Captain`s Choice: A Portrait of Britain


Captain`s Choice: A Portrait of Britain
Glorious isolation at Duart Castle, Isle of Mull
England | Wales | Republic of Ireland | Isle of Man | Northern Ireland | Scotland
5 May – 24 May 2016 (20 Days)
Standing watch over the Sound of Mull, the ramparts of Duart Castle have
guarded legends of the Clan Maclean for over 400 years. The unforgiving seas
of winter are quieted by the more clement season, yet the bite in the breeze
reminisces the turbulent history of axe wielding warriors and the brine
of ancient brawl.
Day 1: Thursday 5 May
Perhaps you’ve visited the UK before. But have you
ever trawled the outlying islands on a Silversea
Expedition Cruise? The adventure begins on our
late evening Emirates flight departing for London
via Dubai.
Fair Isle
Day 2: Friday 6 May
Loch Ewe
St Kilda
‘When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life,’
wrote Samuel Johnson. ‘Because there is in London
all that life can afford.’ Touching down this afternoon,
we will test that theory at a highly desirable address
with three nights at The Dorchester in Mayfair. Drinks,
canapes and a decadent Welcome Reception await.
North Sea
Day 3: Saturday 7 May
There’s so much to do in London you’ll be
spoiled for choice. If you would rather explore
on your own terms, be our guest this morning.
Or why not join us on one of our hand picked
Select Options?
1. Prime your camera for the Houses of
Parliament, Big Ben and Westminster Abbey,
not to mention the changing of the guard at
Buckingham Palace on a morning city tour.
2. Take a London tour with a twist as you
discover the authentic James Bond experience,
uncovering classified secrets from the
author’s birthplace.
Skomer Island
Included Flight
Silver Explorer
3. Enjoy an aquatic inspired tour of the Thames
led by an inter-tidal archaeologist on a unique
beachcombing experience.
4. So you think you know everything about
England’s capital? Why not take a gentle
walking tour of all the undiscovered sights as
you get to know London like a local?
This afternoon, we’re pleased to give you a
backstage pass to the theatres of the West End.
Larger than life Australian cabaret legend Rhonda
Burchmore will take us behind the curtain on an
exclusive theatre tour, rounded off with a wonderful
matinee performance of a West End favourite.
Our Welcome Dinner this evening is among the
toast of the town at the exclusive members only
Garrick Club.
Day 4: Sunday 8 May
Resplendent in late Spring, there’s nothing like
a jaunt out of the city through the countryside
on our way to experience a true piece of
British heritage.
It doesn't get more British than Downton
Abbey. Today's excursion to spectacular
Highclere Castle is a rare treat whether you
are addicted to the television series or not.
We wouldn't like to spoil the surprise, but our
exclusive full day tour is hosted by some guests
you may well recognise...
Day 5: Monday 9 May
Walk over Westminster Bridge to Big Ben and the
Houses of Parliament
Among priceless silver, gold leaf ceilings and
decadent chandeliers, it’s a fitting tribute to the
high seas that we enjoy lunch in the Mountbatten
Room of the Royal Marines Museum en route to
meet Silver Explorer in Portsmouth.
Then it’s your choice how you enjoy the naval
heritage of Portsmouth.
1. Take a journey into the city’s past with a guided
waterfront walk.
2. Be transported to wartime years at the
D-Day Museum.
3. Dickens, Kipling and Wells; tread in the
footsteps of the literary greats who found
inspiration in Portsmouth and live the legend
of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle at the City Museum's
‘Study in Sherlock’ exhibition.
4. With more than 800 years of naval history,
Portsmouth’s world renowned Historic
Dockyard is a must-see. Featuring HMS Victory,
the new Mary Rose Museum and HMS Warrior
1860, there’s plenty to experience in our
whistle stop tour.
5. Join a guided tour of St Mary’s Church with a
rousing organ recital to pipe us on our merry way.
Waving a fond farewell to the British mainland, we
meet our intrepid Expedition Ship Silver Explorer
and settle into our comfortable suites. It’s a pleasure
to know you won’t have to unpack for over a week!
Day 6: Tuesday 10 May
Opening the curtains this morning the view is
a little different. A little more weather beaten to say
the least. We have reached the Scilly Islands, located
just off the Cornish Coast. The beautiful island of
Tresco boasts sweeping coastal views and a hardy
array of wildlife. Walk from the charming beach
along pretty lanes to the Abbey Gardens, a riot
of tropical colour at this time of year.
Day 7: Wednesday 11 May
We’ve been heading North through the night
towards Wales and our day begins with a drive
through the rolling countryside to St Davids
– Britain’s smallest city. At its heart is a fabulous
12th-century cathedral steeped in Norse legends.
An afternoon Zodiac expedition brings us
close to the cliffs of humble Skomer Island, off
the South West coast. Accessible only by boat,
Skomer has a large population of breeding
seabirds. A keen eye may even catch birds
of prey including short-eared owls, common
kestrels and Peregrine falcons. Here nature yields
to no man. Blossoming wildflowers, grey seals,
common toads, slowworms, and glow-worms
easily outnumber people. Lucky visitors have
even spotted harbour porpoises frolicking
in the surrounding waters.
Day 8: Thursday 12 May
A night’s sailing has taken us into the waters
of another country. The wind billows on deck
as we sail into Dublin this morning, where we
disembark for a captivating half-day sightseeing
tour in search of Guinness, shamrocks and literary
legends. There’s no wonder Ireland made Lonely
Planet’s Top 5 Countries to visit in 2015.
Of course it wouldn’t be Dublin without a trip
to the Guinness Brewery, where the popular ale
has been made since the mid-18th century.
The afternoon is yours to explore as you please.
From the Dún Laoghaire Harbour to the James
Joyce Martello Tower, you’ll be spoiled for choice.
And while the convenient DART rail service to
downtown Dublin makes exploration a piece of
cake, there’s a lot to be said for frittering the hours
away in a quintessential Irish pub.
Day 9: Friday 13 May
In an effort to keep the past alive, the people who
call the Isle of Man home preserve the old ways
of living. The spirit is encapsulated in the heritage
hamlet of Cregneash, where white-washed, stonewalled thatched cottages showcase traditional
crafts and trades. The southern sea-board winds
to Castletown, the former capital where we board
the vintage steam train for a delightful journey
back to Douglas.
Day 10: Saturday 14 May
By dawn, the black and white banded cliffs
of Rathlin Island will be in sight. You’ll find no
cars or buses on this island but if you feel like
exploring, our Zodiacs can take you ashore
among crab and lobster pots, primroses and
wheeling birds. Whether you’re looking to
stretch your legs on a brisk walk over hill and
dale, or simply enjoy a leisurely stroll, our
Expedition Team will escort you on your way.
If you would prefer to stay on board, learn about
the region’s history with a lecture, or simply
relax and enjoy the ship.
The castles of the North Antrim coast bear
the scars of struggle between warring
Gaelic families. We see the rambling ruins of
17th-century Dunluce Castle cling precariously
to its black basalt crag, dramatically framed by
plunging drops, before moving on to discover
a true Irish icon.
The Giant’s Causeway is Northern Ireland’s most
famous landmark. Legend has it that the Irish
giant, Finn McCool constructed the causeway
so he could cross the sea to Scotland. Formed over
50 million years ago, UNESCO has recognised this
unique site with World Heritage status.
Unravel the legend of the Giant’s Causeway, Northern Ireland
New horizons await every day aboard Silver Explorer
Day 11: Sunday 15 May
The bonny dawn guides us into Scottish waters
this morning. Our Zodiacs land us in Duart Bay to
visit one of the most spectacular and unique sites
on the West Coast of Scotland – Duart Castle. We
hope to be welcomed by the 28th chief of the
Maclean clan and castle Lord, Sir Lachlan Maclean,
if he is in residence.
Back aboard Silver Explorer just in time for lunch,
we glide over the water to Tobermory, where we
enjoy our first taste of true Scottish single malt
at the Tobermory Distillery.
Day 12: Monday 16 May
Ha'penny Bridge over the River Liffey in Dublin
At first light, we reach the weather beaten islands
that share their name with Melbourne’s famous
seaside playground. But far from the madding
crowds, this remarkable, uninhabited archipelago
some 50 miles beyond the Outer Hebrides
couldn’t be more different. Millions of nesting
seabirds inhabit the stunning cliffs and sea stacks
to make up the most important seabird breeding
colony in north-west Europe.
As the westernmost landmass in the UK, St Kilda
is also one of the few places in the world to
have received dual World Heritage Status from
UNESCO in recognition of both Natural Heritage
and Cultural Significance. Weather permitting, our
Zodiacs will take us ashore and later cruise past
two of the largest gannetries in the world.
Day 13: Tuesday 17 May
Nestled in the Scottish Highlands, Loch Ewe opens
with the beautiful village of Poolewe. The River Ewe
tumbles under the bridge, forming a small bay. In
earlier times it was a bustling little port where boats
would ply between the mainland and the Outer Isles.
Continuing around the bay is the headland,
where the impossibly beautiful Inverewe Gardens
cascade as far as the eye can see, with an enviable
plant collection that’s sure to impress the green
fingered among our guests.
Day 14: Wednesday 18 May
Day 15: Thursday 19 May
The Orkneys were ruled by Norway until 1468,
when a King gifted them to Scotland in lieu of a
dowry for his daughter’s marriage. Approximately
a third of the 60 islands are inhabited; the rest,
home only to seals and seabirds. The islands are
also peppered with prehistoric monuments like
the Standing Stones of Stenness in the West
Mainland. Rock circles, cairns, standing stones,
ancient tombs and prehistoric villages render the
archipelago a living museum.
Despite a modest population of around 60, the
Shetland Islands’ Fair Isle has made a name for
itself the world over as a prolific purveyor of
knitwear. And the locals are more than happy to
show you on a tour of the arts and crafts centre.
Britain’s most isolated inhabited island is also
a birdwatching mecca. With any luck, we might
catch a glimpse of the Fair Isle Wren.
How you explore the Orkney Islands is up to
you; walk or drive depending on how energetic
you’re feeling.
1. Enjoy a half-day walking tour starting
in Kirkwall’s historic Old Town.
2. Experience the landmarks of the Orkneys
with little walking during a relaxing, half-day
sightseeing drive to further flung reaches.
3. If you’re fascinated by Stone Age archaeology,
you can’t miss a half day excursion to the
ancient sights on the main island. Dating back
to as early as 2700BC, the Ring of Brodgar is
steeped in legend, believed to be part of some
sort of lunar observatory.
The Ring of Brodgar is a sight to behold
Day 16: Friday 20 May
Day 17: Saturday 21 May
Aberdeen is resplendent in affluence. Its strategic
position – close to honey pots of North East oil
reserves – has made it one of Scotland’s wealthiest
enclaves. But it boasts beauty as well as brawn.
Picturesque Leith rests on the shores of the Firth
of Forth. This afternoon, it’s a rare privilege to
board the Royal Yacht Britannia, the Queen’s
former floating residence for a private tour. For
over 44 years, this regal vessel carried the royal
family before her doors opened to the public.
We enjoy more warming Scottish hospitality in
the heart of Edinburgh with two nights at The
Balmoral Hotel.
And there are plenty of ways to enjoy your time
in Aberdeen...
1. Get stuck into a half day fly fishing experience.
You won’t find better salmon or trout than
in these clear and abundant waters.
2. If when you think Scotland, you think whisky,
why not indulge in an authentic Scottish
whisky tour? From Speyside Country, to the
Glenfiddich Distillery, you will never taste single
malt like it.
3. Reveal the charms of Aberdeen on a tour
around the ‘Silver City Beside the Sea’ as history
unfolds between granite, football and fishing.
4. If you’ve been to Aberdeen before, perhaps
you would be keen to discover more of the
surrounding areas? Follow the River Dee to find
out more about this historic glen on our way
to visit Balmoral Castle, the Highland holiday
home of the Royal Family.
Day 18: Sunday 22 May
It's your choice today how you enjoy Edinburgh:
1.Languish over a private visit to Traquair House,
known as Edinburgh's Sistine Chapel, rounded
off with a visit to the Glenkinchie Distillery.
2.So you've developed a taste for castles?
Venture further afield on a full day outing to
see how Sterling's famous fortress compares
to the rest.
3. Visit Holyrood House, the official residence
of the British monarch in Scotland, before
taking the time to browse some Highland
greats at the Scottish National Gallery.
We reconvene this evening for a very special
Farewell Dinner at Mansfield Traquair. Join in the
chefs' celebration of Scotland as local produce
is plated with gusto and finesse.
Day 19: Monday 23 May
We farewell Scotland on our last morning with
one last hearty breakfast before making our way
to the airport this afternoon for our flight home.
Day 20: Tuesday 24 May
White horses swirl around Aberdeen Lighthouse
The fresh air of the British Isles has no doubt
invigorated you. Despite the long flight, there’s
still a noticeable rosy glow to your cheeks as you
land back into Australia this morning. The spirit
of expedition is here to stay.
Experience the iconic Gleneagles Hotel
Gleneagles Hotel
Post Tour Option
Shortbread, whisky, the Edinburgh festival,
kilts, sporrans and bagpipes; there’s certainly
a lot of things Scotland is famous for. But
one of the true great heroes of this brave
and hardy nation is celebrated at the lavish
Gleneagles Hotel. Why not stay on for two
more nights in the Highlands?
Monday 23 May
Add the finishing touch to your trip with
two nights at the quintessentially Scottish
Gleneagles Hotel, famous hosts of the Ryder
Cup. Expect all manner of Scottish treats
in a sumptuous dinner this evening.
Tuesday 24 May
Staying in the lap of luxury, you can tee
off with a round on that famous green,
indulge in the spa, enjoy a spot of fly
fishing or even go hawking for rabbit in the
bonny morn.
Wednesday 25 May
Be our guest to accompany us on a
sightseeing tour of Glasgow, or enjoy one
last morning at the hotel. No doubt you’re
feeling pleasantly relaxed after the celebrity
treatment you’ve received at the Gleneagles
Hotel. You’ve earned bragging rights with
friends and family at home after staying
in a hotel known the world over.
Look forward to a night to remember at Mansfield Traquair, Edinburgh's Sistine Chapel
Boat of Garten
North Sea
Royal Scotsman
A bright morning in Edinburgh
Royal Scotsman
Post Tour Option
Why not indulge your senses with a two
night jaunt on Scotland’s finest train,
exclusively chartered for a maximum of 36 Captain’s Choice guests? Brought to you
by Belmond, the people behind the
Venice Simplon-Orient-Express, we’re pleased
to introduce you to the toast of the glens for
a Highland fling...
Monday 23 May
After breakfast, we’re up and out to meet
the Royal Scotsman at Edinburgh Waverley
Station. Prepare to turn heads as you board
this decadent train and chug past glens,
castles and rolling hills on your way through
the Kingdom of Fife. A sumptuous dinner is
served before an evening’s entertainment
unfolds in the Observation Car.
Tuesday 24 May
Why not try clay pigeon shooting, or a spot
of fishing as the day unfolds? Toast the
Highlands with a visit to Strathisla Distillery
for an aperitif before a formal dinner is
served en route to Dundee.
Wednesday 25 May
We enjoy one last breakfast aboard the
Royal Scotsman before disembarking in
Edinburgh. We transfer to Glasgow by road for
a short tour of the university town. Warmed
by whisky and infectious hospitality, we wave
Scotland goodbye.
Based on per person, twin share in an Adventurer Suite – from Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane
with Emirates. Prices from other cities are available on request.
Economy Class.................................................................................................................................................................................... $21,535
Business Class...................................................................................................................................................................................... $28,640
First Class................................................................................................................................................................................................. $31,260
Passengers travelling in First or Business Class are offered home-airport-home chauffeur driven
car transfers (subject to Emirates’ conditions).
Cruise & Land Only........................................................................................................................................................................... $19,150
(Join for reception in London on Day 2 and depart Glasgow Airport or stay in Edinburgh on Day 19)
Supplements (Add to base tour cost, per person, twin share)
Explorer Suite................................................................................................................................................................................................$360
View Suite....................................................................................................................................................................................................$1,580
Vista Suite....................................................................................................................................................................................................$2,060
Veranda Suite............................................................................................................................................................................................$3,980
Expedition Suite.......................................................................................................................................................................................$6,500
Medallion Suite........................................................................................................................................................................................$8,660
Silver Suite................................................................................................................................................................................................ $10,740
Grand Suite.............................................................................................................................................................................................. $12,900
Owners Suites........................................................................................................................................................................................ $15,060
Single Room Supplement (Add to base tour cost)
Adventurer Suite ..................................................................................................................................................................................$9,570
Explorer Suite .........................................................................................................................................................................................$9,750
View Suite..............................................................................................................................................................................................$15,540
Vista Suite ..............................................................................................................................................................................................$19,800
Veranda Suite ......................................................................................................................................................................................$21,725
Expedition Suite.................................................................................................................................................................................$24,155
Medallion Suite ..................................................................................................................................................................................$26,310
Silver Suite .............................................................................................................................................................................................$28,390
Grand Suite...........................................................................................................................................................................................$30,645
Owners Suites .....................................................................................................................................................................................$32,710
Single suites at above costs are limited, please enquire for details.
Gleneagles Hotel Post Tour Option
Per person, twin share........................................................................................................................................................................$1,950
Single Supplement.................................................................................................................................................................................. $650
Belmond Royal Scotsman Post Tour Option
Per person, twin share........................................................................................................................................................................$3,750
Single Supplement...............................................................................................................................................................................$1,875
Please note: On the expedition cruise, most landings will require guests to board the ship's Zodiacs.
Zodiacs are subject to weather conditions. This itinerary should be used as a guide only. This tour
requires a moderate degree of physical fitness and may not be suitable for all our guests. Please
consult a medical practitioner before booking.
For more information on the ship and a deck plan please refer to page 38 – 39.
Silver Explorer by Silversea Expeditions
Silversea’s purpose-built luxury Silver Explorer Expedition Cruise ship has been designed specifically for navigating waters in some of the world’s
most remote destinations, including both of earth’s polar regions. A fleet of Zodiac boats allows Silversea Expedition guests to visit even the
most off-the-beaten path locations and an expert Expedition Team provides insight and understanding to each unforgettable Silver Explorer
luxury cruise adventure. After spending the day on a dynamic shore excursion, unwind in the ample sitting area or rejuvenate the mind with
a soak in the marbled bathroom’s tub with your choice of bathroom amenities. From each beautifully appointed suite you can watch passing
ocean scenes. Reminisce the day’s travels by journaling at your writing desk. Watch a movie on the flat-screen television. Or fall sound asleep
within the comfort of fine bed linens ­– with your choice of nine pillow types.
Adventurer Suite
Even guests who plan to spend only sleeping
hours in their stateroom will appreciate the
distinctive touches of this cozy suite. Features two
portholes, sitting area and a marbled bathroom
with tub/shower combination.
Size: 14-15m2
Vista Suite
A quiet sanctuary. The suite’s sitting area has
plenty of room to relax while on your cruise. Large
picture windows frame panoramic ocean views,
the perfect backdrop for breakfast in bed. Features
a Large Picture Window, sitting area and a marbled
bathroom with tub/shower combination.
Size: 18m2
Medallion Suite
A mark of distinction. Sumptuous. Spacious. Rich
textures and panoramic views surround you with
distinguished luxury. Features a teak style balcony
with patio furniture and floor-to-ceiling glass
doors, a sitting area and a marbled bathroom with
a full-sized bath and separate shower. Your suite
also includes laundry service.
Size: 37m2 including a private balcony
Explorer Suite
Explorer Suites accommodate three guests and
exude cozy opulence, perfect for unwinding
after a day of exploring ashore. Features a View
Window, a separate sitting area and a marbled
bathroom with tub/shower combination.
Size: 16-18m2
Veranda Suite
A Silversea cruise signature, complete with floorto-ceiling glass doors that open onto a private
balcony. Features a French balcony with floor to
ceiling glass doors, sitting area and a marbled
bathroom with tub/shower combination.
Size: 19-20m2
Silver Suite
Spacious, with a welcoming sitting area, a marbled
bathroom and your own private balcony. Features
two French balconies with floor-to-ceiling glass
doors, a separate living room, walk in wardrobe,
vanity table and a marbled bathroom with a fullsized bath and separate shower. Your suite also
includes laundry service.
Size: 39m2 including two French balconies
View Suite
Welcoming and comfortable, the View Suite
provides a relaxing haven for even the utmost
adventure-seeking guests. Features a View
Window, sitting area and a marbled bathroom
with tub/shower combination.
Size: 18m2
Expedition Suite
Settle in to sumptuous surroundings and feel
instantly “at home” in the Expedition Suite. With
a spacious floor plan and two view windows,
comfort comes easily in this warm and welldesigned space. Features two View Windows, a
living room and a marbled bathroom with a fullsized bath and separate shower. Size: 36-37m2
Grand Suite
Expertly designed and exquisitely appointed.
Features a Teak style balcony with patio furniture
and floor-to-ceiling glass doors, Living room with
sitting area, walk in wardrobe, vanity table and
a marbled bathroom with a full-sized bath and
separate shower. Your suite also includes laundry
service, dry cleaning and pressing plus an internet
and phone package.
Size: 57m2 including a private balcony
Silver Explorer
Ship Specifications
Adventurer Class
Explorer Class
View Suite
Vista Suite
Veranda Suite
Guests: 132
Crew: 115/113
Passenger Decks: 5
Officers: International
Tonnage: 6,072
Length: 354 Feet/107.9 Meters
■ Expedition Suite
■ Medallion Suite
■ Silver Suite
■ Grand Suite
■ Owner’s Suite
Width: 52 Feet/15.8 Meters
Speed: 14 Knots
Refurbished: 2008
Registry: Bahamas
The Bridge
The Theatre
Fitness Centre
The Spa
Outdoor Grill
The Restaurant
Panorama Lounge
Viewing Deck
Deck 7
Deck 6
Deck 5
Deck 4
Deck 3
The following terms and conditions (‘booking conditions’) form
the basis of your contract with Phil Asker Pty Ltd ACN 063 895
876 (‘Captain’s Choice’, ‘we’ or ‘our’). Please read them carefully as
they set out your and our respective rights and obligations. By
asking us to confirm your booking, we are entitled to assume
that you have had the opportunity to read and have read these
booking conditions, that you agree to them and that you agree
to them applying to your holiday arrangements that you book
with us and which we agree to make, provide or perform (as
applicable) as part of our contract with you. References in these
booking conditions to your ‘holiday package’ are references
to the tour or cruise package you have booked with Captain’s
Choice. References to ‘excursions’ are references to short trips or
tours included or available as part of your holiday package.
Governing Law These booking conditions are governed by the
law in force in Victoria, Australia.
Prices – Deposits – Discounts – Payments Your booking price
will be set out in this brochure unless it is varied by advertising
or a special offer, or is changed after the publication date for
any reason, including without limitation, to cover changes in
government taxes and charges, exchange rate variations, fuel
surcharges, airline charges, a force majeure event or other
material increases by suppliers. A $4,000 security deposit per
person, per holiday package, is required at the time of the
booking. Deposit requirements may vary when booking a special
offer, a suite or cabin not listed in the brochure and for some
single supplement arrangements. Final payment of the balance
of your holiday package price is due 12 weeks prior to departure.
Captain’s Choice reserves the right to cancel any ticket, or
booking, or to refuse to carry any passenger where payment has
not been received by Captain’s Choice within the specified time.
All fares and charges are in Australian currency. Payment in full is
required at time of booking for reservations made less than
12 weeks before departure from Australia or New Zealand.
If Captain’s Choice is unable to confirm your reservation, all
monies will be refunded.
Included in Holiday Package Price All travel, accommodation,
airfares (as indicated in individual itinerary), gratuities, transfers,
sightseeing, specified excursions, meals, admissions, port charges,
taxes and the services of a Tour Manager as stated in your itinerary.
Transfers Airport transfers are included on arrival at, and
departure from your destination at designated times, unless
otherwise stated. No refund will be given for unused transfers.
Transfers cannot be re-routed to other pick-up points or
destinations. Should the selected airline offer airport transfers,
these will be utilised subject to airlines terms and conditions.
Passengers who miss the pre-booked transfers must make their
own way to/from the ship/hotel at their own expense. Some
holiday packages include group transfers from or in between
airports/hotels/ships and vice versa. A group transfer is generally
a shared transfer departing at a set time and the type of vehicle
used will normally be dependent upon the size of the group.
Not Included in Tour Price Passport and visa charges,
vaccinations and on-tour suggested medications, items of a
purely personal nature (laundry bills, bar bills, phone calls, etc),
expenses incurred for items purchased away from group tour
(meals, tours, transport, etc), excess luggage, insurance for
extensions to travel dates/pre-existing medical conditions/age
loading fees, arrival and departure transfers (for cruise and land
only guests), plus any other items not mentioned in this brochure.
Select options are included unless otherwise indicated but may
be limited by capacity. Wine, beer & soft drink are included at
dinner; drinks at other times are at additional expense.
Gratuities Have been included for all services as indicated in the
itinerary on all Captain’s Choice Tours and cannot be redeemed
for a cash refund.
Twin or Double Rooms Accommodation in all hotels, regardless
of the rating, is in standard rooms (sometimes named superior/
deluxe) based on twins or doubles unless otherwise stated.
Solo Travellers A limited number of single rooms/suites/cabins
may be available by request at the time of booking your holiday
package. We will guarantee to arrange for single travellers to
share a room in hotels only to avoid incurring additional costs.
We may accommodate a smoker and a non smoker together, in
this instance the room provided will be a non smoking room. If
preferred, a single room supplement price is offered if you wish
to have single room occupancy.
Passengers Needing Special Assistance Captain’s Choice
welcomes passengers with disabilities or special needs provided
they are accompanied by a companion capable of providing all
necessary assistance. Any disability or medical condition requiring
special attention must be reported to Captain’s Choice at the time
of booking. A Fitness / Activity statement will be sent to you with
your invoice at the time of making your reservation. This statement
must be completed and returned to Captain’s Choice to confirm
your reservation. Captain’s Choice will make reasonable efforts to
accommodate the special needs of disabled passengers, but is
not responsible for any denial of services by carriers, hotels, trains,
restaurants or other independent suppliers, or for any additional
associated expenses. Wheelchairs and walkers cannot be carried
on coaches, due to space limitations. Captain’s Choice is unable to
provide individual assistance to any passenger for walking, dining,
boarding or alighting coaches or other transportation vehicles or
other personal needs.
fees. Captain’s Choice is not liable for delays or disruptions of air
travel, or consequential costs associated with air travel. Internal
flight connections are in Economy class unless specified. Once
tickets are issued Captain’s Choice will have no other liability and
will not be responsible for refunding the cost of any services
booked in conjunction with the flights.
Health & Fitness A good level of fitness and health is required
to participate on a Captain’s Choice holiday package. In some
destinations there are extensive sightseeing excursions by foot,
which can include climbing of stairs and walking on uneven
surfaces. Mobility is needed boarding or alighting coaches, cruise
ships and trains. We recommend a visit to the doctor and dentist
before travelling to overseas destinations. It is your responsibility
to advise Captain’s Choice of any pre-existing medical conditions
that may affect the normal conduct of a holiday package and the
enjoyment of other passengers. A doctor will travel with the group
for the duration of the tour. A doctor may or may not accompany
Select Options. The doctor is an independent registered medical
practitioner who is available to provide immediate but limited
medical attention to tour guests should the need arise. The
doctor carries his or her own independent professional indemnity
insurance and carries a limited amount of medical supplies.
Phil Asker Pty Ltd is not responsible or liable for any advice or
treatment that may be provided by the doctor, or any failure on
the part of the doctor to fully diagnose or treat any medical injury
or condition which may arise or be identified during the course
of the tour. Due to exclusions in professional indemnity insurance,
Australian doctors are unable to provide medical services whist
travelling in the United States or its territorial waters. In lieu, the
Tour Doctor will assist in arranging local medical services during
this time. You are responsible for all charges that result from
visiting a medical facility, or for a medical practitioner, other than
the Tour Doctor visiting you. Captain’s Choice is not responsible
for the type or quality of the medical services you may receive.
A Fitness / Activity statement is available on our website.
Travel Insurance We suggest that all passengers take out travel
insurance. The price of your all inclusive air and land package
includes a travel insurance policy underwritten and managed by
Cerberus Special Risks Pty Ltd ABN 81 115 932 173 AFS License
No. 308461 and underwritten by certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s.
Travel insurance is provided as part of the all inclusive air and
land package only, subject to meeting the requirements of the
Insurer. Any information provided in the brochure is general and
does not consider your objectives, financial situation or needs. To
decide if this travel insurance meets your needs, you should refer
to the Product Disclosure Statement (‘PDS’) available from www. If you elect to decline the included travel
insurance, the tour price will be reduced by the amount of the
policy. You are required to advise Captain’s Choice of your alternate
insurance arrangements prior to making your final tour payment.
The combined Financial Services Guide and Product Disclosure
Statement will be provided when you enquire into this package.
Visa & Passports All passengers must have a passport that is
valid for at least six months after the holiday package return date.
Passengers are solely responsible for meeting necessary passport
requirements and paying all associated costs. Details of visa
requirements and applicable application forms will be sent to you
by Captain’s Choice approximately 16 weeks prior to departure.
Captain’s Choice will lodge your applications and endeavour to
obtain the required visas on your behalf (at an additional cost).
Excursions The timing of the excursions on all holiday packages
may differ slightly for each package. The published times are
a guide only, and are subject to change without notice. It is
impossible for large coaches to be used for some city sightseeing
excursions and many towns and cities will be visited by way of
walking tours. Clients must be able to climb ramps to embark
or disembark cruise ships. Depending on river levels, these may
have a number of steep steps. Holiday packages may include
time in high altitude regions.
Select Options Minimum and maximum group numbers apply
on some Select Options. If your first choice of Select Option is
unavailable you may be asked to choose an alternative.
Public Holidays/Festivals Virtually all countries have public
holidays, religious or otherwise. The festivities may temporarily
disrupt your holiday and some religious holidays may result in a
reduction of facilities and entertainment.
Late Bookings & Special Offers Late booking promotions
and special offers do not apply to existing bookings unless
otherwise stated.
Airfares Air travel is arranged with independent airlines.
Captain’s Choice will arrange air travel as advertised in
connection with your holiday package. All airfares are subject
to flight and booking class availability. Airport taxes vary for
each departure point and routing. Airline schedules are subject
to change without notice. There are occasions when airlines
change their schedules and this may affect the operation
of the tour. If an airline schedule change occurs Captain’s
Choice cannot be held responsible, but we will endeavour to
find the most suitable connection according to the original
itinerary. Once air tickets are issued, airline amendment and/or
cancellation fees apply and, in some cases, are non-refundable.
Name changes, voluntary date and schedule changes will incur
Out of Date Range Flights If airlines have not published their
schedule at the time this brochure was printed, or at the time
of booking, Captain’s Choice will estimate the cost of airfares
connected with your holiday package. When the airline releases
flight inventory and airfares, Captain’s Choice will confirm seats
and pricing to you by sending you an updated invoice.
Travel Information & Documents After booking, you will
receive an invoice with all important information relevant to
your holiday package. We strongly recommend you check the
details carefully and read the included information. Tickets, final
itineraries, detailed travel information and a list of passenger
names and suburb of residence will be forwarded to you
approximately two weeks prior to departure. If you do not wish
your name to appear on the passenger list, please advise your
tour consultant at the time of booking.
Special Requests Where a special request (eg. diet, room location,
twin or double bedded room, a particular facility at a hotel, flight
seat requests and/or particular meals) is an important factor in
your choice of holiday, you must advise us when your booking
is made. Captain’s Choice will pass your request onto the hotel,
airline or other supplier but cannot guarantee that it will be
accommodated. Captain’s Choice will also pass on any dietary
requests to the airline, but we strongly recommend that you check
directly with the airline once your tickets have been issued. The
provision of any special request does not constitute a term of your
contract with us. Confirmation that a special request has been
noted, passed on to the supplier, confirmed on your invoice or any
other documentation, is not confirmation that the request will,
or can, be met. Unless and until specifically confirmed, all special
requests are subject to availability.
Credit Card Surcharges If you pay Captain’s Choice by credit card,
a credit card surcharge of 2% will be added to your tour price.
Use AMEX points to pay You can use your AMEX Membership
Reward Points to pay for part or all of your tour. You can even use
points to pay for your deposit. $100 of travel = 10,000 points.
Changes or Additions to Your Holiday If you want to change
any part of your holiday arrangements after the invoice has been
issued, we will do our best to make the change but it may not
be possible. If it is possible to make the change, it will be subject
to an administration charge and payment of any further costs
incurred as a result of the change.
Cancellation Policy For all holiday packages in this brochure,
the following Captain’s Choice cancellation fees apply:
Days of Notice:
12 weeks or more
Less than 12 weeks
Fee Per Person
Loss of deposit
100% of holiday package price
All cancellations must be received in writing by Captain’s Choice
and are not effective until this notification has been received. If
your holiday has commenced, 100% of the full holiday package
price is charged. There is no refund for unused services, or if
portions of the holiday package are missed.
Additional cancellation fees may also be charged in respect of
accommodation reserved outside the holiday package dates.
These cancellation fees are in addition to any fees that may be
levied by Captain’s Choice.
Cancellation of Airfares Scheduled airlines normally regard
name changes and changes to departure dates as a cancellation
and rebooking may attract a cancellation fee. Applicable
cancellation fees may amount to 100% of the airfare.
Captain’s Choice endeavours to provide you with all the
services confirmed to you at the time of your booking.
However, we plan arrangements a long time in advance of your
departure date using independent suppliers such as airlines,
hotels etc., over whom we have no direct control. On occasions
changes do have to be made, Captain’s Choice reserves
the right to cancel or amend holiday packages/excursions
accordingly. All tours require a minimum number of bookings
in order to be financially viable and to have a pleasant group
atmosphere. In the event adequate numbers cannot be
achieved, it may be necessary to cancel a scheduled departure
and offer an alternative tour (or a refund of the monies paid for
arrangements made by Captain’s Choice).
Brochure Accuracy Captain’s Choice has endeavoured to
ensure that the information given in this brochure about
accommodation, itineraries etc., is correct at the time of going to
print. However, advertised descriptions, facilities and prices may
change after publication. We recommend that you confirm the
details of your chosen holiday package at the time of booking.
Additionally, flight times, carriers and routes in the brochure are
given for guidance only as there may be changes. Final details
will be shown on your tickets. Holiday package or excursion
itineraries may change or be different from those described in
the brochure as a result of local conditions, weather conditions
and annual events. Captain’s Choice will endeavour to notify you
of any significant changes prior to your departure.
Flight Changes The flight timings shown in our brochure, on
our website and detailed on your confirmation invoice are for
guidance only, and are subject to alteration and confirmation.
Flight timings are set by airlines and could be affected by
events outside our control. Scheduled and charter flight
timings and days of operation are also subject to change.
Captain’s Choice will advise you of any significant changes as
soon as it is informed by the airline. Minor timing changes will
be shown on your flight tickets. Any change in the identity of
the airline, flight timings or aircraft type (if advised) will not
entitle you to cancel or change to other arrangements without
paying any applicable cancellation fees, except where specified
in these booking conditions.
Force Majeure Force Majeure means the occurrence of an
event that is beyond Captain’s Choice’s reasonable control and
which could not have been reasonably prevented by Captain’s
Choice, which includes, but is not limited to: (a) war, armed
conflict, criminal damage, riot, civil strife, industrial dispute,
terrorist activity or the threat of any such acts; (b) natural disaster
(including but not limited to flooding, fire, earthquake, landslide),
adverse weather conditions, high or low water levels; (c) nuclear
or other industrial accident causing environmental pollution
or contamination; or (d) change in law, meaning, enactment,
amendment (including repeal) in the law or administration of
any law in Australia or any jurisdiction or territory relevant to the
booking contract, which includes changes in statute, regulation,
determination, by-law, declaration, licence and the common law
as applicable from time to time.
Termination of Booking Contract or Change of Travel
Arrangements Due to Force Majeure
If Captain’s Choice, in its reasonable opinion, considers that
any Force Majeure event prevents Captain’s Choice (whether
directly or through its employees, contractors, subcontractors
and agents) from lawfully or safely providing any products or
services subject of the booking contract with you, Captain’s
Choice may immediately by written notice: (a) terminate the
booking contract (in whole or in part); or (b) change your travel
arrangements as reasonably practicable to ensure your safety
and invoice you for any additional costs.
Limitation of Liability in the Event of Force Majeure In the
event that Captain’s Choice cancels or changes your travel
arrangements in any way due to a Force Majeure event, Captain’s
Choice will not be liable to you in contract, tort, statute or
restitution for any loss (including, but not limited to, loss of deposit
or purchase price and loss of enjoyment), damage, costs, charges,
expenses or injury resulting from or in connection with (whether
directly or indirectly): (a) the cancellation or change to your travel
arrangements; or (b) the Force Majeure event. Captain’s Choice is
not liable to refund any part of the deposit or purchase price paid
by you if Captain’s Choice subsequently changes or cancels your
travel arrangements in connection with a Force Majeure event.
Force Majeure events are unpredictable and beyond Captain’s
Choice’s control. It is your responsibility to purchase travel
insurance to adequately protect yourself against these risks.
Local Purchases Captain’s Choice is not responsible for any
items you may purchase locally i.e. jewellery/furniture etc. You
acknowledge that you are solely responsible for any import duty
or freight costs.
Personal Belongings & Lost Items For security reasons valuables
should be kept to a minimum and packed in your hand luggage
along with your medicines, camera, electrical or battery-operated
appliances, as well as basic essentials such as a change of clothing
and toiletries. It is your responsibility to look after your property
at all times and you must ensure you are adequately covered by
comprehensive travel insurance in the event of any loss.
Disruption to Tour & Itinerary Arrangements Itineraries are
intended as a guide only, and are subject to alteration without
notice. Alternations may be necessary for various reasons
including, without limitation, road, river or weather conditions,
strikes or other reasons beyond Captain’s Choice’s reasonable
control. If conditions render any routes unsafe for navigation,
Captain’s Choice reserves the right to provide alternative services
including, but not limited substitute land arrangements. Under
normal conditions, itineraries will operate as far as possible as
detailed in this brochure. However, sometimes for reasons beyond
our control, it may be necessary to make alterations to your
itinerary. Captain’s Choice will not be liable for any direct or indirect
costs that you incur as a result of any event or other factor beyond
our control which necessitates a change in your itinerary.
Data Protection Policy Your personal data may be passed
on by Captain’s Choice to any relevant independent suppliers,
government/public authorities such as customs, immigration
and the security services connected with your holiday package.
All personal data you give us (including sensitive personal data)
will be kept. Credit card details are not retained. We will use
only names and contact details for marketing purposes, unless
you notify us that you do not wish to receive future marketing
material by writing to Captains Choice, Level 4, 1230 Nepean
Highway, Cheltenham, Victoria 3192, Australia.
Limitation of Liability
1. Our holiday packages include the services of independent
providers, such as hoteliers, airlines, cruise companies and
other operators, who are not agents, servants or employees
of Captain’s Choice. Although we take care in selecting the
independent service providers, and the optional excursions
conducted by some independent service providers, Captain’s
Choice is not responsible for the conduct of the independent
service providers, their servants and agents or for any
ramifications of that conduct. Optional excursions may,
depending on your holiday package, include activities such as
climbing, exploring, bike riding, swimming and snorkelling. You
accept and assume the risk involved with these activities.
2. If, in the opinion of any representative of Captain’s Choice, your
mental or physical condition is such as to affect your own health
and safety, render you incapable to care for yourself, cause you
to became a hazard to yourself or other passengers, or result in
you becoming objectionable to other passengers or staff, you
will not be permitted to embark or continue on the whole or any
part of the holiday package. Captain’s Choice is not liable to you
for any costs associated with such decision and you will not be
refunded for any part of the holiday package.
3. Captain’s Choice accepts no responsibility for any death, injury,
illness, loss (including loss of enjoyment), damage, detention,
delay (including mechanical breakdown) beyond its control.
4. Any term, condition or warranty express or implied by statute
or otherwise in respect of the holiday packages contained
in this brochure are excluded to the full extent permitted by
law. Nothing in these booking conditions excludes, restricts or
modifies the application of the Competition and Consumer Act
2010 (Cth) as amended, consolidated, supplemented or replaced.
5. To the full extent permitted by law, Captain’s Choice’s liability
arising under or in connection with these booking conditions:
(a)is limited to the re-supply of the products or services or the
payment of the cost of re-supply of the products or services
to you; and
(b)excludes liability for any indirect or consequential losses
suffered by you or any third party, howsoever caused,
including but not limited to pure economic loss or any special,
extraordinary or punitive damage to you or any other party.
6. Your travel agent will forward deposits and other payments to
us on your behalf, but your travel agent is not our agent for the
purpose of receipt of monies. Receipt of deposits and subsequent
payments by the travel agent does not constitute receipt of those
monies by us and the travel agent has no authority expressed or
implied to receive monies on our behalf. There is no liability on
the part of Captain’s Choice in respect to any monies paid to your
travel agent, unless and until Captain’s Choice notifies you (by way
of a booking confirmation advice or payment receipt advice) that
monies have been received by Captain’s Choice. Captain’s Choice
reserves the right to cancel any ticket or booking or refuse to carry
any passenger where payment has not been received by Captain’s
Choice within the specified time.
Responsible Service of Alcohol Where staff are responsible for
service of alcohol, they are obligated by law to refuse service to
any guest who, in their reasonable opinion, appears to be or is
intoxicated, or behaves in an aggressive or offensive manner.
Medical Assistance You are responsible for all charges that result
from visiting a medical facility, or for a medical practitioner, other
than the Tour Doctor, visiting you. Captain’s Choice is not responsible
for the type or quality of the medical services you may receive.
Captains Club Details including the range of benefits are
available on our website at:
Smoking For other passengers’ comfort there is no smoking on
coaches or cruise ships, except in designated areas. All sectors of
trains, buses and confined areas are non-smoking. Most flights are
now non-smoking in accordance with international agreements.
Service Enquiries If a problem occurs during your holiday
you should, in your own interests, advise your tour manager
so that steps can be taken to resolve the matter. If you remain
dissatisfied, any complaint must be made in writing to Captain’s
Choice within 30 days.
Luggage Limits Each airline has policies relating to luggage
limits and category of seat. Additional charges may apply for
excess luggage.
Photo/Video Photographs or videos of the tour may be taken,
which may be used for promotional purposes. If you submit
photographs to be included on the group’s DVD of images we
reserve the right to publish them in future promotional material.
Completion of your registration/booking form and acceptance
of documents indicates your acceptance and release for this
material to be used for promotional or resale purposes.
Maps Within This Publication Note that maps may not be to scale.
Images Within This Publication Some images in this
publication are copyright, and have been reproduced with
permission. Captains Choice would like to thank the Westin
Melbourne for their support. Photos courtesy of: VisitBritain –
Page 31 Edinburgh Tattoo ©VisitBritain / Pawel Libera; Page 33
Ben Nevis, Scotland ©VisitBritain / Joe Cornish.
Price & itineraries valid from 1 April 2016 - 31 March 2017.
Publication is valid from 31 January 2015 and supersedes all
previous publications. This brochure may be superseded by
another brochure featuring the same tours.
Captain's Choice is proud to hold the ATAS
accreditation. The AFTA Travel Accreditation
Scheme (ATAS) is an industry accreditation
scheme that sets the benchmark of quality
for the travel industry.
ATAS accreditation #A11188
Captain’s Choice offers a number of unique travel experiences.
Visit for more details or to
download a brochure.
Reservations may be made with:
Captain’s Choice, Level 4, 1230 Nepean Highway,
Cheltenham, Victoria 3192, Australia.
Telephone: 61 3 8814 5700. Fax: 61 3 8814 5799.
Freecall: 1800 650 738 within Australia.