An Anonymous Sharing from a Virgin No More
Inspiring You to Live a Fantastic Life No. 276 Vol. 23 May 2013 Three Prescriptions to Reduce Toxins from Your Body There’s Such a Thing as Holy Sex! PROTECT YOURSELF FROM MODERN TOXINS KERYGMA BARCODE.pdf 11/16/06 5:43:58 PM Philippines P70 US $7.00 AUS $ 7.00 Euro 5.00 UK 4.00 CDN $7.00 SING $9.00 HK $47.00 RUPIAH 64,000 Raffy Blasco: Take Care of Your Health the Natural Way A Cry for Love: An Anonymous Sharing from a Virgin No More Who Is She? While everyone’s still dreaming, she rises to serve her family. She puts her husband and children’s needs before her, making sure things are in order, so that their dreams will come true. She gives life and nurtures it. Her light shines through the darkest of nights. Her touch and love makes things all right. Who is she? We call her by many names — Mother, Nanay, Mama, Mommy… She is heaven’s heart made visible. What can we give to this beautiful gift that God has given to us? Our unconditional love and highest respect… and these books that lift her up! It’s time to give back the love she deserves. It’s our turn to nourish her soul with books that will bring her even closer to God’s heart: Happy Mother’s Day! Order online at or call 725-9999 and we will deliver your order straight to your home or office for FREE within Metro Manila for a minimum order of P300. Shipping charges apply for provincial orders. Do you feel like you are imprisoned by your present problems? Do you want to go forward with your dreams but are lost somehow? Do you want to succeed in life but feel like nothing is happening? No matter how much you pray… No matter how much you read the Bible… You still feel stuck. And you ask yourself, “How can I get unstuck and finally become successful in life?” Bestselling author Bo Sanchez has the answer for you in his lifechanging book: “Take charge; give all.” Through each inspiring page, Bo invites you to take charge and give your all in seven crucial areas of your life: 1. Focus 2. Identity Bo Sanchez is a much sought-after Catholic lay 3. Emotions preacher and bestselling author of more than 30 4. Values books. As a public speaker and servant of God, he 5. Time has received three recognitions from prestigious 6. Talent award-giving bodies in the Philippines. But over and above all these, he considers his relationship 7. Treasure Once you do this, you will already be on the way to determining your destiny and creating incredible success. with his wife, Marowe, and two sons, Benedict and Francis, as his greatest achievement in life. They live in Manila, Philippines. Don’t miss the opportunity. You only have one life to live. Take charge. Give all. Get your copy now. For more information, log on to: D id you shake hands with someone today? If your answer is “yes,” let me ask you a disturbing question: Do you know what that hand touched before it touched yours? Scary. Here’s a scientific fact: The hand you held probably contained millions of germs. I’m not joking. What kind of germs? The kind of germs that kills human beings. Every square inch of that hand was probably covered with layers upon layers of germs. But why aren’t you dying? Why aren’t you even getting sick? Every day, you shake hands with people — and you seem to be OK. Here’s the truth: Germs don’t cause sickness. (Germs are everywhere!) I know that’s a controversial statement, but it’s the truth. So, if germs don’t cause sickness, what does? A weak immune system. I’m sharing this with you to make you understand what causes us to sin. Just like germs, temptations are everywhere. Let me shock you: Temptations don’t cause you to sin. That bottle of gin didn’t cause you to sin. That casino didn’t cause you to sin. That girl in a mini-skirt and plunging neckline The Boss By Bo Sanchez didn’t cause you to sin. That annoying, rude and obnoxious officemate that tests your patience didn’t cause you to sin. Instead, a weak spiritual immune system caused you to sin. No, I’m not referring to your lack of religiosity. There are religious people whose schedules are filled to the brim with religious activities — going to Mass daily, attending prayer meetings daily, reading the Bible daily, praying the rosary daily, and wearing 16 scapulars around their neck — but they’re rampant sinners. And they also have the gall to be highly judgmental and critical of others. A strong spiritual immune system isn’t about religion but about relationships. Specifically, loving relationships. It’s about whether you have a loving relationship with yourself, with others and with God. In other words, your spiritual immune system is about how much love you have in your heart. Let me put it in another way. To make your physical immune system strong, you need nourishing food. To make your spiritual immune system strong, you need nourishing love. And when your spiritual immune system is strong, it’ll be a little bit more difficult to fall into repeated sin. May your dreams come true, How to Fight Temptation the Right Way Bo’s outfit courtesy of Golden ABC/Memo. MAY 2013 • KERYGMA 1 Mailroom I just read Rissa’s article, “Return, Not Give, to God” in Kerygma’s September 2012 issue. I want to share my experience of God’s generosity, especially when you give Him what’s due Him. I started tithing faithfully about two years ago. I give 10 percent of all my income to God’s work. Even when I am short of money, I make sure that I do not touch what is due Him. One morning, my husband saw me distressed and crying because I needed money for my kid’s school fees. He gave me some money but later that day, he learned that I had given money to the scholarship foundation of our church. He asked me why I gave my money when I was already broke. I told him that the money that I gave was really intended for the Lord and could not be touched. Anyway, I think he understood the situation. Just a week ago, my daughter had dengue and she had to be confined at the hospital. She doesn’t have any health insurance, so we had to shell out some cash as a deposit to the hospital upon admission. During that time, I was a bit worried where I would get the cash to pay for her hospital bills. But I knew, deep in my heart, that God would not fail me. And true to His promise, there was an outpouring of prayers and support from my family and friends. God took care of our hospital bills! I didn’t have to shell out my own money to pay for her confinement. Even the money that we advanced to the hospital was given back to us. God worked through my family and friends. The total bill was P22,900 and He gave me P23,000. I felt so overwhelmed by His goodness and love. Truly, God cannot be outdone in His generosity! Thanks for reading my email. I just had to share God’s faithfulness to His children. Myleen Via email I started to love and embrace Kerygma since I was 23 and a member of the Singles for Christ (SFC). With my meager salary, I ordered seven copies of Kerygma with seven copies of Didache (still in quarterly edition back then), which I distributed to my household members. Now, at age 40, I have grown to embrace 2 KERYGMA • MAY 2013 more the wisdom that Kerygma has given me. My husband is now a Kerygma subscriber and I regularly share our copies with my officemates. Afterwards, I keep them so I could send them to a friend abroad who was once my household member in SFC. Thank you for continuously inspiring people like us who love to inspire other people as well. Keep it up! Rizabelle Paredes-Consolacion CFC-YFC Chapter Couple Coordinator Ilian City I can’t forget the date, December 5, 2012, when a worker at the adoration chapel here in Butuan City Cathedral handed me the December 2012 issue of Kerygma. The word kerygma appeared strange to me and it ridiculously sounded like kirig, a Visayan word that means being electrocuted. I laughed out loud at this. But when I started reading the magazine, my eyes were caught by the word “Yes” in bold red in Bo Sanchez’s The Boss section. As I read the article, I was amazed at how important it is to say yes to things, which would eventually change you as a person, through God’s moving Spirit. I love to read and Kerygma is now one of my priorities when it comes to reading materials. Looking forward to get more from this life-changing magazine. More power and God bless. Toffee Abuzo Butuan City We Want to hear from you! Send your message via email to editsvp@, through text to 0923-3784941, or by snail mail to The Editor at 60 Chicago St., Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines 1109. You can also reach us through Kerygma Family. Log on to For subscription-related concerns, text or call Sarah Discutido at 0922-814-7031 or email subscription@ THE MILE-LONG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN WORK AND VOCATION W hy do some people shine at their jobs while others are bypassed, hardly creating a noticeable ripple over what they do? I believe the answer lies in the distinction between work and vocation. Think about it. Anyone can work. Everyone has to! Unless you’re the son or daughter of Pacquiao who stands to inherit billions from your pound-for-pound king of a dad. People create work when they realize they have needs that have to be met. That was me in 2003 when I found myself jobless. The little savings I had was quickly evaporating. I was in full-time ministry for many years before that, so I lived and worked in the community center and my daily needs were provided for. Believe it or not, at the age of 34, I realized for the first time that I needed money for every little move I made. I needed money if I wanted to drive my car, to play badminton, to use my cell phone. I even needed money if I wanted to look for a job! With my glaring needs before me, I was willing to take on any job — even writing scintillating fluff to sell cosmetics. I got a callback from a multinational beauty company that asked me to take a writing test. A woman came into the interview room and recognized me. I was an obscure servant of the Lord back then but it so happened that she had attended a few prayer meetings in our community. She knew what kind of work I did and how dedicated I was to serving the Lord. She hesitated as she handed me their cosmetic catalog and asked me to write descriptions for their different products. “Are you sure you want to do this? Mabobobo ka dito,” she warned me. I just smiled and took the catalog. I needed work. I did my best. But words like vivacious, shimmering and flirty didn’t easily come to mind when I thought of makeup or fragrances. In other words, I didn’t get the job. Thank God. Because then I found my way back to my vocation. Which is a totally different thing. Take note that I used the same gifts as I would for “work.” Writing. Editing. Speaking or training. Just Breathe Living by Grace By Rissa Singson-Kawpeng For you it may be accounting. Or selling. Or managing. But vocation has spiritual clarity. You know why you do or need to do what you are doing. Vocation has inspiration. You receive insight and illumination from above. Vocation has fuel. You are motivated by a force outside yourself, beyond what you can conjure from within. And this is the reason why you shine. You don’t mean to. At least it’s not your primary goal. It’s actually more of a consequence of discovering and embracing your vocation. So find your vocation and you will be a success. Guaranteed. Why you need to find your calling “Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God.” (Ephesians 4:1) Email me at [email protected], subscribe to my Facebook updates or visit my website rissasingsonkawpeng. com. What to Expect: Starting with our June issue, we’re introducing a new column entitled “Seasons: God in Every Stage of Your Life.” We have six columnists who will be contributing their articles to this section throughout the year. Each of them will address a certain age range: Michele Alignay for the children and youth; Jan Silan for the singles and young professionals; Alan and Maribel Dionisio for married couples; Earnest Tan for the midlifers; Beth Melchor for those who want to take the path of single blessedness; and Rey Ortega for the seniors. I’m sure your Kerygma reading experience will be richer with their contributions. Rissa’s oufit courtesy of cci cci located at The Ramp, Glorietta 4, Ayala Center. MAY 2013 • KERYGMA 3 Hi, I’m Sarah! Lost copy? Changed address? Defective copy? For all subscription-related concerns Call Sarah 725-9999 local 105 • 411-7874 • 726-9918 • 0922-8147031 [email protected] Subs Concern ad 2013.indd 1 3/12/13 3:55 PM Join the Force. Change the World Be a Kerygma Shepherd Today. YES! i’m interested in becoming a Kerygma Shepherd. i commit myself to spread God’s Word by distributing Kerygma magazine every month. Name: Age: Birthday: Email: Address (Residence): Telephone No.: Address (Office): Telephone No.: Fax No.: Signature: Shepherd’S Voice publicationS, inc. 60 Chicago St., Cubao, Quezon City Tel. Nos. 725-9999 loc. 101 to 108 Email: [email protected] Call MITZI 725-9999 local 101 to 108 • 0922-8692870 THE BO FILES 1 SPECIAL SECTION The Boss 40 21 22 Introduction Protect Yourself from Modern Toxins Point of Contact 28 Three Prescriptions to Reduce Toxins from Your Body DEPARTMENTS What’s 9 There’s Such a Thing as Holy Sex! TESTIMONIES Inside May 2013 2Mailroom 6 New You 7 Real Stuff 9 In the News: Doing Right and Choosing Right for Elections 2013 10 Dear K 12 Feast Snapshots 14 KFam Insider 17 It Happened: JHET: Like a Plane That Soars and a Fairy Tale That Is Real 39 One Last Story: Jesus Embraced Abby Doing Right and Choosing Right for Elections 2013 Jhet: Like a Plane That Soars Take Care of Your Health the Natural Way 17 39 COLUMNS Jesus Embraced Abby 3 Just Breathe The Mile-Long Difference Between Work and Vocation 26 ABOUT OUR COVER MODEL Mary Beverlyn Sapon, or Bevz, may be considered a nerd, having graduated from a science high school in Manila and the state university in Diliman. But she is actually a self-confessed frustrated model. She embarrassingly admits that being a Kerygma cover model this month is a fantasy come true. Bevz works as an Asset Management Officer for an international fast-food chain. Though her job takes up so much of her time, she still manages to serve the Lord in numerous ways. She is a Caring Group Head and a music minister at The Feast Alabang. She is also an occasional blog contributor for Feast Alabang’s website. Bevz likewise belongs to the third batch of trainors of the LOJ Training Ministry. As if that’s not enough, she also serves as a lector/psalmist/commentator at the St. Peregrine Laziosi Parish in Muntinlupa. As a faithful offeror of talents, time and treasure, Bevz shares that she has been truly blessed by the Lord. Turning 30 in October, she believes that God is still cooking up more blessings in the coming years. She also hopes to continually be a channel of blessings to others, through her service and with the blessings she receives. 35 Catholic Soul Who Is Your Authority? 38 32 A Cry for Love K Preacher Life’s Balance and Rhythm chairman of the board and publisher BO SANCHEZ • editor-in-chief and production manager RISSA SINGSON-KAWPENG • managing editor TESS V. ATIENZA • creative director MIKE CORTES • graphics director REY DE GUZMAN • staff writer MARJORIE ANN DUTERTE • contributing writers BELLA ESTRELLA, ALVIN FABELLA, LELLA SANTIAGO, JOY SOSOBANROA • photographers DANIEL SORIANO, DAKILA ANGELES • columnists ROSANNE ROMERO, JON ESCOTO • sales and marketing manager JOSEPH MARTINEZ • administration and finance manager WENG CEQUEÑA KERYGMA. A Greek word meaning Proclamation of the Gospel. It is a Catholic inspirational magazine. It aims to be an evangelistic tool to all nations, providing Scriptural, practical and orthodox teachings to Catholics, particularly those in the Catholic Renewal, as an alternative to present-day magazines. It is also committed to fostering the renewal and unity of the whole Christian people. Philippine copyright Shepherd’s Voice Publications, Inc. 2013. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without permission. KERYGMA is published monthly by Shepherd’s Voice Publications, Inc., whose editorial and business offices are located at 60 Chicago St., Cubao, 1109 Quezon City. Tel. Nos.: 725-9999, 411-7874, 725-1190. Fax: 727-5615. Email: [email protected]. Website: New You How do you love your Mom? Tips for personal development THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS Let us count the ways! I n the Philippines, May is a month dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. It culminates in the Flores de Mayo (Flowers of May), where children and adults offer flowers to Mama Mary during Mass as a sign of their love for her. During the Middle Ages and Renaissance Period, flower symbolism was used in religious art. Mary gardens were created by churches and dedicated to Mama Mary with flowers symbolizing her virtues and the significant events in her life. The use of the symbolic meaning of flowers was developed to a high degree during Victorian times. Here are a few of them: • Lily represents chastity, virtue, the Holy Trinity, faith, wisdom, chivalry, royalty, beauty, mother, sweetness, virginity, purity, majesty, gaiety and gratitude. Lilies are associated with the annunciation of the birth of Jesus by Angel Gabriel. • Daisy symbolizes purity, innocence, loyal love, beauty, patience and simplicity. Daisies are often depicted in meadows in Medieval paintings, also known as a “flowery mead.” Daisies were used in Mary gardens and is symbolically connected to St. John. • Rose means love, remembrance, passion (red), purity (white), happiness (pink), fidelity (yellow), and beauty. The rose symbolizes Mary herself, known as the “The Mystical Rose.” A white rose represents Mary’s purity, red for her sorrows and the Blood of Christ, gold for Mary’s glory, and red and white for her visitation. Roses and lilies were said to have filled Mary’s empty tomb when it was opened by the Apostles. M ark your calendars this coming May 12. It is time to celebrate the greatest woman in your life — your mother. Here are simple and loving ways you can honor her on her special day: 1. Write her a poem or a letter. Tell her how much you appreciate all the things she does for you. Thank her for all the love she’s given to you and your kids, if any. A card with kind words from the whole family on what makes her the best mother will surely make her feel loved. Include flowers to make it extra special! 2. Cook Breakfast. Start her day by preparing her favorite meal and serving a warm, delicious breakfast in bed. Let the children serve it while serenading her with her favorite song. 3. Give her a massage. A soothing back rub will always be welcome. Hug and embrace your mother today no matter how old you are! Don’t let her do any household chores on this day; instead, serve her gladly by doing her regular tasks for her, such as washing the dishes. Treat her to a relaxing massage at a spa. Source: Sources: and S weet potatoes are readily available, inexpensive and highly nutritious. Rich in Vitamin B6, they help reduce the chemical homocysteine in our bodies, which has been linked to degenerative diseases. It contains vitamins C and D and is high in carotenoids, which strengthens our immune system to fight off diseases. Sweet potatoes are also a good source of magnesium, which is the relaxation and anti-stress mineral. It is necessary for healthy artery, blood, bone, heart, muscle, and nerve function. It also contains potassium, which helps in relaxing muscle contractions, reduces swelling, and protects and controls the activity of kidneys. Source: 6 KERYGMA • MAY 2013 Quick Health Tip: Sweet Potatoes Wombs for Hire: Concerns Voiced for Surrogate Mothers W ith an increase in same-sex marriages, there is also an increased demand for surrogate mothers bearing babies for these partnerships. This situation has raised concerns over the exploitation of women in developing countries by Western couples. Ireland’s Iona Institute’s report, titled The Ethical Case Against Surrogate Motherhood: What We Can Learn from the Law of Other European Countries, noted that: “Surrogacy compromises the dignity of the child by making the child the object of a contract— a commodity. It compromises the dignity of the mother, even if her participation is voluntary, by merely treating her as a ‘womb for hire.’” The report noted that due to the high costs involved in surrogacy, couples tend to think that they deserve children who are more likely to be good-looking and successful in life. They prefer donors who are good-looking and have high IQs. Many clinics also use pre-implantation diagnosis to screen for genetic defects and to select the sex of the baby. “Women’s bodies become commodities through which others can purchase what they wish to have, and almost all of the care, concern and medical attention is directed at the child while the surrogate mother is left to fend for herself,” the report said. Even though surrogate mothers are aware of the commercial nature of their pregnancy, it is inevitable that many still get emotionally attached to the child they bore. The Iona Institute report noted that these mothers will experience psychological consequences in the long term. The situation will be even worse for surrogate children when they learn that they were given up by their mother not because of adverse circumstances, but as a result of a commercial arrangement. Surrogacy reduces both the mother and the baby to commodities and, as this is a violation of human dignity, it should be banned by governments, the Iona Institute insisted. Adoption is different from surrogacy, the report stressed. In adoption the birth mother makes a decision based on what is best for the child, while in surrogacy, the decision is made by the adopting parents based on what is best for themselves. “It is therefore inherently adult-centred in a way adoption is not,” the report said. Source: Real Stuff Inmates Help Prepare World Youth Day Souvenirs B razil’s inmates are doing their share in the preparations for the World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro this coming July 23. They are making religious products for the Catholic youth who will come from all over the world. Some 50 men and 30 women were trained for this project, working six hours, four days a week. The prisoners are crafting rosaries, bracelets and other articles for the WYD packages. They also have meditation and prayer while at work. Paulo Fernando Melo, vice-president of the National Pro-Life and ProFamily Association and one of the partner proprietors of Jabuti Religious Articles, noted that the inmates’ prison terms can be reduced through their participation in this work program of crafting religious articles. “And it (the new skill) might be useful for them when they return to society,” Melo said. The program puts into practice the truth contained in St. Matthew’s Gospel (25:36): “I was in prison and you came to visit me.” “Our intention is to spread this program to other prisons, to increase the number of prisoners in Brasilia who wish to take part in it, and to motivate other businesses so that they will establish work associations with inmates and awaken the desire to help in initiatives of this sort,” Melo said. He added that after the World Youth Day, they will teach the inmates how to make vestments, habits, veils and other clothing items of the Catholic liturgical tradition. Source: St. Gianna Beretta Molla Saints at a Glance Born and Died: October 4, 1922 – April 28, 1962 S t. Gianna is the first first female physician to be declared a saint by the Catholic Church. She was a pediatrician who loved children and whose patients loved her dearly. She was married to an equally devout man, Pietro Molla. Together, they built a truly Christian family, calling their children as “treasures” from God. On her fourth pregnancy, Gianna developed fibroma on her uterine wall. The doctors gave her options, which she flatly refused as they would harm her child. The third option required a delicate surgery that would not disturb the baby but would give complications for Gianna’s body after giving birth. She chose the latter. A week after giving birth to Gianna Emanuela, she died. Gianna lived her vocation fully as wife, mother and doctor. She is the patron saint of mothers, physicians and unborn babies. She was canonized on May 16, 2004. Her feast day is on April 28. Source: MAY 2013 • KERYGMA 7 In the News DOING RIGHT AND CHOOSING RIGHT FOR ELECTIONS 2013 By Joy Sosoban-Roa S a isip at sa salita, dapat tama. Lalong-lalo na sa gawa, dapat tama (In thought and word, should be right. So much more in deed should we be right.) These are part of the lyrics of the rap, “Dapat Tama,” an advocacy of one of our major media networks for the 2013 elections. The song encapsulates our hopes, dreams and frustrations as a people — of always starting again, of going forward and backwards. And then it says, “And yet there could be a better future for our children if only we would do something about it.” We do want our future to be bright — that is a universal (or nearly universal) desire for right-thinking Filipinos. The question is: Do we know what is “right” when it comes to choosing who to vote for this May 13? Facing the Question To help voters out, the Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV) and the Simbahang Lingkod ng Bayan came up with the “10 Commandments for Responsible Voting,” some of which are below: #6. Do not vote for candidates using guns, goons, gold and glitter. #7. Do not vote for candidates tainted with graft and corruption. #9. Do not vote for candidates living an immoral life. Still, the question begs to be asked: How will you and I know who among the candidates fall under these three categories? The simple — and right — answer is for each of us to share in that load of running our country by making sure our definition of “tama,” or right, comes from an informed choice. Arriving at an Informed Choice How does one arrive at an informed choice? Fundamentally, it means stepping into the sea of available information about the candidates, sifting through them, and taking the time to pray and to discern. As guideline #3 goes: “Strive to understand the issues, platform and programs of candidates and parties campaigning for your vote.” That is Step 1 of formulating an informed choice. Step 2 is more challenging: “Do not conform yourself to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect” (Romans 12:2). That renewal comes from reading Scripture and Church documents, from listening to good preaching, and from meditating and applying them into our life. Translating the verse to our elections, it means that we won’t be able to discern who the Lord wants to rule in our country unless we have learned to change our way of thinking from that of the world. When we have done this, then perhaps we can confidently face these guidelines: #1. Vote according to the dictates of your conscience. #8. Do not vote for candidates simply because of “utang na loob,” popularity, good looks or pakikisama. #10. Always put the welfare of the country as top priority in choosing the candidate you will vote for. Getting Down to the Brass Tacks Here are three suggestions that you can do daily to share in the work of nation-building through this year’s elections: 1. Read, listen or watch (TV, YouTube, etc) to get updated on what issues or events are shaping the elections. 2. Get to know ONE candidate. Read up on the person, check out his website, know the bills he passed or was part of, and other activities that the person is involved in. 3. Share what you know to at least ONE other person. A Final Note On May 13, we will be voting for a total of 18,053 total elective posts. (Don’t panic. That’s just the total — you don’t have to write that many names.) Let us strive to accomplish what the song says: Pagdating ng eleksyon, ito ang dapat na panata. Isulat kung sino ang talagang sa tingin mo’y tama. At sa araw na napakabihira lang dumaan, Dapat sa may katuturan. (When election time comes, this should be the promise. To write down who you really think is right And on that day that seldom comes, Do what is meaningful.) Dear K My Mother Threatened to Commit Suicide If I Enter the Seminary I’m a second year college student from a Catholic institution. It was during my high school days when I first heard and felt God calling me to the vocation of priesthood. Since then, many opportunities came my way that enabled me to enter the seminary. Each time an opportunity came, I’d tell my parents I want to go and let them understand that God wants me to become a priest. Unfortunately, they would always reject me. Last summer, I received an opportunity again. I was fully decided to respond to God’s call no matter what. I was willing to sacrifice everything for Him, with or without my parents’ permission. But my mother threatened that if I continue my plan, she’d commit suicide. I didn’t know what to do. I was torn between my mother and my vocation. I was afraid to take the risk, so I did not continue my plan. But I’m not setting aside the fact that, someday, I can still become a priest. Last Christmas break, someone sent me a message on Facebook, asking if I was willing to become a priest and he promised that he could help me. He gave me time to think and to discern. But I’m just worried about my family. Can I trust this stranger for now and take this opportunity to finally respond to God’s call? Is this the right time for me to answer His call? Please help me decide. Nash Q. M. Dear Nash, I was shocked when I read the problem you are facing. There you are, feeling called by God, willing to respond by entering a seminary — and being hindered by no less than your parents. The threat of your mother is really terrible. Just in case she would really do what she threatens to do, you would feel guilty for the rest of your life. So now, what can you do? I share with you the experience of an Adoration Sister. She had a similar problem. Her parents did not allow her to enter the convent but insisted that she become a dentist. The young woman did what her parents demanded and studied dentistry. The day she got her diploma, she handed it over to her parents and said, “Here, I fulfilled what you wanted me to do. Now I will do what God wants me to do.” Then she entered the convent. Maybe that is also the answer to your problem. Finish college and once you have done so and reached the age when your parents cannot demand what you do with your life, you can follow the call of the Lord. In the meantime, pray for yourself that your vocation remains strong. Pray also for your parents that they may change their mind. Try, if possible, to be in contact with a seminary and the priests there — until you will be able to enter and become a priest yourself. Rest assured of my prayers for you and, if you like, you may stay in touch with me. Fr. Rudy Email your questions to [email protected]. Or if you need to talk to someone, call (632) 726-4709 or 726-6728 to contact a Light of Jesus Pastoral Care Center’s counselor. Telephone counseling is 24 hours from Monday to Friday, and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays. Face-to-face counseling is by appointment. For correspondence counseling, email [email protected] or go to www. Or Call (632) 725-9999 Pregnant? Confused? Abortion is not the answer. Contact Grace to Be Born at 0917-816-4700 or email [email protected]. You may also contact Pro-life Philippines at (632) 733-7027. 10 KERYGMA • MAY 2013 When Fr. Rudy Horst came to the Philippines in 1984, he was first assigned to the Immaculate Conception Parish in Cubao. It was where he came in contact with the still young Light of Jesus Family. In 1990, he moved to Christ the King Mission Seminary, where he still serves as one of the spiritual directors of the seminarians and teaches Religious Education. He also teaches Holy Scriptures at the Maryhill School of Theology and the Divine Word School of Theology in Tagaytay. How Can I Help My Son Grieve When I Am Also in Deep Sorrow? Last year was a difficult time for our family. We lost our youngest child to a sudden sickness that left us all shocked and brokenhearted. We are slowly recovering from our loss with the help of prayers from relatives and friends from work and our community. I saw my young boy cry one time upon seeing the picture of his sibling and he said that he missed him so much. How do we help him ease the pain of his young heart as we are grieving also? Is it possible for the pain to go away while we keep his memory alive? How do we help our other children move on but still remember our sweet angel who has gone to heaven? Healing Mom Michele S. Alignay is a registered guidance counselor and is currently taking up her Ph.D. in Family Studies at Miriam College. For 12 years, she worked as a guidance counselor handling grade school children for premier exclusive schools. Today, she is an associate counselor at the Love Institute and also holds consultancy and counseling work for schools on guidance and childparenting programs. Michele is happily married and a fulfilled mom to two growing children. Dear Healing Mom, I condole with the loss of your child. The road to grieving and healing is a process. Embracing the pain and grieving is healthy, but you need to move on and make the most out of it. The support from your family and community, who are praying with you, is a blessing and comfort. This can help you in your own process and recovery. Your young boy needs to grieve, too. Let him cry if needed, and do cry for yourself, too. Let him express his loss through drawings, talking, or allowing him to be quiet. But you need to be on your toes and not allow yourself to be so absorbed by your own pain, as it will be difficult for you to help your living child. At present, seek activities for you and your son to give you both a new breath of experiences and different routines in life. Connect with your son by regularly spending time with him, doing the things he enjoys. Make this date regular, as this is a way for you to build memories together and for him to feel your presence. Be sure that you make it enjoyable for him as well as for you. It is important to build your relationship with each other. Do note that it is likewise a must for you to be positive and do this as a happy and life-giving person. Time will heal your wounds of loss but it is in deliberately winning over your pain that you become a better person. Keep your son’s memory alive but be cautious and objective if doing so will cause unhealthy patterns that would impede you from moving on. You may keep your son’s memory alive through rituals, like doing something you enjoyed doing with your “angel” when he was still alive, or you may keep his special things in a memory box. You may also talk about him once in a while, but focus more on the things that will uplift you and your living child, and not so much on things that you will cry about. Be clear with your goal — that is, helping each other move on and celebrating life for your family now. It will not be easy, but grieving and living is a conscious and continuous process, unique to each one, even members of your family. May God bless your pain and turn it into a worthwhile life-giving experience! Michele MAY 2013 • KERYGMA 11 Feast Snapshots People Power for God Feast Bicutan Launch Text by Osy Erica Photos by IC de Guzman P rayer brigades, people standing for what they believe in, yellow confetti. These defined the People Power Revolution of 1986. Fast forward to February 23, 2013, two days shy of the 1986 People Power Revolution anniversary, a reenactment of some sort happened at SM Bicutan Cinema 1. The cinema was filled to the brim with people mostly clad in yellow, praying and standing for what they believe in: God’s unending love. It was a revolution alright, but a revolution for God. With the birth of The Feast Bicutan came a new source of hope for better things to come. The Feast Alabang senior builder Arun Gogna led the spirit-filled worship, while The Feast Bicutan builder Velden Lim gave the assurance that we can have the best, because we have the best ally: God. What are you waiting for? Head on over to SM Bicutan Cinema 1 every Saturday at 6.30 p.m. and experience better things coming your way. 12 KERYGMA • MAY 2013 Come and See! Discover for Yourself Why THE FEAST Is Called the Happiest Place on Earth! FEAST VENUE DAY TIME FEAST BUILDER Alabang 1 2nd Floor, Festival Mall (Near X-Site Entrance), Alabang, Muntinlupa City Sunday 8:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Arun Gogna Alabang 2 2nd Floor, Festival Mall (Near X-Site Entrance), Alabang, Muntinlupa City Sunday 10:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Arun Gogna Alabang 3 2nd Floor, Festival Mall, (Near X-Site Entrance), Alabang, Muntinlupa City Sunday 2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Arun Gogna Alabang 4 2nd Floor, Festival Mall, (Near X-Site Entrance), Alabang, Muntinlupa City Sunday 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Jonathan Yogawin Alabang 5 2nd Floor, Festival Mall, (Near X-Site Entrance), Alabang, Muntinlupa City Wednesday 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Jonathan Yogawin Alabang 6 2nd Floor, Festival Mall, (Near X-Site Entrance), Alabang, Muntinlupa City Saturday 6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. James Nicolas Baliwag Cinema 4, SM Baliwag, Bulacan Saturday 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Marvin Tan BGC 5/F, Fully Booked, Bonifacio High Street, Bonifacio Global City Saturday 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. George Gabriel Cardona Mary Help of Christians Hospital, National Road, Barangay Calahan, Cardona, Rizal Saturday 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Nap Col-long Dasmariñas Imus Cinema 5, Robinsons Dasmariñas, Cavite Cinema 5, Robinsons Imus, Aguinaldo Highway, Imus, Cavite Saturday Sunday 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. - 12:30p.m. Boggs Burbos Rex Robillos Laguna 1 Feast Laguna Family Center, 3/F Central Mall, Binan City, Laguna Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Jon Escoto Laguna 2 Feast Laguna Family Center, 3/F Central Mall, Binan City, Laguna Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 11:15a.m. Jon Escoto Makati 1 AIM Conference Center, Benavidez corner Paseo de Roxas, Makati City Thursday 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Randy Borromeo Makati 2 Cinema 3, Glorietta 4, Ayala Center, Makati City Sunday 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Randy Borromeo Makati 3 Mondragon House, 2/F Ballroom, H.V. Dela Costa St. (near Tordesillas Street), Salcedo Village Tuesday 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Jan Silan Malolos The Cabanas Pavillon, Longos, Malolos, Bulacan Friday 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. John Cruz Manila 1 Cinema 4, SM Manila Friday 4:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Obet Cabrillas Manila 2 Cinema 4, SM Manila Friday 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Obet Cabrillas Marikina Bluewave Marikina’s Activity Center, Marikina City Sunday 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Pio Español Marilao 1 Barcelona Academy, Metrogate Complex, Marilao, Bulacan Thursday 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Alvin Barcelona Marilao 2 Cinema 2, SM Marilao Saturday 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Alvin Barcelona Meycauayan Supima Square (Save More), Malhacan, Meycauayan Friday 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Alvin Barcelona Ortigas 1 Cinema 3, Robinsons Galleria, Ortigas Monday 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Vic Español Ortigas 2 Cinema 3, Robinsons Galleria, Ortigas Sunday 10:15 a.m. - 12:00p.m. Vic Español Ortigas 3 Cinema 3, Robinsons Galleria, Ortigas Sunday 1:00 a.m. - 3:00p.m. Joel Saludares Pasig 1 Valle Verde Country Club Sunday 10:00 a.m. - 12:00p.m. Obet Cabrillas Pasig 2 Valle Verde Country Club Sunday 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Obet Cabrillas PICC 1 Philippine International Convention Center, Pasay City Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Bo Sanchez PICC 2 Philippine International Convention Center, Pasay City Sunday 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Bo Sanchez PICC 3 PICC 4 Philippine International Convention Center, Pasay City Philippine International Convention Center, Pasay City Sunday Sunday 10:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Bo Sanchez Alvin Barcelona QC Bureau of Soils and Water Management, Visayas Ave., QC Sunday 9:00 p.m. - 12:00 p.m. Eng Si QC Bureau of Soils and Water Management, Visayas Ave., QC Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Eng Si Sucat Cinema 4, SM Sucat, Parañaque Friday 7:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. Adrian Panganiban Taytay Valley Fair, Taytay, Rizal Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. Pio Español Valenzuela Cinema 1, SM Valenzuela Sunday 1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Eng Si Bicutan Cinema 1, SM Bicutan, Parañaque Saturday 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Velden Lim MAY 2013 • KERYGMA 13 K Fam insider Volunteers from different Feasts help out in the annual outreach activity of the LOJ Prison Ministry. Prisoner or Free — God Loves Us All By Bella Estrella Photos by Dave Apalla I n my 15 years of gracing the event and bringing entertainment artists here since 1998, this is the first time that it rained,” Adrian Panganiban, singer and Sucat Feast builder, remarked. But the rains that Saturday, January 12, 2013, did not dampen the atmosphere of generosity and gratefulness as 485 inmates happily participated in the annual post-Christmas and pre-Valentine program conducted by the Light of Jesus Family’s Prison Ministry at the 82-year-old Correctional Institution for Women (CIW) in Mandaluyong City. Highlights of the event included the gift-giving, raffle draw and entertainment numbers by guest artists. Aside from this annual program, the Prison Ministry, headed by Miriam “Yam” Reyna, also conducts prayer meetings inside the CIW every second Saturday of the month. Of the 2,015 inmates currently housed at the CIW, more than 400 attend the monthly prayer meetings. As Yam Reyna said, “Whether you are inside or outside these walls, the Lord gives you His love. God wants us to be loving people.” This is what they, in the prison ministry, try to do — let God’s love penetrate the walls of CIW and reach the hearts of its inmates. Entertainment Galore Hosted by Beth Corral and Nick Resurreccion, the program showcased the singing and dancing skills of the inmates. The CIW music ministry, through its joyful songs, brought the audience to their feet. The dance troupe’s moving interpretation of “Shout to the Lord” and the elderly’s modern dance number brought both tears and laughter to many faces. Some CIW employees joined in the presentations. Guest singer Clare Anne, testifying that she was a drug dependent for more than 10 years, sang Mandy Moore’s “Only Hope,” reminiscing that she triumphed over her ordeal by the grace of God and with the help of her parents. Her successful rehabilitation gave high hopes to the women that they, too, can overcome with help of God. 14 KERYGMA • MAY 2013 Adrian Panganiban, Sucat Feast builder, is a faithful friend of the inmates at CIW. Yam Reyna leading the opening prayer and worship. Raffle prizes and gifts, donated by generous sponsors, waiting to be given away to the inmates. Ms. Lulu Santos, Religious and Recreation Officer of CIW, gives everyone a hearty welcome. Inmates lining up for their Christmas gifts. Graced by Feast attendees from PICC, Makati, Valle Verde, Quezon City and Taytay, the program teemed with more fun, jokes, songs and entertainment brought by guest artists led by Adrian Panganiban. Raffle prizes, numbering over a hundred, were given away. Gift-giving culminated the event. On that day, the LOJ Prison Ministry started the year bright inside CIW by bringing presents and many people’s presence. The event united the prisoner and the free — proclaiming the message that everyone is special and loved by God because we are all His children. Interested to share your time, talent and treasure to the LOJ Prison Ministry? Don’t hesitate! Get in touch now with Yam Reyna (0922-0294-3183) or Beth Corral (0933-235-9571). You may also deposit your donations directly to the Banco de Oro account of the Light of Jesus Community Foundation (Savings Account No. 397-010-5927). Please send a photocopy of the deposit slip with your name, address and contact number to Yam or Beth for proper acknowledgment and receipt. Beth Corral and Nick Resurreccion hosted the program. MAY 2013 • KERYGMA 15 It Happened Jhet had a meaningful time visiting the Holy Land early this year. JHET: LIKE A PLANE THAT SOARS and a Fairy Tale That’s Real By Bella Estrella Photos courtesy of Jejette Nocum and Jhet Torcelino-van Ruyven MAY 2013 • KERYGMA 17 W Jhet’s visits always give joy to her parents, Tatay Amon and Inay Lita. Jhet and family skiing in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada. Jhet, Michelle, Ted and Catherine celebrating a special moment. Jhet’s amazing life story garnered for her a People of the Year award from People Asia magazine in 2005. 18 KERYGMA • MAY 2013 hile vending fruits to foreigners along the Matabungkay Beach, a well-known tourist spot in Batangas, with a bilao (woven basket) on top of my head and with my skin darkened by the scorching heat of the sun during my younger days, I once imagined that I would one day be rubbing elbows with foreigners, not as a vendor, but as an equal. I wrote down my dreams and pretended that I was already there — with all the details, sights, sounds and feelings. I visualized how I would want things to happen. The magic began inside my mind, yes, but I took action. And by God’s design, my dreams came true! Like a Jet Plane Soaring High I was born in Pader, Batangas, to a poor and big family with 12 children. My father was a family driver and my mother, a vendor. I sold mangoes, rice cakes, fish, vegetables, candies and pan de sal (salt bread) in our neigborhood after school and on weekends. A pivotal moment in my life came when Monsignor Antonio “Derps” Unson, for whom my father worked, helped me get a scholarship. Through his recommendation, I was able to take a college scholarship test at La Concordia College, and I passed with flying colors. I could have chosen a four-year business course, but I opted for a two-year medical secretarial course so that I could immediately help my parents and my younger siblings financially. It was at La Concordia College where I got my nickname. Sister Eliza Cervantes, a young nurse and student nun of the Daughters of Charity, became a very good friend of mine. Sister Eliza coined the name “Jhet” after the jet plane, and added an ‘h’ to make the comparison to the plane less obvious. She said I was small and moved very fast like a jet. Unknowingly, that nickname would eventually describe my life journey. After finishing my two-year course, I got employed at the Cardinal Santos Medical Center in Greenhills. I rose from the ranks fast — from admitting secretary to telephone operator to cardiovascular technician to executive secretary of the medical director in a short period of time. At this point, with the gracious support of Dr. Reminiscing her youth as a vendor during a Billote, the medical director of the hospital, I was vacation in Pader, Batangas in early 2013. able to pursue a four-year business course, which I took up at night at the Jose P. Rizal College, now called Jose Rizal University, after my work in the hospital. On to Greater Heights Right after graduation, I was offered a job in the most modern hospital in Yemen, my first stint outside the country in 1984. There, I met Mother Teresa of Calcutta in a small house of the Sisters of Charity where I was a volunteer. I was charmed by the calmness and serenity of this woman who has been called “the living saint.” It was as if I was seeing an angel in person. And my good fortune continued. I transferred to an oil company in Yemen where my salary rose to more than three times of that in the hospital. My love life also took shape as I met Ted van Ruyven, a Dutch aviation engineer who came from a devout Catholic family. Our friendship and short courtship led to a grand wedding at the plush Manila Hotel in 1987. Eventually, we left Yemen. We traveled to other countries such as Kenya and the Netherlands, and we settled in Surrey, British Columbia, in Canada. We are gifted with two daughters, Michelle Christine and Catherine Maria. Even as a wife and mother in a new country, I continued to exercise my entrepreneurial spirit. As a stay-at-home mom, I accepted typing and tutorial jobs. Equipped with selling experience and practical marketing strategies that I learned at a very young age, I took interest in selling educational toys so my young children could also benefit from them. The impressive sales incentives of the company motivated me so much. Using my selling skills and imagination, I was able to meet and exceed the sales quotas and earned all incentive trips for Ted and myself, and lodgings in five-star hotels with my family. In 1994, I set up my own print business — Digi-Print Graphics Plus — in Surrey, Canada which provided office supplies, print and graphics services to local business customers in the area. Establishing an extensive network of contacts and gaining satisfied and loyal customers, I got nominated as Business Woman of the Year In 1996. All of these happened because I never stopped learning, innovating, exploring my full potentials, and giving my best in all that I did. Truly Grateful During my elementary, high school, and college days, I was the poorest among my classmates. I could not even afford to buy my favorite Chiz Curls (a snack item), but I never complained about poverty, nor the back-breaking tasks of carrying heavy loads as I peddled my wares or hauled water from a well that I had started doing when I was a child. I’ve always been grateful to God for all I had, and because of it, I believe that He helped me rise from a poverty-stricken childhood to living an abundant life. In 2004, I met Mark Victor Hansen, co-creator of the New York Times’ bestselling series, Chicken Soup for the Soul. After hearing my story, he encouraged me to write a book about my life. I began to think, “If I write a book, I can plant seeds of hope and touch millions of lives.” And so, in 2005, my autobiography, The Tale of Juliet: You Have the Power to Change Your Life, came out. It became an instant bestseller in the Philippines and on Amazon. In writing my story, I am paying it forward: I donated a portion of the proceeds to Gawad Kalinga, a Filipino-founded organization that aims to alleviate poverty in the Philippines and in other countries. Choosing What Matters Most Life truly is not all roses. Aside from living in extreme poverty in my youth, I also experienced how it was to be terribly heartbroken in my early adulthood. I have known how it was to become unsure of what was in store for me when I made decisions. But with faith in God, I always did what I knew was best, and I kept moving forward. As I wrote in my book, “Hurtful moments are but a camouflage for greater things meant to be.” In 2005, I was selected by People Asia magazine as one of the People of the Year Awardees in the Philippines for spreading hope and inspiration. I received many invitations to speak, hold media interviews and appearances all over the Philippines, Asia, Europe and North America. My newfound fame and recognition, however, did not make my joy complete because while many people showered me with praises, awards and accolades, I was missing my husband’s presence. My marriage took some twists and turns and experienced rough patches. Too much time away from the family and being soaked up in busy schedules and engagements almost cost me our marriage. Then in 2009, I was diagnosed with stage 1 ovarian cancer. All those incidents led me to make life-changing decisions. I wheeled myself onto the road to recovery. I took it as a perfect opportunity to look inside and ask questions. What is the most important thing to me? Have I been the best person in our relationship? I took a sabbatical leave from business and public life. I even got rid of my cell phone for three years. I set myself off to becoming the best person in our marriage, and I sought physical and spiritual healing. To free myself from the stress of running a business, I sold my 15-year-old company and focused instead on investing in passive income streams. By consciously spending more quality time with my husband and family, my scarred marriage was saved and our love bloomed once again. I was also healed completely from cancer, and I have been living an active and healthy lifestyle ever since. My experiences have taught me to always ask for divine guidance, and then believe that divine orchestration will follow. Everything happens for a reason. I may not always see why right away, but it happens to serve us all. Having risen from poverty, I know that money and fame cannot buy love. Living a balanced life in all aspects — personal relationships, family, career, social life, spiritual life, health, finances and service — is the key to enduring success and happiness. Living with Passion I’ve become a life-long learner, through traditional learning inside the classrooms and by reading, studying and listening to other successful people who have been there and have done marvelous feats. I continue to connect with people to inspire them and to plant seeds of hope by sharing my life story and the success principles I’ve learned along the way. I travel the world when I can with my husband, and at times with our two daughters when they are available. I like immersing myself in different cultures and peoples, and I learn much from them. I had the opportunity to travel this year to Israel, the holy place of the birth not only of Christianity but of all nations. I spent my last birthday in the Holy Land with Ted. It was an amazing and moving experience to visit the places where Jesus was born, where He grew up and performed His miracles, and where he was crucified and resurrected. I plan to write a second book that will outline simple and practical strategies for success to help people take their life from where they are now to where they want to be. Today, my family resides in White Rock, British Columbia, Canada, in a house with a spectacular view of the Pacific Ocean. It is another product of my dreams. I am most grateful to God for everything and everyone in my life. From my humble beginnings, I now live a life of gratitude, abundance and purpose — because I dreamed big and God orchestrated everything to make my dreams come true! Jhet with her bestselling autobiography. MAY 2013 • KERYGMA 19 Special Section Introduction I By Bo Sanchez believe our body can heal itself. I believe our body can fight 99 percent of the germs in the world. That’s how God created our bodies. Yes, our bodies are phenomenal! Our problem is that the healer in our bodies is weak. Why? Because of the toxins we allow into our emotions and bodies. There are toxins in our emotional life. Our unacknowledged and unsurrendered stress, angers, fears, shame, sin and guilt open us up to diseases. But a lot of the toxins we are exposed to are in the physical realm. You can protect yourself from them, too. Friend, do you want to be healed? To God, there’s no distinction between natural and supernatural healing. All healing comes from Him. But you need to take charge of your health. Make a decision now to protect yourself from toxins (as much as you can) to awaken the healer in you. Even if you live in a polluted world, you can do simple things to avoid the pollution around you. Little things can go a long way to make you healthier. PROTECT YOURSELF FROM MODERN TOXINS MAY 2013 • KERYGMA 21 Special Section Three Prescriptions to Reduce Toxins from Your Body By Bo Sanchez 22 KERYGMA • MAY 2013 I I remember my college days. Going to Ateneo every day was tough. If I drove Dad’s car, it would take me 20 minutes. But usually, Dad’s car wasn’t available. (Boohoo!) So I rode the public jeepney almost every day. And it would take me an hour to go through the traffic. Why that long? Three reasons. First, jeepney drivers are very friendly, sociable guys who like to stop in the middle of the road to chitchat with other drivers. Second, jeepney drivers drive very slowly, because they use secondhand engines that overheat if they go faster than 30 kph. Third, jeepney drivers are known to wait for passengers to fill their seats. So even if the passenger is still at home, eating his breakfast or taking a shower, the driver will still wait for him. I’m kidding. Just having fun here. Here’s my point: If you’re not the driver, you can only complain. Friend, in any vehicle, there are really only two seats: the driver’s seat and the passenger’s seat. Let me ask you this big question: In the vehicle of your life, where are you seated? Where You’re Seated Spells the Difference A lot of people are passengers. They don’t take charge. All they do is complain. “Why am I not getting a promotion in my job?” “Why is my relationship not working?” “Why am I so sickly?” Let me give you a universal principle you can take to the bank: The amount of blessings you’ll receive is in direct proportion to the amount of responsibility you’re willing to take. The more responsibility you take in, the more blessings you take in as well. Blessings and responsibility are really two sides of one coin. Do you want more blessings? Take more responsibility. Let me give you an example. Why does a manager earn more than a messenger? Because the manager has more responsibilities than a messenger. This principle applies to your spiritual life, too. If you want more blessings for your spiritual life, you have to take charge over your spiritual needs. And this applies to your health as well. One of the best things you can do for your health is to take charge of how much toxins you take into your body. To do this, you need to follow these three crucial prescriptions, all of them requiring that you take charge of your health: Prescription #1: Clean Living Prescription #2: Natural Eating Prescription #3: Holistic Healing PRESCRIPTION #1: CLEAN LIVING “You shall warn the Israelites of their uncleanness, lest by defiling my Dwelling, which is in their midst, their uncleanness be the cause of their death.” — Leviticus 15:31 You’ll be amazed by this. The Bible was so ahead of its time when it came to hygiene and sanitation. This is mind-blowing, considering that biblical authors had no scientific understanding of germs yet, something that Louis Pasteur would discover only in the year 1860. Let me give you four examples… Example 1: Quarantine Contagious Disease Because our kids are small, all of us sleep in one room. (It’s a winwin for all. The kids love it because they’re with Mommy and Daddy. And Mommy and Daddy love it because we save on electricity!) But when one of us gets sick, that person sleeps in a separate room — to avoid spreading the sickness. The Bible talked about this a long time ago. It talked about separating people with leprosy and other contagious diseases (Leviticus 13:46). Even their clothes were to be burned. But centuries later, these simple procedures were forgotten. Thus, from the year 1000 to 1200, leprosy killed millions of people in Europe. And in the 14th century, also in Europe, the Black Death or the bubonic plague killed more than 60 million people. Let me give you a rather obvious example. Example 2: Toilet Training Would you believe? Toilet training is in the Bible. The Bible tells the Israelites to “have a place outside the camp where you can go when you need to relieve yourselves. Carry a stick as part of your equipment, so that when you have a bowel movement you can dig a hole and cover it up” (Deuteronomy 23:1314). In the newer Bible versions, it says, “Carry a stick and toilet paper — preferably double ply.” Just kidding. Back in those days, you couldn’t flush waste away. So people used a stick. The key here was to dig your dump — and cover with soil. But during the Middle Ages, this simple sanitary method wasn’t done in many capital cities of Europe. Especially in the slums. In fact, the common practice was that people just dumped their poop on the street. Example 3: Take a Bath When I was a kid, Mom would have to force me to take a bath. I don’t remember why, but to me bathing was like water torture. But the Bible was pretty big on washing (Numbers 19:1122). It even gave the ingredients for soap — so that hand washing would take more than 15 seconds — enough to remove the germs. During biblical times, this was a religious ritual. Today, we realize it’s a very important hygienic practice. But during the Middle Ages, bathing fell out of custom. Are you ready to be shocked again? During the Middle Ages, in Europe, most people took a bath one, two, three, or four times in their whole life. MAY 2013 • KERYGMA 23 I’m not kidding. In Old Testament times, religion supported bathing. In the Middle Ages, religion supported not bathing. For example, the monks felt it was vain to take a bath. St. Francis of Assisi believed that to be dirty was a sign of a holy person. Even St. Benedict recommended that those who are young and strong should seldom take a bath. It was said that St. Catherine of Siena avoided washing. And St. Agnes, who died at the age of 13, had never taken a bath. Queen Isabella of Spain was proud to say that she only took two baths in her whole lifetime. And Queen Elizabeth of England was seen as a very vain woman. Why? Because she bathed once a month. PRESCRIPTION 2: NATURAL EATING He who takes medicine and neglects to diet wastes the skill of his doctors. — Chinese Proverb Germs aren’t your only enemy. We now have new enemies: modern, man-made toxins. And it’s in our food. Let me tell you about Jack Lalanne, a fitness teacher. He is 96 years old. At his age, he still works out twice a day. That’s two hours of weight training in the morning and another two hours of swimming or walking in the afternoon. When people ask him what’s his best advice for becoming healthy, he tells them, “If man made it, don’t eat it.” Once upon a time, we ate food made by God. I love it when the Bible says, “And they ate what grew in the fields. They found wild honey among the rocks; their olive trees flourished in stony ground. Their cows and goats gave plenty of milk; they had the best sheep, goats, and cattle, the finest wheat, and the choicest wine” (Deuteronomy 32:12-14). I agree with Jack Lalanne. I believe many people are sick today because of the amount of processed food that we eat. Here’s what you need to watch out for… 1. Zero Nutrition Many times, all the nutrition in processed food has been wiped out by its “process.” But the packaging says it’s “enriched” because they put a few vitamins in it. Crazy. 2. Preservatives and Additives Because food companies want to increase their products’ shelf life, they’ve loaded them with preservatives. Because they want their food to be tasty yet cheap (and increase profits), they put additives and other chemicals to make them taste like the real thing. And many of these chemicals are not healthy for us. 3. Chemicals in Our Meat A few years back, a chick required 45 days to become a full-grown chicken. Today, because of these chemicals, growth hormones and antibiotics, some chickens are ready for “harvesting” at 24 KERYGMA • MAY 2013 only 28 days. A cow, by itself, produces 500 gallons of milk a year. Today, “super cows” produce 20,000 to 30,000 gallons of milk a year. That’s because of the chemicals that they inject into these animals. (Super cows don’t move around anymore. They’re held by a steel frame. And they’ve got tubes connected to their udders 12 hours a day.) These chemicals are what we ingest when we eat or drink their produce. By nature, cows are vegetarian. But in many parts of the world, cows and pigs have become cannibals. They eat their own kind. Why? To increase their bulk, protein has been added to their feed. And the most available protein would come from dead cows and pigs — usually those that died of sickness. Their carcasses, even their bones, are crushed to powder and mixed with the animal feed. Some scientists believe that this is the main cause of the foot and mouth disease. My Recommendations Here’s my advice: Eat natural foods as much as possible. Decrease your processed food intake. For breakfast, instead of eating hotdogs, tocino, pancakes, white bread and sugared drinks, I suggest papaya, pineapple, melon, watermelon, banana, mangoes and other local fruits. For snacks, instead of chichiria, sodas and bottled juices, eat kamoteng kahoy, raw nuts and fresh fruit juices (made in your home). For lunch and dinner, instead of corned beef, instant noodles, and white rice, I suggest kangkong, okra, talbos ng kamote, carrots, other vegetable salads, tofu, fish and unpolished rice. If you want to eat meat, look for “organic” meat. These are grass-fed cattle and free-range chickens. These are more difficult but not impossible to find. Once again, take charge over your health. Eat natural food. Here’s my third prescription… PRESCRIPTION 3: HOLISTIC HEALING Half the modern drugs could well be thrown out the window, except that the birds might eat them. — Martin H. Fischer Medicine sometimes sometimes gives it. snatches away health, — Ovid, Ancient Roman Poet One day, w h e n my s o n , Fr a n c i s, w a s five years old, he woke up coughing. By afternoon, he had a fever. A few years back, we would — without much thought — have given him paracetamol and cough syrup. If the cough and fever didn’t go away, we’d give him antibiotics. Today, we’re much wiser. What do we do? We awaken the healer in our kids. Believe me, it’s the most powerful thing we’ve ever seen. Starve a Fever Haven’t you noticed? When we get sick, we usually lose our appetite. There’s a purpose to this. Our bodies are telling us something. Observe your pets. When they get sick, they don’t want to eat, too. They stay in a corner and sleep or sulk. Years ago, when our kids got sick, we force-fed them. We scolded them, “Eat your rice! Eat your chicken! So you’ll have energy to fight the germs!” We no longer do that craziness. When we’re sick, we lose our appetites (our tongues can’t even taste food) because our bodies are telling us a simple message: “Don’t eat. I want to use all my energy to fight the disease.” Remember that digestion takes up huge amounts of energy. Your body wants to focus on defense. So what do we do now when our kids get sick? We “arm” their immune system with weapons necessary for the fight. How? Let “Natural” Food Be Your Medicine When Francis got sick that day, we made him drink fresh fruit juices. We threw in fresh fruits in a blender. Watermelon. Mango. Melon. Banana. Any local fruits we could get our hands on. For the entire day, that was all he had. Virtually no solids. He wasn’t hungry anyway. He lay down on the couch, in the arms of Mommy, watching Jurrasic Park, sipping his fresh fruit juice many times that day. Here’s the amazing thing: The following day, his fever and cough were gone. We couldn’t believe it. The healer in him won! (Note: If a child still has fever for more than three days, that’s the time you bring him to a doctor.) A Disclaimer I’m not a doctor. So please, before you apply what I’m asking you to do, consult your doctor. Ask for a second, third and fourth opinion. Like my friend, Dr. Romy Paredes (author of Health Made Incredibly Simple, published by Shepherd’s Voice Publications), there is an increasing number of doctors who are growing dissatisfied with the mechanical model of their medical practice. And in their own way, they’re practicing holistic healing. More and more, they’re realizing that people aren’t machines. They’re body and soul — and if you want to heal the body, you have to heal the soul, too. PROTECT YOURSELF FROM MODERN TOXINS I drive way too fast to worry about cholesterol. — Author Unknown We won’t find a Bible verse about modern toxins. But since they are harmful to our bodies, we need to protect ourselves from them, too. So in the “spirit” of the biblical passages on healing, we need to protect ourselves from modern man-made “germs.” Protecting ourselves from these toxins is an essential part of caring for our body, the temple of the Holy Spirit. For example, some “processes” change the molecular structure of the food, making them unhealthy for our use if we eat them in large amounts. • Avoid intake of refined sugar (raw sugar is better). • Avoid “sugar-free” food and the use of aspartame, etc. Minimize EMF (Electromagnetic Field) Sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation is the emerging health problem of the 21st century. — Dr. William Rea EMF comes from all electrical appliances and wiring around us. Though people are still debating on this issue, some scientists have already concluded that too much EMF causes cancer (such as leukemia), headache, depression and other health problems. Science sometimes takes time to decide on issues. The World Health Organization (WHO) has been studying the effects of EMF for years now, without conclusive reports. My suggestion is before they make it official, we should take precautionary measures. (If it’s not true, you don’t lose anything.) Again, there was no such thing as EMF when the Bible was written, so I can’t quote a passage about it for you. But in the spirit of “protecting” our bodies from anything that harms us, it’ll be wise to decrease EMF pollution. You can’t totally avoid EMF. Because it comes from every electric appliance in your home, including the wiring of the house. It comes from your cell phone and cell sites. It comes from the high-voltage wires in the streets. But you can create some distance between you and the source of EMF — and protect yourself from it. Here are some recommendations: • Don’t carry your cell phone in your pocket or belt. Put it in a bag. In the evening, don’t sleep with it in the same room. Use a handsfree kit (with wires) when using a cell phone. • Don’t use your laptop on your lap! • Don’t use your microwave oven. • Don’t put a plugged electric alarm clock near your bed. • Electric appliances (air conditioners, electric fans) must be at least seven feet away from you when you sleep. We can’t cover all the recommendations in this entire topic, but mentioning some of them here is an invitation for you to study this phenomenon further and take charge of your life. Friend, hold the steering wheel of your life. Email me at [email protected]. (This article is lifted from Bo’s book, Awaken the Healer in You. To order, call (632) 725-9999 or visit www. We deliver free of charge within Metro Manila for a minimum order of P300.) MAY 2013 • KERYGMA 25 Special Section Testimony Raffy and Cely, whose children are already married, have more time to do what the Lord has called them to do. TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH THE NATURAL WAY H An Interview with Raffy and Cely Blasco By Tess V. Atienza e isn’t a doctor, yet Raffy Blasco has been treating and healing a lot of people, even those with terminal illnesses. At the heart of his practice is a dream that more and more people would follow the natural law of life, go back to basics, and take charge of their health. Raffy, whose real name is Rafael (God’s Healer), considers what he’s doing now as a “calling” that God can take away from him any time. But while he’s at it, he wants to reach out and teach people how to switch to a healthier lifestyle. It is his advocacy; it is his life. Read on and know more about Bo Sanchez’s health mentor, who hasn’t been sick in the last 27 years. His wife, Cely, who is his partner in this ministry, joins this interview with Kerygma. Kerygma: How did your journey into natural and healthy living start? Raffy: It just came naturally way back in 1986. I was working in a multinational company and would normally read business books. Then suddenly I got interested in health. But before that, I had a chance to meet a health guru, a Filipina who was married to an Indian. She’s a Catholic Christian who thoroughly embraced the vegetarian way of life. I attended her workshop and when I came home, I immediately shifted to a plant-based diet. It was very drastic, although I did not impose it on my wife and kids. When I say plant-based, it is not only vegetables and fruits. It includes grain, root crops, and anything that comes out of the ground. Cely: In the beginning, it was hard for me to plan and prepare two sets of meals. Our children were still in grade school. So, one day, I just told them, “Let’s follow Papa’s diet.” It was not hard to convince them. We simply explained to them the benefits. 26 KERYGMA • MAY 2013 Raffy: Withdrawing milk from our kids was the most difficult. And here’s the irony: at that time I was working for a milk company. It was crazy — working in a milk company but not patronizing our product. That’s how serious we were about living healthy. I was so convinced that I was doing the right thing. Kerygma: How did your “calling” as a healer start? Raffy: I could see that many people were getting sick. Whenever we would go to hospitals around Metro Manila to visit relatives or to pray over a sick friend, we were appalled at the conditions of the hospitals. In 1990, I started advocating in small groups. Some people would not believe me. Others would say it’s rubbish. But I persisted. In 1993, I decided to leave the corporate world and focus on my many businesses. I wanted to do so many things. I wanted to earn so much money. But you know, when you meet the Lord, He can change your path. Cely and I were already with Couples for Christ then (we were also part of the Light of Jesus Family during its earlier years) and were trying to follow the Lord more seriously. That time, we still had a broiler business covering an area of 10 hectares with a 24-hour operation. We were growing chicken for 45 days, then we began hitting 43 days. A two-day reduction spells big profit in that business. But broilers being what they are, and living in a small environment, they get sick easily. As they grow bigger, their space gets cramped. And when one chicken gets sick, say it catches a cold, the rest would catch it in less than 24 hours. So what’s the vet’s solution? Massive doses of antibiotics that are given orally. But the lungs of chickens are small and get constricted. Thus, they could not eat much. The result? No weight gain. Remember, this is a weight business. Sometimes also, the chickens are harvested while they’re still taking antibiotics, and then brought directly to the dressing plants, and eventually to the supermarkets. What happens? People who eat chicken end up ingesting the antibiotics. So I told my wife, “I don’t think this is the business for us.” And so we let go of it — easily. We decided to pursue our new “calling” and follow where the Lord was leading us. Kerygma: How did you prepare for your ministry? Raffy: When we started doing mission work in CFC, I didn’t know I had the gift of healing. A sister in the community called us and requested us to pray over her child who was confined in a hospital in Manila. People had this notion that when you are a “missionary,” you can do everything for them. But we took it as an opportunity to show them who God is. We granted her request, and lo and behold, the next day the child was discharged. But the funny thing was, because she was in the ward section, the other patients, who saw what we were doing, wanted to be prayed over, too. One woman who had a case of bleeding got miraculously healed. Her bleeding stopped after we prayed over her. And many other instances of healing followed. I said to myself it can’t be just spiritual. “What can I do?” I asked the Lord. And true to His promise, when God calls you, He equips you. I studied more about the basics of health. I enrolled in an Indian medical school. I devoured health books and noticed I was absorbing what I was reading so easily. I also studied Eastern medicine under a Korean guru, where I was one of only three Filipino students among a group of foreigners. I kept on studying and improving myself. I went to China and to other places to learn more about natural healing. I studied different modalities. As a practitioner, I make my own discernment on what treatment would work best for a particular patient. Because for me, the real medicine is what works. You know what pushed me further to pursue this? In my studies, I got more exposed to the limitations of Western medicine. Statistics show that the common modalities for cancer, such as chemotherapy and radiation, have a very low success rate. Western medicine, or the conventional medicine being practiced now, treats the symptoms of the disease, not its cause. Eastern medicine looks at the cause and focuses its treatment on that. My firm belief is that, sooner or later, we will all go back to basics — to the natural law of life that respects the trillions of cells that God put in our body. You kill or undernourish your cells, and your organs will suffer. Kerygma: What do we need to go back to how God wants us to treat our bodies? Raffy: First is to change the way we look at disease. Consider it as a friend, not as an enemy. And don’t try to kill the symptoms with antibiotics or pain relievers because they are expressions of the disease. A symptom is your body’s way of speaking to you. Having the right paradigm about disease is already a big step that one can take in taking charge of his health. For us, the key to wellness is nutrition. Conventional medicine will never accept that the lack of good nutrition will surely lead to disease. Understanding how our cellular system works, as God created it, would help us see how nutrition plays a critical role in maintaining a healthy body. We would be eating only the food that will nourish our system and not just satisfy our taste buds. We would eat only food that God made, not “man”ufactured by man. Kerygma: What normally happens when a patient comes to you for consultation or treatment? Raffy: Before we accept a patient, we talk to the family. We tell them the situation (this or that organ is already damaged) and this is what we can do. We’re very frank with them. We tell them the causes. We ask them what they expect us to do. The sad thing is that people come to us when everything has failed — they’ve had chemotherapy, radiation, etc. What we want to happen is for people to consider natural modalities first before they go for invasive treatments. We also assess their family situation. I need to see the support of his or her family, especially the spouse. If the support is only financial, it would be a waste of time and effort. We try to delve deeper into the patient’s relationships, his or her outlook in life, and so on, because we believe in holistic healing. We don’t treat each organ separately. Everything is connected. And when the patient goes through the treatment, which does not involve invasive procedures, he or she goes out of the center living a normal life — unlike if they go through chemotherapy or radiation. They get to enjoy a better quality of life. MAY 2013 • KERYGMA 27 There’s Such a Thing as Holy Sex! Special Section Turn Your Sexual Passion into Passion for Life By Bo Sanchez 28 KERYGMA • MAY 2013 L L et me shock you: Even as I write about sex now, my goal today is to empower you to reach your dreams. I know what you’re thinking. Those two topics — sex and reaching your dreams — seem to be the most far out, totally disconnected topics in the world. But trust me, by the end of this article, you’ll realize that one feeds the other. As usual, I won’t write from theories I read in a book. Instead, I will use my personal experience of two decades of battling the demons of my porn addiction. The powerful threestep solutions I will share with you have been rigorously fieldtested in my life and in the lives of many people I help. Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never! Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, “The two will become one flesh.” But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with him in spirit. —1 Corinthians 6:15-17 Sex isn’t a handshake. Sex isn’t casual. Sex can never be casual because it’s sacred. Something happens to your spirit when you have sex! Sex isn’t just about your body but also about your soul. You become one, intertwined, with the other person. So when there is nothing deeper between you and that person other than your skin connecting together, something in you disintegrates. You disintegrate. You see this disintegration in people today, which manifests itself in the disintegration of families. Flee from Sexual Immorality Historians have been studying why, in the past 5,000 years, there were civilizations that were on top of the world at one point and then, after a few decades, were at the bottom of the heap. They’ve observed that a civilization breaks down not by an advancing army conquering from the outside, but from a disintegration of core values from the inside. They’ve observed that a society starts disintegrating when there are enough people in that society that don’t follow sexual morality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. — 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 Instead of sexual passion breaking you up, let your sexual passion build you up. You can use your sexual passion to achieve greatness in life — by turning your sexual passion into a passion for life. Let me show you one of the most expensive kitchen knives in the world. Maybe only superstar chefs use this knife. This Nesmuk knife costs (gasp) P2.4 million. These kinds of kitchen knives are extremely sharp. In the skilled hands of a superstar chef, this knife will produce food masterpieces only found in the best three-star Michelin restaurants. This knife was designed by its creators to prepare delicious gourmet food. But imagine that one day, a serial killer enters this restaurant, steals this knife from the kitchen, and in the next three weeks, tortures, mutilates and kills 27 people. Using the exact same knife. Friend, that’s exactly what happened to sex. It was designed for beauty, but it’s now used for ugly purposes. Holy Sex and Ugly Sex Sex was God’s idea. God invented it. God designed it. God manufactured it. But sex has been kidnapped by the world and they are claiming it to be their invention. That’s why today, there’s holy sex and there’s ugly sex. From one angle, they look alike, but they’re totally opposite to each other. Holy sex is one of God’s most beautiful gifts to us. Sometimes, holy sex blesses a husband and wife with children. But holy sex always strengthens their spiritual covenant, trains a spouse to serve the other by thinking of the other’s pleasure before his own, deepens their bonds of love, elevates their human spirit, thereby blessing their family and their world. But ugly sex is the monstrous, bastardized, perverted, vandalized, demonic version of holy sex. It kills the human spirit. It destroys marriages, breaks up families, steals the dreams of young men and women through unplanned pregnancies, sexually transmitted disease, sexual abuse and emotional damage. Do You Need Sex? Media tells us, “If sex is only for married people, and you’re not married, how can you fulfill your sexual needs?” Do you know what’s wrong with that question? You don’t need sex. You desire sex. There’s a huge world of a difference between need and desire. Let me explain: You need air, but you don’t need ice cream. You desire ice cream. That’s very different. If you don’t have air, in less than five minutes, you’re dead. Without oxygen, after a certain threshold, your brain cells die by the thousands for every single second you’re starved of oxygen. But if you don’t eat ice cream, you won’t die. OK, you MAY 2013 • KERYGMA 29 may go into some type of severe depression. But surprisingly, there are very weird creatures in this world who have never eaten ice cream in their entire life — and they’re still alive today. Here’s my point. If you don’t have sex, you don’t die. What I’m going to say next is blasphemous, according to popular media, but I’ll say it anyway: You can live without sex. In fact, many people live very happy lives without it. But I believe you need love. And that’s where the confusion comes in. People mistake their love needs for their sexual desires. Express Your Sexual Desires in the Right Way One guy told me, “I have to find an outlet for my raging, testosterone-fueled, sexual desire.” Yes, but you should find the right outlet. A lot of people think that the only way to express their sexual desires is through sexual acts. That’s not true. Why? We’re not dogs. Have you noticed? Twice a year, dogs are in “heat,” and you can’t stop dogs from mating. They’ll do “it” with any dog they find in the street. But we’re not animals. As a human being, your mind rules your body. That’s your glory. That’s your dignity. As one wise man said, “You’re not a human being with a spiritual experience; you’re a spiritual being with a temporary human experience.” You can express your sexual desires in non-sexual ways. Remember that pent-up sexual energy is physical, emotional and spiritual energy, and so re-chanelling is possible. If you have sexual desires, that means your body is healthy, your mind is healthy, and your soul is healthy. Thank God that you have them! Let me teach you how to channel your sexual energy. You can use these three powerful steps to free yourself from any kind of addiction you have. Step One: See the Aim of Your Addiction Porn addiction is becoming more common today. No matter what your addiction is, it is in your life for a specific, functional purpose. If you want to get rid of an addiction, the first step is to know the reason why it’s there. Shift your attention to the aim of your addiction. Here’s the truth: You’re not really addicted to the behavior of your addiction; you’re addicted to the feeling that you get from that behavior. For example, you’re not addicted to premarital sex; you’re addicted to the feelings that premarital sex gives you. You’re not addicted to porn; you’re addicted to the feelings that porn gives you. What is that feeling? The big answer: It’s the feeling of being loved. Every addiction is a desperate hunger for love. People think they desire sex, but actually, deep down, 30 KERYGMA • MAY 2013 they desire love — parental love, familial love, fraternal love and, most of all, Divine love. Sexual addiction, bottom line, is a desperate cry for God’s love! Sex can be used as a painkiller to deaden the throbbing emptiness in our hearts. Unless that emptiness is filled with real love, sexual desire is urgent and intense. But fill that heart with real love, and sexual desire loses its urgency and intensity. Here’s the good news: According to statistics, most people heal their own addictions. For example, 66 percent of alcoholics stopped drinking on their own, without going through medical treatments or going through Alcoholic Anonymous. Ninetyfive percent of smokers stopped on their own, without going through medical treatments as well. If you have any addiction right now (it doesn’t have to be sex), you can be healed. Step Two: See the Atrociousness of Your Addiction Porn looks beautiful, yes. For it to sell, it has to look beautiful. But beneath the surface, it is monstrous, horrific and ugly. If you want to be free from porn addiction, you need to change what is associated with the addiction in your subconscious. For the longest time, your mind said, “Porn is beautiful, glorious and intoxicating.” Starting today, your mind should say, “Porn is monstrous, horrific and totally ugly.” Unless that shift of association happens in your subconscious, you’ll never be free from slavery. Porn Is Ugly Pornography is a hideous beast. It’s so scary. It’s so big, it earns $14 billion a year. At any second, over 300,000 people, mostly men, are watching online pornography. This monster is so big, it’s destroying the lives of millions. It’s victimizing those who are addicted to it, especially porn actors, even as young as 14 years old. This is how ugly porn is: After many exposures, naked people won’t satisfy you anymore. Normal sex won’t satisfy you anymore. Your cravings will increase. That’s why there’s such a thing as hard-core porn — gay sex, brutal sex, sex with old people, sex with kids, orgies, sex with animals. All the perversion that you can think of, it’s available online. No doubt about it — porn is ugly. After a while, a porn addict’s world will become very small. He will become a very small man. How small? He’ll shrink to one percent of his original size because he only thinks in terms of sex. He’s lost 99 percent of his life. He disintegrates. Casual Sex Is Ugly If you have casual sex with someone, it isn’t only an exchange of bodily fluids. It’s an exchange of spiritual parts. A part of you remains with the person you had sex with. And a part of that person remains in you. For years now, I’ve been ministering to people who are promiscuous or adulterous and I’ve noticed that, deep down, in their spirit, they feel very broken. Why? Because broken parts of their spirit have been scattered to their different sexual partners. And broken parts of those different people are still inside them, too. Let me give you an analogy. You are like a jigsaw puzzle. Every time you have sex, you give a piece of the jigsaw puzzle to your partner. If you are promiscuous, not only do you feel incomplete — because you have given away parts of you — but a lot of foreign, disjointed jigsaw pieces are now trapped inside you. If you are this person, let me tell you: God can heal you. He can bring back all your missing pieces, bandage all these pieces together and, with His healing love, glue them together and make you whole again. Marital sex is totally different. When I give one piece of my jigsaw puzzle to my wife, and she gives one piece of her jigsaw puzzle to me, we treasure that piece. We hold on to that piece. And we wait for the next piece that will come. We form the presence of each other in our hearts. Step Three: Shift Your Attention from Addiction to Ambition If you notice, your goal is not to stop the addictive behavior. That rarely works. Your goal is to live a fantastic, passionate, wonderful, amazing life. The goal isn’t freedom from bad habits. The goal is freedom for great habits. This simple shift of attention is powerful. This is where a lot of Christians make the mistake. They judge, condemn and feel ashamed about their sexual desires. They were taught that the more they criticize their sexual desires, the less they’ll have them. Wrong! Here’s a spiritual principle you can take to the bank: Attention, whether positive or negative, is still attention. And attention is addition. I met a man who kept repeating to himself, “I won’t smoke anymore” hundreds of times a day. He said it never worked. He kept on craving for cigarettes. Why? Because his subconscious doesn’t know the difference between negative attention and positive attention. Even if it’s negative attention, it’s still attention. What you pay attention to adds up. In the same way, if you say, “I won’t look at porn, I won’t look at porn, I won’t look at porn…” or “I won’t masturbate, I won’t masturbate, I won’t masturbate…” and repeat it 100 times a day, what are you actually doing? You’re making your sexual desires grow. Why? Because attention is addition. Turn Your Sexual Passion Into Soul Passion You have the natural ability to channel your sexual desires into a passion for life. You were born with this unique ability. God gave it to you the day you were born. This isn’t spiritual mumbo-jumbo. This is for real. In fact, this isn’t only a spiritual concept, it’s even taught in business. Napoleon Hill, in his classic book Think and Grow Rich, talks about “transmutation” of sexual energy into creative business success. He says that many of the most successful businessmen were able to channel their potent sexual energy to great success. He talks about other businessmen who should have been even more successful, were it not for their unbridled sexual energies that caused them to be distracted. He wrote this in 1937. He already gave the solution a long time ago. In fact, there were many who gave the solution before he did. Think of the saints who were celibate — St. Francis, St. John Bosco, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Dominic, St. Ignatius of Loyola. These saints built huge congregations, universities, hospitals and orphanages. Some of them died a martyr’s death. They had so much passion for life! To be celibate doesn’t mean they had zero sexual desires. But they were able to re-channel their sexual energy into a passion for life. Sexual energy IS energy. People don’t understand this simple truth. You can express your sexual energy through a passion for life. I repeat: Shift Your Attention to… Big, Hairy, Audacious Dreams When you have a sexual desire, acknowledge it with gratitude, and simply shift your attention to your big, hairy, audacious dreams. Do you know what’s the most common problem of people today? They don’t wake up each morning with soul-elevating, heart-pounding, life-intimidating, God-sized dreams. Many people wake up not knowing what to do with their lives. And so the most exciting thing for them is watching a girl in a mini-skirt. What’s most exciting for them is watching porn online — women paid to undress, women who will be psychologically scarred for the rest of their lives. I’m a guy. I must be honest with you. If I see a girl in a miniskirt, I will find my eyes gravitating towards her legs. If I see a woman wearing a plunging neckline that reaches her belly button, I will look. But because I’ve got other more exciting things to do — like raising my wonderful kids to become passionate disciples, or building a fantastic marriage that will last forever, or shaping a new generation of leaders in the Light of Jesus Family, or creating profitable businesses that will finance the work of the Kingdom, or preaching God’s love to a desperate world, and forming exciting organizations that will change the world — I can shift my attention away rather quickly. How I Win Over Sexual Temptations Let me share with you my trade secrets. This strategy works for me. This is how I fight sexual temptations. Whenever I’m tempted to fall into sexual sin, I tell myself, “Bo, you’ll get whatever feeling you’re looking for (like being loved) when you follow God’s way; only this time, it will be a million times more fulfilling and it will be permanent.” I tell myself, “You’ll get a million times more happiness, fulfillment, excitement and love if you follow God’s way!” Whenever I’m tempted, I use these two “triggers”: million and permanent. When I say those two words, immediately, I snap out of the hypnosis of my temptation and feel very strong. When I do that, sexual desire, instead of fueling my addiction, is now fueling my ambition. I use the same sexual energy to bring me to my dreams. The Bible says it in a different way: “But walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh” (Galatians 5:16). So you thought this article is just about sex? No. It’s about your dreams. Pursue them with passion. Email me at [email protected]. MAY 2013 • KERYGMA 31 Special Section M Testimony Love A Cry for An Anonymous Sharing of a Virgin No More as told to Lella M. Santiago 32 KERYGMA • MAY 2013 M y body shook like one gripped by high fever. My tongue felt glued to the roof of my mouth. That first time I confessed I was no longer a virgin, my back was the only part of me brave enough to face him. It must be the hardest thing for a woman to admit to a man she’s falling in love with. And it didn’t get any easier with the others. When I told my last boyfriend, my eyes were shut tight the whole time. I couldn’t bear to see his reaction. Every time I revealed my past, the fear of rejection was an agony I had to endure. The First Fall I pledged to protect my virginity until my honeymoon. It was something my conservative upbringing and Catholic education instilled in me. But the words, “If you really love me…” rocked my foundation and I fell. We were both 18. He was my classmate in college, my first boyfriend and my first love. There was nobody I could really talk to when he was putting the pressure on me. I kept it to myself. Although they didn’t tell me directly, I knew my classmates and friends who had boyfriends were doing the same thing. Nobody would have stopped me. That relationship lasted for two years not because it was worth keeping; I just felt I had to hold on to it because of what we were doing. Cycle of Sin A year after we broke up, I went through a very dark time in my family. It was the lowest point in my life and I had no one to confide in. I was driven to look for my ex. That started our “friends with benefits” phase. Looking back, I’d say I was searching for love and our past relationship was the closest thing I had. My situation proved true what I later heard in one of the talks at The Feast: “Sin is a cry for love.” Deep inside I fought against this life of sin and started searching for God. Through a religious community I joined, I heard the Word of God and found hope. Through my new friends I experienced God’s love — a cleaner kind of love, the kind I was looking for. The baptism in the Holy Spirit made such an impact on me. It was then that I received God’s grace to leave my sinful relationship. Ironically, I fell again when I had another boyfriend who belonged to that community. I thought he would be different. He was a servant of two religious communities and had reacted unfavorably when he first heard about my past. So I was surprised when he pressured me into doing the same thing. I guess I gave in that time because of the thought that I had done it before. We were together for only six months. Thankfully, my third relationship was a long distance one. He worked abroad so we had no physical contact. But from our conversations, he implied that he wanted the same thing. I felt I’ve had enough and ended the relationship quickly. The cycle of sinning and asking for God’s forgiveness didn’t stop there though. I began getting my “love highs” from pornography. Again, by God’s grace, I got tired of the shallowness of what I was doing. Proof of God’s Love I was losing hope that I would ever find a man who will accept my past and respect me — one who will not ask me to have a sexual relationship as the others did. Then I met someone from the same religious community that my second boyfriend and I belonged to. He was the one who encouraged me to be a regular Feast attendee. Unlike the others, he respected me. Sadly, we found out during our relationship that we had different goals and dreams. Because of that, he didn’t see me as the person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Although we didn’t end up together, he gave me hope that there is someone special out there who will love me for who I am and who will respect me enough to wait until our wedding day. I feel that God sent him as living proof that I can rise above my past. Forgiveness and Acceptance My past is not something I’m proud of. It’s been very hard to admit this even to close friends. I fell repeatedly because, for a long time, I couldn’t accept myself. Then I experienced love, healing and God’s constant forgiveness. That, and being accepted and respected by a man who loved me, helped me to forgive myself. Now I can tell my story without anguish. Presently I’m unattached. I pray and believe that my one true love and I will meet one day, love each other, and grow the way God wants us to, get married and only then have sex — no longer ugly but holy. MAY 2013 • KERYGMA 33 We’ll deliver God’s Word right to your doorstep! Call us at (02)725-9999 and we’ll deliver SVP books and magazines to you FOR FREE within Metro Manila for a minimum purchase of P300. (For online and provincial orders, mailing fees will apply.) Visit us at SVP website ad halfpage 2013.indd 1 10/22/12 11:42 AM Catholic Soul By Edgardo C. de Vera N Who Is Your Authority? on-sectarians enjoyed phenomenal growth through the ‘70s and ‘80s when Fundamentalists, Pentecostals and Evangelicals made inroads into Catholic ranks with a twin-pitch of the Reformation’s doctrinal pillars: Sola Scriptura (Bible Alone) and Sola Fide (Faith Alone). Everyone probably knows a relative or friend who abandoned the Catholic faith of his youth for some so-called authentic Christianity hooked in by zealous proselytizers who preached “Bible Alone” as the sole rule of authority. which even approve the moral aberrations of abortion, contraception, divorce and remarriage, euthanasia, gay marriages — all in Christ’s name! Until AD 393, there was no Canon of Sacred Scripture, no Bibles in fact within layman’s reach, and few could read. Existing copies were all handwritten: laboriously penned by clerics word-forword, line-per-line, page-by-page, taking months for a single Bible until the 16th century invention of printing. Disenchantment with Clergy Many of these fallout Catholics are sincere individuals who failed to find spiritual nourishment in the Church. Disenchantment with clergy is a common cause: lack of evangelical zeal among priests, nonsensical homilies, ignorance of Scriptures, inadequacy to explain doctrines well, and liberal outlooks; aggravated by the loss of a sense of the sacred in shabbily attired clergy indistinguishable in public, worldly behavior, and involvement in politics. Yet imperfect clergy is never a valid reason for leaving the Church, not even scandal — you don’t abandon Peter and the Apostles because of Judas. Laymen make matters worse by ridiculing Church hierarchy and disagreeing with teachings. Have opinionated dissenters checked the Catechism of the Catholic Church or read a single Papal encyclical? Catholics are expected to share, not question, their faith. Our first Pope stressed we should always be ready to render an explanation (1 Peter 3:15). The harvest is rich but the average Catholic is oddly hesitant to learn doctrines, lapsed into clericalism characterized by lame excuses: Nariyan naman si Father… Pang-pari lang iyan… and the classic cop-out… Nagsisimba naman ako. Authority and Deteriorating Morals A fundamental reason for today’s deteriorating morals is the question of authority. Where is it found in the disharmony of generic Christendom? Can Christians effectively witness to the world in glaring doctrinal diversity? Does authority rest in the Bible or the Church that composes it? A logical deduction from Luther’s own admission, even as he denied Church authority, expresses the evident: “We are obliged to yield many things to the Papists [Catholics] that they possess the Word of God, which we received from them, otherwise we should know nothing about it.” Jesus prayed for unity at the Last Supper in order that the world may believe. He established His Church on Peter and gave him and the Apostles authority to teach truth in a mandate carried on through centuries to the present Pope in the Apostolic Church: “Go and make disciples of all nations… He who hears you hears Me… He who listens to you listens to Me…” Doctrinal Ignorance “Bible Alone!” cries the non-sectarian, followed by a steady barrage of carefully selected verses, and the uncatechized Catholic, mired in doctrinal ignorance, is frozen into speechlessness and soon gets convinced that the Bible is the only authority. Where in the Bible is “Bible Alone”? Who interprets the Bible? Why are “Bible Christians” fragmented into over 35,000 denominations and sects with respective mini-popes in inconsonant cacophony and inconstant doctrines, and still dividing? A number of Email me at catholicsoul@ MAY 2013 • KERYGMA 35 Go on a 9-day Pilgrimage to the LAND WHERE JESUS WALKED ABSOLUTELY FREE! Tel Aviv • Jaffa • Nazareth • Mount Carmel • Cana Mount Tabor • Sea of Galilee • Capernaum Mt. of Beatitudes • Tabgha • Jordan River • Jericho Bethlehem • Jerusalem • Ein Karem • Genesis Land Qumran • Dead Sea• Emmaus HERE’S HOW: 1. Subscribe to Kerygma from May 1, 2013 to December 23, 2013 and receive a FREE GIFT. Plus a chance to win Holy Land Pilgrimage and other minor prizes. 2. To subscribe, tear off the subscription form from the Kerygma magazine and fill out with your complete name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and mode of payment. Affix signature and mail to: Shepherd’s Voice Publications Inc., c/o Holy Land Raffle Promo #60 Chicago St., Cubao, Quezon City 1109 3. To get subscription form, purchase Kerygma magazine or visit Shepherd’s Voice Publications Head office and request for a subscription form that will serve as a raffle entry for walk-in customers. 4. The winner of the Holy Land Pilgrimage will have FREE hotel accommodation and two meals (breakfast and dinner) for 9 days. This package prize is exclusive of travel tax and is good for one person only. 5. Promo period is from May 1, 2013 to December 23, 2013. 6. All entries received until December 23, 2013 qualify for the draw. Grand draw is on January 5, 2014 at The Feast, PICC, Pasay City. PRIZES l One 1st Prize – Trip to Holy Land Inclusions: To depart on Feb. 2014. Round Trip: Manila-Holy Land-Manila, Free Hotel Accommodation for 9 days, Exclusive of travel tax. l Two (2) winners of Apple iPad mini Tablet GUIDELINES 1. Lucky winners will be drawn. 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Winners must present the notification letter, claim stub and a valid ID with photo and signature (e.g. driver’s license, company ID or passport). Winners may send a representative on their behalf provided they present the following: a. Letter of authorization from winner b. Proper identification c. Letter sent by SVP and claim stub 10. The promo organizer’s decision is final with the concurrence of DTI Representative. 11. All SVP employees are not eligible to join the raffle promo including their relatives up to the third degree of consanguinity or affinity. 12. A DTI Representative will be on hand to witness the draw on January 5, 2014, 10:30am at the PICC during The FEAST. 13. Per DTI-NCR Permit No. 1459 Series of 2013. SUBSCRIBE NOW! KERYGMA MISSION PARTNER-HOlY lANd RAfflE PROMO 2013 By being a KMP, you will not just subscribe to our highly inspiring magazine. 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K Preacher By Alvin Barcelona O ne of the most memorable scenes in the original classic movie, Karate Kid, was when Miyagi, the teacher, was training Daniel San on a stump of wood, on what he considers a very important element of karate. Balance The teacher emphasized to his student that if you have “good balance, you have good karate.” Later in the movie, when Daniel develops a love interest, Miyagi would continue to coach him saying, “Balance… not only for karate. Balance also for life.” But balance is a tricky thing. Notice that people will always find something to focus on more. “Spiritual people” devote more time for spiritual things. “Physical people” sweat it out more in sports and spend hours in the gym. “Intellectual people” immerse themselves more in reading, writing, attending seminars, and discussing their ideas with others. Yet, I agree that too much of everything will indeed not only make you an imbalanced person. You may also be missing out on a lot of things that you can try out and enjoy in life. Most of my time is devoted to ministry. I’m a preacher. Throughout the week, I prepare for my talks and write messages and articles. I preach at least three times a week. I also attend meetings for planning and brainstorming. I give time for pastoring and for caring groups. I get invited to give recollections, retreats and seminars — even concerts — to different groups. I host a radio program. I read and pray a lot. All of these are ministry-related. But if I don’t find time for family, for friends, for physical exercise, for my businesses and additional sources of income, for rest and recreation, not only will I be less effective and credible with my chosen focus in life as a preacher. I will also be missing out on the other important areas of my life. Now, how do I maintain balance with that kind of life? I tend to believe it’s “by God’s grace or by the power of the Spirit.” (See how “spiritual people” are biased with spiritual beliefs?) But there is also such a thing as rhythm. Life’s Balance and Rhythm Rhythm It’s like when you’re learning the melody and lyrics of a song. You may have some difficulty at first. But when you catch the tune, you just go on and sing it — naturally and effortlessly. I discovered that once you get the rhythm of your life, once you just continue doing what you love to do and what you need to do, life will simply flow — naturally and effortlessly. No, not automatically like a robot, but flawlessly and joyfully — again like singing a song. And you continually discover that while life wants you to choose something that you want and need to focus on, it also reminds you to enjoy the many other things it offers. Maintain your balance. Follow your rhythm. And live life to the fullest! The glory of God is man fully alive. — St. Irenaeus Email me at kpreacheralvin@gmail. com. Catch Alvin Barcelona at The Feast PICC every Sunday at 4:00 p.m. or at The Feast Marilao every Saturday, 6:30 p.m. at the Cinema 2 of SM Marilao, Bulacan. One Last Story JESUS EMBRACED ABBY By Eric Abellera as told to Alvin Fabella Eric, Jenny and Abby survived a difficult ordeal through God’s miraculous intervention. J enny got a phone call from the school asking her to pick up Abby, our 12-year-old daughter. She rushed to the school clinic where she found Abby with a very high fever, fluctuating from 38 to 39 degrees Celsius. She took her home. Abby started to vomit when they arrived home. Jenny gave her paracetamol and a sponge bath, thinking that Abby would be fine the following day. The next day, my sister-in-law dropped by our house to give her pasalubong from an overseas trip. She is our kids’ pediatrician, so she also checked on Abby who, by now, had been feeling so weak and could not even get up from bed. My sister-in-law suggested that we bring her to the hospital so she could be checked further. At the hospital, after some tests, it was confirmed that she had dengue. The Chilling Effects of the Disease Abby had to be confined right then and there. We felt worried but we found comfort in Abby’s faith when she told us, “Don’t worry because I have already prayed and I will be healed.” Abby’s fever did not go lower than 39 degrees after three days, and most of the time it would even go beyond 40. She felt constant muscle and abdominal pain. We felt her pain yet we were helpless. And we were shocked when the doctors said that Abby had to be transferred to the ICU! She was grimacing in pain while being wheeled into the ICU and it broke our hearts. Her stay in the ICU proved to be more challenging each day. Her platelet count went down to 18 (the normal level is 150), so she needed blood transfusion. Abby’s condition went from bad to worse when she went through a rare condition called dengue shock. Fluids started to leak out from her blood vessels, her blood pressure went down, her heart became weak, and her other organs began to falter. She also had pneumonia, cardiac myocarditis, dengue hepatitis and swollen kidneys. Her body accumulated 15 liters of fluids. Because of this, we could hardly recognize her. Her body was bloated. Then her lips started to bleed. She coughed out blood! She had to be hooked to a respirator to aid her breathing. Seeing our daughter fight for her life was extremely painful for us. To add to her burden, she also had a bacterial infection. The doctors said she would undergo dialysis if her condition did not improve within the next few days. God’s Miracle on the Way We pleaded with God to heal her. But our prayers seemed to fall on deaf ears. Abby was not getting any better and the doctors told us to pray for a miracle. We cried out to God for a miracle. Deep in our hearts, we felt God telling us not to weaken our faith, to expect a miracle. That conversation with God gave us peace. Jenny held on to Abby’s arms and kept on praying. She told Abby how much we love her, and to seek the face of Jesus. Abby felt so cold and pale but we knew that she heard our message and our prayer. The school chaplain arrived the next day to give her the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. I could never imagine seeing our daughter being given the “last rites.” This is truly the most painful experience we had ever had as a family. We drew strength from our family, friends and community members. They prayed for Abby’s immediate healing. On Abby’s sixth day at the ICU, she finally urinated at around 4 a.m. This was a sign that her kidneys were already functioning normally. When Abby woke up, she asked for a pen and paper, where she wrote, “Jesus was embracing me all the time, He never left me.” Soon, Abby’s condition improved remarkably — her other organs began functioning normally, her respirator was removed, and all her other tests produced normal results. God was truly at work! After further testing, Abby was transferred to a regular room where we stayed for two more days before she was finally discharged. We went home after more than two weeks in the hospital and accumulating almost a million pesos in hospital bills. But we will forever be grateful for the love, prayers and generous support of our family, friends and community. Most importantly, we glorify God as we share about this miracle that He has granted to our dearest Abby. MAY 2013 • KERYGMA 39 Point of Contact I pray that you receive your miracles in Jesus’ name! I By Bo Sanchez pray that God lift your trials, heal your diseases, bless your problems and direct you to the path He wants you to take. I pray that God remove your fears and give you the courage to surrender your burdens to Him. So place your hand over my hand, and let’s pray with trust, together with our prayer team of intercessors praying for you right now… This page is our Point of Contact, our spiritual connection. Say after me… In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Lord, I surrender to You my worries and anxieties. I surrender to You my needs, my problems, my trials. I place them all in Your big hands. And I open myself to all that You want to give to me. On this day, I say yes to Your love, to Your blessings, to Your healing, to Your miracles. And Lord, specifically, I ask for the following miracles for my life... I believe that You answer my prayers in the best way possible! And I thank You in advance for the perfect answers to my prayers. I also ask for the special intercession of Mama Mary. I pray all this in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen! SPECIAL INTENTION FOR THIS MONTH: Bless the readers of Kerygma, Lord. Thank You for creating us according to Your most holy design. I pray that we will all respect that design and not tamper with it. Grant us the wisdom to choose to feed ourselves with nourishing food, not only in the physical realm, but also in the spiritual aspect. Help us to avoid temptations that will only cause us to sin and leave toxins in our beings. Fill us with Your love so that we won’t have need for superficial love in our lives. Amen. Praying for you, 40 KERYGMA • MAY 2013 Email your prayer requests to me at [email protected] or write to me at Shepherd’s Voice Publications, #60 Chicago St., Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines 1109.
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