Dear Parents, This is an excerpt from the Parish bulletin 24 July
Dear Parents, This is an excerpt from the Parish bulletin 24 July
29 31 2 3 3 9 9 10 10 15 19 24 25 26 26 28 NEWSLETTERNO23 Thursday28thJuly,2016 JULY SLCFridaySport RequestmassforFirst Eucharistat9.00am AUGUST HooptimeforGrs.5&6 Parents&Friendsmeetingat BBHCaféat2.00pm Gr.3/4CampInformation Evening SSVAthletics PSG’s PSG’s CelebrationofLearning HooptimeforGrs.3&4 SLCFridaySport Gr3/4Camp Gr3/4Camp Gr3/4Camp SLCFridaySport FirstEucharistGr4 SEPTEMBER SLCFridaySport SLCFridaySport Term3finishesat1.00pm DearParents, ThisisanexcerptfromtheParishbulletin24July2016 writtenbyFrDenton….. “Late last year a Ministerial Order (no. 870) was issued that aims to ensure that all schools in Victoria are the safest environments possible for our children to learn and develop. Specifically, the Order introduces Child Safe Standards, which seek to manage the risk of child abuse in all Victorian schools. The Order will come into operation on 1 August 2016 at which time all schools will need to demonstrate, through a special attestation process, that they have implemented, or at least partially implemented, the procedures to ensure compliance with the “child safe standards.” … As a parish we are committed to doing everything in our power to ensure that children can come to know the love of the Father in a safe and loving environment.” TothisendIdrawyourattentiontoStJoseph’sChild SafetyPolicylocatedonourwebsitealongwithourAntibullyingpolicywhichdemonstrateourcommitmentto providingasafeenvironmentforyourchildren. Lastnightstaff offeredtheirsupport tofamiliesofchildren 2 preparingtoreceive 9 theirFirst 16 Communion.Fr Dentonaddressed parentsinitiallyanddescribedthehistoryoftheMassin AustraliaandprovidedandexplanationoftheEucharist. INDONESIANDAY ThankstoBuCormickforherenergy,passionandorganisationalskillsinmakingIndonesianDaya greatsuccess.Thechildrenenjoyedtheday.Thankyoutoalltheparentswhovolunteeredandthe Year10studentsfromStJamesCollegeBentleighwhoaddedanewdimensiontoourIndonesian experience. NAPLAN Earlierthisyear,ourschoolsubmittedanexpressionofinterestandwasacceptedintothePilot. NAPLANOnlinewilldelivernumerousbenefitsincluding: § reducedtimebetweentestingandreporting,increasingtheabilityofteacherstousethe resultstoinformteachingpractice; § a‘tailoredtest’designthatadaptstocorrectandincorrectstudentresponsesprovidinga morepreciseunderstandingofstudentachievement; § innovativeuseoftechnology,includingamoreengagingtestdesignandawiderrangeof itemtypes; § improvedequityofaccess,includinggreaterpotentialtosupportstudentswithadisability; § theextensionofthe‘testwindow’totwoweeks,allowingschoolsgreateropportunityto schedulethetestsattimesthatsuitthembestandincreasingstudentparticipation. Theschoolclosuredaysare: Tuesday15Novemberand Wednesday16November. Regards, Chris Seeber Berita Indonesia (Indonesian News) Hari Indonesia (Indonesian Day) was held on Tuesday 26th July. Once again we were lucky to have 31 Year 9 and 10 students (and their teachers) from St James College visiting and running some of the activities. The children participated in a range of activities throughout the day including cooking (and eating) an Indonesian sweet snack called Klepon, puppetry, music (angklung) and numerous Indonesian language games. They also learnt about the amazing Coconut Palm and Indonesian Independence Day. Here are some of the student’s thoughts and photos: ‘I feel fascinated’. Ben (Foundation) ‘It was fun because we got to know people in other grades’. Henry (Foundation) ‘I learnt about different Indonesian words.’ Shay (Foundation) ‘I can play Indonesian instruments.’ Catie (Foundation) ‘I learnt how to say colours and number in Indonesian.’ Edward (Foundation) ‘I learnt how to make Indonesian food.’ Jack (Foundation) ‘I can go to Indonesia when I am older and I would already know lots.’ Jess (Grade 4) ‘I know how to play 2 Indonesian songs using Indonesian instruments (angklung).’ Ryan (Grade 3) ‘Coconut palms have blossom and palm sugar is really sweet’. Lexi (grade 4) ‘I will be going to Bali soon so this was quite useful.’ Chloe N (Grade 4) ‘You can make nearly everything from coconut trees!’ Madison (Grade 3) ‘I learnt about Indonesian Independence day.’ Alex (Grade 4) ‘I can speak some Indonesian.’ Mackenzie (Grade 3) ‘We could make new friends and do fun activities with the St James boys and the teachers’. Gabi (Grade 3) ‘Coconut palms are called The Tree of Life .’ Bianca (Grade 4) ‘Green blobs (klepon) are really yummy.’ Noa (Grade 4) ‘We got to play fun games like Uno and Twister in Indonesian.’ Chris (Grade 4) ‘Playing the instruments was really fun.’ Grace (Grade 4) Many thanks to our parent helpers who generously donated their time to help with the cooking activity and also the photography! And of course a big thank you to the St Joseph’s staff for all their help and support in ensuring the success of Indonesian day. Terima kasih!! MINIVINNIES SEETHINKDO Weareaskingeachfamilytodonateanolongerneeded blanketorcoattokeepotherswarm.Ouraimisfor100 donations(onefromeachfamily).Checkthosecupboards andseeifwecancoverthebarebedatschoolwithmany warmblankets.Weallhavetherighttobewarm! POSITIVEBEHAVIOURPBS-TERM3 Expectation-StaySafe Behaviourtobeadheredto:Followteacherinstruction Wehavebeenrunningacompetitionforournewschoollogo forPBS.Thewinningentrywillwina$20movievoucher.Comeonchildrenand getcreative.Entriesaredueintomorrow. MAKINGJESUSREAL GODMOMENTS What‘GodMoments’didyouexperiencethisweek? JennyKeely ParentDigitalPlayground AtSt.Joseph’sweencourageparentstoparticipateandinteractwiththestudents’learning whereverpossible.Oneofthewaystodothisisbyviewingandcommentingontheirworkusing theChromebookortheGoogleAppsForEducation(GAFE). Toassistwiththisinteraction,wehavesetupawebsitefortheparentcommunityatStJoseph's BlackRocktoaccesstipsforusingtheGoogleAppsandlatestnewsandtecheventsattheschool. WearelookingtobuildausefulresourceforparentstoaccessandassistwitheverythingGAFEand ChromebookaswellasprovidingacommunitythroughGoogle+foryoutorequestinformationin regardtotheseareas. VisittheParentDigitalPlaygroundviatheschoolwebsite underthemenu‘LearningandTeaching’ ENROLMENT AND TRANSITION TO SCHOOL FOR 2017 Our 2017 Foundation Tours were held in March, April and May. This started the process of enrolment and transition to school for new Prep / Foundation students. Wednesday 30th November Monday 10th October Monday 14th November Wednesday 9th November Monday 12th December Foundation Welcome with wine & cheese and Information Night 7:00pm-8:30pm. Foundation Orientation for 2017 2:30-3:30pm Foundation Orientation for 2017 2:30-3:30pm Welcome to the Parish Evening at St Joseph’s Primary School at 7:00pm All of our 2017 Foundation students attend school with their 2017 teacher, from 9.30-11am ST BEDE’S COLLEGE OPEN DAY FOR: Current Year 5 Students who will be in Year 7 in 2018 or anyone interested in viewing the College. DATE: Wednesday 7 September 2016 TIMES: 9:00am to 11:00am. (Tours every 10 minutes) Bookings are essential. Booking links can be found on the St Bede’s College website: in ‘Upcoming Events’ and ‘Enrolment’. FOR SALE…. Beautifully restored Zimerman Piano in excellent condition. Old fashioned Candle holders attached. Piano stool included. Please see Cathy Wells in the office for further details. ______________________________________________________ St Joseph’s Parents & Friends Association News – 28.07.2016 Help please! Grade 3 parents. The Grade 4 students at St Joseph's will receive their First Eucharist on Sunday August 28th. The school celebrates this special occasion by putting on a party for the Grade 4 children at lunch time [11.00 to 12.00] on the following day - Monday August 29th. This celebration is traditionally prepared by the Grade 3 parents. What we need to make this party a success is: 1. Someone to create the menu and purchase the food. 2. Someone to set up & decorate the party table. 3. Two people to be in the kitchen by 10.00 and preparing food for serving at 11.10am. 4. Three people to serve the food, manage the children and clean up after the lunch. FYI this year there are 20 children celebrating. The food is traditional party fare (party pies, hotdogs, potato chips) along with some fruit, etc. A cake is purchased for dessert. The colour theme is yellow (plastic table clothes are already purchased). Please text me (Kelli) on 0425 426 067 by Thursday if you can help out next Monday. Thank you from the P&F :) SAVE THE DATE… ST JOSEPH’S BUSH DANCE – SUNDAY OCTOBER 16 2016 Contact Sarah Jones 0407177030 or Fleur Harber 0403134578 if you are interested in helping Next meeting à Wednesday August 3rd at 2.00pm @ BBH café in Black Rock (next to the Balcombe Road carpark). EVERYONE IS WELCOME – Come along and join in the discussions or send any ideas for fund raising or social events to the P & F email address. RSVP to Kelli [email protected]. ___________________________________________________________ NUT ALLERGIES At St Joseph’s we have a no sharing of food policy due to the number of students with severe life threatening allergies. In particular we ask that you PLEASE DO NOT SEND NUTS OR NUT BASED PRODUCTS TO SCHOOL. SIGNING OUT BOOK Please remember to sign your child out of the school when leaving early. It is not necessary to sign in when arriving late. The sign out book is located in the office on the bench. SCHOOL HOURS The school is responsible for the supervision of students from 8.45am. It is important to remember that staff who arrive early for school do so to prepare for the day and cannot do this as well as supervise early arrivals. A Before School Care program operates on our premises from 7.30am each day. SECOND HAND UNIFORMS Donations or enquiries contact Trisha McKean on 0423 979 745. WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECK A reminder to all parents who wish to assist in the classrooms or on excursions that a WWCC is mandatory and should be displayed at all times when helping in the classroom or on excursions. HEAD LICE - ONCE A WEEK TAKE A PEEK Families please check your child’s hair for Head Lice each Sunday before they return to school. Please treat immediately if head lice are found. Head lice numbers would be reduced if this quick check happened every week. HEAD INJURIES Any child who has a knock / bump to the head will have their parents notified as a precaution. All children who are treated in sickbay or on the playground are issued with a First Aid slip; however, often these are not seen by Parent. All staff is trained in first aid each year to Level 2, which should be very reassuring for parents, but we will not make decisions or judgments regarding head injuries. STAFF MEETINGS Will be held each Wednesday at 3.45pm. Please do not detain teachers on these days.
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