September 2006 DemoChat
September 2006 DemoChat
The DemoChat The Official 33rd Legislative District Democrats Newsletter Volume 2, Issue 9, September 2006 33rd LD DEMOCRATS Executive Board For 2005-06 Chair: Tara Jo Heinecke 206-870-8819 Vice-Chair: Tim Clark 253-854-1895 Secretary: Tina Shamseldin 206-409-3038 Treasurer: Cass Prindle 206-403-6869 WSDCC Reps: Wendy Morgan 206-246-2165 Lionel Forde 206-850-3187 Elizabeth Brant 206-870-1759 Senator Karen Keiser 360-786-7664/ FAX 360-786-1999 Jack Arends 206-592-1302 Rep. Shay Schual-berke 360-786-7834/ FAX 360-786-7317 Iolanda DeRuiter 206-824-2492 Rep. Dave Upthegrove 360-786-7868/ FAX 360-786-7317 Bob Polwarth 206-824-0206 Legislative Hotline 1-800-562-6000 Kerry Wade 253-529-4297 Bob Loeliger 206-870-1939 KCDCC LAC Alt: Lisa Plymate 206-824-4666 Parliamentarian: Bob Stephens 206-824-2699 Registrar: Jean Hueston 206-878-8706 Admin. Officer: Diane Odegard 206-870-7090 Sgt.-at-Arms: Jim Fossos 206-824-8537 KCYD Reps. Kelly Anthony 206-352-3963 Bailey Stober 253-520-2469 Omaha Sternberg 206-388-4575 KCDCC Reps: KCDCC Alts: KCDCC LAC: DemoChat Editor: September General Meeting Monday, September 18, 2006 Normandy Park Congregational Church 19247 First Avenue South Normandy Park, Washington AGENDA (Endorsements may be made at this meeting.) 7 p.m. Call to order, approval of agenda and minutes 7:15 p.m. Speaker King County Commissioner Julia Patterson; Ballots and Initiatives 8:15 p.m. Officers’ and Committee Reports rd These Democrats represent the 33 Legislative District in Olympia. Representative Shay Schual-berke, Senator Karen Keiser, and Representative Dave Upthegrove are there to serve you. Please contact them if you have an inquiry. Check those Balances! September 19th is an all important day. It may not seem as such to some…it’s just a primary after all. No decision regarding our state senate will be made then. No determination about congressional direction will be made at that time. Republicans will run against Republicans and Democrats will run against Democrats. No, September 19th is a date that many will see as superfluous…and it is not. Among the many positions up for grabs this year are several judicial ones, including three supreme court positions. Our state, like our country, has three levels of government, but so many forget that the state judicial branch is elected as well as the legislative and executive. As the branch of our government responsible for, among other things, keeping a check on the legislative and executive branches by checking the laws passed with the constitution which is the foundational law of our state, it is imperative that this branch of the government remain above board and that officers holding these judicial positions truly try to stay non-partisan in their efforts to check those laws. Because without those checks and balances, we can say goodbye to a state, and country, that cares what the constitution means…because it will become meaningless. So, do your research before the vote, and remember to mail in your ballot or vote on September 19th! And don’t forget that remaining district meetings for the year will take place Oct. 16 and Nov. 20. The December re-organization meeting will be scheduled at a later date. Omaha Sternberg, DemoChat Editor 33rd District Democrats The Demo Chat 2006 Page 2 September 2006 General Membership Meeting Minutes August 21, 2006 Meeting Opening Jack Arends called the meeting to order at 7:12. Bob Loeliger led the flag salute. Representative Adam Smith Representative Adam Smith received a warm welcome from our membership. Adam spoke about our country’s need to restore the balance of power at the Federal level---and that “voting in” Democrats in order to take the majority in the House is one key step. He spoke about this administration’s attempts to impose “democracy” while eroding our democratic values at home by conducting wiretaps without warrants, stifling open debate and making decisions based on ideology. Adam also spoke on the need for us to actively move toward energy independence by investing in alternative energy, such as wind and solar, to decrease our dependency on foreign oil. Adam also stated he was concerned about electronic voting machines and would prefer if our election system was not using these devices. Members thanked Adam for his resolution on Iraq to increase pressure on this administration to develop an exit strategy. Adam also formally thanked his staff (Chelsea Waliser, Matt Perry) who were in attendance and encouraged members to contact them if we need assistance. Councilmember Julia Patterson Julia briefly addressed the group. She noted that since the decrease of the County Council to nine seats, her workload has grown--she now represents an additional 70,000 constituents. Julia gave an overview on “Transit Now” which the council may place on the ballot this November. Transit Now would increase county wide bus services by 20%. Five rapid transit corridors would be established with dedicated lanes for buses. Rob Johnson was introduced as staff on the Transit Now campaign. A motion was made by Bob Loeliger, and seconded by Ted Schwarz, to recommend to the King County Council placing “Transit Now” on the ballot in November; the motion passed unanimously. Julia will join us at the October general meeting with more details. Resolution to Oppose Elected Auditor The King County Democrats passed a resolution at their last meeting opposing the KC Council proposed amendment for the creation of an elected auditor. Jack presented on the resolution. The auditor position is currently appointed by the Executive and then voted on by the council. There is concern that having the position elected would heighten the The Demo-Chat 2006 is published by the 33rd Legislative District Democrats and mailed in advance of the next monthly meeting. The official address of the organization is: in care of Chair Tara Jo Heinecke, 2035 S. 223rd Street, Des Moines 98198. The Demo Chat 2006 Page 3 September 2006 political nature of this position. KCDCC also felt this was a strategy to undercut the Executive’s power as he prepares to appoint an auditor to replace Dean Logan. It was noted by Councilmember Julia Patterson that since the KCDCC meeting, Susan Sheary, the Chair of the King County Democrats, and Dwight Peltz, the State Party Chair had worked with the King County Council to establish a compromise. The compromise includes creating a commission to review the county’s charter, as per the current charter, and to put the decision if the auditor should be elected for a vote in 2009. Jack noted that KCDCC still encourages the passage of the resolution despite the compromise. Other members expressed an interest in waiting and hearing more about the compromise. Cass made a motion to accept the resolution presented by Jack to oppose an amendment for the creation of an elected auditor. The motion was seconded and a friendly amendment was made and declined. A formal amendment was made by Bob F. to remove some of the language that gave specific instructions to the council on next steps. After much debate the amendment passed along with the full motion as amended (24 for motion; 20 against). Dan Nolte Presented on Behalf of the Darcy Burner Campaign Dan Nolte said the campaign continues to gain momentum and thanked members from the 33rd that have worked on Darcy’s campaign. Within the 33rd, there are only two more precincts to walk. Dan encouraged folks to come help the campaign on Saturday, September 19th national GOTV event. Mary Soderlin Presenting on Behalf of Representative Shay Schual-Berke Mary expressed Shay’s regrets of not being able to attend the meeting. Shay is on the east coast celebrating her mother’s 95th birthday. Mary gave updates on Shay’s work on a number of health related task force and her work to place campaign limits on judicial races. Chair’s Report and Other Business Tara Jo encouraged members to attend the Normandy Park fundraising event to support Senator Karen Keiser that will be held on Saturday, September 9th from 2-4pm. The Governor and Representative Adam Smith will be attending. The Demo-Chat 2006 is published by the 33rd Legislative District Democrats and mailed in advance of the next monthly meeting. The official address of the organization is: in care of Chair Tara Jo Heinecke, 2035 S. 223rd Street, Des Moines 98198. The Demo Chat 2006 Page 4 September 2006 Registrar Report: Jean Hueston stated there were 55 voting members present. She also presented new guests for membership: Jerome Pipitone, who is also on the ballot to become a PCO; Pauline Harry from Kent; Karen Moore from Des Moines; and Dana Fosberg from Sea-Tac. Brian Kerry from Normandy Park was also seeking a PCO appointment for precinct 0849. A motion was made to accept them into membership; the motion was seconded and passed. Treasurer Report: Cass Prindle reported that our current balance is $934.43. A motion was made and passed to accept the report. Young Democrat Report: Bailey Stober presented on behalf of the Young Democrats. The Young Democrats are participating in a “campaign raid” where they flood a campaign office with volunteers. They will be going out to the Darcy Burner campaign this weekend. Other Business/Good of the order: • Fire Commissioner Jim Fossos along with Vic Pendleton, the Director of Training from Des Moines Fire Department spoke on behalf of the Fire Chief. They are seeking our support to lift the levy lid for six years to cover critical services. Cass made a motion to support the levy lid measure; it was seconded and passed. Florence made a motion to donate $150.00 toward the campaign; it was seconded and passed. • Amy Zarrett presented on the “no on I-933” campaign. She will return next month with a resolution for consideration. • Florence reported that the auction brought in $107.00. • A suggestion was made to phone 33rd LD members to remind them if their dues have not been paid to consider making a contribution. • Bob announced that the Southend Peace Movement group will be holding monthly movie nights. The first one is scheduled for September 7th at 7pm in the Burien Library. The meeting adjourned at 9:20. The Demo-Chat 2006 is published by the 33rd Legislative District Democrats and mailed in advance of the next monthly meeting. The official address of the organization is: in care of Chair Tara Jo Heinecke, 2035 S. 223rd Street, Des Moines 98198. The DemoChat 33rd Legislative District Democrats 2035 S. 223rd Street Des Moines, WA 98198 E-mail: [email protected] Post calendar notices: [email protected] RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED For more information, visit these web sites: or call Tara Jo Heinecke, 206-870-8819 Upcoming Events … Monday, September 18, 2006, 7 p.m. 33rd LD General Meeting Normandy Park Congregational Church 19247 First Avenue South, Normandy Park Information: Tara Jo Heinecke, 206-870-8819 Tuesday, September 12, 2006, 7 p.m. 33rd LD Executive Board Meeting Carpenters Specialties Training Center 20424 72nd Avenue South, Kent Information: Tara Jo Heinecke, 206-870-8819 Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 7 p.m. King County Democrats General Meeting Renton Carpenters Hall 231 Burnett Ave North, Renton Information: Susan Sheary, 425-228-4729 Monday, October 16, 2006, 7 p.m. 33rd LD General Meeting Normandy Park Congregational Church 19247 First Avenue South, Normandy Park Information: Tara Jo Heinecke, 206-870-8819 Mike Lowry Shrimp Feed, Saturday, September 16, 2006, time 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm Northgate Community Center, 10510 5th Ave NE, Seattle Primary Election Day, Tuesday, September 19th, 2006; 7:00 am to 8:00 pm Various polling locations across King County; see for more information 2006 Governor Albert D. Rosellini Dinner, Friday, September 29th, 2006; 6:30 pm To RSVP or for more information, contact Shawna Ousse at (206) 583-0664 or [email protected]