Join Us For A Simcha Shabbat!


Join Us For A Simcha Shabbat!
Page 1
Sivan - Tammuz 5775, June 2015
Table of Contents
Pg 1
Simcha Shabbat
Pg 2
Shabbat Service Schedule
Candle Lighting Times,
Office Hours
Pgs 3-6
Messages from our Leaders
Pg 7
Advertisements, Shavuot
Schedule of Services
Pg 8
Refuah Shlemah, Birthdays,
Calendar of Events, Special
Thank You
Page 9
Yahrzeit Listing
Pg 10-11
Pg 12
New: Rabbi’s Courses and
Classes, Cantors Concert
Pg 13
Milestone, Graduation
Join Us For A
Simcha Shabbat!
We will be having a special
Simcha Shabbat service at 10am
followed by a very festive special
Kiddush with special music by the
Mostly Kosher Quintet.
If you celebrated a Birthday,
Anniversary, Wedding, Birth, Bar/Bat
Please join us, your TBS family,
Mitzvah, Graduation, etc. between
for this joyous Shabbat honoring
March and the end of June…
all our recent simchas!
Please let us know and
Come celebrate with us!
Page 2
Clergy & Board
Friday Evening Shabbat and Shabbat Morning Services
Evening services begin at 7:45pm unless noted.
Oneg follows in the Social Hall.
-Rabbi David Cantor
-Hazzan Judy Sofer,
Cantor, and Education Director
Board of Directors,
Jerry Egherman
Immediate Past Co-Presidents
Betty Ann Downing
Ed Morris
Executive VP
VP, Finance
Bill Millman
VP, Education
Marc Lemay
VP, Membership
Jeremy Glatstein
June 5, Service led by Hazzan Judy Sofer.
June 12, Service led by Rabbi David Cantor.
June 19, Service led by Hazzan Judy Sofer.
June 26, Service led by Rabbi David Cantor.
Shabbat morning services begin at 10am. Kiddush follows in the Social Hall.
June 6, Service led by Rabbi David Cantor. Torah and haftarah readings for Parashat Beha’alotcha.
June 13, Simcha Shabbat Service led by Hazzan Judy Sofer. Torah and haftarah readings for
Parashat Sh’lach.
June 20, Service led by Hazzan Judy Sofer. Torah and Haftarah readings for Parashat Korach.
June 27, Service led by Rabbi David Cantor. Torah and Haftarah readings for Chukat.
VP, Properties
Renn Levy
VP, Religious Practices
Amanda Rudman
VP, Ways & Means
John Williams
Louise Marak
Sisterhood President
Ana Maria Luna
Men’s Club President
Marty Kovalsky
Members at Large
Ida Bobrow
Ron Botwin
Joe Hess
Mike Ourieff
Max Poper
Karen Weinstein
Saturday, June 6th Kiddush sponsored by Harriet & Max Poper,
in honor of their 60th Wedding Anniversary.
Saturday, June 13th, Festive Kiddush, Simcha Shabbat Celebration
with Mostly Kosher Quintet.
Saturday, June 20th, Kiddush sponsored by Joanna & Col. Jeffrey Carra,
in honor of their son, Benjamin Carra’s marriage to Mae Tozer on Sunday, June 21st.
Candle Lighting
June 5
June 12
June 19
June 26
7:42 pm
7:46 pm
7:48 pm
7:49 pm
Check out our Facebook
page at
Havdallah Times
June 6
June 13
June 20
June 27
8:43 pm
8:46 pm
8:48 pm
8:49 pm
Office Business Hours
M-TH 9am to 5pm
Friday 9am to 3:30pm
CLOSED 1:00 to 2:00pm, M-TH only
All legal and Jewish holidays observed.
(see calendar of events, page 8)
Page 3
Rabbi’s Column
Recently, I was in Los Angeles for two important seminars. The
first (with Rabbi Steven Greenberg) concerned the challenge of
crafting an authentic and meaningful wedding ceremony for
same-sex couples. The second – organized by the Sandra Caplan
Bet Din of Southern California – was designed to educate rabbis
regarding transgendered candidates for conversion to Judaism.
Traditional Judaism, the worldview of the Mishnah, Talmud, and
medieval commentators, understood human beings to come in
four varieties: male, female, androgynous, and tumtum. “Male” is
male and “female” is female. “Androgynous” is both male and
female (“intersex”). No one is really sure what “tumtum” refers
In terms of conversion to Judaism, male and female are easy to
understand: males require circumcision; females do not. As for
androgynous and tumtum, one would presumably go by the visible
But what about transsexuals? If one is born male and identifies as
female, would it be hurtful or insulting to insist on circumcision? If
one is born a female but now identifies as a male, is circumcision
even possible? Surgery and prostheses only complicates the
The real purpose of the seminar was to help the rabbis
understand what it means to be transsexual, to gain the verbal
and conceptual vocabulary of trans-male and trans-female, and to
wrap our minds around the concept.
Do you have a friend or loved one celebrating a birthday or
anniversary? Why not sponsor one of our Simcha Shabbats
in their honor? We’re looking for sponsorships, of any
amount, for music, food, dessert or if you’re feeling especially generous, the entire Kiddush (it’s not that much!)
If you’d like to sponsor the music portion If you’d like to
sponsor the dessert portion. If you’d like to sponsor the
food portion or you’d like to sponsor in its entirety, please
contact John Williams at [email protected] or the Office.
In addition, we’d like to make this as meaningful as possible.
If you have any special requests for special song or favorite
dessert, please let us know and we’ll do our best to make
that happen.
Todah Rabah,
The Simcha Shabbat Team
At Temple Beth Shalom, we call ourselves an open, diverse,
welcoming place. For many people, the idea that a person can
“chose” to be a gender other than what they were born is at best
a foreign concept, at worst a subject of discomfort. But we have a
ready-made framework for putting it all into context: conversion
to Judaism:
Just as a Jew-By-Choice is a Jewish soul born into a
non-Jewish body, so too the trans-male is a male
soul born into a female body, and the trans-female a
female soul born into a male body.
Just as we openly accept the Jew-By-Choice as a Jew, we
must accept the trans-male as a male and the transfemale as a female.
I will admit that I too had a lot of discomfort going into the
seminar – but by the end of the day I left with a new
understanding and appreciation of all the varieties of humanity
that the Holy One has placed upon this earth.
All the best,
Rabbi Cantor
Sisterhood offers you the
opportunity to sponsor
an Oneg or Kiddush.
For more information, please contact
Nina Ayzenberg at
[email protected] or 562.596.4355.
Page 4
President’s Column
Dear fellow congregants and friends
of TBS,
It is mid-May as I write this and we
are just about to get into the thick of
graduation season. To those of you
who have children or relatives
graduating college, high school or
moving up from middle or elementary
school, mazel tov! Another milestone to celebrate with your
family and friends, but don’t forget to let the office know so
that you can share the news with your Temple family as
well. By the time you read this, I will have traveled &
returned from my nephew’s graduation at NYU…so proud!
Speaking of school, on Friday evening, May 15th, we had a
very special Torah School led musical Shabbat service and
Shavuot-themed dinner where we honored our outstanding
Torah School teachers and aides. Cantor Sofer, who is also
our Education Director, presented the teachers and aides
with a nice end-of-year gift and shared stories about each,
including highlights of their classes. The teachers (Nina
Barlevy, Kedma Cantor, Karen Isenberg and Amanda
Rudman) and aides (Gabe Morris and Wyatt Williams)
worked very hard with a terrific group of kids who have very
diverse skill levels. Cantor Sofer announced to those in
attendance that the Torah School will be returning to a
Tuesday/Sunday schedule, with one Friday night service per
month and four Saturday Shabbat classes dispersed through
the school year. Last but not least, Cantor Sofer also gave a
shout out to the near-full time volunteer parents (Liz
Bennett, Rachel Olumese, and Mayra Valle) who have
greatly enhanced the Torah School experience by taking
care of school snacks, and helping with the Friday Shabbat
dinners. Thank you to all the Torah School parents who
volunteer throughout the year on various projects…it is very
much appreciated.
My letter to you last month deliberately diverted to the
subject of investing in the synagogue’s future. I’d like to
give you three examples, all relating to our youth. This
month, through a contribution from the TBS Men’s Club, the
Torah School went on a field trip to witness a falconry
demonstration. I wasn’t able to make the trip, but the
video, available on our Facebook page, proved the positive
comments I heard were duly warranted. Next month, we
are sponsoring several of our TBS kids at the So. Cal. Jr.
Maccabi games in West LA. While these are not huge
expenditures, they go a long way in differentiating our shul
and with a little bit of publicity, TBS will be known as a place
where kids not only learn Judaism but have fun doing it!
Last and certainly more significant in terms of investment, a
group of very generous and supportive members gave
significant funds to support our Camp Ramah Scholarship
program. Those ‘in the know’ are keenly aware of the
impact attending a Jewish ‘stay away’ camp can have on
kids, especially in this increasingly secular, techno/device
world we live in. They also know that Jewish camps have
gotten increasingly expensive and many of our families,
already struggling, are not able to give their kids this
opportunity. I cannot thank these donors enough and
I encourage those of you reading this to consider this type
of donation, especially if you value Jewish camps and their
impact on the kids. I submit to you that this doesn’t impact
TBS operations, but in terms of long-term investment of our
youth, it is a great mitzvah.
Speaking of operations, you should get this letter a few days
before the TBS Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday,
5/31/2015 at 9:30am. I hope you will attend and hear the
latest updates from the various officers, Rabbi David Cantor
and Cantor Judy Sofer, as well as have a say in the various
motions that will be put in front of you. If you only come to
shul a couple times a year, this would be a great time to
check out what’s going on, ask questions and have a say in
the future of the shul. Later on that same day, 4pm to be
exact, the Samuel and Dorothy Richmond Arts Endowment
Fund is sponsoring a guest lecture event featuring Rabbi
Sherrie Hirsch speaking on …” A New Threshold of
Anti-Semitism..” Our own Rabbi David Cantor has had the
opportunity to hear Rabbi Hirsch and has high praise, so I
hope we have a full house.
I’d like to say mazel tov to Dr. Bernard Natelson, on his 70th
Birthday and 2nd Bar Mitzvah, celebrated on May 24th just a
week after this letter was written. Bernard…I know you will
knock the Torah and Haftorah readings out of the park!!
Last…be on the lookout for information coming your way on
a few big TBS events: A special Cantor’s Concert on July
12th, ‘From the Bimah to Broadway’ featuring our very own
Cantor Judy Sofer and many of the area’s best Cantors. On
November 1st, Israel’s own blues and guitar master, Lazer
Lloyd will return, and on December 27th, we will be heading
to Israel for a 12 day tour led by Cantor Sofer. We continue
to offer our community a full plate of religious, educational,
music, and social activities. Thank you for your continued
support of all our programs and for being a member of the
best shul in the city!
Toda Raba,
Jerry Egherman
Page 5
Education Director
Teens aka Kugels
Two weeks ago I attended and worked in the
Cantors Assembly National Convention in
Chicago. One of the subjects that keeps arising at these conventions and conferences is
the idea that rabbis and cantors need to be
able to multitask, not just as clergy but also to
fill other needs and demands of their
congregations. Through my years as a cantor
I have done much programming both theatrically and as well as musically. Here I am both
the cantor and educator, a combination that is happening more
and more throughout the Untied States. Many of my colleagues
are also thinking of becoming rabbis as well as cantors.
Interestingly enough in the next two weeks I have two
ordinations to attend, two very good women cantor friends who
have accompanied me on my journey as a cantor and who have
both decided to become rabbis: Rabbi Cantor Marcia Tilchin at
AJU and Rabbi Cantor Eva Robbins at AJR. And even more
interestingly, they are both either my age or older. It is
wonderful to think that our lives have only just begun! Mazel Tov
to them and to all of our congregational families who have
graduating children.
May is over and can’t believe it! The teens have had lots of
adventurous and fun activities, especially in learning. They went
to the holocaust museum and even had an Israeli style bon fire at
Huntington Beach! I am looking into a teen sleepover this month
as a wrap up for the year! Please look out for more details regarding this event very soon. Below is our latest picture taken at
Huntington Beach. We had a blast! I look forward to many more
amazing activities for our teens. Enjoy your summer!
Shoshana Fell
Youth Director
For me, summer is planning and, hopefully, a little renewing of
my energies and creativity as we move towards the High Holidays
and the next school year. We will be spending the summer
preparing for the classes plus adding a few new teachers and
setting up special programming. These past few months we have
had several successful events including a special Passover
Experience, a visit from our congregant, Joe Hess, who spoke
about his experiences during the Holocaust, a visit for the older
grades and teens to the Museum of Tolerance and Holocaust
Museum, and a visit to experience Falconry down in San Juan
Capistrano. The last couple of weeks we had a chance to make
our own challah and cook hot dogs and potatoes in our own patio
bonfire (in the Israeli tradition) for Lag B'Omer.
During the High Holidays last year our fledgling TBSLB Singers
participated in the evening service. We will begin rehearsals
again on June 2 to get ready for this year. If any of you would
like to join us, our rehearsals are on Tuesday evenings, time to be
announced. You do not need to read music in order to
participate. Besides the practices, I will be recording the parts
and sending them out which helps those of you who learn music
by ear. Don't hesitate to contact me if you are interested.
On June 2 we will hold our Israel Trip Information Evening at
7:00pm. If you are interested in joining us, please come with all
of your questions. My agent will be joining us with materials and
I'm looking forward to seeing you all this summer at shul. Please
feel free to get in touch with me at any time with any thoughts or
concerns that you may have that I can help with.
Ki'itz Nayim (Have a great summer)!
Hazzan Judy Sofer
Torah School & Teens in
LA at Museum of Tolerance/Holocaust Museum
Page 6
Torah Fund
Can you believe the Torah Fund Campaign is coming to an end. There are only FIVE more days to make and pay your
pledge. We are only a few dollars short of our goal. Won’t you join those who have made their pledge. You can still make your
pledge in HONOR of Yetta Kane our Ha’ya Olam recipient for this year or in Honor or Memory of someone special in
your life. The following members of the Mishpacha of Torah Fund would love to have you join them.
Ida Bobrow, Torah Fund
In Honor of Yetta Kane
Mishpacha Donors
Nili & Irving Ackerman
Vivien Arluk
Marjorie Hess*
Diana W. Page^
Barbara Alhadeff
Nina Ayzenberg*
Ted Hirschfeld
Ed & Elaine Perlstein
Myron Bloom, MD
Rosalind Bassin*+
Silvia Kahn*+
Rachael Plotken Olomese*
Jessie Butller
Ida Bobrow*+
Yetta Kane*
Harriet Poper*
Yolanda Eisenstein & Isaac Eisenstein , MD
David Cantor+
Nancy Kaplan*
Eva Schlesinger OBM =
Deborah Goldfarb+
Shelley Carl*
Etta Lackman*
Susan Schrader
Rabbi Ilana & Tal Grinblat
Deborah Chankin*
Sylvia Lackman
Ronny Schwimmer+
Berry and Teri Kane and Family *
Jerry & Linda Egherman
Ronnie Levine
Dorothy Shapiro
Bryna Kane Kaufman *
Cheryl Lackman Feinberg
Ana Maria Luna~+
Doreen Shuldiner
Pam Kushner, MD *
Marla Fine
Sally Manasse
Rochelle Shapiro Sieger MD*+
Judith & Gordon Lentzner
Eileen Fishman
Wendy Manasse*+
Janis Gaines Simon*
Phyllis Metzger
Barbara Gaylord*
Louise Marak+
Cantor Judy Sofer+
Rabbi Shalom & Dalia Podwol
Judith Gelb
Norman Milkes*+
Marion Solovei
Sandy & Irv Samit
Allison Glatstein
Katie Miller
Michelle Sztraicher
Fern Snir ^
Merle Gould+
Ann Millman*+
Mayra Valle*
Romola Tempkin
Adrienne Green~+
Bonnie Nash
Karen Weinstein*+
Linda Waltzman
Ona Green
Mike Natelson
Jenny Zavatsky*
Nina Yoshpe, MD
Bruce & Susan Greenberg*+
Naomi Norwaick
Associate Patron ~
Guardian ^
Benefactor *
Scholarship plus giving +
Page 7
At a Glance of Next Month’s Events:
Please Save These Dates Below!
Friday, July 3rd - Office Closed, Independence Day
Saturday, July 4th - Independence Day.
Sunday, July 12th - Cantors Concert, “Bimah to
Broadway”, see page 12 for complete details.
Saturday, July 25th - Erev Tish B’Av
Sunday, July 26th - Tisha B’Av
SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 2015
RSVP REQUESTED to Karen Weinstein via email at
[email protected] asap.
For complete details of payment and
to choose your luncheon entree
please see,
formal invite can be printed out.
Page 8
Birthdays, Anniversaries, Celebrations, and Get Wells
Refuah Shlemah: Prayer for a Speedy Recovery
We pray for a Refuah Shlemah, a speedy and full recovery to all our beloved members and their loved ones.
Mika Azaren
Rita Botwin
Ronald Frank
Seena Friedland
Marjorie Hess
Katie Miller
Suzann Rowe
Michael Shapiro
Bernice Stern
If you would like to list a loved one, please contact Rabbi David Cantor at 562-726-4116. Names will be listed for one month unless
otherwise indicated. Please let us know of loved ones who no longer need to be listed.
Yolanda Eisenstein
Dr. Brenda Jacobs
Linda Frankel
Shelley Carl
Marla Fine
Alan Sherry
Ida Bobrow
Dr. Arthur Ungerleider
Dr. Kent Azaren
Harriet Poper
Barbara Gaylord
Alex Ayzenberg
Wyatt Williams
Todd Fuson
Jessica Kraus
Pauline Lassers
Joseph Hess
Edward Perlstein
Emma Mae Williams
David Alpern
Louise Ann Marak
Tzippy Marks-Barnett
2413 14 18 23 -
Israel Tour Informational Mtg, 7:00 pm
RPC Meeting, 7:30 pm
Simcha Shabbat Service & Celebration, 10:00 am
Sisterhood Annual Donor Luncheon, 11:30 am
BOD Meeting, 7:00 pm
Sisterhood In & Out Board Meeting, 6:00 pm
(location to be announced)
For complete details, pls. visit our website
calendar at
For Rabbi’s Class Schedules, please see
page 12 for complete details.
Mazel Tov
To Mrs. Janis Simon for donating a couch, recliner,
refrigerator, and a microwave w/stand to be used in our
Teen Lounge. Please come and check it out next time
you get a chance.
To Tom Nantais, Todd Fuson, Rob Lassers, and Jerry
Egherman for transporting, loading, and unloading of
all the furniture donated.
Mazel tov to Benjamin Carra and Mae Tozer on
their upcoming wedding on Sunday, June 21st.
Ben is the son of Joanna & Col. Jeffrey Carra,
and grandson of Mrs. Diana & Mr. Lee Page.
Yahrzeits for June, 14 Sivan - 13 Tammuz
Sivan 14
Warren Pinkham *
Sivan 15
Sharlene Gerber Allice *
Ronald Allice
Carol Benger
Gitel Kolnick *
Herman Rosenzweig *
Phyllis Rose
Sivan 16
Dr. Bernard Jacobs
Dr. Brenda Jacobs
Myles Lenhoff *
Dr. Pamela Kushner
Anna Schwed *
Elliot Schwed
Dr. Linda Landau
Morrie Schwed, OBM
Dr. Marvin Stern *
Bernice Stern
Hyman Tabak *
Bernice Gelman
Esther Wainstok
Michelle Sztraicher
Sivan 17
Jack Fingerhut *
Steve Fingerhut
Gerald Howard Phillips *
Marilyn Sands
Susan Greenberg
Sivan 18
Sanford Baines*
Ken Baines
Raymond Lippert *
Hyman Molle *
Sivan 19
Gilda Kolsky *
Allan Kolsky
Philip Marcus *
Ron Marcus
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne
Sadie Molle *
Joseph Shapiro
Michael Shapiro
Sivan 20
Evan Russell Duboff *
Claudia Brilliant
Sarah Gerber *
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald
Herzl Granovitz *
Dora Greenspan
Michael Greenspan
Tillie Levine *
Sarah Schreier *
Louis Steinberg *
Louis Schumow, OBM
Nettie Talcott
Rosalind Bassin
Sivan 21
Francine Handler *
Francine Handler
Carl Nash
Bonnie Nash
Sam Ratman *
Bertha Sue Verbel *
Sivan 22
Ben Baines*
Mr. Ken Baines
William Baskin *
Harry Berlow
Irwin & Doreen
Paula Kaprall *
Mrs. Monica Wickman
Hinda Cooperstein Parker*
Sara Stern *
Sivan 23
William Markenson *
Bernard Reed *
Jacob Shafer *
Bina Sherman *
Sivan 24
Lila Gross *
Phyllis Kern *
Dr. David Parker
Dr. & Mrs. Ungerleider
Mrs. Bernice Stern
Audrey Comings
Mr. Robert Raykoff
Ruth Shafer, OBM
Deborah Gold
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald
Ephrim Berezhinsky *
Sivan 25
Tatyana & Vladimir
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Feder
Vera Rappaport
Lenore Winston
Maury Feder *
Elizabeth Goodman
Allan Winston *
Sivan 26
Micki Chernyk *
Monica Wickman
Ida Piser*
Mr. Marvin Piser
Jenny & Marvin
Herman Polonsky
Judith Carey-Fisher &
Jeffrey Fisher
Bessie Shafer *
Ruth Shafer, OBM
Abraham Stettner *
Rose Swartz *
Abraham Winston *
Lenore Winston
Sivan 27
Lillian Goldman *
Mildred Tanenbaum*
Joel Tanenbaum
Judith Gelb
Sivan 28
Sidney Gould *
Dr. & Mrs. Joel Sandler
Sivan 29
Rose T. Borr *
Harry Brown *
Mimi Silverman
Yetta C. Hoffman *
Sivan 30
William Feinstein *
Shari Pevsner
Fanny Feldman *
Robert Smith
Elizabeth Kasha *
Barbara & Douglas
Tammuz 1
Anna Kahn
Monty Kahn
Toby Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Meir Snir
Jeffrey Lee
Tillie Gitlin Lipoway *
Tammuz 2
Marian Frumes *
Theodore Frumes
Jenny & Marvin
Herman Polonsky
Judith Carey-Fisher
& Jeffrey Fisher
Joseph Kahansky *
Steven Allen Krell *
William Nudelman *
Eddie Inkman
Max Powell *
Shirley Heller
Lev Zaretsky *
Roman Zaretsky
Tammuz 3
Samuel E. Finestone *
Bernice Friedland
Seena Friedland
Midge Levy
Rennata Levy
Ann Moses *
Francine Handler
Ann Rowan *
Paula Rowan
Tammuz 4
Barbara Allison
Thomas Carl
Lewis Tarnofsky
Robert Tarnofsky
Page 9
Tammuz 5
Tillie Hoffenberg *
Abe Hoffenberg
Rabbi Hazzan David Kane*
Mrs. Yetta Kane
Dr. Bryna Kane
& Jerry Kaufman
Ernest Manasse
Sally Manasse
Wendy Manasse Wiese
Robert Piser *
Mr. Marvin Piser
Samuel Ratman *
Tammuz 6
Samuel H. Borr *
Tammuz 7
Sadie Cohen
Barbara Ravid
Tammuz 8
Rose Katz *
Mrs. Sylvia Landa
Mrs. Merle Gould
Mrs. Etta Lackman
Tammuz 9
Ann F Berger *
Loren and Alexis Slafer
Mr. & Mrs. Remez
Louis N. Cohn *
Ida Inkman *
Mr. Eddie Inkman
Mr. Nudelman
Tillie Lipshitz *
Robert Sudock
Barnett Rackmill
Dr. & Mrs. Schwimmer
Louis Sprecher *
Ludwig Wolff *
Tammuz 10
Leo Felsenthal *
Daniel Felsenthal
Dora Kirschbaum *
Stella Willner
Rebecca Solovei
Dr. Marion Solovei
Tammuz 11
Irving Chernyk *
Monica Wickman
Bessie Lackman *
Etta Lackman
Annie Meltzer *
Nathan Meltzer, OBM
Tammuz 12
Michael Shuldiner
Irwin & Doreen
Tammuz 13
Travis Carter
Jeremy & Allison
Please note: The observance of Yahrzeit is
determined by the Hebrew date, and thus
shifts on the English calendar from year to
year. *Denotes a memorial plaque will be lit.
Plaques are lit from the Saturday prior to the
Friday after. The tradition is to attend on the
Shabbat before the Yahrzeit, and the Thursday
Page 10
Book of Life Fund
Eric Green, mazel tov and best wishes to you upon officially
becoming a M.O.T - Member of the Tribe.
Merle Gould
Yetta Kane, in honor of both you and Cantor David Kane, OBM;
thank you for sharing your families experiences in the Shoah.
Brigitta Cohen
Dr. Bernard Natelson, in honor your 70th Birthday!
Cheryl Lackman Feinberg & Ron Solomon
Max & Harriet Poper, in honor of your 60th Anniversary!
Cheryl Lackman Feinberg & Ron Solomon
Dr. Bernard Natelson, mazel tov on your 70th Birthday and
bar mitzvah anniversary!
Harriet & Max Poper
Dr. Bernard Natelson, mazel tov on your 70th Birthday and
2nd Bar Mitzvah!
Anne & Dave Mollen
Ted Hirschfeld, Happy Birthday!
Karen Weinstein, Parviz, Eva & Isaac Parhami
Michelle Sztraicher, Happy Birthday!
Karen Weinstein, Parviz, Eva & Isaac Parhami
Bernard Natelson, Happy Birthday!
Karen Weinstein, Parviz, Eva & Isaac Parhami
Jacob Kraus, Happy Birthday Jacob!
Karen Weinstein, Parviz & your swim buddies,
Eva & Isaac Parhami
Avniel Cantor, Happy Birthday!
Karen Weinstein, Parviz, Eva & Isaac Parhami
Sam Lassers, Happy 16th Birthday Sam!
Karen Weinstein, Parviz & your future black belts,
Eva & Isaac Parhami
Gabriella Clark-Igoudin, Happy Birthday Gabriella!
Your friends, Eva & Isaac Parhami
Dr. Isaac Eisenstein, Happy Birthday!
Karen Weinstein and Parviz Parhami
Cherly Feinberg, Happy Birthday Cheryl!
Karen Weinstein, Parviz, Eva & Isaac Parhami
Rosalind Bassin, Happy Birthday!
Karen Weinstein and Parviz Parhami
David Gould & Deborah Chankin, Happy Anniversary!
Karen Weinstein, Parviz, Eva & Isaac Parhami
Rebecca Kahn, Happy Birthday!
Karen Weinstein and Parviz Parhami
Col. Jeffrey & Joanna Carra, Happy Anniversary!
Karen Weinstein, Parviz, Eva & Isaac Parhami
Dr. Rochelle Sieger, Happy Birthday Cookie!
Karen Weinstein and Parviz Parhami
Susan & Richard Hauer, Happy Anniversary!
Karen Weinstein, Parviz, Eva & Isaac Parhami
Jerry Kaufman, Happy Birthday Jerry!
Karen Weinstein and Parviz, Eva & Isaac Parhami
David & Sylvia Kahn, Happy Anniversary!
Karen Weinstein, Parviz, Eva & Isaac Parhami
Santos Olumese, Happy 7th Birthday Santos!
Your friends, Karen Weinstein, Parviz,
Eva & Isaac Parhami
Ronnie Levine, Happy Birthday Ronnie!
Karen Weinstein and Parviz, Eva & Isaac Parhami
Eric Kaplan, Happy Birthday!
From your friends at TBS
Eva Toczek, Happy Birthday!
From your friends at TBS
Joseph Weinstein, Happy Birthday!
Karen Weinstein, Parviz, Eva & Isaac Parhami
Prayerbook Fund:
In loving memory of Larry Lackman, beloved father & grandfather.
Cheryl Lackman Feinberg, Ron Solomon, Craig & Barbara
Feinberg, Adriana, Jessica and Matt, Joe and Kayla.
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund:
Eric & Ona Green, Mazel tov on your wedding!
Susan & Bob Schrader
Max & Harriet Poper, Mazel tov on your 60th Anniversary.
May we dance at your 75th!
Love, Ed & Elaine Perlstein
Susan Greenberg, Happy Birthday!
Karen Weinstein, Parviz, Eva & Isaac Parhami
Dr. Bernard Natelson, Mazel tov on your bar mitzvah! You’re
just beginning the best part of life!
Ed & Elaine Perlstein
Michael Shapiro, Happy Birthday!
Karen Weinstein, Parviz, Eva & Isaac Parhami
Ted Hirschfeld & David Kiss, Mazel tov on your recent marriage!
Bob & Susan Schrader
Steven Fine, Happy Birthday!
Karen Weinstein, Parviz, Eva & Isaac Parhami
Page 11
Cantor’s Discretionary Fund:
Darren Greenberg, Mazel tov and best wishes on passing
the CPA exam.
Ann & Bill Millman
Dr. Bernard Natelson, Mazel tov on your bar mitzvah #2!
Ann & Bill Millman
Janis & Stuart Simon, In honor of Janis’s mother, Elaine.
May her memory be for a blessing.
Ann & Bill Millman
General Fund:
Dr. Bernard Natelson, in honor of your 70th Birthday.
It’s great to be 70! Many more Happy Birthdays!
Sue & Norm Milkes
Torah Memorial Fund
Etta Lackman & Family, in loving memory of Larry Lackman.
Merle Gould
Janis & Stuart Simon, our deepest condolences, in memory of your
mother, Elaine Gaines, OBM.
Harriet & Max Poper
In loving memory of Naima Ishaeik.
Remez Ishaeik
In loving memory of Mildred Jacobs.
Dr. Brenda Jacobs
In loving memory of my beloved mother, Anne Berlow.
Doreen & Irv Shuldiner
In loving memory of Pauline Parker and Bessie Cooperstein.
Dr. David Paul Parker
In loving memory of Abraham Saul Williams.
Joanna & Col. Jeffrey Carra
Janis Simon, in memory of your mother, Elaine Gaines.
Cheryl Lackman Feinberg & Ron Solomon
Janis & Stuart Simon, our sincere condolences on the passing of
your mother, Elaine Gaines. May her memory be for a blessing.
Jerry & Linda Egherman
Janis Simon, in memory of your beloved mother, Elaine Gaines.
Wendy & David Wiese
In loving memory of Violet Kaufman.
Jerrold Kaufman
Janis Simon, in memory of your mother, Elaine Gaines.
Louise Marak
In loving memory of Pauline Nemhauser.
Dr. Gary Nemhauser
Janis Simon, in memory of your beloved mother, Elaine Gaines.
David & Ina Labowitz
In memory of Abraham Saul Williams.
Lee & Diana Page
In loving memory of my sister, Bernice Patlove.
Ida Bobrow
In loving memory of Hyman Gekler.
Dr. Bruce Ellinoy & Judith Clarke
In loving memory of my mother, Anna Bobrow.
Rick Bobrow
In loving memory of my mother, Sylvia Gordon.
Dorothy Shapiro
In loving memory of my husband, Lawrence Lackman.
Etta Lackman
Joanna Carra, in memory of Abraham Saul Williams.
Lee & Diana Page
In loving memory of my father, Lawrence Lackman.
Louise Marak
Dr. Myron Bloom, in memory of your beloved wife, Paula Bloom.
Monty Kahn
In loving memory of Dan Greenberg.
Bruce & Sue Greenberg
Joan Davis, in memory of your beloved daughter, Paula Davis.
Monty Kahn
Camp Ramah Fund:
In memory of my parents, Bernard & Mildred Jacobs.
Dr. Brenda Jacobs
Page 12
New Courses & Classes
By: Rabbi David Cantor
Temple Beth Shalom of
Long Beach
Classes are “drop in and enjoy” and
“no prior knowledge required”.
Proudly Presents
Reading the Rabbis, Saturdays, 9am
Shabbat morning will start with tea, coffee,
and a rabbinic take on modern issue.
June 6 - Getting Even (Yalkut Shimoni)
June 13 - Jews and the Land of Israel
(Biblical Commentaries)
June 20 - Passing Judgement (Rashi)
June 27 - Science and the Bible (Ibn Ezra)
Walking with Life, Sundays, 10:30am
Beginning with Birth and Conception, will trace the
Jewish life-cycle through the lens of classic
sources and commentaries.
June 14 - Walking with Life - Illness
June 21 - Walking with Life - Ageing and Retirement
June 28 - Walking with Life - Leaving the World
The Rabbi’s Class, Thursdays, 7pm
This is your opportunity to set the agenda, suggest
a topic, or just show up to be entertained.
June 11 and June 25
Understanding the Service, Tuesdays, 7pm
June 2 - The Conclusion & The Preliminary Services
June 9 - Musaf & Hallel
June 16 - The Weekday Prayers & Havdallah
The dates of these classes and courses are also
published on our website:
For a hardcopy please see the foyer rack.
For questions please feel free to contact
Rabbi David Cantor, [email protected], 562.726.4116.
$46 Concert Only
$100 Concert + Cocktail Reception
$1000 VIP Table Sponsorship
RSVP at TBSLB.ORG or 562.426.6413
Cantor Judy Sofer
Cantor Yosef Chazan
Cantor Lance Tapper
Cantor Richard Schwartz
Cantor Laurie
Cantor Aviva
Jenna Sagan
Leaav Sofer
Page 13
Wedding Anniversaries
Mazel Tov to Diana & Lee Page on their
56th Wedding Anniversary on June 2!
Mazel Tov to Rosalind & Ned Bassin on their 51st
Wedding Anniversary on June 21!
Mazel Tov to Ronny & Dr. Walter Schwimmer on
their 55th Wedding Anniversary on June 11!
Mazel Tov to Adrienne & Dr. Stuart Green on their
51st Wedding Anniversary on June 21!
Mazel Tov Harriet & Max Poper on their 60th
Wedding Anniversary on June 12!
Mazel Tov to Betty Ann Downing & Larry Fell on
their 24th Wedding Anniversary on June 23!
Mazel Tov to Judi & Dr. Arthur Gelb on their 48th
Wedding Anniversary on June 18!
Mazel Tov to Rita & Ron Botwin on their 50th
Wedding Anniversary on June 26!
Mazel Tov to Sandra & Mark Plager on their 16th
Wedding Anniversary on June 20th!
Mazel Tov to Elaine & Edward Perlstein on their 58th
Wedding Anniversary on June 30!
Sarah Chankin-Gould, daughter of Deborah
Chankin and David Gould, received her Ph.D. from
the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at
Tufts University.
Congrats to our
Marc Simon, son of Shelley & Norman
Simon, nephew of Jerry & Linda
Egherman, cousin of Natalie Egherman.
He graduated as Summa Cum Laude from
NYU’s Gallatin School of Individualized. He is
planning on remaining in New York and
leveraging his philosophy and linguistics
studies to enter medical school within the
next year or so.
Allison Paige Palarea, daughter
of Juliette & Richard Palarea,
and granddaughter of Marilyn
Palarea. She’s a High School
Graduate of summer 2015.
Ariel Ravid, son of Barbara & Yotam Ravid who
graduated from Binghamton University. He received his
PhD in Clinical Psychology. He specializes in children with
anxiety disorders. He will begin his post doctorate in
Seattle in September of 2015.
Sam Kushner-Lenhoff, son of Dr. Pamela Kushner
and Mike Ourieff, for receiving Phillip S. Biegler
Memorial Award for Outstanding Achievement in Electrical
Engineering from Viterbi School of Engineering, University
of Southern California. He was also the recipient of the
Valedictorian-Archimedes Circle Award for Outstanding
Achievement in Scholarship.
Becca Maginot, daughter of
Dr. Nina Yoshpe & Dr. Andre Maginot.
Becca is a recent college graduate.
Dated Material
3635 Elm Avenue
Long Beach, California 90807
(562)426-6413 Fax (562)426-7824
Email: [email protected]
Rabbi David Cantor
Emergency Contact Information
Mobile Phone: 562.726.4116
Synagogue Office: 562.426.6413 x202
Email: [email protected]
United Synagogue/Pacific Southwest Region
15840 Ventura Blvd, Suite 200
Encino, CA 91436
(818) 986-0907
[email protected] (magazine)