Established Lawn Maintenance for Meyer Zoysia 2


Established Lawn Maintenance for Meyer Zoysia 2
The following are general guidelines for maintaining warm season turf grass in the Mid-­‐Missouri area. Please note that the guidelines are for established lawns. Established Lawn Maintenance for Meyer Zoysia
WATERING §  Zoysia should receive approximately 1” of water per week, either by rain or irrigation. §  A healthy, extensive root system for a mature lawn requires a deep, occasional watering every 4-­‐6 days. §  Watering too frequently results in shallow roots and weaker turf. §  Water in the early morning to minimize evaporation. §  Remember to maintain soil moisture even during dormancy. MOWING §  Grass should be mowed on a regular basis during growing season. §  Optimum mowing height for a residential lawn is between 1” and 2”. §  Keep mower blades sharp for a clean cut. §  As a general rule, never cut off more than 1/3 of a grass blade at a time. §  Should your grass get “too tall”, take it down gradually over the next few times you mow. §  Mow frequently enough and benefit your lawn by leaving the grass clippings to decompose naturally. FERTILIZATION AND WEED CONTROL Your lawn is a living plant and like all living plants, they need food and water to be healthy. This 4-­‐Step Maintenance Program for Zoysia Lawns will help keep your yard looking beautiful. 2-­‐Step Maintenance Program for Warm Season Grass
STEP MONTH WEEK PRODUCT 1 April 3 Spread It & Forget It Fer2lizer 35-­‐0-­‐7 with 0.10% Dimension (crabgrass control) Driven by Dura9on CR (controlled release) 2 (50 lb.) bags covers 10,000 sq. F. 2 June 4 Fer2lizer 7-­‐0-­‐0 with 0.20% MERIT Insec2cide (grub preventa2ve) 1 (50 lb.) bag covers 10,000 sq. F. TURF TIPS §  Use a rotary type spreader for best results. §  Apply in two different directions to avoid possible streaking if you missed or overlap an area. §  Apply water immediately after granular fertilizer application. The following are general guidelines for maintaining warm season turf grass in the Mid-­‐Missouri area. Please note that the guidelines are for established lawns. Established Lawn Maintenance for Meyer Zoysia
(Page 2) DETHATCHING Comprised of leaves, stems and roots – some living, some dead – thatch forms as a natural part of turf’s growing process. It lies on top of the soil, a tightly woven layer beneath the visible grass blades. As long as it doesn’t get thicker than 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch, thatch actually contributes to lawn health. A problem arises when thatch develops into a thicker layer and forms a wedge between grass and soil. Too-­‐thick thatch diminishes lawn health by: §  Forming an impervious layer that prevents water, fertilizer, and insect or disease controls from reaching soil. §  Blocking sunlight from reaching lower grass blades. §  Holding moisture against grass blades, which can foster disease. §  Blocking soil so that grass roots grow into nutrient-­‐
lacking thatch, which forms a shallow-­‐rooted lawn. §  Creating an uneven lawn, which leads to uneven mowing and scalping. Grass Blades Thatch Roots & Soil Properly maintained zoysia does not require dethatching, however, it may be done after April 15 if excessive thatch is problematic. If excess thatch occurs, decrease the amount of nitrogen fertilizer or convert to organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizers naturally eliminate thatch in zoysia and contribute to healthier turf. Any and all warranties or guarantees lie solely with the product manufacturer. SelecTurf, Inc. does not warranty or guarantee the safety or the effectiveness of any products sold.