Is Ignorance Ruining Your Retirement?


Is Ignorance Ruining Your Retirement?
M O N E Y & F I NA N C E S
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Is Ignorance Ruining
Your Retirement?
3 Financial Mistakes You Should Avoid During Your Golden Years
ECC Staff
mericans are part
of an amazing yet
curious phenomenon: most are extremely well-educated in their
professions and careers, yet
are quite uneducated when it
comes to the purpose behind
their jobs – money.
“Our society is awash in
information about money,
but most people still end up
making decisions based on
emotion and lack of accurate, complete information,”
says Stephen Ng, founder
and president of Stephen
Ng Financial Group, (www.
An example of the pitfalls
people face when it comes
to money, Ng says, are these
three common mistakes
they make when planning to
fund retirement.
1. Failure to educate
A solid base in financial
education is essential for
having a good retirement.
Start small with something
like Barron’s or Investor’s
Business Daily. Don’t fall for
a well-hyped headline, especially if you don’t understand the logistics of a strategy or product. One size does
not fit all, so be wary of any
silver-bullet financial solutions, he says. And, don’t be
afraid to start from scratch.
This way, you can understand money the right way.
2. Sleepwalking
without a plan.
It happens to all of us sometimes – we simply haven’t
prioritized forward thinking.
For retirement, wading into
this period without a plan is
like going to the beach and
neglecting your bathing suit,
towel and sunscreen. If you
are approaching this stage in
your life with no plan, there’s
no use kicking yourself now.
But – now is the time to formulate a sensible and realistic
plan. Understand your money and your assets and read
up on how you might be able
to use them. Here, the help
of professional advice could
prove absolutely invaluable. A
professional may see opportunity where you cannot as a
layperson, Ng says.
3. An inability to
fully appreciate
What’s the harm in sticking
with one financial product if
it’s working? Many people
thought the same way before
2008. A financial portfolio
more diversified among different investment and insurance products may reduce or
minimize loss during an economic meltdown.
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Prepare yerself for a wild ride with live
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The King Rivers Expedition's outing is appropriate for all skill levels and is topped
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Justin Bieber
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Billboard Top 100. He will perform March
21st at Staples Center.
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The Santa Monica and Los Angles airplane tour package takes you on an exhilarating daytime flight over our city's
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“I try to spread my clients’
investments across various
asset classes, which refers
to a bunch of investments, or
assets, that are grouped by
their similarities,” Ng says.
“These classes included large
cap, small cap, mid cap, high
yield, international and domestic. Again, professional
advice in this and other arenas is advisable.” ECC
Courtesy of News and Experts
Create Something Timeless
Turn up the heat with some fiery fun at
Fire Glass Studio, where creating a
glass-fusion masterpiece is easy. Pick
from one of many projects including
jewelry, and garden decorations. 8475
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Located in Long Beach, this boat rental
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Deadline is May 1st for scholarship forcollege graduates and undergraduates pursuing a program in Botany, Horticulture,
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Camp No Counselors
Hosts all-inclusive weekend long sleep
away camps for grown-ups. When you
come, your biggest worry will becomecan my team win the tug of war challenge
or who should I pick on my dodgeball
team? Lake Hughes Ca 93532,
[email protected].
our annual $1,000 scholarship to university students interested in the fields of aging and gerontology.
Obstacle Races are the Rage
Join the Down and Dirty Obstacle Race
presented by Subaru which takes place
on April 10 at Castaic Lake State Recreation Area (818)707-8866.
CHICAGO the Musical
Come see Chicago the musical, the most
acclaimed musical that tells of a seductive
story of murder, corruption, fame and all
that jazz in prohibition-era Chicago, 6233
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Queen Mary Combo
Take advantage of our USS Iowa/ Queen
Mary Combo, where for just $36 you can
tour two great ships-the USS Iowanicknamed "The Big Stick" and the Queen
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