dec 2010 newsletter - Hindley High School
dec 2010 newsletter - Hindley High School
H I G H S C H O O L CALENDAR KIDS Earlier this year, our pupils were set a challenge to provide Forrest Recruitment with a range of artworks for their 2011 calendar. With the focus of the company being on jobs and careers, pupils were asked what they wanted to be when they grew up. They visualised their future aspirations using a range of art materials and under the guidance of artist Oliver Wotherspoon their ideas were brought to life. The artworks produced by the pupils now form Forrest Recruitment’s 2011 calendar which will be distributed to over 2000 Forrest Recruitment clients across the North West. Our school received a £1,000 donation from Forrest Recruitment and all the participating pupils received a £15 gift voucher as a thank you for their hard work. DO IT TODAY - THE EASY WAY You can now claim housing benefit, council tax benefit and free school meals online. If you already claiming benefit you can report any changes in your circumstances online as well. Just visit and click on “Apply for it” and then “benefits”. If you don’t have access to the internet help is available for free at the boroughs libraries and Life Centres. SPECIAL THANKS FOR SERVICE TO SCHOOL Without governors’ constant support, commitment and vision for our school, we would not be so successful. They are volunteers who willingly give their time and skills for the good of our pupils. It is not an easy role but one which is essential. A special thanks this year to Paul Turner who after 12 years has decided to retire from the governing body. Paul was presented with a piece of art work by the artist, James McGarrie, as a thank you for his 12 years of outstanding service to the school as a governor. We all wish him well for the future. We always enjoy our school’s Presentation Evening where we celebrate our pupils’ achievements in academic excellence, sports, music and community contribution. Following our PRESENTATION outstanding examination results, the evening at the DW EVENING Stadium was a double celebration for pupils, staff, governors and parents, where certificates were presented to all our prize winners. We believe that we are truly a learning community which is achieving excellence, relevance and access, at the heart of Hindley township. EARLY CLOSURE We will finish this term at 1.15pm on Tuesday 21 December 2010. Buses will not be available, but if you want your child to remain in school until the normal end of the day, please let your child’s Head of Year know. School will re-open at 8.55am on Thursday 6 January 2011. We hope you have a joyful Christmas. STEM CLUB CHALLENGE STEM club members took part in the National STEM Challenge last term, running their very own anti-doping laboratory. They were responsible for drug testing athletes before they took part in their events. This involved carrying out numerous testing procedures such as chromatograms, titrations, spot tests and specific gravity tests, recording all of their results and making decisions on whether athletes were eligible to take part in events. Pupils from all year groups took part in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat, led by Miss Nicholson, Head of Drama. The project was a huge team effort which was at least six months in the making. Pupils each devoted a minimum of forty hours extra curricular time to the project and the shows to local primary schools, our pupils, parents, governors and school staff were a roaring success. This was a positive experience that will remain with our pupils and their families for years to come and definite proof that our pupils are capable of doing amazing things! BETH SHALOM LOVE & Year 9 pupils made their annual trip to Beth Shalom Holocaust Centre, Nottingham in MARRIAGE November. They spent the morning looking around the museum, finding out about the events during the Holocaust. After lunch they met with Lisa Vincent and heard her Pupils in Year 11 have been looking at amazing story of how she survived the Holocaust by fleeing Germany on the the values and importance of marriage in Kinderstransport. their core and GCSE RE lessons. Pupils spent a number of lessons learning about the TURNPIKE GALLERY symbolism in a marriage service before planning and preparing for their big day, acting In November, pupils visited the Turnpike Gallery in out their own wedding in lesson, complete Leigh to see the exhibition Lab Craft. The exhibits with wedding dress, bouquets and button featured items created by using cutting-edge digital holes! technologies such as rapid prototyping and 3D printing. These technologies are combined with SCHOOL CROSSINGS UPDATE creativity to produce a range of traditional craft items such as furniture, jewellery and textiles. The pupils were able to see products at Periodically a census is carried out on School first hand and take part in activities to try out some of the processes they had Crossings to determine grading and establish discovered. that the times of the crossing are in accord BOLTON UNIVERSITY with the efficiency of the School Crossing Patrol and the needs of those wishing to cross. A group of Year 8 pupils visited Bolton Recently such a census was carried out at the University to work in the Product crossing on Atherton Road, Hindley near to Development area. Pupils worked with Borsdane Avenue. As a result the times during lecturers to design a mobile phone using which the Crossing Patrol performs duty have specialist software and were able to see been slightly altered to take account of current a 3D prototype being created using a pedestrian flows. The new times effective from rapid prototyping machine Pupils were also given a CHRISTMAS CARDS tour of the campus and treated to a buffet lunch! Congratulations and thanks go to our Year 9 pupils, Bethan Critchley, Eve Barton and Danielle MalleySmith on the production of their superb school Christmas cards. Monday 22nd November 2010 will be as follows: 08.10 to 09.00hrs and 15.00 to 15.40hrs VEGETABLE GARDEN UPDATE Pupils have successfully grown peas, courgettes, pumpkins, radish, lettuce, potatoes, strawberries and beetroot, some of which have been served in the school canteen. Pupils have also cooked some of the produce after school and taken some home to be eaten. BEING BRITISH During November’s Personal Development Day, Year 7 made subject links between art & humanities based on the theme ‘Being British’. During one of the art sessions, pupils had to consider ‘What is a British Icon?’, the final collaborative piece was a large tea pot made from tea bags decorated in union jack colours. Pupils had an insight into research techniques including how an artist may develop ideas through a commissioned piece of work. All pupils had an input and were involved in the creative process from developing independent sketches to recording the progress through digital technologies as photojournalists. SHOE BOX APPEAL ENROLMENT 6PM - 8PM 11TH/12TH JANUARY 2011 NEW COURSES Once again we have supported the Samaritan’s Purse Shoe Box Appeal. Grow your own prize flowers Genealogy/Trace your family tree Money Matters, Debate Club Plus many more! Contact Julie Austin or Jo Pollitt 01942 767704 Or email: [email protected] Year 8 pupils packed their shoe boxes in their RE lessons. They had great fun wrapping their boxes and getting into the Christmas spirit. Thank you to all those who supported this worthy cause. SCHOOL HOLIDAYS - 2010/11 INDONESIAN GAMELAN WORKSHOP SCHOOL CLOSED SCHOOL OPEN CHRISTMAS STAFF INSET Wednesday 22 December 2010 Thursday 6 January 2011 Wednesday 5 January 2011 HALF TERM EASTER STAFF INSET Monday 21 February 2011 Monday 11 April 2011 Tuesday 26 April 2011 Monday 28 February 2011 Wednesday 27 April 2011 9H4 were given the opportunity to take part in an Indonesian Gamelan Workshop at the Music Centre in Hindley where they were able to play on authentic BANK HOLIDAY Monday 2 May 2011 Indonesian Instruments in a traditional way. It was Monday 30 May 2011 Monday 6 June 2011 very informative and great fun. 9H4 performed HALF TERM SCHOOL CLOSES FOR SUMMER ON TUESDAY 19 JULY 2011 brilliantly and were a credit to the music department – well done! As part of the school’s fund raising efforts for Children in Need, Year 10 GCSE RE pupils put their knowledge of volunteering to good use this term when they helped to organise the Pennies for Pudsey campaign. They went around collecting spare change and then arranged it on Pudsey. Their persuasive charm managed to raise over £78 for Children in Need. Many other events were arranged including cake sales, collection buckets, a christmas card event in the library, a sponsored silence and at the end of term, there will be the usual staff concert where all proceeds will go towards the charity. Blazer Years 7-10 Bottle green incorporating the school badge Sweatshirt Year 11 Black V neck, incorporating the school badge Skirt All years Bottle green (traditional uniform style) Acceptable skirt length at Head’s discretion Trousers Blouse Pullover Tie All years Plain black traditional uniform style, not low slung trousers All years Plain white (with shirt collar suitable for tie) Years 7-10 V – neck, bottle green, incorporating woven school badge All years Bottle green with a woven school badge Socks Tights Shoes All years All years All years Tracksuit Shirt Socks Shorts Skirt Sweatshirt Trainers Towel All years All years All years All years All years All years All years All years Blazer Years 7-10 Sweatshirt Year 11 Pullover Years 7-10 Trousers All years Shirt All years Tie All years Prefects will be awarded a blue tie with woven badge White or black Black Sensible style in black NOT TRAINERS, ‘PUMPS’ OR BOOTS P E KIT Black, incorporating the school badge White, polo type t-shirt Black Black (for summer) Pleated back wrap-over style in bottle green (optional) Green with school badge (optional) (or pumps) Bottle green incorporating the school badge Black V neck, incorporating the school badge V‐ neck bottle green incorporating the woven school badge Plain black traditional uniform style, not low slung trousers Plain white Bottle green with a woven school badge Prefects will be awarded a blue tie with woven badge White or black Sensible style in black NOT TRAINERS, ‘PUMPS’ OR BOOTS P E KIT Tracksuit All years Black, incorporating the school badge Shirt All years Green and gold rugby shirt White t-shirt Shorts All years Black Socks All years Black Trainers and football boots (or an extra pair of old trainers) Spare underpants or swimming trunks Towel Socks Shoes All years All years E ABL AIL V A RM ERS IFO N U LAT S L M AL FRO WE ARE A FULLY UNIFORMED SCHOOL AND UNIFORM IS COMPULSORY JEWELLERY: the only jewellery acceptable to school is one pair of small, simple studs in pierced ears and a watch. For health & safety reasons, no jewellery should be worn to PE lessons. Any piercing should be done during the long school holiday so that pupils do not have to wear extra jewellery during term time. THE SCHOOL WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE LOSS OF ITEMS OF JEWELLERY TOP COATS: must be an outdoor coat which covers the blazer and is warm and water‐repellent. Fleeces, denim and sports tops are not acceptable. Reflective strips are encouraged. HAIRSTYLES Extreme hairstyles are not allowed in school. Suitability of hairstyles will be at the Headteacher’s discretion. MAKE‐UP: not to be worn by pupils in school. MOBILE PHONES: must not be brought into school. THE SCHOOL WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE LOSS OF MOBILE PHONES. ON THE RARE OCCASION THAT STAFF MAY HAVE TO CONFISCATE PUPIL PROPERTY, WE MAY REQUEST THAT PARENTS COME INTO SCHOOL TO HAVE THE PROPERTY RETURNED TO THEM. Mornington Road Hindley Wigan WN2 4LG A LIMITED NUMBER OF BICYCLES RACKS ARE AVAILABLE. AS EXTERNAL PROPERTY SECURITY IS NEVER GUARANTEED, WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT PUPILS FASTEN THEIR BICYCLES TO THE RACKS PROVIDED. Telephone: (01942) 767704 Email: [email protected] Website:
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