primary paraliturgy
primary paraliturgy
20 1 3 PRIMARY RGY U T I L A R A P ESDAY N D E W H S A INTRODUCTION LITURGY LEADER: We gather here today to celebrate the beginning of the Church’s season of Lent. As a community we acknowledge the original and ongoing owners of the land on which we gather: the people. We begin our liturgy in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit. POWER REFLECPOINT FACES OTION: F PC (primary ve rsion) ava ilable on websi te www.cari / projectco mpassion ALL: Amen SUGGES OPENINTED G HYMN S: Andrew C hinn Change yo ur Heart, Many Roa One Journ ds, ey. Michael M angan This Is th e Time Th is is the T ime. DISCIPLE 2: So when we share our wealth with the poor we should also share ourselves with them by showing respect, Lord? We pray that we will be people of compassion during this time of Lent, and that we will see Jesus in the needs of others, especially the poor. JESUS: This is what your Father in heaven asks of you. Disciples nod say appropriate words like “Now I get it”, rise and walk away. Jesus bows head and stands still until all have responded to the Gospel. ALL: Amen READER 2: During Lent we give thanks for the good things that God has given us and remember that these blessings are not just for us. We must share them and use them to help other people in the world who do not have enough food, clean water and healthcare. By taking part in Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion during Lent we are working for justice and a fair world. We join together in prayer for our brothers and sisters who live in poverty. We ask God to help us to give hope to others. JESUS: Of course, but when you give to the poor don’t let anyone know about it. Disciples shake heads, except disciple 2 who looks puzzled. Then your gift will be a secret. Disciples put fingers to lips. You will respect the dignity and feelings of those who are poor. Disciples stretch out arms palms up. Your Father knows what is done in secret and he will reward you. Disciples nod. READER 3: God of hope, we pray for a just world where people are able to live with dignity, and where the resources of the earth are cared for and used for the good of all people. We make this prayer in Jesus’ name. READER 1: Lent is a time when we think about how we have been called into a special relationship with God and other people. At the end of the forty days of Lent we celebrate Easter and Jesus rising from the dead. God sent his son Jesus to give his life for us and show us that we need to open the doors of our hearts to love others as God loves us. DISCIPLE 2: But should we still give to the poor Lord? SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 6:1-4. 4-5 Students to play the roles of the Jesus and the disciples. LEADER: A dramatization of the Holy Gospel according to Matthew. JESUS: (speaking to his disciples) When you do good things, don’t try to show off. DISCIPLE 1: (Looking puzzled) Why Lord? JESUS: This makes your Father in heaven sad and he will not reward you. When you give to the poor do not blow a loud horn. That is what show offs do so that others will praise them. They already have their reward. Disciples nod except disciple 2 who looks puzzled. LEADER: The Gospel of the Lord ALL: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. 20 1 3 PRIMARY RGY U T I L A R A P ESDAY N D E W H S A DISTRIBUTION OF BLESSED ASHES LEADER: From these blessed ashes comes hope and new life. The ashes on our foreheads are a sign that during Lent we are trying to grow to be more like Jesus. The cross reminds us that just as Jesus gave of himself for others we need to share what we have. LEADER: As we receive these blessed ashes we ask God to bless us so that we become more loving as we try to do without some of the things we want. Help us to be fair, peaceful and just as we stand with others in our global family who have little. DISTRIB BLESSEDUTION OF MUSIC: ASHES Michael M angan Out of Ash es from S ing Your John Garr Joy. et Publish ing (If you the music have , play it an d listen q uietly) John Burl and Act Justly from God Loves Me READER: God of hope, we pray for Raymundo and his community in Bolivia. May our support of Project Compassion enable young people in Bolivia to open the doors to new possibilities to live as respected members of their communities. Let us pray to the Lord ALL: Lord, hear our prayer READER: God of hope, we thank you for the care given to our mothers at the start of our lives. We pray for Salma and her community in Bangladesh. As you send new life into our world may our support of Project Compassion keep mothers and their babies safe and healthy. Let us pray to the Lord ALL: Lord, hear our prayer READER: God of hope, we pray for Vannak and his community in Cambodia. May our support of Project Compassion give children who work to support their families the education and skills they need to free them from poverty. Let us pray to the Lord ALL: Lord, hear our prayer PRAYERS OF INTERCESSION LEADER: As people who wish to live like Jesus we are called to bring hope to the lives of others so that they may share justly in the gifts of creation that we enjoy. READER: God of hope, we pray for Ditosa and her community in Mozambique. May our support of Project Compassion give children who live in poverty, opportunities for education and the hope to believe in a bright future. Let us pray to the Lord ALL: Lord, hear our prayer READER: God of hope, we pray for Bernard and the indigenous people of Australia. May our support of Project Compassion help to heal the pain suffered by many indigenous people. Help them to raise their children with hope and belief in the human dignity that you give to every person. Let us pray to the Lord ALL: Lord, hear our prayer READER: God of hope, we pray for Rollen in Papua New Guinea. May our support of Project Compassion help to give young people a fair share in the resources of the earth so that they have opportunities to live their dreams, Let us pray to the Lord ALL: Lord, hear our prayer LEADER: Lord, We thank you for the gifts you have given us and the people who help us live our lives to the full. During this Lenten season we ask you to help us commit our hearts and minds to opening the doors to justice for the poor. We make this prayer though Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. CONCLUDING PRAYER We ask you to bless us in our support for Project Compassion as we pray the prayer that Jesus taught us: Our Father... CLOSIN G HYMN : Michael M angan, Hearts on Fire. Settin g Hearts on Fire