Outbound student mobility to Indonesia and the New Colombo Plan
Outbound student mobility to Indonesia and the New Colombo Plan
Outbound student mobility to Indonesia and the New Colombo Plan: Lessons learnt from ACICIS Ms Elena Williams, MA ACICIS Resident Director What is The Australian Consortium for ‘In-Country’ Indonesian Studies (ACICIS)? › Non-profit consortium established in 1994 to enable students to undertake credited study at Indonesian universities › We have 22 Australian and 2 international university members › We organise semester-long, short course and study tour programs at Indonesian universities, allowing students to receive credit towards their home degrees › Since 1995, over 2,000 students have studied through ACICIS programs ACICIS member universities WHO DO WE WORK WITH? (MITRA ACICIS) › 7 Indonesian university partners: › Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Universitas Sanata Dharma (USD), and Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) in Yogyakarta; › Universitas Parahyangan (UNPAR) in Bandung; › Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya in Jakarta; › Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) in Malang; › and Institute Pertanian Bogor (IPB) in Bogor. › Work through International Offices and faculty-level mobility offices, plus language and cultural learning centres. ACICIS’ PROGRAMS IN INDONESIA › Semester-long courses: › Short courses: › Flexible Language Immersion › Development Studies Practicum* › East Java Field Studies* › Journalism Professional Practicum* › West Java Field Studies* › Business Professional Practicum* › Indonesian Business, Law and Society* › Creative Arts & Design Professional Practicum (January 2017) › International Relations* › Teaching Immersion › Development Studies Immersion* › Agriculture Semester Program (launching August 2016) * Suitable for non-Indonesian language speakers › Study tours: › School tours › Educational tours › Public Health Study Tour (December 2016) ACICIS and the New Colombo Plan (NCP) › Since 2014 we have supported an additional 250 students to study and intern in Indonesia on both semester and short-course programs, through the mobility grant stream › Our total student numbers up by 35% for 2015 › Helping students establish internship placements: emphasis on vocational, hands-on learning experiences › Connecting current and future professional leaders in a range of sectors Creating opportunities, opening the door to Indonesia › The NCP has opened up new opportunities for ACICIS programs in ‘non-Indonesian Studies’ areas. › Around 60% of our NCP-supported students are not studying an Indonesian/ Southeast Asian/ Asian Studies major and this is their first time in Indonesia. › Through the NCP/ ACICIS they’re able to ‘re-configure’ what Indonesia means to them From ACICIS students themselves re. NCP › ‘I wouldn’t have come to Indonesia otherwise’ (Flexible Immersion semester student, Yogyakarta, June 2015) › ‘I had no idea Jakarta was so modern- it’s nothing like I expected! Even though it’s busy, I feel really at home here.’ (Business student, February, 2015) › ‘I couldn’t even say “terima kasih” six months ago, and now I want to keep learning Indonesian back in Melbourne.’ (Intl Relations student, Bandung, July, 2015) › ‘After doing this semester, I know that Indonesia will be a part of my career plan’ (Development Studies student, Yogyakarta, June, 2015) Academic vs. vocational experience: the results? › In-depth knowledge of politics, business and society in Indonesia, learning that from an Indonesian perspective through the workplace › Students who know and understand the Indonesian professional sector will make better informed future leaders in our region › Mutual respect: really getting to know their peers, colleagues and mentors › Cultural and linguistic skill sets that other business professionals don’t have Moving forward? › Growing our programs through the 2016 – 2017 NCP funding rounds: Agriculture, Creative Arts & Design, Public Health. Potential for new partner universities in Creative Arts and Public Health. › Continue to work with the NCP to promote the initiative in Indonesia and among our member universities/ students in Australia. › Through ACICIS/ NCP alumni, work to create pathways for recent graduates who really understand the context: internship programs, mentorships, graduate recruitment. For further information, please visit: www.acicis.edu.au Or contact us via: Elena Williams: [email protected] ACICIS Secretariat: [email protected] @elewilliams/ @ACICIS
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