vol 3 of 6 inside #2.qxp - Pioneer Telephone Cooperative
vol 3 of 6 inside #2.qxp - Pioneer Telephone Cooperative
VOL 3 OF 6 • 2008 D.W. “Dub” Leathers Remembered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Inside Front Cover General Manager’s Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Pioneer Scholarship Guidelines and Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-5 Pioneer’s Partner Program Check Presentation . . . . . . Inside Back Cover “We are saddened by the loss of Dub Leathers,” said Loyd Benson, Pioneer’s President. “As a member of our Board of Trustees, he was respected for his dedication and service to our company and its employees for 24 years. He was a good friend to all and we will miss his gentle nature and loving spirit.” D. W. “Dub” Leathers died May 18, 2008 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma at the age of 83 years, 3 months and 16 days. He was born February 2, 1925, in Harmon County, Oklahoma to J.E. and Mae (Evans) Leathers. Dub was born and raised on a cotton farm in Harmon County, Oklahoma. He graduated from Ron High School in 1942 and then joined the U.S. Navy, serving in WWII for four years. On December 23, 1946, he married the love of his life June Ladd in Martha, Oklahoma. He then attended Southwestern University to become a coach and graduated in 1950. In 1951, he took a coaching job in Marshall, Oklahoma, coaching football, basketball, baseball and teaching math. Dub then coached football at Kingfisher High School and began working on his Masters Degree at Oklahoma A & M. After graduating with his Masters he returned to Marshall and became School Superintendent. In the early 1960’s he moved to Crescent and was named Superintendent of Crescent Public Schools until he retired. Dub also served on the Pioneer Telephone Board for more than 20 years. His hobbies were football, basketball, baseball and golf. Dub was a member of the First United Methodist Church of Crescent, member of the VFW, American Legion Post #200, Crescent Lions Club and was a Charter Member of the Frontier Historical Society Museum, which he helped build and where he loved to work and help out. TRUSTEES RECOGNIZE SERVICE At their May 12th Board meeting, the Pioneer Telephone Cooperative Board of Trustees adopted resolutions reconizing the service of two Board Members. D.W. “Dub” Leathers for representing District 9 for twenty-four (24) years (1984 to 2008) and Greg Heath for representing District 2 for six (6) years (2002 to 2008). The resolutions expressed appreciation to these Trustees who served ably and faithfully and commended them individually for their dedication in various leadership positions. Their devotion to the advancement and growth of the company, as well as their efforts to represent their constituents, was specifically memorialized. The resolutions will be made part of permanent records and kept with official documents of the Cooperative. Altha Benson, pictured right, was recognized for 63 years of dedicated service as a member of Comanche Homemakers at the Southwest District Home Extension Association Meeting in Duncan. Making the presentation to Mrs. Benson was Donna Jones, State President of the Oklahoma Home and Community Education Association of the O.S.U. Extension Service. Mrs Benson is the mother of Pioneer President and Principal Executive Officer Loyd Benson. General Manager’s Report Richard Ruhl Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to those who attended the 55th Annual Meeting of Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., held in Kingfisher on Tuesday, May 6, 2008. A large crowd of over 900 attended this year's Annual Meeting. The incredibly talented Susie McEntire Luchsinger provided the wonderful musical entertainment from 11:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. prior to the opening of the Business Session. Those attending were inspired by "The National Anthem," sung a cappella by Dorinda Provenzano of Kingfisher, Oklahoma, as well as the special appearance by Lindsey Jo Harrington, Miss Oklahoma USA of Frederick, Oklahoma, who led the "Pledge of Allegiance". In addition to the registration gifts given away, each registered member was eligible for numerous prize drawings conducted throughout the meeting. Photographs from the 55th Annual Meeting, as well as the prizewinners, appear elsewhere in this issue of the Tele-Topics. Members were updated on the present and future operations, as well as the financial status of their telephone cooperative and viewed the new 2008 "Trust is a Must" DVD video presentation. Those attending were also able to visit booths set-up by Pioneer Cellular and Pioneer Long Distance, Inc. I truly believe the financial success of the past year can largely be attributed to the loyalty of our subscribers/members and the hard work, dedication and commitment of the Cooperative's Employees. The individual loyalty and participation you have shown in the affairs of your cooperative have made the continued success of Pioneer Telephone possible. Again, my thanks to the Members, the Board of Trustees, Management and Employees, for making the 55th Annual Meeting of Pioneer a huge success. As stated in both the President's report and in the General Manager's report at the Annual Meeting, Pioneer continued to make significant gains in cus- PIONEER TELE-TOPICS (USPS No. 456-200) is owned by and published bi-monthly for the benefit of the approximately 50,000 member-families of Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. EDITORIAL & CIRCULATION — Contact…Tele-Topics Editor Mailing Address…PO Box 539, Kingfisher, OK 73750 • Call…(405) 375-0327 • Fax…(405) 699-3053 • E-mail…[email protected] Loyd Benson • Principal Executive Officer Richard Ruhl • General Manager Jim Eaton • V.P. of Finance & Subsidiary Operations Pete Peterman • V.P. of Operations Jeff Martin • V.P. of Sales & Marketing – B o a r d o f Tr u s t e e s – President - Loyd Benson, Frederick Vice President - Dennis Mueggenborg, Kingfisher Secretary - Linda Dich Randall, Omega Treasurer - Gail Parker, Thomas Asst. Sec./Treas. - Mary Petty, Newcastle Mike Dobrinski, Okeene Charles Weeks, Seiling Gary Green, Blanchard Dave Krittenbrink, Okarche Ralph J. Choate, Hennessey David Shepard, Helena Joe Kegin, Crescent Leroy Lage, Watonga See General Manager’s Report - page 2 CAPITAL CREDIT ALLOCATIONS INFORMATION To obtain your Capital Credit balance, please send the membership name, town and phone numbers involved to: Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Attn: Capital Credit Department PO Box 539 • Kingfisher OK 73750 or…Call Toll Free: 1-800-650-6116 Periodical Postage paid at Kingfisher, OK 73750 and other additional entry offices. Member subscription rate: $2.96/year Non-Member subscription rate: $6/year POSTMASTER - Send address changes to: Pioneer Tele-Topics PO Box 539 Kingfisher OK 73750 1 tomers and revenues in 2007, through its subsidiary companies Pioneer Cellular and Pioneer Long Distance, which continue to make substantial contributions to the overall financial success and strength of your Cooperative. Pioneer Long Distance continued to experience a significant increase in its HighSpeed Internet subscriber base in 2007, with an increase of 21% over 2006. Pioneer Long Distance now serves 38% of the Pioneer access lines with reliable High-Speed Internet services. Pioneer Long Distance also witnessed tremendous growth in its new digital television service and ended 2007 with a 30% increase in customers. Pioneer Long Distance has one of the largest operational Internet Protocol Television, or IPTV, systems in the United States with over 20,000 digital set-top boxes on its network. We are very proud that the Pioneer IPTV network continues to garner national attention as one of the largest, and the most advanced, independent Telco IPTV networks in the United States. We are also very proud to report on the status of Pioneer Cellular and pleased to announce the successful build-out and completion of the Next Generation, (3G) EVDO Rev. A data network project in Western Oklahoma and Southern Kansas. Pioneer Cellular's network continues to be one of the most advanced CDMA voice and data wireless networks available in the United States, providing customers broadband DSL Internet speeds from their equipped laptop or a compatible Rev. A wireless phone. At their May meeting your Board of Trustees approved three (3) contracts to expand our Gig-E IP Core Transmission Network. Contract No. 645 in the amount of $2,593,366.18 with Cisco Systems and Contract No. 646 in the amount of $253,193.28 with Nortel Networks will allow Pioneer Telephone to extend its Gig-E Internet Protocol Core Transmission Network into the southern Pioneer exchanges of Comanche, Temple, Apache, Chattanooga, Frederick, Tipton, Hollis, Carter and Sentinel. The Board of Trustees also approved Contract No. 647, in the amount of $1,515,518.40 for labor & material to construct 94 miles of fiber optic cable between our Custer City/Thomas and our Erick/Sentinel meet points in order to "ring" the new south IP Core Network. Once completed, this portion of the Gig-E IP Core Network will provide the necessary capacity for additional High Definition Television HDTV services; additional Video on Demand services; Cellular EVDO 2 Rev. A. capacity; Fiber-to-the-Home services; and, continued expansion of our High-Speed Internet and Broadband services. As a reminder, the deadline for Pioneer's Scholarship Program is July 1, 2008. Applications are available for both Technology Center and College Scholarship(s). The Technology Center Scholarship covers $500 per semester or $1,000 per year, and the College Scholarship provides $1,000 per semester for tuition and/or books, for a maximum of $2,000 per year. The Son, Daughter, or Legal Dependent of a Subscriber of Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., shall be eligible for consideration of one of up to twelve college scholarship(s) to be awarded each year. The Son, Daughter, or Legal Dependent of an Employee of Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., shall only be eligible for consideration of the Scholarship awarded by the Thirteenth District-AtLarge of the Cooperative per year. The Scholarship Committee of the Board of Trustees will consider all Junior/Senior COLLEGE level university majors, with priority given to math, science, computer science and foreign language. Recipients attending private colleges or universities may participate upon the basis of current tuition levels of state-supported institutions. Please send completed applications to: Scholarship Committee Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. P. O. Box 539 Kingfisher, OK 73750 Attn: Richard Ruhl, General Manager In closing, I would like to congratulate all of the High School and College Graduates from our service area. Whatever you choose to accomplish in life, the Pioneer Board of Trustees, Management and Employees wish you a bright, successful, and prosperous future. Area schools are now out for Summer Vacation. Please drive carefully and watch out for the children. This is a busy time of year for highway travel. I urge you to drive carefully and "Buckle-Up" for safety. PIONEER COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP GUIDELINES Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., has announced applications are available for the 2008-2009 Scholarship(s). The scholarship(s) awarded will provide $1,000 per semester for tuition and/or books for a maximum of $2,000 per year. R E Q U I R E M E N T S F O R C O N S I D E R AT I O N 1. The son, daughter or legal dependent of a subscriber of Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., shall be eligible for consideration of one of up to twelve College Scholarship(s) to be awarded each year. 2. A subscriber is defined as a member of the Cooperative who receives their “landline” telephone service from the Cooperative. Having service from Pioneer by virtue of a cell phone, pager, Internet, Long Distance or DTV does not meet the requirements for consideration. Those services are provided by Pioneer’s subsidiaries, not the Cooperative itself. 3. The son, daughter or legal dependent of an Employee of Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., shall only be eligible for consideration of the Scholarship awarded by the Thirteenth District-At-Large of the Cooperative per year. 4. If an applicant is an education major, that particular applicant must have been admitted to a teacher education program. 5. All applicants must be approaching either a JUNIOR OR SENIOR LEVEL OF COLLEGE study at the time the scholarship is funded. Note: If no College Scholarship Application is received from any particular Board District for that year, then the stipend for that College Scholarship for that particular Board District will lapse for that year. Note: Dependents or children of any Employee of Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., shall only be eligible for consideration of the scholarship awarded from the Thirteenth District-At-Large of the Cooperative each year. Note: Any scholarship granted shall be evaluated at least annually. School standards must be maintained to continue funding of the scholarship. Note: The Board of Trustees of Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., reserves full discretion with regard to the granting or renewal of any scholarship. ITEMS TO BE SUBMITTED 1. College and High School transcripts. 2. ACT or SAT scores. 3. Two (2) Letters of Recommendation from a past school (secondary or college) administrator, instructor, or professor who is familiar with your character and academic performance. 4. Teacher Education acceptance letter if the applicant is an Education Major. 5. A brief statement written by the applicant relating how this scholarship would benefit you and why you have chosen your current field of study. 6. Applicant must complete the College Scholarship Application Form. 7. Applicant must attach a studio-quality (color) picture of themselves to the Scholarship Application Form. 8. Attach a list of scholarships, grants and/or tuition waivers. Include the amount of each one and how often it is received, i.e., per semester, per year, etc. The scholarship committee will consider all Junior/Senior COLLEGE level university majors, with priority given to majors in math, science, computer science and foreign language. D E A D L I N E F O R S U B M I T T I N G A P P L I C AT I O N I S J U LY 1 , 2 0 0 8 MAIL APPLICATION TO: S C H O L A R S H I P C O M M I T T E E / AT T N : R I C H A R D R U H L P I O N E E R T E L E P H O N E C O O P E R AT I V E , I N C . P.O. B O X 539 K I N G F I S H E R , OK 73750 (405) 375-0145 Monday - Friday Equal Opportunity Employer 3 P I O N E E R C O L L E G E S C H O L A R S H I P A P P L I C AT I O N 2 0 0 8 - 2 0 0 9 NAME: AGE: ADDRESS: TELE. NO: ( SEX: CITY: ) PARENT’S TELE. NO. OR NO. WHERE YOU CAN BE REACHED HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED: SAT/ACT SCORE: PRESENT COLLEGE: MAJOR: LEVEL OF COLLEGE: JUNIOR OR ZIP: ( ) COLLEGE GPA: SENIOR ITEMS TO BE SUBMITTED 1. College and High School transcripts. 2. ACT or SAT scores. 3. Two (2) Letters of Recommendation from a past school (secondary or college) administrator, instructor, or professor who is familiar with your character and academic performance. 4. Teacher Education acceptance letter if the applicant is an Education Major. 5. A brief statement written by the applicant relating how this scholarship would benefit you and why you have chosen your current field of study. 6. Applicant must complete the College Scholarship Application Form. 7. Applicant must attach a studio-quality (color) picture of themselves to the Scholarship Application Form. 8. Attach a list of scholarships, grants and/or tuition waivers. Include the amount of each one and how often it is received, i.e., per semester, per year, etc. U N D E R LY I N G P U R P O S E Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., desires to expand its current scholarship program to include qualified applicants of all JUNIOR OR SENIOR COLLEGE LEVEL University majors, with priority consideration given to education majors in the areas of math, science, computer science and foreign language. Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., proposes to award one College Scholarship per Board District per year, up to 13 College Scholarships per year, to qualified applicants, with the understanding the program can be expanded or curtailed by the Board of Trustees of Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., at any time. R E Q U I R E M E N T S F O R C O N S I D E R AT I O N 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The son, daughter or legal dependent of a subscriber of Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., shall be eligible for consideration of one of up to twelve College Scholarship(s) to be awarded each year. A subscriber is defined as a member of the Cooperative who receives their “landline” telephone service from the Cooperative. Having service from Pioneer by virtue of a cell phone, pager, Internet, Long Distance or DTV does not meet the requirments for consideration. Those services are provided by Pioneer’s subsidiaries, not the Cooperative itself. The son, daughter or legal dependent of an Employee of Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., shall only be eligible for consideration of the Scholarship awarded by the Thirteenth District-At-Large of the Cooperative per year. If an applicant is an education major, that particular applicant must have been admitted to a teacher education program. All applicants must be approaching either a Junior or Senior level of college study at the time the scholarship is funded. Note: If no College Scholarship Application is received from any particular Board District for that year, then the stipend for that College Scholarship for that particular Board District will lapse for that year. Note: Dependents or children of any Employee of Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., shall only be eligible for consideration of the scholarship awarded from the Thirteenth District-At-Large of the Cooperative each year. Note: Any scholarship granted shall be evaluated at least annually. School standards must be maintained to continue funding of the scholarship. Note: The Board of Trustees of Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., reserves full discretion with regard to the granting or renewal of any scholarship. SCOPE OF THE SCHOLARSHIP The scholarship(s) shall cover $1,000 per semester to be utilized for tuition and/or books for a maximum of $2,000 per year. S T AT E M E N T O F N O N D I S C R I M I N AT I O N Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., is subject to policies which provide that no person in the United States on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, or handicap shall be excluded from participation in, admission or access to, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any of this organization's programs or activities. The person responsible for coordinating this organization's nondiscrimination compliance efforts is Harold Logsdon, General Counsel. Any individual, or specific class of individuals, who feels that this organization has subjected them to discrimination, may obtain further information or file a written complaint with this organization. Complaints must be filed within 180 days after the alleged discrimination. Confidentiality will be maintained to the fullest extent possible. D E A D L I N E F O R S U B M I T T I N G A P P L I C AT I O N I S J U LY 1 , 2 0 0 8 MAIL APPLICATION TO: S C H O L A R S H I P C O M M I T T E E / AT T N : R I C H A R D R U H L P I O N E E R T E L E P H O N E C O O P E R AT I V E , I N C . P.O. B O X 539 K I N G F I S H E R , OK 73750 4 (405) 375-0145 Monday - Friday Equal Opportunity Employer P I O N E E R T E C H N O L O G Y C E N T E R S C H O L A R S H I P A P P L I C AT I O N NAME: AGE: ADDRESS: TELE. NO: ( SEX: CITY: ) HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDED: PARENT’S TELE. NO. OR NO. WHERE YOU CAN BE REACHED ZIP: ( ) SAT/ACT SCORE: ITEMS TO BE SUBMITTED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. High school transcript, if available. ACT or SAT Scores, if available. Two (2) Letters of Recommendation from a secondary school or a current instructor that is familiar with your character and academic performance. A brief statement written by the applicant relating how this scholarship would benefit you and why you have chosen your current field of study. Complete the TECHNOLOGY CENTER SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM. Applicant must attach a studio-quality (color) picture of themselves to the scholarship application form. Attach a list of scholarships, grants and/or tuition waivers. Include the amount of each one and how often it is received, i.e., per semester, per year, etc. U N D E R LY I N G P U R P O S E Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., desires to expand its current scholarship program to include Technology Center(s) within the Pioneer Telephone Service Area. Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., proposes to award one Technology Center Scholarship per Board District per year to qualified applicants, for a total of up to 13 Technology Center Scholarships per year. This program can be expanded or curtailed by the Board of Trustees of Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., at any time. SCOPE OF THE SCHOLARSHIP The scholarship(s) shall cover the cost of tuition and fees for up to $500 per semester or $1,000 per year per applicant. R E Q U I R E M E N T S F O R C O N S I D E R AT I O N 1. The son, daughter or legal dependent of a subscriber of Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., shall be eligible for consideration of one (1) of up to twelve Technology Center Scholarship(s) awarded each year. 2. A subscriber is defined as a member of the Cooperative who receives their “landline” telephone service from the Cooperative. Having service from Pioneer by virtue of a cell phone, pager, Internet, Long Distance or DTV does not meet the requirments for consideration. Those services are provided by Pioneer’s subsidiaries, not the Cooperative itself. 3. The son, daughter or legal dependent of an Employee of Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., shall only be eligible for consideration of the Scholarship awarded by the Thirteenth District-At-Large of the Cooperative per year. Note: If no Technology Center Application is received from any particular Board District for that year, then the stipend for that Technology Center Scholarship for that particular Board District will lapse for that year. Note: Dependents or children of any Employee of Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., shall only be eligible for consideration of the scholarship awarded from the Thirteenth District-At-Large of the Cooperative per year. Note: Any scholarship granted shall be evaluated at least annually. School standards must be maintained to continue funding of the scholarship. Note: The Board of Trustees of Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., reserves full discretion with regard to the granting or renewal of any scholarship. S TAT E M E N T O F N O N D I S C R I M I N AT I O N Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., is subject to policies which provide that no person in the United States on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, or handicap shall be excluded from participation in, admission or access to, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any of this organization's programs or activities. The person responsible for coordinating this organization's nondiscrimination compliance efforts is Harold Logsdon, General Counsel. Any individual, or specific class of individuals, who feels that this organization has subjected them to discrimination, may obtain further information or file a written complaint with this organization. Complaints must be filed within 180 days after the alleged discrimination. Confidentiality will be maintained to the fullest extent possible. D E A D L I N E F O R S U B M I T T I N G A P P L I C AT I O N I S J U LY 1 , 2 0 0 8 MAIL APPLICATION TO: S C H O L A R S H I P C O M M I T T E E / AT T N : R I C H A R D R U H L P I O N E E R T E L E P H O N E C O O P E R AT I V E , I N C . P.O. B O X 539 K I N G F I S H E R , OK 73750 (405) 375-0145 Monday - Friday 5 PIONEER’S 55TH ANNUAL MEETING And The Winners Are... Pictured above is the winner of the HP Desktop Computer with 19” Flat Screen Monitor. Carol Pratt is from Kingfisher. Pictured above is the winner of the 40” Bravia LCD HDTV. Wilma Simunek is from Marshall. Pictured above is the winner of the 24” Kingfisher Kooker Gas Smoker. Lorraine Mach is from Watonga. Pictured above are the winners of $100.00. Gene Horn from Dover, Faye Hansen from Calumet, Lela McCormick from Dover, Elks Lodge/Milton Kadavy from Kingfisher, Mrs. Frank Walker from Kingfisher. 6 $50.00 WINNERS AT THE 55TH ANNUAL PIONEER MEETING WERE: Robert Hemingway - Calumet Janet Hicks - Marshall Jim Willms - Kingfisher Ellen Pool - Crescent Ervin Willms - Kingfisher Clifford D. Myers - Comanche Alice Maples - Kingfisher Walter Burkes - Carmen Kanae M. Theims - Loyal Jack Buchheit - Watonga Wilber Lee - Hennessey Eldridge Hubbard - Kingfisher Robin C. McElvany - Loyal Louis R. Yost - Omega Church of Christ - Waynoka Hart Pekrul DBA Plain View Winery - Lahoma Faye E. Hansen - Calumet BUSINESS & RESIDENTIAL • Repairs • Customer Service • New Service From your exchange dial 611 or call toll free 1-888-PTC-COOP (782-2667) •••••••••••• RELAY OKLAHOMA TDD/TTY RELAY SERVICE Telecommunications Relay Service For assistance in calling between persons with a Telecommunications Device for the Deaf and hearing persons...Dial 711 NW DIRECTORY SALES BEGIN JUNE 2ND Let one of our professional sales consultants design an advertising program to fit your needs. When you advertise with Pioneer Yellow Pages, your listing and/or ad will be in the printed directory as well as the online directory at no additional cost! Don’t be left out...Call Today! & QA QUESTION: I recently attended Pioneer’s 55th Annual Meeting and really enjoyed listening to Susie Luchsinger sing. I was wondering if there is a way to see her perform again? ANSWER: Yes! Subscribers of Pioneer DTV can tune to the RFDtv channel 112 to see Susie sing for the Cowboy Church. You can also log onto www.susieluchsinger.com for additional air times. www.ptci.com 1-888-PTC-COOP (1-888-782-2667) 7 Take Five, Win $25! All Broadcast TV Programming must be digital by 2009 The U.S. Congress passed a law Will I still be able to receive local television signals with my current TV? requiring all local broadcast TV That depends on how you currently stations switch from transmitreceive local broadcast television signals. ting analog (over-the-air) signals If you receive your television signals exclusively though antennas on or conto transmitting digital signals by nected to television sets that are equipped with analog tuners - and do not have a Feb. 17, 2009. subscription with a television service provider you will be affected by the transition. Why the transition to digital? Digital broadcast television signals will benefit consumers by providing clearer pictures and better sound quality, unlike the traditional analog signals which are prone to interference, commonly referred to as "snow." PLEASE PRINT If I subscribe to Pioneer DTV will this change affect me? NO! Where can I find more information? Visit the website at www. dtv.gov for more information. Complete the entry form (all fields must be completed), clip out and mail to Pioneer Tele-Topics, PO Box 539, Kingfisher, OK 73750 ✄ ✄ Name: Your Pioneer Telephone #: ( ) City & Zip 1. The U.S. Congress passed a law requiring all local broadcast TV stations switch from trasmitting analog (over-the-air) signals to transmitting digital signals by: Feb. 17, 2009. a) True b) False 4. Pioneer DTV customers will not be affected by the transition. a) true b) false 2. The transition to digital broadcast television signals will benefit consumers by providing clearer pictures and better sound quality, unlike the traditional analog . signals which are prone to interference, commonly referred to as a) ice c) snow b) rain d) sleet 3. People who have an antenna or if their television is equipped with an analog tuner will be affected by the transition. a) True b) False 5. To find more information go to a) www.gov.tv b) www.dtv.gov c) www,DTV.ctv d) www.dtvctv. . ✄ ✄ ✄ ✄ ✄ Address PLEASE PRINT IF WE DRAW YOUR ENTRY AND YOUR ANSWERS ARE CORRECT, YOU WIN $25! ELIGIBILITY: Correctly answer all the questions. You must be a current member/subscriber of Pioneer Telephone Cooperative, Inc., 18 years of age or older. One entry per household. No photocopies. Employees of Pioneer or its subsidiaries, and their immediate household members are not eligible to enter. Winners will be contacted by letter and announced in the next issue of Tele-Topics. Clip out and mail to: Entries must be received by July 4, 2008 Pioneer Tele-Topics, PO Box 539, Kingfisher, OK 73750. ✄ ✄ ✄ 8 Take Five, Win $25 Winners! District #1 winner was Aletha Clayton of Mooreland. District #1 includes the exchanges of Okeene, Quinlan, Mooreland, Freedom, Buffalo, May, Longdale, Fort Supply and Selman. District #2 winner was Betty Jean Williams of Shattuck. District #2 includes Canton, Chester, Seiling, Mutual, Sharon, Harmon, Fargo, Gage, Shattuck and Arnett. District #5 winner was B.J. Branch of Lindsay (Bradley Exchange). District #5 includes Blanchard, Dibble, Bradley and Loco. District #6 winner was Robert McCay of Apache. District #6 includes Okarche, Apache, Temple, Comanche and Hastings. District #7 winner was Jim Hane of Waukomis (Drummond Exchange). District #7 includes District #3 winner was Helena Hiebert of Frederick. District #3 includes Frederick, Manitou, Grandfield, Davidson, Chattanooga and Tipton. District #4 winner was Alveta Taylor of Thomas. District #4 includes Thomas, Fay, Putnam, Custer City, Carter, Sentinel, Hollis, Gould and Oakwood. Hennessey, Ames, Drummond, Lahoma, Loyal, Ringwood and Meno. District #8 winner was LaVaughn Hufford of Waynoka. District #8 includes Deer Creek, Lamont, Pond Creek, Wakita, Hunter, Nash, Hopeton, Cleo Springs, Aline, Waynoka, Helena, Dacoma and Carmen. District #9 winner was James & Stephanie Miller of Garber. District #9 includes Crescent, Orlando, Marshall, Douglas, Covington and Garber. District #10 winner was LaVaughn Fisher of Kingfisher. District #10 includes Kingfisher and Dover. District #11 winner was Richard Leitner of Geary. District #11 includes Watonga, Geary and Calumet. District #12 winner was Kasi Danker of Tuttle (Newcastle Exchange). District #12 includes Newcastle. District At Large winner was Roger Diller of Nash. This district includes all districts. Approximately 269 entries were received. Pioneer’s NEW Mobile High-Speed Internet - now that’s FAST! What if you could surf the Internet while you are mobile, just like you do when you’re at home? Pioneer Cellular’s new Mobile High-Speed Internet, the most advanced data/Internet network available, provides the mobility you need, the service you have come to expect and the data speed you want. Pioneer Cellular has launched a revolutionary new service- Mobile High-Speed Internet with speeds comparable to High-Speed Internet service, giving customers access to wireless technology virtually anywhere Pioneer Cellular service is provided. Mobile High-Speed Internet enables users to send large files, email with attachments, high-resolution photographs and personal videos from their mobile devices whether they are stationary or moving. Access the Internet with your new HTC 6800 Smart phone, or if mobility with your laptop or the convenience of mobile wireless connectivity to your home computer is what you need, stop by your local Pioneer Cellular location and “experience the speed” delivered to you by Pioneer’s advanced network. P.S. If you currently use a Pioneer Cellular phone or Aircard, stop by one of our convenient cellular locations to have a software upgrade done to allow faster speeds on your existing handset. (not available in all areas) 9 Things To Do - Places To Go Area Events Northwest Oklahoma Saturdays, throughout the growing season. Growers wanted for Kingfisher Farmers Market spring/summer season. Farmers and gardeners may sell fresh Oklahoma-grown produce at the market to be held Saturday mornings throughout the growing season at a downtown Kingfisher location. Booth fee is only $5 and includes a shaded canopy and table. Contact Carolyn Dalbow at 405-375-3517, 405699-1212 or e-mail to crdalbow @pldi.net. Fridays, May 9 and 23, June 6 and 20, July 11 and 25, August 8 and 22, 7:00 p.m. all days, - Kingfisher Roundup Club 2008 Playdays. Games include: barrels, poles, spur, bowtie potato, flag race and pylon. Team events held on Sundays include Rescue Cross Flags and Pairs Race. Age groups: Under 5, 6 to 9, 10 to 13, 14 to 18 and Adults. For more information call 405-368-0604 or 405-375-4208. Saturdays, June 7 and 21, July 5 and 19, August 2, 16 and 30, September 13 and 27, October 11 and 25 - Lawnmower Racing. Adams Park, Sunset and Country Club, El Reno. Hot laps 6:00 p.m., heat races 7:00 p.m. Pit Pass $5.00. For more information visit www.elrenograscar.com. Friday, June 20th - Kingfisher County Relay For Life, 7 p.m., Kingfisher Park, Kingfisher. Contact Johanna Adams at 405-368-6937. Friday, July 4 - July 4th Celebration, Crescent. Parade 11:00 a.m. followed with activities in the park during the afternoon, fireworks after dark. Come join the fun and food. Sponsored by the Crescent Chamber of Commerce. For more information contact Craig at 405969-3518, Phillip at 405-969-3567 or Sandra at 405-969-2886. Friday, July 18 - Woods County Relay For Life, 6 p.m., Downtown Square, Alva. Contact Angela Norton at 580-748-0498 or Patricia K. Warren at 580-435-2256. Saturday, September 13th, 2008 - Old Settlers Day-Cherokee Strip Celebration, Main Street -Wakita. Day long event hosted by the Wakita Lions Club. Parade at 4pm followed by a free meal and Hypnotist for entertainment. All events are free. For information call Linda @ 580-594-2312 or Wakita City Office @ 580-594-2200 Southwest Oklahoma Saturday, June 14 - 4th Annual Lavender Festival. Lavender Valley Acres, Apache. Directions: from Hwy 19, 62 and 281 junction at north end of Apache, 41/2 miles west on Hwy 19, 5 miles north on Tar Road (CS 2550) and 3/4 mile west on CR 1410 (gravel road). Door prizes, admission $5.00 per person, $4.00 for uniformed personnel with ID, children under 12 admitted free. Highlights: watch peacocks, live entertainment, various artists and vendors, food and drinks, old fashioned breakfast 9-10:30 a.m. Visit www.lavendervalleyacres.com or call 580-588-2855 for more information. Saturday, June 14. Star Bike Ride #8 - Purcell. Begins at 8:00 a.m. at the First Baptist Church at Main and Green Avenues. For further information, call DeeAnn Simpson 405-344-9395 or Catharine Simpson 405-344-6312 or by email to deeannsimpson@pldinet or [email protected]. Saturday, August 9 - Harmon County 20th Annual Black-Eyed Pea Festival, Hollis. Begins at 9 a.m. Sponsored by the Harmon County Historical Museum. Featuring a Wild West Parade, a delicious peas ‘n ham meal complete with all the trimmings. The Jack Rabbit Junction Show, contests, children’s games, arts and crafts. A family day of fun for everyone. At 3 p.m. enjoy Harmon County’s version of “The Opry,” a comedy by local talents. For more information call 580-688-9545. The museum is open Tuesday - Friday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday, August 23 - 62nd Annual Tuttle Reunion. Elementary School Cafeteria, 106 SW 2nd St, Tuttle. School Alumni and Friends and Family. Doors open at 10 a.m. Catered home-style dinner begins at 11:30 a.m. Drawings, silent auction and awards. Dinner reservations need to be made by August 1. Call 405-474-7902 for more information. Have an event you want listed here? Mail your information to Tele-Topics, PO Box 539, Kingfisher, OK 73750 Or e-mail to [email protected] Tele-Topics is published bi-monthly, so be sure to send your event information at least two months in advance. 10 Friday, July 4th - Sentinel’s 46th Annual Fourth of July Celebration Festivitites will kick off with a parade down Main Street, then move to the park for adult and children’s games, a Tiny Tot and Mr. Muscle contest, live local music, a barbeque lunch and watermelon. There will be activities at the pool and bingo at the Activity Center. The day will end on Main Street with a “Street Dance” featuring a live band. For more information call 580-393-2171. www.ptci.com Fifty and More - Happy Anniversary! Mr. and Mrs. George A. Hubbard, Kingfisher, celebrated their 71st wedding anniversary on April 7th, 2008. They have two children, six grandchildren and nineteen great-grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Perdue, Kingfisher, celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary on April 11th, 2008. They have three daughters, six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Freese, Covington, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on April 30th, 2008. They have three children and seven grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dickey, Southard, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on May 12th, 2008. They have four daughters, five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Long, Garber, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on May 28th, 2008. They have two children, three grandchildren and one great-grandson. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Reames, Kingfisher, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on April 4th, 2008. They have three children and six grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buckminister, Lahoma, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on April 26th, 2008. They have two children, three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hursh, Watonga, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on May 29th, 2008. They have two children and five grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll VanCleave, Kingfisher, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on May 25th, 2008. They have three sons and ten grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Green, Canton, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on April 12th, 2008. Mr. and Mrs. Jakie Zook, Waynoka, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on March 28th, 2008. They have two children, six grandchildren and two great-grand children. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sieber, Hennessey, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on April 11th, 2008. They have four children, nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hardiman, Ames, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on April 4th, 2008. They have two children, and six grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kloepple, Kingfisher, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on May 6th, 2008. They have three children and four grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. John Whetzal, Apache, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on April 4th, 2008. They have four children, twelve grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schoeling, Douglas, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on April 12th, 2008. They have two children and three grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Meyer, Okarche, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on May 10th, 2008. They have three children and eight grandchildren. HOW TO HAVE YOUR ANNIVERSARY PUBLISHED Wedding anniversary announcements, for anniversaries of fifty years or more, can be published in the Tele-Topics. Simply submit your anniversary information, including wedding date and number of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren to the following address: Pioneer Tele-Topics Anniversaries Pioneer Telephone Cooperative P.O. Box 539 • Kingfisher, OK 73750 or E-Mail them to [email protected] 11 ? ? ? ? ? The recipes featured in this issue are from the cooks of Pioneer’s Billing Department. CHOCOLATE DELIGHT 1 large pkg chocolate chip cookies 1 large pkg of instant pudding (prepare as directed) 8-oz cream cheese 16-oz cool whip 9 X 13 pan Dip cookies in milk and place in bottom of pan to make crust. Spread half of the chocolate pudding over cookies. Mix cream cheese with 1/2 of cool whip. Whip together. Spread over pudding. Add another layer of cookies. Cover with rest of pudding. Spread remaining cool whip on top. Top with pecans or shaved chocolate bar (optional). Refrigerate. - Judy McNair LASAGNA CASSEROLE 1 lb hamburger 1 jar of spaghetti sauce 12 to 16-oz spiral pasta 8-oz cream cheese 8-oz sour cream 8-oz mozzarella cheese Brown hamburger, add suace and simmer for 20 minutes. Cook pasta until tender, drain. Blend 12 cream cheese and sour cream until mixed well. Put a layer of spaghetti sauce in casserole dish, add layer of pasta, cream cheese mixture and 1/2 mozzarella cheese. Repeat. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes. - Lori Crawford LOWER FAT CAKE I pkg cake mix (any flavor) (I wouldn’t recommend Duncan Hines for this recipe) 12-oz diet pop (I like diet Sprite) Combine cake mix with pop. Bake at 350 for amount of time listed on box. To make cake extra moist, after baking, poke holes in cake and pour sugar free jello, disolved with 1 1/2 cups boiling water, over cake. Chill. Top with fat free whipped topping. - Lori Crawford TEXAS HOT CHOCOLATE CAKE Bring to a boil: 1 stick margarine 4 tbs cocoa 1 cup water Mix the following ingredients by hand - DO NOT USE ELECTRIC MIXER Add to chocolate mixture above and mix well: 2 cups flour 1 tsp soda 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup buttermilk 2 eggs 1 tsp vanilla Pour the mixture into a greased and floured 9 X 13 pan and bake at 350 until tests done. FROSTING TEXAS HOT CHOCOLATE CAKE: Bring to a boil: 1 stick margarine 6 tbs milk 4 tbs cocoa Add to chocolate mixture above, beat well and spread over warm cake: 1 lb powered sugar 1 tsp vanilla 1 cup chopped nuts (optional) - Brenda Wallace PIONEER’S PARTNER PROGRAM Pioneer’s Partner Program designates one cent for every minute of use from our long distance calling plans for K-12 schools throughout the Pioneer service area. At Pioneer’s 55th Annual Meeting held May 6, 2008, check presentations for the Partner Program were held. As of March 31, 2008, we have awarded more than $475,000 to over 163 schools that are recipients of the Partner Program designation. The program was implemented in February of 2003 in an effort to support our schools. If you are a Pioneer Long Distance customer, simply call your local Pioneer Telephone office or Pioneer Long Distance at 1-800-375-0850 and request to “Be A Partner” and choose the approved school you wish to have your distribution awarded. If you are not a Pioneer Long Distance customer and want to “Be A Partner” please call your local Pioneer Telephone office and: Partner Donation Okeene Schools $24,734.86 Mike Dobrinski, Trustee District 1; Partner and Ron Pittman, Superintendent • Change your current long distance carrier to Pioneer Long Distance • Choose the approved school that you wish to have your distribution awarded Partner Donation Comanche Schools $20,862.81 Dave Krittenbrink, Trustee District 6; Partner and Terry Davidson, Superintendent Partner Donation Watonga Schools $18,859.92 Leroy Lage, Trustee District 11; Partner and Craig Cummins, Superintendent Partner Donation Pond Creek Schools $18,559.01 David Shepard, Trustee District 8; Partner and Joel Quinn, Superintendent Partner Donation Hennessey Schools $18,024.67 Ralph J. Choate, Trustee District 11; Partner and Joe McCulley, Superintendent Periodical Tele-Topics P.O. Box 539 Kingfisher, OK 73750 FOR ADDRESS CORRECTIONS OR TO RECEIVE A COPY OF TELE-TOPICS: Pioneer Tele-Topics is located in Kingfisher. If long distance from your area, call toll free — 1-888-782-2667 and ask for extension 0327. If Kingfisher is not a long distance call, please call (405) 375-0327. The fax number for Tele-Topics is (405) 699-3053. You may also notify Pioneer by e-mailing [email protected].