Joe Norman`s August 7, 2000 complaint against
Joe Norman`s August 7, 2000 complaint against
CIRCUIT .JUDICIAL COUNCIL OF THE EIE"VENTH coMPItrNT OFJUDICTALMTICOTVDUCT ORDISADIUTY UNDER2t U.s.C. ! 3?2(c) To 6lc a conrphint of jrrtr-r mr:conduct or disability, pleascanswa dl of the quccbr m dris form and scnd tlrrec cogicr ii ur anveiec ro tne Clcrk, Unitcd Statel Court of Appal$ 56 Fonyth SbEEt,N.W., Atlaffr, C.€rg.30303 Pleascwritc'Scction 372(c)Complrinf on the envelqe. Itri nof rritc thc ormc 6i'tlc coopblncdro(Jridgc oi tic cnvclopc. ltlt complaintmurt bc tcgibtc: if possibtc, it shogl_dUc typarrinco. . For othcr dcaib, scethc R[b3 of thc ludicial Council of the Eevenrh Circuit GoverningComplainu of Iudisid Misconducc Disabilitv. CONFIDENTIAL TNTEE MATTET OF A COMPIIINT ADDlEII 4 / OuD,VDSSAI 185o r Bq3 DAYTn{E TEIIPIIONI AGAINST! NUT.IET FIIID 7r tqBLl EY: 32]98 - 2-o7 Do.r 6l cglil r fllirlitr € If yc, Frpwbbrunfu (If qrbo inrororbdartbhrrr lrrrli L icroivd. COUITafWIIETI nr riliinl Exo ff- bruri? . r srrry.) FF, WA.3FTI.ED q1- 559'7 AtttAL F AlrY Dcntr{firE,ot Wbr ir (c rr) yrlr rob b b €*r(irra4F! Plar prwib hsri? b THBouca nu. EIr,..- tr enoq r) eddrrr, rd tehgbo t/F,qDtuc orJ anabr of, ycrr rcrturf IloTrcN hvrF5 J, TnfunJ 1 33lo- oNF Bt*A1uF Tr-"^eA Itt 0N, FL 33'3 / Ervr yon lllod r hrruf rtrid Elxo-db b 6L hwrrt FoD S.>nnol>tt J.rOc HEpf Tt'A: 3'a5 3'74 33oo EYa E xo r!. jrd8.? lf yc, plrr tb fulloritrt iafr'rordn rbqr b Fsri|. (If orr rhrn o bni ir isvol".d, ur edditirl Ffr. COUTT o{ WHETI T. W!UIr EI wu. hrri. r ulry.) WAI FIIID DOCKET I{UI{IE ETT ID AJfY XT'MIE'O? ^'?E^L PT.ESEI|TSTATUI O' T,.AWSUTTOl' AP?SAL Plcrr provdr tb no. 3. Or rgtb cvfb d & dddrl- tL SlflyoclrDD rdtE. .d t LCn Erqbr of ycrr @lqr1? tb d pp, r hrfrr rlr tb FF r rlil tll (cr I prb.4 il'.dasfi itb' tlrr rll c ftftl Ib d r st tr I tr raiq1 d rtt cDbL. I dclrn rdl ET dFF Citsnit GroYrrdq Ch-fL* c@pbb rrr qr d err-r U I bvt rd xub I of b fub of JdbLl l{irctds rd Dir-ilft, E rb b d sy brbfr db rrdicil CaEil rd b rb rcl dtb Eld Ed. b 6b STATEMENT OF FACTS RELATING TO THE COMPLAINT OF JUDICIAL CONDUCT OF JUDGE EDWARD B. DAVIS MADE BY JOSEPHS. NORMAN II UNDER Section312(c ) title 28 U.S.C. COURSEOF TTIE PROCEEDINGSAND FACTS OF THE CASE The complaintis againstJudgeEdwardB. Davis relating to casenumber9I-2679CIV-DAVIS in the United StatesDistrict Court SouthernDistrict Of Florida. JosephS. NormanII ( Norman) is a namedPlaintiff in this casewhich is alsoreferredto as DUNN v. AIPA et al. The complaintwas broughtby hundredsof airline pilots againstthe Airline Pilots Association(ALPA) and certainofficials of that union regardingthe publicationand distributionof a defamatorylist of "SCAB" airline pilots that worked for EastemAirlines during the pilot synpathy strike of 1989. Normanwas nevermorethan a pilot traineefor a very brief period of time during tlre sympathystrike and did not do pilot work of flying airplanesduringthe strike. There is no indication in the caserecord that any evidence presentedby Norman has ever been consideredby the court. Had there been an evaluation,by JudgeDavis,of the evidencepresentedby Norman and 1lth Circuit Case law he clearlywould haveconcludedit was falseto labelNorman a "scab". JudgeEdwardDavis statedat the SurnmaryJudgmenthearingon February14, 1997 "I donotfind an affidavit of JosephNormananlnvherein our records"( Exhibit 1) and went on to rule in favor of the defendants.Normanwas represented by leadcounselMyles J. Tralinstlrroughthe SummaryJudgmentHearing.After June25, 1997Normancontinuedpro se. On July 3, 1997Normanfiled a MOTION FOR SEVERANCEAND SEPARATETRIAL OF ISSUES OF LIABILITY AND DAMAGES ( Exhibit 2 ) but the motion was rendered moot with the SUMMARY JUDGMENT ORDER in the case. On July 28, 1997 JudgeDavis grantedSummaryJudgmentin favor of the Defendantswith a 28 pageSummaryJudgment Order (SJO)(Exhibit 3 ) addressed to '?laintiffs, formerflight deckoperatingcrew members for EasternAirlines ( "Eastern")" a descriptionthat hasneverdescribedNorman and there were no facts relevantto Normanin the order. The facts of Norrnanwere, obviously,not consideredprior to SummaryJudgmentor at anytime in the proceedings by JudgeDavis.The failure of JudgeDavis to considerall, or any, of the evidenceof Normanprior to swnmary judgmentappears to conflictwith the requirement of FRCP56 , andCanon1.2, 1.3,2.2,2-3, 2.4, 2.6 2.8, and 3.81, of the Codeof JudicialConduct. Thus, SummaryJudgmentas to Normanwas not proper. JudgeEdwardDavis previouslyruled in Eastern Airlines, Inc. v. ALPA. et al.. 744F. S.tpp.1140,S.D.Fla.,1990andthe 1lthCircuit in EasternAirlines. Inc. v. ALPA et al.. 92AF 2d 722, Dec. 20, 1990determinedthat traineepilots who had not completedthe airline training program and initial operatingexperience,had not obtained FederalAviation Administration(FAA) certificate,andhad not startedflying revenueflights were not "working Easternpilots". They had not performedwork ordinarily dischargedby striking pilots and they were not employeesprotectedby the Railway Labor Act. By this definitionof JudgeEdwardDavisandthe 1lthCircuit, Petitionernevercrosseda picketline to do work for EasternAir Lines as did the otherPlaintiffs in the case. The list of " SCAB" pilots publishedand distributedby DefendantALPA was a list of pilots that worked (flew aircraft)duringthe EasternAir Lines strike. Basedon the court's findingsregardingtrainee statusduringthis strikeit was falseto labelNormana "SCAB." STATEMENT OF RECORD FACTS NECESSARYTO ARGUMENT OF THE ISSUESWHICH WERE IGNORED JUDGE DAVIS PetitionerNormanspentfive weeks( May 15, 1989throughJune 18, 1939)in the EasternAir Lines trainingprogramafter the sympathystrike began.Normanneverflew any aircraftfor EasternAir Linesasdid the otherPlaintiffsin the case. Normanneverqualifiedto perform the dutiesof a flight deck operatingcrew memberor be a permanentreplacement employeeat EasternAir Lines as did otherPlaintiffsin the case. While in trainingat Eastern the circumstances of Norman were no different than the circumstances addressedby both JudgeDavis and the llth Circuit in Eastern Airlines, Inc. v. ALPA" et al., 744F. Supp. 1140,S,D.Fla.,1990andthe l ln' Circuitin EasternAi{lines,Inc. v. ALPA et al.. g20F 2d 722,Dec.20,1990. The namesof otherpilot traineesarenot on the "scab"list; the nameof Normanis. PetitionerNormanjoined the DefendantALPA union when askedto do so by ALPA personnel. He left the Easterntraining progftlm when askedto do so by ALPA. He has placedin evidencenumerousALPA providedidentificationcardsthat showhe wasa member in good standingof ALPA at all times. 2 Also in evidenceis a letter from ALPA PresidentBabbitt dated May 19, 1994, showing that Petitioner Norman was seekingthe office of Presidentof ALPA and that the then presidenthad no objections. The AIPA Constitutiorl Article 10, Section1, requiresa memberto be in good standingto seekanyunionoffice. PetitionerNorman was never subjectedto any union Article VIII union discipline in the SJOpages6 and 8. actionthat accusedhim of being a scab,as the Court represented The other Plaintiffs in the casewere subjectedto Article VIII disciplineaction. The ALPA Constitution,Article 10(A),statesthrt anypersonwho hasengagedn anyactivity, directly or indirectly, opposingthe Association,or its aims or pu{poses,or againstthe best interestsof any memberor membersthereofSHALL NOT BE ACCEPTEDFOR MEMBERSHIPexcept by specialaction of the Board of Directorsat a specialmeeting. Therewas neverany such action regarding Petitioner Norman and his membershipcards in ALPA, which are in evidence,showhe wasa memberin goodstanding,at all times,throughDecember31,1995. PetitionerNorman " has not beenprovidedopportunityto refute the allegation"(of in the SCAB) that he was 'oapilot who hasflown for the company"as the Court represented SJOfn.7,pg7,pg23.The operativeword is ooflown". The evidenceshowsthat PetitionerNormanneverqualifiedto be a pilot at EasternAir Lines underthe requirements of the federallaw. Appellantnever,therefore,crosseda picket line to do the work of oneof the striking pilots andwasthusnevera "scab"by applicationof federal law, 11'hCircuit case law, or Defendant'sorvn definition. Had Norman met the Defendant'sdefinitionof scabhe would havebeendisciplinedfor his actions. ALPA neversaidthat PetitionerNormanwas a "SCAI}" exceptin the post strike list of "SCABS". A frnal point is that Petitioner Norman w&s always an ALPA member in good standing accordingto the membershipcards,which are in evidence,that ALPA issuedto him for 1989through 1995(the time period of this strike and well afterward).In returq ALPA calledhim a SCAB and madeit impossiblefor him to obtainpilot employmentwhereverthe providedby the Defendantsto Normanconfirms union was established.The documentation Normanis not a "SCAB". The evaluationof this documentation by the District Court would havedeterminedit is falseto labelJosephS. NormanII a "SCAB". Normanneverdid work for EaSernAirlines becausehe wasnevermorethan a trainee duringthe EasternAirlines work disputeof 1989. The 1lfr Circuit recognizedin EASTERN AIRLINES v. ALPA et al. 920 F 2d 722, 728 ,C.A. 11,1990that "thesetraineeswere not 'performinganywork' of the carrierby any stretchof the imagination." CONCLUSION The completereversalof JudgeDavis on the positionof pilot trainee'sstatusduring the EasternAirlines strikeof 1989andthe completefailure of JudgeDavis to evaluateany of the record,unrefutedevidenceof JosephS. NormanII is so far departedfrom the accepted and usualcourseof judicial proceedingsthat outsidecorruptinginfluence,mentallapsesor prejudiceagainstpro se litigantsappearsto havepromptedthe judicial conductin the case. The judicial conductof concernis justification for this judicial counselto refer the caseof JosephS. Norman II v. ALPA et al. for properevaluationof the evidence. Evaluationof any of the evidenceprovided,by the Defendant's,presentedby Normanand caselaw would haveresultedin the exclusionof Norman'snameon the SUMMARY ruDGMENT ORDER by JudgeDavis. There is also ample evidenceof attorneymisconducton the part of Defendant's by the appropriateentity. Normanwas counsels,misconductthat alsoneedsto be addressed deposedby Defendant'scounselsJamesLinsey and StuartGoldsteinon June 13, 1995. After the depositioncounselsknew Norman never flew an aircraft for EasternAirlines but they failed to correctthe record. JudgeDavis was also led, by the Defendant's,to believeunion MEC Counselshadthe authorityto makeALPA policy at the airlinethey represented( pages by the Defendantsto the court is 2,3 of the SummaryJudgmentOrder). This representation just not true. Norman was a pilot for an ALPA representedcompanynamed Overseas National Airways (ONA ) from 1968 through 1978 . In 1978ONA furlouglredits ALPA pilots and continuedto operatewithout union pilots. ALPA failedto honorits representation requirementsunderits ConstitutionandBylaws and in 1982the ONA pilots retainedcounsel, at their own expense,andpetitionedthe NMB to be confnmedasthe rightful pilots at ONA. ALPA not only did not assistour pilot group but declinedto let us hire counselto help ourselves.Our pilot groupcounselinsistedwe had the authorityto help ourselvesand cited the portionof the ALPA ConstitutionJudgeDavisbelievedwasALPA policy on pages2,3 of the SLIMMARY JI-IDGMENTORDER. However,ALPA declinedto allow our pilot group to helpourselvesandto rnakethe final decisionon anyproblemof the membersof the airline (Exhibit 4). In 30 years of dealingwith DefendantALPA Norman has never found any apparentintegrity within the ALPA organization. Truth and integrity are inelevant in their schemeof doingbusiness. The completefailwe of JudgeDavis to considerany of the evidenceof or caselaw applicableto Norman, presentsan appearance this pro se Plaintiff can only describeas judicial conduct that was apparentlyinfluencedby corruption,mental lapse or prejudice againstpro selitigants. Thejudicial conductof JudgeDavis in this matteris prejudicialto the efFectiveand expeditiousadministrationof the businessof the courts and the harm it has causedneedsto be corrected. JudgeDavis needsto explain with specificswhy Norman, who was only a trainee during the EasternAir Lines strike of 1989,was in his opinionproperlylabeled"SCAB" by ALPA. The opinionof JudgeDavis should be basedon caselaw and evidencepresentedby Norman. This caseas it appliesto Normanis a greatexampleof why citizen'sconfidencein the judicial systemis at an all time low and why the frameworkof protestsin Atlanta during the next oral argumentweek during the fall is in the planningstages. The supportfor protests comesfrom citizenswho haverespondedto the many LETTERSTO TI{E EDITOR written by Norrnanand publishedin newspapers in Georgia,Florida and Alabama----copies of some of the publishedlettersof the areattached(Exhibit 5 ). This the 7h dayof August,2000 RESPECTFULLY, II, pro se SantaAnita Drive hassee, Florida32308-2007 (8s0)8e3-1484