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Tech Tuesday Part Duex
Tuesday 10-30-2007 2:47pm PT
Power from
space? Pentagon likes the idea
Frontline soldiers could use energy beamed from
orbit, study says
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A new Pentagon study lays out the roadmap for a multibillion-dollar push to the final
frontier of energy: a satellite system that collects gigawatts’ worth of solar power
and beams it down to Earth.
The military itself could become the “anchor tenant” for such a power source, due to
the current high cost of fueling combat operations abroad, the study says.
The 75-page report, released Wednesday, says new economic incentives would have
to be put in place to “close the business case” for space-based solar power systems
— but it suggests that the technology could be tested in orbit by as early as 2012.
"I think we have found the killer application that we have been looking for to tie
everything together that we're doing in space," Air Force Col. Michael V. "Coyote"
Smith, who initiated the study for the Defense Department's National Security Space
Office, told on Thursday.
Space advocacy groups immediately seized on the idea and formed a new alliance to
push the plan. But a representative of the solar-power industry was doubtful that
space solar power would move from the realm of science fiction into reality anytime
"You've got a lot of technology breakthroughs that you have to make," Mike Taylor,
technical services manager for the Solar Electric Power Association, told
Charles Miller, president of Space Policy Consulting as well as president and chief
executive officer of Constellation Services International, said the key to the plan's
success has more to do with economics than physics.
"The issue here is not technology, OK?" said Miller, who was a contributor to the
study. "You could figure out how to do space solar power in the '70s. [But] you
couldn't close the business case in the '70s. You couldn't close it in the '90s. How do
you close the business case? That is the No. 1 question to be answered."
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Economic equation is changing
The report — which was done on an unfunded basis and took advantage of online
collaboration with outside contributors — notes that several factors have changed in
the decade since NASA took its most recent in-depth look at the space power
concept (PDF file). Today's best solar cells are about three times as efficient as they
were in 1997, while crude-oil prices are roughly three times as high. And in the
post-9/11 era, energy security has taken on far more importance.
"The technology has advanced vastly, and the security situation has changed quite a
bit, as well as the economic situation," Marine Lt. Col. Paul Damphousse, who took
over the study from Smith last month, told "Those things warranted
another look."
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Those factors still don't make space solar power attractive for commercial users, but
a better case could be made for the Defense Department. The U.S. military pays a
premium for its power in the battlefield, when you consider the cost of shipping oil
out of the Middle East, refining it, then shipping the fuel back to the combat zone
and burning it in electrical generators, Miller said. All that brings the current power
price tag to $1 or more per killowatt-hour, compared with 5 to 10 cents on the
domestic market, the report says.
Even then, the economic equation still doesn't add up, due primarily to the high cost
of launching payloads to orbit. But in the near future, the U.S. military could become
a potential "anchor tenant customer" for space-generated power, the report says.
"The business case may close in the near future with appropriate technology
investment and risk-reduction efforts by the U.S. government, and with appropriate
financial incentives to industry," the report says.
Smith said the military would prefer to buy its power from a commercial space
provider, rather than operating the system itself. "It is our goal to move this entire
project out of DOD [the Department of Defense] as quickly as possible," he said.
"Energy is not our business. We want to be a customer."
Pancakes in a can!!
Favorite things to do on your days off:
Anything above or below the earth’s surface ie; Fly
airplanes or Scuba dive, if I am stuck on land however, I
like to drink beer and think about flying, or scuba
Favorite Reality TV show:
I like education/documentary style type TV (the
mindlessness of a bunch of fat people losing weight and
embarrassing themselves on national TV only makes me
want to eat more pizza).
Favorite Band:
Only my iPod knows for sure, I dig most of the stuff we
play on ROCK 105.3.
Celebrity you would most like to meet:
I would like to go fly airplanes with John Travolta, but I
guess Kelly Preston got that gig. OK, then maybe a hot
tub session with Jennifer Aniston, maybe both. Yea, a
hottub with wings, flying with Jennifer Aniston.
The Coolest Celebrity You've Ever Met:
Pancakes are a pain in the ass to make, but
not any more with Batter Blaster. Just spray this organic pancake goo onto a hot
skillet and your steamy breakfast is just a couple of minutes away, bacon not
included. If you don't mind using Cheez Whiz Easy Cheese in its spray can, this looks
like just about the same concept except it's pancake slime instead of orange cheesy
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Ozzy is always a blast to interview, you can’t predict
anything he’s going to say, and only understand about
half of what he does say.
crud. One problem we see right away, though, is there are just eight servings per
can. You know how that goes with serving numbers on packages—if it says the
package will serve 8, that's only true if seven people aren't eating. For an even
easier battered breakfast experience, you could just skip all this canned goodness
and pop a couple of Eggos in the toaster. [Batter Blaster, via Strange New Products]
The Worst Celebrity You've Ever Met:
Courtney Love, she was like a clown, with bad make up,
on smack.
Tech Tuesday for 10/30/07
If you won a powerball lottery for $100 million
dollars what would you do:
August 10, 2006
Buy every one of our listeners a new house on the
beach, that would leave me with 99,500,00. Of course
I’d quit my job, buy a couple of cool airplanes and then
give the rest to charity……..or Vegas!
Click Clint's picture to e-mail him!
Clint's Myspace! Add him now!
How about a little football??? The first annual
Hero Bowl
All funds collected through ticket sales and
donation will go 100% to the injured Marines
and Sailors.
Favorite things to do on your days off:
Ride my harley (fully clothed), Do movie
night with my boys and eat like a pig!
Favorite Beer:
Budweiser (Not the guy, he's a whole other
story.) I love that Budweiser is made from
start to finish right here in America!
Tuesday 10-30-2007 2:40pm PT
Fire Fighting Robot
by Alan Parekh @ 6:10 am. Filed under Insane Equipment
I can see these fire fighting robots being positioned on street corners ready to
spring into action when needed.
“This firefighting robot presented in July 2006 has many advantages among others,
-It is four times more powerful in its traction system;
-It has Fault Tolerant Architecture with redundancy in its moving system;
-It has lighting system;
-It was constructed completely modular;
-It has at least 100 % more autonomy, with a full load capacity up to a minimum of
six hours;
-It has its charging system mounted in its transport car;
-It has a trapezoidal design track capable to cross obstacles;
-It can have water cannons capable to have a water flow up to 7,600 liters per
-It has internally, two Foam Generator Liquid reservoirs with 25 liters capacity each;
Besides that it can have infrared or commum vídeo câmeras and be controlled by
wireless remote control.”
Via: TeamDroid
Favorite place in San Diego to hang out:
Any restaurant that has, "All You Can
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Eat" or "Casa Nueva".
Favorite place not in San Diego to visit:
Las Vegas. I love the nightlife and the $2.00
tables at, "The Sahara".
Favorite reality t.v. show:
American Idol... And yes I like women!!!
Worst Reality t.v. show:
Everything else…reality t.v. is making
Amerika dummer bi tha minut!!!
Favorite Band:
Guns And Roses, Metallica, Van
Halen,(with David Lee Roth).
Chick you would most like to get down and
dirty with:
I can’t say her name, she works in the
building. But I’ve had her in so many ways,
she has no idea…and trust me, she never
feels a thing!!
The coolest celebrity you’ve ever met:
Come on!!! Arnold Schwarzenegger of
The worst celebrity you’ve ever met:
Tom Brady, of the New England Patriots.
Bung Hole!!!
If you won a powerball lottery for $100
million dollars, what would you do:
I'd buy my kids an amusement park and
my wife a new house or two…And buy my
Pops a Harley!!!
The one thing the listeners don’t know
about you:
I count my footsteps sometimes…It's an
O.C.D. thing!
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Click Budweiser's picture to e-mail him now!
Budweiser's Myspace! Add him now!
Favorite things to do on your days off:
Play poker, hang with good friends and
good beer.
Favorite Beer:
I mean come on, do you even have to
Favorite place in San Diego to hang out:
Any poker room that hasn’t kicked me out
Favorite place not in San Diego to visit:
Vegas Baby! VEGAS!!!
Favorite reality t.v. show:
My guilty pleasure show is Hell's Kitchen.
Gordon Ramsey kicks ass
Worst Reality t.v. show:
Don't they all suck?
Favorite Band:
Pretty much everything we play I'm all in
There are many reasons why forest fires happen, and they do plenty of harm not
only to humans, but the animals living in that area would have lost their natural
habitats as well while others that are trapped end up as burnt roast. As the good
doctor always said, prevention is better than cure. But how does one go about
monitoring the vast expanse of a forest while being efficient at it? The answer could
lie in robots and not humans. At Magdeburg-Stendal FH researchers are working
hard on fire fighting beetles that are more than capable of working their way
through the uneven jungle terrain with ease, thanks to the help of half a dozen
highly flexible legs. This fire fighting beetle has been dubbed the OLE, and you can
read more about it after the jump.
The OLE was specially designed to extinguish fires that are still in their infancy to
prevent major disasters such as a huge forest fire, which by then the best us
humans can do would be contain it while praying for rain to help snuff it out. OLE is
capable of monitoring large areas within a forest thanks to the inclusion of infrared
and biosensors integrated within. These improvisations enable it to discover fire
sources and sending a report back to headquarters while attempting to snuff out
these newly discovered fires. The OLE was specially designed to model after the pill
millipede - an insect that hails from the centipede family. Taking its cue from its
natural inspiration, OLE is smart enough to roll up into an impervious ball whenever
danger looms on the horizon, retracting all six legs as well.
The heat resistant shell helps it sit through the blazing inferno. Material used to
construct the shell is a ceramic-fibre compound that has proven itself to withstand
temperatures of up to 1,300 degrees centigrade, providing ample protection to the
sensitive electronics within. A couple of mechanical feelers help the OLE negotiate
its way through uneven and even difficult terrain with ease, reaching the starting
point of the fire within a short period of time. It has a speed that varies between 10
to 20kmh, depending on the terrain. An area measuring 7,000 square kilometers
require just 30 of these robots. Sounds a whole lot more affordable than
maintaining human outposts.
Chick you would most like to get down and
dirty with: mean, and she’d do it too? I
think I’m tearing up a little.
The coolest celebrity you’ve ever met:
Dane Cook
The worst celebrity you’ve ever met:
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DJ Qualls (Who? Exactly...)
If you won a powerball lottery for $100
million dollars, what would you do:
Hire Jessica Alba to star in my very own
movie where the script calls for many nude
scenes (of me of course...not one
wants to see that).
The one thing the listeners don’t know
about you:
I'm a man of mystery. No one can claim
they know me.
Personality Links
Hero of the Week
Clint's on the lookout for San Diego's Best Burger
E-mail him and let him know your favorite!
So far it's the A 1 Steak Sauce Burger at Boll Weevil
United Rentals in Kearny Mesa off of Kearny Villa Road
5580 Kearny Villa Road
P: 858-565-7122
As far as technology goes, toothbrushes and other oral hygiene technology has hit
a dead end. Seems like every day I see ads for new toothbrush technology
promising to make our teeth cleaner, and I can’t help but wonder what more can
be improved on simple brushing and flossing. Some of the stuff these toothbrush
manufacturers come up feels made up, a product of an R&D Department with way
too much time on their hands.
However, I believe that dental technology will make a new strides with the Oral
Hygiene Monitor. Although in concept stage now, I can totally see Crest or Colgate
getting their hands on it and promoting the heck out of it.
The Oral Hygiene monitor consists of a monitoring device that can be kept on the
bathroom mirror. A removable metal plate is taken by the user, and then he or she
bites down on it. Somehow the tech in this can scan your pearly whites and
determine if you have been brushing and/or flossing.
This information is then stored, and can even be sent to the dentist. The dentist
can monitor the information on his or her computer, and save you from a truckload
of guilt when you make your regular six-month visit. I can only assume the Oral
Hygiene monitor transmits this information with some Wi-Fi or other wireless
Considering what this device can do, as well as its ability to transmit, I cannot
imagine what the price would be. I’m thinking that it might be too expensive for the
regular customer, so even if it makes it past the design stage to full-scale mass
production, I’m not certain if anyone is willing to pay a little extra for cleaner teeth.
Of course, the desire for cleaner teeth is the only thing that keeps the oral hygiene
business rich.
How to properly clean up after the fires last week
Monday 10-29-2007 3:11pm PT
State and regional air-pollution officials asked people to avoid using lleaf blowers
and shop vacuums to clean up ash, dirt and debris from the fires because those
devices tend to repollute the air.
Hosing down an ash-filled area also is undesirable because the water can flow into
storm drains, thereby contaminating waterways and beaches.
Instead, pollution experts urge residents to remove fire-related debris with mops or
vacuums that have HEPA filters.
Fire ash is highly irritating to noses and throats and may trigger asthma attacks,
air-quality specialists said.
Levels of various particulates are forecast to remain high throughout the county in
the coming days. For more information, visit
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– Mike Lee
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1/11/2007 13:19