀUVWDFWRI FUHDWLRQUHFRUGHGLQ6FULSWXUHVRPHRI WKHWKLQJVWKDWDOUHDG\H[LVWHGZHUH´WKHGHHSµ´WKHZDWHUVµ and the land covered by the waters. Prior to God speaking the ZRUGVWKDWZRXOGIRUPWKHSUHVHQWFUHDWLRQWKHGHHSWKHZDWHUV and the earth were not arranged in their present form. He com96 +RZ*RG6SHDNV manded the dry land to appear and separated the waters with a ÀUPDPHQW+HUHPRYHGWKHGDUNQHVVXSRQWKHVXUIDFHRI WKHGHHS E\FRPPDQGLQJOLJKWWRDSSHDUDQG+HJDWKHUHGWKHZDWHUVEHORZ WKHÀUPDPHQWLQWRDFRQWLQXRXVERG\RI ZDWHUSHUPLWWLQJWKHGU\ land underneath to appear. God arranged the preexisting elements purposefully to acFRPPRGDWH WKH H[LVWHQFH RI PDQ $IWHU WKH ÀUVW IRXU GD\V RI UHRUJDQL]LQJWKHH[LVWLQJHOHPHQWV+HWKHQEHJLQVWRFDOOIRUWKDFWV RI SXUH FUHDWLRQ 7KLV PDQQHU RI EHJLQQLQJ D QHZ FUHDWLRQ E\ UHRUGHULQJHOHPHQWVWKDWDOUHDG\H[LVWLVWKHVDPHSURFHVVE\ZKLFK God creates a son out of one whose life has become formless and misdirected without the preeminence of His spirit. The functioning of the Godhead in creating the natural world was such that the Holy Spirit was hovering over the elements as WKH\ H[LVWHG DZDLWLQJ WKH FRPPDQGV IRU FUHDWLRQ WR LVVXH IURP WKHWKURQHRI *RG-HVXVSUHYLRXVO\NQRZQDV´WKH:RUG>ZKR@ EHFDPHÁHVKµLVVXHGWKHFRPPDQGV The Holy Spirit executed WKHP$QGWKHUHVXOWZDVWKHSUHVHQWRUGHURI DUUDQJHPHQW7KLV method of creating is a type and shadow preceding the recreation of the fallen man into sons of God. The resulting new creation begins with a rearrangement of WKHH[LVWLQJRUGHU´>,@I DQ\RQHLVLQ&KULVWWKHQHZFUHDWLRQKDV FRPH7KHROGKDVJRQHWKHQHZLVKHUHµ This “new creation” is in contrast to one’s existence being perceived according to his ÁHVKO\RUZRUOGO\QDWXUH´6RIURPQRZRQZHUHJDUGQRRQHIURP a worldly point of view.” The control of the soul over the spirit LVXQGRQHDQGWKHVRXOLVSODFHGDJDLQXQGHUWKHUXOHRI WKHVSLULW $VDUHVXOWWKHERG\LVOLEHUDWHGIURPLWVXVHWRDFFRPPRGDWHWKH sinful desires of man and becomes available to the spirit to put on display the glory of God. The Holy Spirit accomplishes the separation and rearrangement of these fundamental elements of the human being into their proper order. $VLQWKHÀUVWFUHDWLRQGHVFULEHGLQ*HQHVLV-HVXVLVVHDWHG RQ WKH WKURQH RI *RG LQ KHDYHQ DQG WKH +RO\ 6SLULW KDV EHHQ positioned to execute His commands in the being of each person 97 My Father! My Father! in whom Christ is formed. The Holy Spirit begins by rearranging WKHRUGHURI VSLULWVRXODQGERG\WRWKHRULJLQDOLQWHQWRI *RG 7KH+RO\6SLULWLVSUHVHQWLQHDFKEHOLHYHUZDLWLQJWRH[HFXWH the commands of Christ regarding that particular person. The Holy Spirit empowers a person’s belief in Christ and transforms human nature into a divine nature. He constructs faith out of unformed convictions and brings the light of revelation to separate us from the darkness of unbelief. The divine nature of God replaces human nature and evinces the process at work in which Christ is being formed in the person. The events of one’s early years as a believer typically elicit WKLVPDVVLYHUHIRUPDWWLQJRI WKHSHUVRQ·VQDWXUH2IWHQRQHZLOO undergo a period of suffering and an apparent loss of control. The VRXOLVDGGLFWHGWRFRQWUROZKLFKLVDWEHVWDQLOOXVLRQRI UHDOLW\ because one is never actually in control. The antidote to control is faith. Suffering and trials disabuse the soul of its notions of sovereign preeminence by exposing the weaknesses and limitations inherent in the soul. One cannot put on display the character of Christ in any area in which the person’s soul retains its preemiQHQFH$VWKHGRPLQDQFHRI WKHVSLULWLVUHVWRUHGWKHGLYLQHQDWXUH into which one is born again begins to emerge preeminently. GOD SPEAKS THROUGH TYPES AND SHADOWS God always intended two creations. The natural creation came ÀUVW WR SUHSDUH WKH ZD\ DQG JLYH LQVLJKW LQWR WKH SURFHVV RI WKH spiritual reconstruction. Everything in the natural world has its counterpart in the spiritual realm. The Spirit provides clarity by lifting the veil that would limit one’s perception of reality to merely the natural world: $QGHYHQLI RXUJRVSHOLVYHLOHGLWLVYHLOHGWRWKRVHZKRDUH SHULVKLQJ7KHJRGRI WKLVDJHKDVEOLQGHGWKHPLQGVRI XQEHOLHYHUVVRWKDWWKH\FDQQRWVHHWKHOLJKWRI WKHJRVSHOWKDWGLVSOD\V WKHJORU\RI &KULVWZKRLVWKHLPDJHRI *RG)RUZKDWZH SUHDFKLVQRWRXUVHOYHVEXW-HVXV&KULVWDV/RUGDQGRXUVHOYHV 98 +RZ*RG6SHDNV DV\RXUVHUYDQWVIRU-HVXV·VDNH)RU*RGZKRVDLG´/HWOLJKW VKLQHRXWRI GDUNQHVVµPDGHKLVOLJKWVKLQHLQRXUKHDUWVWR JLYHXVWKHOLJKWRI WKHNQRZOHGJHRI *RG·VJORU\GLVSOD\HGLQ WKHIDFHRI &KULVW The glory of an eternal perspective dimmed as man’s soul interIHUHGZLWKKLVFRPPXQLRQZLWK*RG6SLULWWRVSLULWDQGWKHUHDOLties of this perspective appeared only as shadows upon a veil. As ORQJDVWKHYHLOUHPDLQHGWKHWUXWKH[LVWHGMXVWRXWVLGHRI WKHUHDFK of man’s reason. Even this theme of a veil between God and man is presented in type and shadow in Scripture when the nation of Israel stood at the base of Mount Sinai forty days after their release from slavery in Egypt. God invited them to come up into His presence and to meet with Him face to face. Their souls were overcome with SDUDO\]LQJIHDUDQGWKH\UHMHFWHGWKHLQYLWDWLRQFKRRVLQJLQVWHDG to send Moses as their representative. As a result of his encounter ZLWK*RG0RVHV·IDFHEHFDPHVRUDGLDQWDIWHUEHLQJLQWKHSUHVence of God that it was necessary for him to wear a veil for some WLPH DIWHUZDUG XQWLO WKH JORU\ IDGHG %\ WKLV *RG ZDV VKRZLQJ that in their choice of an intermediary between themselves and *RG WKH\ KDG YROXQWDULO\ SODFHG D EDUULHU EHWZHHQ WKHPVHOYHV and God. This barrier was an alternative that accommodated the FRQWLQXHGUXOHRI WKHVRXO7KHIRUPRI WKLVEDUULHUZDVUHÁHFWHG LQWKHJLYLQJRI WKHODZEHFDXVHWKHODZZDVDVKDGRZRI WKHJRRG things to come. ,Q KLV OHWWHU WR WKH &RULQWKLDQV 3DXO XVHG WKLV W\SH WR WHDFK about the relationship between types and shadows and the corresponding spiritual reality: 1RZLI WKHPLQLVWU\WKDWEURXJKWGHDWKZKLFKZDVHQJUDYHG LQOHWWHUVRQVWRQHFDPHZLWKJORU\VRWKDWWKH,VUDHOLWHVFRXOG QRWORRNVWHDGLO\DWWKHIDFHRI 0RVHVEHFDXVHRI LWVJORU\ WUDQVLWRU\WKRXJKLWZDVZLOOQRWWKHPLQLVWU\RI WKH6SLULW EHHYHQPRUHJORULRXV",I WKHPLQLVWU\WKDWEURXJKWFRQGHP99 My Father! My Father! QDWLRQZDVJORULRXVKRZPXFKPRUHJORULRXVLVWKHPLQLVWU\ WKDWEULQJVULJKWHRXVQHVV)RUZKDWZDVJORULRXVKDVQRJORU\ QRZLQFRPSDULVRQZLWKWKHVXUSDVVLQJJORU\$QGLI ZKDW ZDVWUDQVLWRU\FDPHZLWKJORU\KRZPXFKJUHDWHULVWKHJORU\ of that which lasts! Fundamental to one’s understanding of how God speaks to man through types and shadows is that the glory of the spiritual reality far supersedes that of the veiled natural representation. 6LQFHWKHWUXHLQWHQWRI *RGLVWRFUHDWHWKHQDWXUDOWRUHÁHFW WKHVSLULWXDORQO\ZKHQWKHVSLULWXDOUHDOLW\DSSHDUVFDQWKHQDWXUDO EH SURSHUO\ XQGHUVWRRG 5HOLJLRXV SUDFWLFH LV EDVHG ODUJHO\ XSRQ relating to the natural as if it were the spiritual. Old Testament H[DPSOHV RI WKLV SUDFWLFH LQFOXGH WKH VDFULÀFH RI ODPEV DQG WKH observation of the dietary laws. ,Q WKH 1HZ 7HVWDPHQW H[DPSOHV LQFOXGH WKH /RUG·V 6XSSHU ZDWHU EDSWLVP DQG WKH WLWKH ZKLFK KDYH EHHQ WDXJKW RQO\ DV DUFKHW\SDO SUDFWLFHV ZLWKRXW VSLULWXDO UHYHODWLRQ 5HOLJLRXV SUDFWLtioners cleave to these practices as if the truth of them is contained ZLWKLQWKHSUDFWLFHLWVHOI ZLWKQRWUXWKEH\RQGWKHDFWV:LWKRXW WKHXQGHUVWDQGLQJRI UHYHODWLRQDVWRWKHUHDOWLHVWUXWKVRUP\VWHULHV YHLOHG E\ WKH PHUH SUDFWLFHV WKH\ DUH SHUSHWXDOO\ LQIDQWV XQHTXLSSHGWRDGHTXDWHO\UHSUHVHQW*RGWRWKHZRUOG7KHUHOLJLRXV VSLULW·V UHVSRQVH WKHQ WR WKH VSLULW RI PDQ·V LQTXLUHV LQWR GHHS WKLQJVRI *RGLVWRFODLPHLWKHUWKDWWKHUHOLJLRXVSUDFWLFHLWVHOI KROGVYDOXHEHFDXVHLWLVWKHWKLQJWKDW*RGORYHVDQGUHZDUGVRU that such deeper understanding is unknowable. :LWKLQWKLVFRQWH[WWKHVDFULÀFHRI WKHODPEEHFDPHWRWKRVH who only see through the eyes of the soul a central part of a national identity. The practice is linked to important historical FRPPHPRUDWLRQVDQGKDVWDNHQRQWKHVLJQLÀFDQFHRI DIHDVWWKDW XQLÀHV D SHRSOH DURXQG D FRPPRQ KHULWDJH 6WULSSHG RI LWV GLYLQHUHOHYDQFHWKHVDFULÀFHRI DODPELVUHGXFHGWRDQREVHUYDQFH hollowed out of its original meaning. 100 +RZ*RG6SHDNV :HOOEHIRUHQDWLRQVH[LVWHG$EHOVDFULÀFHGDODPEDQGEHIRUH Abraham’s descendents became “as numerous as the stars of the KHDYHQVµ D ODPE ZDV VXEVWLWXWHG IRU KLV VRQ ,VDDF160 Forty-two JHQHUDWLRQVODWHUWKHSURSKHW-RKQWKH%DSWLVWZRXOGGHFODUHWKDW -HVXVZDVWKH´/DPERI *RGµFRPHWREHVDFULÀFHGIRUWKHVLQVRI WKHZRUOG7KURXJKWKHSHUVRQRI -HVXV*RGUHYHDOHGWKHP\VWHU\ VXUURXQGLQJWKHVDFULÀFHRI ODPEVZKLFKKDGEHFRPHLQVHSDUDEOH from religious practice throughout the history of human civilization. $SDUWIURPWKLVWUXWKWKHNLOOLQJRI ODPEVIRUUHOLJLRXVSXUSRVHV KDVQRLQWULQVLFYDOXH+RZHYHUZKHUHDFXOWXUHLVKHOGWRJHWKHU WKURXJKDULWXDOREVHUYDWLRQWKHGHVLUHWRSHUSHWXDWHWKDWFXOWXUH RYHUULGHVWKHZLOOLQJQHVVWRDEDQGRQWKHSUDFWLFHHYHQLQIDYRURI the superseding glory of the reality that has fully appeared. By culWXUDODQGUHOLJLRXVWUDGLWLRQVWKHSUDFWLFHEHFRPHVPRUHYDOXDEOH than the reality. God intended that the copy or shadow of the heavenly reality remain in place only until the time for the reality arrives and the reality reveals God’s true intentions. In the example of the priests ZKRVHUYHGLQWKHWDEHUQDFOHDQGVXEVHTXHQWO\LQWKHWHPSOHLQ -HUXVDOHPLWLVVDLGWKDW´WKH\VHUYH>G@DWDVDQFWXDU\WKDWLVDFRS\ DQGVKDGRZRI ZKDWLVLQKHDYHQµ161 and that “the Holy Spirit was showing by this that the way into the Most Holy Place had not yet EHHQGLVFORVHGDVORQJDVWKHÀUVWWDEHUQDFOHZDVVWLOOVWDQGLQJµ162 God does not empower both the shadow and the reality at the same time. Such a duality is both unnecessary and would cause FRQIXVLRQ DQG ´«*RG LV QRW WKH DXWKRU RI FRQIXVLRQ EXW RI peace.” THE VALUE OF REALITY The value of the reality cannot be compared to that of the VKDGRZ +RZHYHU WKH VKDGRZV SHUPLW KXPDQ LQWHUSUHWDWLRQ whereas the Spirit is the arbiter of the true reality. Those who are established in religious traditions as the pontifex between heaven and earth have no interest in the advent of the reality. The coming 101 My Father! My Father! of the reality transcends the limitations of the archetypes of reliJLRXVDQGFXOWXUDOWUDGLWLRQVDQGXQLIRUPO\XSVHWVWKHV\VWHPVRI authority by which their interpretation and practice are determined. 5HYHODWLRQDOZD\VUHQGHUVDQLQVWLWXWLRQEXLOWXSRQWKHIRXQGDWLRQ of the shadow irrelevant and threatens any such institution with extinction. *RGNQHZWKDWDIWHUWKHIDOOPDQZRXOGEHJLQWRVHHDOOWKLQJV WKURXJKKLVVRXOZKLFKZRXOGKDQJRYHUKLVXQGHUVWDQGLQJDVDYHLO Yet God’s purposes for humankind that He had ordained from the beginning would continue until all such purposes had been fully accomplished. It would simply be a matter of time before the full LQWHQWRI *RGZRXOGDSSHDUXSRQWKHHDUWKWKHUHDOPVRI KHDYHQ DQGRI HDUWKZRXOGEHXQLWHGXQGHUWKHUXOHRI RQHNLQJDQGWKH Kingdom of Heaven would appear upon the earth in the same fashion in which it existed in heaven. “[H]e made known to us WKHP\VWHU\RI KLVZLOODFFRUGLQJWRKLVJRRGSOHDVXUHZKLFKKH SXUSRVHGLQ&KULVWWREHSXWLQWRHIIHFWZKHQWKHWLPHVUHDFKWKHLU IXOÀOOPHQW³WR EULQJ XQLW\ WR DOO WKLQJV LQ KHDYHQ DQG RQ HDUWK under Christ.” 7KH.LQJGRPLVQRWPDQLIHVWHGLQSK\VLFDOV\PEROVVXFKDV IRRGDQGGULQNEXWLQDIRUPRI UXOHWKDWLVULJKWHRXVDQGUHVXOWV LQSHDFHDPRQJWKRVHZLWKLQLWVGRPDLQ´)RUWKHNLQJGRPRI *RG LVQRWDPDWWHURI HDWLQJDQGGULQNLQJEXWRI ULJKWHRXVQHVVSHDFH and joy in the Holy Spirit.”166 God continued to prepare men for the revelation of His Kingdom by inserting these divine reminders into the center of human culture. These divine symbols would remain LQ KXPDQ FXOWXUH ORQJ DIWHU WKH NQRZOHGJH RI WKHLU VLJQLÀFDQFH had been lost to the human race. +RZHYHU WKH PHUH H[LVWHQFH RI WKH V\PEROV SUHGLVSRVHV KXPDQNLQGWRUHFHLYH*RG·VWUXHPHDQLQJ+LVLQWHQGHGSXUSRVHV when it is time for the realities underlying the symbols to appear on the earth. As the time for the appearing of the spiritual reality draws QHDUWKHUHDOVRDULVHVDFRUUHVSRQGLQJORQJLQJIRUWKHVHWUXWKVWR DSSHDUZKHWKHURUQRWKXPDQNLQGFDQDFWXDOO\LGHQWLI\RUXQGHUstand the thing for which they are longing. 102 +RZ*RG6SHDNV ,I WKHUH LV D QDWXUDO ERG\ WKHUH LV DOVR D VSLULWXDO ERG\ 6RLWLVZULWWHQ´7KHÀUVWPDQ$GDPEHFDPHDOLYLQJEHLQJµWKHODVW$GDPDOLIHJLYLQJVSLULW7KHVSLULWXDOGLG QRWFRPHÀUVWEXWWKHQDWXUDODQGDIWHUWKDWWKHVSLULWXDO 7KHÀUVWPDQZDVRI WKHGXVWRI WKHHDUWKWKHVHFRQGPDQ LVRI KHDYHQ$VZDVWKHHDUWKO\PDQVRDUHWKRVHZKRDUH RI WKHHDUWKDQGDVLVWKHKHDYHQO\PDQVRDOVRDUHWKRVH ZKRDUHRI KHDYHQ$QGMXVWDVZHKDYHERUQHWKHLPDJHRI WKHHDUWKO\PDQVRVKDOOZHEHDUWKHLPDJHRI WKHKHDYHQO\ PDQ THE PROMISE OF A KING 7KHORVVRI WKHÀUVW$GDP·VGRPLQLRQFRXOGRQO\EHUHSDLUHG by the restoration of rule through the last Adam. The loss of dominion meant that his purpose in creation changed from that of a ruler to a survivor. God’s plan from the beginning was to send a second King to restore the culture of rule to His House. )URPWKHEHJLQQLQJRI SURSKHWLF6FULSWXUHWKHUHVWRUDWLRQRI WKH relationship between God and man was meant to be accomplished WKURXJK-HVXV&KULVWWKH.LQJ Satan was aware that God’s plan was “to destroy the devil’s work.” Christ would destroy man’s dependence upon the systems of the kosmos through the reintroduction of a different Kingdom. $V.LQJKHZRXOGKDYHWKHDXWKRULW\WRFDQFHOWKHFRQVHTXHQFHV of men’s sins and to rescue them from the domain of Satan and receive them into His own Kingdom. All kingdoms are based upon some form of authority. The term “kingdom” means a foundation or basis of power and rule. $VVXFKDNLQJGRPH[LVWVEHFDXVHDSDUWLFXODUVRYHUHLJQSRVVHVVHV WKH UHTXLVLWH DXWKRULW\ WR JXDUDQWHH WKH VDIHW\ DQG ZHOOEHLQJ RI his subjects against all opposing forces. That authority not only SURYLGHV SURYLVLRQ DQG SURWHFWLRQ IRU WKH VXEMHFWV RI WKH NLQJ EXWPRUHLPSRUWDQWO\LWH[LVWVWRVXSSRUWWKHVXEMHFWVLQDPRUH primary undertaking. ,QDQWLFLSDWLRQRI -HVXV·FRPLQJDV.LQJSURSKHWLF6FULSWXUH 103 My Father! My Father! lays out a clear path that keeps this preeminent focus throughout the Bible. Types and shadows representing this truth are not OLPLWHG WR REMHFWV LQ FUHDWLRQ EXW DUH WKH XQGHUO\LQJ PHVVDJH LQ numerous stories in the Old Testament. Two examples of which DUH -DFRE·V EOHVVLQJ RI -XGDK DQG WKH VSHFLÀF LQFOXVLRQ RI WKH ZRPDQ7DPDULQWKHJHQHDORJ\RI &KULVW:KHQ-DFREFRPHVWR WKHHQGRI KLVOLIHDQGLVEOHVVLQJKLVVRQVKLVSURSKHF\RYHU-XGDK is to acknowledge his line as the lineage of the King. He says: -XGDK\RXUEURWKHUVZLOOSUDLVH\RX\RXUKDQGZLOOEHRQWKH QHFNRI \RXUHQHPLHV\RXUIDWKHU·VVRQVZLOOERZGRZQWR\RX <RXDUHDOLRQ·VFXE-XGDK\RXUHWXUQIURPWKHSUH\P\VRQ /LNHDOLRQKHFURXFKHVDQGOLHVGRZQOLNHDOLRQHVV³ZKR GDUHVWRURXVHKLP"7KHVFHSWHUZLOOQRWGHSDUWIURP-XGDK QRUWKHUXOHU·VVWDII IURPEHWZHHQKLVIHHWXQWLOKHWRZKRPLW EHORQJVVKDOOFRPHDQGWKHREHGLHQFHRI WKHQDWLRQVVKDOOEH KLV+HZLOOWHWKHUKLVGRQNH\WRDYLQHKLVFROWWRWKHFKRLFHVW EUDQFKKHZLOOZDVKKLVJDUPHQWVLQZLQHKLVUREHVLQWKH EORRGRI JUDSHV+LVH\HVZLOOEHGDUNHUWKDQZLQHKLVWHHWK ZKLWHUWKDQPLON Jacob is identifying Judah as the one among his twelve sons who LV FKRVHQ WKURXJK ZKRVH IDPLO\ OLQH WKH SURPLVHG .LQJ ZRXOG come. -XGDK ZDV QHLWKHU -DFRE·V IDYRULWH FKLOG QRU KLV ÀUVWERUQ %\WKRVHFULWHULD-DFREZRXOGKDYHFKRVHQ-RVHSKKLVIDYRULWHRU 5XEHQKLVÀUVWERUQZKRPKHNQRZLQJO\E\SDVVHGVD\LQJ´5XEHQ \RXDUHP\ÀUVWERUQP\PLJKWWKHÀUVWVLJQRI P\VWUHQJWK«µ Jacob did not choose Judah; he was chosen by God. -XGDK ZDV WKH RQH WKURXJK ZKRP WKH .LQJ ZRXOG FRPH because he demonstrated the characteristics consistent with the purpose for the existence of Abraham’s family. This is demonVWUDWHGLQ5XEHQ·VDQG-XGDK·VUHVSHFWLYHRDWKVWRUHWXUQ%HQMDPLQ and Simeon from Egypt. To convince Jacob to send Benjamin to (J\SWVRWKH\FRXOGEX\JUDLQDQGIUHHWKHLUEURWKHU6LPHRQ5XEHQ 104 +RZ*RG6SHDNV DQG-XGDKDOWHUQDWLYHO\PDGHSOHGJHVIRU%HQMDPLQ·VVDIHW\5XEHQ offered the lives of both of his sons as surety against Benjamin’s VDIHW\EXW-DFREUHMHFWHGWKLVRDWK-XGDKKRZHYHUJXDUDQWHHG the sons’ safe return with his own life.,QWKLVSOHGJH-XGDKSUHÀJXUHV WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV QHFHVVDU\ IRU WKH UHGHHPLQJ RI DOO WKH VRQVRI *RGEDFNWRWKH)DWKHUZKLFKUHTXLUHPHQWV-HVXVZRXOG DFWXDOO\IXOÀOO 8QOLNH5XEHQ-XGDKHPERGLHGWKHHVVHQWLDOFKDUDFWHULVWLFVRI Christ by pledging his life as a guarantee that he would return the FDSWLYHVRQVRI -DFRE5XEHQQRWRQO\SUHIHUUHGKLVRZQOLIHWRWKH OLYHVRI KLVFKLOGUHQEXWKHZDVDOVRZLOOLQJWRSXWKLVOLQHDJHDW ULVN+HFRXOGQRWWKHUHIRUHEHWUXVWHGWRSUHVHUYHWKHOLQHRI WKH .LQJ2QWKHRWKHUKDQG-XGDK·VSOHGJHZDVPRUHFRQVLVWHQWZLWK WKHVSLULWRI VHOIVDFULÀFHWKDWZRXOGEHIXOO\HPERGLHGLQ&KULVW +HWKHUHIRUHLVPRUHHPEOHPDWLFRI WKHFXOWXUHRI WKHKRXVHRI $EUDKDPWKDQKLVROGHUEURWKHU5XEHQ 6LPLODUO\WKHVWRU\RI 7DPDUVKRZVDGHGLFDWLRQWRWKHSUHVervation of the line of the King. Judah was reluctant to honor Tamar’s right to raise a son to carry on the promise of Abraham’s IDPLO\EXW*RGKRQRUHG7DPDU·VSHUVLVWHQFH+HUUHVROXWHEHKDYLRU broke through all barriers and allowed her the right to be tied to WKLVIDPLO\DQGWRLWVGLYLQHSXUSRVH,QKHUVWRU\VKHUHTXLUHGWZR SOHGJHVIURP-XGDKKLVVWDII DQGKLVVLJQHWULQJWKHWZLQV\PEROV of his authority. The staff of Judah represented the scepter in the hand of the King that would come from his bloodline. The signet ring was the symbol of his authority. She valued the things that God valued and was therefore accorded the right to keep the line of Judah alive. In honor of her persistence in preserving the life RI WKHNLQJVKHLVSHUPDQHQWO\LQVWDOOHGLQWKHUHFRUGRI WKHJHQHDORJ\RI &KULVW*RGJDYHKHUWZLQVRQVDQGQDPHGRQH3HUH] which means the one who breaks through. He is the offspring through whom Jesus comes. These stories are types and shadows given to provide insight into the mind of the Lord and as illustrations that the ways of God are both knowable and reliable. 105 My Father! My Father! ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN $V KDV EHHQ QRWHG HDUOLHU HYHU\ DVSHFW RI WKH RUGHU RI FUHDWLRQ ZKHWKHU JUDQG RU VHHPLQJO\ LQVLJQLÀFDQW LV FRQQHFWHG WRDKHDYHQO\DQWHFHGHQW6LPLODUO\HYHU\VWRU\LQWKH6FULSWXUHVLV strategically placed to illuminate a path that reliably progresses to GLVFORVH DQ HQG NQRZQ IURP WKH EHJLQQLQJ 7\SHV DQG VKDGRZV WKHUHIRUHDUHIRXQGLQERWKWKHQDWXUDOZRUOGDQGLQWKHFKURQLFOH of Scripture. They represent the consistent unfolding of the mysteries of heaven. *RGVWUXFWXUHGLWWKLVZD\EHFDXVHKHNQHZWKDWPDQZRXOGVLQ and in that condition man could only see and understand heavenly things in a veiled way. He would be distracted by his obsessive search for provision and protection and would stumble over profound truths about the purposes of God without recognizing their value. <HW*RGZRXOGFRQWLQXHWRVSHDNWRKLPDQGZRXOGPDLQWDLQD connection between man’s culture and eternal realities through these types and shadows. :KHQWKH.LQJFDPHKRZHYHU+HZDVWKHOLJKWRI WKHZRUOG because the meaning of all the forms of types and shadows are illuminated through His word and His person. He is the new template for the deconstruction of all the mysteries hidden in the W\SHVDQGVKDGRZV8SRQ+LVUHWXUQWRKHDYHQ+HVHQWWKH6SLULW RI 7UXWKZKLFKZDVLQ+LPZKLOH+HZDVLQWKHHDUWKWRFRH[ist with the spirit within man. The same Spirit animated the spirit of man and brought about the same revelation that Jesus came to present. %\WKH6SLULWWKHP\VWHULHVKLGGHQLQW\SHVDQGVKDGRZVDUH disclosed so that one who is led by the spirit may clearly understand what Jesus meant to convey. The types and shadows in both the QDWXUDOZRUOGDQGWKHVWDWHPHQWVRI 6FULSWXUHDFWDVUHOLDEOHFRQÀUmation of the accuracy of a believer’s understanding of the person of Christ. “For everything that was written in the past was written WRWHDFKXVVRWKDWWKURXJKWKHHQGXUDQFHWDXJKWLQWKH6FULSWXUHV DQGWKHHQFRXUDJHPHQWWKH\SURYLGHZHPLJKWKDYHKRSHµ *RGDOZD\VLQWHQGHGWKDWPDQVKRXOGNQRZ+LP'HVSLWHKLV 106 +RZ*RG6SHDNV GHYROXWLRQLQWRVLQ*RGUHWDLQHGDVWURQJFRQQHFWLRQWRWKHEHLQJ RI PDQ VSHDNLQJ WR KLP DV FRPSOHWHO\ DV KLV VRXO FRXOG XQGHUstand. Since God always planned to restore a primary connection WRWKHVSLULWRI PDQWKHWKLQJVVSRNHQWRKLVVRXOZHUHFDOFXODWHG to keep him aware of basic things about God until the day when KHFRXOGUHSODFHKLVVRXOXQGHUWKHUXOHRI KLVVSLULWDQGWKHH\HV of his spirit would be reopened. The battle for the reality of man’s vision of God was lost in the *DUGHQRI (GHQEXWZDVUHJDLQHGLQWKHJDUGHQRI *HWKVHPDQH ,Q WKH *DUGHQ RI (GHQ WKH H\HV RI WKH VRXO ZHUH RSHQHG DQG IURPWKHQRQDYHLOZDVHUHFWHGEHWZHHQ*RGDQGWKHÀUVW$GDP +RZHYHULQWKHJDUGHQRI *HWKVHPDQHWKHODVW$GDPGHFODUHG that His spirit was willing to trust God through the looming events of the cross. 107 My Father! My Father! 108 F CHAPTER 10 ather and Sons «$GDPWKHVRQRI *RG “Son” is the term that describes an issue out of the person of a father. To impart one’s image and likeness to another is simultaneously the greatest act of generosity and the most complete expression of goodness. To be inextricably bound to another ZKRVHEHLQJGHÀQHVDWOHDVWLQSDUWWKHIXWXUHRI WKHUHODWLRQVKLS LVDQDFWRI VXSUHPHKXPLOLW\HVSHFLDOO\ZKHQWKH)DWKHULV*RG and the son is man. The most profound aspect of the character of God is that of Father. God as Father expresses completely His nature of love: the ORYHRI *RGLVLQVHSDUDEOHIURPLWVH[SUHVVLRQDV)DWKHUDQGWKH QDWXUHRI )DWKHULVLQVHSDUDEOHIURPWKHFKDUDFWHURI ORYHSDUWLFXODUO\ when fathering is by design. God conceived of man as His son deliberately to express the nature of love. His careful attentiveness of this purpose explains ZK\*RGZRXOGHQWHULQWRDFRYHQDQWZLWK+LPVHOI WREHQHÀWPDQ before He created Him. Man was not designed as merely a continuDOO\ HYROYLQJ SURWRSODVPLF ÁRWVDP DGULIW LQ WKH YDVWQHVV RI WKH universe. God tied His own being to man by His unbreakable oath WR+LPVHOI,QWKHFUHDWLRQRI PDQ+HVHWIRUWKDSURYLQJJURXQG 109 My Father! My Father! for the demonstration of His nature of love. Although God always KDGLQPLQGWRSXWWKHPDMHVW\RI +LVORYHRQGLVSOD\WKHGHSWKV of His love could not fully be displayed until He created a Son in His own image and likeness. This process exists due to the nature of love. Love does not H[LVWPHUHO\DVDWKHRU\RUFRQFHSW)RUORYHWRH[LVWLWPXVWEH actualized—expressed and tested. Love may be demonstrated in DYDULHW\RI ZD\V,QWKH.LQJGRPRI *RGVXFKGHPRQVWUDWLRQV H[LVW DV IRUPV RI RUGHU DQG JRYHUQDQFH WKDW EHQHÀW DOO ZKR DUH ZLWKLQWKH.LQJGRP+RZHYHUORYHLVSUHVHQWHGSHUIHFWO\ZLWKLQ WKHFRQWH[WRI DIDWKHUDQGKLVFKLOGUHQEHFDXVHWKDWLVWKHRQO\ IRUPLQZKLFKWKHQDWXUHRI ORYHDVGHÀQHGE\*RG·VUHODWLRQVKLS WRPDQFDQEHIXOO\WHVWHGDQGWKHUHIRUHIXOO\H[SUHVVHG *RG·VUHODWLRQVKLSWRPDQDV)DWKHUWRVRQVLVQHLWKHUDFFLdental nor casual. It is a deliberate order and foreordained by God. *RGGHFLGHGWRFUHDWHPDQDV+LVVRQPDQZDVSRZHUOHVVWRLQÁXence this decision in any way. The love of God for man is the foundation for man’s SXUSRVHLQFUHDWLRQ:KHQPDQVHSDUDWHGKLPVHOI IURPKLV)DWKHU his purpose in creation was lost. It is only by being reconciled to his Father that he may regain the true purpose for being. The love of God should never be construed as the basis for permitting man WRHQJDJHLQUHFNOHVVDQGGLVVROXWHEHKDYLRUZLWKRXWFRQVHTXHQFH )RULQGHHGVXFKDIDVKLRQRI OLIHKDVFRQVHTXHQFHVERWKLQWLPH and the hereafter. These profound truths about the nature of God and His purpose for creating man seem contrary to the normal UHOLJLRXVHPSKDVLVRI WKHXQZRUWKLQHVVRI PDQDVWKHEDFNJURXQG against which to view the charity of God. 3ULRUWRWKHFRPLQJRI &KULVWDQGPDQ·VUHVWRUDWLRQWRVRQVKLS PDQ·VSXUSRVHLQFUHDWLRQZDVGHÀQHGE\WKLVKRSHRI UHGHPSWLRQ $FFRUGLQJO\LQWKLVWLPHRI W\SHVDQGVKDGRZV*RGIDYRUHGFHUWDLQ EHKDYLRUVWKHVLJQLÀFDQFHRI ZKLFKZHUHODUJHO\XQUHFRJQL]HGE\ the participants. People were allowed to engage in religious activities WKDWPLPLFNHGSULQFLSOHVRI IDWKHUDQGVRQUHODWLRQVKLSVSUHVHUYLQJ 110 )DWKHUDQG6RQV the purpose for creation and the hope of redemption in the culture. )RUH[DPSOH$EUDKDPGLGQRWXQGHUVWDQGZK\*RGZRXOGDVN KLPWRJRWKURXJKWKHSUHSDUDWLRQVRI VDFULÀFLQJ,VDDFWKHQVWD\ KLVKDQGDWWKHODVWPRPHQWDQGSURYLGHDVDFULÀFH+LPVHOI+RZHYHU his willingness to proceed as far as he did showed the heart of God WKH)DWKHUZKRZDVZLOOLQJWRVDFULÀFH-HVXVWRVDYH$GDP2QWKH EDVLVRI WKDWXQGHUWDNLQJWKHQ*RGTXDOLÀHG$EUDKDPWREHWKH recipient of the promise to bring Christ into the world through his lineage. One should not construe this hope of restoration nor the restoration to sonship through Christ as the end within itself. The restoration of man through Christ is primarily a restoration to his ORVWVWDWH,WLVDUHSRVLWLRQLQJRI PDQ*RGPDGHPDQDVDVRQDQG Christ restored him to sonship. The restoration to sonship is God’s provision for accurately realigning man in the earth so that God may put on display the true meaning of Father through him. Just as a son needs a father in order to properly understand KLVLGHQWLW\DQGKLVSXUSRVHDIDWKHUUHTXLUHVDVRQLQRUGHUWRSXW on display the father’s nature. A son’s history and his origin are determined by the father out of whom the son issued. AccordLQJO\KLVSXUSRVHFDQQHYHUEHIXUWKHUHGLQFRQWUDGLVWLQFWLRQIURP KLV IDWKHU &RUUHVSRQGLQJO\ WKH IDWKHU LV SOHGJHG WR VXSSRUW WKH existence of his son. This is the role God chose when He created WKH VRQ WR SXW +LV QDWXUH RQ GLVSOD\ )DWKHU DQG VRQ WKHUHIRUH is a symbiotic and intricately interconnected relationship toward a mutual and continuing purpose. %HIRUH WKH FRPLQJ RI &KULVW KRZHYHU WKH IDWKHUOHVV FXOWXUH KDGSHUPHDWHGHYHU\DVSHFWRI KXPDQLQWHUDFWLRQDQGLWZDVUDUH WRÀQGDWUXHSLFWXUHRI *RGWKH)DWKHULQKXPDQWUDGLWLRQV7KDW this foundational aspect of heavenly culture was singularly absent on earth necessitated the advent of a model to guide man in his understanding back to the standard of father and son. God sent -HVXV+LV6RQWROLYHDPRQJKXPDQVIRUSUHFLVHO\WKLVSXUSRVH³ to provide a template against which this restored relationship could 111 My Father! My Father! be understood and measured. The imagination of man could not replicate this essential culture. It had to become visible again through Jesus’ pristine heavenly model. BORN AGAIN The salvation of man comprises the tasks of rescuing him from the culture of the orphan and restoring him to the culture of a son of God. The process involves rescuing him from his reliance upon KLVVRXOZKLFKUHOLDQFHHQWUDSVKLPLQ6DWDQ·VNLQJGRP 7KH.LQJGRPRI *RGLVDVDIHKDYHQRI DXWKRULW\URRWHGLQ the sovereignty of Christ. It is an environment in which one’s spirit regains control over his soul. The process of being translated into the Kingdom of God is described as being “born again of the spirit.” $VZLWKDQ\ELUWKWKHRULJLQDOFRPLQJIRUWKLVLQDQLQIDQWLOH state. The newborn son goes through distinct stages of growth and maturity before he becomes capable of functioning in the FXOWXUHRI KHDYHQ,QWKLVWUDQVLWLRQKHLVDLGHGSULPDULO\E\WKH +RO\ 6SLULW ZKR UHWURÀWV KLV VSLULW ZLWK FKDUDFWHULVWLFV WKDW DUH distinctly heavenly in origin. There are seven distinct characteristics of the Holy Spirit that Jesus displayed as the model to inform the progression of an infant son to maturity. The seven characteristics of the Spirit result in the UHVWRUDWLRQRI UXOH7KH\DUHWKH6SLULWRI WKH/RUGZLVGRPXQGHUVWDQGLQJFRXQVHOSRZHUNQRZOHGJHDQGWKHUHYHUHQWLDOUHJDUG for the nature of God. Although these characteristics may have WKHLU HDUWKO\ FRXQWHUSDUWV WKHLU VRXUFH LV GLYLQH DQG WKH\ IXQFtion to change man’s fundamental nature from carnal to divine. 7KURXJKWKHVWDJHVRI JURZWKDVDVRQWKHVHVHYHQFKDUDFWHULVWLFV EHJLQWREHPRUHSURQRXQFHGFRPPHQVXUDWHZLWKWKHPDWXULQJ of the son. A mature son is produced by a deliberate process. One is born again of spirit in order to restore the original balance of the spirit’s dominance over the soul. Being born again of the Spirit is not by LWVHOI WKHLQGLFDWLRQRI PDWXULW\EXWWKHUHVWRUDWLRQRI WKLVFRQGL112 )DWKHUDQG6RQV WLRQLVUHTXLUHGLQRUGHUIRUPDWXULW\WRRFFXU The process for the maturing of sons of God is stewarded within the order and arrangement of the House of God. Unlike DQRUSKDQDVRQUHSUHVHQWVFRQWLQXLW\LQKLVJHQHUDWLRQDQGFDUries forward the purposes for which a family exists. The House of God derives its relevance from God Himself. In every successive JHQHUDWLRQ*RGUHYHDOV+LPVHOI PRUHFRPSOHWHO\XQWLO+HLVIXOO\ GLVFORVHG :KHUHDV WKH SXUSRVH RI DQ RUSKDQ LV DOZD\V FRPSOHWHG ZLWKLQ WKH VSDQ RI KLV RZQ OLIHWLPH D VRQ·V GHVWLQ\ UHSUHVHQWV the ongoing disclosure of the purpose of the house to which he EHORQJV 7KHUHIRUH WKH SXUSRVH RI D VRQ WKRXJK XQLTXH LQ LWV H[SUHVVLRQ LV LQWLPDWHO\ WLHG WR D SUHGHWHUPLQHG SXUSRVH ´7KH son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being.”(YHU\VRQZDVGHVLJQHGWRSUHVHQWDXQLTXHIHDWXUH RI KLVIDWKHU·VQDWXUHDQGDOOWKHVRQVWRJHWKHUPDNHXSWKHFRPSOHWH expression of the Father’s family in the earth in any epoch of time. This is the critical framework by which a son is restored to PDWXUH IXQFWLRQDOLW\ DQG LV VXLWDEO\ SRVLWLRQHG WR HQJDJH *RG·V original intent for him. Each son is raised to maturity to present DXQLTXHSLFWXUHRI DSDUWLFXODUIDFHWRI WKH)DWKHU7KHSXUSRVH of each son is to radiate his Father’s glory and to represent Him H[DFWO\ &RUSRUDWHO\ WKURXJK WKH +RXVH RI *RG PXOWLSOH IDFHWV RI *RG·VQDWXUHDUHUHYHDOHGXQWLOXOWLPDWHO\*RGUHYHDOV+LPVHOI completely in the closing age of man. THE RADIANCE OF HIS FATHER’S GLORY God intends to convey His love to humankind in every generation. &HUWDLQDVSHFWVRI +LVORYHVXFKDV-HVXV·GHDWKRQWKHFURVVKDYH been permanently presented. Jesus’ death displayed the love of *RGLQDOORI LWVIXOOQHVVRQFHIRUDOOWLPHDQGWKHDYDLODELOLW\RI WKLV WUXWKWRDOOWKHJHQHUDWLRQVVLQFHWKDWGHÀQLQJHYHQWKDVFRQWLQXHG The nature of God displayed in that moment was meant to resonate within human beings wherever and whenever they live. God GHSOR\V +LV FKLOGUHQ WR HYHU\ IDFHW RI KXPDQ H[LVWHQFH VR WKDW through them the face of His love might be presented throughout 113 My Father! My Father! the earth in every generation. 7KHORYHRI *RGLVQRWRQO\DVWRU\IURPDQWLTXLW\EXWH[LVWV currently in the lives of the sons of God. “For you died and your OLIHLVQRZKLGGHQZLWK*RGLQ&KULVW:KHQ&KULVWZKRLV\RXU OLIHDSSHDUVWKHQ\RXZLOODOVRDSSHDUZLWKKLPLQJORU\µ The VRQVLQWXUQDUHGHSOR\HGWRJLYHERWKIRUPDQGVXEVWDQFHWRWKH reality of God and to the truth of the message of the cross. By GLVSOD\LQJDFWVRI +LVJRRGQHVVWKHVRQVGHPRQVWUDWHWKHORYHRI God among humankind on an everyday basis. The relationship between the Father and the Son provides for the appropriate format from which God’s glory may radiate in the earth. God’s glory is His goodness. It is not the dazzling light that surURXQGV+LPQRULVLW+LVDZHVRPHSRZHUWRFUHDWH7KHGD]]OLQJ OLJKW WKDW VXUURXQGV +LP LV +LV RUGLQDU\ HQYLURQPHQW DQG +LV competence to speak the universe into being is not extraordinary IRU+LVFUHDWLYHDELOLWLHV$VVWXSHQGRXVDVWKHVHTXDOLWLHVDUHWRXV they are not noteworthy to God. God is singularly unimpressed when we reference the brightness of His environment and enumerate long lists of His accomplishments. ,I ZHZHUHWRZRUVKLS*RGEHFDXVH+HZUDSV+LPVHOI LQOLJKW RUEHFDXVHRI +LVXQLPDJLQDEOHSRZHUWRFUHDWHRXUZRUVKLSZRXOG be rooted in dread and fear of Him. There would be nothing that would distinguish the worship of God as Father from that form RI ZRUVKLSRIIHUHGWRIDOVHJRGVPRWLYDWHGE\DGHVLUHWRDYRLG WKHLUZUDWKDQGVHFXUHWKHLUIDYRUWKURXJKRIIHULQJVDQGVDFULÀFHV He would be no different from the impersonal gods of pagan mythology to whom their devotees gave obeisance based upon the putative threats to one’s welfare and the ire of powerful beings. God does not need the assurance of humans that His creative accomplishments entitle Him to their worship. Everything He PDGHZDVGRQHEHIRUH+HFUHDWHGPDQ6RWKHFUHDWLRQWHVWLÀHVWR man about the existence of God and the beauty of His order. ,WLV*RG·VJRRGQHVVWKDWEHVWGHVFULEHV+LVJORU\:KHQ0RVHV UHTXHVWHGRI WKH/RUG´1RZVKRZPH\RXUJORU\µ God replied: 114 )DWKHUDQG6RQV ,ZLOOFDXVHDOOP\JRRGQHVVWRSDVVLQIURQWRI \RXDQG,ZLOO SURFODLPP\QDPHWKH/25'LQ\RXUSUHVHQFH,ZLOOKDYH PHUF\RQZKRP,ZLOOKDYHPHUF\DQG,ZLOOKDYHFRPSDVVLRQ RQZKRP,ZLOOKDYHFRPSDVVLRQ«7KHUHLVDSODFHQHDUPH ZKHUH\RXPD\VWDQGRQDURFN:KHQP\JORU\SDVVHVE\, ZLOOSXW\RXLQDFOHIWLQWKHURFNDQGFRYHU\RXZLWKP\KDQG XQWLO,KDYHSDVVHGE\ :KHQ WKH HYHQW RFFXUUHG WKH /RUG FDPH GRZQ LQ D FORXG DQG stood before Moses. 7KHQWKH/25'FDPHGRZQLQWKHFORXGDQGVWRRGWKHUHZLWK KLPDQGSURFODLPHGKLVQDPHWKH/25'$QGKHSDVVHG LQIURQWRI 0RVHVSURFODLPLQJ´7KH/25'WKH/25'WKH FRPSDVVLRQDWHDQGJUDFLRXV*RGVORZWRDQJHUDERXQGLQJLQ ORYHDQGIDLWKIXOQHVVPDLQWDLQLQJORYHWRWKRXVDQGVDQGIRUJLYLQJZLFNHGQHVVUHEHOOLRQDQGVLQ<HWKHGRHVQRWOHDYHWKH JXLOW\XQSXQLVKHGKHSXQLVKHVWKHFKLOGUHQDQGWKHLUFKLOGUHQ IRUWKHVLQRI WKHIDWKHUVWRWKHWKLUGDQGIRXUWKJHQHUDWLRQµ 0RVHVERZHGWRWKHJURXQGDWRQFHDQGZRUVKLSHG The event acts like a formal introduction in which God presents +LPVHOI WR0RVHVEHFDXVH0RVHVKDGIRXQGIDYRUZLWKWKH/RUG God described Himself in the encounter by emphasizing His comSDVVLRQ JUDFH SDWLHQFH VWHDGIDVW ORYH DQG IDLWKIXOQHVV DQG +LV IRUJLYHQHVV ZKLOH PDLQWDLQLQJ ULJKWHRXVQHVV GHVSLWH JHQHUDWLRQV of resistance to His plan and will. God showed Himself not by +LV ÀHUFH FRXQWHQDQFH QRU E\ +LV DZHVRPH PDMHVW\ EXW E\ WKH declaration of His goodness. God chose to be known for His all-surpassing goodness. *RGKDVQHYHUFKRVHQWRGLVWDQFH+LPVHOI IURPPDQ,QVWHDG He has consistently chosen a relationship of intimacy with man. $VD)DWKHUZLWK+LVRZQRIIVSULQJ+HKDVVRXJKWWRLQIXVH+LV nature into the very being of man—from the beginning when He VTXHH]HG WKH IRUP RI PDQ RXW RI WKH GXVW RI WKH JURXQG +H 115 My Father! My Father! breathed spirit out of His own person into the container of clay. 7KURXJKRXW +LV GHDOLQJV ZLWK KXPDQNLQG *RG·V VWDQGDUG pattern has been His search for an intimate connection to man. :KHWKHU+LVXQVXFFHVVIXODSSURDFKRI ,VUDHORQ0RXQW6LQDL or +LVSHUIHFWFRQWDFWWKURXJK-HVXV His desire to present His goodness has been constant in His outreach to man. %\ FRQWUDVW UHOLJLRXV FXOWXUHV WHQG WR RSHUDWH EDVHG RQ WKH presumption that the respective deity is distant from man and is XQNQRZDEOH6RPHUHSUHVHQWDWLRQVHYHQZLWKLQWKH&KULVWLDQIDLWK FRQWLQXH WR YLHZ *RG WKURXJK WKLV FRPPRQ UHOLJLRXV PLQGVHW FRQVLGHULQJIDPLOLDULW\ZLWK*RGGLVUHVSHFWIXODQGERUGHUOLQHEODVSKHPRXV7KLVSRLQWRI YLHZKRZHYHULVLQFRQVLVWHQWZLWK*RG·V KLVWRULFDSSURDFKWRPDQDVZHOODV+LVSUHVHQWLQWHQW :KHQWKHRULJLQDOVRQUHTXLUHGUHVFXLQJ*RG+LPVHOI FDPH FORWKHGLQKXPDQÁHVKWRUHVWRUHWKHRULJLQDOSRVLWLRQRI VRQVKLS The form of a son is necessary to accommodate the purpose for which God created man: to show the nature of the Father. God LQ-HVXVVKRZVWKHLQWLPDWHNQRZDEOHQDWXUHRI *RGWKDWLVZK\ -HVXV FRXOG VD\ ´7KH ZRUNV WKDW , GR DUH QRW P\ RZQ LW LV WKH Father living in me who is doing his work.” 6R -HVXV LQ +LV HDUWKO\OLIHEHFDPHWKHSDWWHUQIRUDOOVRQV´>$QG@ZHEHKHOGKLV JORU\WKHJORU\DVRI WKHRQO\EHJRWWHQRI WKH)DWKHUIXOORI JUDFH and truth.” A LIVING SACRIFICE The ultimate demonstration of the goodness of God displayed WKURXJK WKH SHUVRQ RI -HVXV WKH 6RQ ZDV RQ WKH FURVV -HVXV· YLHZSRLQWRQWKHLPSHQGLQJHYHQWZDVFOHDU+HVDLG´)DWKHU« JORULI\\RXU6RQWKDW\RXU6RQPD\JORULI\\RXµ,QWKDWLQVWDQW the presentation of the glory of God through the person of Jesus &KULVWFRQVXPHGWKHOLIHRI -HVXV+LPVHOIEXWVLPXOWDQHRXVO\SXW on display the ultimate standard of love. God chose to love the son who strayed away from Him enough to consume the life of the Son who remained obedient to Him in order to rescue the 116 )DWKHUDQG6RQV HUUDQW VRQ ZKR DW WKH WLPH WKDW *RG PDGH WKLV GHFLVLRQ KDWHG *RG*RG·VORYHLVFLUFXPVFULEHGLQWKLVHYHQWDQGLWUHYHDOVWKH depths of His goodness. His choice was entirely benevolent in that +HVDFULÀFHGWKH6RQZKRORYHG+LPWRVDYHWKHRQHZKRGHVSLVHG +LPXQLQÁXHQFHGE\DQ\EHQHÀWWR+LP7KLVLVSXUHJRRGQHVV :KHQVRPHRQHORYHVDQRWKHUHQRXJKWRVDFULÀFHKLVOLIHIRU WKH RWKHU ZKLOH WKH RWKHU KDWHV KLP WKHUH LV D WRWDO DEVHQFH RI VHOÀVKPRWLYDWLRQIRUWKLVEHKDYLRU,QWKDWVFHQDULRWKHSXULW\RI one’s love is undeniable. The display of such goodness shows the glory of one’s nature. 7RWKDWHQGDOOEHOLHYHUVDUHFDOOHGWRWKHVWDQGDUGRI VRQVKLS established by Jesus Christ. He was completely available to the Father as a source from which the glory of the Father could radiate LQWKHHDUWK)ROORZLQJ+LVH[DPSOHWKH6FULSWXUHVXUJHEHOLHYHUV ´RIIHU\RXUERGLHVDVDOLYLQJVDFULÀFHKRO\DQGSOHDVLQJWR*RG³ this is your true and proper worship.” $VDOLYLQJVDFULÀFHHYHU\EHOLHYHULVFDOOHGWRDOLIHLQZKLFK the priority is to put on display the goodness of God within the PHDVXUHVRI RQH·VUXOH:KHQ*RGSXW$GDPLQFUHDWLRQZLWKWKH PDQGDWHWRUXOH+LVLQWHQWZDVWKDWWKHHDUWKVKRXOGEHQHÀWIURP the way that a son of God presented the goodness of God in his UXOH)RUH[DPSOHLQ-HVXV·UHSUHVHQWDWLRQRI WKH)DWKHU·VFKDUDFWHU´ZHEHKHOG+LVJORU\«DVWKHRQO\EHJRWWHQRI WKH)DWKHUIXOO of grace and truth.”:KHQ+HUDLVHG/D]DUXVIURPWKHGHDG+H H[SODLQHG +LV DFWLRQVWR 0DUWKD ´'LG , QRW WHOO\RX WKDWLI \RX EHOLHYHG\RXZRXOGVHHWKHJORU\RI *RG"µ Even His death on the cross is explained as the act by which He most clearly puts on display the glory of the Father. The world was given the opportunity to observe the goodness of God through Jesus’ rule. ADMINISTRATIONS Administrations are designed to give force and effect to a SUHH[LVWLQJSKLORVRSK\RI UXOHDQGWKHSKLORVRSK\RI WKHUXOHXQderlies the structure of the administration of power. The condition 117 My Father! My Father! of the subjects of a ruler is the best indication of the character of WKHVRYHUHLJQDQGWKHDGPLQLVWUDWLRQRI KLVUXOH:KHQ*RGVHW $GDP RYHU FUHDWLRQ KLV LQWHQW ZDV WKDW $GDP ZRXOG UHÁHFW WKH culture of the house to which he belonged as a son. It was God’s design that He would put on display His own goodness though the agency of His son in the form of the governmental order He introduced to the earth. That order was not designed to function WKURXJKOHJLVODWLYHGHFUHHVDQGEXUHDXFUDFLHVEXWWKURXJKWKHDGPLQLVWUDWLRQRI WKHVLPSOHDQGHOHJDQWÁRZRI IDWKHUVDQGVRQV The entire human race was organized under Adam’s adminisWUDWLRQWKURXJKSDWULDUFKDOUHODWLRQVKLSVIRUWKHÀUVWPLOOHQQLXPRI PDQ·VH[LVWHQFHRQHDUWK$OWKRXJK$GDPVLQQHG*RGVWLOONHSW him at the helm of human society for almost one thousand years. One thousand years was long enough for this model to take root among the tribal societies as they were being formed into what ZRXOGXOWLPDWHO\EHFRPHQDWLRQV(YHQLQKLVUHEHOOLRQDJDLQVWKLV )DWKHU$GDPZDVVWLOOXVHIXOWRHVWDEOLVKDIRUPRI RUGHUWKDWZDV a type and shadow of the heavenly government. Christ fully established the model of God’s intent to present His goodness to humankind through His sons and has passed that legacy on to the succeeding generations of the sons of God XSRQWKHHDUWK:KHUHDVQRLQGLYLGXDOVRQLVDVVLJQHGWKHYDVWQHVV RI WKHVFRSHSUHYLRXVO\FRQYH\HGWRERWK&KULVWDQG$GDPLWLV nevertheless unmistakable that all sons have been given a sphere of rule in which they are commissioned and empowered to put on display the glory of their Father’s love. 7KH YDVWQHVV RI WKH UROH RI GLVSOD\LQJ *RG·V JRRGQHVV FRPPLWWHG WR WKH KDQGV RI -HVXV LV FDUULHG RQ LQ WKH HDUWK LQ the corporate Body of Christ. Jesus described that work as being even greater in scope than what He individually undertook. In its FRPSOHWHQHVVWKHUHSUHVHQWDWLRQRI WKHJRRGQHVVRI *RGE\WKH corporate Christ will be inclusive of the portions given to both the ÀUVWDQGODVW$GDPEXWHPSRZHUHGE\WKH+RO\6SLULW7KHJORU\ of that expression will be a complete model on the earth of what exists in heaven. 118 )DWKHUDQG6RQV THE EXACT REPRESENTATION OF HIS BEING God brings a son to maturity not only to express His goodness WKURXJKWKHVRQEXWDOVRWRHPSRZHUWKHVRQWRDFWRQEHKDOI RI WKH)DWKHULQVXFKDZD\WKDW´WKH)DWKHUMXGJHVQRRQHEXWKDVHQWUXVWHGDOOMXGJPHQWWRWKH6RQWKDWDOOPD\KRQRUWKH6RQMXVWDV they honor the Father….”$PDWXUHVRQWKHUHIRUHLVPHDQWWR speak and to act on behalf of the Father as His designated agent. The mature son is capable of accurately and consistently GLVFHUQLQJWKH)DWKHU·VLQWHQWDQGRI H[HFXWLQJWKDWLQWHQWSUHFLVHO\ ´'RQRWFRQIRUPWRWKHSDWWHUQRI WKLVZRUOGEXWEHWUDQVIRUPHG by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and DSSURYHZKDW*RG·VZLOOLV³KLVJRRGSOHDVLQJDQGSHUIHFWZLOOµ The process by which the mature son is able to distinguish between WKHOHYHOVRI *RG·VZLOOUDQJLQJIURPWKHJRRGWRWKHSHUIHFWLV by the renewing of the mind. The Holy Spirit works to restore the soul of man to its proper place of submission to his spirit. The renewing of the mind that follows is the reassertion of the mind RI KLV VSLULW RYHU WKH PLQG RI KLV VRXO SHUPLWWLQJ WKH ÁRZ RI information from the Holy Spirit to the mind of the man’s spirit. The effect is to transform his view of reality. The result is a perfect realignment between the mind of man and the will of God. &RQFXUUHQW ZLWK WKLV UHSRVLWLRQLQJ WKH PDWXUH VRQ LV DOVR empowered by the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to know how to SUHFLVHO\ H[HFXWH WKH )DWKHU·V FRPPDQGV ´>I@RU WKH )DWKHU ORYHV the Son and shows him all he does.” 3UHVHQWO\WKHGLIÀFXOW\LQHQYLVLRQLQJWKLVIRUPRI LQWHUDFWLRQ EHWZHHQ*RGDQGPDQLVFDXVHGE\WKHFRQWLQXLQJLQÁXHQFHRI WKH FXOWXUHRI WKHRUSKDQZKLFKSHUFHLYHVDZLGHFKDVPRI VHSDUDWLRQ EHWZHHQ *RG DQG PDQ HYHQ LQ WKRVH ZKR DUH VDLG WR EH ERUQ again. The culture of the orphan is inherently competitive and emphasizes the difference between God and man. The culture of the son embraces the truth of the reconciliation of the Father and the son and the re-issuance of the nature of spirit in the son that makes him compatible with the Holy Spirit. +HLVGHÀQHGE\VDPHQHVVRI EHLQJZLWKWKH)DWKHUDQGQRORQJHU 119 My Father! My Father! E\DQ\IRUPRI FRPSHWLWLYHGLVWLQFWLYHQHVV-HVXVEHLQJWKHPRGHO RI VRQVKLSVKRZHGWKDWEHWZHHQPDQDQG+LV)DWKHUWKHUHLVQR competition: ,Q \RXU UHODWLRQVKLSV ZLWK RQH DQRWKHU KDYH WKH VDPH DWWLWXGHRI PLQG&KULVW-HVXVKDG :KR EHLQJ LQ YHU\ QDWXUH *RG GLG QRW FRQVLGHU HTXDOLW\ ZLWK*RGVRPHWKLQJWREHXVHGWRKLVRZQDGYDQWDJHUDWKHU KH PDGH KLPVHOI QRWKLQJ E\ WDNLQJ WKH YHU\ QDWXUH RI D VHUYDQWEHLQJPDGHLQKXPDQOLNHQHVV$QGEHLQJIRXQGLQ DSSHDUDQFHDVDKXPDQEHLQJKHKXPEOHGKLPVHOI E\EHFRPLQJREHGLHQWWRGHDWK³HYHQGHDWKRQDFURVV7KHUHIRUH*RG H[DOWHGKLPWRWKHKLJKHVWSODFHDQGJDYHKLPWKHQDPHWKDW LVDERYHHYHU\QDPHWKDWDWWKHQDPHRI -HVXVHYHU\NQHH VKRXOGERZLQKHDYHQDQGRQHDUWKDQGXQGHUWKHHDUWKDQG HYHU\WRQJXHDFNQRZOHGJHWKDW-HVXV&KULVWLV/RUGWRWKH JORU\RI *RGWKH)DWKHU :KHQ-HVXVZDVRQWKHHDUWKKHGLGQRWDVVHUWHTXDOLW\ZLWK*RG DVWKHEDVLVIRU+LVOLIHRUDFWLRQVDOWKRXJK+HFRXOGKDYHVLQFH +HZDV*RGLQKXPDQIRUP,QVWHDG+HLVWKHPRGHOWKDWLOOXVtrates to man how a son may be the exact representation of his )DWKHU·VEHLQJ+DG+HDVVHUWHG+LVHTXDOLW\ZLWK*RGDOORI ZKDW He did would have demonstrated His own competence; His modHO ZRXOG EH XQDWWDLQDEOH E\ PDQ DQG +H FRXOG RQO\ KDYH EHHQ viewed as His gift of labor to the Father. He would have indebted *RGWR+LPVHOIDQGDOOEHQHÀWWRXVZRXOGKDYHVKRZQRQO\WKH kindness of Jesus to us. The nature of the Father would have UHPDLQHG D P\VWHU\ ,QVWHDG E\ FKRRVLQJ WR GR QRWKLQJ H[FHSW UHSUHVHQWWKHJRRGQHVVRI WKH)DWKHU+HSXWRQGLVSOD\WKHQDWXUH of the Father. The highest attainment possible within a competitive standard LV HTXDOLW\ DQG IDLUQHVV LV WKH SULQFLSOH REMHFWLYH LQ D V\VWHP RI FRPSHWLWLRQ ,Q VXFK D V\VWHP ULJKWHRXVQHVV LV XQGHUVWRRG RQO\ in terms of fairness. There is no basis in relationships for trans120 )DWKHUDQG6RQV generational building within an environment of competition. The relationship between a father and a son cannot be expressed within the context of competition. The goal of everyone within this V\VWHPLVWRDFTXLUHKLVLQGHSHQGHQWHVWDWH $FFRUGLQJ WR WKLV PLQGVHW DOO H[FKDQJHV EHWZHHQ *RG DQG PDQDVVXPHHTXDOLW\EHWZHHQWKHSDUWLHV0DQRIIHUVKLVVHUYLFHWR *RGRQWKHSUHVXPSWLRQWKDWVXFKVHUYLFHVDUHUHTXLUHGDQGQHFHVVDU\DQGWKDW*RGZLOODFFHSWWKHVHUYLFHDVDQRIIHULQJ7KLVYLHZ RI QHFHVVLW\ REOLJDWHV *RG WR D UHVSRQVH $Q\ IDLOXUH RQ *RG·V part to respond would leave Him indebted to man since He has UHFHLYHGDEHQHÀWIRUZKLFK+HKDVQRWDGHTXDWHO\FRPSHQVDWHG PDQ:KHWKHU*RGUHVSRQGVE\JLYLQJPDQDQDGHTXDWHFRPSHQVDWLRQRUVLPSO\UHPDLQVLQGHEWHGWKHZRUNRI PDQHOHYDWHVKLP WRDSRVLWLRQRI HTXDOLW\ZLWK*RGVLQFH*RGDFFHSWHGKLVZRUN 7KHUHIRUHPDQPD\RIIHUKLVUHVRXUFHVWR*RGDVWKHRIIHULQJRI his righteousness. A RIGHTEOUS OFFERING This form of bargain holds that the righteousness of man may be offered in an exchange with God. On the basis of this FRQFHSW*RG·VUHMHFWLRQRI WKHVDFULÀFHRI &DLQGRHVQRWDSSHDU to have any explanation except to suggest that perhaps God is at WLPHVZKLPVLFDODUELWUDU\RUHYHQFDSULFLRXVDYLHZWKDWLVHQWLUHO\ inconsistent with the Scriptures. 7KHOHDVWDWWUDFWLYHDVSHFWRI WKLVV\VWHPKRZHYHULVWKDWDQ\ suggestion of a relationship based upon the mutuality of exchange does not permit the Father to function through the son and does not give the son access to the resources of the Father on the basis of being His heir. This is not the model that Jesus established. Jesus described His relationship with the Father as “you are in me and I DPLQ\RXµ signifying that the Father worked from His location ZLWKLQWKHEHLQJRI WKH6RQDQGWKH6RQRSHUDWHGIURPGHHSZLWKLQ the authority of His Father. ([DFWUHSUHVHQWDWLRQWKHUHIRUHOLNHUDGLDWLQJWKHJORU\RI WKH )DWKHU·VQDWXUHLVWKHGHVLJQDWHGJRDORI VRQVKLS2QHLVQRWERUQ 121 My Father! My Father! DJDLQRQO\WREHUHVWRUHGWRWKHSRVLWLRQRI VRQEXWDOVRWRWKH practical functioning of that role. 7KHVWDQGDUGIRUPDWXUHVRQVKLSHVWDEOLVKHGE\-HVXVLVVHHQ when the son permits his life to be consumed by the Father in order to set forth the perfect standard of the Father’s love and declares the will of the Father exactly as the Father Himself would. In the HDUWKWKHZLOORI WKH)DWKHULVSXUVXHGWKURXJKWKHPDWXUHVRQ ´>7KH6RQ@LVWKHLPDJHRI WKHLQYLVLEOH*RGWKHÀUVWERUQRYHUDOO creation. …For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in KLPDQGWKURXJKKLPWRUHFRQFLOHWRKLPVHOI DOOWKLQJVZKHWKHU WKLQJVRQHDUWKRUWKLQJVLQKHDYHQE\PDNLQJSHDFHWKURXJKKLV EORRGVKHGRQWKHFURVVµ The work of representing the Father LQWKHHDUWKKDVEHHQFRPPLWWHGLQWRWKHKDQGVRI WKHVRQDQG the Holy Spirit was given to reveal the will of the Father and to empower the son. >7@KDW*RGZDVUHFRQFLOLQJWKHZRUOGWRKLPVHOI LQ&KULVW QRWFRXQWLQJSHRSOH·VVLQVDJDLQVWWKHP$QGKHKDVFRPPLWWHGWRXVWKHPHVVDJHRI UHFRQFLOLDWLRQ:HDUHWKHUHIRUH&KULVW·V DPEDVVDGRUVDVWKRXJK*RGZHUHPDNLQJKLVDSSHDOWKURXJK XV:HLPSORUH\RXRQ&KULVW·VEHKDOI%HUHFRQFLOHGWR*RG *RGPDGHKLPZKRKDGQRVLQWREHVLQIRUXVVRWKDWLQKLP ZHPLJKWEHFRPHWKHULJKWHRXVQHVVRI *RG 122 F C H A P T E R 11 unctioning as Fathers and Sons Jesus fully presented an understanding of a true relationship with God as Father. Adam’s early departure from this intended relationship to God left unshown God’s intended relationship to man as sons. Adam’s default to the culture of the fatherless provided no foundation for humankind to live in relationship to God as a Father whom he loves and trusts. 7KH *RVSHOV KRZHYHU LQWURGXFH -HVXV &KULVW DV WKH 6RQ RI God and presented to humankind with the declared purpose of ÀQLVKLQJ DOO WKDW ZDV ODFNLQJ ZLWK KLV SUHGHFHVVRU $GDP 7KH records of Luke and Matthew introduce Jesus through complete and deliberate genealogical records. Luke presents Jesus as the Son RI *RGGHVFHQGHGIURP$GDPWKURXJKDQXQEURNHQOLQHRI VL[W\ WZRJHQHUDWLRQV0DWWKHZ·VUHFRUGVKRZV+LPDVERWKWKH.LQJ GHVFHQGHGIURP'DYLGRI WKHKRXVHRI -XGDKDQGWKHIXOÀOOPHQWRI WKHSURPLVHWR$EUDKDPDVWKHVHHGWKURXJKZKRPWKHSUHFUHDWLRQ FRYHQDQWZRXOGEHIXOÀOOHGXSRQWKHHDUWK 7KHLQWURGXFWLRQWRWKH*RVSHORI -RKQLGHQWLÀHV-HVXVDVWKH SUHH[LVWHQW:RUGRI *RGE\ZKRPWKHXQLYHUVHZDVIRUPHGDQG who appears as the incarnate God “full of grace and truth.”200 The IRXUWKZULWHURI WKH*RVSHOLV0DUNWKHVFULEHUHFRUGLQJWKHPHVVDJH RI -HVXVIURPWKHDSRVWOH3HWHUDQGKLVPHVVDJHLVXQPLVWDNDEOH +HZULWHV´7KHEHJLQQLQJRI WKHJRVSHODERXW-HVXV&KULVWWKH 123 My Father! My Father! 6RQ RI *RGµ DQG RSHQV ZLWK WKH VWRU\ RI *RG DXWKHQWLFDWLQJ Jesus as His Son on the occasion of His baptism by John in the ULYHU -RUGDQ ´$V -HVXV ZDV FRPLQJ XS RXW RI WKH ZDWHU KH VDZ heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a GRYH$QGDYRLFHFDPHIURPKHDYHQ¶<RXDUHP\6RQZKRP, love; with you I am well pleased.’”201 7KHSXUSRVHRI -HVXV·FRPLQJLQWRWKHHDUWKLQFOXGHGIXOÀOOLQJ WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV RI WKH SUHFUHDWLRQ FRYHQDQW EXW +LV OLIH ZDV DOVRPHDQWWRIXOO\GHPRQVWUDWHKRZWKH6RQRI *RGERUQLQWR WKHZRUOGRI KXPDQEHLQJVDVDQLQIDQWZRXOGSURJUHVVWKURXJK the stages of a human life. Though ultimately He was killed on WKHFURVVZDVUHVXUUHFWHGIURPWKHGHDGDQGDVFHQGHGWRKHDYHQ -HVXV·OLIHSURYLGHVD KLVWRU\ÀOOHGZLWKGHWDLOVDERXWWKH6RQ RI God and His relationship to His Father. This life was designed to be a template for understanding how God relates to His sons and how sons of God are meant to relate to the everlasting Father. -HVXV·OLIHÀOOHGWKHYRLGWKDW$GDPOHIWUHJDUGLQJDPRGHOIRUXQderstanding the relationship between man as a son of God and God the Father. :KHQ $GDP GHIDXOWHG WR WKH SRVLWLRQ RI EHLQJ DORQH LQ WKH ZRUOG ZLWKRXW D )DWKHU *RG DFNQRZOHGJHG WKDW $GDP·V FRQGLtion entitled him to the bread of his own toil.202 Adam’s separation from his Father also resulted in a separation from the estate designed to supply him in this way. He and his progeny came to rely instead upon the force of their own strength and their skill in the development and use of technology. $VDVRQRI *RG$GDPKDGEHHQHQWLWOHGWRWKHVXSSRUWRI KLV )DWKHU·VKRXVHZKLOHKHDWWHQGHGWKHUXOHWRZKLFKKHZDVDVVLJQHG DQGWKH.LQJGRPWKDWKHUHSUHVHQWHGZDVVXIÀFLHQWWRVXSSO\DOO RI KLVQHHGVIRUUHVRXUFLQJVRWKDWKLVUXOHZRXOGQRWEHGHÀFLHQW LQDQ\PDQQHU+LV)DWKHUZRXOGVXSSO\KLVQHHGIRUZLVGRPNQRZOHGJHFRXQFLOXQGHUVWDQGLQJDQGSRZHUDOONH\HOHPHQWVQHFHVVDU\ for his successful administration. God would have conveyed this supply both directly and indiUHFWO\'LUHFWFRQYH\DQFHZRXOGKDYHRFFXUUHGE\6SLULWWRVSLULW 124 )XQFWLRQLQJDV)DWKHUVDQG6RQV FRQWDFW ,QGLUHFWO\ VXSSO\ ZDV DOUHDG\ SUHVHQW LQ WKH RUGHU DQG VWUXFWXUHRI FUHDWLRQDURXQGKLPZKLFK$GDPZRXOGKDYHFDOOHG IRUWK7KHUHODWLRQVKLSRI VRQVKLSLQZKLFKWKH)DWKHUORYHVWKH VRQDQGWKHVRQWUXVWVWKH)DWKHULVUHTXLUHGIRUWKLVRUGHURI UXOH and supply to function. The relationship between Jesus and God the Father shows this UHODWLRQVKLSSHUIHFWO\$OWKRXJKWKH)DWKHUUHPDLQVLQYLVLEOH+LV divine goodness is resplendently displayed through the words and ZRUNVRI -HVXV)RU+LVSDUW-HVXVFORWKHG+LPVHOI LQWKHUROHRI DVRQDIIRUGLQJKXPDQLW\DFRPSOHWHSLFWXUHRI WKHRUGHURI WKH relationship that God envisioned when He made man as His son. 7KHUHIRUH-HVXV·OLIHLVWKHLQWHQGHGSRLQWRI UHIHUHQFHIRUXQGHUstanding the father and son relationship as God originally intended it. A CHILD IS BORN Extreme hostility opposed Jesus’ introduction into the world. 6DWDQDUUDQJHGWRKDYH+LPNLOOHGXSRQDUULYDOYLD.LQJ+HURGWKH UXOHURI ,VUDHODWWKHWLPHRI -HVXV·ELUWKZKRKDGVKRZQSUHYLRXVO\ that he would suffer no potential challenges to his rule. Herod was known for his murderous elimination of any opposition to his rule. *RG GLG QRW HPSOR\ GLYLQH SUHURJDWLYHV WR LQÁXHQFH IDYRUDEO\ WKHFLUFXPVWDQFHVRI -HVXV·DUULYDOVLQFHWKRVHEHQHÀWVZRXOGEH typically unavailable to the normal human birth. 5DWKHU WKH )DWKHU LQWURGXFHG WKH 6RQ LQ WKH PRVW DXVWHUH circumstances. Although some choose to see the circumstances of -HVXV·ELUWKDVDJORULÀFDWLRQRI SRYHUW\LWLVSURSHUO\XQGHUVWRRG DV DQ HYDVLYH VWUDWHJ\ WKDW DOORZHG WKH 6RQ WR DUULYH XQGHWHFWHG E\WKHHQHP\ZKLOHPHHWLQJWKHWHVWRI FLUFXPVWDQFHVLQWRZKLFK humans might be born. The Father took advantage of Satan’s pride and his inability to envision the Son of God arriving in such humble and meager circumstances. The enemy was not looking for the .LQJRI NLQJVLQDVWDEOHERUQDPRQJWKHDQLPDOV 6LPLODUO\ ZKHQ +HURG FRQWLQXHV KLV XQUHOHQWLQJ SHUVHFXWLRQ RI &KULVWE\NLOOLQJWKHFKLOGUHQ*RGLQVWUXFWHG-RVHSKWRKLGHWKH IDPLO\LQ(J\SWXQWLO+HURG·VGHDWK)RUD-HZLVKSHUVRQUHVLGHQFH 125 My Father! My Father! in Egypt was reminiscent of their tenure as slaves in that country. 6DWDQEHLQJREOLYLRXVWRWKHSURSKHWLFVLJQLÀFDQFHRI WKHQDWLRQ RI ,VUDHODVDW\SHDQGVKDGRZRI -HVXVEHLQJIRUPHUO\HQVODYHGLQ DQGGHOLYHUHGIURP(J\SWFRXOGQRWVHHWKHVLJQLÀFDQFHRI -HVXV IROORZLQJWKHVDPHSDWKLQRUGHUWRIXOÀOOWKHSURSKHF\´2XWRI Egypt I called my son.” God simultaneously protected the Son DQG IXOÀOOHG SURSKHF\ WKHUHE\ DXWKHQWLFDWLQJ -HVXV DV WKH DFWXDO IXOÀOOPHQWRI WKHSURSKHWLFZRUG The circumstances of Jesus’ birth demonstrate the role of the Father in presenting a son. The Father protected the Son even as He developed the unimpeachable testimony that supported Jesus’ claim to be the Son of God. He did this through evidence that -HVXV+LPVHOI FRXOGQHLWKHUSHUSHWUDWHQRULQÁXHQFH 7KHHDUO\HYHQWVRI -HVXV·OLIHVKRZWKLVVDPHTXDOLW\RI UHODtionship between Himself and the Father. As soon as Jesus had the FDSDFLW\WRUHVSRQGWR*RGDVDVRQ+HEHJDQWRVHHNXQGHUVWDQGLQJ RI +LV)DWKHU,WZDVWKHFXVWRPIRUDER\DWWKHDJHRI WZHOYHWR WDNHXSDQDSSUHQWLFHVKLSLQKLVIDWKHU·VEXVLQHVV:KHQDWWZHOYH Jesus accompanied His parents to Jerusalem. He remained behind LQWKHWHPSOHWRFRQVXOWZLWKWKHOHDUQHGVFKRODUVWHOOLQJ0DU\+H did so because he “must be about [his] Father’s business.” Jesus NQHZWKDWDOWKRXJK-RVHSKIXOÀOOHGWKHUROHRI DQHDUWKO\IDWKHU *RGZDV+LVWUXH)DWKHUDQGDW+LVDJH+LVUHVSRQVLELOLW\ZDV to take up an apprenticeship in His Father’s business. The doctors of the law in the temple were the best and most complete source of information available to help Him understand the nature of His Father’s business. He had enough clarity of understanding to seek the most complete understanding of His identity and purpose from the custodians of that knowledge. Jesus’ life from the age of twelve until He was thirty years old LVVXPPDUL]HGLQWKHVWDWHPHQW´-HVXVJUHZLQZLVGRPDQGVWDWXUH and in favor with God and men.”206 Paul would also write about -HVXV´$OWKRXJKKHZDVDVRQKHOHDUQHGREHGLHQFHIURPZKDWKH suffered. The Father permitted every form of trial to which a KXPDQEHLQJZRXOGEHVXEMHFWHGWRDWWHQG-HVXVZKLOH*RGFDUH126 )XQFWLRQLQJDV)DWKHUVDQG6RQV fully monitored His progress and gave Him what help He needed. The Father did not simply abandon Jesus to the circumstances of life until He was thirty. Jesus’ path was laid out carefully so that His sufferings and trials would install the layers of obedience necessary to sustain the pressure of His destiny. God’s intent was to prepare Him for the time of His maturity through the incidences that VKDSHGWKHTXDOLW\RI +LVUHVSRQVHV7KHWKLQJV+HVXIIHUHGZHUH UHODWHGGLUHFWO\WRWKHVSHFLÀFREHGLHQFHWRWKH)DWKHUUHTXLUHGE\ +LVXQLTXHGHVWLQ\7KH)DWKHU·VLQYROYHPHQWLQWKHSURFHVVLVFOHDU and unambiguous. Jesus grew in favor with God as He submitted +LPVHOI WRWKHOHDGLQJRI WKH6SLULWDQGWRWKHLQVWUXFWLRQRI 6FULSWXUH both of which informed His choices consistently. God put the results of Jesus’ training on display for us to observe ZKHQLPPHGLDWHO\DIWHU+LVEDSWLVPWKH+RO\6SLULWOHG-HVXVLQWR the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. In the three recorded WHPSWDWLRQV-HVXVUHVSRQGHGWRWKHHQHP\RQWKHVWUHQJWKRI WKH ZRUGRI WKH6SLULWDSSOLFDEOHWRWKHFLUFXPVWDQFH+HYHULÀHGWKDW ZRUGE\WKHXVHRI VFULSWXUDOWH[W+RZHYHUZKHQ6DWDQDWWHPSWHG WR VXEYHUW WKLV SURFHVV E\ KLPVHOI HPSOR\LQJ WKH 6FULSWXUHV -HVXV TXLFNO\ GLVWLQJXLVKHG WKLV FXQQLQJ XVH RI 6FULSWXUH PHDQW to produce disobedience and death. Jesus restored the appropriate DXWKRULW\RI 6FULSWXUHEHLQJIDPLOLDUZLWKWKHYRLFHRI WKH6SLULW 7KURXJKRXW+LVPLQLVWU\+HZRXOGFRQVWDQWO\VKRZ+LVIDPLOLDULW\ with the Spirit in His use of Scripture and would distinguish the misuse of Scripture by those well-versed in the knowledge of the WH[WDQGWKHWUDGLWLRQDOLQWHUSUHWDWLRQVEXWREOLYLRXVWRWKH6SLULW The temptations and Jesus’ responses reveal the results of the Father’s deliberate preparation of the Son with full knowledge of the Son’s destiny. Jesus’ trials produced a dependence upon the SpirLWRI *RGZKLOHHPSOR\LQJWKHNQRZOHGJHRI WKHWH[WRI 6FULSWXUH This was His consistent pattern of response. His Father arranged the trials to take Him to increasingly higher levels of maturity and preparedness. These progressive increases were the evidence of +LVJURZLQJIDYRUZLWK*RGDQGEHFDXVH+HZDVFOHDUO\GLVWLQJXLVKHGE\+LVULJKWHRXVUHVSRQVHVWKHIDYRURI PDQDOVRIROORZHG 127 My Father! My Father! 0RUHRYHU *RG SXEOLFO\ GHFODUHG WR WKH ZRUOG +LV SOHDVXUH LQ +LV 6RQ·V EDSWLVP E\ -RKQ ZKHQ -HVXV ZDV WKLUW\ \HDUV ROG GHFODULQJ ´7KLV LV P\ 6RQ ZKRP , ORYH ZLWK KLP , DP ZHOO pleased.”210 This is not the declaration of an absent father who KDV UHHPHUJHG DIWHU HLJKWHHQ \HDUV EXW WKH SUHVHQWDWLRQ RI +LV Son as His designated heir and representative. Since God Himself KDGRYHUVHHQHYHU\DVSHFWRI +LVWUDLQLQJ+HFRXOGWHVWLI\WRWKH ZRUOGRI -HVXV·SHUIHFWLRQ&KULVWZDVQRWVDFULÀFHGRQWKHFURVV three and a half years later in order to be perfect in His obedience WRWKH)DWKHU5DWKHULWZDV+LVREHGLHQFHIRUWKHSUHFHGLQJWKLUW\ \HDUVRI +LVREVFXULW\WKDWPDGH+LPSHUIHFWDQGTXDOLÀHG+LPWR both represent the Father perfectly in His years of ministry and to EHWKHXQEOHPLVKHG6DFULÀFHRQWKHFURVV -HVXV·ELUWKHDUO\\HDUVDQGSUHVHQWDWLRQWRWKHZRUOGGHPRQVWUDWHWKHKDQGRI WKH)DWKHULQUDLVLQJXSDPDWXUH6RQ6LPLODUO\ Jesus’ three years of ministry provide a detailed look into the structure and function of the relationship between the Father and the Son. %HFDXVH-HVXVFDPHLQWRWKHHDUWKWRIXOÀOODGHVWLQ\WKDWZDV GHWHUPLQHG IRU +LP EHIRUH WKH IRXQGDWLRQV RI WKH ZRUOG WKH )DWKHUVHOHFWHGWKHWLPHSODFHDQGFLUFXPVWDQFHVLQWRZKLFK+H would be placed. These were careful selections previously arranged to accommodate all the training and preparation necessary to make Him ready for His destiny. Jesus could choose how He responded WRDQ\RI WKHVHSUHSDUDWLRQVIRU+LVOLIHDQGLI +HZHUHJRYHUQHG E\+LVVRXO+HZRXOGQDWXUDOO\JUDYLWDWHWRZDUGWKHFLUFXPVWDQFHV WKDW RIIHUHG SURYLVLRQ DQG SURWHFWLRQ +RZHYHU VLQFH +H QHYHU GHSDUWHGIURP*RG-HVXVZDVDOZD\VJXLGHGE\WKHIHOORZVKLS+LV Spirit had with the Holy Spirit who lived in him. Even from His FKLOGKRRG +H VRXJKW RXW WKH XQGHUVWDQGLQJ RI +LV GHVWLQ\DQG SXUVXHGDSDWWHUQRI FKRLFHDQGVHOHFWLRQDLPHGDWIXOÀOOLQJ+LV GHVWLQ\+HWKHUHIRUHHQMR\HGWKHIDYRURI ERWK*RGDQGPDQ The arrangement of Jesus’ circumstances and His righteous choices within those circumstances are demonstrated in His ministry. The Father placed among the choices of Jesus’ disciples -XGDV,VFDULRWWKHRQHZKRZRXOGEHWUD\+LPDQG-HVXVLGHQWLÀHG 128 )XQFWLRQLQJDV)DWKHUVDQG6RQV Judas as a selection that God had given to Him: “I have revealed \RXWRWKRVHZKRP\RXJDYHPHRXWRI WKHZRUOG«:KLOH,ZDV ZLWKWKHP,SURWHFWHGWKHPDQGNHSWWKHPVDIHE\WKDWQDPH\RX gave me. None has been lost except the one doomed to destrucWLRQVRWKDW6FULSWXUHZRXOGEHIXOÀOOHGµ211 Jesus even gave God an DFFRXQWWRLQFOXGHWKHRXWFRPHRI -XGDV·EHWUD\DO<HW-HVXVWRRN responsibility for Judas as if He had selected him to be among the WZHOYH-HVXVPDGHWKLVVHOHFWLRQNQRZLQJIXOO\WKHQDWXUHRI -XGDV ´7KHQ-HVXVUHSOLHG¶+DYH,QRWFKRVHQ\RXWKH7ZHOYH"<HWRQH RI \RXLVDGHYLO·+HPHDQW-XGDVWKHVRQRI 6LPRQ,VFDULRWZKR WKRXJKRQHRI WKH7ZHOYHZDVODWHUWREHWUD\KLPµ212 In the model of the Father-Son relationship presented between *RGWKH)DWKHUDQG-HVXV&KULVWWKH6RQWKH)DWKHUUHFRJQL]HG that the Son had an eternal destiny for which He has come into the world. The Father’s responsibility was to select and arrange the FLUFXPVWDQFHV RI WKH VRQ·V OLIH WR JXLGH WKH IXOÀOOPHQW RI WKLV preexisting destiny. The Son’s choices ranged from among the VHOHFWLRQVDUUDQJHGE\WKH)DWKHUDQGGLGQRWLQFOXGHDQLQÀQLWH number of possible choices. The Son’s connection to the Father made Him aware of the need to make His selections according to the Spirit. Being led by WKH6SLULWWKH6RQFRQVLVWHQWO\FKRVHLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHSHUIHFW ZLOORI *RG,IRQWKHRWKHUKDQG+HKDGEHHQJRYHUQHGE\WKH ZLOORI +LVVRXO+LVFKRLFHVZRXOGKDYHEHHQLQIRUPHGSULPDULO\ E\WKHQHHGWRVXUYLYHDQG+HZRXOGKDYHEHHQXQDIIHFWHGE\WKH FDOOWRDQHWHUQDOGHVWLQ\,QWKDWFDVH+LVFKRLFHVZRXOGKDYHEHHQ routinely different from those of His Father. He would remain XQWUDLQHGDQGWKHUHIRUHXQTXDOLÀHGWRIXOÀOODQHWHUQDOGHVWLQ\ YOU ARE IN ME AND I AM IN YOU 0\SUD\HULVQRWIRUWKHPDORQH,SUD\DOVRIRUWKRVHZKR ZLOO EHOLHYH LQ PH WKURXJK WKHLU PHVVDJH WKDW DOO RI WKHP PD\EHRQH)DWKHUMXVWDV\RXDUHLQPHDQG,DPLQ\RX 0D\WKH\DOVREHLQXVVRWKDWWKHZRUOGPD\EHOLHYHWKDW\RX 129 My Father! My Father! KDYHVHQWPH,KDYHJLYHQWKHPWKHJORU\WKDW\RXJDYHPH WKDWWKH\PD\EHRQHDVZHDUHRQH³,LQWKHPDQG\RXLQ PH³VRWKDWWKH\PD\EHEURXJKWWRFRPSOHWHXQLW\7KHQWKH ZRUOGZLOONQRZWKDW\RXVHQWPHDQGKDYHORYHGWKHPHYHQ DV\RXKDYHORYHGPH)DWKHU,ZDQWWKRVH\RXKDYHJLYHQPH WREHZLWKPHZKHUH,DPDQGWRVHHP\JORU\WKHJORU\\RX KDYHJLYHQPHEHFDXVH\RXORYHGPHEHIRUHWKHFUHDWLRQRI WKH ZRUOG 5LJKWHRXV )DWKHU WKRXJK WKH ZRUOG GRHV QRW NQRZ \RX,NQRZ\RXDQGWKH\NQRZWKDW\RXKDYHVHQWPH, KDYHPDGH\RXNQRZQWRWKHPDQGZLOOFRQWLQXHWRPDNH \RXNQRZQLQRUGHUWKDWWKHORYH\RXKDYHIRUPHPD\EHLQ WKHPDQGWKDW,P\VHOI PD\EHLQWKHP $V +LV OLIH RQ HDUWK HQWHUHG LWV ÀQDO VWDJH MXVW SULRU WR WKH FURVV -HVXV GHVFULEHG WKH UHODWLRQVKLS EHWZHHQ +LPVHOI DQG WKH Father in this prayer to God. This description leaves no doubt that the life of Jesus was connected to the life within the Father in a virtually inseparable fashion. “You are in me” is an indication that -HVXVSUHVHQWHG+LPVHOI DVDOLYLQJVDFULÀFHWRKRVWWKHSUHVHQFH RI WKH)DWKHU$V6SLULWWKH)DWKHUFRXOGOLYHLQ-HVXV´ERWKWRZLOO and to do of his good pleasure.” The Father prepared Jesus for the destiny of hosting the presence of God in an unobstructed way. No independent desire of Jesus’ existed to compete with the use of His person by God. Jesus voluntarily submitted His whole being to God for whatever use God chose to make of it. -HVXV· FKRLFH RQ WKLV SDUW GHÀQHV WKH WUXVW D VRQ KDV IRU KLV IDWKHU7KLVWUXVWLVQHLWKHUEOLQGQRUXQLQIRUPHGVLQFH-HVXV+LPself was apprised fully of the eternal purpose that He was living out upon the earth. He trusted the love of His Father for Him and +HÀUPO\EHOLHYHGLQWKHJRRGQHVVRI +LV)DWKHUWRZDUGKXPDQNLQG+HNQHZWKDW+HKDGFRPHWREHWKH/DPEVODLQIURPWKH foundations of the world. ,QRUGHUWRWUXVW*RGIXOO\HYHU\VRQQHHGVWRKDYHDFOHDUVHQVH RI ZKDWKLVGLYLQHGHVWLQ\LVGHVLJQHGWREH7KLVSUHUHTXLVLWHSHUmits the son to agree with the Father’s selections and to adopt them 130 )XQFWLRQLQJDV)DWKHUVDQG6RQV as his own willing and conscious choices. It was this process that DOORZHG-HVXVWRFRQFOXGH´\HWQRWP\ZLOOEXW\RXUVEHGRQHµ The irony was that Jesus made a choice when He consented to the )DWKHU·VZLOO7KDWLVZK\+HFRXOGFODLPWKHQ´1RRQHWDNHV>P\ OLIH@IURPPHEXW,OD\LWGRZQRI P\RZQDFFRUG«µ216 It is also ZK\WKHVDPHFKRLFHWKDWGHÀQHVWKHORYHRI *RGWKH)DWKHUDOVR GHÀQHVWKHPDQQHULQZKLFK&KULVW+LPVHOI ORYHG´*UHDWHUORYH KDVQRRQHWKDQWKLVWKDWKHOD\GRZQKLVOLIHIRUKLVIULHQGVµ In WKHHQGWKHZRUNGRQHE\WKH)DWKHUWKURXJKWKH6RQLVDVUHDGLO\ DWWULEXWDEOHWRWKH6RQDVLWLVWRWKH)DWKHU7KHUHIRUHLWPD\EH accurately said that “I and the Father are one.” %HIRUH KH KDV KLV RZQ VHSDUDWH LQGHSHQGHQFH HYHU\ VRQ LV in his father. God’s intention is that the purpose of a son is to EHWKHFRQWLQXDWLRQRI KLVIDWKHU·VLGHQWLW\:KHQ$GDPVHSDUDWHG KLPVHOI IURP KLV )DWKHU WKLV FRQFHSW ZDV ORVW WR KXPDQLW\ DQG LQGHSHQGHQFHUHSODFHGFRQWLQXLW\LQGHÀQLQJGHVWLQ\(YHQZKHQ LWLVFOHDUWKDWWKHGHVWLQ\RI HDFKSHUVRQLVDXQLTXHH[SUHVVLRQ RI D SUHH[LVWLQJ SUHFUHDWLRQ SODQ PHQ DUH LQFOLQHG WR UHVLVW EHLQJGHÀQHGE\WKHOLIHRI DQ\RQHHOVH$VDFRQVHTXHQFHGHVWLQ\ is commonly considered apart from the unfolding of enormous SXUSRVHVWKDWUHTXLUHPXOWLJHQHUDWLRQDOSDUWLFLSDWLRQLQWKHVDPH unfolding. Even large accomplishments within a single lifetime are TXLFNO\IRUJRWWHQZKHQWKRVHDFFRPSOLVKPHQWVDUHQRWSDUWRI DQ RYHUDUFKLQJSXUSRVHVSDQQLQJPDQ\JHQHUDWLRQV:KHUHDVHYHQD OLIHWKDWFRQWULEXWHVPRGHVWO\WRWKHIXOÀOOPHQWRI DJUDQGSXUSRVH VXUYLYHVIRUDFRQVLGHUDEOHSHULRGRI WLPHEHFDXVHOLYHVDUHPHDQW WREHDVVRFLDWHGZLWKWKHIXOÀOOPHQWRI HWHUQDOWKHPHV,QWKHFDVH RI *RG DQG -HVXV WKH JUHDW WKHPHV ZHUH HVWDEOLVKHG EHIRUH WKH foundation of the world by the Father and the Son. The particular arrangement of father and son was the necessary UHODWLRQDOFRQWH[WWRSHUPLWWKHHQJDJHPHQWRI WKLVJUDQGHWHUQDO purpose in time. The Father determined how His love would be H[SUHVVHGZLWKLQWKHYHQXH+HFKRVHIRUWKDWH[SUHVVLRQDQG*RG took the roles of both Father and Son by which to express His divine nature. He planned that “His only begotten Son” would be 131 My Father! My Father! WKHH[SUHVVLRQRI DOOWKHIDFHWVRI +LVSHUVRQ6R+HDUUDQJHGIRU the Son to be able to handle the administration of His authority and power as well as to speak for Him in all things. +DYLQJTXDOLÀHGWKH6RQ+HSUHVHQWHG-HVXVDV+LVH[FOXVLYH representation. “In the past God spoke to our ancestors through WKHSURSKHWVDWPDQ\WLPHVDQGLQYDULRXVZD\VEXWLQWKHVHODVW days he has spoken to us by his Son….” “God was reconciling WKHZRUOGWRKLPVHOI LQ&KULVWQRWFRXQWLQJSHRSOH·VVLQVDJDLQVW them.”220 %\ UHPDLQLQJ LQ WKH )DWKHU WKH )DWKHU ZRXOG SXW RQ GLVSOD\DOO+LVDXWKRULW\DQGSRZHUWKURXJKWKH6RQDQGWKH6RQ may claim the legitimacy of being the extension of the person RI +LV )DWKHU 7KHUHIRUH DOWKRXJK +H KDV D GLVWLQFW H[LVWHQFH +LVSXUSRVHUHPDLQHGWKDWRI +LV)DWKHU7KHIXOÀOOPHQWRI +LV )DWKHU·VSXUSRVHUHDFKHVLWVXQLTXHDSRJHHLQWKLV6RQRI 3URPLVH as was foreordained. -HVXVFRXOGWKHUHIRUHVD\WKDWWKHZRUNV+HGLGZHUHQRW+LV RZQ DQG +H RQO\ GLG ZKDW +H VDZ +LV )DWKHU GRLQJ EHFDXVH “…the Son can do nothing by himself….”221 He remained in the Father inasmuch as no aspect of His life was conducted indepenGHQWO\RI +LV)DWKHU:LWKWKLVEHLQJWKHFODULW\RI -HVXV·XQGHUVWDQGLQJLWLVQRWGLIÀFXOWWRXQGHUVWDQGZK\+LVEHLQJZRXOGEH VRWUDXPDWL]HGDQG+HZRXOGFU\´«0\*RGP\*RGZK\KDYH you forsaken me?”222 Although His Spirit knew that He took the SODFHRI PDQDQGERUHWKHUHDOLW\RI VHSDUDWLRQIURPWKH)DWKHU LQLWLDWHGE\$GDP+LVULJKWHRXVVRXOZDVVXUSULVHGE\WKHVWDUN UHDOLW\RI WKDWVHSDUDWLRQEHFDXVHHYHQLQ+LVVRXO+HZDVQHYHU separated from God but always remained in the Father. The picture that Jesus’ life presents of the relationship between WKH)DWKHUDQGWKH6RQLVRQHWKDWFDQQRWEHVHYHUHG-HVXVWKH 6RQLVFRQVFLRXVO\DZDUHWKDW+LVGHVWLQ\ZDVIRUHRUGDLQHGE\WKH )DWKHU IURP WKH IRXQGDWLRQV RI WKH ZRUOG DQG +H FRQVLVWHQWO\ chose to embrace that destiny even from the earliest days of His training. The adversities that attend Him from early on are purposefully aligned to results that were necessary to prepare His path. He trusts the Father who arranges these circumstances that shape 132 )XQFWLRQLQJDV)DWKHUVDQG6RQV the path along which His destiny emerges. His trust of the Father SHUPLWV+LPWRDGRSWWKH)DWKHU·VFKRLFHVDV+LVRZQDQG+HLV WKHUHIRUHFUHGLWHGZLWKWKHVDPHFKDUDFWHUDVWKDWRI +LV)DWKHU 7KH)DWKHUKDYLQJFKRVHQWKHGHVWLQ\RI WKH6RQWRJHWKHUZLWKDOO RI WKHUHODWHGFLUFXPVWDQFHVHQJDJHVWKH6RQLQSURIRXQGIHOORZVKLS2YHUWLPH+HLPSDUWVWRWKH6RQDOORI WKHUHTXLUHGZLVGRP NQRZOHGJHXQGHUVWDQGLQJFRXQFLODQGSRZHUUHTXLUHGWRZDONLQ and to complete His destiny. He presents the Son and shows Himself to the world in the most complete expression of His nature WKDWPDQFRXOGEHKROG7KLVGLYLQHUHDOLW\GHÀQHVWKHUHODWLRQVKLS between Jesus and God and is the archetype for the restored relationship between God and man. 133 My Father! My Father! 134 T CHAPTER 12 urning the Heart of the Fathers to the Children THE SPIRIT OF ELIJAH The relationship between God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son is the standard order for the restoration of God’s house. In WKH+RXVHRI *RG-HVXVLV´WKHÀUVWERUQDPRQJPDQ\EURWKHUV and sisters.” The prophecy regarding the restoration of God’s House at the end of the age is contained within the understanding of the restoration of the relationship of fathers and sons. HowHYHUWKHLQWHQWLRQRI *RGLVQRWIRFXVHGXSRQWKHUHVWRUDWLRQRI QDWXUDOIDWKHUVDQGVRQVEXWLQVWHDGXSRQWKDWRI VSLULWXDOIDWKHUV and spiritual sons. God planned that the arrangement of His spiritual house should be done around this central concept of spiritual fathers and VSLULWXDOVRQV7KLVFRQFHSWLVFDUULHGRYHUIURPWKHÀQDOSURSKHF\ RI WKH2OG7HVWDPHQW´%HKROG,ZLOOVHQG\RX(OLMDKWKHSURSKHW EHIRUHWKHFRPLQJRI WKHJUHDWDQGGUHDGIXOGD\RI WKH/25' $QGKHVKDOOWXUQWKHKHDUWRI WKHIDWKHUVWRWKHFKLOGUHQDQGWKH KHDUWRI WKHFKLOGUHQWRWKHLUIDWKHUVOHVW,FRPHDQGVPLWHWKHHDUWK with a curse.” Jesus spoke of this prophecy early in His ministry WRGHÀQHWKHUROHRI -RKQWKH%DSWLVW´LI \RXDUHZLOOLQJWRDFFHSW LWKHLVWKH(OLMDKZKRZDVWRFRPHµ226 Jesus conditioned the fulÀOOPHQWRI WKHSURSKHF\WRWKDWJHQHUDWLRQRQWKHLUDFFHSWDQFHRI LW³WKRXJK WKH SURSKHF\ LWVHOI ZDV EHLQJ IXOÀOOHG ,QGHHG -RKQ 135 My Father! My Father! the Baptist was the spirit of Elijah who was promised. +RZHYHUWKDWJHQHUDWLRQGLGQRWEHQHÀWIURPWKHIXOÀOOPHQW of the prophecy within their day. Other generations who would UHFHLYHWKHVLJQRI -RKQWKH%DSWLVWZRXOGXQGHUVWDQGWKHVLJQLÀFDQFH RI WKH UHODWLRQVKLS EHWZHHQ -HVXV DQG -RKQ KHUDOGLQJ WKH beginning of the restoration of the House of God through the restoration of spiritual fathers and sons. The key to the revelation RI WKHRUGHURI IDWKHUVDQGVRQVDVWKHEDVLVRI WKHDUUDQJHPHQW RI WKH+RXVHRI *RGOLHVLQWKHXQGHUVWDQGLQJRI WKHVSLULWRI Elijah. 7KHJUHDWDUFKDQJHO*DEULHONQRZQIRUEULQJLQJDZRUGGLUHFWO\ IURP*RGWRWKHHDUWKWRHIIHFWPRQXPHQWDOFKDQJHVLQWKHÁRZ RI KXPDQKLVWRU\SURSKHVLHGWRWKHIDWKHURI -RKQWKH%DSWLVW 0DQ\RI WKHSHRSOHRI ,VUDHOZLOOKHEULQJEDFNWRWKH/RUG WKHLU*RG$QGKHZLOOJRRQEHIRUHWKH/RUGLQWKHVSLULW DQGSRZHURI (OLMDKWRWXUQWKHKHDUWVRI WKHIDWKHUVWRWKHLU FKLOGUHQDQGWKHGLVREHGLHQWWRWKHZLVGRPRI WKHULJKWHRXV³ WRPDNHUHDG\DSHRSOHSUHSDUHGIRUWKH/RUG John was the spirit of Elijah that preceded Jesus in order to announce Him as the one with the authority to restore the House of God. Jesus would replace the culture of the fatherless with that of a son and would heal the breach between God and man that existed since Adam. He was the scion of the House of God who would restore the glory of a holy people. The key to this understanding of Jesus is the story of the great SURSKHW(OLMDKDQGKLVVHUYDQWDQGXQGHUVWXG\(OLVKD(OLVKDOLNH (OLMDKZDVDSURSKHWDQGZRXOGEHFRPHWKHVXFFHVVRURI (OLMDK $V WKH WLPH RI (OLMDK·V GHDWK GUHZ QHDU KH DVNHG (OLVKD ´7HOO PHZKDWFDQ,GRIRU\RXEHIRUH,DPWDNHQIURP\RX"µ(OLVKD UHVSRQGHG´/HWPHLQKHULWDGRXEOHSRUWLRQRI \RXUVSLULWµ(OLMDK VDLG´<RXKDYHDVNHGDGLIÀFXOWWKLQJ«\HWLI \RXVHHPHZKHQ, DPWDNHQIURP\RXLWZLOOEH\RXUV³RWKHUZLVHQRWµ 136 7XUQLQJWKH+HDUWRI WKH)DWKHUVWRWKH&KLOGUHQ $VWKH\ZHUHZDONLQJDORQJDQGWDONLQJWRJHWKHUVXGGHQO\ DFKDULRWRI ÀUHDQGKRUVHVRI ÀUHDSSHDUHGDQGVHSDUDWHG WKHWZRRI WKHPDQG(OLMDKZHQWXSWRKHDYHQLQDZKLUOZLQG(OLVKDVDZWKLVDQGFULHGRXW´0\IDWKHU0\IDWKHU 7KHFKDULRWVDQGKRUVHPHQRI ,VUDHOµ$QG(OLVKDVDZKLP QR PRUH 7KHQ KH WRRN KROG RI KLV RZQ FORWKHV DQG WRUH WKHPDSDUW +HSLFNHGXSWKHFORDNWKDWKDGIDOOHQIURP(OLMDKDQG ZHQWEDFNDQGVWRRGRQWKHEDQNRI WKH-RUGDQ7KHQKH WRRNWKHFORDNWKDWKDGIDOOHQIURPKLPDQGVWUXFNWKHZDWHU ZLWKLW´:KHUHQRZLVWKH/25'WKH*RGRI (OLMDK"µKH DVNHG:KHQKHVWUXFNWKHZDWHULWGLYLGHGWRWKHULJKWDQG WRWKHOHIWDQGKHFURVVHGRYHUµ 7KHGRXEOHSRUWLRQIRUZKLFK(OLVKDSHWLWLRQHGDQGZKLFKKH UHFHLYHGUHIHUVWRWKHSRUWLRQRI DIDWKHU·VHVWDWHUHVHUYHGW\SLFDOO\ IRUWKHÀUVWERUQVRQ%\(OLMDK·VRZQUHFNRQLQJ(OLVKD·VUHTXHVW IRUDGRXEOHSRUWLRQRI KLVVSLULWZDVDQXQXVXDODQGGLIÀFXOWRQH 7KHGRXEOHSRUWLRQXVXDOO\FRQFHUQHGWKHLQKHULWDQFHRI PRQH\ VHUYDQWV ODQG OLYHVWRFN DQG RWKHU SURSHUW\ VXIÀFLHQW WR HVWDElish and maintain the family of the inheritor and to carry on the function of the house of his forefathers into the next generation. 7KHUHIRUHWKHGRXEOHSRUWLRQZDVJLYHQWRWKHKHLUZKRVHFKDUacter and conduct embodied the purpose for the existence of the family. 6SLULWXDOO\WKHGHVLJQDWLRQRI RQHZKRLQKHULWVIURPDIDWKHU is based upon a connection or relationship distinct from a biological one. This is shown by example in the prophetic designation of Judah’s tribe as the inheritors of the promise given to Abraham. 6LPLODUO\ 'DYLG UHFHLYHG WKH DQRLQWLQJ DV WKH ÀUVW NLQJ WR FRPH IURPWKHOLQHRI -XGDKQRWZLWKVWDQGLQJKLVSRVLWLRQLQKLVQDWXUDO IDPLO\KHZDVWKH\RXQJHVWRI KLVIDWKHU-HVVH·VVRQVDQGWKHODVW to be presented to the prophet Samuel who had come to Jesse’s house at God’s instruction to select and anoint the king of Israel. 137 My Father! My Father! *RG FKRVH 'DYLG DV WKH NLQJ IURP ZKRVH OLQHDJH &KULVW ZRXOG FRPHEHFDXVH'DYLGZDVDPDQDIWHU*RG·VRZQKHDUW The concept of the double portion is intertwined with the perpetuation of a house. The double portion concept refers to the son whose character is most closely aligned to the purpose for which the house of his father exists. Every house is established according WRDSURPLVHIURP*RG$WWKHWLPHWKHSURPLVHLVJLYHQLWLVFOHDU WKDWLWVIXOÀOOPHQWLVWREHDFFRPSOLVKHGRYHUPDQ\JHQHUDWLRQV The Son of Promise is a designation that was usually reserved for the person in whose lifetime the promise was meant to be comSOHWHO\ IXOÀOOHG 7KH KRXVH ZDV PDLQWDLQHG WKURXJK VXFFHHGLQJ generations through the bestowing of the double portion upon the VRQRI WKHKRXVHZKRLQKLVJHQHUDWLRQPDQLIHVWHGWKHFKDUDFWHU most closely aligned to the spirit of the promise. :KHQ -HVXV FDPH WR IXOÀOO WKH SURPLVH JLYHQ WR $EUDKDP He was the recipient of this double portion. His double portion ZDVWKHDQRLQWLQJUHTXLUHGWREUHDNWKHKROGRI WKHFXOWXUHRI WKH orphan upon humankind and to model the culture of the son. John the Baptist was sent to announce Jesus as the pattern Son to restore the Father’s House. God established the prophetic sign of this occurrence at the close of the Old Testament and opens the New Testament by introducing Jesus as His Son. Elijah functions in a similar capacity in his relationship to Elisha. Elijah was the spiritual father of Elisha; he was not his QDWXUDO IDWKHU 6R WKH LQKHULWDQFH (OLVKD DVNHG IRU ZDV QRW PDWHULDO EXW VSLULWXDO +H UHTXHVWHG ´D GRXEOH SRUWLRQµ RI (OLMDK·V VSLULW(OLVKDZDVWKHUHIRUHDVNLQJIRUWKHSRUWLRQRI DÀUVWERUQ to carry on the purpose for which Elijah himself had been called as a prophet. $V(OLMDKLVDW\SHRI -RKQWKH%DSWLVWDQQRXQFLQJ(OLVKDDV WKHRQHZLWKWKHGRXEOHSRUWLRQVR(OLVKDLVDW\SHRI &KULVWZKR SRVVHVVHV WKH GRXEOH SRUWLRQ 7KH VSLULW RI (OLMDK WKHUHIRUH LV WKHÀUVWRQHWRWDNHXSWKHUROHRI WKHKHUDOGWRWKHRQHZLWKWKH double portion. That role is reprised by John the Baptist in regard WR&KULVW:KHQDVNHGDERXWKLPVHOI´-RKQUHSOLHGLQWKHZRUGVRI 138 7XUQLQJWKH+HDUWRI WKH)DWKHUVWRWKH&KLOGUHQ ,VDLDKWKHSURSKHW¶,DPWKHYRLFHRI RQHFDOOLQJLQWKHZLOGHUQHVV “Make straight the way for the Lord.”’” 7KHQH[WGD\-RKQVDZ-HVXVFRPLQJWRZDUGKLPDQGVDLG ´/RRNWKH/DPERI *RGZKRWDNHVDZD\WKHVLQRI WKH ZRUOG 7KLV LV WKH RQH , PHDQW ZKHQ , VDLG ¶$ PDQ ZKR FRPHVDIWHUPHKDVVXUSDVVHGPHEHFDXVHKHZDVEHIRUHPH· ,P\VHOI GLGQRWNQRZKLPEXWWKHUHDVRQ,FDPHEDSWL]LQJ ZLWKZDWHUZDVWKDWKHPLJKWEHUHYHDOHGWR,VUDHOµ 7KHQ-RKQJDYHWKLVWHVWLPRQ\´,VDZWKH6SLULWFRPH GRZQIURPKHDYHQDVDGRYHDQGUHPDLQRQKLP,ZRXOG QRW KDYH NQRZQ KLP H[FHSW WKDW WKH RQH ZKR VHQW PH WR EDSWL]HZLWKZDWHUWROGPH¶7KHPDQRQZKRP\RXVHHWKH 6SLULWFRPHGRZQDQGUHPDLQLVKHZKRZLOOEDSWL]HZLWKWKH +RO\6SLULW·,KDYHVHHQDQG,WHVWLI\WKDWWKLVLVWKH6RQRI *RGµ -RKQSHUIHFWO\IXOÀOOVWKHUROHSURSKHVLHGIRUWKHRQHZKRZRXOG come in the spirit of Elijah as the reliable witness to identify the one sent from God to restore the order of His house. MY FATHER! MY FATHER! Elisha’s cry of “0\)DWKHU0\)DWKHU” was in recognition that Elijah was his spiritual father. Elisha had followed Elijah and REVHUYHGKLVZD\RI OLIHIRUDVXIÀFLHQWO\ORQJSHULRGRI WLPHIRU this relationship to have been formed. :KHQRQHLVERUQDJDLQKHLVERUQLQWRWKHIDPLO\RI *RGDV DVRQ+RZHYHUWKHFXOWXUHRI KLVVRXOLVVWLOOLQWDFWDQGDOWKRXJK KH KDV EHHQ VSLULWXDOO\ UHFRQFLOHG KH QDWXUDOO\ XQGHUVWDQGV WKH relationship through the culture of an orphan. He has been repatriated to God the Father and has access to the resources of WKHJUHDW+RXVHRI *RG<HWKHVWLOOYLHZVKLPVHOI WKURXJKWKH ÀOWHUVRI KLVQDWLYHFXOWXUH,QRUGHUIRUKLPWRWUDQVLWLRQWRWKH FXOWXUHRI DVRQKHPXVWEHWXWRUHGDQGGLVFLSOLQHGLQWKHFXOWXUH of heaven. This task is assigned to a spiritual father. 139 My Father! My Father! The roles of the spiritual father and the spiritual son are based on the relationship between God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son. This relationship is the only way to supplant the culture of WKHRUSKDQZLWKWKDWRI DVRQ$EVHQWWKLVWUDLQLQJDSHUVRQERUQ again inevitably will continue to function in his native culture of IDOOHQQHVVEHFDXVHWKHVRXOPXVWEHEURXJKWEDFNWRLWVSODFHRI subservience to the spirit. The culture that is native to the spirit must be modeled so that the son can practice it. The spiritual faWKHULVWKHUHIRUHRQHZKRP*RGKDVVHWLQWKHOLIHRI DVRQWR watch over his soul.7KXVWKHVSLULWXDOIDWKHULVUHTXLUHGWRJLYH an account to God regarding the spiritual son. A spiritual father must be someone who is mature enough to be given as a gift to a spiritual son to reveal the nature of God the Father. Since God Himself established the arrangement of father and VRQ+HDOVRHPSRZHUVLWWRZRUNVXFFHVVIXOO\*RGDUUDQJHVIRU DVSLULWXDOVRQZKRVHGHVWLQ\UHTXLUHVWKHSDUWLFLSDWLRQRI DVSLULWXDO IDWKHU SRVVHVVHG RI VSHFLÀF TXDOLWLHV QHFHVVDU\ IRU WKH WUDLQLQJ FDUHDQGGHYHORSPHQWRI WKDWVRQ)RUKLVSDUW*RGKDVZRUNHG in the spiritual father over a considerable period of time to proGXFHDFFXUDWHUHÁHFWLRQVRI WKHQDWXUHRI *RGLQWKDWIDWKHU+H KDVJRQHWKURXJKDOOWKHVWDJHVWKRXJKZKLFKWKHVRQZLOOSURJUHVV DQGKDVEHHQPDWXUHGKDYLQJOHDUQHGREHGLHQFHE\WKHWKLQJVKH has suffered. It is God’s grace to give a father who is mature in WKHZD\VRI *RGWRLQVWUXFWWUDLQDQGGLVFLSOLQHDVRQZKRQHHGV exactly that kind of supervision and oversight. God places both the father and the son in this relationship and FRQÀUPVWRHDFKLQGHSHQGHQWO\+LVVHOHFWLRQVRWKDWQRWKLQJLV arranged by force or convenience. 7KH +RXVHRI *RG IXQFWLRQV RUJDQLFDOO\ VLQFHLWLV D IDPLO\ and not an institution. The spiritual son possesses a destiny that is DFRQWLQXDWLRQRI WKHYLVLRQJLYHQWRWKHVSLULWXDOIDWKHU+RZHYHU the spiritual father is very clear that the vision he received is greater WKDQFDQEHIXOÀOOHGLQKLVRZQOLIHDQGUHTXLUHVWKHYLVLRQRI KLV spiritual son to be carried on to the next generation. A true spiriWXDOYLVLRQFDQRQO\EHSDUWLDOO\IXOÀOOHGZLWKLQDVLQJOHOLIHWLPH 140 7XUQLQJWKH+HDUWRI WKH)DWKHUVWRWKH&KLOGUHQ <HWDIDWKHUUHFRJQL]HVWKDWWKHFRQWLQXLQJXQIROGLQJRI WKHYLVLRQ may only be accomplished in succeeding generations through the HQGRZPHQWVRI *RG·VJUDFHDQGDQRLQWLQJJLYHQXQLTXHO\WRLQdividuals in those periods of time. Even if the father has a general outline of how God may accomplish the promise in succeeding JHQHUDWLRQV KH UHFRJQL]HV WKDW WKHUH DUH IDU WRR PDQ\ JDSV LQ his understanding to permit him to ordain the course of future generations. /LNH*RG+LPVHOIDVSLULWXDOIDWKHUPXVWSUDFWLFHWKHKXPLOLW\ of having the vision he was given pass into the hands of succeeding JHQHUDWLRQVDQGSHUPLWWKHPWRSXWRQGLVSOD\WKHIXOÀOOPHQWWKDW GHÀQHVWKHSURPLVHWKDWZDVJLYHQWRKLP7KHSURPLVH$EUDKDP UHFHLYHG DV WKH IDWKHU ZDV IXOO\ LQWHUSUHWHG WKURXJK &KULVW DQG even the relationship between God and Abraham was meant to be understood through the administration of Jesus. THE EVERLASTING FATHER Jesus is the reliable and faithful witness of God the Father. One of the titles of Jesus is the “Everlasting Father.” He came to WKHHDUWKZLWKWKHVSHFLÀFLQWHQWRI UHYHDOLQJ*RGWKH)DWKHUZLWK ZKRVHZD\V+HZDVFRPSOHWHO\IDPLOLDU2QWKHHDUWK+HZDVWKH spiritual father to the twelve disciples and showed them the exact nature of the Father in Heaven. Because He so fully and accurately HPERGLHGWKDWUROH+HJDYHIRUPWRWKHKHDYHQO\WLWOH´(YHUODVWLQJ Father.” Like the relationship between God the Father and Jesus the 6RQDVSLULWXDOUHODWLRQVKLSLVEXLOWXSRQDIXQGDPHQWDOWUXVWRI WKH spiritual father by the son and a profound love of the son by the IDWKHU7KHVRQWUXVWVWKHPRWLYHVRI KLVIDWKHUZKHUHDVWKHIDWKHU DOZD\VDFWVIRUWKHEHQHÀWRI WKHVRQ7KHPDWXUHIDWKHULVKLPVHOI a source for the radiation of God the Father’s glory and a mature UHSUHVHQWDWLRQRI WKH)DWKHU·VEHLQJ+HLVWKHUHIRUHDFRPSHWHQW tutor and governor to that son of God assigned to him to be matriculated through the stages of sonship from infancy to maturity. ,QWKLVZD\DVRQLVDEOHWRQDYLJDWHWKHGLIÀFXOWSDWKIURPRUSKDQ 141 My Father! My Father! to become a mature son of God and to take up his inheritance and destiny in the House of God. The power of this arrangement presents an eternal reality that LVXQGHQLDEOH,QSUHVHQWKXPDQVRFLHW\FRPSOHWHO\GHÀQHGE\WKH RUSKDQFXOWXUHDIDWKHUZKRDFWVIRUWKHEHQHÀWRI DQDWXUDOFKLOG LVDQDQRPDO\%XWDVSLULWXDOIDWKHUZLWKQRELRORJLFDOUHODWLRQVKLS WRDVSLULWXDOVRQZKRFRQVLVWHQWO\DFWVIRUWKHVRQ·VJRRGSUHVHQWV to the world a relationship in which all of the hostilities driving KXPDQEHLQJVDUHREOLWHUDWHGDQGDSLFWXUHRI GLYLQHLQWHQWLRQVLV revealed again upon the earth. ,Q WKH JUHDW +RXVH RI *RG SHRSOH RI DOO GLIIHUHQW UDFHV VRFLRHFRQRPLF FODVVHV HWKQLF EDFNJURXQGV DQG JHQGHU FDQ EH DVVHPEOHGLQVSLULWXDOIDPLOLHVKRXVHKROGVDQGXOWLPDWHO\LQWRDQ HQWLUHQDWLRQZKLFKZLOOKDYHVXFFHHGHGLQHUDGLFDWLQJDOOIRUPVRI human competition and division. The central idea around which such a nation will be assembled is the principle of a spiritual father DQGVRQ2QWKHHDUWKWKLVSULQFLSOHLVDW\SHDQGDVKDGRZRI WKH reality of the order that is in heaven itself; the Father and the Son seated upon the throne of God. It will be on the earth as it is in heaven. 142 C CHAPTER 13 all No Man Upon the Earth Your Father At the center of the relationship between God and man is the )DWKHU +XPDQ LGHQWLW\ SXUSRVH DQG GHVWLQ\ DUH LQWLPDWHO\ WLHG to an understanding of father. In establishing this relationship DVWKHNH\VWRQHLWLV*RG·VSXUSRVHWKDWWKHRUGHURI KHDYHQWR be replicated on the earth in the House of God is unmistakably patriarchal. The orphan culture in present society opposes the idea of a SDWULDUFKDO RUGHU ZLWK LQÁDPHG SDVVLRQ DQG D KDUVK FULWLFLVP RI IDWKHUV 7R D PLQRULW\ RI WKH WRWDO KXPDQ SRSXODWLRQ ´IDWKHUµ HYRNHVWKHGHHSHVWVHQVHRI VDWLVIDFWLRQDQGZHOOEHLQJ+RZHYHUWR PRVW´IDWKHUµHYRNHVHPRWLRQVWKDWUDQJHIURPIHDUWRUHYXOVLRQ The culture of the orphan typically responds with overwhelming negativity to the term “father.” Although large numbers of people are content to forge a life GHYRLG RI DQ\ UHIHUHQFH WR ´IDWKHUµ WKH UHODWLRQVKLS WR D IDWKHU UHPDLQVWKHXQUHVROYHGFRQÁLFWDWWKHEDVHRI PRVWSHRSOH·VOLYHV $V GLVFXVVHG LQ WKH HDUOLHU FKDSWHUV RI WKLV ERRN WKH IDLOXUH RI fathers has been both personal and systemic in the chronicle of the evolution of the culture of orphans from its inception in the Garden of Eden to its current manifestations. Because there has EHHQQRFOHDUSRVVLELOLW\RI UHVROYLQJWKLVHPRWLRQDOFRQÁLFWSHRSOH make great efforts to avoid discussion or even mention of the issue. 143 My Father! My Father! $FFRUGLQJO\ VRFLHW\ JHQHUDOO\ KDV FXOWLYDWHG D SUHIHUHQFH IRU language that supports this pattern of avoidance. This preference LVPDQLIHVWHGLQLQWHUSUHWDWLRQVRI 6FULSWXUHWKDWDWWHPSWWRÀQG security and well-being apart from the order of fathers and sons. 0RVW FRPPRQO\ WKRVH RSSRVHG WR D SDWULDUFKDO RUGHU ZLOO FLWH -HVXV· VWDWHPHQW ´GR QRW FDOO DQ\RQH RQ HDUWK ¶IDWKHU· IRU \RX KDYHRQH)DWKHUDQGKHLVLQKHDYHQµ to support an idea that the only proper usage of the term “father” is one directed toward God. Any other usage is contrary to the words of Jesus and places D SHUVRQ LQWR D SRVLWLRQ PHDQW H[FOXVLYHO\ IRU *RG 7\SLFDOO\ following this concept is an argument suggesting that the only RUGHURUDXWKRULW\WRZKLFKRQHVKRXOGHYHUVXEPLWLV*RGGLUHFWly. This has become many people’s personal interpretation of the %LEOHRUDWPRVWDKLVWRULFDOSRLQWRI YLHZWRZKLFKWKH\DFFRUG the status of orthodoxy. +RZHYHU D FXUVRU\ FRQVLGHUDWLRQ RI 6FULSWXUH UHYHDOV WKH XQWHQDEOHQDWXUHRI WKLVSRLQWRI YLHZSDUWLFXODUO\FRQVLGHULQJWKH writings from the early church apostles. Paul describes his relationVKLSWRWKHEHOLHYHUVLQ&RULQWKDQGWR7LPRWK\DVIROORZV ,DPZULWLQJWKLVQRWWRVKDPH\RXEXWWRZDUQ\RXDVP\ GHDUFKLOGUHQ(YHQLI \RXKDGWHQWKRXVDQGJXDUGLDQVLQ &KULVW\RXGRQRWKDYHPDQ\IDWKHUVIRULQ&KULVW-HVXV, EHFDPH\RXUIDWKHUWKURXJKWKHJRVSHO7KHUHIRUH,XUJH\RX WRLPLWDWHPH)RUWKLVUHDVRQ,KDYHVHQWWR\RX7LPRWK\P\ VRQZKRP,ORYHZKRLVIDLWKIXOLQWKH/RUG+HZLOOUHPLQG \RXRI P\ZD\RI OLIHLQ&KULVW-HVXVZKLFKDJUHHVZLWKZKDW ,WHDFKHYHU\ZKHUHLQHYHU\FKXUFK 3DXOLGHQWLÀHVKLPVHOI DVWKHIDWKHUWRWKH&RULQWKLDQVDQGLGHQWLÀHV 7LPRWK\ DV KLV VRQ +H IXUWKHU FODLPV WKDW WKLV UHODWLRQVKLS H[LVWV ´LQ &KULVWµ DQG LV FRQVLVWHQW ZLWK ZKDW KH WHDFKHV everywhere among the believers. Because Timothy was his spiritual VRQ 3DXO FRXOG VHQG KLP DV D UHSUHVHQWDWLYH WR WKH &RULQWKLDQV 7LPRWK\ ZDV UDLVHG LQ DQG IDPLOLDU ZLWK 3DXO·V ZD\V DQG FRXOG 144 &DOO1R0DQ8SRQWKH(DUWK<RXU)DWKHU WKHUHIRUH SXW WKH FKXUFK LQ &RULQWK LQ UHPHPEUDQFH RI 3DXO·V “Christ-centered life.” Paul understood his role as the father to the Corinthian believers and to Timothy to have been ordained E\&KULVWDQGKLVUROHDVIDWKHUZDVIRXQGDWLRQDOWRKLVWHDFKLQJV everywhere he preached. 1RWRQO\GLG3DXOHPEUDFHDQGDGYRFDWHWKLVIRUPRI RUGHU but in dealing with the Corinthians he actively asserted his fatherly responsibility to confront them with their need for discipline. He SURYLGHG 7LPRWK\ DV DQ LQWHULP VROXWLRQ EXW LQGLFDWHG WKDW KH would come to them at a later time to bring correction to them in WKHIXOORUGHURI ZKDWZDVQHHGHGDWWKDWWLPHVD\LQJ 6RPHRI \RXKDYHEHFRPHDUURJDQWDVLI ,ZHUHQRWFRPLQJWR\RX%XW,ZLOOFRPHWR\RXYHU\VRRQLI WKH/RUGLV ZLOOLQJDQGWKHQ,ZLOOÀQGRXWQRWRQO\KRZWKHVHDUURJDQW SHRSOHDUHWDONLQJEXWZKDWSRZHUWKH\KDYH)RUWKHNLQJGRP RI *RGLVQRWDPDWWHURI WDONEXWRI SRZHU:KDWGR\RX SUHIHU"6KDOO,FRPHWR\RXZLWKDURGRI GLVFLSOLQHRUVKDOO ,FRPHLQORYHDQGZLWKDJHQWOHVSLULW" This letter shows clearly that Paul was the father to the Corinthians. ,QERWKQDPHDQGIXQFWLRQWKHHDUO\&KXUFKZDVEDVHGRQWKH relationship between individuals as fathers and sons. In addition to UHIHUULQJWR7LPRWK\RQVHYHUDORWKHURFFDVLRQVDVKLVVRQ Paul DOVRUHIHUUHGWR7LWXVDQG2QHVLPXVDVVRQV and he functioned DVWKHLUIDWKHU7R7LWXV3DXOZURWH´7R7LWXVP\WUXHVRQLQRXU common faith…. The reason I left you in Crete was that you might SXWLQRUGHUZKDWZDVOHIWXQÀQLVKHGDQGDSSRLQWHOGHUVLQHYHU\ WRZQ DV , GLUHFWHG \RXµ showing that Titus represented Paul DQG 3DXO LQVWUXFWHG KLP DV D IDWKHU 6LPLODUO\ 3DXO DSSHDOHG IRU 2QHVLPXV·SURYLVLRQDQGWUHDWHGKLPDVDVRQZULWLQJ ,WLVDVQRQHRWKHUWKDQ3DXO³DQROGPDQDQGQRZDOVRD SULVRQHURI &KULVW-HVXV³WKDW,DSSHDOWR\RXIRUP\VRQ2QHVLPXVZKREHFDPHP\VRQZKLOH,ZDVLQFKDLQV)RUPHUO\KH 145 My Father! My Father! ZDVXVHOHVVWR\RXEXWQRZKHKDVEHFRPHXVHIXOERWKWR\RX DQGWRPH,DPVHQGLQJKLP³ZKRLVP\YHU\KHDUW³EDFN WR\RX 3HWHUDOVRUHIHUVWR-RKQ0DUNDVKLVVRQDQG-RKQIUHTXHQWO\ referred to groups of believers as his “children.” 7KHUHLVQRFRQÁLFWLQ6FULSWXUHEHWZHHQ-HVXV·LQVWUXFWLRQ´GR QRWFDOODQ\RQHRQHDUWK¶IDWKHU·µDQGWKHZRUGVRI 3DXO3HWHUDQG -RKQ7KHH[SODQDWLRQLVTXLWHVLPSOH0RVWODQJXDJHVDVFULEHPXOWLSOHPHDQLQJVWRDVLQJOHZRUGDQGGHÀQHWKHSDUWLFXODUPHDQLQJE\ the context of usage and one’s familiarity with the different ways LQZKLFKWKDWWHUPPD\EHSURSHUO\XVHG)RUH[DPSOHDQ(QJOLVK speaker would understand that there are many different usages of WKHZRUG´ZRUOGµ,I DSHUVRQVD\V´,KDYHEHHQWUDYHOLQJLQWKH ZRUOGµKHZRXOGLQWHQGDGLIIHUHQWPHDQLQJWKDQLI KHZHUHWRVD\ ´0\IULHQGDQDEVWUDFWWKLQNHUOLYHVLQKLVRZQZRUOGµ7KHÀUVW VWDWHPHQWXVHVWKHWHUP´ZRUOGµJHRJUDSKLFDOO\LQGLFDWLQJWKDWWKH VSHDNHUKDVEHHQWUDYHOLQJIURPFRXQWU\WRFRXQWU\ZKLOHWKHODWWHU statement’s usage speaks of an intellectual construct regarding the friend’s interests and activities. $FFRUGLQJO\LWLVHDV\WRXQGHUVWDQGWKDWZKHQWKHDSRVWOH-RKQ VD\V´IRU*RGVRORYHGWKHZRUOGµ he is referring to a different ZRUOGWKDQWKHRQHKHKDVLQPLQGZKHQKHVD\V´'RQRWORYHWKH ZRUOGRUDQ\WKLQJLQWKHZRUOG,I DQ\RQHORYHVWKHZRUOGWKHORYH of the Father is not in him.” Although he uses the same term IRUZRUOGLQERWKUHIHUHQFHVKHPHDQVWZRFRPSOHWHO\GLIIHUHQW WKLQJV2QHUHIHUVWRKXPDQLW\ZKLOHWKHRWKHUUHIHUVWRWKHV\VWHPV that Satan has created to compete with the Kingdom of God. Both LQVWDQFHVSURSHUO\XVHWKHWHUP´ZRUOGµEXWWKHZRUOGVWKDWWKH\ refer to are completely opposed to each other. 6LPLODUO\ WKH QRWHG XVDJHV RI ´IDWKHUµ E\ -HVXV DQG 3DXO denote different usages and meanings of the same word. There is no FRQWUDGLFWLRQIRUH[DPSOHLQUHIHUULQJWRDQDWXUDOIDWKHUDVD´IDWKHUµ and God as “our Father in heaven.” It is possible to be born of both IDWKHUVVLQFHRQHLVDQDWXUDOELUWKZKLOHWKHRWKHULVVSLULWXDO 146 &DOO1R0DQ8SRQWKH(DUWK<RXU)DWKHU SPIRITUAL FATHERS There are nine distinct usages of the word “father” throughRXW WKH 6FULSWXUHV -HZLVK SHUVRQV PD\ UHIHU WR $EUDKDP ,VDDF DQG-DFREDVWKHLUIDWKHUVVLQFHWKH\DUHWKHLUDQFLHQWSURJHQLWRUV -HVXV·VWDWHPHQWUHIHUUHGWRDSDUWLFXODUXVDJHQDPHO\WKDW*RGLV the Father of our spirits if we are born again of the Holy Spirit. Paul clearly understood this when he wrote: $QGLI WKH6SLULWRI >+@LPZKRUDLVHG-HVXVIURPWKHGHDG LVOLYLQJLQ\RX>+@HZKRUDLVHG&KULVWIURPWKHGHDGZLOO DOVRJLYHOLIHWR\RXUPRUWDOERGLHVEHFDXVHRI >+@LV6SLULW ZKROLYHVLQ\RX«7KH6SLULW\RXUHFHLYHGGRHVQRWPDNH \RXVODYHVVRWKDW\RXOLYHLQIHDUDJDLQUDWKHUWKH6SLULW\RX UHFHLYHGEURXJKWDERXW\RXUDGRSWLRQWRVRQVKLS$QGE\KLP ZHFU\´$EED)DWKHUµ7KH6SLULWKLPVHOI WHVWLÀHVZLWKRXU VSLULWWKDWZHDUH*RG·VFKLOGUHQ 3DXOFOHDUO\XQGHUVWRRGWKDWZKHQZHDUHERUQDJDLQRXUVSLULWVEHFRPH SUHHPLQHQW RYHU RXU VRXOV DQG ZH EHFRPH QHZ FUHDWLRQV although we remain housed in the same bodies. Since being born again is the restoration of the proper order of spirit and soul withLQPDQ*RGEHJLQVWRVSHDNDJDLQWRRXUVSLULWVDV+HSUHYLRXVO\ did with Adam in the Garden. He becomes “the Father of our VSLULWVµ inasmuch as we are born again through the work of the Spirit of our Father. $VVSLULWXDOEHLQJVZHGHULYHRXUH[LVWHQFHDQGLGHQWLW\IURP God our Father in contrast to only being born of our natural IDWKHUV ,W PXVW EH QRWHG KRZHYHU WKDW WKH RQO\ RQH ZKR PD\ SURSHUO\FDOO*RG´)DWKHUµLVRQHERUQDJDLQRI +LV6SLULWVLQFHLW LVWKH6SLULW+LPVHOI ZKRWHVWLÀHVZLWKRXUVSLULWVWKDWZHDUH*RG·V children. It would be inappropriate to refer to anyone else as the one from whom we have derived our spiritual existence. A spiritual father is God’s manner of providing a representation of Himself to His children to bring them to their full maturity. God intends that this order be accorded the honor and respect that re147 My Father! My Father! ÁHFWVWKHLPSRUWDQFH+HKDVDWWDFKHGWRLW&OHDUO\3DXOUHFRJQL]HG WKDW*RGDUUDQJHGWKHRUGHURI +LV+RXVHWRUHÁHFWWKLVKHDYHQO\ reality on the earth and to restore the culture of heaven to humanNLQG5HJDUGLQJWKHSXUSRVHRI KLVUROHDVDIDWKHU3DXOODWHUZULWHV WRWKH&RULQWKLDQV´,DPMHDORXVIRU\RXZLWKDJRGO\MHDORXV\, SURPLVHG\RXWRRQHKXVEDQGWR&KULVWVRWKDW,PLJKWSUHVHQW you as a pure virgin to him.”+HDOVRZURWHWRWKH*DODWLDQV´0\ GHDUFKLOGUHQIRUZKRP,DPDJDLQLQWKHSDLQVRI FKLOGELUWKXQWLO &KULVWLVIRUPHGLQ\RXKRZ,ZLVK,FRXOGEHZLWK\RXQRZDQG FKDQJHP\WRQHEHFDXVH,DPSHUSOH[HGDERXW\RXµ Paul understood his role as one assigned by God to produce mature sons to God. He was the one through whom they received the gospel of &KULVWVRKHIDWKHUHGWKHPLQWKHIDLWKDQGDVVXPHGDQRQJRLQJ responsibility for their growth and maturity. 6LPLODUO\-HVXVJDYHDQDFFRXQWIRUWKH7ZHOYHWKDW*RGKDG JLYHQ WR +LP VD\LQJ ´, KDYH UHYHDOHG \RX WR WKRVH ZKRP \RX gave me out of the world. They were yours; you gave them to me DQGWKH\KDYHREH\HG\RXUZRUGµDQG´,KDYHPDGH\RXNQRZQ WRWKHPDQGZLOOFRQWLQXHWRPDNH\RXNQRZQLQRUGHUWKDWWKH love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.” Both Jesus and Paul understood that God cares for His FKLOGUHQLQWKHZRUOGE\DVVLJQLQJWKHPWRVSHFLÀFIDWKHUVZKRDUH assigned the responsibility of bringing them to maturity. The twin factors of the culture of the orphan and the historic abuse and neglect of fathers have created a climate of hostility toward the order of God for the arrangement of His House. Any conception of Scripture that supports and even legitimizes the climate of hostility toward the order of God is erroneous. God fully intends to restore the order of fathers and sons to His House and to structure a governmental form that models that UHDOLW\7KHSXUSRVHRI WKLVIRUPLVWREHQHÀWWKHVRQVE\WUDQVforming their culture through the functioning reality of spiritual fathers who effectively model the character of God the Father. The restoration of heavenly culture is the necessary foundation upon ZKLFKVRQVDUHEURXJKWWRPDWXULW\7KURXJKPDWXUHVRQV*RGLV 148 &DOO1R0DQ8SRQWKH(DUWK<RXU)DWKHU pleased to offer His rule as an alternative to the slavery inherent in the kingdom of Satan. God destroys the appeal of this kingdom through the righteous alternative of His mature children. His House is designed to receive all those escaping the darkness of Satan’s kingdom and the blinding effect of the orphan culture RQWKHYLVLRQRI PDQ%\LWVRUGHUWKH+RXVHRI *RGUHFRQQHFWV RUSKDQVWRDIDWKHUUHVWRULQJWKHLUGHVWLQ\DQGHVWDEOLVKLQJWKHP with a continuity of purpose trans-generationally. The order of the arrangement of the House of God is the context in which the authority of Christ is received in the earth. The functioning of the Kingdom of God is the governmental basis of support for the entire structure of life that models the order of heaven in the earth. The arrangement of the House of *RGLVGHVLJQHGWRUHFRQQHFWPDQWR*RGUHVWRUHKLVDXWKRULW\WR IXQFWLRQDQGUHLQVWDOOKLPLQKLVGHVWLQ\ 149 My Father! My Father! 150 T CHAPTER 14 he Arrangement of the House of God ORIGINAL AND DELEGATED AUTHORITY The House of God is established on the authority of God Himself. He gave that authority to Jesus as an original and exclusive grant.:LWKWKHYHVWLQJRI WKDWDXWKRULW\-HVXVEHFDPH the undisputed King of heaven and earth. His claim is plenary and establishes an absolute preemption against all other claims to DXWKRULW\,WLQKHUHVWR+LPDQG+HFDQQHLWKHUEHGLYHVWHGRI LW nor can He ever alienate it. God would never take it from Him since God swore an oath to establish Jesus as the scion of His +RXVH7KHUHIRUHQRRQHHOVHPD\FODLPRULJLQDODXWKRULW\LQKHDYHQ or on earth. Jesus’ advent into the world took place pursuant to this oath. 'XULQJ+LVOLIHRQWKHHDUWK*RGDQQRXQFHG-HVXV·ELUWKE\DQJHOV DQGLQWURGXFHG+LPDWWKHEHJLQQLQJRI +LVPLQLVWU\DV+LV6RQ DWWHVWLQJWR-HVXV·VXLWDELOLW\WRUHSUHVHQW*RGE\WKHVLJQRI WKH Holy Spirit descending on Him and the voice of God speaking IURP KHDYHQ )LQDOO\ JLYLQJ +LP DOO DXWKRULW\ LQ KHDYHQ DQG RQ HDUWK*RGUDLVHG+LPIURPWKHGHDGDQGLQWKHSODLQVLJKWRI D FURZGRI ZLWQHVVHV-HVXVDVFHQGHGWRKHDYHQ 7KHÀUVWPHVVDJH-HVXV·GLVFLSOHVSUHDFKHGZDVRQWKH'D\RI 3HQWHFRVW WHQ GD\V DIWHU +LV DVFHQVLRQ LQWR KHDYHQ 3HWHU XVHG the occasion to announce to the Jewish nation that Jesus was the 151 My Father! My Father! King whose advent had been long prophesied. Peter was part of DFRPSDQ\RI WZHOYHZLWQHVVHVQHFHVVDU\XQGHUWKHOHJDOUHTXLUHments of the day to establish proof of an event. They offered the eyewitness testimony that Jesus was resurrected and ascended to KHDYHQIXOÀOOLQJWKHVWDQGDUGVIRULGHQWLI\LQJWKH.LQJWKDWZHUH HVWDEOLVKHGE\.LQJ'DYLG :KRHYHU FODLPV WR KDYH DXWKRULW\ LQ WKH GRPDLQV RI KHDYHQ and earth must show a legitimate connection to Jesus’ plenary DXWKRULW\EHFDXVHRQHPD\RQO\FODLPVXFKDXWKRULW\DVDGHOHJDWH RI &KULVW)URP+LVSODFHDWWKHULJKWKDQGRI WKH)DWKHU-HVXV directs the use of His authority on the earth in all of its manifestations. He designated the Holy Spirit as His prime delegate and committed to the Spirit His authority to establish His Kingdom on earth. The authority of Jesus came to earth when the blessed Holy Spirit was “pour[ed] out” on all people. The Holy Spirit arranges all of the relationships that form the House of God and controls how they function. He is also present in each person who is part of the House of God. It is the central presence of the Holy Spirit that permits the alignment of the sons of God into the collective family. If God could not fellowship with WKHVSLULWRI DQLQGLYLGXDO+HFRXOGQRWDVVHUWWKHQHFHVVDU\LQÁXence over the person’s character or actions. This fellowship functions RQWKHEDVLVRI RQH·VUHODWLRQVKLSWR*RGDV)DWKHU´)RUWKRVHZKR are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.”260 THE HOLY SPIRIT Since no institution has a living spirit with whom the Holy 6SLULWPD\IHOORZVKLSLWLVLPSRVVLEOHIRUWKH+RO\6SLULWWREULQJ order and discipline to any institution. Institutions are merely ÀFWLRQDOUHSUHVHQWDWLRQVRI DQDFWXDOFRUSXVH[LVWLQJRQO\DVORQJ as they are empowered by a group or government. The authority RI DQLQVWLWXWLRQLVURRWHGLQWKHJRDOVRI WKHHPSRZHULQJERG\ not in a relationship to God. It is impossible for any institution WR FODLP D UHODWLRQVKLS ZLWK WKH +RO\ 6SLULW <HW WKH +RO\ 6SLULW RSHUDWHVWKURXJK+LVUHODWLRQVKLSZLWKDKXPDQVSLULW:LWKRXWWKH 152 7KH$UUDQJHPHQWRI WKH+RXVHRI *RG SUHUHTXLVLWHUHODWLRQVKLSZLWK&KULVW·VGHOHJDWHWKH+RO\6SLULWQR SHUVRQRULQVWLWXWLRQPD\FODLPWKHDXWKRULW\RI &KULVWVLQFHWKH Holy Spirit is the only means He appointed for the administration RI +LVSRZHU$OOLQVWLWXWLRQVWKHUHIRUHDUHRXWVLGHWKHÁRZRI the delegated authority of Christ. 7KH+RO\6SLULWHPSRZHUVWKHXQLTXHVSLULWRI DQLQGLYLGXDO 'XULQJDSHUVRQ·VOLIHKLVVSLULWDFFRPPRGDWHVWKH6SLULWRI *RG which makes him into a son who represents the Father in His rule. A claim that a grant of authority from Jesus to a particular indiYLGXDOPD\VXEVHTXHQWO\EHFRQVHUYHGLQDQLQVWLWXWLRQDQGIXUWKHU GHOHJDWHGWKURXJKWKDWLQVWLWXWLRQ·VDGPLQLVWUDWLRQLJQRUHVWKHIDFW that the Holy Spirit continually stewards such a grant of authority E\LQWHUDFWLQJZLWKRQH·VVSLULW:KHQWKHSHUVRQZKRUHFHLYHGWKH JUDQWRI DXWKRULW\GLHVWKHSXUSRVHIRUKLVXQLTXHVSLULWHQGVDQG the power granted to him lapses; his destiny is complete. The Holy Spirit does not continue to steward the grant of authority in an institution. Institutions can never accommodate the Spirit of God since they do not exist as living beings with spirits. The power of Christ is delegated to enable persons under the FRQWURORI WKHVSLULWWRIXOÀOOWKHGHVWLQ\*RGDSSRLQWHGIRUWKHP Any attempt to represent the power of Jesus Christ other than through the Holy Spirit constitutes a challenge to the place of the +RO\6SLULWDQGWRWKHYHU\DXWKRULW\RI &KULVWRI ZKLFK+HLVWKH exclusive delegate. THE SPIRIT ARRANGES THE HOUSE The Holy Spirit assigns the fathers to the sons and the sons WR WKH IDWKHUV PDWFKLQJ WKH IDWKHUV· DELOLWLHV WR WKH VRQV· XQLTXH needs. The fathers are judged to be worthy of being fathers by UHDVRQRI WKHLUGHPRQVWUDWHGPDWXULW\7KH6SLULWNQRZVWKHXQLTXH GHVWLQ\RI HYHU\VRQEHFDXVH+HLVIDPLOLDUZLWKWKHLQWHQWLQWKH mind of God behind the creation of each person. ´:KDWQRH\HKDVVHHQZKDWQRHDUKDVKHDUGDQGZKDWQR KXPDQPLQGKDVFRQFHLYHGµ³WKHWKLQJV*RGKDVSUHSDUHG 153 My Father! My Father! IRU WKRVH ZKR ORYH KLP³WKHVH DUH WKH WKLQJV *RG KDV UHYHDOHGWRXVE\KLV6SLULW7KH6SLULWVHDUFKHVDOOWKLQJVHYHQ WKHGHHSWKLQJVRI *RG261 The Holy Spirit holds the fathers accountable for the proper treatPHQWRI WKHVRQVDQGUHTXLUHVWKHVRQVWRDFNQRZOHGJH+LVDXWKRUity in the fathers and to be accountable to them. The arrangement of the relationship is designed with the good of the sons in mind. The order established by the Holy Spirit is designed to mature the sons as well as to make the entire House of God the instrument by which God accomplishes His eternal purpose on earth. 7KH+RXVHRI *RGLVQRWDQHQGZLWKLQLWVHOIEXWDPHDQVWR DQHQG$VDVRQRI *RGLQFUHDVHVLQPDWXULW\*RGHQGRZVKLP with greater knowledge of his destiny and an increased measure RI SRZHU DQG DXWKRULW\ VXIÀFLHQW WR IXOÀOO WKH LQFUHPHQW RI KLV destiny entrusted to him at that time. The Holy Spirit then integrates each son’s destiny into the unfolding manifestation of God’s corporate purpose. Just as Jesus revealed the nature of the Father and the )DWKHUJORULÀHGWKHVRQVRDOVRWKHFRUSRUDWH&KULVWUHYHDOVWKHJORU\ of the Father. The Holy Spirit arranges the corporate Christ so that HDFKVRQLVDOVRUHYHDOHGLQWKHOHYHORI KLVPDWXULW\DVWKHIXOOQHVV of Christ is put on display: 6LQFHWKHQ\RXKDYHEHHQUDLVHGZLWK&KULVWVHW\RXUKHDUWV RQWKLQJVDERYHZKHUH&KULVWLVVHDWHGDWWKHULJKWKDQGRI *RG6HW\RXUPLQGVRQWKLQJVDERYHQRWRQHDUWKO\WKLQJV )RU\RXGLHGDQG\RXUOLIHLVQRZKLGGHQZLWK&KULVWLQ*RG :KHQ&KULVWZKRLV\RXUOLIHDSSHDUVWKHQ\RXDOVRZLOO DSSHDUZLWKKLPLQJORU\262 $OOWKHVRQVSURSHUO\DUUDQJHGDVWKH+RXVHRI *RGDQGIXQFWLRQLQJE\WKHDXWKRULW\RI &KULVWHVWDEOLVKRQHDUWKDSLFWXUHRI WKH order of God in heaven. This alternative way of life will stand in stark contrast to the form of life that has been on the earth since WKHIDOORI PDQLQZKLFK6DWDQ·VLQÁXHQFHKDVEHHQFRPSRXQGHG 154 7KH$UUDQJHPHQWRI WKH+RXVHRI *RG and has had the long-term effect of blinding man to the reality of the love of God. The restoration of the order of the House of God is designed to put on display the complete picture of the nature of God as revealed through Christ during His time upon the earth. God’s intent is to reconcile humankind to Himself through the corporate Christ. A COPY AND SHADOW OF WHAT IS IN HEAVEN God planned to bring realities that have previously existed in heaven into the earth in the same manner in which they exist in heaven.7KHVHUHDOLWLHVDUHIRUWKHEHQHÀWRI DOOKXPDQNLQGEXW particularly that portion of His house that lives upon the earth. The simultaneous coexistence of these heavenly things in both realms is meant to harmonize the standards of earth to those of heaven. This was always part of the overall plan of God to redeem humankind to His original intent for them. The House of God on the earth is the enclave through which God introduces the realities of heavenly standards into the earth. :LWKLQWKHYHQXHRI HDUWKWKH+RXVHRI *RGLVGHVLJQHGWRSXW heavenly realities on display. The environment within this enclave is simultaneously compatible to heaven’s mandates while foreign to the normal environment of earth. Although it is meant to be EHQHÀFLDO WR KXPDQNLQG LWV VWUDQJHQHVV WR WKH FXOWXUH RI HDUWK RIWHQFDXVHVLWWREHYLHZHGZLWKVXVSLFLRQPLVXQGHUVWDQGLQJDQG even hostility. +LVWRULFDOO\ *RG KDV DUUDQJHG W\SHV DQG VKDGRZV RI WKHVH heavenly realities among His people in advance of the coming of the realities to remind His people of the promises that He has PDGH WKDW ZRXOG SURJUHVVLYHO\ EH IXOÀOOHG DV WKH UHDOLWLHV WUDQVLtioned into the earth from heaven. These types and shadows are sent in order to sensitize their culture and predispose their souls WR UHFHLYH WKH KHDYHQO\ LPSDUWDWLRQV $W VXFK WLPHV WKH SHRSOH of God who walk in the understanding provided by types and shadows are lights to the nations in which they are placed. 155 My Father! My Father! The existence of a shadow of a heavenly thing presumes that WKHWKLQJLWVHOI KDVQRW\HWWUDQVLWLRQHGWRHDUWK)RUH[DPSOH´>7KH Levitical Priests] served at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven.…But in fact the ministry Jesus has received is as superior to theirs as the covenant of which he is mediator is supeULRUWRWKHROGRQHVLQFHWKHQHZFRYHQDQWLVHVWDEOLVKHGRQEHWWHU promises.”2663DXOZULWHVLQ+HEUHZVWKDWE\FDOOLQJWKHFRYHQDQW EURXJKWE\-HVXV´QHZµWKHROGFRYHQDQWVHUYHGE\WKH/HYLWLFDO priesthood was made “obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.”$VORQJDVWKHFRS\UHPDLQHGLWZDVFHUWDLQ that the reality had not yet appeared. 7KH+RO\6SLULWZDVVKRZLQJE\WKLVWKDWWKHZD\LQWRWKH 0RVW+RO\3ODFHKDGQRW\HWEHHQGLVFORVHGDVORQJDVWKHÀUVW WDEHUQDFOHZDVVWLOOIXQFWLRQLQJ«%XWZKHQ&KULVWFDPHDV KLJKSULHVWRI WKHJRRGWKLQJVWKDWDUHQRZDOUHDG\KHUHKH ZHQWWKURXJKWKHJUHDWHUDQGPRUHSHUIHFWWDEHUQDFOHWKDWLV QRWPDGHZLWKKXPDQKDQGVWKDWLVWRVD\LVQRWDSDUWRI WKLVFUHDWLRQ $VORQJDVWKHFRS\UHPDLQVLWLVFHUWDLQWKDWDFFHVVLQWRWKHUHDOLW\ KDVQRW\HWEHHQJUDQWHGEXWZKHQWKHUHDOLW\PDNHVLWVDGYHQWLW is supported by the necessary power and authority to enable it to IXQFWLRQDQGLWLVDWWHQGHGE\WKHUHTXLVLWHRUGHUWRDFFRPSOLVKWKH purposes for which it was designed: ,WZDVQHFHVVDU\WKHQIRUWKHFRSLHVRI WKHKHDYHQO\WKLQJV WR EH SXULÀHG ZLWK WKHVH VDFULÀFHV EXW WKH KHDYHQO\ WKLQJV WKHPVHOYHVZLWKEHWWHUVDFULÀFHVWKDQWKHVH)RU&KULVWGLGQRW HQWHUDVDQFWXDU\PDGHZLWKKXPDQKDQGVWKDWZDVRQO\D FRS\RI WKHWUXHRQHKHHQWHUHGKHDYHQLWVHOIQRZWRDSSHDU IRUXVLQ*RG·VSUHVHQFH It is only after this transition has occurred that access into the reality FDQEHJUDQWHGDQGDQDFFRPSDQ\LQJGXW\WRHQWHULWLVUHTXLUHG 156 7KH$UUDQJHPHQWRI WKH+RXVHRI *RG 5HJDUGLQJWKH+RXVHRI *RGLWVHOILWH[LVWHGSUHYLRXVO\LQW\SH and shadow in Abraham’s house. The arrangement of Abraham’s house was a copy and shadow of the House of God designed to familiarize the earth with the order of a holy nation. The order of $EUDKDP·VKRXVHWKHUHIRUHLVXVHIXOWRGHYHORSWKHXQGHUVWDQGLQJ of the revelation of the House of God in the earth. FROM CHALDEA TO CANAAN God gave the promise to Abraham that he would be the faWKHURI DJUHDWQDWLRQWKURXJKZKLFK&KULVWZRXOGHYHQWXDOO\EH brought into the world. Although God gave the promise to AbraKDPGLUHFWO\LWZDVQRWXQWLOIRXUJHQHUDWLRQVODWHUWKDWDVNHWFK\ outline of the form of the promise would begin to emerge—it would be forty-two generations from the time of the promise to LWV XOWLPDWH IXOÀOOPHQW )RXU JHQHUDWLRQV IURP WKH WLPH RI WKH SURPLVHWZHOYHVRQVZHUHERUQWR-DFREDQGDQDWLRQEHJDQWR take shape. These twelve sons would become the patriarchs of the tribes that would form the framework for the future nation. HowHYHULWZRXOGQRWEHIRUDQRWKHUIRXUKXQGUHG\HDUVZKHQ,VUDHO HPHUJHGIURP(J\SWWKDW0RVHVZRXOGDUUDQJHWKHPLQWKHIRUP of a nation. The timing of the Lord is a vital component of His promLVHV)URPWKHWLPHRI WKHLVVXDQFHRI DSURPLVHWRLWVIXOÀOOPHQW PDQ\FKDQJHVDUHQHFHVVDU\LQRUGHUIRUWKHSURPLVHWREHIXOÀOOHG :LWKRXWWKHVHFKDQJHVWKHSURPLVHVHLWKHUFRXOGQRWEHIXOÀOOHG RUWKHLUIXOÀOOPHQWZRXOGQRWEHDEOHVVLQJWRWKRVHUHFHLYLQJWKH promise. ,Q WKH FDVH RI $EUDKDP WKH WUDQVLWLRQV RI KLV SHRSOH ZHUH FUXFLDO WR WKH IXOÀOOPHQW RI WKH SURPLVH $EUDKDP EHJDQ OLIH LQ Ur of the Chaldees and grew up in a polytheistic society. Although $EUDKDPKLPVHOI EHOLHYHGLQWKHRQHWUXH*RGKHFDPHIURPD family that had household gods. .QRZLQJ WKLV KH ZRXOG QRW SHUPLW KLV VRQ ,VDDF WR OHDYH &DQDDQ HYHQ WR JR WR ÀQG D ZLIH DPRQJKLVNLQIRON,QVWHDGKLVVHUYDQW(OHD]DUZDVGLVSDWFKHGRQ the mission.$IWHU$EUDKDPKDGEHHQOLEHUDWHGIURPWKHLQÁX157 My Father! My Father! HQFHVRI WKDWSRO\WKHLVWLFFXOWXUHKHZDVXQZLOOLQJWRSHUPLWWKH VRQRI SURPLVHWRFRPHXQGHUWKDWLQÁXHQFH7KUHHJHQHUDWLRQV ZHUHUHTXLUHGWRWUDQVLWLRQWRDPRQRWKHLVWLFFXOWXUH,QWKHIRXUWK JHQHUDWLRQWKHIDWKHUVRI WKHQDWLRQZHUHERUQ %\WKHQWKHFXOWXUHKDGIXOO\WUDQVLWLRQHG7KHFKDQJHZDVHYLdent when Joseph prophesied the resurrection of the nation from Egypt and charged Israel to take his remains back to Canaan for ÀQDOEXULDO(YHQWKRXJKKHFRXOGKDYHKDGRQHRI WKHPRVWHODERUDWH EXULDO FKDPEHUV LQ (J\SW EHFDXVH RI KLV H[DOWHG VWDWXV LW ZDV LPSRUWDQWWRKLPWREHLGHQWLÀHGZLWKWKHFXOWXUHRI KLVIDWKHUV DQGWKHLUXQLTXHSURPLVH *RGLQWHQGHGWRIXOÀOOWKHSURPLVHWR$EUDKDPE\EULQJLQJWKH 5HGHHPHULQWRWKHZRUOGWKURXJKDQHQWLUHQDWLRQVLQFHLWZRXOG UHTXLUHDQHQWLUHQDWLRQWRPRGHOWKHFXOWXUHWKDWZRXOGFRPHZLWK WKHIXOÀOOLQJRI WKHSURPLVHGLVSOD\LQJDYHLOHGRUGHURI KHDYHQ7KLV type and shadow prepared the way for the advent of the House of *RGLQZKLFKWKHIXOOQHVVRI ZKR&KULVWLVDQGZKDW+HDFFRPplished would be put on display through a holy nation. The comparison between reality and its antecedent is obvious. Jesus also began to form the holy nation with the twelve men God gave Him. The notable difference between Abraham and Jesus was WKDWDVWKHOLYLQJ*RG-HVXVGLGQRWUHTXLUHDFKDQJHLQFXOWXUH and His disciples could learn the culture of heaven from His perfect presentation of it. The Old Testament revealed in detail the order of the nation that emerged from Egypt through an incident that occurred shortly DIWHU,VUDHOHQWHUHGWKH3URPLVHG/DQG$VWKH\FDPHWRWKHÀUVW FLW\LQ&DQDDQ*RGUHTXLUHGWKDWDOOWKHVLOYHUDQGJROGDQGDUWLFOHV of bronze and iron taken from the city of Jericho be devoted to Him and be put into the treasury of the Lord’s house. The fact that not everyone complied with this was not discovered immediDWHO\,VUDHO·VÀJKWLQJIRUFHDQWLFLSDWHGDVHFRQGPLUDFXORXVYLFWRU\ over the city of Ai as they moved into position to attack that city. 6RFRQÀGHQWZHUHWKH\RI WKHRXWFRPHWKDWXSRQWKHUHFRPPHQGDWLRQRI WKHLUVFRXWLQJSDUW\WKH\WRRNRQO\DWRNHQIRUFHRI 158 7KH$UUDQJHPHQWRI WKH+RXVHRI *RG about three thousand men. They were completely taken by surprise DWWKHIHURFLW\RI WKHGHIHQGHUVDQGÁHGLQDURXWORVLQJWKLUW\VL[ PHPEHUVRI WKHDWWDFNLQJSDUW\LQWKHVNLUPLVK-RVKXDQRZWKH OHDGHURI ,VUDHOVLQFHWKHGHDWKRI 0RVHVVXIIHUHGKLVÀUVWPDMRU GHIHDWDQGZDVGHYDVWDWHG,QKLVWRUPHQWDQGFRQIXVLRQKHWRUH his clothes and fell facedown to the ground before the Lord and stayed in that position for several hours. 7KH/RUGVDLGWR-RVKXD´6WDQGXS:KDWDUH\RXGRLQJ GRZQRQ\RXUIDFH",VUDHOKDVVLQQHGWKH\KDYHYLRODWHGP\ FRYHQDQWZKLFK,FRPPDQGHGWKHPWRNHHS7KH\KDYHWDNHQ VRPHRI WKHGHYRWHGWKLQJVWKH\KDYHVWROHQWKH\KDYHOLHG WKH\KDYHSXWWKHPZLWKWKHLURZQSRVVHVVLRQV7KDWLVZK\ WKH ,VUDHOLWHVFDQQRW VWDQG DJDLQVW WKHLU HQHPLHVWKH\ WXUQ WKHLUEDFNVDQGUXQEHFDXVHWKH\KDYHEHHQPDGHOLDEOHWR GHVWUXFWLRQ,ZLOOQRWEHZLWK\RXDQ\PRUHXQOHVV\RXGHVWUR\ ZKDWHYHUDPRQJ\RXLVGHYRWHGWRGHVWUXFWLRQµ 7KH/RUGWKHQJDYH-RVKXDVSHFLÀFLQVWUXFWLRQVDVWRKRZWR GLVFRYHUWKHVLQDPRQJWKHSHRSOHZKLFKDOVRUHYHDOWKHDUUDQJHPHQW of this nation. They were to consecrate themselves as they prepared to stand before the Lord the following day. ,QWKHPRUQLQJSUHVHQW\RXUVHOYHVWULEHE\WULEH7KHWULEH WKH/25'FKRRVHVVKDOOFRPHIRUZDUGFODQE\FODQWKHFODQ WKH/25'FKRRVHVVKDOOFRPHIRUZDUGIDPLO\E\IDPLO\DQGWKH IDPLO\WKH/25'FKRRVHVVKDOOFRPHIRUZDUGPDQE\PDQ :KRHYHULVFDXJKWZLWKWKHGHYRWHGWKLQJVVKDOOEHGHVWUR\HG E\ÀUHDORQJZLWKDOOWKDWEHORQJVWRKLP+HKDVYLRODWHGWKH FRYHQDQWRI WKH/25'DQGKDVGRQHDQRXWUDJHRXVWKLQJ LQ,VUDHO %\WKHVHLQVWUXFWLRQV*RGUHYHDOHGKRZ+HFRQQHFWHGUHODWLRQships that formed the nation of Israel. This was God’s design for connecting a person to an entire 159 My Father! My Father! QDWLRQDQGWKHQDWLRQWRWKHSHUVRQ7KHSURVSHULW\DQGZHOOEHLQJ RI WKHZKROHQDWLRQGHWHUPLQHGWKHFRQGLWLRQRI WKHLQGLYLGXDO and the actions of the individual could determine what happened to the entire nation: “But the Israelites were unfaithful in regard to WKHGHYRWHGWKLQJV$FKDQVRQRI .DUPLWKHVRQRI =LPULWKHVRQ RI =HUDKRI WKHWULEHRI -XGDKWRRNVRPHRI WKHP6RWKH/RUG·V anger burned against Israel.” $OWKRXJK $FKDQ DFWHG DORQH KLV DFWLRQVZHUHDWWULEXWHGWR DOO RI ,VUDHO DQG WKHDWWHQGDQW FRQVHTXHQFHVZHUHERUQHE\WKHHQWLUHQDWLRQ:KHQ*RGDGGUHVVHGWKH PDWWHUWR-RVKXDKHGLGQRWUHIHUWRWKHVLQRI $FKDQEXWWRWKH sin of Israel. The entire nation was contaminated by the sin of one PDQDQGDOOVXIIHUHGWKHFRQVHTXHQFHVHTXDOO\ A further examination of the story of Achan yields valuable insights into how God structured the nation of Israel as a type and shadow of His spiritual house: (DUO\WKHQH[WPRUQLQJ-RVKXDKDG,VUDHOFRPHIRUZDUGE\ WULEHVDQG-XGDKZDVFKRVHQ7KHFODQVRI -XGDKFDPHIRUZDUG DQG WKH =HUDKLWHV ZHUH FKRVHQ +H KDG WKH FODQ RI WKH=HUDKLWHVFRPHIRUZDUGE\IDPLOLHVDQG=LPULZDVFKRVHQ-RVKXDKDGKLVIDPLO\FRPHIRUZDUGPDQE\PDQDQG $FKDQVRQRI .DUPLWKHVRQRI =LPULWKHVRQRI =HUDK RI WKHWULEHRI -XGDKZDVFKRVHQ Upon the discovery that Israel’s troubles were related to the DFWLYLWLHVRI $FKDQKHZDVVHWEHIRUHWKHHQWLUHQDWLRQDQGFRQIHVVHGKLVZURQJGRLQJ+HKDGWDNHQIRUKLPVHOI FHUWDLQTXDQWLWLHVRI JROGDQGVLOYHUWRJHWKHUZLWKDÀQHJDUPHQWRI %DE\ORQLDQ origin. These he had hidden under the main pole in his tent. 7KHFRQVHTXHQFHVWKDWIROORZHGDUHVWXQQLQJ$FKDQKLVVRQV DQGGDXJKWHUVWRJHWKHUZLWKKLVOLYHVWRFNDQGDOORI KLVRWKHUJRRGV DQGSRVVHVVLRQVZHUHWDNHQWRWKHYDOOH\RI $FKRU´«7KHQDOO ,VUDHOVWRQHGKLPDQGDIWHUWKH\KDGVWRQHGWKHUHVWWKH\EXUQHG WKHP2YHU$FKDQWKH\KHDSHGXSDODUJHSLOHRI URFNVZKLFKUHmains to this day….”+LVLPPHGLDWHIDPLO\ZDVNLOOHGZLWKKLP 160 7KH$UUDQJHPHQWRI WKH+RXVHRI *RG DQGKLVOLQHDJHZDVFXWRII IURP,VUDHO7KHFRQVHTXHQFHVRI KLV actions were as extreme for him personally as they were for the nation of Israel. Joshua and the army lost the battle with Ai and suffered thirty-six casualties. Achan lost his life and those of his sons DQGGDXJKWHUVHIIHFWLYHO\REOLWHUDWLQJKLVOLQHDJHIURP,VUDHO FAMILIES AND HOUSEHOLDS 7KHVWRU\RI $FKDQUHYHDOVDGLVWLQFWVRFLHWDORUGHU$WWKHÀUVW OHYHORI WKLVRUGHUZDVWKHIDPLO\$FKDQKDGKLVRZQIDPLO\FRPprising his sons and daughters. He was selected from among the FKLOGUHQRI KLVIDWKHU.DUPLZKRLQWXUQZDVVHOHFWHGIURPDPRQJ WKH VRQV RI KLV IDWKHU =LPUL ,W LV QRW NQRZQ ZKHWKHU $FKDQ·V IDWKHUDQGJUDQGIDWKHUZHUHDOLYHEXWKHZDVIURPDPRQJWKHIDPLOLHV that came from the line of Zimri. Because Achan himself had a IDPLO\ WKH UHIHUHQFH WR WKH IDPLO\ RI KLV JUDQGIDWKHU =LPUL LV D reference to the collection of families known as a household. :KHQ WKH 6FULSWXUHV UHIHU WR WKH IDPLO\ RI =LPUL WKH LPSOLcation is that all the families out of his line were selected from among the clan of the Zerahites. Since a person’s immediate family LVSDUWRI DQDQFHVWUDOIDPLO\LWLVDSSURSULDWHWRUHIHUWRERWKDV DIDPLO\+RZHYHUWKHWHUP´KRXVHKROGµLVDSSURSULDWHZKHQLWLV necessary to distinguish between an immediate family and a group RI IDPLOLHVWRJHWKHU,QWKLVFRQWH[WWKHKRXVHKROGZRXOGUHIHUWR DXQLWFRPSULVLQJPDQ\IDPLOLHVZKHUHDVDIDPLO\ZRXOGUHIHUWR WKHLQGLYLGXDOIDPLO\XQLWVXFKDV´$FKDQ«KLVVRQVDQGGDXJKters….” :KHUHDV WKH ZRUG KRXVHKROG ED\LWK PD\ UHIHU WR D EXLOGLQJOLNHDIRUWUHVVRUDGXQJHRQRUHYHQDIDFLOLW\WKDWKRXVHV DIDPLO\LWVSDUWLFXODUDSSOLFDWLRQLVWRDIDPLO\WKDWPD\FRPSULVH several families. $EUDKDP·VKRXVHKROGWKHQFRPSULVHGPDQ\IDPLOLHV$VKHDG RI WKLVKRXVHKROG$EUDKDPZDVKHDGRYHUQRWMXVWKLVLPPHGLDWH IDPLO\EXWRI KLVNLQVPHQ$FFRUGLQJO\ZKHQZRUGFDPHWR$EUDKDPWKDWKLVQHSKHZ/RWKDGEHHQDEGXFWHG´KHFDOOHGRXWWKH three hundred eighteen trained men born in his household and ZHQW LQ SXUVXLWµ EHFDXVH KLV QHSKHZ /RW ZDV SDUW RI KLV KRXVH161 My Father! My Father! hold. Lot was of the household of Abram before he separated his family and went out on his own. ,QDVHSDUDWHLQFLGHQW*RGFKRVHQRWWRNHHSIURP$EUDKDP His decision to destroy the city of Sodom where Lot lived with his wife and his two daughters. God decided to tell Abraham what He ZDVDERXWWRGRNQRZLQJWKDW$EUDKDPZRXOGSOHDGZLWK+LPQRW to destroy Lot in the process. The Lord said: 6KDOO,KLGHIURP$EUDKDPZKDW,DPDERXWWRGR"$EUDKDP ZLOOVXUHO\EHFRPHDJUHDWDQGSRZHUIXOQDWLRQDQGDOOQDWLRQVRQHDUWKZLOOEHEOHVVHGWKURXJKKLP)RU,KDYHFKRVHQ KLPVRWKDWKHZLOOGLUHFWKLVFKLOGUHQDQGKLVKRXVHKROGDIWHU KLPWRNHHSWKHZD\RI WKH/25'E\GRLQJZKDWLVULJKW DQGMXVWVRWKDWWKH/25'ZLOOEULQJDERXWIRU$EUDKDP ZKDWKHKDVSURPLVHGKLP God’s plan for Abraham was to train him to faithfully obey the ways of God. He was also instructed to direct his children to observe carefully and to incorporate as the central tenet of their family life the will of God from one generation to another. The result ZRXOGEHWKDWORQJDIWHU$EUDKDPKDGGLHGKLVKRXVHKROGZRXOG mature into a holy nation. God established the family as the environment in which the FKLOGUHQ ZRXOG EH LQWURGXFHG WR WKH FXOWXUH RI KHDYHQ WKURXJK the training and instructions of their fathers. The principal duties of the father were to instill obedience and reverence for the commandments and decrees of God and to supervise the disciSOLQLQJDQGWUDLQLQJRI HDFKFKLOG*RGVSHFLÀFDOO\KHOGWKHIDWKHU accountable for these results. 7KHVHDUHWKHFRPPDQGVGHFUHHVDQGODZVWKH/25'\RXU *RGGLUHFWHGPHWRWHDFK\RXWRREVHUYHLQWKHODQGWKDW\RX DUHFURVVLQJWKH-RUGDQWRSRVVHVVVRWKDW\RX\RXUFKLOGUHQ DQGWKHLUFKLOGUHQDIWHUWKHPPD\IHDUWKH/25'\RXU*RG DVORQJDV\RXOLYHE\NHHSLQJDOOKLVGHFUHHVDQGFRPPDQGV 162 7KH$UUDQJHPHQWRI WKH+RXVHRI *RG WKDW,JLYH\RXDQGVRWKDW\RXPD\HQMR\ORQJOLIH«7KHVH FRPPDQGPHQWV WKDW , JLYH \RX WRGD\ DUH WR EH XSRQ \RXU KHDUWV ,PSUHVV WKHP RQ \RXU FKLOGUHQ 7DON DERXW WKHP ZKHQ \RX VLW DW KRPH DQG ZKHQ \RX ZDON DORQJ WKH URDG ZKHQ\RXOLHGRZQDQGZKHQ\RXJHWXS7LHWKHPDVV\PEROV RQ\RXUKDQGVDQGELQGWKHPRQ\RXUIRUHKHDGV:ULWHWKHP RQWKHGRRUIUDPHVRI \RXUKRXVHVDQGRQ\RXUJDWHV 8QGHUWKHWXWHODJHRI IDWKHUVFKLOGUHQZRXOGFRPHWRKDYHLQVLJKW LQWRWKHZD\VRI *RGDQGZRXOGEHDIIRUGHGDSSURSULDWHJXLGDQFH as they proceeded to walk in this knowledge: )L[WKHVHZRUGVRI PLQHLQ\RXUKHDUWVDQGPLQGVWLHWKHP DVV\PEROVRQ\RXUKDQGVDQGELQGWKHPRQ\RXUIRUHKHDGV 7HDFKWKHPWR\RXUFKLOGUHQWDONLQJDERXWWKHPZKHQ\RX VLWDWKRPHDQGZKHQ\RXZDONDORQJWKHURDGZKHQ\RXOLH GRZQDQGZKHQ\RXJHWXS:ULWHWKHPRQWKHGRRUIUDPHVRI \RXUKRXVHVDQGRQ\RXUJDWHVVRWKDW\RXUGD\VDQGWKHGD\V RI \RXUFKLOGUHQPD\EHPDQ\LQWKHODQGWKH/25'VZRUH WRJLYH\RXUDQFHVWRUVDVPDQ\DVWKHGD\VWKDWWKHKHDYHQV DUHDERYHWKHHDUWK The duty of a father was to provide continuity of instruction reJDUGLQJ WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV RI WKH SURPLVH WKDW GLVWLQJXLVKHG WKLV QDWLRQDPRQJWKHSHRSOHVRI WKHHDUWK$VDQDWLRQWKH\FDUULHG IRUZDUGWKHVHHGRI WKHIXOÀOOPHQWRI WKHSURPLVH ,QGD\VWRFRPHZKHQ\RXUVRQDVNV\RX´:KDWGRHVWKLV PHDQ"µ VD\ WR KLP ´:LWK D PLJKW\ KDQG WKH /25' EURXJKW XV RXW RI (J\SW RXW RI WKH ODQG RI VODYHU\ « 7KLVLVZK\,VDFULÀFHWRWKH/25'WKHÀUVWPDOHRIIVSULQJ RI HYHU\ZRPEDQGUHGHHPHDFKRI P\ÀUVWERUQVRQVµ$QG LW ZLOO EH OLNH D VLJQ RQ \RXU KDQG DQG D V\PERO RQ \RXU IRUHKHDGWKDWWKH/25'EURXJKWXVRXWRI (J\SWZLWKKLV PLJKW\KDQG 163 My Father! My Father! 8QWLOWKHSURPLVHZDVIXOÀOOHGWKURXJK&KULVWWKHQDWLRQKDUERUHG the necessary duty of maintaining a culture that was conducive to WKH IXOÀOOPHQW RI WKH SURPLVH 7KLV GXW\ ZDV ÀUPO\ DVVLJQHG WR IDWKHUVDQGWKHFXOWXUHLWVHOI ZDVPHDQWWREHQXUWXUHGDQGSUHserved within the family. DUTIES AND BENEFITS OF BELONGING TO A HOUSEHOLD ,QWKHPRGHORI $EUDKDP·VKRXVHIDPLOLHVDUHPHDQWWRIRUP WRJHWKHULQWRKRXVHKROGVDQGHYHQWXDOO\LQWRDQDWLRQ7KHPLVFRQGXFW RI DQ LQGLYLGXDO FRXOG KDYH OHWKDO FRQVHTXHQFHV QRW only for his family but also for the household to which the family EHORQJHGDQGXOWLPDWHO\HYHQIRUWKHQDWLRQ7KHSODFHRI WKHIDPLO\ZLWKLQWKHKRXVHKROGFDPHZLWKERWKGXWLHVDQGEHQHÀWV7KH individual members of the family are meant to be part of a greater community to which they owed the duty of maintaining the good name and reputation of the family line. Inasmuch as God’s promLVHV DUH WR IDWKHUV DQG WKHLU JHQHUDWLRQV DIWHU WKHP QR RQH ZDV meant to live and function exclusively as an individual. There was an established sense of accountability not only to one’s father and the immediate family but also to that group of families who came from a common ancestor. 7KHUH ZHUH DOVR QXPHURXV EHQHÀWV WR WKH LQGLYLGXDO ZKR EHORQJHG WR D KRXVHKROG ,Q WKH FDVH RI ZLGRZV DQG RUSKDQV WKH KRXVHKROG KDG VSHFLÀF GXWLHV WR FDUH IRU WKHP 7KLV FXOWXUH H[LVWHGSULRUWRWKHQDWLRQRI ,VUDHO7HUDKWKHIDWKHURI $EUDP 1DKRU DQG +DUDQ OHIW 8U RI WKH &KDOGHHV DIWHU KLV VRQ +DUDQ GLHG+HWRRNZLWKKLP$EUDPKLVJUDQGVRQ/RW+DUDQ·VVRQ DQG KLV GDXJKWHULQODZ 6DUDL DQG KHDGHG RXW WR &DQDDQ /DWHU ZKHQ7HUDKGLHGWKH/RUGVDLGWR$EUDP´¶*RIURP\RXUFRXQWU\ your people and your father’s household to the land I will show \RX·«6R$EUDPZHQWDVWKH/25'KDGWROGKLPDQG/RWZHQW with him….”)LUVW7HUDKDVVXPHGUHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUKLVJUDQGVRQ /RW DQG XSRQ KLV GHDWK WKDW UHVSRQVLELOLW\ ZDV WUDQVIHUUHG WR$EUDPKLVHOGHVWVRQ$EUDPZDVVHYHQW\ÀYH\HDUVROGDWWKH WLPHDQGKDGQRFKLOGUHQRI KLVRZQVLQFH6DUDLZDVEDUUHQ)RUDOO 164 7KH$UUDQJHPHQWRI WKH+RXVHRI *RG LQWHQWVDQGSXUSRVHVKLVQHSKHZ/RWZDVKLVKHLU The role of households was critical to the stability of early citLHVDQGIDWKHUVRI KRXVHKROGVDFWHGIRUWKHEHQHÀWRI WKHIDPLOLHV under their protection. Because ancient peoples settled in ancestral ODQGVDJULFXOWXUHDQGDQLPDOKXVEDQGU\IRUPHGVLJQLÀFDQWSDUWVRI WKHHFRQRPLFOLIHRI WKHVHVRFLHWLHV2YHUWLPHFLWLHVZHUHIRUPHG to facilitate trading and protection. These cities were populated by households. Fathers of households would assemble at the gates of the city to conduct all manner of transactions. The orderliness of their administration was the underlying foundation for the peace and prosperity of the families that made up the city. These cities were part of the inheritance given to a clan. CLANS, TRIBES, AND A NATION 7KHKRXVHKROGVRI =LPULZHUHSDUWRI WKHFODQRI WKH=HUDKLWHV and the clan of the Zerahites was among the many other clans that formed the tribe of Judah. The nation of Israel itself comprised WZHOYHWULEHVDPRQJZKLFKZDVWKHWULEHRI -XGDK(DFKRI WKH divisions of the nation was designed to perform a particular function intimately associated with the very reason for the existence of the nation. Each tribe was given an allotment of land as its inheritance. &ODQVVHWWOHGLQWKHUHJLRQVRI WKHLUWULEDOODQGJUDQWDQGHYHQWXDOO\ HVWDEOLVKHGFLWLHVZLWKLQWKHVHUHJLRQV6LQFHWULEHVDQGFODQVOLNH KRXVHKROGV FDPH IURP D FRPPRQ DQFHVWRU IDPLOLHV WKDW ZHUH bound together by a common bloodline and a common history populated all the cities within an ancestral land grant. This afforded maximum regional stability and ultimately national stability. It was the foundation of both national identity and prophetic purpose. $OWKRXJK HDFK SHUVRQ ZDV DQ LQGLYLGXDO ZLWK D XQLTXH GHVWLQ\ everyone was aware of belonging to a greater whole. Personal identity was supported by a greater sense of common history and an inheritance in land. The laws of Israel recognized the importance of maintaining a person’s connection to an estate in land. $ SULPH H[DPSOH LV WKH \HDU RI -XELOHH ZKLFK ZDV GHVLJQHG 165 My Father! My Father! to restore families to their connection with their ancestral identity WDQJLEO\FRQQHFWHGWRWKHLURZQHUVKLSRI WKHODQG(YHU\ÀIWLHWK \HDUDOOODQGVDOLHQDWHGIURPWKHLURULJLQDORZQHUVWKURXJKKDUGships and adversities will return to the direct descendants living at the time. &RQVHFUDWHWKHÀIWLHWK\HDUDQGSURFODLPOLEHUW\WKURXJKRXW WKHODQGWRDOOLWVLQKDELWDQWV,WVKDOOEHDMXELOHHIRU\RX HDFKRI \RXLVWRUHWXUQWR\RXUIDPLO\SURSHUW\DQGWR\RXU RZQFODQ«,QWKLV<HDURI -XELOHHHYHU\RQHLVWRUHWXUQWR WKHLURZQSURSHUW\,I \RXVHOOODQGWRDQ\RI \RXURZQSHRSOH RUEX\ODQGIURPWKHPGRQRWWDNHDGYDQWDJHRI HDFKRWKHU <RX DUH WR EX\ IURP \RXU RZQ SHRSOH RQ WKH EDVLV RI WKH QXPEHURI \HDUVVLQFHWKH-XELOHH«7KHODQGPXVWQRWEH VROGSHUPDQHQWO\EHFDXVHWKHODQGLVPLQHDQG\RXUHVLGHLQ P\ODQGDVIRUHLJQHUVDQGVWUDQJHUV«,I DQ\RQHDPRQJ\RX EHFRPHVSRRUDQGVHOOVVRPHRI WKHLUSURSHUW\WKHLUQHDUHVW UHODWLYHLVWRFRPHDQGUHGHHPZKDWWKH\KDYHVROG :LWKLQWKH/HYLWLFDO&RGH[PDQ\UHJXODWLRQVSURYLGHGIRUWKHUHGHPSWLRQRI DJULFXOWXUDOODQGKRXVHVZLWKLQFLWLHVDQGHYHQSHUsonal service contracts. The laws that governed the repatriation of families to their ancestral estates in land were clearly designed WRPDLQWDLQDQRQJRLQJFRQQHFWLRQWRWKHLUXQLTXHSXUSRVHDVWKH descendants of Abraham. They did so by creating and maintaining a culture that held the people together. The order renewed the naWLRQHYHU\ÀIWLHWK\HDUE\UHVHWWLQJWKHIDPLOLHVZLWKLQWKHLUKHULWDJH and inheritance. Even the concept of patriarch was associated with a land grant. +LVWRULFDOO\ WKH ZRUG ´SDWULDUFKµ UHIHUUHG WR ERWK IDWKHU DQG ancestral homeland. The term “patria” is derived from that root DQG FRPPRQO\ UHIHUV WR WKH FRXQWU\ RI RQH·V IDWKHUV :KHQ WKH /RUG JDYH WKH SURPLVH WR $EUDKDP +H JDYH WR KLP DQG KLV GHVFHQGDQWV ´«WKLV ODQG IURP WKH :DGL RI (J\SW WR WKH JUHDW ULYHU WKH (XSKUDWHV³WKH ODQG RI WKH .HQLWHV .HQL]]LWHV 166 7KH$UUDQJHPHQWRI WKH+RXVHRI *RG .DGPRQLWHV+LWWLWHV3HUL]]LWHV5HSKDLWHV$PRULWHV&DQDDQLWHV Girgashites and Jebusites.”%HJLQQLQJZLWK$EUDKDPWKHSURPise of the Messiah included the grant of land. ,QWKHWLPHRI -RVKXD*RGJDYH,VUDHOWKHLQKHULWDQFHLQODQG He had promised to Abraham. Joshua presided over the orderly distribution of it. Each tribe was given its portion with the excepWLRQRI WKHWULEHRI /HYLVLQFHWKH\ZHUHWRVHUYHDVSULHVWVDPRQJ the people. Each tribe subdivided its grant among the clans of WKH WULEH DQG WKH KRXVHKROGV RI WKDW FODQ IXUWKHU GLYLGHG WKHLU allotment among the families of the household. Israel received and occupied the land according to this order. This order persisted until the time of enslavement in Babylon. :KHQ .LQJ 'DYLG HVWDEOLVKHG WKH RUGHU RI WKH WDEHUQDFOH KH DUUDQJHGWKHGXWLHVE\WULEHVFODQVKRXVHKROGVDQGIDPLOLHV The same order was carried over into Solomon’s temple that followed. &HQWXULHVODWHUZKHQ,VUDHOZDVUHVWRUHGWRLWVDQFHVWUDOKRPHODQG DIWHUVHYHQW\\HDUVLQFDSWLYLW\LQ%DE\ORQERWK(]UDDQG1HKHPLDK WKHOHDGHUVRI ,VUDHODWWKDWWLPHUHVWRUHGWKHQDWLRQE\UHDUUDQJLQJ the returning refugees according to the same ancient order. This arrangement of a nation preserved in human culture the order that presents heavenly realities. The nation was arranged in this fashion to contain the heavenly order of the Father and Son and to exhibit this heavenly culture among the nations of the ZRUOG6LQFHWKH)DWKHUDQG6RQDUH6SLULWLQRUGHUWRGLVSOD\WKH IXOOH[WHQWRI WKHOLIHLQWKHPDQHQWLUHQDWLRQZDVUHTXLUHG7KH love a father has for a son and the trust of a son for the father is the central form of this order. The complete display of all the facets of this central relationship could only be demonstrated in its entirety through a nation. )URPWKHLQGLYLGXDOSHUVRQWRWKHHQWLUHQDWLRQ*RGLQWHQGHG to infuse this order with the heavenly reality. No order may exist FRUSRUDWHO\ WKDW GRHV QRW H[LVW LQGLYLGXDOO\ VLQFH WKH FRUSRUDWH expression is the summary of what exists in the individual compoQHQWV,I WKHLQGLYLGXDOJDYHKRQRUDQGUHVSHFWWR*RGWKHQWKH QDWLRQZRXOGUHÁHFWWKHVDPHUHYHUHQFHDQGFRUUHVSRQGLQJO\LI 167 My Father! My Father! WKHLQGLYLGXDOGLGQRWNQRZ*RGRUFKRRVHWRKRQRU+LPQHLWKHU would the nation. SUMMARY OF PURPOSE FOR THE ORDER OF THE HOUSE ,QWKHDUUDQJHPHQWRI ERWKWKHQDWXUDODQGVSLULWXDOQDWLRQV the purpose of the order was the same. At all of the levels of its IXQFWLRQWKHRUGHUZDVGHVLJQHGWRUHVWRUHPDQWRKLV)DWKHUDQG to reconnect him to the Father’s nature as expressed through the FXOWXUHRI UXOH2QFHWKLVUHVWRUDWLRQWDNHVSODFHWKHQH[WVWHSLV to restore him to the status as a son so he may be trained to repreVHQWKLV)DWKHU7KHÀQDOREMHFWLYHRI WKHSURFHVVLVWRUHVWRUHKLV destiny and to empower him to function within it. $VDFRQVHTXHQFHRI EHLQJUHVWRUHGWRKLV)DWKHUKHLVSODFHG within the family of his Father. This primary step facilitates two LPSRUWDQWREMHFWLYHV)LUVWKHOHDUQVDERXWWKHQDWXUHRI WKH)DWKHU DQGVHFRQGKHOHDUQVKRZWRUHODWHWRRWKHUVDVEURWKHUV,QOHDUQLQJDERXWWKHZD\VRI WKH)DWKHUKHOHDUQVKRZWRUXOHLQKLVVSKHUH RI LQÁXHQFHIRUWKHEHQHÀWRI RWKHUVLQVWHDGRI XVLQJKLVDXWKRULW\ DQGLQÁXHQFHWRSURYLGHIRUDQGWRSURWHFWKLPVHOI,QUHODWLQJWR RWKHUVDVEURWKHUVKHOHDUQVKRZKLV)DWKHUVHHVHDFKVRQDQGKH is rescued from a culture of competition and self-centeredness. (YHQWXDOO\ZKHQKHLVIXOO\PDWXUHKHLVDEOHWROD\GRZQKLVOLIH for his brothers as his Father would. :KHQ $GDP VHSDUDWHG KLPVHOI IURP KLV )DWKHU ZLWKLQ RQH JHQHUDWLRQWKHVSLULWRI JHQRFLGHZDVLQWURGXFHGWRKXPDQFXOWXUH ZKHQKLVVRQ&DLQPXUGHUHGKLVEURWKHU$EHO:LWKWKHGHDWKRI $EHODOORI WKHJHQHUDWLRQVWKDWZHUHWREHERUQRXWRI KLPZHUH extinguished as well. The root of the scourge of genocide is the devaluation of the brother due to a lack of common identity deÀQHGE\ DIDWKHU7KHUHVWRUDWLRQ RI WKHYDOXHRI WKHEURWKHU LV essential to the eradication of the culture of genocide from human society. The spiritual family is vastly superior to the biological famLO\LQDFKLHYLQJWKLVUHVXOWVLQFHZLWKLQDVSLULWXDOIDPLO\WKHSHDFHIXOFRH[LVWHQFHRI UDFHVJHQGHUVDQGVRFLDOFODVVHVDVVRQVWRWKH same spiritual father is an earthly model of a divine concept. 168 7KH$UUDQJHPHQWRI WKH+RXVHRI *RG THE SPIRITUAL FAMILY The spiritual father trains sons individually even though they DUHSDUWRI WKHRYHUDOOIDPLO\VRQRRQHLVRYHUORRNHGRUQHJOHFWHG 7KHLQVWUXFWLRQLVSHUVRQDODVZHOODVJHQHUDODQGUHOHYDQWLQVWUXFWLRQLVDOZD\VLPSDUWHGSHUVRQDOO\VRWKDWWKHDSSOLFDWLRQEHQHÀWV WKHVRQLQKLVSUHVHQWVWDWH,QWKLVPRGHOLQIRUPDWLRQGRHVQRW EHFRPHDVXEVWLWXWHIRUDIDWKHUDQGJHQHUDOPHHWLQJVGRQRWWDNH the place of the life of a family. The members of the family know HDFKRWKHUE\WKHVSLULW7KDWLVWKH\DUHIDPLOLDUZLWKWKHVSLULWXDO gifts and divine calling of each member of the family and are aware of the level of their maturity and relate to them based on these factors. They routinely update their understanding of the family PHPEHUVWRUHÁHFWWKHJURZWKDQGPDWXULW\RI HDFKPHPEHUVR WKDWQRRQHKDVWRÀJKWIRUKLVSODFHLQWKHIDPLO\7KHIDWKHU·VUROHLV YLWDOWRWKHFRQÀUPDWLRQRI WKHJURZWKDQGSURJUHVVRI HDFKVRQ As each son is ready to assume greater measures of rule and LQÁXHQFH WKH IDWKHU LV W\SLFDOO\ WKH ÀUVW WR JR DKHDG RI WKH VRQ and make the way for his advancement to the new levels of auWKRULW\DQGUHVSRQVLELOLW\$WWKHVDPHWLPHWKHIDPLO\DIÀUPVKLV advancement and supports the son as he accedes to his place of JUHDWHULQÁXHQFH$QLQKHUHQWYDOXHRI WKLVFXOWXUHLVWKHYDOXHRI the individual to the whole family. The advancement of one means WKHDGYDQFHPHQWRI DOOZKLOHWKHFRQVHTXHQFHRI WKHPLVFRQGXFW of one attenuates to everyone. This culture recognizes that individuals are like parts of a body and they exist in a harmonious and symbiotic arrangement. One of the metaphors that describes this arrangement is the Body of Christ. 7KHJUHDWHUOHYHOVRI FRPSOH[LW\GHVFULEHGE\WKHKRXVHKROG FODQDQGQDWLRQSHUPLWWKHLQGLYLGXDOWRDFWLQSXUVXLWRI KLVGHVWLQ\ LQJUHDWHUÀHOGVRI HQGHDYRUDVZHOODVZLWKJUHDWHUVXSSRUW+LV OLIHZLWKLQDKRXVHKROGLPSDFWVDFLW\ZKLOHKLVOLIHZLWKLQDFODQ DIIHFWVDQHQWLUHUHJLRQDQGXOWLPDWHO\KLVOLIHZLWKLQDQDWLRQDIIHFWV the nations of the world. The culture rooted in the relationship of DIDWKHUDQGVRQLVE\GHÀQLWLRQDWUDQVJHQHUDWLRQDOFXOWXUH:KHQWKLV 169 My Father! My Father! FXOWXUHLVFDUULHGIRUZDUGE\PHDQVRI DKRO\QDWLRQLWVHIIHFWVWUDQVform the culture of fatherlessness and are not dissipated over time. 7KHUHYHODWLRQRI DKRO\QDWLRQWRJHWKHUZLWKWKHRUGHURI LWV DUUDQJHPHQWPHDQVWKDWKXPDQNLQGKDVHQWHUHGDQHZVHDVRQLQ which this ancient order is being established in a new manifestation on the earth. Human creations that have substituted for this divine imperative are being disrobed of their pretense and shown in all of their nakedness and vulgarity. Human society has already turned away from these aberrations in their search for answers. $PRQJWKHQDWLRQVWKHUHLVDJURZLQJLI XQLGHQWLÀHGGHVLUHIRUWKH authentic truth. It is into this environment that God has chosen to insert the current revelation of this truth. He is assembling people IURPHYHU\WULEHODQJXDJHSHRSOHDQGQDWLRQZKRDUHHDUQHVWO\ desiring to be part of the heavenly reality—even if they are not clearly aware that this is what they are seeking. 170 T CHAPTER 15 he Nation of Israel and the Early Church A TYPE AND SHADOW God intended to present Israel as a holy nation among nations. ,VUDHO KRZHYHU ZDV QHYHU PHDQW WR EH WKH FRPSOHWH H[SUHVVLRQ RI WKHUHDOLW\RI DKRO\QDWLRQEXWRQO\DW\SHDQGVKDGRZ,VUDHO LWVHOI ZDVDQDWLRQEDVHGLQDFRPPRQQDWXUDODQFHVWU\ZKHUHDV WKH +RXVH RI *RG LV D VSLULWXDO UHDOLW\ EDVHG XSRQ VSLULWXDO UHlationships. All of Israel was related by blood as a single race of SHRSOHGHVFHQGHGIURP$EUDKDP,VDDFDQG-DFRE7KH+RXVHRI *RGKRZHYHUZRXOGFRPSULVHSHRSOHRI DOOUDFHVMRLQHGWRJHWKHU E\VSLULWWRSUHVHQWWKHIXOOH[SUHVVLRQRI WKHORYHEHWZHHQ*RG WKH)DWKHUDQG-HVXV&KULVWWKH6RQ,QWKLVVSLULWXDODUUDQJHPHQW the type and shadow of Abraham’s race would be replaced by the %RG\RI &KULVWRQHEHLQJQDWXUDOWKHRWKHUVSLULWXDO $W 0RXQW 6LQDL *RG UHYHDOHG WR 0RVHV WKDW +H LQWHQGHG to make the nation of Israel a type and shadow of the Body of &KULVWE\GHVLJQDWLQJ,VUDHODVDUR\DOSULHVWKRRGDQGDKRO\QDWLRQ´¶«$OWKRXJKWKHZKROHHDUWKLVPLQH\RXZLOOEHIRUPHD kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites.” 7KLV UHVXOW KRZHYHU GLG QRW FRPH DERXWEHFDXVHRI ,VUDHO·VIHDURI *RGDQGLWVVXEVHTXHQWUHIXVDOWR accept this offer. Instead of going up into the presence of God as DQDWLRQWKH\UHVSRQGHGZLWKIHDUDQGGHVLJQDWHG0RVHVDVWKHLU 171 My Father! My Father! representative before God. God responded by giving them the Law instead of this covenant and selecting the tribe from which 0RVHVFDPHWREHWKHSULHVWVZKRZRXOGRIÀFLDWHEHWZHHQ*RG DQG WKH SHRSOH LQDVPXFK DV WKH SHRSOH FKRVH 0RVHV WR EH WKH PHGLDWRUEHWZHHQWKHPVHOYHVDQG*RG5DWKHUWKDQEHFRPLQJD QDWLRQRI UR\DOSULHVWVRQO\TXDOLÀHGPHQIURPWKHWULEHRI /HYL were permitted to function as priests. 7KLV SDUWLFXODU IDLOLQJ GLVTXDOLÀHG ,VUDHO IURP EHFRPLQJ D natural picture of the House of God among the nations of their GD\+DGWKH\DFFHSWHG*RG·VRIIHUDQGREH\HG*RG·VFRPPDQGV they would have become the existing order of royal priests among whom the Gentile believers in Christ would have been integrated. The priesthood would never have been changed from the existing order of Melchizedek to the order of Levi. This prior existing RUGHU KDG EHHQ DURXQG VLQFH EHIRUH ,VUDHO·V PLJUDWLRQ WR (J\SW DQGZDVQDPHGIRU0HOFKL]HGHNWKHSULHVWZKRVHUYHG$EUDKDP bread and wine. 7KH DSRVWOH 3DXO GHVFULEHV WKLV SDUWLFXODU LQFLGHQW ZKLFK UHVXOWHGLQWKH/DZUHSODFLQJ*RG·VLQWHQGHGFRYHQDQWZLWK,VUDHO DVWKH´VHYHULW\µRU´VWHUQHVVµRI *RGDQGZDUQHGWKH*HQWLOHV not to follow this example of unbelief: ,DPWDONLQJWR\RX*HQWLOHV,QDVPXFKDV,DPWKHDSRVWOH WRWKH*HQWLOHV«)RULI WKHLUUHMHFWLRQLVWKHUHFRQFLOLDWLRQ RI WKHZRUOGZKDWZLOOWKHLUDFFHSWDQFHEHEXWOLIHIURPWKH GHDG«>,@I WKHURRWLVKRO\VRDUHWKHEUDQFKHV,I VRPH RI WKHEUDQFKHVKDYHEHHQEURNHQRIIDQG\RXWKRXJKDZLOG ROLYHVKRRWKDYHEHHQJUDIWHGLQDPRQJWKHRWKHUVDQGQRZ VKDUHLQWKHQRXULVKLQJVDSIURPWKHROLYHURRWGRQRWERDVW RYHUWKRVHEUDQFKHV«&RQVLGHUWKHUHIRUHWKHNLQGQHVVDQG VWHUQQHVVRI *RGVWHUQQHVVWRWKRVHZKRIHOOEXWNLQGQHVV WR\RXSURYLGHGWKDW\RXFRQWLQXHLQKLVNLQGQHVV2WKHUZLVH \RXDOVRZLOOEHFXWRII$QGLI WKH\GRQRWSHUVLVWLQXQEHOLHIWKH\ZLOOEHJUDIWHGLQIRU*RGLVDEOHWRJUDIWWKHPLQ DJDLQ 172 7KH1DWLRQRI ,VUDHODQGWKH(DUO\&KXUFK The apostle Peter concurred and declared that the Gentiles indeed had succeeded whereas Israel had been rejected because of their unbelief: $V\RXFRPHWRKLPWKHOLYLQJ6WRQH³UHMHFWHGE\PHQEXW FKRVHQ E\ *RG DQG SUHFLRXV WR KLP³\RX DOVR OLNH OLYLQJ VWRQHV DUH EHLQJ EXLOW LQWR D VSLULWXDO KRXVH WR EH D KRO\ SULHVWKRRG RIIHULQJ VSLULWXDO VDFULÀFHV DFFHSWDEOH WR *RG WKURXJK-HVXV&KULVW«7KH\VWXPEOHEHFDXVHWKH\GLVREH\ WKHPHVVDJH³ZKLFKLVDOVRZKDWWKH\ZHUHGHVWLQHGIRU%XW \RXDUHDFKRVHQSHRSOHDUR\DOSULHVWKRRGDKRO\QDWLRQ DSHRSOHEHORQJLQJWR*RGWKDW\RXPD\GHFODUHWKHSUDLVHV RI KLPZKRFDOOHG\RXRXWRI GDUNQHVVLQWRKLVZRQGHUIXO OLJKW2QFH\RXZHUHQRWDSHRSOHEXWQRZ\RXDUHWKHSHRSOH RI *RGRQFH\RXKDGQRWUHFHLYHGPHUF\EXWQRZ\RXKDYH UHFHLYHGPHUF\ God’s intended purpose of Israel as a nation was to put them on display as the model of heavenly order and culture among the QDWLRQV RI WKH HDUWK +DG ,VUDHO FKRVHQ WR DFFHSW WKH EHQHÀFLDO LQWHUHVWV RI *RG·V SURPLVH WR $EUDKDP WR ZKLFK WKH\ ZHUH WKH KHLUV*RGZRXOGKDYHPDGHWKHPLQWRDNLQJGRPRI SULHVWVDQG D KRO\ QDWLRQ ,W LV VLJQLÀFDQW WR QRWH WKDW WKH\ ZHUH JLYHQ WKLV opportunity before the Law was given to them on Mount Sinai. God’s original plan was to make them into a picture of the spiritual house among the nations of the world until the reality of the house had fully migrated from heaven to earth. They would have EHHQWKHSODFHKROGHUVIRUWKH%RG\RI &KULVWXQWLOLWVXEVHTXHQWO\ came following the resurrection and ascension of Christ Himself. ,QDQWLFLSDWLRQRI WKLVGHVWLQ\*RGDUUDQJHGWKHPUHODWLRQDOO\E\ IDPLO\KRXVHKROGFODQWULEHDQGQDWLRQWRFUHDWHDQRUJDQLFIRUP to accommodate the substance of being a royal priesthood and a holy nation. *RGEURXJKWWKHPWR0RXQW6LQDLWRFRQÀUP+LVLQWHQWLRQWR IXOÀOO+LVSURPLVHWRWKHLUIRUHIDWKHU$EUDKDPZLWKWKHP7KH\ 173 My Father! My Father! ZHUHWKHFXUUHQWVXFFHVVRUVLQLQWHUHVWWRWKHSUHFUHDWLRQFRYHQDQW WKH SURPLVH RI ZKLFK KDG EHHQ JLYHQ PRUH WKDQ IRXU KXQGUHG \HDUVHDUOLHUWR$EUDKDP*RGDUUDQJHGWKHLUQDWLRQGHOLEHUDWHO\ to accommodate the reality of this promise. It was created this way to nurture a culture compatible with the promise of a Seed arising IURPWKLVQDWLRQWREHFRPHWKHIXOÀOOPHQWRI WKHSURPLVH7KHLU refusal to obey God and accept the offer made to them did not QXOOLI\*RG·VLQWHQWLRQIRUWKHPEHFDXVHWKHSURPLVHWR$EUDKDP FRXOGRQO\EHIXOÀOOHGWKURXJKWKHP Israel did not become the type and shadow of a holy nation to which God would assemble the people from the nations of humanNLQGZKRZRXOGEHFDOOHGDQGFKRVHQWREHWKH%RG\RI &KULVW ,QVWHDGWKHLUYDOXHLQ6FULSWXUHDVDW\SHDQGVKDGRZLVOLPLWHGWR WKHPDQQHURI WKHLUDUUDQJHPHQWDVDQDWLRQVLQFH*RGDUUDQJHG them in this way in anticipation of offering them the opportunity to become an expression of the holy nation. 7KH /DZ ZDV JLYHQ WR WKHP LQ OLHX RI WKH SURPLVH DQG LW had the effect of making them into a symbol of the reality. “The law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming—not WKHUHDOLWLHVWKHPVHOYHV)RUWKLVUHDVRQLWFDQQHYHUE\WKHVDPH VDFULÀFHV UHSHDWHG HQGOHVVO\ \HDU DIWHU \HDU PDNH SHUIHFW WKRVH who draw near to worship.”,QWKHDSSRLQWHGWLPHKRZHYHUWKH reality appeared as the Body of Christ. It was always God’s plan to EULQJWKHUHDOLW\LQWREHLQJEXWHYHQZKHQWKDWW\SHDQGVKDGRZ VXEVWLWXWHV IRU WKH UHDOLW\ WKH RUGHU LQKHUHQW LQ WKH VXEVWLWXWH LV GHVLJQHGWRDFTXDLQWKXPDQVZLWKWKHH[LVWHQFHRI WKHUHDOLW\DQG to make them familiar with it. $VSDUWRI WKHHPSOR\PHQWRI WKLVFRQFHSWWKHUHFLWDWLRQRI WKHJHQHDORJLFDOUHFRUGRI HYHU\RQHZKRZDVLQWURGXFHGLQ6FULSWXUH LQFOXGLQJ-HVXVLVWRVKRZWKHFRQWLQXLW\RI *RG·VXQIROGLQJSODQ through human personages. The genealogical reports act as an DIÀGDYLW FHUWLI\LQJ WKH UHFRUG RI *RG·V GLYLQH RUGHU LQH[RUDEO\ unfolding through the generations of humanity. This is a blatant declaration that there is divine order by which all things are arranged within the physical creation. This repetitive and redundant prac174 7KH1DWLRQRI ,VUDHODQGWKH(DUO\&KXUFK tice is to alert even the casual observer to the fact that the visible order is a type and shadow of an invisible order that is no less real than the visible order. Familiarity with the visible order is designed to predispose the understanding of humankind to the existence of this spiritual order and to induce reliance upon it as a means of entering into the designated purpose that underlies the known physical order. THE SPIRITUAL ORDER OF THE HOUSE OF GOD The obvious distinction between Abraham’s house and the +RXVHRI *RGLVWKDWRQHLVDQDWXUDOKRXVHDQGWKHRWKHURQH VSLULWXDO:KLOH,VUDHOZDVEDVHGXSRQQDWXUDODQFHVWU\DQGFRPPRQ KLVWRU\WKH+RXVHRI *RGFRPSULVHVSHRSOHRI DOOUDFHVZKRKDYH gone through a process of rebirth into one spiritual race: 7KHUHIRUHUHPHPEHUWKDWIRUPHUO\\RXZKRDUH*HQWLOHVE\ ELUWKDQGFDOOHG´XQFLUFXPFLVHGµE\WKRVHZKRFDOOWKHPVHOYHV ´WKH FLUFXPFLVLRQµ«UHPHPEHU WKDW DW WKDW WLPH \RX ZHUH VHSDUDWHIURP&KULVWH[FOXGHGIURPFLWL]HQVKLSLQ,VUDHODQG IRUHLJQHUVWRWKHFRYHQDQWVRI WKHSURPLVH>@«&RQVHTXHQWO\ \RXDUHQRORQJHUIRUHLJQHUVDQGDOLHQVEXWIHOORZFLWL]HQVZLWK *RG·VSHRSOHDQGDOVRPHPEHUVRI *RG·VKRXVHKROGEXLOWRQ WKHIRXQGDWLRQRI WKHDSRVWOHVDQGSURSKHWVZLWK&KULVW-HVXVKLPVHOI DVWKHFKLHI FRUQHUVWRQH,QKLPWKHZKROHEXLOGLQJLVMRLQHGWRJHWKHUDQGULVHVWREHFRPHDKRO\WHPSOHLQWKH /RUG$QGLQKLP\RXWRRDUHEHLQJEXLOWWRJHWKHUWREHFRPH DGZHOOLQJLQZKLFK*RGOLYHVE\KLV6SLULW Israel represents the arrangement of the natural house while the spiritual house is the Body of Christ. ,QDKRO\UDFHFRPSRVHGRI -HZVDQG*HQWLOHVDOLNHQDWXUDODQFHVWU\LVUHSODFHGE\DVSLULWXDOIDWKHUKRRG7KHDSRVWOH3DXOLQWKH ÀUVWRI KLVWZROHWWHUVWRWKH&RULQWKLDQFKXUFKGHFODUHVWRWKHP his fatherly status together with his intentions to actually discipline WKHPDVDQ\UHVSRQVLEOHIDWKHUZRXOGFRQVLGHULQJWKHLUH[LVWLQJ 175 My Father! My Father! VWDWHRI UHEHOOLRQDJDLQVWKLVSUHYLRXVLQVWUXFWLRQVZULWLQJ ,DPZULWLQJWKLVQRWWRVKDPH\RXEXWWRZDUQ\RXDVP\ GHDUFKLOGUHQ(YHQLI \RXKDGWHQWKRXVDQGJXDUGLDQVLQ &KULVW \RX GR QRW KDYH PDQ\ IDWKHUV IRU LQ &KULVW -HVXV , EHFDPH \RXU IDWKHU WKURXJK WKH JRVSHO 7KHUHIRUH , XUJH \RXWRLPLWDWHPH)RUWKLVUHDVRQ,KDYHVHQWWR\RX7LPRWK\P\VRQZKRP,ORYHZKRLVIDLWKIXOLQWKH/RUG+H ZLOO UHPLQG \RX RI P\ ZD\ RI OLIH LQ &KULVW -HVXV ZKLFK DJUHHV ZLWK ZKDW , WHDFK HYHU\ZKHUH LQ HYHU\ FKXUFK «:KDWGR\RXSUHIHU"6KDOO,FRPHWR\RXZLWKDURGRI GLVFLSOLQHRUVKDOO,FRPHLQORYHDQGZLWKDJHQWOHVSLULW" /LNH$EUDKDP3DXOXQGHUVWRRGWKDWWKHUHLVDQH[LVWLQJSURPLVH WKDWLVEHLQJIXOÀOOHGLQRUGHUWRUHYHDOWKH&KULVW)RU$EUDKDP WKH SURPLVH ZRXOG EH IXOÀOOHG ZKHQ KLV QDWXUDO GHVFHQGDQW ZDV ERUQEXWIRU3DXOWKHGHVFHQGDQWRI $EUDKDPLVDVSLULWXDOPDQ to whom the races of humankind may be assembled as the House RI *RGZKLFKLQFOXGHVDOOWKRVH*RGZRXOGFDOOWREHDVVHPEOHG LQWKLVZD\3DXO·VYLVLRQKRZHYHUIDUH[FHHGHGWKDWRI $EUDKDP God gave Abraham the vision of a race coming from him that ZRXOGSURGXFHWKH6HHGZKRZRXOGIXOÀOOWKHSURPLVHRI EOHVVLQJ DOOQDWLRQV%XW3DXOUHFHLYHGDUHYHODWLRQIURP*RGWRJHWKHUZLWK WKHJUDFHRI DGPLQLVWUDWLRQWREULQJWKH*HQWLOHVLQWRWKLVSURPLVH 6XUHO\ \RX KDYH KHDUG DERXW WKH DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ RI *RG·V JUDFHWKDWZDVJLYHQWRPHIRU\RXWKDWLVWKHP\VWHU\PDGH NQRZQWRPHE\UHYHODWLRQ« «7KLVP\VWHU\LVWKDWWKURXJKWKHJRVSHOWKH*HQWLOHV DUHKHLUVWRJHWKHUZLWK,VUDHOPHPEHUVWRJHWKHURI RQHERG\ DQGVKDUHUVWRJHWKHULQWKHSURPLVHLQ&KULVW-HVXV *RGDOZD\VLQWHQGHGWKDW-HVXVWKH6HHGRI $EUDKDPZRXOG SURGXFHDKRO\UDFHWREHLQFOXVLYHRI DOOWKHIDOOHQVRQVRI $GDP LUUHVSHFWLYHRI WKHLUKXPDQUDFLDORULJLQVVLQFH$GDPZDVWKHÀUVW 176 7KH1DWLRQRI ,VUDHODQGWKH(DUO\&KXUFK VRQRI *RGDQGDOOKXPDQVXOWLPDWHO\DUHGHVFHQGDQWVIURPKLP In the prophetic psalm regarding the role of Jesus as the anointed .LQJRYHUWKH+RXVHRI *RG'DYLGZURWHWKHGHFODUDWLRQRI *RG to Jesus: “…You are my son; today I have become your father. Ask PHDQG,ZLOOPDNHWKHQDWLRQV\RXULQKHULWDQFHWKHHQGVRI WKH earth your possession.”7KLVE\GHÀQLWLRQZRXOGEHDKRO\UDFH VLQFH WKH\ ZLOO EH UHWXUQHG WR *RG WKURXJK -HVXV WKH SURPLVHG 5HGHHPHURI $GDP·VSURJHQ\ The House of God was to be drawn from all the nations of KXPDQNLQG DQG DPRQJ WKHP WKH FXOWXUH RI KHDYHQ ZRXOG EH on display. Their order would permit the showing of the grace and goodness inherent in the nature of God. Since they would be drawn from the diversity of all the different racial and cultural EDFNJURXQGVRI KXPDQLW\WKH+RXVHRI *RGZRXOGREYLRXVO\EH a spiritual house. $V$EUDKDPLVDQDWXUDOSDWULDUFKWRWKHQDWLRQRI ,VUDHOWKH DSRVWOH 3DXO LV WKH VSLULWXDO SDWULDUFK WR WKH *HQWLOHV 'XULQJ KLV OLIHWLPH3DXOWUDYHOHGWKURXJKRXWWKH0HGLWHUUDQHDQEULQJLQJWKH JRRGQHZVWRWKH*HQWLOHV+HZDVZLWKRXWGLVSXWHWKHIDWKHUWR WKHHDUO\*HQWLOHFKXUFKLQWKH*UHFR5RPDQZRUOG :LWKWKHIDOORI -HUXVDOHPWRWKH5RPDQDUPLHVLQ$XJXVWRI $'-HUXVDOHPZDVQRORQJHUWKHFHQWHURI LQÁXHQFHRI WKH &KULVWLDQ IDLWK %\ WKHQ 3DXO HVWDEOLVKHG WKH &KXUFK LQ *HQWLOH FLWLHVVXFKDV&RULQWK(SKHVXVDQG5RPHZKLFKEHFDPHWKHYLVible order of the New Testament church. This order would remain LQWDFWWKURXJKRXWWKH\HDUVRI WKHFKXUFK·VSHUVHFXWLRQE\WKH5Rman authorities until Emperor Constantine changed the model. He UHRUJDQL]HGWKHRUGHURI WKH&KXUFKWRVDWLVI\WKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI DFFRXQWDELOLW\WRDVHFXODUHPSLUH7KLVPRGHOKDVSUHYDLOHGWRWKH SUHVHQWWLPHLQWKHIRUPRI WKHVWDWHFKXUFK THE CHURCH IN JERUSALEM The Church started in Jerusalem and was exclusively Jewish DQGUHPDLQHGWKDWZD\XQWLOWKHIDOORI -HUXVDOHPDQGWKHVFDWWHULQJ RI ,VUDHO7KHQWKHPRGHOHVWDEOLVKHGE\3DXOEHFDPHWKHSUHHPL177 My Father! My Father! nent expression of the Body of Christ in the world. The early Jerusalem model provided insight into how the Body RI &KULVWRSHUDWHGZLWKLQDFLW\+RZHYHUWKHPRGHOHVWDEOLVKHG E\3DXOIXQFWLRQHGRQDOOOHYHOVIURPWKHEDVLFPRGHORI DIDWKHU DQGVRQVWRVSLULWXDOIDPLOLHVKRXVHKROGVUHJLRQVDQGLQWKHOLIHWLPHRI 3DXODURVHWREHFRPHDKRO\QDWLRQDPRQJWKHQDWLRQVRI humankind. The New Testament presents a picture of the Body of Christ HYROYLQJ WKURXJK DOO WKHVH VWDJHV WR EHFRPH D FRPSOHWH WKRXJK OLPLWHGH[SUHVVLRQRI WKHIXOOLQWHQWRI *RG$SDUWRI LWVHYROXWLRQ is observed within the city of Jerusalem. Among the major developments of that early group of believers was the need for orderly GLVWULEXWLRQ RI PDWHULDO UHVRXUFHV EHFDXVH RI WKH RQFRPLQJ RI VHYHUHHFRQRPLFSUREOHPVDQGWKHDOPRVWLQVWDQWDQHRXVXQOHDVKLQJ of a virulent persecution against them by the temple authorities. ,QVKDULQJWKHLUFRPPRQIDWHWKH\WXUQHGWRHDFKRWKHUIRUFRPfort and help. The apostles provided leadership and introduced the order of KHOSHUVWRDVVLVWLQWKHRUGHUO\DQGHTXLWDEOHGLVWULEXWLRQRI PDWHULDO aid. They distinguished between an administration that provides spiritual direction and oversight and one that attended to mateULDO QHHGV 7KH DSRVWOHV GHYRWHG WKHPVHOYHV WR WKH :RUG RI WKH /RUGDQGWRSUD\HUZKLOHJLYLQJLQVWUXFWLRQVWKDWZRXOGUHVXOWLQ an administration designed to provide an orderly distribution of resources for general needs. They selected seven men to oversee the distribution of resources. They chose these men because they were “full of the [Holy] Spirit and wisdom.” The apostles themVHOYHV VWDWHG ´:H ZLOO WXUQ WKLV UHVSRQVLELOLW\ RYHU WR WKHP >WKH seven] and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.” The material supply came from the unforced generosity of the early believers themselves. This spontaneous sharing of resources seems to be emblematic of the way they demonstrated their sense of oneness and community. Shortly after the inception of the church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ÁHGJOLQJFKXUFKZKLOHWKHGHDFRQVRULJLQDOO\ WKHVHYHQKHOSHUVGHYRWHGWRPDWHULDOVXSSO\ZHUHLQFKDUJHRI GLVtributing material aid. The next great challenge they faced came in the form of persecution. It began with the arrest of the apostles Peter and John following “an outstanding miracle” performed at the very gates of the temple in Jerusalem. The effects of this spectacular occurrence became impossible for the Jewish leaders to ignore. The growing legacy of Jesus of Nazareth had become problematic for these OHDGHUV+LVLQÁXHQFHZDVVSUHDGLQJUDSLGO\WKURXJKWKHWHDFKLQJV of His disciples. These teachings were often accompanied by demRQVWUDWLRQV RI PLUDFXORXV SRZHU UHVXOWLQJLQ D UDSLG LQFUHDVHLQ the number of Jesus’ followers. There was a backlash from the temple authorities who became IHDUIXORI WKHJURZLQJLQÁXHQFHRI WKHGLVFLSOHVRI -HVXVDQGWKH FRQQHFWLRQ WKDW ZDV EHLQJ PDGH EHWZHHQ +LV FUXFLÀ[LRQ E\ WKH 5RPDQVDQGWKHLUFROOXVLRQZLWKWKHWHPSOHDXWKRULWLHV7KHIDFH RI WKLVSHUVHFXWLRQZDVWKDWRI D\RXQJUDEELIURP7DUVXVRI &LOLFLDZKRZDVVWXG\LQJLQWKHWHPSOHDWWKHWLPH7KLV\RXQJUDEEL ZKRVHQDPHZDV6DXOZDVWKHSRLQWRI FRQWDFWEHWZHHQWKHEDFNODVK from the temple and the persecution of the followers of Jesus. ,QVWHDGRI GLVFRXUDJLQJWKHPWKHSHUVHFXWLRQKDGWKHHIIHFWRI KDUGHQLQJWKHEHOLHYHUV·UHVROYH:LWKWKHNLOOLQJRI 6WHSKHQRQH RI WKHVHYHQGHDFRQVWKHEHOLHYHUVZHUHZLGHO\VFDWWHUHG For a WLPHRQO\WKHDSRVWOHVUHPDLQHGLQ-HUXVDOHP$IWHU6DXOUHQDPHG 179 My Father! My Father! 3DXOZDVFRQYHUWHGWKHSHUVHFXWLRQVHHPHGWRKDYHDEDWHGDQG WKH&KXUFKEHJDQWRUHHVWDEOLVKLWVHOI DJDLQLQ-HUXVDOHP+RZHYHU DQHZURXQGRI SHUVHFXWLRQZDVODXQFKHGDQGLWFODLPHGWKHOLIHRI -DPHVWKHEURWKHURI -RKQDQG3HWHUKLPVHOI ZDVLPSULVRQHG $W WKLV SRLQW SXEOLF PHHWLQJV LQ WKH WHPSOH ZHUH QR ORQJHU SRVVLEOHVRWKH\EHJDQWRJDWKHUSULYDWHO\LQKRPHV'XULQJWKLV WLPHVRPHRI WKHDSRVWOHVDQGGHDFRQVYHQWXUHGEH\RQG-HUXVDOHP 3HWHUYLVLWHGWKHKRPHRI &RUQHOLXVD5RPDQFHQWXULRQZKRZDV VWDWLRQHG LQ &DHVDUHD DQG WKH ÀUVW *HQWLOH FRQYHUWV ZHUH DGGHG to the Church. Philip went to Samaria and many converts resulted from his visit. Peter and John were later dispatched to help establish the church in that area. The Jerusalem church at the beginning established a sense of FRPPXQLW\DPRQJWKHEHOLHYHUVWRJHWKHUZLWKDQDFFRPSDQ\LQJ RUGHUWKDWUHVXOWHGLQWKHLUVSLULWXDOJURZWKDQGWKHSURSHUGLVWULEXWLRQ RI PDWHULDOUHVRXUFHV,WZDVVRPHWLPHODWHUIROORZLQJWKHSHUVHFXWLRQ in Jerusalem and the initial scattering of many believers into the *HQWLOHZRUOGWKDWDQRUGHUHPHUJHGWKDWZDVPRUHHQFRPSDVVLQJ than that which initially emerged in Jerusalem. Paul would lead this DGYDQFHDPRQJWKH*HQWLOHVDQGWKHRUGHURI WKH&KXUFKZRXOG take on greater complexity as it met the challenges both within and outside of Jerusalem. Slowly the picture emerged of the Body of Christ comprising both Jews and Gentiles. Eventually the church in Jerusalem would face extreme economic hardships and would receive material supply from among WKH*HQWLOHVHVWDEOLVKLQJWKH&KXUFKDVDQDWLRQDPRQJWKHQDWLRQV of humankind. This result was achieved after many hard-fought EDWWOHVWKDWUHTXLUHGHQRUPRXVFKDQJHVRI PLQGVHWVSDUWLFXODUO\ among the Jewish believers. 7KH FHQWUDO ÀJXUH OHDGLQJ WKLV DGYDQFH ZDV 3DXO WKH \RXQJ -HZLVKUDEELIRUPHUO\QDPHG6DXOZKRLQLWLDOO\OHGWKHSHUVHFXWLRQ of the Church on behalf of the Jewish authorities. His apostolic administration directed the rapid rise of the Church in the Greco5RPDQ ZRUOG DQG EURXJKW WKH LVVXH RI UHFRQFLOLDWLRQ EHWZHHQ Jews and Gentiles in the Body of Christ to the forefront. Once 180 7KH1DWLRQRI ,VUDHODQGWKH(DUO\&KXUFK WKHPDWWHUZDVÀQDOO\ODLGWRUHVWIROORZLQJDQDSRVWROLFFRXQFLOLQ -HUXVDOHP the Church’s growth among the Gentile nations was TXLWHUDSLG%\WKHIDOORI -HUXVDOHPLQ$'WKHUHZHUHPXOWLSOH FHQWHUVRI WKH&KULVWLDQIDLWKLQSODFHVVXFKDV(SKHVXV&RULQWK DQG 5RPH LWVHOI 7KH -HZLVK LQÁXHQFH XSRQ WKH &KXUFK HQGHG DEUXSWO\ZLWKWKHGHVWUXFWLRQRI -HUXVDOHPDQGWKHRUGHUWKDW3DXO established became the foundation for the rule of the Church. PAUL’S ADMINISTRATION OF THE MYSTERY OF THE BODY OF CHRIST )RUWKLVUHDVRQ,3DXOWKHSULVRQHURI &KULVW-HVXVIRUWKH VDNHRI \RX*HQWLOHV³ 6XUHO\\RXKDYHKHDUGDERXWWKHDGPLQLVWUDWLRQRI *RG·V JUDFHWKDWZDVJLYHQWRPHIRU\RXWKDWLVWKHP\VWHU\PDGH NQRZQWRPHE\UHYHODWLRQDV,KDYHDOUHDG\ZULWWHQEULHÁ\ ,QUHDGLQJWKLVWKHQ\RXZLOOEHDEOHWRXQGHUVWDQGP\LQVLJKWLQWRWKHP\VWHU\RI &KULVWZKLFKZDVQRWPDGHNQRZQ WRSHRSOHLQRWKHUJHQHUDWLRQVDVLWKDVQRZEHHQUHYHDOHGE\ WKH6SLULWWR*RG·VKRO\DSRVWOHVDQGSURSKHWV7KLVP\VWHU\ LVWKDWWKURXJKWKHJRVSHOWKH*HQWLOHVDUHKHLUVWRJHWKHUZLWK ,VUDHOPHPEHUVWRJHWKHURI RQHERG\DQGVKDUHUVWRJHWKHULQ WKHSURPLVHLQ&KULVW-HVXV ,EHFDPHDVHUYDQWRI WKLVJRVSHOE\WKHJLIWRI *RG·V JUDFHJLYHQPHWKURXJKWKHZRUNLQJRI KLVSRZHU$OWKRXJK ,DPOHVVWKDQWKHOHDVWRI DOOWKH/RUG·VSHRSOHWKLVJUDFH ZDVJLYHQPHWRSUHDFKWRWKH*HQWLOHVWKHERXQGOHVVULFKHV RI &KULVWDQGWRPDNHSODLQWRHYHU\RQHWKHDGPLQLVWUDWLRQ RI WKLVP\VWHU\ZKLFKIRUDJHVSDVWZDVNHSWKLGGHQLQ*RG ZKRFUHDWHGDOOWKLQJV+LVLQWHQWZDVWKDWQRZWKURXJKWKH FKXUFKWKHPDQLIROGZLVGRPRI *RGVKRXOGEHPDGHNQRZQ WRWKHUXOHUVDQGDXWKRULWLHVLQWKHKHDYHQO\UHDOPVDFFRUGLQJ WRKLVHWHUQDOSXUSRVHWKDWKHDFFRPSOLVKHGLQ&KULVW-HVXVRXU /RUG«)RUWKLVUHDVRQ,NQHHOEHIRUHWKH)DWKHUIURPZKRP HYHU\IDPLO\LQKHDYHQDQGRQHDUWKGHULYHVLWVQDPH 181 My Father! My Father! It is clear that Paul himself is the instrument by whom the mystery and its administration are revealed to the rest of the apostles. Paul begins his journey by taking others with him. Barnabas and his cousin John Mark are among his early traveling companions who set out from Antioch. After Paul and Barnabas separate over the issue of John Mark’s UHOLDELOLW\3DXOFKRRVHV6LODVDQG7LPRWK\WRDFFRPSDQ\KLPRQ KLVQH[WPDMRUMRXUQH\2YHUWLPHPDQ\RWKHUVEHFRPHSDUWRI the company with whom he travels and works. After some period RI WLPH3DXOEHJLQVWRUHIHUWR7LPRWK\DVKLVEHORYHGVRQ+H DOVRUHIHUVWRHQWLUHJURXSVRI SHRSOHDVKLVFKLOGUHQDQGEHJLQVWR speak and act as their father. He instructs Timothy to pattern his PLQLVWU\DIWHUKLVH[SHULHQFHLQKLVUHODWLRQVKLSWR3DXO´<RXWKHQ P\VRQEHVWURQJLQWKHJUDFHWKDWLVLQ&KULVW-HVXV$QGWKHWKLQJV you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust WRUHOLDEOHPHQZKRZLOODOVREHTXDOLÀHGWRWHDFKRWKHUVµ Paul had found in Timothy a reliable son whom he raised to become a leader in the Body of Christ. His fatherly dedication to Timothy is expressed in this admonition. Paul traveled with Timothy for many years and exposed him to the same kind of discipleship that -HVXVH[WHQGHGWR+LVWZHOYHGLVFLSOHV$VZLWK-HVXVDQGWKHWZHOYH Paul’s relationship to Timothy was that of a devoted father and a faithful son. Just as the twelve became the leaders of the Church LQWKHÀUVWJHQHUDWLRQWKHGLVFLSOHVRI 3DXOVXFKDV7LPRWK\DQG 7LWXVPDWXUHGWREHFRPHWKHOHDGHUVRI WKHVHFRQGJHQHUDWLRQDQG provided the continuity necessary for the advance of the Kingdom in succeeding generations. Paul considered believers in entire cities to be his spiritual chilGUHQ$VKDVEHHQQRWHGHDUOLHULQKLVOHWWHUWRWKH&RULQWKLDQVKH addressed them with the familiarity of a father who was displeased ZLWK WKHLU LPPDWXULW\ GLYLVLYHQHVV DUURJDQFH DQG ODFN RI PRUDO conviction. He understood that he had a duty to confront them and to demand that they change their way of life to conform to the standards that he had established both by his instructions and his way of life. 182 7KH1DWLRQRI ,VUDHODQGWKH(DUO\&KXUFK +LVLQÁXHQFHH[WHQGHGEH\RQGLQGLYLGXDOVDQGFLWLHVWRHQWLUH regions. He gave orders to the churches of Galatia to set aside sums of money on a regular basis to relieve the brethren in Jerusalem in a time of severe famine. Paul and Barnabas established WKHFKXUFKLQFLWLHVVXFKDV$QWLRFK,FRQLXP/\VWUDDQG'HUEH within the region known as Galatia. The same was true to an even JUHDWHUH[WHQWDPRQJWKHFKXUFKHVLQWKHUHJLRQRI 0DFHGRQLD ZKLFKLQFOXGHGFLWLHVVXFKDV3KLOLSSL7KHVVDORQLFDDQG%HUHD Thus is the unfolding of Paul’s administration. He starts out as a spiritual father to sons such as Timothy and Titus. Then his spiritual family grows to include a household in many cities. As KLVLQÁXHQFHH[WHQGHGRYHUUHJLRQVWKRVHZKRORRNWRKLPDVD VSLULWXDOIDWKHUH[HUWLQÁXHQFHFRPSDUDEOHWRWKHFODQVZLWKLQWKH WULEHVRI ,VUDHO+LVFODQVDUHQRWOLPLWHGWRDVLQJOHUHJLRQEXWDUH VSUHDGWKURXJKRXWWKH*UHFR5RPDQZRUOG%\WKHWLPHKHDSSHDOV WR&DHVDUDQGLVVHQWWR5RPHKHLVWKHXQGLVSXWHGOHDGHURI WKH &KULVWLDQIDLWKRXWVLGHRI ,VUDHO+HLVWKHSDWULDUFKDOÀJXUHLQWKH Church among the Gentiles. Paul used his standing as a father of men to disciple them to PDWXULW\ VR WKDW WKH\ FRXOG IXOÀOO WKHLU GHVWLQLHV +LV VRQV ZKR endured the discipline of their training under his hand became mature leaders who could be trusted to faithfully represent the Lord LQFLWLHVUHJLRQVDQGQDWLRQV+HOHIW7LPRWK\LQ0DFHGRQLDDQG 7LWXVLQ&UHWHWRHVWDEOLVKWKHHOGHUVLQWKHFLWLHVRI WKRVHUHJLRQVVR that the people of God could be cared for in the fashion in which the early apostles arranged the order of the House of God in the FLW\RI -HUXVDOHP)URPWKLVSODFHDVDIDWKHURI DKRXVHKROGZLWKLQ D FLW\ KH FKDOOHQJHG WKRVH RI KLV KRXVHKROG WR DFFHSW IXOO\ DOO EHOLHYHUVZLWKLQWKDWFLW\ZKHWKHUWKH\EHORQJHGWRKLVKRXVHKROG RU WR RWKHUV VXFK DV WKH KRXVHKROGV RI $SROORV RU 3HWHU He IRUFHIXOO\ DUJXHG IRU WKH XQLW\ RI WKH %RG\ RI &KULVW QRW RQO\ among households but also among entire races. :KHUHKLVLQÁXHQFHH[WHQGHGWRUHJLRQV3DXOFDOOHGXSRQWKH clans to gather resources and to send aid to the Jews who had ODUJHO\UHMHFWHGKLVDSRVWOHVKLSDQGKLVLQÁXHQFH7KRXJK3DXOZDV 183 My Father! My Father! XQGRXEWHGO\ WKH SDWULDUFK RI WKH *HQWLOH FKXUFK KH UHFRJQL]HG WKHLQÁXHQFHRI WKHRWKHUOHDGHUVDPRQJERWKWKH-HZVDQG*HQtiles. He expanded the early governmental form of the apostolic council to include representation from the apostles who worked DPRQJWKH*HQWLOHV establishing the format for the resolution of PDWWHUVRI VLJQLÀFDQFHWRWKHHQWLUH%RG\RI &KULVW 3DXO·VDGPLQLVWUDWLRQVHUYHGWRDFFRPSOLVKWKHHTXDOO\LPSRUWDQW goals of disciplining and training individuals to maturity so that WKH\FRXOGIXOÀOOWKHLUSHUVRQDOGHVWLQ\ZKLOHPDLQWDLQLQJWKHXQLW\ RI WKH+RXVHRI *RG,QSXUVXLQJWKHODWWHUJRDOKHZDVXQFRPSURPLVLQJLQKLVRSSRVLWLRQWRVHFWVDQGGHQRPLQDWLRQVDQGQHYHU failed to speak boldly and consistently in advocating and supporting the one Body of Christ. It was always clear to him that the order in WKH+RXVHRI *RGZDVPHDQWWRGLVSOD\WKHRUGHUWKDWLVLQKHDYHQ since it is the same house whether it is in heaven or on the earth. 184 A CHAPTER 16 Holy Nation The relationship between God and man is the most compreKHQVLYHDQGFRPSOH[UHODWLRQVKLSRQHFDQH[SHULHQFH7KHXQLTXH aspects of the relationship highlight this fact: God is Spirit while PDQLVVSLULWFORWKHGLQÁHVKKHDYHQLVWKHVHDWRI *RG·VJRYHUQment while earth is the dwelling place of man; God loves man and FUHDWHGKLPIRUDVSHFLÀFGHVWLQ\PDQKDVIUHHZLOODQGPD\FKRRVH between God’s purpose for him and his own way; both God and man have a common enemy who opposes God by alienating man IURP*RGDQG*RGWRRNRQWKHIRUPRI PDQLQRUGHUWRUHFRQcile man to God. In order to show completely all of the different facets of the UHODWLRQVKLS *RG VWUXFWXUHG KXPDQ UHODWLRQVKLSV WR DFW DV W\SHV DQG VKDGRZV RI +LV UHODWLRQVKLS WR PDQ &RQVHTXHQWO\ DOO WKH forms of human relationships that God established are veiled portrayals of His relationship to man. The metaphors of human relationships are mysteries revealed fully in their appointed time. Examples of common human relationships that are “profound myster[ies]” are the father and son relationship and the husband and wife relationship. These two relationships in particular are used to show that the exact representation of another is possible only through sameness of being. A dissimilar being will highlight the differences in beings 185 My Father! My Father! through their representation. A servant cannot represent the character of his master because he is unfamiliar with both the character DQGWKHSRVLWLRQRI WKHPDVWHU+RZHYHUKLVVNLOODOORZVKLPWR SHUIRUPWKHWDVNDVVLJQHGWRKLP$VRQE\FRQWUDVWPD\UHSUHVHQW the character of his father because he originated from within the EHLQJRI KLVIDWKHU+HSRVVHVVHVWKHUHTXLVLWHVDPHQHVVRI EHLQJ DQGKHLVKLVIDWKHU·VKHLUVRKHLVVHDWHGLQKLVIDWKHU·VSRVLWLRQ ZKHQKHUHSUHVHQWVKLVIDWKHUWRRWKHUV7KDWLVZK\DVRQPD\VD\ ´$Q\RQHZKRKDVVHHQPHKDVVHHQWKH)DWKHUµ and “I and the Father are one.”7KDWDQJHOVODFNWKHUHTXLVLWHVDPHQHVVRI EHLQJ is also the reason that angels are incapable of exact representation of God. A marriage highlights the principle of sameness and exact repUHVHQWDWLRQZKHQYLHZHGIURPDKHDYHQO\SHUVSHFWLYH$GDPFDPH out of God and so was a son who was capable of representing *RGKLV)DWKHU(YHFDPHRXWRI $GDPLQWKHÁHVKDQGRXWRI *RGLQWKHVSLULWVRVKHZDVERWKWKHVRQRI $GDPDQGWKHVRQRI God. She was made to exactly represent both. As a representative RI ERWK*RGDQGKHUKXVEDQGDZLIHLVHQWLWOHGWRWKHSURWHFWLRQ of those sources of authority. A king and his relationship with his kingdom help reveal the divine intentions regarding authority and representation. UnderVWDQGLQJDNLQJDVVRYHUHLJQKHOSVWRGHÀQHWKHRULJLQDQGIXQFWLRQ RI DXWKRULW\6LPLODUO\WKHVWUXFWXUHRI DNLQJGRPKHOSVGHOLQHDWH WKHGXWLHVDQGEHQHÀWVDVVRFLDWHGZLWKEHLQJXQGHUDXWKRULW\,Q WKHFDVHRI WKH.LQJGRPRI *RG&KULVWWKH.LQJLVWKHVRXUFH RI DXWKRULW\GHÀQLQJERWKWKHEHQHÀWVDQGWKHGXWLHVDVVRFLDWHG with the Kingdom. $KRXVHVXFKDVWKHRQH*RGHVWDEOLVKHGSRUWUD\VWKHGLYLQH SULQFLSOH RI D FRQWLQXLW\ RI SXUSRVH $ KRXVH FRQVLVWLQJ RI D PXOWLJHQHUDWLRQDO IDPLO\ VKRZV WKH FRQWLQXHG FRQQHFWLRQ RI D family to a father’s plan. The house itself monitors the progress RI WKH XQIROGLQJ DQG IXOÀOOPHQW RI WKDW SODQ RYHU ORQJ SHULRGV of time. The order of the arrangement of the house is important WRPDLQWDLQFRQWLQXLW\RI SXUSRVHWRZKLFKHQGDIDPLO\·VKLVWRU\ 186 $+RO\1DWLRQ may be chronicled through the maintaining of a meticulous geneaORJLFDOUHFRUG7KHVHUHFRUGVVHUYHDVDNLQGRI VHOISURYLQJDIÀGDYLW certifying the claims of sons in any generation to the promises arising out of the covenants of their fathers. This order mirrors the same RQHLQWRZKLFK-HVXVDUULYHGLQWKHIXOOQHVVRI WLPHDVWKH6RQRI *RGWRÀQLVKWKHWDVNRI UHGHHPLQJWKH+RXVHRI *RGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI WKHPRVWDQFLHQWRI FRYHQDQWV )LQDOO\DQDWLRQVHUYHVWRUHYHDOWKHP\VWHU\RI *RG·VFKDUDFWHU )URPWKHEHJLQQLQJ*RGGHVLJQHG+LV+RXVHWRGLVSOD\WKHJORU\ of His order to the world. He arranged for the testing of the heavHQO\RUGHULQDQHQYLURQPHQWRI FRPSOHWHKXPDQGLYHUVLW\UHSOHWH ZLWKDOORI WKHFRQÁLFWVLQKHUHQWDPRQJKXPDQEHLQJV%HFDXVHRI WKHH[WUHPHFRPSOH[LW\RI WKHUHODWLRQVKLSEHWZHHQ*RGDQGPDQ QRVLQJOHPHWDSKRUVXIÀFLHQWO\FDQFDSWXUHDOOLWVIDFHWV &RQVHTXHQWO\*RGKDVHPSOR\HGDUDQJHRI UHODWLRQVKLSVGHsigned to highlight structural aspects of the complete relationship. These metaphors describe this relationship from its most intimate forms to its broadest corporate expressions—from a father and son to a holy nation. Each relational model carries the substance RI WKHSULPDU\UHODWLRQVKLSWKDWRI IDWKHUDQGVRQWKURXJKWRWKH EURDGHVWFRQWH[WRQHLQZKLFKDQHQWLUHQDWLRQSXWVRQGLVSOD\WKH nature of God the Father in relationship to Jesus Christ the Son. The cumulative result is a broad display of the relationship among WKHQDWLRQVRI WKHZRUOGEXWZLWKDGHSWKRI LQWHJULW\WKDWLVIRcused on the most basic functional relationship. God always intended that His House exist on the earth as a nation among the nations. The order of its government is meant WRJLYHKXPDQNLQGLQVLJKWVLQWRWKHQDWXUHRI *RG+LPVHOIVLQFH all governments inevitably put on display the nature of their sovereigns. Heaven is unwaveringly committed to the forming of this reality upon the earth. THE GLORY OF THE LAMB -RKQWKHDSRVWOHZDVDQROGPDQZKHQKHZDVH[LOHGWR3DWPRV an island off the coast of Ephesus in the Aegean Sea. This would 187 My Father! My Father! seem a cruel fate for one who had served God for most of his YHU\ORQJOLIH%XW*RGEURXJKWKLPWKHUHWRJLYHKLPWKHJUHDWHVW UHYHODWLRQRI -HVXVKHZRXOGKDYHDQGZLWKLWDQLQVLJKWLQWRKHDYHQ·V priority that would shape the course of history for all of the UHPDLQGHURI WKHDJHRI PDQ,WZDVIURPWKHUHWKDW-RKQWKHODVW RI WKHWZHOYHRULJLQDOGLVFLSOHVZDVLQYLWHGLQWRKHDYHQWRZLWQHVV the formal decrees that would create a holy nation on the earth. %\WKDWWLPHLWKDGEHHQDJHQHUDWLRQVLQFHWKHJRVSHOZDVÀUVW preached on the day of Pentecost. Peter and all of the witnesses present on that day were dead. Even Paul by now was dead. Only John was left. The order of Judaism had been dismantled with the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem. John himself had lived for PDQ\\HDUVLQ(SKHVXVDQGKHZDVQRZDYHU\ROGPDQ+HZDV WKH PRVW YLVLEOH WUDQVLWLRQDO OLQN EHWZHHQ WKH ÀUVW JHQHUDWLRQ RI the early church and the next generation. 2IWHQ*RGZLOOLQWURGXFHWKHQHZRUGHURI WKLQJVIURPKHDYHQLQ one generation and will advance its implementation in the succeedLQJ JHQHUDWLRQ )RU H[DPSOH +H GHOLYHUHG WKH DQFLHQW +HEUHZV from slavery in Egypt in one generation and brought them into the Promised Land in the next. Even a generation that sees the astounding works of God may become like an old wineskin as it relates to the further advancement of the things that were introGXFHGLQWKHLUGD\7KHÀUVWJHQHUDWLRQRI EHOLHYHUVJUDSSOHGZLWK WKHLQÁXHQFHRI -XGDLVPDQGDOVRZLWKWKHDGPLVVLRQRI *HQWLOHV LQWR WKH IDLWK 7KH JDLQV WKDW ZHUH PDGH LQ WKDW ÀUVW JHQHUDWLRQ FRXOGHDVLO\KDYHEHFRPHWKHQHZWUDGLWLRQVWKRXJKWKH\IHOOIDU short of the full intention of heaven. In order to prepare a generation to receive the complete revelaWLRQRI ZKDWKDGEHHQUHOHDVHGLQWRWKHHDUWK*RGZDLWHGXQWLOD new generation had arisen with a new mindset. He had also removed the obstacle of Judaism by permitting the destruction of the temple DQG WKH DVVRFLDWHG UHOLJLRXV FXOWXUH 7KURXJK -RKQ +H LQVWDOOHG the next great increment of the unfolding picture in a new generational wineskin. -HVXVDSSHDUHGWR-RKQRQWKHLVODQGRI 3DWPRVLQDYLVLRQLQ 188 $+RO\1DWLRQ which Jesus was holding seven stars in His right hand as He was walking among seven candlesticks. ,Q WKH HQFRXQWHU -HVXV UHvealed the twin mysteries of the seven stars and the seven candlesticks: the seven candlesticks were the believers in seven cities in the 5RPDQSURYLQFHRI $VLD0LQRUWRGD\WKHFRXQWU\RI 7XUNH\DQG the seven stars were seven messengers to the believers in seven cities. Each messenger was given a distinctive message for the group to which he was sent. The messages were urgent and timely but XQLTXH WR WKH H[LVWLQJ FLUFXPVWDQFHV DQG FKDUDFWHULVWLFV RI WKH particular city. The messages were about things that were to occur shortly as well as conditions among the believers that were in urgent need of address. $IWHU -HVXV KDG JLYHQ -RKQ WKH PHVVDJHV +H YDQLVKHG -RKQ QH[W VDZ DQ RSHQ GRRU LQWR KHDYHQ DQG D YRLFH LQYLWHG KLP WR enter the door into that realm to witness the opening of the seven seals on the scroll in the hand of the Almighty God.:KHQWKH /DPEZKRLV´WKH/LRQRI WKHWULEHRI -XGDKµZDVIRXQGZRUWK\ WRRSHQWKHVHDOV heaven erupted in a song of praise. This song KDGQHYHUEHHQVXQJEHIRUHQRWHYHQLQKHDYHQ <RXDUHZRUWK\WRWDNHWKHVFUROODQGWRRSHQLWVVHDOVEHFDXVH \RXZHUHVODLQDQGZLWK\RXUEORRG\RXSXUFKDVHGPHQIRU *RGIURPHYHU\WULEHDQGODQJXDJHDQGSHRSOHDQGQDWLRQ <RXKDYHPDGHWKHPWREHDNLQJGRPDQGSULHVWVWRVHUYHRXU *RGDQGWKH\ZLOOUHLJQRQWKHHDUWK Heaven honored Jesus the Lamb by declaring that He had accomplished God’s will on earth. Following John’s witness to these events LQWKHVSLULWXDOUHDOP&KULVW·VDFFRPSOLVKPHQWVZHUHUHOHDVHGRQ earth as they were declared and celebrated in heaven. The future imperative for earth was that heaven would bring IRUWKDKRO\QDWLRQGUDZQIURPHYHU\HWKQLFLW\JHQGHUDQGVRFLDO class. Those comprised within the nation would speak different ODQJXDJHV DQG FRPH IURP DOO GLIIHUHQW FXOWXUDO EDFNJURXQGV \HW they would be united under the sovereignty of Christ as a nation 189 My Father! My Father! of royal priests. As Abraham’s nation’s purpose was to bring Jesus WKHPDQLQWRWKHZRUOGVRWKLVKRO\QDWLRQRI UR\DOSULHVWVZRXOG display all of the characteristics found in the Christ. Each member ZRXOGSUHVHQWWKDWXQLTXHDVSHFWRI &KULVWKHZDVFUHDWHGWRGLVSOD\ But the complete revealing of Christ would be through the corpo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ÀUVW JHQHUDWLRQ RI WKH HDUO\ FKXUFK GLG QRW SRVVHVV WKH necessary culture to receive the fullness of the revelation of a holy nation comprising people from such diverse origins. By the second JHQHUDWLRQKRZHYHULWZDVQRUPDOWRWKLQNWKDWEHOLHYHUVIURPDOO over the known world made up the Body of Christ. This change was necessary in order to accommodate the full accomplishment RI &KULVWRQWKHHDUWKFRQVLVWHQWZLWKWKHGHFODUDWLRQVWKDW-RKQ ZDVFDOOHGWRZLWQHVVLQKHDYHQ7KLVZRXOGEHWKHXOWLPDWHIXOÀOOment of the precreation covenant. THE RELEVANCE OF A HOLY NATION God sent Jesus into the world to reveal His love for all human beings. He is certain that when humankind understands the true QDWXUHRI +LVORYHDOOWKRVHZKR\HDUQWREHUHFRQFLOHGWR+LPZLOO come home to Him. 190 $+RO\1DWLRQ )URPWKHWLPHRI $GDP·VVHSDUDWLRQIURP*RGWKHFXOWXUHRI humankind has continued to degenerate to its present state. All of WKHIRUPVRI RUGHUWKDW*RGGHVLJQHGIRUPDQ·VEHQHÀWKDYHEHHQ polluted beyond recognition by the continuing effects of the fall. The order of husband and wife has been repositioned from exact UHSUHVHQWDWLRQDQGUXOHIRUWKHEHQHÀWRI WKHRQHXQGHUDXWKRULW\WRPLVWUXVWRI *RG·VRUGHURI DXWKRULW\DQGHYHQFRPSHWLWLRQ between husband and wife. Individual obsession with provision and protection has eviscerated the father and son relationship and has sundered the trans-generational heritage of families. The loss of these relational patterns has resulted in a destruction of these IRXQGDWLRQVIRUWKHGHÀQLQJRI SXUSRVHDQGIRUWUDQVJHQHUDWLRQDO continuity. The only remaining reliable basis upon which people PD\ GHSHQG DUH WKH OHJDO SURWHFWLRQV DIIRUGHG WKHP E\ WKH ODZ SURFHGXUHV DQG LQVWLWXWLRQV RI WKH QDWLRQ LQ ZKLFK WKH\ KROG citizenship. Even an orphan is a citizen of a nation. The last hope of man for the assurance of provision and protection is in the laws and DGPLQLVWUDWLRQRI DQDWLRQ7KLVDUUDQJHPHQWKRZHYHULVVXEMHFW to the control of the strong and the powerful and is increasingly FRPLQJXQGHUWKHLQÁXHQFHRI WKHVNLOOIXODQGXQVFUXSXORXV The earth is in desperate need of a model of order and peace in which the problems of humankind are subject to permanent resolution. The solution lies in a nation of people “from every tribe and language and people and nation” that reveals the mystery of God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son by demonstrating the goodness of God. The order of a holy nation has the power to redeem men to God from the furthest depths of their brokenness and fallen estate. This is the promise of a holy nation. LET THEM BE ONE IN US )DWKHUWKHKRXUKDVFRPH*ORULI\\RXU6RQWKDW\RXU6RQ PD\JORULI\\RX)RU\RXJUDQWHGKLPDXWKRULW\RYHUDOOSHRSOH WKDWKHPLJKWJLYHHWHUQDOOLIHWRDOOWKRVH\RXKDYHJLYHQKLP 191 My Father! My Father! 1RZWKLVLVHWHUQDOOLIHWKDWWKH\NQRZ\RXWKHRQO\WUXH *RGDQG-HVXV&KULVWZKRP\RXKDYHVHQW«>W@KDWDOORI WKHPPD\EHRQH)DWKHUMXVWDV\RXDUHLQPHDQG,DPLQ \RX0D\WKH\DOVREHLQXVVRWKDWWKHZRUOGPD\EHOLHYHWKDW \RXKDYHVHQWPH,KDYHJLYHQWKHPWKHJORU\WKDW\RXJDYH PHWKDWWKH\PD\EHRQHDVZHDUHRQH³,LQWKHPDQG\RX LQPH³VRWKDWWKH\PD\EHEURXJKWWRFRPSOHWHXQLW\7KHQ WKHZRUOGZLOONQRZWKDW\RXVHQWPHDQGKDYHORYHGWKHP HYHQDV\RXKDYHORYHGPHµ Jesus prayed to the Father that the believers would all be one in WKHPRGHORI +LVUHODWLRQVKLSWRWKH)DWKHUDVSUHYLRXVO\VHWIRUWK -HVXV·YLHZLQPDNLQJWKLVUHTXHVWZDVWKDWWKHSHRSOHRI WKHZRUOG would see that the Father loves them in the same way that He loved Jesus. This ultimate expression of the many as one encapsulates the gospel of the love of the Father. -HVXV DVNHG IRU D FRQÀJXUDWLRQ RI RQHQHVV PRGHOLQJ WKH UHODWLRQVKLSEHWZHHQWKH)DWKHUDQGWKH6RQLQDFRUSRUDWHIRUP that is visible to the world. Christ intends to present His relationship to WKH)DWKHUWKURXJKWKLVFRUSRUDWHIRUPWRWKHZRUOGZKLFKNQRZV QHLWKHUWKH)DWKHUQRUWKH6RQ+LVLQWHQWLVWKDWWKURXJKWKLVSDUWLFXODU SUHVHQWDWLRQ WKH ZRUOG ZLOO EHFRPH DFTXDLQWHG ZLWK WKH nature of the Father’s love—not only for Jesus and the corporate ERG\RI EHOLHYHUVEXWIRUWKHZRUOG7KHPRVWFRPSOHWHH[SUHVVLRQ of the gospel of the Father and the Son is reserved for this form. The world cannot see the spiritual Body of Christ; spiritual things are spiritually discerned. Their vision of the spiritual Body of Christ must be presented in a familiar form in order for them WRUHFRJQL]HLWDQGWRXQGHUVWDQGWKHPHVVDJHWKDWLWLVFRQÀJXUHG to convey to them. 6LQFHHYHU\KXPDQEHLQJEHORQJVWRDQDWLRQ*RGGHVLJQHGDQ expression of the Body of Christ to function as a nation among WKHQDWLRQVRI KXPDQNLQG$VVXFKWKHJRYHUQDQFHRI WKLVQDWLRQ PXVWEHFOHDUDQGGLVWLQFWVRWKDWLWLVREVHUYDEOHWRWKHZRUOGDQG WKHTXDOLW\RI OLIHWKDWUHVXOWVIURPWKLVIRUPRI JRYHUQDQFHEHDUV 192 $+RO\1DWLRQ D GLUHFW UHODWLRQVKLS WR WKH RUGHU RI WKLV QDWLRQ *RG WKHUHIRUH GHVLJQHGDKRO\QDWLRQWRUHFHLYHSHRSOHIURPHYHU\WULEHODQJXDJH SHRSOHDQGQDWLRQWREHDUUDQJHGXQGHUWKHDXWKRULW\RI &KULVWDV “a royal priesthood [and] a holy nation.” John was invited into heaven to witness the formality of heaven’s declaration of its commitment to present the glory of the Lamb within this form upon the earth. This holy nation is designed to show how people from all of the divisions within the human community may be reformatted LQWR VSLULWXDO IDPLOLHV KRXVHKROGV FODQV WULEHV DQG XOWLPDWHO\ D nation capable of receiving any person in any condition and developing them to the place of a mature son of God. Humans with the most shattered lives could be rescued and restored to such completeness that they are available to put on display the very nature of God in the form they were created to exhibit. This restorative process is rooted in a relationship to a human father who replicates the role of God the Father in a person’s life. The spiritual father is central to the order that rescues a person and restores his destiny. A person saved in this way is placed within the context of a holy nation that empowers and enables him to put on display all that God designed him to be. The display of the love of God within this context is both prisWLQHDQGUHOLDEOHVLQFHDOOUHODWLRQVKLSVDUHRUGDLQHGE\*RGDQG acknowledged by the participants. These voluntary relationships connect people into a corporate form that does not rely on natural KXPDQ DVVRFLDWLRQV VXFK DV UDFH HWKQLFLW\ DQG VRFLRHFRQRPLF FRPSDWLELOLWLHV IRU LWV VWUHQJWK DQG SRZHU :LWKLQ WKLV QDWLRQ LW would not be unusual for the father and son relationship to defy WKHSUHYDLOLQJVRFLDORUGHU,WZRXOGEHFRPPRQSODFHIRUH[DPSOH IRUDQ$UDEWREHWKHIDWKHURI D-HZLVKSHUVRQDQGD-HZLVKSHUson to be the father of a Persian. It would not be unusual for an ,QGLDQWREHWKHIDWKHURI DQ$IULNDQHUDQGD:KLWHSHUVRQWREH WKHIDWKHURI D%ODFNSHUVRQRUYLFHYHUVD6SLULWXDOIDPLOLHVFRPSULVH diversities that would be unimaginable in conventional society. )DWKHUV HQDEOH VRQV WR IXOÀOO WKHLU GHVWLQLHV E\ SUHSDULQJ WKH 193 My Father! My Father! way for them and by giving inheritances of every kind to enable their progression toward mature representation of God. This holy QDWLRQLVIUHHRI ERWK[HQRSKRELDDQGWKHVSLULWRI JHQRFLGHERWK of which are scourges that put on display the basest nature of human beings. Husbands love wives as they love themselves in the model of Christ and the Church; and wives replace competition ZLWKKXVEDQGVZLWKH[DFWUHSUHVHQWDWLRQZKLFKSUHVHQWVDSLFWXUH of oneness that starkly contrasts with the present order of domestic UHODWLRQV$OOWKRVHLQDXWKRULW\UXOHIRUWKHEHQHÀWRI WKRVHXQGHU WKHLUDXWKRULW\VKRZLQJWKHSLFWXUHRI *RG·VUXOHDQGWKRVHXQGHU DXWKRULW\UHFRJQL]HWKHEHQHÀWWRWKHPRI REH\LQJWKDWDXWKRULW\ VRWKDWWKH\PLJKWHQMR\DQHQYLURQPHQWRI SHDFHZKLOHWKH\JURZ to their own complete maturity. A nation that puts on display the love of the father for his son in its forms of order and government will stand in absolute contrast to all other nations. A CITY UPON A HILL 1RZLWVKDOOFRPHWRSDVVLQWKHODWWHUGD\V 7KDWWKHPRXQWDLQRI WKH/25'·VKRXVH 6KDOOEHHVWDEOLVKHGRQWKHWRSRI WKHPRXQWDLQV $QGVKDOOEHH[DOWHGDERYHWKHKLOOV $QGSHRSOHVVKDOOÁRZWRLW 0DQ\QDWLRQVVKDOOFRPHDQGVD\ ´&RPHDQGOHWXVJRXSWRWKHPRXQWDLQRI WKH/25' 7RWKHKRXVHRI WKH*RGRI -DFRE +HZLOOWHDFKXV+LVZD\V $QGZHVKDOOZDONLQ+LVSDWKVµ )RURXWRI =LRQWKHODZVKDOOJRIRUWK $QGWKHZRUGRI WKH/25'IURP-HUXVDOHP +HVKDOOMXGJHEHWZHHQPDQ\SHRSOHV $QGUHEXNHVWURQJQDWLRQVDIDURII 7KH\VKDOOEHDWWKHLUVZRUGVLQWRSORZVKDUHV $QGWKHLUVSHDUVLQWRSUXQLQJKRRNV 194 $+RO\1DWLRQ 1DWLRQVKDOOQRWOLIWXSVZRUGDJDLQVWQDWLRQ 1HLWKHUVKDOOWKH\OHDUQZDUDQ\PRUH %XWHYHU\RQHVKDOOVLWXQGHUKLVYLQHDQGXQGHUKLVÀJWUHH $QGQRRQHVKDOOPDNHWKHPDIUDLG )RUWKHPRXWKRI WKH/25'RI KRVWVKDVVSRNHQ )RUDOOSHRSOHZDONHDFKLQWKHQDPHRI KLVJRG %XWZHZLOOZDONLQWKHQDPHRI WKH/25'RXU*RG )RUHYHUDQGHYHU ´,QWKDWGD\µVD\VWKH/25' ´,ZLOODVVHPEOHWKHODPH ,ZLOOJDWKHUWKHRXWFDVW $QGWKRVHZKRP,KDYHDIÁLFWHG ,ZLOOPDNHWKHODPHDUHPQDQW $QGWKHRXWFDVWDVWURQJQDWLRQ 6RWKH/25'ZLOOUHLJQRYHUWKHPLQ0RXQW=LRQ )URPQRZRQHYHQIRUHYHU $OWKRXJKWKHSRSXODUHPSKDVLVRI WKHJRVSHOKDVORQJUHÁHFWHG DIRFXVRI HVFDSLQJWKHSUHVHQWHYLODJHE\JRLQJWRKHDYHQ-HVXV spoke of a gospel that put on display the nature of the Father. Jesus referred to this prophecy and instructed His disciples that they were “the light of the world” and “[a] city that is set on an hill [that] cannot be hid.” God always intended to culminate the age of man with this expression of the gospel in the world. Jesus Himself came to show us the Father and prayed that all those who would believe in Him would live corporately in the model of how He and the Father lived. The prophecies regarding the order of the Church at the end of the age never speak of an urgent escape in WKHIDFHRI JURZLQJRSSRVLWLRQ,QVWHDGWKH\SUHVHQWDSLFWXUHRI DSHRSOHZKRVHOLYHVDUHFKDUDFWHUL]HGE\ULJKWHRXVQHVVSHDFHDQG MR\LQDQDJHRI GHSUDYLW\ODZOHVVQHVVDQGFKDRV The House of God stands as a holy nation before the nations RI WKHZRUOGZKLOHWKHF\FOHVRI ZDUYLROHQFHDQGLQMXVWLFHGHFLPDWH the hope of humankind and keep the peoples of the earth deeply GLYLGHG:LWKLQWKH+RXVHRI *RGWKHQDWLRQVZLOOKDYHFRPHWR 195 My Father! My Father! such harmony and peace that they will have “beat[en] their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.” The economy of the House of God will not in any way be GHGLFDWHGWRWKHHQWHUSULVHVRI ZDUDQGFRQÁLFW:KLOHDPRQJWKH nations of the world there will be the continuing cycle of “wars DQGUXPRUVRI ZDUVµLQWKH+RXVHRI *RGWKRVHVDPHQDWLRQV that are at war with each other in the world will live together as fathers and sons. :KHUHDV FXUUHQW UHOLJLRXV WKRXJKW ZLVWIXOO\ KRSHV IRU SHDFH DQGPDNHVSURQRXQFHPHQWVWRWKDWHQGWKHUHUHPDLQVQRPRGHO for the instruction of the nations in how to transition to that result. 3HDFHUHPDLQVHOXVLYHDQGORRPLQJFRQÁLFWVDOOEXWFDXVHWKHKHDUWV of men to despair. Because religion fails to see the model of a holy QDWLRQDOWKRXJKLWKDVEHHQUHSHDWHGO\SUHVHQWHGLQWKH6FULSWXUHV DVWKHXOWLPDWHRIIHULQJRI *RGWRPDQIRUHVHHLQJWKHFRPSOHWH H[SUHVVLRQRI WKHORYHRI *RGUHOLJLRXVGLYLVLRQFRQWLQXHVWREHD major contributing factor to human hopelessness. The prophecies regarding the elevation of the status of the House of God to that of a city on a hill envision that when the FRUSRUDWH&KULVWLVVROLIWHGXSWKHQDWLRQVZLOOEHGUDZQWR+LP IRU DQVZHUV :KHUHDV WKH UHOLJLRXV &KXUFK KDV KLVWRULFDOO\ SRVLWLRQHGLWVHOI WRFRRSWWKHFXOWXUHRI QDWLRQVDQGWRLQÀOWUDWHLWV politics as a way of creating a favorable climate for the receiving of LWVPHVVDJHWKHVWUDWHJ\RI *RGSUHVHQWHGWKURXJKDKRO\QDWLRQ LVWKDWRI DGLVWLQFWDOWHUQDWLYHVHSDUDWHDQGDSDUWLQLWVLGHQWLW\DQG governance. It is this clear alternative that God intends to use in the last days to present the message of the Father and the Son as the complete expression of the love of God. The House of God is this holy nation that God envisioned when He brought Adam into the world. The rule of righteousness is the order of the House of God. God originally gave Adam dominion over the earth to introduce this way of heaven within the natural creation. Jesus came to recapture this mandate and to give it complete expression as the template upon which His corporate Body would function. God intended that the corporate Body of 196 $+RO\1DWLRQ &KULVWIXQFWLRQLQJJOREDOO\DVDKRO\QDWLRQDPRQJWKHQDWLRQVRI KXPDQNLQGZRXOGH[SUHVVWKLVPHVVDJHFRPSOHWHO\*RGVZRUHWR Himself before the worlds were formed to bring the age of man to a conclusion by displaying Himself in the earth in the glory of this form. 7KHVHYHQWKDQJHOVRXQGHGKLVWUXPSHWDQGWKHUHZHUHORXG YRLFHVLQKHDYHQZKLFKVDLG´7KHNLQJGRPRI WKHZRUOGKDV EHFRPHWKHNLQJGRPRI RXU/RUGDQGRI KLV0HVVLDKDQGKH ZLOOUHLJQIRUHYHUDQGHYHUµ$QGWKHWZHQW\IRXUHOGHUVZKR ZHUHVHDWHGRQWKHLUWKURQHVEHIRUH*RGIHOORQWKHLUIDFHVDQG ZRUVKLSHG*RGVD\LQJ´:HJLYHWKDQNVWR\RX/RUG*RG $OPLJKW\WKH2QHZKRLVDQGZKRZDVEHFDXVH\RXKDYH WDNHQ\RXUJUHDWSRZHUDQGKDYHEHJXQWRUHLJQ %XWWKHFRXUWZLOOVLWDQGKLVSRZHUZLOOEHWDNHQDZD\DQG FRPSOHWHO\GHVWUR\HGIRUHYHU7KHQWKHVRYHUHLJQW\SRZHUDQG JUHDWQHVVRI DOOWKHNLQJGRPVXQGHUKHDYHQZLOOEHKDQGHG RYHUWRWKHKRO\SHRSOHRI WKH0RVW+LJK+LVNLQJGRPZLOO EHDQHYHUODVWLQJNLQJGRPDQGDOOUXOHUVZLOOZRUVKLSDQG REH\KLP 7KLVLVWKHHQGRI WKHPDWWHU« 197 My Father! My Father! 198 E 1. -RKQ 2. 6HH5HYHODWLRQ1.-9 nd Notes 0DWWKHZ /XNH 6HH -RKQ 1.-9 ´,Q WKH EHJLQQLQJ ZDV WKH :RUGDQGWKH:RUGZDVZLWK*RGDQGWKH:RUGZDV*RGµ (SKHVLDQV .DLVD 5DDWLNDLQHQ 1RQQD +HLVNDQHQ 6HSSR +HLQRQHQ ´0DUULDJH 6WLOO Protects Pregnancy.” BJOG: an International Journal of Obstetrics and *\QHFRORJ\9ROSS2FW 6. .DWKOHHQ .LHUQDQ ´&KLOGEHDULQJ 2XWVLGH 0DUULDJH LQ :HVWHUQ (XURSHµ 3RSXODWLRQ7UHQGV9ROSS:LQWHUVHH.DLVD5DDWLNDLQHQ 1RQQD+HLVNDQHQ6HSSR+HLQRQHQ´0DUULDJH6WLOO3URWHFWV3UHJQDQF\µ %-2*DQ,QWHUQDWLRQDO-RXUQDORI 2EVWHWULFVDQG*\QHFRORJ\9RO SS2FW%LUWKVWDWLVWLFV%LUWKVDQGSDWWHUQVRI IDPLO\EXLOGLQJ(QJODQGDQG:DOHV2IÀFHIRU1DWLRQDO6WDWLVWLFV)01R² 'HF &HQWHUIRU'LVHDVH&RQWURODQG3UHYHQWLRQ´&RKDELWDWLRQ0DUULDJH'LYRUFH DQG 5HPDUULDJH LQ WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHVµ 6HULHV 5HSRUW 1XPEHU SS3+6-XO\KWWSZZZFGFJRYQFKVGDWD VHULHVVUBVUBSGI DFFHVVHG0DU6HH&HQWHUIRU'LVHDVH Control and Prevention. “Marriage and Cohabitation in the United States: $6WDWLVWLFDO3RUWUDLW%DVHGRQ&\FOHRI WKH1DWLRQDO6XUYH\RI )DPLO\ *URZWKµ 6HULHV 1XPEHU S )HE VKRZLQJ GHFUHDVHG SUREDELOLW\IRUVXUYLYDORI ÀUVWPDUULDJHDPRQJZKLWHZRPHQLQFRPSDULVRQ WRUHSRUW$YDLODEOHDWKWWSZZZFGFJRYQFKVGDWDVHULHVVUB VUBSGI DFFHVVHG0DU 199 My Father! My Father! 81´5DSHDQGDEXVHRI ZRPHQLQWKHDUHDVRI DUPHGFRQÁLFWLQWKH IRUPHU <XJRVODYLDµ *HQHUDO $VVHPEO\ $5(6 'HF $YDLODEOH DW KWWSZZZXQRUJGRFXPHQWVJDUHVDUKWP DFFHVVHG6HSW5&KDUOL &DUSHQWHU´%RUQRI ZDUSURWHFWLQJ FKLOGUHQRI VH[XDOYLROHQFHVXUYLYRUVLQFRQÁLFW]RQHVµ.XPDULDQ3UHVV ,QF$YDLODEOHDWKWWSERRNVJRRJOHFRPERRNV"LG 3[7(Y+65B Y8&OSJ 3$RWV +W3SN39&Q$GT IRUPHU\XJRVODYLDYLFWLPL]DWLRQFKLOGUHQSJ 3$Y RQHSDJHTI IDOVH DFFHVVHG1RY 0DWWKHZ.-9 10. Ibid. 11. *HQHVLV´7KHQ*RGVDLG¶/HWXVPDNHPDQLQRXULPDJHLQRXU OLNHQHVVDQGOHWWKHPUXOHRYHUWKHÀVKRI WKHVHDDQGWKHELUGVRI WKHDLU RYHUWKHOLYHVWRFNRYHUDOOWKHHDUWKDQGRYHUDOOWKHFUHDWXUHVWKDWPRYH DORQJWKHJURXQG·6R*RGFUHDWHGPDQLQKLVRZQLPDJHLQWKHLPDJHRI God he created him; male and female he created them.” 12. /XNH´1RZ-HVXVKLPVHOI ZDVDERXWWKLUW\\HDUVROGZKHQKHEHJDQKLVPLQLVWU\+HZDVWKHVRQVRLWZDVWKRXJKWRI -RVHSKWKHVRQRI +HOL«WKHVRQRI (QRVKWKHVRQRI 6HWKWKHVRQRI $GDPWKHVRQRI God.” *HQHVLV´7KHQ*RGVDLG¶/HWWKHODQGSURGXFHYHJHWDWLRQVHHGEHDULQJSODQWVDQGWUHHVRQWKHODQGWKDWEHDUIUXLWZLWKVHHGLQLWDFFRUGLQJWR their various kinds.’ And it was so.” *HQHVLV´$QG*RGVDLG¶/HWWKHODQGSURGXFHOLYLQJFUHDWXUHVDFFRUGLQJWRWKHLUNLQGVOLYHVWRFNFUHDWXUHVWKDWPRYHDORQJWKHJURXQGDQGZLOG DQLPDOVHDFKDFFRUGLQJWRLWVNLQG·$QGLWZDVVRµ *HQHVLV´7KHQ*RGVDLG¶,JLYH\RXHYHU\VHHGEHDULQJSODQWRQ the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.’ And it was so.” 16. *HQHVLVVHHQRWH *HQHVLV +HEUHZV +HEUHZV ´(QGXUH KDUGVKLS DV GLVFLSOLQH *RG LV treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? If you are QRWGLVFLSOLQHGDQGHYHU\RQHXQGHUJRHVGLVFLSOLQHWKHQ\RXDUHLOOHJLWLPDWHFKLOGUHQDQGQRWWUXHVRQV0RUHRYHUZHKDYHDOOKDGKXPDQIDWKHUV who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live! Our fathers disciplined us IRUDOLWWOHZKLOHDVWKH\WKRXJKWEHVWEXW*RGGLVFLSOLQHVXVIRURXUJRRG 200 (QG1RWHV WKDWZHPD\VKDUHLQKLVKROLQHVV1RGLVFLSOLQHVHHPVSOHDVDQWDWWKHWLPH EXWSDLQIXO/DWHURQKRZHYHULWSURGXFHVDKDUYHVWRI ULJKWHRXVQHVVDQG peace for those who have been trained by it.” It is no distinction of man’s that his body was formed out of the earth. *HQHVLV´$QG*RGVDLG¶/HWWKHZDWHUXQGHUWKHVN\EHJDWKHUHGWR RQHSODFHDQGOHWGU\JURXQGDSSHDU·$QGLWZDVVRµ*HQHVLV´7KHQ *RGVDLG¶/HWWKHODQGSURGXFHYHJHWDWLRQVHHGEHDULQJSODQWVDQGWUHHV RQWKHODQGWKDWEHDUIUXLWZLWKVHHGLQLWDFFRUGLQJWRWKHLUYDULRXVNLQGV· And it was so.” 20. +HEUHZV´-XVWDV PDQ LVGHVWLQHGWR GLHRQFH DQG DIWHUWKDWWR IDFHMXGJPHQWVR&KULVWZDVVDFULÀFHGRQFHWRWDNHDZD\WKHVLQVRI PDQ\ SHRSOHDQGKHZLOODSSHDUDVHFRQGWLPHQRWWREHDUVLQEXWWREULQJVDOYDtion to those who are waiting for him.” 21. &RULQWKLDQV´6RZLOOLWEHZLWKWKHUHVXUUHFWLRQRI WKHGHDG 7KHERG\WKDWLVVRZQLVSHULVKDEOHLWLVUDLVHGLPSHULVKDEOHLWLVVRZQLQ GLVKRQRULWLVUDLVHGLQJORU\LWLVVRZQLQZHDNQHVVLWLVUDLVHGLQSRZHULW LVVRZQDQDWXUDOERG\LWLVUDLVHGDVSLULWXDOERG\,I WKHUHLVDQDWXUDOERG\ there is also a spiritual body.” 22. *DODWLDQV´<RXDUHDOOVRQVRI *RGWKURXJKIDLWKLQ&KULVW-HVXV for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with &KULVW7KHUHLVQHLWKHU-HZQRU*UHHNVODYHQRUIUHHPDOHQRUIHPDOHIRU \RXDUHDOORQHLQ&KULVW-HVXV,I \RXEHORQJWR&KULVWWKHQ\RXDUH$EUDKDP·VVHHGDQGKHLUVDFFRUGLQJWRWKHSURPLVHµ It was the Spirit of God itself that is said to have made man a “living EHLQJµ*HQHVLV´WKH/25'*RGIRUPHGWKHPDQIURPWKHGXVWRI WKHJURXQGDQGEUHDWKHGLQWRKLVQRVWULOVWKHEUHDWKRI OLIHDQGWKHPDQ became a living being.” +HEUHZV´)RUWRZKLFKRI WKHDQJHOVGLG*RGHYHUVD\¶<RXDUHP\ 6RQWRGD\,KDYHEHFRPH\RXU)DWKHU·"2UDJDLQ¶,ZLOOEHKLV)DWKHUDQG he will be my Son’?” 5RPDQV.-9´7KH6SLULWLWVHOI EHDUHWKZLWQHVVZLWKRXUVSLULWWKDW ZHDUHWKHFKLOGUHQRI *RG$QGLI FKLOGUHQWKHQKHLUVKHLUVRI *RGDQG MRLQWKHLUVZLWK&KULVWLI VREHWKDWZHVXIIHUZLWKKLPWKDWZHPD\EHDOVR JORULÀHGWRJHWKHUµ 26. *HQHVLV 7HUXJQDDU)ULHGULFK:HLQUHE7UDQVODWLRQV$GDPDQG$GDPDK$YDLODEOH at DFFHVVHG-XQH /LQJXLVWLFDOO\WKHZRUG$GDP´PDQµLVRIWHQUHODWHGWRWKHZRUG´HDUWKµ YL]DGDPDK,WLVVDLGDVOLQJXLVWVRIWHQFRQFOXGHVXSHUÀFLDOO\WKDW$GDP 201 My Father! My Father! was so called because he had been taken from the earth. Yet this is essenWLDOO\FRPSOHWHO\ZURQJDOVROLQJXLVWLFDOO\,QGHHGWKHZRUG´PDQµ$GDP FRPHVIURPWKHZRUG´,UHVHPEOHµVRUHVHPEODQFH7KLVPHDQVWRVD\WKDW man was made in the likeness of God. The word “likeness” has the same stem as “man”; so the essential of man is not that he was taken from the HDUWKEXWWKDWKHUHVHPEOHV*RGOLNH*RGVDLGDW&UHDWLRQWKDW+HZRXOG FUHDWH PDQ WR KLV LPDJH DQG OLNHQHVV $FFRUGLQJO\ WKH ZRUG ´DGDPDKµ HDUWKFRPHVIURP´PDQµ,WLVWKHIHPLQLQHIRUPRI ´PDQµDQGWKHZRPDQ LVDOZD\V\RXQJHUWKDQWKHPDQFRPHVDIWHUWKHPDQDQGWKURXJKPDQWKH HDUWKLVLQGHHGGHLÀHGEURXJKWWR*RG,WLVQRWVRWKDWWKHHDUWKIRUPV PDQEXWPDQPXVWIRUPWKHHDUWK ,WLVW\SLFDOWRVHHWKDWWKLVOLQJXLVWLFHUURULVPDGHLQWLPHVRI PDWHULDOLVP ZKHQWKHIHPLQLQHVLGHRI PDQWKLVHDUWKO\OLIHLVHPSKDVL]HG%XWLQWLPHV ZKHQLWLVNQRZQWKDWPDQLVDOVRGLYLQHWKDWLQGHHGWKHGLYLQHLQPDQLV WKHGHWHUPLQLQJIDFWRULWQHYHURFFXUUHGWRSHRSOHWRVD\WKDW$GDPFRPHV IURPDGDPDKEHFDXVHLWZDVYHU\ZHOONQRZQWKDWWKHIHPLQLQHZDVGHULYHG IURPWKHPDOHDQGWKDWWKHPDQGRHVQRWKDYHWRFRQIRUPWRWKHZRPDQ *HQHVLV Genesis 1:26. *HQHVLV An example of which was the appearance of the star as a sign visible in WKHKHDYHVWRPHQRQHDUWKDQQRXQFLQJWKHELUWKRI WKHVRQZKRZRXOG redeem humankind to the purposes of God. *HQHVLV´*RGEOHVVHGWKHPDQGVDLGWRWKHP¶%HIUXLWIXODQGLQFUHDVH LQQXPEHUÀOOWKHHDUWKDQGVXEGXHLW5XOHRYHUWKHÀVKRI WKHVHDDQGWKH birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.’” 3HWHU1.-9´E\ZKLFKKDYHEHHQJLYHQWRXVH[FHHGLQJO\JUHDWDQG SUHFLRXVSURPLVHVWKDWWKURXJKWKHVH\RXPD\EHSDUWDNHUVRI WKHGLYLQH QDWXUHKDYLQJHVFDSHGWKHFRUUXSWLRQWKDWLVLQWKHZRUOGWKURXJKOXVWµ +HEUHZV ´$UH QRW DOO DQJHOV PLQLVWHULQJ VSLULWV VHQW WR VHUYH WKRVH who will inherit salvation?” (SKHVLDQV -RKQ0LOWRQK\PQ´2QWKH0RUQLQJRI &KULVW·V1DWLYLW\&KULVWPDVµ *HQHVLVVHHQRWH Matthew 6:10. /XNH.-9´*ORU\WR*RGLQWKHKLJKHVWDQGRQHDUWKSHDFHJRRG ZLOOWRZDUGPHQµ1,9´*ORU\WR*RGLQWKHKLJKHVWDQGRQHDUWKSHDFH to men on whom his favor rests.” 202 (QG1RWHV ,VDLDK´)RUWRXVDFKLOGLVERUQWRXVDVRQLVJLYHQDQGWKHJRYHUQPHQWZLOOEHRQKLVVKRXOGHUV$QGKHZLOOEHFDOOHG:RQGHUIXO&RXQVHORU 0LJKW\*RG(YHUODVWLQJ)DWKHU3ULQFHRI 3HDFHµ 5RPDQV *HQHVLV 6HH(FFOHVLDVWHV 6HH-RKQ 6HH(SKHVLDQV &RULQWKLDQV.-9 5RPDQV *HQHVLV *HQHVLV -RKQ 5HYHODWLRQ Hebrews 2:10. +HEUHZV ´)RU WR ZKLFK RI WKH DQJHOV GLG *RG HYHU VD\ ¶<RX DUH P\6RQWRGD\,KDYHEHFRPH\RXU)DWKHU·"2UDJDLQ¶,ZLOOEHKLV)DWKHU DQGKHZLOOEHP\6RQ·"$QGDJDLQZKHQ*RGEULQJVKLVÀUVWERUQLQWRWKH ZRUOGKHVD\V¶/HWDOO*RG·VDQJHOVZRUVKLSKLP·µ +HEUHZV ´$UH QRW DOO DQJHOV PLQLVWHULQJ VSLULWV VHQW WR VHUYH WKRVH who will inherit salvation?” 6HHHJ,VDLDK´,QWKH\HDUWKDW.LQJ8]]LDKGLHG,VDZWKH/RUG VHDWHGRQDWKURQHKLJKDQGH[DOWHGDQGWKHWUDLQRI KLVUREHÀOOHGWKH WHPSOH$ERYHKLPZHUHVHUDSKVHDFKZLWKVL[ZLQJV:LWKWZRZLQJVWKH\ FRYHUHGWKHLUIDFHVZLWKWZRWKH\FRYHUHGWKHLUIHHWDQGZLWKWZRWKH\ZHUH Á\LQJ$QGWKH\ZHUHFDOOLQJWRRQHDQRWKHU¶+RO\KRO\KRO\LVWKH/25' Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.’” &RORVVLDQV +HEUHZV &RULQWKLDQV 5RPDQV´)RUWKHZDJHVRI VLQLVGHDWKEXWWKHJLIWRI *RGLVHWHUQDO life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” -RKQ.-9´,DPFRPHWKDWWKH\PLJKWKDYHOLIHDQGWKDWWKH\PLJKW have it more abundantly.” 60. 7KHVVDORQLDQV´0D\*RGKLPVHOIWKH*RGRI SHDFHVDQFWLI\\RX WKURXJKDQGWKURXJK0D\\RXUZKROHVSLULWVRXODQGERG\EHNHSWEODPH- 203 My Father! My Father! less at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 61. *HQHVLV´)RU*RGNQRZVWKDWZKHQ\RXHDWIURPLW\RXUH\HVZLOOEH RSHQHGDQG\RXZLOOEHOLNH*RGNQRZLQJJRRGDQGHYLOµ 62. 5RPDQV1,9´)RUWKHFUHDWLRQZDVVXEMHFWHGWRIUXVWUDWLRQQRWE\LWVRZQFKRLFHEXWE\WKHZLOORI WKHRQHZKRVXEMHFWHGLWLQ hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.” 6HH5RPDQV 6HH5RPDQV *HQHVLV 66. 6HH*HQHVLV &RULQWKLDQV´1RZZHNQRZWKDWLI WKHHDUWKO\WHQWZHOLYHLQLV GHVWUR\HGZHKDYHDEXLOGLQJIURP*RGDQHWHUQDOKRXVHLQKHDYHQQRW EXLOW E\ KXPDQ KDQGV 0HDQZKLOH ZH JURDQ ORQJLQJ WR EH FORWKHG ZLWK RXUKHDYHQO\GZHOOLQJEHFDXVHZKHQZHDUHFORWKHGZHZLOOQRWEHIRXQG QDNHG)RUZKLOHZHDUHLQWKLVWHQWZHJURDQDQGDUHEXUGHQHGEHFDXVHZH GRQRWZLVKWREHXQFORWKHGEXWWREHFORWKHGZLWKRXUKHDYHQO\GZHOOLQJ so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life.” &RULQWKLDQV ´WKDW *RG ZDV UHFRQFLOLQJ WKH ZRUOG WR KLPVHOI LQ &KULVWQRWFRXQWLQJPHQ·VVLQVDJDLQVWWKHP$QGKHKDVFRPPLWWHGWRXV the message of reconciliation.” Genesis 1:26. *HQHVLV.-91,9´OLYLQJEHLQJµ 5RPDQV Philippians 2:12. 0DUN0DUN.-9 5HYHODWLRQ.-9 -RKQ1,9 &RULQWKLDQV -DPHV.-9$OVR-RKQ.-9´'RQRWORYHWKHZRUOGRUDQ\WKLQJLQWKHZRUOG,I DQ\RQHORYHVWKHZRUOGWKHORYHRI WKH)DWKHULVQRW LQKLP)RUHYHU\WKLQJLQWKHZRUOG³WKHFUDYLQJVRI VLQIXOPDQWKHOXVWRI his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does—comes not from the Father but from the world.” 6HH*HQHVLV 6HH-RKQ 204 (QG1RWHV 3KLOLSSLDQV .-9 ´/HW WKLV PLQG EH LQ \RX ZKLFK ZDV DOVR LQ &KULVW -HVXVµ5RPDQV1,9´'RQRWFRQIRUPWRWKHSDWWHUQRI WKLV ZRUOGEXWEHWUDQVIRUPHGE\WKHUHQHZLQJRI \RXUPLQG7KHQ\RXZLOOEH DEOHWRWHVWDQGDSSURYHZKDW*RG·VZLOOLV³KLVJRRGSOHDVLQJDQGSHUIHFW will.” 6HHHJ&RULQWKLDQV -RKQ ´7KHUH LV QR IHDU LQ ORYH %XW SHUIHFW ORYH GULYHV RXW IHDU because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” 5RPDQV1,9´2UGR\RXVKRZFRQWHPSWIRUWKHULFKHVRI KLV NLQGQHVV IRUEHDUDQFH DQG SDWLHQFH QRW UHDOL]LQJ WKDW *RG·V NLQGQHVV LV intended to lead you to repentance?” Ephesians 6:11-12. 6HH+HEUHZV1,9´6LQFHWKHFKLOGUHQKDYHÁHVKDQGEORRG he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the SRZHURI KLPZKRKROGVWKHSRZHURI GHDWK³WKDWLVWKHGHYLO³DQGIUHH those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.” &RULQWKLDQV -DPHV 6WURQJ 7KH 1HZ 6WURQJ·V ([KDXVWLYH &RQFRUGDQFH RI WKH %LEOH 1DVKYLOOH717KRPDV1HOVRQ3XEOLVKHUV*.RVPRVNRV· PRV·SUREIURPWKHEDVHRI RUGHUO\DUUDQJHPHQWLHGHFRUDWLRQE\ LPSOWKHZRUOGLQDZLGHRUQDUURZVHQVHLQFOXGHLWVLQKDEOLJ2UÀJ >PRU@DGRUQLQJZRUOG -RKQ -RKQ -RKQ 6WURQJ7KH1HZ6WURQJ·V* -RKQ IXUWKHU GHVFULEHG WKHVH V\VWHPV VD\LQJ ´WKH ZKROH ZRUOG LV XQGHU WKHFRQWURORI WKHHYLORQHµ-RKQDQG3DXOZULWHVLQWKHOHWWHUWR WKH(SKHVLDQVWKDWZHVWUXJJOHQRWDJDLQVWÁHVKDQGEORRGEXWDJDLQVWWKH ´SRZHUVRI WKLVGDUNZRUOGµWKH´NRVPRNUDWRUµ(SK6HHDOVR)LUVW -RKQ´>)@RUHYHU\RQHERUQRI *RGRYHUFRPHVWKHZRUOG7KLVLVWKH YLFWRU\WKDWKDVRYHUFRPHWKHZRUOGHYHQRXUIDLWK:KRLVLWWKDWRYHUcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God”; First 3HWHU´%XW\RXDUHDFKRVHQSHRSOHDUR\DOSULHVWKRRGDKRO\QDWLRQ DSHRSOHEHORQJLQJWR*RGWKDW\RXPD\GHFODUHWKHSUDLVHVRI KLPZKR called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” 0DWWKHZ 205 My Father! My Father! &RORVVLDQV´)RUKHKDVUHVFXHGXVIURPWKHGRPLQLRQRI GDUNQHVV and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves.” 0DWWKHZ 'HXWHURQRP\ 6WURQJ 7KH 1HZ 6WURQJ·V * &RPSDUH ZLWK 6WURQJ·V + WKH +HEUHZZRUGWUDQVODWHG´ZLWQHVVµLQ'HXWHURQRP\ZKLFKKDVWKH singular translation of a spectator or recorder who gives testimony. 6HH(SKHVLDQV Ibid. 100. Hebrews 6:16-20. 101. 5HYHODWLRQ1,9´$OOLQKDELWDQWVRI WKHHDUWKZLOOZRUVKLSWKH EHDVW³DOOZKRVHQDPHVKDYHQRWEHHQZULWWHQLQWKH/DPE·VERRNRI OLIH the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world. 102. *RG·V FKRLFH WR DSSHDU DV )DWKHU DQG 6RQ ZKHQ +H LV E\ QDWXUH VSLULW LV QRW D OLPLWDWLRQ RQ WKH DELOLW\ RI *RG WR DSSHDU LQ LQÀQLWH SHUPXWDWLRQVRI 6SLULWVLQFH*RGDV6SLULWLVSUHVHQWLQ+LVFRPSOHWHQHVVLQHDFK KXPDQ EHLQJ ZKR LV D VRQ RI *RG 5RPDQV 1,9 ´)RU those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The Spirit \RXUHFHLYHGGRHVQRWPDNH\RXVODYHVVRWKDW\RXOLYHLQIHDUDJDLQUDWKHU the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by KLPZHFU\¶$EED)DWKHU·7KH6SLULWKLPVHOI WHVWLÀHVZLWKRXUVSLULWWKDW we are God’s children.” God as Spirit is present as His complete self in KXQGUHGVRI PLOOLRQVRI SHRSOHDOLYHDWWKHVDPHWLPHLQWKHHDUWKZKLOH He is simultaneously seated on the throne in heaven as both the Father and WKH6RQ$FWV´%XW6WHSKHQIXOORI WKH+RO\6SLULWORRNHGXSWR KHDYHQDQGVDZWKHJORU\RI *RGDQG-HVXVVWDQGLQJDWWKHULJKWKDQGRI *RG¶/RRN·KHVDLG¶,VHHKHDYHQRSHQDQGWKH6RQRI 0DQVWDQGLQJDW WKHULJKWKDQGRI *RG·µ6HHDOVR5HYHODWLRQ +HEUHZV -RKQ1,9´7KHRQHZKRGRHVZKDWLVVLQIXOLVRI WKHGHYLO because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.” *HQHVLV 106. -RKQ 0DWWKHZ0DUN/XNH 3VDOP1,9 -RKQ 206 (QG1RWHV 110. 5RPDQV 111. -RKQ´:KHQ-HVXVVSRNHDJDLQWRWKHSHRSOHKHVDLG¶,DPWKHOLJKW RI WKHZRUOG:KRHYHUIROORZVPHZLOOQHYHUZDONLQGDUNQHVVEXWZLOOKDYH WKHOLJKWRI OLIH·µ-RKQ´:KLOH,DPLQWKHZRUOG,DPWKHOLJKWRI WKH world.” 112. 0DWWKHZ +HEUHZV 5HYHODWLRQ1,9 -RKQ 116. &RORVVLDQV1,9 6HH&RORVVLDQV1,9´«,QWKHVDPHZD\WKHJRVSHOLVEHDULQJ fruit and growing throughout the whole world—just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and truly understood God’s grace. <RXOHDUQHGLWIURP(SDSKUDVRXUGHDUIHOORZVHUYDQWZKRLVDIDLWKIXO PLQLVWHURI &KULVWRQRXUEHKDOIDQGZKRDOVRWROGXVRI \RXUORYHLQWKH Spirit.” *DODWLDQV -RKQ.-9 120. 6WURQJ·V*´WHNQRQµ 121. 5RPDQVVHH6WURQJ·V*´KXLRVµ 122. -RKQ1,9 0DWWKHZ1,9´:KRHYHULVQRWZLWKPHLVDJDLQVWPHDQG ZKRHYHUGRHVQRWJDWKHUZLWKPHVFDWWHUVµ6HH$FWV1,9´<RX stiff-necked people! Your hearts and ears are still uncircumcised. You are just like your ancestors: You always resist the Holy Spirit!”. *DODWLDQV1,9 *DODWLDQV1,9 126. &RULQWKLDQV1,9 -RKQ 5RPDQV1,95RPDQV &RULQWKLDQV1,9 (SKHVLDQV1,9 (SKHVLDQV1,9 $FWV 5RPDQV 207 My Father! My Father! &RULQWKLDQV(SKHVLDQV 5RPDQV.-9 -RKQ1,9 -RKQ1,9 'HXWHURQRP\1,9 5RPDQV1,9 &RULQWKLDQV1,9´)RUQRZZHVHHRQO\DUHÁHFWLRQDVLQD mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know IXOO\HYHQDV,DPIXOO\NQRZQµ -RKQ &RULQWKLDQVVHHDOVR5RPDQV´>7@KHVLQIXOPLQGLVKRVWLOHWR *RG,WGRHVQRWVXEPLWWR*RG·VODZQRUFDQLWGRVRµ 5RPDQV +HEUHZV.-9 -RKQ &RULQWKLDQV &RULQWKLDQV1(%&+'RGGHG7KH1HZ(QJOLVK%LEOH1HZ Testament. Oxford and Cambridge: Oxford University Press and CamEULGJH8QLYHUVLW\3UHVV (SKHVLDQV1,9 *HQHVLV1,9 Ibid. Ibid. *HQHVLV -RKQ1,9 &RULQWKLDQV1,9 &RULQWKLDQV *DODWLDQV´0\GHDUFKLOGUHQIRUZKRP,DPDJDLQLQWKHSDLQVRI FKLOGELUWK XQWLO &KULVW LV IRUPHG LQ \RXµ &RORVVLDQV ´:KHQ &KULVW ZKR LV \RXU OLIH DSSHDUV WKHQ \RX DOVR ZLOO DSSHDU ZLWK KLP LQ JORU\µ 5RPDQV´$QGLI WKH6SLULWRI KLPZKRUDLVHG-HVXVIURPWKHGHDGLV OLYLQJLQ\RXKHZKRUDLVHG&KULVWIURPWKHGHDGZLOODOVRJLYHOLIHWR\RXU PRUWDOERGLHVWKURXJKKLV6SLULWZKROLYHVLQ\RXµ &RULQWKLDQV1,9 208 (QG1RWHV 6HH+HEUHZVDQG&RORVVLDQV &RULQWKLDQV1,9 160. 6HH*HQHVLV 161. +HEUHZV1,9 162. +HEUHZV &RULQWKLDQV.-9 $PDQRQWKHKLJKHVWFRXQFLORI SULHVWVLQDQFLHQW5RPH (SKHVLDQV1,9 166. 5RPDQV1,9 &RULQWKLDQV1,9 -RKQ 6WURQJ·VVXSUD*%DVLOHLDEDVLOL·DKIURP>EDVLOHXVSURE)URP WKURXJKWKHQRWLRQRI DIRXQGDWLRQRI SRZHUDVRYHULJQ@SURS5R\DOW\LHDEVWUUXOHRUFRQFUDUHDOPOLWRUÀJNLQJGRPUHLJQ *HQHVLV1,9 *HQHVLV 6HH*HQHVLV 6HH*HQHVLV 6HH6WURQJ·VVXSUD+3HUHWVSHK·UHWVWKHVDPHDV3HUHWVWKH QDPHRI WZR,VU3HUH]3KDUH] 6HH6WURQJ·VVXSUD+3HUHWVSHK·UHWVIURPDEUHDNOLWRUÀJ EUHDFKEUHDNLQJIRUWKLQ;IRUWKJDS 5RPDQV1,9VHH-RKQ1,9´<RXVWXG\WKH Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. 7KHVHDUHWKHYHU\6FULSWXUHVWKDWWHVWLI\DERXWPH\HW\RXUHIXVHWRFRPH WRPHWRKDYHOLIHµ /XNH 7KLVLVHYLGHQWIURPWKHIDFWWKDWDIWHUWKLVHYHQW*RGFKDQJHGWKHQDPHRI Abram to Abraham. Abram meaning “exalted father”; whereas Abraham PHDQV´)DWKHURI PDQ\QDWLRQVµDWLWOHPRUHVXLWDEOHWRWKHGHVFULSWLRQ of God. See Isaiah 11:2. +HEUHZV &RORVVLDQV 209 My Father! My Father! ([RGXV ([RGXV ([RGXV 6HH'HXWHURQRP\ 6HH-RKQ -RKQ -RKQ1.-9 -RKQ 5RPDQV1,9 -RKQ1.-9 -RKQ -RKQ 5RPDQV1,9 -RKQ 3KLOLSSLDQV1,9 -RKQ &RORVVLDQV &RULQWKLDQV1,9 200. 6HH-RKQ 201. 0DUN 202. 6HH*HQHVLV Herod had a history of inordinate violence before Jesus was born. He had SUHYLRXVO\ PXUGHUHG KLV VHFRQG ZLIH 0DULDPQH DQG KLV VRQV $OH[DQGHU and Aristobulus. It was also widely rumored that Herod had issued a standLQJRUGHUWKDWDOOWKHVHYHQW\HOGHUVRI ,VUDHOEHH[HFXWHGXSRQKLVGHDWKVR that there would be mourning in Israel. 0DWWKHZ ´:KHQ WKH\ KDG JRQH DQ DQJHO RI WKH /RUG DSSHDUHG WR -RVHSK LQ D GUHDP ¶*HW XS· KH VDLG ¶WDNH WKH FKLOG DQG KLV PRWKHU DQG HVFDSHWR(J\SW6WD\WKHUHXQWLO,WHOO\RXIRU+HURGLVJRLQJWRVHDUFKIRU WKHFKLOGWRNLOOKLP·6RKHJRWXSWRRNWKHFKLOGDQGKLVPRWKHUGXULQJWKH QLJKWDQGOHIWIRU(J\SWZKHUHKHVWD\HGXQWLOWKHGHDWKRI +HURG$QGVR ZDVIXOÀOOHGZKDWWKH/RUGKDGVDLGWKURXJKWKHSURSKHW¶2XWRI (J\SW, FDOOHGP\VRQ·µ0DWW /XNH.-9 210 (QG1RWHV 206. /XNH +HEUHZV 7KHFRQWH[WIRUWKHTXRWHIURP+HEUHZVUHDGV´'XULQJWKHGD\VRI -HVXV·OLIHRQHDUWKKHRIIHUHGXSSUD\HUVDQGSHWLWLRQVZLWKIHUYHQWFULHVDQG WHDUVWRWKHRQHZKRFRXOGVDYHKLPIURPGHDWKDQGKHZDVKHDUGEHFDXVH RI KLVUHYHUHQWVXEPLVVLRQ6RQWKRXJKKHZDVKHOHDUQHGREHGLHQFHIURP ZKDWKHVXIIHUHGDQGRQFHPDGHSHUIHFWKHEHFDPHWKHVRXUFHRI HWHUQDO salvation for all who obey him and was designated by God to be high priest LQWKHRUGHURI 0HOFKL]HGHNµ+HE1,9 6HH0DWWKHZ 210. 0DWWKHZ 211. -RKQVKRZLQJ-HVXV·DFNQRZOHGJHPHQWRI WKHGLVFLSOHVLQFOXGLQJ -XGDVDVWKRVHZKR*RGJDYHWRKLPDQGRI WKHQHFHVVLW\WKDWRQHRI WKHP ZRXOGEHWUD\KLP 212. -RKQ -RKQ1,9 3KLOLSSLDQV.-9 /XNH 216. -RKQ -RKQ -RKQ +HEUHZV1,9 220. &RULQWKLDQV1,9 221. 6HH-RKQ 222. 0DWWKHZ0DUN (SKHVLDQV1,9´)RUWKLVUHDVRQ,NQHHOEHIRUHWKH)DWKHU from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name.” 6HH5RPDQV1,9 0DODFKL.-9 226. 0DWWKHZ /XNH .LQJV 6HH6DPXHO 6HH6DPXHO$FWV 211 My Father! My Father! -RKQ1,9 -RKQ 6HH+HEUHZV.-9 6HH+HEUHZV´$OOWKHVHSHRSOHZHUHVWLOOOLYLQJE\IDLWKZKHQWKH\ died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and ZHOFRPHGWKHPIURPDGLVWDQFHDGPLWWLQJWKDWWKH\ZHUHIRUHLJQHUVDQG strangers on earth.” ,VDLDK See Strong’s supra H1 “ab.” (showing nine separate meanings of the word for “father” as used in the Old Testament including “the head or founder RI DKRXVHKROGJURXSIDPLO\RUFODQµ,GDW*´SDWHUµLGHQWLI\LQJ WKHURRWZRUGIRUSDWULDUFKDVKDYLQJVHYHUDOGLIIHUHQWPHDQLQJVLQFOXGLQJ WKDWRI DQHDURUUHPRWHSURJHQLWRURI DIDPLO\RUSHRSOH 0DWWKHZ &RULQWKLDQV1,9 &RULQWKLDQV1,9 6HH3KLOLSSLDQV7LPRWK\7LPRWK\ 6HH7LWXV3KLOHPRQ 7LWXV1,9 3KLOHPRQ1,9 6HH3HWHU 6HH-RKQ -RKQ -RKQ -RKQ´)OHVKJLYHVELUWKWRÁHVKEXWWKH6SLULWJLYHVELUWKWRVSLULWµ 5RPDQV1,9 +HEUHZV 2 Corinthians 11:2. *DODWLDQV -RKQVHHDOVR-RKQ´«,DPQRWSUD\LQJIRUWKHZRUOGEXW IRUWKRVH\RXKDYHJLYHQPHIRUWKH\DUH\RXUV«1RQHKDVEHHQORVWH[FHSW WKHRQHGRRPHGWRGHVWUXFWLRQVRWKDW6FULSWXUHZRXOGEHIXOÀOOHG«µ ´.HHS FRQVWDQWO\ REH\LQJ \RXU UXOHUV DQG FRQVWDQWO\ EH VXEPLWWLQJ WR WKHP IRU WKH\ WKHPVHOYHV DUH FRQVWDQWO\ NHHSLQJ ZDWFK RYHU \RXU VRXOV NQRZLQJWKDWWKH\DUHWRJLYHDFFRXQWWKDWWKH\PD\GRWKLVZLWKMR\QRW 212 (QG1RWHV ZLWKODPHQWDWLRQIRUWKLVZRXOGEHSURÀWOHVVWR\RXµ+HE:XHVW ([S7UDQV Note for study: this is the story of the prodigal son. 0DWWKHZ´«$OODXWKRULW\LQKHDYHQDQGRQHDUWKKDVEHHQJLYHQ WRPH7KHUHIRUHJRDQGPDNHGLVFLSOHVRI DOOQDWLRQVEDSWL]LQJWKHPLQ WKHQDPHRI WKH)DWKHUDQGRI WKH6RQDQGRI WKH+RO\6SLULWDQGWHDFKLQJ them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you DOZD\VWRWKHYHU\HQGRI WKHDJHµ +HEUHZV 1,9 ´>$@ERXW WKH 6RQ KH VD\V ¶<RXU WKURQH 2 *RGZLOOODVWIRUHYHUDQGHYHUDVFHSWHURI MXVWLFHZLOOEHWKHVFHSWHURI your kingdom. You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; thereIRUH*RG\RXU*RGKDVVHW\RXDERYH\RXUFRPSDQLRQVE\DQRLQWLQJ\RX with the oil of joy.’” See Acts 2. $FWV 260. 5RPDQV1,9 261. &RULQWKLDQV 262. &RORVVLDQV 6HH&RULQWKLDQV 6HH0DWWKHZ´\RXUNLQJGRPFRPH\RXUZLOOEHGRQHRQHDUWKDVLW is in heaven.” (SKHVLDQV´)RUWKLVUHDVRQ,NQHHOEHIRUHWKH)DWKHUIURPZKRP every family in heaven and on earth derives its name.” 266. +HEUHZV1,9 +HEUHZV1,9 +HEUHZV1,9 +HEUHZV1,9 6HH*HQHVLV 6HH*HQHVLV 6HH-RVKXD 6HH-RVKXD 6HH-RVKXD -RVKXD1,9 -RVKXD1,9 -RVKXD1,9 213 My Father! My Father! 6HH-RVKXD -RVKXD -RVKXD 6WURQJ·VVXSUD+%D\LWKEDK·\LWKSURE)URPDEEUHYDKRXVH LQWKHJUHDWHVWYDURI DSSOLFDWLRQVHVSHFIDPLO\HWF 6HH*HQHVLV *HQHVLV 'HXWHURQRP\ 'HXWHURQRP\1,9 ([RGXV *HQHVLV1,9 /HYLWLFXV1,9 *HQHVLV1,9 6HH-RVKXD 6HHHJ&KURQLFOHVVKRZLQJ'DYLG·VRUJDQL]DWLRQRI WKH/HYLWHV and the listing of the heads of households of each tribe. 6HH HJ (]UD 1HKHPLDK OLVWLQJ H[LOHV E\ IDPLOLHV DQG VKRZLQJ SURYLQFLDORUJDQL]DWLRQE\IDPLOLHVDQGWULEHV 5RPDQV1,9´1RUFDQWKHJLIWRI *RGEHFRPSDUHGZLWK the result of one man’s sin: The judgment followed one sin and brought FRQGHPQDWLRQEXWWKHJLIWIROORZHGPDQ\WUHVSDVVHVDQGEURXJKWMXVWLÀFDWLRQ)RULIE\WKHWUHVSDVVRI WKHRQHPDQGHDWKUHLJQHGWKURXJKWKDWRQH PDQKRZPXFKPRUHZLOOWKRVHZKRUHFHLYH*RG·VDEXQGDQWSURYLVLRQRI JUDFHDQGRI WKHJLIWRI ULJKWHRXVQHVVUHLJQLQOLIHWKURXJKWKHRQHPDQ Jesus Christ!” ([RGXV 'HXWHURQRP\´$WWKDWWLPH,VWRRGEHWZHHQWKH/RUGDQG\RXWRGHFODUHWR\RXWKHZRUGRI WKH/25'EHFDXVH\RXZHUHDIUDLGRI WKHÀUHDQG did not go up the mountain.” 6HH([RGXVUHIHUHQFLQJ´SULHVWVµDPRQJWKHSHRSOHHYHQWKRXJK this is before the creation of the Levitical priesthood and the people are still in the state of coming out of Egypt. Before God established the order RI /HYLWKHUHZDVDQH[LVWLQJRUGHURI SULHVWVDPRQJWKHSHRSOHWKHRUGHU of Melchizedek. 6HH*HQHVLVVHH+HEUHZV 5RPDQV1,9´NLQGQHVVµVHHDOVR.-9´VHYHULW\µ 214 (QG1RWHV 3HWHU Hebrews 10:1. 5RPDQV1,9´)RUVLQFHWKHFUHDWLRQRI WKHZRUOG*RG·VLQYLVLEOHTXDOLWLHV³KLVHWHUQDOSRZHUDQGGLYLQHQDWXUH³KDYHEHHQFOHDUO\VHHQ EHLQJ XQGHUVWRRG IURP ZKDW KDV EHHQ PDGH VR WKDW SHRSOH DUH ZLWKRXW excuse.” Ephesians 2:11-22. &RULQWKLDQV1,9 (SKHVLDQV 3VDOP1,9 6HH$FWV² $FWV $FWV 7KH WHUP ´GHDFRQµ ZDV DSSOLHG WR WKLV IXQFWLRQ DV LW LV GHscriptive of the activities of an attendant or waiter who runs errands and SHUIRUPVDLGVHUYLFHXVXDOO\RI DPHQLDOVRUW6XFKDSHUVRQW\SLFDOO\KDVD gift of helps and takes pleasure in serving others. $FWV1,9 1RWHIRUVWXG\7KLVIXOÀOOHG-HVXV·SURSKHWLFV\PEROJLYHQWRWKH-HZVRQ WKHRFFDVLRQVZKHQ+HIHGPXOWLWXGHVRI ÀYHDQGIRXUWKRXVDQGUHVSHFWLYHO\ ´¶«'R\RXVWLOOQRWVHHRUXQGHUVWDQG"·µ-HVXVDVNHG+LVGLVFLSOHV´¶$UH \RXUKHDUWVKDUGHQHG"'R\RXKDYHH\HVEXWIDLOWRVHHDQGHDUVEXWIDLO WRKHDU"$QGGRQ·W\RXUHPHPEHU":KHQ,EURNHWKHORDYHVIRUWKHÀYH WKRXVDQGKRZPDQ\EDVNHWIXOVRI SLHFHVGLG\RXSLFNXS"·¶7ZHOYH·WKH\ UHSOLHG¶$QGZKHQ,EURNHWKHVHYHQORDYHVIRUWKHIRXUWKRXVDQGKRZ PDQ\EDVNHWIXOVRI SLHFHVGLG\RXSLFNXS"·7KH\DQVZHUHG¶6HYHQ·+H VDLGWRWKHP¶GR\RXVWLOOQRWXQGHUVWDQG"·µ0DUN-HVXV+LPVHOI ZDVWKH%UHDGIURPKHDYHQDQGZRXOGVXSSO\WKHQHHGIRUVSLULWXDODQG QDWXUDOIRRGRI +LVIROORZHUV7KHÀUVWGLVWULEXWLRQRI WKLVVXSSO\RFFXUUHG when the twelve apostles undertook the spiritual care of the Jerusalem church while delegating the task of distributing material goods to the seven deacons. 6HH$FWVWR 6HH$FWVDQG See Acts 12. See Acts 10. 6HH$FWV (SKHVLDQV1,9 215 My Father! My Father! See Galatians 2:6-10. 6HHHJ&RULQWKLDQV 2 Timothy 2:1-2. 6HH&RULQWKLDQV 6HH&RULQWKLDQV 6HH&RULQWKLDQV 6HH*DODWLDQVDQG(SKHVLDQV 6HH$FWV 5RPDQV GLVFXVVLQJ WKH IDWKHUVRQ UHODWLRQVKLS DV D P\VWHU\ ´1RZWRKLPZKRLVDEOHWRHVWDEOLVK\RXLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKP\JRVSHO WKHPHVVDJH,SURFODLPDERXW-HVXV&KULVWLQNHHSLQJZLWKWKHUHYHODWLRQRI WKHP\VWHU\KLGGHQIRUORQJDJHVSDVWEXWQRZUHYHDOHGDQGPDGHNQRZQ WKURXJKWKHSURSKHWLFZULWLQJVE\WKHFRPPDQGRI WKHHWHUQDO*RGVRWKDW all the Gentiles might come to faith and obedience—to the only wise God EHJORU\IRUHYHUWKURXJK-HVXV&KULVW$PHQµ1,96HH(SKHVLDQV GLVFXVVLQJWKHKXVEDQGZLIHUHODWLRQVKLSDVD´SURIRXQGP\VWHU\µ “’For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his ZLIHDQGWKHWZRZLOOEHFRPHRQHÁHVK·7KLVLVDSURIRXQGP\VWHU\³EXW ,DPWDONLQJDERXW&KULVWDQGWKHFKXUFKµ1,9 -RKQ -HVXV· FRQWLQXLQJ GLVFXVVLRQ LQ WKLV VHFWLRQ IXUWKHU HYLGHQFHV the sameness of being He has with the Father: “…Anyone who has seen PHKDVVHHQWKH)DWKHU+RZFDQ\RXVD\¶6KRZXVWKH)DWKHU·"'RQ·W\RX EHOLHYHWKDW,DPLQWKH)DWKHUDQGWKDWWKH)DWKHULVLQPH"7KHZRUGV,VD\ WR\RX,GRQRWVSHDNRQP\RZQDXWKRULW\5DWKHULWLVWKH)DWKHUOLYLQJLQ PHZKRLVGRLQJKLVZRUN%HOLHYHPHZKHQ,VD\WKDW,DPLQWKH)DWKHU and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the works WKHPVHOYHV9HU\WUXO\,WHOO\RXDOOZKRKDYHIDLWKLQPHZLOOGRWKHZRUNV ,KDYHEHHQGRLQJDQGWKH\ZLOOGRHYHQJUHDWHUWKLQJVWKDQWKHVHEHFDXVH ,DPJRLQJWRWKH)DWKHU$QG,ZLOOGRZKDWHYHU\RXDVNLQP\QDPHVR WKDWWKH)DWKHUPD\EHJORULÀHGLQWKH6RQ<RXPD\DVNPHIRUDQ\WKLQJLQ P\QDPHDQG,ZLOOGRLWµ-RKQ1,9 -RKQ +HEUHZV 6HH5HYHODWLRQ 6HH5HYHODWLRQ² 5HYHODWLRQ 5HYHODWLRQ 216 (QG1RWHV 5HYHODWLRQ (SKHVLDQV1,9 -RKQ1,9 &RULQWKLDQV1,9´7KHSHUVRQZLWKRXWWKH6SLULWGRHVQRW accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them IRROLVKQHVVDQGFDQQRWXQGHUVWDQGWKHPEHFDXVHWKH\DUHGLVFHUQHGRQO\ through the Spirit.” 3HWHU 0LFDK1.-9DOVR,VDLDK1,9´,QWKHODVWGD\VWKHPRXQWDLQRI WKH/25'·VWHPSOHZLOOEHHVWDEOLVKHGDVWKHKLJKHVWRI WKHPRXQWDLQVLWZLOOEHH[DOWHGDERYHWKHKLOOVDQGDOOQDWLRQVZLOOVWUHDPWRLWµ 0DWWKHZ.-9 ,VDLDK0LFDK 0DWWKHZ0DUN 5HYHODWLRQ1,9 'DQLHO1,9 217 [email protected] 32%R[$OEXTXHUTXH 1086$ twitter: Generation Culture Transformation Specializing in publishing for generation culture change 9LVLWXV2QOLQHDW :ULWHWRH*HQ&R//& 7DOORZ+LOO5RDG &KDPEHUVEXUJ3$86$ 3KRQH Email: [email protected]