Waist Line Crusher
Waist Line Crusher
Waist Line Crusher - Week 1 Program UPPER BODY WORKOUT EXERCISE PUSH-UPS PULL-UPS MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS COUNT 15-20 10-15 20-30 ROUNDS 2-3 2-3 2-3 If mountain climbers prove to be too difficult. Find a bench or railing to place hands on an incline. This will decrease difficulty. 16-20 2-3 BACK EXTENSION 15-20 2-3 PLANK WALK 10-15 2-3 ABDOMINAL CRUNCH 20-30 2-3 > 30 sec If pushups prove to be too difficult from the toe position. Drop both knees on the ground while keeping your feet in the air. Continue to finish exercise in this position. If pull-ups prove to be too difficult. Get someone to hold your feet behind you as you perform pull-ups or use an assisted pull up machine. STAGGERED PUSH-UPS PLANK PRO TIP 2-3 If pushups prove to be too difficult from the toe position. Drop both knees on the ground while keeping your feet in the air. Continue to finish exercise in this position. If this proves to be too difficult place both hands flat on the ground by your sides. If this proves to be too difficult. Lower yourself lower to the ground before beginning the “walking portion” of this exercise. If exercise proves to be too difficult. Drop down to knees and hold plank from this position PICTURES LOCATED BELOW To print a copy of this workout with the program on the front and the photos on the back, choose “twosided print, flip on long edge” when printing START PUSH-UP: PULL-UP: MOUNTAIN CLIMBER: STAGGERED PUSH-UP: BACK EXTENSION: PLANK WALK: ABDOMINAL CRUNCH: PLANK: FINISH Waist Line Crusher - Week 1 Program LOWER BODY WORKOUT EXERCISE BODY WEIGHT SQUAT BODY WEIGHT STEP UP BODY WEIGHT LUNGE COUNT ROUNDS 15-20 2-3 10-15 each side 10-15 each side 2-3 2-3 To modify perform lunges by something sturdy you can hold on to. This way you can use your upper body to help control your balance. Stand with a very wide stance. Externally rotate your hips so your toes are pointing outward. Place weight on heels during exercise to use your glutes and quads properly 15-20 2-3 SIDE STEP UP 10-15 each side 2-3 LUNGE TO STEP UP 10-15 each side 2-3 REACH UP 20-30 2-3 > 45 sec Stand wider than shoulder width apart. Place weight on heels during squat to use your glutes and quads properly Adjust the height of the step to increase or decrease difficulty. Press through the heel while performing the step up. SUMO SQUAT PLANK PRO TIP 2-3 You can modify the difficulty by changing the height of the step or bench. Also you can step up and just have your opposite foot come to the bench or step. You can modify the difficulty by changing the height of the step or bench. Also you can step up and just have your opposite foot come to the bench or step. Place arms directly above your shoulders. Use your abdomen to lift your shoulder blades off of the ground and reach up as high as you can into the air. If exercise proves to be too difficult. Drop down to knees and hold plank from this position PICTURES LOCATED BELOW: To print a copy of this workout with the program on the front and the photos on the back, choose “two-sided print, flip on long edge” when printing START FINISH BODY WEIGHT SQUAT: BODY WEIGHT STEP UP: BODY WEIGHT LUNGE: SUMO SQUAT: SIDE STEP UP: LUNGE TO STEP UP: REACH UP: PLANK: Waist Line Crusher - Week 1 Program TOTAL BODY WORKOUT EXERCISE THRUSTER WALKING LUNGES COUNT ROUNDS 15-20 16-20 2-3 Stand wider than shoulder width apart. Place weight on heels during exercise to use your glutes and quads properly 2-3 To modify perform lunges by something sturdy you can hold on to. This way you can use your upper body to help control your balance. BURPEE 10-15 2-3 THRUSTER W/ ROTATION 15-20 2-3 SIDE SQUATS 10-15 each side 2-3 BURPEE TO PUSH -UP 10-15 2-3 LEG RAISES 15-20 2-3 PLANK > 1 min PRO TIP 2-3 To decrease difficulty. Shoot your feet out less than all the way. This will decrease the difficulty of the exercise. You can also place both hands on something solid to provide an incline for you Pivot off of your opposite toe as you perform the rotation portion of the exercise. Place weight on the heel of the foot you are stepping out to the side with during exercise. To decrease difficulty. Shoot your feet out less than all the way. This will decrease the difficulty of the exercise. You can also place both hands on something solid to provide an incline for you. Press both hands into the ground to create more stability. Also bend knees if exercise proves to become too difficult. If exercise proves to be too difficult. Drop down to knees and hold plank from this position PICTURES LOCATED BELOW: To print a copy of this workout with the program on the front and the photos on the back, choose “twosided print, flip on long edge” when printing START FINISH THRUSTER: WALKING LUNGES: BURPEE: THRUSTER W/ ROTATION: SIDE SQUATS: BURPEE TO PUSH-UP PART 1: BURPEE TO PUSH-UP PART 2: LEG RAISES: PLANK: