Happy Kids Newsletter 2012 October
Happy Kids Newsletter 2012 October
Happy News October 2012 Dear Parents, A very warm welcome to another exciting year at HAPPY KIDS! The new school year is flying by and we are soon approaching our first break. Many parents have commented on the large variety of after school activities at HAPPY KIDS. Our various programs include Judo, Bully Proof, Drama, Art, Chess and Dance/ Ballet and I sincerely believe we have some of the best instructors in Budapest providing an outstanding program for your children – of course all in English. Every second week our lovable ponies come to visit us, alternating with children’s yoga held in the gymnasium. Our skiing program starts in December, taking the place of swimming and will run weekly up to the HAPPY KIDS Ski Week at the end of February. The skiing will take place at the Fogarasi Ski School nearby. This is a synthetic grass ski slope set in a beautiful location within the forest. Our 2 English speaking instructors are well qualified and very experienced with teaching young children to ski. With the alarming spread of viruses worldwide, we ask all parents not to bring sick children into Happy Kids! Please take this seriously as your healthy child could pick up an infection from another child! We also kindly ask that parents telephone our office before 9 a.m. in the event of their child not coming in to Happy Kids - for whatever reason. We wish to remind all parents that afternoon late pick up is until 5 p.m. Please inform our late duty staff Dóra or Kornélia when you are leaving with your child! Finally, we hope you enjoy reading the individual class activities and general news. Please record the important diary dates listed on the last page. We do look forward to a happy, successful school year and we greatly value your confidence in entrusting the development of your child to Happy Kids! SANTA CLAUS VISIT TO FINLAND In conjunction with Tensi Tours, we would like to give parents the wonderful opportunity to fly to Lapland and visit the real Santa Claus! This represents a unique pre- Christmas travel opportunity and promises to be an unforgettable experience for both children and parents. Please see the information website http://www.tensi.hu/htmls/santa_claus_tour_in_lapland.html for full details. Mention Happy Kids for a special discount ! Cute Kittens Dear Parents, As the lovely warm September flew by, our Cute Kittens have managed to settle in very nicely. It took a while till all of them decided not to cry at all and enjoy the new environment but it didn’t take very long. We befriended the classroom and each other very quickly and started to enjoy being together. It’s so great to see how quickly the children got used to our daily routine – they are happy to join our circle time and enjoy singing and playing together. Their favourite song is the Row, row, row your boat, of course the part they love the most is when the crocodile comes… By now they know very well when and where they can wash their hands, eat lunch, get dressed or have their afternoon It seems that the little kittens like to play everywhere in the classroom with all the toys they can find, but it turned out that the most popular corners are the shelves with the cars and the home corner – they never get bored with preparing food in the little kitchen for the dolls and each other! There is another place that is as popular as the kitchen – our terrace where they can ride a bike, climb or slide endlessly… 2 nap… In accordance with our Unit of Inquiry ”Who Am I?” we have been learning about our body parts - their names and where they are - and had fun singing the Head and Shoulders song together. As much as the children enjoyed dressing up the bear on our circle time wall in the first weeks, now they are just as busy with finding the right place for the could try to paste with gluesticks little boy’s body parts. We created a and liquid glue. big poster with the photos of our body parts to show how well we’ve learnt to find them! What else did we do? The Cute Kittens have cooked twice already during the last month. Preparing for the We have also learnt about our homes, Harvest festival that took place in what furniture we have in our houses the garden, we baked a yummy and who the family members are we chocolate and banana cake that dis- live with. Each of the children appeared very quickly from the tray… painted a little house and pasted his/ Some of the children were already her own and their parents’ photos in brave enough to ride the pony – Well the windows and doors. They enjoyed done! – hopefully next time even knocking on the door and opening it more of them will try! We had so to see who they find there. much fun during our first yoga lesson Seeing how nature is changing around us with the new season, we made many enjoyable autumn arts and crafts – some of them with Zsófi, our art teacher, thank you for them! We used different techniques to show what colours the leaves are taking during this season and how with Tünde! The children really enjoyed climbing/rolling/hopping/ crawling/running around in the gym. And let’s not forget to mention our fun parties in the classroom celebrating three birthdays: as Tobias, Minjae and Natalie turned 2 years old – Happy Birthday! they are falling from the trees. The children had a chance to paint with brushes, sponges, rollers, stamps and even with their fingers, and they Kind regards, Ivett and Zsuzsi 3 Jolly Giraffes Dear Parents! cial thing to have a family and to be loved. In the beginning of the year we were very excited to meet you and the children. I guess it was a mutual feeling. The settling in flew very The children traced their homes and pasted pictures of their family members on the house then they painted portraits of them. smoothly, the children enjoy coming An other fun project was making a to kindergarten and they have lots of doll house. Zsófi, our art teacher fun and friends to play with. helped us make a beautiful place for our dolls to live in. The Giraffes all had a little doll of themselves to play with. Now we are even more excited, because the children are very happy, they feel safe and confident. The children's personalities are blossoming, showing more colours each day. The Giraffes are jolly and happy to learn new things. These past few weeks we have learnt about our home and our family. People personalise their home in different ways. Our home and family create a sense of belonging. It is a spe- 4 Music was part of our learning. Our favourite song was “Polly put the kettle on” and “I am a little teapot”. During our tea party we sang songs The Harvest Party was a special day and made fresh toast with a real for us. Dancing made the children toaster! We put the kettle on and very happy; they enjoyed baking a listened to the sound it made and we peach cake and the picnic they had observed the hot steam coming out sitting on the grass with their through the top. friends. The Jolly Giraffes really enjoyed Jolly Phonics was very welcome in the their and Jolly Giraffes. They really take lots freshly squeezed lemon. They could of pleasure in it. They can recognise choose to eat toast with butter, jam the different sounds that we have or honey. learnt already and the actions that fruit tea with honey accompany them. Story time just before sleeping is also a part of our daily routine. The children enjoy listening to and retelling the stories and to draw pictures of them afterwards. They even like to read a story to each other. We used the tea party to learn about what we need to have in our kitchen and to understand that the kitchen is a place where we cook. We've learnt not to touch the oven when it’s hot, that the microwave is to heat food It was a month full of Birthdays. Happy Birthday to Haruki, Ari, Mihaela, Matous and Zsombor! It is fun to share special moments with our friends. More fun to come. up and so on. Warm Regards, Réka and Dóri 5 Bright Bunnies Dear Families, We would like to extend a very warm welcome to you all and look forward to a fun filled year with the Bright Bunnies. The children have settled very well into their new class and know the routine very well now. The children really enjoyed the story “ We’re Going On a Bear Hunt”. The story follows interesting language patterns and repeats phrases. By the end of the week most of the children could re-tell the story on their own. We also learned the meaning of under, over, and through, which are covered in the story. The first few weeks of term we spent a lot of time getting to know about each other and our families. The children were introduced to lots of vocabulary connected to the topic and made beautiful self portraits that can be found in the portfolios. The children really enjoyed making the bears. You can see them displayed outside the classroom. 6 The harvest festival celebration was a big success . The children took part in their first assembly as Bright Bunnies, and sang as well. After the assembly we went outside to the garden to share the snack we had prepared with the other classes. The children loved the music and had fun dancing. Please don’t forget to send in warmer clothes for outside time. It will soon be time for hats and scarves. Many Thanks, Alex and Anikó Now that autumn is upon us and the weather is changing fast, we are making the most of the changes in nature and having fun making lovely pieces of art. The tree we made from pumpkin seeds took a lot of patience and time, but it looks great. Good team work Bright Bunnies! 7 Friendly Frogs Dear Friendly Frogs Parents, We have all settled in and are off to a good start to another school year. We welcomed our new friends Balázs, Kota and Mia who settled to right the class, in. We cele- brated Rinka’s 4th Birthday and we would like to thank her Mommy for making the day special for all of us. We started our swimming course and all the Froggies are happy to go every Friday. We also had our first yoga class where the kids were all excited to do some new exercises with our lovely yoga teacher. They also had a lot of fun riding the ponies. We have been learning lots of songs and poems. We all know “Hello Hello We had our very first party, which Hello How are you”, “The leaves on was the opening day and we had our the trees”, “You put your hand in”, first assembly. We presented some “Scarecrow”, “Froggy Kiss”, “Orange new songs to share our joy and happi- is an Orange” - also it was so great to ness. We also had a great time pre- see them all representing the new paring classroom agreements which are on some food (Nutella Cheese sandwiches). and the board. All the kids had been nominated as the daily helper, line leader or line ender to feel the responsibility and learn how to share and help. We have done many language arts tasks that center around our Unit of Inquiry ‘Families and Friends’. 8 We looked at how families are similar as working attentively, being re- and different and how we make and spectful and expressing appreciation keep friends. Also we started to to each other. This will provide learn all about ourselves and our our body and 5 senses. We also made our cial attitudes, friendship, respect family house by putting family pic- and cooperation within our class. tures up. It was so great to see the children working on their first mini book to show how they can draw. We’ve read some stories froggies with excellent so- We do appreciate all your kind cooperation by taking part in our first about friendship and love, such as Froggie Goes to School, Are You My Mother and I Love My Daddy. We’ve been reviewing the first set of Jolly Phonics sounds (S, T, A and P). In Maths we reviewed colours, shapes and numbers. We’ve been practicing numbers 0 – 10. We’ve learnt some stories and chants such as ‘One, Two Buckle My Shoe’ and ‘Ten Little Monkeys’ to explore the many possible arrangements of num- parent-teacher conference, our opening day party and also our very first assembly. Kind Regards, Pari and Juci bers. During ‘Group Circle’ time we discuss our daily routine and ideas such 9 Brilliant Pandas Dear Panda Parents, Individual What an eventful time it has been! First, we welcomed three new children to our group here at Happy Kids. Haneen and Layan, both from Saudi Arabia, and Ema, from the Czech Republic. These three little girls continue to enhance our group through their cheerful disposition Development, covering learning to read and learning to do math. We began our adventure toward reading with an exploration of Jolly Phonics. While it is a review for some of our Pandas, those that are already familiar with it provide support to those for whom it is new. and we all look forward to growing Getting ready for mathematics is the closer throughout the rest of the other part of this morning activity. year. Here we move at our own pace getting to know the numbers better and how to use them to explore the world. Tribes is the other project which we have been exploring. After discussing topics such as how to listen attentively and what mutual After a little time getting to know respect is and how we model it, we each formed other, we began several ambitious projects, first with our smaller groups are learning to work together in our groups on small projects. 10 and Our circle time has been a place dancing and music of Madárdal. They where we can show off what we have showed learned instruments and taught us some fun through our individual development and all of us like to help each other do just us lots of interesting dances. that. Additionally, this is the time when we talk about everyday things like what the days of the week are, what the weather is like, the seasons and the months of the year. Amid all of this learning and hard work we still had time to celebrate some things as well. We celebrated Finally, we would like to give all of Yui’s you a heads up concerning our first birthday on the 17th of September when she turned five excursion. years old! Our other big party was will be going to the Vadas Park in Bu- on the 27th of September when we dakeszi just before we dismiss for held our Harvest Assembly. the Autumn Break. For those of you who were unable to attend, the Brilliant Pandas sang two songs for the whole of the school: „Autumn Leaves,” and „Shake the Apple Tree.” Thanks for all of the support from parents, teachers and staff and we look forward to a great year! After enjoying the presentations of the other groups we Barbara and Jason went outside for snacks prepared by each group Weather permitting, we (we made No Bake Cookies!) before being treated to the 11 Cheeky Monkeys Dear Families, Language and Arts had been inte- A very warm welcome to all our lovely new families who started this term, we look forward to getting to know you and your children! Also welcome to our “Cheeky Monkeys” children from last year. The children have had a great 7 weeks in Kindergarten. We are really enjoying getting to know all of them and it has been lovely to see how well they have settled into their new class. The emphasis for the beginning of the year was to build a strong learning community by promoting our TRIBES Community circle. It has now become an essential part of our day. The outcome of the TRIBES process is to develop a positive environment that promotes children’s growth and learning. 12 grated into our Unit of Inquiry entitled “Take and Give”. The children learned through discussions and project work why people feel and think differently; how this can lead to conflict and how they can appreciate the perspectives of others. Throughout the year they will continue to deepen their understanding how differences can be resolved and how bullying can be prevented. We have enjoyed the field trip to Our Sports Day on the 21st of September. Children were able to choose their favourite sports activity from more than 80 different sports. The Sports Day provided children with the opportunities, inspiration and support to participate in sport, recreational and physical activities. The day truly benefited children’s development in challenging situations. confidence whilst they gained sup- Trust, care, tolerance and the will- port and knowledge to help them lead ingness to give and accept support an active lifestyle. were all encouraged. On the 5th of October we visited Our classroom has been divided into the Adventure Park in Csillebérc. By interest areas so children have the participating in the outdoor activities chance to explore, make things, ex- children felt a great deal of intrinsic periment, and pursue their own inter- enjoyment and satisfaction. The ad- ests. This month we have developed a venture activities gave a chance to new interest area the Dramatic Play build self- Area. Dramatic play is central to the esteem. They also gave opportunities development and learning of children. to develop independence and self- For this reason we included areas reliance. Through successfully facing such as the kitchen/home center, up to challenges, overcoming fears saloon, doctor/patient corner to in- and apprehensions along the way, spire creative and imaginative play. children made major strides in confi- In the Dramatic Play Area, children dence with implications for all as- break through the restrictions of pects of their development. This out- reality. They pretend to be someone doors experience provided rich op- or something different from them- portunities for personal and social selves and make up situations and ac- self-confidence and tions that go along with the role they choose. When children engage in dramatic play they deepen their understanding of the world and develop skills that will serve them throughout their lives. Warm regards, Ms. Petra, Ms. Ranjani and Ms. Zita 13 Diary Dates Autumn break 22—26 October Happy Kids will be closed! All Saints Day—Long weekend Thursday-Friday, 1-2 November Happy Kids will be closed! Halloween Party Thursday, 8 November Parent-Teacher Conferences 5-16 November Please sign up for individual times! American Thanksgiving Assembly Thursday, 23 November St. Nicolas Day Thursday, 6 December Christmas/Hanukkah Party Friday, 14 December 14
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