Handy Tricks to Treat Retailers
Handy Tricks to Treat Retailers
Issue Retailer Matters 8 Oct - Dec 2010 Because at Landmark Wholesale EVERY Retailer Matters Spotlight on confectionery A sweet guide to making the most of your confectionery merchandising. Page 12 Maximise your beer sales With our handy top tips guide. Page 6 Planning is key to a profitable season. Page 4 Mints, Gums & Medicated Sweets Make the most of these high profit products. Page 15 The price is right Full price listing for Autumn/Winter 2010 Page 8 Halloween Spooks & Bonfire Night Bangs add a Seasonal Boost to Sales Handy Tricks to Treat Retailers In America Halloween is a major event with big Halloween parties popular. This time of year is becoming a much bigger trading opportunity in the UK, as Halloween becomes more popular and sales grow year on year. This presents opportunities for Retailers who can supply Halloween goods and boost their Autumn sales. At this time of year, children’s fancy dress parties are a big opportunity. Key sellers include soft drinks, snacks and general confectionery, as well as novelty items such as hats, masks, wigs and face paints. Speak to local Suppliers about display stands pre filled with novelties and the possibility of sale or return contracts. Trick or Treating is a major part of Halloween. Key products to stock for trick or treaters are confectionery multi packs, bagged confectionery and kid’s confectionery. Stock in advance, as Customers will be looking for these products to stock up on prior to Halloween, so they are ready when the little spooks call. continued on p3 Ex cl fr usi om ve ly Add some Christmas cheer to your sales 02 | Retailer Matters Introduction Welcome to the second ‘new look’ Retailer Matters, full of information on how you can make the most of this, the biggest seasonal trading period. As we leave Autumn and move into Winter, the nights are drawing in and the weather is getting cooler, there are still plenty of good trading opportunities for Independent Retailers as we head towards Christmas. Stuart Johnson Landmark Wholesale Retail Controller Halloween is growing year on year as a Retail opportunity, and one which Convenience Retailers are best placed to take advantage of. Even this relatively short window of opportunity can be very profitable if you get behind the event fully and create in store theatre and atmosphere to back it up. This issue is all about preparation for Christmas and New Year. I can’t stress enough the importance of pre-planning your stock requirements, particularly in key areas such as alcohol, confectionery and fresh foods. Well planned and prepared stores will be best placed to take full advantage of this key trading period. Also in this issue we look at top tips for maximising your beer sales over Christmas, throw the spotlight on confectionery merchandising and give some top tips on making the most of the confectionery fixture in your store and also a feature on mints and gums. We wish all Independent Retailers a very successful and prosperous festive season. For more information about Landmark Wholesale and their Members please contact Head Office on: 01908 255300 www.landmarkwholesale.co.uk Contents Introduction 2 6KRSZHELQVXUDQFH Halloween & Bonfire Night continued from front cover Tricks and treats to make the most of Autumn 3 Shopweb is approved by Lifestyle for Lifestyle retailers. Christmas & New Year Opportunities Planning is key to maximising festive sales 4 Maximising your beer sales Simple guide to improving your sales 6 Dates for your diary Key dates and upcoming sporting events 7 Core Range & Recommended Retail Selling Prices 8-11 Spotlight on Confectionery Sweet success is in your hands 12 Mints, Gums & Medicated Sweets Fresh facts and ideas 15 :HRƂHUWKHFRYHU\RXQHHG DQGRXWVWDQGLQJVHUYLFH DOODWDQDƂRUGDEOHSULFH ŧ ŧ ŧ ŧ ŧ $XWRPDWLFePLOOLRQ EODQNHWFRYHUIRUƃ[WXUHV ƃWWLQJVVWRFNDQGEXVLQHVV LQWHUUXSWLRQFRPELQHG $XWRPDWLFPRQH\OLPLW LQFUHDVHIRUEDQNKROLGD\V ePLOOLRQSXEOLFOLDELOLW\ FRYHU /HJDOH[SHQVHVXSWR e *HQHURXVVWDƂFDVKWKHIW FRYHU 3OXVDFODLPVVHUYLFHWKDWLVWKHUH WRVXSSRUW\RX :K\SD\PRUHRUVHWWOHIRUOHVV" &DOORXUVKRSLQVXUDQFHDGYLFH GHVNWRGD\RUYLVLWXVRQOLQH ZZZEOXHƃQJURXSFRXNVKRSZHE 0800 904 7009 6KRSZHELVDWUDGLQJQDPHRI%OXHƃQ,QVXUDQFH6HUYLFHV/LPLWHG $XWKRULVHGDQGUHJXODWHGE\WKH)LQDQFLDO6HUYLFHV$XWKRULW\ Corporate Consulting | Financial Advice | Insurance Solutions | Wealth Management ÉnutellaJTUIF/P4XFFU4QSFBECSBOE XJUIWBMVFTBMFTHSPXJOHBU ZFBSPOZFBS 2 É6OJUTBMFTBSFBMTPHSPXJOHBUPWFSZFBSPO ZFBS ÆUXJDFBTGBTUBTBOZKBNPSNBSNBMBEF 3 É*OUIFMBTUUISFFZFBSTnutella IBTEPVCMFE JOTJ[F É0VSHSFBUOFXÁ8BLFVQUPnutellaÌ57 DPNNFSDJBMCSFBLTPO"VHVTUTU The No1sweet spread is leaving its competition behind! É%PO¼UNJTTPVUPOUIJTGBOUBTUJDPQQPSUVOJUZTUPDL UIF/P4XFFU4QSFBETLVH OPX 2 ÉnutellaJTBWBJMBCMFJOBSBOHFPGGPSNBUTH HHHBOEH 1. AC Nielsen Value Sales Total coverage MAT 12.06.10. 2. AC Nielsen, Total Coverage, Total Sweet Spread, 52 wks to 12.06.10. 3. AC Nielsen Total coverage MAT 12.06.10 4. Ferrero internal data. Handy Tricks to Treat Retailers (continued from cover) No Halloween party would be complete without a carved pumpkin, so stock a few or run a pumpkin carving competition. To increase interest at your store create an atmosphere of fun and theatre by decorating the store with carved pumpkins and create a feature area to showcase Halloween products. Above all have fun with Halloween and see the returns in your till. Add some Bonfire Night Bang to your Business After the usual highlights and disappointments of the Great British Summer, bonfire night represents the last BBQ party opportunity of the year where people get together for firework parties. Stock up on a range of chilled beers, wines and ciders that Customers can pick up straight from the chiller on the way to parties. Bonfire night BBQs would not be complete without sausages sizzling in the cool November air. Plan to have a stock of BBQ favourites such as sausages, burgers, chicken and baps available as these will be popular shopping list items. Consider some traditional Autumn party favourites like toffee apples and see your sales go up with a bang. Firework sales can present a great opportunity for high POR sales. A dedicated firework area in store that features a range of products should sell well. Safety is obviously an issue and Retailers have a responsibility to protect the public as well as themselves. All Retailers selling fireworks must obtain the appropriate licence from their local authority and sell fireworks and sparklers in a responsible manner to Customers. Local authority rules, such as no sales to under 18’s, should be obeyed. Ensure that staff have the necessary training to guarantee responsible selling. 04 | Retailer Matters Open your Doors to Christmas and New Year Opportunities Together, Christmas and New Year represent the year’s best opportunity for Independent Retailers to increase sales and profits. But preparation is key to cashing in on the seasonal uplift. By creating a festive atmosphere, stocking the right products and offering your Customers an attractive promotional package, you can make the most of this important period. Plan your Stock Levels for the Festive Season Retailers must plan stock levels to make the most of Christmas demand. Licensed goods are vitally important and it is essential to stock plenty of beers, wines, ciders and spirits at various pricing levels to appeal to the broadest Customer base and meet the demands of the party season. Remember, Customers do like to splash out a little at this time of year. Take home soft drinks are also popular, the larger 1 and 2 litre sizes are popular with kids and great for parties, mixers will also be popular Customer choices. Plan what you will be doing with fresh foods, bread and milk and general chilled foods such as cheese, bacon, cooked meats, cream and other dairy products that will be in high demand. Fresh fruit and vegetables will also sell well, especially seasonal vegetables such as Brussels sprouts. Christmas is the time of year when people buy things that perhaps, they would not normally buy. Gift items such as Christmas confectionery, assortments, boxed chocolates and selection packs. As well as Christmas cards, gift boxes, decorations, gift wrap and bottle bags sell well in the run up to Christmas. Novelties such as Christmas ties, stationery and unique and unusual gifts could also form a key part of your Christmas stocking plans. Tinned biscuits, mince pies, biscuits for cheese and shortbread are also key seasonal lines that Customers like to have around the house for guests and visitors. Be Prepared Independent Retailers should already be thinking about Christmas and New Year opportunities to ensure maximum profit and turnover. Look at what sold well in previous years and talk to your Wholesaler about what’s new for 2011! Seasonal Extra Spending Customers will be looking to ‘trade up,’ buying more expensive products as treats for themselves and for gifts. Licensed goods in particular benefit from this seasonal indulgence: Champagnes; spirits; liqueurs; and better quality wines for example. The average whisky buyer will often swap the standard bottle for a bottle of single malt. Give Customers as much choice as possible with a range of prices to suit all individual tastes. In Store Promotions and Features Create a sense of theatre in store to capture the festive mood. Decorations, lights and music help Customers to feel the Christmas spirit and encourage seasonal spending. This is a very competitive time of year for the Retail Trade and Consumers will be on the lookout for great value. Retailers should talk to their Wholesalers about seasonal promotional packages as early as possible to plan which products to feature and make sure that their offering is competitive. Independent Retailers need to work hard to compete with the multiples at any time of year and this is no exception at Christmas. Independent Retailers should be open when their Customers need them, everyone has a horror story of finding themselves without any brandy butter at 7pm on Christmas Eve! A good Independent Retailer with flexible opening hours can be a life saver! Stella Artois is the nation's favourite beer brand, especially at Christmas.* At Christmas Stella Artois is the No1 No 1 beer brand in volume and value. In fact it delivers over 38.6% more value than its nearest rival.† Consumers performed over 6.7 million convenience top up shops over the two weeks of Christmas and New Year last year‡ - don't be out of stock of Stella Artois, their favourite beer brand, and miss the sales opportunity this Christmas! Stella Artois was first brewed in Leuven as a Christmas beer. A golden lager in contrast to the popular dark ales of the time, it was named after its brilliant amber colour. Stella , Latin for star, refers to the brightly shining Christmas Star. Artois acknowledges Sebastian Artois, the master brewer and owner of the brewery. Please drink responsibly. ©2010 InBev UK Ltd, all rights reserved. **BPT BP endd June BPT J 2010. 20100 ††CGA CGA P11 P11&12 & 12, 2 2009. 2009 ‡Source: ‡S ACNielsen ACNi l Home H scan weeks k 51 andd 52 2009. 2009 The BAILEYS, SMIRNOFF, GORDON’S, BELL’S and MORGAN’S SPICED words and associated logos are trademarks. © Diageo 2010. 06 | Retailer Matters How Convenience Stores can Maximise Beer Sales at Christmas The last 4-weeks prior to Christmas sees impulse beer Shoppers entering the convenience category, with over ½m households more than normal buying beer. Retailer Top Tips Cold is Key Cold is key to impulse sales. 80% of Customers want to buy cold beer and 75% of Lager drinkers agree cold is the most important quality of Lager. Ensure your fridge is set between 4-6oC. Smaller Packs Don’t try and take on the major multiples on price, they will be running price promotions on mid/large packs as part of large Christmas trolley shopping trips. In spite of all the noise around big pack multi buy deals at Christmas most Convenience shoppers will want to buy smaller packs. Beer shoppers are prepared to spend approximately 13% more than they would in a supermarket for the convenience of a local shop and most are smaller pack buyers. Create a ‘Hot-Zone Diamond’ for the fastestselling beers Common Sense Merchandising Make sure that the key lines are in stock. Create a ‘Hot Zone’ diamond in the centre of the chiller for the fastest selling items, with choice and slower selling lines around the edges. Your fastest selling, high profit items should be the easiest to see, reach and buy. Belt to Eye-Level is where shoppers tend to look Use the edges for slower-moving beers and to offer choice MAKE SURE YOU STOCK THE FULL 14s RANGE. Mayfair King Size and Mayfair Smooth 14s available in Wholesale October 2010. Silk Cut coming soon. Retailer Matters | 07 Dates for your Diary October 2010 Make the most of these calendar dates Use our quick guide to a selection of key calendar dates and upcoming sporting events to help maximise sales in-Store. Autumn Half Term 24th Korean Grand Prix 31st Halloween November 2010 5th Bonfire Night 5th Diwali 6th Rugby: Ireland vs South Africa 7th Brazilian Grand Prix 13th Rugby: England vs Austraila, Ireland vs Samoa 14th Abu Dhabi Grand Prix 20th Rugby: England vs Samoa, Ireland vs New Zealand 20th Children in Need 21st – 27th National Curry Week 27th Rugby: England vs South Africa, Ireland vs Argentina 25th – 29th Cricket: Ashes 1st Test 30th St Andrews Day December 2010 Schools break for Christmas 2nd Hanukkah 3rd – 7th Cricket: Ashes 2nd Test 4th Fifa announce host nation for 2018 World Cup 16th – 20th Cricket: Ashes 3rd Test 24th Christmas Eve 25th Christmas Day 26th Boxing Day 26th – 30th Cricket: Ashes 4th Test 31st New Years Eve 08 | Retailer Matters Price List Item For Great Value Everyday, for you and your Customers, look out for this sign for Must Stock Own Brand from Landmark Wholesale. Size RRSP 375g 500g 375g 8’s 500g 450g 375g 500g 2.59 2.09 1.99 2.29 2.39 2.49 2.49 2.09 375g 10’s 375g 24’s 16’s 375g 500g 2.35 2.26 1.95 2.35 2.35 2.49 2.65 Cereals Kellogg’s Special K Kellogg’s Bran Flakes Kellogg’s Fruit ‘N Fibre Kellogg’s Variety Pack Kellogg’s Frosties Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Kellogg’s Coco Pops Kellogg’s Corn Flakes Kellogg’s Crunchy Nut Cornflakes Quaker Oats So Simple Original Alpen Weetabix Nestlé Shredded Wheat Nestlé Multi Cheerios Nestlé Shreddies Canned Veg/Meat/Fish John West Tuna Chunks in Brine 185g John West Tuna Steak in Brine 200g John West Tuna Steak in Sunflower Oil 200g John West Weighwatchers Tuna Mayo & Sweetcorn 3 x 80g John West Tuna Light Lunch French Style 240g John West Wild Pink Salmon 213g John West Wild Red Salmon 213g John West Sardines in Rich Tomato Sauce 120g John West Mackerel Fillets in Tomato Sauce 125g John West Anchovies 50g Glenryck Pilchards in Tomato Sauce 155g Princes Stewed Steak 410g Stagg Chilli Con Carne 410g Fray Bentos Meatballs in Gravy 410g Fray Bentos Chicken & Mushroom Pie 475g Fray Bentos Steak & Kidney Pie 475g Smash Original 88g Smash Original 176g Princes 6 Jumbo Hot Dogs 560g Princes 8 Hot Dogs 400g Goblin 4 Hamburgers 425g Princes Corned Beef 340g Princes Ham 200g Spam Chopped Pork & Ham 200g Princes Chicken & Stuffing Paste 75g Princes Corned Beef & Onion Paste 75g Princes Tuna & Mayonnaise Paste 75g Lifestyle Whole Carrots 300g Must Stock Lifestyle Sliced Carrots 300g Must Stock Lifestyle Mushy Peas 300g Must Stock Lifestyle Garden Peas 300g Lifestyle Marrowfat Peas 300g Must Stock Lifestyle Processed Peas 300g Batchelors Mushy Peas 300g Batchelors Bigga Marrowfat Peas 300g Lifestyle New Potatoes 540g Must Stock Crosse & Blackwell Red Kidney Beans 420g Green Giant Original Niblets Sweetcorn 198g Green Giant Naturally Sweet No Added Sugar Sweetcorn 340g Heinz Spaghetti 400g Heinz Spaghetti Hoops 400g Heinz Spaghetti Hoops 200g Heinz Spaghetti Bolognese 400g Heinz Ravioli 410g 1.65 1.88 1.88 2.15 2.15 2.24 2.98 0.89 1.19 1.20 0.65 2.75 1.69 1.19 2.55 2.55 0.82 1.35 2.10 1.29 0.85 2.19 1.39 1.85 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.53 0.49 0.39 0.53 0.35 0.35 0.49 0.45 0.75 0.66 Item Size Heinz Macaroni Cheese 400g Heinz Baked Beans 200g Heinz Baked Beans 415g Branston Baked Beans 420g Lifestyle Baked Beans 420g Heinz Baked Beans & Pork Sausages 415g Crosse & Blackwell Hunger Breaks The Full Monty 410g Crosse & Blackwell Hunger Breaks All Day Breakfast 415g Lifestyle Plum Tomatoes 400g Lifestyle Chopped Tomatoes 400g RRSP Must Stock 1.25 0.62 0.75 0.65 0.49 1.49 1.39 Must Stock Must Stock 1.39 0.39 0.39 Homebake Hartleys Best Strawberry Jam Hartleys Best Raspberry Seedless Jam Hartleys Best Apricot Jam Robertsons Golden Shred Marmalade Gales Pure Clear Honey Sunpat Peanut Butter Crunchy Marmite Yeast Extract Ambrosia Devon Custard Pot Hartleys Strawberry Jelly Hartleys Strawberry Jelly Block Ambrosia Devon Custard Ambrosia Creamed Rice McDougalls Self Raising Flour McDougalls Plain Flour Lifestyle Bicarbonate of Soda Lifestyle Baking Powder Nutella Del Monte Peach Slices in Syrup Del Monte Sliced Pineapple in Juice Del Monte Fruit Cocktail in Juice Carnation Evaporated Milk Angel Delight Strawberry 340g 1.49 340g 340g 1.49 1.49 454g 340g 227g 125g 150g 125g 135g 425g 425g 1.5kg 1.5kg 100g 100g 400g 1.79 2.69 1.75 1.75 0.55 0.45 0.59 1.09 0.95 1.59 1.59 0.59 0.75 1.80 Must Stock Must Stock 227g 0.65 220g 415g 410g 59g 0.57 0.99 0.79 0.79 200g 300g 250g 400g 300g 1.19 1.72 1.79 2.58 1.99 250g 10’s 2.79 2.40 10’s 100g 100g 100g 100g 50’s 50’s 40’s 40’s 80’s 40’s 80’s 40’s 80’s 1kg 80’s 2.40 3.39 2.99 2.99 2.89 2.89 1.76 1.45 1.25 2.29 1.55 2.99 0.65 0.99 0.93 2.99 Hot Beverages Coffee Mate Nesquik Strawberry Cadburys Drinking Chocolate Cadbury Hot Chocolate Instant Horlicks Douwe Egberts Real Coffee Cafetieres Med Nescafé Cappuccino Nescafé Cappuccino Unsweetened Nescafé Gold Blend Nescafé Original Nescafé Original Decaf Kenco Really Smooth Twining Earl Grey Tetley Green Tea Tetley Decaf Tetley Teabags Tetley Teabags PG Tips Pyramid PG Tips Pyramid Lifestyle Teabags Lifestyle Teabags Silverspoon Granulated Sugar Scottish Blend Must Stock Must Stock 0.82 1.02 0.79 0.69 0.40 1.25 1.25 Sauces, Stuffing, Oil, Condiments and Snack Meals Lifestyle Salt Colman’s English Mustard Colman’s Bramley Apple Sauce Colman’s Classic Mint Sauce 750g 100g 250ml 250ml Must Stock 0.59 0.99 1.29 1.29 Item Must Stock Size Oceanspray Cranberry Sauce 190g Lifestyle Sliced Beetroot 340g Haywards Traditional Onions 454g Haywards Silverskin Onions 454g Branston Original Pickle 360g Branston Small Chunk Pickle 360g Oxo Cubes - Beef 12’s Oxo Cubes - Chicken 12’s Bisto Gravy Granules 170g Paxo Sage & Onion Stuffing 85g Crisp’N Dry Oil 1Ltr Branston Hot Chilli & Jalapeno Relish 380g Blue Dragon Sweet Chilli Sauce 190ml HP Classic BBQ Sauce 425g Heinz Salad Cream 460g Heinz Salad Cream Light 460g Hellmann’s Mayonnaise 400g Hellmann’s Mayonnaise Light 400g Heinz Tomato Ketchup 460g HP Original Sauce 255g Tabasco Sauce 57g Amoy Dark Soy Sauce 150ml Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce 150ml Sarsons Malt Vinegar 250ml Knorr Chicken Tonight Country French 500g Knorr Chicken Tonight Honey & Mustard 500g Homepride White Wine & Cream 500g Homepride Curry 500g Hompride Pasta Bake Tomato & Herb 500g Uncle Bens Medium Chilli Sauce 500g Uncle Bens Original Sweet & Sour Sauce 500g Sharwoods Black Bean Stir Fry Sauce 195g Loyd Grossman Thai Green Curry 350g Sharwoods Rogan Josh Sauce 420g Sharwoods Tikka Masala Sauce 420g Sharwoods Korma Sauce 420g Sharwoods Green Label Mango Chutney 227g Sacla Classic Pesto 190g Loyd Grossman Tomato & Basil 350g Loyd Grossman Tomato & Chilli 350g Dolmio Original Bolognese Sauce 500g Dolmio Bolognese Extra Onion & Garlic 500g Dolmio Bolognese Extra Mushroom 500g Dolmio Express Tomato & Basil 170g Buitoni Pasta Shapes 500g Buitoni Short Spaghetti 500g Batchelors Pasta ‘N Sauce Chicken & Mushroom 122g Batchelors Savoury Rice Golden 120g Batchelors Super Noodles Chicken 100g Batchelors Super Noodles BBQ Beef 100g Sharwoods Medium Egg Noodles 375g Pot Noodle Chicken & Mushroom 90g Pot Noodle Beef & Tomato 90g Pot Noodle Curry 90g Tilda Basmati Rice 250g Uncle Bens Express Long Grain Rice 250g Uncle Bens Express Basmati Rice 250g RRSP Must Stock 1.09 0.85 1.99 1.69 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.25 0.69 1.99 1.65 1.25 1.59 2.11 2.11 2.29 2.29 2.19 1.05 2.15 0.85 1.29 0.85 1.87 1.87 1.49 1.49 1.59 1.85 1.85 1.29 1.89 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.59 1.75 1.79 1.79 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.19 1.19 0.99 1.15 0.85 0.65 0.65 0.65 1.01 1.01 1.01 2.49 1.65 1.65 Retailer Matters | 09 Item Size RRSP 400g 0.95 400g 400g 400g 400g 400g 400g 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 400g 1.19 400g 295g 1.19 0.67 295g 4 Pack 0.67 1.45 4 Pack 4 Pack 1.45 1.45 5 Pack 415g 415g 415g 415g 1.59 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 Soup Heinz Classic Cream of Chicken Heinz Classic Cream of Mushroom Heinz Classic Oxtail Heinz Classic Cream of Tomato Heinz Classic Vegetable Heinz Classic Minestrone Heinz Classic Lentil Heinz Big Soup Chicken and Vegetable Heinz Big Soup Beef and Vegetable Heinz Weight Watchers Tomato Heinz Weight Watchers Carrot and Lentil Batchelors Cup a Soup Chicken Batchelors Cup a Soup Minestrone Batchelors Cup a Soup Tomato Batchelors Cup a Soup Chicken & Vegetable Baxters Chicken Broth Baxters Scotch Broth Baxters Lentil & Bacon Baxters Minestrone Baby Sudocrem 60g J&J Baby Shampoo 200ml J&J Baby Bath 200ml J&J Baby Lotion 200ml J&J Baby Powder 100g SMA Gold RTU 250ml SMA White RTU 250ml SMA Progress RTU 250ml Heinz Breakfast Creamed Porridge - 4 month 128g Heinz Baked Beans & Bacon - 4 month 128g Heinz Rice Pudding - 4 month 128g Heinz Egg Custard with Rice - 4 month 128g Heinz Spaghetti Hoop & Sausage - 7 month 163g Heinz Spaghetti Bolognese - 7 month 163g Farleys Original Rusks 150g Pampers Wipes Sensitive 63’s Pampers Baby Dry Nappies Size 4 20’s Pampers Baby Dry Nappies Size 5 16’s Huggies Super Dry Nappies Size 3 18’s Huggies Super Dry Nappies Size 4 16’s Huggies Super Dry Nappies Size 5 14’s 1.99 1.19 1.19 1.49 1.00 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.58 0.58 1.29 2.74 3.79 3.79 3.49 3.49 3.49 Feminine Hygiene Lil-Lets Super Tampax Regular Tampax Super Always Wrapped Liner Always Ultra Normal Always Ultra Normal+ Wings Always Ultra Long+ Wings Always Ultra Night+ Wings Kotex Maxi Pad Normal 10’s 20’s 20’s 20’s 16’s 14’s 12’s 10’s 16’s 1.39 2.85 2.85 1.00 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 1.15 Household & Laundry Lifestyle Washing Up Liquid Original 500ml Fairy Washing Up Liquid Original 450ml Fairy Washing Up Liquid Lemon 450ml Fairy ADW Lemon 14’s Finish All in 1 14’s Mr Sheen Original 300ml Febreze Airspray Cotton Fresh 300ml Must Stock 0.79 1.19 1.19 3.49 3.79 1.07 2.69 Item Size Lifestyle Thick Bleach 750ml Domestos Bleach Original 750ml Harpic Duraguard Limescale Remover 750ml Lifestyle Disinfectant 500ml Mr Muscle Trigger Window 500ml Cif Cream Lemon 500ml Flashguard All Purpose Liquid Lemon 500ml Flashguard Spray with Bleach 500ml Flash All Purpose Wipes 40’s Flashguard Spray Bathroom 500ml Mr Muscle Trigger Lemon Kitchen 500ml Dettol Trigger Surface 500ml Vanish Oxi-Action Multi 500g Daz Auto Regular 680g Bold Auto Lavender & Camomile 800g Bold Tablets Blue/Crystal 16’s Ariel Biological 800g Ariel Liquitab Biological 12’s Persil Small & Mighty Liquid Non-Bio 730ml Persil Non Bio 850g Persil Non Bio Capsules 20’s Persil Tabs Non Bio 18’s Surf Tropical 800g Surf Small & Mighty Liquid Tropical 730ml Comfort Fabric Conditioner Pure 750ml Lenor Fabric Conditioner Spring Awakening 750ml Lifestyle Fabric Conditioner Lavender & Camomile 750ml Lifestyle Fabric Conditioner Jasmine & Sandalwood 750ml Harpic 3 in 1 Power Block Lavender 40g Lifestyle Blue Toilet Cistern Block 40g Mr Muscle Oven Cleaner 300ml RRSP Must Stock Must Stock 0.79 1.29 1.46 0.69 1.59 1.99 1.09 1.59 1.29 1.49 1.59 2.79 4.31 2.99 3.29 2.99 3.49 3.69 3.99 3.37 3.29 3.04 2.57 1.69 Must Stock 0.99 Must Stock 0.99 1.99 Must Stock 0.69 2.59 Must Stock 2.01 2.25 0.36 3.49 3.69 3.49 4.35 1.98 2.32 2.58 4.19 1.26 1.79 2.30 2.40 3.49 2.68 Paper Lifestyle Regular Tissues 150’s Kleenex Balsam Pocket Packs 9’s Lifestyle Pocket Tissues 10’s Fiesta White Kitchen 2 Roll Lifestyle White Kitchen 2 Roll Kleenex Balsam Regular Tissues 80’s Kleenex for Men 100’s Lifestyle White Toilet Tissue 4 Roll Lifestyle White Toilet Tissue 2 Roll Lifestyle Pink Toilet Tissue 2 Roll Andrex White Toilet Tissue 4 Roll Andrex White Toilet Tissue 2 Roll Andrex Natural Toilet Tissue 2 Roll Andrex Natural Toilet Tissue 4 Roll Size RRSP Pet Food Sheba Turkey & Chicken Cesar Turkey & Lamb Felix Pouch Tuna in Jelly Felix Pouch Mixed in Jelly Whiskas Pouch Chicken Whiskas Pouch Favourites Felix Chicken in Jelly Whiskas Salmon in Jelly Butchers Tripe & Chicken Winalot Chicken in Jelly Pedigree Original Pedigree Original Go Cat Complete Duck, Rabbit & Chicken Go Cat Complete Tuna, Herring & Vegetable Bakers Complete Beef & Vegetable Bakers Complete Chicken & Vegetable Thomas Cat Litter Pedigree Dentastix Medium/Large Pedigree Schmackos Beef Pedigree Jumbone 100g 150g 100g 12 x 100g 100g 12 x 100g 400g 390g 390g 400g 400g 1.2kg 0.57 0.75 0.31 3.49 0.35 3.75 0.59 0.68 0.57 0.55 0.61 1.70 375g 1.25 375g 1.25 1.5kg 3.65 1.5kg 8 Ltr 3.65 3.09 7’s 12’s 2’s 1.99 1.35 1.73 200ml 250ml 250ml 200ml 5’s 2.49 1.99 1.99 2.50 1.79 200ml 1.99 250ml 150ml 150ml 150ml 2 x 100g 250ml 1.99 2.35 2.97 2.35 1.54 1.51 250ml 50ml Single 1.00 1.29 1.00 70cl 275cl 70cl 70cl 275cl 70cl 3.40 1.70 3.29 3.29 1.39 2.99 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 7.65 9.99 8.59 5.09 5.25 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 7.49 6.25 6.25 5.49 6.19 5.49 6.19 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 6.19 5.69 5.69 4.99 75cl 75cl 75cl 75cl 5.69 6.25 6.25 6.25 Toiletries 2.89 2.42 Medicine Nurofen Tablets 12’s Anadin Extra 16’s Lifestyle Paracetamol Tub 16’s Lemsip Max Strength Lemon 5’s Benylin Adult Chesty Non-Drowsy 125ml Calpol Sugar Free 100ml Benadryl Relief Allergy 12’s Rennie Peppermint 24’s Gaviscon Handypack Cool 12’s Alka Seltzer Original 10’s Imodium Anti Diarrhoea Capsules 6’s Elastoplast Fabric 10’s Savlon Cream 30g TCP Liquid Antiseptic 100ml Proplus 12’s Beechams Flu Plus Capsules 16’s Sudafed Non Drowsy Dual Relief 16’s Item Must Stock Must Stock Must Stock Must Stock Must Stock Must Stock 1.15 0.40 0.25 1.39 1.19 1.99 2.29 1.79 0.99 0.99 2.69 1.49 1.49 2.69 Head & Shoulders Classic Clean Shampoo Pantene Shampoo Classic Care Silvikrin Hairspray Firm Shockwaves Ultra Strong Gel Gillette Blue II Fixed Gillette Series Shave Gel Sensitive Radox Showergel Fresh For Men Sure APA Active For Men Lynx Bodyspray Africa Sure APA Cotton Fresh Dove Soap Cream 2 Pack Carex Handwash Original Imperial Leather Showergel Softly Softly Colgate Toothpaste Total Tube Colgate Toothbrush Twister Alcoholic RTD’s Smirnoff Ice Smirnoff Ice WKD Iron Brew WKD Blue WKD Blue Bacardi Breezer Orange Wine Asti Martini Montana Sauvignon Blanc Campo Viejo Crianza Black Tower Rivaner Piat D’or Red Casillero Del Diablo Sauvignon Blanc Barefoot Merlot Barefoot Pinot Grigio Blossom Hill Red Blossom Hill Merlot Blossom Hill White Blossom Hill Pinot Grigio Blossom Hill White Zinfandel (Rose) Echo Falls Merlot Echo Falls Chardonnay Echo Falls Rose Echo Falls White Zinfandel (Rose) Gallo Cabernet Sauvignon Gallo Chardonnay Gallo White Grenache (Rose) 10 | Retailer Matters Item Size RRSP Hardys VR Shiraz 75cl Hardys VR Chardonnay 75cl Isla Negra Cabernet Merlot 75cl Isla Negra Sauvignon Semillon 75cl Jacobs Creek Shiraz Cabernet 75cl Jacobs Creek Grenache Shiraz 75cl Jacobs Creek Chardonnay 75cl Jacobs Creek Semillon Chardonnay 75cl Jacobs Creek Sparkling White 75cl Jacobs Creek Shiraz Rose 75cl JP Chenet Cabernet Syrah 75cl JP Chenet Colombard Chardonnay 75cl Kumala Cape Classics Red 75cl Kumala Cape Classics White 75cl Kumala Rose (Blush) 75cl Lindemans Bin 35 Rose 75cl Lindemans Bin 50 Shiraz 75cl Lindemans Bin 65 Chardonnay 75cl Nottage Hill Cabernet Shiraz 75cl Nottage Hill Chardonnay 75cl Stamp Shiraz Cabernet 75cl Stamp Semillon Chardonnay 75cl Stowells Chenin Blanc 75cl Stowells Tempranillo 75cl Stowells Merlot 75cl Stowells Pinot Grigio 75cl Wolf Blass Yellow Label Rose 75cl Wolf Blass Yellow Label Chardonnay 75cl Vintners Collection Cabernet Chile 75cl Vintners Collection Sauvignon Blanc 75cl Vintners Collection Shiraz 75cl Vintners Collection Australian Chardonnay 75cl Vintners Collection USA Smooth Red 75cl Vintners Collection USA Merlot 75cl Vintners Collection USA Fruity White 75cl Vintners Collection USA Chardonnay 75cl Vintners Collectgion USA White Zinfandel 75cl Vintners Collection Italy Smooth Red 75cl Vintners Collection Italy Fruity White 75cl Vintners Collection Pinot Grigio 75cl Vintners Collection Chenin Blanc 75cl Vintners Collection SA Delicious Rose 75cl Vintners Collection Soft Red 75cl Vintners Collection Dry White 75cl Vintners Collection Soave 75cl Vintners Collection Liebfraumilch 75cl Vintners Collection Liebfraumilch 1.5Ltr 6.49 6.49 4.99 4.99 7.55 7.55 7.55 7.55 9.99 7.55 5.89 5.89 4.99 4.99 4.99 7.57 7.57 7.57 7.79 7.79 6.79 6.79 6.29 6.29 6.29 6.29 9.06 9.06 Must Stock 4.49 Must Stock Must Stock 4.49 4.89 Must Stock 4.89 Must Stock 4.25 4.49 Must Stock Must Stock 4.25 Must Stock 4.49 Must Stock 4.49 Must Stock 4.25 Must Stock 4.25 5.15 4.49 Must Stock Must Stock Must Stock Must Stock Must Stock Must Stock Must Stock Must Stock 4.25 4.35 4.35 4.75 4.79 9.15 Fortified Wine Cockburn’s Fine Ruby Port Harveys Bristol Cream Croft Original QC Cream QC Medium Eridge Royal Cream Eridge Royal Medium Stones Ginger Wine Martini Extra Dry Lambrini Lambrini Babycham Popping Cork Babycham Take Home Pack 75cl 75cl 75cl 70cl 70cl 70cl 70cl 70cl 70cl 1.5Ltr 75cl 75cl 4 Pack 10.45 9.85 9.49 5.09 5.09 4.25 4.25 7.79 7.89 3.29 1.65 2.27 4.25 Cider Magners Bulmers Original Bulmers Pear Gaymers Original 568ml 568ml 568ml 568ml 2.00 1.89 1.89 1.79 Item Size RRSP Gaymers Pear Jacques Fruits des Bois Blackthorn Blackthorn Scrumpy Jack Olde English Olde English Strongbow Strongbow Diamond White Diamond White Woodpecker Woodpecker White Storm White Storm Eridge Vale 568ml 750ml 500ml 2Ltr 500ml 500ml 2Ltr 500ml 2Ltr 500ml 2Ltr 500ml 2Ltr 500ml 2Ltr 2Ltr 1.79 4.40 0.95 3.35 1.15 0.92 3.19 1.15 3.49 1.17 3.25 1.25 3.29 0.79 2.45 2.29 Must Stock Must Stock Beer Peroni Corona Extra San Miguel Becks Newcastle Brown Old Speckled Hen Budweiser Budweiser Carling Carling Carling Carlsberg Carlsberg Export Carlsberg Special Brew Foster’s Foster’s Foster’s Grolsch Grolsch Kronenbourg 1664 Stella Artois Stella Artois Stella Artois Stella Artois Stella 4% Guinness Draught John Smith’s Extra Smooth Tennents Super Caledonian Deuchars McEwan’s Export Miller Genuine Draft Tennent’s Tennent’s Tennent’s Special Ale Tyskie 330ml 330ml 4 x 330ml 6 x 275ml 550ml 500ml 4 x 300ml 4 x 440ml 4 x 568ml 4 x 500ml 8 x 500ml 8 x 440ml 4 x 440ml 4 x 500ml 4 x 568ml 4 x 500ml 8 x 440ml 8 x 300ml 4 x 440ml 4 x 440ml 6 x 330ml 4 x 568ml 4 x 500ml 8 x 500ml 4 x 440ml 4 x 440ml 4 x 440ml 4 x 440ml 500ml 4 x 500ml 4 x 330ml 8 x 440ml 4 x 440ml 4 x 500ml 500ml 1.19 1.38 3.89 5.75 1.99 2.35 4.99 5.79 5.75 5.00 10.00 6.95 4.89 6.92 4.50 3.85 7.00 7.50 4.63 4.79 5.50 5.85 4.89 8.00 3.85 5.96 5.00 7.40 1.85 5.80 5.56 7.00 4.07 3.89 1.32 70cl 70cl 70cl 70cl 35cl 70cl 70cl 35cl 70cl 70cl 70cl 70cl 70cl 35cl 70cl 70cl 35cl 20cl 70cl 35cl 70cl 35cl 20cl 70cl 70cl 70cl 14.75 28.09 13.99 24.05 13.65 19.09 19.89 10.49 11.29 13.55 18.45 13.49 10.89 6.59 15.05 15.99 8.29 5.09 9.49 5.95 13.49 7.29 4.89 13.99 16.49 16.29 Spirits Russian Standard Glenfiddich Three Barrels Martell VS Martell VS Jameson Jack Daniels Jack Daniels Archers Malibu Southern Comfort Baileys Prince Consort Whisky Prince Consort Whisky Famous Grouse Bell’s Bell’s Bell’s Prince Consort Vodka Prince Consort Vodka Smirnoff Smirnoff Smirnoff Captain Morgan Morgan Spiced Bacardi Item Size Bacardi Tia Maria Sourz Apple Prince Consort Gin Gordon’s Gordon’s Highland Park Drambuie Whyte & Mackay OVD Rum Glens Vodka Famous Grouse Famous Grouse 35cl 70cl 70cl 70cl 70cl 35cl 70cl 70cl 70cl 70cl 70cl 35cl 20cl RRSP Must Stock 8.65 14.59 12.35 9.69 13.99 7.89 30.05 25.29 16.85 17.29 9.55 8.55 5.25 Soft Drinks – Chilled Irn Bru 500ml Cherry Coke 500ml Coca Cola 500ml Diet Coke 500ml Coca Cola 330ml Diet Coke 330ml Pepsi 500ml Pepsi Max 600ml Dr Pepper 500ml Fanta Orange 500ml Sprite 500ml Ribena Blackcurrant 500ml Ribena Strawberry 500ml Ribena Blackcurrant 288ml Oasis Summer Fruit 500ml Oasis Citrus Punch 500ml Lucozade Energy Orange 500ml Lucozade Energy Original 500ml Lucozade Energy Cherry 500ml Lucozade Sport Orange 500ml Lucozade Sport Raspberry 500ml Powerade Ice Storm 500ml Capri Sun 330ml Fruit Shoot Apple & Blackcurrant No Added Sugar 300ml Lifestyle Orange Juice 200ml Relentless 500ml Red Bull 250ml Red Bull Sugar Free 250ml LSV 250ml Volvic Still 500ml Volvic Sportscap 1Ltr Evian Still 500ml Evian Action Cap 750ml Irn Bru Diet 500ml Irn Bru 330ml Highland Spring 500ml Highland Spring Sportcap 750ml 0.99 1.09 1.09 1.09 0.65 0.65 0.99 0.99 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 0.63 1.09 1.09 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 0.99 Must Stock Must Stock 0.79 0.32 1.49 1.35 1.35 0.35 0.45 0.89 0.52 0.85 0.99 0.65 0.52 0.87 Soft Drinks – Ambient Must Stock Must Stock Must Stock Must Stock Coca Cola 2Ltr Diet Coke 2Ltr Schweppes Tonic Water 1Ltr Schweppes Slimline Tonic Water 1Ltr Shloer White Grape 750ml 4 x 275ml J20 Orange & Passion Fruit Fruit Shoot Apple & Blackcurrant No Added Sugar 4 x 200ml Dr Pepper 2Ltr Robinsons Orange No Added Sugar 1Ltr Must Stock Lifestyle Orange Juice 1Ltr Must Stock Lifestyle Apple Juice 1Ltr Oceanspray Cranberry 1Ltr Pepsi Max 2Ltr Fanta Orange 2Ltr Robinsons Apple & Blackcurrant No Added Sugar 1Ltr Ribena Blackcurrant 600ml Volvic Still 1.5Ltr Highland Spring Sparkling 1.5Ltr Pepsi 2Ltr Irn Bru 2Ltr Schweppes Lemonade 2Ltr Red Bull 4 x 250ml Lucozade Orange Barley 1Ltr 2.09 2.09 1.45 1.45 2.35 3.48 1.69 1.99 1.32 0.79 0.75 1.49 1.99 1.99 1.32 1.99 0.81 0.99 1.99 1.46 1.55 4.29 1.79 Retailer Matters | 11 Item Size RRSP Lucozade Original Sprite Irn Bru Diet 1Ltr 2Ltr 2Ltr 1.79 1.99 1.46 6 Pack 6 Pack 1.79 1.77 6 Pack 6 Pack 7 Pack 1.77 1.77 1.91 7 Pack 165g 165g 165g 165g 50g 50g 50g 34.5g 50g 34.5g 50g 175g 34.5g 34.5g 1.91 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.99 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.40 0.57 0.40 0.57 0.99 0.40 0.40 40g 0.57 160g 40g 110g 40g 110g 110g 40g 40g 85g 21g 16.4g 34g 34g 50g 90g 80g 34.5g 34.5g 1.69 0.40 0.99 0.40 0.99 0.99 0.57 0.57 0.99 0.40 0.40 0.37 0.37 0.55 0.79 0.79 0.40 0.40 Std Std 0.40 0.40 28g 37g 23g 37g 65g Single Single 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.40 0.84 0.89 0.99 40g 0.53 Crisps & Snacks McCoy’s Classic Multipack Walkers Ready Salted Multipack Walkers Classic Variety Multipack Quavers Multipack Hula Hoops Multipack McVitie’s Mini Cheddars Multipack Pringles Sour Cream & Onion Pringles Original Pringles Salt & Vinegar Pringles Texas BBQ Sauce McCoy’s Flame Grilled Steak McCoy’s Salt & Vinegar McCoy’s Cheddar & Onion Walkers Ready Salted Walkers Ready Salted Walkers Cheese & Onion Walkers Cheese & Onion Walkers Cheese & Onion Walkers Salt & Vinegar Walkers Prawn Cocktail Walkers Sensations Thai Sweet Chilli Walkers Sensations Thai Sweet Chilli Doritos Tangy Cheese Doritos Tangy Cheese Doritos Chilli Heatwave Doritos Chilli Heatwave Doritos Cool Original Monster Munch Flamin Hot Monster Munch Beef Monster Munch Beef Wotsits Cheesy Quavers Cheese Hula Hoops Original Hula Hoops BBQ Beef McVitie’s Mini Cheddars KP Salted Nuts KP Dry Roasted Nuts Walkers Pickled Onion Walkers Tomato Ketchup Walkers Squares Cheese & Onion Walkers Squares Salt & Vinegar Size RRSP Nestlé Kit Kat Jacobs Cheddars Jacobs Cream Crackers 6 Pack 150g 300g 0.99 1.20 0.99 400g T16 400g Duo Std Duo Std King Size Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std King Size Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Stick Std Roll Roll Std Roll Std Std Std Std Twin Std Std Std Std Std Std Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Stick Stick Stick 200g 140g 140g 140g 140g 125g 4.49 3.69 7.15 0.60 0.44 0.62 0.44 0.60 0.44 0.47 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.49 0.49 0.68 0.49 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.55 0.55 0.58 0.56 0.53 0.50 0.53 0.50 0.62 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.50 0.55 0.50 0.48 0.67 0.55 0.52 0.49 0.52 0.52 0.45 0.40 0.41 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.46 0.51 0.17 0.17 0.46 0.41 0.44 0.17 0.44 0.44 0.62 0.45 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.43 0.43 0.66 0.66 0.54 2.00 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.29 Confectionery Sweet Snacks Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Squares Mallow Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain Strawberry Kellogg’s Special K Cereal Bar Tracker Bar Chocolate Chip McVitie’s Snickers Flapjack McVitie’s Brownie with M&M’s McVitie’s Galaxy Muffin Mcvitie’s Mini Chocolate Chip Cookies Item Biscuits McVitie’s Jaffa Cakes 150g McVitie’s Milk Chocolate Digestives 300g McVitie’s Milk Chocolate Caramel Digestives 300g McVitie’s Milk Chocolate Hob Nobs 300g McVitie’s Digestives 300g McVitie’s Rich Tea 300g McVitie’s Hob Nobs 300g Cadbury’s Chocolate Fingers 125g Maryland Chocolate Chip Cookies 150g Burtons Jammie Dodgers 150g McVitie’s Penguin 9 Pack 1.25 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.12 1.06 1.59 0.99 0.99 1.39 Cadbury’s Roses Ferrero Rocher Cadbury’s Milk Tray Mars Bar Mars Bar Snickers Snickers Twix Xtra Twix Bounty Galaxy Ripple Galaxy Cookie Crumble Galaxy Caramel Galaxy M&M’s Peanut Minstrels Maltesers Maltesers CDM Wholenut CDM Fruit & Nut CDM Caramel Cadbury’s Dairy Milk Flake Wispa Twirl Star Bar Boost Double Decker Crunchie Picnic Fry’s Turkish Delight Kit Kat 4 Finger Kit Kat Dark 4 Finger Kit Kat Chunky Kit Kat Chunky Caramel Toffee Crisp Aero Mint Lion Bar Drifter Munchies Yorkie Rolo Daim Kinder Bueno Kinder Bueno White Rice Krispies Totally Chocolately Starburst Skittles Rowntrees Fruit Pastilles Rowntrees Fruit Gums Randoms Maynards Wine Gums Cadbury’s Buttons Cadbury’s Fudge Cadbury’s Freddo Milky Way Magic Stars Milky Way Nestlé Milky Bar Buttons Nestlé Milky Bar Smarties Jelly Tots Kinder Surprise Egg Tic Tac Fresh Mint Trebor Extra Strong Trebor Softmints Trebor Softmints Spearmint Polo Polo Spearmint Halls Extra Strong Halls Blackcurrant Soothers Lockets Honey & Lemon Cadbury’s Bournville CDM Fruit & Nut CDM Wholenut CDM Caramel Cadbury’s Dairy Milk Galaxy Item Size RRSP Aero Mint 125g Aero Milk Chocolate 125g Aero Bubbles Milk Chocolate 135g CDM Giant Buttons 175g Cadbury’s Clusters 150g CDM Caramel Nibbles 175g Cadbury’s Chocolate Eclairs 200g Galaxy Minstrels 170g Maltesers 135g M&M’s Peanut 185g Revels 140g Mars Planets 150g Werthers Original Butter Candies 150g Rowntrees Fruit Pastilles 205g Rowntrees Fruit Gums 205g Bassetts Liquorice Allsorts 215g Bassetts Jelly Babies 215g Maynards Wine Gums 215g Maynards Sports Mixture 215g Haribo Charmallows Mellow Mania 200g Haribo Kiddies Super Mix 225g Haribo Tangfastics 175g Haribo Starmix 175g Extra Gum Peppermint/ Spearmint/Cool Breeze 10 Pellets Stick Extra Handy Box 25’s Peppermint/Spearmint Handy Airwaves Menthol & Eucalyptus/ Black Mint/Cherry Mint/ Green Mint Stick Orbit Complete Peppermint/ Spearmint Envelope Wrigleys Spearmint/Juicy Fruit/ Double Mint Stick 1.00 1.00 1.85 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.49 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.09 1.45 1.45 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 0.36 0.87 0.41 0.67 0.36 Buy Your Must Stock items from our extensive Own Brand range All RRSP’s listed are correct at the time of going to press, October 2010. We must stress that this is a recommended guide to pricing, and you must use this guide in conjunction with your knowledge of your Store and your Customer base. E & OE. 12 | Retailer Matters Spotlight on confectionery Sweet Success is in Your Hands With annual sales approaching £5bn, the confectionery market is two and a half times bigger than the combined markets for crisps & snacks and biscuits. Confectionery is the third most purchased convenience item after newspapers and milk and is the highest penetrated impulse category, more impulsive than soft drinks or crisps & snacks. What’s more, confectionery sales are growing in Independent Retailers year on year, it is a sector where the Independent Retailer reigns supreme. It’s a great opportunity and one that should not be missed, yet research has shown that 68% of shoppers don’t even see confectionery when they visit their Convenience Store - if shoppers can’t see the product sales will be lost! Making the most of confectionery should be a priority for every Independent Retailer and, with Christmas just around the corner, the huge seasonal sales boost is another great reason for giving prominence to the category. Remember, confectionery is eaten by the young, not so young and the elderly and there are five main reasons why shoppers buy: • Adult singles - my daily treat • Kids - adults say ‘yes’ • Bags and blocks - for time together • Mints, medicated and gum - to make you feel great • Giving and sharing - to show you care These few simple steps can help you grow sales: • Make sure Shoppers can see the category, 68% of Shoppers don’t even see confectionery when in store - of those who do, 80% buy! • Offer the right range and breadth of choice, the top 100 confectionery lines make up over 60% of category sales • Make it easy for Shoppers to identify category segments • Variety is also important to Shoppers so make sure you offer a strong range of products along with your best sellers • Make it easy for Shoppers to find the brand they are looking for. • Make a prominent feature of new products and advertised/promoted lines • Take advantage of Shopper impulsiveness – site fixtures near the tills and/or in other high traffic areas Merchandising Advice • Group brands together Merchandise the category to reflect these shoppers’ purchasing decisions and make confectionery stand out and drive impulse purchases in your store. • Put best selling lines on best selling shelves • Keep your shelves fully stocked to maximise sales • Use location stickers and other display equipment • Double face to make your best sellers stand out and ensure availability as availability is the most important factor for Convenience Shoppers •Britvic ’s •chance •Big biggest ever consumer promotion to win every minute −1 million prizes to be won name brand partnerships •£5.5m marketing spend STOCK up now to drive your sales! Promotion available on 500ml & 600ml packs of Pepsi, Tango, 7UP & Mountain Dew and 500ml & 440ml Drench & Juicy Drench only. For UK, CI & IOM aged 16+ only. Exclusions apply. Prize illustrations are indicative only. For no purchase entry, point rewards & full details, visit rewardyourthirst.com. Internet access required. Text entries incur a cost of 25p, plus your standard network rate. Closing date 20.02.2011. All copyrights and trade marks are the properties of their respective owners. Fancy yourself as a matchmaker? Try matching each dish with a wine. The Hardys Stamp of Australia range is an easy-drinking style which complements many foods. Try the crisp and refreshing Hardys Stamp Semillon Chardonnay with chicken or pasta. Like a kick to your meal? Try the Hardys Stamp Rosé with a spicy curry. Why not pair the Hardys Stamp Shiraz Cabernet with a hearty stew or pizza? Another Dinner Party Tip from Hardys www.hardys-wine.co.uk Please drink responsibly. At your table since 1853 Retailer Matters | 15 Gums, Mints & Medicated Sweets Fresh Facts and Ideas . . . • Keep the till point well merchandised and fully stocked at all times • Allocate adequate space to well supported and best-selling lines Mints Mints are an important purchase for many Customers, as they prefer to use them for breath freshening rather than gum. Mints will be in greater demand as we head towards the Winter season. Merchandising A Retailer’s sugar confectionery display should feature the best sellers across the category all year round with the range clearly priced and displayed. Gums – The Facts The gum category in the UK is worth £245.5m and Wrigley has an 86.5% share of this market with 92.5% coverage of Independent and Symbol Groups: • Nearly £9 out of every £10 spent on gum in the UK is spent on Wrigley Gum • Sugarfree gum accounts for 94% of Wrigley gum sales • Wrigley’s Extra is the No.1 sugar confectionery brand in the UK, currently worth £148.0m in sales point is a key area for merchandising and presents an excellent opportunity for impulse purchases. Wrigley recently launched a new counter merchandising unit that offers more flexible ranging and appeals to Consumers with its new impactful look and improved product accessibility. Top Tips for Independents and Convenience Retailers • Minimise out-of-stocks and maximise availability • At RRP Wrigley gum products typically offer in excess of 30% profit margin In Independents: • 23 of the top 25 gum lines are Wrigley products • Extra Peppermint sells at over 5 times the rate of the leading non-Wrigley product Category Management and Merchandising Ensuring that Consumers have a wide range of products to choose from is important but it is stocking and displaying the most popular and well supported brands that will put Retailers on the path to success. Chewing gum sales can be improved by up to 12% simply by stocking the best selling lines and supporting them with in-store POS. A correctly merchandised display unit kept well stocked at all times will ensure Retailers get the most out of their gum fixture. The till Sugar confectionery should be sited in high traffic flow areas; it should be grouped by product categories with the most space allocated to the best sellers. A Retailer that merchandises well, displays goods attractively and communicates prices confidently is more likely to make an impact on Consumers than one that fails to follow such important merchandising practice. Medicated Sweets Although the medicated sweets category is fairly flat at the moment, we are just about to enter the peak winter season when we will see a huge uplift in sales. WHAT TO STOCK Ensure you stock these core range best sellers MINTS Trebor Extra Strong Mints Trebor Softmints Trebor Softmints Spearmint Polo Polo Spearmint Tic Tac Freshmint MEDICATED Lockets Honey & Lemon Halls Blackcurrant Soothers Halls Mentholyptus Extra Strong GUM Extra Gum Stick Peppermint/Spearmint/ Cool Breeze/Ice/Ice Spearmint Extra Handy Box Peppermint/Spearmint/ Cool Breeze Airwaves Menthol & Eucalyptus/Black Mint/ Cherry Mint/Green Mint Orbit Complete Peppermint/Spearmint/ Strong Mint/Lemon & Lime Wrigley Spearmint/Juicy Fruit/Double Mint Five Pulse/Electro/Cobalt Hubba Bubba Crazy Cola/Atomic Apple/ Seriously Strawberry The next chapter... ® GALAXY is back with its biggest ever on-pack promotion Massive media spend – including press and POS Promotion will run across almost ® the entire GALAXY range* 40 million promotional bars – each with a unique code *On-pack promotion excludes: GALAXY ® Minstrels, GALAXY® Ripple and GALAXY® 390g. Ex cl fr usi om ve ly LSV ENERGY DRINKS For more information contact your local Landmark Wholesale Depot or call Landmark Wholesale central office on 01908 255 300 www.landmarkwholesale.co.uk THE 2010 CHRISTMAS BISCUITS RANGE FROM UNITED BISCUITS, STOCK UP OR MISS OUT! Everything your customers could wish for from the branded leader in seasonal biscuits. The Best Selling Assortments 8LI'LVMWXQEWFMWGYMXVERKISJJIVWE[MHIGLSMGISJValue for MoneyTVSHYGXWJSVIZIV]SGGEWMSR JVSQIZIV]HE]FMWGYMXWXLVSYKLXSTVIQMYQXVIEXW The Winning Range for 2010 includes: Christmas Overview ® Registered trade mark of United Biscuits (UK) Limited * AC Nielsen MAT to 02/01/10 8LIZEPYISJXLI'LVMWXQEWQEVOIXMR[EW QYT* 8LIEZIVEKIWLSTTIVWTIRHWRIEVP]SR 'LVMWXQEWTVSHYGXW The top 5 tips to help you win over the Christmas period: 1. Space allocation – dedicate more space to seasonal biscuits at multiple points within the store 2. Stock core favourites as well as new products 3. Win sales early – get ahead of the competition, set out your Christmas display early 4. Offer customers added value with pre-Christmas promotions 5. Get the range right and stock big selling brands Over 18’s Only STOCK UP ON GROLSCH PROMOTIONAL PACKS, AVAILABLE NOW AT landmark Enjoy responsibly. R Only open to UK residents, The Channel Islands and Isle of Man, aged 18 years or over. Exclusions apply. Promotion starts on 6th September 2010 and ¿nishes at 11:59pm on 30th April 2011. The Gift: Discount voucher on the blinkbox website up to the value of £2.99. Value of voucher can only be used on one blinkbox title. Offer not redeemable on box sets. Voucher cannot be used against any goods which are not supplied by blinkbox.com. Standard blinkbox terms and conditions apply. See www. blinkbox.com for full terms and conditions. For full Terms and Conditions see www.grolsch¿lm.co.uk taste. amplified.
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