Gumala Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 2744) NOTICE OF ANNUAL
Gumala Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 2744) NOTICE OF ANNUAL
Gumala Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 2744) NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING TO BE HELD AT ASHBURTON HALL, PARABURDOO on Saturday 24 November 2012 at 11:00 am Gumala Aboriginal Corporation (“GAC”) GIVES NOTICE to all Members of GAC including all Banyjima, Innawonga and Nyiyaparli People that an Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) will be held at 11:00 am on Saturday 24 November 2012. AGENDA The general nature of business to be conducted at the AGM will be: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Welcome by Chairperson. Confirm Chair of Meeting. Apologies. Acceptance of proxy votes (*see below). Minutes of previous general meetings and matters arising: a. Minutes of the re-convened 2010 GAC AGM held on 25 June 2011; b. Minutes of the Special General Meeting held on 31 March 2012; and c. Minutes of the 2011 GAC AGM held on 31 March 2012. Reports of the Corporation for the financial year ending 30 June 2012 (CEO, Directors’, Financial and Auditor’s). Appointment and remuneration of GAC’s auditor for financial year ending 30 June 2013. Consider and vote upon a resolution ratifying “related party financial benefits”, as set out in the attached Explanatory Statement. Consider and vote upon a resolution for the GAC Board to increase from nine elected Directors to twelve elected Directors. Possible election of Directors to fill three vacancies on the GAC Board. Any other business. *PROXIES A member has a right to appoint someone (a proxy) to attend the meeting and vote on his or her behalf. A proxy does not need to be a member of GAC. A person must not exercise proxies for more than three (3) members. To appoint a proxy, please complete the attached proxy form and mail or deliver it to GAC so that it is received at GAC’s office at least 48 hours before the meeting, that is, by 11.00 am on Thursday 22 November 2012. In accordance with the GAC’s Rule Book, any proxies received after that date/time including proxies received on the day will be invalid. A Proxy Form is attached to this Notice. In accordance with the CATSI Act, if elections for Directors to the GAC Board are held (Agenda item 10) all nominating members will be required to complete the attached Consent to Become a Director Form to enable the member to stand in the election. Members are asked to please check their details on the Register of Members at registration, to ensure all details are up to date and accurate. Members are also asked to bring appropriate identification to assist with the registration process. NO FEES: There are NO sitting fees, camping fees or travel allowance for the AGM (this is in accordance with the GAC Rule Book). Dated this 22nd day of October 2012 Stephen Peterson Chairman Gumala Aboriginal Corporation Gumala Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 2744) Explanatory Statement Related Party Financial Benefits Dear Members Under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth) (“CATSI Act”): • a Director of the GAC Board is a ‘related party’ of GAC; and • a corporation must obtain member approval to give a financial benefit to a related party of the corporation, unless the benefit falls within a certain specific exemption. As required under the CATSI Act, the current levels of remuneration for GAC Directors (directorship fees) were determined by a resolution of members at a Special General Meeting held on 23 May 2009. Since the Special General Meeting on 23 May 2009, GAC has, from time to time, provided special assistance to individual Directors by giving the Directors an advance in their directorship fees. GAC has also, from time to time, paid meeting allowances to Directors prior to their attendance at meetings. GAC has provided this special assistance to help Directors in difficult personal circumstances, to help them to be able to participate in important meetings and to ensure the smooth running of the expanding corporation. The payment of directorship fees and allowances in advance has not resulted in an individual Director receiving more remuneration than the total amount of annual remuneration the Director is entitled to. It has also not caused any adverse taxation consequences to GAC. The Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (“ORIC”) has advised that payment of directorship fees or meeting allowances in advance, even by only one or two days, to individual Directors can be considered as GAC giving a financial benefit to a related party. As such, member approval is required for GAC to comply with the CATSI Act. As you are aware, this matter was brought to the attention of the GAC membership at the Special General Meeting held at Karijini on 31 March 2012. At this Meeting, the members agreed that the practice of paying wages or meeting allowances to directors in advance must not continue. Since the Special General Meeting on 31 March 2012 no advancements in wages or meeting allowances have been paid. Following ORIC’s examination of GAC conducted during December 2011 and January 2012, ORIC issued a Compliance Notice dated 29 March 2012. Paragraph 6 of the Compliance Notice required full written disclosure of all financial benefits given to related parties by the corporation between 1 July 2010 and the date of the Notice (29 March 2012). Paragraph 6 also requires GAC to seek ratification from the members at its next general meeting of all financial benefits given to related parties by the corporation between 1 July 2012 and 29 March 2012. GAC has undertaken a thorough and detailed review of all payments made to past and present Directors and a list of the related party payments, as approved by ORIC, is contained in the attachment to his Explanatory Statement entitled “GAC Financial Benefits Given to Related Parties”. The financial benefits identified in the attachment comprise advanced payments of directorship fees, travel allowances and meeting fees made to present and past Directors of GAC. In the interests of open and transparent communication, and in order to keep the members fully informed, this information was placed on the GAC website member’s notice area on 31 May 2012 and was also sent in hardcopy to all members. These financial benefits identified are the only payments that ORIC has identified as “related party benefit payments” made by GAC to its former and current Directors between 1 July 2010 and 29 March 2012. The GAC Board proposes that the following resolution is considered by the members at the Annual General Meeting on 24 November 2012: “That the membership ratifies the related party benefit payments made to current and former Directors of the Board of Gumala Aboriginal Corporation between 1 July 2010 and 29 March 2012 as described in the attachment entitled “GAC Financial Benefits Given to Related Parties”. GAC Financial Benefits Given to Related Parties Amount of benefit Date Nature of benefit Director 21/06/2011 Sitting Fee in Advance GIPL meeting Archie Tucker $309.09 21/06/2011 25/03/2011 21/06/2011 Sitting Fee in advance GIPL meeting Pay Advance - Elders Meeting Sit Fee in advance GIPL meeting Cecil Parker Churchill Jones Churchill Jones $500.00 $750.00 $500.00 21/06/2011 Sitting Fees in advance GIPL meeting Gordon Yuiline $500.00 21/06/2011 Sitting Fees in advance GIPL meeting Karen Tommy $500.00 28/07/2011 Advance Payment of Director''s Fees Keith Lethbridge $500.00 10/10/2011 Advance Payment of Director''s Fees Keith Lethbridge $500.00 27/10/2011 Keith Lethbridge advance for PPE 28/10/11 Keith Lethbridge $500.00 21/06/2011 Sitting Fees in advance GIPL meeting May Byrne $500.00 21/06/2011 Sitting Fees in advance GIPL meeting Natalie Parker $500.00 21/06/2011 Sit Fee in advance GIPL meeting Stephen Peterson $500.00 21/06/2011 Sit Fee in advance GIPL meeting Stuart Ingie (Snr) $500.00 17/08/2011 Advance on Director''s salary PPE 22/08/11 Stuart Ingie (Snr) $500.00 7/10/2011 Advance for Stuart Ingie for PPE 14/10/11 Stuart Ingie (Snr) $200.00 20/07/2011 Advance for K Hall Keith Hall $500.00 29/07/2011 Advance - K Hall for PPE 08/08/2011 Keith Hall $1,000.00 15/08/2011 Keith Hall Advance for PPE 22/8/11 Keith Hall $500.00 17/08/2011 Advance to Keith Hall for PPE 22/08/11 Keith Hall $600.00 23/08/2011 Advance - Keith Hall for PPE 5-9-11 Keith Hall $500.00 16/09/2011 Pay Advance Keith Hall $995.85 3/10/2011 Advance Keith Hall PPE 14/10/11 Keith Hall $500.00 6/10/2011 Advance Keith Hall PPE 14/10/11 Keith Hall $500.00 19/10/2011 K Hall Advance for PPE 11/11/11 Keith Hall $100.00 7/11/2011 Pay Advance Keith Hall $500.00 11/11/2011 Advance for pay period ending 11 Nov 2011 Keith Hall $500.00 21/12/2011 23/12/2011 Advance to Keith Hall for PPE 30/12/11 Advance out of future allowance Keith Hall Keith Hall $600.00 $500.00 16/01/2012 9/02/2012 Advance against PPE 27.01.12 & 03.02.12 Keith Hall - Salary advance Keith Hall Keith Hall $100.00 $200.00 10/02/2012 Salary advance to keith hall Keith Hall $200.00 21/02/2012 Salary Advance to Keith Hall Keith Hall $30.00 Director Archie Tucker Cecil Parker Churchill Jones Darren Injie David Stock Doreen James Gordon Yuline Guy Parker Julie Walker Karen Tommy Keith Hall Keith Lethbridge Lisa Coffin May Byrne Melanie Condon Natalie Parker Sally Anne Johnson Stephen Peterson Stuart Ingie Snr Warren Ingie TOTAL Related Party Benefit 309 500 1,250 500 500 500 500 500 1,100 5,659 FY 2010/2011 309 500 1,250 500 500 500 500 500 1,100 5,659 Related Party Benefit 7,826 1,500 700 10,026 FY 2011/2012 7,826 1,500 700 10,026 TOTAL $ 309 $ 500 $ 1,250 $ $ $ $ 500 $ $ $ 500 $ 7,826 $ 1,500 $ $ 500 $ $ 500 $ $ 500 $ 1,800 $ $ 15,685 Page 1 of 15 GAC Re-Convened AGM Minutes 25.06.11 RE-CONVENED ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING GUMALA ABORIGINAL CORPORATION held on 25 June 2011 at Kings Lake, Tom Price Present: : : : : : : : : : Present: Guests: Apologies: GAC Directors Stuart Ingie Snr (GAC Chairman & meeting Chair) Gordon Yuline Archie Tucker (GAC Deputy Chairman) May Byrne Churchill Jones Stephen Peterson (GAC Secretary) Natalie Parker Cecil Parker Karen Tommy See Attendance Lists at Attachment A : Anthony Bevan (ORIC Registrar) : : : : Steve Mav (GAC Chief Executive) Francois Langlois (GAC General Manager & Foundation Executive Officer) Jenny Viviers (GAC Executive Assistant & Minute Taker) Beneficiaries / Traditional Owners as per Attendance Register : Kerry Narrier, Stephen Narrier, Christopher McPhee, Frank Bell, Deborah Edwards, Frederick Edwards, Karen Derschow, Dallas Bell, Rona Bell, Phillip Bell, Rodney Little, Adonica Little, Tracey Dhu, Sharmaine Dhu, Rosemary Dhu, Robert Dhu (Jnr), Nikita Celima, Matthew Celima, Sandra Derschow, Kieralee Derschow, Jason Fisher, Halijah Bin Issa, Nina Bin Issa, Mervyn Derschow, Jacki Hall, Sheneise Hall, Albert Lockyer, Rhonda Lockyer, Shalene Lockyer, Shandell Smith, Kalsyn Smith, Shenora Smith, George Ali, Jan Cowan, Cassandra Jevdenyivic, Jason Fisher, Evelyn Robinson, Jimayne Dowden, Sandy McEwan, Stephen Hayter, Jennifer Cox, Ricky Robinson The meeting was opened at 4:06pm 1. Welcome and Apologies The meeting was chaired by GAC Chairman, Stuart Ingie snr. The apologies were noted as per above. 2. Ratification of minutes from previous meeting The minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting held on 2 April 2011 were mailed to all present and it was resolved “that the Minutes from the GAC AGM held on Saturday, 2 April 2011, with noted changes, be accepted Moved: Seconded: Motion: Keith (Joog) Lethbridge June Ingie Carried.” Page 2 of 15 GAC Re-Convened AGM Minutes 25.06.11 3. Election of GAC Board Language Group Directors It was noted that only 2 directors each from Banyjima, Innawonga and Nyiyaparli Language Group were to be elected by the meeting. At this point the members broke into their Language Groups to discuss and elect two members each for a 2 year term. The Returning Officer for the voting process was the GAC Chief Executive, Steve Mav. Two names were put to the meeting by each language group and it was resolved "that a) The terms of the Directors elected by the membership at the meeting would not end at the AGM to be held later in 2011, but would end at the 2012 AGM; and b) Banyjima Directors - Keith (Joog) Lethbridge and Karen Tommy Innawonga Directors - Warren Ingie and Julie Walker Nyiyaparli Directors - Keith Hall and Lisa Coffin be appointed to the GAC Board for a two year term. Moved: Seconded: Motion: Robert Dhu David Dhu Carried.” At this point the meeting was adjourned in order for the new new GAC Board to elect office bearers. The meeting was re-convened and the GAC Board office bearers were announced to the meeting as follows: Chairman: Deputy Chair: Secretary: 4. Keith Hall (Innawonga) Karen Tommy (Banyjima) Stephen Peterson (Nyiyaparli) General Business None. There being no further business to discuss, the Meeting Closed at 5:07pm Page 3 of 15 GAC Re-Convened AGM Minutes 25.06.11 ATTACHMENT A Surname Aitchison Aitchison Aitchison Alone Ashburton AshburtonParker Bellotti Bellotti Bin Issa Bin Issa Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Bobby Bobby Byrne Byrne Cameron Carey Carey Carey Carey Carey Carey Cashen Cashen Cassidy Cassidy Cassidy Celima Chubby Coffin Conway Corpus Corpus Councillor First Name Middle Name Bradly Doreen Michael Vivienne Leandra Jon Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Maree Banyjima Banyjima Fiona Laurence Raphael Hamidah Zaidin Eva Jarrod Jocelyn Samantha Sandra Sharon Sharona Yvette Cara Laurissa May Pine Patrick Andrea Derrelyn Lorraine Phillip Sheila Wesley Eunice Shirleen Brayden Renine Ryan Patricia Kyle Jasmine Petrina Anthea Rodney Anthony Jnr Lang / Group Snr Banyjima Allan Banyjima Kevin Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Annie Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima John Banyjima Faye Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Eric Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima James Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima June Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Jodie Joy Banyjima Banyjima James Banyjima Banyjima Page 4 of 15 GAC Re-Convened AGM Minutes 25.06.11 Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Cox Cox Cox Dann Dann Dann Dann Dann Dann Derschow Derschow Derschow Derschow Derschow Derschow Derschow Derschow Derschow Derschow Derschow Derschow Derschow Derschow Derschow Derschow Derschow Derschow Derschow Derschow Derschow Dewing Dhu Dhu Dhu Dhu Dhu Dhu Dhu Dhu Dhu Dhu Ashley Drusilla Jason June Rebecca Claudine Jamas Sandra Daniel Denise Gemma Georgina Kenzie Michael Christian David Deborah Edward Elaine Gary George Hardy Janice Jody Kerry Lorraine Mark Michelle Nora Noreen Patricia Paula Peta Shane Sharyn Adrian Andrew Darrelle David Debra Edward Jarryn Jayden Jeffrey Jeffrey Joshua Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima James Banyjima Banyjima Leigh Banyjima Marion Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Helen Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Claude Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Gregory Jnr Banyjima Banyjima May Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Esther Banyjima Livy Banyjima Anne Banyjima Banyjima Monique Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Lisa Banyjima Snr Banyjima Banyjima Nigel Banyjima Allan Jnr Banyjima Brian Snr Banyjima Edwin Banyjima Page 5 of 15 GAC Re-Convened AGM Minutes 25.06.11 Dhu Dhu Dhu Dhu Dhu Dhu Dhu Dhu Dhu Dhu Dhu Dhu Dodd Dodd Dodd Dodd Dorrington Dowden Dowden Dowton Drummond Dunstan Eaton Eckerman Eckerman Eckerman Eckerman Eckerman Fakasiieiki Farrell Farrell Fisher Fisher Fisher Fisher Gibson Godfrey Gust Hall Hall Hansen Hayes Hayter Hicks Hicks Hicks Faye Kara Anne Katrina Allan Keith James Murray Leslie Phillip William Phillip Leslie Raeleen Lawrence Robert Luisa Servanna Lesley Siobhann Brian Stephen Allison Vicky Maxwell Brian Eric Graham Jane Gina Louise Alisha Adrian Nathaniel Violet Stellena Elizabeth Desmond Gordon Rosalind David Troy Kevin Edward Mark Judith Rachel Lorraine Raylene Tracy Jennifer Arthur Jason Robert Richard Joharri Ann Judith John Rahman Richelle Richard Louise Veronica Joyce Peter Ronald Stephanie Blake Jayden Dallas Charmaine Violet Kathleen Kevin Maree Leah Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Jnr Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Snr Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Page 6 of 15 GAC Re-Convened AGM Minutes 25.06.11 Hicks Hicks Hicks Hicks Hicks Hicks Hicks Hicks Hicks Hubert Hubert Hubert Hubert Hubert Hubert Hubert Hunter Ingram Ingram Jacobs James James James James Johansen Johnny Jones Jones Lapthorne Lee Lethbridge Lethbridge Lockyer Lockyer Lockyer Lockyer Lockyer Lockyer Lockyer Lockyer Lockyer Lockyer Lockyer Lockyer Lucas Maclean Leonie Paula Rebecca Revis Roberta Ronnelle Sacha Trevina Tristan Denise Karen Leonard Malcolm Michelle Simon Thomasina Ann Kristy Michelle Joanne Dorothy Elaine Mary Tessa Allana Kathleen Kaye Terrance Margaret Caroline Keith Paul Adrian Brenda Brian Emily Hazel Henry James Janeen Joyce Lance Michelle Tanya Julie David Banyjima Banyjima May Banyjima Banyjima Dawn Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Margaret Banyjima Annika Banyjima Dawn Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Geraldine Banyjima Banyjima Lorraine Banyjima Donald Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Lesley Banyjima Peter Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Alfred Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Charles Banyjima Banyjima Marie Banyjima Ann Banyjima William Banyjima Page 7 of 15 GAC Re-Convened AGM Minutes 25.06.11 McEwan Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mongoo Mongoo Mongoo Narrier Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Pearce-Tucker Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Quartermaine (nee Conway) Robinson Gladys Brayden Brenton Pansy Rehaan Ronald Ruben Sudan Terrence Karen Monty Roddesa Felicia Norma Terry Rebecca Alastair Brendon Derek Eric Guy Horace Johnnell Kelly Keval Leedham Linda Marbaleen Margaret Narelle Philomena Quinton Rachel Rex Shavarne Slim Thelma Trevor Juliette Danny Jacqueline Judy Lydia Banyjima Rodney Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Kimberely Banyjima Anthony Banyjima Banyjima Egypt Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Lynne Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Wayne Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Dean Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Rodney Jnr Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Winston Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Anthony Banyjima Banyjima Wayne Banyjima Louise Banyjima Anne Banyjima Joyce Banyjima Jo-Anne Lee Banyjima Carmen Michelle Banyjima Page 8 of 15 GAC Re-Convened AGM Minutes 25.06.11 Robinson Roy Ryder Ryder Saegusa Salmon Simmonds Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Starr Starr Stevens Stevens Thomas Toby Todd Todd Todd Tommy Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Walters Walters Warr Warr Wedge Weedon Whitby Whitby White White White Laura Ronnie Nola Samual Miki Louanne Laurie Andrew Angus Charlie Denise Dianne Dwayne Garren Helen Marshall Natasha Susan John Krystal Jarren Telica Rachel Rhiannon Corbin George Travis Karen Alec Anne Archie Carol Gladys Marianne Oliver Courtney Wade Gregory Nicholas Lisa Merrinika Bevan Shonni Carlee Chantelle David Lee Banyjima Banyjima Anne Banyjima Solomon Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Bernard Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Roberta Banyjima James Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Marie Banyjima Banyjima Lee Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Thomas Banyjima Peter Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Marjetta Banyjima Banyjima Sherma Banyjima Jane Banyjima Banyjima Stanley Banyjima Page 9 of 15 GAC Re-Convened AGM Minutes 25.06.11 White White White White White White White Wilfert Glen Harold Kimberley Myomie Paula Peter Sally Felix Reginald Banyjima Robert Banyjima Anne Banyjima Banyjima Marie Banyjima Banyjima Banyjima Amoy Banyjima Page 10 of 15 GAC Re-Convened AGM Minutes 25.06.11 Surname First Name Allen Allen Allen Ansey Ashburton Brooking Butcher Carey Carey Chadd Chadd Coffin Coffin Coffin Condon Condon Condon Condon Condon Condon Condon Condon Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cooke Cooke Cooke Cooke Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Cox Dooler Dooley Drummond Augustine Carol Rebecca Patricia Nancy Nathan Roma Ingrid Vaughan Krystal Raymond David Jason Stacey Adrian Barry Dulcie Germaine Kathleen Matthew Michael Pamela Aziz Brendon Desmond Douglas Leroy Nicholas Tyrone Clinton Colin Coralie Vivienne David Debbie Gail James Shirleen Thomas Tarwonia Christine Karis Middle Name Jnr / Snr Lang Group Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Gail Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Jean Innawonga Rose Innawonga Innawonga Joy Innawonga Innawonga Dwayne Jnr Paul Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Garet Innawonga Michael Innawonga Innawonga Lisa Innawonga Innawonga Joel Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Dwayne Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Lee Innawonga D Innawonga Daniel Jnr Innawonga Jane Innawonga Rose Innawonga Innawonga Ann Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Toni Innawonga Glenys Innawonga Innawonga Page 11 of 15 GAC Re-Convened AGM Minutes 25.06.11 Ferguson Fisher Flatfoot Foley Galby Galby Galby Galby Grabenhofer Hall Hicks Hubert Hughes Ingie Ingie Ingie Ingie Injie Injie Injie Injie Injie Injie Injie Injie James James James James Johnson Jones Jones Jones Jones Limerick Limerick Limerick Limerick Limerick Limerick Limerick Limerick Limerick Lyndon Lyndon Lyndon Rabia Regina Mark Roberta Caitlin Dillon Eric Lynette Lia Patria Delvene Leteisha Cynthia Stuart Stuart Tina Tracey Jordan Joyce June Ken Kenneth Kenneth Lorraine Warren Doreen Norma Ronwyn Scott Sally Churchill Francine Todd Tyrone Allissa Ben Daniel Dianne Joseph Kellman Mathew Nellita Tadgie Gloria Juanita Kiefer Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Anne Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Suziette Innawonga Jnr Innawonga Snr Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Lloyd Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Snr Innawonga James Innawonga Joseph Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Patricia Innawonga Cherene Innawonga Thomas Innawonga Anne Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Rhys Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Peter Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Maye Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Page 12 of 15 GAC Re-Convened AGM Minutes 25.06.11 Lyndon Lyndon Mills Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Parker Ranger Smirke Smith Smith Smith Smith Taylor Taylor Taylor Tommy Tommy Walker Ward Ward Ward Ward Wortham (nee Gilba) Timothy Vanessa Marion Cecil Dominic Dwight Dylan Gemma Miranda Reece Rhonda Rodney Devina Kieran Ashley Fabian Glenys Tyrone Beverly Teneille Tynarra Robyn Roy Julie Courtney David Lesley Mervyn Nick Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Craig Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Cecil Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Lynette Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Anne Innawonga Innawonga Innawonga Page 13 of 15 GAC Re-Convened AGM Minutes 25.06.11 Surname First Name Brenton Brenton Bung Bung Cedar Clifford Clifford Coffin Coffin Coffin Coffin Coffin Coffin Coffin Crispin Crispin Crispin Crispin Crispin Crispin Crowe Derschow Derschow Dickerson Drage Drage Drage Drage Drage Drage Flann Groves Groves Groves Hall Hall Hall Hall Hall Herbert Herbert Hirini Joanne Storme Bruce Susan Jahna James Marie Brandie Danika Ernie Kean Lisa Lorrae Sharlene Alexsandria Damien Desarae Lawrence Lawrence Leslie Adrian Dwaine Peter Cinta Ethel Lexi Marjorie Rikki Stewart Tanya Hilda Denise Dylan Joan Bradley Erica Karissa Keith Rodney Conway Lorena Ratehi Middle Name Jnr Lang / Group Snr Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Jnr Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Louise Nyiyaparli Angus Nyiyaparli Beth Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Blaise Nyiyaparli Jnr Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Elizabeth Nyiyaparli Amy Nyiyaparli Azimah Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Jnr Nyiyaparli Snr Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Mark Nyiyaparli William Nyiyaparli Henry Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli John Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Lyndsay Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Craig Nyiyaparli Adrian Nyiyaparli Jean Nyiyaparli Rua Nyiyaparli Page 14 of 15 GAC Re-Convened AGM Minutes 25.06.11 Kroczek Kroczek Kroczek Mamid Martin Martin Martin McCann McDonald McDonald McDonald McKay McKay Monaghan Moses Moses Narrier Narrier Parker Parker Parker Perry (nee Coffin) Peterson Peterson Peterson Quince Quince Rowland Roy Sampi Sampi Sampi Stock Stone (nee Cade) Stream Stream Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Tucker Yuline Evelyn Peter Wayne Charmaine Rebecca Reynold Timeesha Suzanne Dale Darrell Robert Christine Jessica Susan Ingrid Jessie Mark Wayne Leedham Natalie Suzanne Nyiyaparli Brian Nyiyaparli Blake Nyiyaparli Louise Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Charles Nyiyaparli Lee Nyiyaparli Mary Nyiyaparli Phyllis Nyiyaparli John Nyiyaparli Dean Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Janine Nyiyaparli Rose Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Victor Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Charlotte Margaret Betty Kylie Stephen Jamie-Lee Kristi-Lee Jonathon Ailsa Jenny Sheila Winnie David Violet Nyiyaparli Dawn Nyiyaparli John Nyiyaparli Christina Robyn Geraldine Veronica Beverly Bonny Brian Carol Charles Kimicka Terina Weston Denise Rose Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Jnr Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Anne Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Page 15 of 15 GAC Re-Convened AGM Minutes 25.06.11 Yuline Yuline Yuline Gordon Suzie Tyron Nyiyaparli Nyiyaparli Ashley Nyiyaparli Page 1 of 16 GAC SGM Minutes 31.03.2012 SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING GUMALA ABORIGINAL CORPORATION held on 31 March 2012 at Karijini National Park (Gravel Pit near Joffre Falls) Present: GAC Board: Director Keith Hall (GAC Chairman) Director Stuart Ingie Snr (GAC Deputy Chair) Director Julie Walker Director Lisa Coffin Director Karen Tommy Director May Byrne Director Archie Tucker Director Stephen Peterson (GAC Secretary) Director David Stock Director Doreen James Director Keith Lethbridge Banyjima Members: Cara Black, Eva Black, Jocelyn Black, Yvette Black, Bradley Boddington, Rodney Butler, Pine Byrne, Robert Djiriwin Byrne, Phillip Carey, Deborah Cassidy, Coral Charles, Kyle Charles, June Councillor, Sandra Curley, Edward Derschow, George Derschow, Janice Derschow, Shane Derschow, Brian Dhu Jnr, Brian Maxwell Dhu, David Henry Dhu Snr, Edward Dhu Snr, Jarryn Dhu, Jayden Nigel Fredric Dhu, Jeffrey Brian Dhu Snr, Phillip Leslie Dhu Jnr, Phillip William Dhu Snr, Raeleen Dhu, Robert Lawrence Dhu Snr, Stephen Brian Dhu, Tracey Dhu, Trevor Dhu Snr, Trevor Edwin Dhu Snr, Vicky Dhu, William Dhu, Elizabeth Dowton, Kevin Eckerman, Jennifer Fakasiieiki, Robert Farrell, Joyce Gust, Jayden Hansen, Kevin Hicks, Kim Hicks, Roberta Dawn Hicks, Ronnelle Hicks, Beverley Hubert, Georgina Hubert, Karen Hubert, Leonard Hubert, Thomasina Hubert, Eileen James, Allana Johansen, Kaye Jones, Margaret Lapthorne, Rikesha Lapthorne, Mr S Lauder, Paul Lethbridge, Aaron Lewis, Susan Lewis, Hazel Lockyer, Henry Lockyer, Janeen Lockyer, David MacLean, Krystal Mills, Terrance Mills, Roddesa Lynne Mitchell, Felicia Mongoo, Norma Mongoo, Coreen Parker, Eric Parker, Guy Parker, Kelvistan (Kelly) Parker, Linda Parker, Maitland Parker, Marbaleen Parker, Margaret Parker, Slim Parker, Thelma Parker, Trevor Parker Snr, Jacqueline Phillips, Rueben Michael Robinson, Paul Ryan, Jason Smith, Rosanna Smith, Marnmu Smyth, Kerin Stevens, Telicia Stevens, John Todd, Kevin James Todd Snr, Laurence Todd, Peter Richard Todd, Travis Todd, Alec Tucker, Gladys Tucker, Marianne Tucker, Glen White, Paula White, Sally White. Innawonga Members: Roma Jean Butcher, Ingrid Rose Carey, Asten Condon, Kathleen Condon, Nicholas Cook, Bradley John Cox, David Cox, Debbie Ann Cox, Thomas Cox, Mrs J Ingie, June Ingie, Kenneth Ingie Snr, Kenneth Joseph Ingie Jnr, Leigh Ingie, Tracey Ingie, Ronwyn James, Dawn Lyndon, Katie Lyndon, Cecil Parker, Page 2 of 16 GAC SGM Minutes 31.03.2012 Dwight Parker, Reece Parker, Lincoln James Thomas, Kurston Roy Tommy, Nancy Tommy, Robyn Tommy, Roy Tommy, Gladys Walker. Nyiyaparli Members: Brandie Coffin, Danika Blaise Coffin, Lisa Elizabeth Coffin, Lorrae Amy Coffin, Sharlene Coffin, Leslie Crispin, Peter Henry Derschaw, Marjorie Drage, Baemas Hicks, Dennis Long, Natalie Parker, Betty Peterson, Kristi-Lee Quince, Geraldine Rose Stream Snr, Veronica Stream, Beverley Tucker, Bonny Tucker, Brian Tucker, Carol Anne Tucker, Charles Edward Tucker, Kimicka Tucker, Weston Tucker. GAC Staff including: Steve Mav (GAC Chief Executive Officer) Francois Langlois (GAC General Manager Innovation and Services) Emma Kerslake (GAC General Manager Governance: Minute Taker) Guests: Lawyers: Sally Raine (Principal, Hammond Legal) and Robert Grayden (Robert Grayden Legal) Auditor: Leanne Oliver (Byfields) Non-member proxy holders: Marjorie Hughes, Delores Parker Apologies: Director Warren Ingie, Scott Black, Eunice Cashen, Richard Cashen, Shirleen Cashen, James Clifford, Marie Clifford, Donna Curley, Erica Curley, Gary Curley, Phillip Curley, Kevin Derschow, Patricia Derschow, Robert Dhu Jr, Jimayne Dowden, Nathaniel Dowden, Stellena Dowden, Benson Dowton, Arthur Farrell, Shausa Farrell, Andrea Fisher, Colleen Fisher, Regina Fisher, Rohan Fisher, Donnelle Hayden, Kerri Anne Hubert, Tina Ingie, Darren Injie, Estelle Injie, Jordan Injie, Kristian Ingie, Michael Injie, Chris Jackamarra, Kathleen Johnny, Vanessa Lyndon, Wade Lyndon, Ann- Marie Mack–Tucker, Brayden Mills, Clarence Mills, Kiara Mills, Pansy Mills, Rehaan Mills, Ronald James Mills, Ruben Mills, Karen Mitchell, Stuart Monaghan, Carmen Murdock, Ainsley Parker, Carmel Parker, Cecilia Parker, Coreen Parker, Daliah Parker, Gary Parker, Haines Parker, Horace Dean Parker, Jaiden Parker, Johnnell Parker, Latonya Parker, Leedham Parker, Mervyn Parker, Rachel Parker, Renira Parker, Tim Parker, Victor Parker, Kylie Peterson, Danny Phillips, Lydia Phillips, Judy Phillips, Connellia Robinson, Darryl Robinson, Debbie Robinson, Evelyn Robinson, Franzis Robinson, Naydene Mynnette Robinson, Ricky Robinson, Teeharnee Robinson, Thomas Robinson, Nola Ryder, Louanne Salmon, Lindsay Simmonds, Anne Stock, Bobena Stock, Joan Stock, Renee Smyth, Therese Smyth, Beverly Tucker, Carol Tucker, Payden Tucker, Gerrick Weedon, Kersley Weedon, Merrinika Weedon, Harold White and David White, Page 3 of 16 GAC SGM Minutes 31.03.2012 The meeting was opened at 11.55am 1. Welcome The meeting was opened by Deputy Chair Stuart Ingie Snr. The CEO informed the meeting that GAC staff were in attendance to assist with the orderly running of the meeting as well as GAC’s lawyers. The CEO also provided OH&S information in the event of an emergency at the meeting location. Director May Byrne and Alec Tucker welcomed attendees onto Banyjima country. A minutes silence was held for those members recently departed. 2. Appointment of Chair for the Meeting Deputy Chair Stuart Ingie Snr proposed that Mr Slim Parker Chair the meeting, given the absence of the GAC Chairman Keith Hall. Peter Todd queried whether the membership was required to approve who would Chair the meeting. GAC Lawyer Sally Raine advised the meeting that in accordance with GAC Rulebook Rule 7.8.1 and 7.8.2 in the absence of the Chairman the Directors may elect any person present to chair a general meeting. The Directors took a short recess and returned to advise the meeting that a majority of the Directors had elected Mr Slim Parker to chair the meeting. Mr Slim Parker assumed the Chair of the meeting. The SGM Chair noted a recent sad loss and requested that it be recorded in the minutes that one of the recently departed, the late Mrs A Smith, was an original signatory of the Yandi Land Use Agreement. Brian Tucker addressed the meeting and noted the sad loss and also acknowledged, on behalf of the Nyiyaparli the warm welcome to Banyjima country. 3. Apologies The apologies were noted as per the list provided above. 4. Registration Reminder The SGM Chair made an announcement to remind those members that had just arrived that in order to vote at the meeting they were required to go to the registration tent to register for the meeting and to collect their armband. Also, if anyone in the meeting was a nominated proxy holder that was yet to collect their proxy card, once they were registered they were required to go to the proxy desk to collect their proxy card. 5. Non Member Proxy holders Director Julie Walker asked why non-members had been allowed to be proxy holders at this meeting. Sally Raine advised the meeting that in accordance with GAC Rulebook Rule 7.14.1(a) a member that is entitled to attend and vote may appoint “any person” as proxy to attend and vote for them at a meeting. The SGM Chair noted that there were a number of non-members present with proxy voting rights and these would be added to the attendance register as per the proxy registration forms. Page 4 of 16 GAC SGM Minutes 31.03.2012 6. Attendance of Guests Director May Byrne asked why ORIC was not represented at the meeting. Peter Todd queried why Rio Tinto was not represented at the meeting. CEO Steve Mav advised the meeting that both ORIC and Rio Tinto had been invited to attend as observers and had been unable to accept the invitation. 7. Proxy request from the floor Bradley Boddington sought agreement from the SGM Chair for him to be appointed a proxy on behalf of his brother who is an elder. He added that his brother was terminally ill and in these circumstances he was unable to attend the meeting. Sally Raine advised the meeting that in accordance with the CATSI Act and GAC Rulebook Rule 7.14.4 (a) that to be valid a proxy must be received at least 48 hours before the meeting. Director Keith Lethbridge sympathised with Mr Boddington and his circumstances, but noted that the corporation was bound by the procedures set out in the CATSI Act and the Rulebook. 8. Agenda Item Three: Acceptance of Proxy Votes The SGM Chair advised the meeting that in accordance with the procedures set out in the CATSI Act and the GAC Rulebook (Rule 7.11.3 (c)), 89 valid proxies had been accepted for this meeting: 67 from the Banyjima language group, 11 from Nyiyaparli and 11 from Innawonga. Director May Byrne questioned the validity of the proxy process, noting that ORIC in its recent compliance notice had questioned GAC’s proxy procedures. CEO Steve Mav assured the meeting that, in accordance with the GAC Rulebook and the proxy procedures put in place for the meeting, no person attending the meeting could exercise more than three proxy votes. All members would see that no proxy card handed out at the SGM or held up during voting would have a number greater than three on it. Director Karen Tommy questioned the process for accepting proxies. She said that many proxies had been sent to the GAC Office on time but had been invalidated. She claimed that GAC staff had advised her that there were significant computer systems issues which did not allow faxes and emails to be received in the lead-up to the meeting and asked why these issues were not fixed immediately and why proper processes were not in place given the importance of the issue. The CEO advised the meeting that all votes had been appropriately examined and validated as per the CATSI Act and Rulebook. Director Karen Tommy repeated her view that the proxy process was flawed and would not allow for a fair outcome at the meeting. The SGM Chair sought advice on the matter from the GAC staff member who had been responsible for managing the proxy process. Ms Lisa Shields (Manager Pilbara Operations) advised the meeting that all proxy forms that were sent by members to the GAC facsimile machine were linked to an email account and also received as scanned copies in an email inbox (as well as proxies that were received by email). The scanned facsimile process accurately provided the time that the facsimile was sent from its location, which correlated with the time that the email was received in the relevant inbox. Page 5 of 16 GAC SGM Minutes 31.03.2012 Ms Shields advised the meeting that she was not aware of any faxes not being able to be received and had not received any calls from members around the time of the cut off advising her that there were issues with faxes and/or emails being delivered to GAC. Director Karen Tommy queried this advice and stated that she knew that faxes were bouncing back. Ms Shields advised the meeting that she was not aware of any issues with the fax receipt process. Director Lisa Coffin sought an assurance from Ms Shields that no emails were blocked from the GAC server and were being bounced back. Ms Shields advised the meeting that she was unaware of any email blockages that had affected the proxy receipt process. Director Lisa Coffin asked Ms Shields to confirm that that no emails were being bounced by GAC. Ms Shields reiterated her earlier statement that she was not aware of any email blockages that had affected the proxy receipt process. She further advised that she had all proxy applications with her. She invited any member at the meeting who had concerns about the proxy process to approach her at the proxy desk to discuss their proxy issues and she would advise them why their proxy nomination had not been accepted, as she had done already with a number of members on the proxy desk that morning. Director Julie Walker asked Ms Shields why the proxies had not been accepted. Ms Shields advised Director Julie Walker that there were a range of reasons why proxies had been invalidated as they were required to meet the CATSI Act and Rulebook standards, and if there was a specific proxy form she was referring to she was happy to discuss that matter with Director Walker in private. The SGM Chair closed the matter for discussion advising the meeting that he believed that a sufficient explanation had been given regarding the proxy process. 9. Agenda Item Four: Acceptance of Minutes of the SGM held on 25 June 2011 Bradley Boddington asked if minutes for previous meetings had been sent out to members. The SGM Chair confirmed that the minutes formed part of the papers sent by the corporation to all members in accordance with the Rulebook. The SGM Chair sought advice from the meeting as to whether there was sufficient knowledge of the minutes to proceed to pass the minutes of the meeting or whether members wished the minutes to be read. It was resolved: “that the Minutes from the GAC SGM held on Saturday 25t h June 2011 be read aloud to the membership at the meeting in order to finalise the minutes at this meeting Moved: Seconded: Margaret Parker Guy Parker Motion: the motion was Carried by a show of hands.” CEO Steve Mav read the minutes of the SGM of 25 June 2011. The SGM Chair asked if there was any business arising from the minutes or queries relating to the minutes and there was a nil response. Page 6 of 16 GAC SGM Minutes 31.03.2012 It was resolved: “that the Minutes from the GAC SGM held on Saturday 25t h June 2011 that were sent out to all members be accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting Moved: Seconded: Director Lethbridge Margaret Parker Motion: members voted and the motion was Carried. (98 in favour and 75 against)” Director Julie Walker requested that it be minuted that she did not accept the voting process as proxy votes had been given to non-members who should not be allowed to attend and vote at GAC meetings. The SGM Chair advised Director Julie Walker that he believed this matter had already been adequately dealt with earlier. The Meeting adjourned for Lunch at 1.11pm The Meeting resumed at 1.38pm (GAC Chairman Keith Hall joined the meeting at this time) The SGM Chair, Mr Slim Parker, reminded members who had just joined the meeting that they were required to go to the registration tent to register and receive their armband to be able to participate in the meeting. 10. Agenda Item Five: Acceptance of Minutes of the reconvened AGM held on 25 June 2011 Shane Derschow questioned this agenda item being considered at the SGM and stated that the AGM minutes should only be considered at the AGM which was scheduled to follow this meeting. Marymu Smyth said she also believed that AGM minutes should be on the AGM agenda and not discussed at the SGM. Director Lisa Coffin proposed to the SGM Chair that the Agenda be amended and item five of the agenda be removed and added to the AGM agenda. The SGM Chair advised the meeting that, after discussions with the lawyers, and in accordance with the GAC Rulebook he believed it was appropriate for the Minutes of the AGM to be considered by the next General Meeting of the membership, i.e. this SGM. Agenda item five was in the appropriate place on the SGM Agenda and asked the members to move forward on this issue. Director Lisa Coffin disagreed and stated that the AGM minutes are required to be considered only at an AGM and that the lawyers couldn’t provide advice on this matter because they were not impartial and it was a conflict of interest for them to even be attending the meeting as they were suing her. The SGM Chair advised the meeting that he had merely received advice to confirm his interpretation of the Rulebook and he believed that the item should be considered in accordance with the Agenda sent out to all members. Director Julie Walker interjected stating that the lawyers should not be able to provide advice, they were not independent lawyers for Gumala they were corrupt and had a Page 7 of 16 GAC SGM Minutes 31.03.2012 conflict of interest and should not be allowed to speak to the SGM Chair. Director Lisa Coffin repeated her call for the AGM minutes to be considered at the AGM. The SGM Chair stated that he wanted to move forward in accordance with the proposed Agenda for the meeting. David MacLean stated that he did not think consideration of the AGM minutes at this meeting was proper process and it wasn’t for the SGM Chair to put forward motions to the members. The SGM Chair asked CEO Steve Mav to read aloud the minutes of the GAC AGM held on Saturday 25th June 2011. The SGM Chair asked if there was any business arising from the minutes or queries relating to the minutes. Susan Lewis questioned whether the minutes were from the AGM or the reconvened AGM. She noted that the meeting of 2 April 2011 was reconvened on 25th June and as such all references should be made to the minutes of the “reconvened” AGM of 25th June. It was noted that the minutes did refer to the meeting as a “reconvened” AGM. The following motion was put: “that the Minutes from the reconvened GAC AGM held on Saturday 25t h June 2011 be accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting Moved: Seconded: Guy Parker Roberta Dawn Hicks Motion: in accordance with Rules 7.11.3(a) and 7.11.3(b) the SGM Chair exercised division rights. Members voted and the motion was Not Carried. 86 in favour and 116 against” Marymu Smyth advised the meeting that she did not vote on the motion as she wasn’t present at the reconvened AGM and she thought that she was not allowed to vote on the motion. She queried how anyone could say it was a true and accurate record of the meeting if they didn’t attend that meeting? The SGM Chair stated that he would discuss the matter with the Board. Director May Byrne asked the meeting to move on. Robyn Tommy questioned the SGM Chair’s ability to discuss the matter with the board. Director Karen Tommy added that if there was an issue it should have been raised before the motion. It could not be considered now the motion had failed. Director Julie Walker stated that in accordance with Rule7.6 once a resolution was put to the membership that all members must abide by its decision and it couldn’t be changed. Guy Parker addressed the meeting and sought advice from those that had voted against the motion to justify why they had voted against the minutes. He added that ORIC would be expecting the minutes of the last members meeting to be passed as it was a constitutional requirement and added that minutes must also be lodged with ORIC. Director Keith Lethbridge agreed. He sought advice from all that had just voted against the motion to tell everyone else at the meeting what was not correct in the minutes. He added that the resolution put to members was that the minutes were a true and accurate record of the meeting. He said GAC had an obligation to ORIC to provide minutes and those minutes should be finalised at this meeting. He sought advice on what was not accurate so the minutes could be amended accordingly and then passed. Director Julie Walker stated that the minutes were being considered in the wrong place and had been put in that position on the Agenda Page 8 of 16 GAC SGM Minutes 31.03.2012 because the CEO was seeking to remove the board. She added that ORIC had said that all the GAC minutes were not correct and GAC was not reporting properly, it was in a shambles and needed to be cleared up. Director Keith Lethbridge said the motion that had just been discussed was about the minutes being “a true and accurate record of the meeting”, nothing else. He asked those that voted against the motion to advise the meeting what part of the minutes were not right. He added that the members should not have voted against the motion just because they thought the minutes were not in the right spot on the agenda – that was not what the vote was about. The SGM Chair also addressed the membership asking for advice on why they did not believe the minutes were a true and accurate record of the meeting of 25 June 2011. Robert Dhu Snr addressed the meeting and said he voted against the motion because part of the report from ORIC said that the minutes were not good enough and they were wrong. Director Keith Lethbridge advised the meeting that ORIC had some administrative issues with the minutes specifically around them being signed in a timely manner and that the minutes that ORIC had issues with were from 2009 and not 2011. The SGM Chair again asked the meeting to provide advice, as requested from Director Lethbridge, as to what concerns they had about the accuracy of the minutes and sought amendments from the floor. Director May Byrne said that there would not be any amendments and the SGM Chair should move on. Lawrence Todd added that if the board and GAC couldn’t get minutes right and this information out properly to members what could they get right. Susan Lewis called on the SGM Chair to adjourn this matter as it was not going to be resolved and asked that the minutes accurately record that the matter be closed for discussion. Shane Derschow supported Ms Lewis’ motion. The SGM Chair agreed that the matter was not going to be resolved and sought agreement from the membership to move on to the next agenda item. It was so agreed 11. Agenda Item Six: Consider and vote upon a resolution to remove the current Directors on the Board of GAC whose terms are not expiring at the AGM on 31 March 2012, to enable a full board of Directors to be elected at the AGM on 31 March 2012 The SGM Chair sought views from members on Agenda item six. Director Lisa Coffin stated that the motion should not be supported, she and a number of other directors wished to serve their full term and there should only be elections for the Directors whose terms were expiring. The SGM Chair noted that Directors Stuart Ingie Snr, May Byrne and Stephen Peterson had served their terms and elections would be held for these positions regardless of the outcome of this agenda item. Kara Bobby asked the board to explain why members were being asked to remove the current directors when “they are there to represent us”. GAC Chairman Hall responded on behalf of the board and advised members that he had sent a letter to all members on the matter in December. GAC Chairman Hall was interrupted several times. The SGM Chair asked for the meeting to quieten down and to show some respect and allow the GAC Chairman, Mr Keith Hall to respond to the question. GAC Chairman Hall continued and outlined what he believed were the strong grounds to put forward the motion including ongoing breaches in the Directors Code of Conduct, releasing confidential information to third parties and disrespecting elders as a number of issues that had arisen in the past few months. A number of members said that they did not recall the letter and GAC Chairman Hall elected to read the letter aloud to the membership (see Attachment A). GAC Page 9 of 16 GAC SGM Minutes 31.03.2012 Chairman Hall advised the meeting that, as outlined in the letter, he believed that the board could not continue to function properly in the current circumstances. He said this was the reason why he, as Chair of the Board, would support all Directors, including himself, going for re-election “to ensure that the corporation could get a clean slate”. Lawrence Todd disagreed and said elections weren’t necessary as it was the CEO and other Directors that were bringing the organisation into disrepute. Director Julie Walker asked GAC Chairman Hall why he was lying about this issue. She added that on 12 August 2011 a majority of Directors agreed to advertise the position of CEO, but after this “you and Steve had a secret meeting and you offered him a three year contract”. GAC Chairman Hall rejected this statement and said that the advertising of the CEO position was still on the agenda and a special committee was elected by the board to consider this issue. He added that the CEO Steve Mav was not on a three year contract. Kara Bobby asked what the breaches were and if they were sufficient to require the re-election of all Directors as they were elected to represent us. Director Keith Lethbridge responded saying that Directors were required to conduct the business of the board in a professional manner and there were a number of instances where some board members had breached confidentiality and acted without the proper authority of the GAC board and this was mentioned in the ORIC notice. He added that he was not allowed to represent the GAC Board without the authority and agreement of the board as a whole and some directors were not operating in accordance with these principles. These activities were bringing the organisation into disrepute. Director Julie Walker disagreed and stated that the ORIC notice shouldn’t be trivialised. She said ORIC says “there is $92,000 unaccounted for” from GAC credit cards and “over 1.3 million” paid to unknown members. She said “let’s not trivialise what this means”. She added that there was an audit management letter and that Sally Raine’s advice was the subject of a legal dispute. She said “you are trying to censor us, and you are trying to silence us”. Director May Byrne interjected and said “why take us to the Supreme Court – you are trying to stop what we know you are doing”. Director Julie Walker stated “we know this week that you tried to stop that report from coming out from ORIC, but you couldn’t”. Roberta Dawn Hicks said she was disgusted with the behaviour, she said “you are the directors we elect”, you are here to represent us, you come from us the people. She said we don’t need to hear all of this here, why not come to us to discuss these issues rather than fight amongst yourselves. Director Julie Walker added that she was concerned because it was the Foundation’s funds that were being taken and they would not be there “for our kids”. GAC Chairman Hall responded to this assertion and asked Director Julie Walker if she was so concerned about the corporation why did she lodge proceeding against GAC, as it was a lawsuit “against all of the members of the corporation”. Director Julie Walker responded saying it was a civil claim because she was being denied benefits and she couldn’t access monies that she was owed. She said she had raised this with the board six times. Robert Dhu Snr said that the issue had divided the community and this meeting was an example as half of the members have got nothing while others attending the meeting had been given meals and food. Page 10 of 16 GAC SGM Minutes 31.03.2012 Director May Byrne requested that the Directors whose fees were suspended be allowed to respond. The SGM Chairman agreed. Director Lisa Coffin read a prepared statement from Directors’ Walker, Byrne, Tommy and Coffin. This statement was a letter in response to the Chairman’s letter of 6 December 2011. Upon conclusion of the statement, she invited members to approach her to read it for themselves. Guy Parker asked the members at the meeting to try to be as neutral as possible. He called on all Directors to remember that they needed evidence before they went around making accusations. He asked the board why they couldn’t work things out. He said “the biggest mistake you are making is not working together”. He said it’s part of your roles and responsibilities of the directors “to sort out your own backyard”. He asked all directors to work together and said if they thought they could work together, then members would give them the time they needed to work things out and it wouldn’t be necessary to vote on the resolution. Director Karen Tommy said that they had tried to resolve the differences. Robert Dhu Snr said that some people had brought the truth about the money. Susan Lewis said the corporation would not move forward while there were these negative issues around and directors were not supporting each other. But she reminded them that their main job was to keep an eye on the spending of the corporation. Director Keith Lethbridge acknowledged that there were a number of powerful personalities on the Board and said at times personal politics and issues from people’s private lives had been involved in board issues when they shouldn’t be. He said that CEO Steve Mav’s contract was expiring, but because of it affecting GIPL funding and GIPL requesting a crisis management plan, which members knew about as it involved cutting funding for lore and culture, they needed the CEO to continue to finalise funding arrangements with GIPL. He also added that there was a lack of proper respect for the GAC Chairman and this was not in the interest of the corporation. Director Julie Walker alleged that Director Keith Lethbridge couldn’t criticise as he had threatened tribal punishment for her and Director May Byrne. Eva Black said it was obvious that people were not respecting one another in Gumala. Piné Byrne said that the culture was wrong. GAC Chairman Keith Hall said that the priority for Directors should be that they are trying to look after the organisation. This was foremost in his mind when it was agreed to extend the CEO to get the funding agreement with GIPL finalised and this had been achieved for three years for the first time. He said a special board committee was established to look at the CEO position and had decided that it was best to renew the CEO’s contract for 15 months and then start the process of looking for a new CEO, if necessary. He said that he wanted the corporation to have a clean slate and let the members elect each of their directors again to break the in-fighting. Susan Lewis said she had lost confidence in the board to do its job. Director Lisa Coffin said that there was no power to reappoint the CEO. She said Director Karen Tommy had chaired the board meeting and the CEO had wanted an answer there and then if his contract was going to be renewed and the board decided no. GAC Chairman Hall disputed this position. The SGM Chair intervened stating that it was clear that the board was divided and asked the membership if they thought this was the best thing for them. He said he was not sure whose Page 11 of 16 GAC SGM Minutes 31.03.2012 responsibility it was, but a resolution had been proposed as item six and did the membership want it to be considered. He added that every member of the board was free to stand again in the elections that would be held at the AGM. Robyn Tommy said that only the directors voted in by the people should be there and the other directors weren’t proper and shouldn’t be there. Lawrence Todd said the item shouldn’t be on the agenda and a number of members supported this proposal. The following motion was put: “that Agenda Item six, regarding the consideration and vote on the removal of Directors from the GAC Board, should be removed from the SGM Agenda Moved: Seconded: Susan Lewis Shane Derschow Motion: Members voted and the motion was Not Carried. 79 in favour and 96 against” Roberta Dawn Hicks requested that the SGM Chair put the Agenda Item six motion to members. Shane Derschow said that a special resolution was required to remove Directors and as such it could not be passed by majority. Director Julie Walker said it was a special general meeting and so a special resolution was required. The SGM Chair noted that Rule 8.10 outlined the process for removing Directors. Sally Raine advised the meeting that as the procedures in 8.10 had been followed and it was a general resolution in line with Rule 7.11.3(a) a simple majority was sufficient for this resolution. Director Julie Walker disagreed and said she would go to ORIC to have the process questioned as it required a special resolution and that it required more votes than a simple majority. Guy Parker called on the members at the meeting to get together and vote properly on the resolution. He reminded the Directors that they should be there for GAC and the whole membership, not themselves. He said the Directors on the Board and management should be making decisions as a united front, and representing these positions to the membership not the infighting that he had seen. Ken Injie Snr asked why the Directors were so scared to step down as they were all eligible to be reappointed to the GAC Board if they still enjoyed the support of members. He asked for the motion to be put to the meeting. The SGM Chair read the motion aloud. The following motion was put: “that the following Directors be removed from office with their removal to take effect immediately prior to Item 6 of the Agenda for GAC’s Annual General Meeting on 31 March 2012: Director Karen Tommy - Banyjima Director Keith (Joog) Lethbridge - Banyjima Director Keith Hall - Nyiyaparli Director Lisa Coffin - Nyiyaparli Director Warren Ingie - Innawonga Director Julie Walker - Innawonga Page 12 of 16 GAC SGM Minutes 31.03.2012 Moved: Seconded: Roberta Dawn Hicks Chairman Keith Hall Motion: Members voted and the motion was Carried. 112 in favour and 105 against” 12. Agenda Item Seven: Consider and vote upon a non-binding resolution regarding “related party financial benefits” The SGM Chair called on the GAC CEO to explain to members what the non-binding resolution was about. CEO Steve Mav addressed the meeting and read the Explanatory Memorandum that was sent to members on the issue (see Attachment B). He added that GAC had equally given benefits to current and former directors, but in accordance with ORIC’s notification this would no longer occur. The SGM Chair told members that the non-binding resolution was the Board advising members that they had not complied with related party benefit requirements. Director Lisa Coffin said that this was why members didn’t get their Christmas bonuses. Director Julie Walker said ORIC had listed the people given related party benefits and Director Karen Tommy was not on the list so why was she on the list for the resolution. Her name should not be included or bandied about in this way it was not right. Roy Tommy said that this mean that loans had been given without the approval of members and that wasn’t the right thing to do. Director Julie Walker said if it was a thing of the past, what was the good of the resolution? “Why try to fix it now?” Director Lisa Coffin called on the CEO to tell the members what he was getting out if it. Susan Lewis said it was obvious that GAC didn’t know its own rules. Director Walker said ORIC had identified an $18,000 loan with no name. The SGM Chair intervened and indicated to specific Directors that they should settle down. He said that the CEO had outlined the key issues of the matter and it was obvious that it didn’t just happen for the current board but for previous Directors as well. The issues had been raised by ORIC and Directors and the Board were on notice that the corporation could not pay Directorship fees in advance again. Director Lisa Coffin interjected asserting that this was not the truth of the matter. She accused the CEO of stealing members’ money and referred to ORIC’s reference to a superannuation payment stating this was “proof of him stealing our money”. The SGM Chair said that as per the resolution the matter was about advances to Directors and no-one had received above what they were entitled to. Director Julie Walker said she disagreed, she said that it wasn’t the Board that was doing these things but the CEO. She said it was done under the CEO’s instructions. Director May Byrne said she believed there was lots of corruption and she was happy to step off the Board and to put in an administrator to stop this corruption. The SGM Chair asked specific Directors again to settle down and speak on the specifics of the nonbinding motion. He asked the members if they had any further questions on the matter, adding that Page 13 of 16 GAC SGM Minutes 31.03.2012 the purpose of the non-binding motion was to make the membership aware of the issue and provide advice that the practice would not occur again. The SGM Chair stated that the practice had to stop and the Directors had been advised that they could not go down that path and sought agreement from the membership on this matter through a show of hands. It was agreed and he requested that it be minuted that the meeting had been duly advised and that the Corporation had agreed to refrain from the practice of providing directorship fees in advance. The SGM Chair sought other business from the floor. There was a nil response. The Meeting was closed at 4.55pm SGM CHAIRMAN: Mr Slim Parker DATE: Page 14 of 16 Text of the letter to members sent on 6 December 2011 as read by GAC Chairman Keith Hall GAC SGM Minutes 31.03.2012 Attachment A Dear Gumala Member As you may be aware, the Board of Gumala Aboriginal Corporation ICN: 2744 (GAC) has lost confidence in Directors Julie Walker, Karen Tommy, Lisa Coffin and May Byrne (“The Directors”). The Board believes that “The Directors” have not acted in the best interests of GAC and that their actions have breached GAC’s Code of Conduct for Directors. The Board seeks the approval of the Membership to remove all Directors to allow a new Board to be elected. The Board believes it is appropriate that Directors Julie Walker, Karen Tommy, Lisa Coffin and May Byrne be held accountable for bringing the organisation into disrepute, which has included the following: • Making unsubstantiated allegations against the finances of GAC, notwithstanding that GAC has obtained an unqualified (clean) financial audit for 2011. • Breaching Board confidentiality and releasing to the media and other third parties confidential Board documents and materials. • Breaching the procedures and rules of the Board by not pursuing issues through the Board, Chairman or Secretary. • Attacking the credibility and professionalism of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and failing to accept that the CEO does not take instructions from individual Directors, but rather from the Board. • Disrespecting Elders by attacking their credibility, wisdom and knowledge when they have been trying to assist the Board to resolve issues as a result of the Directors going to the media and other third parties. • Exposing the organisation to Occupation Health & Safety (OH&S) issues including causing staff complaints to be lodged against the Directors and not following proper procedures through the Board and the Chairman. • “The Directors” acting outside of Board approval and attempting to undertake the role of management, including Acting CEO (Julie Walker) and Assistant to Acting CEO (Karen Tommy). Accordingly, the Board recommends that the membership vote to remove ALL Directors at the Special General Meeting to be held on 17 December 2011 in Tom Price to enable a new Board of Directors to be elected at the 2011 AGM, to be held later the same day. Page 15 of 16 GAC SGM Minutes 31.03.2012 Attachment B EXPLANATORY STATEMENT Related Party Financial Benefits Dear Members Under the CATSI Act: • • a Director of GAC is a ‘related party’ of GAC; and a corporation must obtain member approval to give a financial benefit to a related party of the corporation, unless the benefit falls within a certain specific exemption. At the special general meeting of members held on 23 May 2009, the current levels of remuneration for GAC Directors were determined by the members by resolution, as is required under the CATSI Act. Since that special general meeting, GAC has from time to time provided special assistance to individual Directors, by giving the Directors an advance in their wages when they have been faced with family emergencies, hardship and extraordinary circumstances. Payment of wages in advance to individual Directors can be considered as GAC giving a financial benefit to a related party, so that member approval is required to comply with the CATSI Act. Typical advances of wages have been to purchase or repair vehicles, obtain food, address homelessness, assistance to get to Board meetings, travelling to funerals and planning for special family events/cultural gatherings. GAC has provided this special assistance to help Directors in difficult personal circumstances, to help them to be able to attend GAC Board meetings and to ensure the smooth running of the expanding corporation. The advances of wages to individual Directors have always been approved by the current Board or by delegated authority of the Board. Sometimes the advances have only been 1 or 2 days before payment of wages is due, or sometimes weeks in advance. The payment of wages in advance has not resulted in an individual Director receiving more remuneration than the total amount of annual remuneration the Director is entitled to. The payment of wages in advance in advance has not caused any adverse taxation consequences to GAC. Page 16 of 16 GAC SGM Minutes 31.03.2012 Attachment B (continued) Most Directors of GAC, past and present, have received an advance in their wages. Current GAC Directors who have received such advances are: Karen Tommy May Byrne Keith (Joog) Lethbridge Stuart Ingie (snr) Archie Tucker Stephen Peterson David Stock Keith Hall Previous Directors who have received such advances are: Juliette Pearce-Tucker Darren Injie Natalie Parker Churchill Jones Melanie Condon Cecil Parker Ken Ingie Sally Anne Condon Gordon Yuline In the interests of open and transparent communication, and in order to keep the Members fully informed, the GAC Board is advising the Members of the circumstances set out in this Explanatory Statement and proposes that the following non-binding resolution is considered by the Members at the special general meeting on 31 March 2012: “Gumala Aboriginal Corporation acknowledges that since Directors’ remuneration was approved by the Members on 23 May 2009, Directors’ wages have been paid in advance from time to time in circumstances of personal hardship. The Board of Gumala Aboriginal Corporation recognises that by doing this, Gumala Aboriginal Corporation may have unintentionally not complied with the “Related Party Financial Benefits” requirements under the CATSI Act. The Board acknowledges that Directors’ wages will no longer be paid in advance, a position which is supported by the Members as shown by them passing this resolution. Page 1 of 6 GAC AGM Minutes 31.03.2012 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING GUMALA ABORIGINAL CORPORATION held on 31 March 2012 at Karijini National Park (Gravel Pit near Joffre Falls) Present: GAC Board of Directors Director Keith Hall (GAC Chairman) Director Stuart Ingie Snr (GAC Deputy Chair) Director May Byrne Director Lisa Coffin Director Doreen James Director Keith Lethbridge Director Stephen Peterson (GAC Secretary) Director Karen Tommy Director Archie Tucker Director Julie Walker Banyjima Members: Cara Black, Eva Black, Jocelyn Black, Yvette Black, Bradley Boddington, Rodney Butler, Pine Byrne, Robert Djiriwin Byrne, Phillip Carey, Deborah Cassidy, Coral Charles, Kyle Charles, June Councillor, Sandra Curley, Edward Derschow, George Derschow, Janice Derschow, Shane Derschow, Brian Dhu Jnr, Brian Maxwell Dhu, David Henry Dhu Snr, Edward Dhu Snr, Jarryn Dhu, Jayden Nigel Fredric Dhu, Jeffrey Brian Dhu Snr, Phillip Leslie Dhu Jnr, Phillip William Dhu Snr, Raeleen Dhu, Robert Lawrence Dhu Snr, Stephen Brian Dhu, Tracey Dhu, Trevor Dhu Snr, Trevor Edwin Dhu Snr, Vicky Dhu, William Dhu, Elizabeth Dowton, Kevin Eckerman, Jennifer Fakasiieiki, Robert Farrell, Joyce Gust, Jayden Hansen, Kevin Hicks, Kim Hicks, Roberta Dawn Hicks, Ronnelle Hicks, Beverley Hubert, Georgina Hubert, Karen Hubert, Leonard Hubert, Thomasina Hubert, Eileen James, Allana Johansen, Kaye Jones, Margaret Lapthorne, Rikesha Lapthorne, Mr S Lauder, Paul Lethbridge, Aaron Lewis, Susan Lewis, Hazel Lockyer, Henry Lockyer, Janeen Lockyer, David MacLean, Krystal Mills, Terrance Mills, Roddesa Lynne Mitchell, Felicia Mongoo, Norma Mongoo, Coreen Parker, Eric Parker, Guy Parker, Kelvistan (Kelly) Parker, Linda Parker, Maitland Parker, Marbaleen Parker, Margaret Parker, Slim Parker, Thelma Parker, Trevor Parker Snr, Jacqueline Phillips, Rueben Michael Robinson, Paul Ryan, Jason Smith, Rosanna Smith, Marnmu Smyth, Kerin Stevens, Telicia Stevens, John Todd, Kevin James Todd Snr, Laurence Todd, Peter Richard Todd, Travis Todd, Alec Tucker, Gladys Tucker, Marianne Tucker, Glen White, Paula White, Sally White. Innawonga Members: Roma Jean Butcher, Ingrid Rose Carey, Asten Condon, Kathleen Condon, Nicholas Cook, Bradley John Cox, David Cox, Debbie Ann Cox, Thomas Cox, Mrs J Ingie, June Ingie, Ken Ingie Snr, Kenneth Joseph Ingie, Leigh Ingie, Tracey Ingie, Ronwyn James, Dawn Lyndon, Katie Lyndon, Cecil Parker, Dwight Parker, Reece Parker, Lincoln James Thomas, Kurston Roy Tommy, Nancy Tommy, Robyn Tommy, Roy Tommy, Gladys Walker. Page 2 of 6 GAC AGM Minutes 31.03.2012 Nyiyaparli Members: Brandie Coffin, Danika Blaise Coffin, Lisa Elizabeth Coffin, Lorrae Amy Coffin, Sharlene Coffin, Leslie Crispin, Peter Henry Derschaw, Marjorie Drage, Baemas Hicks, Dennis Long, Natalie Parker, Betty Peterson, Kristi-Lee Quince, Geraldine Rose Stream Snr, Veronica Stream, Beverley Tucker, Bonny Tucker, Brian Tucker, Carol Anne Tucker, Charles Edward Tucker, Kimicka Tucker, Weston Tucker. GAC Staff including: Steve Mav (GAC Chief Executive Officer) Stephen Scarrott (GAC Chief Financial Officer) Emma Kerslake (GAC General Manager Governance: Minute Taker) Guests: Lawyers: Sally Raine (Principal, Hammond Legal) and Robert Grayden (Robert Grayden Legal) Auditor: Leanne Oliver (Byfields) Non-member proxy holders: Marjorie Hughes, Delores Parker Apologies: Director Warren Ingie, Director David Stock, Scott Black, Eunice Cashen, Richard Cashen, Shirleen Cashen, James Clifford, Marie Clifford, Donna Curley, Erica Curley, Gary Curley, Phillip Curley, Kevin Derschow, Patricia Derschow, Robert Dhu Jr, Jimayne Dowden, Nathaniel Dowden, Stellena Dowden, Benson Dowton, Arthur Farrell, Shausa Farrell, Andrea Fisher, Colleen Fisher, Regina Fisher, Rohan Fisher, Donnelle Hayden, Kerri Anne Hubert, Tina Ingie, Darren Injie, Estelle Injie, Jordan Injie, Kristian Ingie, Michael Injie, Chris Jackamarra, Kathleen Johnny, Vanessa Lyndon, Wade Lyndon, Ann- Marie Mack–Tucker, Brayden Mills, Clarence Mills, Kiara Mills, Pansy Mills, Rehaan Mills, Ronald James Mills, Ruben Mills, Karen Mitchell, Stuart Monaghan, Carmen Murdock, Ainsley Parker, Carmel Parker, Cecilia Parker, Coreen Parker, Daliah Parker, Gary Parker, Haines Parker, Horace Dean Parker, Jaiden Parker, Johnnell Parker, Latonya Parker, Leedham Parker, Mervyn Parker, Rachel Parker, Renira Parker, Tim Parker, Victor Parker, Kylie Peterson, Danny Phillips, Lydia Phillips, Judy Phillips, Connellia Robinson, Darryl Robinson, Debbie Robinson, Evelyn Robinson, Franzis Robinson, Naydene Mynnette Robinson, Ricky Robinson, Teeharnee Robinson, Thomas Robinson, Nola Ryder, Louanne Salmon, Lindsay Simmonds, Anne Stock, Bobena Stock, Joan Stock, Renee Smyth, Therese Smyth, Beverly Tucker, Carol Tucker, Payden Tucker, Gerrick Weedon, Kersley Weedon, Merrinika Weedon, Harold White and David White. The meeting was opened at 17.23pm 1. Welcome The meeting was opened by GAC Chairman Keith Hall, who also chaired the meeting. The CEO informed the members that GAC staff were present to support the meeting as well as GAC’s lawyers. 2. Apologies The apologies were noted as per the list provided above. Page 3 of 6 GAC AGM Minutes 31.03.2012 3. Agenda Item Three: Acceptance of Proxy Votes The Chair advised the meeting that in accordance with the procedures set out in the CATSI Act and the GAC Rulebook, 71 valid proxies had been accepted for this meeting: 54 from the Banyjima language group, 10 from Nyiyaparli and 7 from Innawonga. 4. Agenda Item Four: Consideration of reports for financial year ending 30 June 2011 – GAC’s Annual Report for 2010/2011 including financial report and reports by the auditor, Chairman, Directors and Chief Executive. The Chair invited GAC CEO Steve Mav to discuss the GAC Annual Report with the members. Mr Mav outlined the financial and other reporting for the corporation as per the annual report that had been sent to all members and was being distributed again to members at the meeting (Mr Mav held up a copy of the report to show the membership). He drew to members attention that this was the first time GAC had received an unqualified audit which was a significant outcome for the corporation. The Chair noted this outcome and invited the auditor to provide a report to the members. Leanne Oliver, Auditor from Byfields presented the 2010/11 Audited Report as a power point presentation highlighting the key financial issues that the auditors used to assess GAC. She advised the membership that after a thorough audit process, there were no qualifications for GAC. This resulted in GAC, for the financial year ending in 30 June 2011, receiving an unqualified audit outcome. Leanne Oliver added that this was a true and fair view of GAC and its financial position as at 30 June 2011. She noted that this was the second year that Byfields had been involved with GAC and continued to represent GIPL and GEPL. Director May Byrne interjected, saying that she did not believe that Byfields had been approved by GIPL. Leanne Oliver said she was not aware that this was the case, but apologised if she had misinformed or misled anyone on this issue and she would seek advice on the matter on her return to Perth. Robert Dhu Snr said he didn’t understand where the money had gone. He said the auditor had said that there was an increase in the money coming in from GIPL but he couldn’t see where it was spent. The Chair asked the CEO to respond. CEO Steve Mav stated that GAC had received more money as a result of more funds going to the General Gumala Foundation. Susan Lewis asked why the elders Christmas payments had been suspended and wanted to know where this money had gone. CEO Steve Mav replied and outlined that the elderly and infirm fund was only operational for the first five years of the Yandi agreement. GAC had continued this program but GIPL had requested it be suspended while it investigated tax implications. CEO Steve Mav said that GAC continued to work with GIPL to reinstate this program. The Chair noted that if there were no further questions on these matters from the floor the meeting should consider the next agenda item. The Chair said that he wanted it noted in the minutes that the audit report had been tabled at the meeting and noted by the meeting. Page 4 of 6 GAC AGM Minutes 31.03.2012 5. Agenda Item Five: Appointment and Remuneration of GAC’s Auditor for financial year ending 30 June 2012 The meeting was advised that GIPL had appointed Byfields to be the auditor for all three entities and the meeting needed to endorse this appointment. The costs for the 2011/2012 audit would be $35,000. Susan Lewis questioned whether GIPL had the authority to appoint the auditor. The Chair sought advice from the lawyers on this matter. Sally Raine advised the meeting that in accordance with Item 25 of the GGF Trust Fund Deed the “Trustee” was required to appoint the auditor for the “Trustee, the Manager and the Foundation”. So GIPL appointed the auditor and the meeting was being asked to accept this appointment. It was resolved: “that GAC members accept the recommendation to appoint Byfields as GAC’s auditor for the financial year ending 30 June 2012 Moved: Seconded: Motion: Guy Parker Slim Parker the motion was Carried by majority through a show of hands.” 6. Agenda Item Six: Election of Directors to fill the Vacancies on the GAC board It was noted that due to the successful motion at the SGM there were nine vacant Director positions that would be filled until the 2013 AGM (i.e. a two year period). Three people from the Banyjima, Innawonga and Nyiyaparli Language Groups were to be elected by the meeting. The Chair asked the CEO to provide advice to the meeting on the requirements for Director nominations and the voting process. CEO Steve Mav read out the ORIC requirements for directors and also drew to the attention of all nominees the requirement for them to fill in a “consent to act as a director form and went through the seven items on those forms (see Attachment A). He added that it was a requirement that these forms be filled out by all nominees prior to the elections being held. The CEO also outlined the voting process. At this point the members broke into their respective Language Groups to discuss proposed nominees for the director positions. The nominated persons then filled in the requisite paperwork. Three nominations were received for the Innawonga and Nyiyaparli language groups for the three vacant positions. Five were received for Banyjima. Elections were required for the Director positions for the Banyjima language group. Page 5 of 6 GAC AGM Minutes 31.03.2012 It was resolved "that Banyjima Directors David MacLean, Slim Parker and Shane Derschow; Innawonga Directors Stuart Ingie Snr, Cecil Parker and Nicholas Cook; and Nyiyaparli Directors Keith Hall, Natalie Parker and Stephen Peterson be appointed to the GAC Board for a two year term. Moved: Seconded: Motion: Susan Lewis Robert Dhu Snr the motion was Carried by majority through a show of hands.” At this point the meeting was adjourned in order for the new GAC Board to meet to elect office bearers. The meeting was re-convened and the GAC Board office bearers were announced to the meeting as follows: Chairman: Deputy Chair: Secretary: Keith Hall (Nyiyaparli) Stuart Ingie Snr (Innawonga) Stephen Peterson (Nyiyaparli) 7. Agenda Item Seven: any other business arising There being no further business to discuss the meeting was Closed at 19.07pm. CHAIRMAN: Keith Hall DATE: Page 6 of 6 GAC AGM Minutes 31.03.2012 Attachment A Gumala Aboriginal Corporation (ICN 2744) Consent to become a director I, ………………………………………………………………………………………………(first and last name) of ……………………………………………………………………………………………………(address) give consent to become a director of …………………………………………………………… (name of corporation). I acknowledge that I am automatically disqualified from managing corporations if I: • have been convicted of an offence under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (CATSI Act) that is punishable by imprisonment for more than 12 months • have been convicted of an offence involving dishonesty that is punishable by imprisonment for at least three months • have been convicted of an offence against the law of a foreign country that is punishable by imprisonment for more than 12 months • am an undischarged bankrupt • have signed a personal insolvency agreement and have not kept to the agreement • have been disqualified under the Corporations Act 2001 from managing corporations, and I will notify the corporation if any of the above events occur after my appointment. …………………………………………………………… (Signature of person) …………………………………… (date) Please sign below that should you be elected as a director of Gumala Aboriginal Corporation, you also consent to the following : 1. 2. A Police Check being undertaken by the Corporation Signing a copy of a Directors’ Deed of Confidentiality currently being prepared by the Corporation, in accordance with a regulatory instruction received from the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC) …………………………………………………………… (Signature of person) …………………………………… (date) Note: this form should be completed and given to the corporation before the person is appointed as a director — section 246-10(1) of the CATSI Act.