Smoked Rainbow Trout - Grindstone Neck of Maine
Smoked Rainbow Trout - Grindstone Neck of Maine
Hand-Crafted Gourmet-Smoked Smoked Rainbow Trout Our Smoked Rainbow Trout is a finely crafted work of art. Exclusive preparation using only the finest of ingredients ensure each hand made batch is unsurpassed in taste and quality. Incredibly delicious, a true delicacy Shelf life 90 days frozen, 30 days refrigerated. Ingredients: Rainbow Trout, Salt, Pure Maple Syrup Natural Hardwood Smoke ,Spices GRINDSTONE NECK of MAINE, LLC 311 Newman Street, Winter Harbor, ME 04693 Tel: 207-963-7347- Fax: 207-963-7616 - - email: [email protected] Grindstone Neck of Maine - Product Data All Grindstone products are 100% natural. Grindstone is HACCP Certified and FDA inspected. We do not use any sweeteners in our products unless specified. We smoke exclusively using hardwood chips certified to be free of acid rain fallout, chainsaw bar oil and other contaminants. We produce our pure smoke by burning woodchips at the lowest possible temperature and force filter the smoke through a water bath to reduce potentially harmful creosote buildup on our products Features Benefits • Hand crafted • No preservatives • Vacuum packed • Gourmet products appealing to all seafood connoisseurs • Makes great healthy appetizers and quick meal options. • Ease of handling, preparation and display. Extended shelf life. Hardwood Smoked Fin Fish Description: Size Item# UPC Code Hot Smoked Rainbow Trout 8 oz approximate, catch weight 25103 082583125103 Boneless rainbow trout fillets, cold water river raised in Idaho, smoked in Down East Maine. Shelf life 30 days fresh, 90 days frozen Ingredients: Rainbow Trout, Salt, Maple Syrup, Spices, Natural Hardwood Smoke. Cold Smoked Haddock (Finnan Haddie) 8 oz approximate, catch weight 40205 082583140205 Finnan Haddie, A true New England delicacy, Naturally smoked without any colorants or flavor enhancers. Shelf life 30 days fresh, 90 days frozen Ingredients: Haddock, Salt, Natural Hardwood Smoke Grindstone Neck of Maine, LLC. 311 Newman St. Winter Harbor, ME. 04693 207.963.7347