Truck Hacking: An Experimental Analysis of the SAE J1939


Truck Hacking: An Experimental Analysis of the SAE J1939
Truck Hacking: An Experimental Analysis of the SAE J1939
Yelizaveta Burakova, Bill Hass, Leif Millar, and André Weimerskirch
The University of Michigan
{ybura, billhass, ltmillar, andrewmk}
Consumer vehicles have been proven to be
insecure; the addition of electronics to monitor
and control vehicle functions have added complexity resulting in safety critical vulnerabilities. Heavy commercial vehicles have also begun
adding electronic control systems similar to consumer vehicles. We show how the openness of the
SAE J1939 standard used across all US heavy
vehicle industries gives easy access for safetycritical attacks and that these attacks aren’t limited to one specific make, model, or industry.
We test our attacks on a 2006 Class-8 semi
tractor and 2001 school bus. With these two vehicles, we demonstrate how simple it is to replicate
the kinds of attacks used on consumer vehicles
and that it is possible to use the same attack on
other vehicles that use the SAE J1939 standard.
We show safety critical attacks that include the
ability to accelerate a truck in motion, disable
the driver’s ability to accelerate, and disable the
vehicle’s engine brake. We conclude with a discussion for possibilities of additional attacks and
potential remote attack vectors.
Although academic research has shown vulnerabilities in consumer automobiles as early as
2010 [12], the general public has only recently
been made aware of such vulnerabilities through
media reports in 2015. Now, both industry and
consumers are paying more attention to the security of their own cars. However, not much has
been said or done in public about the heavy vehicle industry.
to electronically control drivetrain components
of a vehicle, which is typically the core component of a concerted effort to maximize fuel efficiency. Because so many different organizations
are involved in the building of heavy vehicles, a
standard was needed to minimize engineering effort and the complications of integrating systems.
J1939 is not the first standard for heavy vehicles,
but rather is the successor of the SAE J1587 and
SAE J1708 standards. While standardizing these
communications has proven crucial in allowing
various suppliers and manufacturers to work together and cut costs, it also means that all heavy
vehicles currently on the road in the US, from
semi tractor-trailers to garbage trucks and cement mixers to buses, utilize the same communication protocol on their internal networks.
Heavy vehicles play an important role in
our nation’s economy. In 2002, the value of
freight shipments was $11 trillion, of which trucks
hauled 64% [3], and there were over 6.5 million
heavy trucks in fleets in the United States in
2013 [20]. While physically different from consumer automobiles in many ways, heavy vehicles are similar internally in that they are composed of a distributed system of electronic control units (ECUs) that communicate over a CANbased network.
Additionally, as with cars, the trend for
heavy vehicles is to move away from purely mechanical systems towards more electronically controlled ones thanks to the promise of fuel efficiency, driver comfort, and safety. For example, heavy trucks are mandated in the US to
employ electronically controlled anti-lock brake,
anti-slip regulation, and active rollover protection systems. Furthermore, active lane keep asAll modern heavy duty trucks and buses sist, collision avoidance, and adaptive cruise conin the United States use the SAE J1939 Stan- trol systems are available, and a couple compadard (J1939) for their internal networks. Moti- nies are even touting their autonomous trucking
vation for J1939 stems primarily from a desire
capabilities [2]. These systems bring electronic
control to safety critical components which necessitates a focus on robustness, reliability, and
2. We demonstrate that safety critical systems
are vulnerable to an adversary with access
to the vehicle’s internal network through the
diagnostics port.
Heavy trucks are typically part of a larger
fleet of vehicles which are monitored over
long distances using fleet management systems
(FMS). The FMS standard is a worldwide standard developed in 2002 which combines satellite
and cellular communication to provide information about vehicle location and status. Some status messages defined by FMS include vehicle and
driver identification as well as the state of the
electronic engine controller, cruise control module, and fuel levels [6]. The FMS standard enables third party systems to integrate with the
API across manufacturers which is a nice benefit for fleet owners, but as we’ve seen in the
consumer segment, third party devices don’t always prioritize security [4]. In fact, a blogpost in
March, 2016 [16] revealed over 1,500 third party
fleet management systems with connection to the
vehicle’s internal network whose Telnet port was
wide open. This indicates a viable long-range attack surface on heavy vehicles.
3. We verify that attacks developed on a semitractor also work on a bus, providing evidence that all heavy vehicles with the J1939
standard are affected.
4. We provide an outlook on further attacks
that are highly likely to be successful and
give recommendations for future areas of research.
We first cover related work, provide terms
from the heavy vehicle industry, and present a
technical overview of CAN and J1939 in Section
2. Then, in Section 3 we describe our threat
model, and Section 4 covers our methodology.
We present our results in Section 5, followed by a
discussion of the individual attacks. We end with
future work in Section 6 and give our conclusion
in Section 7.
In this paper, we focus on what an adversary can accomplish physically connected to the
internal network, and analyze the impact of insecure ECUs in heavy vehicles that use the J1939
standard. This is a topic of concern to many
agencies and parties, including various government agencies, heavy vehicle manufacturers, the
freight industry, and of course the general public.
Our goal was to experimentally analyze the security of the J1939 protocol and determine whether
heavy vehicles are more or less secure than consumer automobiles.
Related Work
Recent attention has been paid to consumer
automobile security thanks to several prominent
demonstrations of vehicle vulnerabilities on an
unnamed car in 2010 [12], a Toyota Prius and
Ford Escape in 2014 [14], and a Jeep Grand
Cherokee in 2015 [15]. Notably, exploits were
first developed and reported using a physical connection to the vehicle’s internal CAN network
1.1 Contributions
through the car’s on-board diagnostics (OBD-II)
We are the first to experimentally demon- port, as is the case in 2010 and 2014. Follow up
strate that heavy vehicle networks are vulnera- research to the 2010 report by some of the same
ble to attacks similar to those implemented on authors in 2011 [13] demonstrated a wide array
consumer car networks. A strength of our work of remote exploits thanks in part to buffer overis that by focusing on the J1939 standard, our flows at the remote interfaces and a general lack
results can be applied to all vehicles using that of security on behalf of the vehicle system enstandard. We summarize our contributions as gineers. Similarly, the 2015 vulnerabilities were
extensions of the authors’ prior research in 2014,
which showed they were able to remotely control the vehicle across the country over a cellular
1. Using publicly available information of a network. In a similar manner, we wish to first
common, standardized vehicle network, we explore the capabilities of an adversary with a
show that it is possible to mount safety crit- physical connection to the heavy vehicle’s interical attacks.
nal network via the OBD port.
• Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) - The
GVWR is a commercial vehicle classification
used in the United States based on the maximum loaded weight, ranging from Class-1
to Class-8. A Class-8 truck is classified as
a truck whose GVWR exceeds 33,000 lbs
and requires a Class-A commercial driver’s
license to operate.
Before we begin, we will define a few terms
from the heavy vehicle industry.
• Control Area Network (CAN) Bus - The
standard method of communication for electronic modules in automobiles. The most
common CAN bus configuration is a twisted
pair of wires which are connected to each
module in the vehicle that needs to send or
receive data to other modules.
• Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) - The
driver’s license that is required to operate
heavy vehicles.
• CAN Message / Frame - A complete
2.2 CAN Protocol
CAN2.0B packet that contains various headers, an 8 byte data payload, which itself
The CAN standard was first developed at
is composed of several signals, and various Robert Bosch GmbH in 1983 for the purpose of
footers as specified by ISO 11898.
networking various electronics modules without
the need for a dedicated computer in automo• CAN Signal - An individual piece of informa- biles.
tion which is contained in the data payload
The original standard was specified in ISO
of a CAN message. It can be one or many
which defines the physical and data link
bits in length.
layers of the CAN protocol. The most common
• Electronic Control Unit (ECU) - One of physical layer describes a two wire differential
the numerous electronic modules that collec- bus, one high and one low voltage wire, termitively constitute the distributed control sys- nated at both ends by a 120-ohm resistor and
tem of the vehicle.
connected at each node to a transceiver. The
wires are typically twisted together, which gives
• Foundation / Service Brake - The physical
the bus a high tolerance for interference as both
braking mechanism at the wheel ends or axle
wires will experience the same level of distorwhich uses friction to cause the truck to detion, leaving the voltage difference between the
two wires largely unaffected. The data link layer
• Engine Brake - On heavy vehicles, an im- usually consists of a peripheral micro-controller
portant aspect of braking is the use of the that implements arbitration and packet framing
engine to slow down the vehicle. This is es- in hardware which is controlled by the host propecially important when going downhill, as cessor.
using foundation brakes for this task would
Data is sent using frames which are also dequickly cause the brakes to overheat. When scribed in the specification. These packets inthe brakes overheat, not only do they wear clude a priority identifier, data length, data paysubstantially faster, but more importantly a load, error detection bits, and an ACK bit. The
partial or total loss of braking results (Also priority ID and data bytes are the primary comknown as brake fading).
ponents of the frame which can be controlled by
the host controller. The original specification
only allows for up to 8 bytes of data per frame
and an 11 bit ID. Since the release of CAN2.0B in
1991 [5], an extended frame format was defined
that allows for a 29 bit ID. The extended frame
format can be seen at the top of Figure 1a. Recently, CAN-FD was defined which inter-operates
• Supplier - Companies that supply OEMs with CAN2.0B and allows up to 64 bytes of data
with various parts or services. Suppliers may per frame. Larger frames will one day enable the
sell raw materials, individual parts, or an en- ability to include message authentication codes
tire system they have designed and devel- with the data, but it will be at least several years
until CAN-FD is widely adopted.
• Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) The manufacturer of the end product. The
relationship between OEM and suppliers is
complex. Examples from automotive include
Ford, Kenworth, Mercedes-Benz, and General Motors.
(a) Full CAN frame with 29-bit ID broken down for J1939 protocol
(b) Example SPN layout for the “Engine Temperature” PGN
Figure 1: Diagrams that describe the J1939 identifier and data fields [21]
The messages sent on the bus depend
greatly on the make and model of the vehicle.
For example, the messages sent on consumer vehicle networks are proprietary to the OEM that
designed that particular vehicle and kept secret.
Often times the message formats will change, not
only from model to model within an OEM, but
also from year to year. For this reason, deciphering consumer vehicle network traffic involves
the tedious process of reverse engineering any
messages observed on the bus to determine their
requires more data, a set of transport protocol
messages can be used to send up to 1,785 bytes
for a given PGN. The data bytes are grouped using Suspect Parameter Numbers (SPNs) which
define what the data means. An example of how
PGNs and SPNs relate is shown in Figure 1b .
The J1939 standard is open and used across
many industries that employ diesel engine vehicles, such as bus and train transportation, construction, agriculture, forestry, mining, and the
military [18]. This is a very different model from
OEM’s proprietary application level CAN protocols which change across make, model, and model
year and are heavily guarded secrets within the
J1939 Protocol
The SAE J1939 standard describes the vehicle bus used in heavy vehicles such as buses and
semi-trucks. J1939 defines five of the seven layers of the OSI model, with CAN2.0B being used
for the physical and data-link layers [11]. The 29
bit ID encodes a 3 bit priority, 18 bit Parameter
Group Number (PGN), and 8 bit source address,
as seen in Figure 1a. The PGN is a message identifier that specifies which signals are contained in
the data payload. In most cases, the data sent for
a given PGN consists of 8 bytes, but if a PGN
The openness of J1939 allows anyone who
can make a payment receive technical details
about standard PGNs, allowing a potential adversary to easily gain the knowledge necessary
to attack safety critical components. PGNs
0x00FF00 through 0x00FFFF are reserved for
proprietary use, but every attack described in
this paper uses standard PGNs that are the same
for different vehicles. Interesting messages that
are part of the standard include brake, engine,
transmission, and cruise control. These messages
could lead to similar vulnerabilities as seen in
the consumer automotive sector. A recent NSF
Grant for a J1939 security testbed in Jan. 1,
2016 [17] suggests government and heavy trucking industry are starting to analyze the security
implications of the standard.
trace anything is amiss. A common argument to
the physical assumption is that an adversary can
already cut the brakes or loosen some nuts with
physical access, but we think that argument takes
a nearsighted view of the threat model. With a
foothold in the car’s internal network, vehicle status or external events can be monitored to trigger various behaviors, and the software can avoid
forensic analysis by erasing itself.
We provide supporting evidence in Section
4 to say that attacks developed for the J1939 protocol can potentially be used across a wide variety of vehicles. While there may still be slight
implementation differences from supplier to supplier and some vehicles won’t have certain features implemented, we hypothesize that most basic attacks will work for any vehicle that uses this
While our research focused on direct physical access through the OBD port, there are a
couple other attack vectors common to heavy
vehicles that are worth mentioning. First, is
the trailer in a semi tractor-trailer configuration.
Typically, there is a bridge between the J1939
network and the trailer network as can be seen
in Figure 2, which if exploited could be a viable
attack vector. Second, are fleet management sys-
Threat Model
In contrast to the consumer car segment,
there is more incentive for an adversary to attack the heavy vehicle industry due to the size of
the vehicles and the variety of goods they carry.
The biggest motivation for an attacker is usually
financial, and the freight transportation industry contributes nearly 10 percent of the United
States GDP [19]. When you add other potentially affected industries such as construction and
agriculture, that number only goes up. So our adversary can be anyone who could stand to make
a profit off manipulating the vehicles, be it from
hijacking their goods, adversely manipulating a
competition’s fleet, extorting fleet owners and
drivers, or selling their tools and services on the
black market. Another type of adversary we consider is one who wishes to cause the most harm
and damage as possible, such as a terrorist or
nation state.
Figure 2: Tractor-trailer network configuration
tems (FMS) which can be found in many commercial vehicles. They are used by fleet owners
to wirelessly track and log various statistics of a
given fleet, from GPS, speed, and brake usage to
notifications in the case of an accident or airbag
deployment. FMS should be read-only from the
J1939 network, but they are complex systems
which could provide a wireless attack vector.
It’s reasonable to assume that given a physical exploit, a remote exploit will soon follow.
Many cases of remote attacks in the consumer
vehicle space derive from physical exploits [13,
15, 4]. There has even been at least one documented vulnerability of hardware that is specifically used in trucks today [16]. This particular security flaw was due to an open Telnet port
accessible without authentication on the public
IP space. It’s not news that embedded devices
have open ports [1], so we can reasonably expect
that this is not the only instance of a telematics unit with an exploitable default configuration.
Like FMS, telematics units are used widely in the
trucking industry to track vehicles and many are
connected to CAN to report diagnostics back to
the base.
We assume that our adversary has the ability to transmit arbitrary messages on the vehicle’s J1939 bus. This is most readily accomplished with physical access to the vehicle
through the OBD port. Given that CAN hardware is common and easy to obtain, we can assume that someone with physical access also has
access to the correct hardware. With a small
enough dongle, an adversary with brief physical
access could gain persistent access to the vehicle’s
bus since the OBD port is commonly located out
of sight under the dash and is not part of the
CDL pre-trip inspection. Alternatively, a more
It takes more sophisticated knowledge of
sophisticated attacker could inject malware into
other ECUs on the network leaving no external the protocol to understand what messages to
modify or send in order to get some kind of desired behavior, but the fact that J1939 is an open
standard means that anyone with enough technical skill can craft attacks before even connecting to a vehicle. This differs from consumer vehicles, where the proprietary CAN standard requires significant reverse engineering and narrows
the possible attackers to people with access to the
specific vehicle’s protocol version. On top of that,
an adversary attacking consumer vehicles would
need to modify their attack for different models
of cars, whereas an attack on heavy vehicles can
remain unmodified and work on a variety of vehicles, from trucks to buses.
Figure 3: Example setup for experimentation.
under normal driving conditions, we used public roads due to the limited availability of test4 Methodology
ing facilities. For these tests, we put our tools
into listen-only mode so no data packets could
All of our experiments specifically exploit be injected onto the CAN bus. These sessions
messages present in J1939 without the use of were aimed at gathering data only to be stored
backdoors or software vulnerabilities. We fo- for later analysis. Once we had collected that
cused primarily on a Class-8 2006 model year data, we went back to the parked and idle setup
semi tractor, and we had limited access to a 2001 to replay the sequence of messages we recorded.
model year school bus. Since both use the J1939 Using this method, we discovered a reaction by
standard, our hypothesis was that the exact same the powertrain and other electronic systems.
attacks should work on each vehicle, and on any
Finally, we needed to test our attacks while
other vehicle that uses the standard. All of our
was in motion in order to realize
attacks were first developed on the semi truck
of our findings. For this, we
while idling in neutral with the parking brake
University of Michigan Mobilapplied, then tested on a closed track with a cerity
Center’s 32-acre closed-course
tified CDL driver while the truck was driven untest
experiments were carried
der normal conditions. Then, for each of our sucout
uphill gradient with
cessful attacks, we also tested them unmodified
so that the vehiagainst the school bus while parked and idling to
to a stop in
check our hypothesis.
case of an emergency.
Our test setup is pictured in Figure 3. We
connected a laptop to the Vector and PEAK tools 4.1 Tools
described in Section 3.1 which were connected to
We used a variety of diagnostic tools to anthe J1939 OBD port via a Y-cable in order to collect and transmit data. The CANoe application alyze the bus traffic and inject our own packets.
proved to be the most useful for packet snoop- All of these tools are available to purchase and
ing thanks to a publicly available Communication are designed for the typical mechanic or engineer
Database (DBC) file which enabled messages to to use.
be parsed and inspected in real-time based on
the J1939 standard. We were quickly able to Vector CANoe
identify PGNs that controlled various functions
The Vector CANoe is a high-cost, industryof the truck as we manipulated them from within
standard CAN analysis and simulation software
the cabin. The PEAK tool on the other hand was
tool. It uses a hardware interface device which
much easier to use for packet injection thanks to
allows the user to interface via USB with varthe simple, intuitive user interface. By injecting
ious CAN protocols such as the J1939 standard
packets with the PEAK tool and snooping with
or other proprietary protocols that use CAN. The
the Vector tool, we were able to easily verify our
software application allows the user to snoop and
injected messages.
record CAN traffic, inject and replay CAN mesIn order to gather data while the truck was sages, and write scripts for efficiently describing
complex interactions with modules on the bus.
It uses a proprietary C-like event-driven scripting language called CAPL. The application layer
CAN protocols can be described in the DBC
which can then be imported to CANoe for realtime identification of the CAN messages and signals on the bus, as well as for easier creation of
We find that an adversary with network access can control safety critical systems of heavy
vehicles using the SAE J1939 protocol. The specific message PGNs for each behavior are listed in
Table 1. The instrument cluster attack required
different PGNs to control each gauge, whereas we
found we could get a lot of control from the truck
by changing the SPNs within the torque/speed
control 1 (TSC1) message. Not only is the TSC1
message a public PGN, but the documentation
provides a detailed overview of the purpose of
the different SPNs associated with it, making this
powerful attack relatively easy to replicate.
We used CANoe for data gathering, and our
more sophisticated attacks were implemented in
CAPL and executed using the CANoe system.
The PEAK tool is a low-cost alternative to
the Vector tool. It is similar in that there is a
software application and hardware device that
interfaces between CAN and USB. Its free application, PCAN-view, has fewer features, but it is
also more intuitive and works very well for simple tasks. PEAK provides a set of libraries for
interfacing with PCAN APIs which we used with
Python to create a fuzzing script [7] which enumerates all possible data and ID fields. Prior
research has had success with such fuzzing methods, but we have not. Additionally, the lack
of database files which describe the identification and purpose of various messages makes for
a much less straightforward experience with the
PEAK tool.
Instrument Cluster
By spoofing the status messages that originate in various ECUs of the truck, we were
able to control all gauges on the instrument cluster, which include oil temperature, oil pressure,
coolant temperature, RPM, speed, fuel level, battery voltage, and air pressure of the foundation
brake system. [8] The temperature, oil pressure, air pressure, fuel level, and battery voltage
gauges all cause an alarm to sound accompanied
by a bright red light at each gauge when the reading goes above or below a certain point, and in all
cases we were able to make the gauges go beyond
said thresholds, causing the alarm to sound. Our
control was precise, we could make the gauges
The PEAK tool was used for data gath- point to the value of our choosing - even while
ering, especially while using CANoe, and our the truck was in motion. This attack did not
earlier, simple attacks were implemented with work on the 2001 model year bus.
PCAN-view and the PEAK tool.
For the safety critical rating, we deemed
fuel level, battery, and RPM as non-critical beDiagnostics Tool
cause the driver has other indicators which can be
The generic diagnostics tool we used had relied on such as odometer and engine noise. For
capability to retrieve diagnostic codes and gen- speedometer, oil pressure, and temperature, we
eral status information about the semi truck it gave a low rating because they are harder to veris connected to. It uses a standard J1939 OBD ify by the driver and could put the driver or other
connector and is used primarily by mechanics for vehicles on the road in a dangerous situation if
ECU diagnostics. We found that the software the underlying system fails. The service brake
also has the option to update ECUs and cut off pressure has moderate severity because the driver
each of the six engine cylinders, one cylinder at has no other indicator and needs to know the air
a time, and we found a freely available software pressure to avoid activating the emergency brake
module from the ABS manufacturer’s website for system which would lock up all of the wheels.
the generic diagnostics tool which enabled us to
5.2 Powertrain
actuate the ABS valves on the wheel ends.
We used the diagnostic tool to setup diagThe powertrain attack was somewhat
nostics sessions and perform various diagnostics harder to discover, but just as straightforward
tasks while logging the messages with CANoe via to implement. By replaying a sequence of capthe Y-Cable.
tured messages that we recorded during normal
Attack Messages
Safety Critical
Set Oil & Coolant Temperature Gauges
Set Oil Pressure Gauge
Set Service Brake Pressure Gauge
Set Speedometer Gauge
Set RPM Gauge
Set Battery Gauge
Set Fuel Level Gauge
Increase Engine RPM
Decrease Engine RPM
Disable Engine Brake
Table 1: List of PGNs and attack severity
modification on the 2001 model year school bus.
driving conditions, we observed the engine RPM
increase in a specific pattern. There were eleven
unique PGNs that repeated at various intervals
related to the engine within that sequence, leading us to believe it was a complex interaction of
messages causing the RPM to spike. However, by
shrinking the sequence and probing with specific
messages we were surprised to find that just one
PGN, TSC1, enabled powertrain control. [10]
According to the specification, the TSC1
message is used for engine control and retarding by various ECUs, such as accelerator pedal,
cruise control, or power take-off governor. It is
received by the engine or retarder and commands
a given RPM value if speed control mode is specified or percentage of torque output if torque control mode is specified. We ran further experiments while idle and found that by injecting the
TSC1 message with a specified RPM in speed
control mode we could physically command the
engine’s RPM to that specific value. Torque control mode behaved similarly, but a specific RPM
value was harder to hit.
We developed a set of messages that exercised edge cases of various signals within the
TSC1 message for testing on MCity while driving. By commanding the RPM to any value in
speed control mode, we were able to override the
driver’s input. If a high RPM value was issued
(e.g. 3000 RPM) we caused the truck to very
quickly accelerate to max out the speed provided
by the currently selected gear. This attack didn’t
work while the truck was completely stopped or
rolling backwards down an incline, but it did
work if the truck was rolling forward. By commanding the torque percentage to a low value
(e.g. 0%) in torque control mode, we were able
to override the driver’s input to the accelerator as
he was actively accelerating causing the truck’s
engine to idle; effectively cutting off the engine.
This even prevented the driver from accelerating
from a standstill. The TSC1 message also had
other side effects explained in the engine brake
section below.
After seven seconds of continuous control,
the engine wouldn’t obey our messages and returned to idle, but we quickly overcame this limitation by pausing for 40ms before the seven second timeout expired, then repeating. With just a
40ms pause, we could indefinitely hold the RPM
to a given value. We did not try to blow the engine. This attack also worked while idle without
To summarize, we were able to override the
driver’s input to the accelerator pedal and simultaneously cause either direct acceleration or remove the ability to provide torque to the wheels
while the truck was in motion. We gave both a
high safety critical rating because the CAN message directly influences the vehicle’s engine without operator control; the best the driver can do
is brake and pull over which isn’t possible in all
insecure. Additionally, for those models that are
secure, the level of sophistication that would be
required to bypass their security enough to write
malicious packets on the CAN bus or gather sensitive information.
Engine Brake
In addition to overriding accelerator input,
the TSC1 message can be configured to disable
the truck’s ability to use engine braking at speeds
below 30 miles per hour. When we commanded
the torque percentage to 0% while the truck’s
engine brakes were actively decelerating the vehicle, the truck’s engine brakes let off completely
and deceleration ceased. This is dangerous because engine braking is heavily relied on by heavy
vehicles to save the foundation brakes from overheating, which can lead to brake fade or total loss
of braking power. Even with a 30 mph threshold, we still give this a high safety critical rating
because on long and steep winding roads a fullyloaded truck has the potential for catastrophic
brake loss.
Truck Trailers
We focused on the truck tractor in our research, but future work could also involve looking into the bus of the trailer as well. There are
theoretical possibilities à la Stuxnet of how a malicious trailer could affect multiple tractors. Future work is required to investigate how feasible
this would be.
Other Industries
The scope of our experiments was limited
to two vehicles from similar industries, but we
would be interested in applying the same experiments to trucks and buses from different manufacturers as well as vehicles from other industries.
We have shown that an unmodified version of the
powertrain attack from a 2006 model year truck
worked on a 2001 model year bus, and we believe
this is only the tip of the iceberg. It would not be
surprising to us to see that diesel engine vehicles
from agriculture, forestry, construction, locomotive, marine, and military industries are affected
by the same or similar attacks.
Future Work
We were not able to turn every discovery
into an attack. Here we list a few possibilities for
further research.
Other Messages of Interest
We found additional J1939 messages in documentation that seem safety critical on their own,
similar to the TSC1 message, which suggest net7
work control of transmission and brakes.
There has been a lot of prior work done
to analyze the security of consumer automobiles.
However, we are the first to show that some of
the same vulnerabilities are very much present
in the heavy vehicle industry. Similar to cars,
semi trucks are designed to protect against safety
failures, but the idea of an active attacker does
not go into the design of the safety mechanisms.
Diagnostic Tool Spoofing
We found that the diagnostic tool can disable the engine cylinders and actuate the ABS
valves through the OBD port, but these messages
are sent over the J1708/J1587 network, so future
research will involve determining how the request
is made, and what kind (if any) authentication
the diagnostics tool uses.
By using publicly available information of
a popular vehicle network standard, we have deEngine Braking
veloped concrete examples of attacks that affect
safety-critical systems of a semi-truck and a bus
Additional research is required to investiwhich use the same standard. Since our attacks
gate how engine braking might be disabled at
focus on the J1939 protocol, not the software on
speeds greater than 30 mph.
the truck itself, the attacks aren’t limited to just
semi trucks, and they can be implemented on a
Remote Extension
wide scale. The impact of protocol vulnerabiliFurther research is needed to determine the ties that we showed stretches across many indusnumber of telematics unit models available, the tries in the US and abroad. We only needed one
security measures used by different models, and message to implement a series of safety-critical
the utilization rates of attacks on models deemed attacks, and while we required physical access
to the internal network, it is reasonable to assume that a remote extension to our attacks is
feasible given how similar the vulnerabilities are
to consumer vehicles and the complexity of fleet
management systems already widely employed.
[6] Group, H. . B. W. Fms-standard description,
version 03.
pdf, sept 2012. Accessed: 2016-04-18.
It is imperative that the trucking industry
begins to take software security more seriously.
Our attacks took us less than two months to
implement and did not require any proprietary
PGNs. It is reasonable to assume that with more
time an adversary could create an even more
sophisticated attack, one that could be implemented remotely. With Bluetooth, cellular, and
WiFi, modern trucks are becoming much more
connected to the outside world, which present
new attack vectors. Our hope is the heavy vehicle industry begins to include the possibility of
an active adversary in the design of their safety
[8] Hass, B., Burakova, Y., and Millar, L. Video
of attack on instrument cluster.
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