Adar II - Nissan 5776, April 2016
Adar II - Nissan 5776, April 2016
Page 1 Adar II - Nissan 5776, April 2016 Table Contents Pg 1 Family Shabbat Dinner and Service Pg 2 Shabbat Service Schedule Candle Lighting Times, Office Hours Pg 3 Pesach Schedule of Services Pgs 4-6 Messages from our Leaders Pg 7 Mazel Tov, Upcoming Events Pg 8 Ads, Peek at Next Month Pg 9 Birthdays, Anniversaries, Get Wells, and Condolences Pg 10 Scrip Flyer Pg 11 Ads, Rabbi’s Class Schedule Pg 12 Yahrzeits Pg 13-14 Tributes Pg 15 Israel Bond Advertisement Page 2 Clergy & Board Information Friday Evening Shabbat and Shabbat Morning Services Evening services begin at 7:45pm unless noted. Oneg follows in the Social Hall. -Rabbi David Cantor -Hazzan Judy Sofer, Cantor, and Education Director Board of Directors, 2014-2016 President Jerry Egherman Immediate Past Co-Presidents Betty Ann Downing Ed Morris Executive VP April 1, Service led by Rabbi David Cantor and Hazzan Judy Sofer. April 8, Service led by Rabbi David Cantor. April 15, 7:15pm Torah School Family Shabbat Service led by Rabbi David Cantor and Hazzan Judy Sofer. Preceded by Torah School Shabbat Dinner at 6:00pm. April 22, Service led by Rabbi David Cantor. April 29, Service led by Rabbi David Cantor. open VP, Membership open VP, Finance Bill Millman VP, Education Jeremy Glatstein VP, Properties Renn Levy VP, Religious Practices Amanda Rudman Shabbat morning services begin at 10am. Kiddush follows in the Social Hall. April 2, Service led by Rabbi David Cantor and Hazzan Judy Sofer. Torah and Haftarah readings for Parashat Shmini. April 9, Service led by Rabbi David Cantor. Torah and Haftarah readings for Parashat Tazria. April 16, Service led by Rabbi David Cantor and Hazzan Judy Sofer. Torah and Haftarah readings for Parashat Metzora. April 23, Service led by Rabbi David Cantor. April 30, Service led by Rabbi David Cantor. VP, Ways & Means John Williams Secretary Louise Marak April 1st Oneg is sponsored by Dr. Bernard Natelson, in memory of his beloved father, Reuben Natelson Sisterhood President Mayra Valle Men’s Club President Marty Kovalsky Members at Large Ida Bobrow Ron Botwin Joe Hess Mike Ourieff Max Poper Karen Weinstein Weekly Oneg and Kiddush sponsored by Sisterhood, unless noted. Candle Lighting April 1 April 8 April 15 April 22 April 29 Check out our Facebook page at Havdallah Times 6:56 pm 7:01 pm 7:06 pm 7:12 pm 7:17pm April 2 April 9 April 16 April 23 April 30 Office Business Hours M-TH 9am to 5pm Friday 9am to 3:30pm CLOSED for lunch 1:00 to 2:00pm, M-TH only All legal and Jewish holidays observed. (see calendar of events, page 8) 7:57 pm 8:02 pm 8:07 pm 8:12 pm 8:18 pm Page 3 Rabbi’s Column I was recently reminded that - in a Pesah article past - I had gone into some detail regarding the mechanics of the sale of hametz. (Including how I was intending to instruct my children to feed Garry's dog - which I had sold to him along with my hametz!) This year I want to delve a little bit into the spiritual aspect. Why is it so important to rid ourselves of hametz? In 2016 is it really so important or, given the complexity of processed foods even possible to do so? Will it really poison us to eat a crumb of bread on Passover, or , after the holiday ends, to eat the spaghetti of a Jewish friend who possessed said spaghetti during the holiday bud didn't sell it to non-Jew? April 22 April 23 April 24 April 25 April 26 April 27 April 28 April 29 Probably not. But perhaps making the effort will help us to be better people. I hope we can agree that something that is earned is more valuable to us that something merely received. The late Alan Shepard (the first American in space) once asked his grandmother for a bicycle with gears (so that he could get to the airstrip to watch the planes take off and land all the sooner). He was thrilled when she said yes, but somewhat perplexed when she then proceeded to hand him a hen. Over the course of the next few months he tended to the chickens in the cook, fed them, mucked it out, collected and sold the eggs. And when he bought the bike with the money he had earned by the sweat of his brow, oh did he ever appreciate his purchase. April 30 Erev Pesach Pesach I, service at 10:00am Pesach II, service at 10:00am at Shir Chadash, 6440 Del Amo Blvd., Lakewood Pesach III Pesach IV Pesach V Pesach VI Shir Hashirim - Chanting and Discussion, 9:00am Pesach VII, service at 10:00am, Shir Chadash joins TBS Office Closed Pesach VIII service at 10:00am Yizkor at 11:30am Which bicycle would you rather own? There is a value in putting effort into a task. This annual activity of cleaning out the house, getting rid of (through disposal, donation, sale, or destruction) of all products and objects falling into the category of containing an admixture of wheat, barley, rye, oats, or spelt that has come into contact with water for longer than 18 minutes, is a "sweat of the brow" experience (and inconvenience) that reminds us - at a visceral level - that we are Jewish and, most importantly, that we care enough about being Jewish that we actually set aside the time and effort to do it. Unless you are a Jew-by-Choice, being Jewish is a gift. Just by being born you automatically became a member of the tribe. But putting effort into being Jewish - even if it's just a "meaningless ritual" - makes it all the more valuable. As you look into the mirror just before Pesah, you will see a Jew staring back at you, whether it's a Jew who put effort into preparing for the holiday or one who has "slaved" away in order to celebrate the Festival of our Freedom. Pesach Guide 5776 Now Available to access online at This Rabbinical Assembly Pesach guide is a brief outline of the policies and procedures relevant to the preparation of a kosher for Pesach home. ... This guide is intended to help families maintain a kosher for Pesach home in accordance with the principles of Conservative Judaism and its understanding of Jewish Law. If you would like to sell your Hametz this year - and would like me to act as your agent - please send me an email or give me a call and I would be happy to help you out. Please contact the office at [email protected] if you need a copy. The guide will be emailed at your request via a PDF file. Which Jewish would you rather see? Rabbi David Cantor Page 4 President’s Column Dear Fellow Congregants and Friends of TBS, It is my pleasure and honor to let you know (if you haven’t already heard) that Rabbi David Cantor has agreed, with the full support of the Board, to serve Temple Beth Shalom for another three year term. It is no secret that synagogues worldwide are facing uncertain challenges. We look forward to his leadership as the synagogue evolves and with your help, thrives. The Rabbi, as well as the board, welcomes your feedback and more than ever, your help in promoting TBS as ‘the best shul’ in Long Beach. Over the past few years, most notably at events or services where a large number of you join in, I’ve taken informal surveys as to “what interests you?” These conversations often surprise me with a large number of you perfectly satisfied, explaining that you are fine with just our traditional ‘Conservative-style’ High Holiday services. You don’t ask or expect anything more and you are happy to continue to support the shul with your annual dues and often, a much appreciated High Holiday pledge. Others have implored me to add more musical offerings. We answered with Cantorial concerts (thank you Cantor Sofer!), monthly musical Friday night services, quarterly Simcha Shabbats, featuring our own Leeav Sofer’s Mostly Kosher band and even brought in two world-class blues artists, Lazer Lloyd and Bernie Pearl. On Friday March 18th, by request, Cantor Judy (and Leeav) Sofer presented a ‘drum circle’ Shabbat, bringing in drums and inviting attendees to join in the ruach. Music is not everybody’s cup of tea, so we will not forego traditional services…but we are also looking forward to exploring other Shabbat experiences. To grow in today’s world, we want to make sure we try our best to meet the needs of an ever evolving community and at the same time, work on bringing in new families who are looking for non-traditional modes of inspiration. Still not convinced? Rabbi’s adult education classes, Tzippy’s book club, Sisterhood’s quarterly Pan Tournaments, holiday dinners, monthly early evening Friday night family services, Torah School, B’nai Mitzvahs, and of course special holiday events, such as the Purim Pandamonium on March 23rd, featuring a Chinese dinner organized by Kedma Cantor. Last month, I spoke at length about our own Stuart Simon receiving the Jewish Federation “Above and Beyond” award. This month, it is my great pleasure to announce that another TBS family member, Joan Davis, has been granted the “Women of Vision” award by the Federation. Joan is one of our longest serving members, a past President and has held many other leadership positions at our synagogue and throughout the community. I will be joining many other congregants and friends honoring Joan at a dinner at the Alpert JCC on March 31st. Please continue keeping Michelle Scott, our office assistant, in your prayers as she recovers from surgery. With luck and great care, she should be back in the office in early April. Grace and volunteer, Ida Bobrow have been working very hard to keep you informed of our activities and the office functioning smoothly. Also, a huge thank you to Grace’s daughter, Keani who helped her when she was not in school. As always, Gary is a workhorse…no need to tell you all he is responsible for. We are getting down to the wire and we are looking to fill our board slate for next fiscal year. Do not hesitate to call me or the office to let us know if you wish to help in this way. The events and programs mentioned above to not happen on their own and we can use your support. Our recent ‘TBSTalks’ series of curated presentations are one such attempt. Focusing on handling stress, couples communication, and most recently, coping with loss, these programs feature professional speakers using TedTalk videos. On April 10th, the program will feature “Applied Spirituality: Compassion in Action”. Sisterhood President Mayra Valle, along with Daphne Zagnoev, Psy.D, Ana Maria Luna and many other volunteers work very hard to bring these programs to you and I hope those reading this will find value in them. Finally, from my family to yours, I wish you all a very happy Passover holiday and meaningful Seders. I make no bones about it…I love fried matzoh and have been looking forward to it all year (yes, I know I can have it just tastes better during Pesach!) For those still looking for other options…on Sunday March 27th, the Men’s Club, with assistance from Michael Ourieff, gave the community a chance to attend a Los Angeles Clipper game at the Staples Center. Our Torah School students were offered free tickets and we had thirty people join in the fun. The Men’s Club isn’t stopping with the Clipper game. On Sunday, April 3rd, Marty Kovalsky (President of the Men’s Club) will be hosting what will be a very rewarding program: “How to Fight a Ticket & Travel Well”. Marty is a true expert in the art of acquiring and utilizing frequent flyer miles as well as an attorney who knows his stuff when it comes to traffic court. Jerry Egherman, President B’ Shalom and Toda Raba, Page 5 Education Director Teens You are an awesome community! Thank you to everyone for your condolence cards, your tributes to different temple funds, and for joining me at the funeral and especially the minyans held at my house in Yorba Linda for the week after the funeral. Although it has been a difficult period for me, your support has helped me get through. Every card, visit and call touched me. As I wrote in last month’s article, sitting in the hospital, being part of a community like ours is a very comforting and inclusive experience. Not only do we share the joys of life, we also share the hard times. Through my career as a cantor I have officiated together with rabbis or alone at many, many funerals. When it is your own personal experience the view changes. It again brings home to me the wisdom of our Jewish practices to invite people in to help us get through the early days after the funeral. Sitting Shiva is an incredible experience while food is brought to your house so that you don’t have to think about cooking, to have people join you so that you can say Kaddish, to give you a break from the trials and tribulations of everyday life….this is a gift. I treasured it. Now it’s time to move on. Purim this year again falls in the middle of the week. So we are holding our Purim Fun Day on March 22 for the Torah School. This includes making Hamentaschen, masks, and crazy hats as costumes. The Teens at last month’s Beach Event! In the past month, the teens and I have had some opportunities to get together socially while also planning to help out others. We had a really good time together at the beach where we all caught up. Also some of us will be helping out at the AJCC Purim Carnival to help give back to our Jewish community. The teens and I in the next few months together will continue to strive to participate in volunteer opportunities while also having fun together. Look out for more TBS Teen’s event coming soon! Sami Morris, Youth Director After spring break we will be celebrating our freedom with our Passover Experience on Tuesday, April 19. This event was designed by Morah Kedma last year as a way for our students to experience, in a small way, what it would be like to be an Israelite going through the plagues and then having to leave Egypt in one night. Towards the end of May, I will be starting up the TBS Adult Choir in order to prepare for the High Holidays. If you are interested in joining, please contact me at [email protected]. B’Shalom, Hazzan Judy Sofer Sisterhood offers you the opportunity to sponsor an Oneg or Kiddush. For more information, please contact Nina Ayzenberg at [email protected] or 562.596.4355. Page 6 Torah Fund This year’s theme, from the poem Eishet Chayil (Woman of Valor), in chapter 31 of the Book of Proverbs, paints an idealized portrait of a woman of piety, determination, creativity and industry. The phrase “nat’ah karem” (Proverbs 31:16b) describes an industrious woman as one who organizes and carries out a plan — in this case, planting a vineyard. Her productive activity will benefit future generations. The symbolic power of the planting metaphor is not lost on supporters of the Torah Fund Campaign of Women’s league for Conservative Judaism. This campaign invites each of us to plant for the future with great foresight. We help to provide Conservative/Masorti communities with well-educated Rabbis and Cantors: Educators and Administrators for Day Schools, Synagogue Schools, Summer Camps and Synagogues: Social Workers; Professional and Lay leaders; and Scholars. They bring to our children and grandchildren, and to learners of all ages the religious, spiritual, and educational sustenance they will need for the future. Remember, scholarship, funds are needed a lot. Your chairperson needs to fill the Torah Fund pot! Securing Conservative Judaism is our intent. Big or small gifts will be very well spent. Let’s ALL participate in supporting our scholars. Please solicit your friends and double your dollars! Now pick up your phone and do not hedge. Please call Ida and make your pledge. With wishes for a Happy and Kosher Pesach. Ida Z. Bobrow Torah Fund Chair 714.892.3403 This event is by donation and open to the public. RSVP is required, email: [email protected] UPCOMING TBS TALKS TOPICS Applied Spirituality - Compassion in Action April 10, 2016, 3-5PM Developing the Power to Empower May 15, 2016, 3-5PM MODERATOR: DAPHNE ZAGNOEV, Psy.D. GUEST MODERATOR: MICHAEL ESELUN, Chaplain, Simms/Mann Center for Integrated Oncology Michael Eselun is an inspirational speaker, who is invited to speak to various audiences around the country. Michael speaks from deep personal experience, making connections between seemingly disparate life journeys with vulnerability, insight and humor. He has also presented a TED talk. Come, get inspired, join the conversation and get to know your community. TBS welcomes you to our Ted Talks series, featuring curated TED videos, followed by moderated discussions, activities and hour d’oeuvres. Join the conversation! Page 7 Dr. Bryna & Jerry Kaufman, Mrs. Yetta Kane, and David & Melody Kaufman, on the birth of their grandson, great grandson, and son, David Joseph Kaufman. The baby was born in February 27th, 2016. Make plans to participate in the 28th annual Race With A View. Proceeds from the event fund vital mental health counseling and social services for everyone in our community provided by Jewish Family & Children’s Service of Long Beach & West Orange County. For more information, visit or call (562) 427-7916. HOW TO FIGHT A TICKET and SUNDAY PRE-SCHOOL MEET-UP APRIL 3 & MAY 15, 9-10:30AM A free monthly gathering for parents and pre-schoolers to enjoy a fun introduction to Judaism. RSVP: TBS VP OF EDUCATION, JEREMY GLATSTEIN [email protected] TRAVEL WELL SUNDAY, APRIL 3, 9:30AM - 12PM FREE EVENT SPONSORED BY THE MEN’S CLUB 9:30AM - 10:15 AM Learn how to fight your ticket. 10:30AM - 12 PM Learn the tricks to travel with miles and points. RSVP: [email protected] Page 8 TBS strives for great traditions and often those can only be made possible by generous gifts from members who feel that the future of our shul begins with investing in our youth. We are seeking donations for our 2016 Camp Ramah Scholarship program so that our Torah School kids, who would not otherwise have an opportunity, may attend this fabulous Jewish camp. Please contact Grace Oasay at [email protected] to support this effort. Your donations are very much needed and appreciated. May 1 - Torah School, 9:00am May 3 - Torah School, 4:15pm May 5 - RPC Meeting, 7:03pm May 7 - Torah School on Shabbat, 9:00am May 10 - Torah School, 4:15pm May 15 - Pre-School Meet-Up, 9:00am / Torah School, 9:00am / and TBSTalks 3:00pm May 17 - Torah School, 4:15pm May 19 - BOD Meeting, 7:00pm May 20 - Torah School Family Shabbat Dinner, 6:00pm / Service, 7:15pm May 21 - Bar Mitzvah of Dylan Lemay-Fruchter May 22 - Sisterhood BOD Meeting, 10:00am May 24 - Torah School (LAST DAY), 4:15pm May 28 - Bar Mitzvah of Jacob Kraus May 30 - Memorial Day, Office Closed Page 9 Birthdays, Anniversaries, Celebrations, and Get Wells Refuah Shlemah: Prayer for a Speedy Recovery We pray for a Refuah Shlemah, a speedy and full recovery to all our beloved members and their loved ones. Allan Adler Seena Friedland Marjorie Hess Katie Miller Lee Page Ethel Richmond Suzann Rowe Michelle Scott Bernice Stern Dr. Donald Wing If you would like to list a loved one, please contact Rabbi David Cantor at 562-726-4116. Names will be listed for one month unless otherwise indicated. Please let us know of loved ones who no longer need to be listed. Birthdays Name Date Anna Barlevy Naomi Norwick Logan Nantais Joshua Kaplan Janis Simon Iris Slone Emily Anne Sukman Dr. Nina Barlevy Gabriel Morris Jonah Ilan Carey Adrienne Green Robert Lassers Dr. Arthur Gelb Ari Glatstein Diana Page Dr. Walter Schwimmer 1 1 6 7 7 8 8 10 17 18 18 18 19 26 29 30 April 3 - Torah School, 9am April 3 - Pre-School Meet up, 9am April 3 - Men’s Club Talk: How to Fight a Ticket & Travel Well April 5 - Torah School, 4:15pm April 7 - RPC Meeting, 7:30pm April 10 - Torah School, 9am April 12 - Torah School, 4:15pm April 15 - TS Family Shabbat Dinner, 6pm and Service, 7:15pm April 17 - Sisterhood BOD Meeting, 10am April 19 - Torah School, 4:15pm April 21 - BOD Meeting, 7pm April 22 to April 30 - Pesach April 24 - Pesach Morning Services, 10am (Shir Chadash, Lakewood) April 26 - Torah School, 4:15pm April 29 - Pesach VII, OFFICE CLOSED all day April 29 - Pesach Morning Services, 10am April 30 - Pesach Morning Services, 10am / Yizkor, 11:30am For complete details, pls. visit our website calendar at Anniversaries Name Yolanda & Dr. Isaac Eisenstein Barbara & Yotam Ravid Febie & William Slone Dr. Bryna Kane & Jerry Kaufman Georgianna & Allan Kolsky Nina & Alex Ayzenberg Day Years 1 13 16 21 29 30 36 36 16 31 34 Condolences Our sincerest condolences to Hazzan Judy Sofer and the family on the loss of her beloved brother, David Markowitz, who passed away on February 25th. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time of sorrow. Page 10 Page 11 ADULT EDUCATION Learning with Rabbi Schedule of Rabbi’s classes, please see below. If you have any questions, please contact Rabbi directly at [email protected] or visit our website at (Please visit the website calendar for complete class schedule as it may vary from time to time.) April 2: Tea & Torah, 9:00am / After-Lunch Learning, 1:00pm April 3: Talmud Study, 10:30am April 9: Tea & Torah, 9:00am / After-Lunch Learning, 1:00pm April 10: Talmud Study, 10:30am April 14: The Rabbi’s Class, 6:45pm April 28: No Rabbi’s Class April 16: Tea & Torah, 9:00am / After-Lunch Learning, 1:00pm April 17: Talmud Study, 10:30am April 23: Tea & Torah, 9:00am April 24: No Talmud Study April 28: No Rabbi’s Class April 30: Shir Hashirim - Chanting and Discussion, 9:00am Please follow us on Facebook at Temple Beth Shalom And, on Twitter! @templbethshalom Page 12 4/1 Adar-II 22 Corey Reuben Baines* 4/2 Adar-II 23 Arlene Tabak Miller * Reuben Natelson * 4/5 Adar-II 26 Tanya Geller * Morton Lubin Gussie Weinberger * Yahrzeits for April, 22 Adar II - 22 Nissan Merle Gould Bernice Gelman Dr. Bernard Natelson Michael Natelson Harriet & Maxwell Poper Dorothy Lubin, OBM Ann Millman Stacey Weinberger Gary Weinberger 4/6 Adar-II 27 David Strum * Ruth Shafer, OBM 4/7 Adar-II 28 David Flaum * Louis Leachman Ed Heller Etta Lackman 4/8 Adar-II 29 Benjamin Bobrow * Naima Ishaeik * Richard Bobrow Tamra & Remez Ishaeik 4/9 Nissan 1 Saul Cudlitz * Ida Feldman * Gertrude Tabak * 4/10 Nissan 2 Judith Aarons Jacob Braveman Stephen I. Ellinoy * Milton Fox Helen Handler * Harry Moskowitz * Lee D. Tarnofsky * Celia Ida Weinstein 4/11 Nissan 3 Lawrence Cohen Eli Gerber * Mark Sandler * Emanuel Stone * Esther Winston * 4/12 Nissan 4 Milton Barnett Rudy Greenwald Arlene Purvin Marcus * Lila Sokoloff Sidney Weissberg * 4/13 Nissan 5 Ida Rosenwasser * Bessie Solomon 4/14 Nissan 6 Muriel Baldwin * Brenda Friedman Allan Adler Susan Flaschner Dr. Bruce Ellinoy Julie Ghodsi Francine Handler Louis Moskowitz Dr. Irving Moskowitz Robert Tarnofsky Susan Flaschner Barbara & Yotam Ravid Nancy Frank Rochelle & Dr. Joel Sandler Hilda & Melvin Stone Lenore Winston, OBM Murray Shaevitz Cheryl Feinberg & Ron Solomon 4/20 Nissan 12 Kate Kashinsky* Rose Gold Ossar * Edward Harold Scheifer * Isaac Zagnoev 4/21 Nissan 13 Miriam Gold Elperin * Ricardo Kahn Jack Shanberg * 4/22 Nissan 14 Rose Goodz * Rae Greenberg * 4/23 Nissan 15 Philip Bogen * Eileen Beth Weiller Speiser Drs. Lance & Cookie Sieger Daniel & Robert Schlesinger Kenneth Schlesinger Veronica Schweitzer Judy Raykoff Joyce Greenspan 4/15 Nissan 7 Florence Rosen Janis Simon 4/16 Nissan 8 Samuel Cohn Peisach Cooperstein Edward A. Underberger * 4/26 Nissan 18 Flora Frankel * Linda Levine Maurice Cohn Dr. David Parker Lenore Winston, OBM Morris Richmond * Louis Taback * Diana Baldwin Tzippy Marks-Barnett 4/27 Nissan 19 Dora Friedman * Eizer Solovei Julius Schlesinger * Francine Handler Elaine & Edward Perlstein Bernice Gelman Tzippy Marks-Barnett Ronnie Levine Ron Marcus Linda & Wayne Otchis Ona Green 4/17 Nissan 9 Robert Baldwin * Eileen Goodfarb Irving Kern * 4/18 Nissan 10 Marcia Botwin Herold Berthe Karfiol * Frieda Kaufman Mary Dworsky Rakowitz 4/19 Nissan 11 Rose Gold * Ida Miller Ron Botwin Beverly & Sylvan Karfiol Susan & Norman Milkes Toby Lee, OBM Fern Snir Jeffrey Lee Barbara & Ned Gaylord 4/24 Nissan 16 Rose Posner Kargauer * 4/25 Nissan 17 Jacob Friedman * Alex Richmond * Sam Rubenstein * 4/28 Nissan 20 Charles Gould Martin Hoffenberg * Susan Schrader Shari Pevsner Dr. Michael Zagnoev Eva Toczek Myrna Simon Bruce Greenberg David Friedman Ethel Richmond Clara Asch, OBM Hilda & Melvin Stone Jerry Kaufman & Dr. Bryna Kane Ethel Richmond David Friedman Dr. Marion Solovei Merle Gould Abe Hoffenberg & Rhoda Hoffenberg **, OBM 4/29 Nissan 21 Ada Bornstein * Irvin Robins * John Bornstein 4/30 Nissan 22 Joseph Cudlitz * Ernestine Esther Frankel Symchowicz Family * Francine Handler Linda Frankel Please note: The observance of Yahrzeit is determined by the Hebrew date, and thus shifts on the English calendar from year to year. *Denotes a memorial plaque will be lit. Plaques are lit from the Saturday prior to the Friday after. The tradition is to attend on the Shabbat before the Yahrzeit, and the Thursday after. Page 13 Book of Life Fund: Happy Birthday Wishes: (March) Marjorie Hess Liam Lemay-Fruchter Judith Carey-Fisher Mira Hauer Rachel Slone Linda Egherman Ilana Plager Kedma Cantor Sarelle Franco Hugh Toczek Dr. Robert Green Adam Plager Eric Green Jenny Zavatsky Nina Ayzenberg Joash Cantor Bilha Rozdal Marshall Blesofsky Larry Fell Your friends at TBS, Karen Weinstein & Parviz Parhami Happy Anniversary: Drs. Rochelle & Lance Sieger Judith Carey-Fisher & Jeffrey Fisher Susanne & Norman Milkes Rachel & Santos Olumese Jenny & Marvin Zavatsky Karen Weinstein & Parviz Parhami Morah Shlomit & Hertzel Mahgerefteh, mazel tov on the birth of your grandson, Liam Nowfar! Karen Weinstein and Parviz Parhami Hazzan Judy & Shlomo Sofer, mazel tov on the birth of your new baby granddaughter, Winter Emilia Fox Kaplan! Karen Weinstein and Parviz Parhami Drs. Wendy & Michael Strauss, mazel tov on the marriage of Sasha and Vivi! Karen Weinstein and Parviz Parhami Doreen & Irv Shuldiner, mazel tov on the birth of your grandson, Adam Levi Shuldiner! Karen Weinstein and Parviz Parhami In honor of the birth of our grandson, Adam Levi Shuldiner. Doreen & Irwin Shuldiner Stuart Simon, mazel tov on being honored at this year’s Above & Beyond. Jerry Egherman & Family Kedma Cantor, happy birthday wishes to you! Marge & Joe Hess Hugh Toczek, happy birthday wishes to you! Marge & Joe Hess Dr. Robert Green, happy birthday wishes to you! Marge & Joe Hess Larry Fell, happy birthday wishes to you! Marge & Joe Hess Drs. Cookie & Lance Sieger, Happy Anniversary wishes and mazel tov! Marge & Joe Hess Sue & Norm Milkes, Happy Anniversary wishes and mazel tov! Marge & Joe Hess Parviz Parhami, sending you a very special happy birthday wishes and many more! Harriet & Max Poper Joan Davis, “A Real Woman of Vision!” Mazel Tov to you! Harriet & Max Poper Joan Davis, Mazel Tov on being honored at this year’s Women of Vision 2016! Michelle Sztraicher Stuart Simon, Mazel Tov on being honored at this year’s Above & Beyond 2016! Michelle Sztraicher Hazzan Judy & Shlomo Sofer, congratulations on your new baby granddaughter, Winter Emilia Fox Kaplan. Jerry, Linda, and Natalie Egherman David & Melody Kaufman, mazel tov on the birth of your new son, David Joseph Kaufman. Cheryl Feinberg, Ron Solomon, & Family Torah Memorial Fund Hazzan Judy Sofer: Our condolences to you and your family on the loss of your brother, David Markowitz. Karen Weinstein and Parviz, Eva and Isaac Parhami Our deepest condolences on the loss of your dear brother, David Markowitz. Jerry Egherman & family My sincere condolences on the loss of your brother, David Markowitz. My deepest sympathies to you and extended families. Sylvia Landa In loving memory of your brother, David Markowitz. Bonnie Nash & Dr. Donald Wing In memory of your beloved, David Markowitz. Louise Ann Mark In memory of your beloved brother, David Markowitz. Cheryl Lackman Feinberg, Ron Solomon, & family With our heartfelt condolences, on the loss of your brother, David Markowitz. Linda Frankel & Alan Sherry Our deepest condolences to you and your family on the passing of your beloved brother, David Markowitz. Harriet & Max Poper Jenny Zavatsky, happy birthday wishes to you! Marge & Joe Hess My sincerest condolences on the loss of your beloved brother, David Markowitz. Joan Davis Nina Ayzenberg, happy birthday wishes to you! Marge & Joe Hess In memory of your beloved brother, David Markowitz Sue & Norm Milkes Page 14 In loving memory of Louis Gans. Susan & Bruce Greenberg In loving memory of Jack Nash. Bonnie Nash In loving memory of Samuel Ellinoy, Sari Leven Camras, and Ann R. Ellinoy. Judith Clarke & Dr. Bruce Ellinoy Jerry Egherman, in memory of your dear Aunt, Lenore Winston. Bonnie Nash & Dr. Donald Wing Merle Gould, in loving memory of my brother-in-law, Arwin Gould. Etta Lackman Do you have a friend or loved one celebrating a birthday or anniversary? Why not sponsor one of our Simcha Shabbats in their honor? We’re looking for sponsorships, of any amount, for music, food, dessert or if you’re feeling especially generous, the entire Kiddush (it’s not that much!) If you’d like to sponsor the music portion If you’d like to sponsor the dessert portion. If you’d like to sponsor the food portion or you’d like to sponsor in its entirety, please contact John Williams at [email protected] or the Office. Merle Gould, in loving memory of Uncle, Arwin Gould. Louise Ann Mark In addition, we’d like to make this as meaningful as possible. If you have any special requests for special song or favorite dessert, please let us know and we’ll do our best to make that happen. In memory of our Aunt, Lenore Winston. Shelley & Norman Simon Todah Rabah, The Simcha Shabbat Team In loving memory of my husband, Arwin Gould. Merle Gould In loving memory of my uncle, Edward Frank. Nancy Frank In loving memory of my grandson, Corey Baines. Merle Gould Linda Fox Adler, in memory of your dear mother, Helen Fox. Joan Davis. In loving memory of my mother, Irene Jacobs. Marilyn Palarea Merle Gould, in loving memory of uncle, Arwin Gould. Cheryl Feinberg, Ron Solomon, & Family Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Rabbi David Cantor, Thank you for your recent help and guidance. Deborah Chankin Page 15 Dated Material 3635 Elm Avenue Long Beach, California 90807 (562)426-6413 Fax (562)426-7824 Web: Email: [email protected] United Synagogue/Pacific Southwest Region 15840 Ventura Blvd, Suite 200 Encino, CA 91436 (818) 986-0907 [email protected] (magazine) Rabbi David Cantor Emergency Contact Information Mobile Phone: 562.726.4116 Synagogue Office: 562.426.6413 x202 Email: [email protected]
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