Cooperation diverting from justice


Cooperation diverting from justice
HH6: 6th Interna,onal Workshop on Hydro-­‐Hegemony Transboundary Water Jus,ce 12-­‐13 Jan 2013 Session 1 What is the relevance of social jus4ce to hydro–hegemony?
Coopera4on diver4ng from jus4ce Naho Mirumachi Department of Geography King’s College London [email protected] To answer this ques4on from the perspec4ve of TBW interac4on & coopera4on: Session 1 What is the relevance of social jus4ce to hydro–hegemony? Where we’ve come from What we now know What we are beginning to know HH6 explora4ons! Moving away from polarised concep,ons of conflict and coopera,on to understanding co-­‐
exis,ng conflict and coopera,on Analy4cal and policy problems arise from this approach: •  Simplifica,on •  Perpetua,on of ineffec,ve policies Past LWRG discussions HH3: re-­‐examining conflict & coopera,on HH4: ‘qualifying coopera,on’ HH5: soR power & coopera,on TWINS as a way to understand co-­‐
exis4ng conflict and coopera4on (Mirumachi 2007, 2010) What have we found from analysis of co-­‐
exis4ng conflict and coopera4on? 1.  Characteris4cs of TBW 2.  Pre]y & ugly faces of coopera,on LiTle interac4on; maintenance of status quo Overt ac4on to improve/maintain water alloca4on Ins4tu4onalisa4on of prac4ce 1.  Characteris4cs of TBW 2.  Pre]y & ugly faces of coopera,on ‘preTy’ ‘ugly’ TWB analysis showed •  inequitable outcomes •  ‘paper ,gers’ •  Importance of soR power & shaping of discourse What kinds of insights does transboundary water interac4on analysis have on jus4ce? These reflect ques,ons of: •  What kinds of goods/
bads should be shared based on what kinds of principles* •  Who decides fairness? ‘ugly’ (likely) UNFAIR/
UNJUST outcomes Coopera4on as proxy? * See Walker (2012) on environmental jus,ce ‘preTy’ (likely) FAIR/JUST outcomes •  What forms of inequality and jus,ce do poli,cs of global water ini,a,ves represent? How do they shape basin prac,ces? Scaling up Scaling down •  Are the domes,c regulatory measures of inequality sufficient and compa,ble to basin norms? •  Do basin norms ma]er to domes,c cases? à Nam Theun 2 dam in Mekong (Mirumachi & Torri, 2012) From state-­‐centric analysis to mul4-­‐scalar transboundary water interac,on Importance already evidenced from water security, water-­‐energy-­‐
food nexus analysis •  Mul,ple-­‐level hegemony (Warner 2008) •  Global forces and the private sector in poli,cal economy analysis (Allan 2011); virtual water hegemony (Sojamo et al. 2012) Where we’ve come from What we now know HH6 explora4ons! What we are beginning to know Thank you! Comments & ques4ons to [email protected]