Verkeersbordmasten van Sapa Pole Products wijzen de weg


Verkeersbordmasten van Sapa Pole Products wijzen de weg
van Sapa Pole Products
wijzen de weg
Zou u ook niet graag een compleet en uniform straat­­beeld
willen hebben? Waarbij zowel licht­masten als verkeersbord­
masten, beide constructies van ­alu­minium, een mooie
match vormen?
Sapa heeft de ultieme oplossing voor
uw ideaal­­­beeld. Naast lichtmasten en
verkeersregel­installaties, kunnen wij u
nu ook een volledig assortiment ondersteuningen voor statische en variabele
verkeersborden aanbieden. Allemaal
vervaardigd van het naadloze materiaal
aluminium én geheel botsveilig.
Voordelen van de aluminium
verkeersbord­masten van Sapa zijn:
Botsveiligheid Sapa biedt u volledig
botsveilige verkeersbord­masten die
getest zijn volgens de norm EN12767
en gecertificeerd volgens de EN12899.
Vanaf 1 januari 2013 is deze norm
Snelle installatie Het lichte gewicht
van het materiaal aluminium garandeert
een gemakkelijke installatie.
Onderhoudsarm Door de goede
corrosie­bestendigheid van aluminium is
een coating niet noodzakelijk. Aluminium
is een onderhoudsarm materiaal.
Deurvoorziening In de mast kan een
deur geplaatst worden voor elektrisch
voorschakel­apparatuur, bijvoorbeeld
Fundatie Zowel plaatsing in
zandgrond (soil S) als beton (rigid R)
conform EN12767 is mogelijk.
Certificate of Conformity (CE-Certificate)
1148 - CPD – (20)090709
1148 - CPD – (20)090709
Boulevard de la Plaine Pleinlaan, 5 B-1050 BRUSSELS
1148 - CPD – (20)090709
According to the laws in force about the application of the directive 89/106/EEC of the Council of the
European Communities of 21 December 1988 regarding the construction products (Construction
Products Directive - CPD), it is certified by OCBS-OCAB (notified body Nr 1148) that
Sapa Pole Products in its factory of DRUNEN
Sapa Pole Products in its factory of DRUNEN
CE-Certificate: List of Approved Products
CE-Certificate: List of Approved Products
Qualities and categories
Sapa Pole Products
P.O. Box 75, NL-5150 AB Drunen
In its factory of DRUNEN
Structural Performance declared by the Producer according to
hEN12899-1:2007, §5
Structural Performance declared by the Producer according to
hEN12899-1:2007, §5
Durability: Resistance to corrosion – Aluminium; SP1 with or without
Performance under vehicle impact (passive safety) for single post supports:
applies a
Factory Production Control (FPC) according to EN 12899
for supports for use with fixed vertical road traffic signs.
The notified body has performed the Initial Type-Testing of the products, the Initial inspection of
the factory and of the factory production control and achieves the Continuous Surveillance,
Assessment and Approval of factory production control imposed by the harmonised standard EN
This certificate stipulates that all the provisos relating to the attestation of conformity described in
Annex ZA of the standards under consideration have been applied. This certificate remains valid three
years from the date hereunder mentioned and so long as the conditions specified in the harmonised
standards, the conditions of production in the factory or the Factory Production Control do not change
1. Products with nominal diameter / nominal wall thickness 250 mm / 4.0 mm, with nominal height of
15 m and all smaller members, but over 2 m, supplied with internal shear mechanism and founded
using Standard Soil or Rigid (backfill type S or R).
Performance under vehicle impact type 100,NE,3 (*)
2. Products with nominal diameter / nominal wall thickness 250 mm / 4.0 mm, with nominal height of
15 m and all smaller members, but over 2 m, supplied with internal shear mechanism and founded
using Standard Soil or Rigid (backfill type S or R).
Performance under vehicle impact type 70,NE,3
Material – Extruded aluminium stepped or conical circular tubes
Grade – fy = 160 N/mm² (characteristic elastic limit)
Dimensions expressed in nominal diameter and nominal wall thickness
from 114 mm by 2.5 mm to 250 mm by 5.25 mm with
Durability: Resistance to corrosion – Aluminium; SP1
with or without
Performance under vehicle impact (passive safety) for shored up multi-legged supports:
5. Products made of multi-legged and shored up supports with nominal diameter / nominal wall
thickness 145 mm / 3.0 mm and an offset of 2250 mm at ground level, supplied with internal shearmechanisms in each leg, used for a maximum sign plate-height of totally 7.5 m and all smaller
heights, founded using standard Soil or Rigid (backfill type S or R).
Performance under vehicle impact type 100,NE,2 (*)
(*) also including multilegged supports with clear distances greater than 1 600 mm in class 100,NE,2
(according to EN 12767:2007, §4.3.7 and Annex F note C ; 1 600mm = 1 500/cos20°)
3. Products with nominal diameter / nominal wall thickness 165 mm / 3.3 mm, with nominal height of
10 m and all smaller members, but over 2 m using Standard Soil or Rigid (backfill type S or R).
Performance under vehicle impact type 100,NE,2 (*)
4. Products with nominal diameter / nominal wall thickness 165 mm / 3.3 mm, with nominal height of
10 m and all smaller members, but over 2 m using Standard Soil or Rigid (backfill type S or R).
Performance under vehicle impact type 70,NE,2
Brussels, July 09, 2009 (update of February 10, 2012)
(*) also including multilegged supports with clear distances greater than 1 600 mm in class 100,NE,2
Jacques DEFOURNY, Chairman of the Board
OCAB OCBS Boulevard de la Plaine Pleinlaan, 5 B-1050 BRUSSELS
Phone : + 32 2 509 14 09 Fax : + 32 2 509 14 00 E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
OCAB OCBS Boulevard de la Plaine Pleinlaan, 5 B-1050 BRUSSELS
Phone : + 32 2 509 14 09 Fax : + 32 2 509 14 00 E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
(according to EN 12767:2007, §4.3.7 and Annex F note C ; 1 600mm = 1 500/cos20°)
Brussels, July 09, 2009 (update of February 10, 2012)
Supports for use with fixed vertical road traffic signs
including signal heads according to EN 12368:2006 and variable message traffic signs according to EN 12966-1:2009
Material – Extruded aluminium stepped or conical circular tubes
Grade – fy = 160 N/mm² (characteristic elastic limit)
Dimensions expressed in nominal diameter and nominal wall thickness
from 114 mm by 2.5 mm to 250 mm by 5.25 mm with
Alcoalaan 1, NL-5151 RW Drunen
Qualities and categories
Harmonised standard under reference: hEN 12899-1:2007
Harmonised standard under reference: hEN 12899-1:2007
Supports for use with fixed vertical road traffic signs
including signal heads according to EN 12368:2006 and variable message traffic signs according to EN 12966-1:2009
Jacques DEFOURNY, Chairman of the Board
OCAB OCBS Boulevard de la Plaine Pleinlaan, 5 B-1050 BRUSSELS
Phone : + 32 2 509 14 09 Fax : + 32 2 509 14 00 E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
Verkeersbordmasten van Sapa Pole Products zijn duurzaam
Aluminium is het materiaal van de toekomst. Doordat het 100% recyclebaar is,
zonder kwaliteitsverlies, kan het keer op keer hergebruikt worden.
Cradle-to-Cradle certificering
De aluminium masten van Sapa Pole
Products bestaan uit minimaal 95%
gerecycled aluminium. Dit heeft er
onder andere toe bijgedragen dat
Sapa in 2011 een zilveren Cradleto-Cradle cer­tifi­caat heeft behaald.
Het C2C-concept gaat uit van het
basisprincipe ‘Afval = Voedsel’:
wanneer producten aan het einde
van hun levensduur zijn ge­komen,
alle materialen uit dat product
moeten kunnen worden ingezet in
een zelfde soort product zonder
dat er kwaliteitsverlies plaatsvindt.
Ø d (mm)
Mu* (kNm) hoogte (m)
Ø76 – Ø165
2,2 – 10,6
Ø145 – Ø250
7,4 – 30,0
100NE3 (incl. afschuifmechanisme)
Ø76 – Ø165
2,2 – 10,6
Ø145 – Ø250
7,4 – 30,0
100NE2 (incl. afschuifmechanisme)
en geschoord
100NE2 (incl. afschuifmechanisme)
*Buigmoment Mu = max. weerstand van een enkele steun in de formatie tegen buiging (buig capaciteit)
• Alle klassen zijn geldig voor zowel Soil als Rigid volgens de EN12767.
•Een minimale afstand van 1600 mm tussen de steunen is nodig voor een
meervoudige formatie.
•De geadviseerde installatiehoogte van het bord is volgens de EN12767
minimaal 2 meter.
Sapa Pole Products Rev. 1 NL Sign Post, Subject to product changes, misprints and printing errors
Meer informatie over Cradle-to-­
Cradle kunt u vinden op onze website
Technische specificaties
1148 - CPD – (20)090709
Sapa Pole Products in its factory of DRUNEN
CE-Certificate: List of Approved Products
Qualities and categories
Harmonised standard under reference: hEN 12899-1:2007
Supports for use with fixed vertical road traffic signs
including signal heads according to EN 12368:2006 and variable message traffic signs according to EN 12966-1:2009
Material – Extruded aluminium stepped or conical circular tubes
Grade – fy = 160 N/mm² (characteristic elastic limit)
Dimensions expressed in nominal diameter and nominal wall thickness
from 114 mm by 2.5 mm to 250 mm by 5.25 mm with
Structural Performance declared by the Producer according to
hEN12899-1:2007, §5
Durability: Resistance to corrosion – Aluminium; SP1 with or without
Performance under vehicle impact (passive safety) for single post supports:
1. Products with nominal diameter / nominal wall thickness 250 mm / 4.0 mm, with nominal height of
15 m and all smaller members, but over 2 m, supplied with internal shear mechanism and founded
using Standard Soil or Rigid (backfill type S or R).
Performance under vehicle impact type 100,NE,3 (*)
2. Products with nominal diameter / nominal wall thickness 250 mm / 4.0 mm, with nominal height of
15 m and all smaller members, but over 2 m, supplied with internal shear mechanism and founded
using Standard Soil or Rigid (backfill type S or R).
Performance under vehicle impact type 70,NE,3
3. Products with nominal diameter / nominal wall thickness 165 mm / 3.3 mm, with nominal height of
10 m and all smaller members, but over 2 m using Standard Soil or Rigid (backfill type S or R).
Performance under vehicle impact type 100,NE,2 (*)
4. Products with nominal diameter / nominal wall thickness 165 mm / 3.3 mm, with nominal height of
10 m and all smaller members, but over 2 m using Standard Soil or Rigid (backfill type S or R).
Performance under vehicle impact type 70,NE,2
(*) also including multilegged supports with clear distances greater than 1 600 mm in class 100,NE,2
(according to EN 12767:2007, §4.3.7 and Annex F note C ; 1 600mm = 1 500/cos20°)
OCAB OCBS Boulevard de la Plaine Pleinlaan, 5 B-1050 BRUSSELS
Phone : + 32 2 509 14 09 Fax : + 32 2 509 14 00 E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
Enkelvoudige verkeersbordmast
Meervoudige verkeersbordmast
Verkeersbordmast geschoord
Sapa Pole Products
Postal address
P.O. Box 75
NL-5150 AB Drunen
Visiting address
Alcoalaan 1
NL-5151 RW Drunen
Phone +31 416 386 200
+31 416 386 230
Email [email protected]
Variabel verkeersbord