Beyond the Bitumen February 2013


Beyond the Bitumen February 2013
February 2
The Official Journal of the
All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
February 2013
Page 2
All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
Hi Everyone
What a great and interesting Christmas and
New Year. We travelled with Koby and saw
lots of great countryside. Always hard to come
home—I think I am becoming addicted!
Brian, Koby and I seem to be ahead of all the
fires in Tasmania—no it wasn’t us! How
extremely sad for those who lost their homes
and stock. At least no lives were lost which is a
feat in itself!
The Club seems to be growing as Stuart /Steve
have another big group for training. So another
busy weekend for them.
Are you one of the lucky ones to be coming on
the Photography weekend this month! If you
need to wait for the next one I am sure you
are learning heaps from Danny’s great articles
each month. See you at the theory night.
I have seen some great photos of Victorian
High Country and cannot wait now to hear
the stories.
Happy New Year!
Kirsten Sommerville,
Cover photo this month:
Cape Leveque! By Danny Kildare
Closing date for next month’s magazine:
28th February 2013
February 2013
This Month
Editor’s Report
Committee Members
President’s Report
Vice President’s Report
Membership Report
WebMaster’s Report
Trip Co-Coordinator's Report
Guide for Trip Leaders
AWDC Trip Notice
Driver Trainers’ Report
Trophy Results
Member’s Choice
Minutes - February
Treasurer’s Reports
Pics Elation
McGyver Medley Moment
Trip Calendar
Trip—Binns Track Info
Cooking Corner
For Sale
Swagman Point Rules
How to Book a Trip
Trip Grading
Driver Trainer Requirements
Advertising :
 ARB Sponsor’s Page
 Battery Business
 Berrima Diesel Service
 Mowbray Radio
Membership Form
Web Links page
Trip reports articles and photos can be sent to me by:
Email: [email protected]
Post: PO Box 781, Mona Vale NSW 1660
Or in person at the meetings.
This magazine is printed solely for the benefit of our
members and any article appearing may be wholly or
partially fictitious. Therefore, nothing printed herein
should be construed as a true interpretation of the Club,
its members or their activities.
Please support our Club sponsors, give them a chance to
quote the best price. Where discount is available it will be
offered on production of your Membership card.
Page 3
All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
ABN 45 4585 086 298
Postal Address:
P O Box 82 Roseville NSW 2069
Email Address:
Web Site:
[email protected]
Management Committee
[email protected]
Brian Sommerville
0408 281 734
Vice President
[email protected]
Brad Paull
0418 251 553
[email protected]
Graham Broadbridge
0410 684 182
[email protected]
Sue Dutfield
0409 045 368
Trip Co-ordinator
[email protected]
Harold Zev
0425 322 072
[email protected]
Kirsten Sommerville
0415 281 734
Membership Registrar
[email protected]
Katy Cox
0421 921 553
Training Officer
[email protected]
Stuart Millburn
0411 439 637
General Committee
Assistant Trip Co-ordinator
[email protected]
Mark Kortink
0419 250 403
Assistant Editor
[email protected]
Penny Hunter
02 9401 9529
Assistant Training Officer
[email protected]
Steve Cox
0416 769 634
DVD Librarian
[email protected]
Chris Walker
0407 314 543
NSW-ACT 4WD Assn Rep
[email protected]
Mark Kortink
0419 250 403
Purchasing Officer
[email protected]
Gary Wallis
0402 893 832
[email protected]
Scott Parkin
0413 752 244
Raffle Officer
[email protected]
Ross Shaw
0429 336 928
[email protected]
Nathan Campbell-Cowie
0412 553 403
[email protected]
Richard Destefanis
0402 126 153
February 2013
Club Meetings:
Are held at 8pm on the second Wednesday of
every month at the Forestville RSL Club,
22 Melwood Ave, Forestville.
Note: Bistro meals are available.
Visitors are most welcome!
Committee Meetings:
Are generally held on the fourth Wednesday
of every month commencing at 8pm. Should
Club members wish to attend please contact
the President or Secretary to confirm the
date and venue.
Annual General Meeting:
Is held in conjunction with the October Club
General Meeting.
Membership Financial Year:
The Membership financial year is from
1 July to 30 June.
The Club is an affiliated member of the
NSW-ACT 4WD Association Inc and
through that organisation has an active
relationship with the NSW National Parks
and Wildlife Service.
Nominated Charity FY 2012:/13
All funds raised by the Sergeant-at-Arms
for misdemeanours, real or imagined, will
be donated to the :
Northcott Disability Services.
Life Members:
• Kevin Couter
• Steve Hedges
• Brian Mitchell
• Steve Dalli
• Neil Follett
Page 4
All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
President’s Report
Hi Everyone,
Well we’re back from a fantastic but all too
short a time in Tasmania. If you ever get
the opportunity... well hang on, you should
MAKE the opportunity to go to Tasmania
and spend as much time as you can there.
We had two and half weeks there,
admittedly a lot of “relative” time, but you
need at least four weeks to see all of the
sights. We did a lot of touring, not much
4WDing (as predicted in my last report),
wine tasting, cheese tasting and sampling
the odd local beer or two.
A couple of weeks ago the Committee got
together for our regular monthly chat. We
kicked around a few new ideas for this year,
nothing radical but they should keep the
current momentum of the Club ticking along
nicely. We realised that we must be coming
up to our 30th anniversary. Sue has
undertaken the task of determining the
actual date, well at least the correct year.
So stay tuned for some discussion on what
we should do.
Other topics included how to encourage
more members to lead trips, how to become
a certified 4WDriver, developing our website
even further, Eastern Creek Show and a
February 2013
few more radical ideas! As always
please feel free to contact any member of
the Committee if you would like us to
consider anything.
Looking at the calendar I can see some
exciting trips coming along including the
Photography Weekend and the Gourmet
Weekend. But I can also see some gaps,
ANZAC weekend and Easter - two great
opportunities to lead or attend an extended
trip. For those wanting something more
major, rumours abound for destinations like
Cape York, Simpson Desert, Flinders Ranges
so for those wanting a great winter trip,
something should spark your interest out of
that list! How about the Binns Track? The
good people at Mount Swann have kindly
sent some info on this great area. Have a
read elsewhere in this magazine.
Well that’s about for this month, hope to see
out and about. It’s a great time of year to
explore the bush!
Happy 4WDing…………………………
Brian Sommerville, President
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
Vice President’s Report
Hi Everyone,
S u r p r I s e!!!
Come to the meeting and more will be revealed...
See you at the meeting
Brad Paull,
Vice President
February 2013
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
Membership Report
Hi All,
The holidays seem like a very long time ago
now, but as this is the first magazine of 2013 –
Happy New Year to you all! As far as
memberships go, 2013 has been pretty slow up
to now. I’ve received a couple of enquiries, but
no forms have come back to me so far.
At the January meeting we welcomed Damien
Wardell and Matt Thorn to the Club. They
have each written a few words of introduction
about themselves.
Damien lives in Frenchs Forest with his wife
and two kids. A mechanic by trade, he now
works as an account manager. He currently
drives a 2001 NM Pajero GLX V6 auto, which
he purchased for $3500 – complete with a
blown engine! He fitted the new engine himself
along with a set of Pacemaker headers. His
wish list includes; ARB steel bullbar, snorkel,
black Sunraysia wheel, upgraded suspension
with lift, replace side steps with rock rails. He
doesn’t want to go crazy on this car though, as
he would like to upgrade to a diesel in a few
years’ time. His only trips so far have been to
Yengo National Park for a bit of test run, but he is
keen to go wherever the car will take him!
Matt first started four wheel driving about 16
years ago with the mighty MQ Patrol SWB. Since
then he has owned a few different 4WDs. He
does a lot of camping with the family and short
touring and fishing trips with the boys. So far he
hasn’t done any of the big trips like the Cape or
the Kimberley, but they are on the cards to do.
Matt’s current fourbie is a Landcruiser 105 series
1hz which he bought about 6 months ago. When
he bought it it came set up with an after market
turbo system, lift kit, snorkel, bull bar, roof rack,
hot water system, mag wheels and a dual battery
system. Since owning it he has also added
spotties, UHF, air bags, air compressor and
made rear drawers for it. He also converted it to
part time 4WD and added lockers front and rear.
Future improvements would be a decent set of
tyres, a winch, sill protection and a rear bar.
Katy Cox,
Membership Registrar
If you are not already a member of the AWDC Facebook Group and would like
to become one, please search for 'All Wheel Drive Club of Sydney Inc' and
send a request.
February 2013
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
Webmaster’s Report
Hi everyone,
The Club Calendar ( is
fully up to date and usually has events ahead of the monthly magazine.
Please remember that whilst the calendar is available to the public to be able to see the information
associated with an event you must be logged in to the member’s area.
I have added some more colour and images to
the calendar and February in particular looks
pretty cool. We certainly need some more trips
on the board, so get those into Harold now!
If you have any dates that you think would be
of interest to the membership please send
them through to me and I would be happy to
add them.
Thank you to those that are actively using the website and in particular the
Forum. We have some great resources within the membership we just need
to get people connected and talking. Facebook is great but the Forum is organised and searchable. Let’s make it a valuable reference into the future.
Don’t forget about the Tapatalk app that you can get for your phone that
gives you easy access to the Forum very much like Facebook.
Have you caught up with the Neil Follett and Richard Milton show!
Check out “What is your next Project for your 4WD > Neil’s FJ Cruiser
I have just added a topic on common Landcruiser faults,
“Vehicle Information > Toyota > 105 series Landcruiser common faults”
Catch you on the Website soon and out the tracks of course!
Richard Destefanis, Webmaster
February 2013
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
Trip Co-Ordinator’s
A belated Happy New and I trust you are all
well rested from the Christmas / New Year
celebrations and ready to hit the tracks again.
February is a busy month with the very
popular Abercrombie Photography weekend on
16th and 17thpreceded by the theory night on
Tuesday, 12th February; both the Gourmet
weekend and the Araluen Pub trip on 23rd
and 24th and the presentation night on
Thursday 21st February for the 2014 Namibia /
Botswana trip.
I now call for trip leaders to come forward with
proposed trips for the rest of the year, in
February 2013
particular the long weekends over Easter and
Anzac Day.
As I write, we are preparing for the Victoria High
Country weekend which will present a number of
unknowns due to road closures and fire threats.
We look forward to hearing all about the two
groups’ trips at a future meeting and in next
month’s Beyond the Bitumen.
Harold Zev,
Trip Coordinator
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
Guideline for Trip Leaders
All Members are encouraged to lead a Club trip, whether it be a 1 day social
event, a regular weekend, long weekend or extended trip.
Procedure for leading a trip.
The trip leader completes a trip notice form (see below) and sends this
to the Trip Co-Ordinator, Harold Zev with the trip details, including:
Start and finish dates, location, meeting place and time, trip grading,
max number of vehicles allowed in addition to the trip leader and any
other special requirements such as, mud tyres, winch, extra fuel, etc.
Trip gradings and booking procedure can be viewed on the
Club Website.
Check available dates on the Trip Calendar on the Club Website.
Requirements for leading a trip.
Some knowledge of the area you intend visiting. If you lead a trip to
an area that you are not fully familiar with, it can be treated as an
Exploratory Trip, provided all participants are aware of this.
Good preparation including detailed maps.
Plan the route.
Aware of distances and times to be travelled.
Location and size of campsites and whether pre-bookings are required.
Check road closures and general information on the areas you intend
visiting, from the local authorities, such as local National Parks
office etc.
Aware of any restrictions such as road closures or locked gates etc.
Ensure all participants are capable of joining your trip including driver
and vehicle capabilities.
At meeting point, appoint participants to prepare a verbal and a written
report. This is usually ‘awarded’ to the last two vehicles to arrive at the
meeting point.
Be aware of which participant/s have a current First Aid certificate.
Lead by example – e.g.: No drinking during the driving period. Follow
all road regulations etc.
Always keep participants informed and have fun!
February 2013
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
AWDC Trip Notice
Please send to Trip Coordinator:
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Trip Name: _______________________________________________________________________________
Trip Location:______________________________________________________________________________
Trip Leader: _______________________________________________________________________________
Trip Leader contact Phone No: ________________________________________________________________
Trip Leader email address: ___________________________________________________________________
Trip Dates: _______________________________________________________________________________
Max No. of Vehicles (excluding trip leader): ______________________________________________________
Grade: __________________________________________________________________________________
Description of trip:
Details for trip attendees:Meeting Place: ____________________________________________________________________________
Meeting Date: ______________________________________________________________________________
Meeting Time: ______________________________________________________________________________
GPS coordinates or Grid ref (if available): ________________________________________________________
Other information needed for the trip - eg: special equipment needed, mud tyres, extra fuel etc:
February 2013
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
Driver Trainer’s Report
As you read this magazine the first driver training is being held for 2013.
We have 7 enthusiastic members who were all looking forward to the weekend.
Next training is April so contact Stuart ASAP.
Stuart Millburn,
Driver Trainer
February 2013
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
Trophy Results
Photo courtesy
by Lori Morgan
and Di Compton
February 2013
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
Member’s Choice
Mark Hillman
Logistics Manager
1999 Daihatsu Rocky – F78BMHT
146000 kms
Engine / Trans
2.8 intercooled turbo diesel / 5 sp Manual
Wheel / Tyre size
There is not much for a Rocky! But I have added some minor
things like a drop down table, driving lights, extra 12V
sockets, interior lights.
Rocky is pretty basic, but it is my first 4WD and I have had
some good fun and trips in it including 2 to Fraser Island. I
love the shape; the size is good but gets a bit tight on trips.
February 2013
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
February 2013
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
Minutes of General
held Wednesday, 9th January 2013
8.03pm at Forestville RSL Club,
22 Melwood Avenue, Forestville.
Brad Paull ( Vice President)
Graham Broadbridge (Secretary)
The attendance book is at the back of the
room - please sign.
Brian Sommerville, Kirsten Sommerville,
Mark Kortink, Kevin Bauer, Kevin Coulter &
Karen, Nathan Cowie-Campbell,
David and Fiona Wilson, Eileen Gallery,
Chris Wren, Phil Reid,
Penny & Simon Hunter, Jenny Sih.
The minutes of the previous meeting were
presented to members at the meeting by
posting on the noticeboard.
As the minutes had not been published to
all members of the association, no
resolution was made to confirm the minutes
of the previous meeting, such confirmation
being deferred until the minutes being
published in the February Magazine and
then accepted at the next General Meeting
in February.
Not Applicable.
February 2013
Brian Sommerville
Absent so no report
Brad Paull
Wished Katy Cox a Happy Birthday.
All members present sang Happy
Birrthday to Katy.
No speaker arranged for next month, but
plans in place.
No Guest Speaker
Graham Broadbridge
Correspondence in – Letter from
Northcott Disability Services thanking us
for our donation.
Merchant statement from St. George
Cash Management A/C statement from
St. George.
Sue Dutfield
No report as no magazine.
Katy Cox
Two new members, Damian Wardell &
Matt Thorn presented with Club Badges
Harold Zev presented with the Trophy
award for Jasmine and Harold bribing
their way into second place.
Kirsten Sommerville
Please send all items for Feb magazine
by End of Month.
Page 16
All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
Stuart Milburn
Training next weekend 9/10 February
2013 – already 7 names down – only one
spot left.
Chris Walker
Have a collection of DVDs available for loan
- see Chris.
Presented a report on titles available.
Harold Zev
We need many more new trips – it’s not
difficult to run a trip as long as you have
some experience. Refer to more
experienced trip leaders for help planning
a trip.
Vic High Country trip is still full – Changes
may need to be made to final trip plan due
to bush fire situation at present.
Araluen Pub trip accommodation is $70
per night for a double or $35 per night
single. Only 3 rooms left at the pub, so
contact Colleen urgently if you want pub
accommodation. Camping available for $5
per night (Drop Toilets – no showers).
South Africa trip now has a limit of 10
vehicles with 17 on the trip board.
(Ed. Please consider your availability
as deposits will be payable in the next
3 months).
None on the Agenda.
None from the floor.
Mark Kortink
Absent - No report.
Richard Destefanis
Website is a bit out of date, but will catch
up quickly.
Gary Wallis
Many items available.
February 2013
Nathan Campbell-Cowie
Fines issued for not showing Club Badge,
not wearing Club clothing, or driving a
Pajero when the Pajero owner suggested
the MC be fined for allowing a Pajero into
the Cub.
Ross Shaw
Mark Hillman was a winner and won a
$50 voucher.
Neil Follet for breaking the ABS sensor on
an FJ cruiser and then fixing it with araldite.
At 8.38 pm.
Wednesday,13th February 2013 at
Forestville RSL Club,
22 Melwood Avenue, Forestville.
(Food available)
At 8.00pm
Graham Broadbridge, Secretary
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
Treasurer’s Report
From Sue Dutfield,
Profit & Loss [With Last Year]
Profit & Loss [With Last Year]
December 2012
through January 2013
This Year
Interest Received
Total Income
Cost of Sales
Cost of Sales
Total Cost of Sales
Gross Profit
Association Fees
Bank Fees
Club Activities
Computer Software
Credit Card Fees
Driver Training Expenses
Eastern Creek Show
General Expenses
Postage & Stationary
Raffle - AGM
Rent - Meeting & Storage
Total Expenses
Operating Profit
July 2012 through
January 2013
Last Year
This Year
Last Year
$ Difference
Other Income
Other Expenses
Net Profit / (Loss)
February 2013
Page 18
All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
Treasurer’s Report
Balance sheet [Last Year Analysis]
January 2013
This Year
Last Year
$ Difference
% Difference
Current Assets
Cash On Hand
St George Cash Management Ac
St George Term Deposit 1
St George Term Deposit 2
Trade Debtors
Stock on Hand
Set Up Expenses
Total Other Assets
Accrual - Donations
Total Current Liabilities
Total Liabilities
Members Funds (Pre Inc)
Total Member's Equity
Total Cash On Hand
Total Current Assets
Other Assets
Total Assets
Current Liabilities
Net Assets
Member's Equity
Retained Earnings
Current Year Earnings
Total Equity
February 2013
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
Don’t you wish
you knew how to take
a better photo!
Well read on, as
our new monthly section
brings a new light to Photography!
One of the first qualities of a photo that catches and captures a viewer’s eye is the
composition. Great composition is something that immediately separates the amateurs
from the pros and enthusiasts. How you place various objects in the camera frame is vital to
your image.
Composition is one of the most important elements of the craft of photography, and it is a skill
that can be taught and honed through extensive exercise and experimentation .
Tip 1 - The Subject
To raise the quality of your photos you must make sure that the main subject is of heightened interest
and is effectively positioned in the frame. To draw the viewer’s eye exactly to where you want it, can
be done in a variety ways.
Size, colour, shape and how the object contrasts with the rest of the image.
Always make sure that you have checked what is in the background of your frame. Try and avoid
anything that takes the eye away from your subject. (Garbage bins for example).
February 2013
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
Tip 2 - Fill the Frame
Fill as much of the frame that you can with the subject without losing interest and keeping
the balance.
We’ve all seen group photos (of friends and family) in which the subjects are stuck in the centre of
the frame, with no apparent design other than to fit everyone in the shot without regard to effectively
filling the frame on either side. This typical shot lacks interesting composition in the layout, and
there’s probably way too much empty space above the people’s heads as well. Fill the frame with the
subject, and not always just from a standing perspective. If you have a very large group, perhaps
you could get above them so you include more faces. If there is a beautiful building/tree behind, you
may have to go a little lower.
Balance is simply a pleasing layout to the eye that just feels nice to look at!
A pet or group shot can look great from a lower angle. Some shots are just to remember a wonderful
occasion, not earth-shattering landscapes, but just as sentimental and important.
February 2013
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
Tip 3
Contrast - in lighting - is another way to add dimension to an image.
Lighting contrast is the difference between the lightest light and the darkest dark in a photograph.
Manipulating this element, works wonders to extend the depth, the three-dimensional quality of
a photograph.
February 2013
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
Tip 4
Frame within a Frame
This technique was originally used by painters.
The key to using a frame within a frame is to make sure that the frame is distinct in shape and lines,
generally is in sharp focus. Your viewer’s attention will immediately be taken to exactly what you want
them to see by using this technique.
February 2013
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
Tip 5
Selective Focus (My favourite)
A photograph can have a blurry foreground or background, so this special optical property can
enhance the composition of your photos by further isolating the main subject from everything else.
You can blur the background or foreground by having command over the depth of field (DOF) which
is controlled by the lens’ aperture, and/or focal length. Mastering this skill is critical for more
interesting images. The wider apertures (f/1.4 to f/2.8) effectively reduce DOF, as do longer focal
length lenses.
February 2013
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
Tip 6
Rule of Thirds
This is also long tried and proven by artists and designers all over the world for thousands of years
and is still used today! It is called the “Golden Mean”, a method of dividing up space into a please
approximate thirds (actual 1.618). The Rule of Thirds divides the canvas/film frame with three
vertical lines and three horizontal lines. The four intersecting vertices are the key points to
remember, as studies have demonstrated that the human eye goes to those points first when
looking at a framed object like a painting, sketch, or photograph. Therefore, when you are
composing the photograph, placing the key elements at one of those four points enhances the
dynamics of your photo.
After all these rules, remember they are guidelines and rules can be broken. I have found it’s best to
know the rules before you break them; it just makes it easier to repeat that great shot if you know
what the rules are. The tips I have outlined are basic ones and hopefully will assist you in getting
better shots - no matter the situation.
If you have any questions about Composition or our previous article on Exposure just ask me!!
I will endeavour to answer any questions on Photography via a Q & A section from now on, that will
also include some FAQs.
Danny Kildare,
[email protected]
I would love to hear your feedback on the articles to make sure I am heading in the right direction
for you.
February 2013
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
Trip - McGyver Medley Moment
John and Sharon O’Keefe—Group Leader
Elaine Gallery and Kevin Burrows
Dave Knight
Stuart Reid
Gilles and Alvida Russ
Mike Hurwitz and Harold Zev = Marold
On the fine Sunday morning of January 28, we
were happily traipsing through the Victoria high
country, following our fearless leaders John and
Sharon through such an amazing part of
Australia. The air was crisp and mist was
swirling in the air around the tall trees along the
narrow Escarpment Track.
Suddenly we heard over the radio, "Our engine
has died!"
Eileen and Kevin's Prado had come to a
stand still.
As Kevin got underneath his vehicle to
check what the problem was, he immediately
smelt diesel.
John and David waited a few minutes for Kevin to
assess the situation. He discovered that a thick
stick had dislodged the fuel line from the fuel
tank. David slipped underneath the vehicle to
further investigate the damage and reported what
was needed to reconnect the fuel line.
While John and Dave had an in-depth d
iscussion on how best to proceed, Kevin
accompanied by Stuart, Gilles, Eileen and Mike
walked back along the track to use their keen
investigative powers and see if they could find
the missing fuel line or the connector. They
found the other part of the stick which caused the
damage but alas, after a thorough search they all
returned o the impromptu "Bush Auto Workshop"
empty handed.
Now the “brains trust" duo of John and David
checked underneath Gilles’ Prado to discover
with delight exactly what was needed to repair
the damage.
February 2013
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
Trip - McGyver
— (Cont’d)
Harold offered his water hose but the diameter
was too wide.
With deft precision, John used his pocket knife
and cut a piece of his air hose and used the
clamps from his compressor.
Always thinking, Gilles, coined “Logic Boy”
rather aptly phrased by Stu along the way,
offered an aluminium tube section from his tent
which proved to be just what was needed.
David needed alcohol to clean the connecting
bits so Eileen offered Scotch which John
thought was a great idea. However David
remembered he had medi-alcohol swabs which
he used to wipe away diesel from the flange.
Next, Kevin's Aaraldite was used to glue the
tube to the hose.
The ever helpful Harold provided Knead It
using Mike's surgical gloves while Mike boiled
water to soften the hose so it could be slipped
onto the flange.
Meanwhile, Ali was deftly operating a
"refreshment station" offering organic pink lady
apples, an assortment of teas as well
as percolated coffee to keep everyone
happily sustained.
The more waiting that was needed for the glue
and putty to dry, the more tea and coffee was
served, this time with a giant dark Kit Kat
supplied by Mike. Have a break have a Kit
Poor David was bitten by ants and flies around
his ankles while he was working under the
Prado so Sharon came to the rescue with
Bushman’s bug spray and a fly swatter.
Providing onsite medical care was Doc Eileen
who supplied some saline eye drops to wash
out the diesel that had got into Dave’s eye.
Stuart was busy snapping photos from every
angle this way and that while John slid
underneath to attach the hose to the flange
February 2013
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
Trip - McGyver
— (Cont’d)
After several attempts leading to increasing
frustration, Stuart casually commented that
he was an expert with flanges and the
professional "Flange Man" proceeded to
attach the hose in seconds!.
Two and half minutes later Kevin’s Prado sprung
to life and we were on our way back
to Omeo.
What happened in Omeo stays in Omeo!!!
It was quite an amazing bush experience with a
fantastic team effort. Dave was definitely the
hero of the day but everyone in the group
cooperated together and contributed something
one way or another.
A brilliant time was had by all.
Written and photos by Alivida Russ
And Mike Hurwitz
February 2013
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
TRIP Calendar
Harold Zev
Trip Coordinator
Start Date:
Max vehicles:
Trip leader:
Saturday 16th February 2013 Finish Date: Sunday 17th February 2013
8 (including leader)
Danny Kildare
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0418866636
Learn how to get the perfect shots while travelling and out on the tracks. Includes a
theory evening prior to the weekend.
Start Date:
Saturday, 23rd February 2013 Finish Date: Sunday, 24rd February 2013
C (Exploratory)
Trip Leader:
Mark Kortink
Trip Leader’s Number: 0419 574 881
Max Number of Vehicles: 10 (incl leader)
Stay in the Araluen Pub on Saturday night, or nearby free camping area for those
who prefer. Explore the area around Araluen including Monga and Budawang
National Parks. Will be 4x4 but basically a relaxing weekend.
If anyone wants to spend Friday night at the pub, let Colleen Pillemer know as it is
a 4 and a half hour drive from Sydney.
Accommodation co-ordinator: Colleen Pillemer
Start Date:
Saturday, 23rd February 2013 Finish Date: Sunday, 24 February 2013
Trip Leader:
Sue Dutfield
Trip Leader’s Number: 0409 045 368
E (Social)
Max Number of vehicles: 15 (incl leader)
60’s theme Social weekend at Myall Lakes Camp Ground, Hawks Nest
Arrive from 3.00pm Friday 22nd February
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
TRIP Calendar
Start Date:
Saturday 20th April 2013
Finish Date: Sunday, 21st April 2013
Minimum Vehicles: 7 (incl leader)
Trip Leader’s Number: 0411 439 637
Trip Leader:
Stuart Millburn
Open to those who need initial driver training or those who would like a refresher.
Tuesday night prior to the weekend will be the theory night at Stuart’s place.
Practical weekend involves bush camping on the Saturday night. Please contact
Stuart for more information.
Start Date:
Saturday 1st June 2013
Finish Date: Sunday, 2nd June 2013
Minimum Vehicles (incl leader): 7
Trip Leader:
Stuart Millburn
Trip Leader’s Number: 0411 439 637
Open to those who need initial driver training or those who would like a refresher.
Tuesday night prior to the weekend will be the theory night at Stuart’s place.
Practical weekend involves bush camping on the Saturday night. Please contact
Stuart for more information.
Start Date:
Saturday 24th August 2013
Finish Date: Sunday, 25th August 2013
Minimum Vehicles (incl leader): 7
Trip Leader:
Stuart Millburn
Trip Leader’s Number: 0411 439 637
Open to those who need initial driver training or those who would like a refresher.
Tuesday night prior to the weekend will be the theory night at Stuart’s place.
Practical weekend involves bush camping on the Saturday night. Please contact
Stuart for more information.
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
TRIP Calendar
Start Date:
Saturday 28th September 2013
Finish Date: Sunday, 29th September 2013
Minimum Vehicles: (incl leader)
Trip Leader:
Sandra & Scott Parkin Trip Leader’s Number:
More to come!
Start Date:
Saturday 19th October 2013
Finish Date: Sunday, 20th October 2013
Minimum Vehicles: (incl leader) 7
Trip Leader’s Number: 0411 439 637
Trip Leader:
Stuart Millburn
Open to those who need initial driver training or those who would like a refresher.
Tuesday night prior to the weekend will be the theory night at Stuart’s place.
Practical weekend involves bush camping on the Saturday night. Please contact
Stuart for more information.
Trip Leader:
June / July 2014
3 weeks plus travel time to and from Southern Africa
Harold Zev
[email protected]
Trip Leader’s Number: 0425 322 072
Approximately 21 days of self drive in fully equipped rental 4WD vehicle.
Visit Windhoek, Waterberg, Etosha and Chobe National Parks and Victoria Falls.
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
Binns Track - NT
To the Trip Co-Ordinator
(submitted by Brian Sommerville)
If your Club is still deciding where to have an outback road trip this year we would like to suggest you
take a trip to our remote cattle station - Mt Swan/MacDonald Downs located on the Binns Track in
central Australia. The Binns Track is N.T.’s newest four-wheel drive route running from Mount Dare
on the South Australian border to the township of Timber Creek - 2,191 kilometres and is the feature
of the new R.M. Williams Outback Tracks magazine with particular reference to our new
conservation reserve (Tower Rock).
We've set up new facilities on the station to cater to the 4WD adventurers including trails and tracks
and bush camping. There are designated 4WD tracks with two fun 4WD Quiz Trail experiences—
one takes in the northern end of the property and one the southern end—one 70kms and one 90kms.
There are prizes to be given to participants. 285kms from Alice Springs and 375 kms from the
Queensland border we can be accessed via the Outback Highway and the Sandover Highway.
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
Binns Track - NT
We have two free bush camping sites – one in our beautiful new Reserve and one along the banks of
the Fraser Creek closer to the main homestead.
Amenities attractions:
There are shower and toilet facilities nearby
Mt Swan Mini-Mart: Sells general stores and fuel
Mt Swan Art Gallery and café: Run by the Chalmers whose relationship with the local
Aboriginal people extends back three generations. Amongst the people today there are many
extremely talented artists whose work you can see while enjoying a coffee and cake under the
patio or by the pool. See us on
Please ring me on the number below if you are interested in coming to us this year and I can give you
more information and maps.
Kind regards,
Sonja and Charlie Chalmers
MacDonald Downs
Alice Springs, 0872, NT
08 89569433
[email protected]
View from McDonnell Ranges
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
Cooking Corner
What’s your favourite recipe?
Creme Brulee
Serves 7
8 egg yolks
900ml pouring cream
175g castor sugar
1 vanilla bean
Mix yolks and sugar together
Add cream and mix well
Add vanilla bean split
Bring slowly to simmer, constantly
stirring When it coats the back of
spoon pour into ramekins and place
in fridge.
To serve
Sprinkle top with castor sugar and
caramelize with blow torch
(courtesy of Brad Paull)
Home cooking. Where many
a man thinks his wife is.
~ Jimmy Durante
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
For Sale
2005 All Terrain Camper Trailer
17”Full Off Road
We have owned this since new, actually
purchased it after Glen and Trish Wilson came
and demonstrated it at a Club Meeting. With
the kids now at that “special” age we are going
back to basics.
All in very good condition and recently re
sprayed and refurbished at the factory.
Photos are from XMAS at Lake Tabourie
Caravan Park 2012.
Asking price around $12,000 but open to offers,
any inspection welcomed.
For more info contact Richard
Mob: 0402 126 153
Email: [email protected]
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
Swagman Point Rules
Magazine Reports and Articles
Lead a 2 day Trip
Co-lead a 2 day Trip
Trip Reports - verbal and written
Lead a 3 day Trip or greater
Trip Reports with photos or presentation(either Verbal or written)
Lead a 1 day Trip
Published magazine articles (non reports)
Attend a 2 day Trip or longer
Published magazine articles with photos
Attend a 1 day Trip
Published magazine photos- photos only
Run the Trophy (Co-ordinator)
Help on the Trophy Committee
Compete in a Trophy
Trip Logging, other than just using “Spot”
Compete in a competition for the
AWDC (any length of time)
Assisting the Editor
Late for a Trip
No report given within 60 days of trip
Failing to attend without notice
Introduce new member to Club
Attending monthly Meeting
The updated points to be effective as of 1 st April 2011
Rules of the Swagman Points
· Swagman Points start and finish on the 30th September each year.
· There must be a minimum number of 3 vehicles, including Trip Leader, on a trip before points can
be issued.
· Trip Leader can’t receive points for a trip report.
· Trip must be open to all members (no points for a Committee trip).
· Committee members filling their roles cannot receive points.
· Trip Leader and partner/wife or Navigator to receive Trip Leader points.
· To Co-Lead a trip - lead a 2nd group (or more) of vehicles within a trip organised by the Trip Leader.
· 10 points per article that your photos are used (not 10 points per photo).
· Maximum of 20 points per magazine for articles used or 30 points with photos.
· When compiling a detailed Trip Log, the trip data from” Spot” may be used.
4WD Events
· The Trophy Co-ordinator to receive 100 points, with the Trophy Committee / Helpers to receive
60 points.
 Must be representing the AWDC. Competitors and support crew can only receive points.
Maximum points per member will be 20 points.
 NO points for spectators unless it is gazetted a AWDC trip. Max imum10 points (regardless of the
length of the event).
 All reports for the current year’s Swagman Points must be printed in the magazine already or verbally
done before the 30th September.
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
How the
“Trip Booking System”
currently works!
1. A member decides to run a trip.
2. The Trip Leader gives the Trip Co-ordinator the trip details, this includes:- dates, location, trip
grading, max number of vehicles allowed for the trip, meeting point and time, plus any other
special requirements for that trip, this could be:- mud tyres, winch, extra fuel, etc.
3. The Trip Co-ordinator then enters the details into the database.
4. These details are then placed onto the Club Calendar (on the web site
ASAP and in the next Club magazine).
5. At Club meetings the booking sheets, including any new trips, are placed onto the bulletin board at
the front of the meeting. Trips that are posted for the first time, must go up on the board empty of
names. Members are then invited to place their names onto the booking sheets. This gives
members who are at that meeting the first choice to place their names onto these sheets. This
has two advantages. Firstly, it gives every member a chance to go on the trip, secondly,
it encourages members to attend the meetings.
6. After the trip has been posted at the meeting, I can then place names onto the sheets. Any
person/s who contacts me prior to the new sheets being posted, their names will be placed on the
list at the bottom of those who registered at the meeting, this may even result in your name being
placed on the reserve list.
7. Approx 2 weeks prior to the trip, I will send out notices to those on the trip list (both the main list
and the reserve list- separate emails). It is up to the attendee to respond if they will be
attending or not. If you don’t respond by 8.30pm on the given night, your name may be omitted
from the list and members on the reserve list will be brought forward on the list.
8. Once the RSVP deadline has been reached, the meeting place and time, and any other details
relevant to the trip, are sent out to the accepted attendees shortly after.
9. Remember, the Trip Leader has the final say who is accepted on the trip. This is generally due to
vehicle and or driver capability and the grading of the trip.
10. Lastly, if you have any queries about the trip/s, at any time, contact the Trip Leader or the Trip Co
-ordinator. Even if you are on the reserve list, please respond as you may make it to the trip as
others pull out for unknown reasons.
Happy travelling.
Harold Zev, Trip Co-ordinator
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
Trip Grading
as approved by
AWDC Committee - 27th August 2009
Grade A – Extremely Difficult
Suitable for very experienced drivers who want a challenging trip with extreme track conditions.
Vehicles must be equipped with suitable modifications such as snorkel, high ground clearance,
significant wheel articulation, over sized tyres and at least one diff locker. Both driver and vehicle
must be prepared to handle situations that test their ability. Specialised recovery equipment may
be required.
Grade B – Moderate to Difficult
Suitable for experienced drivers only. Vehicles to have
increased ground clearance and wheel articulation. May
involve very steep hills, large washaways, mud, rock steps,
deep ruts, soft sand, difficult creek crossings, deep bog holes
and deep snow which may involve winching and other
specialised recoveries. Both driver and vehicle must have
the ability to handle difficult situations.
Grade C – Moderate
Suitable for experienced drivers with unmodified vehicles, may
involve soft sand, steep hills, washaways, bog holes, ruts, mud,
snow, slippery tracks and deeper creek crossings.
Grade D – Relatively Easy
Suitable for all Club vehicles. May involve sand, mud, forest
tracks, moderate hills and shallow creeks.
Grade E – Very Easy / Social
Little or no four wheel driving involved, driving on unsealed
roads. Trips usually designed for touring, camping and social
events. May involve easy to get to base camp then optional
four wheel driving from there.
Grade X – Exploratory
Exploratory, generally suitable for experienced drivers as the
degree of difficulty is often unknown.
• Enquire with the Trip Leader.
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
Driver Training Requirements
All new members MUST complete our Club's 4WD Theory and Practical Training to satisfy Club
Bylaws and Insurance Policy. 4WD Training consists of a theory night and practical weekend in the
bush. It will be held approximately every 8 weeks or as required.
Theory must be completed before practical. If you have dual Membership, then your partner must
do their practical training in another vehicle or on another session.
There will be a maximum of eight and a minimum of four vehicles at each practical training session.
The theory will usually be held on a Tuesday night, shortly before the practical weekend. Four
Wheel Driving is a family pastime, so bring your partner to the theory night (but no children please).
All are welcome on the practical weekend.
PLEASE NOTE: Both theory and practical 4WD training must be completed before you can
take part in any 4WD activity, such as trips, Trophies, etc. For the practical weekend,
each vehicle should have a rated snatch strap and rated shackle (both available from
our sponsors).
Your vehicle must have front and rear suitably rated tow/recovery points, jack, wheel brace and a full
tank of fuel. All vehicles must be roadworthy, in good mechanical condition and the driver must hold a
current driver's licence valid in Australia.
Communication between vehicles during the weekend is via UHF Radio. A car mounted radio is
preferable but a hand held radio is okay for the weekend.
Driver Training - Theory Night
Please contact the Driver Training Officer to confirm your attendance at least 7 days prior to the
theory night. This starts at 7.00 pm sharp, and finishes around 10.00 pm. Please try to arrive
by 6.45 pm.
Driver Training - Practical Weekend
Members will be introduced to practical four wheel driving, including convoy procedure, safety,
recovery, hill climbs, side slopes, mud, sand and river crossings, rock steps and protection of the
environment, under the guidance of the 4WD Training Officer and his assistant. On the Saturday
night we will camp in the bush and you will be introduced to the social graces of four wheel driving.
Although the Training Officer will provide guidance throughout the weekend, it is up to the participant
to accept responsibility for their vehicle and its occupants as there will be some B grade rock steps,
steep and rutted hills, and the possibility of a deep mud hole and deep river crossing.
NB - If in doubt about front and rear recovery points please call in to check with one of the Club
sponsors before undertaking driver training.
Any questions please contact: Stuart Milburn at [email protected] or 0411 439 637
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
February 2013
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
1 AWDC Shirt $30 2 AWDC Polar Jumper $45 3 AWDC Vest $30
4 AWDC Bucket Hat, Cap and Beanie $10 ea 5 AWDC Key Ring $3.50
6 AWDC Logo Car Sticker $2.50 7 AWDC Thermo Mug $10
Gary Wallis - [email protected] or 0402 893 832
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All Wheel Drive Club Of Sydney Inc.
Web Links
AWDC Web page:
4WD Monthly:
4WD Movies:
4WD NSW - ACT Association:
4WD Online:
Australian 4WD Action:
Australian National 4WD council:
Battery Business
Explore OZ:
Forests NSW:
National Parks:
Outer Limits 4X4:
Repairs and modifications:
The Diesel Experts:
Tuff Truck:
VKS 737 Radio network:
Weather forecast:
Send me your favourite links to put in the next magazine.
Send them to: [email protected]
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