c - Freehold Borough Schools
c - Freehold Borough Schools
o -f m G) OJ c. 0 .:I: Z m 0 ?' eo r 0 Q -< c: ::0 ::0 o c: r c: s: Q c: - c m CURRICULUM MEMBERS Liz O'Connell Paula Desch Ronnie Doughertty Lauren Filipek Chris Giunta Mary Anne Illes Lois Pflomm Diane Tennis Freehold Borough Elementary School Dlstr."1 Curriculum for Technological Literacy Standard 8.1 (Computer and Information Literacy) All students will use computer applications to gather and organize information and to solve problems. ~:~~ Imp~e::r~=:lon Specific Skills or Objectives Assessment Level Date '~'Y;I<''''.'';: 11M. -:', PreK-4 A9 Pre-K I Pre-K I A1 A3 i' /~~.~',:',',', :;'X:,.5; ·:.'?·:r§~;~i~[f;:?>J~~ir~;;g~r~\1j~tf:i;'iJJ-~.~:{; K K K I I I A1 A3 A3 IUse basic technology vocabulary IDevelo~ dexteri~ in uSina a mouse \i~l:~!ifht~'-~~iJ~<;~;:j~~~:tl;~<::,~~jj~}X{~i1~;~:h':'i':~ ;:;i:~~-);';~~(;'f:,~< '::l,I:>~- -;- ~,·~>:_,rXfr - IUse basic technology vocabulary j IDevelop dexterity in using a mouse Recognize the location and. purpose of the keyboard \:~~~f;'dT(:~:::i!~:~tk~_:;~~' ·~i~~,i,~-~-;:':"\ "":: 1~:'-:~':)b:~J.:~;,~~;::·~' ,~~~':.,:i-; '~t;~h~:;:/~;.-,:·- -.,?~ 1 A1 1 A3 2 A1 2 A3 2 A3 r Use basic technology vocabulary Demonstrate appropriate handling of CD's ~~g~;~{~t~4tJ;;~:,2!~{~iMt1?f; ~ ~;f:;:~:'- Use basic technology vocabulary Demonstrate the ability to independently use appropriate grade level software 3 3 A4 Produce a simple finished document using word processing software 1 ~. . Freehold Borough Elementary School Dlalr.",. Curriculum for Technological Literacy Standard 8.1 (Computer and Information Literacy) All students will use computer applications to gather and organize information and to solve problems. Grade Level Specific Skills or Objectives Implementation Materials Introduce the placement of a graphic in a word processing document d I ';j~-;~i1 Ilocal Be aware of the difference between a and network resource A8 Use a graphic organi (1~~~.-,:i"¥·~:~lj$~4i~~,~~;~T~~l~:E~}fl~;!iif;l;~~<~~i; (.;;;~i~. }: : ~-:~ l-::Y'?:; ~,.- ~ _.~.q ':i -.:~... ~ ~--~., :::-l A2 4 I A3 4 I A4 4 I AS 4 I A6 T ~ 4 A8 S A3 Expand keyboarding skills techniques Ito include the ability to use number keys accurately IUse word processing software to support the writing process Produce and interpret a simple graph lor chart by entering and editing data in a spreadsheet Create a developmentally appropriate Imultimedia presentation with support from teachers, family members or student partners ICreate and maintain files and folders 2 Assessment Date Level Freehold Borough Elementary School Dlatr. , Curriculum for Technological Literacy Grade L I eve Cumulative Progress Indicators . . SpecIfic Skills or Objectives Implementation M t I I a er a s Assessment Date I Level ~~I~~I~~l~~i~~~'g{~;~~'t~~j;t:,,;;~. 5 ..~, A3 A4 Present opportunities to generate a first draft, revise, and rewrite Construct a simple spreadsheet, enter data, and interpret the A5 , ' information ~:~ii?~¥:)iif~~~,~~;~"~{~~~~~~;t~~~~i~~~~~~4A;;::;~::~ ·:~;,:.~1?I,1~;~~}:_;~-~~;}f~;~}lt~di~~JJ:;\);-)f~~-i(~1<;, ) , ~.; -..'-~ -~ I 5 c~t(~(~ _h" ':, Use appropriate technology vocabulary 6-8 A2 6-8 A6 6-8 A8 6-11 A11 Create and maintain files and folders Create a file containing customized information by merging documents Design and produce a basic multimedia proiect Choose appropriate electronic graphic organizers to create, construct, or design a document Create, organize and manipulate shortcuts A12 6-8 1.£,~';!,;;i\;tt~l~"l' ;,~, \',,' :;"'!jcHj.::>,rj;,"y1~t;;;Gjjl;'~'C": 6 A3 ".',. ";""'; lJemonstrate proper keyboarding skills using the "touch method" 3 ~ I c.:,;' • '~~;~0'~~~i~~i~~~i~~~~~~i~i~~;~ , , , ~~:~$~~t~~)t:~jJ;'~l:~'~t~~~JJ~-:~' iii Freehold Borough Elementary School Dlstrl\ow ~urrlculum for Technological Literacy ompuler an Grade L eveI . . . . Specific Skills or Objectives Implementation M t . I a erla s Assessment Date I Level ?~I~~~~l~;~iWf£is~j~!~l~~~;tJ~t.~'M ' 6 A4 Input and access data and text efficiently and accurately through proficient use of keyboard and mouse 6 A5 Use word processing software for writing tasks in various SUbject areas 6 A7 7 A3 7 A5 Create a spreadsheet that requires calculations of tables Develop accuracy in keyboarding skills using the "touch method" Create documents with advanced text formatting and graphics using word ..ai;ir.e.,.""!!!!!l!'!!"""!!',","","""",,",,,","""""'''''''' . rocessin sO""ftw 8 A3 8 A5 8 A6 Demonstrate the ability to use the "touch keyboarding method" Create a multi-page document with citations using word processing software Provide opportunities to use the word processor, database, and spreadsheet together 4 Freehold Borough Elementary School Dlstrl~. Curriculum for Technological Literacy omputer an Grade Specific Skills or Objectives Level Implementation Materials ~"~~~imtgL~~I~~f,~fr~lC~~~~\ K 82 K 82 1 81 1 81 2 B2 Assessment Date Level M' ,:~.". ,,: [Jevelop an awareness of computers and the role they play in society, recognizing their advantages and disadvantaaes Discuss common uses of technology in dailv life Work cooperatively and collaboratively with peers when using technology 5 .. Freehold Borough Elementary School Distr. __ Curriculum for Technological Literacy Standard 8.1 (Computer and Information Literacy) All students will use computer applications to gather and organize information and to solve problems. Grade Level Specific Skills or Objectives :.J 83 I :"l0i~;~,\'3~ifi~~~{1~'~~i~;~~i::~~'~;~~~::~{f{~./ {~~.t··.'~t~i~s~~;-{:';~~' -;:j~}'~~:};;'~f~~~>~:J:~~~:t~:;;}i~~~L','~c:?~:;:; ~'~; ellguene ana safety :I 82 4 I 83 4 I 84 4 I 84 Implementation Materials "'' ;, ~ , Itechnological Practice responsible use of systams and softwa,. Demonstrate correct Internet letiquette and understand the consequences of inappropriate use IObserve and follow the legal use of electronic resources Recognize the ethical implications of Iplagiarism of print, non-print and software copyrights 6 Assessment Date Level Freehold Borough Elementary School Distr._ • Curriculum for Technological Literacy ompu{er an Grade Level Specific Skills or Objectives Implementation Materials 9NQfPFi()QUCTIVIl"Y ;ii~?~:i~~,j)~;'t,~·;;~;iAcfJ· 6-8 81 Demonstrate an understanding of changes in computer applications and the impact upon the workplace and societv. 6-8 83 Explain the purpose of an Acceptable Use Policy and the consequences of inappropriate use of technology. 6 84 6 85 7 84 7 85 Describe and practice safe Internet usaae Describe and practice "netiquette" when using the Internet and electronic mail Describe and practice safe Internet usaae Describe and practice "netiquette" when using the Internet and electronic mail. y~~ft~,gATI~lf915,i.PRQRl)gTIVnl .tJ,~,~';~1~Y~~~~~~T~~~!~~~~;i1~~~i~;;~~ 1 85 Access a website under the direction of a staff member 7 Assessment Date Level Freehold Borough Elementary School Dlstr.... _Curriculum for Technological Literacy Grade Level ',.;; Cumulative Progress Indicators }:'i;:'~J: .,i' ,",';': :r is,;:. ii" Implementation Materials Specific Skills or Objectives Assessment ",i,t +>,>c ·',' ', ,{':~i'\i~i~~~;!~, ."'(i{ ;~'¥f~ ,,~~ ~~?;~~~~1~~JJi~~~~k~~~i'~~~~'?: i,""YJ'L; 'x ,'::/ ~f~~" ;:i:~;;l~ ;.k.~. ',,' '" :/i::,.'>'1':;.",',:,'}" !;",.,i, 'ii:;\' Informatlon,Access/Research, ': 2 3 86 3 87 • ",!'< .:;(:;,::,:"i~:, ,i" ", ,i: .':""'.;:'; :..:,. I ': :~,~'f '};;' .J,: ,'i'::; ,? :,}!;, ~: !{:J M - ~:.~. j.,.,,' "':",L,., "':,~;'i' L, 'i",.;"i" 'i " J'i" '",.,i;'; ',: Locate information using a search engine 8egin using the online catalog to locate Iibrarv materials ,o'i.; :,::~,:,'i'i:'X ' r:; ;,~,;<., 4 B5 See technology as a viable alternative to gather information 4 87 Use the Internet to explore topics, gather information and communicate 4 87 Locate specific information by searchina a database "', "'. c"// Identify and use a simple web browser 86 J ti"; /i;' ii, :;~::::;1 Level Date :i'.,'" ' , .. ,-li.,:: ,:.'.' ',,>::; ',",',,: ':";:'.:A.';,?":"',.'/ ' ; : i'c': Create, manage, and store information meaningful to their research Use multiple lines of inquiry to collect information 5 85 5 87 5 87 Expand the use of on-line resources, search engines and databases 5 B8 Recognize accuracy and/or bias of information 8 i'ii ," .'; " ':";,5.""'\3::;'~'; ;.;" '",';, . :./>;;:,;",:;~, (/:':'f>.', " i i ; ~:;::, ii· , '.-,' ",." 'Fil'C: .', 'Y. ;f Fi .~ Freehold Borough Elementary School Dlstrl",. Curriculum for Technological literacy Grade Level Specific Skills or Objectives Implementation Materials IN,.QFJ~ROPQOTIV!TY, o~~~£~~l>~~~~~;~~";}~, 6-8 86 Choose appropriate tools and information resources to support research and solve real world problems by using on-line databases 6 86 Choose the technological tool/software appropriate for the task 7 86 Choose multiple tools for tasks and choose which one performs the needed feature 8 86 Realize the limitation of tools/software, and seek to use appropriate tools/software to use to ick UP where one leaves off 8 87 Evaluate the accuracy, relevance and appropriateness of print and non-print electronic information sources Assessment Date Level ,'~'>I'·""';I .;"{itt;;···} '{,,-,;,;;;:;••} T'., 9 ,~ Freehold Borough Elementary School Distrl",. Curriculum for Technological literacy ompufer an Grade Level Implementation Materials S 'f" SkOU ObO f peci IC I S or ~ec Ives Assessment Date Level lil~~~~lill~~~I~!:~!~;:~E;:;;~ 4 89 4 810 Solve problems using computer software Show evidence of basic hardware failures '';l~,';''._~c'·;r:,;,:~;; .~" :- < 5 810 .,':: "~.::;;,~,._.~",:>/<:::-,~,:,.~: ~:!;~~~- r.<i, ',' ~;<~iS~-)~~'F -," , - "fO' :-::e Determine which technology is useful and select the appropriate tool(s) and technology resources to address a variety of tasks and problems ! ,~';';>·'(t::: 6 88 89 6 810 "(' (:-:~"':': ~. ~::~;'f2t,:~": ~ ;'~<;'. <~~ ,.~.~<. Use computer applications to modify information collaboratively to solve I problems I , '"-';~.:'.: .., 6-8 .';:- -'x' \,. ': ;-;i<'-~:'::;;.· . -,~'" ;..,--, "..' '. -.«<~: '-., ":",'."'0:'< ;·;;~;.'~~:f~:v~~{:iiP:~;~:~' ~I;-~: ;"- ~./ '1'~ :;,,;~:} Identify and analyze basic hardware Iproblems Take steps when meeting a barrier (ask, use help file, experiment) 10 j Freehold Borough Elementary School Dlstrlc urrlculum for Technological Literacy Standard 8.1 (Computer and Information Literacy) All students will use computer applications to gather and organize information and to solve problems. Grade Specific Skills or Objectives Level 7 88 7 810 Implementation Materials lUUI5 ~~;!;;;,~~t;'1ti~~iH~f·:·:j~~~~fi,~1;~ih{}~tIjt·~·:~f:~~1~\;t'~:i:!8~~;K~;~: ~~.!{:~:;:,~::i-·d5~;i_:~~~:;'tiY;»;:,t.':jr:;·};,~;'~,~':;-:'~c~ ;'/. ,. -~ ---: 'b: i:~.' ~"~~I Understand problems of compatibility 8 I 88 8 J 88 8 I 810 I and learn to control and work through them Organize, evaluate, and interpret I findings Determine when technology tools are I appropriate to solve a problem and make a decision 11 Assessment Date Level Freehold Borough Elementary School District Curriculum for Technological Literacy Standard 8.2 (Technology Education - Engineering and the technological design) All students develop an understanding of the nature and impact of technology, engineering, technological design, and the designed world as they relate to the individual, society, and the environment. Grade Level Cumulative Progress Indicators (co, ,: ;,1",,: ',', ~,.",:}·W;:;}~]f~':"'" ," A1 6-8 A2 1';;'':,:,;.,·<" A3 6-8 ~)<:';<':Y. :;'::'~"",\ 6-8 f< . . " ,: Level Date .•..... t ;..; ~,;CG" " ., ·,·;:Z.;:'~';'; ,,.:tl:;',:::D 1,,:l;JOl·.·,·.·. . :"i;'~:'" , .' ,.;';:;';".f (".,:.,ci,· I;:;h:,~i;;').+'.;,'~ .··.t;;/·,K){,i.!;.:·: E;;i:m~)~;} ",'U"f'.';': ili,,' ,::",,,,, .... , . " .,"; ,,;.,'.':':i'\·,,: . f· ',;",,<,,',': ,;:, ,1'<.>: . 6-8 6-8 ~;'ij~t;9·t~i~~'~'~il~~l:~f'Te(:hOk~~~Y'~ Assessment Describe the nature of technology and the consequences of technological ""'"..",,c ;';.'0' '" Implementation Materials Specific Skills or Objectives ",'Y\ A4 ',1·;,>' AS , , ,i>,.. ,'" .,".';,';"':f' "!'C(,', Describe how components of a technological product, system, or I' ~ '.' 'X. ".i':, .,,::'ti,,;':::':' Describe how one technological innovation can be applied to solve another human problem to enhance human life or extend human capability. .::~;;;;">",H;j; .• ·,",'<,;:;",,;;,,'. .' ,,? ;Xi-" '),,:,' Describe how technological activity has an affect on economic development, political actions, and cultural change. ::!:.<",> .: ',:'.'·:;:,';.1\:/;·,;',;.'i,."",·,"'-" ...,:; :", .'. ,':-Ci,J', "".i"'" ,,' "';;:',, Explain the societal and cultural effects of an exponential increase of information and knowledge. 1 . '", ,ii'''.,'':,.:;''; y' /;'),'< ',., •.,"''''>:,'; . :,''''T''~:) ',"·i".':':·","'·"'· ',,; ]!i""', ':,,;;, .',,: ".:::::~',,>,;: '", :.",F',;;;:": "'i'.e, , ',i": '.: Freehold Borough Elementary School DistricL Curriculum for Technological Literacy Standard 8.2 (Technology Education - Engineering and the technological design) All students develop an understanding of the nature and impact of technology, engineering, technological design, and the designed world as they relate to the individual, society, and the environment. Grade Level Specific Skills or Objectives Implementation Materials 6-8 6-8 I 83 6-8 84 Describe how variations in resources can affect solutions to a technological problem. 6-8 85 Select and use appropriate tools and materials safely in analyzing, designing modeling, or making a technological product, system or environment. 2 Assessment Date Level Freehold Borough Elementary School Distrlc.. ",urriculum for Technological Literacy Standard 8.2 (Technology Education - Engineering and the technological design) All students develop an understanding of the nature and impact of technology, engineering, technological design, and the designed world as they relate to the individual, society, and the environment. Grade Level Specific Skills or Objectives Implementation Materials Explain technological advances in medical, agricultural, energy and power, information and communication, transportation, manufacturing, and construction technologies. 6-8 6-8 C2 Explain reasons why human-designed system, products, and environments need to be monitored, maintained, and improved to ensure safety, quality, cost efficiency, and sustainability. Explain the functions and interdependence of sUbsystems such as waste disposal, water purification, electrical, structural, safety, climatic control and communication 3 Assessment Date Level Freehold Borough Elementary SchOol Dist. ,,,( Curriculum for Technological Literacy 6-8 A1 Discuss difference between "science" and 'technology," Science is the knowledge, technology is using the 'knowledge' to develop a way to solve human problems. Examples can be positive or negative. Positive example: We are able to better map our planet using satellites (Landsat technology.) Negative example: We have learned how to use fossil fuels to produce energy. Burning fossil fuels has a negative environmental impact Discuss how weather satellites, computers, thermometers, barometers, etc... work together to help meteorologists predict weather. 6-8 6·8 A2 A3 The space program developments Include probes, spacecraft, telescopes, communication devices. Products developed as a result of the space program to solve other human problems include cardiac pacemakers, food processing methods, 1 Freehold Borough Elementary School Distrn..' l Curriculum for Technological Literacy ;'~iJ,~N,91,~~,~af~g;f~~B~~rf~g'~Ni;~~9!~~ilJR~I';~~" 6-8 A4 As new products are developed as a result of technological activity, new jobs are created; old jobs may be lost. For example, people used to set type to print newspapers. Now computers do the job. Those who can operate the new technology will have the jobs. The areas where these industries develop will have jobs available. Areas where an industry is outdated by a new technology will lose jobs. Towns may undergo economic downturns. Relate to changes in the 20th century. New products, new jobs, new industries, powerful companies, new ways of life. Cultural Changes: Communication - writing letters, telephones, email, cell phones. Information -letters, newspapers, radio, TV, computers. As the information base increases, then each person will need to "specialize" in a specific area. New jobs are created. Old jobS are lost. 6-8 6-8 B1 B2 Science: Carry out an experiment following the scientific method. If the experiment does not produce the expected reSUlts, then modify the hypothesis and start again. LAL: Writing reports or essays, research, write, and revise. Students design Inventions to solve a problem; Students can investigate and analyze how the design process was used to create each others Inventions. Grade 7 - Boiling Point Project - (Stevens Institute of Technology) http://WWW.k12science.org/curriculum/bollproj/index.html 2 Freehold Borough Elementary School Dist"vl Curriculum for Technological Literacy "ll1ijRi8'Q~'~~i;,~i~~'~<~~B'NGii\N9;~i~PH~~~,Q{~!~i~1~" • <."" 6-8 6-8 B4 C1 "I:;"·'.~".Y~· Discuss availability of fresh water. In desert areas near an ocean (with little fresh water) desalination plants may provide fresh water. In areas with adequate supplies of fresh water, reservoirs may collect rain water. Stevens Institute of Technology - "Down the Drain Project http://www.k12sclence.ora/currlculum/drainprol/ Discuss advances in: Medical Field - CAT scans to "see" Inside, gene therapy in treating diseases, in treating diseases. Agricultural Systems - connect genetics with plant development, new systems for harvesting or planting or processing crops, herbicide use. Enerav and power - explain how technology has solved problems caused by fossil fuels (i.e. devices to lower pollution in automobiles) Information and Communications - methods have changed from voice to written letters, to printed books and newspapers, to radio, to telephones, to TV, to computers, to email, to cell phones. Construction Technologjes - new methods and designs have been developed to construct "earthquake-proof buildings". 3 Freehold Borough Elementary School Districl ~urrlcutum for Technological Literacy In fossil fuels and their alternatives unit, discuss safety concerns and costs of electricity generating plants (nuclear or coal burning.) Discuss past failures. Explain patches or updates for exiting computer programs 6-8 6-8 C2 C3 During discussion of water cycle discuss how sewer treatment plants "purify" water before returning it to the water cycle. Discuss how electricity would be used in the water treatment plant, how communication between departments of the plant is accomplished. Field trip local utility plant. 4 j~ ( ( Freehold Borough Elementary School District Curriculum for Technology Literacy Pre-K,K Introduce letters, numbers, shapes and colors IJumpstart Preschool Reading readiness Memory matching ILiving Books / IJumpstart Preschool Number recognition IJumpstart Preschool Auditory discriminationlListening skills IJumpstart Preschool Phonics IJumpstart Preschool Problem solving and decision making IJumpstart Preschool Creative play and social roles IJumpstart Preschool 1 ( ( ( Freehold Borough Elementary School District Curriculum for Technology Literacy Pre-K, K Recognize nwnbers 1-10 Millie and Bailey Kindergarten Build nwnber sentences Basic addition and subtraction Following directions Weather (temperature, precipitation, Create and recognize patterns New vocabulary Problem Solving Classifying Rhyming words and initial letter Sequencing Compound words Rhyming words Vocabulary and reading Silent letters, vowel blends Interpreting time in words Progression of time Counting by fives Recognizing time to the quarter Intervals oftime 2 ( ( ( Freehold Borough Elementary School District Curriculum for Technology Literacy K-2 Coin recognition Coin Critters Counting change Dollar equivalents Comparing money Making change Auditory comprehension Listening skills Stella Luna Cat in the Hat ew Kid on the Block Green Eggs and Ham Berenstain Bears-In the Dark puff's Bone Arthur's Birthday Little Monster at School Categorize groups Emergent Literacy skills Comprehension Express and organize thoughts 3 ( ( ( Freehold Borough Elementary School District Curriculum for Technology Literacy Letter sounds Word families Sight words Spanish-English Vocabulary translations IJump Start Spanish for: BodvDarts Clothes Numbers Calendar Colors Food Household Items 4 ( ( ( Freehold Borough Elementary School District Curriculum for Technology Literacy htto:/Jwww.Iiteracvcenter.net 5 ( ( ( ( Freehold Borough Elementary School District Curriculum for Technology Literacy 3-5 I Money skills 3-5 I Time Telling Skills Clock Shop 3-5 I Story Mapping - Graphic organizer Inspiration 3-5 I Writing Story Book Weaver 3-5 I Writing Ultimate Writing Workshop 3-5 I Slide Show Multimedia presentations 3-5 I 3-5 3-5 3-5 I I I Coin Critters Kid Pix Slide Show Multi-media presentations PowerPoint - Graphs I Excel Spreadsheets I Excel Math Skills I Math Keys 6 ( ( Freehold Borough Elementary School District Curriculum for Technology Literacy 3 IMoney skills Coin Critters 3 ITime Telling Skills Clock Shop 3-5 IStory Mapping - Graphic organizer Inspiration 3-5 IWriting Story Book Weaver 3-5 IWriting Ultimate Writing Workshop 3-5 ISlide Show - Multimedia presentations Kid Pix 3-5 ISlide Show Multi-media presentations PowerPoint 4-5 IGraphs Excel 4-5 ISpreadsheets Excel 5 IMath Skills Math Keys 3-5 IWriting SS http://www.switchzoo.com/ 3-5 Biographies http://www.ipl.orgldiv/kidspace/askauthor/ 3-5 Meet Authors http://www.cbcbooks.orglhtm1lmeet.html 3-5 SS Resource http://k6educators.about.com/cslblackhistorymont/alblackhistorymon.htm 3-5 Money Skills http://www.scugog-net.com/rooml08/money/money12.htm 3-5 IMath Word Problems http://www.funbrain.com/math/index.html 7 ( ( ( Freehold Borough Elementary School District Curriculum for TechnologyUteracy Ordering and graphing IExcel spreadsheet, Microsoft Works spreadsheets Develop a favorite food graph for the class. Solve word problems. Record data from projects that involve surveys, counts or polls. Keep personal budget records or statistics. Use on-line resources and databases to find information that can be interpreted with spreadsheets and graphs. Create file to save spreadsheets and save to disk or network folder IUse on-line resources and databases Use a word processing program to write a paragraph or an essay to explain a mathematical concept. Insert a graph, picture, or other item into the document by merging documents. Use graphics tools to create a floor plan ofthe classroom. IFloppy disks, network folders Design a presentation; merge graphs spreadsheet program into the presentation. produced IMicrosoft Word, Microsoft Works withlPowerPoint, Hyperstudio WEB SITE: The MacTutor History ofMathematics Archive - Ihttp://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.ukl-historv/ Research biographies of mathematicians, 500 BC to the present; Research mathematical topics 8 ( ( ( ( Freehold Borough Elementary School District Curriculum for Technology Literacy I http://www.coolmath.comlhome.htm IWEB SITE: Cool Math - activities, games, calculators, information WEB SITE: Fun Brain math activities and games /http://www.funbrain.com/ CD Rom How the West was One Excel sDreadsheet, Microsoft Works sDreadsheets Excel spreadsheet, Microsoft Works spreadsheets Use on-line resources and databases Floppy disks, network folders Use a word processing program to write a IMicrosoft Word, Microsoft Works paragraph or an essay to explain a mathematical concept. Insert a graph, picture, or other item into the document by merging documents. Design a presentation; merge graphs produced /PowerPoint, Hyperstudio with spreadsheet program into the presentation. An exploratory software program - discover ICD Rom Geometer's Sketchpad relationships between angles formed by parallel lines; discover properties of quadrilaterals; demonstrate transformations. 9 ( ( ( Freehold Borough Elementary School District Curriculum for Technology Literacy A game to help students learn to write equations for lines, parabolas, ... ICD Rom Green Globs Ordering and graphing IExcel spreadsheet, Microsoft Works spreadsheets Use on-line resources and databases to find IUse on-line resources and databases information that can be interpreted with spreadsheets and graphs. Create file to save spreadsheets and save to IFloppy disks, network folders disk or network folder Use a word processing program to write a paragraph or an essay to explain a mathematical concept. Insert a graph, picture, or other item into the document by merging documents. IMicrosoft Word, Microsoft Works Use WordArt in MS Word to illustrate a math problem, the steps in solving an equation or a math process or memory aid. Design a presentation; merge graphs IPowerPoint, Hyperstudio produced with spreadsheet program into the presentation. The MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive - Research biographies of mathematicians, 500 BC to the present; Research mathematical tonics 10 Ihttp://www-QrouPs.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/-historv/ ( ( Freehold Borough Elementary School District Curriculum for Technology Literacy List of spelling rules for noun and verbs http://www.gsu.edu/-wwwesUegwlsusan.htm Assess possessives and plurals http://ccc.commnet.edu/cgi-shl/quiz20.pl/plurals_quiz2.htm Recognizing adjectives http://www.chomochomp.com/terms/adjective.htm Recognizing appositives http://www.chompchomp.com/terms/apoositive.htm Recognizing clauses http://www.chomochomp.com/terms/clause.htm Recognizing collective nouns http://www.chompchomp.com/terms/collectivenoun.htm Recognizing complete sentences http://www.chompchomp.com/terms/completesentence.htm Recognizing compound subjects http://www.chompchomp.com/terms/compoundsubject.htm Recognizing compound verbs http://www.chompchomp.com/terms/compoundverb.htm Recognizing coordinating conjunctions http://www.chompchomp.com/termslcoordinatingconjunction.h tm Recognizing fragments http://www.chompchomp.com/terms/fragment.htm Recognizing linking verbs http://www.chomochomp.com/termsllinkingverb.htm Recognizing prepositions http://www.chompchomp.com/terms/preposition.htm Recognizing the subject ofa sentence http://www.chompchomp.com/terms/subject.htm Recognizing verbs http://www.chompchomp.com/termslverb.htm Comma usage http://www.kcmetro.cc.mo.us/maplewoods/writeplace/commas. html http://www.dowlingcentral.com/MrsD/quizzes/grammar/noun1. htm Assess plurals 11 ( ( ( Freehold Borough ElementarySchool District Curriculum for Technology Literacy Used as a reinforcement of comprehension skills - lJosten's - Tomorrow's Promise emphasizes the basics, as well as higher-order thinking and allows for students' assessment and development of individualized learning paths IPrentice Hall Literature - Copper, Bronze, Silver STP Used as a reinforcement of comprehension, language, and writing skills for grades 6 - 8 Used to reinforce writing I Writer's Solution - Writer's Lab Used to create multimedia presentations I Power Point Used to create multimedia presentations IHyper studio Used to help students brainstorm and organize thoughts for writing; used as a resource for I Inspiration Used to produce an original product such as invitations I Print Shop Used for writing tasks in all subject areas IMS Word, MS Works Word Processing Program Word Prediction Software used in conjunction with word processing programs. ICo-writer (available thru Special Ed) Used to aid non-readers and lower level readers inlWYNN Program (Special Ed) with scanner accessing text through speech. http://ccc.commnet.edu/cqiIReinforce plurals and possessives shl/par numberless quiz.pi/plurals quiz.htm I1*' 12 ( ( ( Freehold Borough Elementary SChool District Curriculum for Technology Literacy Continued http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/words/spelling/plurals/pluralrul http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/words/spelling/plurals/pluralrul es/quiz.shtml http://www.phschool.com/atschooVwriting grammar/copper/grammar oractice activities/index.html http://www.wsu.edu/-brians/errors/errors.html http://www.chompchomp.com/menu.htm http://jcomm.uoregon.edu/-russiallgrammar/grambo.html http://www.englishgrammarconnection.com/lessonstart.html http://www.grammamow.com/ http://www.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/ http://www.protrainco.com/info/grammar.htm http://www.funbrain.com/grammar/index.html http://vclass.mtsac.edu/amla-56/nouns.htm http://ccc.commnet.edu/forms/grammarreguest.htm http://www.realkids.com/club.shtml http://kids.mysterynet.com/solveit/ http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Atrium/1437/howto.html http://webster.commnet.edu/grammar/index.htm http://dictionary.reference.com/ http://www.m-w.com/dictionary.htm 13 ( ( ( Freehold Borough Elementary School District Curriculum for Technology Literacy continued http://www.ipl.orglcgi bin/common/redirect?http://home.att.net/-AboutTeens/ http://www.thinkquest.orgllibrary/site_sum.html?tname=26829&ur 1=26829/i e.htm httD://thinks.com/words/awful.htm httD://thinks.com/words/doublets.htm httD://thinks.com/wordsldoublets.htm http://thinks.com/wordsltonguetwisters.htm httD://www.cvliZ.net/-ddoctor/ http://www.lalpfd.com/brain_teasers_for_extra_credit.html httD://www.50states.com/ http://www.infoplease.com/spot/bhml.html http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/BHM/hunt.htm1#resources http://www.phschool.com/atschooVliterature/silverIStudent Area/LiTa S BK index.html http://btob.bamesandnoble.com/writers/writerdetails.asp?userid=2 WW33WG6L5&cid=74086#interview http://www.underthesun.cclClassics/Jackson http://www.poets.orgipoetslpoets.cfm?45442B7COOOC070COF 14 ( ( ( Freehold Borough Elementary School District Curriculum for Technology literacy http://www.lalpfd.com!searchengines.html http://www.lalpfd.com!project.html http://www.pineriver.k12.mi.us/ms/poelPoestudenthanout.htm http://www.liunet.edu/cwis/cwp/library/workshop/citmla.htm http://www.lalpfd.com/lord_oCthe_flies%20webquest.htm http://www.lalpfd.com!sports.html http://www.lalpfd.com!funsites.html http://www.lalpfd.com!rubric.html http://www.about.com http://www.yahoo.com http://www.google.com http://www.ask.com! http://msn.com, etc. Http://www.lme.mankato.msus.edu/mankato/mankato.HTML http://www.confusingwords.com!index.php?word=&search=Find 15 ( ( ( ( Freehold Borough Elementary School District Curriculum for Technology Literacy 6-8 http://www.bluetree.co.uklwdlmsocietv/aboutlwriter.htm http://www.empirezine.com/spotIiQht/mava/mava1.htm http://www.microsoft.com/billgates/bio.asp http://www.pearl-s-buck.org/psbi/PearISBuck/about.asp http://www.garypaulsen.com http://projects.edtech.sandi.net/grant/dreamvacation/t-index.htm http://www.plc.vic.edu.au/Library/holeslholesweb.htm http://www.themoonlitroad.com/welcome001.asp http://www.kidskonnect.comlTitanicITitanicHome.html http://www.mckinneyisd.net/faubion/ELAModuleslTuckEverlasting/immortalitvmodule. htm http://coe.west.asu.edu/students/dcronin/hatchet/index.htm http://www.kidskonnect.com/AlphabetizedList.html http://nicologic.free.fr/Classification.htm http://www.dowlingcentral.com/MrsD/area/unitthemes/scifi/FlowersforAlgernon/rorsch aC.htm htto:/lfacultv.washinaton.edu/chudlerlintrob.html http://allpsych.com/games/index.html http://www.2h.com/personality-tests.html http://www.rootsweb.com/-nwa/alpha.html http://www.factmonster.com/ipkalA0768438.html http://www.factmonster.comlipkalA0768442.html 16 ( ( ( Freehold Borough Elementary School District Curriculum for Technology Literacy 6 - 8 IWeb site activity about internet safety 6-8 IInternet based, US Army sponsored, science / technology competition (Choose a community problem; follow scientific method to find a possible solution. http://education.jlab.org/beamsactivitv/online/reading/intern et safetv.html http://www.ecybrmission.com Create graphs by inputting data from classroom experiments. IExcel spreadsheet and Microsoft Works spreadsheets: 6 - 8 IUse the information from the graphs to interpret and solve problems independently or collaborativelv. Use on-line resources and databases to find information that can be interpreted with spreadsheets and graphs. Create file for the spreadsheet and save to disk or network folder. 6 - 8 ICreate reports using PowerPoint or word processing programs either independentlYIPowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Works or collaborativelv. Include diagrams and graphics which may be copied from the internet or made wi WordArt or by inserting obiects into word processing DrogramS. Use on-line search engines, resources, and databases to search for useful information. Evaluate information used for accuracy and aDPropriateness. Practice safe internet usa2e at all times. Store work in a file on a floppy disk or the network. 6 - 8 IChoose from 4 activities on each of these CD Roms to correspond to textbook chapters 6 IAn Odyssey ofDiscoyerv: Earth Science ICD Rom Software Titles: Use the "Dig it" activity. Students uncover fossils at a dig site and infer what IAn Odyssey ofDiscoyety: Earth Science happened to the animals. 7 8 Use "Data From Space" activi... Students explore the solar system and try to determine where a spacecraft is located. Students compare and contrast planets. They search for and analyze data. They learn how comouters are used to enhance images from outer space. IThis is a website with information and activities tied to each chapter of the Grade 7Ihttp://www.conceptsandchallenges.com textbook IAn OdYSSey ofDiscoyerv: Life Science IActivities on this CD Rom are tied to the Grade 8 Text Book 17 ( ( ( Freehold Borough Elementary School Distinct Curriculum for Technology Literacy The Library of Congress http://www.loc.gov/ Used for finding maps http://www.terraserver.com/ E-mail address for contact purposes http://www.visitmonmouth.com/archives/index.asp synopsis of the expedition's story by historian Harry /http://lewis-clark.org!choice.htm W. Fritz, illustrated with selections from the journals of the expedition, photographs, maps, animated graphics, moving pictures, and sound files Hotlist of topics in the news http://www.historychannel.org! Explores various topics in history http://www.pbs.org! D-Day simulation http://www.saskschools.calcurrcontent/historv20/unit3/norm.html Geography skills arid the lessons of history 1. Geography Search Focuses on the causes, conflicts, victories and lessons of the most critical event in the Civil war, reDlavini!: battles and their outcome. Used for research on specific topics 2. Civil War CD-rom 3. Encarta Used for research on specific topics 4. World Book 18 ( ( ( Freehold Borough Elementary School District Curriculum for Technology Literacy Grade 6-8 Distribute a copy of the district's acceptable use policy, copyright policies and Web use policies to be included in student portfolio. Collaborate with students in other schools throughout the world using the Internet. View curriculum-based full length videos, key concept video clips and assessment review clips. Complete online interactive assessments. (Subscriber ill available through Technology Department) 19 Ihttp://www.digitalcurriculum.coml Freehold Borough Board of . Education November 8, 2004 tudents will use technology s, tools, and computer lications to gather and org.anize rmation and to solve problems. nduct Research Ive Problems ,i:luce Presenbdlons In conjunction with standards in all areas he end of Grade 4, students will Ie Computer Skills and Tools plication and Productivity Tools - Social Aspects ,Information Access and Research Problem Solving and Decision Making 1 ding upon knowledge and skills ed in preceding grades, by the of Grade 8, students will use: ic Computer Skills and Tools plication and Productivity Tools Social Aspects Infonnation Access and Research Problem Solving and Decision Making e4 duce a simple finished document ing word processing software e8 ate documents with advanced text nnatting and graphics using word . 9 'ial Aspects e4 Ictice appropriate Internet etiquette e8 scribe and practice safe Internet age des personal security and safety es 2 ---------- --- --------- ----- 'rmation Access and Research e4 cognize accuracy and/or bias of 'onnatlon e8 Juate the accuracy, relevance, and propriateness of print, and non-print etronic Infonnatlon sources 'Iem Solving and Decision Making e4 Ive problems Individually and/or lIaboratively using computer applications :e8 -termlne when tlIchnology tools are ,proprlate to solve a problem tudents will develop an erstandlng of the nature and act of technology, engineering, nological design, and the I·gned world as they relate to the lvidual, society, and the ronment. 3 he end of Grade 4, students will erstand: re and Impact of Technology Science Standards 5.2 ,sign Process and Impact ,ssment ScIence Standard 5.4 'stems in the Designed World Selence Standard 5.2 and 5.4 " he end of Grade 8, students will erstand: re and Impact of Technology ,sIgn Process and Impact sessment tems in the Designed World II and Impact of Technology 18crlbe how technological activity has an effect on ,n.omIc d8Ylllopmenl, pDl1llca1 actions, and cultUral ,Jlge n Process and Impact Assessment ,ntIfy a technological problem and ..... the design '8S8 to create an appropriate soluUon ms In the Designed World lain technological adYal'lQS In medlca~ agrtcultural, rgy and power, I~n and communlcaUon, neportaUon, manufadLD1ng, and corwlructlon hnologles " 4 e assumptions about resources ated to these standards ople uipment pport & outside services with aging technology Ipment and budget constraints 13 'Connell a Desch Ie Dougherty n Filipek Giunta 'Anne Illes PfIomm ,eTennis " 5