Issue 3
Issue 3
Tobi Ashimolowo Tobi Ashimolowo • T obi defined Glory as Light. He reminded us that we are meant to reflect the Light of God, because we are the Light of the world (Matthew 5:1314). He emphasised that it is imperative we shine the light of God through our lifestyle, as stated in 2 Corinthians 3:18. What is the glory of God? • The Glory of God can be manifested in the physical. In Exodus 13:2122, the glory was made manifest as a cloud and fire. The Glory of God was manifest through people – in the life of Moses in Exodus 14:21-22 and also in the life of Paul in Acts 19:11-12. Tobi prophesied that God is ready to use the youth. 30 SECONDS WITH CHANCE JN: What does My Glory mean to you? C: It means the Glory that God has put in me. JN: Describe Da X conference so far? C: The conference has been brilliant and seeing the outcome makes me more joyful. He continued by showing that when you give your life to God, the Glory of God resides in you. We also have the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead transforming us into more glorious people. Pastor Wilson Bugembe F R I D A Y T he atmosphere in TNT was filled with expectancy as Pastor Wilson took the stage. He was very relaxed and engaging, he started by prophesying to the youths that he believes they are going to be the next generation of God’s Generals. In line with the prophecy, he gave his testimony of how God turned a hopeless situation around for His glory. Writing his first song ‘Yellow’; interestingly after his nickname, because of the one yellow coloured shirt he wore whilst growing up. Due to this song, he became the Best Gospel Artist in Uganda for 10 years. His story was told everywhere and he began to give his testimony. At 19 years he started his ministry with nine other students under a mango tree – it has now grown to 5000 members and the ministry takes care of 190 orphans. Quoting from Luke 11:21-24, coupled with a very interactive demonstration of an arm wrestle between two young saints, he challenged the everyone to always be on the Yesterday’s KYAM winning side and convention was visited to always by Pastor Dipo, with a choose Jesus, beaming smile he tried to because He will gain entry. Fortuitously overcome all protocol was adhered challenges. to and the young adult To listen to the full peace keeper handled the testimony situation gloriously stating, please buy the tape! “We require ID proving that you are under 30, sir…” Gate Crasher 2 8 T H A U G U S T WELCOME! praying for revival! P eople can argue against many things but they cannot argue against the move of God. Creation is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God. We need a revival. Yesterday afternoon we stood as one body and prayed for Europe; for a move of God that cannot be denied. We prayed for revival. We need the enemy to be silenced; for hell to be defeated. As people of God we prayed to shift darkness, we broke the power of the enemy, releasimg grace in Jesus’ name. I believe there will be a shift in Europe, that darkness will be overpowered, that the power of the enemy will be broken. God will silence the silencers. God will do a new work. His hands will be stretched out. I pray that God will use you and make you a blessing. That He will use you to touch your world. Don’t let the enemy condemn you, don’t let him limit you, or remind you of your past. You are a new creation. Just tell God that you are available. He will use you, He will make you a blessing in Jesus’ name. The power and the presence of the Holy Spirit is here. You will walk in His glory CHAMPIONS XTRA Matthew Ashimolowo Don’t miss interviews with all the speakers at IGOC 2015 on Champions Xtra on KICCTV each day 2pm and 8pm on Sky channel 591. Tomorrow’s Agenda 10.00AM DR. MIKE MURDOCK 2.00PM PASTOR MATTHEW ASHIMOLOWO 6.00PM PASTOR STEVE MUNSEY HEIRS OF THE FATHER Funnies By Dr. Mensa Otabil READY STEADY EGGY Keen to get a good start to the day with a solid breakfast… a member of the media team arrived with some delicious boiled eggs to enjoy! Her colleagues however did not share her enthusiasm… “Please! Take it outside where there is a lot of air!” Oh dear… never mind sister. Pray the scent away Dr Mensa Otabil introduced his powerful teaching with the words, “We are heirs of the Father, We are joint heirs to the Son, we are children of the kingdom, we are family; we are one”. Dr Otabil explained that w –hen we receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, we become children of God. He then asked us: In what sense are we children of God? PREDESTINED UNTO ADOPTION As said in Ephesians 1:5, we were ‘predestined to adoption’. Dr Otabil proclaimed that adoption means we are not children of God by blood or natural birth (as we know it to be on earth), but we are children by a spiritual conveyance from the earth realm into the Kingdom of God. In other words, we do not receive the Spirit of bondage to fear, but the Spirit of adoption in which we are: free to call God “Abba, Father” and we are joint heirs with Christ to share in the fullness and richness of God’s abundant and everlasting inheritance (Romans 8: 14-17). We have unrestrained, uninhibited and unlimited access to God’s inheritance, so what’s the challenge? Dr Otabil explained that our biggest battle is with our mind, because adoption occurs when we have already learnt bad habits and become accustomed to being a slave to fear and living in lack. He highlighted that our greatest battle was not with the enemy, but with our mind. We need to allow the spiritual reality to manifest in our mind (Romans 12:2). We need to renew our mind! Dr Otabil urged that we need to LEARN that we are not slaves in transition, but we are JOINT heirs and masters of all (Galaians 4:1-3). The man of God wittingly unfolded that the value and worth of a thing is determined by the price tag, Therefore £5 shoes are bound to forsake you in the winter. However, Jesus who desired to redeem us looked around and found nothing more precious than His life to give for the sake of our sins. Therefore, we have access to all of the inheritance made available to Jesus Christ by God, because he paid the price with His blood (which bears witness for us in the most holy place in heaven) so that God would love us the way that God loves Him. By His blood, we have total redemption (Hebrews 1:1-3). By His blood, Jesus obtained a more excellent ministry that thrives internationally, around the clock, through us and for us (Hebrews 8:6). By His blood, Jesus obtained a more excellent name that we can call upon. Only at the MENTION of His name, with a little bit of faith, EVERY KNEE SHOULD BOW (Hebrews 1:4; Philippians 2:10). To conclude his message, Pastor Otabil invited us all to call on the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS. What teaching has impacted you the most from the Daytime School of Ministry? I was especially impacted by Pastor Matthew’s opening message while he was talking about a change of season. I believe I am going through a change of season right now. All the teachings have been great. What also stood out for me was Dr Bill Winston’s message – ‘Faith, the missing ingredient’ Faith is at the core of our Christian walk, you cannot walk with God without it. We all face difficult situations just like the disciples in Mark 4:36-41 but the question is: will you be able to stand when challenges comes? We are like diamonds picked out of the dirt but we should be willing to go through the fiery furnace in order to shine for His glory. I like one of the statements he made – ‘Faith is the title deed’! Tafadzwa Muyanduki Dr Mensa Otabil earlier said “the value and worth of a thing is determined by the price tag, therefore £5 shoes are bound to forsake you in the winter.” This sister clearly has no problem with choosing what shoes to wear! BE LED BY THE SPIRIT SISTER!! We couldn’t help but chuckle as we overheard two sisters talking about the availability of eligible bachelors during IGOC… Sister 1: There always seem to be ‘good ones’ when (we have deliberately withheld the name) speaker comes Sister 2: I know!! They came to my stand – last time I got so carried away, I nearly gave away all of my products!!! Be led by the Spirit sisters spiritual centre - cycles of blessings by bishop tudor bismark Bishop Tudor Bismark powerfully opened his message by letting the congregation know that this message was about ’Spiritual Centres’ and ‘Cycles of Blessings’, to which he asked all present to shout it out. Laying a foundation of scripture from Acts 13, he went on to explain how the Church at Anitoch was in disarray – they even had racial wars and a curfew at 6pm. When the Apostle Paul came to Antioch all of that changed and the church at Antioch became a spiritual centre. He declared that KICC is a spiritual centre and has a responsibility that only God knows just how much. So what is a spiritual centre? 1. It is an epicenter – a place of revelation 2. God trusts you with gifted people in a spiritual centre – God gives you these people to do the things they need to be able to do 3. Unusual amounts of revenue are within the spiritual centre – this helps to buy the future 4. The move of the Holy Spirit – It is not about having church but about setting the atmosphere for God to rule in the region Giving an example, he showed us how God is moving in the Spirit and how that move of the spirit is like a flame. The flame comes and it operates in the afterglow and that is where we really enjoy the Holy Spirit. But God only operates in cycles and seasons. They begin to release something that we have to tap into. Cycles are: 1. Universal 2. Political 3. Economic 4. Social 5. Family 6. Spiritual 7. Behavioural When we see the signs of these cycles, we know that we can wait and receive. In Genesis 1:15, God clearly shows us the cycle of day and night. In Genesis 1:14 he shows us a scientific cycle and in Genesis 18:10 he shows us a time cycle. Whatever cycle you find yourself in, there is always the time to wait, but it is how you manage your highs that will give you the wisdom to succeed. The keys are in the change of the cycle, because it is not just ‘happen-stance.’ You have to prepare for the revival as it is part of the cycle. At this juncture, he instructed us to shout “I am a spiritual centre” at the top of our voices. This caused a shift in the atmosphere and he began to give the testimony of Tommy Tenney. The truth is, when you follow the Apostle Paul’s example, you will be a spiritual centre. FAITH THE MISSING INGREDIENT (2) by Dr. Bill Winston Dr Bill Winston has such an anointing when it comes to revealing the true things of God, Prayer Palace was filled with the Holy Spirit when the guest speaker continued in his topic on Faith. For without faith it is impossible to please God. Hebrews 11:6. Living in the world we were reminded just how easy it becomes for us to minimise our faith through doubt and distractions planted by the devil but we must keep our faith maximised. Faith alongside belief is an extremely important aspect of our walk with God. There are things that God cannot do for us until we believe - and belief and faith are two halves of the same coin that work supernaturally in Gods kingdom. When you believe something, you see it in your spirit and it eventually manifests to the Glory of God. We were given examples in scripture of times when men of God used their faith to create miracles that without it - they couldn’t have achieved the impossible. In 1 Samuel 17: 32 - 46 we see David using the belief in the name of God to defeat Goliath and deliver God’s people from the hands of the Philistines. A huge accomplishment for a mere teenager. Proof that God is no respecter of persons. Acts 10:34. In Luke 5: 1 - 10 we see Jesus perform a miracle in the presence of Simon Peter - whom after toiling all night caught no fish. However once Jesus directed him to throw in his net another time - after hesitance it was faith in the word from Jesus that led to a catch of fish so huge that the nets broke and Simon Peter was left astonished. It can therefore be said that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17. We were instructed to bring out the faith that is lying dormant within us. The faith that God has given to us is not for us to stay in one place. Faith is like money - the more you have, the more you can do with it. PRAIsing with doug!
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