June 2016 A Peek Inside Dolley Madison
June 2016 A Peek Inside Dolley Madison
June 2016 Volume 24 Number 8 7 1 5 C A M P U S S T . · M I L T O N W I S C O N S I N 5 3 5 6 3 Maggie May: Certified Therapy Dog Maggie May was adopted in May 2009 from the Rock County Humane Society by Deb Stover. Maggie had been in the kennel area for two hours and was frightened beyond belief. She was a non-descript little shorthaired gray dog whose owner released her as unfriendly and untrainable. But she blossomed into a confident, affectionate Lhasa Apso quickly. Deb learned about Therapy Dogs International, the oldest and largest certified therapy dog organization in the country. She noticed that Maggie’s true calling was working with children. That was when she started looking into their tail waggin’ tutor program. Maggie was certified as a therapy dog in August, 2010. Out of over 24,000 dogs there are only 49 Lhasa Apsos certified. After being certified, Maggie started working with children at the Milton Public Library, Hedberg Public Library and Jefferson Elementary School as a tail waggin’ tutor. Deb will share Maggie’s story, what they have accomplished and of course, Maggie’s “magic” with her reading, math skills and dog tricks. Join Maggie and Deb on Wednesday, June 22 at 1:30 p.m. as they explain how her therapy has helped children and adults. There is no charge and this is open to the public. Dolley Madison : “The Lady Who Saved Washington” Jessica Michna returns to The Gathering Place as Dolley Madison. Jessica's portrayals of First Ladies and other historic women have entertained audiences throughout the Midwest. Charming, flamboyant and strong willed, Dolley Madison was tested in the calamity of the War of 1812. Born into a Quaker family, Dolley was raised to be obedient and well behaved. Early in her life she married a man selected by her father. Dolley would soon be strengthened by adversity. Widowed at an early age she would then be courted by Congressman James Madison. As First Lady, Dolley would become the Grand Dame of Washington. We meet Dolley as she returns to Washington after the death of President Madison and the loss of their home, Montpelier. You may remember Jessica and her portrayal of the Salem Witch character. Her presentation will be held on Thursday, June 2 at 2:00 p.m. Be sure to arrive early so you don’t miss a minute. 6 0 8 · 8 6 8 · 3 5 0 0 A Peek Inside Page 2 Director’s Report Prez Sez Page 3 Trips Page 4 & 6 Special Events Page 8 Fun & Games Page 10 Healthy Living Pages 11 & 12 Menu & Calendar Page 15 Movies Page 16 Clubs and Classes Page 18 Library Page 19 TGP Directory GREETINGS FROM THE DIRECTOR “A man can be short and dumpy and getting bald, but if he has fire, women will like him”. Mae West On Monday May 2, at approximately 8:45 a.m. I noticed smoke billowing through the tree on the south side of the building. It dawned on me that John had to be up to something, I was right. He and Tom Tinder had a blaze going on the Rogers Street property burning up a year’s worth of dead tree limbs and brush. Without hesitation my feet took me to them, I simply had to be there. We said little, just watched in amazement. Before long the unsightly pile had turned into a circle of ashes. So I ask, “What is it about men and fire?” Have you ever noticed that when a fire is started, inevitably it’s started by a man? In a fireplace, the ditch in the front yard or the back yard barbeque. When a fire is started men mysteriously show up? They simply just want to watch. Fire is definitely mesmerizing. It taps into so many of our senses. Sight: a fire is quite unique and watching the flames change and dance is intriguing and peaceful. Sound: the crackle of the burning logs is soothing to the ears. Smell: The distinct aroma of burning wood. Feel: The warmth of the flame is comforting especially on a cold evening. And when it all comes together, you’re hooked. You can’t stop staring and getting lost in thought. Fire starters and flame gazers run rampant in my family. When my son and his brothers-in-law get together on the homestead, for whatever occasion, inevitably a fire breaks out in the backyard. This motley crew often vanishes from the function and can be found huddled together around a newly started blaze. Another phenomenon synonymous with this gathering is the consumption of alcohol and the smoking of cigars! Beer, I can understand, but cigars!? None of them smoke. They claim the “fire” brings it out of them. Next time you see smoke floating aloft or recognize the aroma of fire in the air, follow your senses. I’m sure, like gold at the end of a rainbow you’ll find men in their glorious splendor. I know Paul Harvey would concur, “Where there is smoke, there is fire and MEN!” Dave PRES SEZ One of the longest continuously running activities at The Gathering Place is the Blue Notes choir. The Blue Notes are not sponsored by or officially a part of The Gathering Place. TGP has allowed them to use the facility on each Wednesday morning during the school year to practice for the past 23 years. The Blue Notes present two concert series each year. They perform for nursing home facilities and schools in the area and one program at The Gathering Place. About 10 concerts are included in each series. Most of the singers are members of The Gathering Place. The group is self sustaining financially. Donations are accepted from the facilities that they perform at. Those donations are used to present a college scholarship to a student from one of the high schools districts that the Blue Notes members live in. New music copies are also purchased for our use. The Gathering Place does not include the Blue Notes in the activities budget. The only support given is the use of building. Three members of the Blue Notes have been recognized for being members of the group since its beginning. Shirley Anderson, Janet Hudson and Don Russell were given certificates of recognition of their continuous membership. New members to the group are always welcome to join. The practices are held at 10:15 each Wednesday morning during the school year. Practice is held in the lower level of TGP. There are no “try outs”. Any one that would like to sing with a fun group is welcome. Recently while at Milton Family Restaurant after a concert, I confided that finding topics for this monthly column was difficult. One of the members suggested that I write about the Blue Notes. She asked me to stress the need for new members to the group. We have fun at our practices and even more fun and satisfaction at the concerts that we present to nursing home residents. The look of joy on their faces when they recognize one of our songs that they recognize from their younger days is more payment than anyone can imagine. Often we see members of the audience singing with us. I invite you to join us on the second Wednesday of September and see how much fun you have been missing. (Photo of Blue Notes on back page) Gene TRIPS June Fishing Trip What: Charter Fishing Where: Lake Michigan, Port Washington When: Tuesday, June 21, 2016 Cost: $100 per person RSVP and payment due upon reservation The Gathering Place Fishing Club is sponsoring its fourth annual charter fishing trip to Lake Michigan. The trip is scheduled for Tuesday, June 21, 2016 leaving The Gathering Place at 9:30 a.m. and returning by 9:00 p.m. The cost of the trip is $100 per person. The payment is due upon reservation. There is a maximum of six fishermen per boat. More than one charter boat is available. Reservations are based on first come payments. In the event there is not enough fishermen to fill a boat in six person increments, reservation money will be returned. General information for the trip include · Bring a sack lunch. We plan to picnic at the harbor prior to fishing. · Bring soft soled comfortable shoes, sunglasses, sunscreen, snacks, beverages, camera, rain gear and a cooler to bring back your catch. · Fishing stamps/license may be purchased on the boat for $14.00. We will stop for dinner in Port Washington on the way back home. Dinner is on your own. Make your reservations early. If there are any questions contact Dave Fisher at 868-3500. Brewers Baseball! Thursday, June 30 Cost: $60.00 What better way to spend a summer day! Gather up your friends, neighbors and grandchildren to attend our annual Milwaukee Brewers baseball game! The Brewers will be taking on the Los Angeles Dodgers. Your trip includes a Motorcoach as well as your ticket to the game. We have seats on the third level between home plate and first base. You will also have access to the Concourse Clubhouse on that level which is air conditioned. There are tables and chairs in case you need a break from the heat. Lunch is on your own and this concourse has many menu options available. You may also bring your own lunch and snacks in a soft sided cooler. Your bag will be inspected as you enter the stadium. The coach will leave The Gathering Place at 10:30 a.m. and return around 5:00 p.m. Plan on a large amount of walking to and from the parking lot and up to the third level in the stadium. Payment due upon reservation. Limited seats available. South Pacific Wonders October 31-November 14, 2016 15 Days 9 Meals $6,949 Double Air Fare included featuring Australia and New Zealand Please contact Sara for more details. June · 2016 l Page 3 S PECIAL EVENTS Canary Blue Kicks off Concerts in the Park! The Concerts in the Park summer series will kick-off on Thursday, June 9. The 2016 Summer Concert in the Park series is organized by The Gathering Place and made possible by a grant from the Milton Fund. There is no charge to attend. Our first concert will feature Canary Blue from Chicago. Canary Blue is one of the Midwest’s favorite bands. Their high energy show includes a unique variety of popular music that all ages will enjoy. They will perform soft rock classics as well as current hits. Included will be a set of hits by Heart, a famous 80’s band that will feature lead vocalist Lynn Lupo. The concert will be held at North Goodrich Park and will run from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Grilled hamburgers will be for sale beginning at 5:30 p.m. A 50/50 raffle will be held throughout the evening with all the proceeds going to support The Gathering Place. In case of inclement weather, the concert will be held at The Gathering Place. Senior Farmers’ Market Voucher Eligible seniors receive vouchers worth $25 per household to purchase locally grown produce at approved farmers’ markets. The purpose of the program is to: Provide fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs from farmers’ markets and roadside stands to low income seniors, and increase the consumption of agricultural commodities by expanding or aiding in the expansion of farmer’s markets and roadside stands. Who is Eligible? Rock County residents age 60 or older (Native Americans age 55 or older) with a monthly household income that does not exceed $1832 for one person or $2,470 for two people. Eligible households may receive vouchers only once in 2016. How Do I Get These Vouchers? Vouchers will be distributed at seven locations in Rock County. The number of vouchers available is limited and will be distributed on a first come, first served basis. Distribution at The Gathering Place will be on Friday, June 24 from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Knitted Knockers for Breast Cancer Patients If you are a mastectomy patient or know of a mastectomy patient that would like to try a knitted prostheses or have the pattern to knit your own, please contact Sue at the Gathering Place and she will let the knitters know. These prostheses are called “Knitted Knockers” and can be seen on the internet by that name. There is no charge to have a pair made or for the pattern. Page 4 l The Gathering Place Monthly Newsletter Pastries on the Patio By Mary Jurgens Jones You are invited to Pastries on the Patio on Wednesday, June 15 and Wednesday, June 29 at 10:00 a.m. The TGP gardens are blooming beautifully and our new and comfortable patio furniture is in place. Thank you to our ‘special ladies” whose donations made our furniture possible. Join Mary on the patio for coffee and sweet treats as well as lively conversation! Hope to see you there! ❋♦ ✁✂ ✄☎✆♦✝ ✞✁✟✟ ✠♦✟✟✡✡☎ ☛✁☎✞☞✡✌✍✄ ✁✎ ✏✑✒✓✓✑✔✕✓✑✔✔✕✖ ✗ ✘✘✘✝✳✟✙✄✝✞♦✚ ❚☞✡ ❤✁✎☞✡ ✄☎✐ ✛✟✁✞✡✱ ☛✄✟✎♦☎✱ ❲✜✝ ❆ ✳✠ ✓✏✑✏✏✳✢ SPECIAL EVENTS MacFarlane Pheasant Farm Program Cocktails and Fireflies MacFarlane Pheasants, Inc has been in the game bird business since 1929 and has grown to be the largest pheasant producer in North America. Bill MacFarlane, owner of McFarlane Farms will discuss the extensive history of MacFarlane Pheasants along with how the farm came to be and what it took to survive as a pheasant farmer in 1929. His presentation will cover the early years of operation and the changes that were needed to expand throughout the United States and other countries. Not only will you see the farm in the past but will also see a virtual tour of what the farm is today. Join us for this fascinating program on Tuesday, June 7 at 1:30 p.m. Open to the public. We are hosting a cocktail party in The Gathering Place gardens on Thursday evening, July 21 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 and that includes Music and Appetizers. Call today at 8683500 to reserve your spot at Flowers and Fireflies Cocktail Party. Limited tickets available. Sue’s Lunch Trip It’s summer time so we need to head to the water. In the summer of 2014 The Anchor Inn in Newville was totally destroyed by a fire. This month we are going to check out the re-built Anchor Inn on Tuesday, June 21. We will be leaving The Gathering Place at 10:30 a.m. Please let the receptionist know when you sign up if you are able to drive. Blue Notes Vacation The Blue Notes Chorus will be on hiatus until September. Plenty of time to get your friends, family and church choir members to sign up for the Blue Notes! See you in September! Lilly Love Massage! Massage Therapist Jennifer Henze, LMT is a licensed massage therapist who graduated from Blue Sky School of Massage in Madison, WI in 2011. Jennifer is offering either 15 or 30 minutes long ($15 or $30) massages. She will be here on the first and third Thursday mornings from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. In June she will be here on the 2nd and 16th. You pay Jennifer at the time of your massage. You are fully clothed and sit in a chair. You do need to schedule an appointment with the receptionist. Brain Games Volunteers of the Year! Congrats to Jim and Clara King, our 2015 Volunteers of the Year! We are so grateful and proud of you! Again Thank You! Page 6 l The Gathering Place Monthly Newsletter Brain health is an important piece of our overall wellbeing. Join Cori Marsh on Friday, June 10, at 11 a.m. as we work towards putting our best brains forward. This will be a fun, lively time with trivia, quizzes, brainteasers and other brain games. EXTRA, EXTRA Quilt Display Attention! Our quilt display in June is provided by Caroline Britton. This is an original quilt pattern by Caroline that she made 15 years ago. It has flowers embroidered in the middle of the blocks and polished cotton on the outside border of flowers. Just a perfect quilt to display in our conference room for spring and summer. If you would like to display your own handmade quilt, please take a picture and bring it to Sue Eckert, Program Coordinator. We change the quilt display every other month so there is plenty of opportunity to show your handiwork. Once again we are taking cash donations for the vegetables for this year’s Fish Boil fundraiser. Please turn the donations into Dave. Thank you! Alterations Janet Butler is at TGP every Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Janet owns her own business called “Sew Affordable,” located in her Janesville home. Please note: Janet will not be here on Thursday, June 16 and 23. Icy Pops Needed! Icy Pops are needed for the annual Fourth of July parade in Milton. The Gathering Place hands them out along the parade route. Our goal this year is 4,000 icy pops. We have already started to amass many but we are still in need of many more. Please drop them off at TGP and as usual we are very grateful for the donations! ❋♦ ✁✂ ✄☎✆♦✝ ✞✁✟✟ ✠♦✟✟✡✡☎ ☛✁☎✞☞✡✌✍✄ ✁✎ ✏✑✒✓✓✑✔✕✓✑✔✔✕✖ ✗ ✘✘✘✝✳✟✙✄✝✞♦✚ ❚☞✡ ❤✁✎☞✡ ✄☎✐ ✛✟✁✞✡✱ ☛✄✟✎♦☎✱ ❲✜✝ ❊ ✳✠ ✓✏✑✏✏✳✢ Evening Bingo! Euchre Evening BINGO is back for the summer! It is sponsored by The Friends of The Gathering Place. Join us on Wednesday, June 15 at 6:00 p.m. There will be a dessert served at break time. Cost is only fifty cents per card with a maximum of four cards. Cash prizes are awarded. Every Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. It is a noncompetitive game and we are all about fun! No need to sign up. Monday Afternoon Pinochle The Pinochle group always welcomes new players! Pinochle will be played every Monday afternoon starting at 1:00 p.m. Men’s Pool Daytime Bingo Ever wonder why people get excited when they yell “Bingo”? Join us for Friends of TGP Bingo on Thursday, June 9 at 1:00 p.m. Then on Tuesday, June 28 at 1:00 p.m. Bingo is sponsored by Huntington Place. Cash prizes are awarded. Cost is only fifty cents per card with a maximum of four cards. Snacks are provided. You never know you might be lucky and yell “BINGO.” Fridays at 8:00 a.m. All are welcome. Pool table is available for practice Monday through Friday from 11:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Scrabble If you are a Scrabble fan, or if you would like to learn, join us Monday afternoons at 12:30 p.m. (note time change). Mah Jong Mah Jong every Monday and Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. Beginners welcome! Healthy Eating, Healthy Living Eating alone? Finding it difficult to prepare a healthy meal? There is a solution. The Rock County Council on Aging (COA) provides tasty, nutritious meals on a donation basis for anyone 60 years or better regardless of income. There are two ways to enjoy a healthy meal. The dining center which is located at the Gathering Place, 715 Campus Street, Milton, offers lunch Monday through Friday. More than just a well-balanced meal, fun and friendship are part of each daily menu. Advance registrations are required for the dining center and must be made no later than noon of the prior business day. For those who are homebound, the meals can be delivered. The volunteer drivers make a personal connection and check on the well-being of those who receive meals. While the suggested donation per meal for the dining center is $3.25 and $3.65 for home delivered meals, a donation of any amount is appreciated. To make reservations for the dining center or for more information as to home delivered meals, please call the COA Nutrition Program at 757-5474. Page 8 l The Gathering Place Monthly Newsletter H E A LT H Y L I V I N G Foot Clinic Having trouble reaching those toes? Ruth’s Foot Care provides a service that will meet your needs. Included in the appointment are: trimming toe nails, monitoring the condition of your feet and other basic foot care. She will be here on June 2 and 7. Cost is $33.00. Call today to schedule an appointment. Reflexology Reflexology is a therapy of providing pressure and relaxation techniques to the feet that stimulate, energize, and relax the entire body. Reflexology provides nourishing joint movement that helps reduce routine stress from shoe wear and flat, hard surfaces we walk on. Maureen Birchfield of Bede Reflexology is a Nationally Certified Reflexologist and will be at TGP Tuesday, June 7 and Friday, June 17. Call to make your appointment soon as she can fill up fast! Cost is $18.00 for a half hour or $35.00 for an hour. Dance Aerobics Experience the joy of moving to music while improving your fitness and burning calories! It is a low impact class that will work your entire body in a safe and fun way. Each class is $3.00. Call Nancy at 883-2931 for more information. They will be meeting on Tuesdays and Fridays at 8:00 a.m. Strong Women Classes This is a strength training class to help women maintain muscle mass, strength, and function as they age. Stop in and talk with the instructors for more information. They meet every Tuesday and Thursday at 9:15 a.m. Tai Chi Sue Whitford is the instructor for the classes. They meet every Monday at 10:00 a.m. The cost is $3 per session, but feel free to check out one class for free. Tai Chi can have many benefits; decreased stress and anxiety; increased energy and stamina; increased flexibility, balance and agility to name a few. Zumba Gold Licensed Instructor, Jackie Richardson, takes this class to a lower level that provides a non-intimidating opportunity for non-dancers, new exercisers, or those who have previously hesitated to participate in a group class. Mondays and Wednesdays 9:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. Call Edgerton Hospital at 608-884-1609 for more information and to register for the next session. Evening Yoga Every Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Ruth Armstrong will be here teaching the evening classes. Yoga can help you maintain your vitality, boost your immunity and build your strength, stamina and confidence. The charge is $6.00 per class payable to Ruth. Free Blood Pressure Screening Wednesday, June 8 and 22 from 11:00 a.m. until noon. Page 10 l The Gathering Place Monthly Newsletter June 2016 Café 715 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 2 3 Beef Stew w/Potatoes Baking Powder Biscuit Cauliflower Tossed Salad Hot Cinnamon Applesauce Quiche w/Broccoli & Cheese California Mix Wheat Roll Sliced Peaches w/ Granola Strawberry Cake Roast Beef w/Gravy Mashed Potatoes Three Bean Salad Dinner Roll Fruit Jello 6 7 8 9 10 Scalloped Potatoes w/Ham Green Beans Wheat Bread Melon Mix Chocolate Chip Cookie Chicken Salad Carrot Raisin Salad Wheat Dinner Roll Apricots w/Diced Peaches Cheesecake Bar Baked Chicken Drums"cks Mashed Potatoes & Gravy California Mix Veg Wheat Dinner Roll Carrot Bar Spaghe# & Meatballs San Francisco Blend Veg Tossed Salad Garlic Bread Diced Pears Salisbury Steak Sweet Potatoes Broccoli Dinner Roll Fruit Cocktail 13 14 15 16 17 Creamy chicken & green bean stuffing casserole Corn Cauliflower Dinner Roll Melon Mix Western Meatloaf Baked Potatoes (cong) or Mashed Pot (home) Garden Vegetables Wheat Bread Tropical Fruit Hungarian Pork Goulash Egg Noodles Green & Gold Beans Carrots Wheat Bread Melon Mix Sub Sandwich Tossed Salad Pineapple Tidbits Carrot Cake BBQ Pork Sandwich Hamburger Bun Baked Beans Broccoli Salad Hot Peaches w/ Granola 20 21 22 23 24 Turkey Tetrazzini Penne Pasta Sliced Beets Carrots Wheat Bread Chocolate Chip Cookie Yankee Pork Pot Roast Peas Tossed Salad Marble Rye Hot Peaches w/ Granola Swiss Steak w/Gravy Mashed Potatoes Mixed Vegetable Wheat Roll Applesauce Pasta Caesar Salad w/ Chicken Dinner Roll Melon Mix Sugar Cookie Polish Sausage Hot Dog Bun Rosemary Red Potatoes San Francisco Blend Vegetables Vanilla Pudding 27 28 29 30 Italian Wedding Soup Mediterranean Blend Veg Wheat Bread Sliced Peaches M&M Cookie Grilled Pork Chops Twice Baked Potato Casserole Red Cabbage Wheat Bread Diced Pears Ham Salad w/Pasta Pineapple/w Grapes Tossed Salad Dinner Roll Lemon Chiffon Dessert BBQ Chicken Leg & Thigh Sweet Potatoes Wisconsin Blend Vegetables Wheat Bread Diced Fruit Mix Reservations must be made by noon the business day before you wish to attend. June · 2016 Page 11 June 2016 Calendar of Events MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 2 3 9:00 Chair Yoga 9:00 Zumba Gold 1:00 Mah Jong 1:00 Euchre 1:00 Movie: Bridge of Spies 1:00 Rag Ruggers 9:00 Foot Clinic 9:00 Massage Therapy 9:15 Strong Women 10:00 Open Art Studio 11:30 Alterations 2:00 Dolley Madison Program 5:30 Yoga 8:00 Dance Aerobics 8:00 Pool Players 9:00 WIC Blanket 1:00 Coloring Book Group Fish Boil Cocktails 5:00 p.m. Boil Over & dinner 6:00 6 7 8 9 10 9:00 Paper Crafting 9:00 Zumba Gold 9:00 Chair Yoga 10:00 Tai Chi 1:00 Knitting/Crochet 12:30 Scrabble 1:00 Mah Jong 1:00 Pinochle 8:00 Dance Aerobics 9:00 Quilt Tying 9:00 Foot Clinic 9:15 Strong Women 12:00 Reflexology 1:00 Bridge 1:30 MacFarlane Pheasant Farm Presentation 5:30 Yoga 9:00 Chair Yoga 9:00 Zumba Gold 11:00 Blood Pressure 1:00 Mah Jong 1:00 Euchre 1:00 Rag Ruggers 1:00 Coloring Book Group 9:15 Strong Women 10:00 Open Art Studio 11:30 Alterations Cancelled 1:00 Bingo 5:30 Yoga 8:00 Dance Aerobics 8:00 Pool Players 11:00 Brain Games 13 14 15 16 17 9:00 Paper Crafting 9:00 Zumba Gold 9:00 Chair Yoga 10:00 Tai Chi 1:00 Knitting/Crochet 12:30 Scrabble 1:00 Mah Jong 1:00 Pinochle 8:00 Dance Aerobics 9:00 Quilt Tying 9:15 Strong Women 11:30 Benefit Specialist 1:00 Bridge 1:00 Quilt Club 5:30 Yoga 9:00 Chair Yoga 9:00 Zumba Gold 10:00 Pastries on the Patio 1:00 Mah Jong 1:00 Euchre 1:00 Rag Ruggers 1:00 Coloring Book Group 6:00 Evening Bingo 9:00 Massage Therapy 9:15 Strong Women 10:00 Open Art Studio 1:00 Stained Glass Class 1:15 Movie: Suffragette 5:30 Yoga 8:00 Dance Aerobics 8:00 Pool Players 12:00 Reflexology 1:00 Stained Glass Class 20 21 22 23 24 9:00 Paper Crafting 9:00 Zumba Gold 9:00 Chair Yoga 10:00 Tai Chi 1:00 Knitting/Crochet 1:00 Mah Jong 12:30 Scrabble 1:00 Pinochle 8:00 Dance Aerobics 9:00 Quilt Tying 9:15 Strong Women 10:30 Sue’s Lunch 1:00 Bridge 1:00 Coloring Book Group 5:30 Yoga 9:00 Chair Yoga 9:00 Zumba Gold 11:00 Blood Pressure 1:00 Mah Jong 1:00 Euchre 1:00 Rag Ruggers 1:30 Maggie May: Certified Therapy Dog Program 9:15 Strong Women 10:00 Open Art Studio 11:30 Alterations Cancelled 1:00 Book Club 5:30 Yoga 8:00 Pool Players 9:00 Market Voucher Handout 27 28 29 30 9:00 Paper Crafting 9:00 Zumba Gold 9:00 Chair Yoga 10:00 Tai Chi 1:00 Knitting/Crochet 1:00 Mah Jong 12:30 Scrabble 1:00 Pinochle 8:00 Dance Aerobics 9:00 Quilt Tying 9:15 Strong Women 1:00 Bridge 1:00 Bingo 1:00 Quilt Club 5:30 Yoga 9:00 Chair Yoga 9:00 Zumba Gold 10:00 Pastries on the Patio 1:00 Mah Jong 1:00 Euchre 1:00 Rag Ruggers 9:15 Strong Women 10:00 Open Art Studio 11:30 Alterations 1:00 Coloring Book Group 5:30 Yoga Concert in the Park Burgers 5:30 Concert 6:30 Brewer Game LV at 10:30 a.m. Wally Fest Shilberg Park Friday and Saturday June 10 and 11 D O N AT I O N S S E RV I C E S The following items were donated to The Gathering Place during the past month: Many services and resources are offered to participants at The Gathering Place. Check the calendar on page 12 for days and times. Four Calculators.………………………………………...….Pat Mosher Icy Pops, lemonade, coffee.......................................Jerry Gleiter American Flag……………………………......Ginnie Brown Woychik Donation for Fish Boil…………………………………....Lois Conklin Cash Donation……………………………….……………...Joan Moore Flowers for Garden……….…….…..…………………......Janet Sessler Stained Glass Sun Catchers……………….……..Caroline Britton Icy Pops………………………..………………………...…...Fran Denner Candy for Front Desk………..…………………….Bette McNamara Coffee and Cookies………………………………...….Joyce Kriedeman Cash Donation………………………………………..……..Viola Wells Cash Donation.…………………………………………….....Don Drake Candy for Front Desk…………………………...….Betty McNamara Candy for Front Desk….………………………….....Alice Gooding Donation for Fish Boil……………………………..…..Sandi Ploszaj Icy pops, Cash Donation…….………...……….Paulette Melvin Lemonade…………..……………………………...……….Barb Rynes Stuffed Animals……………………………………....Beth Marquart * Free Blood Pressure Screening * Notary Public * Ruth's Foot Care $33 * Benefit Assistance * Ride to Dining Center * Exercise Equipment * Audio Books, Books and DVDs * Facility Rental * Nutritionist *Reflexology *Alterations Thank you to everyone who so generously donated to The Gathering Place. Gather 'Round is published monthly from the offices of The Gathering Place, Milton's senior activity center. Individual membership is $25 yearly and it includes monthly newsletter. Couples yearly membership is $40 and includes monthly newsletter. Please indicate your preference in the below. Checks may be mailed to: The Gathering Place, 715 Campus Street, Milton, WI 53563. Name ______________________________________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________ State ______________________ Zip 1 year individual membership Page 14 The Gathering Place Monthly Newsletter 1 year couples membership FRIENDS M OV I E S FRIENDS OF THE GATHERING PLACE Movie of the Month Bridge of Spies A big “Thanks” to all of you for your many positive comments and support for the new Friends of The Gathering Place – it is much appreciated! We know everyone’s been waiting the big announcement of the two Milton High School scholarship winners of this year’s Friends of The Gathering Place $500 scholarships, but this issue of “Gather ‘round” goes to press before the school’s award ceremony, so please stay tuned until next month. However, that doesn’t stop us from beginning our scholarship fundraising for next year! We’ll have lots of raffle tickets to sell and the prizes this year are fantastic: Grand Prize is a Big Green Egg Charcoal Smoker Grill. Invented in 1998, many of you have had taste testings on the Green Egg right here at The Gathering Place. For more information, recipes, and “eggucation”, go to www.biggreenegg.com. Second and third raffle prizes are $300 and $100 cash. Tickets can be purchased at The Gathering Place, Concerts in the Park on June 9, July 14, and August 11 and from members of TGP’s Board of Directors and Friends of TGP. Fabulous Father’s Day gift! Fabulous July 4th gifts! Also a reminder that Friends of TGP will sponsor Bingo on Thursday June 9 at 1:00 pm and again on Wednesday June 15 at 6:00 p.m. featuring bingo callers Mari Anne and Tom. Special thanks to volunteers Rosemary, Viola, and Lois. Friends of the Gathering Place Committee include Chairperson Mari Anne Warren, Vice-Chairperson Carol Astin, Secretary/Treasurer Karla Nitz, Martha Johnson, Tom Lieder, Nancy Raabe, Gail Slepekis, Cathy Westrick, and TGP Director Dave Fisher. Look for more information about Friends in the next issue of the “Gather ‘round”! ! During the Cold War, the Soviet Union captures U.S. pilot Francis Gary Powers after shooting down his U-2 spy plane. Sentenced to 10 years in prison, Powers' only hope is New York lawyer James Donovan (Tom Hanks), recruited by a CIA operative to negotiate his release. Donovan boards a plane to Berlin, hoping to win the young man's freedom through a prisoner exchange. If all goes well, the Russians would get Rudolf Abel (Mark Rylance), the convicted spy who Donovan defended in court. This is a Suspense movie rated PG. It runs for 2 hours and 15 minutes. It will be shown on our 60” TV on Wednesday, June 1 at 1:15 pm. There is no charge, but a donation is appreciated for popcorn and beverages. Movie of the Month 2 Suffragette In early 20th-century Britain, the growing suffragette movement forever changes the life of working wife and mother Maud Watts (Carey Mulligan). Galvanized by political activist Emmeline Pankhurst (Meryl Streep), Watts joins a diverse group of women who fight for equality and the right to vote. Faced with increasing police action, Maud and her dedicated suffragettes must play a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse, risking their jobs, homes, family and lives for a just cause. This is rated PG. It runs for 1 hour and 45 minutes. It will be shown on our 60” TV on Thursday, June 16 at 1:15 pm. There is no charge, but a donation is appreciated for popcorn and beverages. June 2016 Page 15 C LUBS, CLASSES, MEETINGS, ETC Creative Coloring For Adults Join the Creative Coloring Craze! The Gathering Place has an Adult Coloring Book Group and it is growing by leaps and bounds! One of the latest trends in stress relief doesn't come in a prescription bottle. Coloring books for adults are hot, hot, hot right now! We’ve seen multiple studies that show that sitting down with colored pencils/pens and an intricate design are soothing and will reduce your stress levels and stimulates brain areas related to motor skills. Whether it takes you back to your childhood or just takes your mind off your problems, it’s a great way to spend a couple of hours. Our group will be meeting June 3, 8, 15, 21, and 30 at 1:00 p.m. Please bring your own coloring book and pencils/pens to use. There is no charge. For more information contact: Sue Eckert, Program Coordinator at 608-868-3500.. June Book Club This month on Thursday, June 23 at 1:00 p.m. the Book Club will be discussing the book The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton. On a brisk autumn day in 1686, eighteenyear-old Nella Oortman arrives in Amsterdam to begin a new life as the wife of illustrious merchant trader Johannes Brandt. But her new home, while splendorous, is not welcoming. Johannes is kind yet distant, always locked in his study or at his warehouse office—leaving Nella alone with his sister, the sharp-tongued and forbidding Marin. But Nella’s world changes when Johannes presents her with an extraordinary wedding gift: a cabinet-sized replica of their home. To furnish her gift, Nella engages the services of a miniaturist—an elusive and enigmatic artist whose tiny creations mirror their reallife counterparts in eerie and unexpected ways . . . Is the miniaturist the key to their salvation . . . or the architect of their destruction? Rag Ruggers The Rag Ruggers group will continue to meet on Wednesdays from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Bring along your current project or start a new one. Nance and Fran will be there to help you along. If you are new to this group you do need to call the receptionists desk and sign up. They will be able to tell you the cost and give you a list of supplies you need to bring the first time. The TGP Writing Group and Blue Notes are on hiatus until September. Have a great summer! Stained Glass Class Caroline Britton is having her Stained Glass Classes on Thursday, June 16 and Friday, June 17. The classes will start at 1:00 p.m. each day. For those of you new to her classes you will need to bring along a pair of scissors, some old towels, pencils and markers. If you have a soldering iron and safety glasses please bring those also. Caroline will have everything else. The cost for the class is $15 payable to the instructor at the first class. Be sure to sign up at the reception desk. Quilting Club Join the Quilting Club at The Gathering Place! They will meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 1:00 p.m. in the craft room. The group will meet on Tuesdays, June 14 and 28. Bring your portable sewing machine or any hand work you want to work on. We would love to have you join us. Page 16 The Gathering Place Monthly Newsletter ➈➊ ➈➋➌➊➍ ➎➏➐ ➑➒➓➔➏→➌➐ ➣➐➒➊↔↕➍➙ ➛➊➜➝ ➞➟➠➡ ➢➤➥➦➧➧➡➨➩ ➢➫➥➫➭➭➠ ➢➤➥➦➧➧➡➨➩➯➲➨➠➳➵ ➸➺➺➻ ➼➽➾➚➪ ➶➹➼➹ ➘➴➷ ➬➺ “SHOP THE PIG” ➴➴➴➹➮➾➱✃➽➽❐❒➷➮➽❮❒✃❰➹Ï➽➮ 608-868-7900 727 S. JANESVILLE ST • MILTON ÐÑÒÓÔÕÖÓÑ××Ò ⑦ ✧★★✩★✪✫✬ ✭✩✮✩✯✰ ⑦ ➉ ✱ ✲ ✳ ✴✵✶✷♦♦✸ ✹♣✺✷✻✸✵✼✻✽ ➉ ✾ ✿✵✺❀✽ ✺ ❁✺② ➉ ✹❀❀ ❂✻❃❀❃✻❃✵✽ ➉ ✿✵✶❃❄✺✻❃♦✼ ✿✺✼✺❣✵✸✵✼✻ ➉ ❅❃✷✵❀✵✽✽ ❡✸✵✷❣✵✼❄② ❆✺❀❀ ❇②✽✻✵✸ ➉ ❇❉❃✸✸❃✼❣ ❊♦♦❀ ➉ ✳❋ ●♦❍✷ ✹❉✺❛✵ ❇✻✺■■ ❱✐❏✐❑ ▲▼◆ ❖P◗❏✐❑P❘ ❖❖❖❙❏❖✐❚❑❯❲✈P❳❙❨▲❩ ❬◆ ❭▲❳❑❲❨❑❘ ❪▼❲❳ ❫❲❳P❖❲❴❴ ❵❜❝❞ ❢❤❩✐❳✐❏❑◆❲❑▲◆ ❥❦❧♠♥qrst✉ ✇①③③④✉❧♥⑤ ⑥⑧⑨ ⑩t✉❶⑤ ❥♥❶tt♥ ❷ ❸❹❺t❶♥①✉❻ ❼❽ ❾❿❾❿⑨ ❷ ➀q①✉t ➁➂➃➄➅ ➄➄⑨➆⑧➄⑧➄ t➇♥ ⑥ Bar & Grill 608-868-7800 1901 State Rd 59 Milton 10 minute drive! ØÙÚÛÜÝÛÞßÙàáâãäåæçÙæçèÙãéßäà • Live Music Thurs - Sunday • Friday Fish Fry • Open For Lunch • Frozen Drink Specials Auto Repair: Foreign & Domestic Auto Detailing 342 S. John Paul Rd. Milton,WI 608-868-1661 ×ØÙ ÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãÙä åæçè éÙêÛÝë ìØèê íèæ îÛã ×ëæïçð ✈ ñòó ôõõö÷øùú ûüýý þö÷ÿø ö êëìíîì ïðñë òóô õíîö ✾ ✁✂✄☎ ✆✝✞❡❡✝ ▼✂✟✝♦✠ ✻✡☛☞☛✻☛☞✌✍✌✍ ÷ôøðù úûüìý þÿ❡ ÿ✁ ✂❛✄☎ ❙ÿ✆✝✞✄ ✟♣❛✄✠✡ÿ✆✠❡ ❈ ✁✂✄☎✂ ❈ ✆✆✝✝✁ ✞✄✁☎✟✝✠✡☛ ✂ ☞✆✄☎✝ ✄✁ ✄✌ ✂ ✌✄✍✎ ❈✞✄✁☎✟✝✠✡☛✏✑✒✓☛✔☎ ✕ ✖ ✗✘✙✙✚ ✛✜✙✢✛✛✜✣ ✤✣✥✘✦ ❘▼◆❖❘ P◗❯❱❖ ❳❨❩❬❭❪ ❫❴❫❪❵❝❨❩❵❳ ✷☛☛☞ ❲✌✍✎✌✏ ✑✈✌✒✓✌ ❞❢❣❤ ❥❥ ❞❦❧ ♠♥ ❏✔✒✌✍✈✕✎✎✌✖ ❲✕✍✐✗✒✍✕✒ ♦qrt✉✇✉t①②✇♦ ✻✘✙✚✛✜✙✚✢✛✢✛ ■✣✤✥✦✥✣✤✥✣✧ ★✩✪✩✣✫ ❆✧ ■✧✬s ✭✥s✧ ③④⑤⑥④⑦⑧⑨ ⑩❶ ❷⑤⑧ ❸❹⑦❺ ❸❻❼⑧❽ ❼❻⑧❾ ⑥④⑨ ❾⑥❿❺❾⑥❶➀ ❸❻❼⑧❽ ➁❿⑥⑦⑧ ❹➂➂⑧❽➃ ❷❽⑥④➄➅❻❿ ❿❻❼❻④➆ ❻④➃❻⑨⑧ ⑥④⑨ ❹➅❷➇ ➈⑥❼❻➃⑤ ➉❿❹❹❽ ➁❿⑥④➃➀ ➊④⑨⑧❽➆❽❹➅④⑨ ➁⑥❽❺❻④➆➀ ✶✮✯ ❜✰✱✲✳✳✴ ✵✸✹✲✺✴✰✼✺✽ ✵✾✰ ✿✿ ✮ ❀✸ ❁❂❃❄❅❇❈ ❉❊ ❚❋● ❍❑❂▲❅❄ ➋⑧⑦➅❽❻❷❶ ➌➅❻❿⑨❻④➆ ⑥④⑨ ➍❹❽⑧➇➇➇ ➎➏➐ ➑➒➓➔→ ➣↔→➔➔↔↕ ➙➛➜➔➝➓➒➞➞➔ ➟➠ ➡➢➡➤➥ ➦➧➨ ➩➫ ➭➯➲➧➳ ➵➩➸➸ ➺➧➸➸➻➻➯ ➼➩➯➵➽➻➾➚➭ ➩➪ ➶➹➘➴➴➹➷➬➴➹➷➷➬➮ ➱ ✃✃✃➳❐➸❒➭➳➵➧❮ ❰➽➻ Ï➩➪➽➻➨➭➯Ð Ñ➸➩➵➻Ò ➼➭➸➪➧➯Ò ÓÔ➳ Õ ❐➺ ➴➶➹➶➶❐Ö THIS ‘N THAT MILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY NEWS by Lisa Brooks Bridge Results June Book of the Month April 26 Here's to Us by Elin Hilderbrand First Place Faith Stockheimer Second Place Tom Bartle May 3 First Place Tom Bartle Second Place Bette McNamara May 10 First Place Tom Bartle Second Place Gil Myers The Bridge players meet in the library every Tuesday afternoon at 1:00 p.m. and everyone is welcome. WIC Baby Blanket Making Babies who benefit from these talents are part of this area’s Women Infant Children Program (WIC) and the goal of the 30”x40” quilts is to promote breastfeeding. It’s a great time to learn new quilting techniques and increase those numbers. The next WIC work/fun day will be Friday, June 3 at The Gathering Place. Volunteers who would like to share their talents to sew, cut, quilt, tie or bind are welcome. The group runs from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. MEMORIALS Given in Memory of Rita Koopman by Alice Paul Pernel Gray Given in Honor of Mary Carroll’s 90th Birthday by Alan & Rebecca Nelson Dorethea Weberpal George & Mary Benage R.J & S.J. Czubek Mary Carroll Page 18 The Gathering Place Monthly Newsletter An emotional, heartwarming story from New York Times bestselling author Elin Hilderbrand about a grieving family that finds solace where they least expect it. June Adult Events Strings Attached: Knitting & Crocheting Club, Wednesday, June 8, 6:00-8:00 p.m. - Bring your current knitting, crocheting, or fiber arts project and your supplies. All ages and skill levels welcome. Project Stitches: A Community Knit and Crochet Fundraiser, June 13 – August 5. - Calling all those who knit and crochet! The Milton Public Library is asking for donations of 10 inch by 10 inch squares. The squares must be made of washable, worsted yarn (size 4/medium); but the colors and pattern are your choice! Completed blankets—sewed together by volunteers—will be sold by silent auction to raise money for the library’s new quiet room and reading area. Please bring in finished squares by August 5. Library Underground Punch Card, June 13 - August 5 - Register for the adult summer reading program starting June 13 and receive your Library Underground punch card. Read, visit our library, and check out materials at least 5 out of the 8 weeks to earn a free book. Ages 18 and older. Mystery Book Club, Wednesday, June 15, at 6:30 p.m. – This book club meets the third Wednesday of each month for informal discussions. June’s title is The Blackhouse, by Peter May. Color Craze Days: Mandela Monday, June 27 - Drop in and color anytime during library hours. Each day will feature a different theme or activity. All supplies will be provided but feel free to bring your own coloring book anytime and join the fun. For all ages, even adults! Individual Technology Instruction: Call the library to register for a half hour or one hour one-on-one instruction on a variety of computer topics. Please specify your training interest when you register. THE GATHERING PLACE DIRECTORY The Gathering Place 715 Campus Street Milton, Wisconsin 53563 608-868-3500 STAFF Executive Director……………………….Dave Fisher Administrative Assistant ................. Sara Pickett Program Coordinator ....................... Sue Eckert Nutrition Site Coordinator .............Be Conklin Events Coordinator .............Mary Jurgens-Jones Maintenance…………………..…………..John Bauer Custodian…………….…………………...Cody Bauer BOARD OF DIRECTORS President ................................... Gene Wenham Vice-Pres ........................................ Diane Pillard Secretary .................................... Carolyn Brown Treasurer ........................................ Herb Stinski Rent The Gathering Place! Perfect for any occasion: Weddings or Receptions; Anniversaries; Birthdays; Family Reunions; Baby or Bridal Showers; Banquets; Seminars; Business Meetings and More! Contact Mary Jurgens-Jones at 608.290.3793 or email her at [email protected]. Members receive 10% off rental fees. Please Support The Gathering Place Find us on Facebook! No, we are not feeling lonely and neglected! We just want more friends on Facebook! If you, your family, or friends are on Facebook, the online social network, please be our friends. It’s easy. When on Facebook, type The Gathering Place in the search box, when you are on TGP page hit Like. Bob Boldt, Nate Bruce, Dan Janke, Betsy Lubke, Curt Nodolf, Mari Anne Warren, Jim Warren. Wish List THE GATHERING PLACE E-MAILS Yarn (no wool ) Icy pops (for the fourth of July parade) Dave Fisher………………[email protected] Sue Eckert .......................... [email protected] Sara Pickett………….……[email protected] Mary Jurgens-Jones.……[email protected] Web site ............ …....gatheringplacemilton.com Attention Quilt Tyers! The Mission Statement: The Gathering Place Supports Positive Living for All Ages. Our Vision Statement is: To provide Milton area residents with a place to gather for programs, activities, and services to enhance their dignity, support their independence, and encourage their involvement with each Our Tuesday morning quilt tyers need help! If you have time on your hands and want to help tie quilts, we sure need you! The ladies will help train you. The quilts are delivered to various shelters throughout Rock County. Please stop in Tuesday mornings at 9:00 a.m. to observe or pitch in! Thank you! other and the community. June 2016 Page 19 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Milton, WI Permit No. 5 715 Campus Street Milton, Wisconsin 53563 608-868-3500 Member of: MACC (Milton Area Chamber of Commerce ) NCOA (National Council on Aging) NISC (National Institute of Senior Centers) Blue Notes May Photos Sixth Grade Essay Blue Notes enjoying coffee after their performance. Back row: Chayton Jenson, Jack Champion, Romeo Orr, Sara Kronberg Front Row: Erik Schultz. Jayden Freie, Carmen Ziegelmann Absent: Andrew Scherwitz Happy Summer! Be safe and Enjoy! The Staff and the Volunteers of the Year Jim and Clara King
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