Operations Manual
Operations Manual
rll It il NAKAJIMA II First in quality and relinbility - lll Jlr- OPERATION MANUAL AE-710 ELECTRONIC TYPEWRITER OFFICE N FOR USA ONLY NOTE: This equipmenthasbeentestedand found to comply with the limits for a ClassB digital device, pursuantto Part l5 of the FCC Rules.Theselimits are designedto provide reasonableprotectionagainst harmful interferencein a residentialinstallation.This equipmentgenerates,usesand can radiateradio frequencyenergyand, if not installedand usedin accordancewith the instructions,may causeharmful interferenceto radio communications.However,thereis no guaranteethat interferencewill not occur in a particularinstallation.If this equipmentdoescauseharmful interferenceto radio or television reception,which can be determinedby turning the equipmentoff and on, the useris encouragedto try to correctthe interferenceby one or more of the followlng measures: - Reorientor relocatethe receivingantenna. - Increasethe separationbetweenthe equipmentand receiver. - Connectthe equipmentinto an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiveris connected. - Consult the dealeror an experiencedradio/TV technicianfor help. FCC WARNING: - Changesor modifications not expressly approved by the party responsiblefor compliarrce could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. - Use a shielded interface cable. Your new electronictypewt'iterincreaiesyour typing efficiency throughuseof the most advanced technology.Someof the many outstandingfeaturesof your typewriterare: . | 5.0 inch papercapacity . printwheel Easy-to-change100-characterdrop-in . l0 line correctionmemory (700 charactersmax.) . Five format memory . Pitch selector:lO, 12, 15 and PS (proportionalspacing) . Line spaceselector:l,l-l/2 . Full electronictabulationfor up to 30 positions and2 . Paragraphindention o Decimal tabulation . Automatic centering . Automatic carrier retum . Automaticunderlinins . Bold typing ' Capslock o Micro up/micro down/micro back space . Framing (line drawing) o Optional spell check (dictionariesfor English,French,and Spanishare available; This manualdescribesyour typewriter s functions,operatingcontrolsand procedures,and replacementof will facilitateand maximizetheettlcientuseof your new its accessories. Thoroughstudyof instructions electronic typewriter. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION RulesFor SafeOpcration PartNamesAnd Functions Key Functions I a GETTING STARTED Unpacking SettingUp... TurningOnTypewriter.... Inserting/EjectingPaper Typing Controls Margins Tabs. Corrections 6 6 l tj . g . l0 ..... ll l2 TYPING FUNCTIONS ParagraphIndention DecimalTabulation AutomaticCentering Automatic Carrier Return RequiredHyphen And RequiredSpace AutomaticUnderlining KeyboardII (SpecialCharacters) B o l dT y p i n g Capslock MicroUp/NlicroDown/-l\4icroBackSpace Framing(LineDrawing).... Format (Margin And Tab) Memory 16 16 18 19 19 20 20 . .21 ........21 .........22 ........22 . 24 HOW TO CHANGE ACCESSORIES RibbonCassette CorrectionTape Printwheel .25 ...2j ......28 SUPPLIES ., ,'. '29 MAINTENANCE RemovingPlaten Cleaning Service ......30 ......31 .......3t INTRODUCTION RulesFor SafeOperation Make sureyou areusingthe properpoweras statedon the nameplateat the backof the typewriter mechanism.Neverattemptto repairit yourself lf repair Your typewriteris a highly sophisticated becomesnecessary,take it to the nearestauthorizedservicecenter. Neverinsertmetalobjectssuchas a screwdriver,paperclip, nail file, etc.,insidethe typewriter.This could causedamageto the typewriter and/orelectricalshock. Do not leaveyour typewriterunattendedwhen it is turnedon. Always turn off the typewriter when you have finishedtyping. Be sureto turn off the typewriter when removing platen. Part NamesAnd Functions N \ \\----zl//' ) \^\ \,, 1. PLATEN KNOB Used to manuallyro{ate the platen. 2. PAPER GUIDE placement Providesconsistent of paper. 12. POWER CORD 13. PLATEN (ROLLER) Rolls paperin and out. f4. PAPER BAIL & BAIL ROLLERS Holds paperagainstthe platen. 3. PAPER SUPPORT PANEL Supportsthepaper 15. RIBBON GUIDE Guidesribbon. 4. GLARE SHIELD Blocksout directlight from the typing line. 16. PRINT POINT INDICATOR Indicatesprrntingposition. 5. MARGIN SCALE Providesnumericalindicationof printing posrtron. 17. PRINTWHEEL 6. PAGE END INDICATOR Supptrrtsthe paper.Scaleindicatesremaining paperlengthin inches(for I l-inch-longpaper only). 7. NOISE COVER Buffersthe soundof typing. 8. PAPER RELEASE LEVER paperfor alignment. Releases 18. LINE LOCATOR (red line) D e n o t e st h eb o t t o mo f t h et y n i n eI i n e 19. CARD HOLDER Holds paperagainstthe platen. 20. GUIDE ROLLER Guidescorrectiontape. 21. PRINTWHEEL SET/RELEASE LEVER Usedfor replacingprintuheel 22. CORRECTION TAPE 9. PAPERBAILLEVER Lifts the paperbail Pull to insertpaper automatically. 10. TOP COVER Opento replaceribbon. correctiontapeor printwheel. II. POWER SWITCH 23. RIBBON CASSETTE 24. RIBBON TAKEUP KNOB Usedto takeup any slackin nbbon. 25. PRINT HEAD Strikesagainstprintuheel. Key Functions Keyboard with letter-type function keys t ao .,9 ' [-,ry] fT--A [_l LJ i--l f-] f-_ln I [ 'n I L]J L_J n LJ t ll. lL--,l r- 1 Keyboardwith symbol-typefunctionkeys 2 9 1 3 I. MARGIN RELEASEKEY themarginsto typebeyond Releases themor setnewones. 12. HALF SPACE KEY Moves the carrierone half spaceto the right. 2. LEFT MARGIN KEY Setstheleft margin. 13. RETURN KEY Returnsthe carrierto the left margin on the next line. 3. RIGHT MARGIN KEY Setstherightmargin. 4. TABSETKEY Setstabs. 5. TABCLEARKEY Clearstabs. 6. CODEKEY in conjunction functions special Activates withotherkeys. 7. TABKEY Movesthecanierto a tabPosition 8. SHIFT LOCK KEY of capital LockstheShiftkeyto typea series Theredlampon thekeylightsup when letters. shiftlockby Release thekey is pressed. eitherShiftkey pressing 9. SHIFT KEY thetypingof uppercaselettersand Enables symbolswhichappearon theupperleft corner of eachkey. IO. REPEAT KEY typedor thelastke1 thelastcharacter Repeats entered. function II. SPACEBAR Movesthecarrieraheadonespaceto theright. barfor continuous HolddowntheSpace to theright. movement 14. DECIMAL TAB KEY typed at the Automaticallyalignsall nr.rmbers tab positionby theirdecimalpoints. r5. REVERSE INDEX KEY Retractspaperdownwardin 1/2line ( l / 1 2 i n c h )i n c r e m e n tw s i t h o u tm o v i n g the carrier.Hold the key down to retractthe papercontinuously. 16.INDEXKEY Advancep s a p e ru p w a r di n l / 2 l i n e ( 1 / 1 2i n c h ) incrementswithoutmoving the carrier.Hold the key down to advancethe papercontinuously. 17. RELOCATION KEY Mo,''esthe carrierone spaceto the right of the lastcharactertypedon the page I8. EXPRESS (BACKSPACE) KET' Returnsthe canier to the left marginwithouta l i n ef e e d 19. BACKSPACE KEY Moves the carrierone spaceto the left. Hold down the key for continuousmovementto the left 20. CORRECTION KEY Correctscharacters.Hold down the key tbr repeatconection. GETTINGSTARTEI) Unpacking Beforeusingyour typewriter,be sureto removethe packing materialsasdescribedin the unpackinginstructions. SettingUp l) Insertthe papersupportpanel. 2) Raisethe pageend indicator locatedon the back of the paper supportpanel.Move it to the desiredposition by tilting and pulling it in the desireddirectron. The scaleon the pageend indicatorindicatesthe amountof spaceremainingin inchesbetweenyour currentpositionand the end of the paper. 3) Positionthe glare shieldto preventdirect light from obscuring the typing line. " Turning On Typewriter I ) Plug the appropriateend of the power cord into the typewriter 2) Plug the otherend of the powercord into an outletof the proper voltage/frequency as specifiedon the nameplateat the backof the tvpewriter. locatedat the left rearof the 3) Turn on the powers\.r'itch typewnter Whenthe pou'eris tumedon. a beepsoundsand the pou'er-on lamp on the keyboardlightsup. The carrierstopsat the left margln. Be sureto beginoperatir)n afterthe initializesequence is comoleted Note: Make surethe printuheel.ribboncassette andcorrectiontapeare properlyinstalled. Inserting/EjectingPaper Inserting paper I ) Adjust the paperguideon the papersupportpanelto the desired position.The paperguideensuresconsistentplacementof your paper. 2) Inserta sheetof paperbehindthe platenalignedwith the paper euide, 3) Pull the paperbail lever toward you as far as it goes.The paper is automaticallyinsertedand stopsat a position one inch from the top of the page. Note: Pulling the paperbail lever halfway raisesthe paperbail away from the platen. 4) To releaseand straightenthe paper,pull the paperreleaselever toward you. 5) Returnthe paperreleaselever and paperbail lever to their normalposition. Ejecting paper @.8 Hold downtheCodekeyandpressthe"E" key to automatically eJectpaper. Typing Controls Impression control the printingimpact(how hardthe This controldetermines printwheelstrikesthe paper).Selectthe properimpact dependingon the typeof printwheel,ribbon,paperor the numberof multiple the heaviestimpact. copies.The largestdot represents Line spaceselector the spacingof the lines This selectordetermines 2: l-l12: l: d o u b l es p a c i n g( 3 l i n e sp e r i n c h ) spacing(,1linesper inchl one-and-a-half s i n g l es p a c i n g( 6 l i n e sp e ri n c h ) Pitch selector thecharacterpitch. This selectordetermines l0: 12 l5: PS: P I C A p i t c h ( 1 0c h a r a c t e rpse r i n c h ) E L I T E p i t c h( t l c h a r a c t e rpse ri n c h ) M I C R Op i t c ht l - 5c h a r a c t epr se ri n c h t ProportionalSpacing FS pitch spacingvariesaccordingto the chirracter. i s u s e dw i t h t h eP S o r i n t r v h e eol sn l y . Note: Y o u c a nc h a n g et h ep i t c hi n t h e m i d d l eo i t h e l i n e , Margins Presetmargins Whcn you I'irstturn on the rypcw,rirer, the presetmarginsareused. T'hcse s c t t i n g sp r o v r d ey o u w i r h r t u n d a r do n ei n c hl e f t a n do n ei n c h r i g h tr n a r g i n sf i l r c a c hp i t c hs e l c c t i o n . Lcl'tMargin I 0 p i t c h( P I C A ) l 2 p r t c h( E L I T E ) 1 . 5p i t c h( M I C R O ) P Sp i t c h l0 t') l5 t2 Right Margin 15 90 il3 90 Thc arcaol'-5spaccsimrncdiarclybelirrethe right marginis called thc h<ltzone.As thc carricrmovcstowardthe cnd of a line and cntersthe hot zone,a becpsounds.This beepwarnsyou that the right marginis approaching. Setting a new margin ffil ILenl @ | ) Use the Spacebaror the Backspace key to po_sition the carrierat the point whereyou want to seta new margin. To seta marginbeyondeitherof the currentmargins,move the carrierto the currentmargin,pressthe Margin releasekey, then continuemoving thecarrierto thedesiredposition. 2) Pressthe Left margin key to set the left margln or Pressthe Right margin key to set the right margrn. A beepsoundsto signalthata new marginhasbeenset.When you setnew margins,currentmarginsareautomatically cleared. Note: You cannotsetleft and right marginsthatarelessthanone inch apan. Typing beyond the margins To type beyondtheright margin,pressthe Margin releasekey when the carrierstopsat the right margin,andcontinuetyping. @ (@) To type beyondthe left margin,pressrheMargin releasekey at the left margin.Then pressthe Backspace key to movethe carrierto the positionwhereyou want to starttyping. Margin back-up The currentmarginsettingsaremaintainedin memoryby the back-upbatteryevenwhen you turn off the typewriter.you can use the samemarginswhenyou turn on the typewriternexttirne. t0 Tabs Setting a tab @(tr) @(tr) @(tr) key to positionthe canier at I ) Use the Spacebar or the Backspace the point whereyou want to seta tab. 2) PresstheTab setkey. A beepsoundsto signalthatthe tab has beenset.A maximumof 30 tab stopscan be set. Clearing a tab l) Positionthe carrierat the tab you want to clear. 2) Pressthe Tab clear key. A beepsoundsto signalthat the tab has beencleared. Clearing all tabs I ) PresstheTab clearkey at any position. 2) Pressthe Repeatkey.Two beepssoundto signalthat all tabs havebeencleared. @(E) Using a tab e(E) I ) Pressthe Tab key The carriermovesto the first tab settingto the right of your currentposition. 2) Type the text. Tab back-up The currenttab settingsaremaintainedin memoryby the back-up batteryeven when you turn off the typewriter.You can usethose tabswhenyou turn on the typewriternexttime. ll Corrections Your typewriterhas an automaticcorrectionmemory. It remembers the last700 characters typedwithin the last l0lines and will correct any or all of thosecharacters.Characterstyped outsidethe correctionmemory can be correctedeasily using the manual correctlon. Automatic character correction (correcting characters within the correction memory) position carrier tsr/^6r.rr r ts6r A I ) Use the Index key or Reverseindex key to positionthe print point indicatoron the line which containsthe error.The line locatof (red line) markedon the card holder shouldbe line up below the line. Do not usethe platenknob for alignment. 2) Use the BackspaceKey or Spacebar to positionthe pnnt point indicatoron the characterto be corrected. 3) Pressthe Correctionkey. The characterunderthe print point indicatorpositionis erased. t € l t_J h cr f \/^aL'ri r6i Hold down the Correctionkey to erasemore charactersto the left. A I t'J best typewriter @(tr) The best t2 4) Type the correctcharacter(s). typewriterA 5) Pressthe Relocationkey. The print point indicatorretums to one spacebeyondthe last charactertyped on the page. Note: When you correctthe last characteryou typed,you do not need to backspaceto the character.Simply touch the Conection key and the print point indicatorwill automaticallybackspaceand deletethe character. Automatic word correction (correcting words within the correction memory) position carrier Tha ^^^d i\/n6L,ri rar A l) Use the lndex key or Reverseindexkey to positionthe print point indicatoron the line which containsthe word to be corrected.The line locator(red line) markedon the cardholder shouldbe line up below the line. Do not usethe platenknob for alignment. 2) Use the Backspace key or Spacebar to positionthe print point indicatoron the lastletterof the word to be corrected.or the spacefollowing the word to be corrected 3) Hold down the Codekey and pressthe Correctionke1'.An intermittentbeepsounds. 4) Pressthe Soacebar The word is erased. typewrr-cer ^. t\/6dr.rrr tor A @(tr) -lno The lv. best 5 ) T v o e t h ec o r r e c *t o r d . 6) Pressthe Rc'location ker'.The pnnt point indicatorreturns to one spacebe1'ondthe Iastcharacteron the page ::*',i':'':A i ,! p e H r r i e l A Note: You can c'rasea partof the uord automaticall) I a) Positionthe print point indicatt'rr on the lastletterto be erased i n t h eu o r d . b) Hold down theCodekey and prc'ssthe Correctionkey An i ntemrittentbeepsounds. c) Type the l'irstlctterto be erasc'd in the '*ord. The partof the word specifiedis erased The best A wI rter r3 Manual correction (correcting characters outside the correction memory) I ) Use the Index key or Reverseindex key to position the print point indicatoron the line which containsthe error.The line locator(red line) markedon the card holder shouldbe line up below the line. Do not usethe platenknob for alignment. position carrier The bast Lypewriter A 2) Use the Backspacekey or Spacebar to positionthe print point indicatoron the characterto be corrected. Note: Use the micro up/microdown/micro back spacefor accurate alignment.See"Micro Up/lr4icroDown/Micro Space"in the Typing Functions"chapter. 3) Hold down the Code key and pressthe Correctionkey. tr The b^st 4) Pressthe characterto be erased.The characteris erasedand the print point indicatorremainsat that position. typewriter 5) Type the conect character(s). The best A t4 typewriter TYPING FUNCTIONS The letter below showsyou someof the sampleusageol'the typing functionson your typewriter. for "Too1s ConsoLrdated 138 Elm Chicago, Everyone" Too.l Co., Irrr Boulev.lrd Illrnois 6A()90 lur)e ) , Everyday Hardware, 10301 Main Street PoYi l^nd 199-l Inc. qH645 {)rpn^n Dear Sir; 'Fh:nk \/^rr innrrirrrcc ts^ As a rrerrr :n\/ mrrnh t ^r \/^rrr dorro,nnmontc customer we drc ploducts ordered. on all and we realize Lhar has somewhat Therefore patronage, we d-iscount llne of tools people decided to to to we will sLanding sti1l changing inLroduce the ptesenL the severd- can buf new sets of you a ror an prodLcts o*r your for l0% your continued additional 5% siruot'on .onfinudlly needs yeclr next unoorstdnd you offer fhe fc:r'yottr tor otfer.ng mdrkat thank he.p meet 2'J and line l ^ J pc e r ' d ' n - y recen'Iy that this May the to dLLempling narket- improve We are wjr h oi Ilerpn- combinations aimed aL satisfying the needs of the increasing number just starLing ro become rnvolved in home irp'ovcrento. We feel The the noL and plannrng have We hope thaL We dre our slow. dr of product. our favored discount posiLion been letter in that fol this will 1ow i ng be pdssage a substantial market years in to f---tE;if ''-O';d from ToolE Todav typifies our of come. feelings on matter. "The market will continually grow as lhe expense of hiring ou' home improvements increases. Consumers will be forced to do wharever ,s necessary and this tdct offers d grdnd opportunity to all those involved in this area!" D-l :a*r- q e l o o k u n d e r t h e f o l l o w i n g a r e a s i n t h e C o m p a n y P r o s p e c l u s IWord l. L-,.. / i n s e r t e d w h i c h d e s c r i b e s o u r g o a l s l o l r h e c o m i n gy e d r s : I underuntnq F-l 4 T , Sect j on Ti tle MEETTNG THE re NEW }4ARKETS OUR ANSWER WHAT WE CAN DO TOGETHER Thank f nr rrnrrr ran vor :o:in for 31 - 46 102 93 249 - 234 2.32 11.6 18.L4 of o rr Wp wa j t nrodrre f s l rr qi n.aral v V^,,rc arr]- son n ^ ^ l ASS I ^ ! S LdIIL 5d]CS I{dIIdcICT l5 ParagraphIndention -l-his f u n c t i o nc r c a t c sa t c m p o r a r yl e f t m a r g i nt o i n d e n ts e v e r alli n e s s u c ha s a p a r a g r a p h I-r'rpENT-l @.@ l ) P o s i t i o nt h c c a r r i c ra t t h c p o i n tw h e r cv c l uw a n tt o s e tt h e p a r a g r a pihn d c n t i o n . 2 , )H o l d d o w n t h c C o d ck e y a n dp r e s st h e I N D E N T k c y ( L e f t rnarginkcy.l A bccpsoundsand thc currentpositionbecomes thc tcrnprlrarylcl'tmargin 3.t Typc thc tcxt to be indentcd. 4; To cancclthe paragraph indcnrion,hold down the Codekey and prcssthc Lcli marginkey at any tinte.Two beepssound. Decimal Tabulation @(tr) This functionalignsnumbersby theirdecimalpoint at a tab position.It helpsyou to type statisticaltext easily. l) Settab(s)at the decimalpositionfor eachcolumn. 2) Pressthe Return key or Expresskey. The carrierreturnsto the left margin. I @ type numberspreceding decimalpoint 3) Pressthe Decimaltab key. The carriermovesto the first tab posrtron. 4) Type the numbersprecedingthe decimalpoint The carrier movesone spaceto the left for eachnumbertyped.(Nothingrs printedat this time.) If you make a mistake,pressthe Correctionkey to deleteall text (numbers)typed.The carrierreturnsto the tab position.Then retypethe number. l6 5) Type the decimalpoint (Comma or Periodkey). The numbers and the decimalpoint are printed,aligning the decimal point at the tab position.Then type the numberfollowing the decimal polnt. Note: When typingnumberswithouta decimalpoint or when typing words,you have 3 optionsto print them out. a) Pressthe Retum key. The numberis printedand the carrier staysthere. b) Pressthe Tab key. The numberis printed and the carrier advancesto the next tab Position. c) Pressthe DecimalTab key. The numberis printedand the to the next tab.makingit a decimaltab again carrieradvances 6) To adl'anceto the nextline. pressthe Returnkey and repeat steps3) through5). Note: To cancelthe decimaltab function.first pressthe Correctionker to clearthe text ty'pedbeforethe decimalpoint.The carrier returnsto the tab position.Then pressthe Returnke1. l7 AutomaticCentering This function centerstext evenly betweenthe left and right margrns. ffi @.D I ) Hold down the Code key and pressthe AUTO CENTER key. A beepsoundsand the canier automaticallyadvancesto the center positionbetweenthe left margin(or indentposition)and the right margin. 2) Type the text to be centered.The canier movesone half spaceto the left for every charactertyped. (Nothing is pnnted at this time.) If you make a mistake,pressthe Correctionkey to deleteall text typed.The carrierreturnsto the centerposition.Then retypethe text. il 3) Pressthe Returnkey. The text is printed,centeredbetweenthe margins.The automaticcenteringfunction is cleared.The carrier stopsimmediatelyafter the centeredline. Note: To cancelthe automaticcenteringfunction, hold down the Code key and pressthe AUTO CENTER key. Two beepssound. If no charactershavebeentyped at the centerposition.simpll' pressthe Returnkey to clear the automaticcenteringfunction. l8 Automatic Carrier Return This function automaticallyreturnsthe carrierat the end of each line without pressingthe Returnkey. ffi T l) Hold down the Code key and pressthe AUTO RETURN key. A beepsoundsto signalthat the function has beenactivated. 2) Type text. When the first spaceor hyphenis typed after the carrierentersthe hot zone(the areaof 5 spacesimmediately beforethe right margin),the carrierautomaticallyretums to the left margin on the next line. Note: (For the typewriterwith the USA or CanadaFrenchkeyboard) If a hyphenor spaceis not typed in the hot zone,the carrierwill advancepastthe right margin. 3) To cancelthe automaticcarrierreturnfunction, hold down the Code key and pressthe AUTO RETURN key again.Two beeps sound. RequiredHyphenAnd RequiredSpace This function is usedto type a hyphenor spacein the hot zonethat will not tngger the automaticcarrierreturn.This is useful to type a combinationof words that you do not want to separatedby automatlccuurlerreturn. I TIYPHEN I D Hold down the Code key and pressthe HYPHEN key at the positionwhereyou want a requiredhyphen.A hyphenis pnntedbut the carrierdoesnot return. Hold down the Code key and pressthe Spacebar at the position whereyou want a requiredspace.A spaceis madebut the carrier doesnot return. l9 AutomaticUnderlining This functionunderlinesindividualwords(no spaces)or all characlers automatically. Automatic full underlining I-u I tr I ) Hold down the Codekey and pressthe "X X" key. A beep soundsto signalthatthe functionhasbeenactivated. 2) Type the text to be underlined.All of the charactersincluding spaceswill be underlinedas you type. 3) To cancelfull underlining,hold down the Code key and press the "X X" key again.Two beepssound. Automatic word underlining ffx I @.8 1) Hold down the Codekey and pressthe "X X" key. A beep soundsto signalthat the function hasbeenactivated. 2) Type the text to be underlined.All charactersexceptspaceswill be underlinedas you type. 3) To cancelword underlining,hold down the Code key and press the "X X" key again.Two beepssound. Keyboard II (SpecialCharacters) Your typewriterprovidesa secondkeyboardwhich containsspecial characters.Thesespecial(KBII) charactersappearon the top right side of the numeric/symbolkeys. the Code key and pressthe "KBII" key. A beep ignal the function hasbeenactivated. 2) While holding down the Shift key (or after pressingthe Shift lock key), type the key with the desiredsymbol. 3) To cancelthe secondkeyboard,hold down the Code key and pressthe "KBII" key again.Two beepssound. 20 Bold Typing This function makeswords standout from the rest of the text. Use this function to emphasizetitles, highlight information,etc. Code key and pressthe BOLD key. A beep rl that the function has beenactivated. {ll of the characterswill be printed in boldface 3) To cancelbold typing,hold down the Codekey and pressthe BOLD key again.Two beepssound. CapsLock This functionenablesnumbersand uppercaselettersto be typed withoutpressingthe Shift key. : Codekey and pressthe CAPS key. A beep al the functionhasbeenactivated. character(letter)is printedin Eachalphabetical rmbersand svmbolsareprintedas usual. Note: To type any lower-casealphabeticalcharactersor a symbol that is on the upperleft cornerof a key top while usingthe capslock. hold down the Shift key and pressthe desiredkey. 3) To cancelthe capslock mode.hold down the Code key and press the CAPS key again.Two beepssound. 2l Micro Up/lVlicroDown/lVlicroBack Space Use this functionto align the pnnt point indicatorto an ext.ct positionsuchas a previouslytypedletteror positionon a pre-printedform. @.@ @.@ Hold down the Code key and pressthe Index key. Paperwill a d v a n c el / l 6 l i n e ( l / 9 6 i n c h )e a c ht i m et h i sk e v c o m b i n a t i o ins pressed. Hold down the Code key and pressthe Reverseindex key. Paper willretract l/l6line (l/96 inch)eachrime this key combinationis pressed. Hold down the Code key and pressthe Half spacekey. The print point indicatormovesl/120 inch to the left eachtime this key combinationis pressed. Framing(Line Drawing) This function createsframesby drawing vertical and horizontal lines. Typing vertical line @.8 @(Et) 22 Hold down the Code key and pressthe "V" key. A short vertical line is printed.The print point indicatordoesnot advance. To extendthe vertical line downward,hold down the Repeatkey. Creating frame by drawing vertical and horizontal lines l) First draw the top and bottom horizontallines of the frame. Hold down the Shift key and pressthe Hyphen key, then pressthe Repeatkey to draw a horizontalline. Note: Settingmarginsat the desiredwidth makesit easierto draw horizontallines of the samelength. 2) Move to one line below the upperleft corner. Pressthe Backspacekey then pressthe Half spacekey. The print point indicatoralignswith the left end of the top horizontalline. @.8 3) Hold down the Codekey and pressthe "V" key. A r erticalline is printed.Then hold down the Repeatkey until it reachesthe bottomhorizontalline 4) Move the print point indicatorio one line belou the upperright corner @.8 5 ) H o l d d o w n t h eC o d ek e y a n dp r e s st h e " V " k e 1. A r e n i c a l l i n e i s printed.Then hold doun the Repeatkey until it reachesthe bottomhorizontalline 23 Format (Margin And Tab) Memory This l'unctionstoresup to 5 kindsof formats(marginand tab s c t t i n g si)n t h em c m u r y . Storing a format I , t S c tt h c d e s i r e dm a r g i n sa n dt a b sa s u s u a l . @.E 2) Hold down the Codckey and pressrhe "Y" key. A beepsounds to signalthe functionhasbeenactivated. T<lcancclthis l'unction,hold down the Codekey and pressthe " Y " k e y a g a i nT . w o b c e p ss o u n d . 3 ) P r c s so n c o l ' t h cn u m b e rk e y s :" l " t o " 5 " 4) Pressthe Returnkey. A beepsoundsindicatingthatthe format hasbeenstoredunderthe respective number. Note: If a formathasbeenpreviouslystoredunderthe number selected, it will be canceledandreplacedwith the new format. Recalling a format @.8 I ) Hold down the Codekey and pressthe "U" key. A beepsounds to signalthe functionhasbeenactivated. To cancelthis function,hold down theCodekey and pressthe "U" key again.Two beepssound. 2) Pressthe key underwhich rhedesiredformatis stored(l to 5). 3) Pressthe Retumkey. A beepsoundsand the formatis recalled. The canier movesto the left marginpositionunderthat format. Clearing all formats in memory @.8 24 Hold down the Codekey and pressthe "C" key. Threebeepssound and the threeformatsare clearedfrom the memory HOW TO CHANGEACCESSORIES Ribbon Cassette Removing ribbon cassette I ) Turn off the typewriterand open the top cover. 2) Hold the cassetteas shown and pull up the ribbon cassettearms Note: Checkthe amountof ribbonremainingthroughthe ribbon window. If you seecoloredtape,replaceit with a new cassette one. Installing ribbon cassette to takeup any 1) Turn the ribbontakeup knob counterclockwise ribbon cassette. the installing slackin the ribbonbefore When installinga new ribbon,wind pastthe leadportionof the cassette. 2) Fit the two tabsat the bottomof the ribboncassetteinto the tu o holder. holesof the ribboncassette so thatthe ribbonflts 3) Carefullylower the front of the cassette guides holder. and the card ribbon betweenthe two @-a 4) Pressthe positionsmarked"A" in the illustrationuntil the ribbon snapsinto place. cassette -5) Take up any slackagain '4. o ) Closethe top cover N \) \ , 25 Ribbon selectsetting Your typewritercan useeithercorrectable carbonor multi-strike ribbons.Setthe ribbonselectionin accordance with the ribbonyou use.Correctablecarbonribbon is selectedfor the lact<1ry setting. To selectthe multi-strikeribbon, hold down the Code key and press the key to the left of the Right shifi key. To select,theconectablecarbonribbon, hold down the Code key and pressthe secondkey to the left of the Right shift key. Note: If you usea multi-strikeribbon with selectingthe correctable carbonribbon, printedcharacterswill not be clear. I IDDDIDI D EDI a flri]Dt] ! EDDD I E|--rfl 26 T! I T I ! L] CorrectionTape Removing correction tape l) Open the top cover and removethe ribbon cassetteas explained under "Removingribbon cassette". 2) Removethe left hnd right spoolsfrom the spindles. Note: Be surenot to pull the spindlehub when removingthe left spool. 3) Graspboth spoolsand bring them back to straightenthe tape. Pull the correctiontapeto take up any slackand lift it out. Installing correction tape 1) Unwind the correctiontape.Hold rherwo spoolswith your fingers. 2) Carefully lower the correctiontapein berweenthe ribbon guides and the card holder. Note: Make surethe coatedside of the correctiontapefacesthe card holder. 3) Fit the full spool of the correctiontapeonro rhe left supply spindleand pressthe spooluntil it snapsinto place. 4) Fit the right spool(theone with the knob) on the right takeup spindle. 5)Tum the right spooltowardyou until the coloredportionof rhe tapedisappears. Note: Check to make surethe correctiontapegoesbehindthe left and right guiderollers. 6) Repositionthe nbboncassetre andclosethe top cover. 2'l Printwheel Removing printwheel l) Openthe top coverandremovethe ribboncassette as explained u n d e r" R e m o v i n gr i b b o nc a s s e t t e " . 2) Pull the printwheelset/release levertowardyou. The wholeprint headshiftstowardyou and the printwheelis released. 3) Lightly graspthe top of the printwheeland carefullypull it up. Note: Be carefulnot to bendthe top of the ribbonguides. lnstalling printwheel ribbon guide l ) Lightly grasptheedgeof the printwheel.Carefullylower it in betweenthe print headand the ribbonguides, Note: Make surethat the typefaceside facesthe ribbon guides. 2) Pushthe printwheelset/release lever.The whole print headshifts back and the printwheelsnapsinto place. Pressthe lever againas far as it goesto make surethe printwheel is locked into place. 3) Repositionthe ribbon cassetteand closethe top cover. Note: Repositionthe printwheelif thereare any abnormalsoundsor if incorrectcharactersare printed. 28 SUPPLIES Ribbon cassette There are two typesof ribbonsthat can be usedon your typewnter. Correctablecarbon ribbon Your typewritercomeswith this ribbon. This ribbon providesexcellentcorection performancewith the lift-offconection tape.The carbonsurfaceofthe ribbon is transferredto the paperas you type, so it is not reusable. Multi-strikefilm ribbon This optional ribbon enablesyou to type more charactersat a lower cost.This ribbon is not reusableeither. Note: When you useother type of ribbon cassette,be sureto changethe ribbon selectin accordancewith the ribbonyou use.See"Ribbonselectsetting"in "How to ChangeAccessories" chapter. Correction tape There are two typesofcorrection tapesthat can be usedon your typewriter. Lift-off conection tape Your typewritercomeswith this type of conectiontape.This correctiontapeis usedonly with conectable carbonribbon. It lifts the carbonfilm ink off of the paper Cover-upcorrectiontape This optionalcorrectiontapecoversup the error.This is usedonly'with multi-strikeribbon. Printwheel Yourtypewritercomeswith a standardprintwheel.Besidesthis typesty'le. a varietyof printwheels.uirh is available. differenttypestyles, 29 MAINTENANCE RemovingPlaten The platenon your typewriteris removablemakingit easierto clean or to removejammedpaper. Removingthe platen 1.1Turn off the typewriter.Open the top cover and move the carrier all the way to the right. 2) Pull openthe paperbail towardyou. 3) Pushdown the platenlock leverwith your right hand. .N 4) While pushingdown the platenlock lever, grip the platenknob with your left hand and lift it up to removethe left side of the platenfrom the main unit. 5) Pull the platenknob to the left, so you can removethe platen's right shaf,tfrom the main unir. Installing the platen l) Open the paperbail then raisethe erasuretable and hold it up with your right hand. 2) Repositionthe platenon the cradleand insertthe platen'sright shaftinto the hole on the right side of the cradlein the main unit. 3) Grip the platenknob and push it down until the plaren'sleft shaft locks into place.Be sureto align the groove on the platen'sleft shaft with the platenholder stand. 4) Close the paperbail, then closethe top cover. 30 Cleaning Do not attemptto disassemblethe typewriterto clean rt. Dust the typewriterlightly, using only a dry clorh. Never use water or solventssuchas thinner,alcohol,etc. to clean your typewriter. Be carefulnot to drop any items(especiallypins,paperclips,nail files,etc.)into the typewnrerwhenthe top cover is opened.This could damagethe typewriter. Service It is recommended thatyour typewriterbe servicedat leastoncea yearby a qualifiedserrice technician Any malfuncdoncausedby maintenance performedby anyoneotherthanauthorizedsen ice technician. will void the warranty. If the typewriterfails to function or doesnot function properly,check the follorr rng: Is the typewriterpluggedinto a live socket? Is the typewriterswitchedon? Is the printwheelproperly installed? Is the ribbon cassetteor the correctiontapeproperly installed? Is the ribbon cassetteor correctiontapeusedup? Is the ribbon selectingset in accordancewith the ribbon tvpe vou use? If the typewriter still doesnot work properly aftercheckingthe above.contactan aurhorizedser\ lce center. 3t Printed in Indonesia 001-02548-01 20001201YK A E 7 1 OE