T amaris – T hemos T successfulshoebrandin G
T amaris – T hemos T successfulshoebrandin G
Ta m a r i s – t h e m o s t s u c c e s s f u l s h o e b r a n d i n G e r m a n y a s ucc e s s sTory abouT a shoe T h aT G o e s i T s o W n Way. T h e Wo rT m a n n G ro u P 6 7 T h e Wo rT m a n n G ro u P The Wo rT m a n n GrouP 950 67 can we check the box for being a company that operates 15,000 shops. That's how our business group achieved on a worldwide scale? We think so. because for us, a turnover of over 950 million euros in 2010/11. a checking off the box for women is what actually defines vital component of these good results, is Wortmann's our whole business. We are passionate about women's close cooperation with the on-site retailers. Working shoes. and have been for over 40 years. during that time, together, we offer the fashion-conscious woman quality, we've become one of the largest shoe manufacturers design, performance and value for money. and that's why in europe and now produce 67 million pairs of shoes every woman in Germany today owns at least one pair of a year. We sell them in over 70 countries, in about Tamaris shoes. m i l l i o n P a i r s o f s h o e s P r o d u c e d a n n u a l ly 30,000 52 as of June 2011 m i l l i o n e u r o s i n T o Ta l T u r n o V e r e m P loy e e s Wo r l dW i d e 70 sales counTries P e r c e n T e X P o r T r aT e The loGisTics cenTre 8 9 The loGisTics cenTre 500,000 The neW loGisTics cenTre: euroPe's 35 million euros inVesTmenT Volume 10,000 larGesT shoe cabineT as one of the shoe giants in europe, we need one quickly as possible, the most up to date, fully automated thing above all else: a lot of room for the latest shoe storage and materials handling technology is on hand. it collections. That's why our new logistics centre in can take as little as 120 seconds between goods in and detmold has an ample 10,000 m2 of space to offer. so 4.5 goods out. This much is clear: for our partners, we make million pairs of shoes can easily find temporary storage the impossible possible. as quickly as possible. here. so that these can get to the shops and customers as P a i r s o f s h o e s d a i ly T u r n o V e r 4.5 60 m2 sTor aGe are a m i llion Pai r s of s hoe s sTor aG e c a Pac iT y l o a d i n G b ay s as of June 2011 The lifesTyle brand 10 11 The lifesTyle brand classical, fashionable, quality conscious – these are the characteristics of Tamaris classic. The elegant designs and business shoes in this collection are also captivating Ta m a r i s : T h e lifesTyle brand for everyday use. confident, sporty, relaxed and with the accentuation on leisure – that's what Tamaris active stands for. The combination of sporty Without doubt, women love shoes. at Tamaris, we you'll always have a distinctive lifestyle image, right there design and real comfort is love shoes, too. so it makes complete sense that women on your feet. but alongside this unique brand quality, quite straightforward. love Tamaris. and of course we're there to help our Tamaris also offers arguments that have their feet firm- customers find the right choice of shoe. That's why we ly on the ground. The combination of an extraordinary offer the fashion conscious woman three basic style price with a top quality product has, after all, contributed groups which make every look possible and yet are still to our success. and you can rely on this performance highly individual. Whether it's a casual look, the must- promise. it's what we aspire to - for ourselves, for our have shoe of the season or something classical chic, partners and ultimately also for our customers. Keep your finger on the pulse with Tamaris Trend. contemporary and designled, here you'll find the must-have shoes of the season, with just a touch of flamboyance. Genuine brand imaGe With shoes particularly, the perfect appearance is communication strategy we have succeeded in making important. That's why the Tamaris brand is so Tamaris one of the most successful european brands. captivating, with its concise and stylistically confident add well over 500 advertisements, more than 12,000 brand image. of course this runs throughout all our billboard appearances and over 3,000 TV spots annually advertising and ensures that the real star of the show to this. That's also how women all around the world are always takes centre stage: the shoe. With this unique, clear able to have the latest collection at their feet so quickly. reduce To The ma X e f f e c T i V e c o m m u n i c aT i o n W i T h a c l e a r c o n c e P T www.tamaris.de Ta m a r i s c o m m u n i c aT i o n : 12 Wortmann-Gruppe int. schuhproduktionen • 32758 detmold • Telefon: +49 (0)5231 605-330 • available in selected specialist stockists and in Tamaris stores • c o m m u n i c aT i o n c o m m u n i c aT i o n 14 15 c o m m u n i c aT i o n sTronG The i m aG e hiGhliGhTs ThrouGh selecTed media coVer aGe . and successes o f T h e Ta m a r i s b r a n d . The renowned brigitte communication 51% analysis by Gruner + Jahr researches brand recognition, brand sympathy and willingness to buy a particular brand. in 2010, Tamaris achieved optimal results recoGniTion* 27 % in over 5,000 interviews with women in the 14 – 70 target age group. s y m PaT h y * 2010 KA 21% WillinGnes s To b u y * KommunikationsAnalyse 2010 * average of all shoe brands analysed: recognition 39.6 %, sympathy 13.4 %, Willingness to buy 9.7 % (source: www.brigitte-ka.de) 500 adVerTi s emenTs a ye ar 12,000 3,000 Gruner + Jahr AG & Co KG, G+J Media Sales, 20444 Hamburg, E-Mail: [email protected] Anzeigenleitung BRIGITTE: Anja Dreßler, Telefon (040) 37 03 -23 14; Projektleitung: Silke Käse, Telefon (040) 37 03 -23 28 Media-Forschung und -Service: Norbert Reyk, Telefon (040) 37 03 -21 65 12,000 Ta m a r i s r a n K e d i n 3 r d P l a c e billboard aPPe ar ances a ye ar T V sPoTs a ye ar b r a n d s a n a ly s e d as the first ever German shoe brand, Tamaris achieved 3rd place out of the 12,000 brands analysed in the category of brand growth. only the apple iPhone and the lG brand were ranked higher. 700 Press releases a year as of June 2011 T h e Pa rT n e r s h i P s y s T e m 16 17 T h e Pa rT n e r s h i P s y s T e m 180 T h e Pa rT n e r s h i P s y s T e m : Ta m a r i s s T o r e s W o r l d W i d e business 253 WiTh a Plan as an exceptional brand with an exceptional concept, of its kind in the shoe retail sector. so if you can offer we're always on the lookout for exceptional partners. enterpreneurial qualities, a customer-focused service Partners who want to grow with us and stand by us mentality and an enthusiasm for the footwear industry, in our next steps. What is special about the Tamaris then we should get to know each other. Whether it's in partnership system is the truly excellent link between berlin, stockholm, moscow, dubai or wherever women global and local expertise. This synergy is the foundation love to buy shoes. 433 of a concept which for years has been the fastest growing Optimal synergy between retailer and manufacturer: the Wortmann vertical concept W o rT m a n n r e Ta i l e r s G lo b a l e X P e rTi s e loc a l e X P e rTi s e collection logistics sourcing marketing innovative shop fitting concept + local marketing Proximity to customers staff management flexibility site-specific arrangements Ta m a r i s P a r T n e r s h i P s y s T e m collection logistics sourcing marketing innovative shop fitting concept local marketing staff management flexibility Proximity to customers site-specific arrangements as of June 2011 shoP- in -shoPs WorldWide ParTn e r s h i P s WorldWi de b e c o m e a Pa rT o f i T. Wortmann-Gruppe int. schuhproduktionen • 32758 detmold • Telefon: +49 (0)5231 605-330 • available in selected specialist stockists and in Tamaris stores • TrusT our success – www.tamaris.de WORTMANN KG Internationale Schuhproduktionen Klingenbergstraße 1-3 . d-32758 detmold . Tel.: +49 (0) 52 31.605 00 . fax: +49 (0) 52 31.605 236 www.tamaris.de