Prayer - A Dialog With God


Prayer - A Dialog With God
Book 1
Prayer Dialogs Reinforcing
The Lord’s Prayer
Contains 19 Sample
Prayer Dialogs
God Speaks
To Us In
We Respond
In Prayer
A Devotional Aid
Prepared by Bill Ockert
What Is A Prayer Dialog?
We are indeed blessed to have a God who not only speaks to us
in His Word but listens and responds to us when we talk with
Him in prayer. The prayers contained in this book are
referred to as “Prayer Dialogs”. In a Prayer Dialog, we
initially listen to God, through His Word *, and then enter
into a dialog, i.e. a two-way intimate conversation, with
God. This approach, known as Lectio Devina, was
initially developed by the early Christian Church in the 3rd
Century. In this technique, God’s Word is first read and
then its meaning is reflected upon through prayer and
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father In Heaven - Jesus himself, when He gave us the
Lord’s Prayer, encouraged us to go to His Father in prayer.
Imagine, the “created” can directly speak with the Almighty
Father. In this book, 99 Prayer Dialogs are available that
reinforce the seven petitions contained in the Lord’s Prayer.
Each Prayer Dialog focuses on various facets of a petition.
For instance, in addressing the first petition – Hallowed Be
Your Name, the first three Prayer Dialogs state that we
hallow God’s name because GOD IS ALMIGHTY, GOD IS
Scripture can be compared to a multifaceted diamond displaying
brilliant “rays of God’s truth”. Each Prayer Dialog attempts
to capture the essence of the different “rays of light”
revealed by God in Scripture. Over 400 scriptural passages
have been selected that serve to reinforce the Lord’s
Prayer. Mutually-supportive passages directly elucidating
each Prayer Dialog are presented in a easy-to-read formant
that promotes understanding and an appreciation of their
application in our lives.
* Direct quotations from Jesus Identified in italics
Organization - Prayer Dialogs Reinforcing
The Lord’s Prayer
Be Your
We Hallow
God’s Name
For Our God
Is An
Awesome God
We Hallow God’s
Name By Praising,
Thanking And
Worshipping God
Is In His
and Earth
Your Will
Be Done
On Earth As
It Is In
Us As
God Has
God Leads
Us To
Know And
Do His Will
Page 4
To The
Confess And
Repent To
Page 13
God Delivers
Us From Evil
Page 19
Excerpt Included
In This Sample
Pray For
Lead Us
Jesus Is More
Not Into
Than Any
Us From
Page 34
For Our
Give Us
Today Our
In God’s
Kingdom, We
Talk With
God Through
Your Will Be Done
On Earth As It Is In Heaven
Section 7
God Has A Greater Purpose
Prayer Dialogs
 Jesus Came To Do His
Father’s Will
 God Wills Good
 God Is The Perfect
 God Enables
Spiritual Growth
 God Wills Peace
 God Wills Faith
And Good Works
 God Disciplines His Own
Romans 8:28
All things work for good for those who love
God, who are called according to His purpose.
Prayer Dialogs
I-7-1 To I-7-7
Section 7 –
God Has A Greater Purpose
Page 4
Jesus Came To Do His Father’s Will
God Speaks To Us In Scripture
Jesus came to achieve a greater purpose for His
people. Even when it meant suffering and death,
Jesus said to His Father, “Not as I will, but as
You will”. Jesus willingly gave His life for us.
 Not As I Will - But As You Will
Matthew 26:39
 I Came Down From Heaven To Do
The Will Of Him That Sent Me
John 6:38
 All Things Work For Good For Those
Who Love God, Who Are Called
Romans 8:28
We Respond In Prayer
My Lord God, You are so much wiser than I am. Certainly, it’s
best that Your will be done.
Help me to see that, in Your divine providence, all that happens
occurs to achieve Your purposes, even when You allow
suffering or death.
Doing Your will is my desire. Help me to pray according to Your
will and joyfully accept Your godly governance.
God of All Power – Your Will Be Done
Prayer Dialog
Section 7 –
God Has A Greater Purpose
Page 5
God Is The Perfect Father
God Speaks To Us In Scripture
Our Heavenly Father is the father of the
fatherless, defender of widows, and the rock that
brings victory. He gives good gifts, responding to
the faithful prayers of those in His Son Jesus.
 Your Heavenly Father Gives Good
Things To Those Who Ask Him
Matthew 7:11
 You Are My Father, My God - The
Rock That Brings Me Victory
Psalm 89:27
 Father Of The Fatherless – Defender
Of Widows Psalm 68:5
 If Two Of You Agree About Anything
For Which They Are To Pray, It
Shall Be Granted To Them By My
Heavenly Father Mathew 18:19
We Respond In Prayer
Great Father God in heaven, I praise You for both Your holiness
and Your grace.
I know that You love and care for Your children here on earth.
You truly are the perfect Father, always doing things for the
good of Your children. The gift of Your Son Jesus demonstrates
Your love of mankind. He is the perfect gift as You are the
perfect Father.
Father, I ask that Your Spirit help me to fully appreciate Your
perfection and the many deeds that You perform in my life in
response to my prayers.
Most Perfect Father God – Your Will Be Done
Prayer Dialog
Section 7 –
God Has A Greater Purpose
Page 6
God Wills Peace
God Speaks To Us In Scripture
God wills that people live in peace, not in
anxiety or conflict. Through faith in Jesus, we
have His peace.
 Peace I Leave With You – My Peace I
Give Unto You John 14:27
 I Will Establish Peace In The Land –
That You May Lie Down To Rest
Without Anxiety Leviticus 26:6
 When The Lord Is Pleased With A
Man's Ways, He Makes Even His
Enemies Be At Peace With Him
Proverbs 16:7
 May Grace And Peace Be Yours In
Abundance II Peter 1:2
We Respond In Prayer
My Precious Jesus, You are a God of peace.
Jesus, I need Your peace. I strive for Your peace. Help me to
follow Your way and thereby have Your peace and hope for the
Thanks for the gift of peace – it brings great comfort to my soul.
God of Peace – Your Will Be Done
Prayer Dialog
Section 7 –
God Has A Greater Purpose
Page 7
God Wills Good
God Speaks To Us In Scripture
It’s God’s will to achieve good. God only wants
good for us. We can thank God because He blesses
us abundantly, giving every good and perfect gift.
 Even Though You Meant Harm To
Me - God Meant It For Good
Genesis 50:20
 Every Perfect Gift Is From Above –
Coming Down From The Father Of
James 1:17
 I, The Lord, Am Your God - Who
Brought You Out Of The Land Of
Egypt - That Place Of Slavery
Exodus 20:2
 O Give Thanks Unto The Lord For He
Psalm 118:1
Is Good
We Respond In Prayer
Lord God, Your character is perfectly righteous. Evil is foreign to
You. Your power to perform miracles for the good of Your
people is truly exceptional.
I trust that You will make good win out. That is Your will and
Help me to be optimistic despite the current earthly situation. I
can be optimistic because my faith is in a powerful and perfect
God who brings about good.
God of Goodness – Your Will Be Done
Prayer Dialog
Section 7 –
God Has A Greater Purpose
Page 8
God Enables Spiritual Growth
God Speaks To Us In Scripture
It’s God’s will to achieve a greater purpose in His
people - holiness in Christ. God works in us one step
at a time. He drives out evil little by little as He lives
and moves among us that we may be His people.
 Grow In Grace, And In The
Knowledge Of Our Lord And Savior
Jesus Christ
II Peter 3:18
 Living The Truth In Love We Should
Grow In Every Way Into Christ Eph. 4:15
 God Said "I Will Live With Them
And Move Among Them - I Will Be
Their God And They Shall Be My
II Corinthians 6:16
 I Will Drive Them Out Little By
Little Before You - Until You Have
Grown Numerous Enough To Take
Possession Exodus 23:30
We Respond In Prayer
My Friend Jesus, thank You for Your patience in working with
me. I catch on very slowly. Certainly, my spiritual growth is
“snail-paced”, compared with Your infinite love and holiness.
Help my walk with You every moment every day. I continue to
look forward to making progress under the direction and
assistance of Your Holy Spirit.
Please continue to work in and on me.
God of Grace – Your Will Be Done
Prayer Dialog
Section 7 –
God Has A Greater Purpose
Page 9
God Wills Faith And Good Works
God Speaks To Us In Scripture
It’s God’s will to strengthen our faith and build
the character of His people. God works in those
who are rooted in Jesus to produce good fruit.
Jesus is the vine – we are the branches.
 Blessed Is The Man Who Trusts In
The Lord – He Is Like A Tree
Planted Beside The Waters Jeremiah 17:8
 We Are His Handiwork - Created In
Christ Jesus For Good Works Eph. 2:10
 God Is The One Who, For His Good
Purpose, Works In You Both To
Desire And To Work Philippians 2:13
 I Am The Vine, You Are The
Branches -Whoever Remains In Me
And I In Him Will Bear Much Fruit
John 15:5
We Respond In Prayer
My Lord Jesus, I know that trust in You is key to my existence
and future. Continue to be the source of faith and of any good
that is in me. I ask that You strengthen my faith.
Jesus, You are the true vine and I am a “branch” created in You
for good works. Work in me to build Godly character, that I
may produce good fruit.
Jesus My True Vine – Your Will Be Done
Prayer Dialog
Section 7 –
God Has A Greater Purpose
Page 10
God Disciplines His Own
God Speaks To Us In Scripture
It’s God’s will to achieve a greater purpose for
His followers. God disciplines those He loves to
achieve His purposes.
 For Whom The Lord Loves - He
Hebrews 12:6-7
 Affliction Produces
Character, And Hope
Romans 5:3-5
 A Thorn In The Flesh Was Given To
Me To Keep Me From Being Too
Elated II Corinthians 12:7
We Respond In Prayer
Father God, You are totally wise. You know what’s best for Your
followers. While it’s hard to accept, I know that, as a result of
faith in You, that a “WAIT” from You to my prayers is for my
own good. Your timing is perfect! I also know that You allow
hardships for my good and the good of Your kingdom.
Thank You for Your many responses to my prayers. They truly are
appropriate and for my good.
Father God – Your Will Be Done
Prayer Dialog
Section 7 –
God Has A Greater Purpose
Page 11
Ephesians 2
God Has A Greater Purpose
God, who is rich in mercy, because of the great love he had
for us, even when we were dead in our transgressions,
brought us to life with Christ.
This is not from you; it is the gift of God. It is not from
works, so no one may boast.
By grace you have been saved through faith.
We are his handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for the
good works that God has prepared in advance that we
should live in them.
Primary Scripture
Jesus Came
To Do His Not as I will, but
as you will.
Matthew 26:39-44
Your Heavenly
God Is The
Father gives
Perfect Father good things.
Matthew 17:11
Peace I leave
with you, my
peace I give unto
John 14:27
His Own
Prayer Dialogs
I-7-1 To I-7-7
Even though you meant
harm to me, God meant
it for good. Genesis 50:20
Grow in grace, and in
the knowledge of our
Lord and Savior Jesus
II Peter 3:18
God Wills
Faith And
Blessed is the man who
trusts in the Lord - He is
like a tree planted
beside the waters.
Jeremiah 17:8
For whom the Lord loves,
he disciplines.
Hebrews 12:6
Section 7 –
God Has A Greater Purpose
Page 12
Lead Us Not Into Temptation
Section 14
Jesus Is More Powerful
Than Any Temptation
Prayer Dialogs
 Jesus’ Power Is Greater Than Any
 Jesus Gives Discernment
 Turn To Jesus
 Jesus Gives His Power
Romans 8:37
In all these things we conquer
overwhelmingly through him who loved us.
Prayer Dialogs
I-14-1 To I-14-4
Section 14 – Jesus Is More
Powerful Than Any Temptation
Page 13
Jesus’ Power Is Greater
Than Any Temptation
God Speaks To Us In Scripture
Jesus has great power to overcome many perils,
including the most seductive temptations
presented by Satan. We are assured that the
Holy Spirit comes to the aid of our weakness.
 Lord, You Are Great - Great And
Mighty Is Your Name Jeremiah 10:6
 The Spirit Comes To The Aid Of Our
Weakness Romans 8:26
 In Their Distress They Cried To The
Lord - Who Brought Them Out Of
Their Peril Psalm 107:6-7
 Jesus Was Led By The Spirit Into The
Desert - Jesus Said To Him “Get
Away, Satan!” Luke 4:1-8
We Respond In Prayer
Jesus, my Perfect Savior, You truly are the power who can
overcome all temptations. You demonstrated that in the desert
and throughout Your ministry on earth.
I often encounter temptations that seem just so intriguing. While
I know I should push away, regretfully I fall into sin. I need
Your power! Help me to say NO to each and every temptation.
With Your power, there is victory over Satan and his
Thank You, Jesus, for Your victory.
Powerful Jesus – Your Will Be Done
Prayer Dialog
Section 14 – Jesus Is More
Powerful Than Any Temptation
Page 14
Jesus Gives Discernment
God Speaks To Us In Scripture
Jesus enables us to discern right from wrong. We need
wisdom and prudence given by God to know God’s will.
The Holy Spirit guides us in His righteousness.
 May The Lord Give You Prudence
And Discernment I Chronicles 22:10
 The Lord Guides The Humble In
Righteousness Psalm 25:8-9
 The Fear Of The Lord Is The
Beginning Of Wisdom - Prudent Are
All Who Practice It Psalm 111:10
 Teach Us To Count Our Days Aright –
That We May Gain Wisdom Of Heart
Psalm 90:12
We Respond In Prayer
Jesus, All Wise King, You have all the answers.
It seems like there is so much confusion in this world.
Sometimes, it seems like the world is “up-side down”. I need
Your wisdom to sort out the truth from the devil’s lies.
Only with Your judgment based on Your truth will I be able to
discern temptations.
Wise King Jesus – Your Will Be Done
Prayer Dialog
Section 14 – Jesus Is More
Powerful Than Any Temptation
Page 15
Turn To Jesus
God Speaks To Us In Scripture
When tempted, we need to turn to Jesus who has
the power to overcome all of our temptations.
The Holy Spirit opens our eyes. Jesus provides His
light and strength to enable us to turn away.
 I Will Open Their Eyes That They
May Turn From Darkness To Light
Acts 26:18
 Let Us Search And Examine Our
Ways - And Return To The Lord
Laminations 3:40
 Teach Me, Lord, Your Way That I
May Walk In Your Truth Psalm 86:11
 I Came Into The World As Light, So
That Everyone Who Believes In Me
Might Not Remain In Darkness
John 12:46
We Respond In Prayer
Most Powerful Jesus, I need to turn to You for the strength
needed to resist temptations. On my own, I am weak and often
fall for the false “glories” offered by the devil. You alone can
give the strength to resist temptations.
Let me turn away from the belief that I can handle temptations
on my own and accept the fact that I need Your strength.
Thank You in advance for giving me Your strength.
My Jesus – Your Will Be Done
Prayer Dialog
Section 14 – Jesus Is More
Powerful Than Any Temptation
Page 16
Jesus Gives His Power
God Speaks To Us In Scripture
Jesus’ power is great in a Christian. Jesus gives
us His power to resist temptations and be holy.
 Christ Is Not Weak Toward You But
Powerful In You II Corinthians 13:3
 In All These Things We Conquer
Overwhelmingly Through Him Who
Loved Us Romans 8:37
 To Those Who Did Accept Him He
Gave Power To Become Children Of
God John 1:12
 Jesus Said To Him “Everything Is
Possible To One Who Has Faith”
Mark 9:23
We Respond In Prayer
Jesus, You are my God. You are the great power who conquers
In contrast, I am weak and very subject to the temptations of
the world and the devil. I need You as my power! Instill in me
the ability to resist temptation and to follow Your way.
Thank You for giving Your power.
Powerful Jesus – Your Will Be Done
Prayer Dialog
Section 14 – Jesus Is More
Powerful Than Any Temptation
Page 17
II Cor. 13
Jesus Is More Powerful
Than Any Temptation
Christ is not weak toward you but powerful in you.
For indeed he was crucified out of weakness, but
he lives by the power of God.
We who are weak in him shall live with him by the
power of God.
Primary Scripture
Jesus’ Power Is
Than Any
No one is like
you, Lord, You
are great, great
and mighty is
your name.
Turn To
I will open their
eyes that they may
turn from darkness
to light. Acts 26:18
Jeremiah 10:6
Jesus Gives
May the Lord
give you
prudence and
Jesus Gives
His Power
I Chronicles 22:10
Prayer Dialogs
I-14-1 To I-14-4
Section 14 – Jesus Is More
Powerful Than Any Temptation
Christ is not weak
toward you but
powerful in you.
II Corinthians 13:3
Page 18
Deliver Us From Evil
Section 16
God Delivers Us From Evil
Prayer Dialogs
 God Hates Sin
 God Delivers
 God Protects
Against Evil
 Jesus Frees Us
 God Gives Strength
For The Battle
 Jesus Enables Us To
Be Holy In Him
Jesus Gives
His Power To
 God Brings Good
Out Of Evil
Colossians 1:13
He delivered us from the power of
darkness and transferred us to the
kingdom of his beloved Son.
Prayer Dialogs
I-16-1 To I-16-8
Section 16 –
God Delivers Us From Evil
Page 19
God Hates Sin
God Speaks To Us In Scripture
God stores up His wrath for the proud, stubborn
and impenitent. God will exercise his wrath and
fury on those who selfishly disobey His truth.
 Every
Abomination To The Lord
Proverbs 16:5
 By
Impenitent Heart, You Are Storing
Up Wrath For Yourself Romans 2:5
 God Will Repay Everyone According
To His Works: Eternal Life To Those
Who Seek Glory, Honor, And
Immortality Through Perseverance
In Good Works, But Wrath And Fury
To Those Who Selfishly Disobey The
Romans 2:1
We Respond In Prayer
My God, You are a righteous God who hates sins of all sorts. I
confess that I sin every day and deserve Your punishment.
Rather than punishment, I ask for Your mercy based on the blood
of Your Son. Jesus, thank You for giving Your life as a sacrifice
to eliminate the consequences of sin. I therefore, joyfully and
with deep gratitude, accept the freedom from condemnation
that You offer. I don’t deserve this freedom, the credit is all
Help me to say no to every temptation.
Most Righteous God – Your Will Be Done
Prayer Dialog
Section 16 –
God Delivers Us From Evil
Page 20
God Protects Against Evil
God Speaks To Us In Scripture
God rescues us from every evil threat. He
guards His followers wherever they go. We can
take refuge in our Lord God for He promises to
strengthen us and guard us from the evil one.
 No Evil Shall Befall You - The Lord
Commands His Angels To Guard You
Wherever You Go Psalm 91:9-11
 The Lord Is Faithful - He Will
Strengthen You And Guard You
From The Evil One II Thessalonians 3:3
 The Lord Will Rescue Me From Every
Evil Threat And Will Bring Me Safe
To His Heavenly Kingdom II Timothy 4:18
 The Lord Will Guard You From All
Evil - He Will Guard Your Soul. The
Lord Will Guard Your Coming And
Psalm 121:7-8
We Respond In Prayer
Powerful God, You are more powerful than any evil. You alone
can protect me when I am confronted by evil. Continue to
provide Your protection and deliverance.
My Jesus, I take refuge in You, asking that You guard me from all
Thanks for Your love and overwhelming protection.
My Rescuing God – Your Will Be Done
Prayer Dialog
Section 16 –
God Delivers Us From Evil
Page 21
God Gives Strength For The Battle
God Speaks To Us In Scripture
God safeguards us with His overwhelming
strength so we can resist Satan’s evil temptations
and blows. We draw our strength from the Lord
so we can stand firm against Satan.
 Put On The Armor Of God So That
You May Be Able To Stand Firm
Ephesians 6:10-11
 Draw Your Strength From The Lord
And From His Mighty Power
Ephesians 6:10-11
 By The Power Of God, You Are
Safeguarded Through Faith, To A
Salvation That Is Ready To Be
Revealed I Peter 1:5
 Yours, Lord, Are Greatness And
Might - Majesty, Victory, And
Splendor - You Are Exalted As Head
Over All I Chronicles 29:11
We Respond In Prayer
Jesus, Your power far exceeds any evil that Satan can throw my
way. I ask for Your power.
Powerful Jesus, You safeguard us, giving Your armor needed to
resist the devil. I am so thankful that You continue to give me
Your strength that I need to fight the battle. Only with Your
armor can I stand up to the temptations and evil of this world.
Lord Jesus - I need Your victory – every hour of the day.
Powerful Jesus – Your Will Be Done
Prayer Dialog
Section 16 –
God Delivers Us From Evil
Page 22
Jesus Gives His Power To Resist
God Speaks To Us In Scripture
Jesus gives us His power to overcome
temptations and resist evil. Jesus puts His Spirit
in His followers, giving them His power to turn
away from sin and do His will.
 I Will Put My Spirit Within You So
That You Walk In My Statutes
Ezekiel 36:27
 I Have The Strength For Everything
Through Him Who Empowers Me
Philippians 4:13
 Jesus Approached And Said To Them
“All Power Has Been Given To Me”
Matthew 28:18
 In The World You Will Have Trouble
- But Take Courage, I Have
Conquered The World John 16:33
We Respond In Prayer
My Precious Jesus, evil is no match for You. I am often
confronted by evil. I need Your power and deliverance. Let me
remain in You and You in me.
As Your child, I need Your strength and protection from the evil
You, Jesus, are the conqueror of evil. I ask for Your strength that
I may resist temptations.
Jesus God of All Power – Your Will Be Done
Prayer Dialog
Section 16 –
God Delivers Us From Evil
Page 23
God Delivers
God Speaks To Us In Scripture
God uses His power to deliver us from darkness,
evil, and sin. He delivers us from the power of
darkness into his Son’s kingdom of light.
 We Are Delivered From The Law
That We May Serve In The Newness
Of The Spirit Romans 7:6
 The Victory That Conquers The
World Is Our Faith I John 5:4
 Our Father In Heaven …. Deliver Us
From Evil Matthew 6:13
 He Delivered Us From The Power Of
Darkness And Transferred Us To The
Kingdom Of His Beloved Son
Colossians 1:13
We Respond In Prayer
Lord God, You are the deliverer from all evil.
Jesus, I know the timing for fully removing all evil from this
world is the Father’s. Give me the patience to wait.
You, Jesus, have the power to respond to our prayers for
deliverance from the power of darkness, evil, and sin in my
life. I know You will.
God My Deliverer – Your Will Be Done
Prayer Dialog
Section 16 –
God Delivers Us From Evil
Page 24
Jesus Frees Us
God Speaks To Us In Scripture
Jesus frees us from being slaves to sin. In Christ,
our old self is crucified. We are now free from the
bondage of sin and have become slaves of God.
 Our Old Self Was Crucified With Him
So That We Might No Longer Be In
Slavery To Sin Romans 6:6
 For Freedom Christ Set Us Free – So
Stand Firm Galatians 5:1
 You Were Called For Freedom - Do
Not Use This Freedom For The Flesh
- Serve One Another Through Love
Galatians 5:13
 Be Free - Yet Without Using
Freedom As A Pretext For Evil, But
As Slaves Of God I Peter 2:16
We Respond In Prayer
My Savior Jesus, You have the power to set Your people free
from the bondage of sin. I ask for this freedom in order to be
close to You and show Your love.
I need Your strength to stand against evil, resist sin and be truly
Thank You for freedom!
Victorious Jesus – Your Will Be Done
Prayer Dialog
Section 16 –
God Delivers Us From Evil
Page 25
Jesus Enables Us To Be Holy In Him
God Speaks To Us In Scripture
God delivers us from the power of sin, transferring
us to the Son’s kingdom. Those who believe in Jesus
are victors. Jesus enables His followers to live in
righteousness, sanctification and redemption.
 He Delivered Us From The Power Of
Darkness And Transferred Us To His
Colossians 1:13
 Who Is The Victor Over The World
But The One Who Believes That
Jesus Is The Son Of God
I John 5:5
 The Lord Will Give You Support – He
Will Never Allow The Righteous To
Stumble Psalm 55:22
 Christ Jesus Became For Us Wisdom
Righteousness, Sanctification, And
Redemption I Corinthians 1:30
We Respond In Prayer
Lord Jesus, You truly are holy and have the power to transform
Your followers so that they can resist evil and become holy in
You. I ask for Your empowerment.
While progress seems so slow, I know it’s dependent on my
willingness to change. Your power is there for the asking.
Help my weakness. Thank You for choosing me and transforming
me to be like You.
Most Holy Jesus – Your Will Be Done
Prayer Dialog
Section 16 –
God Delivers Us From Evil
Page 26
God Brings Good Out Of Evil
God Speaks To Us In Scripture
Despite the workings of the devil, God conquers
evil. To achieve his purposes, God allows evil
but always brings about good.
 All Things Work For Good For Those
Who Love God Romans 8:28
 Even Though You Meant Harm To
Me, God Meant It For Good
Genesis 50:20
 Christ Died For Sins Once For All So That He Might Bring Us To God Put To Death In The Flesh But Alive
In The Spirit I Peter 3:18
 Christ Suffered For You - Leaving An
Example For You To Follow In His
I Peter 2:21
We Respond In Prayer
Father God, You are all good and the conqueror of evil.
In this world, we all go through trials and difficulties. Holy Spirit,
continue to be in me and give Your goodness that I may
persevere and grow in faith and in Your grace.
Jesus, at the end of the world, You will do away with all evil and
only good will last. I’m looking forward to Your full victory. In
this world, I pray that that You continue to overcome evil and
bring about good in Your followers. You are perfectly good!
Jesus God of Goodness – Your Will Be Done
Prayer Dialog
Section 16 –
God Delivers Us From Evil
Page 27
God Delivers Us From Evil
Psalm 18
I love you, Lord, my strength, Lord, my rock, my fortress,
my deliverer, My God, my rock of refuge, my shield, my
saving horn, my stronghold!
The cords of death encompassed me; the torrents of
destruction terrified me. The snares of death lay in
wait for me. In my distress I called out: Lord! I cried
out to my God.
From his temple he heard my voice; my cry to him
reached his ears. He parted the heavens and came
down, a dark cloud under his feet. Mounted on a cherub
he flew, borne along on the wings of the wind. The
Lord thundered from heaven; the Most High made his
voice resound. He let fly his arrows and scattered
them; shot his lightning bolts and dispersed them. He
reached down and drew me out of the deep waters.
He rescued me from my mighty enemy, from foes too
powerful for me. Praise be the Lord, I exclaim! I have
been delivered from my enemies. They attacked me
on my day of distress. The Lord rescued me because
he loves me.
Primary Scripture
Hates Sin
Every proud heart is
an abomination to
the Lord.
Proverbs 16:5
Romans 7:6
No evil shall befall
you - he commands
his angels with
regard to you, to
Against Evil
guard you wherever
you go. Psalm 91:10-11
Put on the armor of
God Gives God so that you may
Strength For be able to stand firm
The Battle against the tactics of
the devil. Eph. 6:10-11
I will put my Spirit
Jesus Gives
within you so that
His Power
you walk in my
To Resist
statutes. Ezekiel 36:27
Prayer Dialogs
I-16-1 To I-16-8
We are delivered
from the law that we
may serve in the
newness of the Spirit.
Frees Us
Our old self was
crucified with him, so
that we might no longer
be in slavery to sin.
Romans 6:6
He delivered us from
the power of darkness
Enables Us
and transferred us to
To Be
his kingdom.
Holy In Him
Colossians 1:13
God Brings All things work for good
Good Out for those who love God.
Romans 8:28
Of Evil
Section 16 –
God Delivers Us From Evil
Page 28
The Blessings of Scripture and Prayer
We are all in need of a God
we can trust. In searching
Scripture, we find
The God who is both Truth
and utterly dependable.
In a Prayer Dialog, we pray in response to God’s trustworthy
messages contained in Scripture. When we pray, we have God’s
assurances “The favoring hand of our God is upon all who seek
Him.” We are also assured “Draw near to God, and he will draw
near to you.”
This approach results in great blessings:
 As stated in Scripture, both Scripture and Prayer are powerful
in a believer.
 This topical approach uses Scripture to interpret and reinforce
other Scripture, a method used by Bible scholars.
 This approach allows a Christian to focus on a particular topic.
For instance, in addressing the topic God Adopts Us, Scripture
reveals that God has adopted believers in Jesus Christ into
His family. He bestows His love on His adopted children.
 The prayers that flow from Scripture involve a broad range of
Godly responses including submission, thanks, praise, worship,
penance, love for others, pleas of dependency, and prayers
seeking to know and do God’s will in our lives.
 As promised in God’s Word, the Holy Spirit intercedes in
helping us both to understand and apply Scripture, as well as
in formulating our prayers.
Through His Word and our humble and faithful prayers, Jesus
continues to meet our day-to-day challenges by providing His
encouragement, light, guidance, strength, healing, comfort, hope,
and joy on our journey through life.
 Seek the Lord while He may be found –
Call upon Him while He is near Isaiah 55:6
 Everything created by God is
good ... for it is sanctified by
means of the Word of God
and prayer I Tim. 4:3
 In everything, by prayer
and petition make your
requests known to God
Phil. 4:6
Continue to seek God’s kingdom in Scripture and Prayer
and you will find the Truth – Jesus
He is the way and the truth and the life
The Power of Scripture and Prayer
The Scripture passages and prayers contained in these books are
intended to be used as devotional aids in the reader’s prayer
life. God’s Word states that both Scripture and prayer are
powerful godly prescriptions for a person’s spiritual wellbeing, sanctifying them in their inner self.
God’s process of sanctifying a person (being made holy) is known as
Sanctifying Grace. As Jesus said to His Father in Prayer:
 I in them and you in me that they may be
brought to perfection as one. John 17:23
Robert H. Brom, Bishop Emeritus, explains Sanctifying Grace this
way *:
“Sanctifying grace makes the soul holy; it gives the soul
supernatural life. In its natural state, the soul isn’t fit for
heaven. What you need to live in heaven is supernatural life
because you will be in perfect and absolute union with God, the
source of all life.
Sanctifying grace involves a real transformation of the soul.
Souls are cleansed by an infusion of the supernatural life (Paul
speaks of us as "a new creation“). Justification also involves a
real transformation, a real, experiential freeing from sin, not
just a change of legal status. When God declares you justified,
he makes you justified.
Sanctification and justification aren’t just one-time events, but are
ongoing processes in the life of the believer. God is working
within us - our intellects are given the new power of faith and
our wills are given new powers of hope and charity.
Scripture stresses that we have made a decisive break with sin
that must be reflected in our behavior. As scripture says:
 Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal bodies.
Do not yield your members to sin as instruments
of wickedness but yield yourselves to God as men
who have been brought from death to life. Romans 6:13
 Christ Is Able To
Accomplish Far
More Than All We
Ask Or Imagine, By
The Power At Work
Within Us Eph. 3:20
 I Have The Strength
For Everything
Through Him Who
Empowers Me
Phil. 4:13
 Living the truth in love, we should grow in every
way into him who is the head – Christ Eph. 4:15
Continue to seek God’s kingdom in Scripture and Prayer
and you will find the Truth – Jesus
He will set you free and you will be free indeed
* Used By Permission
Prayer Dialog Books
About 1,500 Scripture selections have been highlighted in
three books. This booklet contains fourteen out of over 330
Prayer Dialogs reinforcing three Christian treasures:
The Lord’s Prayer
The Nicene Creed
The Gospel of John
Our Father In Heaven Jesus himself, when He
gave us the Lord’s
Prayer, encouraged us
to go to His Father in
prayer. This book
features 99 Prayer
Dialogs reinforcing the
seven petitions
contained in the Lord’s
I Believe – The Nicene
Creed was developed by
the early church (Council
of Nicaea) in the Year
325 in order to clearly
state the fundamental
beliefs of a Christian and
to combat errors
depicting the nature of
Jesus Christ. This
book contains
95 Prayer Dialogs
Jesus – Son of the Holy
God – John’s Gospel
demonstrates that Jesus
is the true Son of God
sent to this world by a
gracious God to
overcome evil and death,
turn people from sin, and
achieve an intimate
union with His followers.
This book contains
123 Prayer Dialogs
Prayer Dialog Books can be obtained in two ways:
 If you have internet connections, go to my web site –
Prayer Select the Buy button. This will
bring up the order form where you purchase one or
more books ($9.95 each plus shipping).
 If you don’t have internet connections, call me at
(813) 766-3528. I will order the book(s) for you.
Prayer Dialog Booklets 1
Prayer Dialog Booklets can be obtained for $1 each (plus
shipping) by calling me at (813) 766-3528. In addition to
paper copies, pdf versions of the booklets are available.
I will e-mail them to you free of charge.
1 The booklets contain the same Prayer Dialogs that are in
the books. They are topically organized and packaged in a
shortened form so that the Prayer Dialogs contained in each
booklet can be conveniently used in one or two prayer sessions.
Special thanks go to our gracious God, who through His Holy Spirit,
inspired Holy Scripture. The prayers contained in this book were the
result of God’s work and inspiration.
I also express my thanks to my loving wife, Patricia, for her support
of this effort as well as for setting an example of a devout and
regular prayer life.
I would also like to thank Jerry Veierstahler for his constructive
comments on the book. I recommend you visit Jerry’s Website for Christian inspiration.
Lastly, I thank my brother, John, for his help and encouragement in
producing and distributing this book.
About The Preparer - Bill Ockert, a retired Civil Engineer
specializing in transportation, is married and has three
adult daughters, all in the field of medicine. He has long
been a student of the Bible, believing strongly in the
inerrancy and power of God’s Word. He converted to
Catholicism in the Year 2001, after being an active
Lutheran for over six decades.
- Copyright 2012
All of the photos and drawings contained in this book were
either purchased from Getty Images under Royalty-Free
Arrangements Or Obtained From Public Domain Photos.
Scripture contained herein was extracted from the New
American Bible as contained in the website maintained by
the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
About The Cover – This illustration is a drawing of a Christian
in prayer. We are urged by Jesus in Matthew, “When you
pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to
your Father in secret. And your Father who sees in secret
will repay you. This is how you are to pray: Our Father in
heaven:  Hallowed be your name,
 Your kingdom come,
 Your will be done on earth as in heaven,
 Give us today our daily bread;
 Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors;
 Do not subject us to the final test,
 Deliver us from the evil one.”