TABLETTES CATALOGUEde 2,50€/tablette CHOCOLAT Chocolat Nature TAB 001 2010-2011 Chocolate cup cake € 2,36 CUP CAKE CUP 001 Strawberry cup cake € 2,36 CUP 002 Pistachio cup cake € 2,36 CUP 003 SPOONS White chocolate spoons € 5,19 Dark chocolate spoons € 5,19 CUI 002 CUI 001 Milk chocolate spoons € 5,19 CUI 003 White chocolate LARDS € 5,19 LAR 001 Dark chocolate € 5,19 LAR 002 Milk chocolate Pink lard € 5,19 € 5,19 LAR 003 LAR 004 MENDIANTS Milk chocolate Mendiants Assortment Mendiants € 5,19 € 5,19 MEN 003 MEN 004 White chocolate Mendiants € 5,19 MEN 001 Dark chocolate Mendiants € 5,19 MEN 002 MIGNARDISES Roumba Mignardise € 2,12 Temptation Mignardises € 2,64 MIG 001 MIG 002 Soft Madness Mignardise € 2,64 MIG 003 Orangettes € 5,19 ORANGETTES ORA 001 Crystallized Orangettes with Dark Chocolate € 5,19 ORA 002 Danish pastry with milk Danish Pastry € 5,19 ROC 001 Danish pastry with Dark chocolate € 5,19 ROC 002 TEA CHO 003 Flavoured Tea € 3,96 THE 002 Green Tea € 3,96 THE 001 Firm: Code Firm: Name: Address: Post code: Bank account number: Firm Staff Visitor ORDER FROM ORDER FROM N° DATE Name References Quantity Unit price HTVA CHO 001 Chocolate sweet spread: White chocolate CHO 002 Chocolate sweet spread: Dark chocolate € 4,72 CHO 003 Chocolate sweet spread: Milk chocolate € 4,72 CON 001 Raspberry jam € 4,72 CON 002 Apricot and almond jam € 4,72 CON 003 Appel – Cinnamon – Vanilla jam / 4,72€/Pot € 4,72 CUP 001 Chocolate cup cake € 2,36 CUP 002 Strawberry cup cake € 2,36 CUP 003 Pistachio cup cake € 2,36 CUI 001 White chocolate spoons € 5,19 CUI 002 Dark chocolate spoons € 5,19 CUI 003 Milk chocolate spoons € 5,19 LAR 001 White chocolate € 5,19 LAR 002 Dark chocolate € 5,19 LAR 003 Milk chocolate € 5,19 LAR 004 Pink lard € 5,19 MAC 005 Macaroons: Box of 5 pieces € 4,72 MAC 008 Macaroons: Box of 8 pieces € 7,55 MAC 011 Macaroons: Box of 11 pieces € 10,38 MEN 001 White chocolate mendiants € 5,19 MEN 002 Dark chocolate mendiants € 5,19 MEN 003 Milk chocolate mendiants € 5,19 MEN 004 Assortment mendiants € 5,19 MIG 001 Roumba mignardise € 2,12 MIG 002 Temptation mignardise € 2,64 MIG 003 Soft madness mignardise € 2,64 ORA 001 Orangettes € 5,19 ORA 002 Crystallized orangettes with dark chocolate PRA 001 Box of pralines 250 g € 11,79 PRA 002 Box of pralines 375 g € 17,69 PRA 003 Box of pralines 500 g € 23,58 ROC 001 Danish pastry with milk ROC 002 Danish pastry with dark chocolate € 5,19 TAB 001 Hazelnut chocolate tablet € 2,36 € 4,72 € 5,19 € 5,19 TAB 002 Milk chocolate tablet € 2,36 TAB 003 White chocolate tablet € 2,36 TAB 004 Dark chocolate tablet € 2,36 THE 001 Green tea € 3,96 THE 002 Flavoured tea € 3,96 Customer name Total price Customer signature Terms and conditions: see overleaf: «Emotions chocolat» is an educational training firm. Please keep this document out of your administration. Neither any letter nor any document could link judicially the sender to the addressee. Terms of sale 1. All our prices are exclusive of 6 % VAT. 2. Our offers are valid within 15 days. 3. The delivery is post-paid. 4. Any complaint must be made in writing to us within 7 days of the date on which they were dispatched to you. 5. All our bills must be paid by credit transfer within 7 days. 6. Defaulting payment on a single invoice shall entail an inclusive payment equal to 15 % of the overdue amount with a minimum of € 50,00. In the event of overdue payment, « Emotion Chocolat » shall have the right to levy a monthly interest equal to 3 % of the overdue amount. 7. In case of dispute, only the trade court of Verviers will be in charge. Avec le soutien de la Communauté française de Belgique