Company Profile
Company Profile
Company Profile TEddy s.p.a. FULL SCREEN INDEX index index 3 COMPANY FIGURES 17calliope® 5 TEDDY s.p.a. HISTORY 22 RINASCIMENTO® 6 TEDDY S.P.A. BRANDS 26DOING BUSINESS WITH TEDDY 7 TERRANOVA® 28 CONTACTS 13 TERRANOVA® kids FULL SCREEN 2 > 28 1 • COMPANY FIGURES TERRANOVA, an ‘extra-large’ growth: at Terranova headquarters clerks have just noted a goal down that they must update it immediately after. – Il Sole 24 Ore, Italian financial newspaper Teddy, a light company with a beating heart in the warehouse. The successful idea is a light company, which designs, orders, buys and sells. And it mainly sorts out products. Logistics is everything to Teddy Corporate Group – Corriere Economia, Column in a national Italian newspaper COMPANY FIGURES TEDDY S.p.A. TOTAL TURNOVER FROM 1988 TO 2010 (millions of euro) DEVELOPMENT HISTORY OF STORES TERRANOVA-TERRANOVA KIDS - CALLIOPE FROM 1988 TO 2010 341 562 million Euros turnover in 2010 TERRANOVA®, CALLIOPE® and TERRANOVA®KIDS flagship stores FULL SCREEN INDEX 3 > 28 1 • COMPANY FIGURES “There are about 3,000 people who work all over the world only for Teddy Corporate Group” - Alessandro Bracci, Generla Manager Logistics, Teddy Corporate Group TEDDY S.P.A. GARMETS SOLD FROM 1988 TO 2010 (millions of GARMETS) TEDDY S.P.A. EMPLOYMENT GROWTH FROM 1988 TO 2010 [all data expressed in units] 56 627 millions of garments invoiced employees in 2010 FULL SCREEN INDEX 4 > 28 2 • TEDDY s.p.a. HISTORY Vittorio Tadei, founder and Sole Director A MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION WITH AN ITALIAN SOUL 1961 1988 2005 2011 Vittorio Tadei starts up his enterprise. TERRANOVA® brand and the franchising formula of the ‘licensing on consignment’ are launched. While TERRANOVA® celebrates the opening of its 400th store in the world Teddy S.p.A. launches CALLIOPE® brand on the market With 550 TERRANOVA®, CALLIOPE® and TERRANOVA®KIDS stores and a sales network of 16 RINASCIMENTO® wholesale stores, Teddy S.p.A is one of the largest clothing companies in Europe. 1970 The clothing retailing business is joined by the wholesale business, thus preparing the ground for the future wholesale network branded RINASCIMENTO®. 1990 TERRANOVA® network of points of sales expands abroad. Spain, former Yugoslavia and other East European countries are the first markets. 2006 While CALLIOPE® opens its 50th store, TERRANOVA® starts the distribution of kidswear products branded TERRANOVA®KIDS. FULL SCREEN INDEX 5 > 28 27 countries 99 single brand stores 23 countries FULL SCREEN RETAIL DISTRIBUTION single brand stores and corners in 9.000 corners in 92 countries WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTION 149 RETAIL DISTRIBUTION 422 single brand stores 32 countries RETAIL DISTRIBUTION RETAIL DISTRIBUTION 3 • TEDDY S.P.A. BRANDS 16 wholesales in 11 countries INDEX 6 > 28 4 • TERRANOVA®, the brand TERRANOVA® ITALIAN TASTE, GLOBAL STYLE Terranova® is one of the teenager fashion brands with competitive prices and the highest number of flagship stores in the world: more than 422 in 32 countries. TERRANOVA® stands out for its fresh, sunny, ‘full of life’ image. A daily wonder: this is TERRANOVA® brand life-style. An easy-to-wear product, easy-to-buy thanks to its even more affordable prices, easy-to-live for the incredible feeling of freedom that can be breathe inside any TERRANOVA® point of sales. FULL SCREEN INDEX 7 > 28 4 • TERRANOVA®, the brand TERRANOVA® expresses a sound, truly Italian will for life, everywhere. Together. TERRANOVA® is a young brand for young people with a street soul. FULL SCREEN INDEX 8 > 28 4 • TERRANOVA®, the brand TERRANOVA® is a positive brand with a sparkling, fresh and sunny image. FULL SCREEN INDEX 9 > 28 5 • TERRANOVA®, THE STORES 422 stores, one unique and new identity. Watch the movie about TERRANOVA® concept store FULL SCREEN INDEX 10 > 28 5 • TERRANOVA®, THE STORES FULL SCREEN INDEX 11 > 28 5 • TERRANOVA®, THE WEB 12 millions of customers and 1.5 millions of online visits per year. FULL SCREEN INDEX 12 > 28 7 • TERRANOVA® KIDS, THE BRAND TERRANOVA® KIDS, 1-13-year kidswear, with a fighting spirit and character. Thanks to global success, TERRANOVA® has given life to a line conceived and designed for the smallest children. TERRANOVA®KIDS will close 2010 with over 140 sales points in the world The offerings of TERRANOVA®KIDS, following in the footsteps of its brand of reference, are characterised by high fashion content at competitive prices, affirming itself among the leading brands in children’s clothing. FULL SCREEN INDEX 13 > 28 7 • TERRANOVA® KIDS, THE BRAND A joyful image as well as lively, full of energy, happy and colourful: this is TERRANOVA®KIDS FULL SCREEN INDEX 14 > 28 7 • TERRANOVA® KIDS, THE STORES FULL SCREEN INDEX 15 > 28 8 • TERRANOVA® KIDS, THE WEB FULL SCREEN INDEX 16 > 28 9 • calliope®, THE brand calliope , EVERYDAY GLAMOUR ® In 6 years of life, CALLIOPE® has arrived at 99 sales points, entering with success in a market as competitive as the clothing. The reasons for this rapid development can be summed up in its Italian style and in an every day, well-made product, at a reasonable price. All of this accompanied by a glamorous, sophisticated and gritty image. FULL SCREEN INDEX 17 > 28 9 • calliope®, THE brand CALLIOPE® total look distinguishes clothes and accessories with a truly Italian elegant style. FULL SCREEN INDEX 18 > 28 10 • CALLIOPE®, THE STORES FULL SCREEN INDEX 19 > 28 10 • CALLIOPE®, THE STORES FULL SCREEN INDEX 20 > 28 11 • calliope®, THE WEB 2 millions of customers and 250 thousand of online visits per year. FULL SCREEN INDEX 21 > 28 12 • Rinascimento®, THE brand RINASCIMENTO®, PASSION FOR FASHION WITH STYLE 200 new articles and 120.000 garments sold per week, 8 sample collections and and 10.000 models every year. These figures reflect today’s RINASCIMENTO® – the most impressive in the world of fast fashion. RINASCIMENTO® is a completely Italian phenomenon, the result of intelligence, effort and international know-how in the fashion business. It is a brand dedicated to those with a passion for beautiful things that are made carefully and with a loving hand – one more opportunity for those who believe in the quality of italian-made goods. FULL SCREEN INDEX 22 > 28 12 • Rinascimento®, THE brand Rinascimento® woman is always aware of its femininity. FULL SCREEN INDEX 23 > 28 13 • Rinascimento®, THE STORES AND THE WHOLESALES i negozi gli ingrossi FULL SCREEN INDEX 24 > 28 14 • Rinascimento®, the web FULL SCREEN INDEX 25 > 28 15 • DOING BUSINESS WITH TEDDY S.P.A. DOING BUSINESS WITH TEDDY S.P.A. The franchising formula of the ‘licensing on consignment’ designed for TERRANOVA®, CALLIOPE® and TERRANOVA KIDS®. the cornerstone of our success BUSINESS ANALYSIS Our Development Department sets the potential budget of a point of sale according to the information gathered during the assessmet stage (point of sale position, shop windows, surface area, market, etc.). NO TRANSPORT COSTS Garmets arrive at the point of sale without any cost for the franchisee. The company also assumes the costs of picking up unsold products at the end pf the season. NO ROYALTIES NO ENTRANCE FEE Our franchisees do not have to incur costs such as royalties or entrance fees in order to open a store. NO FINAL UNSOLD STOCK Franchisees only pay for goods sold. stockroom An essential element for good visual, it can be located inside or outside the area of the point of sale provided that it ensures the point of sale to have new stocks easily available, even more often during the day. The stockroom must be equipped to best exploit its potential. COMMUNICATION AND MARKETING Terranova is in charge of creating communication within the point of sale. Each franchisees is in charge of local advertising campaigns. All updated material and the Manual for a Coordinated Corporate image will be aible to him all times. BUSINESS AND VISUAL MERCHANDISING ADVICE The heads of business and visual merchandising departments are always at our franchisees’ disposal to help them tackle any sale and visual merchandising strategy. TRAINING Eitherthe franchisees or the person in charge of the point of sale is to train for a given period at one of our “pilot” points of sale. Once the store has opened, staff training should be constant and through simple and practical tools. COSTANT AND GUARANTEED PROFIT MARGIN The franchisee’s profit margin remains unchanged not only during the regular sales periods but also during the end-of-season sales. FULL SCREEN INDEX 26 > 28 15 • DOING BUSINESS WITH TEDDY S.P.A. DOING BUSINESS WITH TEDDY S.P.A. Fast fashion made in Rinascimento® True fast fashion is the ability to understand trends and immediately interpret and express them, making them accessibile to the widest possible customer base. Several times in a single season. Experience, insight and real team work ensure that good chioces are made, minimize garment design and productions times and ensure a superior quality/price ratio. Fast delivery ensures constant variety. Day after day RINASCIMENTO® provides a fast and appealing mix of fashion research; fabric sample supply; garment selection, cut and manufacture, meticulous finishing touches, expert clearing and pressing, and professional sales and shipping. MONTREAL DUBLINO londra Bruxelles PARIGI porto LIONE TOLOSA MARSIGLIA AMSTERDAM NEUSS SALISBURGO MILANO BOLOGNA BEIRUT FULL SCREEN INDEX 27 > 28 16 • contactS TEDDY S.p.A. via Coriano 58, Grosrimini BL. 97 47900 Rimini (RN), Italia T. +39 0541 301.411 F. +39 0541 383.430 – [email protected] FULL SCREEN INDEX 28 > 28