The Looting of Jewish and Cultural Objects in Former Yugoslavia
The Looting of Jewish and Cultural Objects in Former Yugoslavia
The Looting of Jewish and Cultural Objects in Former Yugoslavia The HAG Südosten & The Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg in Belgrade, Agram (Zagreb) and Ragusa (Dubrovnik) Belgrade Prepared for the Looted Art and Cultural Property Initiative of the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany and the World Jewish Restitution Organization June 2012 This report was prepared by Dr. Ruth Weinberger, Researcher, Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany. The report is based on archival records regarding the former Yugoslavia identified in Dr. Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, Reconstructing the Record of Nazi Cultural Plunder: A Survey of the Dispersed Records of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR) ( The report and the Survey are activities of the Claims Conference-WJRO Looted Art and Cultural Property Initiative (see Research at the Bundesarchiv Koblenz was carried out by Dr. Jens Hoppe. DISCLAIMER This report represents the results of the current best efforts research of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to urrent or past ownership of the items described within. This document is a working draft prepared by staff of the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany in furtherance of the Claims Conference/WJRO Looted Art and Cultural Property Initiative. It may contain factual or other errors. Although an attempt has been made to be comprehensive, there undoubtedly is much information that needs to be added to the document. Please send corrections and comments to Dr. Wesley A. Fisher, Director of Research, Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, at [email protected] or to Dr. Ruth Weinberger, Researcher, Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, at [email protected]. 2 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Table of Contents Introduction a. Overview of Archival Records 1. Records held at the Bundesarchiv: BArch NS 30 (Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg) and BArch B 323 (Treuhandverwaltung von Kulturgut bei der Oberfinanzdirektion München) 2. Records held at the Russian State Military Archive (Rossiiskii Gosudarstvennyi Voennyi Arkhiv, RGVA) Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg für die besetzten Gebiete (ERR) (Berlin-Charlottenburg) Fond 1401, 1918-1945 (77 storage units), with copies held at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: RG 11.001M.21 Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (Fond 1401), 1939–1943 3. Records held at the National Archives and Record Administration (Fold 3) 3.1. Archival Depiction of Yugoslavia’s Erroneous Restitution: the Ante Topic Mimara story 4. Records held at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research 5. Records held at the Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine 6. Records held at the Politisches Archiv Auswärtiges Amt 7. Records held at the Central State Archive of the Highest Agencies Of Power and Administration of Ukraine b. Overview of Looted Cultural Objects from Serbia 1. Identifiable Looted Objects 2. Looted Objects with No Identifiable Previous Owners 3. Looted Paintings 3.1. Paintings by Marko and Alexander Celebanović 3 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. 4. Looted Books 4.1. The Nincic Archive 4.2. The Südost Bücherei 4. Looted Objects Identified by ERR Stamps in post-war “Property Art Cards” c. Overview of Looted Cultural Objects from Croatia 1. Identifiable Looted Objects 2. Objects that were Probably Looted d. Appendix: Appendix 1) – M 1942, Offenbach Pictures: Library Markings From Looted Books Appendix 2) – Ante Topic Mimara Shipments (June 1949) Appendix 3) – Transport Lists to Yugoslavia (October 1947 – June 1949) 4 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Introduction Picture (1): Partition of Yugoslavia, 1943 hp?MediaId=2119 Yugoslavia prior to World War II was home to a thriving Jewish community. While there are no exact numbers as to how many Jews had made Yugoslavia their home, estimates number around 71,000 to 82,000 Jews. The reason for this range of estimates is that there were no statistics, nor exact documentation on the subject. In addition, Yugoslavia had a rather high rate of intermarriage, and many Jews regarded themselves first and foremost as Bosnians, Serbs or Croats and only secondarily as Jews. According to Jozo Tomasevich1 there was no great anti-Semitism in Yugoslavia prior to the rise of Nazi Germany. But by the 1930’s Yugoslavia had started to become a transit area for Jewish refugees from Germany, Austria and other parts of Central Eastern Europe. While Serbia was under Germany’s direct influence, Croatia, which included Bosnia and Herzegovina, remained under the control of the Independent State of Croatia. The remaining parts of Yugoslavia, as shown in the map above, were divided into Hungarian, Italian and Bulgarian regions of influence. Of the estimated 82,000 Jews living in Yugoslavia on the eve of World War II, 67,248 or about 82% were murdered during the war years.2 By the end of World War II, all Yugoslav areas under direct or indirect German influence except for Zagreb were left without Jews. Tomasevich noted that “of the 115 Jewish religious communities in Yugoslavia, in 1939-40, only the one in Zagreb survived the war.”3 During 1942 and 1944, the ERR (Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg) was operational in Serbia and in Croatia already by 1941. While its main activities centered around Belgrade, Serbia, which was under of Nazi military control and referred to as the “altserbisches Reich”,4 the ERR also 1 Tomasevich, Jozo. War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941-1945. Occupation and Collaboration. Stanford Unversity Press, Stanford: 2001. 2 Tomasevich, Jozo. Chapter 13, Kindle edition. 3 Ibid. 4 NS 30/193: Arbeitsberichte (Jahres-, Monats- und Wochenberichte), Arbeitsunterlagen und Personalnachrichten der Arbeitsgruppe bzw. HAG Suedosten (Belgrad), 1941-1944; OCC E5g-4, AG Belgrade. 5 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. reached Agram (Zagreb) and Ragusa (Dubrovnik) in Croatia. Croatia, while an independent country, was regarded as a Gastland, as a friendly-minded country to Nazi Germany.5 By May 1941, the ERR Dienstelle in Agram (or otherwise referred to as “Der Deutsche General in Agram6”), today’s Zagreb, was fully operational and had already carried out 116 house searches, mostly of members of the Jewish B’nai’ B’rith Loge.7 In a letter written by Croatia’s Foreign Ministry on 24 June 1941, the then foreign minister noted that “Das Sonderkommando Einsatzstab RR für Kroatien unter der Leitung des Obersturmführers Herrn Dr. Lauber [head of the ERR in Croatia, sic] ist bevollmächtigt, in Zusammenarbeit mit den kroatischen Behörden jüdisches und Freimaurer-Material sicherzustellen.“ At the end of 1941, Hille succeeded Dr. Lauber as the ERR’s head in Croatia. Picture (2): BArch NS 30/193 5 According to the Feldkommandantur 725 (Agram, 27 May 1941), „Geheim – An sämtliche Einheiten des Standortes Agram, Der Kampf gegen Juden, Freimaurer und der ihnen verwandten sonstigen weltanschaulichen und generischen Mächten ist eine vordringliche Aufgabe des Nationalsozialismus während des Krieges. In Würdigung dieser Tatsache hat der kroatische Staat die Mitarbeit des Einsatzstabes des Reichsleiters Rosenberg bei den Aktionen gegen Juden und Freimaurern erbeten. Ziel der Arbeit ist, in Kroatien bestimmtes literarisches und wissenschaftliches Material sicherzustellen, das Aufschluss gibt über die inneren Verhältnisse der jüdischen Gruppe und ihre internationelen Beziehungen.“ (...) „Die kroatische Regierung hat angefordert, dass dem Einsatztstab R.R. alles erforderliche Material unverzüglich zu übergeben ist.“ (...) „Ich gebe den Offizieren hiervon Kenntnis und habe auch meinerseits die erforderlichen Unterstützung in Aussicht gestellt. Von Nutzen dürfte es sein, wenn alle diesbezüglichen Wahrnehmungen betreffend Bücherschränke von Juden und Freimaurern, Aktenschränke usw. dem Einsatzstab R.R. Tomasićeva 10 Tel. 7947, dienstlich übermittelt würden, der dann von sich aus der Beschlagnahme und Sichtung veranlasst.“ Reel 131, Fonds 1401, Opis 1, Folder 3, Center for Preservation of Historical Documentary Collections (formerly Osobiy Archive), now Russian State Military Archive: Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg für die besetzten Gebiete (ERR) (Berlin-Charlottenburg) Fond 1401, 1918-1945 (77 storage units), with copies held at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: RG 11.001M.21. 6 By 1 November 1942, the office was renamed into “Deutscher Bevollmächtigter General in Kroatien” Kommandanturbefehl Nr. 212, 4 November 1942, Agram (signed by Kossack, Generalmajor) - Reel 131, Fonds 1401, Opis 1, Folder 2, Center for Preservation of Historical Documentary Collections (formerly Osobiy Archive) 7 Reel 131, Fonds 1401, Opis 1, Folder 2, Center for Preservation of Historical Documentary Collections (formerly Osobiy Archive); 6 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Among the ERR’s main tasks in Croatia was scientific research on Jewish influence in the Balkans.8 However, it was also responsible for the looting of books and archival records, especially those of the Jewish Community.9 According to a memorandum entitled “Entwurf eines Südosteuropaeinsatzes,” the ERR’s overall emphasis in Belgrade was similar to that in Croatia: it focused on the looting of libraries and archival records, and on Jewish ritual objects only in as much as they did not duplicate objects already confiscated in France, and ideally only if they offered new information.10 Picture (3): M 1946, Yugoslavia Claims, Numbered: 9-312 According to the head of Belgrade’s ERR office, Dr. Kraft, the Arbeitsgruppe Südost, the ERR’s internal name for its office in Yugoslavia, only started its practical work in the Balkans in mid February 1943. Its office was located in Gospodor Jovanova 36, Belgrade, in the former offices of Belgrade’s chief rabbi. 11 It later moved to Obilicev Venac 27 II u.III.12 By 15 February 1944 the Arbeitsgruppe Südost (Belgrade) was renamed into the Hauptarbeitsgruppe Südost and started operating as an official independent entity. In 1943 and 1944, in the Hauptarbeitsgruppe Südost’s most active years, the office was headed by Obereinsatzführer Dr. Günther Kraft. His deputy was Werner Untermann.13 8 CXIII, Nr. 287, Memorial de la Shoah, „Haushaltsvorschlag“ (31.12.1941), p. 2. Grimsted, Patricia Kennedy. Reconstructing the Record of Nazi Cultural Plunder. A Survey of the Dispersed Archives of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR). IISH Research Papers, 2011, p. 215. 10 Entwurf eunes Südosteuropaeinsatzes, Paris 12 February 1941, Reel 131, Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 8. 11 NS 30/193: Arbeitsberichte (Jahres-, Monats- und Wochenberichte), Arbeitsunterlagen und Personalnachrichten der Arbeitsgruppe bzw. HAG Suedosten (Belgrad), 1941-1944; OCC E5g-4, AG Belgrade. 12 Wochenbericht 22, 23/43 vom 34.5-6.6.43 sowie 7.6-13.6.43, YIVO: Microfilm Nr. MK 542, Berlin Collection, RG 215, OCCE5G – 4. 13 See NS 30/193, p. 205, 216. 9 7 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. And while the ERR was able to loot some fine arts, other Nazi units, including the operational unit Kunstschutz14 (as part of the Wehrmacht) often reached the territory earlier and probably confiscated the majority of the art collections. The same was probably true for musical instruments and music scores. In a letter written by Dr. Gerik, the Bereichsleiter, in May 1943 and addressed to the Sonderstab Musik, there is a note that the ERR was too late to participate in the confiscation of musical instruments from apartments in Belgrade that had belonged to Jews.15 Picture (4): M 1946, Yugoslavia Claims, Numbered: 9-312 In one of the ERR’s weekly reports from May 1943, there is a mention that it had agreed with the Sicherheitsdienst, the SD, to take over material that was previously confiscated by the SD.16 Other archival records, especially regarding the confiscations of objects in Croatia, also allude to the fact that similar agreements were probably reached with other Nazi agencies, such as the Wehrmacht or the Gestapo, albeit only in very specific cases. Available restitution documents at the National Archives and Records Administration of the United States provide an insight into what kinds of objects – other than libraries - were taken by Nazi agencies operating in Yugoslavia, and not only by the ERR, and of what “value” they were. Generally speaking, most objects were considered “household” items, such as carpets, forks, spoons, knives, coffee cups and furniture. Artworks were few and far between.17 Among the unique objects claimed by Yugoslavia after the war (“Application for the Restitution of Property from Germany to the Yugoslav Government”) were a Rembrandt stolen from the Yugoslav Royal 14 Grimsted notes in the survey that „,most of the art would probably have been seized by the Kunstschutz, but ERR book and archive seizures in Croatia and Serbia have been recorded.” Grimsted, Patricia Kennedy. Reconstructing the Record of Nazi Cultural Plunder. A Survey of the Dispersed Archives of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR). IISH Research Papers, 2011, p. 215. 15 NS 30/173, Schriftwechsel mit verschiedenen Rosenberg-Dienststellen in verschiedenen Angelegenheiten. 16 „Besichtigung von eingezogenem Buchbestand im SD. Übernahme des einschlägigen Materials wurde vereinbart.“ Wochenbericht N. 18/43 vom 3.5 – 9.5.43, YIVO, Microfilm Nr. MK 542,Berlin Collection, RG 215, OCCE5G – 4. 17 For more information, see: M 1946, Publication: Records Concerning the Central Collecting Points (“Ardelia Hall Collection”): Munich Central Collecting Point, 1945-1951, Category: Yugoslavian Claims, Alphabetical and Category: Yugoslavian Claims, Numbered: 9 – 312. 8 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Family, a flag of Frederick the Great, a painting attributed to Raphael’s school as well as a painting by Caravaggio, both of which were from the monastery Ostrog-Yugoslavia, and the inventory books of the Historical Museum Collection Zagreb. All together, by 1948, the Office of Military Government for Germany (US) Property Division had received 41718 applications for the restitution of Yugoslav property transmitted by the Yugoslav Restitution Mission in Germany.19 Among these restitution requests for looted property were some objects that were clearly looted from Jews. Presumably not all confiscations of Jewish property were noted as such on the restitution request applications filed with the American Allies after the war. Equally, the fate of the artworks’ pre-war owners was only rarely mentioned. 18 These included claims for objects looted in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia or Slovenia. For example, one restitution application filed on 31 May 1948 referred to 60 paintings that were stolen from the Jewish Cultural Society “La Benevolentia” in Sarajevo, Bosnia in 1941, or another restitution application filed on 31 December 1948 referred to 6,500 looted from the Stosmajer gallery in Zagreb, Croatia. M 1946, Category: Category: Yugoslavian Claims, Numbered: 9 – 312; Yugoslavian Claims, Numbered: 455A – 1659; 19 M 1946, Category: Yugoslavian Claims, Numbered: 9 – 312. 9 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Picture (5): M 1946, Yugoslavia Claims, Numbered: 9-312 10 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. a. Overview of Archival Records 1. Records held at the Bundesarchiv (BArch NS 30, B 323) Germany’s Federal Archives holds two relevant record groups in regard to the ERR’s activities in former Yugoslavia. The first record group is BArch NS 30 „Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg“. Several specific file records are of interest: BArch NS 30/1 Einrichtung des ERR, Aufgabenbereiche, Allgemeines 1940-1943 BArch NS 30/32 - Schriftwechsel mit der HAG Südosten, Belgrad, dem Sonderkommando Italien, Verona, dem Sonderkommando Dänemark, Kopenhagden 1943-1944 BArch NS 30/77 Berichte über Archive, Band I, 1941-1944 BArch NS 30/173 - Schriftwechsel mit verschiedenen Rosenberg-Dienststellen in verschiedenen Angelegenheiten BArch NS 30/174 - Schriftwechsel mit verschiedenen Rosenberg-Dienststellen in verschiedenen Angelegenheiten BArch NS 30/175 - Erfassung von Büchern und Versendung an die Hauptabteilung IV in Ratibor 1943-1944 BArch NS 30/176 - Ausleih-Quittungen für Bücher und Bilder 1943-1944 BArch NS 30/178 - Kunstgegenstände aus Jüdischem Besitz bei der HAG Südosten (1943) BArch NS 30/193 - Arbeitsberichte (Jahres-, Monats- und Wochenberichte), Arbeitsunterlagen und Personalnachrichten der Arbeitsgruppe bzw. HAG Südosten (Belgrad), 1941-1944; OCC E5g-4, AG Belgrad The record group BArch NS 30 holds a number of records that detail the function of the HAG Südosten. The documents provide a unique insight into the activities of this office, it’s “acquisitions” as well as attempts to successfully compete with other looting agencies in the plundering of specifically artworks. The record group BArch NS 30 is available online at: The second record group is BArch B 323 “Treuhandverwaltung von Kulturgut bei der Oberfinanzdirektion München“. Several specific file records are of interest: BArch 323/453 - Bearbeitung jugoslawischer Restitutionsansprüche allgemein [including shipment lists to Yugoslavia] BArch 323/454 - Bearbeitung von Einzelfällen (Eigentümer/Antragsteller A-Z) [Files refer to property losses of the Jewish Community in Sarajevo, in particular those of Dr. Vito Kajon, a Jewish lawyer. However, there is no indication that the loot was carried out by the ERR.] 11 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. BArch 323/551 - Rückgabe von Kunstgegenständen an Griechenland, Ungarn, Italien, Jugoslawien, Luxemburg, Polen [Including shipment lists to Yugoslavia.] BArch 323/572 - Restitutionen und Rückgaben nach Griechenland, Großbritannien, Italien, Jugoslawien, Luxemburg, Norwegen, Spanien und in die Tschechoslowakei (inkl. Irrtümliche Restitutionen nach Jugoslawien) 12 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. 2. Records held at the Russian State Military Archive (Rossiiskii Gosudarstvennyi Voennyi Arkhiv, RGVA) Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg für die besetzten Gebiete (ERR) (BerlinCharlottenburg) Fond 1401, 1918-1945 (77 storage units), with copies held at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: RG 11.001M.21 Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (Fond 1401), 1939–1943 The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum holds the file record RG 11.001M.21, reel 131 and 132. All of these documents were filmed at the then Center for Preservation of Historical Documentary Collections (formerly the Osobiy Archive), now the Russian State Military Archive (Rossiiskii Gosudarstvennyi Voennyi Arkhiv, RGVA). The specific records are entitled Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg für die besetzten Gebiete (ERR) and range from Fond 1, Opis 1, Folder 5 to Folder 47. The records provide invaluable information on the looting of the ERR in Croatia. After a few general documents that provide a necessary background on the environment established by the ERR in Croatia and by the Ustasa regime, the files hold index cards of house raids that were carried out by the ERR mostly in Zagreb, formerly Agram and to a lesser extent in Dubrovnik, formerly Ragusa. These index cards not only provide information on whose house was looted, but also who conducted the raid, when it took place, what was taken and in some cases what the fate of the victim was (i.e. arrest or if he/she managed to escape). The index cards also provide information on the ethnic background of the victim, if he or she was Jewish, but also if the person in question was a Freemason and which association he/she had as a result of it. Lastly, the index cards also describe the ERR’s ongoing frustration with the fact that it was not the first Nazi looting agency, or simply Nazi agency, that reached Agram. For example, the index cards mentioning the “Juedischer Nationalakademischer Verein”, the “Juedischer Akademischer Unterstuetzungsverein” or the “Zionistenbund,” note that due to the fact that the Gestapo took over the house/institution no material could be sealed off and consequently looted. The ERR faced similar obstacles with the Ustasa regime, the Wehrmacht or the Sicherheitsdienst. Reel 132 repeats most of that information in yet different index cards that were mostly aimed to exemplify Freemason memberships and associations. Reel 132 also provides ample information on the anti-Semitic conditions that started to take a hold in Croatia, from the elimination of Jewish medical professionals to for example the exclusion of Jewish music teachers from the work force. Other information contained in these records are for example: Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 32 – provides a listing of Jewish authors Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 34 – provides a Curriculum Vitae of Rabbi Schwarz Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 36 – provides a listing of book titles Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 45 – provides a listing of Jewish authors 13 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. 3. Records held at the National Archives and Record Administration (NARA) (Fold 3) Several record groups are of interest: M 1941 - Records concerning the Central Collecting Points (Ardelia Hall Collection): OMGUS Series: General Records Category: E9 Summaries, PWE/OSS Daily Intelligence (By December 2011, 11% of the images had been digitized by Fold 3.) The record group contains applications for the restitution of property from Germany to the Yugoslav Government M 1942 - Records concerning the Central Collecting Points (Ardelia Hall Collection): Offenbach Archival Depot, 1946-1951 Series: Cultural Object Restitution and Custody Records Category: Yugoslavia OAD 19 The record group contains for example a section on “Shipments to Yugoslavia” or among the subcategory Ardelia Hall Collection: Offenbach Photographs, there is a separate section on library markings of looted books, including Yugoslavia. (By December 2011, the archival section had been 100% digitized by Fold 3.) M 1944 - Records of the American Commission for the Protection and Salvage of Artistic and Historical Monuments in War Areas (The Roberts Commission), 1943-1946 Series: Country Card File; Geographical Working Files Category: Yugoslavia Cities; Yugoslavia This section provides, for example, an overview of libraries and archives (based on the United Nations Office from 1943) (By December 2011, the archival section had been 97% digitized by Fold 3.) M 1947 - Records Concerning the Central Collecting Points ("Ardelia Hall Collection"): Wiesbaden Central Collecting Point, 1945-1952 Series: Restitution Claim Records Category: Claim: [Yugoslavia] – Royal Family of Yugoslavia (By December 2011, the archival section had been 98% digitized by Fold 3.) M 1946 - Records Concerning the Central Collecting Points (“Ardelia Hall Collection”): Munich Central Collecting Point, 1945-1951 1) Series: Restitution Claim Records Categories: Yugoslavian Claims, Alphabetical; Yugoslavian Claims, Numbered: 9 – 312, Yugoslavian Claims, Numbered: 455A – 1659; Yugoslavia: Identification of Paintings of Doubtful Origin (1945-1951), Yugoslavia: Mersmann Statements To Stefan Munsing And Lists Of Items, Yugoslavia Minor Arts Claim, Yugoslavia: Munich 5058/Berchtesgaden 20/25 [Property Card], Yugoslavia: 14 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Munich 5530/Berchtesgaden 485 [Property Card], Yugoslavia: Munich 5577/Berchtesgaden 532 [Property Card], Yugoslavia: Munich 7035/Berchtesgaden 1985 [Property Card], Yugoslavia: Munich 47865/Ansbach 1234 [Property Card], Yugoslavia: Receipts, Yugoslavia: Transport Lists, Yugoslavia: Carpets and Tapestries; Yugoslavia: Erroneous Restitution, Yugoslavia: Erroneous Restitution Communications, Erroneous Restitution, General Information 2) Category: Custody Receipts on Restitution to Yugoslavia Series: Cultural Object Movement and Control Records The records held at the National Archives provide a very unique overview of what kind and how many artworks were claimed by Yugoslavia at the end of the war. This is especially interesting, as the looting of Yugoslavia’s artworks, of Jewish, Masonic or other origin, was not carried out by one Nazi looting agency, such as the ERR, rather by many Nazi agencies. Dr. Meresman at the Office of Military Government for Bavaria pointed out to Mr. Stephen P. Munsing, Chief, MFMA Section, Restitution Branch, Munich Central Collecting Point, in a letter from April 1949 that “In many cases the documentation of the Yugoslavian claims is very small. The confiscations in Yugoslavia have been executed by various single units of the German Forces (SS). Therefore no lists and proper catalogisation was made (as f.i. in France). Fully documented traces lead to the collection of Göring (silver bar) and Hitler (the gobelins). In view of the fact that the Yugoslav claim will last against Germany in case we can’t correspond to it, and in view of the fact that the Yugoslavian mission is the last of the foreign missions in CCP, it seems available to accept such documentation as given in the Yugoslavian claims except for items of high artistic quality. The possessors of a real work of art can be supposed to give a detailed description in case of loss, whereas for forks, dishes or textiles such description seems nearly impossible.”20 The American Allies approved and sent seven restitution shipments to Yugoslavia, or in other words shipped 175 objects to Yugoslavia. The first shipment was sent on 27 October 1947, and held 6 objects. The second shipment on 10 May 1948 held one object, the third, sent on 28 May 1948, held two objects, the forth, sent on 2 June 1949, 108 objects, the fifth, on 2 June 1949, 4 objects, the sixth, sent on 10 June 1949, one object and the seventh shipment, sent on 10 June 1949, held 53 objects. Aside from these shipment lists, the archival record group 1946 also contains information on the provenance of some of the objects “restituted” to Yugoslavia, or in other words, their erroneous restitution to the country. 20 M 1946, Yugoslavian Restitution, 12. April 1949, Office of Military Government for Bavaria, APO 407. Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives Section, Central Collecting Point, Date: 12 April 1949, Subject: Yugoslavian Restitution; 15 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. The records held at the National Archives therefore provide information on one of the biggest fake claims for artworks and other cultural objects in the history of restitution, the case of Ante Topic Mimara.21 21 The available records on Mimara’s coup can be found in the record group M 1946, Yugoslavia: Identification of Paintings of Doubtful Origin (1945-1951), Yugoslavia: Mersmann Statements To Stefan Munsing And Lists Of Items, Yugoslavia: Receipts and Yugoslavia: Erroneous Restitution. 16 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. 3.1. Archival Depiction of Yugoslavia’s Erroneous Restitution: The Ante Topic Mimara Story Ante Topic Mimara was a Yugoslav national, an art collector and dealer before and during the war, and by 1946 the appointed official advisor to the Yugoslav Military Mission for restitution matters. In 1949, Mimara submitted a claim for restitution covering 166 art objects, including 56 paintings, which “he maintained, had been looted from Yugoslavia by the Nazis.”22 The claims for restitution by the Yugoslav Mission came rather surprisingly. Until that point, the American Allies had not considered Yugoslavia to be one of the main countries to file for restitution of artworks. However, the 166 claims submitted provided details that were considered to be truthful.23 Picture (6): M 1946, Yugoslavia: Receipts Picture (7): M 1946, Yugoslavia: Erroneous Restitution The same year, Stephen Munsing, a representative of the Office of Military Government for Bavaria, authorized four shipments which contained these 166 objects. Only three out of these 166 objects originated from Yugoslavia, or in other words, 163 objects were falsely restituted. The American Allies soon realized their mistake and put a lot of effort into rectifying their mistake, by contacting Yugoslavia and trying to track down 22 Akinsha, Konstantin. "The Master Swindler of Yugoslavia" ARTnews, September 2001 (article available at: 23 Kemp, Wolfgang. Lizenz zum Raffen. Die Geschichte des legendenumwobenen und höchst zwielichten Geheimagenten und Kunstsammlers Ante Topic Mimara aus Kroatien. Zeit Online, 28 Februar 2002. 17 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Ante Topic Mimara24, however to no avail. At the end, the US State Department decided to better not notify the affected countries but to cover up their mistake. The files available at the National Archives provide in-depth insight into the efforts taken and the final decision that it better not risk any diplomatic misunderstandings with other countries or even risk America’s standing in the world and what was otherwise seen as a very successful restitution process. A confidential note by Ardelia Hall from August 14, 1956, notes that: Picture (8): M 1946, Category: Yugoslavia: Erroneous Restitution Communications According to record group “Yugoslavia: Erroneous Restitution” 166 items were delivered erroneously to Yugoslavia in the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th shipments. These objects, including 47 paintings, belonged to France, Italy, Germany, Netherlands or for example Austria.25 Picture (9): Yugoslavia: Erroneous Restitution 24 In a Foreign Service Dispatch on May 6, 1954 to the American Embassy in Belgrade there is a note that “.. they have been unable to locate Mr. Topic nor have they been able to establish pertinent facts about the alleged restitution.” M 1946, Category: Yugoslavia: Erroneous Restitution Communications; In a Department of State Memorandum from October 10, 1955, there is even mention of the CIA’s involvement in tracking down Ante Topic Mimara. M 1946, Category: Yugoslavia: Erroneous Restitution Communications. 25 In a letter from Mr Crutcher to Ardelia Hall on March 10,1954 with the subject header “Restitution in Error to Yugoslavia,” he notes that “in June 1949, restitution receipts were signed by Stefan P. MUNSING Chief, MFMA Section, Restitution Branch, Munich Central Collecting Point, Germany and Mr. Mate TOPIC, Yugoslavian Restitution Mission for the delivery of the following works of art: 2 June 1949, Restitution Receipt No. 4 for 105 items 2 June 1949, Restitution Receipt No. 5 for 4 items 10 June 1949, Restitution Receipt No. 6 for 1 item 10 June 1949, Restitution Receipt No. 7 for 53 items Making a total of 166 items (approximately 47 paintings), 54 carpets and other objects of art. M 1946: Yugoslavia: Erroneous Restitution Communications 18 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Among those objects erroneously restituted were for example two paintings that originally had belonged to the Rothschild family and had been looted by the ERR. Most of the artworks “restituted” to Ante Topic Mimara were paintings collected by such notorious Nazis as Hermann Goering or Martin Borman. Some paintings were even destined for Hitler’s Führer Museum in Linz.26 ERR loot was part of these erroneous restitutions to Yugoslavia; especially was ERR loot among the 6th and 7th shipments to Yugoslavia, since many of these items had originated from the Buxheim ERR depository.27 In a letter with the subject header “Documentation for 166 objects delivered in error to Mr. Topic” to Mr. Raymond from Ardelia Hall on 5 March 1956, she notes that “the 166 objects can be readily identified (from the repository and identifying mark), as having been in Hitler’s collection (Aussee), Goering’s collection (Berchtesgaden), or ERR loot from France (Buxheim) with a few stray items picked up separately by U.S., place and holder in the MCCP file.” (…) “Any previous information relating to history and ownership apparently had been deleted. Only ‘confiscated in Yugoslavia’ had been typed on each card, under history.”28 Some of the objects claimed by Ante Topic Mimara were not “restituted” to Yugoslavia. In those instances it was rather obvious that the claimed objects belonged to another country, which in some cases had already submitted evidence: Among these cases was for example restitution record 1408, Munich Number 35224, which involved one copy of a valuable Koran. In 1973, Ante Topic Mimara gave a large portion of his remaining collection to the Croatian Republic for the soon be established Mimara Museum. Other works probably found their way into the National Museum in Belgrade.29 He died in 1986. 26 The Datenbank zum Central Collecting Point Munich, which was created by the German Historical Museum ( lists a few artworks that were erroneously restituted to Yugoslavia and were originally destined for the Führermuseum in Linz. For example the painting Früchte-Stillleben mit Melone by Beyeren (1945), carrying the Munich ID number 3951, was destined for the Führermuseum, but ended up in Topic’s hands. (“Einlieferung: Heinrich Hoffmann / München, Kunsthandel Deutschland, 1940 verkauft; Verbleib: Jugoslawien (irrtümlich dorthin restituiert“).Or, an other example: Tanz um das goldende Kalb, by Nicolas Poussin, carrying Munich ID number 4841: „Einlieferung: Dorotheum Versteigerungs-Anstalt / Wien (Kunsthandel Österreich, 1944 verkauft); Verbleib: Jugoslawien (irrtümlich dorthin restituirt). 27 The former Cistercian abbey of Buxheim was especially used for ERR loot from France (Grimsted, Patricia Kennedy. Reconstructing the Record of Nazi Cultural Plunder. A Survey of the Dispersed Archives of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR). IISH Research Papers, 2011, p.36.) 28 M 1946, Yugoslavia: Erroneous Restitution Communications. 29 Akinsha, Konstantin. "The Master Swindler of Yugoslavia" ARTnews, September 2001 (article available at: 19 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. 4. Records held at YIVO Institute for Jewish Research The records held at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research are for the most part the original records that were subsequently scanned in by the Bundesarchiv and are now online accessible as part of BArch NS 30. The following records are not available among the Bundesarchiv records: Microfilm Nr. MK 542: Berlin Collection, RG 215, OCCE5G-5 This specific record group holds very few relevant documents regarding the ERR’s plunder of Jewish or other property. Overall most documents deal with educational material regarding what was then labeled as “Bolschewismus,” or center on the acquisition of scientific and/or academic material that dealt with Jews or for Freemasons. One relevant document points to the potential looting of the Reichskreditkasse Belgrade. Microfilm Nr. MK 542: Berlin Collection, RG 215, OCCE5G – 3 (Sorted in the YIVO Archive into OCCE5G 3.1. – 3.4.) This record group contains an overview of book lists collected by the Hauptarbeitsgruppe Südost OCCE5G 3.1. Sachgruppe VIII –Kiste 30 „Allgemeine Sachliteratur zur Juden- und Rassenfrage in anderen Sprachen (nicht über Jugoslawien) Sachgruppe XVI – Bücherkiste 40 „Verschiedenes (politische Literature, fremdsprachige Bücher) Sachgruppe V – Bücherkiste 41 „Ungarische Belletristik“ Sachgruppe VI – Bücherkiste 41 „Ungarische Wissenschaften“ Sachgruppe XII – Bücherkiste 41 „Romanliteratur zur Judenfrage (in allen Sprachen)“ OCCE5G 3.2. Sachgruppe XIII – Bücherkiste 6 „Antideutsche Literatur (in allen Sprachen), Emigranten Literatur, Marxistische Literatur, politische Literatur, Bolschewismus“ Sachgruppe II- Bücherkiste 51 „ Balkanwissenschaften S.K.S. (Balkanpolitik)“ Sachgruppe VIII – Bücherkiste 6 „Allgemeine Sachliteratur zur Juden- und Rassenfrage in anderen Sprachen (nicht über Jugoslawien) Sachgruppe VIII – Bücherkiste 28 „Allgemeine Sachliteratur zur Juden- und Rassenfrage in anderen Sprachen (nicht über Jugoslawien) OCCE5G 3.3 Sachgruppe I – Bücherkiste 44 “Belletristik in serbischer, kroatischer & Slovenischer Sprache” Sachgruppe I – Bücherkiste 45 “Belletristik in serbischer, kroatischer & Slovenischer Sprache” Sachgruppe VIII – Nachtrag zu Kiste 46 „Allgemeine Sachliteratur zur Juden- und Rassenfrage in anderen Sprachen (nicht über Jugoslawien) Sachgruppe II- Bückerkiste 49 „ Balkanwissenschaften S.K.S. (Balkanpolitik)“ Sachgruppe II- Bückerkiste 50 „ Balkanwissenschaften S.K.S. (Balkanpolitik)“ Sachgruppe II- Bückerkiste 51 „ Balkanwissenschaften S.K.S. (Balkanpolitik)“ OCCE5G 3.4 20 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Sachgruppe VIII – Nachtrag zu Kiste 30 „Allgemeine Sachliteratur zur Juden- und Rassenfrage in anderen Sprachen (nicht über Jugoslawien) & Nachtrag Sachgruppe XVI – Bücherkiste 40 „Verschiedenes (politische Literature, fremdsprachige Bücher) Sachgruppe II- Bückerkiste 52 „ Balkanwissenschaften S.K.S. (Balkanpolitik)“ Sachgruppe VIII – Nachtrag zu Kiste 59 „Allgemeine Sachliteratur zur Juden- und Rassenfrage in anderen Sprachen (nicht über Jugoslawien) Sachgruppe XII – Bücherkiste ? „Romanliteratur zur Judenfrage (in allen Sprachen)“ 21 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. 5. Records held at the Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine The Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine holds one file record that is relevant to the ERR’s activities in Yugoslavia: 1) CX III, Nr. 287 - Cartons from the Collection Archive de Nuremberg, Rosenberg The files provide background information on the formation of an ERR mission in Zagreb (Agram) as part of the Deutsches Kulturinstitut. There are also a couple of Haushaltsvorschläge dated with December 1941, that illustrate the cultural and scientific mission of the ERR to Zagreb (Agram). 22 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. 6. Records held at the Politisches Archiv Auswärtiges Amt The files Archivband Paris 1321 held at the Politisches Archiv des Auswärtigen Amtes provide rather little detail on the activities of the ERR in Belgrade. While most files refer to the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg in general (i.e. a letter signed by Göring noting that Rosenberg’s ERR is to be supported) and its mission, a letter by the Auswärtiges Amt, dated with 16 May 1941, notes that the ERR had moved to Belgrade and Athens in order to carry out Rosenberg’s mission to secure material on Jews and Freemasons. 23 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Picture (10): Archivband Paris 1321, Politisches Archiv des Auswärtigen Amtes 24 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. 7. Records held at the Central State Archive of the Highest Agencies of Power and Administration of Ukraine Picture (11): Standorttagesbefehl Nr. 110 (Cipher, p 3676, Op. 2, 26), Central State Archive of the Highest Agencies of Power and Administration of Ukraine The records held at the Central State Archive of the Highest Agencies of Power and Administration of Ukraine provide very little information on specific looting activities of the ERR in Belgrade or elsewhere in Yugoslavia. Rather are these documents testament to the ideological warfare that was carried out by the ERR, including the ERR offices in Yugoslavia.30 The only relevant document is a Standorttagesbefehl Nr. 110 (Cipher, p 3676, Op. 2, 26) page 4 entitled “Erfassung gegnerischer Archive, Bibliotheken usw” noting that “alle Inhaber von Unterkünften und Quartieren zur geistigen Bekämpfung der 30 For example, a report produced by the ERR office in Belgrade was entitled “Die russischen Emigranten und ihre kulturelle und politische Bedeutung in Serbien (Jugoslawien) von 1920 bis zur Gegenwart” (1944), „Stimmungsberichte,“ produced in March of 1944, or for example, „Beiträge zur Geschichte der Freimaurer in den südslawischen Ländern (March 1944). 25 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. gegnerischen Mächte die übernomene Bestände von Bibliotheken, Bücher, Archive u. dergl. auch geringeren Umfanges, zwecks ordnungsgemässer Erfassung unmittelbar an Sonderkommando des Einsatzstabes Rosenberg Belgrad, Gospodar Jovanova 36 zu melden.“ 26 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. b. Overview of Looted Cultural Objects from Serbia I. Identifiable Looted Objects Source31 Looted Object (s) BArch NS 30/173 scientific material University Professor (manuscripts, lectures, Dr. Berth Hatschek correspondence, (Vienna)32 including correspondence with Dr. Ernst Haeckel, etc.); BArch NS 30/193 Owner Date Notes 1943; Jahresbericht des ERR Belgrad 1943/1944 Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg, Arbeitsgruppe 31 The following information is taken from documents held at the Bundesarchiv, Germany’s Federal Archives. According to BArch NS 30/193, Monatsbericht Februar 1943: „Ferner Übernahme einiger grosser Koffer mit Korrespondenzmaterial, Personalien, wissenschaftlichen Manuskripten und Vorlesungen des Juden Prof. Dr. Matschek (Hatschek) – ehemals Prag und Wien, desgl. aus dem Nachlass seiner Frau geb. Rosenthal, Kunstmalerin, Fachzeitschriften und Skizzen, Portraits und einger Requisiten. (...) 1. Juden – zur Überführung nach Frankfurt a.M. 2. Kunstschriftum – zur Verfügung Sonderstab BK 3. Belletristik, Reiseschrifttum, Naturwissenschaften, - zur Verfügung des I c, Truppenbetreuung für Soldaten- u. Lazarettbüchereien, nach vorheriger Sichtung – 4. Emigrantenschrifftum – Belletristik, Politik, Kulturgeschichte, Sittengeschichte, unerwünschtes Schrifttum – zur Überführung nach Berlin, Stabsführung. 5. fremdsprachliches Schrifttum (serbisch, kroatisch, ungarisch, französisch u.a.), darunter Übersetzungen von Emigranten (Zweig, Mann u.a.), Überführung an Stasführung, nach vorheriger Sichtung – 6. Wörterbücher – fremdsprachige, werden zunächst in der Dienststelle konzentriert 7. Classica – zur Überlassung an das Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Institut Belgrad, vorgeschlagen (Goethe, Grillparzer, Shakespeare - ?- , Koerner, Schiller, u.a. einwandfreue Ausg.) 8. Antiquaria – alte deutsche Enzyklopädien und Wörterbücher, Klassiker, Bibeldrucke u.a. zur Verfügung Stabsführung nach Aufstellung – 9. landeskundl. Schrifttum – über den ehem. Jugoslawischen Raum – wird in Diensstelle zunächst konzentriert, das politisch-historische Schrifttum (z.B. zur Kriegsschuldfrage 1914) in einer kleinen Sonderabteilung hier aufgestellt – - WEITERE ARBEITSVORHABEN UND BEARBEITUNGEN – B) Sichtung und Auslese des Archives Prof. Hatschek (etwa 3 grosse Koffer Material von Feldkommandatur übernommen), darunter: pers. Briefwechsel, Stammbücher m. Eintragungen von Prof. Ernst Haeckel, der (mit) Hatschek befreundet war -, Fotosammlungen, Diapositive, Urkunden, wissenschaftliches Arbeitsmaterial aus der Lehrtätigkeit von Hatschek – C) Sichtung und Auslese des Nachlasses Frau Hatschek Rosenthal (Kunstmalerin) D) Sichtung, Auslese und Bereitsstellung für Sonderbeauftragten Bildende Kunst des Gemäldesammlung (aus dem Besitz Hatschek-Rosenthal u.a. Juden) in der Feldkommandatur.“ 32 27 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. BArch NS 30/193 260 paintings BArch NS 30/173 Cultural estate of Marie Rosenthal-Hatschek; collection of paintings, antiquities, as well as letters and pictures, with the known Jewish pianist Moritz Rosenthal BArch NS 30/193 BArch NS 30/32 BArch NS 30/174 University Professor Dr. Berth Hatschek (Vienna) Marie RosenthalHatschek Estate Rosenthal Pianist Moritz Rosenthal archival material; Hebrew books; Jewish newspapers in SerboCroatian; books on Freemasons; Jüdisch Sephardische Kultusgemeinde Belgrad BArch NS 30/193 BArch NS 30/174 BArch NS 30/193 BArch NS 30/193 BArch NS 30/174 collection of paintings (30 wall paintings, oil on canvases, portraits) archival material in Serbo-Croatian (Jewish Sephardic Community, Belgrade) Jewish Community Belgrade Rotary-Club (Kralja Petra Belgrade) Südosten Anlage II, zum Monatsbericht März 1943 Jahresbericht des ERR Belgrad 1943/1944 Jahresbericht des ERR Belgrad 1943/1944; Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg, Arbeitsgruppe Südosten Anlage II, zum Monatsbericht März 1943 Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg, Arbeitsgruppe Südosten Anlage II, zum Monatsbericht März 1943 1944 (Auswertung); Jahresbericht des ERR in Belgrad 1943/1944 The entire Marie RosenthalHatschek estate was confiscated by the ERR in 1941;33 Brother of Marie RosenthalHatschek; Part of the material was forwarded to the Sonderstab Musik; Wochenbericht des ERR Belgrad, No. 20/43 1944 (Auswertung); 33 According to a letter written by Dr. Wunder, Obereinsatzführer, to the ERR Stabsführung/IV on 28 August 1944, the paintings by Ms. Rosenthal were to be sent to the Sonderstab Bildende Kunst in Kogl close to St. Georgen. (BArch NS 30/32; Schriftwechsel mit der HAG Südosten, Belgrad, dem Sonderkommando Italien, Verona, dem Sonderkommando Dänemark, Kopenhagden 1943-1944) 28 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. BArch NS 30/193 BArch NS 30/174 BArch NS 30/193 BArch NS 30/174 BArch NS 30/174 archival material in Serbo-Croatian. Bnai B’rith, Belgrade Sheets of music Jewish Communal Property (same as Jewish Community Belgrade?) Grossloge Jugoslavija (Kralja milutina Belgrade) archives [protocols, pictures, newsletters, stamps, etc.) BArch NS 30/193 BArch NS 30/175 BArch NS 30/175 BArch NS 30/174 ritual objects library (6000 volumes); [s. Sonderbericht Bel/113]; Grossloge Jugoslavija (Kralja milutina Belgrad) Minister Nintschitsch (Education ministry) [alternative spelling: Nincic]34 BArch NS 30/175 BArch NS 34 1944 (Auswertung) Aktenvermerk Nr. 3, 27.10.1943 (NS 30/175) BArch NS 30/193 BArch NS 30/174 Jahresbericht des ERR in Belgrad 1943/1944 1944 (Auswertung); Jahresbericht des ERR in Belgrad 1943/1944 archive [letter exchange with Benesch, Graf Sforsza, Mussolini, Pasic; reports on the Foreign Minister Nintschitsch (Oblicev Venać 27) 1944 (Auswertung); Jahresbericht des ERR Belgrad 1943/1944; Wochenbericht des ERR No 21/43; Erfassung von Büchern und Versendung an die Hauptabteilung IV in Ratibor 1943-1944 1944 (Auswertung); Jahresbericht des ERR Belgrad [there is an additional note of the acquisition in YIVO: Microfilm Nr. MK 542, Berlin Collection, RG 215 OCCE5G – 4, Wochenbericht 13/43 vom 29.3. – 4.4.43] Archive was looted in May 1943. (NS 30/77; letter, dated with 20 February Grimsted provides the following spelling of his name: Dr. Moimčilo Ninčić (1876-1949). Grimsted, p. 421. 29 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. 30/193 BArch NS 30/77 diplomatic mission to Paris, London, Berlin); (s. Sonderbericht Bel/109)]35 BArch NS 30/174 10,000 books in Serbian, German and Hungarian City hall library Semlin books Jewish library in Dedinje Jevtic (Min. Jevtitch) BArch NS 30/193 BArch NS 30/174 BArch NS 30/174 BArch NS 30/193 BArch NS 30/174 books archive 1943/1944; BArch NS 30/174 letters, documents, photos BArch NS 30/17436 archive BArch NS 30/193 2,500 books Jüdischer Kulturverband für Jugoslawien (Jewish Cultural Union for Yugoslavia) Zionistischen Auswanderungszentrale („zionist“ emigration office) Jugoslawische Emigranten – Betreuungszentrale (Yugoslavia’s office for emigrants) Bosnic estate BArch NS 30/193 library: 10,725 books [philosophical and University Professor Dr. Vladimir Corović Berichte über Archive Band I 1941-1944 1944 (Auswertung); Jahresbericht des ERR Belgrad 1943/1944 1944 (Auswertung) 1944 (Auswertung) Wochenbericht des ERR No 21/43 1944 (Auswertung) 1944, and signed by Dr. Kaft, Leiter der Dienststelle, Haupteinsatzführer) 1944 (Auswertung) 1944 (Auswertung) Jahresbericht des ERR Belgrad 1943/1944 Jahresbericht des ERR Belgrad 35 Please see section 4.1. for a detailed list of Dr. Nincic’s archive. The archival record group BArch NS 30/173 also holds information on the amount of books that were looted sometime before March 1944, however there is no reference as to which specific books nor who the original owners might have been. Additionally, archival holding BArch NS 30/193 refers in its “Jahresbericht 1943/1944” to about 108 boxes of books that were already looted (presumably before 1943) and were partially forwarded to Ratibor. 36 30 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. BArch NS 30/193 BArch NS 30/193 BArch NS 30/193 BArch NS 30/175 BArch NS historical reports; loan to the Deutsches Wissenschaftl. Inst. Belgr.] Certificate from Maria Theresia and the „Germanenzeit“. [Sonderliste 1941 nach Bln] historical and political literature, about 1,200 books medical, political and historical literature, light fiction; 2-2500 volumes37 (600 newspapers) 30 books (Jewish [Rackog. 6, Belgrad] 1943/1944 Patriarchat Karlowitz (Croatia) Jahresbericht des ERR Belgrad 1943/1944 Prof. Djordje Bazsrević Jahresbericht des ERR Belgrad 1943/1944 Dr. Alexander Petrović, Jahresbericht des Arzt, head of the ERR Belgrad Zentralhygienischen 1943/1944; Institute, Belgrade Wochenbericht des ERR No [resided in: Radzi 27/43; Milentijeva 4] Wochenbericht des ERR Nr. 41; Aktenvermekr fü den Dienststellenleiter (13.7.43; NS 30/175) Julius Schalllinger, Jahresbericht des 37 According to BArch NS 30/193, Wochenbericht No. (?), v. 11.7. – 17.7.43 and Wochenbericht No. 29/43 v. 18.7 – 23.7.43: „Nach Sprachen geordnet sind vorhanden: Deutsch............... 467 Bücher Französisch ........... 420 Bücher Englisch ..............790 Bücher Serbisch ....... 320 Bücher Russisch, ital. ..........300 Bücher Sprachbücher ...............100 Kalender .............20 Die Gruppe „Deutsch“ wurde nach Untergruppen geordnet und durchgesehen. Der gesichtete Bestand enthält: Medizin.............113 Bücher Lehr- und Unterrichtsbücher ................186 B Jüdische Bücher ........21 B (für die Südostbücherei wurden ausgesucht – 37 Bücher, geeignet für eine Ostbücherei waren: 129) „Unter den 21 jüdischen Büchern ist Heinrich Heine ‚Buch der Lieder’ (3x). ‚Klabund’ (3x) vorhanden. 3 Bücher stammen aus Emigrantenverlagen.“ 31 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. 30/193 literature) architect, Belgrade BArch NS 30/193 250 books und newspapers in Hungarian Michael Goldner, Belgrade BArch NS 30/193 books Serbian Cultural (Büchererfassungsaktion) Ministry, Belgrade BArch NS 30/193 books Deutschen (Büchererfassungsaktion) Volksgruppe im Banat BArch NS 30/193 books (600 volumes; historical and agricultural content) (second mention: 1,200 books) Prof. Dr. Lazarovitsch (Prof. Djordje Lazarevic) [resided on Jove Illica 90] BArch NS 30/193 ca. 300 volumes of Serbian and German literature Lazar Millin (Milan Lazar) BArch NS 30/175 book collection (Die diplomatischen Akten des Auswärtigen Amtes - 6 Bde.; Die deutschen Dokumente zum Kriegsausbruch - 1 Band) Reichskreditakasse (Kralja Milana II, Belgrad) [previously: Jadranska Banka] about 500 books, musical sheets and magazines Alkayla (Alkalay) BArch NS 30/175 YIVO, Berlin Collection, RG 215, OCCE5G-5 YIVO, Berlin Collection, RG 215 OCCE5G – 4 ERR Belgrad 1943/1944 Jahresbericht des ERR Belgrad 1943/1944 Jahresbericht des ERR Belgrad 1943/1944 Jahresbericht des ERR Belgrad 1943/1944 Wochenericht des ERR Belgrad, No. 20/43; Wochenbericht des ERR No 27/43; Aktenvermerk für den Dienststellenleiter (5.7.43) Wochenbericht des ERR No 21/43; Wochenbericht des ERR No. 37/43 Aktenvermerk für den Dienststellenleiter (21.6.43) Wochenbericht 19/43 vom 10.5 – 16.5.43 32 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. BArch NS 30/193 Jahresbericht des ERR Belgrad 1943/1944 33 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. II. Looted Objects with no identifiable previous owner Source38 Looted Object (s) BArch NS 30/173 BArch NS 30/32 painting of Johann Strauss with dedication music supplies (i.e. sheets of music)39 BArch NS 30/32 books (including The Jewish Encyclopedia, Jewish themed books) – TOGETHER: 1,756 books40 BArch NS 30/193 – Jahresbericht des ERR Belgrad 1943/1944 BArch NS 30/193 – Jahresbericht des ERR Belgrad 1943/1944 BArch NS 30/193 – Jahresbericht des ERR Belgrad 1943/1944 painting depot of the Feldkommandatur (Jewish origin), Belgrade 1943 Letter: Hauptarbeitsgruppe Südosten, Belgrad 1.8.44 An ERR, Hauptabteilung IV, Ratibor Betrifft: Musikalien –Bezug Schr. H.A.II v. 28.3.44 Letter from the Hauptgruppenleiter, Belgrade to the ERR Hauptabteilung IV, Ratibor, on April 28, 1944 about 100 paintings; as well as paintings by Jewish artists book depot D about 2,000 books, which were looted by the SD, were taken over by the Dienststelle Jewish library Decinje „Hier sind eine Reihe von Aktionen angelaufen, die noch einige hundert Bände Büchermaterial ergeben durften.“ Publishing Houses [Source: BArch NS 30/193 - Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg Arbeitsgruppe Südosten“ Anlage I, zum Monatsbericht März 1943] Verlag Grill Karoly (in Versch. Farben und Verfassung).......... 63 Stück Verlag Genius Piadau (?, unleserlich).......... 74 Stück Verlag Atheneum........................ 50 Stück 38 The following information is taken from documents held at the Bundesarchiv, Germany’s Federal Archives. According to a letter by the Hauptarbeitsgruppe Südosten, Belgrade, to the ERR Hauptabteilung IV, Ratibor, on August 1, 1944, the music sheets were intended to be sent to the ERR Sonderstab Musik. (BArch NS 30/32 Schriftwechsel mit der HAG Südosten, Belgrad, dem Sonderkommando Italien, Verona, dem Sonderkommando Dänemark, Kopenhagden 1943-1944) 40 Please see section 4.2. for a detailed listing of books looted by the ERR Belgrade. 39 34 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Verlag R. Kiadss (schwarz und blau) ............... 31 Stück Verlag Rodern (Modern) ??? ............... 22 Stück Verlag Einger und Wolfner ..............38 Stück Verlag Nova ........................ 12 Stück Verlag Pantheon ...................15 Stück Verlag Franklin .....................38 Stück Verlag Ady ............10 Stück Verlag Tornai ........... 8 Stück Verlag Revai .............16 Stück Verlag Zampel (??) (klassische ill. Bücher) .............. 64 Stück Eine Encyclopedie in 5 Bd. ..................... 5 Stück Verlag Weltgeschichte .............. 4 Stück Verlag Lexikon ............ 8 Stück Verchiedenes ................ 498 Stück Insgesamt: 996 Stück 35 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. III. Looted Paintings Paintings looted by the HAG Südosten, Belgrade, were either sent to the Sonderstab Bildende Kunst, as for example noted in a report entiteld Sonderkommando R.R. beim Militärbefehlshaber Südost (Source: NS 30/178: Aktenvermerk betr. Bilderlager und Erfassungsaktion, Belgrad, 8 März 1944), or were sent as property of the Wehrmacht to the ERR’s Bergungslager in Buxheim b./Memmingen, attention Otto Letner.41 Picture (12): BArch NS 30/178, Kunstgegenstände aus jüdischem Besitz bei der HAG Südosten (1943) 1944 41 BArch NS 30/178: Sichergestellte Kunstgegenstände bei der Hauptarbeitsgruppe Südosten, Belgrade, 6 November 1943 36 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. There is no clear evidence as to how many paintings were acquisitioned by the HAG Südosten and consequently passed on. A document from 8 March 1944 refers to 98 paintings and 46 wooden sculptures which were held by the HAG Südosten, Belgrade at that time.42 In an earlier document, from May 1943, there is a mention of 172 paintings.43 There is also no clear evidence as to how many paintings were already sent to the Sonderstab Bildende Kunst or were sent as Wehrmachtsgut to the ERR’s depository in Buxheim. A note within the ERR’s weekly report from 10 May 1943 to 16 May 1943 simply notes that 260 paintings, pictures and other artworks that were owned by Jews were sent to the deposit of the Aktion Sonderstab Bildende Kunst.44 Source: Sonderkommando R.R. beim Militärbefehlshaber Südost, Belgrad „Aktenvermerk Betr. Bilderlager und Erfassungsaktion“ (file notice regarding the deposit of paintings and the acquisition process) 8 März 1944 (March 8, 1944) Liste der beim Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg, Arbeitsgruppe Südost/Belgrad befindlichen Gemälde und Plastiken (list of paintings and sculptures at the ERR working unit Belgrade) (p.19) Lfd. Nr. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Bezeichnung Mann mit Pfeife Heizwagen mit zwei Pferden Mann mit Vollbart Bewegte See Schalken, Mann mit zwei Knaben Triumph of Poetry/the Proposal Seebild mit Mole und Kahn Mädchen mit Tragkorb Morko, Tisch mit zwei Schüsseln Schraga, Turm in Castagnola Les Moustaches Biedermeierfrau Mädchen mit Sichel und Mann Stilleben mit Weintrauben Biedermeierfrau in Blau Lausanne Rahmen Nr. Des SD. R R R R R 68 R R R R 42 BArch NS 30/178: Aktenvermerk betr. Bilderlager und Erfassungsaktion, Belgrad, 8 März 1944 BArch NS 30/178: Bericht der Feldkommamdamtur 599, 13 Mai 1943 44 Wochenbericht 19/43 vom 10.5 – 16.5.43, YIVO, Microfilm Nr. MK 542, Berlin Collection, RG 215, OCCE5G – 4 43 37 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Mädchen mit Schleier Mann mit Vollbart Madonna Rote Dame mit Turm Rumpler, Mädchen mit Giesskanne Christuskopf Schraga, Alte am Brunnen Mann mit Speer und Buch Männliches Portrait Mädchen mit Schafen Blumenstrauss Junger Mann Haus mit Baum Blumenstrauss Frauenkopf Frau mit Pelzkragen 2 Frauen mit Kind Landschaft mit Christus Mann mit Vollbart Gesellschaft Mädchenbildnis Dame mit Hut Stilleben mit Blumenvase Blumenvase mit Glas Portrait einer alten Dame „Goldene Jugendzeit“ Kopf mit grüner Schüssel Mann am Tisch mit Obstschale Dame in Grün Kinderbildnis Kinderbildnis Bildnis einer Braut Kleines Mädchen mit Buch Mädchen im roten Kleid Weiblicher Rückenakt Stilleben mit Fischen Dame mit Haarknoten (profilstück) Stilleben mit Plastik und Spiegel Stadtbild (Strasse) Damenbildnis mit Schleier und Kreuz Mädchen in Rot mit Spitz R R R R R 86 R R R 53 22 39 53 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R 65 83 87 67 78 77 21 80 79 75 20 50 63 59 R 19 38 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 Landschaft mit entlaubten Bäumen Dame in blauem Kleid Tierstudien Mann mit roter Mütze und Geige Zwei Frauen mit Krug Landschaft mit Strasse Stilleben mit Bildern und Spiegel Stilleben mit Flasche und Vase Madonna mit Kind Zug der Ägypter durch das Rote Meer Schlafendes Mädchen mit Rosenstrauss Betende Madonna m. Landschaft Mann mit Federhut Männliches Porträt mit Bart Rosenstrauss Pavillon mit Schwanenteich Dame mit Mittelschitel Gelage Eremit mit Buch Vase mit Totenkopf Madonna mit Kind Stilleben mit Papagei und Blumen Damenporträit mit Kopftuch Kinderbildnis Mann mit rotem Halstuch Damenporträit Danae mit dem Holdregen Anbetung des heiligen Kindes Frau mit Buch und Kerzen Männerporträt Stilleben mit Äpfeln und Weintrauben Biedermeiermädchen Wiese mit Sonnenblumen Zwei Frauen mit Engel Stilleben mit Hase Herrenporträr mit weissem Kragen Die Heilige Damilie Damenporträt in Weiss Männerporträt m. Weissem Spitzbart Stilleben mit Büste und Spinnrocken Spanische Szene R 40 R 89 56 R 11 R R R R R 18 R 86 R 33 R R R R R R R R R R R R R 55 25 72 17 91 62 66 6 39 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 – 113 114 115 Herrenporträt Herrenporträt Mädchen mit Kopfputz St. Hubertus Stilleben mit Weintrauben Das heilige Abendmahl Ehepaar Häuser mit Garten Dame in Blau Bildnis zweier Kinder Kompositionsbilder 3 Stahlstiche Kompositionsbild 22 Fotografien 4 Holzplastiken45 R R R R R R R R R R R R Anlage zu der Bilder-Liste (Gemälde in der Wohnung von Herrn Dr. Kraft) Lfd. Nr. Bezeichnung Rahmen 116 Blumenstrauss 117 Mädchen in Blau vor einem Spiegel R 118 Holm, Venedig R 119 Damenporträt R 120 Venus mit Putten R 121 Oberst Lawrence R 90 85 9 12 Nr. Des SD. A letter from the Feldkommandantur 599, Verwaltungsgruppe (Einnahme Bescheinigung) notes that „Die Dienststelle Sonderkdo. Reichsleiter Rosenberg, Einsatzstab für Südost beim Kdr. General u. Befh. in Serbien Belgrad, Jovanova 36” received from the Feldkommandatur 599, more specifically from the Judenmöbellager, 172 paintings, 5 photos and one photocopy in May of 1943. Of these 172 paintings, 82 were oils. A similar letter from the Feldkommandantur 599, Verwaltungsgruppe (Einnahme Schein), from 13 May 1943, notes that „Die Dienststelle Sonderkdo. Reichsleiter Rosenberg, Einsatzstab für Südost beim Kdr. General und Befh. in Serbien Belgrad, Jovanova 36 hat von der 45 In a letter dated 12 October 1943, (Feldkommandantur 599, Verwaltungsgruppe O.U.) there is a note that „Der Einsatzstab Rosenberg hat heute aus dem Judenmöbellager folgende Gegenstände erhalten: 1 grössere Holzplastik „Elisabeth“ mit Mantel und Krone 1 kleine Holzplastik „Madonna“ mit Kopftuch und Kind 1 kleine Holzplastik „Madonna“ mit Krone und Kind 1 grössere Holzplastik „Gruppenbild“ Madonna mit Kind und 2 Gestalten. It is possible that the four wooden sculptures mentioned in the above list refer to these four items. Source: BArch NS 30/178, Sonderkommando R.R. beim Militärbefehlshaber Südost, Belgrad „Aktenvermerk Betr. Bilderlager und Erfassungsaktion“, 8 März, p.23 40 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Feldkommandantur 599 aus dem Judenmöbellager richtig erhalten“ received 91 paintings, 30 of which were oils.46 Nr. 46 1 2 3 1 1 1 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 40 42 43 44 45 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Familienbild v. Marko Bild ungar. Landschaft mit Schafherde v. Lajoch (besch.) Bild Akt von W. Albert nach Lampi k.u.k. Hofmuseum Wien (besch.) Bild Stilleben v. Marko Bild Porträt v. Marko Bild Vorzimmergemälde Bild Porträt Frau mit Gitarre Bild Doppelpoträt (Familienbild) beschädigt Vorzimmerbild „Pose Natur“ Vorzimmerbild „Pose Natur“ beschädigt Bild Motiv „Altes Belgrad“ Bild Motiv „Altes Belgrad“ Speisezimmerbild Familienbild Familienporträt Porträt von Vagy Bild herbstl. Park beschädigt Bild Frau am Gartentor Damenporträt von Jermovic Bild Blumenstrauss Knabenporträt beschädigt Bild Künstler beim Malen Damenporträt Bild Oberst Lawrence Bild Bergsee Herrenporträt beschädigt Damenporträt Bild Muttertraum von A. Szabolotny Bild Blumentopf Bild Alt Belgrad Damenporträt Herrenporträt Herrenporträt Damenporträt Oelgemaelde BArch NS 30/178: Kunstgegenstände aus Jüdischem Besitz bei der HAG Südosten (1943) 1944 41 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. 46 47 49 50 51 52 53 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 72 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 85 86 87 88 89 90 1 1 1 1 1 1 Blumentopf Bild Halbakt Bild Landschaft mit Haus Bild Akt Damenporträt Bild Motiv aus Belgrad Bild Blumentopf Herrenporträt Oelgemälde von unbekannten Maler Oelgemälde „Tote Natur“ Porträt Oelgemälde von unbekannten Maler Oelgemälde von unbekannten Maler Buchdruckgemälde Rahmen beschädigt Jagdgemälde auf Sperrplate Oelgemälde Oelgemälde „Arhaut“ von Marko Damenporträt Gewöhnliches Druckbild beschädigt Damenpoträt von Marko Kl. Oelgemälde „Tote Natur“ Oelgemälde on unbekannten Maler Kl. Oelgemälde „Landschaft“ Kl. Oelgemälde von unbekannten Maler Kl. Damenporträt Kl. Oelgemälde Kl. Oelgemälde Kl. Oelgemälde Kl. Oelgemälde „tote Natur“ Kl. Oelgemälde „Statuenkopf“ Kl. Oelgemälde „tote Natur“ beschädigt Kl. Kreidezeichnung Oelgemälde Gr. Oelgemälde Kopie von alten Meister alligerische „Jugend und Alter“ Oelgemälde „das Opfermahl“ Kopie von altem Meister Oelgemälde „Das Gebet des Priesters“ stark beschädigt Oelgemälde „der Schwan“ von altem Meister Stark beschädigt Oelgemälde „Kind im Mutterschoss“ Kopie von alten Meister Oelgemälde „Erquickung“ Kopie von alten Meister Kl. Oelgemälde „Stilleben“ von unbekannten Maler 42 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Kl. Oelgemälde „Stilleben“ von unbekannten Maler Oelgemälde „Kinderbildnis“ Oelgemälde „Frauenkopf“ Oelgemälde „Männerkopf“ Oelgemälde „Jesus mit Aposteln“ Oelgemälde „Dame vor dem Spiegel“ Grösse 78x98 v.E. Oelgemälde „Vase mit Blumen“ Grösse 70x100 An Empfangsbescheinigung from 29 July 1943, noted that the ERR Belgrade received 6 more small paintings including 2 by the painter Rosenthal (presumably Marie Rosenthal-Hatschek): “Die Bilder werden leihweise zur Ausstattung der Quartierräume unter dem Vorbehalt abgegeben, dass jederzeit wieder darüber verfügt werden kann.“47 A letter a few months later, from November 8, 1943, notes that the ERR office Belgrade received an additional four more paintings: 1. „Landschaftsbild eines serbischen Malers, Nr. 30 2. Fjordlanschaft mit Wasserfall, Nr.49 3. 1 weiblicher Akt (Kohlezeichnung) eines kroatischen Malers 4. Stilleben v. Willy Hanft.“ All of these paintings were destined to decorate the Vila of the ministerial director Schreiber (Vlateta Kovacevica 8, Belgrade). A month later, an other Empfangsbestätigung by the ERR in Belgrade from December 20, 1943 referred to the receipt of one other painting entitled “Stilleben, Rosen in der Vase: von Fowinhage (1919).48 Lastly, another Einnahmeschein, dated again with 13 May 1943, by the Feldkommandantur 599, noted that the additional objects were received from the Jewish furniture deposit: 13 books, 1 waste paper basket, 1 notebook (with beadwork), 1 picture album, and 2 containers with Jewish themed wooden carvings. 47 48 BArch NS 30/176, Ausleih-Quittungen für Bücher und Bilder 1943-1944, p. 18. BArch NS 30/176, Ausleih-Quittungen für Bücher und Bilder 1943-1944, p. 10. 43 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. III.1. Paintings by Marko and Alexander Celebonović Marko and Alexander Celoban (Celebonović, Celobanowitsch) were the sons of Jakov Celebonović, the former president of the Jewish Community in Belgrade. The family lived in the Celebonović palace, which since the end of World War II is occupied by the state run museum of Applied Arts in Serbia. Since the ERR considered works by the Celebonović brothers as having high market value, their paintings were collected.49 According to Bundesarchiv documentation (BArch NS 30/178, Aktenvermerk: Sichergestellte Kunstgegenstände bei der Hauptarbeitsgruppe Südosten, Belgrad, 6 November 43), the following paintings by the Jewish painters Marko und Alexander Celebonović were taken by the ERR Belgrade. Bilder der Jüdischen Maler Marko und Alexander Celebonović Porträt eines jungen Mannes 43 (Nummer des SD) Sitzende und stehende Frau 15 Kinderbild in Rosa R Haus mit Brunen R 76 Stilleben mit Krug und Tisch R 81 Frau am Zaun Mann mit Vase und Flasche 16 Stilleben mit Zitronen 14 Mädchen in rot-weisser Tracht R Halbakt mit Blume Mädchen mit Mandoline 7 Porträt eines jungen Mannes 58 Junger Mann mit Schnurrbart 42 Maler mit Staffelei und Pfeife 24 Krug und Vase vor einem gestreiften Wandbehang 57 Mädchen in Weiss 51 Sitzender Akt 47 Interieru mit Globus 6 Dame mit Pelerine 5 Dame mit Blumenstrauss R 60 Häuser R 13 Sitzender mit Krug R 45 Interieur mit Wäscheleine und Krug R 83 Stadtbild R 35 49 BArch NS 30/178, Aktenvermerk: Sichergestellte Kunstgegenstände bei der Hauptarbeitsgruppe Südosten, Belgrad, 6 November 43 44 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Sofa und Tisch mit Blumenstrauss Stilleben mit zwei Kürbissen R R 10 4 According to NARA documents, some of the artworks originally owned by Jakov Celebonović were claimed by family members after the war [see: M 1946, Publication: Records Concerning the Central Collecting Points (“Ardelia Hall Collection”): Munich Central Collecting Point, 19451951, Category: Yugoslavian Claims, Numbered: 9 – 312]. 50 There are no indications on these applications for restitution that the items pursued by the Celebonović family were looted by the ERR. On a restitution application from May 31, 1948, filed by the Celebonović family, 13 paintings by Marko Celebonović were being claimed: 1. Potrait of Ginette Signac, oil on canvas, 65 by 54 cm, painted in 1932 2. Interior, oil on Canvas, 81 by 65 cm, painted in 1933 3. Figure of a woman at a table with flowers, oil on canvas, 65 x 54 cm, painted in 1931 4. Oriental woman, oil on canvas, about 30 by 50 cm, painted in 1934 5. Paysage, oil on canvasm 92 by 73 cm, painted in 1936 6. Portrait of woman in red blouse, oil on canvas, 92 by 73 cm, painted in 1936 7. Woman on divan, oil on canvas, 180 by 160 cm, painted in 1939 8. Flowers, oil on canvas, 81 by 65 cm, painted in 1927 9. Girl with Straw-Hut, oil on canvas, 33 by 24 cm., painted in 1939 10. Still-life (Bread), oil canvas, 178 by 60 cm., painted in 1939 11. Winter Landscape in Belgrade, oil on canvas, 92 by 73 cm., painted in 1939 12. Belgrade Landscape, oil on canvas, 92 by 73 cm., painted in 1939 13. Albanian, oil, 30 by 50 cm., painted in 193951 The available documentation does not provide evidence if or when the paintings were restituted as well as their current whereabouts. 50 It should be noted that while some of the digitized NARA documents provide an overview of what was looted from the Celebonović family, it is not clear what was looted by the ERR or potentially (or even more likely) by a Nazi looting agency that operated before the ERR’s arrival in Serbia. The M 1946 NARA documents, Category: Yugoslavian Claims, Numbered: 9 – 312, mostly refers to objects that were taken from the Celebonović’ palace and notes” “The entire building was requisitioned by the Germans in 1941 and handed over to the Kulturbund, which stayed there through the occupation. The owner was not allowed to remove its belongings.” (|270071455) 51|270071463: Specification of cultural, historical and art property subject to restitution according to application No. 19/A, M 1946, Yugoslav Claims, Numbered: 9-312. 45 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. IV. Looted Books Picture (13): NS30/175 “Erfassung von Büchern und Versendung an die Hauptabteilung IV in Ratibor 1943-1944” The archival record NS30/175 “Erfassung von Büchern und Versendung an die Hauptabteilung IV in Ratibor 1943-1944” provides an overview of not only how many books were collected by the HAG Südosten, but also what kind of books were looted: The following is taken from NS 30/175: On May 13, 1944 part of the extensive Nincic book collection was sent to Ratibor. The collection, labeled as BE 143 and BE 144, contained 112 books. 46 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. On March 21, 1944, an additional 12 boxes were sent to Ratibor (Oberwallstrasse 25). [See document below.] Picture (14) NS30/175 “Erfassung von Büchern und Versendung an die Hauptabteilung IV in Ratibor 1943-1944” These 12 boxes contained the following collections: Shipment Nr. 109 – 70 books; shipment Nr. 110 – 88 books; shipment Nr. 111 – 128 books; shipment Nr. 112 – 143 books (“Verbotene Emigranten Literatur; Jüdische und Ausländische Schriftsteller”); shipment 113 – 162 books (in Hungarian); shipment Nr. 114 – 84 books (“Medizin, Recht, Handel, Gewerbe und Technik”); shipment Nr. 115 – 76 books (in Hungarian); shipment Nr 116 – 142 books in Serbian; shipment Nr. 117 – 48 books (“Jüdische Bücher”, including the Encyclopedia Judaica); shipment Nr. 118 – 267 books (in English); shipment Nr. 119 – 221 books (in French); shipment Nr. 120 – 92 books (“Hebräische, Religiöse Bücher, und Bücher von Juden und über Juden”). All together, all of these shipments contained 1,521 books that were sent to Ratibor. 47 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Shipment Nr. 120 contained Jewish religious books, Judaica as well as books about Jews and by Jews. See document below: Picture (15) NS30/175 “Erfassung von Büchern und Versendung an die Hauptabteilung IV in Ratibor 1943-1944” 48 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. 49 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. 50 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. IV.1. The Nincic Archive Among the more valuable libraries that were looted by the ERR in Serbia, was the so-called Nincic Archive: Picture (16): BArch NS 30/77 Berichte über Archive, Band I, 1941-1944 BArch Bel/109 - „Politisches Archiv Nincic“ 51 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. 52 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. 53 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. 54 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. 55 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. 56 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. IV.2. Südost Bücherei Picture (17): BArch NS 30/175, Erfassung von Büchern und Versendung an die Hauptabteilung IV in Ratibor 1943-1944 57 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. 58 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. V. Looted Objects Identified by ERR Stamps in “Property Art Cards” The following information is taken from the scanned in records of the National Archive, specifically publication number M 1946 (Category: Yugoslavia Minor Arts Claim Roll: 0055, National Archives Catalog ID: 3725265, National Archives Catalog Title: Restitution Claim Records, compiled 1945-1951, Series: Restitution Claim Records, online accessible at: While this specific catalog offers more of an overview of what was looted by Nazis agencies other than the ERR, and subsequently claimed by the Yugoslav government, it also provides a few mentions of potential loot by the ERR itself. Property Art Card Mun. Number Mun. 21909/Kogl/67 Classification Sculptures Author Russian? Measurements W 23 x 11 Depot Possessor ERR Identifying Marks J 1593 e) Subject Cross with reliefs and writing Material Wood Archival condition Description Kiste 7084 Presumed Owner Yugoslavia, unknown owner Inv.No. Y-Sl Claim 312 Photo OK Reverse side/ 19.3.46 ( Arrival Date Exit 2.6.49 to Yugoslavia History and Ownership confiscated in Yugoslavia (pictures) Property Art Card Mun. Number Mun. 18461 Buxheim 169 Classification Textiles Author Seraband Measurements L 575 W 395 Depot Possessor ERR 59 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Subject Material Archival condition Description Presumed Owner Inv.No. Arrival Date Exit History and Ownership Carpet Wool Good, undamaged blue ground, pears in red and white, grey and yellow (Kiste 18592) Yugoslavia unknown owner S. Sl Claim 1201 18.1.46 10. Juni 1949 to S-Sl Confiscated in Yugoslavia Property Art Card ( Mun. Number Mun. 18464 Buxheim 172 Classification Textiles Author Persia, Zentralpersia Measurements L 460 W 340 Depot Possessor ERR Subject Carpet Material wool Archival condition good, undamaged Description blue ground with rows of pears in yellow and red-border of 8 stripes Presumed Owner Yugoslavia unknown owner Inv.No. S. Sl Claim 1201 Arrival Date 18.1.46 Exit 10. Juni 1949 to S-Sl History and Ownership Confiscated in Yugoslavia 60 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. c. Overview of Looted Cultural Objects from Croatia I. Identifiable Looted Objects Source52 Looted Object (s)53 Owner Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 5 book collection (2,434 volumes): Dr. Wladimir Čorović AGRAM (ZAGREB) Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 [172 volumes German classics 57 volumes European classics 28 volumes Latin classics 107 volumes Croatian language political writtings 33 volumes „Nova Europa“ 2037 volumes still not catalogized of literature in Croatian, French and for example by Jewish authors.] 30-40 numbers of the Freemason newsletter „Sestar“ 50 books, mainly Jewish literature Peter Acinger 27 books, mainly Jewish iterature Wladimir Altmann book collection Dr Andres Ivan (21 volumes in French, 3 volumes in English, 6 volumes of Jewish authors in German, 11 volumes in Croatian or Serbian, 3 volumes in German – not of Jewish authors) 5 books, mainly Jewish literature David Alkalay Anton Antunovi ć Address Date Notes July 1942 All books carried the stamp of the „Hohe Schule“ Agram, Radićeva 26. Agram, Heinzlova 69 Agram, Jelačićev trg 10a Trg Kralja Tomislava 21 18 July 1941 8 July 1941 Agram, Martićeva 70/II b. Milković 16 July 1941 4 June 1941 8 Augus t 1941 52 The information for this overview is taken from records held at Russian State Military Archive: Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg für die besetzten Gebiete (ERR) (Berlin-Charlottenburg) Fond 1401, 1918-1945 (77 storage units), with copies held at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: RG 11.001M.21. 53 All descriptions of looted objects are taken from the original documents; 61 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 25 books and booklets Dr Branko Arko Agram, Kaptol 2 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 15 books and 20 booklets (Jewish literature) Alexande r Ausch Agram, Ilica 232 30 books (freemason/ Jewish and English literature) 35 books (Jewish authors) Viktor Badalić 400 books, documents and film material Dr Hugo Bauer Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 books Dr. Marko Bauer Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 40 books, mainly Jewish literature Dr. Richard Bauer Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 2 books Felix Baum 125 books Edmund Blühweis Fond 1401, Opis 1, 6 booklets (Yugoslavian and Jewish literature: 13 volumes in Croatian; 7 volumes by Jewish authors in German; 5 volumes in German, but not of Jewish authors) Alexande r Balaš (210 books in Croatian – Politics, History and Freemasonry; 117 Jewish books – mostly historical; 93 German books) (101 German literature by Jewish authors; 14 Croatian literature; 2 French and 11 Jewish “Zionistic” literature) Dr, Viktor 9 Augus t 1941 23 July 1941 Agram, 24 Gunduliće July va 2 1941 Agram, 30 Palmotićev July a 64 a 1941 Agram, 7 June Director of Pokorny Jabukovac 1941 company located at 15 Wlaschka Ulica, as well as director of company Meba, Fijanova Ulica Agram, Jelaćić Platz 15/III St. (earlier apartment) Keglvićev Platz 14/ II. Re (current apartment) Agram, Precadović eva ulica 5/I. Agram, Grahorova 3/II Agram, Domagoje va 2 Agram, Vlaška 70 24 May 1941 A few books were looted (mostly Jewish authors) 9 July 1941 16 June 1941 9 June Fond 1401, Opis , Folder 47 1941 refers to 140 books 6 Augus 62 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 862 books Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 24 books Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 12 books Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 47 175 books and newsletters Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 book collection Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 archival records, including the“Ehrenbuch,” as well as paintings (615 Jewish authors; 168 Croatian and 79 Jewish books) (23 volumes in Croatian/Serbian; 2 volumes Jewish literature; 1 newsletter in French) (books on Freemasonry and Yugoslavian history) (270 books, including: 78 German language books on the “Jewish Question”, 49 Croatian language books, 12 political literature books; 14 books by Jewish authors) Boić b. t 1941 Alfred Bondi (Bondy) apartment: Agram, Bosanska 33 (Villa) factory: Cankarova 19. Agram, Boškoviće va 42/ I. 12 June 1941 Dr. Zvonimir Bratanić Mirko Breyer Agram, Samostans ka 8 (later: Varšavska 8) Pavle Agram, Breyer Frankopan ska b; office: Masarikov a5 Dr. Agram, Rudolf Palmotićev Buchwald a ulica 20 Chevra Kadisa 10 Augus t 1941 13 Augus t 1941 Bookshop 18 June Dr. Rudolf Buchwald was 1941 a member of Agram’s Jewish Community; Amruševa 21 May The document states: “Es konnten sichergestellt 8, 1941 werden: Palmotićev 1. Sämtliche a 14 Aktenvorgänge über die Unterstützung der Emigranten – insd. Etwa 5000 Aktenvorgänge, 2. Das Ehrenbuch der Chevra Kadisa 3. Bildnisse der bedeutsamen Rabbiner bzw. Förderer der Chevra Kadisa.) 63 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 39 books and booklets (23 books in Croatian/Serbian; 9 books in French; 2 German books by Jewish authors, 6 German books by non-Jewish authors) Dr. Adolf Cuvay 12 booklets (Jewish literature, etc) Vilim Ćmelik book collection (57 volumes concerning the “Jewish question”, 13 political volumes and newsletters; 6 volumes in German) Albert Deutsch Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 15 books, mainly by Jewish authors Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 22 books and 3 booklets Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 12 August 1941 Agram, Kamaukov a 13/I Jurišićeva ulica 24, 22. floor 7 August 1941 19 June “Wohnung bereits einmal von der Gestapo besichtigt, Deutsch 1941 Dr. Andrija Deutsch Agram, Vlaška 25/I. 1 August 1941 4 books (Jewish literature) Dr. Edo Deutsch 24 July 1941 118 books Dr. Samuel Deutsch Agram, Masarykov a 13 Agram, Miramarsk a 20 Slavko Deutsch Agram, Miramarsk a 20 11 August 1941 3 books Slavoljug Deutsch 6 June 1941 38 books Šandor Deutsch Agram, Peradoviće va b, III Agram, Miramraka 20 Agram, Bosanska 6/II. (16 books in Croatian/Serbian; 5 volumes of a Jewish Encyclopedia; 30 Jewish authors in German; 53 Jewish non-fiction; 9 German non-Jewish books ) (Jewish literature, 5 Jewish encyclopedia) book collection (65 books and newspapers about Freemasonry in German, French and English; 5 books concerning the “Jewish question”; 15 Rotarian literature; 50 books on politics, sociology (30 of which Dr. Ante Dražič musste viele Schmucksachen, Silber und Perserteppiche abliefern.“ 12 August 1941 Together with Alexander Deutsch, the following books were looted: 13 volumes in Croatian/Serbian; 33 Jewish authors in German; 2 German books by non-Jewish authors; 14 English newsletters; 5 volumes of a Jewish encyclopedia 11 August 1941 26 July 1941 64 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. are in German, 10 in Croatian and Serbian, 4 in French and 2 in English); 114 books on the study of religion (62 of which were in German; 33 in Croatian, 11 in French and 8 in English); 36 volumes on Yugoslavian politics and history; 24 volumes on the subject of law (in Croatian, German and French); 16 volumes on mnemonics, (11 of which are in German, 4 in French, 1 in English and one in French); 29 philosophical books (18 in German, 6 in French, 1 in English and 1 in Croatian); 66 literature books (16 in Croatian and Serbian, 22 in French, 4 in Russian, 8 in English and 16 in German); Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 59 books Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 “Collection” on Freemasonry Viktor Frank book collection Dr. Ivo Fuchs 4 books Dr David Eisenstäd ter Marino Fertilio 26 books (about Freemasonry and by Jewish authors) 1 painting (“Karikatur auf einen Juden”) Bozidar Filipović Book collection Julio / Julius Fischer (Books in Croatian and Serbian: 33 volumes; German language books concerning the „Jewish Question“: 135 volumes; books by Jewish authors in German: 148 volumes; non-Jewish literature: 271 volumes (books concerning the “Jewish Question”: 30 volumes; Jewish authors in German: 9; non-Jewish literature in German: 68; French Ignjat Fischer Agram, Gjorgjićev a 3b. Agram, Ksaverska 47 c. Agram, Palmptičev a 35/I. Agram, Demetrova 3 Agram, Trg Kralja Petra 5 4 June 1941 Agram, Josipovac 11 Agram, 19 May 1941 5 August 1941 28 July 1941 23 May 1941 16 May Julio/Julius Fischer was the 1941 last president of B’nei B’rith 19 May 1941 65 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. literature: 9, English literature: 3; Croatian literature: 8) Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 120 books (Jewish literature) Dr David Furmann Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 8 books Edo Funk Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 31 books (Jewish and English literature); an almost complete collection of the monthly magazine “Isbor” as well as the monthly “Vidici”) 50 books (including 42 volumes of “Judaica” and 8 volumes by Jewish authors) Milan Glaser Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 41 books Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 18 books archival records 30 books 21 books (Jewish authors) Dr. Lawosla w Glesinger Dr. Robert Glückstha l Dr. Karlo Goga apartment: Agram, Gunduliće va 4/II. (Geschäft) villa: Donji Stenjevac 83 Apartment: Stan Kurdǒva 4; office: „Obnoca“, Magasinsk a broj 21 Agram, Svaćićev Trg 17/I. 11 July 1941 19 May 1941 28 July 1941 Agram, 16 June Ilica 17/III. 1941 Agram, 11 July Draskovice 1941 va 62/II. Agram, Herzegova cka 71 Theodor Agram, Gruenfeld Ilica 48 28 July 1941 Dr. Božidar Grünwald Žiga Graf 17 July 1941 Agram, Gunduliće va 19 Agram, Trg Kralja Tomislava 6. 17 May 1941 4 June 1941 66 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 book collection (Books concerning the “Jewish Question”: 19 volumes; Jewish authors in German: 3 volumes; non-Jewish authors in German: 28 volumes; Hungarian literature: 2 volumes; English literature: 23 volumes) 157 books (23 books in Hebrew; 25 books on the topic of the ”Jewish Question” in German; 6 newsletters on the topic of the “Jewish Question”; 11 “Communist Literature”; 14 “Jewish Literature”, 78 “pornographic books” Günsberg Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 books Dr. Bruno Agram, Srečke Havlikova 6 Dr. Ralph Agram, Halle Borošina 4/1 Srećko Agram, Halle Djordževic eva 11 David Agram, Herzog Vončinina 8 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 34 books Dr. Ivo Herzog 40 books Olga Hercog 35 books (Jewish authors; Hebrew books) Dr. Bogomir Hiršl Josef Hoffman n Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 3 books book collection book collection 400 books (208 German books, 40 books in Croatian and other languages, 35 books concerning the “Jewish question”, 120 „Jewish“ books, 34 Judaica) Dr. Željko Hahn Agram, Hatzova 10/I. Agram, Martićeva 6. 29 July 1941 13 June 1941 15 June [see list above] 1941 9 June 1941 12 June According to the archival 1941 record, there is an attached list detailing the books; however, list was not present; 30 July 1941 16 May 1941 Agram, Jurišiceva 25/II. Agram, Boškovice va 31/II 29 July 1941 27 May Listing includes the 1941 brother: Rudolf Rosner 67 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. 30 numbers of the newsletter Šestar,10 numbers of the newsletter Historja Slobodnog zidarstva; 30 books 26 books (Jewish Literature) Radoslaw Horvat Agram, Medulicev a3 22 July 1941 Dragan Hruš 30 July 1941 4 books Franjo Huber Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 21 books Dr. Djuro Jelinek Agram, Vinkovice va 33 Agram, Preradovic eva 5, II. Stock Agram, Marticeva 4, 3. Stock Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 81 books Mavro Kandel Agram, Boškoviće va 32 29 May 1941 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 140 books Milan Kastel 7 June 1941 1 book and 8 booklets Dr. Vladimir Katićić Alexande r Klein Agram, Krajiska 18 Agram, Vinkovice va 11 Agram, Bogisacev a 2/II. Fond 1401, Opis 1, 7 books (Jewish authors) Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 (Croatian literature and books concerning the “Jewish Question”) (5 volumes - Jewish lexica 1 picture album of Jewish actors 30 German books concerning the Jewish question 24 Hebrew books/booklets 15 Croatian books/booklets 1 Polish book 2 monthly magazines in German and Yiddish 1 volume of the “Völkermagazin”) 10 books and Jewish newspapers Stanko Kliska Agram, Tratinska 8 June 1941 7 June 1941 24 July 1941 24 June Alexander Klein was the 1941 secretary of the Jewish Community and was, according to this index file, able to keep some of his possessions due to a protective status he apparently had with the Ustasa regime; 1 August 68 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 40 books (10 German literature books, 15 Jewish History/Zionism books) Hermann Kraus 5 books (Jewish authors) Dragutin Krekovic Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 book collection Dr. Juraj Krnjević Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 25 books (37 French, English and German books; 341 books and newsletters in Croatian and Serbian; 590 books in other languages) 38/II. Agram, Strosmayer ov trg II/I Agram, Dvornicice va 10 (Villa) Agram, Mesinskov a ulic a 53 1941 9 June 1941 30 July 1941 4 June 1941 Ernst Kronfeld Agram, 26 May Ilica 15/III. 1941 books Mirko Lederer 21 May 1941 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 27 books Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 460 books Agram Praška 6 29 May 1941 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 30 books (Jewish literature) Dr. Vladimir Leustek Dr. Dragutin Lieberma nn Minerva “Verlagsb uchhandl ung” Dr Armin Moskovic Agram, TuškanacGvost 17/ since 16 May 1941: Keglvicev Platz 14/II. Li. Agram, Medvescak 59 Agram, Medulicev a9 4 books by Jewish authors Dr. Bernhard Mostar 4 August 1941 4 June 1941 Fond 1401, 7 books Herman Agram Mihanovic eva 14/III. Agram, Trg Kralja Tomislava 6 Agram, (12 volumes - political/Jewish literature; remainder literature) 26 books 30 July 1941 21 May 1941 17 June 69 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. (1 book in Croatian; 1 Jewish literature; 1 theological book; 1 “Communist” novel) Book collection (8 volumes on the “Jewish Question”; 17 German Jewish authors; 10 Croatian Jewish authors; 103 Croatian Literature; 17 German literature) Book collection (40-50 books: 10 volumes by Schalom Asch, 8 volumes by Bettauer, Remarque „Im Westen nichts Neues“, „Der Weg zurueck“, nd 16 other literature books such as Arnold Zweig „Herkunft und Zukunft“, or Artur Landsberger „Das Volk des Ghetto“) Müller Ilica 220 1941 Dr. Neuberge r Pavao, Marticeva 8/II/ 27 May 1941 Adolf Neumann Agram, Marticeva 14 D/ 1 floor 17 May 1941 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 185 books (Serbian literature) Salamen Nevorah 6 June 1941 63 books, 29 booklets and Jewish newspapers Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 5 Hebrew books Mr And Mrs Njemirov ski Peter Orlić Agram, Solovjeva 18 Agram, Mulica 6 24 July 1941 Fond 1401, Opis 1, 13 books 16 June 1941 Opis 1, Folder 28 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 395 books (“propaganda material”), monthly newsletter (“Nova Europa”) 2 books Paul (Pavle) Ostović Silvio Papo 46 books Eugen Podaubsk i Agram, Hercegova cka 81 Agram, Preradovic eva 39/III. Agram, Waashingt onov 5 Agram, Kamaufov a 4/I. Dr. Sigmund Agram, Hrvojeva (Jewish literature, Yugoslavian history: German books by Jewish authors: 7 Non-Jewish literature in German: 8 Croatian-Serbian literature: 23 French literature: 7 English literature: 1) 16 May 1941 31 July 1941 12 August 1941 12 August 1941 70 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Folder 28 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 4 books (Jewish authors) 14 books Pordes Dr. Vladimir Prelog Dr. Maksim Pscherhof 10/I. Agram, Novakova 26/II. Agram 2 August 1941 28 May Dr. Pscherhof was the 1941 president of the Jewish Community between 1940/41; arrested on 14 May 1941 by the SD and sent to Graz; Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 47 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 4 books Hermann Müller Agram, Ilica 210 Library: Rabbi Dr Gavro Schwarz, chief rabbi of Agram (Oberrabi nat) Agram, Chebra Kadisha, Amruševa 8 21 May 1941 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 1 booklet Agram, Jurjevska 22 Dr Rudolf Agram, Rodanic Meduličev a 51/I. 9 August 1941 29 May 1941 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 10 volumes of “Judaica” Dragutin Rosenbau m Max Rosenblat t Agram, Maksimirs ka 2 Agram, Bosiievska 4 20 June 1941 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 208 books Dr. Rudolf Rosner Agram, Bogsicva 2 27 May 1941 1. Library of the head rabbi, about 1,600 volumes (“Handbücherei des Oberrabinats), 2. Library of the Jewish Community, about 300 volumes (“Jüdische Gemeindebücherei”) [Midrashim, Tanach commentaries, numerous protocols of the ‘Zionistenkongress’] 207 books (102 books on the “Jewish Question”, of that 73 in foreign languages; 17 political books; 88 novels, by mostly Jewish authors) 24 books ( 2 volumes – German non-Jewish authors; 6 volumes – non-fiction on the „Jewish Question; 12 volumes – German Jewish author; 1 volumes – Croatian literature) (40 books in Croatian and other languages; 35 books on “Jewish Question”; 120 Jewish books and Franjo Raverta 13 August 1941 71 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. “Schuldliteratur”; 34 Judaica Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 35 books (Jewish authors) Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 book collection Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 45 oboks Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 2 books and letters Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 1 book Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 Fond 1401, Opis 1, 10 books (Jewish literature) Dragutin Šrepl 1 book Dr. Stanke 5 volumes, Jewish Encyclopedia (3 books on the “Jewish Question; Judaica – 8 volumes; Jewish authors – 25 volumes in German, 1 volume in Croatian; Political Literature – 3 volumes (German), 5 volumes (Croatian) (books on the “Jewish Question” – 34 volumes; German Jewish authors – 6 volumes) 18 books (English literature) 131 books (101 Jewish literature; 29 Jewish books in Hebrew; 3 books on Socialism in Croatian; 1 French book;) Mirko Schönber ger Emanuel Schotten Armin Schreiner Alexande r Schwabe nitz Dr. Gavro Schwarz, head rabbi Dr Slavisa Senoa Dr Alexande r Šmit Dr. Karlo Spiller Agram, Marticeva 14 Agram, Starcevice v trg 4 29 July 1941 Agram, Varsavska 2 a/II. 12 August 1941 24 June (The Wehrmacht had taken 1941 over the apartment; more confiscations were therefore not possible) Agram, 28 May Dezelioeva 1941 30 Agram, Marticeva 14 D, 4th floor to the right 17 May (According to the 1941 document, only very few items were found since the Sicherheitspolizei had already sealed his house; most of his documents were stored at the Petrinska address) Agram, 5 Heinzlova August 64 1941 Agram, 4 Plmoticeva August 10 1941 Agram, 16 June Kraljice 1941 Marije Agram, Pavla Radica 26 Agram, Eduarda 5 August 1941 2 August Gifted his library of about 8,000 books to the 72 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Švrljuga Jalacica 2 1941 24 books (Jewish literature) Bozo Superina 39 books (books on the “Jewish Question”, including Theodor Herzl; 7 books in Croatian; 1 book in Serbian; 1 folder of Newspaper clips) Dr Benno Stein Agram, Gunulicev a 40/II. Agram, Varsavska 8/ I. Re. 6 August 1941 17 May 1941 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 104 books Maskim Stern Vojnovice na ul. 71 26 May 1941 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 3 books Dane Singer 8 July 1941 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 131 books (101 books - Jewish literature; 26 “Jewish/Hebrew” books; 3 books in Croatian; 1 in French) Dr Karlo Schiller Agram, Marulicev trh 4, 1 floor Agram, Kraljice 15 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 book collection Alfred Spitz Agram, Zvonimiro va 6/I. 11 July 1941 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 10 Torah scrolls 7 ceremonial objects 3 altarpieces Numerous Torah covers etc about 60 books Synagogu e Agram Agram 26./28. May 1941 Alexande r Szemnitz Agram, Zvonimiro va 2 30 May 1941 Leo Tobolski Agram, Subiceva 28/I. 24 June 1941 Folder 28/ Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 47 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 (Jewish literature – 74 books; non-fiction books on the “Jewish Question” – 5 books; Literature on Freemasons – 10 books; Croatian Literature – 15 books) (13 Judaica 32 German language books on the “Jewish Question” 15 Croatian languages books on the “Jewish Question” 38 books Jewish literature) 13 books University Library; 16 June 1941 book collection was first donated to the ERR, since Mr Spitz was ordered to empty his apartment within 24 hours 73 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Veljko Tomic Agram July 1941 Dr. Franjo Tucan Oskar Vadnai Agram, Milinarska 49 Agram, Gundulice va 19/ II. B. H. Kalan Agram, Gundulice va 35/III. Agram, Kralj, Maria 25/IV. Agram, Kraiska 11/II. 5 August 1941 29 May 1941 Janko Zimmerm nn Agram, Novakova 20/II. 18 August 1941 Vladimir, Žepić Agram, Pod Zidom 3/I. 11 August 1941 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 book collection Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 12 books Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 Political literature Većeslav Vilder 25 books (Jewish authors, etc.) Dr. Vladimir Vranić Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 monthly magazine „Izbor“ Jakob Vivoda Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 Book collection Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 10 newsletters „Service“ (English edition) (collection included: Storch, Freimaurer u. Jesuit Bojnicic, Die Loge ‚Ljubabkiznjega’ Peregrinus ‚Freimaurerei’ Burckhardt, Geheimnis des Freimaurers Prigorski, Listi o zlobostnom ziolarston) (Jewish literature; monthly magazine „Vidici“) 130 books (including books on Communism and English language books) (8 volumes of Jewish literature; 1 German volume, non-Jewish authors, 6 volumes of Crotian language books) SD already confiscated the book collection, but handed over the listed books; 18 August 1941 August 1941 6 August 1941 According to the index card, the library of the Freemason loge “Drašković“ was given to the university library; 2,000 voumes of the monthly magazine „Sestar“ were seized by the Police department or were handed over to the Getapo. 74 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 29 23 books and newspaper collection Karl Ebenspan ger Agram 26 May 1941 75 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. RAGUSA – today’s Dubrovnik Fond 1401, 14 „Jewish“ Spanish and Opis 1, Italian language books; Folder 29 6 „Jewish“ books in Hebrew 3 „Jewish“ books in Croatian Fond 1401, 11 books Opis 1, Folder 29 / Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 47 Fond 1401, 3 books Opis 1, Folder 29 Fond 1401, book collection (225 books were sealed) Opis 1, Folder 11 Fond 1401, book collection Opis 1, Folder 11 Fond 1401, book collection Opis 1, Folder 11 Fond 1401, book collection Opis 1, Folder 11 Fond 1401, book collection and Opis 1, correspondence Folder 11 Fond 1401, book collection and Opis 1, correspondence Folder 11 Fond 1401, book collection and Opis 1, correspondence Folder 11 Fond 1401, book collection (180 Opis 1, Folder 11 Jewish Communi ty Ragusa Ragusa 16 July 1941 Josip Soldat Ragusa II 12 June and 17 July 1941 Tolentino family Ragusa, Zudojska 3 2 June 1941 Ragusa, Mazuranic ev kbr. 5 Joisp Ragusa, Fuks Put Vrana Subila 15 Leo Klein Ragusa 7./18. June 1941 9 June 1941 Josef Berner Josip Lujak 18 June ”...einige Deutsche und 1941 hebräische Bücher...“ Ragusa, GradacGasse 4 Ragusa, Bodkovice va 22 Ragusa 9 June 1941 Prota Mitrovic Ragusa, Polsca 5 2 June 1941 Josip Soldat Ragusa II 12 June „180 Bücher in serbokroat. Sprache wurden in einem 1941 Josef Mandel Mirko Mandic 6 June 1941 2 June 1941 „Freimaurer Loge Sloboda“ Schrank versiegelt. Am 17.7.41 wurden 11 Bücher davon beschlagnahmt, und zwar 10 kroatisch geschriebene jüdische Autoren (Überseztungen) und 1 englisches politisches Buch...“ 76 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 11 correspondence and book collection Vilim Stainc Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 11 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 11 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 11 book collection Family Tolentino book collection and correspondence Maša Tolentino correspondence and book collection Dr. Milan Venzilovi ć Ragusa, Fran Supilo put 25 Ragusa, Zudojska 3 6 June 1941 Ragusa, Budanigas se 1 Ragusa 6 June 1941 2 June 1941 3 June 1941 77 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. I. Objects that probably were looted According to Reel 131, Opis 1, Folder 11, the following book collections from people living in Ragusa (Dubrovnik) were sealed for a later review (some of the names mentioned below, will also be listed in a separate Excel sheet of items “sealed” off by the ERR): Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 29 / Fond 1401, opis 1, Folder 47 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 29 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 29 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 29 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 29 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 29 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 29 221 books Josip Berner Ragusa, Mazuranic ev kbr. 5 book collection and letter correspondence Jovo Bravcic information concerning the „Rotary club“ Miko Ersegovic Ragusa, 10 May Korculansa 1941 k4 Ragusa 3 June 1941 book collection Josip Fuks book collection sealed packages and correspondence 6 June 1941 Dr. Ivo Gracic Ragusa, Puc Vrana Sublin 15 Ragusa, Vill Iris Mato Jakšići Ragusa, v 2 16 July 1941 Jeglic Oskar Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 29 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 29 book collection (German and Hebrew language books), correspondence book collection Fond 1401, Opis 1, book collection 7. and 18. June 1941 Ragusa, Hotel Excelsior (room nr. 20) Leo Klein Ragusa Dr. Harold Kućera Joisp Lujak Ragusa (Dubrovni k II), Bilečke 1. Ragusa, Gradac 12 June 1941 9 June 1941 (no explicit statement as to what was sealed off) 18 June 1941 10 June 1941 9 June 1941 78 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Folder 29 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 29 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 29 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 29 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 29 book collection and correspondence Josef Mandel book collection and correspondence Mirko Mandic book collection and correspondence Prota Božidar Mitrovic Milivoj Sokolovic books Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 29 books Vilim Stainc Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 29 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 29 Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 11 cooks and correspondence Vitro Tolentino books and correspondence Dr. Milan Venzilovi c Dr. Matija Vidoević Fond 1401, Opis 1, Folder 28 library Dr. Ladislav Schick Gasse 4 Ragusa, Boskovice va 22 Ragusa 6 June 1941 2 June 1941 Ragusa, Polaca 5 2 June 1941 Ragusa: Lapad, Beogradsk a Obala 97 (private apartment) Gravosa, Splitski put 63 (office) Ragusa, Dran Supilo pu 25 Ragusa, Bumanigas se 1 Ragusa 3 June 1941 Ragusa 4 June 1941 6 June 1941 6 June 1941 3 June 1941 Both the office and the apartment were sealed (no information as to what was looted) (In a letter written by Dr. Lauber, the head of the ERR in Croatia to the Ustasa chief of police and dated with 14 June 1941, he noted that „Ich bitte Sie nunmehr im Sinne des obenerwaehnten Umstandes, die Freigabe der Buecherei bzw. den Schluessel zur Uebernahme durch meinen Mitarbeiter veranlassen zu wollen.“ He further referred to the library as 79 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. a “wertvolle jüdische Leihbibliothek”) 80 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Appendix (1): M 1942, Offenbach Pictures: Library Markings From Looted Books (|232008202) 81 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. 82 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. 83 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Appendix (2) Ante Topic Mimara Shipments M 1946 - Records Concerning the Central Collecting Points ("Ardelia Hall Collection"): Munich Central Collecting Point, 1945-1951 Series: Restitution Claim Records Category: Yugoslavia: Receipts Ante Topic Mimara – 4th Shipment|270070997 84 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within.|270071006 4th Shipment – 108 objects|270071012 85 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within.|270071016|270071022 86 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within.|270071026|270071030 87 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within.|270071036 5th Shipment – 4 objects|270071048 6th Shipment – 1 object|270071060 88 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. 7th Shipment – 53 objects|270071072|270071076 89 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within.|270071080|270071084 90 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Appendix (3) Transport Lists to Yugoslavia M 1946 - Records Concerning the Central Collecting Points ("Ardelia Hall Collection"): Munich Central Collecting Point, 1945-1951 Series: Cultural Object Movement and Control Records Category: Custody Receipts on Restitution to Yugoslavia Overview of Shipments to Yugoslavia dating from October 1947 until June 1949 1st Shipment – 27 October 1947 (6 objects) 91 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. 2nd Shipment – 10 May 1948 (1 object) 3rd shipment – 28 May 1948 (2 objects) For the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th shipments to Yugoslavia, please see appendix (2) – “Ante Topic Mimara Shipments” 92 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Additional Information re 7th shipment (includes provenance information) 93 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within.|270071135 Additional Information re 4th shipment (includes provenance information) 94 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within.|270071139|270071143 95 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Second Additional Information List re 4th Shipment (includes provenance information)|270071185 96 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within.|270071189 97 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within.|270071196 98 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within.|270071200 99 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within.|270071204 Additional Information re 5th shipment (includes provenance information)|270071207|270071213 100 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Additional Information re 6th shipment (includes provenance information)|270071223 101 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within. Second additional list re 7th shipment|270071267 102 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within.|270071272 103 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within.|270071276 104 This report represents the results of the current best research efforts of the Claims Conference and is based upon information obtained by the Claims Conference to date. The Claims Conference makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and the report should not be relied upon or used as proof, legal or equitable, as to current or past ownership of the items described within.