Gazette June 20 2016 - the National Printing Corporation of St
Gazette June 20 2016 - the National Printing Corporation of St
Saint Lucia Government Gazette 729 VACANCY NOTICE Ministry of Infrastructure, Port Services and Transport POST OF PROJECT OFFICER II, I RELATIONSHIPS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 11. Conceptualizes and implements training programmes for staff within the Technical Services Department. 12. Assists with the work of the Technical Services Department as may be required by the Chief Engineer. 1. Works under the direction of and reports to the Director of Works. 2. Required to respond whenever necessary to the Chief Engineer or Permanent Secretary on matters related to work in progress. DUTIES AND TASKS 1. Provides preliminary data and ensures the timely preparation of the final working drawings required for all building (includes sporting facilities and playing fields) construction works and repairs. 2. Prepares all estimates and costings from drawings for all extensions, alterations, renovations and refurbishing works on all Government buildings (includes sporting facilities and playing fields) island wide. 3. Prepares all relevant contract documents and certificates for payment for the execution of works as in items 1 and 2 above. 4. Directs and supervises building officers/technicians in respect of repair works as in 1, 2 and 3 above; Monitors all works, provides technical advice and ensures that all construction and other building works are carried out in accordance with drawings and specifications provided. 13. Performs such other related duties as may be assigned from time to time by the Director of Works/Chief Engineer. CONDITIONS 1. Accommodation provided in a general administrative office. 2. The officer must avail himself/herself for personal development and career advancement through established orientation and in-service training. 3. Salary is in accordance with terms stipulated by Government in the Estimates of Expenditure Agreement. 4. Institutional support is provided through Staff Orders for the Public Service of Saint Lucia, Collective Agreements and policy guidelines. 5. Quarters, free medical attention and medicine will not be provided. 6. Salary is liable to taxation in accordance with the Income Tax ordinance. EVALUATION METHOD Work performance will be evaluated on the basis of: 1. Timely completion of reports and meeting of task deadlines. 5. Provides technical advice and expenditure forecasts (costings) when necessary, for project planning and implementation. 2. Proven knowledge, understanding and accurate application of financial and store rules. 6. Prepares progress reports, data on expenditure incurred and balances as well as regular status updates of all on-going projects as required by the Chief Engineer on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis. SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE AND ABILITIES 7. Co-ordinates with other officers in the Buildings Unit on all on-going projects. 8. Provides support services to the Ministry for effective project development through the design/project review committee. 3. Effective implementation of duties and responsibilities as defined in the Job Description. 1. Ability to analyze issues and present findings. 2. Leadership and management skills. 3. Possess good communication (both orally and in writing) and interpersonal skills. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE 9. Assists the Contracts Manager in the evaluation of bids. The candidate should possess the following: 10. Assists with the planning, development implementation of externally funded projects. 1. Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture, Project Management, Engineering or a related field from a Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 and Grade 14 730 recognized University plus one (1) year experience at Grade 12 and above. OR 2. Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture, Project Management, Engineering or a related field from a recognized University plus four (4) years’ experience at Grade 10 and above. Grade 12 1. Diploma in Architecture, Project Management, Engineering or a related field plus three (3) years experience in a post at Grade 10 and above. OR 2. Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture, Project Management, Engineering or a related field from a recognized University plus 2 years experience at Grade 10 and above. SALARY Salary is at the rate of: Saint Lucia Government Gazette Grade 14, Step 1 - $61,914.36 Grade 12, Step 1 - $54,163.24 Applications should be made on the prescribed Government application forms along with certified copies of documents pertaining to qualifications, plus two (2) recent references and one (1) passport sized photograph. The same should be addressed to: The Secretary Public Service Commission Sir Stanislaus James Building The Waterfront Castries, St. Lucia To reach her no later than June 24, 2016 Unsuitable candidates will not be acknowledged. Please be advised that candidates who meet the minimum qualifications and experience may not be considered for an interview; only the candidates with the best qualifications and experience will be short listed for interviews. NOTICES NOTICE OF DISCONTINUANCE OF AN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COMPANY CHANGE OF NAME OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COMPANY (International Business Companies Act, Cap 12.14: Section 88) (International Business Companies Act, Cap.12.14 Section 10(5)) Scotiabank Short-term Income Fund Inc. 2014-00090 TAKE NOTICE that the International Business Company, Scotiabank Short-term Income Fund Inc. No. 2014-00090 which was incorporated on 27 February, 2014 has been re-domiciled and is continued as an International Business Company under the laws in the jurisdiction of the Cayman Islands. TAKE NOTICE that discontinuance of the above company became effective on 20 May, 2016 and that the company has been removed from the register in St. Lucia and a Certificate of Discontinuance issued. Dated this 20th day of May, 2016. Lester D. Martyr Registrar International Business Companies Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 TAKE NOTICE that the International Business Company incorporated on 18th May, 2015 as: Management Consultants Inc. No. 2015-00175 has registered an amendment to its Articles and Memorandum of Association and has changed its name to : Trading International Group (TIC) Inc. Dated this 23rd day of May, 2016 Lester D. Martyr Registrar International Business Companies Saint Lucia Government Gazette TERMS OF REFERENCECONSULTANCY SERVICES TECHNOLOGY NEEDS ASSESSMENT Third National Communication Programme 1. BACKGROUND THE Government of Saint Lucia (GOSL), as signatory to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), is legally required to periodically prepare and submit National Communication (NC) reports to the UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COP). The primary objective of this document is to enable countries to report on work undertaken and planned, in response to the adverse impacts of climate change. This enables the COP to monitor national progress towards the implementation of the UNFCCC. Since becoming a signatory, GOSL has submitted its Initial National Communication (INC) and its Second National Communication (SNC) in November 2002 and April 2012 respectively. The preparation of the Third National Communication (Third NATCOM) was initiated in August of 2013. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), through its Umbrella Programme, will function as the implementing agency. At the national level, the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Energy, Science and Technology (MSDEST), through the Sustainable Development and Environment Division (SDED), is the executing agency on behalf of the GOSL. The UNFCCC promotes the development and transfer of environmentally sound technologies to developing countries as a means of enabling the international community to fulfill the requirements of the convention. As such the development of a climate change technology needs assessment, assists in identifying environmentally sustainable technologies for Saint Lucia and prioritizing those based on the adaptation and mitigation responses which Saint Lucia will pursue. The first such report for Saint Lucia was produced in 2004. Given the advances in technology since 2004, and the new scientific information made available through the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other scientific bodies, the government of Saint Lucia through the MSDEST seeks to engage a Consultant to produce an assessment report capturing the technology needs for Saint Lucia which are key to assisting with achieving the objectives of the UNFCCC and Saint Lucia’s adaptation and mitigation priorities. Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 731 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES REQUIRED The Consultant is required to assess Saint Lucia’s technology needs in the context of the 2004 Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) report with a view to identifying progress and determining current needs. This includes an assessment of the country’s information technology needs in the area of climate change and other environmental issues. This report should take into account the recommendations from the 2004 TNA report, the Technology Transfer Section of the 2012 Other Relevant Information Report, and the 2014 Stocktaking Report for the preparation of Saint Lucia’s Third National Communication. The Consultant is expected to provide these services through the following tasks; Task 1: Documentation Review and data/ information gathering The Consultant is required to:A. Conduct a desk review of a number of critical documents including but not limited to: Reporting on Climate Change: i. User Manual for the guidelines on National Communications for Non- Annex 1 countries; ii. IPCC Special Report on Methodological and Technological Issues in Technology Transfer (2000); iii.UNFCCC Handbook for conducting Technology Needs Assessment for Climate Change 2010 iv.Technology Needs Assessment section under the Other Relevant Information (ORI) Section of Stocktaking Report for the preparation of Saint Lucia’s Third National Communication (2013); v. Technology Needs Assessment Section of Other Relevant Information Report from Saint Lucia’s Second National Communication (2012); vi.National Circumstances Report for Saint Lucia’s Third National Communication (2016). B. Consult with the relevant national and regional agencies, both public and private sector, as well as national experts to yield exhaustive information based on required scope of services. Task 2: Develop a 2016 Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) Report for Saint Lucia 732 The consultant is expected to develop and present a stand-alone 2016 TNA report for Saint Lucia, along with a synthesized TNA for inclusion in Saint Lucia’s Third National Communication Report to the UNFCCC. The Structure of the reports should be based on the UNFCCC Handbook for conducting Technology Needs Assessment for Climate Change 2010 as follows: A. Executive summary B. Main Report i. Technology overview needs assessment process ii. Identification of development priorities for the country iii.Identification of key (sub) sectors for low emission and low vulnerability development iv.Prioritization of technologies for low emission and low vulnerability development v. Preparation of strategy and action plan for prioritized technologies vi.Final conclusions and recommendations C. Annexes The Consultant is also required to consider the following key requirements from the 2013 Third National Communication Project document: ii. A detailed work-plan with timelines. 2) Draft Reports four (4) weeks after the commencement of the contract. 3) Presentation to stakeholders on contents of the report six (6) weeks after the commencement of the contract. 4) Presentation of Final Reports within eight (8) weeks of contract signature in Microsoft Word electronic format and hard copy. 4. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE Qualifications The minimum qualification requirements of the Consultant is possession of at the least a Masters Level Degree in Environmental Management Studies, Climate Change, Developmental Economics or a related field. Experience The Consultant must possess at least five (5) years working experience in climate change, or environmental management in Saint Lucia or the Caribbean Region. Competencies a. Be able to demonstrate expert knowledge of and experience in the analysis of other relevant information topics A. Database for environmentally sustainable technologies; B. Technology information networks; and b. Possess a solid understanding of the institutional arrangements and resources required to carry out the scope of works C. Human, scientific, technical and institutional capacity strengthening. c. Competence in report writing, presenting information and consulting with stakeholders Task 3: Presentation of Findings The Consultant is required to: A. Submit draft 2016 TNA for Saint Lucia and synthesized TNA to MSDEST B. Amend draft report based on feedback received C. Submit a final report to MSDEST 3. DELIVERABLES The Consultant is required to submit the following deliverables for this consultancy; Saint Lucia Government Gazette 1) An Inception Report, one (1) week after commencement of the contract, inclusive of a: i. Proposed methodology to yield the requisite information as outlined in the Scope of Work; and Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 d. Demonstrate flexibility in the event adjustments are required based on the findings during both at the organizational and technical levels, for successful implementation of the Technology Needs Assessment REPORTING AND LOGISTICAL ARRANGEMENTS The Consultant will report to the assigned representative of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Sustainable Development, Energy, Science and Technology within the Sustainable Development and Environment Division. The Consultant will be expected to make his own transportation and office arrangements. DURATION AND COSTS The consultant will be contracted for a period of two (2) months. The contract will be a lump sum contract Saint Lucia Government Gazette payable based on the schedule proposed in the agreed contract between the Government of Saint Lucia and the Consultant. SUBMISSIONS Proposals should be submitted in a sealed envelope marked confidential inclusive of an itemized financial costing by 4:30p.m on Friday 24th June 2016. Proposals should be addressed to: The Permanent Secretary Departmental Tenders Board Ministry of Sustainable Development, Energy, Science & Technology Norman Francis Building Balata CASTRIES TERMS OF REFERENCE CONSULTANCY SERVICES Other Relevant Information to the Achievement of the Objectives of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Third National Communication Project 1. BACKGROUND THE Government of Saint Lucia (GOSL), as a signatory to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), is legally required to periodically prepare and submit National Communication (NC) reports to the UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COP). The primary objective of this document is to enable countries to report on work undertaken and planned, in response to the adverse impacts of climate change. This enables the COP to monitor national progress towards the implementation of the UNFCCC. Since becoming a signatory, GOSL has submitted its Initial National Communication (INC) and its Second National Communication (SNC) in November 2002 and April 2012 respectively. The preparation of the Third National Communication (Third NATCOM) was initiated in August of 2013 and is expected to conclude in June 2016. The outstanding deliverables under the Third NATCOM are the (i) National Circumstances, (ii) Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment, (iii) Other Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 733 Relevant Information which has four sub-components and (iv) Gaps and Constraints. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), through its Umbrella Programme, functions as the implementing agency. At the national level, the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Energy, Science and Technology (MSDEST), through the Sustainable Development and Environment Division (SDED), is the executing agency on behalf of the GOSL. The UNFCCC, National Communications Guidelines states that “In order to facilitate the formulation and implementation of sustainable development programmes, non-Annex I Parties”, like Saint Lucia, “are encouraged, as appropriate, to provide information on any steps they have taken to integrate climate change considerations into relevant social, economic and environmental policies and actions. In light of the foregoing, this Ministry seeks to engage a Consultant to produce a report capturing Other Relevant Information to the achievement of the objectives of the UNFCCC, which builds on the work produced under the Second National Communication, and incorporates recommendations from the Stocktaking process for the Third National Communication. This report should present its findings for the following topics as stipulated by the UNFCCC: 1. Steps taken to integrate climate change considerations into national development and policy formulation; 2. Activities related to the transfer of environmentally sustainable technologies; 3. Information on climate change research and systematic observation; 4. Information on climate change education, training, and public awareness; 5. Information on capacity building activities, options and priorities; and 6. Measures to promote information exchange and networking. 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES REQUIRED The Consultant is required to render services to substantiate the following components as per the outlined structure: Task 1: Documentation Review and Data/ Information Gathering The Consultant is required to:- 734 a. Conduct a desk review of a number of critical documents including but not limited to: Reporting on Climate Change: i. User Manual for the guidelines on National Communications for Non- Annex 1 countries; Saint Lucia Government Gazette v. Challenges associated with, and recommendations (including prioritisation of action) for, integrating climate change considerations into national development and policy formulation ii. Other Relevant Information Section of Stocktaking Report for the preparation of Saint Lucia’s Third National Communication; vi.Entry points that are, and can be, utilised by the government and the private sector for integrating climate change considerations into national development and policy formulation iii. Other Relevant Information Report from Saint Lucia’s Second National Communication; 2) Activities related to transfer of environmentally sustainable technologies iv.National Circumstances Report for Saint Lucia’s Third National Communication as well as; i. Technology Needs Assessment (TNA); v. Relevant national socio-economic environmental publications and reports. and b. Consult with relevant agencies, both Public and Private, as well as national experts, to yield exhaustive information as per the outlined “Scope of Services” Task 2: Development of Other Relevant Information Report The consultant is expected to develop and present a report on Other Relevant Information which covers the UNFCCC-required topics. The Structure of the Report should be as follows: A. Information preceding the UNFCCC required topics; i. Acknowledgements, Executive Summary, Introduction, Approach and Methodology. B. Information on UNFCCC-required topics as follows: 1) Steps taken to integrate climate change considerations into national development and policy formulation as per the following: i. Linkages between the national communication process and national development priorities; ii. Efforts to integrate climate change considerations into social, economic and environmental policies and actions; iii. Enhanced institutional arrangements to create a sustainable national communication process; iv.Indicators to evaluate the impacts of the national communication process at different levels. Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 ii. Database established on sustainable technologies; environmentally iii. Technology information networks established; iv. Human, scientific, technical and institutional capacity strengthened. v. Challenges associated with, and recommendations (including prioritisation of action) related to, transfer of environmentally sustainable technologies vi.Opportunities for the transfer environmentally sustainable technologies of 3) Information on climate change research and systematic observation i. Measures and recommendations to improve national programmes for research and systematic observation; ii. Activities related to participation in global research and observation systems; iii.Identification of challenges, gaps, needs, options and priorities for climate change research and systematic observations. iv. Opportunities for improving climate change research and systematic observation 4) Information on climate change education, training, and public awareness i. Initiatives to assess the level of awareness and understanding of climate change issues at the national level ii. Initiatives to increase awareness understanding of climate change issues; and iii.Initiatives and programmes for education, training and public awareness; 735 Saint Lucia Government Gazette iv. Institutional framework for public participation in climate change activities; iv.Opportunities for information exchange and promoting networking v. Co-operation to promote education, training and public awareness; C. Information following the UNFCCC required topics; vi. Challenges, gaps, needs, options and priorities identified in climate change education, training and public awareness. a.Challenges, Opportunities, emerging issues, and recommendations (with prioritisation), Conclusions, Bibliography and Annexes. vii.Entry points that are, and can be, utilised by the government and the private sector for improving climate change education, training, and public awareness 5) Information on capacity building activities, options and priorities i. Identification of specific challenges, gaps, needs, options and priorities for capacity building to address climate change issues; ii. Participation of wide range of stakeholders in issues related to climate change; iii.Activities related to co-ordination and sustainability of capacity-building activities; iv. Dissemination and sharing of information on capacity-building activities; v. Opportunities for capacity building related to climate change 6) Capacity-building activities aimed at integrating adaptation, mitigation and loss and damage into medium and long-term planning; i. Promotion of synergy in implementation of the Rio Conventions 7) Capacity-building activities aimed at integrating loss and damage into medium and long-term planning; i. Understanding adaptation, disaster management and loss and damage risk ii. Identification of challenges, gaps, needs, options and priorities 8) Measures to promote information exchange and networking i. Activities to promote information sharing; ii. Participation in, and contribution to, information networks iii.Identification of specific challenges, gaps, needs, options and priorities to facilitate information exchange and networking Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 Task 3: Presentation of Findings The Consultant is required to:a.Present findings in draft report covering elements from task two (2) above to be shared in advance with MSDEST and subsequently to stakeholders for validation in-keeping with section three (3) below. b. Amend draft report based on feedback received from validation process in-keeping with section three (3) below. c. Submit a final report to MSDEST in-keeping with section three (3) below. 3. DELIVERABLES The Consultant is required to submit the following deliverables for this consultancy; a. An Inception Report, one (1) week after the commencement of contract, inclusive of the following: i. Proposed methodology to yield the requisite information as outlined in the Scope of Work ii. A detailed work-plan with timelines b. Submission of Draft Report to MSDEST, eight (8) weeks after the commencement of contract covering all aspects of the prescribed elements of the ORI report as outlined in task 2 above. c. Presentation of approved draft to stakeholders through consultations organized by MSDEST on contents of the report ten (10) weeks after the commencement of contract. d. Submission of Final Report within 12 weeks of commencement of contract incorporated feedback and recommendations where applicable, based on consultative process. This report should be presented in Microsoft Word electronic format and hard copy. 736 4. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE Qualifications Saint Lucia Government Gazette financial costing by 4:30 p.m on 24th June 2016. Proposals should be addressed to: The Permanent Secretary Departmental Tenders Board Ministry of Sustainable Development, Energy, Science & Technology Norman Francis Building Balata CASTRIES The Consultant is required to possess qualification of at least a Masters Level Degree in one of the following, or related, fields; Environmental Management Studies, Climate Change or Developmental Economics. Experience The Consultant must possess at least five (5) years’ working experience in climate change, or environmental management in Saint Lucia or in the Caribbean Region. LIST OF EMERGENCY SHELTERS PER DISTRICT – 2016/17 Competencies a.Be able to demonstrate expert knowledge of, and experience in, the analysis of Other Relevant Information (ORI) topics b. Possess a solid understanding of the institutional arrangements and resources required to carry out the scope of works c. Possess competence in report writing, presenting information and consulting with stakeholders Demonstrate flexibility in the event adjustments are required based on the findings, both at the organizational and technical levels, for successful implementation of the ORI consultancy. AS Inspected and Certified by the Ministry of Infrastructure, Port Services & Transport. THE Public is hereby informed that under Part IV Section 13 of the Disaster Management, Act No. 30 of 2006 the following are designated as Emergency Shelters. NEMO advises that persons take steps to make their homes their emergency shelter. If this is not possible then make advance arrangements to be with family or friends during a storm. REMEMBER that shelters are not normally opened before a storm. If a shelter is to be opened BEFORE a storm, NEMO will announce such in advance. 1 Gros Islet Roman Catholic Church 2 Gros Islet Primary School 3 Gros Islet Infant School 4 Gros Islet Church of Nazarene 5 Gros Islet Secondary School REPORTING AND LOGISTICAL ARRANGEMENTS The Consultant will report to the assigned representative of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Sustainable Development, Energy, Science and Technology within the Sustainable Development and Environment Division. The Consultant will be expected to provide his/her own transportation and office arrangements. Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 Grand Riviere (Gros Islet) 9 Grand Riviere Combined School 2. BABONNEAU 10 Babonneau Multi-purpose Centre 11 Babonneau Secondary School 12 Babonneau Infant/Primary School 13 Babonneau Roman Catholic Church SUBMISSIONS Proposals should be submitted in a sealed envelope marked CONFIDENTIAL inclusive of an itemized Monchy 6 Monchy Roman Catholic Church 7 Monchy Combined School 8 Monchy Human Resource Centre DURATION AND COSTS The consultant will be contracted for a period of three (3) months. The contract will be a lump sum contract payable based on the schedule proposed in the agreed contract between the Government of Saint Lucia and the Consultant. 1. GROS-ISLET Fond Assau 14 Fond Assau Combined School La Guerre 15 La Guerre Combined School 737 Saint Lucia Government Gazette 16 La Guerre Mothers' and Fathers' Hall Boguis Bexon 17 Boguis Mothers’ and Fathers’ Hall 18 Boguis Combined School 49 Bexon Infant School 50 Bexon Roman Catholic Church Des Barras La Croix Maingot (East) 19 Des Barras Combined School Balata Ti Rocher (Castries) 52 Ti Rocher Combined School Union Dierre Fort 21 Dame Pearlette Louisy Primary School 51 La Croix Maingot Combined School 20Balata Combined School 6. CASTRIES SOUTH EAST 53 Dierre Fort Seventh-Day Adventist Church 3. CASTRIES NORTH 7. CASTRIES SOUTH La Clery Ciceron 54 George Charles Secondary School 55 Ciceron Combined School 56 Ciceron First Baptist Church 57 Ciceron Secondary School 58 Ciceron Methodist Church 59 Lady Gordon Opportunity Centre 60 Ciceron Community Centre 22 La Clery Roman Catholic Church 23 VBCC Club house 24 Maranatha Seventh-Day Adventist Church Vide Boutielle 25 Vide Boutielle Combined School 26 Vide Boutielle Secondary School 27 Sir Ira Simmons Secondary School Morne Du don 28 Morne Dudon Combined School 4. CENTRAL CASTRIES 29 Camille Henry Memorial School 30 Carmen Reneé Memorial School 31 St. Aloysius Roman Catholic Boys’ Primary School 32 St. Aloysius Roman Catholic Boys’ Infant School 33 Ave Maria Girls’ Infant School 34 Ave Maria Girls’ Primary School 35 Anglican Infant School 36 Cannon Laurie Primary School 37 Holy Trinity Anglican Church 38 Castries Seventh-Day Adventist Church 39 Castries City Hall 40 Castries Methodist Church 41 Salvation Army Church 61 Tapion School (Private) ENTREPOT 47 Entrepot Secondary School 48 Leon Hess Comprehensive Secondary School Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 Odsan 63 Odsan Combined School 64 Odsan Seventh-Day Adventist Church Marigot 65 Marigot Secondary School (Jon Odlum Secondary) 8. ANSE LA RAYE Anse La Raye Village 66 Anse La Raye Primary School 67 Anse La Raye Seventh-Day Adventist Church (Aux Tabor Hill) 68 Anse La Raye Roman Catholic Parish Hall Jacmel 69 Roseau Combined School 70 Jacmel Roman Catholic Church MARCHAND 44 Marchand Combined School 45 Marchand Parish Centre 46 Marchand Roman Catholic Church The Morne 62 St. Benedict Roman Catholic Church 5. CASTRIES EAST 42 Bocage Combined School 43 Bocage Secondary School Tapion Millet 71 Millet Primary School 72 Millet Infant School Tete Chemin 73 Tete Chemin Seventh-Day Adventist Church 738 Saint Lucia Government Gazette 74 Tete Chemin Human Resource Centre 9. CANARIES Bouton 92 Bouton Combined School 93 Disco – Chateau Belair Ebores 94 Les Etangs Combined School 11. CHOISEUL Piaye 95 Piaye Secondary School 96 Piaye Combined School Saltibus 97 98 99 100 Saltibus Combined School Saltibus Roman Catholic Church Daban Mothers and Fathers Hall Saltibus Multi-Purpose Centre River Doree 101 River Doreé Anglican Church 102 River Doreé Combined School 103 River Doreé Mothers and Fathers Hall La Fargue 104 La Fargue Mission Evangelical Church 105 Choiseul Secondary School 106 (Church of God) Holiness Roblot 107 Roblot Seventh-Day Adventist Church Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 Choiseul Roman Catholic Church Reunion Primary School Reunion Enrichment Centre Reunion Pentecostal Church Why Wonder Disco (private) Victoria 114 Victoria Roman Catholic Church 115 Victoria Seventh-Day Adventist Church 116 Cool Joint Disco (Private) Mongouge 117 Mongouge Combined School Dugard 118 Dugard Combined School 119 Vibration Disco – Dugard (Private) Soufriere Town 85 Soufriere Roman Catholic Church 86 Soufriere Primary School 87 Soufriere Infant School 88 Soufriere Seventh-Day Adventist Church - Temple 89 Soufriere Comprehensive Secondary School 90 St. Isidore Hall 91 Christ is the Answer Church – Fond Beniere Fond St. Jacques 80 Fond St. Jacques Roman Catholic Church 81 Fond St. Jacques Primary School 82 Fond St. Jacques Parish Centre 83 Fond St. Jacques Pre-School 84 Raymond’s Disco (Private) Choiseul Village 109 110 111 112 113 10. SOUFRIERE Canaries 75 Canaries Primary School 76 Canaries Roman Catholic Church 77 Canaries Seventh-Day Adventist Church 78 Canaries Parish Centre 79 Canaries Community Centre 108 Roblot Combined School Delcer 120Delcer Combined School 121 Delcer – Jacques Dance Hall (Private) La Pointe 122La Pointe Pentecostal Apostolic Church 12399 Disco Ravineau (Private) 124La Maze Community Centre 12. LABORIE Augier 125 Augier Pre-School (St. Francis Xavier) 126 Augier Combined School 127 Augier Roman Catholic Church (St. Francis Xavier) Laborie Village 128 Laborie Boys’ Primary School 129 Laborie Girls’ Primary School 130 Laborie Roman Catholic Church 131 Laborie Roman Catholic Parish Centre 132 Laborie Community Education Centre Banse/La Grace 133 Banse La Grace Combined School 134 Banse La Grace Evangelical Church 13. VIEUX-FORT SOUTH Vieux Fort Town 135 Beanfield Secondary School 136 Vieux-Fort Special Education Centre 137 Vieux-Fort Primary School 138 Victory Pentecostal Church – St. Jude’s Highway 139 Plain View Combined School Saint Lucia Government Gazette 739 140 Vieux-Fort Comprehensive School Campus ‘A’ 141 Vieux-Fort Comprehensive School Campus ‘B’ 14. VIEUX-FORT NORTH 173 Micoud Multi-Purpose Centre 174 Faith Tabernacle Church 175 Lime Light Disco – Micoud Highway Belle Vue 142 Belle Vue Roman Catholic Church – St. Isidore 143 Belle Vue Combined School 144 Belle Vue Human Resource Development Centre Pierrot 145 Pierrot Combined School 146 St. Martin De Porres Roman Catholic Shrine 17. DENNERY SOUTH Dennery Village 176 Dennery Roman Catholic Church 177 St. Peter's Infant School 178 Clendon Mason Memorial School La Caye 179 St. Mary’s Anglican Church Vigier 147 Vigier Combined School Grace 148 Community Centre – Coolie Town 149 Fair Trade Centre 150 Grace Roman Catholic Church 151 Grace Combined School 15. MICOUD SOUTH Desruisseaux 152 Fond Desruisseaux-Mothers and Fathers Hall 153 Desruisseaux Combined School 154 Desruisseaux Seventh-Day Adventist Church 155 Desruisseaux Roman Catholic Church 156 Desruisseaux Multi-Purpose Centre 157 Desruisseaux Evangelical Church 158 Anse Ger Secondary School Blanchard 159 Blanchard Pentecostal Church – Solid Rock 160 Blanchard Combined School 161 Blanchard Community Centre 162 Redeem Christian Fellowship Church - Blanchard 16. MICOUD NORTH Mon Repos 163 Mon Repos Roman Catholic Church 164 Mon Repos Combined School 165 Mon Repos Seventh-Day Adventist Church 166 Praslin Community Centre 167 Bible Baptiste Church (Wooden) Patience 168 Patience Combined School Micoud Village 18. DENNERY NORTH La Ressource (Dennery) 180 La Ressource Day Care Centre 181 La Ressource Roman Catholic Church 182 La Ressource Parish Centre 183 La Ressource Combined School 184 La Ressource Mother’s & Father’s Hall Grand Riviere 185 Grand Riviere Secondary School 186 Grand Riviere Seventh-Day Adventist Church 187 Grand Riviere Human Resource Centre Gardette 188 Gardette Day Care Centre Richfond 189 Richfond Combined School Aux Lyon 190 Aux Lyon Combined School Derniere Riviere 191 Denniere Riviere Apostolic Faith Church 192 Denniere Riviere Combined School Grand Ravine 193 Abbot’s Disco (Private) The Ministry of Infrastructure, Port Services & Transport conducts annual inspection of shelters. If you wish to have a building in your neighborhood inspected and certified, forward the information including the exact location to NEMO at: 169 170 171 172 Ebenezer Seventh-Day Adventist Church Micoud Secondary School Micoud Primary School Micoud Roman Catholic Church Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 The Director NEMO P O Box 1517 Castries e-mail: [email protected] Or Fax to (758) 453-2152 740 Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 Saint Lucia Government Gazette Saint Lucia Government Gazette Karen Augustin Executive Secretary Development Control Authority Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 741 742 TRADEMARK APPLICATIONS File No (210): TM/2016/ 000080 Mark name: YAMAHA Applicant (730): Yamaha Corporation Filing date (220): 07/04/2016 Agent (740): Gordon, Gordon & Co. Class (511): 9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus; cellular phones; radiobroadcasting receivers; television sets; video monitors; microphones; loudspeakers; headphones, earphones; portable music players; amplifiers; recorders/players of optical discs; compact disc players/recorders; digital versatile disc players; hard disc recorders; video cameras; video projectors; audio mixers; audio signal processors; audio/video receivers; electronic sound effectors; amplifiers for musical instruments; effectors for musical instruments; remote controllers for audio/ video apparatus; wireless audio servers and receivers; car audio apparatus; electronic tone generators; electronic music sequencers; karaoke machines; discs pre-recorded with music data for use in the operation of player pianos and electronic musical instruments; prerecorded discs; unrecorded media for sound recording; personal computers; computer software; routers; conference microphone speakers; teleconference communication terminals; web conferencing cameras; large scale integration chips; semi-conductor devices; hardware, software and programs for computer games; electronic publications; downloadable electronic music; metronomes. 11 Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes. 15 Musical instruments. 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 Saint Lucia Government Gazette office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks. 28 Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees. 41Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural ativities. File No (210): TM/2016/ 000081 Mark name: Applicant (730): Yamaha Corporation Filing date (220): 07/04/2016 Agent (740): Gordon, Gordon & Co. Class (511): 9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus; cellular phones; radiobroadcasting receivers; television sets; video monitors; microphones; loudspeakers; headphones, earphones; portable music players; amplifiers; recorders/players of optical discs; compact disc players/recorders; digital versatile disc players; hard disc recorders; video cameras; video projectors; audio mixers; audio signal processors; audio/video receivers; electronic sound effectors; amplifiers for musical instruments; effectors for musical instruments; remote controllers for audio/video apparatus; wireless audio servers and receivers; car audio apparatus; electronic tone generators; electronic music sequencers; karaoke machines; discs pre-recorded with music data for use in the operation of player pianos and electronic musical instruments; pre-recorded discs; unrecorded media 743 Saint Lucia Government Gazette for sound recording; personal computers; computer software; routers; conference microphone speakers; teleconference communication terminals; web conferencing cameras; large scale integration chips; semi-conductor devices; hardware, software and programs for computer games; electronic publications; downloadable electronic music; metronomes. 11 Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes. 15 Musical instruments. 16Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks. 28 Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees. 41Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. GIFT File No (210): TM/2016/ 000110 Mark name: GIFT Applicant (730): Shamdath Ragoebier Filing date (220): 04/05/2016 Agent (740): McNamara & Co. Class (511): 34 tobacco; cigarettes; smokers' articles; matches EI8HT File No (210): TM/2016/ 000112 Mark name: EI8HT Applicant (730): Shamdath Ragoebier Filing date (220): 04/05/2016 Agent (740): McNamara & Co. Class (511): 34 tobacco; cigarettes; smokers' articles; matches File No (210): TM/2016/ 000070 SAN MARINO Mark name: Cashwi$e File No (210): TM/2016/ 000115 Applicant (730): CASHWI$E (St. Lucia) Inc. Mark name: SAN MARINO Filing date (220): 05/04/2016 Agent (740): Alberton Richelieu Chambers Class (511): 14 Jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments 28 Games and playthings 36 Monetary affairs Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 Applicant (730): Shamdath Ragoebier Filing date (220): 04/05/2016 Agent (740): McNamara & Co. Class (511): 34 tobacco; cigarettes; smokers' articles; matches 744 Saint Lucia Government Gazette JUDICIAL SALES N OTICE is hereby given that the immovable property hereinafter described will be put up for Sale and Adjudication by the Sheriff, or his Officer, at the Court House or at the Registrar’s Office in the City of Castries, on the day of Sale hereinafter stated for each property between the hours of ten and eleven o’clock in the forenoon by the Court House clock. The purchase money shall be payable as follows: 1. The Officer conducting the Sale shall require from the Bidder a deposit or a certified banker’s cheque in the sum of $18,348.80, equal to one tenth of the debt (in principal, interest and cost) due to the seizing party. 2. The Purchaser shall pay the Sheriff the Purchase price less the deposit within six months of the date of Sale with interest thereon at the rate of six percent per annum. In default of such payment the deposit paid by the Purchaser shall be forfeited and shall be applied towards the Judgment Debt. SAINT LUCIA IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE (CIVIL) Claim No. SLUHCV 2004/0731 Between: FIRST CARIBBEAN INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION (LEEWARD AND WINDWARD) LIMITED formerly BARCLAYS FINANCE CORPORATION OF THE LEEWARD AND WINDWARD ISLANDS LIMITED Claimant vs. (1)TREVOR MAXIUS (2) MARY JULIANA CHARLES Defendants NOTICE IS HEREBY given that by virtue of Judgment of the High Court dated 06th day of April, 2005 against the Defendant herein and Writ of Execution returnable on the 23rd day of September, 2016 there will be put up for Sale and Adjudication by the Sheriff or his Officer to the Highest Bidder in the High Court House, on Peynier Street in the City of Castries on the 05th day of August, 2016 at ten o’clock in the forenoon, the following immovable property of the Defendant to wit: SCHEDULE BLOCK 1432B PARCEL NO. 38 All that piece or parcel of land forming part of a subdivision situate at Union and bounded as follows:NORTH by a Drain Reserve, SOUTH by a 8.23 Metre Road Reserve, EAST by lot 11 of the said subdivision and WEST by Lot 13 of the said subdivision or howsoever otherwise the same may be bounded. The whole containing FIVE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY ONE (5,271) SQUARE FEET or FOUR HUNDRED AND EIGHTY NINE POINT SEVEN SQUARE METRES and shown as Lot 12 on a Plan of Survey by Dunstan Joseph Licensed Land Surveyor dated the 30th day June, 1999 and 14th day of July, 1999 and lodged at the Survey Office on the 6th day of October, 1999 as Drawing No. GI4159K and Record Number 475/99. The same also shown as Block 1250B Parcel 638 in the Land Registry of Saint Lucia for the Registration Quarter of Gros-Islet. Together with all the appurtenances and dependencies thereof. TITLE: Deed of Sale by The Housing Development Corporation to Trevor Maxius and Mary Juliana Charles executed before Alvin St. Clair, Notary Royal on the 5th day of May 2000 and registered at the Land Registry Saint Lucia on the 18th day of May 2000 as Instrument No. 2386/2000. Upset Price: $301,662.00 Sheriff ’s Office Peynier Street Castries [ First Publication ] Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 745 Saint Lucia Government Gazette N OTICE is hereby given that the immovable property hereinafter described will be put up for Sale and Adjudication by the Sheriff, or his Officer, at the Court House or at the Registrar’s Office in the City of Castries, on the day of Sale hereinafter stated for each property between the hours of ten and eleven o’clock in the forenoon by the Court House clock. The purchase money shall be payable as follows: 1. The Officer conducting the Sale shall require from the Bidder a deposit or a certified banker’s cheque in the sum of $5,743.70, equal to one tenth of the debt (in principal, interest and cost) due to the seizing party. 2. The Purchaser shall pay the Sheriff the Purchase price less the deposit within six months of the date of Sale with interest thereon at the rate of six percent per annum. In default of such payment the deposit paid by the Purchaser shall be forfeited and shall be applied towards the Judgment Debt. SAINT LUCIA IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE (CIVIL) Claim No. SLUHCV 2015/0092 Between: 1st NATIONAL BANK ST. LUCIA LIMITED Claimant vs. ANNELA CHARLES Qua Administratrix of the Estate of Eldon Charles (Deceased) Defendant NOTICE IS HEREBY given that by virtue of Judgment of the High Court dated 31st day of May, 2015 against the Defendant herein and Writ of Execution returnable on the 8th day of October, 2016 there will be put up for Sale and Adjudication by the Sheriff or his Officer to the Highest Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 Bidder in the High Court House, on Peynier Street in the City of Castries on the 16th day of August, 2016 at ten o’clock in the forenoon, the following immovable property of the Defendant to wit: SCHEDULE BLOCK NO. 1039B PARCEL NO. 215 All that piece or parcel of land registered in the Land Registry (Saint Lucia) as Block 1039B Parcel 215 and situate in the registration quarter of Castries in Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:NORTH by Block 1039B Parcel 214, SOUTH by Block 1039B Parcel 216, EAST by the Cendre De Feu main road and WEST by Block 1039B Parcel 5 or howsoever the same may be bounded. The whole containing approximately 0.04 Hectares in extent more or less is shown as Lot No. 14 on Plan of Survey by R. Baptiste Licensed Land Surveyor dated 16th day November, 2004 and lodged at the Survey Office on 11th day of April, 2005 as Drawing No. C. 10750K and Record No. SM 33/2005. Together with the building erected thereon and all the appurtenances and dependencies thereof. TITLE: Transfer of Land between Elizabeth the Second and Elton Charles executed before Senator the Honourable Nicholas Octave Frederick Notary Royal on the 2nd day of September 2009 and registered at the Land Registry (Saint Lucia) on 25th September 2009 as Instrument No. 4374/2009. Upset Price: N/A Sheriff ’s Office Peynier Street Castries [ First Publication ] 746 N OTICE is hereby given that the immovable property hereinafter described will be put up for Sale and Adjudication by the Sheriff, or his Officer, at the Court House or at the Registrar’s Office in the City of Castries, on the day of Sale hereinafter stated for each property between the hours of ten and eleven o’clock in the forenoon by the Court House clock. The purchase money shall be payable as follows: 1. The Officer conducting the Sale shall require from the Bidder a deposit or a certified banker’s cheque in the sum of $50,998.94, equal to one tenth of the debt (in principal, interest and cost) due to the seizing party. 2. The Purchaser shall pay the Sheriff the Purchase price less the deposit within six months of the date of Sale with interest thereon at the rate of six percent per annum. In default of such payment the deposit paid by the Purchaser shall be forfeited and shall be applied towards the Judgment Debt. SAINT LUCIA IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE (CIVIL) Claim No. SLUHCV 2012/0679 Between: THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Claimant vs. (1) JO-ANNE AHERN (2) EARL L. SPOONER the 23rd day of September, 2016 there will be put up for Sale and Adjudication by the Sheriff or his Officer to the Highest Bidder in the High Court House, on Peynier Street in the City of Castries on the 9th day of August, 2016 at ten o’clock in the forenoon, the following immovable property of the Defendant to wit: SCHEDULE BLOCK 1252B PARCEL 761 All that piece or parcel of land registered in the Land Registry (Saint Lucia) as Block 1252B Parcel 761 measuring approximately 0.10 Hectares in extent more or less and situate at Corinth in the registration quarter of Gros Islet, Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:NORTH, SOUTH and WEST by Block 1252B Parcel 1404 and EAST by Block 1252B Parcel 762 or howsoever else the same may be bounded together with all the appurtenances and dependencies thereof and all the building erected thereon. TITLE: Deed of Sale by (1) Terrence Scott (2) Cynthia Scott to Jo-Anne Ahern executed before Lorne Danquah Cox Theophilus Notary Royal on the 19th day of May 2006 and registered at the Land Registry (Saint Lucia) on the 2nd day of June 2006 as Instrument No. 2747/2006. Upset Price: N/A Defendants NOTICE IS HEREBY given that by virtue of Judgment of the High Court dated 04th day of January, 2016 against the Defendant herein and Writ of Execution returnable on Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 Saint Lucia Government Gazette Sheriff ’s Office Peynier Street Castries [ First Publication ] 747 Saint Lucia Government Gazette N OTICE is hereby given that the immovable property hereinafter described will be put up for Sale and Adjudication by the Sheriff, or his Officer, at the Court House or at the Registrar’s Office in the City of Castries, on the day of Sale hereinafter stated for each property between the hours of ten and eleven o’clock in the forenoon by the Court House clock. The purchase money shall be payable as follows: 1. The Officer conducting the Sale shall require from the Bidder a deposit or a certified banker’s cheque in the sum of $23,361.13, equal to one tenth of the debt (in principal, interest and cost) due to the seizing party. 2. The Purchaser shall pay the Sheriff the Purchase price less the deposit within six months of the date of Sale with interest thereon at the rate of six percent per annum. In default of such payment the deposit paid by the Purchaser shall be forfeited and shall be applied towards the Judgment Debt. SAINT LUCIA IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE (CIVIL) Claim No. SLUHCV 2005/0764 Between: FIRST CARIBBEAN INTERNATIONAL BANK (BARBADOS) LIMITED formerly CIBC CARIBBEAN LIMITED Adjudication by the Sheriff or his Officer to the Highest Bidder in the High Court House, on Peynier Street in the City of Castries on the 27th day of July, 2016 at ten o’clock in the forenoon, the following immovable property of the Defendant to wit: SCHEDULE BLOCK 0223B PARCEL 147 All that piece or parcel of land registered in Land Registry (Saint Lucia) as Block 0223B Parcel measuring 0.08 Hectares in extent more or less situate in the quarter of Choiseul in Saint Lucia bounded as follows:- NORTH partly by Block 0223B Parcel 175 and partly by Block 0223B Parcel 176, SOUTH by a road, WEST by Block 0223B Parcel 148, and EAST by Block 0223B Parcel 146 or howsoever the same may be bounded together with the building erected thereon and all the appurtenances and dependencies thereof. TITLE: Deed of Sale by Claude Auguste to Timothy D'Auvergne executed before Leonard Joseph Riviere Notary Royal on the 25th day of March 1997 and registered at the Land Registry (Saint Lucia) on the 9th day of April 1997 as Instrument No. 1329/97. Claimant vs. Upset Price: $480,000.00 TIMOTHY D'AUVERGNE Defendant NOTICE IS HEREBY given that by virtue of Judgment of the High Court dated 13th day of March, 2006 against the Defendant herein and Writ of Execution returnable on the 1st day of August, 2016 there will be put up for Sale and Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 the 147 and and Sheriff ’s Office Peynier Street Castries [ Second Publication ] 748 N OTICE is hereby given that the immovable property hereinafter described will be put up for Sale and Adjudication by the Sheriff, or his Officer, at the Court House or at the Registrar’s Office in the City of Castries, on the day of Sale hereinafter stated for each property between the hours of ten and eleven o’clock in the forenoon by the Court House clock. The purchase money shall be payable as follows: 1. The Officer conducting the Sale shall require from the Bidder a deposit or a certified banker’s cheque in the sum of $39,766.23, equal to one tenth of the debt (in principal, interest and cost) due to the seizing party. 2. The Purchaser shall pay the Sheriff the Purchase price less the deposit within six months of the date of Sale with interest thereon at the rate of six percent per annum. In default of such payment the deposit paid by the Purchaser shall be forfeited and shall be applied towards the Judgment Debt. SAINT LUCIA IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE (CIVIL) Claim No. SLUHCV 2009/0735 Between: CARIBBEAN MICROFINANCE (ST. LUCIA) LIMITED 38 Micoud Street, Castries Claimant vs. (1) ANGUS JN. BAPTISTE (2) BERTHA JN. BAPTISTE Saint Lucia Government Gazette 20th day of August, 2016 there will be put up for Sale and Adjudication by the Sheriff or his Officer to the Highest Bidder in the High Court House, on Peynier Street in the City of Castries on the 3rd day of August, 2016 at ten o’clock in the forenoon, the following immovable property of the Defendant to wit: SCHEDULE BLOCK 0031C PARCEL NO. 471 All that piece or portion of land comprising approximately 0.03 Hectares situate at Bridge Street in the Town of Soufriere in the State of Saint Lucia and bounded as follows:NORTH by Block 0031C Parcel No. 470, SOUTH by Block 0331C Parcel No. 472, EAST by a Road (Bridge Street) WEST by Block 0031C Parcel No. 467 or howsoever otherwise the same may be bounded. The whole is shown as Parcel 471 on Land Registry Map Sheep 0031C for the Registration Quarter of Soufriere. Together with the building erected thereon and all other appurtenances and dependencies thereof. TITLE: Deed of Sale by 1. Maurice Wells et al to Angus Jn. Baptiste executed before Beryl A. George, Notary Royal on the 11th day of December 2003 and registered at the Land Registry on the 29th day of December 2003 as Instrument No. 5749/2003. Upset Price: $825,000.00 Defendants NOTICE IS HEREBY given that by virtue of Judgment of the High Court dated 9th day of June, 2011 against the Defendant herein and Writ of Execution returnable on the Sheriff ’s Office Peynier Street Castries [ Second Publication ] Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 749 Saint Lucia Government Gazette THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN SUPREME COURT IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE SAINT LUCIA CLAIM NO. SLUHCV2016/0336 BETWEEN: ST. LUCIA WORKER'S CREDIT UNION LIMITED Claimant and JEREMIAH JN BAPTISTE Defendant To: - JEREMIAH JN BAPTISTE whose last known address was Babonneau, Castries. NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that an action (Claim No. SLUHCV2016/0336) has been commenced against you in the High Court of Justice, Saint Lucia by the Claimant, ST. LUCIA WORKER'S CREDIT UNION LIMITED in which the Claimant claims liquidated damages. PURSUANT to Part 5.13 of the Civil Procedure Rules, service of the Claim Form in this action is being effected on you by this advertisement in two (2) consecutive publications of a local Newspaper circulating in St Lucia and in two (2) consecutive issues of the Saint Lucia Government Gazette. IF YOU DESIRE to defend this action or to be heard you must within twenty-eight (28) days of the last publication file an Acknowledgment of Service at the Registry of the High Court of Justice, Peynier Street, Castries and within forty-two (42) days file a Defence. IN DEFAULT OF filing an Acknowledgment of Service, Judgment may be entered against you in your absence without further notice. THE CLAIM FORM and Statement of Claim can be viewed at the High Court Office, La Place Carenage, Jeremie, Castries, Saint Lucia, telephone number 468-7500, fax 453-2071 or email [email protected] office is open between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Mondays to Thursday and between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on Fridays except public holidays. Dated: This 9th day of June, 2016. BEVERLEY DOWNES CHAMBERS Per: Beverley Downes Legal Practitioner for the Claimant Presented for filing by: BEVERLEY DOWNES CHAMBERS, #17 High Street Castries, Saint Lucia, Telephone no. (758)451-6080, Fax No. (758) 451-6081, email: [email protected] This Court Office is at La Place Carenage, Jeremie Street, Castries, Saint Lucia, Telephone No. (758) 468-7500, Fax No. (758)453-2071. The Office is open between 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Mondays to Thursdays and 9:00 am to 3:00 pm on Fridays, except public holidays. The Office can also be contacted via Email at [email protected]. [ First Publication ] Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 750 Saint Lucia Government Gazette THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN SUPREME COURT IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE SAINT LUCIA CLAIM NO. SLUHCV2016/0202 BETWEEN: MEAT EXPRESS LIMITED Claimant and (1) PRESTIGE FISH PROCESSING INC (2) GREGORY CHARLES Defendants NOTICE TO: - (1) PRESTIGE FISH PROCESSING INC. and (2) GREGORY CHARLES TAKE NOTICE that the Claimant, MEAT EXPRESS LIMITED has filed a Claim against you in the High Court of Justice, Saint Lucia, in Claim No. SLUHCV2016/0202 for which the Claimant claims sums due and owing by you under a loan agreement. AND SERVICE of the Claim Form and the Statement of Claim in this action and other documents filed herein is being effected on you by advertisements in two (2) consecutive issues of a local Newspaper circulating in Saint Lucia and two (2) consecutive issues of the official Gazette of Saint Lucia. The Claim Form and Statement of Claim can be viewed and copies thereof can be obtained at the Court Office of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, High Court of Justice, La Place Carenage, Jeremie Street, Castries. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that if you desire to defend this action, you must within twenty-eight (28) days of the last publication of this advertisement, file an Acknowledgment of Service at the Court Office of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, High Court of Justice, La Place Carenage, Jeremie Street, Castries, St. Lucia and within 42 days of the last publication file a Defence at the Registry of the said Court Office. IN DEFAULT OF such Acknowledgment of Service or Defence Judgment may be entered against you. If such Judgment is entered you will only be heard on the issue of costs and as to the method of payment of the judgment. Dated this 17th day of May, 2016. PETER I. FOSTER & ASSOCIATES Per: Sahleem B. K. Charles Legal Practitioners for the Claimant Presented for filing by: MESSRS. PETER I. FOSTER & ASSOCIATES, Legal Practitioners for the Claimant, whose address for service is: Chambers, Robin Kelton Building, Choc Bay, Castries, Saint Lucia, West Indies.Telephone no. (758)453-1100, Fax No. (758) 452-4940, email: [email protected] This Court Office is at La Place Carenage, Jeremie Street, Castries, Saint Lucia, Telephone No. (758) 4687500, Fax No. (758)453-2071. The Office is open between 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Mondays to Thursdays and 9:00 am to 3:00 pm on Fridays, except public holidays. The Office can also be contacted via Email at [email protected]. [ First Publication ] Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 751 Saint Lucia Government Gazette THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN SUPREME COURT IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE SAINT LUCIA CLAIM NO. SLUHCV2016/0269 BETWEEN: FIDUCS LIMITED (in the Isle of Man) And 1. WINSTON HINKSON 2.TONJAKA HINKSON Claimant Defendants To: - TONJAKA HINKSON whose last known address was Marisule, Gros Islet. TAKE NOTICE that an action has been commenced against you in the High Court of Justice Saint Lucia No. SLUHCV2016/0269 by FIDUCS LIMITED (in the Isle of Man) in which the Claimant claims liquidated damages. AND SERVICE of the Notice of the Claim Form in this action on you is being effected by this advertisement in two consecutive issues of the local Newspaper circulating in St Lucia and two consecutive issues of the Official Gazette. THE CLAIM FORM and Statement of Claim can be viewed at the High Court Office at La Place Carenage, Jeremie, Castries, Saint Lucia or at the Chambers of McNamara & Co., 20 Micoud Street, Castries, Saint Lucia. IF YOU DESIRE to defend the said action you must within 28 days of the last publication of this advertisement enter an acknowledgment of service, within 42 days of the last publication of this advertisement enter a Defence, at the Registry of the High Court of Justice in the City of Castries, and serve the Defence on the Claimant. IN DEFAULT OF such acknowledgment and/or Defence the Claimant will be entitled to apply to have judgment entered against you. If the Claimant does so, you will have no right to be heard by the Court except as to costs or the method of paying any judgment unless you apply to set judgment aside. Dated: This 26th day of May, 2016. McNAMARA & CO. Per: Zinaida C. McNamara Legal Practitioners for the Claimant The Claimant’s address for service is MCNAMARA & CO., CHAMBERS, 20 Micoud Street, Castries, Saint Lucia, Telephone no. (758)4522-2662, Fax No. (758) 452-2885, email: [email protected] .This Court Office is at La Place Carenage, Jeremie Street, Castries, Saint Lucia, Telephone No. (758) 453-1916, Fax No. (758)453-1917. The Office is open between 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Mondays to Thursdays and 9:00 am to 3:00 pm on Fridays, except public holidays. The Office can also be contacted via Email at [email protected] [ First Publication ] Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 752 Saint Lucia Government Gazette IN THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN SUPREME COURT IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE (CIVIL) SAINT LUCIA CLAIM NO.: SLUHCV 2012/0988 BETWEEN: 1st NATIONAL BANK SAINT LUCIA LIMITED and Claimant CURTIS JOSEPH (acting herein and represented by his duly appointed representative Veronica Joseph as appears by Order of the Court dated 7th May 2013) Defendant JUDGMENT IN DEFAULT OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SERVICE (Rule 12.4, CPR 2000) 1. NO ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SERVICE having been filed by the Defendant herein, it is this day adjudged that the Defendant do pay the Claimant the sum of EC$370,429.58 together with interest on $210,264.18 at the rate of 14% per annum from 24th June, 2015 until date of payment and costs in the sum of $2,510.50. 2. The Claimant is to draw, file and serve this order. Dated this 1st day of October, 2015. BY THE COURT Registrar Presented for Filing by: FLOISSAC FLEMING & ASSOCIATES, Solicitors for the Claimant, Cnr Brazil & Mongiraud Street,Castries, Saint Lucia. Telephone (758) 452-2887/4523250, Fax (758) 453-1496, Email: [email protected] This Court Office is at La Place Carenage, Jeremie Street, Castries, Saint Lucia telephone number 468-7500, Fax: 453-2071, E-mail: [email protected].. The Court Office is open between 9:00am and 2:00pm Mondays to Thursdays and 9:00am to 3:00pm on Fridays except public holidays. [ First Publication ] Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 753 Saint Lucia Government Gazette THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN SUPREME COURT IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE SAINT LUCIA CLAIM NO. SLUHCV2015/0899 BETWEEN: 1st NATIONAL BANK ST. LUCIA LIMITED and Claimant 1. ELSA JOSEPH also known as Elsa Thompson 2. SYDNEY GHIRAWOO (Deceased) Acting herein and represented by his duly appointed representative Victorin Ghirawoo as appears by Order of Court dated 12th May 2016) Defendants To: - ELSA JOSEPH also known as Elsa Thompson (whose last known address was La Bayee, Bexon in quarter of Castries in Saint Lucia. TAKE NOTICE that an Amended Claim has been filed in the High Court of Justice, Saint Lucia No. SLUHCV2015/0899 against you by the Claimant, 1St National Bank St. Lucia Limited. AND SERVICE of the Notice of the Amended Claim Form and Amended Statement of Claim and all other proceedings in this matter will be effected on you through advertisements in two issues of the Official Gazette and in two publications in a newspaper circulating in St Lucia. IF YOU DESIRE to defend this action or to be heard you must within twenty eight (28) days of the last publication file an Acknowledgment of Service at the Registry of the High Court of Justice, Peynier Street in the City of Castries in this island. IN DEFAULT OF filing Acknowledgment of Service within the time stipulated, the court may hear the case in your absence without further notice and Judgment may be granted in favour of the Claimant. THE AMENDED CLAIM FORM and Amended Statement of Claim can be viewed at the High Court Office at La Place Carenage, Jeremie Castries, Saint Lucia telephone number 468-7500, Fax 453-2071 or email sluhco@ The office is open between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Mondays to Thursdays and between 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Fridays except public holidays. Dated: This 8th day of June, 2016. FLOISSAC FLEMING & ASSOCIATES Per: Sardia Cenac Legal Practitioner for the Claimant This Notice is filed by: FLOISSAC FLEMING & ASSOCIATES, Solicitors for the Claimant, Cnr Brazil & Mongiraud Street,Castries, Saint Lucia. Telephone (758) 452-2887/452-3250, Fax (758) 453-1496, Email: [email protected] This Court Office is at La Place Carenage, Jeremie Street, Castries, Saint Lucia telephone number 468-7500, Fax: 468-7543, E-mail: [email protected].. The Court Office is open between 9:00am and 2:00pm Mondays to Thursdays and 9:00am to 3:00pm on Fridays except public holidays. [ First Publication ] Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 754 Saint Lucia Government Gazette THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN SUPREME COURT IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE SAINT LUCIA CLAIM NO. SLUHCV2016/0237 BETWEEN: THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Claimant And 1. BERTIE ANDERSON MARCELLIN 2. CLEOPHA FIGORA MELBA MARCELLIN Defendants To: - CLEOPHA FIGORA MELBA MARCELLIN whose last known address was Hospital Road, Vieux Fort, Saint Lucia. TAKE NOTICE that a Claim has been filed in the High Court of Justice, Saint Lucia No. SLUHCV2016/0237 against the Second-named Defendant by the Claimant, The Bank of Nova Scotia. AND SERVICE of the Notice of the Claim Form and Statement of Claim and all other proceedings in this matter will be effected on you through advertisements in two issues of the Official Gazette and in two publications in a newspaper circulating in St Lucia. IF YOU DESIRE to defend this action or to be heard you must within twenty eight (28) days of the last publication file an Acknowledgment of Service at the Registry of the High Court of Justice, Peynier Street in the City of Castries in this island. IN DEFAULT OF filing Acknowledgment of Service within the time stipulated, the court may hear the case in your absence without further notice and Judgment may be granted in favour of the Claimant. THE CLAIM FORM and Statement of Claim can be viewed at the High Court Office at La Place Carenage, Jeremie Castries, Saint Lucia telephone number 468-7500, Fax 468-7543 or email [email protected]. The office is open between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Mondays to Thursdays and between 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Fridays except public holidays. THE CLAIM FORM and Statement of Claim can also be viewed and/or copies of same can be obtained from the offices of Floissac Fleming & Associates, Cnr. Brazil & Mongiraud Streets, Castries, Saint Lucia, Telephone number Telephone Number (758)452-2887, Fax Number (758)453-1496 or email [email protected]. The office is open between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays except public holidays. Dated: This 9th day of June, 2016. FLOISSAC FLEMING & ASSOCIATES Per: Geoffrey Du Boulay Legal Practitioner for the Claimant This Notice is filed by: FLOISSAC FLEMING & ASSOCIATES, Solicitors for the Claimant, Cnr Brazil & Mongiraud Street,Castries, Saint Lucia. Telephone (758) 452-2887/452-3250, Fax (758) 453-1496, Email: [email protected] This Court Office is at La Place Carenage, Jeremie Street, Castries, Saint Lucia telephone number 468-7500, Fax: 468-7543, E-mail: [email protected].. The Court Office is open between 9:00am and 2:00pm Mondays to Thursdays and 9:00am to 3:00pm on Fridays except public holidays. [ First Publication ] Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 755 Saint Lucia Government Gazette IN THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN SUPREME COURT IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE SAINT LUCIA CLAIM NO.: SLUHCV 2008/1110 BETWEEN: BANK OF SAINT LUCIA LIMITED No. 1 Bridge Street, Castries, Saint Lucia and Claimant PATSY ST. MARTHE also known as MAGDALENA PATSY POLIMUS Balata, Babonneau, Castries, Saint Lucia Defendant JUDGMENT IN DEFAULT OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SERVICE (Rule 12.4 of the Civil Procedure Rules 2000) NO ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SERVICE having been filed by the Defendant herein, it is this day adjudged that the Defendant do pay to the Claimant the sum of EC$146,185.14 together with interest at the rate of 10% per annum from 12th February, 2005 to the date of payment and fixed costs in the sum of $2,510.50. Dated this 20th day of March, 2010. BY THE COURT Registrar This Judgment is being filed on behalf of the Claimant's whose address for service is: FRANCIS & ANTOINE, Chambers, 1st Floor, Financial Centre, No. 1 Bridge Street,Castries, Saint Lucia. Telephone (758) 453-2000, Fax (758) 456-6726, Email: tmantoine@fachambers. com. The Court Office is at Peynier Street. Castries,Telephone number (758) 453-1916, Fax number (758) 453-2071, The office is open between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Mondays to Thursdays and between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on Fridays except Public Holidays. Email at [email protected]. [ Second Publication ] Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 756 Saint Lucia Government Gazette IN THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN SUPREME COURT IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE SAINT LUCIA CLAIM NO.: SLUHCV 2012/0609 BETWEEN: BANK OF SAINT LUCIA LIMITED No. 1 Bridge Street, Castries, Saint Lucia and Claimant JUDITH STEPHANIE ALLEN Sunny Acres, Castries, Saint Lucia Defendant JUDGMENT IN DEFAULT OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SERVICE (Rule 12.4 of the Civil Procedure Rules 2000) NO ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SERVICE having been filed by the Defendant herein, it is this day adjudged that the Defendant do pay to the Claimant the sum of EC$146,641.18 together with interest at the rate of 10.5% per annum from 31st August, 2011 to the date of payment and fixed costs in the sum of $2,610.50. Dated this 4th day of January, 2013. BY THE COURT Registrar This Judgment is being filed on behalf of the Claimant's whose address for service is: FRANCIS & ANTOINE, Chambers, 1st Floor, Financial Centre, No. 1 Bridge Street,Castries, Saint Lucia. Telephone (758) 453-2000, Fax (758) 456-6726, Email: tmantoine@ The Court Office is at Peynier Street. Castries,Telephone number (758) 453-1916, Fax number (758) 453-2071, The office is open between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Mondays to Thursdays and between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on Fridays except Public Holidays. Email at [email protected]. [ Second Publication ] Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 757 Saint Lucia Government Gazette IN THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN SUPREME COURT IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE SAINT LUCIA CLAIM NO.: SLUHCV 2013/0223 BETWEEN: BANK OF SAINT LUCIA LIMITED and (1) THOMAS EUGENE (2) FLOORING SOLUTIONS INC. (3) GLOBAL CONNECTIONS LTD. Judgment Creditor Judgment Debtors NOTICE TO: (1) THOMAS EUGENE whose last known address was Grande Riviere in the Quarter of Gros Islet, (2) FLOORING SOLUTIONS INC. whose last known registered address was Grande Riviere in the Quarter of Gros Islet and (3) GLOBAL CONNECTIONS LTD. whose last known registered address was Grande Riviere in the Quarter of Gros Islet. TAKE NOTICE that Judgment in Default of Acknowledgment of Service has been granted against you in the High Court of Justice, Saint Lucia in favour of BANK OF SAINT LUCIA LIMITED. PURSUANT to the CPR Rule 5.13 service of the said Judgment is being effected on you by this advertisement in two (2) consecutive issues of a local newspaper circulating in Saint Lucia and two consecutive issues of the Official Gazette. A COPY of the Judgment can be obtained at the High Court Office at La Place Carenage, Jeremie Street, Castries, Saint Lucia or at the Chambers of Deterville, Thomas & Co., 99 Chaussee Road, Castries, Saint Lucia. Dated this 2nd day of June, 2016. DETERVILLE, THOMAS & CO. Per:Cleopatra McDonald Legal Practitioner for the Judgment Creditor This document is being filed on behalf of the Judgment Creditor by: DETERVILLE, THOMAS & CO, CHAMBERS., 99 Chaussee Road, Castries, Saint Lucia, Tel: (758) 452 1152; Fax: (758) 453 0766 or Email: [email protected] This Court Office is at La Place Carenage, Jeremie Street, Castries, Saint Lucia telephone number 468-7500, Fax: 453-2071, E-mail: [email protected].. The Court Office is open between 9:00am and 2:00pm Mondays to Thursdays and 9:00am to 3:00pm on Fridays except public holidays. [ Second Publication ] Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 758 Saint Lucia Government Gazette IN THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN SUPREME COURT IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE (CIVIL) SAINT LUCIA PETITION NO.: 0192 of 2016 BETWEEN: THE PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLIES OF THE WEST INDIES (ST. LUCIA) INCORPORATED Petitioner and (1) OCTON BENJAMIN (2) MARIE MELROSE BENJAMIN (nee Marquis) also known as NELCIA BENJAMIN Respondents TO: (1) OCTON BENJAMIN and (2) MARIE MELROSE BENJAMIN (nee Marquis) also known as NELCIA BENJAMIN NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that a Petition has been filed in the High Court of Justice on 1st April 2016 in Petition No. 0192 of 2016 for (1) an Order declaring that a Privilege is extinct (2) the Petitioner is released from the obligation to pay the amount due under the privilege and (3) an Order directing the Registrar of Lands to cancel the registration thereof on Land Register Number 0240C 30. AND service of the said Petition is being effected upon you by this advertisement in two (2) issues of a local newspaper as well as in two issues of the Official Gazette. IF YOU DESIRE the said Petition can be viewed at the High Court Office, La Place Carenage, Jeremie Street, Castries, Saint Lucia telephone number 468-7500, Fax 453-2071 or email [email protected]. The office is open between 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Mondays to Thursdays and 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Fridays except public holidays or at the Chambers of Nicholas John & Co., Solicitors for the Petitioner, Trou Garnier Financial Centre, Pointe Seraphine, Castries, Saint Lucia between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays except public holidays, telephone number (758) 451-9237, Fax number (758) 451-9236 or Email: [email protected]. Dated this 3rd day of June, 2016. NICHOLAS JOHN & CO. Per:Eugenia L.G. Dickson Legal Practitioner for the Petitioner This Notice is presented for filing by: NICHOLAS JOHN & CO, Solicitors for the Petitioner, Hewanorra House, Trou Garnier Financial Centre, Pointe Seraphine, Castries, Saint Lucia, Tel: (758) 451-9237; Fax: (758) 451-9236 or Email: [email protected]. The Court Office is at La Place Carenage, Jeremie Street, Castries, Saint Lucia telephone number 468-7500, Fax: 453-2071, E-mail: stluhco@ The Court Office is open between 9:00am and 2:00pm Mondays to Thursdays and 9:00am to 3:00pm on Fridays except public holidays. [ Second Publication ] Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 759 Saint Lucia Government Gazette IN THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN SUPREME COURT IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE SAINT LUCIA CLAIM NO.: SLUHCV 2012/0228 BETWEEN: ST. LUCIA ESTATES LIMITED (In Liquidation) and (1) HIPPOLYTE EQUIPMENT SERVICES LIMITED (2) MICHAEL FELICIEN (3) PETER FELICIEN Applicant/Claimant Respondents/Defendants NOTICE TO: MICHAEL FELICIEN whose last known address was P. O. Box GM 946. TAKE NOTICE that the Claimant has filed an Application for Damages in these proceedings for destruction and conversion of the Claimant's land. PURSUANT to the CPR Rule 5.13 service of the Application is being effected on you by this advertisement in two (2) consecutive issues of a local newspaper circulating in Saint Lucia and two consecutive issues of the Official Gazette. A COPY of the Application documents can be obtained at the High Court Office at La Place Carenage, Jeremie Street, Castries, Saint Lucia or at the Chambers of Deterville, Thomas & Co., 99 Chaussee Road, Castries, Saint Lucia. Dated this 3rd day of June, 2016. DETERVILLE, THOMAS & CO. Per:Cleopatra McDonald Legal Practitioner for the Applicant/Claimant This document is being filed on behalf of the Claimant by: DETERVILLE, THOMAS & CO, CHAMBERS., 99 Chaussee Road, Castries, Saint Lucia, Tel: (758) 452 1152; Fax: (758) 453 0766 or Email: [email protected] This Court Office is situated at La Place Carenage, Jeremie Street, Castries, Saint Lucia telephone number 468-7500, Fax: 453-2071, E-mail: [email protected].. The Court Office is open between 9:00am and 2:00pm Mondays to Thursdays and 9:00am to 3:00pm on Fridays except public holidays. [ Second Publication ] Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 760 Saint Lucia Government Gazette IN THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN SUPREME COURT IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE SAINT LUCIA CLAIM NO.: SLUHCV 2009/0661 BETWEEN: BANK OF SAINT LUCIA LIMITED and Judgment Creditor SHERLAN JOSEPH Judgment Debtor NOTICE TO: SHERLAN JOSEPH whose last known address was last known address was La Feuillie, Monchy in the Quarter of Castries. TAKE NOTICE that Judgment in Default of Acknowledgment of Service has been granted against you in the High Court of Justice, Saint Lucia in favour of BANK OF SAINT LUCIA LIMITED. PURSUANT to the CPR Rule 5.13 service of the said Judgment is being effected on you by this advertisement in two (2) consecutive issues of a local newspaper circulating in Saint Lucia and two consecutive issues of the Official Gazette. A COPY of the Judgment can be obtained at the High Court Office at La Place Carenage, Jeremie Street, Castries, Saint Lucia or at the Chambers of Deterville, Thomas & Co., 99 Chaussee Road, Castries, Saint Lucia. Dated this 3rd day of June, 2016. DETERVILLE, THOMAS & CO. Per:Cleopatra McDonald Legal Practitioner for the Claimant This document is being filed on behalf of the Judgment Creditor by: DETERVILLE, THOMAS & CO, CHAMBERS., 99 Chaussee Road, Castries, Saint Lucia, Tel: (758) 452 1152; Fax: (758) 453 0766 or Email: [email protected] This Court Office is situated at La Place Carenage, Jeremie Street, Castries, Saint Lucia telephone number 468-7500, Fax: 453-2071, E-mail: [email protected].. The Court Office is open between 9:00am and 2:00pm Mondays to Thursdays and 9:00am to 3:00pm on Fridays except public holidays. [ Second Publication ] Issue 25 | Monday June 20, 2016 Price List - Advertising, Forms and Publications Forms Gazette 3/4 page 1/2 page 1/4 page Full Page Legal Documents (per publication) Naturalisation Minimum Charge 275.00 215.00 135.00 350.00 Publications Form 19.01 0.40 Customs Declaration Forms Election Report 30.00 Income Tax Tables 55.00 0.25 Bound Volume (St. Lucia Laws) 1991 1995 - 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Civil Code Criminal Code 150.00 350.00 550.00 515.00 993.50 459.25 911.50 731.00 370.00 715.50 658.50 348.50 233.00 405.00 413.50 370.00 268.00 368.00 Transfer of Warehouse Goods 0.65 Complaint with Oath 0.65 Summons to Defendant 0.65 700.00 430.00 265.00 200.00 Summons in a Civil Case 0.65 Summons to Witness 0.65 Please Note: The above Publications will include 15% vat Intestacy Forms 1.30 Will Forms 1.30 150.00 130.00 125.00 Financial Statements Full Page Half Page Quarter Page Minimum Charge Forms Bills of Sight 0.40 Traverse Sheets 0.65 Out of Charge 0.40 Permission to Develop Land 0.65 Survey Report Forms 0.65 Economic and Social Review 40.00 Notice of Intention to Survey 0.65 Estimates Vol. II: Soft Covered 125.00 0.65 Estimates Vol. II: Hard Covered 150.00 Constitution of St. Lucia 30.00 A Framework for Tax Reform Vol 1 67.50 Labour Code 132.50 Commercial Invoices Overtime Forms (Customs) 0.40 0.40 Permit to Remove Goods 0.40 Application for Import Licence 0.40 Waive Notice of Intention to Survey Building Application Form 4.00 Plant Import Permit Application 0.40 Health Forms 3.00 Overtime Forms (Agriculture) A Forms 0.25 0.40 Application for Overtime Insurance Forms 6.00 Standing Order House of Assembly 20.00 0.40 Medical Certificates 0.25 Sir Bloom Cooper Report Request for and advice 0.40 Container Examinination Request 0.40 Personal Log Books 10.00 Caricom Invoices 0.40 Affidivit Forms 1.00 40.00 By-Election Report 20.00
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