11th Sunday in Ordinary Time June 12, 2016


11th Sunday in Ordinary Time June 12, 2016
2511 South “C” Street - Oxnard, CA 93033
Church Phone: (805) 486-7301
Fax: (805) 486-3142
Website: www.stanthonyoxnard.org
Parish Founded 1959
by Msgr. Michael Condon (1915 - 2001)
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 12, 2016
~Living God’s Word ~
God of all life, we thank you for the
many ways life continues to flourish in
our world and in our land. Bless the life
you have entrusted to our care. Guide us
in raising it to harvest. Remove any obstacles we place in its way. We ask this
in Jesus’ name.
Fr. Doan T. Pham
Associates: Fr. Daniel M. Martinez
Fr. Porfirio Álvarez (Retired in residence),
Fr. Anthony Berchmanz (In residence)
Senior Deacons: Jim Henry, Joe Kennedy,
Jon McPheeters
Deacons: Andrew Cottam, George Garcia, Aurelio
Macias, Donald Pinedo & Roy Sadowski
Monday—Friday / Lunes—Viernes
8:00 am, 5:15 pm (No 5:15 pm Mass on Tues. & Weds.)
(No 5:15 pm Misas el mart. y miér.)
Todo los Martes: 7:00 pm
(Misa de Sanación segundo martes del mes)
Fridays / Viernes 6:00—6:30 pm
Saturdays / Sábados 3:30—5:00 pm
First Fridays 8:30 am-5:15 pm
Primer Viernes 8:30 am–5:15 pm
Monday—Saturday after 8:00 am Mass.
Lunes—Sábado después de la Misa de las 8:00 am
Monday-Friday ~ Lunes-Viernes:
8:30 am - 8:00 pm
8:00 am, 5:15 pm (Vigil)
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Sunday Liturgy ~ Liturgias del Domingo:
7:30, 9:00, 10:30 am (English)
12:00, 1:30 pm (Español)
June 12, 2016
Page 2
Self-Giving Love By Cynthia Reyes
I remember a priest sharing his experience with me about meeting young couples as they prepare to marry. He would
always ask the question, “Why do you want to marry her or him?” Invariably, their response is one that suited their needs and
wants, not considering the other first. “Because he or she makes me happy” becomes a self-serving reason, reflecting a selfish
need of “me” first, and the other, second. In some cases, the immaturity of the young couple would be illuminated by their responses. Where as in a true marriage, the other comes first. An awareness of the other person’s needs must remain paramount to
the partner’s wants if a true marriage of self-giving is to become a loving union.
Self-giving is the key to loving someone deeply. And in this Sunday’s readings, loving the other becomes the power behind a true disciple of Jesus. Failing to do so brings about selfishness, deception, and ultimately a broken relationship with God.
As in the first reading, King David finds himself standing before Nathan as he is reminded of all the gifts he has received from
God, and David faces the consequence of having failed God who had been so good to him. Yet, David humbly admits his wrongs,
even though Nathan readily stated them as a litany of offenses. However, David does what a sinner does when brought before
God; he asks God’s forgiveness. He knows he has broken relationship with God, yet he remains faithful. God shows him mercy
and restores David’s brokenness.
In the Gospel today, Luke gives us the story of the sinful woman who comes to the home of the Pharisee where Jesus
comes to dine. She comes before Jesus with a bucketful of her tears as she wipes his feet with her hair as she kisses his feet and
perfumes them with oil. She gives Jesus hospitality whereas the Pharisee fails to do so. She seeks forgiveness for her past and
wants to be healed. By contrast, the Pharisee sets himself apart from his humanity, and no mention of him asking for forgiveness
is ever spoken about. Yet Jesus tells him of his shortcomings. An awareness of others is vital for a follower of Jesus. If we are
wrapped up in our own needs, it is impossible to see the needs of others. This can be done in our ordinary activities of life. What
happens in our reaching out to others is that distances in relationships are closed, as we discover in others unforeseen goodness
and worth, and both they and we are transformed by this self-giving way of relating.
Amor Que Se Entrega Por Cynthia Reyes
Recuerdo un clérigo que me compartió sus experiencias acerca de parejas jóvenes quienes se preparan para casarse. Él
siempre hacia la pregunta, "¿Por qué quieres casarte con ella o él?" Invariablemente, su respuesta es uno que se concertaba a sus
necesidades y deseos, sin considerar el otro primero. "Debido a que él o ella me hace feliz" se convierte en una razón que refleja
una necesidad egoísta de "yo" en primer lugar, y el otro, en segundo lugar. En algunos casos, la falta de madurez de la joven pareja
se ilumina con sus respuestas. Cuando en un verdadero matrimonio, el otro viene primero. El conocimiento de las necesidades de
la otra persona debe seguir siendo de suma importancia para los deseos de la pareja sí un verdadero matrimonio se convierte en
una unión de amor.
La entrega es la clave para amar a alguien profundamente. Y en las lecturas de este domingo, amar al otro se convierte en
el poder de un verdadero discípulo de Jesús. De no hacerlo provoca el egoísmo, el engaño, y en última instancia una relación rota
con Dios. Al igual que en la primera lectura, el rey David se encuentra adelante de Nathan como se le recordaba a todos los dones
que ha recibido de Dios, y David se enfrenta a la consecuencia de haber fallado a Dios que había sido tan bueno con él. Sin embargo, David admite humildemente sus errores. Sin embargo, David hace lo mismo cuando un pecador se abre su corazón con Dios;
le pide perdón a Dios. Él sabe que ha rotado su relación con Dios, sin embargo, él permanece fiel. Dios le muestra misericordia y
restaura el quebrantamiento de David.
En el Evangelio de hoy, Lucas nos da la historia de la mujer pecadora que llega a la casa del fariseo, donde Jesús viene a
cenar. Ella viene antes de Jesús con una tina de sus lágrimas mientras limpia los pies con su cabello, besando y perfuma los pies
con aceite. Ella da a Jesús la hospitalidad mientras que el fariseo no lo hizo. Ella busca el perdón de su pasado y quiere ser sanada.
Por el contrario, el fariseo se aparta de su humanidad, y no hay mención de que él nunca pide el perdón. Sin embargo, Jesús le
habla de sus defectos. El conocimiento de los demás es vital para un seguidor de Jesús. Si estamos envueltos en nuestras propias
necesidades, es imposible ver las necesidades de los demás. Esto se puede hacer en nuestras actividades ordinarias de nuestras
vidas. Lo que sucede cuando somos consientes a los demás es que las distancias en las relaciones se cierran, descubrimos que en
otros la bondad inesperado, y vale la pena, tanto ellos y a nosotros, somos transformados por esta forma de ofrenda de relacionarse.
First Reading — The LORD forgives David for taking the wife of Uriah, and for
having Uriah killed (2 Samuel 12:7-10, 13).
Psalm — Lord, forgive the wrong I have done (Psalm 32).
Second Reading — If justification comes through the law, then Christ died for
nothing (Galatians 2:16, 19-21).
Gospel — Jesus forgives the woman because of her great love (Luke 7:36 — 8:3
Primera lectura — El Señor perdona a David por haber tomado a la esposa de
Urías y por haberlo matado (2 Samuel 12:7-10, 13).
Salmo — Perdona, Señor, nuestros pecados (Salmo 32 [31]).
Segunda lectura — Si la justificación viene por la ley, entonces Cristo murió en
vano (Gálatas 2:16, 19-21).
Evangelio — Jesús perdonó a la mujer por su gran amor (Lucas 7:36 — 8:3
1 Kgs 21:1-16; Ps 5:2-3ab, 4b-7; Mt 5:38-42
1 Kgs 21:17-29; Ps 51:3-6ab, 11, 16; Mt 5:43-48
2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14; Ps 31:20, 21, 24; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
Sir 48:1-14; Ps 97:1-7; Mt 6:7-15
2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20; Ps 132:11-14, 17-18; Mt
2 Chr 24:17-25; Ps 89:4-5, 29-34; Mt 6:24-34
Zec 12:10-11; 13:1; Ps 63:2-6, 8-9; Gal 3:26 29;Lk 9:18 24
June 12, 2016
“Building the Bridge to
Academics and
Mark your calendar! Dennis Uniform Company
will be on campus on Wednesday, July 6th
from 4:00-7:00 p.m. They will be in the
Condon Center.
Page 3
7:30 AM TO 4:00 PM
(805) 487-5317
( 8 0 5 ) 4 8 6 - 1 5 3 7 ( FAX)
St. Anthony School TK program is available
to 4 year olds for the 2016-2017 academic
year! If your child will turn 4 years old a er
September 1, 2016, please come by the
school for more informa on and a tour. Or
visit our website, www.sasoxnard.org. Feel
free to contact Mrs. Duran in the school
office. You may email [email protected]
or call (805) 487.5317.
Noon dismissal – Thursday, June 16th.
10:00 a.m dismissal— Friday , June 17th
6/16 – Noon dismissal
6/17 – 10:00 dismissal
Did you know you could s ll enroll your 2 ½
and 3 year olds in the St. Anthony School
preschool program? All students must be
po y-trained. We will be happy to help you
through the registra on process.
St. Anthony School now accepts CHS and
DID YOU KNOW? You can help children prepare for natural disasters
When parents and caregivers or other family members deal with crisis situations calmly and confidently, children feel
more confident and secure. A child’s reactions are influenced by the behavior they see. The better prepared you are,
the more reassuring you may be during an emergency. To help prepare your family, develop a disaster plan and assemble a supply kit. For more information and emergency preparedness tips, visit bepreparedcalifornia.ca.gov.
¿SABÍA USTED? Usted puede ayudar a los niños a prepararse para los desastres naturales
Cuando los padres, responsables u otros miembros de la familia enfrentan situaciones de crisis con calma y confianza, los niños se sienten más seguros y fuera de peligro. Las reacciones de un niño son influenciadas por el comportamiento que ven. Cuanto más preparados estamos para un caso de emergencia, más seguridad podemos dar a los
niños de que todo está bajo control. Para ayudar a que su familia esté preparada, es importante desarrollar un plan
de respuesta en caso de desastre y tener un paquete de provisiones armado. Para más información y consejos de
preparación para emergencias, visite bepreparedcalifornia.ca.gov.
June 12, 2016
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 12, 2016
I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me.
• Galatians 2:20
“I.M.P.A.C.T.” YOUTH MINISTRY: Youth group will be on
summer break join us on August 4, 2016, Youth Group
“IMPACT” gathers on Thursdays in the All Purpose Room
6:30-8:30 pm.
Page 4
Undécimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
12 de junio de 2016
Vivo, pero ya no soy yo el que vive,
es Cristo quien vive en mí.
— Gálatas 2:20
juntamos cada viernes a las 7:00 pm en el Salón Mil
Usos de la Escuela.
MISA CON ALABANZAS: martes a las 7:00 pm en la
MISA DE SANACIÓN: Cada segundo martes del mes
All men are invited to deepen
your spirituality. We meet
Wed. @ 6:30 pm in the
Community Room.
LEGION OF MARY "Mystical Rose": What does the
Legion of Mary do? We evangelize, visit the sick, the
elderly, the disabled in homes or hospitals and of course,
we pray the Holy Rosary together for our Church and the
whole world. Join us! We meet every Monday at 6:30 pm
in the All Purpose Room. For information contact
Armando Salinas at (805) 432-0350. If you would like to
request a home visit from the Pilgrim Virgin Mary
Statue please call Frank Nava at (805) 485-8457.
This process is for those who wish to
receive the sacraments of Baptism,
Eucharist and Confirmation.
Sessions will resume July 5th, 2016 @7:00 pm
For more information please contact Cynthia Reyes
at 486-7301, ext.120.
available on Tuesdays & Fridays from 9:30 am to
11:45 am and serve those from our parish
boundaries. For more information or if you would
like to become a Vincentian, please call 486-7302.
Widows and Widowers:
Are you interested in gathering in fellowship in a social
setting with others whom have experienced a loss of their
spouse? You are invited to call Mr. Henry Reifer at
(805) 486-3433 to receive further information of this newly
formed group.
jóvenes estarán en descanso de verano, acompáñanos el 4 de agosto. El grupo de jóvenes IMPACT se
reúne los Jueves en el Salón Mil Usos de la escuela
de 6:30-8:30 pm.
G RACIAS ”: Les invitamos hacer parte de su
apostolado. “La forma mas fácil de llegar a Jesús
es conociendo a su Madre Santísima, la Virgen
María” Nos juntamos los miércoles a las 9:00 am
en la oficina parroquial.
Se dará un curso para las parejas de planificación familiar Natural. Ya
no habrá necesidad de usar anticonceptivos que traen muchas
enfermedades para la mujer y provocan muchos cambios en su
cuerpo. En este curso aprenderán el método del la ovulación. Este
método NO es el conocido método del ritmo o del calendario y puede
ser usado por todo las mujeres, regulares e irregulares. El método de
la ovulación es fácil de aprender y científicamente comprobado y
exitosamente usado por todo el mundo. Conozcamos como parejas
como Dios creo nuestro sistema reproductivo y saquemos buen
provecho de ello siguiendo su plan como El lo diseño. Las clases
serán en Febrero en la Iglesia de San Antonio. Para registrarse o
para mas información llamar a: Tanis y María Morado al (805) 469-5192.
Hay adultos que fueron bautizados en la infancia
y que no han completado sus sacramentos de
Confirmación y de Eucaristía. Si usted está
interesado en completar sus sacramentos de
iniciación o si desea saber más acerca de la Iglesia Católica,
favor de hablar con Cynthia Reyes, Directora de Iniciación, al
486-7301, X120.
El Processo resumen el 14 de Junio 2016 @7:00 pm
June 12, 2016
Saturday June 11
5:15 PM For an increase in Vocation
Sunday June 12
7:30 AM Michaela Tuadan (†)
Miguel Tuadan & Family
9:00 AM Jennie Sanchez (†)
10:30 AM John Daly (†)
Rev. Alex Manville (†)
12:00 PM Epitacio Núñez (†)
1:30 PM Eva Romero (†)
Patrocinio Verdin Guerrero (†)
Monday June 13
8:00 AM Sister Grace Dykezuel
Estela Lopez
5:15 PM For all those in the book of prayers
Tuesday June 14
8:00 AM Alejandro Avalos (Birthday)
7:00 PM Para un aumento en Vocaciones
Wednesday June 15
8:00 AM Adalaide & Anastasia Chipres
Thursday June 16
8:00 AM Rustico Bravo (†)
5:15 PM Juan Carlos Bernardino (†)
Friday June 17
8:00 AM For an end to Abortion
5:15 PM For all souls in Purgatory
Saturday June 18
8:00 AM For all the Homeless
In Remembrance ~
Please pray for Mary Ellen
Arellano and all the deceased of
St. Anthony’s Parish.
May they rest in peace...
Page 5
Blood Drive St. Anthony’s Catholic
When you donate blood you give the gift of life!
Sunday, June 26, 2016
8:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.
Please call United Blood Services at 654-1600
On line-blood4life.org sponsor code
All donors will receive a pint of Ice Cream
Campaña De Sangre en St. Anthony’s
Cuando tu donas sangre tu das el regalo de vida!
Domingo Junio 26, 2016
8:45 a.m. a 1:15 p.m.
Para hacer cita llame a Maricela al 477-1242
O visita blood4life.org uniclave Stanthonys
Todos los donantes recibirán una pinta de nieve
Vengan a La Kermesse
de San Antonio de Padua
Hoy~ Durante el Día!
Come & Enjoy
St. Anthony’s Fiesta Today!
Spiritual Bouquet Card for Father’s Day: The cards are
now available in the parish office for the Father’s Day
Novena. All Fathers, both living and deceased, will be
remembered in a Novena of Masses beginning on June 19th.
Tarjetas de Ramillete Espirituales para El Día de los
Padres: Lose tarjetas esta en la oficina de parroquia
para la Novena del Día de los Padres. Todos los padres, vivos y difuntos, serán recordados en una Novena de Misas empezando el 19 de Junio.
JUNE 5, 2016
Sunday Collection/ Colecta Domingo …$10,354.00
Building Funds/ Fundos de deficio…$7,305.00
Page 6
DIRECTOR: Teresa Delgado
T UES —T HURS : 2:00-7:00 PM
SAT: 9:00 AM-1:00 PM
SUN: 9-10:15 & 11:45-1:00 PM
(805) 486-0784
[email protected]
1st Time Registrations for Religious Education program Ages: 7-17
June office hours are:
Tuesday 12pm-7pm
Saturday 9am- 4pm
Wednesday 12pm-7pm
Sunday 9am- 4pm
Thursday 12pm-7pm
Monday & Friday CLOSED
June 12, 2016
M ART – J UEV : 2:00-7:00 PM
S AB : 9:00 AM -1:00 PM
DOM: 9-10:15 Y 11:45—1:00 PM
Registraciones para NUEVOS ALUMNOS al Programa de Educación Religiosa: Edades: 7-17
Horario de oficina el mes de Junio es:
Martes 12pm-7pm
Sábado 9am- 4pm
Miércoles 12pm-7pm
Domingo 9am- 4pm
Jueves 12pm-7pm
Lunes y viernes CERADO
We are now doing a 2-3year program for Sacrament preparation for
Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist, depending on the child. (6yr olds
that can read and write will do a 3yr sacrament preparation program.)
• Classes are offered once a week 1½ per session from September to
• English Classes are offered on Wednesday’s 5:30pm -7pm & Saturdays 9am-10:30am
• All non-Baptized children need to complete one year of preparation before they can be baptized.
• High School age 1st Communion prep is offered on Saturdays 9am
Nuestro programa es de 2-3años de preparación para los Sacramentos
de Reconciliación y Eucaristía, dependiendo del niño, debe leer y escribir en el idioma que se registra.
Niños de 6 años que saben leer y escribir harán su preparación en 3
• Las clases se ofrecen una vez a la semana de 1.5 horas por sesión,
de Septiembre a Mayo.
• Clases en Español se ofrecen los Martes & Jueves 5:30-7pm y
Sábados 11:30am-1pm
• Todos los niños No-Bautizados necesitan completar un año de
clases antes de ser Bautizados.
Confirmation Sacrament Preparation: (English only)
• Clases para Jóvenes 14-17años de 1ra comunión se ofrecen Solamente en ingles los sábados a las 9am.
• The Confirmation sacrament preparation is a 2 year program, SepPreparación del Sacramento de Confirmación: (ingles solamente)
tember to May.
• La preparación del sacramento de confirmación es un programa
• Students must be must be 14-17yrs by September 2016 and in
de 2 años, de Sep embre a Mayo.
High School in order to be registered in the confirmation program.
Joven debe tener 14-17 años de edad en Sep embre 2016 y en la
• Classes are offered once a week on Sundays 9am-10:15 and students must attend mass with their class at 10:30am. Attendance to
High School, para poder ser registrados.
both is required.
• Las clases se ofrecen una vez por semana los Domingos 9am10:15 y Par cipar en la Misa de 10:30am con su grupo. La asistencia a clase y Misa es requerida.
1 Communion registration what to Bring:
Para 1ra Comunión debe presentar:
• Baptismal Certificate
• Cer ficado de bau smo
• Birth Certificate for Non- Baptized Children
• Cer ficado de Nacimiento si no está Bau zado
• Proof of address
• Comprobante de domicilio
• Emergency contact information
• Información de contactos de Emergencia
• Current picture of your child
• Foto reciente de su hijo
• Registration fee $70 ($80 non- parishioner) 2nd Child $40 ($50
• La cuota de inscripción $ 70 ($ 80 no feligrés) 2do hijo $40 ($50 nonon-parishioner)
Confirmation registration what to Bring:
Baptismal Certificate
Birth Certificate for Non- Baptized Teens
1st Communion Certificate
Proof of address
Emergency contact information
Current picture of teen
Registration fee $100 ($110 non- parishioner)
Para Confirmación debe presentar:
Certificado de bautismo
Certificado de Nacimiento si no está Bautizado
Certificado de 1ra Comunión
Comprobante de domicilio
Información de contactos de Emergencia
Foto reciente de su hijo
La cuota de inscripción $100 ($110 no-parroquianos)
Page 7
A Financial Report from St. Anthony Women’s Council from Ann
Marie Stein:
2015-2016 Beginning Operating Cost
Expenditures of Donations:
Funeral Pall
Deacon’s Matching Stole
Church Project Renovation
Subtotal of Donated Monies
The remaining funds of $5,333.04 will be allocated as follows:
$2,000.00 will be donated to St. Anthony’s School’s remodel this summer to help the parish pay for the 10% portion that will be paid, and
secondly, $2,000.00 will be donated to the parish for its church repairs.
This will leave a start up balance of $1,333.04 to begin the new year.
Thank you for your continued support of all our fundraisers.
saved you; “ Jesus wants us to have peace in our lives and our marriage.
Do we have faith that he will grant us this peace. Strengthen, renew, and
rekindle your marriage sacrament by attending a Worldwide Marriage
Encounter Weekend on June 25-26 at St Jude Parish in Westlake Village or July 30-31 at St Rose of Lima in Simi Valley. Contact Jeanine
and Russ Walker at 805-648-4244 or go online at
www.twocanlove.org. We help make good marriages better.
Pilgrimages to Fatima Portugal: Our “Special” 7 Day Pilgrimage
to Fatima Portugal will be offered from 3 Airline Gateways of Newark
NJ, New York JFK., and Boston Mass.. The price of $1599.00 is the
all inclusive price includes airfare, 4 star hotel, 2 meals per day, tour
guide and deluxe bus and more. Price is the same from all three airports
and we can assist you in securing air from your home city to one of the
3 gateways listed above . We will also flying from Miami International
but the pilgrimage will be one day longer and the all inclusive price
will be 1699.00. The travel dates from Newark, JFK , and Boston will
be Nov. 14-20, 2016 and the travel dates from Miami will be Nov. 1421 , 2016. Brochures and reservation forms are available at the Catholic
Tour call 1-877-627-4268 toll free. Or simply e-mail
[email protected].
Defender of Life Meeting: are a group of active pro life men and
women from 6 Ventura parishes. Defenders are in contact with another
15 parishes through meetings, events, and e-mails. The June meeting ,
to be held at Our Lady of Assumption parish, will be Wednesday June
15th at 3:00 pm in the Parish House 21 N. Dunning St. Ventura. Dunning is the street by Danny’s restaurant at 3263 Telegraph Rd. Everyone is welcome. Please call Anna Murphy at 218-3093 for more information.
Knight of Columbus Council #750: Is having an Enchilada Fundraiser, Sunday June 26th from 10:30 am to 4:00 pm at the Knights of
Columbus Hall 600 So. D street, Oxnard. Combo plates are $6.00
each. For advanced tickets or more information please call the council
hall at 805-483-1750 or PGK Nick Delgado at 805-336-1988.
TV MASS FOR THE HOMEBOUND: Is someone you love
unable to get to church? TV Mass on Every Sunday gives
spiritual comfort to the homebound. Tune in at 9:00 a.m. on
KDOC channel 56 or 29. For cable/satellite listings, or to
view the Mass online, visit www.MySundayMass.org.
June 12, 2016
Gift Shop: Teach your children the Bible story form. Stories
of Adam and Eve, David and Goliath and Noah’s Ark are all
awaiting your child’s imagination to be there as the event occur.
Books available in toddler, children and Bilingual. They make
great birthday gifts! Store open Sunday’s 8:30 am to 2:30 pm.
We only accept checks or cash.
St Anthony’s Catholic Church presents: Shrines of Italy
November 7-17, 2017. Please join Fr. Doan Pham and Deacon
Donald Pinedo on this Spiritual Journey. For more information
contact Deacon Donald Pinedo at St. Anthony’s Church (805)
443-5713 or (805) 486-7301 or email [email protected].
Adult Confirmation Director: Cynthia Reyes 486-7301, X120
Administrative Assistant : Cynthia Reyes 486-7301, X120
Altar Servers: Dn. Andrew Cottam 486-7301
Bulletin: 486-7301 x119 / [email protected]
Communion to Homebound: Dn. Jon McPheeters 486-7301
Director of Music: Alberto La Torre 486-7301
ElementaryReligious Ed. Program :Teresa Delgado 486-0784
Gift Shop: Ann Marie Stein 486-6799
Legion of Mary: Armando Salinas 432-0350
High School Confirmation Director: Teresa Delgado 486-0784
Men’s Ministry “Bellatoris”: Dn. George Garcia 486-7301
RCIA : Cynthia Reyes 486-7301 X120
Safeguard the Children: Julia Inouye 487-4779
School Principal: Dn. Henry Barajas 487-5317
St. Vincent De Paul: Richard B. Perez Jr. 486-7302
Wedding & 15era Coordinator: Jane Bell 483-4146
Women’s Council: Ann Marie Stein 486-6799
Youth Mass: Contact parish office 486-7301
Youth Ministry Coordinator: Teresa Delgado 486-0784
Convalidación Programa: Dn. Aurelio Macías (805) 844-0663
Danza Mensajeros de María SAS: Dn. Barajas 487-5317
Grupo de Formación Espiritual: Padre Daniel 486-7301
Grupo de Oración “El Buen Pastor” : Dn. García 984-9393
Guadalupanos: Diacono Aurelio Macías (805) 844-0663
Legión de María: TBD
Planificación Familiar Natural: Tanis y María Morado
(805) 469-5192
Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos: Cynthia Reyes,
486-7301 x120
Voluntarios de Lectores, Ujieres, Ministros de Eucaristía:
Diacono Aurelio Macías 844-0663