The Council/er - Ohio District Council
The Council/er - Ohio District Council
The Council/er The Ohio District Council of Pentecostal Churches, Inc. The Ohio District Council of Pentecostal Churches, Inc. Affiliated with The Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc. Affiliated with The Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc. We give honor to our faithful Almighty God and to the visionary of the Ohio District Council, Bishop Paul A. Bowers, the Board of Directors, Officers, and to the entire constituency which comprise the Ohio District Council. From the Spirit of our last Council, we can see that the Lord’s hand and favor is upon us as we press for the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:14) With all the favor God is bestowing upon us and the doors that the Lord is opening for the Council, there is an emergent urgency to keep establishing the unification process in the great Ohio District Council. Unification is of the utmost importance as we move forward in the kingdom of God. We can take direction from the Word of God and find in every dispensation where God has moved greatly with His people, unification was the key to success. In unanimity, there is power-“one can chase a thousand and two can put ten thousand to flight.” (Deuteronomy 32:30) There are key verses of scripture that come to mind in the unification and building of God’s kingdom and they can be found in II Samuel 10:11-12: “And he said if the Syrians be too strong for me, then thou shalt help me but if the children of Ammon be too strong for thee, then I will come and help thee. Be of good courage and let us play the men for our people, and for the cities of our God, and the Lord do that which seemeth him good.” David, after hearing of the enemies' warlike preparations, sends forth all the host, the mighty men under Joab who found himself between two hostile forces He selects a portion of the army and they placed themselves opposite to the Syrians and leaves the rest of the army under the hands of his brother Abishai to cover his rear and hold the Ammonites in check. Joab, doubtless, hoped to defeat the enemy in successive engagement; but fearing a simultaneous attack, he made an agreement with his brother that if either of them were worsted the other should hasten to his relief. Such an agreement as this is prudent, needful and beneficial among those also who are engaged in spiritual warfare against the enemies of the Kingdom of God. So we must resound the same message between each other: “I won’t let the enemy hurt you and don’t you let the enemy hurt me.” God has not brought us this far to leave us or to see us fail. We shall prevail, and God shall be glorified. Echoes of unification are resounding among us “with all lowliness, meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body, one Spirit and you are called in one hope of your calling, One Lord, One Faith, One baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in you all.” Yours under the Sovereignty of God, District Elder Melvin L. Brown ODC Council Chairman Welcome from Host Church BETHLEHEM APOSTOLIC TEMPLE 330 Main Street • Wheeling, West Virginia • 26003 APRIL HOTELS Hampton Inn & Suites To the Esteemed Officials, Pastors and Members of the Ohio District Council: 1795 Lorain Boulevard, Elyria, OH 44036 Tel: 440.324.7755 Rates: Double Queen Standard $109.00/night Single Queen Standard $109.00/night King Studio Suite: $139.00/night CUT OFF DATE: March 22, 2016 Praise the Lord and Greetings in the Matchless Name of Jesus Christ! We are once again praising God that our Diocesan, Bishop Paul A. Bowers, our Chairman District Elder Melvin Brown, and the Executive Board and Delegates of the Council have allowed the Ohio District Council to be hosted at Oglebay Resort & Conference Center in Wheeling, WV. We are excited to work with the ministries that I have been blessed to pastor, both Bethlehem Temple and Shiloh Apostolic Faith Assembly; as well as working with the Southeast Region where our regional director is Suffragan Bishop Roy C. Dawkins, and local leaders, both spiritual and civic, to make this Council a spiritually blessed event. As far as we know, all services will be held at Oglebay in a spacious auditorium. FAIRFIELD INN & SUITES 39050 Colorado Avenue, Avon, OH 44011 Tel: 440.934.7445 Rates: 2 king double beds $110/night King Suite $139/night CUT OFF DATE: March 7, 2016 COMFORT INN & SUITES There are several areas in which we need your help. First, please pray for good weather. The other area is with securing your room as soon as possible. If we can make your Wheeling experience better, please don’t hesitate to call on the Saints of our Ministries. May this Council be the anointing of a new season where we operate in a “Spirit of Excellence” in every area of our life. We hope to see you in Wild, Wonderful, West Virginia. 645 Griswold Road, Elyria, OH 44035 Tel: 440.324.0099 Rates: 2 Queen Beds $99.00/night King Studio Suite $104.00/night CUT OFF DATE: March 1, 2016 Note: All hotels are within a 7 mile radius from Cathedral of Praise and around the corner from the Midway Mall. In service for King Jesus, Dr. D. W. Cummings, Senior Pastor OHIO DISTRICT COUNCIL PROGRAM Tuesday, January 5, 2016 1:00 7:00 7:30 ODC International Missions Elder Carlos Morris, Director Session Topic: "Varying Strategies and Methods of Missions Work" Guest Speaker Elder Allie Waker Canton, OH Ushering In His Presence Pastor Junior Walker Apostolic Faith Assembly Chesterfield, OH Bible Class: Elder Eddie Massey, Teacher 11:00 ODC Business Session 11:30 2:00 ODC Christian Education Associate Pastor Paulette Carswell Superintendent Ministerial Enrichment District Elder Gregory Pratt, Director 4:00 Dinner 5:00 ODC Usher Board Sister Kathy Bolden, President Music Ministry Bishop Paul A. Bowers Heritage Chorale Team Praisers: Evangelist Ernise Hale Reynoldsburg, OH Team Builders: Evangelist Deidre Foreman, Akron, OH Business: Associate Pastor Paulette Carswell, Superintendent, Akron, OH Book Review: Master Teacher Coordinator: Dr. Lula Hampton, Akron, OH Christian Education: Associate Pastor Paulette Carswell, Superintendent, Akron, OH "Grace Giving: In God We Trust": Council Prayer Final Remarks & Benediction Board of Directors Theme: "Mission Possible: Except The Lord Build The House" Psalm 127:1 Wednesday, January 6, 2016 Pastor Jean S. Massey, Mansfield, OH "Mission...Possible": Pastor Carlos Morris, Canton, OH Christian Education Insight: Sister Rachel Robinson, DCE, Cleveland, OH Orientation Training for those seeking Fellowship Papers Praise and Worship Agnew Family Worship Team Speaker Pastor Myron C. Jones Apostolic Christian Temple Washington, PA 8:30 9:30 ODC Nurses' Guild Sister Neva Bagley, President 7:00 Ushering In His Presence Elder James McDonald Apostolic Christian Church Zanesville, OH 7:30 Praise and Worship Agnew Family Praise Team Music Ministry Southeast Regional Choir OHIO DISTRICT COUNCIL PROGRAM (Cont'd) Speaker District Elder Phyllis Agnew The Temple of Christ Fairmont, WV Thursday, January 7, 2016 8:30 Council Prayer 9:30 Bible Class: District Elder Charles Smith, Teacher 11:00 Pastors' Meeting 11:00 ODC Christian Women's Auxiliary Evangelist Patricia Daniel, Chairlady Theme: "Don't Quit" Speaker Evangelist Kim Thomas Pittsburgh, PA 2:00 Board of Directors 2:00 ODC Men's Ministry Elder Kevin Wilks, President (Registration begins at 12 noon. Registration fee is $5.00 per Council or $20.00 annually) Theme: "Not Part of the Problem, But Part of the Solution" Speaker Pastor Tony Williams River of Life Ministries Euclid, OH 2:00 ODC Ministers' Wives & Ministers' Widows Lady Rebecca Bowers, President Theme: "Integrious Women of Grace" Program: Holiday Gift Exchange/ War Room with book review of "Fervent" 4:00 Dinner 5:30 ODC Men's Ministry Business, Praise & Testimonies, and Sermonettes 7:00 Ushering In His Presence Elder Gregory & Minister Sandra Ward Columbus, OH 7:30 Praise & Worship ODC Combined Praise Ensemble Music Ministry Tree of Life Choir Martins Ferry, OH Pastor James Agnew, III Sermonic Solo Evangelist Jan Watkins-Wood Cleveland, OH Speaker Bishop Rufus Sanders, Pastor Emmanuel Temple Church Sandusky, OH Friday, January 8, 2016 8:30 Council Prayer 9:30 Bible Class: Suffragan Bishop Gregory Irvin, Teacher 11:00 Business Meeting 1:30 Lunch ______________________________________ ODC Single People's Alliance "The Singles' Encounter: This Means War" Attire: War Clothes 1:30 Lunch and Fellowship 2:00 Business Meeting 2:30 Movie and Group Discussion "The War Room" 4:00 Leadership Resource Network The Value of Singles' Ministries Presenter: Elder Nathan Lofton 4:30 Afternoon Worship Service Speaker Suffragan Bishop Craig High Dayton, OH ______________________________________ ODCYPU The ALIVE Movement Accelerate · Lead · Ignite ·Volunteer Evangelize "Separate to Accelerate Retreat" - ALIVE Teen Ministry - Adults 11:00 Lunch Break 12:00 Afternoon Celebration Final Service Music ODCYPU Mass Choir Speaker Minister Denziel Tubbs Greater Emanuel Apostolic Temple Cincinnati, OH The Following Fees Will Become Effective January 1, 2016 ODC Annual Membership $15.00 Fellowship Papers New and Renewal $35.00 License and Credentials: Bishops $500.00 Suffragan Bishops $250.00 District Elders $200.00 Pastors $150.00 Ordained Ministers $100.00 Non-Ordained Ministers $75.00 Non-pastoring Senior Ministers (Those age 62 and older) $50.00 EPHESIANS 4:13-16 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: 13 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; 14 8:00 Evening Celebration Service Music Special Guest Choir Speaker Minister Denziel Tubbs Greater Emanuel Apostolic Temple Cincinnati, OH But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: 15 From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. 16 Saturday, January 9, 2016 9:00 Registration & Christian Education 9:30 Break out Sessions - Kingdom Kids Ohio District Council of Pentecostal Churches 2181 Mock Road Columbus, OH 43219 Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Columbus, Ohio PERMIT #2609 OGLEBAY RESORT & CONFERENCE CENTER Rt. 88 North, Wheeling, WV 26003 Oglebay is located in Wheeling, West Virginia on Rt. 88 N, just 4 miles off I-70 at exit A. ≥ 1 hour from Pittsburgh via I-79 S to I-70 W to Wheeling Exit 2A. ≥ 2 1/2 hours from Columbus via I-70 E to Wheeling Exit 2A. ≥ 3 hours from Cleveland via I-77 S to I-70 E to Wheeling Exit 2A. Take the exit. Continue straight onto National Road. Turn left at W. Virginia 88 N/Bethany Pike. Turn right; go 0.1 mi. Slight right. About 1 min. ODC OFFICERS BOARD OF DIRECTORS ODC OFFICERS BOARD OFA.DIRECTORS Bishop Paul A. Bowers, Diocesan Bishop Paul Bowers Bishop Elder Paul A. Bowers, Diocesan BishopC. Paul A. Bowers District Melvin Brown, Chairman Bishop Wayne Brantley Suffragan Bishop RoyCummings, C. Dawkins,Vice Chairman BishopMoses C. Wayne Brantley District Elder Darrell Chairman Bishop Butler District Elder Brown,Secretary Vice Chairman BishopJames MosesGaiters Butler Evangelist JanetMelvin Cummings, Bishop Evangelist Janet Francis, Cummings, Secretary BishopEdgar JamesPosey Gaiters Minister Darrell Assistant Secretary Bishop Minister Darrell Francis,Recording Assistant Secretary Secretary BishopRufus EdgarSanders Posey Evangelist Linda Griffin, Bishop Evangelist Griffin, Recording Secretary Bishop CecilRoy Pratt Elder BrianLinda Hamilton, Treasurer Suff. Bishop Dawkins ElderHarold Brian Hamilton, Treasurer Bishop Rufus Sanders Elder Ray, Assistant Treasurer Suff. Bishop Craig High District Elder Darrell Cummings, Assistant Treasurer Suff. Suff.Bishop BishopGregory Roy Dawkins Elder Timothy Hawkins, Sergeant-at-Arms Irvin Elder Robert Palmer, Sergeant-at-Arms Suff.Bishop BishopEugene Craig High Suff. Lundy Suff. Bishop Laurence Nevels Suff. Bishop Bishop David EugeneParker Lundy Suff. Suff.Elder Bishop Laurence Nevels Dist. Phyllis Agnew Suff.Elder Bishop David Awls Parker Dist. Sylvester Dist.Elder ElderMelvin PhyllisBrown Agnew Dist. Dist.Elder ElderMichael SylvesterCooper Awls Dist. Dist.Elder ElderDarrell MelvinCummings Brown Dist. Dist.Elder ElderLarry Michael Cooper Dist. Jones Dist.Elder ElderGregory Darrell Cummings Dist. Pratt Dist.Elder ElderPhillip Gregory Irvin Dist. Shealey Dist. Elder Charles Smith Dist. Elder Larry Jones Pastor LaVelton Daniel Dist. Elder Pastor PaulaGregory Tiller Pratt Dist. Elder Charles Smith Pastor LaVelton Daniel EMERITUS Pastor Cecil PaulaPratt Tiller Bishop EMERITUS Suff. Bishop Lewis Fitzpatrick Suff.Bishop BishopJ.Lewis Fitzpatrick Suff. Thomas Jones Suff.Elder Bishop J. Thomas Jones Dist. Archellus Bell Dist. Elder Archellus Bell
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