Drawing Classes +{ $orkids G € A H (J Young Rembrandts F4 H t{ A Different Kind of Learning. A Powerful Kind of Fun! Young Rembrandts teaches drawing with a see and do o method that all kids can succeed with, Iearn from and lovel Watch your child reach a brand new level of confidence and potentialwith this engaging, award-winning program. F{ rq Classes Held @ School .ll.{ Friday 2:20 - 3:20 p.m. 9112t14 - 11t14t14 No class on 10/3 & 1117 (J a0 +{ Tuition (J $105.00 for an 8 Week Session -O d ts Payment Options Our $tudents Can Expect - A new exciting lesson every week - Improved core art skills - To have fun! (J F{ F{ G t4 r-{ Our Parents Can Expect - lncreased attention to detail - lmproved fine motor skills - Discipline, persistence,^ and patience o a :i*Ii#* TO ENROLL: MAIL lN ENROLLMENT or ENROLL ONLINE at www.young rembrandts.com/southbay-ca or Drop Off at the School Office HOW IT WORKS: We provide all classroom supplies and a qualified and trained instructor. Classes are held immediately after school. Parents are responsible for transportation at class end. Young Rembrandts ,l3{3 N Milpitas Blvd #119 Milpitas Ca.95035 W' 408-719-8723 Young Rembrandts tax: 408-228-0758 *- Submit your completed registration form to your school office along with payment. Once submitted your child is automatically enrolled unless you are notified otherwise. Save your time and a stamp. ENROLL ONLINE at www.youngrembrandts.com/southbay-63. Schallenberger Student Name First Parent Name School _ Class Day 9lt2l20t4 Start Date rri---Efrdgy- CtassTinre 2220 - 3220 Mayweuseyourchild'sdrawing inourpromotionalmaterials? [ ]Yes [ ]No State-Zip-Mayurephotognph/videoyourchildinclass?[]Yes[]No City EmailAddress Grade I also understand all perconal absences _ Birth Date Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone My child Emergenry Phone will: CreditCard [ ]be picked up Number_ Name [ I foileited. would like information about being a Parent Volunteer (FREE tuition!) ]walk home [ . ]otrer I _l_/_ [ ] Yes I j Make check pavable to Youno Rembrandts and include vour child,s name and school on the check. We accept Maste6ard and Visa. Card Expiration Signature (as it appears on the card) are Signature [ ]MC [ ]Visa No
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