Happy Kids Newsletter 2015 October
Happy Kids Newsletter 2015 October
Dear Parents, A very warm welcome to another fun year at HAPPY KIDS! The new school year is flying by and we hold our first break from Monday 19 October. Many parents have commented on the extensive building renovations that were completed during the summer. These works included a new facade with colorful Led light network covering our ground and first floor areas; a modern larger new entry foyer and security fencing on both sides to ensure maximum safety for our children. We have sent all parents important information about our school policies. These include items such as discipline, safety, sickness and accident and other important general information. With the alarming spread of viruses worldwide, we ask all parents not to bring sick children into Happy Kids! Please take this seriously as your healthy child could pick up an infection from another child! We also kindly ask that parents telephone our office in the event of their child not coming in to Happy Kids for any reason. We wish to remind all parents that our front entry gate is open at 8 am sharp; afternoon late pick up is until 5 p.m. Please inform Mariann or Kornelia, our late duty teachers when you are leaving with your child! Finally, we hope you enjoy reading the individual class activities and general news. Please record the important diary dates listed on the last page, We do look forward to a happy, successful school year and appreciate your confidence in entrusting the development of your child to Happy Kids! With best wishes, Peter and Suzy Jones Happy Hippos Dear Happy Hippos Parents, We are happy to say that we started the year with lots of fun, with a very positive atmosphere. The children really settled in easy and we still get new friends to play with. We would really like to thank all the parents for their great cooperation, trust and care. Without them life with the Hippos would not be as sweet. The last few weeks have just flown by with all that we have learned and done every day. Making new friends, learning and having fun together has made the time pass by so quickly. As we followed our Unit of Inquiry, we began to learn about the different colours which surround us. We have discussed how people choose different colours to dress up. We made a rainbow and sorted objects according to their colours. We looked at the different colours on our clothes and in our classroom environment. We also talked about our body parts and discussed the differences between our bodies and the bodies of animals. We found animal toys and chatted about which parts of their bodies are the same as ours and which are different. Some animals have tails, wings and a very long neck. We also tried to figure out what we use our different body parts for. We learned lots of new songs related to these topics: “Rainbow”, “Head, Shoulders”, "Eyes, and Nose”, "If you're happy and you know it", "Baa, Baa black sheep", "Slowly, slowly". The children really enjoyed singing and acting out the songs. We made some fun cards that reminded us of the songs we have memorized. 2 The children looked at many pictures, read books, played with puzzles, participated in circle games and sorting and matching games that were all related to our Unit of Inquiry. The children really listened with increasing attention to the books we shared: "Brown bear, brown bear”, “Doing the animal bop", "Dear Zoo", "Scat, the cat". With the help of these books we extended our vocabulary and learned to make connections with the happenings in the books. We also prepared some songs to share on our Autumn Assembly: "The owl song" and "Sally goes round the sun". It was a lot of fun and required a lot of courage. We made plum cake for our Harvest party in the garden. We had breakfast together and enjoyed the show with the magician and after we danced happily. Our little hippos were very excited and open towards this wonderful event. Among these high points of the term were our daily rhythms. Slowly our little children got into the routine. They enjoy coming inside the classroom and being involved in art activities making owls, hedgehogs, vegetable print, painting, cutting, pasting etc. Each day we practiced developing skills ranging from socializing, following instructions, and making friends. We had our Circle Time with daily basics like practicing counting and looking at the weather, exploring our unit of inquiry and having lots of fun together in the classroom or in the garden. The children also attended their Art, Music and Drama, Physical Education classes with a big smile and curiosity. Thank you! We all look forward to the rest of the year; learning and growing and having lots and lots of fun together. Warm Regards Réka and Dóri 3 Tiny Tigers Tiny Tigers Newsletter A very warm welcome to all our families in Tiny Tigers! It is already the middle of October so there is a lot to tell you about the first weeks of our little tigers. Even though the settling in period is still not completely over, we are really starting to be a great group! The children have got used to the daily routine, they know how and when to do things. They are learning to be more and more independent, they are starting to change their own shoes and wash hands by themselves – even though sometimes it takes quite a long time to finish everything. The kids enjoy choosing books in the Library and they are happy to take them home to read it with their parents. Please be so nice to remember to bring back the folders by Friday morning so they can choose a new one again. We have started to learn to recognize the letters with the Jolly Phonics method and the children enjoy singing the songs very much and showing the actions that are connected to each letter. As our group name is Tiny Tigers in the first two weeks we talked about these wonderful animals. We looked at photos of them and discussed how big and strong they are. We tried to create tigers in many various ways using different art techniques: painting, pasting, colouring etc. Our first Unit was entitled ‘Homes’ so first we had our inquiry into people’s homes and houses. We discovered what sort of rooms we had in a house and what type of furnitures we placed there. As parents were so nice to provide photos of their children’s room we put the pictures on the bulletin board so 4 they themselves could explain to us what they had in their rooms at home. We also talked about how a house could be built. We looked at specially designed houses and the children were amazed at the unusual buildings that can be created as a result of very wild imagination. We pasted, painted, coloured, sorted houses and we even made a small world model of a city street with cardboard boxes. The ponies came to visit us and all the children were very excited to see and touch them. Almost everyone wished to have a turn to ride them – they were sitting on them so confidently! We celebrated Harvest with a party in the garden. The children enjoyed watching the magic show and we even baked a cake with raisins and yoghurt that turned to be so-so delicious. We also had our first Rolli-Polli session and all the children had so much fun jumping, climbing, crawling and bouncing in the safe and stimulating environment. We left the kindergarten together for the first time this year and they were all very brave travelling on the school bus together. We celebrated two birthdays in the first few weeks with yummy cakes; Happy Birthday again dear Oskar and Celine! And thanks to Ottilia and her Mom, we also celebrated the Swedish Cinnamon Bun Day – the kids loved the cinnamon buns! Now let us wish you a lovely and relaxing holiday and we are happy to see you back after the autumn break! Warm regards Ivett and Anikó 5 Marvellous Meerkats Dear Parents, We had a very busy September, with lots of fun activities!! We would like to welcome again all our big Marvellous Meerkats: Leo, Chino, Dalma, Maryam, Yui, Gerda, Sofia, Peter, Gianna, Álmos, Gergὄ, Andy and Fiona! It is always nice to see all the children settling in and getting used to our routines and coming to school with a big smile on their faces. Children began to form good relationships and started to become friends with one another during the past few weeks. Harvest Festival was great fun, our class made fruit salad for all the children in the school and when we went to the garden, we also ate all the yummy treats prepared by all the classes in Happy Kids. Our art sessions with Zsofi have begun and the children made lovely pictures and art projects that are always displayed on the corridor walls. Marina entertained us all and made the children sing and dance during her music lessons. During circle time activities we talked about the weather and the changes that autumn brings to our life. We learned about the colour of the leaves on the trees (green, yellow, orange, brown, gold and red). Our Unit of Inquiry is: All About Me, so we involved the families in creating posters about their children. During Centre time, the children took turns telling us about their posters, it was great fun to learn about their favourite activities, food and toys as well as about their families and life outside Happy Kids. We began singing several songs and began reciting different rhymes. During circle times we did quite a few counting activities – counting leaves, walnuts, our fingers and all the children who were present at circle time as well as colour naming and colour matching games. 6 In the mornings the children worked individually with the teachers – they were practicing proper pencil grip, cutting, colouring in, painting and tracing to help their pre-writing skills. They are all very enthusiastic about this. Please, do keep on coming in early so they do not miss out on these precious morning activities!! The Jolly Phonics programme was introduced during circle times, and we began learning the sounds of the following letters with the action that go with those: s, a, t, i, p, n. When everybody knows it really well, they will make their own book about the letters and letter sounds and they will take it home to teach all their parents how to sound those letters properly . We sang many different songs during our sessions. The most popular ones were: ”The Scarecrow” , ”Row your boat”, ”Everybody Clap” and ”Jelly on the Plate” songs. The kids also love books, so we read few stories they really enjoyed listening to: ”Ten In The Bed”, ”Clifford’s Family”, ”Little Red Riding Hood” and ”How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight?” and “How Do Dinosaurs Count?”. Pony riding was very popular among our children, who were very brave to try out this activity during the settling in period. We are looking forward to meeting you at the Parent-Teacher Conferences- so we can tell you more about the children and their recent achievements!! Regards, Kata and Alex 7 Fantastic Foxes Dear Fantastic Fox Parents, Firstly we would like to take this opportunity to welcome all of the parents to the Fantastic Foxes! We have enjoyed getting to know you since the beginning of September and we hope you are happy with how the year has gone so far. It has certainly been an eventful time and we have been busy with lots of exciting activities and great times. The kids have enjoyed the chance to play together with new and old classmates and it is lovely to see new friendships being formed and lots of fun being had. Our first Unit of Inquiry is ‘How We Organise Ourselves’ and we have spent lots of time learning all about how to behave inside and outside the classroom. We listened to stories about a very naughty boy called James and talked about what he should do to be a good boy. We came up with some classroom rules and talked about making good choices and poor choices. We are trying our best to make good choices when we can (not like James!). Our busy days always start with our Jolly Phonics and Maths folders. Every morning we do one page from each folder. We love practicing our handwriting and use our Jolly Phonics actions to help us remember the different sounds. Once we have finished with all of our hard work, we usually relax by going to the terrace or playing with the classroom toys. It is important for us to rest our minds and enjoy our time playing with our friends. As part of the Fantastic Foxes curriculum this year we are following the Tribes system. Being in a tribe means we can learn about working together as part of a group. In the first week we were each put in to a tribe: Red Foxes, Grey Foxes, Marble Foxes and Arctic Foxes. We were able to make beautiful posters with our other tribe members and we have hung them outside the classroom for our Mummies and Daddies to see. As well as our fox tribes, we also learnt a lot of interesting facts about foxes and how they live. We found out that they live in a den which they dig with their legs. They eat small birds and bunnies. They are night animals who can even see in the dark! With all of these amazing facts, we are really fox experts now! 8 At the moment the highlight of our week is our swimming lesson every Friday. We really enjoy learning how to swim and jump and have fun in the swimming pool. Our swimming teachers are very kind and patient with us. We are learning how to take care of our belongings at the swimming pool and we can dress and undress ourselves too. It is a big responsibility and we are proud of how well we are doing. In addition to our weekly swimming lessons we have also started our afternoon activities including Judo, Hungarian, Kindermusik and Ballet. We really love attending these extra afternoon classes. Even with such busy days we still had time to ride the ponies in the garden and take a trip to Rolli-Polli. We had so much fun at Rolli-Polli playing games and completing an assault course. Of course, everyone’s favourite activity is the giant trampoline! It is so nice now Kitti is our Rolli-Polli teacher AND our gym teacher, we are really very lucky. We would also like to say thank you to Sarah’s Mummy for joining us at Rolli-Polli and taking some lovely pictures. In September we had two birthday celebrations in the Fantastic Foxes. First we had a party for Maxim who turned four in the summer holidays. Maxim even brought a delicious chocolate cake for us all to share and he really enjoyed blowing out the candles! Next we had a small party for Yoon Seo who had also turned four in the holidays. We got to try some yummy Korean treats including a special sushi cake! It is so great that we have the opportunity to try food from different nationalities and Yoon Seo was very proud to share her food with us. At the end of the month we were even able to prepare our own food for the harvest festival. We worked together to make some delicious ham and cheese sandwiches and the best part was eating them all up once we were done. With such a busy start to the year we think it is time for a welldeserved rest. Have a lovely Autumn Break and we will see you all after the holiday. Love, Naomi, Juci and Korni 9 Brilliant Pandas Brilliant Pandas October Newsletter Welcome to a new year in the Brilliant Pandas class! We hope we have a very fun filled and special year ahead of us. So much has happened already that we are very excited to tell our families about. We have welcomed quite some new friends in the class; they are settling in well and are learning our routine. We have already had one birthday; we celebrated Moos’s birthday last week and rest assured we have many more to come! We started the year off by exploring what a community means and how we can form one in the classroom. We looked at the kind of communities we can be a part of; in our home, our neighbourhood and our school. We also explored the different roles within a community and how we can become a part of the community. We brainstormed some classroom guidelines during our center time that will promote tolerance and cooperation within our class. We talked about ourselves during circle time and shared our interests and feelings. This is always important at the start of the year so we can get to know more about each other. We have established the TRIBES Learning Community in our classroom this year. We are the Bamboo, Giant Pandas, Red Pandas and Mountains groups. The TRIBES programme creates a positive environment in our classroom and has made learning a cultural and a social experience. Not only has this made the children feel welcome and accepted by their peers but also they are actively involved in their individual learning and this has helped them develop independence and confidence. We looked at the four main agreements: attentive listening, appreciation/no putdowns, the right to pass and mutual respect. We discussed them and used them in activities and in our daily classroom routines. 10 Because we have many new students in the class, this is their first time being exposed to the Jolly phonics programme. They are working hard to learn this new concept and we go over the letters that they have learned daily in our circle time. The children are getting used to completing their individual development every morning; we are making good headway towards our goals. Our Harvest festival was a huge success. We made yummy cookies to share with the school in the garden along with other goodies from other classes. We had a magician come in to surprise us with many tricks and fun entertainment and we got to dance after as well. Some of the children were very busy getting their groove on in the garden! We had the chance to try some freshly pressed grape juice, which was a success with everyone. It was certainly a relaxing morning full of fun and games. We had our first Field trip of the year to the Miniversum which features wonderfully designed miniature towns and villages. It was well worth the visit. We also had our first Rolli-polli session where the children enjoyed the activities very much. Our extra-curricular activities are going really well. The children know what activities they do and are learning how to get ready for them. Swimming has been a success with all the children; they love to be in the water! Farewell to Ludwik who left to go back to Poland. We wish you the best of luck! We hope you have a wonderful and relaxing autumn break. Thank you Noushe, Ranji and Laura 11 Cheeky Monkeys Dear Parents, A very warm welcome to all our “Cheeky Monkeys” families, especially to our new ones (Lola, Khalid, Sultan, and Jiachen). We look forward to getting to know you and your children. We had to say goodbye to Laura (moved to Madrid) and Eira (moved back to Japan). We wish them all the best. By now, we all settled in and are off to a great start to the year. We have had a lot of celebrations already – the harvest celebration and Autumn Assembly. Chrysoula, Maria, Mihaela and Zsombor turned 6 this month. Happy Birthday!!! We had a great time preparing plum baskets for our Harvest Festival. Only a few weeks later we had our Autumn Assembly which took place in our gym. We were very proud to present something different – “Peep Squirrel” with all our friends in the classroom. On the 9th of September we went on our first field trip to the Barefoot Park. The Barefoot Park encouraged us to take our shoes off and stroll along barefoot through a thematic route. Not only did going barefoot feel great, it also nourished, strengthened, and promoted agility in your child’s growing feet, ankles, legs, knees, and hips. We have started our TRIBES program. The outcome of the TRIBES process is to develop a positive environment that promotes children’s growth and learning. We have been having “Community Circle” and it has now become an essential part of our day where we discuss concepts such 12 as listening attentively, being respectful and not using put downs. We have also made four tribes (Baboons, Chimpanzees, Orangutans and Gorillas). Hopefully, this will build better social inclusion, tolerance, respect and cooperation within our class. Language and Arts, Social Studies and Information Technology had been integrated into our Unit of Inquiry entitled “What was it like when you were young?”. The children learned through discussion and project work what kindergarten/school and home was like then; what play, games and toys they enjoyed; what clothes and foods they liked/disliked. After the Autumn break we will continue our inquiry into their favourite stories from childhood and their special memories of childhood. In Mathematics children now understand that patterns can be found in numbers. They had daily practice in skip counting and recognising odd and even numbers. During our morning individual development time the children have been learning about the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction. At present we are practicing automatically to recall addition and subtraction facts to 10. Children have been actively using the language of addition and subtraction, for example, add, take away, plus, minus, sum, and difference in their daily lives. Thank you all for coming to our Opening Party. Also, we hope to see you all at the Parent Teacher Conferences. Have a wonderful Autumn break! Kind Regards, Ms. Petra, Ms. Marianna and Ms. Milja 13 A Message to Parents What is Tribes TLC? The Tribes Learning Community process, also known as Tribes TLC® (Tribes), promotes social and academic development by creating a positive learning environment through the use of active learning groups in the classroom. The Tribes process is to assure the healthy development of every child so that each one has the knowledge, skills and resiliency to be successful in a rapidly changing world. Four guiding principles, called “agreements,” are honored: Attentive listening: Involves paying close attention to one another’s expression of ideas, opinions and feelings; to check for understanding and letting others know they have been heard. All of these are teachable social skills and involve maintaining eye contact, withholding your own comments, paraphrasing key words to show you’ve been listening and using body language; listening with your ears, your eyes and your heart. Appreciation/no put downs: Aims to develop a sense of self-esteem and self-worth through appreciation and recognition of each other's gifts and talents. Mutual respect: To ensure that cultural values, beliefs and needs will be considered and honored. Students learn to respect individual skills, talents, and contributions. The right to pass: Each person has the right to choose the extent to which she or he will share in a group activity. Choosing the right to pass means that the person prefers not to share personal information or feelings or to actively participate in the group at a particular moment. Being a silent observer is still a form of participation and can lead to greater learning. Children learn a set of collaborative skills so they can work well together in long-term groups (tribes). The focus is on how to: • help each other work on tasks • set goals and solve problems • monitor and assess progress • celebrate achievements 14 Another essential element of the process, reflective practice is the focus on what happened, why it happened, what feelings were invoked, and what needs to change (or not). Without reflection, learning and change cannot happen Why Your Support Helps When you, parents, use something as simple as the four agreements at home, you support positive, productive behavior and provide consistency for your son or daughter. We see that carry over at school, and it helps us present and preserve a culture that supports our school learning community. When the agreements aren’t enough, let’s say they just don’t always make the homework, or “be nice to your brother/sister” happen … the art of reflecting on what is (or isn’t) going on helps to focus on the reason “for doing this….” “I-Messages” and “Paraphrasing” are very useful tools to transfer responsibility to your son/daughter to encourage effective decision-making and problem solving. No “one thing” works all the time, but consistency and practice over time, does. The reality is, whatever one practices, one becomes proficient at. When you model listening, understanding, appreciation, and respect…you have more reason to expect those qualities in children and teens. They really are watching and paying attention to you – even when it doesn’t seem so. Take care in how you speak and what you say. Creating a caring culture is an important step in building a learning community. The good news is that we all want your son/daughter to be a successful, capable, and motivated learner – both at school and in life. We appreciate you, and all you do to support us at school. Warm regards, Petra Educational Coordinator 15 Diary Dates Autumn Break Monday, 19th October—Friday, 23rd 2015 Halloween Party Thursday, 29th October 2015 Parent-Teacher conferences Monday, 9th November—Friday, 20th November 2015 Assembly Thursday, 26th November 2015 HAPPY KIDS AT PEPPERS RESTAURANT, MARRIOTT HOTEL BUDAPEST Parents can sit back, relax and enjoy Budapest’s best Sunday Brunch Buffet each Sunday 12:00 — 3:00 pm at the popular Hotel Marriott restaurant Peppers while the kids can be professionally entertained and creatively occupied! Call 737-7377 for reservations ! 16
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